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2023-06-20 23:02:24

B 分 析: 考查名词辨析。A. 方向;B. 描述;C. 应用;D. 指示。句意:在唐代,园林诗歌的内容十分丰富,对于窗户的描述更是丰富多彩,这对于读者来说真是一场视觉上的盛宴。故选B。 考点: 考查名词辨析


abundant 这个英语单词怎么读阿

2023-06-20 17:12:486


existing in large quantities; more than enough, plentiful(要有多少就有多少)大量的;丰富的;充足的;绰绰有余Birds are abundant in the tall vegetation.高大植被中有大量的鸟。There is an abundant supply of cheap labor.廉价劳动力供应充足。
2023-06-20 17:13:442


2023-06-20 17:14:341


2023-06-20 17:14:423


abundant[美] [u0259"bu028cndu0259nt] [英] [u0259u02c8bu028cndu0259nt] 释义:adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产网络:abundant 丰富的abundant number 过剩数abundant accomplishment 丰硕的成果
2023-06-20 17:15:033


abundant:英 [u0259u02c8bu028cndu0259nt] 美 [u0259"bu028cndu0259nt]adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产例句:Our country is abundant in minerals.我国矿产非常丰富。Our world should also be abundant and merged.我们的世界也应该是丰富的,融合的。Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources.我国土地辽阔,资源丰富。I have ever had abundant love experiences.我曾经有过丰富的感情经历。But as Solomon and colleagues suggest in a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it is not true for the most abundant greenhouse gas: carbon dioxide.但是,正如所罗门和他的同事提出的一项发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》的新研究表明,对最丰富的温室气体,二氧化碳,这是不正确的。abound:英 [u0259"bau028and] 美 [u0259"bau028and]vi. 富于;充满例句:Are start-ups the only places where the ingredients of creativity abound today?创业是唯一的地方富于创造力的成份今天好吗?Finally, offer this closing prayer to the Lord: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.最后,将结束的祷告告诉主:愿在你拥有信仰的时候希望的上帝用快乐与和平充满你的人生,让你在圣灵的力量下富于希望。And the universe outside our solar system seems to abound with potential homes.太阳系外茫茫宇宙之中,似乎充满了可能的生命家园。In addition to his affinity for trial scenes and knowledge of legal intricacies, Shakespeare"s plays abound with dialogue that has special meaning for lawyers.除了他对法庭场景的喜爱、对法律难题的知识,莎士比亚的戏剧语言充满了对于律师来说意义特殊的话。In these shifting conditions, opportunities to innovate will abound.在这个转型时期,充满了创新的机遇。
2023-06-20 17:15:162


2023-06-20 17:15:243


2023-06-20 17:15:345

富有的 英语

  富有的:wealthy,rich,abundant  一、wealthy ["wealth·y || "welθ]  adj. 富有的, 充分的, 丰裕的  例句:"He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life."  他突然致富,富有改变了他的整个生活方式。  *A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation.  有个富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来解救我们.  二、richadj (-er, -est)  1、富的; 富裕的; 富有的  *a rich film star 很有钱的电影明星  * America is a rich country. 美国很富.  2、 贵重的; 昂贵的; 华丽的; 豪华的  * rich clothes, furnishings 华丽的衣服﹑ 豪华的家具  * the rich interior of the church 教堂富丽堂皇的内景.  3、[pred 作表语] ~ in sth (某物)盛产, 丰富, 多  *Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 橙子含有丰富的维生素C.  * The baroque style is rich in ornament. 巴罗克风格极具装饰性.  * a play rich in humour 富於幽默的剧  * soil rich in minerals 矿物质多的土壤.  4、丰产的; 肥沃的  * rich soil 沃土  * a rich harvest 丰收  * (fig 比喻) a rich supply of ideas 多谋  * a rich display of talent 才华横溢的表现.  5、 (指食物)脂肪﹑ 黄油﹑ 蛋类﹑ 调料等含量大的, 油腻的, 味浓的  * a rich fruit cake 油腻的水果蛋糕  * a rich curry, casserole, sauce 味道很浓的咖喱菜﹑ 砂锅菜﹑ 沙司.  6、 (指色彩)深的, 鲜艳的; (指声音)深沉的, 洪亮的; (指气味)浓烈的, 馥郁的  *cloth dyed a rich purple 被染成深紫色的布  * a rich soothing voice 深沉柔和的声音  * the rich bouquet of mature brandy 酿熟的白兰地的醇厚香味.  三、abundant adj  1、丰富的; 充裕的  *an abundant supply of fruit 水果的充足供应  * We have abundant proof of his guilt. 我们有充分的证据证明他有罪.  2、[pred 作表语] ~ in sth 富有某事物; 富於某事物  * a land abundant in minerals 矿产丰富的土地.  3、> abundantly adv 丰富地; 充裕地  * be abundantly supplied with fruit 水果供应充足  * He"s made his views abundantly(ie very) clear. 他已经充分表明了自己的观点.
2023-06-20 17:17:191


