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2023-06-20 06:58:35
Domestic action film Wolf Warrior 2 topped the box office in an unprecedented number, grossing 3.4 billion yuan (roughly $506 million) in just 13 days.
The film, directed and starring action star Wu Jing, is now China`s top grossing film, breaking the record previously held by Steven Chow`s fantasy comedy The Mermaid (with 3.39 billion yuan ticket sales) in 2016.
The data, released by Maoyan, a major film database in China, is based on as of 10:15 pm on Aug 7.



  冠军泛指体育、文化、艺术表演等竞技比赛中的第一名。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    冠军英语说法1:   champion    冠军英语说法2:   first    冠军英语说法3:   gold medalist    冠军的相关短语:   全能冠军 all-around winner ; all-round champion ; all round title ; whichle-round champion   世界冠军 World champion ; World Championships ; Champion of the world ; World Wide Winner   冠军队 Champion Team ; winning team   冠军展 CAC ; champion show ; CACAG   冠军气质 Temperament   无敌冠军 Invincible Champion   联赛冠军 Argentine championship ; Scudetto ; league titles ; League Champion   冠军头 Army head   票房冠军 top-grossing movie ; highest-grossing movie ; the champion of box office    冠军的英语例句:   1. He won his first Derby on the aptly named "Never Say Die".   他驾驭著这匹名副其实的“永不言败”夺得了他的第一个德比马赛冠军。   2. The heavyweight champion will be given a shot at Holyfield"s world title.   这名重量级拳击冠军将尝试挑战霍利菲尔德的世界冠军头衔。   3. Alain Prost finished third and virtually conceded the world championship.   阿兰·普罗斯特以第三名的成绩结束比赛,实际上已经将世界冠军的位置拱手让人。   4. The women"s race was won by the American, Patti Sue Plumer.   女子赛跑的冠军被美国人帕蒂·休·普卢默夺得。   5. Of course, nothing is going to eclipse winning the Olympic title.   当然,没有什么能比得过赢得奥运会冠军。   6. Richard Dunwoody is in front in the jockeys" title race.   理查德·邓伍迪在职业赛马骑师冠军赛中领先其他选手。   7. They had their championship hopes dashed by a 3-1 defeat.   遭遇1比3的失利后,他们的冠军梦就此破灭。   8. Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0.   希伯尼安队以2比0战胜汉密尔顿队,夺得了甲级联赛的冠军。   9. The Red Sox lost the pennant to Detroit by a single game.   红袜队以一场之差将冠军输给了底特律队。   10. Gary Kasparov has retained his title as world chess champion.   加雷·卡斯帕罗夫卫冕了他国际象棋世界冠军的称号。   11. Sarazen became the first golfer to win all four majors.   萨拉岑成为了首位高尔夫四大满贯赛冠军。   12. Astoundingly, an American had won the Tour de France.   令人惊讶的是,一个美国人获得了环法自行车赛的冠军。   13. Nelson Piquet, three times world champion, was grievously injured.   三度获得世界冠军的尼尔森·皮奎特受了重伤。   14. The list of past champions includes many British internationals.   历届冠军榜中包括很多英国世界冠军。   15. He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion.   他是个遇难而退的人,照他的性格,不可能长期保住冠军的称号。
2023-06-20 06:27:011


Star Wars is an epic science fiction saga and fictional universe created by George Lucas. The Star Wars story employs archetypal motifs common to science fiction, political climax and classical mythology, as well as musical motifs of those aspects.As one of the foremost examples of the space opera sub-genre of science fiction, Star Wars has become part of mainstream popular culture, as well as being one of the highest-grossing series of all time.
2023-06-20 06:27:452


P71 2b B. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Then work in pairs and talk about what each child did at the party.再听一遍录音后填空。然后两个人一组,讨论这些孩子在聚会上分别表演了什么。Jane played the guitar.简弹了吉他。 Michael sang a Chinese song.迈克尔唱了一首中文歌。 Tom played magic tricks.汤姆表演了魔术。Jack danced to disco.杰克跳了迪斯科。 Kangkang performed Chinese Kungfu。康康表演了中国武术。Maria played the piano.玛利亚弹了钢琴。At Kangkang "s birthday party yesterday.昨天在康康的生日聚会上。这是新版的七年级下的71也2b的内容,不知道你要的是旧版的还是新版的。
2023-06-20 06:27:532

Serena Williams是什么意思

Serena Williamsn.塞雷娜威廉姆斯(又称小威)美国网球名将,前世界第一,十一个大满贯得主; 例句:1.Female tennis players ranked in the top 20 earn roughly double what they did 15 years ago, with the top-ranked woman, serena williams, grossing a total of about$ 3.8 million last year, compared to ms. graf"s$ 1.5 million in 1994. 排名前20位的女子网球选手的收入要比15年前大约增加了一倍,头号种子小威廉姆斯(serena williams)去年的总收入更是高达380万美元左右,格拉芙在1994年的收入只有150万美元。
2023-06-20 06:28:131


2023-06-20 06:28:2312


2023-06-20 06:28:502

It is well on the way to DOING。。是什么意思

做某事很顺利。on the way直译是在路上的意思,实际上是指事情进行中。所以是说做某事进行很顺利的意思
2023-06-20 06:28:584

never give up的故事? 谁有关于永不言败的故事啊,最好是英文的,大概150个字,

Never Give up!(这是介绍名人在没成功前是怎么不放弃的点滴) Henry Ford 亨利方达failed and went broke five times before he finally succeeded. Beethoven 贝多芬handled the violin awkwardly and preferred playing his own compositions instead of improving his technique.His teacher called him hopeless as a composer. Colonel Sanders桑德斯 had the construction of a new road put him out of business in 1967.He went to over 1,000 places trying to sell his chicken recipe before he found a buyer interested in his 11 herbs and spices.Seven years later,at the age of 75,Colonel Sanders sold his fried chicken company for a finger-lickin" $15 million! Walt Disney华尔特.狄斯尼 was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas.Disney also went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland. Charles Darwin,查尔斯.达尔文 father of the theory of evolution,gave up a medical career and was told by his father,“You care for nothing but shooting,dogs,and rat catching.” In his autobiography,Darwin wrote,“I was considered by my father,a very ordinary boy,rather below the common standard in intellect. Albert Einstein爱伯特.爱因斯坦 did not speak until he was four years old and didn"t read until he was seven.His teacher described him as “mentally slow,unsociable and adrift forever in his foolish dreams.” He was expelled and refused admittance to Zurich Polytechnic School.The University of Bern turned down his Ph.D.dissertation as being irrelevant and fanciful. The movie Star Wars星球大战 was rejected by every movie studio in Hollywood before 20th-Century Fox finally produced it.It went on to be one of the largest grossing movies in film history. Louis Pasteur 路易斯.帕斯特was only a mediocre pupil in undergraduate studies and ranked 15 out of 22 in chemistry. When NFL running back Herschel Walker荷休.瓦克 was in junior high school,he wanted to play football,but the coach told him he was too small.He advised young Herschel to go out for track instead.Never one to give up,he ignored the coach"s advice and began an intensive training program to build himself up.Only a few years later,Herschel Walker won the Heisman trophy. When General Douglas MacArthur 道格拉斯.麦可亚瑟将军applied for admission to West Point,he was turned down,not once but twice.But he tried a third time,was accepted and marched into the history books. After Fred Astaire"费来德.爱思泰儿s first screen test,the memo from the testing director of MGM,dated 1933,said,“Can"t act!Slightly bald!Can dance a little!” Astaire kept that memo over the fireplace in his Beverly Hills home. The father of the sculptor Rodin罗兰 [The Thinker Statue] said,“I have an idiot for a son.” Described as the worst pupil in the school,Rodin failed three times to secure admittance to the school of art.His uncle called him uneducable. Babe Ruth,路丝宝贝 considered by sports historians to be the greatest athlete of all time and famous for setting the home run record,also holds the record for strikeouts.
2023-06-20 06:29:251


