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2023-06-20 15:41:42
TAG: bust ust


































































beefy 英[ˈbiːfi] 美[ˈbiːfi] adj. 高大的; 肥胖的; [例句]First a beefy kangaroo stunned Australia, and now an equally muscly giraffe has been spotted in South Africa.先是一只强壮的袋鼠震惊了澳大利亚,而现在一直同样肌肉发达的长颈鹿在南非被发现。
2023-06-20 08:18:354


2023-06-20 08:18:468


2023-06-20 08:19:239


"Beef" 不是抽象名词,而是一个具体名词,指牛肉。具体名词是指可以通过感官直接感知的事物,如人、动物、食物、物品等。而抽象名词则指无法通过感官直接感知的事物,如情感、思想、概念、理论等。虽然 "beef" 可以引申为某种状态或特征,例如 "beefy" 意为 "肌肉发达的",但作为单独的名词时,它是一个具体名词。
2023-06-20 08:20:011


猪肉 羊肉 牛肉 吃
2023-06-20 08:20:094


你好,高兴为你回答。请采纳,谢谢!!strong 的意思是 强壮的,它的近义词有:powerful 强大的,强有力的或 robust 强健的或 beefy 结实的,健壮的
2023-06-20 08:20:161


2023-06-20 08:20:246


1) 有男人味的男生 (a) masculine (adj.)  很有男人味的,有肌肉的 (b) macho (adj.) 比masculine还更有男人味的,有肌肉的 e.g. I love seeing guys work out at the gym because they look so macho and masculine. 我好喜欢看在健身房运动的男生。他们看起来好健壮,好有肌肉。 (2) 肌肉男的说法 根据肌肉的多寡有不同的说法,下面看看顺序吧! beefy > buff > cut > ripped (a) beefy (adj.) 肉肉的 (b) buff (adj.) 壮硕魁梧的 (c) cut (adj.) 非常有肌肉的 (d) ripped (adj.) 非常有肌肉的,可以看到一块一块的肌肉与一条条的血管 Note:cut和ripped 几乎一样,但是和beefy不一样,beefy的肌肉没有那么明显,而ripped的肌肉是一块一块非常明显。 Americans care about the build of their bodies(美国人很重视体魄)。他们欣赏masculine,macho(有男人味、有肌肉的男生)。很多人从小就养成去健身房运动的习惯(work out at the gym)。他们不喜欢pale and flabby(肌肉松弛)的男生。 当然,肌肉男并不是说他们没大脑。美国人不论男女都以 work out 为时尚,所以不 work out 的人就有点落伍了呢。 (3) 整体帅哥猛男的说法 (a) hunk (n.) 标准猛男帅哥 (b) stud (n.) 标准猛男帅哥,而且还会调情讨女生欢心。 Note: 1. hunk与stud都是帅哥,不过他们是有体魄又有男人味。特别是stud,原意是种牛、种马,所以还有些性暗示的意思。能被称为stud可是美国男生的梦想哦。 2. muscle beach: 美国人很在乎他们的体格,而全美最在意muscle的地方,可能就是加洲洛杉矶啦,因为洛杉矶有太多可以展现肌肉的沙滩。很多海滩都会有一块健身区,放一些举重机、单杠等,供大家work out。这些沙滩上特别的健身区就是muscle beach。 Tips: Chivalry is not dead. 这句话的意思是:骑士精神还没有沦落。Chivalry 是the middle age(中古时期)的骑士精神。骑士除了剑术好,还是对女性彬彬有礼的绅士。女生都很喜欢 gentlemen,那么,男同胞们,当个knight(骑士)吧!
2023-06-20 08:21:101

beef是什么意思 探究beef的定义和用法?

Beef是什么意思(探究beef的定义和用法)- I love to eat beef.(我喜欢吃牛肉。)1.作为名词2.作为动词Beef作为名词时,通常指牛肉。例如:二、beef的用法
2023-06-20 08:21:293


教你如何夸奖男性客户 中国人大多喜欢温文尔雅的儒生形象。这也是中美文化差异之一喽!在美国,经常会听到美国女生说“He‘s so cute!(他好帅哦!)"这里用的是cute, 而不是handsome.不过两者的意思是一样的,都是好看的意思。只是美国人习惯用cute这个词。当然了,可不是指男生很可爱哦。除了说男生的脸张得cute之外呢,她们还会注意男生的小屁屁。她们会说"He has such a cute butt! (他的小屁屁长得真好看!)" 所以校队的运动员,特别是football(美式橄榄球)球队的男生,通常都是very popular的。 (1)有男人味的男生 (a) masculine (adj.) 很有男人味的,有肌肉的 (b) macho (adj.) 比masculine还更有男人的,有肌肉的 e.g I love seeing guys work out at the gym because they look so macho and masculine. 我好喜欢看在健身房运动的男生。他们看起来好健壮,好有肌肉。 (2)肌肉男的说法 根据肌肉多寡,有不同的说法,下面看看顺序吧! beefy-->buff-->cut-->ripped (a) beefy (adj.) 肉肉的 e.g I find Antony so beefy! 我觉得Antony好有肉哦。 (b) buff (adj.) 壮硕魁梧的 e.g Your boyfriend is buff! He should be a bouncer. 你男朋友好壮啊。他可以去当酒吧里的保镖。 (c) cut (adj.) 非常有肌肉的 e.g Richard is so cut. I can see his six pack through his shirt. Richard好有肌肉哦。 我隔着他的衣服都可以看到他的六块肌。 (d) ripped (adj.) 非常有肌肉的, 可以看到一块一块的肌肉与一条条的血管 e.g I‘ve been working out with weight‘s for months and now I‘m ripped. 我已经举重健身好几个月了,现在我有非常明显的肌肉。 note: cut和ripped 几乎一样,但是和beefy不一样,beefy的肌肉没有那么明显,而ripped的肌肉是一块一块非常明显。 They care about the build of their bodies(他们很重视体魄)。他们欣赏masculine, macho(有男人味、有肌肉的男生)。很多人从小就养成去健身房运动的习惯(work out at the gym)。他们不喜欢pale (苍白) and flabby (肌肉松弛)的男生。) 当然,肌肉男并不是说他们没大脑哦。美国人不论男女都以work out为时尚,所以不work out的人就有点落伍了呢。)
2023-06-20 08:21:361


