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2023-06-20 15:46:24
TAG: sfl lex gri



2023-06-20 09:03:371

SQL bulk insert with 条件 FIRSTROW =2 为什么会从第三行开始插入

2023-06-20 09:03:472


您好,import excel using [你的数据文件名称].xlsx, firstrow clearfirstrow这个选项就是将第一行当做变量名。详情请在命令输入框输入help import excel希望对您有所帮助
2023-06-20 09:03:571


2023-06-20 09:04:203


移动端需要表格展示数据时,需要滑动表格实现展示更多数据的目的,固定表格的首行和首列可在查看数据时更加直观。 首先将表格分成左右两部分,左边第一列在上下滑动是 header 部分需要固定;右边第一行在左右滑动时 firstRow 和 header 部分也需要是固定的。可将这几个划分区域分别用 table 填充,滑动 tableBody 时保持 firstRow 和 firstCol 的同步滑动即可。
2023-06-20 09:04:271


2023-06-20 09:04:401


2023-06-20 09:04:491


2023-06-20 09:05:094


2023-06-20 09:05:197


2023-06-20 09:05:351


有一个变通的办法:在添加一列为序号,在每个学生成绩前面填写1、3、5、7。。。。 然后在加长建议的前面填写2、4、6、8。。。。,最后按序号排序就可以了
2023-06-20 09:05:452

如何在excel A列的单元格中输入001产品编号,旁边的B列的空格中就出现相应的001编号的图片?谢谢高手指点

用vba,按下ALT+F11,菜单:插入-模块,复制下面代码至代码框.按F5即可 Sub addpicture()Dim FirstRow, LastRow As Integer, FileType As StringFirstRow = Sheet1.UsedRange.RowLastRow = FirstRow + Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1FileType = InputBox("输入你的图片的后缀名", "输入图片格式", "jpg")For i = FirstRow To LastRowNumb = Cells(i, 2).ValueWith ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("D: mp" & Numb & "." & FileType).SelectSet Target = .Cells(i, 1)End WithWith Selection.Top = Target.Top + 1.Left = Target.Left + 1.Width = Target.Width - 1.Height = Target.Height - 1End WithNext iEnd Sub说明,假设图片文件夹路径D: mp 。图片文件名与输入产品编号一致。
2023-06-20 09:05:531

VB - Excel 问题,懂的进;

Dim i As Long "变量i用来表示列表框中的当前项目序号Dim a As Long "变量a用来保存当前列表框中的项目总数Dim sum As Long "变量sum用来保存列表框中值的总和Private Sub Command1_Click()List1.AddItem Text1.Text "按下按钮1,将文本控件text1中的内容添加到列表 框中End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()a = List1.ListCount "获得列表框中项目个数For i = 0 To a sum = sum + Val(List1.List(i)) 将列表框中第i个项目的值转为数值型并赋给变量sumNext iText2.Text = sum "这个不用解释了吧?End Sub够清楚不 如果对您有帮助,请记得采纳为满意答案,谢谢!祝您生活愉快! vaela
2023-06-20 09:06:292


2023-06-20 09:06:392


EXCEL表格,A列是产品图片,B列是名称,能否在B列输入名称(如123)的同时把放在E:PIC目录下的相应货号的JPG图片调出来,且大小与A列单元格完全相符。用vba,按下ALT+F11,菜单:插入-模块,复制下面代码至代码框.按F5即可Sub addpicture()Dim FirstRow, LastRow As Integer, FileType As StringFirstRow = Sheet1.UsedRange.RowLastRow = FirstRow + Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1FileType = InputBox(输入你的图片的后缀名, 输入图片格式, jpg)For i = FirstRow To LastRowNumb = Cells(i, 2).ValueWith ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(D: mp & Numb & . & FileType).SelectSet Target = .Cells(i, 1)End WithWith Selection.Top = Target.Top + 1.Left = Target.Left + 1.Width = Target.Width - 1.Height = Target.Height - 1End WithNext iEnd Sub说明,图片文件夹 图片文件名与输入名称一致。根据实际修改路径。
2023-06-20 09:06:472