这种提示通常表示该应用程序的开发商已停止支持此应用。可能是因为他们已经发布了新版本,所以旧版本不再受支持,或者他们已经决定停止开发该应用程序。 如果您想继续使用此应用程序,建议考虑使用其他相似的应用程序或者升级到最新版本。
2023-06-20 06:29:332

the lion king的相关资料

The Lion King 资料Directors:Roger AllersRob MinkoffWriters:Irene Mecchi and Jonathan Roberts The Lion King is a 1994 American animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation, released in theaters on June 15, 1994 by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 32nd film in the Disney animated feature canon. The story, which was strongly influenced by the Shakespearean play Hamlet, takes place in a kingdom of anthropomorphic animals in Africa. The film was the highest grossing animated film of all time until the release of Finding Nemo (a Disney/Pixar computer-animated film). The Lion King still holds the record as the highest grossing traditionally animated film in history and belongs to an era known as the Disney Renaissance.The Lion King is regarded as a landmark in animation,[7] and received positive reviews from critics, who praised the film for its music and story. During its release in 1994, the film grossed more than $783 million worldwide, becoming the most successful film released that year, and it is currently the twenty-fourth highest-grossing feature film.Plot summaryA young lion prince is born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plots with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King is killed and Simba is led to believe by Scar that it was his fault, and so flees the kingdom in shame. After years of exile he is persuaded to return home to overthrow the usurper and claim the kingdom as his own thus completing the "Circle of LifeFull storyThe Lion King takes place in the Pride Lands of Africa where a lion rules over the other animals as king. Rafiki (Robert Guillaume), a wise old mandrill, anoints Simba (cub by Jonathan Taylor Thomas, adult by Matthew Broderick), the newborn cub of King Mufasa (James Earl Jones) and Queen Sarabi (Madge Sinclair), and presents him to a gathering of animals at Pride Rock ("Circle of Life").Mufasa takes Simba on a tour of the Pride Lands, teaching him about the "Circle of Life", the delicate balance affecting all living things. Taking advantage of the cub"s naive nature, Simba"s scheming uncle Scar (Jeremy Irons) (who is very angry because Simba"s birth means that he"s no longer next in line to the throne) tells him about the elephant graveyard, a place where Mufasa has forbidden Simba to go. Simba asks his mother if he can go to the water-hole with his best friend, Nala (cub by Niketa Calame, adult by Moira Kelly). Their parents agree but only if Mufasa"s majordomo, the hornbill Zazu (Rowan Atkinson), goes with them. Simba and Nala elude Zazu"s supervision ("I Just Can"t Wait to Be King") and go to the graveyard instead. There, the cubs are met by Shenzi, Banzai and Ed (Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin and Jim Cummings), spotted hyenas who try to kill them, but they are rescued by Mufasa.On the way home, Mufasa orders Zazu to take Nala home so as to "teach his son a lesson". Once left alone, Mufasa tells his son how very disappointed he is in him and how he put both Nala and his lives in danger. He further explains to Simba that being brave doesn"t mean to go looking for danger, and reveals he was scared he might have lost him. Having reached an understanding, they play together in the fields, where Simba asks his father if they will always be together. Mufasa tells him that the Kings of the Past are among the stars in the sky. They will be there to guide him and, when Mufasa"s time comes, so will he.Meanwhile, Scar gains the loyalty of the hyenas by claiming that if he becomes king, they"ll "never go hungry again" ("Be Prepared"). During the song, Scar tells the hyenas that for this to happen they must kill Mufasa and Simba, thus establishing his plan of regicide.Some time later, Scar lures Simba into a gorge for a "surprise from his father" while the hyenas create a wildebeest stampede. Alerted by Scar, Mufasa races to rescue Simba from the stampede. He saves his son but is left clinging to the edge of a steep cliff. Scar, instead of helping Mufasa, flings his brother into the stampede below. Simba sees his father fall and rushes down the cliff after him, only to find him dead. Scar convinces the young cub that he was responsible for his father"s death and recommends that he flee from the Pride Lands. Scar once again sends Shenzi, Banzai and Ed to kill Simba but he escapes. Scar informs the pride that both Mufasa and Simba were killed and that he is assuming the throne as the next in line. Scar proclaims that "this is the dawning of a new era, in which lion and hyena come together", thus allowing the hyenas into the Pride Lands.In a distant desert, Simba is found unconscious by Timon and Pumbaa (Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella), a meerkat-warthog duo who adopt and raise the cub under their worry-free philosophy ("Hakuna Matata"). When Simba has grown into an adult he is discovered by Nala, who tells him that Scar has turned the Pride Lands into a barren wasteland. She asks Simba to return and take his place as king but Simba refuses, still believing he caused his father"s death. Simba shows Nala around his home and the two begin to fall in love ("Can You Feel the Love Tonight"). Nala, however, tells Simba that she does not understand why he will not return to Pride Rock and they end up in a quarrel. Rafiki arrives and persuades Simba to return to the Pride Lands, aided by the appearance of the ghost of Mufasa.Once back at Pride Rock, Simba (with Timon, Pumbaa and Nala) is horrified to see the condition of the Pride Lands. Timon and Pumbaa create a diversion, allowing Simba and Nala to sneak past the hyenas guarding Pride Rock. After seeing his mother Sarabi struck by Scar for criticizing him, Simba announces his return. In response, Scar tells the pride that Simba was responsible for Mufasa"s death and corners Simba at the edge of Pride Rock. As Simba dangles over the edge of Pride Rock, Scar proudly reveals to Simba that he was actually responsible for Mufasa"s death. Enraged, Simba leaps up and pins Scar to the ground, forcing him to admit the truth to the pride.Atop Pride Rock"s peak, Simba corners Scar. To gain Simba"s mercy, Scar blames everything on the hyenas but Shenzi, Banzai and Ed overhear this betrayal. Simba demands that Scar go into exile. Scar pretends to leave but turns to attack Simba, resulting in a final duel. Simba triumphs over his uncle by kicking him over a low cliff. Scar survives the fall but finds himself surrounded by the now-resentful hyenas, who attack and kill him. Simba and Nala become the new king and queen of the Pride Lands. The film concludes with the Pride Lands turning green with life again and Rafiki presenting Simba and Nala"s newborn cub as "The Circle of Life" continues.Characters * Simba (voiced by Jonathan Taylor Thomas as a cub and Matthew Broderick as an adult) is the protagonist of the movie and the son of King Mufasa. * Scar (voiced by Jeremy Irons), the film"s antagonist, is Mufasa"s jealous and scheming brother who desires the throne. * Mufasa (voiced by James Earl Jones) is the King of the Pride Lands and Simba"s father. * Timon and Pumbaa (voiced by Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella respectively) are the comical meerkat and warthog duo who live under the philosophy of "Hakuna Matata" (no worries). They become Simba"s provisional guardians during his exile. * Nala (voiced by Niketa Calame as a cub and Moira Kelly as an adult) is Simba"s childhood friend and intended mate. * Rafiki (voiced by Robert Guillaume) is a wise mandrill who is responsible for presenting the newborn prince of the lions at Pride Rock for all to see. * Zazu (voiced by Rowan Atkinson) is a loyal hornbill who serves as Mufasa"s majordomo. * Shenzi, Banzai and Ed (voiced by Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin and Jim Cummings respectively) are a trio of hyenas who assist Scar in his evil doings. * Sarabi (voiced by Madge Sinclair) is Simba"s mother and the leader of the lionesses. * Sarafina (voiced by Zoe Leader) is Nala"s mother. Her name is given only in the end credits of the film.
2023-06-20 06:30:071


2023-06-20 06:30:172

韩信破赵 翻译

2023-06-20 06:31:203


Mulan is a 1998 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation, and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19, 1998. The thirty-sixth animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics, and a part of the Disney Renaissance, the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan.Mulan was the first of three features produced primarily at the Disney animation studio at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida. It was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with story and screenplay by Robert D. San Souci, Rita Hsiao, Philip LaZebnik, Chris Sanders, Eugenia Bostwick-Singer, and Raymond Singer. Development for the film began in 1994, when a number of artistic supervisors were sent to China to receive artistic and cultural inspiration. Mulan was well-received by critics and the public, grossing $304 million, earning Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations, and winning several Annie Awards including Best Animated Feature.Fa Mulan is the only daughter of aged warrior Fa Zhou. She impersonates a man and takes her father"s place during a general conscription to counter a fictitious Hun invasion led by Shan Yu . Along with her guardian dragon Mushu , her captain, Li Shang , a lucky cricket, "Cri-kee," and her companions, Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po, she battles the invading Hun army.
2023-06-20 06:31:281

