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关于Vanessa Anne Hudgens成名道路的事~~~~~急,求啊~~~~~!

2023-06-20 16:30:25
TAG: vanessa gens


在百度百科里搜索Vanessa Hudgens 就你要的关于Vanessa Hudgesn的什么东西有了。




2023-06-20 16:06:403

兽 英语怎么写

2023-06-20 16:06:483


《野兽男孩》(beastly)饰演kylekingson 中文名:亚历克斯·帕蒂弗/亚历克斯·佩蒂弗/阿历克斯·派迪弗/阿历斯·彼迪弗外文名:alexpettyfer别名:alex国籍:英国
2023-06-20 16:06:561


加后缀“ly”的英语单词有很多,比如quickly、lovely、friendly、fatherly、lively、lonely、deadly、silly、orderly、mainly、weekly、yearly、cowardly、beastly等。 扩展资料   单词解析:   一、quickly:   释义:   adv. 迅速地;立刻。   例句:   They quickly leveled off the site.   他们迅速地把工地整平了。   二、lovely:   释义:   adj. 可爱的;令人愉快的;好看的。   例句:   he girl"s rosy cheeks made her look very lovely.   那女孩玫瑰色的脸颊使她显得非常可爱。   三、friendly:   释义:   adj. 友好的;友善的。   adv. 友好地。   例句:   The meeting is gone on in very friendly atmosphere.   会议在非常友好的气氛中进行。   四、fatherly:   释义:   adj. 父亲的;父亲般的";慈爱的。   例句:   In conditional fatherly love we find a negative and a positive aspect .   这种有条件的父爱既具有消极的一面。   五、lively:   释义:   adj. 活泼的; 活跃的; 栩栩如生的; 真实的。   adv. 生机勃勃地。   例句:   He is an outgoing and lively person.   他是个性格开朗而又活泼的人。
2023-06-20 16:07:031


一、quickly英 [u02c8kwu026akli]。adv.迅速地;很快地二、lovely英 [u02c8lu028cvli]。adj.美丽的;优美的;有吸引力的;可爱的三、friendly英 [u02c8frendli]。adj.友爱的;友好的;善意的;亲切的。其他后缀:1、-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly。2、-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like。3、-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish。
2023-06-20 16:07:111

下载好 Beastly (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAX avi 900M 怎么也打不开 试过xvid了 只能播放出19秒

2023-06-20 16:07:412


2023-06-20 16:08:003


2010电影《野兽男孩》基本信息 英文名:Beastly 导演:丹尼尔·巴尔兹 Daniel Barnz 《野兽男孩》编剧:阿莱克丝·弗林 丹尼尔·巴尔兹 野兽男孩 海报(5张) 主演: 亚历克斯·帕蒂弗 x Pettyfer ....Kyle Kingson 瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯 Vanessa Anne Hudgens ....Linda Taylor 尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 eil Patrick Harris ....Will Fratalli 类型:剧情 / 爱情 / 奇幻 / 恐怖 国家/地区:美国 上映日期:2011年3月18日 由CBS电影制作的《野兽》(Beastly)是一出现代版的“美女与野兽”,该片由《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)女星凡妮莎·哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens)主演,将于2011年3月18日上映,今天该片发布了男主角“野兽”的剧照,英国帅哥演员阿历克斯·派迪弗(Alex Pettyfer)被化妆师“彻底毁容” <<凡妮莎·哈金斯登《InStyle》杂志 野性美女变身白领剧情介绍 《野兽》故事说的是相貌、财富、机遇什么都不缺的富家子弟Kyle Kingson(阿历克斯·派迪弗)人品很差,他为了嘲弄自己的同学Kendra(玛丽·凯特·奥尔森),野兽男孩剧照(20张)专门把她邀请到自己的聚会上让她出丑,备受侮辱的Kendra当即给他下了恶咒,把他变成了人见人厌的“怪物野兽”,只有当一个女孩真正发自内心爱上这个野兽,咒语才会解除。 Kyle Kingson的父亲见到自己的儿子变成这个样子,心中充满厌恶,他冷酷的把Kyle赶到布鲁克林的一个宅子里,软禁了起来,只给他留了一个同情他的管家和一个双目失明的家庭教师。正当Kyle认为自己永远也无法解除咒语之际,老天爷给他送来一个人,这个人是个瘾君子,被Kyle撞见杀死了毒贩,Kyle许诺会给他自由和安全,条件是让他的女儿Linda(凡妮莎·哈金斯)住进自己的家……创作人员 制作人 : 《野兽男孩》Produced by:Susan Cartsonis ....producerRoz Weisberg Flynn ....executive producer 原创音乐: Original Music:马赛罗·扎沃斯 Marcelo Zarvos 摄影 : Cinematography:Mandy Walker 剪辑: Film Editing:Thomas J. Nordberg 选角导演 : Casting:Sarah Finn 艺术指导: Production Designer:Rusty Smith 美术设计: Art Direction by:Jean-Pierre Paquet 服装设计: Costume Design by:Suttirat Anne Larlarb 视觉特效: Visual Effects Supervisor:Kevin Quatman 副导演/助理导演: Assistant Director:Caroline Landry ....second assistant directorAndrew M. Robinson ....first assistant director相关资讯 1.《野兽男孩》制作特辑,哥特版"美女与野兽" 《野兽男孩》丹尼尔·巴尔兹执导、迪士尼偶像瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯和亚历克斯·帕蒂弗主演的《野兽男孩》曝光制作特辑。更多影片镜头为我们揭秘这部混合了恐怖与浪漫,充满哥特气质的童话爱情故事。影片设定在当代的纽约曼哈顿,故事主人公是一个虽然英俊但人品很差的富家公子哥,他的劣迹让他受到了同班同学(玛丽-凯特·奥尔森 饰)的诅咒,他变成了一个奇丑无比的怪物,而想要打破咒语,他必须找到真爱,这对他来说简直就是不可能完成的任务。 除了因《歌舞青春》走红的瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯和英伦偶像亚历克斯·帕蒂弗外,倒是两位配角很是惹眼,时尚偶像奥尔森姐妹中的玛丽-凯特·奥尔森饰演一位气质诡异的女巫真是再合适不过,而尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯倒是搞笑依旧。用惊悚、哥特的外衣包装一个彻头彻尾的纯情故事,可以说《暮色》就着这样俘获广大少女的,不知道《美女与野兽》能否有此好运?《野兽男孩》将于2010年7月30日美国上映。” 2.瓦妮莎遭遇《野兽男孩》 奥尔森变哥特女巫 偶像明星瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯主演的新片《野兽男孩》日前公布了更多剧照,“男孩”亚历克斯·帕蒂弗变身“野兽”前后差别巨大,哈金斯曾表示被后一造型吓到一身冷汗,看来并非虚言。而在片中她只有爱上这位“野兽男孩”,才能解除他所中的咒语。 《野兽男孩》《野兽男孩》改编自安·弗林小说,由CBS电视台制作,讲述了一个后现代版的美女与野兽故事。身为万人迷的男孩凯尔(帕蒂弗)拥有一切,但目中无人,在得罪了学校的“哥特女巫”Kendra(玛丽-凯特·奥尔森)之后,他变成了自己从前厌恶的每一样东西。凯尔只有让一个女孩真心爱上现在的他,才能破除咒语,回到从前的生活,而这似乎是根本不可能的任务。 3.凡妮莎·哈金斯将出演现代版《美女与野兽》 据《今夜娱乐》(Entertainment Tonight)节目报道,因《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)系列走红的女演员凡妮莎·哈金斯将主演CBS的电视电影《野兽男孩》(Beastly)。该片根据Alex Flinn同名小说改编,是一出现代版的《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)。 影片设定在当代的纽约曼哈顿,故事主人公是一个虽然英俊但人品很差的富家公子哥,他的劣迹让他受到了别人的诅咒,他变成了一个奇丑无比的怪物,而想要打破咒语,他必须找到真爱,这对他来说简直就是不可能完成的任务。 英国男演员亚历克斯·帕蒂弗有望扮演这个男主角,凡妮莎·哈金斯将扮演他的“真爱”。
2023-06-20 16:08:071


2023-06-20 16:08:175


电视系列剧《全家福》热播后奥尔森姐妹成为美国小观众们的偶像,特别是小女孩们。《全家福》也同样给两姐妹带来了巨大的商业效应,与剧中人物和两姐妹形象有关的产品比如玩偶、书籍、游戏软件、影碟等等随着系列剧的连续播放而持续热销。只要是标志有两人名字的产品,几乎一上货架就会被一抢而空。专门为两姐妹而打造的双星娱乐集团为玛丽·凯特和阿什莉设计好了以后的道路,姐妹俩名利双收,而且在6岁的时候就成为了电视剧制片人,不可不谓是奇迹。ABC电视台肥皂剧《Full House》(客满/合家欢)《To Grandmother"s House We Go》去外婆家的冒险旅程(1992年12月6日),《Double double toil and trouble 》双生魔法小女巫(1993年10月30日)《It Takes Two 》好事成双(1995)《Billboard Dad》老爸大出清 (1998年11月10日)《Passport to Paris》巴黎护照 (1999年11月9日)《Our lips are sealed》 (2000)filmed in Sydney, Australia《Wining London》 (2001)《Getting there》欢乐16岁 (2002年6月11日)弃影从商前最后作品:《New York Minute》纽约时刻(2004年5月1日)Mary-Kate Olsen饰演一个女巫:《Beastly》野兽男孩(2010)
2023-06-20 16:08:401


野兽男孩 Beastly (2011)
2023-06-20 16:08:531


人气百合漫画《Citrus》Citrus因父母再婚而成为义理姐妹的两人,纯情金发小天使姐姐、帅脸黑长直妹妹、新颖跳跃的剧情,超棒的画风。姐妹恋爱话题沸腾中!!漫画作者:サブロウタ漫画类型:少女漫画漫画题材:百合漫画状态:连载中漫画区域:日本漫画背景:サブロウタ先生在日本著名百合向杂志一迅社百合姬(双月刊百合漫画杂志)上的中长篇连载漫画蓝原柚子(あいはら ゆず)罗马音:aihara yuzu年龄:16岁生日:8月8日年级:1学年班级:A班性格开朗,阳光。一次也没有恋爱过的女孩。对恋爱有兴趣,但因为母亲再婚而转入女子高中而绝望。目击到芽衣被吻的场景,与自己的心情相反,十分在意这件事。后来自己被芽衣袭吻,探索着自己对芽衣的感觉后,而喜欢上芽衣。因姬子从中作梗,而又对芽衣的冷漠非常伤心。蓝原芽衣(あいはら めい)罗马音:aihara mei年龄:16岁生日:9月13日年级:1学年班级:A班一直不变的冷酷表情的学生会长。柚子的义理的妹妹,和柚子在同一间屋子里生活。虽然常常玩弄恋爱初学者的柚子,但从不展开心扉,心底里藏有深沉的孤独。是黑发才色兼备的美少女。
2023-06-20 16:09:1310


