barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-20 16:17:33









安全是匹配的两个——即指纹和白色条纹的海军海军夹克衫密码进行介绍,他们应该只出现在一个打印:鲜花或是衣服,例如,可以有nimber颜色和海军和白色的. 两件有三个或更多的颜色是不可避免地忙碌、开裂。

这可以做到,但支票和条纹分层是棘手的. 在这种情况下,你最好还是用支票和条纹有意要穿together.or贴口音,如有斑纹的颈部穿西装围巾和检查



2023-06-20 13:58:421


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2023-06-20 14:00:164


accent 口音,重音,腔调 是可数名词例:People all over the world speak English with different accents.
2023-06-20 14:00:231


供参考。1. to find2. bored3. accents4. following5. involved6. desire7. confused8. admitted9. passing10. blank
2023-06-20 14:01:054


9部电影教你英国各种口音   据英国《每日邮报》报道,一项调查显示,英式标准发音与90%的积极性格特征相关,比如高智商、有魅力、有教养和值得信赖。它的唯一一项弱点在于幽默感不足,在所有方言中仅排名第11位。   不管这个调查怎么说,RP仍然是最受广大群众喜爱的语音。英语君曾看到一个说法,为什么大家都喜欢RP呢,因为在英剧中,凡是长得帅的都说一口标准的RP。所以大家就喜欢啦!不过今天呢,英语君可不介绍RP,我要来介绍一下在哪些电影中可以学到其他魅力十足的口音!据英国的音控们说,有很多口音比RP更迷人呢!   南方口音(Southern Accents)   南方口音比较接近标准英语,容易听懂,南方人说话方式比较慢,性格比较温和,也很礼貌,音调也趋于平缓。南方口音主要分为英格兰中南部口音,标准口音和伦敦口音。   1.Four Weddings and a Funeral《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》   The archetype Hugh Grant romance, Four Weddings made British romantic comedies a massive international success。 The robust cast represent the classy, well-spoken members of British society。 It also contains some American, for a little contrast。   这部剧是休·格兰特式浪漫的原型,也造就了英国爱情喜剧在国际上的巨大成功。格兰特代表了举止优雅,谈吐文雅的英国人。这部剧也有一些美国人,有那么一点儿对比作用。   2.Love Actually《真爱至上》   Continuing the Four Weddings vibe, Love Actually is an ensemble film - meaning it has a vast range of characters。 Contains various English accents and some well-spoken Irish (from Liam Neeson)。   继《四个婚礼》的氛围,《真爱至上》是一部群星电影——就是说它有一大串演员(因为这部剧是10个爱情故事窜成的喜剧杂烩)。包含了各种各样的英国口音和一些优美的爱尔兰口音(来自连姆·尼森)。   3。 Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels《两杆烟枪》   The opposite extreme to Four Weddings, the film that started a modern movement of British gangster comedies, Lock Stock… has a range of horrible people talking in a range of dirty London accents。 Plus two from Liverpool。   与《四个婚礼》相反,这部电影引起了英国黑帮电影的现代运动。《两杆烟枪》讲述了一群可怕的"人说着一系列伦敦口音的脏话。另外,有两个人来自利物浦。(利物浦是以前英国的第一大港口,外来人口的混杂,形成利物浦口音Scouse)   Midlands and the North Accents中北部口音   英格兰中北部包括曼彻斯特、利兹、利物浦等地所说的英语都属于此类。约克郡郊区也有类似的口音。   4。 The Full Monty《一脱到底》   Dealing with the depressed industrial communities, The Full Monty is both a charming comedy and an effective portrait of 80s‘ Sheffield。   《一脱到底》讲述的是面对不景气的工业的故事,它既是精彩绝伦的喜剧,也呈现出80年代谢菲尔德(英格兰北部城市)的真实景象。   5。 This is England《这就是英格兰》   Another gritty look at 80s England, this film has a mix of midlands accents and one very strong Liverpool accent。 Shane Meadows‘ other films contain further midlands accents, Dead Man"s Shoes is a particularly good dark comedy。   另一个关于80年代的英国值得一看的电影,它里面混杂着各种中部地区口音和一个很浓的利物浦口音。 西恩·迈德斯的其他电影包含更多的中部地区口音,《死人的鞋子》就是一部非常棒的黑色喜剧。   6。 24 Hour Party People《24小时派对狂》   A history lesson in music, 24 Hour Party People charts the success of the Manchester music scene in the 70s。 Steve Coogan, the star, may not be entirely representative of Northern accents, but the supporting cast certainly are。   你可以把《24小时派对狂》看作是一堂音乐历史课,它重现了在70年代曼彻斯特的音乐成功历程。明星史蒂夫·库根可能不是典型的北方口音,但影片中的配角绝对是。   Scottish Accents苏格兰口音   苏格兰口音在英国口音里是很特别的一个口音,格拉斯哥口音是苏格兰口音的代表,男人说话听起来很沧桑,很性感,非常有味道。他们有特别的腔调,特别是很多不用升调的地方,都用了升调,一个正常的语调在你完全想不到的地方突然升了上去,非常有跳跃感和节奏,像唱歌一样。这让苏格兰口音一下子就从英国口音里独立出来了,非常有特色,很容易记住。   7。 Braveheart《勇敢的心》   Again the lead‘s not Scottish, but the fine supporting cast are, and it"s an epic historical tale。 Aside from watching it for the Scottish, it‘s worth watching for Patrick McGoohan as the wicked king of England。   这个也是,主角不是苏格兰人,但配角是。这是一个史诗般的历史故事。除了看苏格兰人,帕特里克·麦高汉也是值得一看的,他扮演一位恶毒的英格兰国王(爱德华一世,又称长腿爱德华)。   8。 Trainspotting《猜火车》   Madcap, brutal and good fun, Trainspotting will really test your ability to understand the Scottish accent。 For something a little softer, you might consider other films starring Ewan McGregor, where he"s allowed to use his own accent。 Like A Life Less Ordinary。   狂妄、残酷、有趣,《猜火车》真的可以测试你对苏格兰口音的理解能力,考虑到一些更温和的东西,你可以看伊万·麦克格雷格主演的其他被允许用自己口音的电影,像《天使爱情鸟笼伴》。   Irish Accents爱尔兰口音   爱尔兰说话音调习惯性上扬,且音调转换幅度大。比伦敦人语速要快,多数Irish说话对中国人来说算口齿比较模糊。   9。 In Bruges《杀手没有假期》   Solid Irish accents from the two leads, and a London accent from Ralph Fiennes as a bonus。 And a great, quirky film。   纯正的爱尔兰口音来自两位主角,拉尔夫·费因斯的伦敦口音简直就是一个额外的惊喜。这是一部杰出而离奇诡异的电影。 ;
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  This article focuses on "Received Pronunciation" (RP), the stereotypical British accent mainly spoken in the south of England, and exaggerated by the upper classes, giving it the nickname "the Queen"s English". There are greatly differing accents across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and for a more regional or "authentic" accent, it"s best to choose one particular area, and try to learn that accent instead. Adopting British mannerisms while speaking will also help for authenticity.   这篇文章的重点在于如何发“RP”(Received Pronunciation)英式英语(精品课),也就是典型的主要在南部英格兰被使用、被上流社会发扬光大的英式英语,这种口音也被称作“女王的英语”。英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰都有非常多不同的英语口语,所以为了选择一个更区域化、更纯正的口音,我们最好选择一个特定的地域,然后尝试去学那个地方的口音。在说英语的时候采纳英国人的言谈举止也会帮助你使口音变得更加纯正。   Part 1   第一部分   R"s   Start with the Rs.   从发“R”这个音开始。   Understand that in most British accents speakers don"t roll their Rs (except for those from Scotland, Northumbria, Northern Ireland, and parts of Lancashire), but not all British accents are the same. For example, a Scottish accent varies greatly from an English accent. After a vowel, don"t pronounce the R, but draw out the vowel and maybe add an "uh" (Here is "heeuh"). In words like "hurry", don"t blend the R with the vowel. Say "huh-ree".   大部分英式口音中,说话者不会把“R”发成卷舌音(除了那些从苏格兰、诺森比亚、北爱尔兰、和部分兰开夏来的人以外),但不是所有英式口音都是一样的。比如,苏格兰口音和英格兰口音就有很大的差别。在一个元音字母后面,不要发“R”的音,但把这个元音提取出来,然后加上一个“uh”的音(这里是“heeuh”)。在“hurry”这个单词中,不要把“R”音和元音混在一起。说“huh-ree”。   In American English, words ending with "rl" or "rel" can be pronounced using either one or two syllables, completely interchangeably. This is not the case in British English. "-rl" words like "girl", "hurl", etc, are pronounced as one syllable with silent R, while "squirrel" is "squih-rul", and "referral" is "re-fer-rul".   在美式英语中,以“rl”或“rel”结尾的单词可以被发成一个或两个音节,而它们是完全可以互换的。在英式英语中我们却不能这样发音。以“-rl”结尾的单词,比如“girl”、“hurl”,要发成一个音节,“R”不发声。我们要把“squirrel”发成“squih-rul”,把“referral”发成“re-fer-rul”。   Some words are easier to say in a British accent. For example, mirror, which sounds like "mih-ra". Do not say "mirror" like "mere"; British people almost never do that.   有一些单词在英式口音中会更好发音。举个例子,“mirror”这个单词,读起来会像“mih-ra”。不要把“mirror”发成“mere”。英国人几乎不会那么发音。   Some awkward pauses in sentences are also removed by the addition of "r" before a vowel. For example, "I saw it" becomes "I saw-rit", to avoid the pause between the words "saw" and "it". Another example is "Bacteria are small", pronounced "Bacteria-rar-small".   在句子中一些奇怪的停顿处可以通过在元音字母前加上“r”来改善。举个例子,“I saw it”会被发成“I saw-rit”,来避免“saw”和“it”中的停顿。另一个例子是“Bacteria are small”,它会被发音成“Bacteria-rar-small”。   Part 2   第二部分   U"s   Pronounce U in stupid and in duty with the ew or "you" sound.   在“stupid”和“duty”这些词中发“U”这个音的时候,要发成“ew”或者“you”音。   Avoid the oo as in prounounced; thus it is pronounced stewpid or commonly schewpid, not stoopid, etc. duty would be pronounced dewty or more often jooty. In the standard English accent, the A (for example, in father) is pronounced at the back of the mouth with an open throat—it sounds like "arh". This is the case in pretty much all British accents, but it"s exaggerated in RP. In southern England and in RP, words such as "bath", "path", "glass", "grass" also use this vowel (barth, parth, glarss, grarss, etc.). However, in other parts of Britain "bath", "path", etc. sound like "ah".   避免发“oo”的音;“stupid”要发成“stewpid”或者更普遍的,“schewpid”,而不是“stoopid”。“duty”要发成“dewty”或者更常见的“jooty”。在标准的英语口音中,发“A”这个音(比如“father”)要把喉咙打开、用口腔的后侧发音——它会听起来像“arh”。这是所有英式口音普遍的发声方法,但在“RP”中这种方法被更加夸大。在南部英格兰和RP中,“bath”、“path”、“glass”这些词同样也用这个发音(发作“barth”、“parth”、“glarss”、“grarss”等等)。然而在其他英国地区,“bath”、“path”这些词的“A”音发起来像“ah”。   Part 3   第三部分   T"s   Sometimes drop the Ts.   有些时候不发“T”音。   With some accents, including cockney accents, Ts aren"t pronounced in words where Americans use D to replace it. However, there is usually a short pause or "hiccup" in its place. "Battle" might be pronounced ba-ill. This is known as the glottal stop. use glottal stops, too, for words like "mittens" and "mountain". It"s just that British use them more often.   在一些口音中,包括伦敦当地口音,“T”的发音不像美国人那样用“D”代替——“T”不发音。然而,“T”音所在的地方经常会出现短暂的停顿或者“打嗝”。“battle”可能会被发成“ba-ill”。这被称作“声门塞音”。在读“mittens”或者“mountains”这样的词的时候, 也要使用声门塞音。只是因为英国人经常使用这种发声方法。   People with Estuary English, RP, Scottish, Irish and Welsh accents do consider it lazy and rude to drop the Ts, and this feature doesn"t exist, but in almost all accents it"s accepted to do it in the middle of words in casual contexts and almost universal to put a glottal stop at the end of a word.   拥有港湾、RP、苏格兰、爱尔兰和威尔士口音的人认为在发音中省略“T”是懒惰而粗鲁的,并且觉得这种发音方法并不存在,但在所有口音中在日常的语言环境下在单词中间不发“T”音,或者在单词结尾使用声门塞音都是很常见的。
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英语诗歌韵律讲解如下:一、韵律和诗行(Metre and the Line of Verse)1、在过去的6个世纪已经占据英语韵律学主导地位的这种韵律,严格讲就是众所周知的“重音的音节(accentual syllabic)”;即,它是在音节数量和重读音节上都具有规律性的一种模式。2、它区别于Anglo-Saxon诗歌的纯粹意义上的“音节韵律(syllabic metre)”(其音节数量,而不是每个诗行的重音(accents)数量,是可变的);也区别于纯粹意义上的(所说的)法语诗歌(其诗歌中每行音节的数量,而不是重音的数量,是固定的)。二、英语韵律作为押韵的并行化除去所有微妙之处(subtleties)以外,传统的英语韵律不过了押韵的并行化:是一种连续重读和非重读音节的模式,其规律性比一般英语口语所要求的更高。需要指出,这是并行化,并不是完全重复,因为尽管押韵重复了,然而,实际的发音并没有重复。一种严格的韵律并行化在于重读和非重读音节的严格交替。
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2023-06-20 14:02:462