thikphp3.2 完全开发手册分页的偏移量怎么计算

偏移量其实就是$page->firstRow();整个分页过程:$totalRows = M("article")->count("id");//查出总条数$listRows =10; //每页条数$page = new ThinkPage($totalRows,$listRows);//分类页参数设置$pageArr = array("header" => "<span class="rows">共 %TOTAL_ROW% 条记录</span>","prev" => "上一页","next" => "下一页","first" => "1...","last" => "...%TOTAL_PAGE%","theme" => "%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END%",);$page->setConfigArr($pageArr);$pageList = $page->show(); //模板页显示页$offSet = $page->firstRow; //每页起始记录 $this->assign("pageList",$pageList);//文章表和文章分类表联查$res=M("article")->order("nav_id")-> limit($offSet,$listRows)->select();
2023-06-20 09:07:061


2023-06-20 09:07:153

汇编 jump out of range 求高手

相对转移指令,转移范围,是在-128~+127。程序编写长了,就会遇上,越界的问题。特别是使用宏指令的时候,特别容易越界。level_up: inc level cmp level,50 **** je level_10 --改跳为接力点 cmp level,51 ****je level_20 cmp level,52 ****je level_30……level_10: jmp level_1 --在这里再跳一次level_20: jmp level_2level_20: jmp level_3……
2023-06-20 09:07:221

2023-06-20 09:07:323

excel vba,如果A列相同,则对应b列数据求和。

参考:Sub SumCalculation()Dim FirstRow As Long, LastRow As LongDim MyCpt As LongDim F As RangeDim I As LongDim MyFormula As StringApplication.ScreenUpdating = FalseFirstRow = 2LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).RowRange(Cells(FirstRow, "B"), Cells(LastRow, "B")).ClearContentsFor I = FirstRow To LastRowIf (Cells(I, "A") <> "") ThenMyFormula = "COUNTIF(A" & FirstRow & ":A" & I & ",A" & I & ")"MyCpt = Evaluate(MyFormula)If (MyCpt = 1) ThenMyFormula = "SUMPRODUCT((A" & FirstRow & ":A" & LastRow & "=A" & I & ")*(C" & FirstRow & ":C" & LastRow & "))"Cells(I, "B") = Evaluate(MyFormula)End IfEnd IfNext IApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub
2023-06-20 09:07:411


EXCEL表格,A列是产品图片,B列是名称,能否在B列输入名称(如123)的同时把放在E:PIC目录下的相应货号的JPG图片调出来,且大小与A列单元格完全相符。用vba,按下ALT+F11,菜单:插入-模块,复制下面代码至代码框.按F5即可Sub addpicture()Dim FirstRow, LastRow As Integer, FileType As StringFirstRow = Sheet1.UsedRange.RowLastRow = FirstRow + Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1FileType = InputBox(输入你的图片的后缀名, 输入图片格式, jpg)For i = FirstRow To LastRowNumb = Cells(i, 2).ValueWith ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(D: mp & Numb & . & FileType).SelectSet Target = .Cells(i, 1)End WithWith Selection.Top = Target.Top + 1.Left = Target.Left + 1.Width = Target.Width - 1.Height = Target.Height - 1End WithNext iEnd Sub说明,图片文件夹 图片文件名与输入名称一致。根据实际修改路径。
2023-06-20 09:07:481


row属性 不是指datagird数据源里面一共有多少行,而是从datagird可显示的的第一行算起到数据源一行,可显示的第一行其row值为0。如问题所说,datagird共显示有20行,赋35行以后的值就直接出错,是由于datagird显示的第一行,在第五个记录以后,你看看是不是!解决办法: 可以用FirstRow属性先获得datagird显示的第一行是记录源的第几行,再用你想定位的行号相减, 如果你想定位到35行则 mydatagirdName.row=35-mydatagirdName.firstRow就可以了
2023-06-20 09:07:551


用vba,按下ALT+F11,菜单:插入-模块,复制下面代码至代码框. 按F8执行 Sub addpicture()Dim FirstRow, LastRow As Integer, FileType As StringFirstRow = Sheet1.UsedRange.RowLastRow = FirstRow + Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1FileType = InputBox("输入你的图片的后缀名", "输入图片格式", "jpg")For i = FirstRow To LastRowNumb = Cells(i, 2).ValueWith ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("D:PIC" & Numb & "." & FileType).SelectSet Target = .Cells(i, 1)End WithWith Selection.Top = Target.Top + 1.Left = Target.Left + 1.Width = Target.Width - 1.Height = Target.Height - 1End WithNext iEnd Sub
2023-06-20 09:08:041