grossing game什么意思

grossing game卖座的游戏
2023-06-20 06:31:502


(1)….well 在口语中,well出现的频率非常高。它表达的意思也十分丰富:可以表示惊讶、无可奈何、让步、停顿思考、疑问等等。 e.g. Well, he"s strict and I get angry when he doesn"t want me to do stuff. 是啊,他很严格,当他不让我去做那些事的时候我就会生气。 e.g. Well, it may be true. But I find it difficult to believe. 好吧,这也许是真的,不过叫我难以相信。 (2)I mean… “I mean”我的意思是。通常用于进一步向对方解释,或者要详细解说自己说话内容。 e.g. I mean I like both of the companies. 我的意思是这两家公司我都喜欢。 e.g. I mean you love the couch, why? 我的意思是你爱沙发,为什么? e.g. I mean, what would that look like? 我是说,那会成个什么样子了呢? (3)you know “you know”在对话中,表示考虑接下来要说的话,意思是:你知道的,比方说,就是说。 e.g. She thought a lot about her appearance, you know, and spent a lot of money on clothes. 她很注重外表,你知道,她买衣服就花了不少钱。 e.g. They are grossing me out too, you know. 你知道,他们对我也并不客气。 (4)like… “like”有时候也会说成“so like”,表示所以、就是说、打个比方说 的意思。 e.g. well, like my dad doesn"t let me see R movies, but my mom does. 对啊,就像我爸不让我看R级*,但我妈却允许。 e.g. A: What do you do with your friends? 你和你朋友在一起的时候做什么? B: We do things like shopping, watching movies, etc. We hang out like twice a week. When we hang out it is really, like, exciting. 我们就是逛街啊,看*啊什么的。我们差不多一周出去玩儿两次。我们一起玩儿的时候就是特别开心。 (5)Actually /Basically/ absolutely/ definitely各种副词 ①Actually:实际上;事实上 e.g. Actually I meant to notify you beforehand. 实际上我是想事先通知你的。 ②Basically:主要地,基本上 e.g. Basically, you decide what to do from moment to moment. 基本上,你可以随时决定你要做的事情。 ③Absolutely:绝对地;完全地 e.g. I absolutely believe in miracles, and believe that they are all around us, every day. 我绝对相信奇迹,相信它们每天都存在于我们的身边。 ④definitely:清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地 e.g. "They definitely want this to go away, " he said. 他说:“他们当然想让这次风波过去。” e.g. No, definitely not. 不,绝对不会。
2023-06-20 06:31:571


A review of "The Smurfs" It is sunny today. I am excited, It"s not because of the nice weather but “The S murfs”, a 3D movie published by Sony Pictures Releasing (Argentina). The cont ent of the movie is very amusing and fu nny for children. The scene and color a re grandiose and magnificent. I think it" s a successful motivation. Time goes fas t! On the way home, the audiences are falling in love with those lovely smurfs. What a nice movie !
2023-06-20 06:32:201

north of有more than的意思?

有,在一个特别的(关于数字的)语境里 north of 有 more than / greater than 的意思, 例句: The film industry has seen its revenue decline through the years,with no films grossing north of $10 million in 2013.
2023-06-20 06:32:401


Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American computer-animated action comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It was directed by John Wayne Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb, and stars the voice of Jack Black along with Dustin Hoffman, Jackie Chan, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, David Cross, Randall Duk Kim, James Hong, Dan Fogler, and Michael Clarke Duncan. Set in a version of ancient China populated by anthropomorphic talking animals, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda named Po who aspires to be a kung fu master. When an evil kung fu warrior is foretold to escape from prison, Po is unwittingly named the chosen one destined to bring peace to the land, much to the chagrin of the resident kung fu warriors.The idea for the film was conceived by Michael Lachance, a DreamWorks Animation executive. The film was originally intended to be a parody, but director Stevenson decided instead to shoot an action comedy Wuxia film that incorporates the hero"s journey narrative archetype for the lead character. The computer animation in the film was more complex than anything DreamWorks had done before. As with most DreamWorks animated films, Hans Zimmer (collaborating with John Powell this time) scored Kung Fu Panda. He visited China to absorb the culture and get to know the China National Symphony Orchestra as part of his preparation. A sequel, Kung Fu Panda 2, was released on May 26, 2011.Kung Fu Panda premiered in the United States on June 6, 2008, and has since received very favorable reviews from critics and most of the movie-going public, including Chinese audiences who were impressed with the film"s faithfulness to their culture. The film currently garners an 88% "Certified Fresh" approval rating from review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. Kung Fu Panda opened in 4,114 theaters, grossing $20.3 million on its opening day and $60.2 million on its opening weekend, resulting in the number one position at the box office. The film became DreamWorks"s biggest opening for a non-sequel film, the highest grossing animated film of the year worldwide, and also had the fourth-largest opening weekend for a DreamWorks animated film at the American and Canadian box office, behind Shrek 2, Shrek the Third, and Shrek Forever After.
2023-06-20 06:32:472


WALL-E (promoted with an interpunct as WALLu2022E) is a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. It follows the story of a robot named WALL-E who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.After directing Finding Nemo, Stanton felt Pixar had created believable simulations of underwater physics and was willing to direct a film set in space. Most of the characters do not have actual human voices, but instead communicate with body language and robotic sounds, designed by Ben Burtt, that resemble voices. In addition, it is the first animated feature by Pixar to have segments featuring live-action characters.Walt Disney Pictures released it in the United States and Canada on June 27, 2008. The film grossed $23.1 million on its opening day, and $63 million during its opening weekend in 3,992 theaters, ranking #1 at the box office. This ranks the third highest-grossing opening weekend for a Pixar film as of July 2008. Following Pixar tradition, WALL-E was paired with a short film, Presto, for its theatrical release. WALL-E has achieved highly positive reviews with an approval rating of 96% on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. It grossed $534 million worldwide, won the 2008 Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, and the 2008 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and was nominated for five other Academy Awards.
2023-06-20 06:33:071


I don"know.
2023-06-20 06:33:172


Christopher Jonathan James Nolan (born July 30, 1970) is a British-American film director, screenwriter and producer. He is known for writing and directing such critically acclaimed films as Memento (2000), the remake Insomnia (2002), the film adaptation The Prestige (2006), Inception (2010), and rebooting the Batman film franchise. The latter made him the second most commercially successful British director in recent years, behind David Yates. Nolan is the founder of the production company Syncopy Films and is a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States.He often collaborates with his wife, producer Emma Thomas, and his brother, screenwriter Jonathan Nolan, as well as cinematographer Wally Pfister, film editor Lee Smith, composers David Julyan and Hans Zimmer, special effects coordinator Chris Corbould, and actors Christian Bale and Michael Caine.Early lifeNolan was born in London, the son of an English father who worked as an advertising copywriter and an American mother who was a flight attendant. He is the second of three children: younger brother Jonathan often collaborates with Nolan on film scripts; older brother Matthew was arrested in connection to a murder in 2009, but the charges were later dropped. He spent his childhood in both London and Chicago. Nolan found an interest in botany and "dicots" early on until he found his father"s camera. He began film-making at the age of seven using his father"s Super 8 camera and his toy action figures. While living in Chicago as a child, he also made short films with future director and producer Roko Belic.Nolan was educated at Haileybury and Imperial Service College, an independent school at Hertford Heath in Hertfordshire, England, and later studied English literature at University College London while filming several short films in the college film society. The first, Tarantella, was shown in 1989 on Image Union, an independent film and video showcase featured on PBS. Another notable short film was called Doodlebug with Jeremy Theobald who later starred in Following.Nolan married Emma Thomas, his longtime film producer, in 1997. They have four children and reside in Los Angeles, California.Professional careerNolan directed his first feature film, Following, in 1998. The film depicts a writer who is obsessed with following random people. Scenes are shown out of chronological order. Nolan made the film for just $6,000. He shot it on weekends, over the course of a year, working with friends he had met at the University College London film society. It began to receive notice after premiering at the 1998 San Francisco Film Festival, and was eventually distributed on a limited basis by Zeitgeist in 1999.As a result of the film"s success, Newmarket Films optioned the script for Nolan"s next film, Memento. Memento (2000) is a critically acclaimed cult film, and was nominated for both a Golden Globe and an Academy Award (Oscar) for best screenplay. The movie is based on the short story Memento Mori, written by Christopher"s brother, Jonathan Nolan. It follows widower Leonard Shelby (played by English-born Australian actor Guy Pearce) who suffers a head injury and is unable to form new memories. In keeping with this inability to know what has just happened before, the film"s narrative structure runs in reverse (with an interlude between each pair of major "flashback" sequences).In 2002, Nolan directed Insomnia, an American remake of the 1997 Norwegian film of the same name, albeit with major changes in both the plot and the nature of the main character. The plot of Insomnia revolves around two Los Angeles homicide detectives that are dispatched to a northern town where the sun does not set to investigate the methodical murder of a local teen.In 1997, Warner Bros. put its Batman film franchise on an indefinite hiatus when the fourth installment, Batman & Robin, was released to negative reviews and disappointing box office. In 2003, Nolan, together with Blade screenwriter David S. Goyer, convinced Warner Bros. to take the risk of entrusting the first of a revived Batman film series to a relatively unknown director. Batman Begins was released on June 15, 2005 and became a box office hit, ranking as the eighth highest grossing film of 2005 domestically and the ninth highest grossing worldwide. It received a very positive critical and public reception, with many ranking it as superior to Tim Burton"s 1989 Batman film, for instance receiving, according to Rotten Tomatoes, an overall 84% positive review compared to 71% for Burton"s film. Strengths of the movie included its dark and intelligent storyline, strong emphasis on character, and the predominant themes of fear and duality. Batman Begins was a major winner at the 32nd annual Saturn Awards. The film won for Best Fantasy Film, Best Actor for Christian Bale and Best Writing for Nolan and Goyer. The film was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography.The Prestige, released on October 20, 2006, is an adaptation of the Christopher Priest novel about two rival magicians in the 19th century. It reunites Nolan with Batman Begins stars Christian Bale and Michael Caine as well as starring Hugh Jackman. The movie had a mostly positive response from critics and made over $109 million worldwide. The film was co-scripted by his brother, Jonathan Nolan and co-produced with his wife, Emma Thomas.In the months following The Prestige"s release, Nolan made numerous comments suggesting that he would return to direct the sequel to Batman Begins. In late July 2006, the sequel was officially confirmed as The Dark Knight with Nolan at the helm and Heath Ledger joining the cast as The Joker, Batman"s arch-enemy. Nolan and his brother Jonathan wrote a script, based on a treatment written by himself and David S. Goyer. The film began production in early 2007 and was released on July 16, 2008 in Australia and July 18, 2008 in the United States, to overwhelming critical acclaim with some critics calling it the greatest comic-book based movie ever made. It also had enormous box office success, setting the record for the highest-grossing weekend opening in the U.S. with over $158 million and becoming the 3rd highest grossing film of all time domestically, and the sixth-highest worldwide at the time.At the 2009 Golden Globe Awards, Christopher Nolan accepted the award for Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture on behalf of the deceased Heath Ledger. Nolan was nominated for the Directors Guild of America Award for Best Director for The Dark Knight. At the 81st Academy Awards, it was nominated for a total of eight Oscars, and won two, the Academy Award for Best Sound Editing, and a posthumous Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for Ledger.After the release of Nolan"s successful 2008 film The Dark Knight, Warner Bros. contracted Nolan to a seven-figure deal to direct the science fiction film Inception. The film was based on a script written by Nolan and has been described as being "a contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind". Filming began in summer 2009, and Inception was released on July 16, 2010 to largely positive reviews and became a box office hit.Upcoming projectsOn March 10, 2010, Nolan confirmed that he and David Goyer have been working on an idea for a Superman film. Nolan says, "He basically told me, "I have this thought about how you would approach Superman." I immediately got it, loved it and thought: That is a way of approaching the story I"ve never seen before that makes it incredibly exciting. I wanted to get Emma and I involved in shepherding the project right away and getting it to the studio and getting it going in an exciting way… A lot of people have approached Superman in a lot of different ways. I only know the way that has worked for us that"s what I know how to do." Although Zack Snyder is set to direct, Nolan will have significant creative input in the process.Nolan also confirmed his involvement with a sequel to The Dark Knight and said it will be his last Batman movie and a conclusion to the story: "Without getting into specifics, the key thing that makes the third film a great possibility for us is that we want to finish our story. And in viewing it as the finishing of a story rather than infinitely blowing up the balloon and expanding the story... I"m very excited about the end of the film, the conclusion, and what we"ve done with the characters. My brother has come up with some pretty exciting stuff. Unlike the comics, these things don"t go on forever in film and viewing it as a story with an end is useful. Viewing it as an ending, that sets you very much on the right track about the appropriate conclusion and the essence of what tale we"re telling. And it hearkens back to that priority of trying to find the reality in these fantastic stories." Warner Bros. announced the film is sch
2023-06-20 06:33:252