wood-tone and dark silver accents在汽车中是什么意思

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2023-06-20 14:03:014


完全不英文翻译是Not at all。双语例句:1、They arenot at all aggressive and territorial like the Eastern marmots.它们一点也不像东部土拨鼠那样具有侵略性和领地意识。2、When asked whether the injury affected his shooting, Iverson said: "not at all."当被问及受伤是否会影响到他得分时,艾弗森说:“根本不会。”3、You might think from the foregoing that the French want to phase accents out.not at all.你或许从之前提及之事中料到了法国人想要逐步淘汰重音。绝对不是这样的。4、Its heroine is a pregnant young woman who survives the catastrophe only to say later: "Nobody wanted to hear about it, not here in the West of Germany andnot at all in the East."书中的女主人公是一位在灾难中幸存下来的年轻孕妇,后来她说:“没有人想听这件事,在西德没有人想听,在东德也没有。”5、Tiny wasnot at all pleased; for she did not like the tiresome mole.蒂尼一点也不感到高兴;因为她的确不喜欢这位讨厌的鼹鼠。6、I"mnot at all sure that he would take to all that fresh air and exercise in the long grass.我一点也不确定他会喜欢新鲜空气,并在茂盛的草丛里锻炼身体。7、not at all.别客气。8、Some of the statistical generalizations may be positive as some groups have reputations for being smart, for being loyal, for being brave, for all sorts of things that arenot at all negative.一些统计归纳可能是积极的,因为一些群体以聪明、忠诚、勇敢、所有的事情都不完全是消极的而闻名。9、The very first thing that scientists discovered with a mission to another planet was that Venus wasnot at all the earthly paradise that fiction had portrayed.科学家们在前往另一颗行星的任务中发现的第一件事就是,金星根本不是小说中描绘的人间天堂。10、Mary asked,not at all afraid to hear.玛丽问,一点也不怕听到不好的答案。英语简介:英语是西日尔曼语的一个分支,最早由中世纪的英国使用,由于其广阔的殖民地,英语已成为世界上使用最广泛的语言。盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛的日尔曼部落之一,被称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的安格利亚。该语言与弗里斯语和下撒克逊语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),主要用拉丁语和法语书写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是五世纪盎格鲁-撒克逊移民带到英国的一组英格瓦方言,统称为古英语。中世纪英语始于11世纪末,当时诺曼人征服了英国;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机引进英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响。
2023-06-20 14:03:211