C# 读取EXCEL文件的三种经典方法

可采用Spire.XLS类库读取Excel文件,代码简洁易懂,方法灵活多样,比如可以读取Excel文档的全部或部分单元格数据到datatable,也可以通过判断单元格类型来读取对应的数据。读取到datatable://加载Excel文档Workbook workbook = new Workbook();workbook.LoadFromFile(@"F:ExportData.xlsx");//获取第一张sheetWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];//设置读取的range范围CellRange range = sheet.Range[sheet.FirstRow, sheet.FirstColumn, sheet.LastRow, sheet.LastColumn];//读取到datatableDataTable dt = sheet.ExportDataTable(range, true, true);
2023-06-20 09:08:141

Java POI读取Excel的时候怎么按列读取

按列读取的方法:String pathname = "E:\files\title.xlsx";File file = new File(pathname);InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);//得到整个excel对象XSSFWorkbook excel = new XSSFWorkbook(in);//获取整个excel有多少个sheetint sheets = excel.getNumberOfSheets();//便利第一个sheetMap<String,String> colMap = new HashMap<String, String>();for(int i = 0 ; i < sheets ; i++ ){XSSFSheet sheet = excel.getSheetAt(i);if(sheet == null){continue;}int mergedRegions = sheet.getNumMergedRegions();XSSFRow row2 = sheet.getRow(0);Map<Integer,String> category = new HashMap<Integer, String>();for(int j = 0 ; j < mergedRegions; j++ ){CellRangeAddress rangeAddress = sheet.getMergedRegion(j);int firstRow = rangeAddress.getFirstColumn();int lastRow = rangeAddress.getLastColumn();category.put(rangeAddress.getFirstColumn(), rangeAddress.getLastColumn()+"-"+row2.getCell(firstRow).toString());}//便利每一行for( int rowNum = 1 ; rowNum <= sheet.getLastRowNum() ; rowNum++ ){System.out.println();XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(rowNum);if(row == null){continue;}short lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();String cate = "";Integer maxIndex = 0;for( int col = row.getFirstCellNum() ; col < lastCellNum ; col++ ){XSSFCell cell = row.getCell(col);if(cell == null ){continue;}if("".equals(cell.toString())){continue;}int columnIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();String string = category.get(columnIndex);if(string != null && !string.equals("")){String[] split = string.split("-");cate = split[1];maxIndex = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);System.out.println(cate+"<-->"+cell.toString());}else {//如果当前便利的列编号小于等于合并单元格的结束,说明分类还是上面的分类名称if(columnIndex<=maxIndex){System.out.println(cate+"<-->"+cell.toString());}else {System.out.println("分类未知"+"<-->"+cell.toString());}}}}}}
2023-06-20 09:08:491