abundant 英[əˈbʌndənt] 美[əˈbʌndənt] adj. 大量的,充足的;丰富的,富有的;丰足;阜 [例句]In panama nature and indigenous culture are abundant.巴拿马的自然风景和土著文化非常丰富。
2023-06-20 17:17:251


adj.丰富的, 充裕的, 大量的词根记忆abund来源于abound,去掉了一个o,至于为什么要去掉o,笔者也无从知晓,但继续往后阅读本系列教程,你会发现这是英语单词中很常见的一种现象,习惯就好。abound是“富于, 充满, 大量存在”意思。其中a表示否定,bound表示边界,详情可参考本系列中abound的详解。ant是形容词后缀。组合在一起,就是“大量的,丰富的”的意思,基本是在原意的基础上加上一个“的”。本系列的记忆规则1.先背熟词根和词缀或者技巧。2.根据词根和词缀来想像一个画面。3.回忆单词时,只要想起这个画面即可,并做适当眼神,无需记忆单词解释。4.本系列的延伸解释部分未经考证。5.建议从本文的经验文集中的‘倒数"第8页开始阅读,这样更系统,更全面。请点击输入图片描述词根转图像abund可以想象你撑着小船,在大海里航行,无边无际,周围除了海水还是大量存在的海水。然后加上ant“的”。
2023-06-20 17:17:441


形容词,充裕的,大量的,修饰名词,放在名词之前例句:Water is the most abundant chemical compound in the biosphere.水是生物圈中最丰富的化合物。==================================希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-20 17:18:101


2023-06-20 17:18:181


abundantadj.大量的,充足的;丰富的,富有的;丰足;阜记忆ab 加强 + und 溢出;波动 + ant …的 →〔多得〕溢出来 → 丰富的
2023-06-20 17:18:261


abundantly adv. 丰富地;大量地; 例句: Calcium is found most abundantly in milk. 奶含钙最丰富。 She made her wishes abundantly clear. 她充分表明了她的意愿。 扩展资料   The area is abundantly supplied with excellent family-run hotels.   这个地区有很多不错的家庭旅馆。   He made it abundantly clear that anybody who disagrees with his policies will not last long.   他十分明确地表示任何不同意他政策的人将呆不了多久。   Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group.   拒绝较低的奖励会让团队中的其他成员非常清楚这种感觉。
2023-06-20 17:18:331

ample adequate abundant怎么区分?

adequate 表示在数量或质量上足以满足特定的标准,强调刚好够用,没有多余。 e.g. He doesn"t earn a large salary but it is adequate for his needs. 他挣钱不多,但也够用了。 abundant 含义为quite enough,“充裕,绰绰有余”,指数量非常多或充足有余。 e.g. We save abundant proof of his guilt. 我们有他犯罪的充分证据。 ample “足够,充分”, 指满足了需要还有多余, 常用于指抽象的东西或空间。 e.g. He is a man of ample means(财产,资力). 他是个家境殷实的人。
2023-06-20 17:18:411


Any problems?Is there a problem?
2023-06-20 17:19:084


abundant 形容数量多 abundant fishsubstantial 指数量和程度很多 a substantial change
2023-06-20 17:19:241


abundant 英[u0259u02c8bu028cndu0259nt] 美[u0259u02c8bu028cndu0259nt] adj. 大量的,充足的; 丰富的,富有的; 丰足; 阜; [例句]There is an abundant supply of cheap labour廉价劳动力供应充足。
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2023-06-20 17:19:402


