barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-20 15:54:27

基本解释:名词 (船或飞机装载的)货物; 负荷,荷重。

英 [kɑ:g] 美 [kɑ:rgo],第三人称复数:cargoes。

相关例句:名词,1. The ship can carry a cargo of 1,000 tons.这船能载一千吨货物。2. We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion。我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。


1. The carrier said that its cargo business performed robustly in the first quarter of 2011.

2. Almost all cargo Sichuan exports to Europe travels by sea route from eastern China.

3. The Eurasian continental corridor is considered a favorable choice for cargo transport between the two continents because it takes less time than shipping by sea.

4. The Economic Observer reported earlier that the two leading Chinese cargo carriers would be merged by the end of September.



2023-06-20 10:28:513


2023-06-20 10:29:194


cargon.船货, (车、船、飞机等运输的)货物goodsn.货物, <美俚>工具
2023-06-20 10:29:286

cargo和goods有什么区别? 关于投票

2023-06-20 10:29:511

Cargo 是可数名词还是不可数的,复数情况下加不加s???

(pl. cargoes, cargos)船(装)货, 货物; 载运的货物可以有复数
2023-06-20 10:29:593


cargon.船货, (车、船、飞机等运输的)货物
2023-06-20 10:30:084


问题一:货物运输用英文怎么写? 货物运输 freight traffic carriage of freights carriage of goods Freight Transport cargo transportation transportation of cargo good激 transportation 问题二:英语里面 “货车” 怎么说的啊! lorry n.[C] 1. 【英】卡车,货车 2. (矿区等处在铁轨上行驶的)运料车 问题三:物流公司用英语怎么说? physical distribution pany 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^ 问题四:货运站用英文怎么说 good户 station freight terminal freight station 问题五:英语中的货代怎么说 货代,如果指个人,就是指“承运人”,指公司的话,就是“货代、物流公司”。 Consignor 承运人 Logistics pany 货代公司,或者是物流公司 BTW, Consigner 发货人,委托人,货主 Consignee户收货人 供参考。 问题六:求助 货运代理 用英语怎么说 freight forwarding 问题七:物流用英语怎么说u30fbu30fb? logistics 1. 物品 article 2. 物流 logistics 3. 物流活动 logistics activity 4. 物流作业 logistics operation 5. 物流模数 logistics modulus 6. 物流技术 logistics technology 7. 物流成本 logistics cost 8. 物流管理 logistics management 9. 物流中心 logistics center 10. 物流网络 logistics network 11. 物流信息 logistics information 12. 物流企业 logistics enterprise 13. 物流单证 logistics documents 14. 物流联盟 logistics alliance 15. 供应物流 supply logistics 16. 生产物流 production logistics 17. 销售物流 distribution logistics 18. 回收物流 returned logistics 19. 废弃物物流 waste material logistics 20. 绿色物流 environmental logistics 21. 企业物流 internal logistics 22. 社会物流 external logistics 23. 军事物流 military logistics 24. 国际物流 international logistics 25. 第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL) 26. 定制物流 customized logistics 27. 虚拟物流 virtual logistics 28. 增值物流服务 value-added logistics service 问题八:国际货物运输代理有限公司用英语怎么说 Cargo/cargoes 不加transport/transportation 因为cargo 已经表示运输的货物 International Cargoes International Trade Forwarding 问题九:外贸英语货运中量词一票货怎么说 一票货?没有这个词,但在具体的语境中对应不同的词。比如说运费100块/票,就是$100/set。 问题十:“物流公司”用英语怎么说 “物流公司”用英语表示为: 1. logistics panies 2. Transport and distribution panies 例句: 1. 然后,物流公司会寻求为仓库使用者提供越来越复杂的分拣、测试和贴标服务。 Logistics panies then seek to offer more and more sophisticated sorting, testing and labelling services to their warehouse users. 2. 不过,目前该公司与美国物流公司联邦快递(fedex)开展业务的3架货机仍在飞行。 However, for now it is still flying three cargo planes in a tie-up with us logistics pany fedex. 3. 与当地检验局、仓库及物流公司保持联络。 Liaise with local inspection bureau, warehouse and logistic panies.
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已经订舱了,但被甩货,用英语怎么说?谢谢! Because there were no any space available for shipping panies.,cargoes were rejected to load on the vessel.[[i] 本帖最后由 kaka521 于 2009-7-7 17:31 编辑 [/i]] "甩货"用英文怎么说 Sale On Sale Clearance在贸易术语中,"甩货“用英语怎么说 off loaded cargo. 爆仓被甩货用英文怎么表述 sea shipment over booking the container has to wait for next vessel the container cannot be loaded into the vessel (是意译) 被甩货用英文怎么表述 被甩货 Dumped goods 在外贸船务中,爆仓用英文怎么表达? overbook正解 已经订舱了,但被甩货,用英语怎么说 你好! 已经订舱了,但被甩货 It"s booked, but it"s dumped
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2023-06-20 10:30:543