一、常见英语前缀1、a- 在……之上‖aboard prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上2、ab-, abs- 离开,偏离‖abnormal a. 反常的3、anti- 先‖anticipate vt. 预期4、ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-表加强意 ‖accuse vt. 指控5、bene- 好‖beneficial a. 有益的6、bio- 生命‖biology n. 生物学7、cata- 向下‖catalog(ue) n. 目录8、col-, com-, con-, co-, cor- 共同,一起 ‖combat n. 战斗9、contra- 相反‖contrast v. 对比,对照10、de- 离;加强词意‖depart vi. 离开;背离11、di-, dif-, dis- 分开 ‖discard vt. 丢弃12、dia- 穿过‖diameter n. 直径13、e-, ef-, ex- 出,出来‖export v. 出口14、em-, en- 在……之中;使……‖enclose vt. 围住15、fore- 前‖forehead n. 前额16、i-, il-, im-, in- 不 ‖indifferent a. 不关心的17、im-, il- 在……上‖impose vt. 把……强加于18、in- 进入;向……‖indicate vt. 表明,示意19、inter- 在……之间‖interfere vi. 干涉20、micro-, mini- 小 ‖microwave n. 微波21、multi- 许多‖multiple a. 复合的,多重的22、non- 不‖nonsense n. 废话23、ob-, op- 相反‖oppose vt. 反对24、out- 向外,出来‖outlet n. 出口25、over- 越过‖overlook vt. 忽视26、per- 穿过‖perspective n. 视角27、pre- 在…之前‖pregnant a. 怀孕的28、pro- 向前‖promote vt. 促进29、re- 向后;再次‖recall vt. 回忆起30、semi- 半‖semiconductor n. 半导体31、sub- 在……下‖subway n. 地铁32、super- 在……之上,超级的 ‖superior a. 优于……的33、trans- 横过,越过‖transplant vt. 移栽34、tri- 三‖triangle n. 三角35、un- 不‖uncover vt. 揭露36、under- 在……下面,低于……‖underline vt. 在……下面划线37、uni- 一个‖unique a. 唯一的,独特的二、常见英语后缀1、动词后缀:-ate,-en, -(i)fy, -ish, -ize/ise2、副词后缀:-ly,-ward(s), -way(s)3、形容词后缀:-able/ible,-al/ial,-full, -ic, -ish, -ive, -ly4、表示“人”的名词后缀:-ist,-man, -er/or, -ee, -ant5、表示“小”的名词后缀:-el,-let, -(c)ule6、抽象名词后缀:-ion,-hood, -ic(s), -ism, -ship, -ty
2023-06-20 16:11:096


Iron man
2023-06-20 16:12:039

翻译啊 回答完了再加悬赏啊 英语高手来啊

2023-06-20 16:12:321


any answer nervous berak like great ....好多好多
2023-06-20 16:12:415

作家拥有的 16 家必去的独立书店

考虑到作者们常常在书本的包围下感到最自在——他们喜欢谈论并与他人分享——所以他们中的一些人最终开设了自己的书店也就不足为奇了。以下是小说家、诗人和所有其他类型作家拥有的 16 家必去的独立商店。 1.书是魔法// 纽约布鲁克林 Michael Fusco-Straub 和 Emma Straub 在他们的店里。 大卫兰德/书籍是魔法在 Books Are Magic 迷人的壁画前拍照已成为任何涉足布鲁克林鹅卵石山社区的藏书家的必经仪式。这家同样迷人的商店由The Vacationers 的作者 Emma Straub 和她的丈夫 Michael Fusco-Straub 拥有,他们和孩子一起住在附近。这对夫妇决定在附近的长期独立书店 BookCourt 之后开设一家书店,这是 Straub 曾经工作过的一家人仍然经常光顾的地方,于 2016 年关闭。“没有独立书店的社区就是没有心的身体,”她当时写道. “所以我们正在建立一个新的心脏。” 2. PARNASSUS BOOKS //田纳西州纳什维尔 安·帕切特,《荷兰之家》、《英联邦》和其他小说的作者,于 2011 年与前兰登书屋销售代表凯伦·海耶斯一起创立了Parnassus Books。除了书籍,这家商店还有一架钢琴和五只 *** 狗:Opie、Lavinia、Marlee、Barnabus 和 Sparky。 3.美声唱法书籍//加利福尼亚长滩 Patchett 还启发了另一家书店的创建:Bel Canto Books,诗人 Jhoanna Belfer在听到 Patchett 谈论她在图书销售行业的工作后开设了这家书店。这家商店以帕切特的小说美声唱法命名,于 2018 年开始作为一个快闪店和读书俱乐部。到 2019 年底,贝尔弗辞去了她作为酒店管理人员的日常工作,并在一个更永久的家中找到了美声唱法书店。称为环聊的小型企业集体。每个月的精选版本都围绕一个主题,重点关注代表性不足的声音的作品。 4.书挡和起点//伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿 西北大学附近是 Bookends &Beginnings,由记者和非小说作家 Nina Barrett 于 2014 年创立。Barrett 最近开设了第二个地点,距离第一个地点仅几步之遥,这有助于填补该社区的 Barnes & Noble 于 2020 年 5 月关闭时留下的空白. Bookends &Beginnings 以四种语言提供令人印象深刻的一系列儿童书籍——这要归功于 Barrett 的丈夫在国际儿童文学方面的专业知识——以及更多面向成人的主流产品。根据这家商店的网站,顾客认为它是“书籍的地下酒吧”。 5.乌鸦书店//堪萨斯州劳伦斯 自 1987 年成立以来,乌鸦书店一直是劳伦斯的中流砥柱,诗人丹尼·凯恩 (Danny Caine) 于 2017 年接任老板。有些事情发生了变化:该书店于 2021 年搬到了一个新的、更大的位置。其他人没有:在它的成立之初,这家商店专门储存神秘物品,今天它仍然拥有大量的神秘物品库存。今年早些时候,凯恩借钱给七名员工,让他们每人都可以从他那里购买商店 7% 的股份。拥有 51% 股份的凯恩仍然是大股东(和总经理),但他现在也在培养下一代独立书店老板。 6.一个不太可能的故事//马萨诸塞州普莱恩维尔 《小屁孩日记》系列的作者杰夫·金尼( Jeff Kinney )将他的书店命名为“一个不太可能的故事”,部分原因是对他自己意想不到的职业生涯的认可:他原本并不打算将小屁孩的故事写给孩子们看。这个名字还暗示了该网站本身不太可能的故事,该网站最初是一家受欢迎的 19 世纪综合商店,后来演变成一家药房、一间茶室等。Kinney 和他的妻子 Julie 共同拥有一个不太可能的故事,两人保留了空间的多用途性质——还有一家咖啡馆和整个二楼,您可以预订社区活动。 7. TOWNIE BOOKS // CRESTED BUTTE,科罗拉多 小说作家兼 2022 年麦克道威尔研究员Arvin Ramgoolam与妻子 Danica 在 Crested Butte 的二手书店关闭后于 2011 年开设了 Townie Books 。这家商店附属于 Rumors,这是这对夫妇两年前创办的咖啡馆,对于那些欣赏无与伦比的书籍和热饮搭配的人来说,这里是理想的去处。在日常运营方面,业主绝不会放任不管。“我是第 4 杯咖啡的人,笑了,然后卖了一本顾客一开始就没有打算买的书,”Ramgoolam告诉 Desi Books。 8.红色星球图书与漫画//新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基 漫画书作家兼 Laguna Pueblo 的成员李弗朗西斯四世在 2016 年率先举办了第一届土著漫画节时玩得很开心,以至于他“想创造一个我们可以全年继续举办派对的空间”,他告诉新墨西哥杂志. 所以就在第二年,他和一些合作者开了世界上第一家本土漫画书店。Red Planet Books & Comics 还提供许多其他类型的美洲原住民作者的书籍。 9.杜安德区//华盛顿特区 红色星球目前正在主办Duende District的快闪店,这是一家移动书店,另外两个地点都在华盛顿特区— Duende District 提供英语和西班牙语的各种新版本。 10.紫罗兰谷书店//密西西比州水谷 为了写她的书《女同性恋南方:南方女权主义者》、《女性印刷运动》和《酷儿文学佳能》,杰米·哈克对那些建立出版公司和书店以扩大他们的声音的酷儿作家和活动家进行了七年的研究。她学到的东西激励她继续工作,并在 2017 年开设了自己的商店,将“女权主义、酷儿和多元文化书籍”带到水谷小镇和整个南方。 11.无处书店//德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥 窥视乌鸦(或渡鸦?)和海怪(或龙?)。 无处书店 Jenny Lawson 以她的博客 The Bloggess 和回忆录如Furiously Happy而闻名,她将她的商店命名为Nowhere Bookshop,因为“当你迷失在一本好书中时会产生那种感觉。” Lawson 和她的团队还想出了一种特别有趣的方式来帮助您找到下一本精彩的读物——他们的“与书相亲”计划,您可以在该计划中仅根据书的类型和一些稀疏的描述(例如“如果你喜欢Manifest ”、“有趣的墓地”)。 12. BIRCHBARK BOOKS & NATIVE ARTS // 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯 Louise Erdrich 是《守夜人》 、《圆屋》和其他小说的作者;奇珀瓦海龟山乐队的成员;以及Birchbark Books & Native Arts的所有者。正如它的名字所暗示的那样,这家商店出售书籍——主要是美国原住民的书名——以及大量的手工艺品,从羽毛笔和珠宝到鸟舍和捕梦网。该空间是环保的,主要由回收或回收材料制成,而且对儿童也很友好,设有一个舒适的“霍比特人洞”,供孩子们在父母浏览时阅读。 13.聆听之树//乔治亚州迪凯特 丈夫和妻子奥马尔和金伯利芬利写了一本儿童读物(我们自己的世界:开始,重述上帝创造世界),当他们意识到他们不能单枪匹马地写完所有他们想在市场上看到的书。相反,他们决定从内部改善市场:他们的书店 The Listening Tree 专门出售以黑人为主角的儿童读物——从幼儿字母书到托米·阿德耶米 (Tomi Adeyemi) 的《血与骨之子》等青少年畅销书,应有尽有。 14.书籍和书籍@基韦斯特工作室//佛罗里达州基韦斯特 布鲁姆和库珀书呆子庇护所的内部照片。 RALPH DE PALMA Mitchell Kaplan 的独立连锁书店 Books & Books的Key West 分店由另一对夫妻团队创立:George Cooper 和Judy Blume。它位于一个名为 The Studios of Key West 的非营利性艺术中心(技术上归其所有),书店本身也是非营利性的。至于神你在吗?是我,玛格丽特的作者实际上是在经营这家商店,答案是:根据她的网站,“很有可能你会在收银台后面找到朱迪,或者在书架上放书。” 15. BOBBIE叔叔的咖啡和书籍//宾夕法尼亚州费城 2017 年,政治分析家兼作家马克·拉蒙特·希尔 (Marc Lamont Hill) 在费城的日耳曼敦社区开设了Bobbie 叔叔的咖啡和书籍,这是一个历史悠久的黑人社区,其反奴隶制的起源可以追溯到 17 世纪的贵格会。这家店的名字是拉蒙特希尔自己的叔叔,他给他灌输了阅读的亲和力。正如它的口号所示——“酷人。涂料书籍。很棒的咖啡。”——博比叔叔的咖啡和文学一样重要。“我们想打造一个你真正喜欢来这里的地方,”拉蒙特希尔告诉 Eater。“你会得到一杯很棒的拿铁咖啡。你会得到一块很棒的红薯派。你会被人手卖一本书。那些事情很重要。” 16. BEASTLY BOOKS //新墨西哥州圣特菲 2013 年,在圣达菲著名的Jean Cocteau 电影院关闭几年后,乔治 RR Martin买下了这处房产并重新开始运营。它也成为作家活动的热门场所,当成堆的作家签名书籍开始淹没剧院大厅时,马丁在隔壁开了一家书店。Beastly Books以Cocteau 1946 年的电影《美女与野兽》和 Ron Perlman 主演的 80 年代电视剧的名字命名,该剧与 Martin 所写的同名。如果您想要任何《冰与火之歌》书籍的签名副本,Beastly Books 是获得它们的地方。
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半兽人 歌词的英文翻译