2023-06-20 06:33:322


Big Hero 6(即超能陆战队) is a 2014 computer animated comedy-superhero film created and produced at Walt Disney Animation Studios and based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name by Man of Action. The film is directed by Don Hall (co-director of Winnie the Pooh) and Chris Williams(co-director of Bolt).It is the 54th film in the Disney Animated Canon and the sixth film in the Disney Revival era.Big Hero 6 was the first Disney animated feature film to star characters from Marvel Entertainment, which The Walt Disney Company acquired in2009 and gave special thanks to that company.The film was released on November 7, 2014 in the US, Canada and India by Disney.[1]The film received very positive reviews from audiences and critics and was a box office and commercial success, grossing $604 million worldwide. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and was nominated for an Annie Award for Best Animated Feature and a Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film.
2023-06-20 06:33:391


问题一:美人鱼的英文是什么 美人鱼 1. Mermaid 2. Monster35.bmd 3. Aquamarine 4. Splash小美人鱼 1. Little Mermaid 2. LITTLE MERMAID《小美人鱼》 1. The Little Mermaid 2. THE LITTLE MERMAID出水美人鱼 1. Bathing Beauty美人鱼儒艮 1. Mermaid Dugong 问题二:美人鱼的英文怎么写? 美人鱼 mermaid 您以前有参与过涉及小美人鱼的工作吗? Have you worked with the Little Mermaid before? 问题三:美人鱼用英语怎么说 Mermaid 问题四:用英语简介美人鱼的内容 小美人鱼英文简介 The Little Mermaid lives at the sea bottom with her father the Sea King, her grandmother, and her five older sisters, born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she may swim to the surface to watch the world above, and as the sisters bee old enough one of them visits the surface every year. As each of them returns the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their descriptions of the surface and human beings. When the Little Mermaid turns 15 she ventures to the surface. She sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him. There es a great storm, and the prince almost drowns, but the Little Mermaid saves him and she delivers him unconscious to the shore near a temple. Here she waits until he is found by a young girl from the temple. But the prince never sees the Little Mermaid. The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother whether humans can live forever if they do not drown. She is told that no, humans have an even shorter lifespan than mermaids. Mermaids live for 300 years, but when they die they turn to sea foam and cease to exist. Humans, on the other hand, have a short lifespan on earth, but they have an eternal soul that lives on in heaven even after they die. The Little Mermaid spends her days longing for the prince and for an eternal soul. At last she goes to the Sea Witch, who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue, because the Little Mermaid has the prettiest voice in the world. But drinking the poti......>> 问题五:美人鱼用英文怎么读 mermaid [5mE:meid] n. (传说中的)美人鱼, 女子游泳健将 sea-maid n. (传说中的) 美人鱼, 女海神 sea-maiden n. (传说中的)美人鱼 问题六:美人鱼电影的英文名 您好, 美人鱼在下方,提取时输入正确密码即可。 链接 密码:6wiu 失效也没关系,请加我百度云,我私发你,谢谢合作! 加我之后在这个问题上追问你的百度云名字,我好发给你。 另外,在百度云发我消息统一发:百度知道+你要的资源,切勿说什么求某某资源,也不要问我在不在的内容,谢谢合作! 满意望采纳,谢谢! 注:请看到问题的人不要加我百度云,我不会免费分享,每天加我百度云的人太多会忽略!! 然后加我百度云的提问者们呢,给出我回答的截图或者采纳截图,我就能确定谁是提问者了。 PS: 您想知道的看完就能找到答案! 问题七:人鱼用英文怎么说? 人鱼Mermaid 么儿没的 爱的力量 the power of love 热 跑儿 哦无 啦无 解除封印 enclose the seal 因可楼子 热 色偶 收回魔力 countermand the magic 抗特尔慢的 热 买机可 问题八:用英语简短的说美人鱼这部电影主要讲了什么 It was released in China on February 8 Upon release, it broke numerous box office records such as the biggest opening day and the biggest single day gross through its seventh day of release and having the biggest opening week of all time in China. On February 19, it became the highest-grossing Chinese film of all time.
2023-06-20 06:33:461


Pollstar released the top grossing tours in 2011, Britney nearly cracked the top 10, coming in at #11 , grossing$68.7 million.Brit"s average ticket costed $98.00 and sold 697,957 tickets, grossing $858,750 per show.总票房六千七百八十万美元平均每张98美元卖了697957张票平均每场票房收入858750美元
2023-06-20 06:34:332


以8毫米跑来跑去,射击自制电影摄影机莱昂内尔牌火车玩具的残骸(他给朋友给了一小笔费用)。 在他的高中二年级的时候,他掉了出来。但是,当他的父母的劝说下,他返回了他被错误地放在一个有课。他持续了一个月。直到后来全家搬迁到另外一个城镇,他才降落在了一所更加合适的高中,最终在那里毕了业。 申请被拒绝后进入传统电影学校,
2023-06-20 06:34:423

急求电影《On Golden Pond>英文观后感,六百字左右.