loading and unloading capacity装卸量throughput 吞吐量
2023-06-20 10:31:023


1、大多数动词在词尾加“S”在清辅音后发音为[s],在浊辅音及元音后发音为 [z]。如: ①stop-stops [s] ; make-makes [s] ②read-reads [z] ; play-plays [z] 2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后在加“es”读[iz] 如: fly-flies [z]; carry-carries [z] study-studies [z]; worry-worries 3、以“s, x, ch, sh”结尾的,在词尾加“es”,发音为[iz] 如: teach-teaches [iz]; watch-watches [iz] 4、以“o”结尾的动词,加“es”,读[z] 如: go-goes [z] do-does [z]
2023-06-20 10:31:103

cargo and goods

cargo货物,特指由飞机、船、车辆装载的。cargo vesselplane 货船货运飞机goods 则是商品的总称
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2023-06-20 10:31:411


问题一:“货代公司”的英文怎么说 我就在一家外资货代公司上班 xxx International Freight Agency pany Limited 中文是:XXX国际货运代理有限公司 所以货代公司应该是:Freight Agency pany 问题二:物流公司用英语怎么说? physical distribution pany 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^ 问题三:国际货物运输代理有限公司用英语怎么说 Cargo/cargoes 不加transport/transportation 因为cargo 已经表示运输的货物 International Cargoes International Trade Forwarding 问题四:货运代理 用英语怎么说 该词通常指把委托者委托的货物,通过制定的运输途径,从一地运往另一地,货运代理是为运输公司(海、陆、空)代理收运货物、揽货,从而在完成货主与客商之间的贸易中起到重要的连接作用的公司 可以说成: freight forwarder A freight forwarder, forwarder, or forwarding agent, also known as a non-vessel operating mon carrier (NVOCC), is a person or pany that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the manufacturer or producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution. Forwarders contract with a carrier or often multiple carriers to move the goods. A forwarder does not move the goods but acts as an expert in the logistics network. These carriers can use a variety of shipping modes, including ships, airplanes, trucks, and railroads, and often multiple modes for a single shipment. For example, the freight forwarder may arrange to have cargo moved from a plant to an airport by truck, flown to the destination city, then moved from the airport to a customer"s building by another truck. 问题五:英语中的货代怎么说 货代,如果指个人,就是指“承运人”,指公司的话,就是“货代、物流公司”。 Consignor 承运人 Logistics pany 货代公司,或者是物流公司 BTW, Consigner 发货人,委托人,货主 Consignee户收货人 供参考。 问题六:国际货运代理的英文怎么说 国际货运代理 [网络] international freight forwarding agent; freight forwarder; International Freight Forwarder; [例句]我在国际货运代理公司挪威子公司高级职位的工作。 I work for an international freight forwarding pany and situate a senior position in their Norwegian daughter pany. 问题七:求助 货运代理 用英语怎么说 freight forwarding
2023-06-20 10:31:581


有生命什么的怎么说也是中国人总结的,并不是绝对的。英语中总是有特例的,像袋鼠kangaroos,你看到了吧,是加s的。你就记住这个:常见的有生命加es的单词有: negro黑人, hero英雄, tomato西红柿, potato土豆用一句话来记忆:黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆。
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Because wages are the same in both sectors , non - tradables are cheaper in poorer countries 因为,在上述两个领域工资水平是相同的,而不可 贸易货物 在穷国更便宜。 This will be a a great help in transporting goods beeen the harbors at ningbo and the markets in shanghai 对于宁波港和上海市的 贸易货物 ,他将起到一个相当重要的作用。 Rich countries have higher productivity than poor countries , but their advantage tends to be *** aller in non - traderble goods and services than in tradables 富国比穷国具有更高生产力,但是他们在不可 贸易货物 和服务上的优势比起在可贸易的上面要小。 The export figures do not include indirect exports involving ftz ( federal trade zone ) merchandise which undergoes further processing in the united states at non - ftz sites prior to export 出口指标是不包括那些联邦贸易区内的 贸易货物 在内的间接出口货物,这些在联邦贸易区内交易的货物在出口前要经过进一步的处理。 Just to cite a local example , the port of baltimore handles over $ 3 bilpon in o - way trade with east asia every year , and about $ 2 . 5 bilpon in trade with japan and china alone 就以我们这附近的巴尔的摩港为例,每年经由这个港口处理的与东亚地区的双向 贸易货物 的金额高达30多亿美元,仅与日本和中国的贸易额就达到25亿美元左右。 Therefore , if currencies are determined by the relative prices of tradables , but ppp is calculated from a basket that includes non - tradables , such as the big mac , the currencies of poor countries will always look undervalued 因此,如果货币是由可 贸易货物 与服务的相对价格来决定的,但是由于购买力平价是根据单位不可贸易货物,如巨无霸来计算的,穷国的货币显得总是被低估了。 China is a great maritime country . she has 180 , 000 km of coast pne , 110 , oookm of inland waterway , 5 , 000 of shipping enterprises and 280 , 000 tons of cargoes transport capacity . about 97 percent of the foreign trade cargoes and 50 percent of the domestic trade cargoes are tran *** itted by the waterway 我国是一个航运大国,拥有1 . 8万公里海岸线、 11万公里内河河道,拥有近5000家航运企业和28万吨运力,全国对外贸易货物运输的97 ,国内 贸易货物 的50都是通过水路运输完成的。
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物质名词(名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类:1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work。
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2023-06-20 10:33:024