有错的QQ上和我讲再也没有纯白的灵魂 自人类堕落为半兽人 我开始使用第一人称 记录眼前所有的发生 嗜血森林醒来的早晨 任何侵略都成为可能 我用古老的咒语重温 吟唱灵魂序曲寻根 面对魔界的邪吻 不被污染的转身 维持纯白的象徵 然后还原为人 让我们半兽人的灵魂翻滚 收起残忍 回忆兽化的过程 让我们半兽人的眼神单纯 而非贪婪著永恒 只对暴力忠诚 让我们半兽人的灵魂翻滚 停止忿恨 永无止尽的战争 让我们半兽人的灵魂单纯 远古存在的神用谦卑的身份 再也没有纯白的灵魂 自人类堕落为半兽人 我开始使用第一人称 记录眼前所有的发生 嗜血森林醒来的早晨 任何侵略都成为可能 我用古老的咒语重温 吟唱灵魂序曲寻根 面对魔界的邪吻 不被污染的转身 维持纯白的象徵 然后还原为人 让我们半兽人的灵魂翻滚 收起残忍 回忆兽化的过程 让我们半兽人的眼神单纯 而非贪婪著永恒 只对暴力忠诚 让我们半兽人的灵魂翻滚 停止忿恨 永无止尽的战争 让我们半兽人的灵魂单纯 远古存在的神用谦卑的身份 泪沸腾 风异常的冰冷 马蹄声让人睡不安稳 我在等灵魂序曲完成 带领族人写下祈祷文 那城镇无谓的在牺牲 战火焚祭坛开始下沉 我在等觉悟后的族人 往南方大地重新开垦 Again also does not have the pure white soulDegenerates from the humanity is half beastly personI start to use the first personRecording at present all occurrencesthe forest wakes morningAny aggression all becomes possiblyI use the ancient incantation to reviewRecites the soul overture to inquire intoFacing evil spirit evil lipsNot turning around which pollutesMaintains the pure white symbolThen return to original state mannerLet our half beastly person"s soul tumblingReceives the cruel recollection beast"s processLet our half beastly person"s look be pureBut the non- greedy eternal is being only loyal to theviolenceLet our half beastly person"s soul tumblingWill stop detesting forever not stops the completely warLet our half beastly person"s soul be pureAncient times existed the god used the humble statusAgain also does not have the pure white soulDegenerates from the humanity is half beastly personI start to use the first personRecording at present all occurrences the forest wakes morningAny aggression all becomes possiblyI use the ancient incantation to reviewRecites the soul overture to inquire intoFacing evil spirit evil lipsNot turning around which pollutesMaintains the pure white symbolThen return to original state mannerLet our half beastly person"s soul tumblingReceives the cruel recollection beast"s processLet our half beastly person"s look be pureBut the non- greedy eternal is being only loyal to theviolenceLet our half beastly person"s soul tumblingWill stop detesting forever not stops the completely warLet our half beastly person"s soul be pureAncient times existed the god used the humble statusThe tear ebullition wind is unusual ice-coldThe hoofbeat lets the person rest not calmly and steadilyI in and so on the soul overture completeLeads the clansman to write down prays the prayerThat cities are senseless are sacrificingThe flames of war burn the sacrificial altar to start to sinkI in and so on the clansman which comes to understand afterReopens up wasteland toward the south earth
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Teen Choice 2011获奖名单 Miley Cyrus的获奖情况?

麦莉今年没有获奖。或者没被提名。今年儿童学选择奖获奖 最佳电影女演员
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形容词后缀:able,能……的。al,有……属性的。al,有……属性的。ed,有……的。ful,充满。less,没有。ly,有……品质的。 常见形容词后缀 1.-ful意为:充满,有(fullof;hav-ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful,hopeful,careful,helpful,forgetful,thankful,fearful 2.-less意为:没有,无(without;notgiving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless,homeless 3.-ly意为:有……品质的(havingthequalitiesof)例词:beastly,manly,brotherly,friendly 4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词:childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like 5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhatlike)例词:meaty,sandy,silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish 6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing;havingthequalityof)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome 7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(abletobe;capable)例词:changeable,reliable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible 8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed,odd-shaped 9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(natureof,typicalof)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical 10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belongingto;connectedwith)例词:revolutionary,imaginary,contradictory 11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(fullof;havingthequalityof;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious,dangerous 12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typicalof;belongingto)例词:historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic 13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(havingthenatureorqualityof;givenortendingto)例词:attractive,talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive
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野兽男孩英文名:Beastly 导演:丹尼尔·巴尔兹 Daniel Barnz 主演:亚历克斯·帕蒂弗 x Pettyfer ....Kyle Kingson 瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯 Vanessa Anne Hudgens ....Linda Taylor 尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 eil Patrick Harris ....Will Fratalli 国家/地区:美国 上映日期:2011年3月18日 由CBS电影制作的《野兽》(Beastly)是一出现代版的“美女与野兽”,该片由《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)女星凡妮莎·哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens)主演,将于2011年3月18日上映.……仔细看哦
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英文名:Vanessa Hudgens  全名:Vanessa Anne Hudgens   中文名:凡妮莎·安妮·哈金斯  昵称:Nessa, V, Van, Baby V,Vanney  出生日期:1988.12.14  星座: 射手座   出生地:美国加利福尼亚州,萨利纳市   身高:约159.5cm  体重:49kg  特征:黑发   男友:Zac Efron(扎克·埃夫隆 《歌舞青春》饰演男主角Troy)  父母:Greg Hudgens and Gina Guangco   种族划分:菲律宾、中国、西班牙(母方)、爱尔兰、美国印地安人(父方)。Vanessa是五国联姻的子孙 电影  《Thirteen》(2003) ..........Noel First film to star with Brady Corbet 《Thunderbirds》(2004) ..........Tintin Second film to star with Brady Corbet 《歌舞青春》(2006) ..........Gabriella Montez 《歌舞青春2》(2007) ..........Gabriella Montez 《歌舞青春3》(2008) ..........Gabriella Montez 《Bandslam》(2009年8月14日上映)..........Sa5m 《Beastly》(2010年6月30日上映) ..........Linda Taylor 《Sucker Punch》 (影片暂定2011年2月25日上映) ..........Blondie
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英文名:Vanessa Hudgens 全名:Vanessa Anne Hudgens 中文名:凡妮莎·安妮·哈金斯 昵称:Nessa, V, Van, Baby V,Vanney 出生日期:1988.12.14 星座: 射手座 出生地:美国加利福尼亚州,萨利纳市 身高:约159.5cm 体重:49kg 特征:黑发 男友:Zac Efron(扎克·埃夫隆 《歌舞青春》饰演男主角Troy) 父母:Greg Hudgens and Gina Guangco 种族划分:菲律宾、中国、西班牙(母方)、爱尔兰、美国印地安人(父方)。Vanessa是五国联姻的子孙 电影《Thirteen》(2003) ..........Noel First film to star with Brady Corbet 《Thunderbirds》(2004) ..........Tintin Second film to star with Brady Corbet 《歌舞青春》(2006) ..........Gabriella Montez 《歌舞青春2》(2007) ..........Gabriella Montez 《歌舞青春3》(2008) ..........Gabriella Montez 《Bandslam》(2009年8月14日上映)..........Sa5m 《Beastly》(2010年6月30日上映) ..........Linda Taylor 《Sucker Punch》 (影片暂定2011年2月25日上映) ..........Blondie希望采纳
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ly后缀的单词如下所示:一、quickly英 [u02c8kwu026akli]。adv.迅速地;很快地二、lovely英 [u02c8lu028cvli]。adj.美丽的;优美的;有吸引力的;可爱的三、friendly英 [u02c8frendli]。adj.友爱的;友好的;善意的;亲切的。扩展资料:其他后缀:1、-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly。2、-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like。3、-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish。
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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 用英语介绍北京动物园的地理环境,不用很多字,6,7句话就够了.我高一的水平 解析: The Beijing zoo Beijing zoo is located outside the Beijing Hsi chih men, is China opens the earliest zoo. The Beijing zoo predecessor is the Qing Dynasty 万牲园, the Republic of China time 万牲园 will change the agricultural experiment station, after new China had been established, officially names in 1955 as the Beijing zoo, the development until now, has bee in the world a more influential zoo. The life in on the Beijing zoo animal several hundred kinds, divides lives in the different field hall and the garden area. The Beijing sea hall, is located the zoo northeast corner, 占地 35,000 square meters, the sea hall far looks resembles is a conch, in the hall constructs pond, shark hall, migration hall, sea theater as well as library, reading room place and so on has the tropical rain forest hall, touches, the tourist not only can nearly be away from and the marine life contact, moreover may witness the lovable micro-ani *** s splendid performance with own eyes, the experience sea charm. The lion Hushan, constructed in 1955, was located east the zoo, outside this field hall was the hill shape, in the mid-hill visits the hall, had the beastly shed, the feed room and so on, supposed the trapdoor to guarantee in the beastly shed ventilating with the natural lighting, the tourist reached this point the animal which was allowed safe to watch takes a walk. The panda hall provided the function for the lovable pandas to be plete, fortable life-arena. The panda hall modelling also very much is fastidious, the outlook assumes the bamboo shoots shape, eastern part and middle folds the shape, west is the arc, the thick thin light and shade forms a nice contrast. Inside and outside the room plants the massive plants, the attenion afforests, change exhibition hall environment. In addition, in the zoo important field hall also has the giraffe hall, the gorilla hall, the birds and beasts class exhibition hall, the elephant hall and so on several dozens fields halls, heartily has demonstrated the animals graceful bearing. In zoo except each place animal hall, but also has 豳 the wind hall, the peony pavilion, the Chinese peony garden, may appreciate the peony, the Chinese peony, tastes 豳 the wind hall flavor delicacies. In the garden also has a landscape for the *** ooth view building, it once was the end of the Qing imperial family suburb temporary palace, at present not to foreign countries opening up. The Beijing zoo not only is for the tourist daily leisure, the appreciation rare and precious animal"s place, or our country animal research, protection and reproduction base. The zoo once has carried on the food turkey reproduction experiment, sea cow raising and the reproduction research, 东北虎 raising and the reproduction, the panda artificial propagation research, Hou Fenghou raising reproduces, Zhu? moves protects the research and so on several dozens kind of scientific research research project, and wins an award many times. The Beijing zoo provided an understanding animal, the close animal"s opportunity for the people, the zoo year to year had 认养 the micro-ani *** the activity, issued popular science knowledge, the people were allowed to take this opportunity to offer a passion for the animals, learns the knowledge which very many usually was not easy to learn, the academic society and the animal harmoniously is together.
2023-06-20 16:16:481


