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关于动词get!~I GOT HIM的含义

2023-06-20 06:43:32

get: [ get ]

v. 得到,变成,获得,使得

[计算机] 得到


形容词:getable 动词过去式:got 过去分词:gotten/got 现在分词:getting 第三人称单数:gets


1. I"ll get the book you want.


2. Can we get to the station in time?


3. I"ve got a cold.


4. Do you think you"ll get the work finished on time?


5. She soon got the children ready for school.


6. I"ll get you for that, you bastard!


7. One day we"ll both get to see New York.


8. I can"t get over that shirt he was wearing.




1. a return on a shot that seemed impossible to reach and would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent


1. come into the possession of something concrete or abstract


2. enter or assume a certain state or condition

同义词:become, go

3. cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition

同义词:let, have

4. receive a specified treatment (abstract)

同义词:receive, find, obtain, incur

5. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress

同义词:arrive, come

6. go or come after and bring or take back

同义词:bring, convey, fetch

7. go through (mental or physical states or experiences)

同义词:experience, receive, have, undergo

8. take vengeance on or get even

同义词:pay back, pay off, fix

9. achieve a point or goal

同义词:have, make

10. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner

同义词:induce, stimulate, cause, have, make

11. succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase

同义词:catch, capture

12. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)

同义词:grow, develop, produce, acquire

13. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness

同义词:contract, take

14. communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone

15. give certain properties to something


16. move into a desired direction of discourse

同义词:drive, aim

17. grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of


18. attract and fix

同义词:catch, arrest

19. reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot


20. reach by calculation

21. acquire as a result of some effort or action

22. purchase

23. perceive by hearing


24. suffer from the receipt of


25. receive as a retribution or punishment


26. leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form

同义词:scram, buzz off, fuck off, bugger off

27. reach and board

28. irritate

同义词:get under one"s skin

29. evoke an emotional response

30. apprehend and reproduce accurately


31. earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher


32. overcome or destroy

33. be a mystery or bewildering to

同义词:perplex, vex, stick, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, amaze, dumbfound

34. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action

同义词:get down, begin, start out, start, set about, set out, commence

35. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)

同义词:suffer, sustain, have

36. make children

同义词:beget, engender, father, mother, sire, generate, bring forth



或者是戏弄谁的时候 说 i got him!

意思是 他上当了!他被捉弄了!




2023-06-20 04:30:461


是beget的过去时态。 意思是使存在,使发生;产生摩登原始人的创作灵感来自摩登原始人,即后者是前者创作的基础。同理,蓝精灵是海底小精灵的创作基础和灵感来源。
2023-06-20 04:31:082

be get ready for与be get ready to的区别

2023-06-20 04:31:152


2023-06-20 04:31:552

beform discover的意思

before discovery 被发现前
2023-06-20 04:32:173

For glance beget ogles,ogles sighes,sighes wishes,wishes words,words a letter什么意思.