(1)有男人味的男生 (a) masculine (adj.)  很有男人味的,有肌肉的 (b) macho (adj.) 比masculine还更有男人的,有肌肉的 e.g I love seeing guys work out at the gym because they look so macho and masculine. 我好喜欢看在健身房运动的男生。他们看起来好健壮,好有肌肉。 (2)肌肉男的说法 根据肌肉多寡,有不同的说法,下面看看顺序吧! beefy-->buff-->cut-->ripped (a) beefy (adj.) 肉肉的 e.g I find Antony so beefy! 我觉得Antony好有肉哦。 (b) buff (adj.) 壮硕魁梧的 Your boyfriend is buff! He should be a bouncer. 你男朋友好壮啊。他可以去当酒吧里的保镖。 (c) cut (adj.) 非常有肌肉的 JAY is so cut. I can see his six pack through his shirt. JAY好有肌肉哦。 我隔着他的衣服都可以看到他的六块肌。 (d) ripped (adj.) 非常有肌肉的, 可以看到一块一块的肌肉与一条条的血管 e.g I"ve been working out with weight"s for months and now I"m ripped. 我已经举重健身好几个月了,现在我有非常明显的肌肉。
2023-06-20 08:21:431


职业:板球运动员 国籍:英语 为什么出名:一个真正的全能运动员,14个世纪,在板球测试中有383根柳条,以他的绰号“Beefy”而闻名。有时有争议,他保持了一些板球测试记录,仍然保持着英格兰投球手投球的最高记录。 出生于1955年11月24日出生地:柴郡的赫斯沃尔,英格兰年龄:64岁 一代:婴儿潮一代中国生肖:山羊/绵羊星座:射手座 事件伊恩·博瑟姆1977-07-28传奇英格兰板球全能手伊恩·博瑟姆首次登场以5比74在澳大利亚第一局7杆三试胜出特伦特桥1978-02-25英格兰板球全能手伊恩·博瑟姆在克赖斯特彻奇的第一场比赛中得了第一个测试世纪,在克赖斯特彻奇的103胜新西兰,1978-06-19伊恩·博瑟姆在第21场比赛中以8-34胜巴基斯坦,他的最佳测试板球保龄球1979-08-30伊恩·博瑟姆在第21场比赛中打出1000分/100周的成绩1981-07-07英格兰板球队长伊恩·博瑟姆在他统治下的12场比赛中没有获胜后辞职澳大利亚队1981-08-02赛季英格兰板球全能手伊恩·博瑟姆以5比11结束了澳大利亚队对151个目标的追逐,在埃德巴斯顿1981-08-15赛季的第四场比赛中,他以121比29输给了澳大利亚队1981-08-15赛季的伊恩·博瑟姆以86个球的成绩创下了一个世纪的世界纪录;澳大利亚队1986-08-21赛季的伊恩·博瑟姆以356次板球世界纪录(v NZ,椭圆)1992-06-21伊恩·博瑟姆和艾伦·兰姆板球测试的最后一天1993-07-19伊恩·博瑟姆板球一级比赛的最后一天在Facebook上分享著名板球选手弗雷德·斯波思格伦·麦格拉斯卡皮尔·德夫萨钦·滕杜尔卡萨纳特·贾亚苏里亚维拉特·科利
2023-06-20 08:21:501


(1)干燥舌:轻度干燥不伴外形的改变;明显干燥见于鼻部疾患(可伴有张口呼吸、唾液缺乏)、大量吸烟、阿托品作用、放射治疗后等;严重的干燥舌可见舌体缩小,并有纵沟,见于严重脱水,可伴有皮肤弹性减退。(2)舌体增大:暂时性肿大见于舌炎、口腔炎、舌的蜂窝组织炎、脓肿、血肿、血管神经性水肿等。长时间的增大见于黏液性水肿、呆小病和先天愚型(Down病)、舌肿瘤等。(3)地图舌(graphic tongue):舌面上出现黄色上皮细胞堆积而成的隆起部分,状如地图。舌面的上皮隆起部分边缘不规则,存在时间不长,数日即可剥脱恢复正常,如再形成新的黄色隆起部分,称移行性舌炎(migratoty glossitis),这种舌炎多不伴随其他病变,发生原因尚不明确,也可由核黄素缺乏引起。(4)裂纹舌(wrikled tongtle):舌面上出现横向裂纹,见于Down病与核黄素缺乏,后者有舌痛,纵向裂纹见于梅毒性舌炎。(5)草莓舌(strawberry tongtle):舌乳头肿胀、发红类似草莓,见于猩红热或长期发热病人。(6)牛肉舌(beefy tongue):舌面绛红如生牛肉状,见于糙皮病(菸酸缺乏)。(7)镜面舌:亦称光滑舌(smoth tongue),舌头萎缩,舌体较小,舌面光滑呈粉红色或红色,见于缺铁性贫血、恶性贫血及慢性萎缩性胃炎。(8)毛舌:也称黑舌,舌面敷有黑色或黄褐色毛,故称毛舌(hairy tongue),此为丝状乳头缠绕了真菌丝以及其上皮细胞角化所形成。见于久病衰弱或长期使用广谱抗生素引起真菌生长)的病人。(9)舌的运动异常:震颤见于甲状腺功能亢进症;偏斜见于舌下神经麻痹。
2023-06-20 08:22:001