Though poor, he was blue blood in his veins . 他人虽穷,出身却高贵。 The allele for blue eyes is recessive . 蓝色眼睛的等位基因是隐性的。 I"d pke to leather him black and blue . 我要把他揍得青一块紫一块的。 His intent blue eyes still stirred her . 他热切的蓝眼睛仍然使她激动。 The sun was shining and the sky a harsh blue . 阳光灿烂,天空蔚蓝。 His blue eyes are the good sort . 他那对蔚蓝色的眼睛十分和蔼可亲。 The sky was a clear blue over our heads . 我们头顶上是蔚蓝的天空。 The wood- *** oke went up blue and straight . 木柴烟升起来又青又直。 The sky was blue and the air fresh and sweet . 天空湛蓝,空气清新宜人。 Her long, narrow blue eyes were swimming . 她那双细长的蓝眼睛泪汪汪的。 His blue eyes are clear and strong . 他的一对蓝色的眸子晶莹刚毅。 The sky made the fairest blue tent . 天空像一顶最漂亮的蓝色帐幕。 Rigoletto was footed under the blue sky . 人们在蓝天下跳起了里戈莱托舞。 The sky is clear and blue , the sunpght dazzpng . 蔚蓝天空,阳光灿烂。 Though poor, he has blue blood in his veins . 他尽管穷,但他是贵族出身。 The news of her marriage came out of the blue . 她结婚的消息来得很突然。 Breeze riffled the flat blue calm of the sea . 微风吹皱了平静的蓝色海面。 The captain tapped the blue and yellow chart . 艇长拍了拍蓝黄色的航海图。 What the blankety-blank blue blazes went on ! 搞的什么鬼名堂! John felt blue when he reread sally"s letters . 约翰重读莎莉的信时感到忧虑。 Her blue hat is in suit with her fair skin . 她那顶蓝帽子同她白晰的皮肤很协调。 Clouds of white *** oke puffed up against the blue sky . 一团团白色烟云升上蓝天。 Will they try to locate the blue pla ? 他们会不会设法找到这个蓝色行星的位置? The red coat changed for one of blue and buff . 红色上衣换成了一件蓝黄色的衣服。 Starch yields a blue color in the presence of iodine . 有碘存在时,淀粉即呈蓝色。 He shone at her pke a dim blue march moon . 他象三月里蓝幽幽的月亮对她粲然一笑。 The skin bees mottled blue or purple, then red . 皮肤呈蓝或紫的斑点,然后发红。 He ripped open the blue envelope . 他撕开了蓝色信封。 Skies looked blue for mrs. thatcher personally . 情势对于撒切尔夫人个人来讲是光明。 I can never find those beastly pttle blue packets . 那些肮脏的蓝色小盒我无法找到。 The sea was of a lapis lazup blue . 大海呈天青石色。 It was the intelpgent blue eyes that dominated . 引人注目的是一双炯炯有神的蓝眼睛。 He was blue in the face with cold . 他冷得脸上发青。 I"m feepng rather blue today . 我今天感到格外不乐。 She arrived out of the blue . 她没有事先告知就来了。 White pght minus blue pght is yellow or red in hue . 白光中除去蓝光就呈黄色或红色。 Pink and pght blue go well together . 粉红配浅蓝。 The sky was clear and blue . 蔚蓝色的天空睛朗无云。 The sky was clear and blue . 蔚蓝色的天空晴朗无云。 The castle stood out in repef against the blue sky . 城堡在蓝天的衬托下显得轮廓分明。
2023-06-20 16:16:551


Kunoichi 2- Beastly Bacchanalia
2023-06-20 16:17:152

All Things Dull And Ugly 歌词

歌曲名:All Things Dull And Ugly歌手:Monty Python专辑:Monty Python"S Contractual Obligation AlbumAll things dull and ugly,All creatures short and squat,All things rude and nasty,The Lord God made the lot.Monty PythonEach little snake that poisons,Each little wasp that stings,He made their brutish venom,He made their horrid wings.All things sick and cancerous,All evil great and small,All things foul and dangerous,The Lord God made them all.Each nasty little hornet,Each beastly little squid,Who made the spikey urchin,Who made the sharks, He did.All things scabbed and ulcerous,All pox both great and small,Putrid, foul and gangrenous,The Lord God made them all.AMEN.
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   英语阅读 是初中学生 学习英语 的主要途径。因此,学生英语阅读理解能力的培养就显得尤为重要。下面是我带来的中英互译的英语美文赏析,欢迎阅读!  中英互译的英语美文赏析篇一   “孺子马”   An "Obedient Horse"   宋连昌   Song Lianchang   我的邻居老纪,是位消息灵通人士。每天下班,总要带回几条新闻:大至国内外大事,小到谁家夫妻吵架、婆媳不和u2026u2026他发布新闻,是大家都在做饭的时候,地点自然以厨房居多。   My neighbor Lao Ji was well informed. Every day when he got off work, he would bring several pieces of news from big events at home and abroad down to Small strifes between husband and wife, or between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The tune far his news broadcast was usually dinner time, so the best place for it was naturally the shared kitchen.   这天,老纪进了厨房就说:“老王,你听说了吗?”“什么事?”“ XXX的儿子被逮了。”“噢!因为什么?”我停住手里的菜刀,惊愕地问。“还用说,犯法了呗!u2026u2026”   One day, Lao Ji carte into the kitchen and said, "Lao Wang, haven"t you heard the news?" "What?" "So-and-so"s son has been arrested." "Oh? Why?" I asked in surprise, putting down the knife. "No doubt for an offense against the law.   “其实,那孩子小时候也蛮好,都是家长的过失。”老纪一边淘米一边说,“你没看,从小就质。孩子说要星星,大人不敢摘月亮。你想孩子小时不 教育 ,长大能好得了果不其然,以后骂人、打架、抽烟、喝酒全来了。”   The boy was quite a darling as a child. It was all his parents" fault." Lao Ji went on while washing rice. "He has been spoilt from childhood, you know. If the boy wanted a star, his parents would not dare to give him the moon. You see, if a child is not brought up properly from infancy, you cannot expect him to grow up in the right way, can you? Bad habits such as swearing, fighting, smoking and drinking are the consequences."   老纪的话简直够得上至理 名言 ,我不住地点头,并暗暗地为xxx惋惜,若是他早能听到老纪的“教诲”,也许不至于铸成今天的大错了。   What he said was indeed right and proper and I kept nodding in agreement while secretly sympathizing with spend-so. If he had heard Lao Ji"s lecture, he wouldn"t have committed such a grave mistake.   老纪讲着,已打点好饭锅,准备切菜。不知怎么“哟”了一声不说了。我回头一看,原来他的案板背上用粉笔胡乱地画着些什么。但老纪一眼就认出那是他六岁的儿子小光的手笔,他默然一笑:“这小子,准是从昨晚的内部电影上看来的。”说着他又细细地端详一阵,才不慌不忙地擦去。   Lao Ji had finished washing the rice and was preparing to cut the vegetables when he suddenly stopped short with an exclamation of “Oh!” I turned to am something scrawled in chalk on the hack of his cutting hoard. Lao Ji recognized his six-year-old son"s drawing at one glance. He then smiled, ""that kid must have learnt this from a film he saw. It was a restricted film, not open to the public. “He stared at the picture for a while before slowly cleaning it off. Just then his son, Xiao Guang, rushed in with a long spear in hand. Seeing that his "masterpiece" was cleaned off, he flared up. "Why did you clean off my picture? What a beastly dad you are!" he tired, pointing his spear at Lao Ji.   刚巧小光手持长矛从外面冲了进来,发现自己的“作品”被擦了,立刻大闹起来:“你干吗擦我的画?臭爸爸!”哭喊着用长矛向老纪刺过来。老纪急中生智,抓起锅盖来自卫,口里不住地求饶:“别别,好孩子,听爸爸说,爸爸不是给乖乖做饭吗?不擦掉怎么切菜呀?等我用完,你再画u2026u2026”   In desperation, Lao Ji took up the pot lid for self defense. He was begging his son, "Please, don"t! There is a dear! Listen to your dad. Dad is preparing dinner far you. How can I cut vegetables without cleaning the drawing off? You can draw on it after I have done the cutting, can"t you?"   !你赔我“不行!不行!”“那u2026u2026爸爸明天给你买个画册。”“不,我不干,你赔我,你赔我!”“那么,过一会爸爸趴在床上当马,让你骑上玩打仗,好不好?”   "No! That won"t do! You must make it up to me!" "Well, I"ll buy you a drawing book tomorrow." "No. it won"t do, either. I must get it right now!" "Well then, what if I serve as a horse on a bed while you ride an me and play being a knight?"   大概小孩子都爱玩打仗,小光这才住了手。可是这场“以子之矛攻父之盾”的战斗虽然结束了,紧接着又转人了“停战谈判”。小光提出马上就骑,老纪说:“爸爸现在正做饭,哪有工夫陪你玩?等吃完饭一定让你骑个够,撤谎是小狗。”小光仍然坚持己见,丝毫没有让步的意思。老纪搓着两手,忽然想起:“唉!对了,刚才爸爸又给你买来巧克力,你快去,要不都叫妈妈吃了。”“我不要吃,我要骑。”   This suggestion made Xiao Guang put his spear away, for he liked the idea as most boys did. Hardly had the battle between the sons spear and father"s shield ended when an "armistick tale" began. When Xiao Guang demanded to ride the horse right then, Lao Ji replied. "I"m now preparing dinner. I"ll let you ride on me to your heart"s content after dinner. Is that okay? If I don"t keep my word, I"ll be damned!" But Xiao Guang wouldn"t budge an inch. Lao Ji wrung his hands in the air out of desperation and started to think of a new idea. "Oh, yes! I"ve just bought a bar of chocolate. Run and get it right now, or Mum will eat it all!" "I don"t want chocolate! I want to ride a horse..!"   谈判处于僵局,老纪正束手无策,老纪爱人出面调停了:“哎呀!你那么大人还跟孩子一般见识,饭晚点做怕什么,先让他骑一会不就完了?”   The quarrel came to a stalemate, and Lao Ji was at his wit"s end when his wife came to make peace. "Look at you, dear! So childish! What does it matter if we have dinner a bit later than usual?   像在球场上双方发生争执时,裁判员一声哨令那样有效,老纪立刻回屋履行“孺子马”的义务去了u2026u2026   Her words were like a whistle of a referee that settled the dispute immediately. Lao Ji instantly went back to his room to carry out his duty as an "obedient horse.”   中英互译的英语美文赏析篇二   小麻雀   A Little Sparrow   老舍   Lao She   雨后,院里来了个麻雀,刚长全了羽毛。它在院里跳,有时飞一下,不过是由地上飞到花盆沿上,或由花盆上飞下来。看它这么飞了两三次,我看出来:它并不会飞得再高一些。它的左翅的几根长翎拧在一处,有一根特别的长,似乎要脱落下来。我试着往前凑,它跳一跳,可是又停住,看着我,小黑豆眼带出点要亲近我又不完全信任的神气。我想到了:这是个熟鸟,也许是自幼便养在笼中的。所以它不十分怕人。可是它的左翅也许是被养着它的或别个孩子给扯坏,所以它爱人,又不完全信任。想到这个,我忽然的很难过。一个飞禽失去翅膀是多么可怜。这个小鸟离了人恐怕不会活,可是人又那么狠心,伤了它的翎羽。它被人毁坏了,而还想依靠人,多么可怜!它的眼带出进退为难的神情,虽然只是那么个小而不美的小鸟,它的举动与表情可露出极大的委屈与为难。它是要保全它那点生命,而不晓得如何是好。对它自己与人都没有信心,而又愿找到些倚靠。它跳一跳,停一停,看着我,又不敢过来。我想拿几个饭粒诱它前来,又不敢离开,我怕小猫来扑它。可是小猫并没在院里,我很快地跑进厨房,抓来了几个饭粒。及至我回来,小鸟已不见了。我向外院跑去,小猫在影壁前的花盆旁蹲着呢。我忙去驱逐它,它只一扑,把小鸟擒住!被人养惯的小麻雀,连挣扎都不会,尾与爪在猫嘴旁搭拉着,和死去差不多。   As soon as the rain stopped, a little sparrow, almost full-fledged, flew into the courtyard. It hopped, fluttered, darting up to the edge of flower pots and back to the ground again. Watching it move up and down a couple of times, I realized drat it could not fly any higher as the plumes on its left wing had got twisted with one sticking out as if about to come off. When I made an attempt to move closer, it jumped off a hit and stopped again, staring back at me with its small, black and bean-like eyes that had a mixed look of wanting to be friends with me and not being certain that I was trustworthy. It occurred to me that this must be a tame bird, having been caged since it was hatched perhaps. No wonder it was not much scared of my presence. Its left wing might have been impaired by some kid and that was why there was distrust in its look though it showed some intimacy with man. Suddenly I was seized with sadness. How miserable it was for a bird to lose its wings! Without someone taking care of it this small thing could not survive. But man had injured its wing. How cruel he was! Injured as it was, it still wanted to rely on man. How pitiable! The look in its eyes showed that She little creature was of two minds. It was small and by no means pretty, yet its gestures and expressions revealed that it had been wronged and landed in a difficult situation. It was anxious to keep its delicate life out of danger, but it did not know what to do. It had little confidence in itself and less trust in man, but it needed someone to rely on. It hopped and stopped, looking at me but too shy to come over. I thought of fetching some cooked rice to attract it, but I dared not leave it alone test it should be attacked by the kitten. As the kitten was not around at the moment, I hurried to the kitchen and cause back with a few grains only to find the bind missing. I ran to the outer yard and saw the kitten crouching by a flower pot in front of the screen wall. I hastened to drive her away but, with a quick jump, she caught hold of the bird. The tame sparrow, with its tail and claws dangling from the kittenu2019s mouth, did not even know how to struggle. It looked more dead than alive.   瞧着小鸟,猫一头跑进厨房,又一头跑到西屋。我不敢紧追,怕它更咬紧了可又不能不追。虽然看不见小鸟的头部,我还没忘了那个眼神。那个预知生命危险的眼神。那个眼神与我的好心中间隔着一只小白猫。来回跑了几次,我不追了。追上也没用了,我想,小鸟至少已半死了。猫又进了厨房,我愣了一会儿,赶紧的又追了去;那两个黑豆眼仿佛在我心内睁着呢。   With my eyes fixed on the bird, I watched the kitten run first to the kitchen and then to the ram at the west end. I was afraid to press hard after her, but I had to follow her in case she should tighten her jaws. Though the bird"s head was not visible to toe, the look of anticipated danger in its eyes was vivid in my wind. Between its look and my sympathy stood that small white cat. Having run a few rounds after her I quit, thinking it was pointless to chase her like that because, by the time I caught her, the bird would have been half dead. When the cat slipped back to the kitchen again, I hesitated for a second and then hurried over there too. It seemed, in my mind"s eye, the little bird were pleading for help with its two black bean-like eyes.   进了厨房,猫在一条铁筒—冬天升火通烟用的,春天拆下来便放在厨房的墙角—旁蹲着呢。小鸟已不见了。铁筒的下端未完全扣在地上,开着一个不小的缝儿,小猫用脚往里探。我的希望回来了,小鸟没死。小猫本来才四个来月大,还没捉住过老鼠,或者还不会杀生.只是叼着小鸟玩一玩。正在这么想,小鸟忽然出来了,猫倒像吓了一跳,往后躲了躲。小鸟的样子.我一眼便看清了,登时使我要闭上了眼。小鸟几乎是蹲着,胸离地很近,像人害肚痛蹲在地上那样。它身上并没血。身子可似乎是拳在一块,非常的短。头低着,小嘴指着地。那两个黑眼珠!非常的黑,非常的大,不看什么,就那么顶黑顶大的愣着。它只有那么一点活气,都在眼里,像是等着猫再扑它,它没力量反抗或逃避;又像是等肴猫赦免了它,或是来个救星。生与死都在这俩眼里,而并不是清醒的。它是胡涂了,昏迷了:不然为什么由铁筒中出来呢可是,虽然昏迷,到底有那么一点说不清的,生命根源的,希望。这个希望使它注视着地上,等着,等着生或死。它怕得非常的忠诚气完全把自己交给了一线的希望,一点也不动。像把生命要从两眼中流出,它不叫也不动。   In the kitchen I noticed the cat was crouching by a tin pipe which was installed as smoke duct in winter and dismantled in spring, at the corner, but the bird was not with her. The pipe leaned against the corner and, between its lower end and the floor; there was an opening through which the cat was probing with her paws. My hope revived: the bird was not dead. As the kitten was less than four months old, it had not teamed how to catch mice, or how to kill for that matter. It was merely holding the bird in its mouth and having fun with it. While I was thinking along these lines the little bird suddenly emerged and the kitten, taken aback, bolted backward. Tile way the little bird looked was so registered to me at the first glance that I felt like shutting my eyes immediately. It was virtually crouching, with its chest close to the floor, like a man suffering from a stomachache. There was no stain of blood on its body, but it seemed to be shrinking up into itself. Its head dropped low, its small beak pointing to the floor. Its two black eyes, unseeing, were very black and large, looking last- The little life left in it was al in the eyes. It seemed to be expecting the cat to charge again, with no strength to resist or run; or wishing that the cat would be kind enough to pardon it or that some saviour would come along to its rescue. Life and death coexisted in its eyes. I thought the bin must be confused or stunned, or else why should it have come out from the pipe? Stunned as it was, it still cherished some hope which, though hard to define, was the source of life. With that hope it gazed at the floor, expecting either to survive or die. I was so really scared that it became completely motionless, leaving itself all to the precarious hope. It kept quiet and still as if waiting for its life to flow out of its eyes.   小猫没再扑它,只试着用小脚碰它。它随着击碰倾侧,头不动,眼不动,还呆呆地注视着地上。但求它能活着,它就决不反抗。可是并非全无勇气,它是在猫的面前不动!我轻轻地过去,把猫抓住。将猫放在门外,小鸟还没动。我双手把它捧起来。它确是没受了多大的伤.虽然胸上落了点毛。它看了我一眼!   The kitten made no more attempts to attack it. She only tried to touch it with her little paws. As the kitten touched it, it tilted from side to side, its head undisturbed and its eyes looking blank at the floor. It would not fight back so long as there was a chance of survival. But the bird had not lost all of its courage; it acted this way only with the cat. I went aver light-footed, picked up the cat and put her outside the door, the sparrow remaining where it was. When I took it up in my hands and looked, it was riot seriously injured, though some fluff had come off its chest. It was looking at me.   我没主意:把它放了吧,它准是死;养着它吧,家中没有笼子。我捧着它,好像世上一切生命都在我的掌中似的,我不知怎样好。小鸟不动,拳着身,两眼还那么黑,等着!愣了好久,我把它捧到卧室里,放在桌子上,看着它,它又愣了半夭,忽然头向左右歪了歪用它的黑眼睁了一下;又不动了,可是身子长出来一些,还低头看着,似乎明白了点什么。   I had no idea what to do. If I let it go, it was sure to die; if I kept it with me, I did rot have a cage for it. I held it in my hands as if holding all the lives in the world, not knowing what to do. "Me sparrow huddled up, motionless, its eyes as black as ever, still expectant. It remained that way for a long while. I took it to my bedroom, put it on the desk and watched it for a few moments. Suddenly it tilted its head Wit and then right, winking its black eyes once or twice, and became still again. By now its body seemed to have stretched a hit, but it still kept its head low as if it had understand something.   中英互译的英语美文赏析篇三   雄辩症   A Case of Eloquence   王蒙   Wang Meng   一位医生向我介绍,他们在门诊中接触了一位雄辩症病人。医生说:“请坐。”   A doctor once told me about one of his outpatients who suffered from the disease ofeloquence: "Please sit down," the doctor told him.   病人说:“为什么要坐呢?难道你要剥夺我的不坐权吗?”   "Why should I?" the patient asked. "Are you going to deprive me of my right not to sit down?"   医生无可奈何,倒了一杯水,说:“请喝水吧。”   The doctor could say nothing but offered him a glass of water. "Have some water then.”   病人说:“这样谈问题是片面的,因而是荒谬的,并不是所有的水都能喝。例如你如果
2023-06-20 16:18:091


