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2023-06-20 16:09:31
英文:Grilled flavor of grilled wings
The main wings 8 barbecue 1 tablespoon
Accessories: 1 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoons of vegetable oil
Grilled flavor of the roasted wings
1 chicken wings washed with water drain
. with a knife on both surfaces of the wings are designated 3 slash bowl in, the barbecue spices, edible oil, soy sauce into a bowl, chopsticks mix evenly, marinated for about 30 minutes using
3. The marinated chicken preheat the oven to 220c for 10 minutes, then fitted tray of chicken wings into the middle layer, upper and lower fire bake 15 minutes, wing on the pad foil pan
Cooking Tips 1, chicken wings marinated in advance, more tasty, it is recommended that curing time in half a day or more, can flip several times.
2, like Orlean taste, can be directly used in the curing of the material.

主料鸡翅8个 烧烤料1大勺
辅料植物油1勺 生抽1勺



grilled的意思是烤的。烧烤(Grill,Barbecue)是人类最原始的烹调方式,以燃料加热和干燥空气,并把食物(多为肉类,海鲜,蔬菜)放置于热干空气中一个比较接近热源的位置来烹调至可食用。烧烤本身也成为一种多人聚会休闲娱乐方式,不论在中国还是整个亚洲、美洲和欧洲,烧烤通常都是小至家庭,大至学校的集体活动以及一些公司组织的集体活动。烧烤分为直接烤制和间接烤制两种。直接烤制又有明火暗火之分,间接烤制也分为铁板,石板,铜板等多种。而对木炭地要求也各不相同,中国地木炭共有三种适合烧烤。grilled例句:1、The police grilled him for three solid hours.警察整整盘问了他三个小时。2、My father grilled us about what we had been doing?我爸盘问我们在做些什么?3、This Chardonnay has lifted aromas of grapefruits, crisp pears, grilled nuts and toast.特色是这款霞多丽具有扑面的葡萄、酥梨、 烤坚果以及烤面包的香气。4、Seasoned, grilled chicken over a Caesar salad topped with Parmesan cheese and croutons.调制烤鸡肉搭配凯撒沙拉,上盖意大利干酪和面包块。
2023-06-20 12:50:571


2023-06-20 12:51:271


盐烤秋刀鱼的英文:Grilled Sanma with Saltgrilled是什么意思:adj. 有格子的;烤的v. grill的过去式和过去分词;拷问Grill the sausages for ten minutes.把香肠烤十分钟。Let"s grilled lamb chops.我们来烤羊排吧。Top the grilled fish with a pat of butter.在烤好的鱼上放一小块黄油。 salt是什么意思:n. 盐,食盐;adj. 含盐的,咸的,用盐腌制的v. 给...加盐;用盐腌制(食物)It is a neutral salt. 这是一种中性盐。This is a salt story.这是个下流的故事。Not worth the salt无能;不称职
2023-06-20 12:52:141

roasted grilled baked boiled fried它们各自有什么分别

roast 一般指在室内烧烤,grill 一般指见明火的烧烤bake 是烘烤,焙烤面包一类的boil 是指煮fry 是炸你的问题中的这些词是形容词,希望能够帮到你!
2023-06-20 12:52:303


盐烤三文鱼的英文:Grilled head of salmongrilled是什么意思:adj. 有格子的;烤的v. grill的过去式和过去分词;拷问Grill the sausages for ten minutes.把香肠烤十分钟。Let"s grilled lamb chops.我们来烤羊排吧。Top the grilled fish with a pat of butter.在烤好的鱼上放一小块黄油。 head是什么意思:n. 头,头部;头痛;理解力;首脑,首长v. 作为…的首领;站在…的前头;给…加标题;出发;前进;驶往;用头顶adj. 头的;在前头的;在顶端的;主要的;首要的Heads will rolla head of a gang; a ringleader; a chieftain; the head of a group; a cock头目 They hit their heads together when heading the ball. 争顶头球时,二人的头撞在了一起。salmon是什么意思:n. 鲑鱼,大马哈鱼;鲑肉色adj. 浅橙色的Our speciality is the steamed salmon.我们的特色菜是清蒸鲑鱼。Layer the potatoes, asparagus and salmon in the tin.把土豆、芦笋和大麻哈鱼分层装入罐头内。The salmon pink powder tastes good.这些橙红色粉末尝起来不错。
2023-06-20 12:52:371


葱烤银鳕鱼的英文:Grilled Codfish with Scalliongrilled是什么意思:adj. 有格子的;烤的v. grill的过去式和过去分词;拷问Grill the sausages for ten minutes.把香肠烤十分钟。Let"s grilled lamb chops.我们来烤羊排吧。Top the grilled fish with a pat of butter.在烤好的鱼上放一小块黄油。 codfish是什么意思:n. 鳕scallion是什么意思:n. 大葱Add in scallion and black mushrooms, stirring until fragrant.放入葱白和香菇炒香。Scallion is usually used for seasoning seafood dishes.青葱常被用来佐制海鲜食品。First,hold a pancake in your hand and paint a few splashes of bean sauce on the pancake with the scallion……like this……next,place the scallion in the center of the pancake,and with your chopsticks add a few piece of duck skin.首先拿起薄饼,用大葱蘸少量面酱涂在饼上……像这样……然后,把葱段放在薄饼中间,用筷子夹几片鸭皮放在上面。
2023-06-20 12:52:471

英语we grilled in the sun怎么翻译?

we grilled in the sun我们在阳光下烧烤
2023-06-20 12:52:559


2023-06-20 12:53:232


grilled dishes ,grilled烤制的dishes 菜肴,所以是烤制的菜肴
2023-06-20 12:53:542

Grilled vegetables是什么意思

Grilled vegetables烤蔬菜双语对照词典结果:Grilled vegetables(西式)扒时蔬; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Also, none of the restaurants could prepare the steamed fish and grilled vegetables hesubsists on to his liking. 此外,这里没有一家餐馆能够为他准备他最爱吃的蒸鱼和烤蔬菜。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-20 12:54:011

grilled fish 和 roast fish 的区别

Roast指烘烤过的东西,例:They serve the most delicious roast beef.grill指放在烤架上烤的肉,例:Grill the steaks over a wood
2023-06-20 12:54:202