还能多给点分吗? 30真的太少了 TANK TOP DIMENSIONS EXCLUDING CORRUGATED BLHD : 货舱的尺寸不包括 不能利用的部分 准确的说是舱底的尺寸 J.NUMBER OF CRANES AND CAPACITY : 4X25 TONS ELECTRO HYDROLIC CRANES 船吊的数量和负载,4个25吨的电机液压克林吊 K.CLEAR DECK SPACE FOR DECK CARGOES : ABOUT 6.60 M 能装甲板货物的高度 这个正确 TANK FULL CAPACITY : 液舱总容积 IFO TANK CAPACITY : 1,300 MT 重油舱容积 MDO TANK CAPACITY : 170 MT 轻油舱容积 FRESH WATER : 285 MT 淡水舱容积 BALLAST TANK CAPACITY : 13,870 MT 压载水舱容积 M. CLASS : NKK 船级 日本海事协会(相当于日本船级社) IMO NUMBER : 8309232 国际海事组织编号 正确 EX NAME : MV SANKO GRACE 曾用名 CALL SIGN : TCFS 呼号 PORT OF REGISTERY : ISTANBUL 登记港 伊斯坦布尔 正确 TLX NO : 1740755 - 427118060 电传号 不是电报,这个是卫通 N. BUNKER CONSUMPTION AT SEA AND IN PORT BSS IDLE/WKNG (24 HRS) 油耗 在海上和靠泊(工作和闲置) BALLAST ABT 13.0 KNT ON 21.5 MT IFO 180 CST (MAX SULPHUR %4,5) RME 25 PLUS 2.0 MT MGO DMA LADEN ABT 12.8 KNT ON 22.5 MT IFO 180 CST RME 25 PLUS 2.0 MT MGO DMA IN PORT: IDLE 1.5 MT MGO WORKING 2.5 MT MGO 空载:航速13节 油耗21.5吨重油(180品脱,粘度单位)(含硫最多4.5%)+ 2.0吨轻油 满载: 12.8节 22.5重油 +2.0轻油 靠泊, 闲置 1.5吨轻油 工作 2.5吨轻油 SPEED AND CONSUMPTION IN GOOD WEATHER BEAUTFORT 4 AND SEA STATE 3 OR BELOW, W/O ICE, SWELL, COUNTER CURRENT, ALL ABT WOG. VESSEL BURNS MGO WHEN MANOEUVERING IN PORTS NAVIGATING IN RIVERS, CHANNELS, CANALS, ESTUARIES, NARROW, PILOT ON BOARD AND CONFINED WATERS ETC. 航速有油耗是在良好天气情况下,风力小于浦伏侍4级,海况小于道格拉斯3级,没有冰,涌,逆流,所有资料都是大概描述的,不保证绝对准确。船在手动操作,内河,水道,运河,入海口,狭窄(水道),引水在船上和限制水域等等航行时可以使用轻油 O.TURKISH NATIONALITY PERSON ON BOARD 土耳其船员 P.PANDI CLUB : NORTH OF ENGLAND 船东互保协会:北英格兰 H N M VALUE : USD 14,000,000 船舶保险 14000000美元 HNM UNDERWRITERS : ANADOLU SIGORTA 保险公司:ANADOLU SIGORTA R.VSL HAS "CARGO SECURING MANUAL" ON BOARD 船上有系固手册 S.DISTANCE FROM KEEL TO TOP OF HIGHEST POINT : 45.294 M MAX AIR DRAFT : 38.50 MTR UNDER NORMAL BALLAST CONDITION 基线(也叫龙骨)到最高点 45.294米 最大净空高度 38.5米 空载时 T.LAST/NEXT DRY DOCK : AUG 2005 / AUG 2008 LAST/NEXT SPECIAL SURVEY : 07.09.2005 / 16.05.2010 最后一次入坞 AUG 2005 / AUG 2008 上一次/下一才特检07.09.2005 / 16.05.2010 ALL ABOUT WOG 所有资料都是大概描述的,不保证绝对准确 PS:上面一句话是翻译原文内容,我的翻译绝对无误
2023-06-20 10:33:291