您好,念做“丢”,diu ,希望能帮到您
2023-06-20 14:04:034


2017提高英语口语的6种方法   英语口语一直是我国英语学习的薄弱环节,为了帮助大家提高英语口语,我分享了一些方法,欢迎阅读!   1、Record yourself/ 给自己录音   有时候你不得不面对现实:你不知道你的发音中到底哪一部分需要改进。如果你没有一个母语是英语的朋友或老师不断地纠正你要怎么办?在这里,最好的策略是给自己录音!查找或写一段话,然后以一个最自然、最舒适的方式念出来并录音下来。发贴或邮件给你的英语老师或者说英语的朋友,甚至可以把它放在任何语言学习社区!你会发现很多人乐于指出薄弱环节以便关注。通过这种方式,你还可以从不同的人那里得到建议,他们能够精确地定位哪些音和单词需要注意,使得你的英语发音更加自然、地道。   有时侯听录音中自己说英语的方式也可以为你找到自己的错误!当我们说话时,别人听到的和你听自己说往往略有不同。为自己录音能帮你找到关注点方便你找老师共同处理或者自己独立解决。   2、Pay attention to your mouth and tongue/ 注意你的嘴型和舌头   人类的口腔和舌头可以发出很多的声音,但学生往往忘记的是,即便你舌头或者嘴巴一个微乎极微的变化和动作也可以彻底改变你说一门语言的方式。当你说一句话的时候,花点时间去感受你舌头是如何运动的?当你说“the”的时候,嘴型是什么样子的?说“very”时又是怎么样的?问问自己,我的嘴巴应该作哪种形状?我说这些单词时,舌头又应该放在哪里?这一方面英语教师尤其能帮得上忙,因为他们都受过训练,理解英语的发音方式并能恰当地模仿。当与一个母语是英语的人交流时,让他们告诉你当他们发音一个特别难的单词时,他们的舌头是放在哪个位置的。   例如,说印度语的人,如北印度语和泰米尔语中发“T”音时往往舌头向内微卷,有时候甚至比说英语的人向内卷的更厉害。这导致它听起来与母语是英语的人发音的“t”略有不同。请一个英语说得地道的人在你面前慢慢地、清楚地说一个单词,比如“tractor”,同时稍微强调他们舌头和嘴巴的动作将以一个更有效,更直观的方式帮助你了解正确地发出特定的声音。下一次试试看!   3、Know your weak areas/ 了解你的薄弱环节   当开始着手一个问题时,正确地理解问题的本质是十分关键的。若你想要改善发音时,这一点尤其重要。你要问自己:哪个音我觉得最困难?为什么我不能正确地发音?它们正确的发音方法是什么?尽管每个英语学习者觉得困难的发音各不相同,但是要提高你英语发音的最大要素是你的母语发音。想一想:什么音是英语中有的但我母语中没有的?这通常是学生认为最困难的。例如:   Arabic speakers: differentiating between the “b” sound and the “p” sound   说阿拉伯语的人:区分“B”音和“P”音   Korean/Japanese speakers: differentiating between the “r” and “l” sound   说韩语/日语的人:区分“r”音和“l”音   Spanish speakers: pronouncing “v” and“th”   说西班牙语的人:区分“v”音和“th”音   以上这些只是那些母语不同的英语学习者面临的一些常见困难。所以在进一步了解如何改善你的发音之前,记得要问自己这些问题并精确地找到你所面临的具体问题。   4、Be aware of different English accents/ 注意不同的英语口音   英语,与其他大多数语言一样,有许多不同的地方口音,大部分你可能都知道。两类口音最显著的学生学的是美式口音和英式口音。尽管所有的英语口音之间都相通,如果你希望自己的口音更地道,你必须认识到母语是英语的人也都有自己特殊的口音。例如一些简单的单词发音,例如“car”的发音在美音和英音中就不同。   当你想要改善自己的发音,确保知道不同英语口音中的差异。另外,务必保证你只专注于一种口音。这样会更容易、更有效地提高你的发音和模仿的声音。   5、Slow Down/ 放慢语速   几乎所有的语言学习者在某个时点都有一个弱点,是试图说得很快让人听起来像是在说母语。几乎所有的语言教师、不仅仅是英语教师都会告诉你,这是一个非常不好的习惯,特别在你试想改善自己的发音的时候。说母语是能够说得快,因为话能脱口而出,发音也不会错。然而,作为英语学习者,这几乎是不可能的。说得快不能给你足够的时间来清楚地发音(特别是比较难的单词)。与一般看法相反,这会让你听起来更不像是一个母语是英语的人!放慢语速、清楚地发音,永远好过快速但听不清楚的演说,对于母语是英语的人来说也是如此。   试着以你平常三分之一的语速来说一句话,只专注于声音和你发声的单词。发音上的错误可能会开始变得更加明显,他或她可以准确地告诉你需要改进哪些词。从长期来看,当你能够有效地掌握英语发音,语速变快会更加容易、也更自然。然而,即使是高阶水平或者口语十分流利的.人,说得慢一点带来的风险更小。   6、Perfect pronunciation is not important/ 完美的发音并不重要   “听起来像在说母语”不应该是大多数英语学习者的一个目标,即使是高阶水平的学生!通常有一个完美或近乎完美的发音对你的工作有益,并给雇主留下一个良好的印象,这是真的,但如果你学习英语是为了扩大社交圈子,与朋友交谈,或简单地与人沟通,发音没有必要做到完美无瑕!只要你的发音不妨碍其他人理解你说话的意思,你不应该花费大量的时间去完善它!   有时候,不管你多么努力尝试、花多少时间,你的声带形态仍然会为你带来障碍。据研究一个人的咽部和口腔结构在清楚发一些细微声音的时候起了至关重要的作用。很多时候它就像你做到百分百完美发音路上的一个阻碍,所以没有必要为它烦恼!对于一些学生来说,发音可能是英语学习中最难的一部分;对其他人来说可能又是相当容易。   这就是为什么提高你的发音,特别是已经处于较高水平时,是一个渐进的过程。那些最终到达一个水平,即让人无法区分他们和母语是英语的人,的英语学习者,都是用了数年时间或花了相当长的时间呆在一个英语国家并沉浸在外语中。事实的真相是,像这样如此高的目标,很少能在非英语环境中实现! ;
2023-06-20 14:04:101