2023-06-20 12:54:324


A:Hello ,I have never thought I could see you here .B:Yes , long time no see.A:I remember you were fatter before , but look healthier now .B:Really ? I used to like eatiing fast food ,fried chicken and chips were my favorite .A:Don"t you eat fast food now ? I can"t believ it .You were so crazy about it that we all believe you would love it forever.B:In fact ,I still like it ,but half a year ago , I followed my doctor"s suggestion ,tried not to eat junk food.A:You made a right decision ,I can imagine that how difficult to make this decision .What about now ?What do you eat ?B:I pay more attention to a balanced diet , eat more vegetables and fruits , then I find that I begin to like them little by little.A:That"s great .You can be more fit. My taste has not changed ,I always like salty and hot things.B:I remember you most like eating hot food , Sichuan food was your best love in the past.A:Yes ,I lose myself in that spicy feeling , it makes me excited .B:But eating too hot food is harmful to your stomach , I think you should eat more light food ,and you will be more comfortable.A:Perhaps you are right , every time after I eat very hot food , I feel as if a fire burnt in my belly , that feeling is so bad.B:As a matter of fact , things that are too hot or too cold are not very good to stomach .But many people like very hot or very cold food , beacuse they can bring different feelings .A:So we had better be careful not to eat so many too exciting things ,we should eat more vegetables and fruits , we should also eat some fish and mea properly.B:My favorite fruit is cherry , it is so sweet that I can"t stop at all.A:I prefer some juicy fruits, like oranges、 coconuts and so on. As for vegetables , I don"t like broccoli at all.B:Why don"t you like it ?Broccoli is very nutritious , and is of benefit to your health . Eating broccoli can make you less sick.A:Don"t you think broccoli has a strange taste ?It is really unpalatable. In contrast, I prefer potatoes and vegetables.B:I like vgetables , too .I also like some fungi ,like mushrooms and so on.A:Yes, fungi usually taste good .Soup with them makes people want to swallow their tongues.B:Hearing what you said , I suddenly miss those delicious food!As though they were in front of my eyes.A:Having said so long , I am a little hungry . I am not familiar with this area ,do you have some recommended good restaurants ?B:Yes, there is one . There is a restaurant nearby , their dishes have full range and are delicious, and are also very healthy, because they do not have too much barbecue and fried food.A:Oh , let"s go , I could hardly wait to get there.B:Me ,too. Let"s go .纯手打,非机翻,求采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-20 12:54:548


  汉堡和披萨,是澳洲最常见的食物,如果前往澳洲旅游,一定不要错过这两种美食。和一起来感受澳洲的汉堡与披萨之美,欢迎阅读。    一、胃口大开的食物——汉堡   洛恩小镇的鱼薯不敢恭维,汉堡倒是蛮好吃的,人气也很足。因为有了这样大尺寸汉堡的基础,我们的胃口也是一路朝着大胃王SIZE进军了。粗糙的搪瓷盆让人想起了当年吴江路的小杨生煎,也是在平凡的容器里装着大大的美味。面包是现烤的,夹着厚实多汁的牛肉饼和煎的喷香的培根。汉堡个头太大,已不小心,夹层里的料都要掉出来,满足的很。   接着出现的汉堡是GRILLED,澳洲连锁的汉堡品牌,以食材新鲜而广受好评。攻略上说,汉堡个头太大,女生2个分一只就足够了。我们进店打探了一下,一个汉堡怎么够吃呢。。。再配一份薯条吧。。。好像勉强够了。   比巨无霸还要巨无霸的汉堡,和超大碗的薯条,这个尺寸的套餐令我们非常满意。薯条是好吃的松脆型,这家的番茄酱还是免费供应的。   我们点了招牌的牛肉汉堡,羊肉汉堡和夏威夷风光汉堡。菜叶很新鲜,充满水分,肉饼厚厚的一大块,非常紧实,酱汁的味道也好特别呀!   赶时间的时候,也要试试麦麦和KFC,虽然他们的水准也着实不在一个等量级了。不过有一点还是很一致的,如果不是点套餐的话,服务员永远都会搞错,而且屡试不爽。比如我要一个A套餐,可乐换橙汁,然后再单点一个汉堡。。。服务员就懵了。。。这次在麦麦,KFC以及很多年前在茵特拉肯的麦麦,都是一模一样的情景再现。   在白天堂海滩自制的大汉堡,爱上了牛油果酱。    二、最爱披萨——GRILLED CHILLI PRAWN   GRILLED CHILLI PRAWN是大蘑菇的最爱,所以在黄金海岸汇合以后我们就开始了专一的GRILLED CHILLI PRAWN之选。这种披萨的酱有一些微辣,类似鸡蛋饼的甜辣酱,哈哈哈,有大虾和蘑菇之类的。   我们的原计划是捧着这个热腾腾的刚出炉的披萨端坐在海边,来个海滩野餐的。结果我们低估了这海滩的狂风,吹了一脸的沙,只能狼狈的凑在垃圾桶旁快速的狼吞虎咽。   下图这个也是GRILLED CHILLI PRAWN,有大蘑菇的地方就点GRILLED CHILLI PRAWN。。。   那么,她不在的时候,我们点什么呢?salami就是唯一选择了,哈哈哈哈,无肉不欢的三个人(ZHU).而且一般salami不容易踩雷,味道不会偏差很大。   说到这个披萨,插一个在坎贝尔港吃饭的小故事。   虽然正值夏天,却不巧遇到了大降温,让我们见识了墨尔本妖魔化的天气。在坎贝尔港的时候更是冻到穿着羽绒服外出。我们选择在镇上人气很旺的一家小店吃晚饭,只有室外的座位了,冷的瑟瑟发抖,感觉盘子都要被吹走了。   我们点了披萨,意面和色拉。小镇上只有那么几家餐厅,晚饭的饭店居然还关了一半,所以能选到一家生意红火的地方,有一口热食,就不能讲究了。一起感受一下这个高价色拉和意面的色面,哈哈哈哈。隔着屏幕,你们一定也能想象到口味了吧,哈哈哈。   正在我们冷飕飕地进食的时候,飞来了一个海鸥弟弟,一向心善的Lydia把一块掉在桌子上的肉肠扔给了它。于是这个聪明的海鸥弟弟就疯了一样,在我们的桌子边眼神放光,它看我们没有再喂食,就拔起嗓门声嘶力竭地狂吼,浑身的毛都竖起来了。。。我三十年也没有见过那么恐怖的一只鸟!那种狂叫时的颤抖只有动画片里才有。我们着实被惊到了,于是Lydia又给它一块肉。老王急死了,怕海鸥细细的脖子被肉卡住窒息了。其他的海鸥们好像感觉到这里有食物,也纷纷飞来,这个时候我们的桌子边大概有起码20多只海鸥了。那个海鸥弟弟就很生气,它对着左右飞来的海鸥两声狂吼,把它们都驱赶走,然后又对着我们示意要吃的。一会飞上广告牌侦察四周,一会在我们的桌子边低空盘旋示威。我感觉我被这只小东西打败了,心都提起来了。我们快快吃完,就离开桌子,躲在一边观察它。海鸥弟弟见我们走了,先在隔壁桌子上站着观察了1分钟,然后围着桌子绕了几圈,确认四下没人,就一个健步冲上了桌子,对着吃剩的一点点意面狂啄一番。此时,其他的一群海鸥又冲上了桌子,一片混乱。。。这一刻,我发现自己看到了一个特别真实的大自然。
2023-06-20 12:55:431


flame-grilled火焰烧烤双语对照例句:1."Outside of the scientific oncology community and upper management of national restaurant chains, few people are aware of the presence of phip in grilled, flame-grilled or barbequed chicken," delio and ellison said in their complaint. “除了肿瘤的科学界和国家连锁餐厅高层管理人员外,很少有人意识到phip在烤和烧烤的食品以及烤鸡肉中存在,”delio和埃利森在起诉书上说。
2023-06-20 12:56:121