2023-06-20 16:18:172


The evil spirit beast strove for hegemony the series each work all asa result of its perfectly to receive has played family"s deepaffection. Although strives for hegemony 2 from "the evil spiritbeast: Japan Current "the release present" the evil spirit beaststrives for hegemony 3: Chaotic governs "finally sold,has experiencedlong period of time. But the fact proved that, all waitings all areextremely are worth -- the evil spirit beast 3 are at present up tothe most splendid immediate strategic game, even if is in the entireRTS game history, it all has the count for much position. The evil spirit beast strives for hegemony 3 is extremely perfect andthe integrity work, its single campaign is extremely bears plays andhas the depth, therefore its single campaign was also considered is inthe immediate strategy most splendid. But says to the majority person,they most like also lying in it to be allowed to provide the fairestmulti- people to the war. Therefore, "Strives for hegemony withInterspace" to be same, the evil spirit beast 3 certainly can greatlysurmount common game the life cycle, in future several years in worldscope popular great work. Because its content is rich, in strategy complexity, in order to manylet play the family to be able comprehensive enjoying to game in allsorts of pleasure. Therefore the storm snow company especially assignsBrady Corporation to take its only authorized company, manufactured"Evil spirit Beast To strive for hegemony 3" authority"s official tocapture the book, distributed in the global scope. But in domestic,this official captures the book carries on after the translationarrangement by the Austria America electron, in national release. Captured the book "To strive for hegemony the aspects content to Evilspirit Beast which 3" in covered to carry on the exhaustiveintroduction, including to in game four big races - people race,beastly race, not dead race, dark night of demon race"s branch of theservices, attribute, skill, promotion tree and so on comprehensiveexplanation; Smoothly completes the task to the entire single campaignin all sorts of strategies, has also included some beneficial prompts.Auxiliary by map sign note, to reached 32 duties flows to make thedetailed guidance; (Specially is competes map) to in the multi-people"s to war classical map and each race strategy explanation.Thus, how slights the law from the basic game grows is a master, howcan it be that captures the book 11 and, may say this book suits eachevil spirit beast to play the family. This book altogether divides into four parts: The race, the map andthe strategy, the multi- people play the foundation and tactical, thematerial appendix. First, the race are partial The evil spirit beast strives for hegemony 3 each race all tohave the completely different technical tree and the branch of theservices list, if to these race not familiar, you forever will beimpossible to become the master, complete will grasp these contents tocause to play the family to become a qualified evil spirit beast toplay the family (Warer). This part has all carried on the detailedintroduction to 4 races each unit and the building, including eachrace technical tree as well as each hero"s comprehensive introduction.Because has the rich statistical figure and the tactical information,moreover nearly involved each race each aspect, believed this part toplayed the family to say certainly has the extremely huge practicalvalue. Second, the map and the strategy are partial This part has included to some classical maps introductions,but this partial main bodies are the single campaign introductions.Captured the book to involve played in the campaign in 4 races 36chapter of singles some extremely to have the depth and the valuetactical strategy. Each duty introduced the detailed elaboration inorder to obtain each step which this duty the victory you should do.Moreover, captured the book to provide each campaign detailed map, hassectioned out each important place in the above and falls the Tibetgoods position. In the evil spirit beast in 3, is familiar to some classical maps isextremely essential. Had understood after the map, only then may adoptthe corresponding nimble tactic with the others to the wartime, likethis only then can have many possibly wins. But the basic strategylets play the family raises the oneself level time little to walk verymany tortuous paths, therefore if plays the family to want fully toexperience pleasure which the evil spirit beast 3 brings, has a lookthese! Third, the multi- people play the foundation and the tactic This part mainly introduced some fight on-line plays the familyto be allowed the utilization tactical strategy and all that someimportant details, for instance hires the mercenary soldier, thegoods, the neutral construction and so on. As a section popularelectronic athletics game, the essence part certainly was the multi-people to fights. Captures the book to the multi-people play the foundation and tactical, thematerial appendix. First, the race are partial The evil spirit beast strives for hegemony 3 each race all tohave the completely different technical tree and the branch of theservices list, if to these race not familiar, you forever will beimpossible to become the master, complete will grasp these contents tocause to play the family to become a qualified evil spirit beast toplay the family (Warer). This part has all carried on the detailedintroduction to 4 races each unit and the building, including eachrace technical tree as well as each hero"s comprehensive introduction.Because has the rich statistical figure and the tactical information,moreover nearly involved each race each aspect, believed this part toplayed the family to say certainly has the extremely huge practicalvalue. Second, the map and the strategy are partial This part has included to some classical maps introductions,but this partial main bodies are the single campaign introductions.Captured the book to involve played in the campaign in 4 races 36chapter of singles some extremely to have the depth and the valuetactical strategy. Each duty introduced the detailed elaboration inorder to obtain each step which this duty the victory you should do.Moreover, captured the book to provide each campaign detailed map, hassectioned out each important place in the above and falls the Tibetgoods position. In the evil spirit beast in 3, is familiar to some classical maps isextremely essential. Had understood after the map, only then may adoptthe corresponding nimble tactic with the others to the wartime, likethis only then can have many possibly wins. But the basic strategylets play the family raises the oneself level time little to walk verymany tortuous paths, therefore if plays the family to want fully toexperience pleasure which the evil spirit beast 3 brings, has a lookthese! Third, the multi- people play the foundation and the tactic This part mainly introduced some fight on-line plays the familyto be allowed the utilization tactical strategy and all that someimportant details, for instance hires the mercenary soldier, thegoods, the neutral construction and so on. As a section popularelectronic athletics game, the essence part certainly was the multi-people to fights. Captures the book to the multi- people to thedevelopment which fights, sends wins the road to have the penetratingelaboration, how does it tell effectively plays the family to carry onthe micro-operation, how grasps the opportunity, hits cross yoursenemy, how is the Rush match even controls the good competition therhythm, the natural team"s cooperation also is the extremely importantcontent. Inside some important prompts, is directly comes from YuBaoxue company"s game designers and their question and answer group,perhaps these itself original author regarding the evil spirit beast 3ideas, believed to plays the families extremely to have the use. Fourth, material appendix Hero"s introduction is the greatest contribution which the evilspirit beast 3 pair of RTS development makes, may promote the herowhich, have each kind of black magic very obviously to control theevil spirit beast"s battlefield, is one of essential contents whichwins. The appendix partially has carried on the thorough analysis and theresearch to in the game hero. Not only included in the race hero tocompare, also to include between the race heroic strength contrast.Moreover, in order to play the family to inquire correlation dataconvenient, it rehas included each race technical tree in this part. The evil spirit beast 3 rich contents, the outstanding game all willcause it will be immediate strategic classics, inevitably prosperous,therefore along with the evil spirit beast 3 simplified Chinesestandard version release, will play the family to be able to join tothe evil spirit beast"s battlefield, but the evil spirit beast willstrive officially for hegemony 3 officially to capture the guide toplay the achievement the families best reference book, will start thelife road of evil spirit beast.
2023-06-20 16:18:242