外贸英语900句之 装运 Shipment

(一)   The shipment has arrived in good condition.   运到之货情况良好   I hope you"ll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment.   我希望您能对第一批货感到满意。   Please exercise better care with future shipments.   对今后装运的货,请多加注意。   Can last shipment be duplicated?   上次装运的货能再卖一批吗?   We regret we can"t ship as you desired.   很抱歉,我们不能按你们的要求装船。   We"ll send vessels to pick up the cargo at Huangpu.   我们将派船只在黄埔装运。   There is an over-shipment of 200 lbs.   货物多装了200磅。   Can we short-ship 5 tons?   我们可以少装5吨吗?   Please hold shipment pending our instructions.   请在我们通知之前暂停装货。   The goods are all ready for shipment.   货物已经准备好待装运。   I"ve got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to London.   关于上次装运到伦敦的那批货,我不得不抱怨你。   The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. "Dong Feng".   货已装上“东风”号轮船。   We ship most of our oil in bulk.   我们装运的油多数是散装的。   We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U.S.A.   我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。   The facilities for shipping goods to southeast Asian countries have changed a lot.   出口到东南亚的货物的装运条件已大大改善了。   Words and Phrases   shipment 装运   shipping advice 装船通知   loading 装货   shipping order 装货单   to effect shipment 装运   shipping 装运的   shipping mark 装运标志   to make shipment 交货,装运   to ship 装船,装运   shipping instruction 装船单据   to make delivery of the goods 交货   to take delivery of the goods 提货   ]unloading/discharging 卸货   loading list 装船单   loading charge 装船费   loading certificate 装货证明书   loading days 装货天数,装载时间   load off 卸货   Male"s Receipt 大副收据   loaded on Deck (货物)装于甲板上   Shipping Instructions Form 装船指示单   shipping documents 装船单据   cargo mark 货物装运标志   (二)   Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?   我们订的100辆小汽车能尽快装运吗?   An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment.   如果你们尽快答复,我们便可以加速装船。   The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.   第105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。   Could you manage to hasten the delivery?   你们能否加快装运?   Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly?   你们能不能提前一点交货呢?   A timely delivery means a lot to us.   及时交货对我们来说关系可大了。   I"m sorry to say that we can"t advance the time of delivery.   非常抱歉我们不能把交货期提前。   There"s still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods.   还有另一种可能可以确保即期交货。   If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we could receive the goods much earlier.   如果在香港交货,我们可以更早些收到货物。   Could you do something to advance your shipment?   你们能不能设法提前交货?   They hold a discussion on the time of shipment for fireworks.   他们就礼花的装运期问题进行了谈判。   Since the time of shipment can not be fixed, I can not but worry about it.   交货期还没定下来,我怎么会不着急呢?   I"m sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipment for the time being.   很抱歉,现在我们还无法告诉您确切的装船日期。   Can you effect shipment of the order in March?   您看这批货能在3月份装运吗?   Is it possible to effect shipment during October?   能不能在10月份交货?   I want the goods to be delivered in June.   我希望你们能在6月份交货。   After shipment, it will be altogether four to five weeks before the goods can reach our retailers.   从交货到零售商收到货物总共需要4至5个星期。   We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.   我们最晚在今年12月份或明年初交货。   We assure you that shipment will be made no later than the first half of April.   请您放心,我们交货期不会迟于4月份上半月。   You expect us to make delivery in less than a month, right?   您是希望我们在不到1个月的时间内交货吗?   I"m terribly worried about late shipment.   我非常担心货物迟交。   Words and Phrases   forward shipment 远期装运   near shipment 近期装运   prompt shipment 即期装运   shipment as soon as possible 尽速装运   late shipment 迟交   prompt delivery 即期交货   time of shipment 装运期,装运时间   time of delivery 交货期   load time 装货时间   to speed up 加速   to effect shipment 交货,装运   initial shipment 第一批货   shipment during October 1990   1990年10月装运   shipment during October/November   1990年10月或11月装运   shipment on or before 15th, November, 1990   1990年11月15日以前装运   shipment during May with partial shipment and transshipment allowed, sellers option.   装运期由卖方选择,允许分批装运。   shipment on or before the end of November 1990.   1990年底或以前装运。   shipment on Board the Vessel called the……   已由某某轮船装运   to exercise better care with sth   多加关心   over-shipment 多装   short-shipment 少装   to be ready for 准备好   in bulk 散装   preferential duty rates 优惠利率   facilities 条件,设施   (三)   It"s better to designate Tanggu as the loading port.   在塘沽装货比较合适。   A manager of a Japanese Company and a staff member of a Chinese corporation hold a discussion on the loading port at Beijing Hotel.   中国公司一名业务员与日本公司的经理在北京饭店就装运港问题进行了洽谈。   We"d better have a brief talk about the loading port.   我们能就装运港问题简短地谈一谈。   You may choose Tianjin as port of shipment.   你可以选择天津作为交货港。   How about shipping them from Huangpu instead of Shantou?   把汕头改为黄埔交货怎么样?   You insist that Dalian is the loading port, right?   您坚持把大连定为装运港,对吗?   Now Huangpu is fine as the loading port.   现在可以把黄埔定为装运港。   We are always willing to choose the big ports as the loading ports.   我们总希望用较大的港口作为装运港   We"d like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area.   我们希望把上海定为装运港是由于它离货物产地比较近。   It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai.   将装运港由汕头改为珠海对我们来说问题不大。   Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon?   咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题?   He exchanged views on the choice of the unloading port with Mr. Smith.   他和史密斯先生就选择卸货港问题交换了意见。   What"s your unloading port please?   你们的卸货港定在哪里?   It"s not reasonable to have the goods unloaded at Hamburg.   把货卸在汉堡不太合适。   We don"t think it"s proper to unload the Chinese tea at London.   我们认为把伦敦作为中国茶叶的卸货港,很难让人接受。   As most of our clients are near Tianjin, we"d like to appoint Tanggu as the unloading port.   我们的大多数客户离天津较近,所以选择了塘沽作为卸货港。   There are more sailings at Shanghai, so we have chosen it as the unloading port.   因为上海的船次多,我们把这里定为卸货港。   We"d like to change the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka.   我们愿意把卸货港由东京改为大阪。   Words and Phrases   port of call 寄航港   saillings 船次   optional port 选择港   loading port 装货港   unloading port 卸货港   port of shipment 装运港   port of destination 目的港   European Main Ports (E.M.P.) 欧洲主要港口   Customary Quick Dispatch 按港口习惯快速装运   (四)   Don"t you think it"s troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney?   您不认为在悉尼转船太麻烦了吗?   Do you wish to transship the goods to Macao at Hong Kong?   您是不是想把货物由香港转至澳门。   We have been able to transship S.E. Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hongkong without mishap.   我们在香港转船去东南亚的货物途中未曾遇到过麻烦事。   Sometimes, we have to make a transshipment because there is no suitable loading or pr in the producing country.   有时因为在生产国找不到合适的装港,我们不得不转船。   So far as I know, there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong.   据我所知,在香港转船期间有货物被盗或损坏的风险。   In case of transhipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges.   货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。   All transport transshipment charges will be included in the C.I.F. price.   所有的转运费用都包括在到岸价格里面了。   Partial shipment is allowed.   允许分批装运。   I heard that partial shipment wasn"t permitted.   我听说不允许分批装运。   Transhipment is (not) allowed.   (不)准许转船。   We must have the goods here in September for reshipment.   货物必须9月份到达此地以便再转运。   Words and Phrases   troublesome 麻烦   suitable 合适的   pilferage 盗窃   in case of 如果   transshipment charges 转运费   as far as sb knows 就……所知,据……所知   loaded to full capacity 满载   transshipment (T.S.) 转运   to tranship (transship) 转运   transhipment permitted 允许转运   transhipment prohibited 不许转运   transit shipment 转运,中转   transhipment on route 中途转运   transhipment entry 转运报单   transhipment manifest 转运仓单   transhipment trade 转口贸易   transhipment to be allowed 准许转运   transhipment not allowed 不准许转运   partial shipment 分批装运
2023-06-20 10:33:361