Cibo Matto的《beef jerky》 歌词

歌曲名:beef jerky歌手:Cibo Matto专辑:cibo mattomy weight is 300 poundsmy favorite is beef jerkyi"m a vagabond, i"m a vagabondCibo Mattomy mom says, "you are kinky!"who cares?i don"t carea horse"s ass is better than yourslie down here, babyjust relax... honeywhat a beefy hip!she has a fine coat of furwhat shiny hair!who cares?i don"t carea horse"s ass is better than yourslet"s eat carrots together until...let"s eat carrots together until...
2023-06-20 08:22:131


2023-06-20 08:22:324


十二个牛肉水饺的英语是:Twelve beef dumplings 。"Twelve beef dumplings."的另外几种表达方式:1、Twelve dumplings with beef filling.2、A dozen dumplings, beef flavored.3、Beef dumplings in a quantity of twelve.4、Twelve beef-filled dumplings.5、A plate of twelve dumplings, all beef.6、Twelve dumplings stuffed with savory beef.7、Beefy dumplings, twelve in number.Twelve beef dumplings 例句:1、I ordered twelve beef dumplings for dinner, hoping to satisfy my craving for Chinese cuisine.(我点了十二个牛肉饺子作为晚餐,希望能满足我对中华美食的渴望。)2、The waiter brought over a steaming plate of twelve beef dumplings, and the aroma filled the air, making my mouth water.( 服务员端来一盘热气腾腾的十二个牛肉饺子,香气弥漫,让我口水直流。)3、After taking a bite of one of the twelve beef dumplings, I was surprised by the rich flavor of the juicy filling.(当我咬了一口十二个牛肉饺子中的一个后,我被肉馅的浓郁风味和多汁口感惊艳到了。)4、 I shared my twelve beef dumplings with my friends, and they all agreed that it was one of the best they had ever tasted.( 我与朋友们分享了十二个牛肉饺子,他们都认为这是他们品尝过的最美味的饺子之一。)
2023-06-20 08:22:391


Chele André .....Max"s Girl,应该是这个,但搜不到。应该是不出名
2023-06-20 08:23:165


《永不退缩》 男主角长的像嫩版汤姆克鲁斯吧男二号是暮色1的吸血鬼 哪个黑人教练曾经和莱昂纳多演过《血钻》
2023-06-20 08:23:333


2023-06-20 08:23:423

Fedora Linux的chattr程序, 版本是Fedora release 17 (Beefy Miracle)

建议还是rpm -qf `which chattr`查询所属的包, 然后更新这个包
2023-06-20 08:23:551


2023-06-20 08:24:021


形容人容貌的英语形容词有:tall 高的、 thin 瘦的、 strong 强壮的、 lovely 可爱的、 fat 肥胖的、 handsome 英俊的、 pretty 漂亮的、 beautiful 美丽的、 short 矮的、 ugly 丑陋的、 funny 滑稽的、 cute 可爱的、 beefy 结实的、 long 长的、 curly 卷曲的、 straight 笔直的。
2023-06-20 08:24:091


2023-06-20 08:24:151


2023-06-20 08:24:512


1. Damn-it boy 该死的男孩。   女孩子总有一堆话来称呼男孩。例如,"Damn-it boy." 就是常常可以听到的一个。另外我记得的还有,"You fool." (你这个笨蛋),"You cheese head" (你这个没有大脑的家伙或是 "You stupid." (你这个愚蠢的家伙),当然可以听出来打情骂俏的成份远多于真正责备的成份。   2. He is not my type. 他不是我喜欢的类型。   当二个女人聚在一起总是免不了会对周遭的男生品头论足,"He is not my type." 是常用的一个句子,就相当于他跟我不适合啦。他不是我想要的那个类型。有时候也会用“He is not my cup of tea.”来表示。   3. He is a muscle man. 他是个有肌肉的男人。   有些美国女孩子很欣赏那些肌肉很多的男人,她们称之为 muscular type或是可以说 a muscle man,或是 "He is beefy"。   4. I saw a girl throw herself on him. 我看到有一个女孩对他投怀送抱。   这个throw herself on him 用的真是好啊…这就是指女生做小鸟依人状,把整个人靠在男生身上。   5. There is a big hole in my head. 我什么也不记得了。   说错话怎么办?就装傻吧…这个句子意思是我的脑袋里有一个洞,很多原来贮存在这个区域的记忆都不见了。比如我问你昨天是不是跟某某人出去了啊?要是你不想回答这个问题,你就可以说,"Oh! There is a big hole in my head." 有趣吧。   6. My aunt Flo is visiting. 我的芙洛姑妈来拜访我了。   这里的 Flo 是 Florence 的缩写,但其实 Flo 这里暗指 flow 的意思,所以大家应该不难猜到, 所谓的 "My aunt Flo is visiting" 就是相当于中文里的“我的大姨妈来了。”   7. I am not gossipy. 我才不会长舌呢。   似乎爱说话是全世界女人的通病,在美国也不例外。八卦在英语里面就叫gossip,它可以指八卦新闻或是指爱说八卦的人。这个词的形容词gossipy也是很常用的,不过多数情况只是此地无银三百两而已。   “爱讲话的”除了 gossipy 之外,你也可以用 talkative、 chatty 或是loquacious.。例如"You are so talkative. I can"t put up with you anymore."(你太能说了,我再也受不了你了。)
2023-06-20 08:24:581