2023-06-20 09:08:575


2023-06-20 09:09:213


1:从非官方网站读取观看1:找可信的流媒体网站。根据广播节目规定,在网上观看比赛过程是非法的。因此你要去不受这条法律影响的网站看比赛。一些人气网站如:FirstRowSportsStream2WatchSportLemonWiZiWiGAllSport Live2:要小心骗局。因为这种网站本身就是灰色运作的,所以可能会有诈骗金钱或下载安装恶意软件等行为。不要用收费的网站,也不要用让你安装程序的网站。3:浏览你要看的比赛。很多网站都有列出正在播放的比赛视频,也会列出之后的节目预告。找出想看的,点击链接来看。4:试试各个读取链接。点击一个比赛以后一般会看到好几个播放链接。一个个试过去,看看哪个可用。管理部门经常会删除观看链接,因此这些网站一般会提供多个链接。5:等广告结束。这种网站是通过广告赚钱的,因此要等待广告结束,才能开始观看比赛。一般你可以在广告上看到倒计时。6:看比赛。开始传输视频资源以后,就可以轻松看到网站提供的比赛内容了。因为是直播,所以不能快进或快退,不过可以调整音量大小,或者点击扩展按钮全屏观看。可能偶尔会看到读取和缓冲的画面,这是因为网站服务器是海外的。我们推荐用Firefox 、 Chrome 浏览器,而不用 Internet Explorer来看视频。大多这种网站是美国外的,因此“football” 这个词在美国外可能是 “soccer” (英式足球)的意思。你可以搜索美式足球来找NFL比赛。方法2:通过NFL官方网站读取比赛视频1:选择视频订阅计划。NFL比赛回放是个付费服务,购买以后可以看比赛的回放录像,还不用受广告的骚扰,并且还是高清画质的。不过目前只有美国和美国海外区可用此服务。有三种不同服务类型。Season Plus(季节增值服务包)每个队的每个比赛,包括季后赛、超级碗赛都可以看到。Season (季节包)在通常比赛中的所有比赛都可以看。Follow Your Team (特定队伍包)在通常比赛中,你选择的队伍所有比赛都可以看。这些比赛在直播之后可以看。2:在家里看,或者在路上看。你可以在电脑上下载观看比赛,或者用iPad或安卓程序,在任何有网的地方观看视频。3:观看旧比赛。所有的服务包中,都可以看到过去三年所有比赛的内容。
2023-06-20 09:09:291


查询语句时可以order by 字段名 如 order by englishname; 也可以在查询并取出数据保存在数组以后,sort这个数组都可以的
2023-06-20 09:09:361


2023-06-20 09:09:443


没有重复的观察值。把year去掉也许分有重复的,但是这可能不是你所需要的。可用下面命令看一下: duplicates tag, generate(dup) list if dup==1看看有没有重复的
2023-06-20 09:09:541


2023-06-20 09:10:081


Lustre Chan:我想说一下次数自动递增的解决方法,其他的要求应该很简单,1. 在同一个工作簿中,新建一个工作表sheet2;2. 在这个新的工作表中,输入公式,如在A1单元格中输入=left(sheet1!H2,18), 依次复制公式到A2,A3,A4....(假设你的数据在Sheet1中)3. 在Sheet1, 单元格H2中,在完成了前面GD-DQ-ZH-20100712-的公式后,接着输入公式: &right("000"&&count("GD-DQ-ZH-20100712-"),3),注意这里的("GD-DQ-ZH-20100712-")是你编写的公式,而非这样的文本。
2023-06-20 09:10:211


2023-06-20 09:10:551

Bulk insert数据文件的相对路径??

没有玩过vb, 我这个是在sql server 上面建了一个存储过程,存储过程中做的操作,是绝对路径,建议你可以把路径穿到存储过程中去操作哈,我是菜鸟。BULK INSERT #tmp2 FROM "D:MDM_CICsourceInput emp.CSV" WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = "," ,ROWTERMINATOR = " " ,FIRSTROW=2 --,DATAFILETYPE="widechar" ,CODEPAGE=65001 --,ERRORFILE ="D:MDM_CICsourceerror.txt" )
2023-06-20 09:11:061