2023-06-20 12:56:216


1、Muzzaralla cheese plate 马苏里拉芝士头盘2、French cheese plate 法式芝士盘 3、French canape 法式什锦开胃小菜4、Stuffed tomato 法式醸番茄5、French goose liver terrine 法式鹅肝酱6、Grilled chicken tandoori brochette 铁扒鸡肉串7、Seafood Skewer 海鲜串烧8、beef Consomme 牛清汤9、Onion soup 法国洋葱汤10、fried pork chop with mango 蓝带芒果猪排11、Grilled herb lamb chop 法式香草羊排12、Grilled salmon fish 香煎三文鱼13、fish & chip French style 法式炸鱼排14、Rosemary roast chicken 柔丝玛丽烤鸡15、chicken chop 法式鸡扒16、grilled scallop 法式焗鲜贝17、 salmon pastry 三文鱼酥皮细点
2023-06-20 12:56:453


2023-06-20 12:56:534

freshly frame grilled for you since 1954

在一个夏日的夜晚,我无法找到别的东西会比卡普雷塞沙拉 - 马苏里拉奶酪,紫苏叶和带有橄榄油的成熟的西红柿,再配上一些新鲜烤鱼,还有用漂亮玻璃杯装着的红酒更美味的了.
2023-06-20 12:57:021


2023-06-20 12:57:314


Appetizer and salad special type of snackRed wine stewed pear gold Mai Xiang doveFrench fried foie gras Orleans spicy chicken wingsItalian spices and grilled vegetables, French friesCaesar Salad with crispy Bacon imperial fried squid ringsItalian oil vinegar salad with smoked salmon gold cheeseHomemade picklesPasta and soup shredded squidTuscany tomato soup salted duck chinWild mushroom cream soup marinated pork tripeSicilian seafood soup with garlic fragrance taro snowKapo Nora pasta cucumber saladSpicy garlic seafood capellini marinated pork tripeWhite clam surfaceItalian risotto Chinese noodlesSicilian seafood tomato Risotto Shunde minced fish porridgeCreamy wild mushroom chicken risotto pork porridgeRed wine beef baked rice students roll beef congeeTaiwan beef noodle" powder"Main courseMonterey style grilled rib eye with vegetables and potato ancient ribs face < powder"Grilled boneless beef steak with Onion Sauce Fried rice classAmerican BBQ roast pork rib Yangzhou fried riceSage sauce chicken breast with Parma ham green pepper beef fried riceGrilled Niu Feili served with baked potato shrimp fried rice with eggSpice mix nuts lamb chops with broccoli and spicy potato wedges Malaysia chicken curry flavor fried riceGrilled fresh salmon with lemon sour soybean milkOrleans Long Liyu pitched roasted vegetables with mango curryFusion cuisineBurgundy wine braised chickenMorocco roast chicken legRosemary Garlic grilled spring chickenChinese business plan Curry Beef RiceAncient law pork chop riceScallion chicken curry potato chicken red polished riceGinger pork rice Chinese beef riceJiang Cong beef braised pork tripe.Secret system of Hainan Chicken RiceBlack pepper Niu Liu rice
2023-06-20 12:57:473


西餐英语词汇一般咖啡 : 单品(single estate)+综合(blend) Hawaiian Kona 夏威夷科那 Colombian 哥伦比亚 Mocha 摩卡 Brazilian 巴西 Mendeling 曼特宁 Kenya AA 肯亚特极 Java 爪哇 Kilimonjaro 吉利马扎罗 Blue Mountain 蓝山 blend: 有各种不同口味,视店家作本日咖啡 everyday blend B.花式咖啡 : 加入各种口味的糖浆(syrup);鲜奶油(whipped cream)少许酒 Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡 Vienna coffee 维也纳咖啡 Ice Coffee也算花式咖啡一种,但在国外较少见° Frapuccino 法布奇诺 Caffé Frio 冰沙咖啡 C.意式咖啡 (Italian coffee) : 加入蒸牛奶(steamed milk)基本作底 Caffé Latte 拿铁(奶量较多) Cappuccino 卡布其诺 Mochaccino 摩卡其诺(加巧克力酱) Espresso 分为单份浓度(Single)和双份浓度(Double) Decaf低咖啡因咖啡 一些西餐英语 Flatware-西餐具 Cocktail fork: seafood or fruit cocktail, lobster, and for serving pickles or olives. 开胃食品餐叉:吃海鲜、开胃水果、龙虾时用,吃泡菜、橄榄的时候也可以用它。 Salad fork: salads, fish, pies, pastries, and cold meats. 沙拉餐叉:吃沙拉、鱼肉、馅饼、点心以及冷盘时用。 Fish fork: in place of the dinner fork when fish is served. 餐叉:吃鱼的时候,鱼餐叉是用来替代正餐叉的。 Dinner fork: all entrees except fish. 正餐叉:除了鱼之外,适用于吃所有的主菜。 Steak knife: for cutting meats. 牛排刀:用来切肉。 Fish knife: in place of dinner or steak knife when fish is served. 食鱼刀:吃鱼的时候用来替代餐刀和牛排刀的。 Butter knife: butter pats, soft cheeses, chutneys and relishes. 黄油刀:用来切小黄油块、软奶酪、酸辣酱以及开胃小菜。 Dinner knife: all entrees except fish. 正餐刀:适用于除了鱼之外的所有正菜。 Soupspoon: desserts, cereal, soup. 汤勺:用于甜点、麦片粥以及汤。 Teaspoon: coffee, tea, fruits, and some desserts. 茶匙:用于咖啡、茶水、水果以及某些甜点。 Iced beverage spoon: any tall beverage or dessert. 冰饮料勺:用于高脚杯的饮料或甜点。 Demitasse spoon: condiments, and caviar and after-dinner coffee. 小咖啡勺:用于调味品、鱼子酱以及餐后咖啡。 西餐与rib料理: menu 菜单 French cuisine 法国菜 today"s special 今日特餐 chef"s special 主厨特餐 buffet 自助餐 fast food 快餐 specialty 招牌菜 continental cuisine 欧式西餐 aperitif 饭前酒 dim sum 点心 French fires 炸薯条 baked potato 烘马铃薯 mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥 omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 pastries 甜点 pickled vegetables 泡菜 kimchi 韩国泡菜 crab meat 蟹肉 prawn 明虾 conch 海螺 escargots 田螺 braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋 sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over 煎两面荷包蛋 fried egg 煎蛋 over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋 scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi rib竹筷 sake rib米酒 miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat 铁板烤肉 sashimi 生鱼片 butter 奶油
2023-06-20 12:58:107