"On Golden Pond" was the surprise hit of 1981, the second highest grossing film of that year after "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Yet it is not the sort of film for which one would normally predict great box-office success. It is about as different a film from "Raiders" as one can imagine. Whereas Spielberg"s blockbuster is a testosterone-fuelled action-adventure, "On Golden Pond" is a quiet, reflective drama about an elderly couple spending the summer by a lake. The film was adapted by Ernest Thompson from his play of the same name. (Remarkably, given his theme of old age, Thompson was still in his twenties when he wrote it). Although attempts are made to open the action up by including scenes shot outdoors (there is some very attractive photography of the New England scenery), it clearly betrays its origin as a stage play with its limited number of characters and preponderance of dialogue over physical action. The central characters are Norman (aged eighty) and Ethel (aged in her late sixties) Thayer, who spend every summer at their second home on Golden Pond, a lake in New Hampshire. (The word "pond" in American usage can clearly mean a far larger body of water than it does in Britain). The plot focuses on the relationship between Norman and Ethel and their daughter Chelsea, who pays them a visit together with her fiancé Bill and his twelve-year-old son Billy. (Were women of Jane Fonda"s generation ever named "Chelsea"? I though that only began to be used as a girl"s name in the sixties). Jane Fonda purchased the rights to the play as a vehicle for her father Henry, doubtless because she saw in the turbulent relationship between Norman and Chelsea Thayer a reflection of the equally difficult real-life relationship between the Fondas. Norman is in many ways the most important character in the film. It is clear that he has always been a difficult man to get on with, and age does not seem to have mellowed the cantankerous old man at all. He bickers constantly with his long-suffering and more placid wife Ethel, although it is clear that despite their verbal battles they have a deep affection for one another. "You old poop!" might not normally be regarded as a term of endearment; as used by Ethel about her husband it becomes one. The father-daughter relationship between Norman and Chelsea is clearly more problematic, although the roots of their estrangement are never made clear. Possibly Norman resents his daughter for not being the son he longed for but never had, and he make his dislike of her new fiancé all too obvious. What serves to bring father and daughter back together is the special bond which grows up between Norman and young Billy, whom he and Ethel look after while Chelsea and Bill are away on vacation in Europe. Norman might not have a son, but Billy, although not related to him by blood, is the grandson he always wanted so they can go on fishing trips together. (Chelsea"s first marriage, which ended in divorce, was childless). The film stars not only Henry Fonda as Norman but also another great cinema legend, Katharine Hepburn, as Ethel, and both won well-deserved Oscars for their performances. Fonda"s award seems to have come as something of a surprise; in the course of his long career he had received only one previous acting nomination, for "The Grapes of Wrath" in 1940, and the year before making "On Golden Pond" had been given an "Honorary Award for Lifetime Achievement". (Such awards are often interpreted as meaning "we"re sorry that you"ve never had a real Oscar and are never likely to get one, so please accept this consolation prize with our apologies"). This was to be Fonda"s last film; he was to die a few months after receiving his award. In Hepburn"s case this was her fourth "Best Actress" award, setting a record which still stands. Jane Fonda was nominated for "Best Supporting Actress" but missed out, possibly because she already had two Oscars on her mantelpiece and the Academy thought it would only be fair to spread the honours more evenly. "On Golden Pond" can, at times, be rather sugary, but for the most part it is lifted above mere sentimentality by the strength of the acting. During the seventies the cinema had become increasingly youth-obsessed, a trend which was to continue throughout the eighties (and, indeed, is still continuing today). It therefore comes as a refreshing surprise to come across a film from this period which stars in its leading roles two actors in their seventies. Like "Ordinary People", which won "Best Picture" the previous year, this film is a drama which explores, in a sensitive and sympathetic manner, the difficulties faced by ordinary human beings doing their best to cope with life.
2023-06-20 06:34:481


2023-06-20 06:34:573


The story tells the entire kingdom is covered by snow and ice because of the powerful magic. The optimistic princess Anna,a adventurous hill people Christopher and his reindeer formed a team to looking for Anna"s sister--the frozen queen Elsa only whom can bring everything back to normal ,and break the ice curse of her body. During the journey ,they made frinds with a funny snowman nanmed Olave ,were hunted by the wolves and also met the stone elf.After all, they finally saved the kingdom saved aisha. Anna also harvest her true love.
2023-06-20 06:35:072

animated film和cartoon 的区别

An animated film is one in which puppets or drawings appear to move. 除了画出来的,还有木偶A cartoon is a film in which all the characters and scenes are drawn rather than being real people or objects. 只有画出来的,并且强调与真人或物体不同
2023-06-20 06:35:172

movie star是什么意思?

the movie star I like mostI am crazy about watching movies , there are many movie stars i like . such as GeYou, JiangWen, ZhangZiYi.I love GeYou most because his perfect acting skill. he can attact your attention from start to end in a whole movie. his earlier works<<Don`t leave until i arrived>>,<<There`s no end>> are all intersting and humorous. lately , << let the bullets fly>>succeed again.I will support him all the timeJANE FONDA was born in New York City in 1937. She attended the Emma Willard School in Troy, New York, and Vassar College. Fonda later studied with renowned acting coach Lee Strasberg and became a member of the Actors Studio in New York. Her subsequent work on stage and screen earned numerous honors, including two Best Actress Academy Awards–Klute (1971) and Coming Home (1978)–and an Emmy Award for her performance in The Dollmaker. Fonda was also a successful producer, whose credits include The China Syndrome, Nine to Five, On Golden Pond, and The Morning After.Fonda revolutionized the fitness industry with the release of Jane Fonda"s Workout in 1982, which remains the top-grossing home video of all time. She then produced twenty-three home exercise videos, thirteen audio recordings, and five bestselling books. She now focuses her time on activism and philanthropy, in such areas as adolescent reproductive health, pregnancy prevention, school reform through arts, and building resiliency in girls and boys by addressing destructive gender stereotypes. In 1995 she founded the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (G-CAPP), which she chairs. In 2002, she opened the Jane Fonda Center for Adolescent Reproductive Health at Emory University"s School of Medicine. She lives in Atlanta.
2023-06-20 06:35:241

lost in thailand是什么意思

2023-06-20 06:35:432


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2023-06-20 06:35:512


  Born Chow Sing-Chi in Hong Kong on 22nd June 1962, Stephen Chow spent his youth days with three sisters in Shanghai, China. He developed an interest in the martial arts after witnessing the talent of Bruce Lee, where he began training in the style of Wing Chun, which was one of Bruce Lee"s specialties. His martial arts training served him well to a minimum and he incorporated it in many of his famous action films.  In 1982, he graduated from high school and auditioned for an acting school run by TVB, a Hong Kong television station where he was rejected. His friend "Waise" Lee Chi-Hung (The Legend of the Swordsman, John Woo"s "A Better Tomorrow") helped him out and he was allowed to take night classes. He graduated in 1983 and was hired to host a children"s television program called "Space Shuttle 430" even though he wasn"t fond of children. This didn"t stop him from carrying on his duty as he developed an off-beat rapport with co-stars of the show that audiences loved, which led the program to run for five years. During the show"s final run in 1988, he broke into dramatic roles in numerous television programs and went on to star in his first feature film where actor "Danny" Lee Sau-Yin (City on Fire, John Woo"s "The Killer") cast him in "Final Justice" which earned him an Award for Best Supporting Actor at the 25th Annual Taiwanese Film Awards.  In 1990, he introduced his incredible comedy talent in the film,"All for the Winner" which was a hilarious spin-off of the film, "God of Gamblers" starring Chow Yun-Fat. The film became such a success that he also starred alongside Chow Yun-Fat in the successful sequel, "God of Gamblers 2". He excelled in the comedy genre and developed a trademark that reinvented his career in years to come as he began doing parodies of Hollywood, Japanese Hong Kong cinema films, such as "Fist of Fury 1991", "From Beijing with Love", and his directorial debut, "All"s Well Ends Well". The parody film, "Justice My Foot" earned him Best Actor of Asia at the Pacific Film Festival.  His idea of combining sports with action kung-fu & comedy came into play in 2002 with "Shaolin Soccer" where some CGI digital effects were used to help create astonishing action sequences with the help of legendary action choreographer "Tony" Ching Siu-Tung who provided a stylized twist to the fights. The film struck gold on release, ranking the highest grossing film in the history of Hong Kong cinema with a record of HK$60 million.  Finally, Hollywood took support of Chow"s comedic skills and Miramax Films bought the distribution rights to "Shaolin Soccer" and released it internationally in 2003. Following the success of "Shaolin Soccer" Columbia Tristar released his next kung-fu comedy project, "Kung Fu Hustle", on which he collaborated with another legendary action choreographer, Yuen Wo-Ping, to create some hard-hitting martial arts sequences, for which Wo-Ping has been famous since the "70s in Hong Kong.  Stephen Chow"s creativity of action and comedy continues to find new audiences and his work will continue to entertain viewers around the world for years to come.
2023-06-20 06:35:591