The cargo will be transported from Chengdu to Taiwan, and detailed infomation has been included in the email attachment. Please check and confirm the charges as soon as possible, thanks.
2023-06-20 10:34:067


off loaded cargo
2023-06-20 10:34:223


1. 订货提前期是介于制定订单和实际收到订单货物的之间的时间。如果供应商不能提供客户所需求的商品,那么公司就应当保有一些被需要的商品库存。较长的提前期和较多的数量,使公司必须保有一定的库存(安全库存)2.IT技术是库存分类的重要技术,因为库存分类的方式影响着库存管理。3.为了解决这个问题,许多公司使用ABC分析库存法。这种方法认为,库存不具有其同等价值,因此,库存管理也不必用同样的方法。根据ABC分析法,20%库存占有80%的库存成本费用。因此,公司能够控制其80%的库存成本的监测和控制20%的库存.但是 ,它必须是正确的20%。4.集装箱运输增加了海上货物运输的快速性,经济性和安全性。5.集装箱运输根据货物不同的运输模式种类机械化装卸,把它们放入标准的集装箱尺寸。通过这种方法运输的货物在装船或者卸船的这几天里可以处理,在更短的时间内作为一个现代集装箱起重机可处理约一两分钟运动。众多的优势,使得集装箱运输取得了国际性的成功。 6.与传统的散货运输相比较,集装箱运输的运输成本大大的降低了。在集装箱运输之前,海运运费占零售价的5%-10%,现在这一份额已经减少到1.5%。这些主要因素通过集装箱运输使其加快了成本削减速度和灵活性。7.集装箱内的内容物对于集装箱托运人是不可知的,它只能在原产地,海关,和目的地被开启。货物的灭失和损坏,特别是对于那些高价值的商品,因此大大的被减少了。8.全面的运输方式分析揭示了它们各自主要业务和商业优势。因此模式,可以相互补充或其他方面的成本,速度,可得性,安全性,舒适性等。虽然多式联运运输开辟了许多机会之间的合作模式,有激烈的竞争,因为企业的竞争,现在许多模式在运输链之中。9.有一些地方产品储存仓库被认为是一个非常临时的活动。这些仓库配送系统中充当一个结点在那些产品来自许多不同供应商,并要求迅速运出给许多客户。10.通过供应商管理库存(VMI)可以帮助分销商和零售商,以减少库存,并实现更高的存货周转率,在中小企业的时间,供应商受益于更好的需求预测,因为早期存取数据的客户。
2023-06-20 10:34:311