2023-06-20 12:58:321


write score by hearing a song
2023-06-20 12:58:425


华莱士的烤鸡不是油炸的,是烤的。烤鸡(Grilled chicken),是一道中餐菜肴。主要原料有鸡肉、盐、味精、葱姜蒜、五香八角等。制作者可依据自己的口味添加不同的调料制作各种口味的烤鸡。但烤鸡较为油腻,食用宜适量。烤鸡烤鸡(Grilled chicken),是一道中餐菜肴。主要原料有鸡肉、盐、味精、葱姜蒜、五香八角等。制作者可依据自己的口味添加不同的调料制作各种口味的烤鸡。但烤鸡较为油腻,食用宜适量。中文名烤鸡外文名Grilled chicken分类小吃口味较为油腻主要食材鸡制作原料各种鸡肉,盐,味精、葱姜蒜、五香八角等调味品。普通做法食材准备鲜嫩鸡1只(约1000克),味精3克、盐15克,酒10克,花椒、葱、姜、麦芽糖少许。共18张不同口味的烤鸡制作步骤1、光鸡入沸水中煮3-5分钟,捞出沥干;2、用味精、盐、酒搽匀鸡身, 腌半小时取出晾干,再用麦芽糖均匀地涂在鸡身上(也可在鸡内肚放入香菇和葱) ;3、光鸡装入烤盘后进烤箱烘烤, 胸向上25分钟,背向上15分钟,取出淋上香油即成。原料准备1、成年公鸡1只(约3500克),打理干净备用。2、味精10克、盐20克,料酒10克,花椒粉、海椒粉、胡椒粉、五香粉适量。3、熟油200克,小葱少许。4、木柴100斤,细铁丝少量。
2023-06-20 12:58:591


不健康食物有哪些   不健康食物有哪些,生活中,有许多食物非常好吃,但是吃多了对身体不健康。那么大家知道生活中哪种食物,吃多了会导致身体不健康?下面是关于不健康食物有哪些的内容,希望对大家有帮助!   不健康食物有哪些1    一、油炸类食品(Fried food)   1、导致心血管疾病的元凶(油炸淀粉);   2、含致癌物质;   3、破坏维生素,使蛋白质变性。    二、腌制类食品(Pickled foods)   1、导致高血压,肾负担过重,导致鼻咽癌;   2、影响粘膜系统(对肠胃有害);   3、易得溃疡和发炎。    三、加工类肉食品(肉干、肉松、香肠等)(The processing of meat products category)   1、含三大致癌物质之一:亚硝酸盐(防腐和显色作用);   2、含大量防腐剂(加重肝脏负担)。    四、饼干类食品(不含低温烘烤和全麦饼干)(Biscuits)   1、食用香精和色素过多(对肝脏功能造成负担);   2、严重破坏维生素;   3、热量过多、营养成分低。    五、汽水可乐类食品(cola soft drinks foods)   1、含磷酸、碳酸,会带走体内大量的钙;   2、含糖量过高,喝后有饱胀感,影响正餐。    六、方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品)(convenience foods)   1、盐分过高,含防腐剂、香精(损肝;)   2、只有热量,没有营养。    七、罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类)(canned foods)   1、破坏维生素,使蛋白质变性;   2、热量过多,营养成分低。    八、话梅蜜饯类食品(果脯)(plum preserves products)   1、含三大致癌物质之一:亚硝酸盐(防腐和显色作用);   2、盐分过高,含防腐剂、香精(损肝)。    九、冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒和各种雪糕)(Frozen dessert foods)   1、含奶油极易引起肥胖;   2、含糖量过高影响正餐。    十、烧烤类食品(Grilled food)   1、含大量“三苯四丙吡”(三大致癌物质之首);   2、1只烤鸡腿=60支烟毒性;   3、导致蛋白质炭化变性(加重肾脏、肝脏负担)。   不健康食物有哪些2    腌制食品   在腌制过程中,需要大量放盐,这会导致此类食物钠盐含量超标,造成常常进食腌制食品者肾脏的负担加重。此外,由于高浓度的盐分可严重损害胃肠道粘膜,故常进食腌制食品者,胃肠炎症和溃疡的发病率较高。最重要的是,吃多了腌制食品,会促使女人早衰。    罐头类食品   不论是水果类罐头,还是肉类罐头,其中的营养素都遭到大量的破坏,特别是各类维生素几乎被破坏殆尽。另外,罐头制品中的.蛋白质常常出现变性,使其消化吸收率大为降低,营养价值大幅度“缩水”。还有,很多水果类罐头含有较高的糖分,并以液体为载体被摄入人体,使糖分的吸收率因之大为增高牞可在进食后短时间内导致血糖大幅攀升,胰腺负荷加重。同时,由于能量较高,有导致肥胖之嫌。    加工的肉类食品   这类食物含有一定量的亚硝酸盐,故可能有导致癌症的潜在风险。此外,由于添加防腐剂、增色剂和保色剂等,造成人体肝脏负担加重。还有,火腿等制品大多为高钠食品,大量进食可导致盐分摄入过高,造成血压波动及肾功能损害。    过氧脂质   这是一种不饱和脂肪酸的过氧警惕:让女人越吃越老的食物化物。例如炸过鱼、虾、肉等的食用油,放置久后即会生成过氧脂质;长期晒在阳光下的鱼干、腌肉等; 长期存放的饼干、糕点、油茶面、油脂等,特别是容易产生哈喇味的油脂,油脂酸败后会产生过氧脂质。研究人员发现,过氧脂质进入人体后,会对人体内的酸系统以及维生素等产生极大破坏作用,并加速促人衰老。    油炸食品   此类食品热量高,含有较高的油脂和氧化物质,经常进食易导致肥胖;是导致高脂血症和冠心病的最危险食品。在油炸过程中,往往产生大量的致癌物质。已经有研究表明,常吃油炸食物的人,其部分癌症的发病率远远高于不吃或极少进食油炸食物的人群。
2023-06-20 12:59:071