beefy 强壮A (吸毒中指)苯基丙胺 ; AC-DC 搞异性恋又搞同性恋 ; ace of spades 黑人(强烈禁忌语)女性生殖器(一般禁忌语);alley cat 野猫 性生活放荡的人(多指女子);all over someone 深情地 色迷迷地;Amy-John 搞同性恋女子(一般禁忌语);antifreeze (吸毒中指)海洛因;pink ink 言情小说;Jewboy(强烈禁忌语)犹太男孩或男人;on the needle(吸毒中指) 吸上瘾;pinga 阴茎;piece of ass(或tail) 性交 被视为性交对象的人 pig-fucker (强烈禁忌语)卑鄙可耻的人;pinhead 傻瓜;pinheaded 愚蠢fag bag (同性恋中指)与男同性恋结婚的女子;faggot(一般禁忌语) 男同性恋者;fag hag=faggot"s moll(一般禁忌语)愿与男同性恋者来往的搞异性恋的女子;fagin 教唆犯;faint 酗酒;fairy godmother (一般禁忌语,同性恋中指)男同性恋的教唆者;fairy lady 充当女性的女同性恋者;fairy (一般禁忌语,二十世纪早期用语原委无业游民用语)男同性恋者尤指有女子气的
2023-06-20 08:25:051