2023-06-20 06:36:173

电影《超能陆战队》(Big Hero 6)周末将在齐鲁影院上映。……写一篇英语作文

Big Hero 6(即超能陆战队) is a 2014 computer animated comedy-superhero film created and produced at Walt Disney Animation Studios and based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name by Man of Action. The film is directed by Don Hall (co-director of Winnie the Pooh) and Chris Williams(co-director of Bolt).It is the 54th film in the Disney Animated Canon and the sixth film in the Disney Revival era.Big Hero 6 was the first Disney animated feature film to star characters from Marvel Entertainment, which The Walt Disney Company acquired in2009 and gave special thanks to that company.The film was released on November 7, 2014 in the US, Canada and India by Disney.[1]The film received very positive reviews from audiences and critics and was a box office and commercial success, grossing $604 million worldwide. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and was nominated for an Annie Award for Best Animated Feature and a Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film.
2023-06-20 06:36:241


Born Chow Sing-Chi in Hong Kong on 22nd June 1962, Stephen Chow spent his youth days with three sisters in Shanghai, China. He developed an interest in the martial arts after witnessing the talent of Bruce Lee, where he began training in the style of Wing Chun, which was one of Bruce Lee"s specialties. His martial arts training served him well to a minimum and he incorporated it in many of his famous action films.In 1982, he graduated from high school and auditioned for an acting school run by TVB, a Hong Kong television station where he was rejected. His friend "Waise" Lee Chi-Hung (The Legend of the Swordsman, John Woo"s "A Better Tomorrow") helped him out and he was allowed to take night classes. He graduated in 1983 and was hired to host a children"s television program called "Space Shuttle 430" even though he wasn"t fond of children. This didn"t stop him from carrying on his duty as he developed an off-beat rapport with co-stars of the show that audiences loved, which led the program to run for five years. During the show"s final run in 1988, he broke into dramatic roles in numerous television programs and went on to star in his first feature film where actor "Danny" Lee Sau-Yin (City on Fire, John Woo"s "The Killer") cast him in "Final Justice" which earned him an Award for Best Supporting Actor at the 25th Annual Taiwanese Film Awards.In 1990, he introduced his incredible comedy talent in the film,"All for the Winner" which was a hilarious spin-off of the film, "God of Gamblers" starring Chow Yun-Fat. The film became such a success that he also starred alongside Chow Yun-Fat in the successful sequel, "God of Gamblers 2". He excelled in the comedy genre and developed a trademark that reinvented his career in years to come as he began doing parodies of Hollywood, Japanese Hong Kong cinema films, such as "Fist of Fury 1991", "From Beijing with Love", and his directorial debut, "All"s Well Ends Well". The parody film, "Justice My Foot" earned him Best Actor of Asia at the Pacific Film Festival.His idea of combining sports with action kung-fu & comedy came into play in 2002 with "Shaolin Soccer" where some CGI digital effects were used to help create astonishing action sequences with the help of legendary action choreographer "Tony" Ching Siu-Tung who provided a stylized twist to the fights. The film struck gold on release, ranking the highest grossing film in the history of Hong Kong cinema with a record of HK$60 million.Finally, Hollywood took support of Chow"s comedic skills and Miramax Films bought the distribution rights to "Shaolin Soccer" and released it internationally in 2003. Following the success of "Shaolin Soccer" Columbia Tristar released his next kung-fu comedy project, "Kung Fu Hustle", on which he collaborated with another legendary action choreographer, Yuen Wo-Ping, to create some hard-hitting martial arts sequences, for which Wo-Ping has been famous since the "70s in Hong Kong.Stephen Chow"s creativity of action and comedy continues to find new audiences and his work will continue to entertain viewers around the world for years to come.
2023-06-20 06:36:331


问题一:玛格丽特 的英文怎么拼?? Margaret 问题二:玛格丽特做英文名字好吗 玛格丽特名字分析结果如下 繁体拼音五行笔划名字分析 玛 玛 mǎ 水 15 (吉) 格 格 gé 木 10 一生多福少劳,清雅伶俐,中年吉祥,晚年劳神。 (吉) 丽 丽 lì 火 19 清秀多才,妻贤子贵,中年平凡,女人小心爱情厄,忌车怕水。 (吉) 特 特 tè 火 10 口快心直,刑偶伤子,中年吉祥,晚年多灾,忌车怕水。 (凶) 数理:54 吉凶:虽倾全力,难望成功,此数大凶,逢极转运 问题三:玛格丽特的英语花语是什么 玛格丽特英文名字是;Marguerite de Valois 它的花语代表是;暗恋 (unrequited love阀)又名;少女花 它们就像清纯少女般羞涩... 问题四:“玛格丽特加冰”英文怎么说 “玛格丽特加冰”的英文翻译_百度翻译 “玛格丽特加冰” Margaret ice 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 Margaret_百度翻译 Margaret 英[?m:?rit] 美[?mr?r?t, -r?t] n. 女子名; [例句]Margaret Atwood"s novel depicts a gloomy, futuristic America 玛格丽特u30fb阿特伍德的小说描述了一个黑暗无望的未来美国。 问题五:玛格丽特u30fb米切尔 英文简介 Marg郸ret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November 8, 1900 C August 16, 1949) was an American author, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies . An American film adaptation, released in 1939, became the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking ten Academy Awards. 问题六:有哪位英语高手知道《茶花女》中男女主人公玛格丽特和亚芒的英文名怎么拼写啊,救急啊!在线等各位啊~ 玛格丽特: Marguerite Gautier 亚芒 :Armand Duval 问题七:关于玛格丽特.撒切尔的英语作文80词右左 因题干条件不完整,缺必要条件,不能正常作答。
2023-06-20 06:36:401


2023-06-20 06:36:483


make a relative relationship in a good environment 。
2023-06-20 06:37:074


Born Chow Sing-Chi in Hong Kong on 22nd June 1962, Stephen Chow spent his youth days with three sisters in Shanghai, China. He developed an interest in the martial arts after witnessing the talent of Bruce Lee, where he began training in the style of Wing Chun, which was one of Bruce Lee"s specialties. His martial arts training served him well to a minimum and he incorporated it in many of his famous action films. In 1982, he graduated from high school and auditioned for an acting school run by TVB, a Hong Kong television station where he was rejected. His friend "Waise" Lee Chi-Hung (The Legend of the Swordsman, John Woo"s "A Better Tomorrow") helped him out and he was allowed to take night classes. He graduated in 1983 and was hired to host a children"s television program called "Space Shuttle 430" even though he wasn"t fond of children. This didn"t stop him from carrying on his duty as he developed an off-beat rapport with co-stars of the show that audiences loved, which led the program to run for five years. During the show"s final run in 1988, he broke into dramatic roles in numerous television programs and went on to star in his first feature film where actor "Danny" Lee Sau-Yin (City on Fire, John Woo"s "The Killer") cast him in "Final Justice" which earned him an Award for Best Supporting Actor at the 25th Annual Taiwanese Film Awards. In 1990, he introduced his incredible comedy talent in the film,"All for the Winner" which was a hilarious spin-off of the film, "God of Gamblers" starring Chow Yun-Fat. The film became such a success that he also starred alongside Chow Yun-Fat in the successful sequel, "God of Gamblers 2". He excelled in the comedy genre and developed a trademark that reinvented his career in years to come as he began doing parodies of Hollywood, Japanese Hong Kong cinema films, such as "Fist of Fury 1991", "From Beijing with Love", and his directorial debut, "All"s Well Ends Well". The parody film, "Justice My Foot" earned him Best Actor of Asia at the Pacific Film Festival. His idea of combining sports with action kung-fu & comedy came into play in 2002 with "Shaolin Soccer" where some CGI digital effects were used to help create astonishing action sequences with the help of legendary action choreographer "Tony" Ching Siu-Tung who provided a stylized twist to the fights. The film struck gold on release, ranking the highest grossing film in the history of Hong Kong cinema with a record of HK$60 million. Finally, Hollywood took support of Chow"s comedic skills and Miramax Films bought the distribution rights to "Shaolin Soccer" and released it internationally in 2003. Following the success of "Shaolin Soccer" Columbia Tristar released his next kung-fu comedy project, "Kung Fu Hustle", on which he collaborated with another legendary action choreographer, Yuen Wo-Ping, to create some hard-hitting martial arts sequences, for which Wo-Ping has been famous since the "70s in Hong Kong. Stephen Chow"s creativity of action and comedy continues to find new audiences and his work will continue to entertain viewers around the world for years to come.
2023-06-20 06:37:372