法国大餐巴黎卷心菜 白菜薄荷 白酒法国田螺 槟榔排骨锅 冰冻茄丁菠菜沙拉 菠萝莴笋 草莓黄瓜 洞房喜汤 多味鱼汤鹅肝酱煎鲜贝 法国洋葱汤 法式枫糖浆土司 法式枫糖浆吐司 法式花椰浓汤法式烩土豆 法式烩土豆1 法式火焰薄饼 法式焗蜗牛(中式) 法式奶油龙虾汤法式牛奶甜米粥 法式巧克力土司 法式巧克力吐司 法式土司 法式吐司法式香培青豆汁浓汤 法式洋葱汤 法式洋葱汤4 法式鱼卷 法式玉米浓汤翡翠肉汤 海带芥末沙司 海鳗汤 海鲜煲 韩氏鳀鱼炒香菇核桃鸡汤 黑胡椒牛排 红烩肉杂拌 红汁黄瓜 黄瓜粉皮灰姑娘南瓜浓汤 鸡蛋番茄沙拉 鸡肉沙拉 鸡肉沙拉1 鸡肉丸于汤鸡肉丸子汤 煎龙虾肉 煎牛小排 茭白虾冻 茭白虾冻2芥末拌黄瓜 卷心菜包肉 咖喱油烟虾段 咖喱起司法国面包 烤茄酱法国面包烤羊肉 冷烤鸡 芦笋浓汤 马乃司拌莴笋 马赛海龙王鲜汤马郁兰鲑鱼卷 面壳肠子 抹茶轻乳酪蛋糕 拿破仑派 奶油牛肉丁番茄汤奶汁海带 牛肉丸子汤 欧式重乳酪蛋糕 苹果炒牛肉片 苹果派茄子沙拉 圣女翡翠菠菜汁浓汤 束法鸡 素菜泥汤 酸辣肚丝酸甜莴笋 西红柿花双拼 香茅椰汁鸡 香脂醋风味烤鸡 小龙虾─加莉娜风味蟹黄活虾 鱼卵黄瓜泡菜 蒸鸡蛋肉卷 中法双松 猪肉冻子
2023-06-20 12:59:175

帮忙翻译下 关于餐饮类的

2023-06-20 12:59:344


hand grilled meat住在风味十足的蒙古包中,你可以品尝到烤全羊、手扒肉、奶茶、奶豆腐、莜面等风味食品,草原上闪电湖中鱼类品种繁多,可以一饱口福。To live in yurts full flavor, you can enjoy Kaoquan Yang, hand grilled meat, milk tea, milk, tofu, noodles, etc. You-flavor food, grasslands, lakes lightning wide variety of fish can be a real treat.
2023-06-20 12:59:422


B,C:HI,老板。Hi, Chief.A:OH,是你们啊,欢迎欢迎Oh, you guys. Welcome!A:今天想吃点什么呢?(口语化一点)What do you want today?B:今天我们闲着,想念老板的手艺啦,上次grilled Mahi-Mahi的香味还萦绕在嘴边呢Since we have nothing to do today, bit of itchy for your goodies. The grilled Mahi-Mahi tast from last time is still tingling in my mouth A:您过奖啦Is that right?B对C:这次也来份grilled Mahi-Mahi怎样?Let"s have a grilled Mahi-Mahi again, OK?C:不要了吧,换换口味好了。我认为其他菜也一定不错哦。是吧,老板?No...., let"s have a change. I believe other dishes also tasty. Right, Boss?A:当然,我会尽力做到最好的。Of course, I"ll try my best just for you two.B:Em...那就来点辣的吧。对C:你们重庆人不是喜欢吃辣的吗。(肯定的,不是疑问句)Em..., Get something spicy. To C: hi, Thought you boys from Chongqing would like spicy food (I am gonna drool, stop it here)C:不错呀,麻婆豆腐,宫爆鸡丁,麻辣烫等等都不错,还有(随便加几样,或不加都成)...B:等等,你倒是看看菜单啊·你以为这是重庆啊A:放心好了,重庆的名小吃本店都有B:那就来份麻婆豆腐。宫爆鸡丁还有俩碗饭吧。A:为什么不点麻辣烫呢?这么冷的天吃这个正合适,如果怕两个人吃不完,我们有两人份的。C:你考虑得真周到,就要麻辣烫了。对B:你觉得呢?B:我认为也不错。A:那就这么定了,我再免费送你们几样小菜。B:那就谢谢啦A:不客气。
2023-06-20 12:59:504

grilled steak怎么读

grilled steak英 [gru026ald]美 [gru026ald]英 [steu026ak] 美 [stek]香烤牛排;碳烤牛排;古法秘制炉烤牛小排;烤牛排双语例句1. Enjoy this wine year round with pizza, grilled steak, roasts and barbecues.此酒也适合配合批萨, 烤肉, 烧烤饮用,不分季节.来自互联网2. When it comes to food, a plain grilled steak tops the bill for me every time.谈到吃午饭, 我每次都最先点普通的炙烤牛排.来自互联网
2023-06-20 13:00:161

炙烤排骨grilled pork ribs 英文怎么说

2023-06-20 13:01:053

求文档: 奥尔良烤翅的英语翻译

Orleans roast wings
2023-06-20 13:01:132


淄博烧烤英文介绍。Zibo barbecue is famous in China for its unique taste and cooking methods. This particular style of barbecue originated from the city of Zibo, located in the Shandong province of China.The Zibo barbecue typically involves the use of charcoal grilling or roasting meat, poultry, and seafood over an open flame. The meats used in this type of barbecue are carefully selected and marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and other spices.One of the most popular types of Zibo barbecue is the lamb skewer, a dish made by skewering small pieces of marinated lamb that are then grilled until they are crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. Another popular dish is the chicken wings, which are marinated in a spicy sauce and then grilled to perfection.In addition to meats, the Zibo barbecue also includes grilled vegetables such as potatoes, onions, and peppers. These are often served along with the meats, giving diners a balance of flavors and textures.Zibo barbecue is not only renowned for its delicious taste but also for its cultural significance in China. It is often enjoyed during special occasions such as weddings, festivals, and family gatherings.Overall, Zibo barbecue is a must-try for anyone visiting China or looking to experience the unique flavors and culture of the country.
2023-06-20 13:01:201