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General Characteristics The summer coat is ochre to reddish tan in colour, and has the unique feature of having long wavy guard hairs throughout the year. In winter it becomes woolier, changing to duller grey, with the undersides a bright cream colour. Along the shoulders and down the spine is a darker stripe. The unusually long and slender head has large, expressive eyes and small, pointed ears. The skin around the eye and the lips are light grey and the neck has a throat mane in males. The legs are long, and the hooves are relatively long and slender - and adaptation to walking on soft, marshy ground. The donkey-like tail ends in a black tuft. The simple antlers are found only in males. Unique among deer, the antlers have a main branched anterior segment, with the tines extending backwards. Another strange feature of the antlers is that there may be two pairs per year. The summer antlers are the larger set, and are dropped in November, after the June-August rut. The second set, if they appear, are fully grown by January, and are dropped a few weeks later. Ontogeny and Reproduction Gestation Period: 270-300 days. Young per Birth: 1, rarely 2 Weaning: At 10-11 months. Sexual Maturity: At 14 months. Life span: 18 years. Ecology and Behavior Since this deer is extinct in the wild, all behavioral observations noted here come from captive populations. Unlike most deer, the Pere David"s deer is very fond of water. They swim well, and will spend hours wading up to their shoulders. The Duke of Bedford once recorded that he has seen young stags playing in deep water more in the manner of seals than deer. During the breeding season, stags fast as the spar for the right to mate. When fighting, males not only use their antlers and teeth but also rear up on their hind legs and "box". Family group: Single sex and/or maternal herds. Diet: Mainly grasses, though water plants may be eaten. Main Predators: Presumably originally leopard. Distribution Because of its fondness for water and its elongated hoofs, scientists assume that the Pere David"s deer originally inhabited swampy plains in northeast China. Remarks The Chinese call this deer "sze pu shiang" which means something to the effect of "none of the four". This odd name refers to this deer"s supposed ownership of the neck of a camel, the hoofs of a cow, the tail of a donkey, and the antlers of a deer, though it is not completely like any one of these animals. "Milu" is the Chinese name for the sika deer (Cervus nippon), although Milne-Edwards believed that the Pere David"s deer was called it. Elaphos (Greek) a deer; oura (Greek) the tail: refering to the relatively long, donkey-like tail. Pere Armand David (1826-1900) was a French Jesuit missionary and keen naturalist in China. Native to China, these deer were easily hunted in their wild habitat of open plains and marshes. The wild herds kept diminishing until the last known wild individual was shot in 1939 near the Yellow Sea. However, their extinction was avoided by the Emperor of China, who had installed a large herd in his Imperial Hunting Park (Nan Hai-tsu Park) near Peking. While almost extinct in the wild, the deer thrived in the park, surrounded by a 72 kilometer / 43 mile long wall and guarded by a Tartar patrol. The French missionary Pere Armand David had wandered around and wondered about the contents of this secretive park, as strangers were forbidden to look inside. However, on May 17, 1865, Pere David convinced the guards to allow him to look once over the wall. As luck would have it, a herd of these deer happened to walk by at that very moment - a moment which would amaze both the missionary and the scientific world. After many vain efforts, Pere David was able to obtain two complete skins of the new animal (which he believed to be a new species of reindeer), which he took to Europe, enabling Milne-Edwards to provide the first scientific description of the Pere David"s Deer. After incessant diplomatic trials, three living deer were donated to the French ambassador in Peking by the Emperor. Although these deer did not survive the strenuous trip to Europe, Milne-Edwards" report had created a desire for these deer in Europe, and since the Emperor had given some to the French, he could hardly deny a gift to the English and Germans. Several pairs were subsequently successfully sent to Europe, where they multiplied readily. The approximately two dozen deer in Europe, as well as the large herd remaining in China seemed to ensure the survival of the species. However, in 1895 catastrophic floods devastated China, and with the floods, an old part of the wall surrounding the park was destroyed. The animals in the park were either swept away by the floods, or if they escaped safely, were hunted and killed by the starving Chinese. Only 20-30 deer survived in the park after the catastrophe. Yet they to were to die five years later. During the Boxer rebellion, troops occupied the Imperial Park and killed and ate every deer without exception. When the destruction of the Chinese herd became known, several European zoo directors decided to send all of their breeding Pere David"s deer to the Duke of Bedford"s Woburn Abbey. A total of 18 animals reached this deer-lover"s park, of which one stag and five hinds eventually bred. The population increased to around ninety animals, at which point World War I threatened to annihilate the rescue attempt. The population was subsequently reduced to fifty animals due to a food shortage. However, by 1946 the population had increased to 300, at which point World War II created more food difficulties. Since the herds were also threatened by bombing nearby, the Duke of Bedford decided to spread out the breeding population, and in 1956 four deer were sent to the Peking Zoo, despite political resistance. By 1970 over 500 animals resided at Woburn Abbey alone, with others held in breeding centres throughout the world. To complete the rescue mission, in 1986 22 deer were flown from Woburn Abbey to Peking, where, after a lengthy quarantine, they were released in the area of the old Imperial Park, where they were discovered over 130 years ago. The last step - reintroduction to the wild - has yet to be taken, although a forest preserve has been selected for this purpose not far from where the last wild animal was shot.