亲爱的鲍里斯 谢谢你的信。在我和英国家庭待了一个星期后,我慢慢开始可以好一点理解他们的英语了。这和我在学校所学的很不同!在我们组里的学生来自英国的不同城市并且他们的方言也不同!他们的一些口音很强,它们也有自己的词汇和短语。但这不是语言的不同和惊讶。我来到英国之前,我以为每天都要吃鱼和薯条。这是完全错误的!现在我会相当生气,当我听到所有愚蠢的词关于典型的英国食品的。我期待看到“伦敦雾”。你还记得我们的文本吗?我们不知道大部分的“浓雾”消失了,在许多年前,人们在家中停止使用煤炭后。但谈论天气是非常有用的。在伦敦的天气真是多变的。另一方面,习惯是不同的。人们告诉我什么是典型的英国人,在伦敦不只是典型的威尔士和苏格兰人。当地的习惯和传统和我们所知道的是不完全相同的。但所有英国人都遵循传统。可能是英国过去生活的标志比许多其他国家更多。人们一直以在首都有古建筑自豪,无论是大城市还是农村。我会告诉你更多关于英国的事期待收到你的回信
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Li Ming:How nice to see you back, Junfeng! How was your trip?李明:看到你回来真好啊,俊峰!你的旅行怎么样?Wang Junfeng:Wonderful! I"ve been to many places of interest, and I enjoyed myself in Disneyland.王俊峰:棒极了!我去了很多著名的景点,而且在迪士尼乐园玩的很开心。Li Hong:Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A?李红:你在美国能跟别人交流吗?Wang Junfeng:Not really. Sometimes I got into trouble. They spoke too quickly for me and there were many different accents. I couldn"t have long conversations with the people there. I think I should work harder at English.王俊峰:不太能。有时候我会遇到麻烦。对我而言,他们说话速度太快,而且有很多种不同的口音。我无法跟他们进行长对话。我觉得我应该更加努力地学英语。Li Ming:Yes, I agree. I know oral English is very important, but I dare not speak English in public. And I always feel sleepy in English classes. I"m really afraid of the final exam.李明:嗯,我赞成。我知道口语特别重要,可是我不敢在别人面前说英语。而且我在英语课上老是犯困。我真的很担心期末考试。Li Hong:I"m afraid, too. And it"s very difficult for me to remember new words.李红:我也很担心。记新单词对我来说太困难了。Wang Junfeng:Me, too. I"ve worked hard at it for a whole week, but it seems that I haven"t made any progress. I don"t know what to do. At times I feel like giving up.王俊峰:我也是。我已经努力了一个星期想要克服它,可是好像并没有什么进步。我不知道该怎么办。有时候甚至都想放弃了。Li Hong:Please don"t let these difficulties discourage you. Perhaps we can ask Kangkang for help. He is good at English.李红:别让这些困难打倒你。或许我们可以去找康康帮忙。他英语很好。
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Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar. To use English effectively, you need to understand the culture in which it is spoken. Here are a number of important tips to remember when speaking English in the United States. 说英语不仅仅在于语法正确,想要得心应手地使用英语,你还得了解语言的文化背景。如果你在美国说英语,那么接下来的小贴士能够提醒你需要注意的地方。,General Points to Remember 你需要记住的是:,Most Americans only speak English1: While it is true that more and more Americans speak Spanish, most Americans only speak English. Don"t expect them to understand your native language. 大多数美国人只说英语:虽然现在越来越多美国人说西班牙语,但是大部分美国人仍然只说英语。所以就别太期望他们能理解你的母语。,Americans have difficulties understanding foreign accents: Many Americans are not used to foreign accents. This requires patience from both of you! 美国人理解外国口音有困难:很多美国人并不习惯外国口音,因此需要你们之间的耐心交流。,Conversation Tips 对话贴士,Speak about location: Americans love to talk about location. When speaking to a stranger, ask them where they are from and then make a connection with that place. For example: "Oh, I have a friend who studied in Los Angeles. He says it"s a beautiful place to live." Most Americans will then willingly talk about their experiences living or visiting that particular city or area. 谈论地点:美国人很喜欢聊关于地点的话题,当你与一位外国人初次交谈的时候,可以询问他们的家乡以及与该地方相关的问题。比如说,“啊,我有一个在洛杉矶读书的朋友,他觉得那里很漂亮。”接着,大多数美国人都会很乐意与你交谈他们在那个地方生活或观光的经历。,Talk about work: Americans monly ask "What do you do?". It"s not considered impolite (as in some countries) and is a popular topic of discussion beeen strangers. 谈论工作:美国人通常会问 “What do you do?” 虽然在某些国家这是无礼的问题,但在美国不是的,这只是一个陌生人之间的流行话题。,Talk about sports: Americans love sports! However, they love American sports. When speaking about football, most Americans understand "American Football", not soccer. 谈论体育:美国人太热爱体育运动了!不过,他们热爱的是美国体育。当聊到football的时候,绝大多数美国人想到的是橄榄球而不是英式足球。,Be careful when expressing ideas about race, religion or other sensitive topics: The United States is a multi-cultural society. Especially in the last few years, Americans are trying very hard to be sensitive to other cultures and ideas. Talking about sensitive topics like religion or beliefs is often avoided in order to be sure not to offend someone of a different belief system. This is often referred to as being "politically correct". 当谈到关于种族,宗教或其他敏感话题的时候要注意:美国是一个多元文化的社会,特别是在这几年,美国人对不同的文化和观点特别敏感。在美国,像宗教或个人信仰的敏感话题通常是避免在交谈中提到的,以免对别人造成冒犯。这就是通常所说的“政治正确”。Addressing People 称呼他人,Use last names with people you do not know: Address people using their title (Mr, Ms, Dr) and their last names. 对于不熟悉的人,请使用姓来称呼。称呼人的时候,使用头衔(如先生,女士,博士等)加上他们的姓。,Always use "Ms" when addressing women: It is important to use "Ms" when addressing a woman. Only use "Mrs" when the woman has asked you to do so! 请使用 “Ms” 来称呼女性:用 “Ms” 来称呼女性是比较重要的,只有在她要求你称呼她为 “Mrs” 的时候才这样做。,Many Americans prefer first names: Americans often prefer using first names, even when dealing with people in very different positions. Americans will generally say, "Call me Tom." and then expect you to remain on a first name basis. 美国人偏爱使用名字:美国人喜欢别人使用名字来称呼他们,即使双方的身份不同也这样做。美国人一般会说,“叫我Tom”,并且他希望你就这样称呼,不需要客气。,Americans prefer informal: In general, Americans prefer informal greetings and using first names or nicknames when speaking with colleagues and acquaintances. 美国人更不拘小节:一般来说,美国人更喜欢非正式的问候语,当提到同事和熟人的时候会使用他们的名字或暱称。,Public Behavior 公共场合的行为,Always shake hands: Americans shake hands when greeting each other. This is true for both men and women. Other forms of greeting such as kissing on the cheeks, etc., is generally not appreciated. 握手的必须的:美国人在互相致意的时候都会握手,这是男女通用的,然而其他的问候方式如亲吻脸颊等,则不那么常用。,Look your partner in the eye: Americans look each other in the eyes when they are speaking as a way of showing that they are sincere. 看着对方的眼睛:为表示真诚,美国人在与别人交谈的时候会看着对方的眼睛。,Don"t hold hands: Same sex friends do not usually hold hands or put their arms around each other in public in the United States. 别拉手:在美国,同性朋友在公共场合并不太会拉手或者挽住对方的胳膊。,Smoking is Out!!: Smoking, even in public places, is strongly disapproved of by most Americans in the modern United States. 不许抽菸!!在当代美国,抽菸,特别是在公共场合,是非常不被人们接受的行为。
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英语 各地