为什么我的MATLAB6.5中 xlswrite函数不能用?看完补充说明后解答,解释合理了奖励。谢谢各位

没有xlswrite函数,我这个版本有,你自己拷去建个m文件function [success,message]=xlswrite(file,data,sheet,range)% XLSWRITE Stores numeric array or cell array in Excel workbook.% [SUCCESS,MESSAGE]=XLSWRITE(FILE,ARRAY,SHEET,RANGE) writes ARRAY to the Excel% workbook, FILE, into the area, RANGE in the worksheet specified in SHEET.% FILE and ARRAY must be specified. If either FILE or ARRAY is empty, an% error is thrown and XLSWRITE terminates. The first worksheet of the% workbook is the default. If SHEET does not exist, a new sheet is added at% the end of the worksheet collection. If SHEET is an index larger than the% number of worksheets, new sheets are appended until the number of worksheets% in the workbook equals SHEET. The size defined by the RANGE should fit the% size of ARRAY or contain only the first cell, e.g. "A2". If RANGE is larger% than the size of ARRAY, Excel will fill the remainder of the region with% #N/A. If RANGE is smaller than the size of ARRAY, only the sub-array that% fits into RANGE will be written to FILE. The success of the operation is% returned in SUCCESS and any accompanying message, in MESSAGE. On error,% MESSAGE shall be a struct, containing the error message and message ID.% See NOTE 1.%% To specify SHEET or RANGE, but not both, you can call XLSWRITE with% just three inputs. If the third input is a string that includes a colon % character (e.g., "D2:H4"), it specifies RANGE. If it is not (e.g., % "SALES"), it specifies the worksheet to write to. See the next two % syntaxes below.%% [SUCCESS,MESSAGE]=XLSWRITE(FILE,ARRAY,SHEET) writes ARRAY to the Excel% workbook, FILE, starting at cell A1 and using SHEET as described above.%% [SUCCESS,MESSAGE]=XLSWRITE(FILE,ARRAY,RANGE) writes ARRAY to the Excel% workbook, FILE, in the first worksheet and using RANGE as described above.%% [SUCCESS,MESSAGE]=XLSWRITE(FILE,ARRAY) writes ARRAY to the Excel% workbook, FILE, starting at cell A1 of the first worksheet. The return% values are as for the above example.%% XLSWRITE ARRAY FILE, is the command line version of the above example.%% INPUT PARAMETERS:% file: string defining the workbook file to write to.% Default directory is pwd; default extension "xls".% array: m x n numeric array or cell array.% sheet: string defining worksheet name;% double, defining worksheet index.% range: string defining data region in worksheet, using the Excel% "A1" notation.%% RETURN PARAMETERS:% SUCCESS: logical scalar.% MESSAGE: struct containing message field and message_id field.%% EXAMPLES:%% SUCCESS = XLSWRITE("c:matlabworkmyworkbook.xls",A,"A2:C4") will write A to% the workbook file, myworkbook.xls, and attempt to fit the elements of A into% the rectangular worksheet region, A2:C4. On success, SUCCESS will contain true,% while on failure, SUCCESS will contain false.%% NOTE 1: The above functionality depends upon Excel as a COM server. In% absence of Excel, ARRAY shall be written as a text file in CSV format. In% this mode, the SHEET and RANGE arguments shall be ignored.%% See also XLSREAD, WK1WRITE, CSVWRITE.%% Copyright 1984-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.% $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/12/06 13:30:16 $%==============================================================================% Set default values.Sheet1 = 1;if nargin < 3 sheet = Sheet1; range = "";elseif nargin < 4 range = "";endif nargout > 0 success = true; message = struct("message",{""},"identifier",{""});end% Handle input.try % handle requested Excel workbook filename. if ~isempty(file) if ~ischar(file) error("MATLAB:xlswrite:InputClass","Filename must be a string."); end % check for wildcards in filename if any(findstr("*", file)) error("MATLAB:xlswrite:FileName", "Filename must not contain *."); end [Directory,file,ext]=fileparts(file); if isempty(ext) % add default Excel extension; ext = ".xls"; end file = abspath(fullfile(Directory,[file ext])); [a1 a2] = fileattrib(file); if a1 && ~(a2.UserWrite == 1) error("MATLAB:xlswrite:FileReadOnly", "File cannot be read-only."); end else % get workbook filename. error("MATLAB:xlswrite:EmptyFileName","Filename is empty."); end % Check for empty input data if isempty(data) error("MATLAB:xlswrite:EmptyInput","Input array is empty."); end % Check for N-D array input data if ndims(data)>2 error("MATLAB:xlswrite:InputDimension",... "Dimension of input array cannot be higher than two."); end % Check class of input data if ~(iscell(data) || isnumeric(data) || ischar(data)) && ~islogical(data) error("MATLAB:xlswrite:InputClass",... "Input data must be a numeric, cell, or logical array."); end% convert input to cell array of data. if iscell(data) A=data; else A=num2cell(data); end if nargin > 2 % Verify class of sheet parameter. if ~(ischar(sheet) || (isnumeric(sheet) && sheet > 0)) error("MATLAB:xlswrite:InputClass",... "Sheet argument must be a string or a whole number greater than 0."); end if isempty(sheet) sheet = Sheet1; end % parse REGION into sheet and range. % Parse sheet and range strings. if ischar(sheet) && ~isempty(strfind(sheet,":")) range = sheet; % only range was specified. sheet = Sheet1;% Use default sheet. elseif ~ischar(range) error("MATLAB:xlswrite:InputClass",... "Range argument must be a string in Excel A1 notation."); end endcatch exception if ~isempty(nargchk(2,4,nargin)) error("MATLAB:xlswrite:InputArguments",nargchk(2,4,nargin)); else success = false; message = exceptionHandler(nargout, exception); end return;end%------------------------------------------------------------------------------% Attempt