Kate Elizabeth Winslet (born 5 October 1975) is an English actress and occasional singer. She has received multiple awards and nominations. She was the youngest person to accrue six Academy Award nominations, and won the Academy Award for Best Actress for The Reader (2008). Winslet has been acclaimed for both dramatic and comedic work in projects ranging from period to contemporary films, and from major Hollywood productions to less publicised indie films. She has won awards from the Screen Actors Guild, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association among others, and has been nominated twice for an Emmy Award for television acting.Raised in Berkshire, Winslet studied drama from childhood, and began her career in British television in 1991. She made her film debut in Heavenly Creatures (1994), for which she received her first notable critical praise. She achieved recognition for her subsequent work in a supporting role in Sense and Sensibility (1995) and for her leading role in Titanic (1997), the highest grossing film at that time.Since 2000, Winslet"s performances have continued to draw positive comments from film critics, and she has been nominated for various awards for her work in such films as Quills (2000), Iris (2001), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), Finding Neverland (2004), Little Children (2006), The Reader (2008) and Revolutionary Road (2008). Her performance in the latter prompted New York magazine critic David Edelstein to describe her as "the best English-speaking film actress of her generation".[1] The romantic comedy The Holiday and the animated film Flushed Away (both 2006) were among the biggest commercial successes of her career.Winslet was awarded a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album for Children in 2000. She has been included as a vocalist on some soundtracks of works she has performed in, and the single "What If" from the soundtrack for Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001), was a hit single in several European countries. Winslet has a daughter with her former husband, Jim Threapleton, and a son with her second husband, Sam Mendes, from whom she is separated. She lives in New York City.
2023-06-20 06:37:572

介绍导演 英语作文100字左右

Christopher Jonathan James Nolan (born July 30, 1970) is a British-American film director, screenwriter and producer. He is known for writing and directing such critically acclaimed films as Memento (2000), the remake Insomnia (2002), the film adaptation The Prestige (2006), Inception (2010), and rebooting the Batman film franchise. The latter made him the second most commercially successful British director in recent years, behind David Yates. Nolan is the founder of the production company Syncopy Films and is a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States.He often collaborates with his wife, producer Emma Thomas, and his brother, screenwriter Jonathan Nolan, as well as cinematographer Wally Pfister, film editor Lee Smith, composers David Julyan and Hans Zimmer, special effects coordinator Chris Corbould, and actors Christian Bale and Michael Caine.Early lifeNolan was born in London, the son of an English father who worked as an advertising copywriter and an American mother who was a flight attendant. He is the second of three children: younger brother Jonathan often collaborates with Nolan on film scripts; older brother Matthew was arrested in connection to a murder in 2009, but the charges were later dropped. He spent his childhood in both London and Chicago. Nolan found an interest in botany and "dicots" early on until he found his father"s camera. He began film-making at the age of seven using his father"s Super 8 camera and his toy action figures. While living in Chicago as a child, he also made short films with future director and producer Roko Belic.Nolan was educated at Haileybury and Imperial Service College, an independent school at Hertford Heath in Hertfordshire, England, and later studied English literature at University College London while filming several short films in the college film society. The first, Tarantella, was shown in 1989 on Image Union, an independent film and video showcase featured on PBS. Another notable short film was called Doodlebug with Jeremy Theobald who later starred in Following.Nolan married Emma Thomas, his longtime film producer, in 1997. They have four children and reside in Los Angeles, California.Professional careerNolan directed his first feature film, Following, in 1998. The film depicts a writer who is obsessed with following random people. Scenes are shown out of chronological order. Nolan made the film for just $6,000. He shot it on weekends, over the course of a year, working with friends he had met at the University College London film society. It began to receive notice after premiering at the 1998 San Francisco Film Festival, and was eventually distributed on a limited basis by Zeitgeist in 1999.As a result of the film"s success, Newmarket Films optioned the script for Nolan"s next film, Memento. Memento (2000) is a critically acclaimed cult film, and was nominated for both a Golden Globe and an Academy Award (Oscar) for best screenplay. The movie is based on the short story Memento Mori, written by Christopher"s brother, Jonathan Nolan. It follows widower Leonard Shelby (played by English-born Australian actor Guy Pearce) who suffers a head injury and is unable to form new memories. In keeping with this inability to know what has just happened before, the film"s narrative structure runs in reverse (with an interlude between each pair of major "flashback" sequences).In 2002, Nolan directed Insomnia, an American remake of the 1997 Norwegian film of the same name, albeit with major changes in both the plot and the nature of the main character. The plot of Insomnia revolves around two Los Angeles homicide detectives that are dispatched to a northern town where the sun does not set to investigate the methodical murder of a local teen.In 1997, Warner Bros. put its Batman film franchise on an indefinite hiatus when the fourth installment, Batman & Robin, was released to negative reviews and disappointing box office. In 2003, Nolan, together with Blade screenwriter David S. Goyer, convinced Warner Bros. to take the risk of entrusting the first of a revived Batman film series to a relatively unknown director. Batman Begins was released on June 15, 2005 and became a box office hit, ranking as the eighth highest grossing film of 2005 domestically and the ninth highest grossing worldwide. It received a very positive critical and public reception, with many ranking it as superior to Tim Burton"s 1989 Batman film, for instance receiving, according to Rotten Tomatoes, an overall 84% positive review compared to 71% for Burton"s film. Strengths of the movie included its dark and intelligent storyline, strong emphasis on character, and the predominant themes of fear and duality. Batman Begins was a major winner at the 32nd annual Saturn Awards. The film won for Best Fantasy Film, Best Actor for Christian Bale and Best Writing for Nolan and Goyer. The film was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography.The Prestige, released on October 20, 2006, is an adaptation of the Christopher Priest novel about two rival magicians in the 19th century. It reunites Nolan with Batman Begins stars Christian Bale and Michael Caine as well as starring Hugh Jackman. The movie had a mostly positive response from critics and made over $109 million worldwide. The film was co-scripted by his brother, Jonathan Nolan and co-produced with his wife, Emma Thomas.In the months following The Prestige"s release, Nolan made numerous comments suggesting that he would return to direct the sequel to Batman Begins. In late July 2006, the sequel was officially confirmed as The Dark Knight with Nolan at the helm and Heath Ledger joining the cast as The Joker, Batman"s arch-enemy. Nolan and his brother Jonathan wrote a script, based on a treatment written by himself and David S. Goyer. The film began production in early 2007 and was released on July 16, 2008 in Australia and July 18, 2008 in the United States, to overwhelming critical acclaim with some critics calling it the greatest comic-book based movie ever made. It also had enormous box office success, setting the record for the highest-grossing weekend opening in the U.S. with over $158 million and becoming the 3rd highest grossing film of all time domestically, and the sixth-highest worldwide at the time.At the 2009 Golden Globe Awards, Christopher Nolan accepted the award for Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture on behalf of the deceased Heath Ledger. Nolan was nominated for the Directors Guild of America Award for Best Director for The Dark Knight. At the 81st Academy Awards, it was nominated for a total of eight Oscars, and won two, the Academy Award for Best Sound Editing, and a posthumous Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for Ledger.After the release of Nolan"s successful 2008 film The Dark Knight, Warner Bros. contracted Nolan to a seven-figure deal to direct the science fiction film Inception. The film was based on a script written by Nolan and has been described as being "a contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind". Filming began in summer 2009, and Inception was released on July 16, 2010 to largely positive reviews and became a box office hit.Upcoming projectsOn March 10, 2010, Nolan confirmed that he and David Goyer have been working on an idea for a Superman film. Nolan says, "He basically told me, "I have this thought about how you would approach Superman." I immediately got it, loved it and thought: That is a way of approaching the story Iu2019ve never seen before that makes it incredibly exciting. I wanted to get Emma and I involved in shepherding the project right away and getting it to the studio and getting it going in an exciting wayu2026 A lot of people have approached Superman in a lot of different ways. I only know the way that has worked for us thatu2019s what I know how to do." Although Zack Snyder is set to direct, Nolan will have significant creative input in the process.Nolan also confirmed his involvement with a sequel to The Dark Knight and said it will be his last Batman movie and a conclusion to the story: "Without getting into specifics, the key thing that makes the third film a great possibility for us is that we want to finish our story. And in viewing it as the finishing of a story rather than infinitely blowing up the balloon and expanding the story... I"m very excited about the end of the film, the conclusion, and what weu2019ve done with the characters. My brother has come up with some pretty exciting stuff. Unlike the comics, these things donu2019t go on forever in film and viewing it as a story with an end is useful. Viewing it as an ending, that sets you very much on the right track about the appropriate conclusion and the essence of what tale we"re telling. And it hearkens back to that priority of trying to find the reality in these fantastic stories." Warner Bros. announced the film is scheduled to be released July 20, 2012. Nolan confirmed that the Joker will not return in the third film. On October 27, 2010, Nolan confirmed that the title of the film will be The Dark Knight Rises.Nolan is planning to direct a Howard Hughes biopic after he finishes The Dark Knight Rises. It will focus on Hughes" later years. It will be shot in 2012 and released in 2014.
2023-06-20 06:38:071