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accent 口音,重音,腔调 是可数名词例:People all over the world speak English with different accents.
2023-06-20 14:08:071


  汉语解释:音标是记录音素的符号,是音素的标写符号。它的制定原则是:一个音素只用一个音标表示,而一个音标并不只表示一个音素双母音就是由2个音素组成的,相对于单母音来说。由2个音素构成的音标我们称之为双母音。如汉语的拼音字母、英语的韦氏音标和国际音标等。你知道吗?   音标[yīn biāo]   音标的英文双释义:   [语] phonetic symbol ; phonetic transcription   网 络phonetic symbol;phonetic signs;phonetic symbols;phonetic alphabet   音标的英文例句:   根据所给音标完成下列句子。   plete the following sentences with the phonetics given.   这些音标表示人发出的声音。   These phonetic symbols represent sounds of the human voice.   音标的拼写通常会告诉你单词是如何发音的。   The phonetic spelling will tell you generally behind a word is pronounced.   读一读并根据音标写出下列单词。   Read and write out the following words.   该方法可以让学生瞬间读出单词的读音无需音标。   It allows immediate recognition of decodable words.   按音标读单词。   Read the words with the help of the transcriptions.   在词典前面给出了音标表。   A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary.   选出含有所给音标的单词。   Choose the word which has the same vowel sound as the one given.   用一句话包含音标?你是说全部母音字母吗?那很容易啊。   What do you think you can do before he goodes home?   本词典所有词目都注出了音标。   This dictionary gives phonetic transcriptions of all headwords.   1. A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary. 在词典前面给出了音标表.   2. These phonetic symbols represent sounds of the human voice. 这些音标表示人发出的声音.   3. In this dictionary, the last vowel of ` transcendent"is transcribed as / E ; E /. 在本词典中, transcendent 一词最后一个母音标作/E/.   4. Read the words with the help of the transcriptions. 按音标读单词.   5. The book with phonetic symbols, and other voice symbol table. 书后附有音标及其他语音符号表.   6. Today, I learned a phonetic transcription 48, and a few words. 今天我学了48个音标, 和几个单词.   7. The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training. 给单词注音标需要特殊的训练.   8. The phonetic spelling will tell you generally behind a word is pronounced. 音标的拼写通常会告诉你单词是如何发音的.   9. For beginners, it is quite natural to feel it difficult to learn. 对于初学者来说, 音标可能不容易学.   10. Did you study Pinying, Yale or Mandarin Phonetic system? 所学音标是拼音 、 耶鲁音标或国语注音?   11. Many people like to look up the phonetic spelling to pronunciation. 许多人喜欢自己看音标来学习发音.   12. Diacriticals: Marks above and below letters, such as accents or th cedilla. 发间符号: 在字母上面或下面的符号, 如音标或变音符号.   13. This dictionary uses a phonetic alphabet as a guide to pronunciation. 这本词典使用一套音标作为发音的指导.   14. Students need to memorize a set of symbols. 学生需多记一套音标附号.   15. Read out the following sentences by IPA scripts. 试根据音标读出下列句子.   16. This is an English phonetic transcription software. 这是一个学英语音标的软体.   17. Beginning from zero - basis including characters, pronunciation, spelling. 从零基础开始,包括字母, 音标, 拼写.   18. In fact, the word should listen to tapes to learn pronunciation, phoneticsymbols as aids only. 其实学习发音应该听单词磁带, 音标只是做为辅助工具.   19. Floating accents: Accents which are individual marks and can be positionedover any letter. 浮动音标: 是单独的音标符号;它可随意放置于任何子母上面.   20. Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a roundedvowel. 音标成对出现时,左边为不圆唇音, 右边为圆唇音.
2023-06-20 14:08:131

有关the difference between American and British English的作文

回答 共 1 条It has been said that the Americans and the English are "two nations separated by a common language".British EnglishBritish English (BrE) is a broad term used to distinguish the forms of the English language used in the United Kingdom from forms used elsewhere. It encompasses all the varieties of English used within the UK, including those found in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The vast majority of people in Britain speak English. Although the term "British English" is rarely used within Britain itself (just as Americans seldom use the term "American English"), it is used as a means of distinguishing the forms of English prevalent in Britain from those spoken elsewhere in the world.There are slight regional variations in formal written English in the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, there is a meaningful degree of uniformity in written English within the United Kingdom, and this could be described as "British English". The forms of spoken English, however, vary considerably more than in most other areas of the world where English is spoken, and a uniform concept of "British English" is therefore more difficult to apply to the spoken language. AccentThe most common form of English used by the British ruling class is that originating from south-east England (the area around the capital, London, and the ancient English university towns of Oxford and Cambridge). This form of the language is known as the "Received Standard", and its accent is called Received Pronunciation (RP). Earlier it was held as better than other accents and referred to as the King"s (or Queen"s) English, or even "BBC English". Originally this was the form of English used by radio and television. However, there is now much more tolerance of variation than there was in the past; for several decades other accents have been accepted and are frequently heard, although stereotypes about the BBC persist. English spoken with a mild Scottish accent has a reputation for being especially easy to understand. Moreover, only approximately two percent of Britons speak RP.Even in the south east there are significantly different accents; the local inner east London accent called Cockney is strikingly different from RP and can be difficult for outsiders to understand.In London itself, the broad local accent is still changing, partly influenced by Caribbean speech. Londoners speak with a mixture of these accents, depending on class, age, upbringing, and so on.Differences between British English and American EnglishAmerican English has some spelling differences from English as used elsewhere. Unlike many 20th century language reforms the American spelling changes were not driven by government, but by textbook writers and dictionary makers. Spelling tendencies in Britain from the 17th century until the present day (e.g. -ise for -ize, programme for program, kerb for curb (noun), skilful for skillful, chequered for checkered, etc.), in some cases favored by the francophile tastes of 19th century Victorian England, had little effect on American English.The first American dictionary was written by Noah Webster in 1828. At the time the United States was a relatively new country and Webster"s particular contribution was to show that the region spoke a different dialect from Britain, and so he wrote a dictionary with many spellings differing from the standard. Webster also argued for many "simplifications" to the idiomatic spelling of the period. Many, although not all, of his simplifications fell into common usage alongside the original versions with simple spelling modifications.Some words with simplified spellings in American English include center, color, and maneuver, which are spelled centre, colour, and manoeuvre in other forms of English.Word choiceIn Southern Britain the word whilst is used almost interchangeably with while, To Americans the word whilst, in any context, seems very archaic or pretentious or both. The words amidst (as opposed to amid), and amongst (as opposed to among), are also rarer in AmE. In the UK, generally the term fall meaning "autumn" is obsolete. In the UK, the term period for a full stop is now obsolete. For example, Tony Blair said "Terrorism is wrong, full stop." rather than "Terrorism is wrong, period."Time-tellingNormally, Britons “tell the time” and Americans “tell time”. Fifteen minutes after the hour is called quarter past in British usage and a quarter after or, less commonly, a quarter past in American usage. Fifteen minutes before the hour is usually called quarter to in British usage and a quarter of, a quarter to or a quarter till in American usage. In informal British speech the preposition is sometimes omitted, so that 5:30 may be referred to as half five IdiomsA number of English idioms that have essentially the same meaning show lexical differences between the British and the American version; for instance:British English American Englishsweep under the carpet sweep under the rugtouch wood knock on woodsee the wood for the trees see the forest for the treesthrow a spanner (in the works) throw a (monkey) wrench (in the works)Tuppence worth two cents" worthskeleton in the cupboard skeleton in the closeta home from home a home away from homea drop in the ocean a drop in the bucketflogging a dead horse beating a dead horsehaven"t a clue have no clue
2023-06-20 14:08:222