谁有英文饶舌的词?带上谐音给我发来,谢谢了,或者QQ传给我,Thank You

黑眼豆豆的black eyed pea-Smells like funky Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be us The Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be us Cause nobody"s Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)Stinky, Stinky, Stinky, The Funk phenomenon, we Funk you on n" onThere"s no need to hold your nose,Cause this pong sing like a rougeBig booty Funk, Toe jam Funk,Underarm Funk, like you headlocking a Skunk"Reaking like diseased athleates feet,The stench didn"t come till after this beatSmellin" like droors no weezin no pausePut your hand up on the speakers get smelly ass pawsYou know we was coming before we entered the doorCause you could smell the rhyme when we was walking down the hallWe bring the Funk worse then a wet dogStinkin" like fat ladies shittin" out LogsWe drop enough shit and keep them toilets cloggedKeep the people jumpin" like them BullfrogsThe first one who smelt it ain"t the one who delt itBlack Eyed Peas keep the scent blind like deltaFunky like onions you fryin"(Sure is Funky) girl you ain"t lyin"(CHORUS) Yo" you Funkin" with the Funk familyThe non fabricated factual faculty"We formulatin" up in a factoryFocusin" on the energid" of fluid flow free"We flawless, everything is for freeWe florish and we flaunt our flavour freshly, huh"Can you believe we flip the frequency"s andFreak MCs they leave all franticaly but"Our intent is ought to be friendly but"They fightin" when we start the freestylin" frenzyI conk up ya" flat till your girlfriend beefFillin all anatomy, bringin" me flatery, huh"She"ll be diggin these rhymes that ease beats Like celulite lyrics so flabbyWe bring the funk to your festivitiesIf you think something stank then it must be the peas!If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk Funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuff If it smells like Funk it must be us Cause nobody"s Funky as us, cause we keep it Stinky(Funky, Funky, Funky, Funky)Celulite overweight stankin" MCsStench smells so strong it"s insanitaryCause you can sense me a mile away so ChankyWith the jungle Funk sound from SerengetiMeaty, Fat, Nasty like miss Fat booty"s tightsGettin" dirty like mudfights and dirtbikesTurning these droors black they used to be white And we shitin" on these tracks that you gonna" need to wipeThe odour"s so contagious that it shows up in your dreamMan you could pick me out like food in between Your two front teeth cause you be lackin" the streetsWe got beefy ass beats that we bumpin" in the streetsWe so nice n" sweet like steak box n" feetSour underarm Funk you ain"t washed in a weekAnd man we be reekin" every day or weekendWe could all bounce to the Funk and the seasonhaha hahaYeah that"s Funky", Yeah that"s Funky"Every smell is of a porker then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause if you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" Fat Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" something Funky then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause you know that if it smells like Funk than it must be usIf you smellin" elephants than it must be usIf you smellin" somethin Funky then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" Taboo Cause you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" elephant shit then it must be us
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这也是中美文化差异之一喽!在美国,经常会听到美国女生说“He"s so cute!(他好帅哦!)”之类的话。这里用的是 cute,而不是 handsome,不过两者的意思是一样的,都是好看的意思。只是美国人习惯用 cute 这个词。当然了,可不是指男生很可爱哦。下面我们就来看看如何形容这些受欢迎的男生类型。1) 有男人味的男生(a) masculine (adj.)很有男人味的,有肌肉的(b) macho (adj.)比masculine还更有男人味的,有肌肉的e.g. I love seeing guys work out at the gym because they look so macho and masculine.我好喜欢看在健身房运动的男生。他们看起来好健壮,好有肌肉。(2) 肌肉男的说法根据肌肉的多寡有不同的说法,下面看看顺序吧! beefy > buff > cut > ripped (a) beefy (adj.) 肉肉的e.g I find Antony so beefy!我觉得Antony好有肉哦。 (b) buff (adj.) 壮硕魁梧的e.g Your boyfriend is buff! He should be a bouncer.你男朋友好壮啊。他可以去酒吧里当保镖。 (c) cut (adj.) 非常有肌肉的e.g Richard is so cut. I can see his six packs through his shirt.Richard 好有肌肉哦。我隔着他的衣服都可以看到他的六块肌。 (d) ripped (adj.) 非常有肌肉的,可以看到一块一块的肌肉与一条条的血管e.g I"ve been working out with weight"s for months and now I"m ripped.我已经举重健身好几个月了,现在我有非常明显的肌肉。 Note:cut和ripped 几乎一样,但是和beefy不一样,beefy的肌肉没有那么明显,而ripped的肌肉是一块一块非常明显。Americans care about the build of their bodies(美国人很重视体魄)。他们欣赏masculine,macho(有男人味、有肌肉的男生)。很多人从小就养成去健身房运动的习惯(work out at the gym)。他们不喜欢pale and flabby(肌肉松弛)的男生。当然,肌肉男并不是说他们没大脑。(3) 整体帅哥猛男的说法
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Chele André .....Max"s Girl,应该是这个,但搜不到。应该是不出名
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形容人容貌的英语形容词有:tall 高的、 thin 瘦的、 strong 强壮的、 lovely 可爱的、 fat 肥胖的、 handsome 英俊的、 pretty 漂亮的、 beautiful 美丽的、 short 矮的、 ugly 丑陋的、 funny 滑稽的、 cute 可爱的、 beefy 结实的、 long 长的、 curly 卷曲的、 straight 笔直的。
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以下是 考 网整理的《初级英语口语教程:“绅士风度”怎么说》,希望大家喜欢! 1. He is a muscle man. 他是个有肌肉的男人。 有些女孩子很欣赏那些肌肉很多的男人,老外们称之为 muscular type,也可以叫做 a muscle man。还有一个形容法就是He is beefy. 有一个说法叫 semi-muscular。Semi-muscular 就是指有点肌肉又不会太多(通常爱运动的男生都是这种类型),比如 I am semi-muscular with 6-pack ab. 6-pack ab 是指six piece of muscle on the abdomen,就是有六块腹肌的意思,也可以说成 washboard ab. (像洗衣板一样的腹肌)。 2. You should have chivalry. 你应该有点绅士风度。 西方国家有教养的男士们一般都会为女士开门,请女士先进电梯等等。这种Lady First和其他照顾女士的行为在中文里叫绅士风度,在英文中则叫骑士精神 (chivalry)。 3. I am the one-woman kinda man. 我是那种从一而终的男人。 “从一而终”这个词用来形容女性比较多,在英文中就是one-man woman,那相应的,男人的“从一而终”就是 one-woman man了。如果每个男人都能“从一而终”,那天下女士就“俱欢颜”了。kinda 在口语中常用,它是 kind of 的简写。 还有一种说法是 We are exclusive. 这个 exclusive 指的是排他的意思,所以当一对情侣说We are exclusive 时,就是说他们心中只有对方一人,都不会再去喜欢上别人。
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2023-06-20 08:28:012