建议楼主自己去网上翻译 有很多翻译工具 我以前常用有道在线翻译 虽然有的地方翻译的不是很好 有了大体结构自己可以适当修改成符合自己语言方式的语句
2023-06-20 10:34:466


反正没人回答........乱答的.骗分数.1.We立即附寄被批准了或被审查了根据您的请求的以下图画或文件。 图画的标题或文件 2.Kindly在这封信件的附上拷贝承认图画或文件的收据。 3.Bearing适合的垫tobe,如果这个舱口盖被找出或被暴露的甲板在向前0.25L 4.Thickness叉子板材打开或abover 16mm 5.Sight将插入的玻璃板,如果毒性货物或flamable货物是运载的 6.NK以评论在红色1.We立即附寄被批准了或被审查了根据您的请求的以下图画或文件。 图画的标题或文件2.Kindly在这封信件的附上拷贝承认图画或文件的收据。 3.Bearing垫tobe适合了,如果这个舱口盖被找出或被暴露的甲板在向前0.25L叉子板材打开或abover 16mm 4.Thickness 叉子板材打开或将插入的abover 16mm 5.Sight玻璃板的,如果毒性货物或flamable货物是运载的6.NK以评论在红色1我方根据你的要求修正了图纸/文件,特在此附上。2非常感谢在这封信件的附上拷贝图纸或文件的收据。 3底部的衬垫应安装好,如果舱口或者露出的甲板装在0.25升(水面)以上。 4叉形面板的厚度在16毫米或者稍厚一些。5在装载有毒性或者易燃货物时,应插入可视玻璃面板。 6请用红笔标注说明文字。
2023-06-20 10:35:012


cargo ["kɑ:gu0259u] n.船货,货物 词形变化: 名词复数:cargoes 例句与用法: How long will the discharge of the cargo take? 卸货需要多久? This port handles 100 million tons of cargo each year. 这个港口每年货物吞吐量达1亿吨. The tide had washed up cargo from the wrecked ship. 潮水把遇难船上的货物冲到了岸边. The captured ship and her cargo were condemned. 这艘被俘获的船及其货物均被没收. The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关扣押了全部的船货. A cargo of steel was lost at sea. 有一货轮的钢材在海上遗失了. The ship is discharging the cargo. 船正在卸货.
2023-06-20 10:35:191


cargo 英[u02c8kɑ:gu0259u028a] 美[u02c8kɑ:rgou028a] n. (船或飞机装载的) 货物; 负荷,荷重; [例句]The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas.船停靠这个主要港口以装载其常规货物——香蕉。[其他] 复数:cargoes
2023-06-20 10:35:261


2023-06-20 10:36:013

到货 英语怎么说

arriveon arrival 到货例句与用法: 1. 当新的夏季时装到货以后,该店决定降价出售冬装。 The shop decided to clear off the winter clothes when the new summer fashions arrived. 2. 到货情况不能令人满意,正在进一步检查受损情况,恐买方索赔不可避免。 Condition on arrival unsatisfactory inspect damage further but buyer claim inevitable.
2023-06-20 10:36:231


cargo:英音["kɑ:ɡu0259u028a]、美音[u02c8kɑrɡo]n. (船或飞机装载的)货物;负荷,荷重变化形式:复数 cargoes例句:What sets this journey apart is the cargo .这趟旅程与众不同的之处在于随行的货物。The cargo weighed 515 kilograms , or 1133 pounds .这些走私货总重达515千克,即1133磅。Only then can it deliver its cargo .唯其如此才能让货物顺利抵达。
2023-06-20 10:36:451


问题一:“货代公司”的英文怎么说 我就在一家外资货代公司上班 xxx International Freight Agency pany Limited 中文是:XXX国际货运代理有限公司 所以货代公司应该是:Freight Agency pany 问题二:英语中的货代怎么说 货代,如果指个人,就是指“承运人”,指公司的话,就是“货代、物流公司”。 Consignor 承运人 Logistics pany 货代公司,或者是物流公司 BTW, Consigner 发货人,委托人,货主 Consignee户收货人 供参考。 问题三:国际货物运输代理有限公司用英语怎么说 Cargo/cargoes 不加transport/transportation 因为cargo 已经表示运输的货物 International Cargoes International Trade Forwarding 问题四:请问货代公司的正式英文名字怎么翻译? ABC INTENATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDING CO.LTD 100%正川 我们公司就是XXX国际货运公司:) 问题五:物流公司用英语怎么说? physical distribution pany 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^ 问题六:货代公司今天早上刚刚告诉我.翻译成英文。 你好! 货代公司今天早上刚刚告诉我 Forwarder pany just told me this morning 问题七:英文翻译:国际货运代理有限公司 3是比较标准和通行的写法,或者去掉freight也是可以的; 比如DHL Global Forwarding CO., Ltd. 。
2023-06-20 10:37:081


good commodity cargo一般可以互用。分别可以相当与译作(商品或货物)(商品)(货物)。跟中文的区分差不多。
2023-06-20 10:37:262

辅音字母加o结尾的名词变复数 哪些加s,哪些加es?