  充足就是内容充足不虚的意思。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    充足英语说法1:   sufficient   充足英语说法2:   adequate   充足英语说法3:   abundant    充足的英语例句:   该校生源充足。   There are sufficient applicants for the school.   这家银行有充足的流动资产来维持经营。   The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.   充满资讯的;内容充实的   Full of news; rmative.   充实,深远意义意义、意味或含义丰富的性质或状态   The quality or condition of being rich in significance, import, or implication.   尽管完成了工作后我们都筋疲力尽但我们都觉得充实快乐…   Though we were very tired after finishing the work we all felt happy.   丰盛充实的人生需要雨水也需要阳光。   The fruitful life seeks rain as well as sunshine.   他为把巨石推上山顶所做的搏斗本身就是以使他的心里感到充实。   The effort itself was meaningful for him.   我想让自己更充实一些并多挣些钱养家。   I want to enrich myself and get more money to support my family.   许多人的生活由于受了成人教育而变得更加充实。   The lives of many people have been enriched because of *** education.   去年冬天雨雪充足。   There was adequate rain and snow last winter.   廉价劳动力供应充足。   There is an abundant supply of cheap labour.   生活中,我们通过很多东西充实完善自我,爱情就是其中之一。   Love is one of the most fulfilling things we can have in our lives.   我的校园生活充实有快乐.   My campus life shares both repletion and enjoyment.   所以最好在去之前打个电话,问问那边你想要的型号货源是否充足。   It "s probably worth calling ahead to make sure they have sufficient quantities of the model you want.   一切好东西都数不胜数,富饶的土地自然而然地提供了充足的果实。   All good things were theirs in abundance, and the fertile earth brought forth fruit of its own accord.   如果手头的资金充足,则从一个账户中减去资金,并新增到另一个账户中。   If A has sufficient funds on hand, money is subtracted from one account and added to another account.   处理器的处理能力每年都在增加,为了支援高速的处理器,系统也应提供充足的记忆体。   The processor"s power capacity increases year-by-year, and to feed fast processors the system should include sufficient memory.   除输入引数和多样性外,主要是因为并不充足的模式语义规范造成的。   This is largely because there are insufficient semantic specifications for patterns, other than input parameter type and multiplicity.
2023-06-20 17:19:471


2023-06-20 17:19:553


abundant是动词abound的形容词,表示富有、充足的。词组 abundant in 富于=abound in如:Our country is abundant in natural resources. (abounds in)我国自然资源丰富。 abundant supply/amount/number of 大量如:There is an abundant supply of cheap labour...廉价劳动力供应充足。
2023-06-20 17:20:141


2023-06-20 17:20:211

abundant的用法 具体的应用与解释.

abundant 的中文翻译是:充足的,甚至可翻作是 大量的 用法主要有如下几种:(我就以短语的形式解释给你) 1.something is abundant Rainfall is abundant in this region. 该地区降雨丰沛. abundant with China is abundant with natural resources. 中国自然资源丰富. 3.abundant of Abundant of people participated in the endowment. 足够多的人参加了捐赠行动.
2023-06-20 17:20:421


abundant 有这些近义词: rich, plentiful, copious, well-supplied (丰富,大量)用法:The Amazon forest is abundant with flora and wild life.How can we ensure the country will have an abundant supply of oil?
2023-06-20 17:20:492


abundant的意思是:意为“丰富的;充裕的;盛产”。短语搭配:abundant rainfall过量降雨 ; 充沛的雨量 ; 雨量充沛。abundant emotions丰富的感情。abundant funds资金雄厚 ; 雄厚的资金。Abundant Resources丰富的资源。abundant leather厚革。Abundant factors丰富要素。abundant supplies充足的供应。双语例句1、I have ever had abundant love experiences.我曾经有过丰富的感情经历。2、Our world should also be abundant and merged.我们的世界也应该是丰富的,融合的。3、The proposition and fact above display abundant custom law meaning for people.上述命题和事实向人们展示了丰富的习惯法意义。
2023-06-20 17:20:561


abundant:英 [u0259u02c8bu028cndu0259nt] 美 [u0259"bu028cndu0259nt]adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产例句:Our country is abundant in minerals.我国矿产非常丰富。Our world should also be abundant and merged.我们的世界也应该是丰富的,融合的。Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources.我国土地辽阔,资源丰富。I have ever had abundant love experiences.我曾经有过丰富的感情经历。But as Solomon and colleagues suggest in a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it is not true for the most abundant greenhouse gas: carbon dioxide.但是,正如所罗门和他的同事提出的一项发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》的新研究表明,对最丰富的温室气体,二氧化碳,这是不正确的。abound:英 [u0259"bau028and] 美 [u0259"bau028and]vi. 富于;充满例句:Are start-ups the only places where the ingredients of creativity abound today?创业是唯一的地方富于创造力的成份今天好吗?Finally, offer this closing prayer to the Lord: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.最后,将结束的祷告告诉主:愿在你拥有信仰的时候希望的上帝用快乐与和平充满你的人生,让你在圣灵的力量下富于希望。And the universe outside our solar system seems to abound with potential homes.太阳系外茫茫宇宙之中,似乎充满了可能的生命家园。In addition to his affinity for trial scenes and knowledge of legal intricacies, Shakespeare"s plays abound with dialogue that has special meaning for lawyers.除了他对法庭场景的喜爱、对法律难题的知识,莎士比亚的戏剧语言充满了对于律师来说意义特殊的话。In these shifting conditions, opportunities to innovate will abound.在这个转型时期,充满了创新的机遇。
2023-06-20 17:21:231

be abundant in,be abundant with是什么意思

2023-06-20 17:22:203


2023-06-20 17:23:052


abundant丰富的双语对照词典结果:abundant[英][u0259u02c8bu028cndu0259nt][美][u0259u02c8bu028cndu0259nt]adj.大量的,充足的; 丰富的,富有的; 丰足; 阜; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In panama nature and indigenous culture are abundant. 巴拿马的自然风景和土著文化非常丰富。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-20 17:23:131