Color accents是什么意思

Color Accent: 色彩强化;色彩强调
2023-06-20 14:08:412


2023-06-20 14:08:502


《马赛曲》是法国国歌马赛曲 - Mireille MathieuAllons enfants de la Patrie 起来,祖国的儿女们!Le jour de gloire est arrivé. 光荣之日已来到!Contre nous, de la tyrannie, 血腥的旗帜已升起了L"étendard sanglant est levé, 那是暴君们的旗帜l"étendard sanglant est levé. 那是暴君们的旗帜Entendez-vous, dans les campagnes. 听那战场上的呼喊声Mugir ces féroces soldats 可怕的敌人在咆哮Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras 他们闯入到我们中间Egorger vos fils, 屠杀你们的孩子vos compagnes. 屠杀你们的伴侣Aux armes citoyens! 公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons, 公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons! 前进,前进Qu"un sang impur 用敌人污秽的血 Abreuve nos sillons. 灌溉我们的农田Aux armes citoyens! 公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons, 公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons! 前进,前进Qu"un sang impur 用敌人污秽的血 灌溉我们的农田Abreuve nos sillons. 灌溉我们的农田Fran ais, en guerriers magnanimes 法国人,宽宏的战士们Portez ou retenez vos coups! 坚持忍受住打击épargnez ces tristes victimes 饶恕那悲惨的受害者A regret s"armant contre nous 他们后悔对抗我们A regret s"armant contre nous 他们后悔对抗我们Mais ces despotes sanguinaires 但那些沾着血的暴君Mais ces complices de Bouillé 那些布依那的同谋犯Tous ces tigres qui, sans pitié 统统是些无情的恶虎Déchirent le sein de leur mère! 他们撕碎母亲的胸膛Aux armes citoyens! 公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons, 公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons! 前进,前进Qu"un sang impur 用敌人污秽的血 Abreuve nos sillons. 灌溉我们的农田Aux armes citoyens! 公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons, 公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons! 前进,前进Qu"un sang impur 用敌人污秽的血Abreuve nos sillons. 灌溉我们的农田Amour sacré de la Patrie对祖国的神圣热爱Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs !指引、支持我们雪恨Liberté, Liberté chérie !自由,为可贵的自由Combats avec tes défenseurs.战斗吧,拿着盾的勇士Combats avec tes défenseurs.战斗吧,拿着盾的勇士Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire在我们的旗下,让胜利Accoure à tes males accents,鼓舞你英雄的力量Que tes ennemis expirant来吧,看你的敌人倒下Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire !见证你的威武和荣光Aux armes citoyens !公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons !公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons,前进,前进Qu"un sang impur 用敌人污秽的血 abreuve nos sillons灌溉我们的农田Aux armes citoyens !公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons !公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons,前进,前进Qu"un sang impur 用敌人污秽的血 abreuve nos sillons灌溉我们的农田-
2023-06-20 14:09:051


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 据说There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles as well as o local accents. 六种都是什么? 2种方言又是什么? 及英语的发展简史。 是否有网站有介绍? 能提供一下吗? 谢谢了! 解析: English----95%的英国人使用 Welsh----20%的威尔士人使用Scottish Gaelic----1%的苏格兰人使用(约6万人) Irish Gaelic----7%的北爱尔兰人(11万)及2%的苏格兰人(3万)使用 Cornish----Cornwall的0.6%人口(3500人)使用 British Sign Language----全英国少于0.1%的人使用
2023-06-20 14:09:141


问题一:分支机构的英语翻译 分支机构用英语怎么说 建议:Branch Manager Branch Director Head of Branch 这些都符合英语的表达方式。 问题二:某某在中国的分支机构用英文怎么说 某某在中国的分支机构 Branch in China 某某在中国的分支机构 Branch in China 问题三:冠状动脉各分支用英文怎么表示 or it. The windows of General Washinoved of concerni 问题四:"支线"用英语怎么说 你好! 支线 regional 英[?ri:d??nl] 美[?rid??n?l] adj. 区域性; 地区的,区域的; 特定区域的,特定地区的; 方言的; [例句]Many people in Minnesota and Tennessee have noticeable regional accents. 明尼苏达州和田纳西州的许多人都有明显的地区口音。 问题五:英语专业有哪些分支?请一一列举并简要说明。谢谢 根据我所了解到的英语专业主要有以下几个分支:1、英语语言学方向:由纯描写性研究转向以解释为目的研究,由侧重英语本身特点的孤立研究转为侧重语言普遍性的比较研究,由侧重语言形式的研究转为形式和语义并重的研究,由对语言结构的研究扩展到对语言的习得、功能和应用的研究,由对英语的语音、词汇、词法、历史、方言等传统领域的研究发展到英语的各个方面及相关领域的全面研究。目前英语语言学的主要分支学科包括音位学、形态学、句法学、文体学、历史语言学,语言学的其他主要分支学科,如语义学、语用学、话语分析、篇章程语言学、应用语言学、社会语言学、心理语言学等,也主要基于对英语的研究。2、英语语言文学方向:主要培养厚基础、宽口径的英语实用型人才,熟练掌握听、说、读、写、译等实践技能,深刻了解英语语言、文学以及英语国家历史、社会、文化、政治、经济等知识,并具有扎实的实践能力和比较广博的人文社会科学文化知识和初步的科学研究能力。同时,在第二外语和计算机方面具有一定的应用能力。毕业后能熟练地运用英语在旅游、外事、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研等部门从事教学、翻译、研究、教学、管理等工作。3、英语翻译方向:主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。介绍、就业前景和方向、招生院校介绍。开设学校:北京外国语大学、广东外语外贸大学、上海外国语大学等。研究内容:主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。该课程是英语语言学与文学专业硕士研究生的主干课程之一,由翻译理论和实践两部分组成。翻译理论主要包括翻译过程中对原文旨意、风格的分析与理解,翻译的 功能,以语义翻译和交际翻译为主的各种翻译方法,翻译与文化的关系,翻译的标准等。翻译理论课的教学目的是使学生通过系统的翻译理论学习,对国内外影响较 大的翻译理论、流派、代表人物有系统的了解,为今后的翻译实践奠定扎实的理论基础。翻译实践课的主要内容是进行与翻译理论同步的翻译实践,使学生通过翻译 实践了解和熟悉各种翻译技巧,增强中英语言和文化差异对翻译影响的认识,进而提高实际翻译能力。就业方向:多在外事外贸部门、大型企业,大多从事翻译工作。所学课程:口译基础、笔译基础、交替口译、接续口译、同声传译、文体翻译、文学翻译、应用文翻译、文献翻译研究与实践、西方翻译理论概要、翻译理论与技巧、口译理论与技巧、语言与翻译等5、英语专业同声传译方向开设学校:北京外国语大学、西安外国语大学、天津外国语学院、南开大学等。研究内容:这是实践性很强的研究方向,主要学习英汉、汉英的同声翻译。就业方向:主要就职于 *** 涉外部门、大型企事业单位和高校等。所学课程:英汉笔译、汉英笔译、视译、英汉交替传译、汉英交替传译、英汉同声传译、汉英同声传译、翻译理论等。4、英语课程与教学论方向:以宏观的相关学科的理论作为基础,中观的外语教育学理论与应用作为体系,微观的外语教学法和外语教学实践作为源泉,内容包括现代外语教学的本质、现代外语教学简史、语言理论、现代语言学习理论等英语教学基本理论,分析外语学习的特点和过程,研究理论与应用辩证统一的重要因素,探讨外语教学原则,教学艺术和各种教学方法。掌握外语教学研究的基本规律和方法,培养具有创新精神的研究型与应用型相结合的高等学校英语教师和科研人员。只是单纯的将了解到的信息大概整理了一下,希望对你有所帮助!祝好!
2023-06-20 14:09:221