grilled door是什么意思

grilled door格栅门就像监狱那种。
2023-06-20 13:01:461


如果你是特指要日本菜的英文名称,我这里有一些,希望能帮到你: 寿司Sushi 生鱼片Sashimi (raw fish) 海鲜刺身 Seafood and Radish 面豉烧龙虾生豪伴海胆 Prawn and Oyster with Flour Sauce 什锦寿司卷 Assorted Sushi Roll 豆腐皮寿司 Beancurd Sheet Sushi 和风星鳗散寿司 Sushi with Eel 日式墨鱼丸Takoyaki (octopus balls) 竹荚鱼块寿司 Scad Shusi 黑鲔寿司Maguro (raw tuna with seasoned rice) 海苔鲔鱼细卷Tekkamaki (tuna and seasoned rice rolled in seaweed) 烧竹简及鸭片伴寿司 Roated Sushi and Duck Meat in Bamboo Slip 日式煎蛋寿司Tamago (egg sushi) 天妇罗Tempura (deep fried vegetables) 紫苏天妇罗 Deep Fried Vegetables 菜肉卷天妇罗 Vegetable and Pork Roll 生火腿干酪卷色拉 Ham and Cheese Salad 鲑鱼生鱼片沙拉 Salmon Salad 生拌金枪鱼肉 Mixed Fresh Tunny Meat 炸豆腐 Fried Bean Curd 牛肉焖马铃薯Niku-jaga (beef and potato stew) 土豆可乐饼 Minced Potato Shortcake (注:这道菜是在日本很流行的一道家常菜,一般小餐馆也供应) 土豆奶汁烤菜 Grilled Potato with Milk 土豆蟹鱼糕 Potato Crab and Fish Cake 茶碗蒸蛋Chawan (egg custard) 日式烤鸡Yakitori (grilled chicken) 日式烧饼Okonomiyaki 日式煮南瓜Simmer pumpkin 日式糯米饭团Peony mochi 味噌汤 Fish Bone Soup 日式芋头煲Satoimo 海鳗鸡骨汤 Conger Eel and Chicken Soup 海鲜小火锅 Seafood Chaffy Dish 锅塌明虾 Prawns Baked in A Pan 牛肉什锦铁锅 / 涮涮锅Shabu-shabu (quick-cooked beef) 鸡扒滑蛋饭Oyako-donburi (chicken and egg over rice) 日式鳗鱼饭Unadon (grilled eel over rice) 冷面Huyashi-chuuka (cold -style noodles) 清酒 Sake 绿茶Green tea 味噌烤肉酱 Fish Bone and Grilled Meat Sauce 金枪鱼调味酱 Tunny Sauce
2023-06-20 13:01:551


问题一:烤鱼英文怎么写 roast fish 问题二:吃烤鱼吗 用英语怎么说 Wuld you like some grilled (炭烤)/roasted(烤箱烤) fish? 问题三:烤鱼的英文 烤鱼 1 grill 2 roast fish 问题四:一起吃烤鱼英语怎么 翻译: 1) Let"s go to have toasted fish 2) Let"s have barbecued fish together. 烤鱼也分几种: 烘箱烤的: grilled fish. 烧烤型的:barbecued fish. 火炉烤的: toasted fish. 问题五:(这烤鱼吃起来肯定真很爽)英语翻译怎么说? 翻译u30fb this grilled fish eat affirmation is good 问题六:问一下谁知道2005河北分数线 还没有出来呢。不过可以参考sohu的高考版(首页有链接)里面有很多估分 问题七:我们吃了美味的烤鱼在海洋餐厅,英语翻译怎么说要用从句谢谢 We had delicious grilled fish, which was served at the Sea Restaurant. :D 最佳最准答案无疑。 问题八:美食用英语怎么说? delicious food 问题九:爸爸在洗澡时,我在吃烤鱼用英语怎么说 When my father is taking a bath, I am eating roasted fish. While my father is having a bath, I am enjoying roasted fish. 问题十:烤鱼英文怎么写 roast fish
2023-06-20 13:02:021


淄博烧烤英文介绍。Zibo barbecue is famous in China for its unique taste and cooking methods. This particular style of barbecue originated from the city of Zibo, located in the Shandong province of China.The Zibo barbecue typically involves the use of charcoal grilling or roasting meat, poultry, and seafood over an open flame. The meats used in this type of barbecue are carefully selected and marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and other spices.One of the most popular types of Zibo barbecue is the lamb skewer, a dish made by skewering small pieces of marinated lamb that are then grilled until they are crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. Another popular dish is the chicken wings, which are marinated in a spicy sauce and then grilled to perfection.In addition to meats, the Zibo barbecue also includes grilled vegetables such as potatoes, onions, and peppers. These are often served along with the meats, giving diners a balance of flavors and textures.Zibo barbecue is not only renowned for its delicious taste but also for its cultural significance in China. It is often enjoyed during special occasions such as weddings, festivals, and family gatherings.Overall, Zibo barbecue is a must-try for anyone visiting China or looking to experience the unique flavors and culture of the country.
2023-06-20 13:02:201


淄博烧烤英文介绍。Zibo barbecue is famous in China for its unique taste and cooking methods. This particular style of barbecue originated from the city of Zibo, located in the Shandong province of China.The Zibo barbecue typically involves the use of charcoal grilling or roasting meat, poultry, and seafood over an open flame. The meats used in this type of barbecue are carefully selected and marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and other spices.One of the most popular types of Zibo barbecue is the lamb skewer, a dish made by skewering small pieces of marinated lamb that are then grilled until they are crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. Another popular dish is the chicken wings, which are marinated in a spicy sauce and then grilled to perfection.In addition to meats, the Zibo barbecue also includes grilled vegetables such as potatoes, onions, and peppers. These are often served along with the meats, giving diners a balance of flavors and textures.Zibo barbecue is not only renowned for its delicious taste but also for its cultural significance in China. It is often enjoyed during special occasions such as weddings, festivals, and family gatherings.Overall, Zibo barbecue is a must-try for anyone visiting China or looking to experience the unique flavors and culture of the country.
2023-06-20 13:02:451


淄博烧烤英文介绍。Zibo barbecue is famous in China for its unique taste and cooking methods. This particular style of barbecue originated from the city of Zibo, located in the Shandong province of China.The Zibo barbecue typically involves the use of charcoal grilling or roasting meat, poultry, and seafood over an open flame. The meats used in this type of barbecue are carefully selected and marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and other spices.One of the most popular types of Zibo barbecue is the lamb skewer, a dish made by skewering small pieces of marinated lamb that are then grilled until they are crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. Another popular dish is the chicken wings, which are marinated in a spicy sauce and then grilled to perfection.In addition to meats, the Zibo barbecue also includes grilled vegetables such as potatoes, onions, and peppers. These are often served along with the meats, giving diners a balance of flavors and textures.Zibo barbecue is not only renowned for its delicious taste but also for its cultural significance in China. It is often enjoyed during special occasions such as weddings, festivals, and family gatherings.Overall, Zibo barbecue is a must-try for anyone visiting China or looking to experience the unique flavors and culture of the country.
2023-06-20 13:03:111