形容人容貌的英语形容词有:tall 高的、 thin 瘦的、 strong 强壮的、 lovely 可爱的、 fat 肥胖的、 handsome 英俊的、 pretty 漂亮的、 beautiful 美丽的、 short 矮的、 ugly 丑陋的、 funny 滑稽的、 cute 可爱的、 beefy 结实的、 long 长的、 curly 卷曲的、 straight 笔直的。
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第一章 活着的男孩 家住在女贞路4号的杜思丽夫妇总是得意的说,他们是非常本份的人家,谢天谢地。他们是最不可能被认为卷入到一些奇怪和神秘的事情的人。因为他们从来都不认可那些虚无缥缈的事。 杜思丽先生在一个名叫布朗宁的公司做主管,公司主营钻床制造。他高大健硕,胖的几乎没有脖子,却留着很大的胡子。杜思丽夫人身材纤细,留着一头金发,近乎两倍长于常人的脖子,这让她时常非常便利地把脖子伸出栅栏,窥视邻居。杜思丽一家有一个小儿子名叫大力,在他们看来,世间再也找不到像大力这么好的孩子了。 杜思丽一家拥有他们想要的一切,但除此之外,他们保守一个秘密,他们最害怕被别人们发现。如果被人发现有关波特一家的秘密,他们会承受不住的。波特夫人是杜思丽夫人的妹妹,但是他们有好几年有没有见面了。事实上杜思丽夫人假装她没有这个妹妹,因为她的妹妹及不中用的妹夫,和杜思丽一家处世方式完全不同。他们一想到邻居议论波特一家是否会回到这条街,就怕得浑身发抖。他们知道波特家有一个小儿子,但他们从来没有见过。这个男孩是他们远离波特一家很好的理由,因为他们不想要大力和这样的小孩厮混在一起。 故事开始于天色阴沉,灰暗的周二早晨,杜思丽夫妇一早醒来,窗外低沉的云天没有丝毫迹象预示在这个城镇将要发生奇怪和神秘的事情。杜思丽先生哼着小曲,挑选一条最不喜欢的领带去上班,杜思丽夫人不停地絮叨,高兴地把哭闹的大力搬到儿童椅子上。 然而,没有任何人注意到一只巨大的、褐色的猫头鹰挥着翅膀从窗外穿过。 八点半,杜思丽先生拾起他的公文包,轻吻杜思丽夫人的面颊,然后尝试和大力吻别,但是却失败了,因为正赶大力发了个脾气,把她的早餐奶扔到了墙上。“小淘气”杜思丽先生咯咯笑着离开了房子。他钻进汽车,并倒出4号路。 在大街的拐角,他注意到了奇怪的信号,一只猫正在看一副地图。过了一秒钟,杜思丽先生没有意识到他看到了什么——就在那时,他猛然转过头去一看究竟,那里只有一只花猫站在女贞路路口,但是并没有看到地图。他到底在想些什么?很可能是光线产生的错觉吧?杜思丽先生眨着眼睛,并盯着那只猫,猫也在盯着他。杜思丽先生转过了街角,上了大道。他从后视镜再去看那只猫,它正在看写着女贞路的路标——不,它只是在看路标;猫是不会阅读地图或路标的。杜思丽先生稍微振作了一下,并尝试把猫从脑海里赶走。他向着城里的方向开,脑海中想的是希望今天能得到一大批钻床的订单。 (未完待续)20180226 Chapter 1 THE BOY WHO LIVED Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you"d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn"t hold with such nonsense. Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere. The Dursleys had everything they wanted, but they also had a secret, and their greatest fear was that somebody would discover it. They didn"t think they could bear it if anyone found out about the Potters. Mrs. Potter was Mrs. Dursley"s sister, but they hadn"t met for several years; in fact, Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn"t have a sister, because her sister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be. The Dursleys shuddered to think what the neighbors would say if the Potters arrived in the street. The Dursleys knew that the Potters had a small son, too, but they had never even seen him. This boy was another good reason for keeping the Potters away; they didn"t want Dudley mixing with a child like that. When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley woke up on the dull, gray Tuesday our story starts, there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over the country. Mr. Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work, and Mrs. Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his high chair. None of them noticed a large, tawny owl flutter past the window. At half past eight, Mr. Dursley picked up his briefcase, pecked Mrs. Dursley on the cheek, and tried to kiss Dudley good-bye but missed, because Dudley was now having a tantrum and throwing his cereal at the walls. "Little tyke," chortled Mr. Dursley as he left the house. He got into his car and backed out of number four"s drive. It was on the corner of the street that he noticed the first sign of something peculiar -- a cat reading a map. For a second, Mr. Dursley didn"t realize what he had seen -- then he jerked his head around to look again. There was a tabby cat standing on the corner of Privet Drive, but there wasn"t a map in sight. What could he have been thinking of? It must have been a trick of the light. Mr. Dursley blinked and stared at the cat. It stared back. As Mr. Dursley drove around the corner and up the road, he watched the cat in his mirror. It was now reading the sign that said Privet Drive -- no, looking at the sign; cats couldn"t read maps or signs. Mr. Dursley gave himself a little shake and put the cat out of his mind. As he drove toward town he thought of nothing except a large order of drills he was hoping to get that day.
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助动词did 加动词原形 表示强调,本句中did have 等于had indeed
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哈利波特系列的人物英文介绍 如 哈利.波特 Harry.Potter