to start Excel as ActiveX server.try Excel = actxserver("Excel.Application");catch exception %#ok<NASGU> warning("MATLAB:xlswrite:NoCOMServer",... ["Could not start Excel server for export. " ... "XLSWRITE will attempt to write file in CSV format."]); if nargout > 0 [message.message,message.identifier] = lastwarn; end % write data as CSV file, that is, comma delimited. file = regexprep(file,"(.xls)$",".csv"); % change extention to "csv". try dlmwrite(file,data,","); % write data. catch exception exceptionNew = MException("MATLAB:xlswrite:dlmwrite", "An error occurred on data export in CSV format."); exceptionNew = exceptionNew.addCause(exception); if nargout == 0 % Throw error. throw(exceptionNew); else success = false; message.message = exceptionNew.getReport; message.identifier = exceptionNew.identifier; end end return;end%------------------------------------------------------------------------------try % Construct range string if isempty(strfind(range,":")) % Range was partly specified or not at all. Calculate range. [m,n] = size(A); range = calcrange(range,m,n); endcatch exception success = false; message = exceptionHandler(nargout, exception); return;end%------------------------------------------------------------------------------try bCreated = false; if ~exist(file,"file") % Create new workbook. bCreated = true; %This is in place because in the presence of a Google Desktop %Search installation, calling Add, and then SaveAs after adding data, %to create a new Excel file, will leave an Excel process hanging. %This workaround prevents it from happening, by creating a blank file, %and saving it. It can then be opened with Open. ExcelWorkbook = Excel.workbooks.Add; ExcelWorkbook.SaveAs(file) ExcelWorkbook.Close(false); end %Open file ExcelWorkbook = Excel.workbooks.Open(file); if ExcelWorkbook.ReadOnly ~= 0 %This means the file is probably open in another process. error("MATLAB:xlswrite:LockedFile", "The file %s is not writable. It may be locked by another process.", file); end try % select region. % Activate indicated worksheet. message = activate_sheet(Excel,sheet); % Select range in worksheet. Select(Range(Excel,sprintf("%s",range))); catch exceptionInner % Throw data range error. throw(MException("MATLAB:xlswrite:SelectDataRange", sprintf("Excel returned: %s.", exceptionInner.message))); end % Export data to selected region. set(Excel.selection,"Value",A); ExcelWorkbook.Save ExcelWorkbook.Close(false) % Close Excel workbook. Excel.Quit;catch exception try ExcelWorkbook.Close(false); % Close Excel workbook. catch end Excel.Quit; delete(Excel); % Terminate Excel server. if (bCreated && exist(file, "file") == 2) delete(file); end success = false; message = exceptionHandler(nargout, exception);end%--------------------------------------------------------------------------function message = activate_sheet(Excel,Sheet)% Activate specified worksheet in workbook.% Initialise worksheet objectWorkSheets = Excel.sheets;message = struct("message",{""},"identifier",{""});% Get name of specified worksheet from workbooktry TargetSheet = get(WorkSheets,"item",Sheet);catch exception %#ok<NASGU> % Worksheet does not exist. Add worksheet. TargetSheet = addsheet(WorkSheets,Sheet); warning("MATLAB:xlswrite:AddSheet","Added specified worksheet."); if nargout > 0 [message.message,message.identifier] = lastwarn; endend% activate worksheetActivate(TargetSheet);%------------------------------------------------------------------------------function newsheet = addsheet(WorkSheets,Sheet)% Add new worksheet, Sheet into worsheet collection, WorkSheets.if isnumeric(Sheet) % iteratively add worksheet by index until number of sheets == Sheet. while WorkSheets.Count < Sheet % find last sheet in worksheet collection lastsheet = WorkSheets.Item(WorkSheets.Count); newsheet = WorkSheets.Add([],lastsheet); endelse % add worksheet by name. % find last sheet in worksheet collection lastsheet = WorkSheets.Item(WorkSheets.Count); newsheet = WorkSheets.Add([],lastsheet);end% If Sheet is a string, rename new sheet to this string.if ischar(Sheet) set(newsheet,"Name",Sheet);end%------------------------------------------------------------------------------function [absolutepath]=abspath(partialpath)% parse partial path into path parts[pathname filename ext] = fileparts(partialpath);% no path qualification is present in partial path; assume parent is pwd, except% when path string starts with "~" or is identical to "~".if isempty(pathname) && isempty(strmatch("~",partialpath)) Directory = pwd;elseif isempty(regexp(partialpath,"(.:|\\)","once")) && ... isempty(strmatch("/",partialpath)) && ... isempty(strmatch("~",partialpath)); % path did not start with any of drive name, UNC path or "~". Directory = [pwd,filesep,pathname];else % path content present in partial path; assume relative to current directory, % or absolute. Directory = pathname;end% construct absulute filenameabsolutepath = fullfile(Directory,[filename,ext]);%------------------------------------------------------------------------------function range = calcrange(range,m,n)% Calculate full target range, in Excel A1 notation, to include array of size% m x nrange = upper(range);cols = isletter(range);rows = ~cols;% Construct first row.if ~any(rows) firstrow = 1; % Default row.else firstrow = str2double(range(rows)); % from range input.end% Construct first column.if ~any(cols) firstcol = "A"; % Default column.else firstcol = range(cols); % from range input.endtry lastrow = num2s
2023-06-20 09:11:151