1、以O结尾的词,许多加es构成复数,特别是一些常用词如:heroes,potatoes,tomatoes,echoes,tornadoes,torpedoes,dominoes,vetoes,mosquitoes,Negroes,mangoes,buffaloes,volcanoes 2、但下面几类词只加s: 一、以“辅音+o”或“oo”结尾的词如:videos,radios,studios,folios,oratorios,embryos,zoos,bamboos,kangaroos,taboos 二、一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词,如:pianos,solos,concertos,tobaccos,mottos,cellos 三、一些缩写词和专有名词,如:kilos,photos,memos,micros,Eskimos,Filipnos 3、有个别词加两种词尾都可以,如:archipelago(e)s,halo(e)s,cargoes(英),cargos(美)
2023-06-20 10:37:331


  危险品是易燃、易爆、有强烈腐蚀性、有毒的物品的总称。那么你知道吗?下面跟着我一起来学习关于危险品的英语知识吧。   危险品的英语说法   dangerous cargo   hazardous article   Dangerous goods   危险品相关英语表达   危险品规则 Dangerous Goods Regulations   危险品事故 hazardous sudden accident ; dangerous goods accident   危险品资料表 hazard data sheet   高度危险品 highly dangerous product   危险品的英语例句   1. Route optimization is an effective safety measure for hazardous material transportation.   道路危险品运输路径优化是提高危险品运输安全的一项重要措施.   2. Certificate is needed to be a administrator for hazardous chemical warehouse.   对于危险品仓库管理员需持证上岗.   3. Training in the shipment and handling of Dangerous Goods.   有危险品方面的管理与受训经验.   4. Linsuanerqingjia, ammonium sulfate purification, packaging materials, chemical products excluding hazardous chemicals sales.   磷酸二氢钾 、 硫酸铵提纯, 包装材料 、 化工产品 不含化学危险品 销售.   5. Remove any product labels or Department of Transportation DOT shipping hazard labels.   去掉产品标签或交通部 DOT 的运输危险品标志.   6. Loading and stowing of dangerous goods and bulk cargoes.   一四危险品及大量散装货物之装载储藏装置.   7. The prohibition of carrying flammable or corrosive goods with passenger elevators.   禁止携带易燃易爆或带腐蚀性的危险品乘用电梯.   8. Taoli sand production sales chemical except Dangerous Goods steel.   陶粒砂生产销售化工 危险品 材.   9. Scope: Automotive Transport of Dangerous Goods . Automotive Transport of Dangerous Goods.   经营范围: 汽车危险品运输.   10. Self - employed in a professional pany of dangerous goods transport fleet.   公司 自营 有专业危险品运输车队.   11. Some dangerous goods are not included in this classification.   有些危险品并不包括在此类别中.   12. Vessels carrying dangerous goods shall report the dangerous goods"category and quantity.   载有危险货物的船舶应报告所载危险品种类数量.   13. Production: calcium chloride, magnesium chloride. Sales: chemical products excluding dangerous goods .   生产: 氯化钙 、 氯化镁. 销售: 化工产品 不含危险品 .   14. Seek Tianjin transporting vehicle till Liaoning Fu Xin City hazardous article.   寻找天津至辽宁阜新危险品运输车.   15. The confiscation of dangerous goods be forfeited to produce documentary evidence.   没收危险品时,应向被没收人出具书面证明. 1.“危险品”英语怎么说 2.危化品使用管理规定 3.危险品用英文怎么说 4.微波炉用英语怎么说 5. 危化品储存及使用管理规定
2023-06-20 10:37:501

Cargo description是什么意思

2023-06-20 10:37:571

Cargo description是什么意思

cargo description 网络 货载描述; cargo 英[u02c8kɑ:gu0259u028a] 美[u02c8kɑ:rgou028a] n. (船或飞机装载的) 货物; 负荷,荷重; [例句]The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas.船停靠这个主要港口以装载其常规货物——香蕉。[其他] 复数:cargoes
2023-06-20 10:38:071