Harry potter ,the son of James Potter and Lily Evans, who were killed by the dark lord )——Voldemort when Harry was only a baby.Voldemort gave Harry a lightning scar on his forehead. It was caused by the spell——Avada Kedavra. After they died, Professor Albus Dumbledore, Professor Mcgonagal and Hagrid brought him to Harry"s uncle"s house. All Harry knew before he was 11 is a miserable life with the Dursley——his beefy and noisy uncle, Dudley——his cousin, who was so fat and stupid that he could not even count, Petunia——his long-neck gasbag aunt. One day, the Dursleys began to receive quite a lot of letters for Harry. Harry hasn"t received any letters for 11 years. These letters were from Harry"s parents" school, the biggest magic school——Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore was exactly the principal of this school. Hogwarts invited Harry to come and study. But the Durleys hated magic. They prevented Harry to go to Hogwarts. And the quantity of the letter raised quickly. Until the Dursleys had to move out of the house. At last, Hagrid came. He brought Harry a little birthday cake, and took him to Hogwarts. He told Harry that his parents left a large sum of money to him. And then, Harry got his wand in Ollivander. Hagrid bought Hedwig,a white owl. Harry went to the train station. Harry will have his journey from Platform Nine and three-quarters. Its entrance is the parastate between Platform Nine and Platform Ten. On the train, Harry made friends with a boy and a girl. Their names were Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Hermione was a smart girl with big eyes. And Ron had red hair and some heatspots on his nose. So, they started their new term and lived well. And at last, Harry would meet his old enemy——voldemort again, will Harry defeat him?
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人体部位:arm胳膊 leg腿 knee膝盖 foot(feet)脚 head头 hand手 ear耳朵 eye眼睛 mouth嘴 nose鼻子 finger手指nail手指甲 toenail脚趾甲 chest胸膛 angel脚腕外貌:short矮的 tall高的 beautiful美丽的 lovely可爱的 cute可爱的 funny滑稽的 handsome英俊的 long长的 ugly丑陋的 strong强壮的 pretty漂亮的 thin瘦的 beefy结实的 crazy疯 fat肥胖的
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你具体想要什么? 说清楚点,我有电子书.CHAPTER ONETHE BOY WHO LIVEDMr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to saythat they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the lastpeople you"d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious,because they just didn"t hold with such nonsense.Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which madedrills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he didhave a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and hadnearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as shespent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on theneighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in theiropinion there was no finer boy anywhere.The Dursleys had everything they wanted, but they also had a secret, andtheir greatest fear was that somebody would discover it. They didn"tthink they could bear it if anyone found out about the Potters. Mrs.Potter was Mrs. Dursley"s sister, but they hadn"t met for several years;in fact, Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn"t have a sister, because hersister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it waspossible to be. The Dursleys shuddered to think what the neighbors wouldsay if the Potters arrived in the street. The Dursleys knew that thePotters had a small son, too, but they had never even seen him. This boywas another good reason for keeping the Potters away; they didn"t wantDudley mixing with a child like that.When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley woke up on the dull, gray Tuesday our storystarts, there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest thatstrange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over thecountry. Mr. Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie forwork, and Mrs. Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screamingDudley into his high chair.
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1. brilliant 杰出的 优秀的 / 光辉的;明亮的 (比较多definition 可以查字典for further explanation) 2. bright 明亮的(object) / 机灵的 (人) 3. benevolent 仁慈的 4. blissful 乐而忘忧的; 5. beamingly / beamish 喜气地 6. beautiful 漂亮美丽 7. beckoning 吸引人 8. brave 勇敢 9. blameless 无可责备的;无过失的 10. beneficial 有益的;有利的 1.beautiful 美丽的 2.baggy宽松的<---------指衣服的 赤脚的 4.basic基本的 5.bass低音的 6.bset最好的 7.big大的 8.blond头发浅色的 9.blue蓝色的 10.blank空白的 11.brave勇敢的 送多个俾你-v- 希望帮倒你 =] 参考: 自己+字典 Big 1. (在面积 体积 数量 程度等方面)大的 巨大的 How big the birthday cake is! 这生日蛋糕好大呀! 2. 长大了的;年龄较大的 No arguing. You"re big boys now. 别争吵啦 你们都是大孩子了。 3. 【口】(尤指运动和娱乐业)大受欢迎的;成功的 Aerobics is very big there. 有氧运动在那里大受欢迎。 4. 重大的;主要的;伟大的 It is said that our boss has a big decision to make soon. 据说我们老板不久要作出一项重大决定。 5. (指女人)怀孕多时的[(+with)][F] She is big with child. 她快分娩了。 6. 【口】宽宏的;大度的 He has a big heart. 他为人宽宏大量。 7. 