问题一:烤鱼英文怎么写 roast fish 问题二:吃烤鱼吗 用英语怎么说 Wuld you like some grilled (炭烤)/roasted(烤箱烤) fish? 问题三:一起吃烤鱼英语怎么 翻译: 1) Let"s go to have toasted fish 2) Let"s have barbecued fish together. 烤鱼也分几种: 烘箱烤的: grilled fish. 烧烤型的:barbecued fish. 火炉烤的: toasted fish. 问题四:烤鱼的英文 烤鱼 1 grill 2 roast fish 问题五:(这烤鱼吃起来肯定真很爽)英语翻译怎么说? 翻译u30fb this grilled fish eat affirmation is good 问题六:问一下谁知道2005河北分数线 还没有出来呢。不过可以参考sohu的高考版(首页有链接)里面有很多估分 问题七:我们吃了美味的烤鱼在海洋餐厅,英语翻译怎么说要用从句谢谢 We had delicious grilled fish, which was served at the Sea Restaurant. :D 最佳最准答案无疑。 问题八:美食用英语怎么说? delicious food 问题九:“定食”英文怎么说?比如烤鱼定食?谢谢! 反正再悉尼的日本料理,“定食”就翻译成 meal 烤鱼定食没吃过,估计大多会被翻译成 grilled fish meal , roast fish meal或者 BBQ fish meal
2023-06-20 13:03:361

请问快餐店(M// KFC)里食品的英文怎么说?!越详细越好~~

麦当劳食品的英文名(大中华区:中国/港澳/台湾)1.主餐类Hamburger 汉堡饱Cheese Burger 芝士汉堡饱Double Cheese Buregr 双层芝士孖堡Big Mac 巨无霸McChicken 麦香鸡Filet-O-Fish 鱼柳饱McCrispy Chicken Filet Burger 脆辣鸡腿饱Grilled Chicken Burger 板烧鸡腿饱Muffin 汉堡(有猪柳/猪柳蛋/烟肉蛋等口味)McNuggets 麦乐鸡Rice Burger(Fantastic) 饭tastic (有脆鸡/牛肉等口味)2. 配餐类French Fries 薯条Salad 沙律McWings脆香鸡翼3. 饮料CSD(Coca-Cola/Sprite/Fanta/Coke Light) 碳酸饮料/汽水(可口可乐/雪碧/芬达/健怡可乐)Hot chocolate 热朱古力Iced McBlead Coffee 冻浓香咖啡Qoo Juice drink Qoo果汁饮品McBlead Coffee 浓香咖啡McBrew Tea 浓滑奶茶Iced McBlead Tea 冻浓滑奶茶Bonaqua Mineralized Water 飞雪矿物质饮品Milk 牛奶Orange Juice 橙汁Ice Tea 冰红茶Hot Coffee 美式热咖啡Latte 意式咖啡(拉提)Capccino 意式咖啡(卡布奇诺)Hot Tea 热红茶Plum Drink with Aloe Vera 芦荟酸梅特饮Nestea(Lemon tea/honey pear tea) 雀巢柠檬茶/蜂蜜雪梨茶4.甜品Pie 苹果批/红豆批/...Shakes 奶昔Dip Cone 新地脆筒(芒果/朱古力等口味)Sundae 新地(朱古力/士多啤梨/菠萝)McFurry 麦旋风(朱古力曲奇/聪明豆/意大利咖啡)5.限早餐时段Hot Cake 松饼/热香饼Hash browns脆薯饼Bacon and egg Twisty Pasta烟肉蛋扭扭粉Raisim Scone提子松饼6.清新滋选Grilled Chicken Flatbread 鸡扒烤饼Korean Beef Flatbread 韩式牛肉烤饼Green Salad 田园沙律Grilled Chicken Salad 鸡扒沙律Fresh Pineapple 新鲜菠萝片Corn Cup 粒粒粟米杯Peach n" Blueberry Yogurt 蜜桃蓝莓乳酪
2023-06-20 13:03:451


淄博烧烤英文介绍。Zibo barbecue is famous in China for its unique taste and cooking methods. This particular style of barbecue originated from the city of Zibo, located in the Shandong province of China.The Zibo barbecue typically involves the use of charcoal grilling or roasting meat, poultry, and seafood over an open flame. The meats used in this type of barbecue are carefully selected and marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and other spices.One of the most popular types of Zibo barbecue is the lamb skewer, a dish made by skewering small pieces of marinated lamb that are then grilled until they are crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. Another popular dish is the chicken wings, which are marinated in a spicy sauce and then grilled to perfection.In addition to meats, the Zibo barbecue also includes grilled vegetables such as potatoes, onions, and peppers. These are often served along with the meats, giving diners a balance of flavors and textures.Zibo barbecue is not only renowned for its delicious taste but also for its cultural significance in China. It is often enjoyed during special occasions such as weddings, festivals, and family gatherings.Overall, Zibo barbecue is a must-try for anyone visiting China or looking to experience the unique flavors and culture of the country.
2023-06-20 13:03:521


淄博烧烤英文介绍。Zibo barbecue is famous in China for its unique taste and cooking methods. This particular style of barbecue originated from the city of Zibo, located in the Shandong province of China.The Zibo barbecue typically involves the use of charcoal grilling or roasting meat, poultry, and seafood over an open flame. The meats used in this type of barbecue are carefully selected and marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and other spices.One of the most popular types of Zibo barbecue is the lamb skewer, a dish made by skewering small pieces of marinated lamb that are then grilled until they are crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. Another popular dish is the chicken wings, which are marinated in a spicy sauce and then grilled to perfection.In addition to meats, the Zibo barbecue also includes grilled vegetables such as potatoes, onions, and peppers. These are often served along with the meats, giving diners a balance of flavors and textures.Zibo barbecue is not only renowned for its delicious taste but also for its cultural significance in China. It is often enjoyed during special occasions such as weddings, festivals, and family gatherings.Overall, Zibo barbecue is a must-try for anyone visiting China or looking to experience the unique flavors and culture of the country.
2023-06-20 13:04:171


2023-06-20 13:04:421


1.North scallop/ Hokkigai2.Balsamico3.Pan Seared Duck Breast4.Pan-fried Flounder/ Pan-fried Basa Lemon Pasta verde5.Farfalline with Seafood
2023-06-20 13:04:514