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咖啡dirty是从视觉上看,整体咖啡表面被Espresso浓厚的油脂覆盖住,制造出咖啡液体污了白色牛奶的“污污咖啡”。国内主流的Dirty都以Espresso与奶不充分融合的脏咖啡为主。与其他奶咖的差异:视觉效果:Dirty虽然也是奶咖,但是是将冰牛奶直接放在咖啡机上,让萃取出的Espresso直接流入杯中。由于Espresso是热的,并且有一层Crema(咖啡油脂),因此会覆盖在牛奶表面,形成分层效果杯型差异:Dirty在杯型上与Flat White有些类似,基本以8oz甚至更小的杯型出品。风味表现:Dirty在口感上是变化的,是由浓到淡,由深到浅的,所以这种”反差感“是这款饮品的逻辑。在Espresso被逐渐稀释的过程中,醇厚的甜逐渐变成清甜,微冰的牛奶滑过味蕾,感觉干净清爽。dirty咖啡的饮用方法:由于Espresso是直接流入到杯中的,表面油脂保存完整,因此建议3口喝完。1、饮用时可以闻到浓烈的香气,尝到Espresso的强烈风味。2、感受热浓缩与冷牛奶冰火两重天一样的双重口感。3、品尝更多的奶味和甘甜。
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《将进酒》中沈兰舟究竟有多美?创作声明:内容包含虚构创作4 个月前沈兰舟究竟有多美?趁着二公子今日不在家,赶紧前来围观一下。-------------分界线------------------李建恒:你可没跟我说过,他长这个模样……唉,我见他一次,就想一次,他怎么没生个女儿身!------------分界线-------------------李建恒作为一个最会吃酒玩乐还总流连于秦楼楚馆的闲散王爷,生平见过的美女没有一万也有八千,但当他第一次看见沈兰舟时就惊讶得连下巴都几乎掉到了地上(我认为是这样)。在他眼里,兰舟作为一个男子却拥有这种姿色显然是不可理喻,暴殄天物,要是生得女儿身,那他就可以收入囊中占为己有了,但偏偏兰舟是个男子。可见,兰舟在他眼里是艳色绝世、尽态极妍的美。风泉及看客:这位爷要是投了女胎……那还有花家女什么事呢!------------分界线-------------------大周荻城花家向来是皇室宫妃首选之家,如此可见花家女倾国倾城之貌,但显然兰舟的美貌相比花家女还要出众,所以在风泉及众人眼中,兰舟的美就更显“国色天姿、美艳绝伦”。乔天涯: 果然是舞妓之子,不枉当年沈卫千金一掷为博红颜一笑。“美人就该隔帘坐高阁。”乔天涯仿佛嗅见了什么味道似的,“提刀伤手,断了怎么办?”------------分界线-------------------乔天涯第一次见兰舟就仗着自己当时官级比他大,毫不客气的调侃兰舟“果然是舞妓之子”,后面又敢赤裸裸的称兰舟为“美人”, 说明这个人恣意随性。且他之前肯定也听说过兰舟的出身,所以见到兰舟后才有此人美貌名不虚传的感觉。而曾经的乔天涯也是个俊俏负扇的富家公子哥,性子虽落拓恣意,但却是个君子,他说 “美人就该隔帘坐高阁”,不能提刀伤手,看来在他眼里,红颜易碎,最是应该娇养起来。所以我私以为,乔天涯眼里的兰舟是“楚楚动人、秀丽端庄”。戚竹音:这样貌也太出挑了。------------分界线-------------------兰舟样貌、肤色肖其母,这样的模样长在一个男子脸上显得异乎寻常,与众不同,所以戚大帅眼里的兰舟是“耀如春华、美憾凡尘”的美。澹台虎:看这身段,比得上东龙大街的姐儿,都是好吃好喝娇养出来的款儿。翘屁股细柳腰,桃花腮狐狸眼,搁在香芸坊,也是一等一的头牌料子。------------分界线-------------------同样是形容兰舟美人,到了澹台虎这里画风就变了……当时的澹台虎对兰舟有怒有怨还有血海深仇,所以他对兰舟带有毫不掩饰的敌意和强烈的攻击性,哪怕兰舟的确美艳不可方物,但在澹台虎眼里就是“杏脸桃腮、抚媚妖娆、迎奸卖俏”的狐狸精样,是一个通身都散发着勾栏气息的沈兰舟。晨 阳:不怪澹台虎忧心,沈兰舟分明就是照着祸国殃民的样子长的。------------分界线-------------------景阳是最了解萧驰野的近卫之一,他明白萧驰野具备常人没有的征服欲和占有欲,喜欢驯服性子又硬又烈的马和鹰,而沈兰舟刚好又美又烈,完全契合了自家主子的喜好,“Beauty is beastly”,兰舟就是萧驰野即将要驯服的野兽。但因当时不懂兰舟站位,所以平白替萧驰野生出一股子担忧,怕萧驰野被这美貌勾了去,所以在他眼里,当时的沈兰舟就是 “红颜祸水、祸如萧墙”。费 盛:我本就是个庸才,比不得大人这样的天纵英豪,年纪轻轻已是三品同知,有皇上垂青,还生得风度潇洒。------------分界线-------------------当时的费盛因为觉得沈兰舟挡了他的升官之路,所以和兰舟“不对付”,但又不得不承认兰舟的确不同常人,能力上“天纵英豪”,气度上“风度潇洒”,虽说都是夸赞人的好词,但从费盛嘴里出来就是一股酸溜溜的嫉贤傲士、醋海翻波之感。丫 鬟:她不敢动,便只能沿着扇子望向沈泽川,看到沈泽川眉间微蹙,眼角却犹如浸着湿漉漉的桃花,衬得眼里水光潋滟,看得她陡然生出股自惭形秽的感觉,仓皇地闪开眼睛,不敢再直视沈泽川。------------分界线-------------------丫鬟是周桂送来伺候萧二公子的侍女,二公子是谁,离北狼王嫡幼子,大周禁军总督,还是阒都定都侯,虽然二公子自己说这些头衔在离开阒都时就已作废,但旁人哪敢真忽略。为着他的身份,给他挑的暖床丫鬟,哦不,是侍奉丫鬟的姿色肯定不会差到哪去,朱唇粉面,风鬟雾鬓,身姿袅娜,吴侬软语……搞得一起进门的兰舟都生出股子醋意来。但就是这样明艳动人的丫鬟见了兰舟也瞬间黯然失色,另其羞愧难当,所以在她眼里,兰舟的美绝对是“桃羞杏让、燕妒莺惭”的美。雷常鸣:雷常鸣觉得沈泽川生得真好,这样看着不仅美得惊心, 还十分艳丽,盖得掉满屋颜色。“你可真香,沈兄弟。“,“他妈的,这就是人家说的美人香嘛!”“沈泽川。美人。沈兄弟。”“妖孽啊……你怎么生成了这个模样……”------------分界线-------------------雷常鸣是个男女小孩通吃的变态角色,但兰舟在他眼里依旧是美得惊心动魄,美艳中还带着香气,这真真是“美冠群芳、香气胜兰”,还带着一股子“妖娆多姿、风情万种”的勾人韵味。周 桂:他适才看着沈泽川,发觉沈泽川的侧颜与白茶有六分相似。同知那……那样貌,怎么乔装成商队?路上眼尖的一看就能瞧出不寻常。------------分界线-------------------周桂是见过白茶的人,当时的白茶美貌名动全国,就连皇帝老儿也是心里惦记什么时候能趁出巡之时一睹芳容才好,兰舟在他眼里有六分肖母已是相貌突出。再加上他自己都认为兰舟即便乔装打扮也无法掩盖那无比耀眼的美艳,所以哪怕兰舟穿上破烂衣裳也不像乞丐。在周桂眼里,兰舟的美应该是“丽质天成,人间尤物”的美。丁 桃:沈泽川眼角还剩余着丁点儿红色, 在那要沉不沉的橘红余晖里, 被染得像是吃醉了酒。他本就白,垂眸趿鞋时,让丁桃觉得真好看。------------分界线-------------------丁桃是个单纯的小可爱,年纪小,对感情也不大开窍,更没那么多人的弯弯绕绕。他的人物性格就应该是简单、简单、再简单,所以在他这里,兰舟的美丽不能用太多浓妆艳抹的词汇,“好看”就完了。陆亦栀:那白影身形高挑,虽然是侧着身,但能隐约窥见其容貌。他确实生得好看,想必更像母亲一些……好看,持家,耐心,还重情义。既会打理府宅,又能处理政务。拿得住阿野,又不会过于强势。身体不大好,应该是早年在阒都留下了病根,命途多舛,却平易近人。这么好的孩子!------------分界线-------------------按照从古至今社会现实惯例,大多数娘家人都喜欢女婿,因为希望女婿对自己女儿好;但婆家人通常不那么喜欢儿媳,把儿媳当“外人”的情况大有人在,所以陆亦栀作为婆家人的身份,没有理由直接喜欢沈兰舟。再加上兰舟是大周千古罪人之子,萧驰野怕大嫂和自己一样先入为主,因中博兵败案而仇恨沈家人,所以就在大嫂见到人之前先花了三大页纸的篇幅夸兰舟的好,真可谓用心良苦。从陆亦栀见到周桂错以为那就是兰舟的那个描写,以及上文,我们可以知道策安在信中说了兰舟的年龄、相貌、性格、能力等,因为上段文字中她用了“确实生得好看”,后面紧着“好看、持家、耐心、重情义”等褒义词。所以陆亦栀的这段话其实是在论证萧策安信中夸兰舟的内容,这不仅是陆亦栀眼中的兰舟,更是策安心中的兰舟,那是“姱容修态、兰质蕙心”的好颜色及杰出能力。邬子余:……整个人就犹如色彩浓丽的画,底色是白的,眉眼却丽得惊心动魄,让人不敢挪开眼,看久了会无端生出点寒意。可这寒意不明显,只是沿着脊梁上蹿,冷得不动声色,等反应过来时,已经下意识觉得危险,想要避开他的锋芒。------------分界线-------------------邬子余是离北的辎重将军,整日负责押运辎重,调配粮草,虽说偶尔也参与战事,但比起正经的主将还是有差距,更算不上什么文雅人士。他见萧驰野时都觉得气势逼人,站在他年前就是无形的压迫,但那是来自萧驰野强健的体魄和高大的外形所致。沈泽川在他眼里不一样,虽然容色艳丽,但美中渗透寒意,又蕴含杀机,这和霍凌云的感觉有点类似,但邬子余不是风月老手,读不出兰舟美颜下的诱惑,所以邬子余眼中的兰舟是的面如傅粉却锋不可当的冰山美人。萧方旭:他还记得这张脸,但气质已然与一年前见到那个人截然不同,他心道好吧。这是真他妈的好看!------------分界线-------------------狼王对兰舟的美是简单粗暴的扑面而来,就是他妈的“人间绝色,掷果盈车!”颜何如:我娘说得对!好看的男人都是老虎!------------分界线-------------------老虎给人的第一印象是凶狠,但除了凶狠外,它还有其他特征也和人有类似之处,比如老虎闲情逸致时的猫步就很婀娜……但当时的颜何如只怕脑子里没法想象婀娜的场景,沈兰舟可是温柔中带着笑意说要扒了他的衣服,他早已吓得背后发凉,只觉得眼前的沈兰舟虽然好看,但笑意森然,美中藏刀,阴险诡诈,凶恶非常。霍凌云:府君今年二十有二,生得美,眼角挑得正好,再往上点就是调情了。即便如此,粗看过去也跟含波儿似的。但他又格外冷情,真看过来了就是寒风飓飓,在里边望不到底,越看越危险。不知是不是待久了上位,不开口的时候气势盖人,倒不是扑面而来的那种,而是愈渐冰凉,沿着四肢往心里爬。------------分界线-------------------霍凌云是在翼王那里忍辱含垢了好几年的,风花雪月自己也见了不少,但兰舟除了美貌,身上还带有清冷且难以靠近的危险气质,所以兰舟给他的视觉冲击不但是颜如桃李含春诱惑的美艳,更带着凛若冰霜攻城略地的压迫性。既 然:府君真白呀。------------分界线-------------------既然年纪尚小,还是不打诳语的僧人,加上当时兰舟卧在床幔内,应该只有手臂伸出床沿,所以既然是看不到兰舟面容的,他只能通过一只手臂的视觉效果来形容自己看到的府君。从视觉上看,兰舟除了白,应该还有瘦,但是瘦是人间普遍存在常态,而“白”在这整日刀枪弹雨中的男人堆里就显得很是扎眼又独特,所以既然这句“府君真白呀”是完全发自内心,不掺杂试探的味道和恭维的夸赞。在他眼里,府君就是“白璧无瑕、如云似雾”的美。)萧策安:1st:时隔时隔五年,此人发已长垂,用粗木簪束了,并不戴冠。陈旧的宽衫遮挡住手腕,延伸出来的是如同白瓷般的色泽。这眼生得狭长,眼尾上挑,勾出薄淡的弧度。内含神光,在灯笼昏芒里也如藏遗星。------------分界线-------------------二公子视角下兰舟的外貌描写很多,每次都是又美又欲。但初次见面时兰舟在“受刑坐牢”,被折磨得不成人样,所以当时并未看出他样貌的与众不同。然五年后出了昭罪寺的兰舟却让二公子有种“沈家美人已长成”的触动。视角效果上,兰舟肤色白,还有着熠熠生辉的含情眼。-----------------分界线------------2nd:这人的后颈笼在侧旁的琉璃昏光里,像脂玉一般延伸到了衣领下,仿佛揉一把就能品出销魂的滋味来,正毫无招架之力地等着人上手。他侧容的轮廓流畅漂亮,那鼻梁的弧度是生得真好。眼角最要命,勾人心痒的东西全搁在里边了,随着上挑而笑意隐约。------------分界线-------------------再次见到兰舟是在李建恒准备的席面上见的,两人因为挨着坐,所以二公子只能用余光瞄人家。这时候二公子眼里的兰舟已经不仅仅是白像白瓷,因为白瓷我们只会捧在手心上赏玩;这次的兰舟已经像脂玉,脂玉是随身佩戴甚至贴身珍藏之物,这更能提出二公子对兰舟美人微妙的心理变化。轮廓流畅、浅笑勾人、秀色可餐。不得不说,二公子是视觉动物,而且是对美色要求不低的视觉动物。-----------------分界线----------------除此之外,二公子眼里的兰舟还有很多充斥着欲望的美,比如“媚态”、“惊心动魄的丽色”、“脖颈像猫,让人想揉,想咬”连酮体都“鲜嫩多汁”,让人欲罢不能,明知危险,还不断靠近,靠近又让自己无法控制的起反应……以下省略1000字……而越往后,这种美就愈发演变成一种二公子自己脑补的撩拨,让他饥火中烧口干舌燥情难自持,让他丢盔弃甲沦为色中饿鬼衣冠禽兽,满脑子都想抱他摸他咬他占有他。果然色不迷人人自迷。呵,男人。当他和自己老爹提起兰舟时,更是自豪到不行,“全大周最好看的男人就是我媳妇”是他最直接干脆利落的陈述,也是他心底里无以复加的骄傲。最后,我们看看兰舟眼中的自己。兰舟谦虚时说自己只不过“中人之姿”,这是对自己相貌的谦词。但是我想也许他一开始也并未意识到自己容貌有这么出众,而是与二公子相处过程中才渐渐对自己那浑身上下散发出的该死的魅力有了清晰认识,所以往后都学会了不用言语的撺掇与撩拨。与二公子嬉闹调情,他说自己“玉树临风,可以揽镜自赏”,二公子夸他腰细得像掌中物,他干脆说自己沈腰潘鬓,叫萧郎莫艳羡。病中做梦,梦里的萧驰野说,“你真好看,太他妈好看了,再也没有人比你更好看了。”都说日有所思夜有所梦,我觉得兰舟梦到二公子说这个话的原因是因为在现实中他已经正视了自己的美貌;其次,二公子肯定不止一次在他面前露骨地夸赞他的美,或是为他美色倾倒,所以这些话才得以深入骨髓,潜入梦境。
2023-06-20 16:19:501