请教用npoi 2.0中4.0的版本CellType.FORMULA 这种单元格怎么取值

// 判断合并单元格重载 // 调用时要在输出变量前加 out public bool isMergeCell(ISheet sheet,int rowNum,int colNum,out int rowSpan,out int colSpan) { bool result = false; rowSpan = 0; colSpan = 0; if ((rowNum lt; 1) (colNum lt; 1)) return result; int rowIndex = rowNum - 1; int colIndex = colNum - 1; int regionsCount = sheet.NumMergedRegions; rowSpan = 1; colSpan = 1; for (int i = 0; i lt; regionsCount; i++ ) { CellRangeAddress range = sheet.GetMergedRegion(i); sheet.IsMergedRegion(range); if (range.FirstRow == rowIndex range.FirstColumn == colIndex) { rowSpan = range.LastRow - range.FirstRow + 1; colSpan = range.LastColumn - range.FirstColumn + 1; break; } } try { result = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).GetCell(colIndex).IsMergedCell; } catch { } return result; }其中 rowSpan 和 colSpan 变量调用时要用 out 行跨度变量a out 列跨度变量b 格式返回给变量存储,int spanR=0,spanC=0;bool result=isMergeCell(sheet,5,4,out spanR,out spanC);此时spanR和spanC返回后的结果就是行列跨度,核心原理就是用了range.LastRow和range.LastColumn读区域表格的最后行列位置如:
2023-06-20 09:11:241

java poi怎么读取Excel中合并单元格的值?

获取合并单元格的值 @param sheet @param row @param column @return。public String getMergedRegionValue(Sheet sheet, int row, int column) { int sheetMergeCount = sheet.getNumMergedRegions(); for (int i = 0; i < sheetMergeCount; i++) { CellRangeAddress ca = sheet.getMergedRegion(i); int firstColumn = ca.getFirstColumn(); int lastColumn = ca.getLastColumn(); int firstRow = ca.getFirstRow(); int lastRow = ca.getLastRow(); if (row >= firstRow && row <= lastRow) { if (column >= firstColumn && column <= lastColumn) { Row fRow = sheet.getRow(firstRow); Cell fCell = fRow.getCell(firstColumn); return getCellValue(fCell); } } } return null; }
2023-06-20 09:11:451

c# npoi怎么给合并后的单元格赋值?

2023-06-20 09:11:553

java poi怎么读取Excel中合并单元格的值?