Avatar is a 2009 American epic science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron, and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Joel David Moore, Giovanni Ribisi and Sigourney Weaver. The film is set in the mid-22nd century, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush habitable moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe of Na"vi – a humanoid species indigenous to Pandora. The film"s title refers to a genetically engineered Na"vi body with the mind of a remotely located human, and is used to interact with the natives of Pandora.《阿凡达》是一部由詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧和导演的2009年美国史诗科幻电影,由萨姆·沃辛顿、佐伊·索尔达娜、斯蒂芬·朗、米歇尔·罗德里格斯、乔尔·大卫·摩尔、乔凡尼·瑞比西和西格妮·韦弗主演。这部电影的背景设定在22世纪中期,当时人类正在潘多拉星球上开采一种名为unobtanium的珍贵矿物,它是半人马座阿尔法星系中一个巨大的可居住的气体巨行星。这个采矿殖民地的扩张威胁到纳威族当地部落的继续存在——纳威族是潘多拉星球上的一个类人物种。影片的标题是一个基因改造的Na"vi人的身体,有一个遥远的人类的心灵,并被用来与潘多拉的土著互动。The film earned $2,787,965,087. Worldwide, it is top highest grossing film ever.The film earned $2,787,965,087. 在世界范围内,它是有史以来票房最高的电影。
2023-06-20 06:38:141


网罗天下新鲜、好玩、有趣、时尚的英语表达,尽在独家专栏节目"E聊吧"。, 本期节目的topic:《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》 , 英文名为:You Are the Apple of My Eye , "You Are the Apple of My Eye" became Hong Kong"s highest-grossing Chinese-language film this past weekend, breaking a record previously held by "Kung Fu Hustle" , reported.,据网易娱乐报道,由笔名九把刀的台湾作家柯景腾执导的电影《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》上周末一跃成为香港最吸金的华语电影,打破了此前由电影《功夫》在港创下的票房纪录。,The movie from Taiwan writer-director Giddens Ko, who goes by the pen name of Nine Knives, has now earned HK$61.4m since its opening.,这是一部台湾电影,其导演兼编剧原名柯景腾,笔名九把刀。自上映以来,《那些年》的票房收入已达6140万港元。,The director said that "At that pivotal moment of saying farewell to your adolescence , you are most likely to create the most ravishing work about youth."He promised that it "would make an incredible movie".,该戏导演曾说过,“与青春诀别的关键时刻,最容易创作出关于青春最棒的作品。”并声称这部电影,“会很好看。”
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在欧洲,嘉年华是一个传统的节日。嘉年华的前身是欧美狂欢节,最早起源于古埃及,后来成为古罗马的农神节的庆祝活动。 不过你是过否知道,这个美丽的中文名字最初的起源,和2000多年前的一段《圣经》故事有关。《圣经·新约》中有一个魔鬼试探耶稣的故事,说的是魔鬼把耶稣困在旷野里,40天没有给耶稣吃东西,耶稣虽然饥饿,却没有接受魔鬼的诱惑。 后来,为了纪念耶稣在这40天中的荒野禁食,信徒们就把每年复活节前的40天时间作为自己斋戒及忏悔的日子,叫做大斋节或者四旬斋(Lent)。据说,古希腊和古罗马的木神节、酒神节都是它的前身。 这40天中,人们不能食肉,娱乐,生活肃穆沉闷,所以在斋期开始前的一周或半周内,人们会专门举行宴会、舞会、*,纵情欢乐。后来,这样的一个日子逐渐演变成为一个宗教习俗节日,拉丁语中叫作“Carnevale”,意思就是:“告别肉食”。 Carnevale在英文中被译作Carnival。如今已没有多少人坚守大斋期之类的清规戒律,但传统的狂欢活动却保留了下来,成为人们一个重要节日。 大约在上个世纪70年代,复旦大学外文系的陆谷孙教授第一次在香港听到了“嘉年华会”的名称,从人们狂欢的活动中,他猜这个中文的"嘉年华"必定就是英文中的Carnival,香港人总是会有许多精巧的音译名词。不久之后,这个优美的译名便也传入内地,成为人们熟悉的名词。作为世界上最大的巡回式嘉年华,致力于把具有欧洲传统风格的大型民间嘉年华会引入中国市场。环球嘉年华已举办 9 次高度成功的嘉年华活动,创造 6300 万美元收入,接待 900 多万宾客,成为大中华区具有绝对优势的嘉年华领先者,就规模、管理技巧以及产品质量而言,几乎没有任何竞争者可与其相抗衡。 环球嘉年华最近组织的“2003 年上海节”(Shanghai Festival 2003) 吸引了 220 万游客,人均花费 12.77 美元。上海嘉年华的日参观人次和人均花费高于香港和新加坡嘉年华活动,显示出中国消费者具有强烈的消费欲望和花费能力,从而有力地支持环球嘉年华活动。 环球嘉年华的成功纪录为其带来来自中国多个城市政府和机构的邀请函,更不用说已应邀支持 2004 年 6 月在北京举办的年度夏季奥运庆祝活动,并在 2008 年举办奥运庆祝活动时达到高潮。环球嘉年华正在有条不紊地逐步增强其广告宣传攻势,以期最大限度地增加其在中国市场的发展机会。 为了适应在中国这一世界增长速度最快经济体和世界最大消费市场建立有利可图的事业的挑战,环球嘉年华将继续构筑其成功的“超级嘉年华”(Mega Carnival) 产品组合,此产品组合以在中国民间文化、娱乐和体育活动的欢乐氛围中进行流行和传统嘉年华乘骑和竞技活动为特色。通过广泛的媒体报道以及数百万快乐环球嘉年华游客强烈口碑背书,环球嘉年华品牌在整个地区迅速获得广泛认可。环球嘉年华品牌在消费者中间树立信心。消费者知道无论何时何地参加嘉年华活动,他们都能在一种安全、干净的环境中体验环球嘉年华活动带来的最新的令人刺激的嘉年华乘骑活动、具有挑战性的有奖励竞技活动、独特吸引力以及世界一流的娱乐享受。 环球嘉年华活动是经过专业化组织的大型民间嘉年华盛会,主要包含: · 机动乘骑项目 - 这些项目从具有极限速度和运动以及身体挑战的乘骑项目,到由亲朋好友一起体验的较为适中的乘骑项目,到青少年乘骑项目(按儿童的能力和身高分类)不等,在一种十分安全的环境中提供同样刺激的体验。 · 竞技项目 - 鼓励游客积极参与的竞技活动,用有吸引力和流行的奖品奖励熟练的玩家,这些奖品通常为柔软可爱的玩具。 · 文化娱乐项目 - 种类繁多的国内外文化性民间娱乐表演。 · 美食与购物 - 多种多样国内外食品,令人眼花缭乱。 注:环球嘉年华活动坚持严格的“不供酒或仅允许现场饮用的政策”,以便发扬安全和家庭价值。 · 环球嘉年华体验 - 以上所有活动都是在一种刺激、活跃和欢乐的环境中进行的,此环境充满灯光、音乐、色彩、舞蹈、歌声和运动,使受感染的游客享受到独一无二的“环球嘉年华体验”。 环球嘉年华是一种适合于公众参与的真正民间文化活动,他们可以自由选择所希望参加的乘骑活动、竞技活动和有趣项目。可吸引最广大的人群前来参观。环球嘉年华活动期间,向广大游客提供许多民间和国际娱乐节目,作为其“环球嘉年华体验”的组成部分。 “环球嘉年华”的概念使一般公众可以通过参加乘骑和竞技活动,积极体验奥林匹克精神,因为这些活动强调: · 个人挑战精神。 · 身体表现精神。 · 竞争精神。 · 发现个人表现限度 - 极限速度和运动之下的心理和身体表现限度。 环球嘉年华把许多面向体育运动的乘骑、竞技活动(如足球、篮球、打靶比赛)包含在内,这些活动创造一种挑战性氛围,在这种氛围下,一般公众可亲身体验到集中体现奥林匹克精神的个人挑战、表现和竞争的刺激感受,从而进一步增强了奥林匹克精神。环球嘉年华使一般公众体会到奥运参与感并亲身感受奥林匹克精神,从而产生使“2008 年奥运会”达到顶点的动力、热情和期待。通过每次连续的年度夏季奥运庆祝活动,环球嘉年华将在整个嘉年华活动中强化体育运动主题,从而进一步强调奥林匹克精神,并提高一般公众对奥运会的接受动力和程度。
2023-06-20 06:29:132


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