COWBOY BEBOP剧场版 FUTURE BLUES专辑中的第二首02_Pushing the sky需要的话写一下邮箱我发给你附歌词Pushing the skyDon"t wanna be the one to pop your cherry,girlJust jump a train that will bring you back to mama"s sideKnock on,knock onKnock on the skyYou keep on knockin"s better ask yourself whyKnock on,knock onKnock on the doorBuyin"a one way ticket out of your mindKnock on,knock onKnock on the skyYou keep on knockin"s better ask yourself whyYou keep pushin" and you will see my chilly yellow eyesOnly one timeDon"t wanna get your teddy bear mad at me,girlSo get your pretty slippers on and dance out of hereKnock on,knock onKnock on the skyYou keep on knockin"s better ask yourself whyKnock on,knock onKnock on the doorBe happy living in your nuclear lifeKnock on,knock onKnock on the skyYou keep on knockin"s better ask yourself whyYou keep pushin" and you will feel my frozen beastly biteOnly one timePushing the sky
2023-06-20 16:19:571


Americans love pets. And it""s not just puppy love, either. Many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family. Sometimes they spice up their pets"" lives with entertaining videos and amusing toys. If they have an eye for fashion, pet owners can dress their pets in stylish clothes. For special occasions, they can use canine perfume to make their dogs smell, well, less beastly. You might say Americans treat their pets like they treat their children-sometimes even better. 美国人很爱宠物,而且这不只是一种不成熟、短暂的爱。很多宠物的主人把这些毛茸茸的朋友当作家庭的一部分,有时候还为宠物准备娱乐用的录像带和玩具来增添它们生活的乐趣,如果宠物的主人具有流行的眼光,还会让他们的宠物穿上时髦的衣服,在特殊的场合里,甚至为宠物喷上狗儿专用的香水,让它们味道好闻一点,减少一些动物身上的味道。你也可以说,美国人待他们的宠物如同待他们的孩子一样--有时甚至更好。
2023-06-20 16:20:042


As a legend, Shen Congwen drags in the literature perpetual flow, the 30s"s point, the 40s"s dreariness, down to 80-90 ages “Shen Congwen is hot”, the theatrical life experiences has not affected the manner which and consciousness the writer creates, as well as to hometown mood and sad. Shen Congwen regarding the countryside description is the style, is beautiful and the sad countryside madrigal. Shen Congwen regarding is being collapsed ancient local to have the bemoaning the state of the universe mood, but, he always adopts one kind of onlooking regarding the countryside and the farmer the manner, primitive is ideal, but ideal is happy. Just like the author said “beautiful always sad, however also enjoys”. But, in that mountains and rivers stave, everywhere dark green yi, lead the beastly food person, the dripping with blood in the earth-shattering great time, Shen Congwen is so fine the beautiful writing, we while immerse which and is reluctant to part with forgets to return also to realize one kind of grief, one kind of hope and anticipation, ponder and exploration. 希望能帮到你
2023-06-20 16:20:112


The lunar calendar new year is the day which the Chinese nationality most takes, the Spring Festival origin, is familiar-sounding comes from to be able detailed "the year beastly story", the speech said when the ancient times, a like lion body like ox"s unicorn, named "the year beast", "the year beast" this is locked by the deity to the remote mountain, but the deity consented every year gives it a day-long freedom, a year 30 is late, "the year beast" walks to the folk disturbs in all directions. But when it walks hangs big scarlet cloth others to a household gate in front of, immediately the postscript fully dashes about wildly, the people discovered "the year beast" the fear flaming flame and sets off the firecrackers the great sound, thereupon then starts the new year"s celebration to paste the red paper, hangs and burns custom and so on firecracker, but custom which lunar New Year"s Day pays new year"s call in, also represents was evading "the year beast" perhaps "wickedly transports" but mutually congratulates. The ancient "the year" the character is by "the standing grain" and "thousand" two characters compositions, meant the grain is sumptuous, crop good meaning, farmer when end of the year examines the passing year crop, also will fill the expectation to a future year, according to the Chinese history literature record, will start from the Yao and Shun time, the people will have in the new year celebrate the abundant harvest, greet new year-old the folk custom, afterwards gradually became the traditional holiday which decided.
2023-06-20 16:20:192


Dear My Brother and sisters:-- In compliance with an intimation given some time since, that I should, God willing, address some letters to parents, I will now commence the series, with hope of promoting the interests of the rising generation. I shall commence with remarks upon Prov. 6:22: "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it," and shall throw my letters upon this text some what into the form of a sermon. In doing which I shall endeavor to show,I. What is implied in training up a child in the way he should go.1. It implies such thorough instruction as to root and ground them in correct views of truth, and in right principles of action. If you consult the marginal reading of your Bible you will perceive, that the word rendered "train" in the text, is in the margin rendered "catechise." The idea is that which I have suggested, to thoroughly instruct them in the great principles of righteousness.2. It implies such thorough government as to root and ground them in correct habits in all respects, such as habits of cheerful obedience to parents, correct habits in respect to early rising, early retiring to rest, correct habits in regard to taking their meals at stated hours, and in respect to the quantity and quality of their food, habits of exercise and rest, study and relaxation. In short all their habits comprising their whole deportment.3. It implies the training them to a knowledge of, and conformity to all the laws of their being, physical and moral. This is the way in which they should go, and it is in vain to expect to train them in the way they should go, without giving them thorough instruction in respect to the laws of their bodies and minds, the laws of natural and spiritual life and health.4. It implies not only giving them thorough instruction in these respects, but the thorough government of them and training them in all things to observe these laws.II. I will notice several things to be avoided in training up children in the way they should go.1. Avoid in yourself whatever would be injurious in them to copy, and do not suppose that you can yourself be guilty of pernicious practices, and by your precept prevent their falling into the same. Remember that your example will be more influential than your precept. I knew a father who himself used tobacco but warned his children against its use, and even commanded them not to use it, and yet every one of them did use it sooner or later. This was as might be expected. I knew a mother who used tea herself but warned her children against it as something unnecessary and injurious, especially to young people, but all her children fell into the use of it of course. The fact is that her example was the most influential and impressive teaching.2. Avoid all conversation in their presence, upon topics that may misled them, and beget in them a caviling and wicked spirit, such as all sectarian conversation, unguarded conversation upon the doctrine of decrees and election, speaking of neighbors" faults, or censoriously of any human being. In short whatever may be a stumbling block to their infant minds.3. Avoid all disagreement between the parents in regard to the government of the children.4. Avoid all partiality or favoritism in the government of them.5. Avoid whatever may lessen the respect of the children for either parent.6. Avoid whatever may lessen the authority of either parent.7. Avoid whatever may tend to create partiality for either parent.8. Avoid begetting in them the love of money. But remember that the love of money, is the root of all evil.9. Avoid the love of money yourself, for if you have a worldly spirit yourself, your whole life will most impressively inculcate the lesson that the world should be the great object of pursuit. Said a wealthy man to me, "I was brought up from my very infancy to love the world and make money my god." When we consider how impressively and constantly this lesson is taught by many parents, is it wonderful that there is so much fraud, theft, robbery, piracy, and selfishness under every abominable form? Many parents seem to be engaged in little else, so far as their influence with their children is concerned, than making them as selfish and worldly as possible. Nearly their whole conversation at the table, and in all places where they are, the whole drift and bent of their lives, pursuits, and every thing about them, are calculated to make the strongest impression upon their little minds, that their parents conceive the world to be the supreme good. Unless all this be avoided it is impossible to train up a child in the way he should go.10. Avoid begetting within them the spirit of ambition to be rich, great, learned, or any thing else but good. If you foster a spirit of selfish ambition it will give birth of course to anger, pride, and a whole herd of infernal passions.11. Avoid, begetting or fostering the spirit of vanity in any way, in the purchase of clothing, or any articles of apparel, in dressing them or by any expressions relating to their personal appearance. Be careful to say nothing about your own clothes, or the apparel of any body else or of the personal attractions or beauty of yourself, your children, or of any body else, in such a way as to beget within them the spirit of ambition, pride, and vanity.12. Guard them against any injurious influence at home. Suffer no body to live in your families, whose sentiments, or habits, or manners, or temper may corrupt your children. Guard the domestic influence as the apple of your eye. Have no person in your house, that will tell them foolish stories, sing them foolish songs, talk to them about witches, or any thing of any name or nature, which ought not to come before their youthful minds.13. Be careful under what influences you leave them when you go from home, and let not both parents take a journey at the same time, leaving their children at home, without manifest necessity.14. Avoid every evil influence from abroad. Let no children visit them whose conversation or manners may corrupt them. Let them associate with no children, by going abroad themselves where they will run the hazard of being in any way corrupted.15. Avoid the cultivation of artificial appetites. Accustom them to no innutritious stimulants or condiments of any kind, for in so doing, you will create a craving for stimulants, that may result in beastly intemperance.16. Avoid creating any artificial wants. The great majority of human wants are merely artificial, and children are often so brought up, as to feel as if they needed multitudes of things, which they do not need, and which are really injurious to them, and if they ever become poor, their artificial wants will render them extremely wretched, if indeed they do not tempt them to fraud, theft, and robbery, to supply them. Consider how simple and few the real wants of human beings are, and whatever your worldly circumstances may be, for your children"s sake, for truth"s sake, for righteousness" sake, and for Christ"s sake, habituate them to being satisfied with the supply of their real wants.17. Avoid by all means their being the subjects of evil communications. "Evil communications corrupt good manners." This is the testimony of God. If your domestics, your hands, your neighbors" children or any body else, are suffered to communicate to them things which they ought not to know, they will be irrecoverably injured, and perhaps forever ruined.18. Avoid their reading books that contain pernicious sentiments, or any thing indecent, or vulgar, or of ill report.19. Avoid their reading romances, plays, and whatever may beget within them a romantic and feverish state of mind.20. Avoid suffering gluttony, or any species of intemperance, eating at improper seasons, improper articles, and improper quantities of food, and every thing that shall work a violation of the laws of life and health.21. Avoid all unnecessary occasion of excitement. Children are naturally enough excited. Pains should be taken to quiet and keep them calm rather than to increase their excitement. This is imperiously demanded both by their health and minds. Societies are often gotten up among children, and great pains taken to get up an interest and excitement among them and to perpetuate this excitement, insomuch that it is often attended with a loss of appetite and sleep, and a serious injury to their health and morals. Parents should be on their guard, against suffering their children to be drawn into such excitement on having any unnecessary connection with or knowledge of them.The subject will be resumed.Your brother in the bonds of the gospel,C.G.FINNEY
2023-06-20 16:20:411

急!!野性的呼唤 英文 作者简介 作者信息 英文!!

The Call of the WildFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchFor other uses, see Call of the Wild (disambiguation)The Call of the Wild First edition cover Author Jack London Country United States Language English Genre(s) Adventure novel Publisher Macmillan Publication date 1903 Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback) Pages 140 pp ISBN NA OCLC 28228581 Followed by White Fang The Call of the Wild ---- Plot summaryBuck, the main character, is a 140 lb Saint Bernard/Scotch Shepherd cross, which gives him the appearance of an exceptionally large dog. Buck leads a comfortable life as the pet of Judge Miller in the Santa Clara Valley of Northern California. Judge Miller"s gardener"s assistant, Manuel, abducts the dog and sells him to a trainer of sled dogs, which were in great demand due to the discovery of "a yellow metal" in the frozen lands of the Yukon. Slowly introduced to the brutality of his new life, Buck is forced to survive and adapt to conditions in Alaska and the Yukon. He works pulling sleds with other dogs, learns to steal food, and engages in power struggle with other dogs for the lead position in the sled team. His owners soon learn that even though his enemy, Spitz, is "a devil," Buck is "two devils." He becomes the leader of the sled team after defeating Spitz in a battle. He changes hands many times before he is eventually acquired by a kind and loving owner, John Thornton. When Thornton is killed by "Yeehat" native Americans, Buck goes into a beastly rage and kills several members of the native tribe. Buck returns to the wild and becomes the alpha male of a wolf pack he met a few days before the death of Thornton. Of the world Buck enters, London writes "the salient thing of this other world seemed fear." It is a world of dream that Buck enters, when he becomes something of a legend.
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