矫饰的;夸口的 No one likes his big talk. 人人都讨厌他的吹牛。 Beautiful 1. 美丽的 漂亮的 She has a beautiful face. 她有一张漂亮的脸蛋。 2. 出色的 完美的 That"s a beautiful shot. 那一枪打得真准。 Beloved 1. 心爱的 亲爱的[B] Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found. 她心爱的饰针找不到了。 2. 受钟爱的 被喜爱的[F][(+by/of)] The little boy was beloved of all the teachers. 老师都喜欢这个小男孩。 Brilliant 1. 光辉的;明亮的;色彩艳丽的 The moon was brilliant. 月光明亮极了。 2. 杰出的 优秀的;辉煌的;出色的 He came up with a brilliant idea. 他想出了一个绝妙的主意。 3. 才华横溢的;技艺高超的;英明的 She is a brilliant swimmer. 她是个技艺超群的游泳健儿。 4. 极为顺利的 Bright 1. 明亮的;发亮的;晴朗的 The bright sun lit up the meadow. 灿烂的太阳照亮草地。 2. (颜色)鲜亮的 鲜明的 The box was painted bright red. 盒子被漆成鲜红色。 3. 欢快的;开朗的;生气勃勃的 She has blue and bright eyes. 她有一对蓝色的欢快的眼睛。 4. 聪颖的;机灵的 He is full of bright ideas. 他足智多谋。 5. 前途光明的 If you work hard you will have a bright future. 如果努力工作 你将会有一个美好的前程。 6. (声音等)清晰嘹亮的 Brimful 1. 盈满的 Broad 1. 宽的 阔的 The broad highway has six traffic lanes. 那条宽阔的公路有六线车道。 2. (置于表长度名词之后)宽度 ...宽的 The river is about 20 feet broad. 河宽约二十英尺。 3. 辽阔的 Broad prairies stretch out as far as the eye can see. 辽阔的草原一望无边。 4. 广泛的;非限制的;各式各样的 The menu offers a broad choice of desserts. 菜单上有各式各样的甜点心。 5. 概括的;粗略的;主要的[B] Just give me a broad outline of the lecture. 只要将该演讲的要点告诉我就行了。 6. 明显的;完全明朗的[B] She criticized them in broad phrases. 她对他们作了坦率的批评。 Benevolent 1. 仁慈的 厚道的 有爱心的 The old woman had a benevolent feeling towards all cats. 那个老太太对所有的猫都怀有仁慈之心。 2. 亲切的 善意的 3. 行善的 慈善的 The club received a benevolent donation. 该俱乐部接受了一笔慈善捐款。 Beefy 1. 健壮的 Beatific 1. 赐与祝福的 2. 喜气洋洋的;快乐的 参考: me + Yahoo 字典
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1、驯龙高手1经典台词 2、你一外出,灾祸就来临。 3、厉害的败家仔啊,帅呆了! 4、Im a Viking. Im a Viking! I did this. 5、Every time you step outside disaster falls. 6、我是维京人!我是维京人!就是我做的。 7、击倒一条毫无疑问可以寻找一个女友。 8、在你释放第一条龙以前,他就会被吓坏。 9、可是我打中了夜煞。和上几回不一样,父亲! 10、Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. 11、Snotlout: Ive never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped! 12、我明白这期待非常渺小,可是你不能一直维护他。 13、Okay, but I hit a Night Fury. Its not like the last few times, Dad! 14、Stoick: Hed be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage. 15、Please, minutes. Ill kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. 16、就2分钟,我能杀了一条龙的,人生之路就将从此改变。 17、孩子,我就正想和你说些事。我觉得你该学习培训屠龙刀了。 18、I know it seems hopeless, but the truth is you wont always be around to protect him. 19、不,你要不对,他在意的不是你的表面,他注重的都是你的生命。 20、我控制不住自身,每每我看到龙,就想杀了它,父亲,这就是我。 21、看这身型差别,假如也不像你们那么粗硕,村庄还可以少压力些粮食? 22、Hiccup: Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, dont you think? 23、Stoick: I need to speak with you too, son. I think its time you to learned to fight dragons. 24、Gobber:哦,很高兴你也来参与那样的联欢晚会。我还以为你被掳走了。 25、I, I cant stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just kill it. You know, its who I am, Dad. 26、闭上嘴!给我闭嘴!你一外出,灾祸就来临。你没发觉我还有更高的不便吗? 27、他从不听我的话,他宁愿盯住看麻雀鸟。我带他去打鱼,他却跑去找……牛头人! 28、我爸爸要我用头去撞石块,我这样做了。我认为这很玩命,可是我没询问他为何。 29、有着一条龙做小宠物,这也是多么的炫酷的事,大家有许多男孩儿都曾那么想象过。 30、我要的是壮如牛的男孩儿,此外还得有胆量和自豪感。这一,快给我的明晰是火柴棒! 31、He doesnt listen. He has the attention span of a sparrow. I take him fishing and he goes hunting for...for Trolls! 32、Stoick: Stop! Just, stop! Every time you step outside disaster falls. Can you not see that I have bigger problems? 33、Stoick: Were Vikings. Its an occupational hazard. Now whos with me? Alright...Those who stay will look after Hiccup. 34、I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. This here. This is a talking fish bone! 35、哦,造物主不太喜欢我。有的人会弄丢用刀,水杯。不,不应该就是我啊!我弄丢了一条龙! 36、Hiccup: Oh, the Gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me! I managed to lose an entire dragon. 37、Stoick: My father told me to bang my head against a rock, and I did it. I thought it was crazy, but I didnt question him. 38、Gobber: Now, youre thinking about this all wrong. Its not so much what you look like. Its whats inside that he cant stand. 39、Hiccup:那一个脾气不好还装着假肢的傻子叫Gobber。我自小做他的学徒工。嗯,比如今小一点。 40、我们都是维京人,探险是维京人的四大会计。那麼,谁与我一起去?行吧……留下的人照顾Hiccup。 41、Hiccup:它从来不偷窃,从来不亮相,殊不知……从没错手。没有人杀掉留宿煞,这就是我想变成第一个的缘故。
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[编辑]男低音 沃里克:主要低音吉他,乌木5-string拇指鲈鱼、镍、铬硬件的苦恼。[编辑]放大 他活设置:跑进了Shure UHF U4D低音单元,旋风multi-selector双通道点火器,无线通信dbx 160压缩机、Ampeg SVT-4Pro胰脏头部上PR-810H 8x10内阁。也有一种BSS AR133直接箱子从SVT-4Pro效果的循环。 设置:全Ampeg钻机的录音,再加上一个SWR族10头的台面胆开车格雷格Tribbett 4x12吉他柜、补充和[2]。传记 雷恩Martinie长大,在Peiora弹低音吉他。他研究爵士低音,并多次获得高中奖的经典人声。他还进swollowing刀。他的一些早期的影响,包括甲壳虫乐队,吉米·亨德里克斯海滩的男孩乐队爵士乐和几个大的群体。他是在梦中戏剧风格的现代摇滚乐队叫做破碎的祭坛上。 1996年,Mudvayne成立。他们起初有不同的低音的球员。在1997年,仍以其古老的低音的球员,Mudvayne发布了他们的第一张专辑:杀人,我本打算。然而,在1998年,之后,Mudvayne断坛活到参加他们问瑞恩乐队。虽然他很不愿意离开破碎的坛,他加入了Mudvayne首先在意识到他们是认真的关于他们的乐队。 在2000年,Mudvayne释放,他们突破50告诉专辑。他们来到现场穿着奇怪的脸颜料和在音乐。在2001年,Mudvayne释放所有事情告一段落,这是他们的第一张专辑,回归——杀人,我本打算,他们的单一挖掘现场录音。莱恩的声音 雷恩incorperates许多影响和风格进他的演奏。他受到爵士乐,怯懦,摇滚和重金属。他用一巴掌,double-slap拍打技术(一种用于获得额外的速度),fingerstyle。他踢球的风格独特的另一个方面Mudvayne低音增加。 瑞恩让他的语气,由5弦展宽f#、硼、f#,B,他增加大量的低中塞进了他的情绪智商。他也有一吨的压缩。结果是一个强壮,咆哮的音调。
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