名词单复数变化规则+口诀 一、可数名词都有单数和复数之分。 A: 规则的可数名词的复数变化规则: 1.一般情况加 s : book-- books mouth---mouths house---houses girl---girls 2.以 s 、 sh 、 ch 、 x结尾的加 es : class--- classes box----boxes match----matches 3.辅音字母 + y结尾的变 y为 i加es: city---cities country----countries party----parties factory----factories 4.以 o 结尾的词 +es的只有以下词 :heroes Negroes tomatoes potatoes zeroes/zeros 以 o 结尾并且词尾有两个元音字母 +s radios, zoos, bamboos ,(pianos ,kilos photos) 5.以f, fe 结尾的 变f或fe为v +es : thief wife life knife wolf half leaf shelf The thief"s wife killed three wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life. B: 名词词尾的读音规则: A). 在[ p] [t] [k] [f]等清辅音后读[s] cups, hats, cakes, roofs B.) 在[s] [z] [∫] [t∫]等音后读[iz] glasses, faces, roses. C).在其他情况下读作[z] beds days cities knives. D).以th结尾的词原来读[ ] 加词尾后多数读[ ] 如: mouth—mouths path—paths ; 但是也有不变化的,如: month—months, ninth—ninths, youth—youths. C: 不规则的可数名词的变化规则: 小老鼠爬灯台,偷油吃下不来。 男人当警察,保护妇女跟儿童; 英国人的牙咬了法国人的脚; 养了一头日本羊,送给了中国人; 养了一头鹿跟鹅,卖给了瑞士人。—men, woman—women, tooth—teeth, foot—feet, goose—geese child—children, mouse—mice, 2.单复数相同: sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese Swiss. 3.以man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化. man servant—men servants. (boy/girl students) woman doctor—women doctors.
2023-06-20 10:38:152


Don"t you think it"s troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney? 您不认为在悉尼转船太麻烦了吗? Do you wish to transship the goods to Macao at Hong Kong? 您是不是想把货物由香港转至澳门。 We have been able to transship S.E. Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hongkong without mishap. 我们在香港转船去东南亚的货物途中未曾遇到过麻烦事。 Sometimes, we have to make a transshipment because there is no suitable loading or pr in the producing country. 有时因为在生产国找不到合适的装港,我们不得不转船。 So far as I know, there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong. 据我所知,在香港转船期间有货物被盗或损坏的风险。 In case of transhipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges. 货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。 All transport transshipment charges will be included in the C.I.F. price. 所有的转运费用都包括在到岸价格里面了。 Partial shipment is allowed. 允许分批装运。 I heard that partial shipment wasn"t permitted. 我听说不允许分批装运。 Transhipment is (not) allowed. (不)准许转船。 We must have the goods here in September for reshipment. 货物必须9月份到达此地以便再转运。 ---------------------------------------- Words and Phrases 外贸口语词汇 troublesome 麻烦 suitable 合适的 pilferage 盗窃 in case of 如果 transshipment charges 转运费 as far as sb knows 就……所知,据……所知 loaded to full capacity 满载 transshipment (T.S.) 转运 to tranship (transship) 转运 transhipment permitted 允许转运 transhipment prohibited 不许转运 transit shipment 转运,中转 transhipment on route 中途转运 transhipment entry 转运报单 transhipment manifest 转运仓单 transhipment trade 转口贸易 transhipment to be allowed 准许转运 transhipment not allowed 不准许转运 partial shipment 分批装运
2023-06-20 10:38:211

对不起 我只能把货物运送至外贸港口 英文

the shipowner,in due period of time,delivers a number of vessels to,under the same conditions of chartering,carry cargoes from one port to another.Times of voyages is not specifically stipulated.The contracts are for the goods to be delivered. also called voyage charter party or voyage charter,namely the charter that the lessor provides vessels or part of the vessel"s cabin to the lessee to deliver due cargoes from one port to another,and the lessee pays agreed freight.Voyage charter party is mainly used for non-scheduled shipment,the lessor and lessee only enter into an agreement for a particular voyage.The lessee only requires the lessor to deliver cargoes to the port of destination,but does not expect to possess and control the vessel.
2023-06-20 10:38:281


2023-06-20 10:38:351


to sort the goodsto put the goods in order
2023-06-20 10:38:543


2023-06-20 10:39:024


sorry to say that the vessel has postponed to reach the port because of cargoes delay. it is estimated to leave the port within two days after that.
2023-06-20 10:39:112


2023-06-20 10:39:213


International transportation service : sea , air , inland transportation , air & sea multi transportation , and transshipment at the 3rd country 国际运输服务:海运、空运、陆运、海空联运,以及第三国 中转运输 服务。 In contrast , rcl pfts a mix of import / export and relay cargoes and acts as a feeder pany for many mainpne operators 相反, rcl既装运进出口货物,又承揽货物 中转运输 ,还为许多主航线承运人扮演著供货公司的角色。 This tanker mainly serves as a shuttle tanker for transferring heavy fuel oil from offshore terminal to onshore terminal for large tankers moored at the pearl river or outside it 67 . 00m本船主要为停泊珠江及珠江以远等地的运输油轮,承担从卸油站到油库的重质燃料油的 中转运输 任务。 The staff of management in our pany has been engaged in pnseed oil business up to more than 10 years , and has abundant experience of importing , exporting , processing and transporting of pnseed oil business 我公司管理人员从事亚麻油业务均达10年以上,有丰富的亚麻油进出口、加工、 中转运输 经验。
2023-06-20 10:39:361