获取合并单元格的值 @param sheet @param row @param column @return。public String getMergedRegionValue(Sheet sheet, int row, int column) { int sheetMergeCount = sheet.getNumMergedRegions(); for (int i = 0; i < sheetMergeCount; i++) { CellRangeAddress ca = sheet.getMergedRegion(i); int firstColumn = ca.getFirstColumn(); int lastColumn = ca.getLastColumn(); int firstRow = ca.getFirstRow(); int lastRow = ca.getLastRow(); if (row >= firstRow && row <= lastRow) { if (column >= firstColumn && column <= lastColumn) { Row fRow = sheet.getRow(firstRow); Cell fCell = fRow.getCell(firstColumn); return getCellValue(fCell); } } } return null; }
2023-06-20 09:12:041


// 判断合并单元格重载 // 调用时要在输出变量前加 out public bool isMergeCell(ISheet sheet,int rowNum,int colNum,out int rowSpan,out int colSpan) { bool result = false; rowSpan = 0; colSpan = 0; if ((rowNum < 1) || (colNum < 1)) return result; int rowIndex = rowNum - 1; int colIndex = colNum - 1; int regionsCount = sheet.NumMergedRegions; rowSpan = 1; colSpan = 1; for (int i = 0; i < regionsCount; i++ ) { CellRangeAddress range = sheet.GetMergedRegion(i); sheet.IsMergedRegion(range); if (range.FirstRow == rowIndex && range.FirstColumn == colIndex) { rowSpan = range.LastRow - range.FirstRow + 1; colSpan = range.LastColumn - range.FirstColumn + 1; break; } } try { result = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).GetCell(colIndex).IsMergedCell; } catch { } return result; }其中 rowSpan 和 colSpan 变量调用时要用 out 行跨度变量a out 列跨度变量b 格式返回给变量存储,int spanR=0,spanC=0;bool result=isMergeCell(sheet,5,4,out spanR,out spanC);此时spanR和spanC返回后的结果就是行列跨度,核心原理就是用了range.LastRow和range.LastColumn读区域表格的最后行列位置如:
2023-06-20 09:12:131


2023-06-20 09:12:271

你好 我有个表格的用VB往excel中插入图片并调整成相同大小的图片 的问题 想请求你帮助 可以给我一下你的QQ

2023-06-20 09:12:482

poi 编辑excel的问题

2023-06-20 09:12:572

java poi 怎么读取Excel中合并单元格的值,我读取合并单元格的第一个格有值,其他的都是空。

/** * 获取合并单元格的值 * @param sheet * @param row * @param column * @return */ public String getMergedRegionValue(Sheet sheet, int row, int column) { int sheetMergeCount = sheet.getNumMergedRegions(); for (int i = 0; i < sheetMergeCount; i++) { CellRangeAddress ca = sheet.getMergedRegion(i); int firstColumn = ca.getFirstColumn(); int lastColumn = ca.getLastColumn(); int firstRow = ca.getFirstRow(); int lastRow = ca.getLastRow(); if (row >= firstRow && row <= lastRow) { if (column >= firstColumn && column <= lastColumn) { Row fRow = sheet.getRow(firstRow); Cell fCell = fRow.getCell(firstColumn); return getCellValue(fCell); } } } return null; }
2023-06-20 09:13:081


2023-06-20 09:13:161

sql server声明标量变量

2023-06-20 09:13:331


2023-06-20 09:14:012


什么意思 ,不好理解,搂主说的详细点,举个例子我看不懂你的意思啊
2023-06-20 09:14:353

Workbooks(s).Close savechanges:=True下标越界怎么解决???

  Sub processOneSheet(name As String, ws2 As Worksheet, ByRef nextRow As Integer)Dim ws As Worksheet Dim i As Integer, blankCount As Integer Dim isFirstRow As Boolean dim j as integerSet ws = Worksheets(name) blankCount = 0 isFirstRow = True j = Range("N65536").End(xlUp).RowFor i = 3 To jIf (Len(ws.Cells(i, "N").Value) = 0 And Len(ws.Cells(i, "U").Value) = 0) Then blankCount = blankCount + 1 If blankCount > 10 Then GoTo PROCESS_ONE_SHEET_AFTER_FOR End If GoTo PROCESS_ONE_SHEET_BEFORE_NEXT_I End If  你试试
2023-06-20 09:14:421