  音标是记录音素的符号,是音素的标写符号。它的制定原则是:一个音素只用一个音标表示,而一个音标并不只表示一个音素。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    音标的英语说法1:   Phonogram    音标的英语说法2:   phonetic symbol   音标的相关短语:   音标符号 Pronunciation symbols ;   音标铅字 phonotype   音标体系 Kenyon and Knott ; system of transcription   上音标 Kamiotoshibe   含音标 With Phonetic Transcription   音标字母 phonetic alphabet ; phonetic   盖音标 Slap the Alphabet   有音标 Phonetic symbols ; A phonetic ; There is a phonetic transcription   音标的英语例句:   1. A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary.   在词典前面给出了音标表.   2. These phonetic symbols represent sounds of the human voice.   这些音标表示人发出的声音.   3. In this dictionary, the last vowel of ` transcendent"is transcribed as / E ; E /.   在本词典中, transcendent 一词最后一个母音标作/E/.   4. Read the words with the help of the transcriptions.   按音标读单词.   5. The book with phonetic symbols, and other voice symbol table.   书后附有音标及其他语音符号表.   6. Today, I learned a phonetic transcription 48, and a few words.   今天我学了48个音标, 和几个单词.   7. The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training.   给单词注音标需要特殊的训练.   8. The phonetic spelling will tell you generally behind a word is pronounced.   音标的拼写通常会告诉你单词是如何发音的.   9. For beginners, it is quite natural to feel it difficult to learn.   对于初学者来说, 音标可能不容易学.   10. Did you study Pinying, Yale or Mandarin Phonetic system?   所学音标是拼音 、 耶鲁音标或国语注音?   11. Many people like to look up the phonetic spelling to pronunciation.   许多人喜欢自己看音标来学习发音.   12. Diacriticals: Marks above and below letters, such as accents or th cedilla.   发间符号: 在字母上面或下面的符号, 如音标或变音符号.   13. This dictionary uses a phonetic alphabet as a guide to pronunciation.   这本词典使用一套音标作为发音的指导.   14. Students need to memorize a set of symbols.   学生需多记一套音标附号.   15. Read out the following sentences by IPA scripts.   试根据音标读出下列句子.
2023-06-20 14:09:281


现在完成时啊!比如I have lived here for years.
2023-06-20 14:09:572


The film is based on old-style black-and-white screen to start, it was bleak winter streets of Paris, the Paris Opera, the film is very old, some changes after the taste. A haggard old servant was to use a wheelchair to the opera house inside the opera house, where a woman, an early show of posters, an orangutan Music Box ... ... everything was run through a popular legend. If you are careful enough, you will find that play a lot of people speak English with a serious Italian accent, particularly proud that the soprano, English is enough time for you to laugh. This is regardless of whether the design of the film things, that a word of Italian and English accents are very much like it at all, it can be considered a small bright spot in it,正确率100%
2023-06-20 14:10:043


2023-06-20 14:10:123


, Obstruents站和fricatives ----列为表达(二,磷)的通过表示只有一小部分的衔接当他们出现在年底的话语或之前清音。 2 ,所谓表示停止与affricates / B辑,数/音节时有发言权的初始,除非立即之前表示无害 3 ,逼近/ w中,俄/至少部分是无声这种情况发生时经初步/磷,钾/ 这是由于重叠的手势所需的愿望与呼声姿态所需逼近。 (请注意,正式声明说,至少有部分发言权。之间的冲突的声明和抄录这种将进一步讨论见下文) 4 ,连续的姿态站重叠,因此,车站未发生时之前停止在另一个字 5 ,在许多口音的英语,音节最后/磷,吨/年的同时,重叠喉塞音的姿态,在发音的提示, (这是另一个情况下,转录不能完全说明是怎么回事) 6 ,在许多口音的英语, /吨/年是取而代之的是一个喉塞音发生时肺泡鼻前的同一个词
2023-06-20 14:10:202


Dialects and accents vary amongst the four countries of the United Kingdom,as well as within the countries themselves.There are also differences in the English spoken by different socio-economic groups in any particular region. The major divisions are normally classified as English English (or English as spoken in England,which comprises Southern English dialects,West Country dialects,Midlands English[disambiguation needed ] dialects and Northern English dialects),Welsh English (not to be confused with the Welsh language),and Scottish English (not to be confused with the Scots language).The various British dialects also differ in the words that they have borrowed from other languages.The Scottish and Northern English dialects include many words originally borrowed from Old Norse and a few borrowed from Gaelic,though most of the structure and common words are conservative Anglo-Saxon,hence "kirk" (church),"beck" (stream),"feart" (feared),"fell" (hillside),"kistie" (chest,box),"lang syne" (long ago) and so on.
2023-06-20 14:10:551

求 朗费罗“精益求精”。又名“永远向上”的中英对照? 谢了!!有加分!!!

EXCELSIOR(永远向上) The shades of night were falling fast, As through an Alpine village passed A youth, who bore, mid snow and ice, A banner with the strange device, Excelsior! 夜幕匆匆降临, 一名青年穿过阿尔卑斯山的村庄, 他在冰雪中高举着旗帜, 上面印有奇特的箴言—— 永远向上! His brow was sad; his eye beneath, Flashed like a falchion from its sheath, And like a silver clarion rung The accents of that unknown tongue, Excelsior! 他申请悲伤,目光炯炯 像弯刀出鞘的光芒, 像嘹亮的号角, 一个陌生的声音呼唤着—— 永远向上! In happy homes he saw the light Of household fires gleam warm and bright; Above, the spectral glaciers shone, Ahd from his lips escaped a groan, Excelsior! 他看见幸福屋舍里, 炉火温馨; 屋顶上诡异的冰川闪闪发光, 他不禁发出一丝呻吟—— 永远向上! "Try not the Pass!" the old man said: "Dark lowers the tempest overhead, The roaring torrent is deep and wide!" And loud that clarion voice replied, Excelsior! “别过那个山口!”一位老人说道: ”黑夜里暴风雨就爱头顶, 咆哮的洪流又深又宽!” 一个洪亮的声音朗声回答—— 永远向上! "Oh stay," the maiden said,"and rest Why weary head upon this breast!" A tear stood in his bright blue eye, But still he answered, with a sigh, Excelsior! “哦,请你留下,”一位少女说道, “将你疲惫的头倚靠在我的胸口!” 青年明亮的蓝眼睛里噙着泪花, 叹息过后,他的回答依旧—— 永远向上! "Beware the pine-tree"s withered branch! Beware the awful avalanche!" This was the peasant"s last Good-night, A voice replied, far up the height, Excelsior! “小心松树的枯枝! 留神可怕的雪崩!” 这是一位农夫睡前最后的叮嘱, 一声回答,远远地从高处传来—— 永远向上! At break of day, as heavenward The pious monks of Saint Bernard Uttered the oft-repeated prayer, A voice cried through the startled air, Excelsior! 破晓时分,面向天国, 圣伯纳德修道院里虔诚的僧侣们, 不停地喃喃祷告, 一声呼喊从惊骇的天空传来—— 永远向上! A traveller,by the faithful hound, Half-buried in the snow was found, Still grasping in his hand of ice That banner with the strange device, Excelsior! 一位旅行者,在他忠诚的猎犬旁, 被发现半埋在积雪里, 冻僵的手中仍紧握着旗帜, 那上面印有奇特的箴言—— 永远向上! There in the twilight cold an gray, Lifeless, but beautiful, he lay, And from the sky, serene and far, A voice fell, like a falling star, Excelsior! 黎明冰冷灰暗,他躺在那里, 生气全无,但依然美丽, 在宁静而高远的天空里, 一个声音隐去,像一颗流星—— 永远向上!
2023-06-20 14:11:031