Tomato sauce with sweet pineapple.roast ham and mozzarella cheese 番茄酱配甜菠萝,烤火腿配玛苏里拉乳酪Margherta with salami-milano.pepproni.roast-hamand mozzarella玛格丽特批萨配米兰风干香肠,胡椒风干香肠,烤火腿(布拉格火腿)及玛苏里拉乳酪margherta topped sauteed calamari .shrimps.mussels.salmon.onion.garlic玛格丽特批萨配酿馅儿墨鱼,大虾,海虹,三文鱼,洋葱,大蒜Spicy Mexico julopeno pepper .fresh ball peppers.napoli.mozzarella香辣墨西哥青辣椒julopeno应为(jalapeno),甜椒ball 应为(bell),纳波利玛苏里拉乳酪以上应该是几种批萨的馅料Create your own favorite pasta dishes,your choice of sauce创造属于你自己的意大利面,可供选择酱汁Spicy beefmeat with Napoli tomatosauce parmean cheese香辣牛肉酱配纳波利番茄酱及帕尔马乳酪Sauteed bacon .onions.egg-yolk parmesan and white wine cream sauce蛋黄洋葱炒腌肉配白葡萄酒奶油汁Pan-fried shrimps and clams with fish stock and tomato原汁煎海鲜配番茄酱(大虾,三文鱼,蛏子)Egg-lasagne layered with beefmeat and tomato sauce topped mozzarella cheese鸡蛋千层面配牛肉番茄酱及玛苏里拉乳酪pan-fried Sea-bass fillet with garlic anchovy extra virgin olive oil香煎海鲈鱼配蒜香凤尾鱼及初榨橄榄油Grilled Norwegian fresh Salmon fillet and vegetableswith lemon cream sauce扒挪威三文鱼配时疏及柠檬奶油汁Italian rice cooked with意大利海鲜烩饭配大虾,墨鱼,海虹,蛏子Grilled steak and daily vegetales.potato with your choice sauce 1*peppercorn sauce 2*mushroom sauce扒牛排配时疏土豆及下列酱汁 1、胡椒汁。2、蘑菇汁Grilled veal chop and seasonal vegetablas served with red wine sauce扒小牛柳配时疏及红酒汁vegetablas 应为vegetablesPan-fried befffillet mingnon and daily vegelables. potato wih your choice sauce 1*peppercorn sauce 2*mushroom sauce煎牛柳配时疏土豆及以下酱汁 1、胡椒汁, 2、蘑菇汁befffillet少了个空格1.Milan style_pan-fried pork fillet medallions wrap breadcrumb and lemon米兰煎猪排配柠檬2.Roma style_pan-fried pork escalope and parma ham, sage with white winebutter sauce 罗马煎猪排配帕尔马火腿,鼠尾草及白葡萄酒黄油汁Baked chicken breast breast stuffed cheese wrap mixed crust Parmesan cheese herbs walnuts and lemon 乳酪酿鸡胸配帕尔马乳酪,香草,核桃及柠檬
2023-06-20 13:05:112


Roasted Pork Lion 烤猪柳Cannelloni 意大利肉卷Pork Lion with Apple 苹果猪排B.B.Q Pork Spare Ribs 金沙骨Pork Chop 猪排Pork Trotters 德式咸猪手Bacon and Onion Pie 洋葱烟肉批Roasted Ham with Honey 蜜汁烤火腿Grilled Pork Chops 烟肉肠仔串Evans Pork Chops 伊文斯猪肉Preserved Meat with Celery 西芹腊肉Stew B.B.Q with Winter Melon 冬瓜焖烧味Smoked Pork Lion 烟熏猪柳Grilled Pork with Lemongrass 香茅猪排Suckling Pig 烤乳猪Bean Wrapped in Bacon 四季豆烟肉卷Meat Loaf 瑞士肉包Grilled Pork Chop with Mustar 芥茉猪排Roasted Spare Ribs 烤特肋Smoked Ham 熏火腿Stewed Pork Ribs 醇香排骨Grilled Pork Chop Cajun Style 凯郡猪排Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable in Soya Sauce 梅菜扣肉BAK-KUT-THE 肉骨茶Winter Melon with Salted Pork 咸肉冬瓜Braised Pork Trotter with Soya Sauce 红烧猪蹄Picatta Pork 比加达猪柳Spare Rib in Local Wine 香醇猪排Steamed Meat Cake with Egg Yolk 肉饼蒸蛋BeefBraised Beef Tongue in Red Wine Sauce 红酒烩牛舌Beef Fillet Steak 尖椒牛肉条Mini Hamburger 迷你汉堡Sirloin Steak 西冷Beef in Japanese Style 日式牛肉Beef Skewer 牛肉串Ham&Veal Sausage 火腿牛仔肠Sirloin Steak with Green Pepper Corn Sauce 西冷配青椒汁Beef Balls in Curry Sauce 咖哩牛肉丸Beef Medallions with Bacon 牛柳烟肉卷Beef Fillet Migons with Pepper Sauce 黑椒牛肉卷Chilli Con Carne 墨西哥牛肉Sauteed Diced Beef in Black Pepper Sauce 黑椒牛柳粒Beef Wellington 威灵顿牛柳Swiss Beef Steak 瑞士牛排Smoked Beef Ribs 牛肋骨Tom-Yum Soup with Ox"s Tail 冬阴功牛尾Beef Roulade 牛肉卷Beef Slice with Green Pepper 牛柳烟肉卷Pan-fried Steak 铁板牛扒Char-grilled Steak with Pepper Sauce 黑椒牛排Roasted Rib Eye 肉眼排Roasted Veal 烤乳牛Fish&LambSteamed Bass Fish 蒸鲈鱼Grilled Sea Bass 扒鲈鱼Braised Fish Head Singapore Style 新加坡鱼头Lamb Curry 咖哩羊肉Salmon in Salt&Pepper 椒盐三文鱼Deep-fried Pork Schnitzels and Sole 炸猪排和胧俐鱼Fish Cake Thai Style 泰式鱼饼Local Fish in Pandon Leaf 露兜叶包鱼New Zealand Lamb Cutlets 新西兰羊排Pan-fried Pomfret in Banana Leaves 香蕉叶包鲳鱼Roasted Eel 烤鳗Pan-fried Sea Bass with Lemon & Chive Sauce 鲈鱼排Sole Filled with Roasted Almond Slice 胧俐鱼配烤杏仁片Pan-fried Salmon Steak 香煎三文鱼扒Pan-fried Mackerel 香煎马鲛鱼Sauteed Cuttlefish 宫保花枝片Irish Lamb 爱尔兰羊肉Roasted Salmon Japanese Style 日式烤三文鱼Baked Cod with Cheese 芝士局鳕鱼Stewed Sea Bass in White Sauce 白汁鲈鱼Smoked Trout 烟熏鳟鱼Venetian Cod with Raisins and Pine Nuts 威尼斯煎鳕鱼Smoked Pomfret 烟熏鲳鱼Boiled Snapper"s Head 煮鳟鱼头Braised Hair Tail in Soya Sauce 红烧带鱼Salmon in Salt Crust with Herbs 盐局三文鱼Mackerel Fish 马鲛鱼Roasted Mackerel Japanese Style 日式烤鱼Cod Fish in Salt 椒盐鳕鱼Grilled Salmon Cajun Style 凯郡三文鱼Stewed Fish Cantonese Style 广式蒸鱼Deep Fried Yellow Croaker 煎小黄鱼
2023-06-20 13:05:181

Grilled King Prawns with Garlic,Herb and Butter是什么意思

2023-06-20 13:05:263


碳烤澳洲谷饲牛排Grilled Australian grain-fed steak
2023-06-20 13:05:331