2023-06-20 17:23:212


都可以,一般的形容词是修饰名词,可数不可数都可以的。如:Abundant lions imply abundant games, and that again means abundant vegetation.狮子的众多正暗示着其他猎物的众多,同时也意味着植物的茂盛。修饰可数名词的常用修饰语有these, those, few, a few, many, a good [great] many, a great [good] number of 等。修饰不可数名词的常用修饰语有this, that, little, a little, a bit of, much, a great deal of, a large amount of 等。
2023-06-20 17:23:541

There are abundant supplies of firewood in the forest.帮我翻一下,谢谢。主要是abundant区别于plen

森林可以提供大量的木材。abundant,plenty 为同义词,abundant强调充裕的,plenty强调数量多。
2023-06-20 17:24:024


enough 是足够的意思plenty of 是充足 足够 大量的意思
2023-06-20 17:24:101


Abundant is not an absolute adjective. abundant不是一个绝对形容词,有比较级,more abundant.
2023-06-20 17:24:271

"丰富历史文化" 英文点讲?

English trlation "中国真系一个有丰富历史文化既国家"全句用英文可说: China is indeed a country richly abundant in history and culture. (用richly abundant翻「丰富」 因为richly是「富有」 abundant是「丰盛」 合起来才能把「丰富」全部意思表达出来。) 中国真系一个有丰富历史文化既国家 China is really a country full of historic culture. rich 都可以... China is rich in historic culture. China is a wealthy (historic and cultural) country.
2023-06-20 17:24:341


1、be abundant in 2、be abundant of 3、be abundant with
2023-06-20 17:24:571


existing in large quantities; more than enough, plentiful(要有多少就有多少)大量的;丰富的;充足的;绰绰有余Birds are abundant in the tall vegetation.高大植被中有大量的鸟。There is an abundant supply of cheap labor.廉价劳动力供应充足。
2023-06-20 17:25:041


be abundant
2023-06-20 17:25:543


2023-06-20 17:26:213


我个人觉得 generous一般修饰的是薪水和福利而plentiful和abundant在表示 大量的 时可以互换
2023-06-20 17:26:292


2023-06-20 17:26:372


加ant为后缀的单词有: aberrant adj. 脱离常轨的;越轨的,异常的; abundant a.丰富的;大量的; accordant 一致的; accountant n. 会计; acquaintant adj. 熟悉的; adamant adj. 强硬的,固执的 扩展资料   First, we have abundant natural resources.   首先,我们拥有丰富的自然资源。   This is a prosperous area with abundant fish and rice.   这里是鱼米富饶之乡。   That company provides abundant/ plentiful promotion opportunities for staff with overseas education experience.   该公司为有海外留学经历的员工提供大量升职机会。   Our country has a large population, vast territory and abundant resources.   我国人口众多,地大物博。   Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources.   我国土地辽阔,资源丰富。
2023-06-20 17:26:521


充沛,指充足。语出清宣鼎《夜雨秋灯录·同胞三鼎甲》:“俟元气充沛,自当超两弟而上之。”多指精神充沛。基本内容举例:文思充沛;精力充沛;雨水充沛;充沛的热情。基本解释1. [vigorous]∶饱满;旺盛精力充沛2. [abundant;plentiful]∶丰富充沛的感情
2023-06-20 17:27:013


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2023-06-20 17:27:252

L-abundant 什么意思

abundant英 [u0259"bu028cnd(u0259)nt]美 [u0259"bu028cndu0259nt]adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产[网络短语]abundant 丰富的,充足的,充裕的abundant number 过剩数,丰数abundant accomplishment 丰硕的成果
2023-06-20 17:27:321

abundant life什么意思

abundant life丰富的生活双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 优裕的生活例句:1.His plan is complete in great detail and it will lead all who follow him to an abundant life. 他的计划周详入微,并将带领着那些跟从他的人得着更丰盛的生命.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-20 17:27:401


66. For the advertised position, the company offers a(n) ______ salary and benefits package. A. generous B. plentiful C. abundant D. sufficient 答案:A 对于这一公开招聘的职位,公司提供了丰厚的薪酬和福利。 考查形容词词义辨析。generous、plentiful 以及 abundant 都含有 “ 大量的,丰盛的 ” 之意。generous 侧重给予的东西很丰厚;plentiful 多指某物的数量多得称心如意,不过剩;abundant 侧重某物极为丰富或有大量的供应。sufficient 意为 “ 充足的 ”,侧重数目或程度达到了某一特定的要求或需求。根据题干可知,公司给出的薪酬很丰厚,故选 A。
2023-06-20 17:27:461