2023-06-20 14:11:145

let me try是什么意思

2023-06-20 14:11:434


The new semester has just started, but I seem to be immersed in the holiday freely among them. This holiday season for me is very memorable. I and my friends to Zhangjiajie, Hunan carried out a self-help travel, for our two girls for everything outside the novel, while enjoying the natural beauty, but also an exercise capacity of many of our daily life. Book their tickets from the hotel to the development of tour guides employed. We have encountered many difficulties, especially in Hunan dialect of the region for us northerners, it is simply two foreign languages! However, to overcome the difficulties we still spent a very happy and memorable week. Feel really grown up a lot. School has been a week now, and this also means that the most relaxing week of the semester passed. This semester will be very busy and difficult. Wish I could come up with the courage to successfully complete their mission.
2023-06-20 14:12:293


马赛曲 - Mireille MathieuAllons enfants de la Patrie起来,祖国的儿女们!Le jour de gloire est arrivé.光荣之日已来到!Contre nous, de la tyrannie,血腥的旗帜已升起了L"étendard sanglant est levé,那是暴君们的旗帜l"étendard sanglant est levé.那是暴君们的旗帜Entendez-vous, dans les campagnes.听那战场上的呼喊声Mugir ces féroces soldats可怕的敌人在咆哮Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras他们闯入到我们中间Egorger vos fils,屠杀你们的孩子vos compagnes.屠杀你们的伴侣Aux armes citoyens!公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons,公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons!前进,前进Qu"un sang impur用敌人污秽的血Abreuve nos sillons.灌溉我们的农田Aux armes citoyens!公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons,公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons!前进,前进Qu"un sang impur用敌人污秽的血 灌溉我们的农田Abreuve nos sillons.灌溉我们的农田Fran ais, en guerriers magnanimes法国人,宽宏的战士们Portez ou retenez vos coups!坚持忍受住打击épargnez ces tristes victimes饶恕那悲惨的受害者A regret s"armant contre nous他们后悔对抗我们A regret s"armant contre nous他们后悔对抗我们Mais ces despotes sanguinaires但那些沾着血的暴君Mais ces complices de Bouillé那些布依那的同谋犯Tous ces tigres qui, sans pitié统统是些无情的恶虎Déchirent le sein de leur mère!他们撕碎母亲的胸膛Aux armes citoyens!公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons,公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons!前进,前进Qu"un sang impur用敌人污秽的血Abreuve nos sillons.灌溉我们的农田Aux armes citoyens!公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons,公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons!前进,前进Qu"un sang impur用敌人污秽的血Abreuve nos sillons.灌溉我们的农田Amour sacré de la Patrie对祖国的神圣热爱Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs !指引、支持我们雪恨Liberté, Liberté chérie !自由,为可贵的自由Combats avec tes défenseurs.战斗吧,拿着盾的勇士Combats avec tes défenseurs.战斗吧,拿着盾的勇士Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire在我们的旗下,让胜利Accoure à tes males accents,鼓舞你英雄的力量Que tes ennemis expirant来吧,看你的敌人倒下Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire !见证你的威武和荣光Aux armes citoyens !公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons !公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons,前进,前进Qu"un sang impur用敌人污秽的血abreuve nos sillons灌溉我们的农田Aux armes citoyens !公民们,武装起来!Formez vos bataillons !公民们,严阵以待!Marchons, marchons,前进,前进Qu"un sang impur用敌人污秽的血abreuve nos sillons灌溉我们的农田
2023-06-20 14:12:361


1776年,无论是美国人宣布国家独立或英国人宣誓效忠英王乔治三世,人们的发音都大致相同。当时,美国和英国口音尚未分化。然而,令人惊讶的是,好莱坞古装片都搞错了:爱国者美国兵和英国兵(注:美国独立战争时期英国士兵穿红色军上衣)的发音更接近当代美国口音而不是女王时期的标准英语。 It is the standard British accent that has drastically changed in the past two centuries, while the typical American accent has changed only subtly. 在过去的两个世纪,标准的英国口音已发生巨大变化,而典型的美国口音则只有微妙改变。 Traditional English, whether spoken in the British Isles or the American colonies, was largely "rhotic." Rhotic speakers pronounce the "R" sound in such words as "hard" and "winter," while non-rhotic speakers do not. Today, however, non-rhotic speech is common throughout most of Britain. For example, most modern Brits would tell you it"s been a "hahd wintuh." 传统英语,无论是在英伦三岛或美国殖民地,其发音大部分都带有“卷舌音” 。带卷舌音的人在说 "hard(艰难)" 和 "winter(冬季)" 这类词时,总是发出“R”音,而不带卷舌音的人则不然。然而今天,在英国大部分地区,人们说话通常都不带卷舌音。例如,大部分现在英国人会跟你说,这是一个“hahd wintuh(严冬)”。 It was around the time of the American Revolution that non-rhotic speech came into use among the upper class in southern England, in and around London. According to John Algeo in "The Cambridge History of the English Language" (Cambridge University Press, 2001), this shift occurred because people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution were seeking ways to distinguishthemselves from other commoners; they cultivated the prestigious non-rhotic pronunciation in order to demonstrate their new upper-class status. 大约在美国独立战争时期,在伦敦及附近地区,英格兰南部的上层阶级之间开始用非卷舌音讲话。据约翰·艾尔吉奥在《剑桥英语史》(剑桥大学出版社,2001年)的说法,之所以发生这种转变,因为出生于低阶层的人们在工业革命时期已发家致富,他们极力寻求使自己有别于其他平民的方法;他们逐步养成久负盛名的非卷舌音发音,以显示他们的新贵地位。 "London pronunciation became the prerogative of a new breed of specialists — orthoepists and teachers of elocution. The orthoepists decided upon correct pronunciations, compiled pronouncing dictionaries and, in private and expensive tutoring sessions, drilled enterprising citizens in fashionable articulation," Algeo wrote. 艾尔吉奥写道:“伦敦发音成为专家们(正音学研究者和朗诵教师)对一种新口音的特权。正音学研究者们决定修正发音,编纂发音词典,并在私下收费高昂的辅导课上,用流行的发音方式对一些努力进取的公民进行训练”。 The lofty manner of speech developed by these specialists gradually became standardized — it is officially called "Received Pronunciation" — and it spread across Britain. However, people in the north of England, Scotland and Ireland have largely maintained their traditional rhotic accents. 由这些专家们开发的高傲讲话方式逐渐成为标准化 -被正式称为“标准发音” -在英国各地传播开来。不过,在英格兰北部、苏格兰和爱尔兰的人们大部分都还保持其传统带卷舌音的口音。 大多数美国人的口音也保持卷舌音,当然也有例外:纽约和波士顿口音已成为非卷舌音。据艾尔吉奥的说法,独立战争后,这些城市“受英国精英们的影响最大。”
2023-06-20 14:12:461


thank you 念 tank are you 念 how are yi
2023-06-20 14:13:001


2023-06-20 14:13:104


2023-06-20 14:13:204