2023-06-20 04:32:272


2023-06-20 04:32:461


表语形容词在形容词中是特殊的一类. 一、意义 表语形容词是指在句中作表语,(有时也可作状语),一般不在句中作定语.这些词有:sorry(感到悲伤的,遗憾的),glad(高兴的,愉快的),alone(独自的,孤单的)asleep(睡着的,睡熟的)ashamed(感到羞耻的)alike(相同的,一样的),alive(活着的,活泼的),awake(醒着的,没睡着的),afraid(害怕的),excited(令人兴奋的),ill(生病的),interested(有趣的),pleased(高兴的). 二、用法 用在系表结构中,这些表语形容词往往放在begetbecomefallfeellooksound等系动词后作表语. 例如: 1.Thetwobooksonthedeskarealike.2.Theboyinthebedwasawake. 3.Heisaloneathome.4.Sheistooashamedtosayaword. 三、这类词的特点 1.这类表语形容词不能在句中作定语. 例如: ①那是一个受惊吓的男孩.Thatisanafraidboy.(ue0e0) Thatisafrightenedboy.(ue0d7) ②它是一只睡着了的猫.Itisanasleepcat.(ue0e0) Itisasleepingcat.(ue0d7) ③她是一个活泼的孩子.Sheisanalivechild.(ue0e0) Sheisalivelychild.(ue0d7) 2.有些表语形容词还可以用作副词,放在句末,在句中作状语. ①Newspaperreportskeptinterestinthestoryalive. (报纸报道的这件事一直很吸引人.) ②Theweatherhereisalwayscoldsummerandwinteralike. (这里的天气总是那么冷,夏季和冬季都一样). 四、Exercises: 选词填空 1.The___boylives___.(alone;lonely)2.He"sfast___.(sleeping;asleep) 3.Don"tfeel___forthebadman.(sorrysorrowful). 4.The___womanwas___toseeherhusbandback.(happy;glad) 5.TheoldmanwhomIsawyesterdayisa____person.(ill;sick) 6.Wehada___summerholidaythisyear.(pleased;pleasant) Keys:1.lonely;alone2.asleep3.sorry 4.happy;glad5.sick 6.pleasant
2023-06-20 04:32:531

get across这个词组 什么意思? 怎么用?

2023-06-20 04:33:024


2023-06-20 04:33:232

marry 和be/get married to 的用法有什么不同??

marry既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为"结婚;嫁;娶;与.结婚"等.常见用法如下: 一、marry *** 表示"嫁给某人;与.结婚". 二、be/get married to *** 表示"与某人结婚". 三、marry *** to *** 表示"父母把女儿嫁给某人"或"为儿子娶媳妇". 四、marry作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰. 五、marry 一般不与介词with 连用. 六、若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,相当于系表结构. marry *** .同某人结婚 marry one and other 主持某人和另一个人的婚礼 marry 不及物动词,结婚的意思 marry in 通过结婚成为家庭的一员 marry off *** .把某人嫁出去 marry up 联合 married 已婚的,1,Marry wants to marry to whom she loves. Marry wants to get married to whom she loves. 区别就是下面的长一点,一般marry和get married to都表动作可以替换,而be married to可以表状态。虽然一般beget done是表被动的,但be/get married to 不是表被...,0,marry 和be/get married to 的用法有什么不同? 能有他们分别翻译“马理想与自己喜欢的人结婚”这个句子么?
2023-06-20 04:33:301


2023-06-20 04:33:372

get 什么意思,怎么用

get: [ get ] v. 得到,变成,获得,使得[计算机] 得到词形变化: 形容词:getable 动词过去式:got 过去分词:gotten/got 现在分词:getting 第三人称单数:gets 例句与用法: 1. I"ll get the book you want. 我去给你拿那本你想要的书。 2. Can we get to the station in time? 我们能及时到达车站吗? 3. I"ve got a cold. 我得了感冒。 4. Do you think you"ll get the work finished on time? 你认为你的工作可以如期完成吗? 5. She soon got the children ready for school. 她很快帮孩子做好上学的准备。 6. I"ll get you for that, you bastard! 我早晚要跟你算那笔帐,你这坏蛋! 7. One day we"ll both get to see New York. 总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。 8. I can"t get over that shirt he was wearing. 我觉得他穿的那件衬衣真可笑。
2023-06-20 04:33:453


第一,不同的是 football第二因为football意思是足球,属于物品,而cousin意思是“表弟,表哥 ,表姐或者表妹”father意思是父亲首先从词性来说他们都是名词,然后分析含义,cousin和father都是人,而football是物品,所以不同类的是football。综上所以不同类的是football
2023-06-20 04:33:521


abide 居住 abode, abided abode, abided alight 下车 alighted, alit alighted, alit awake 唤醒 awoke awoke, awaked be 是 was, were been bear 忍受 bore borne, born beat 击打 beat beaten become 变成 became become befall 发生 befell befallen beget 引起 begot begotten, begot begin 开始 began begun behold 注意看 beheld beheld bend 鞠躬 bent bent bereave 剥夺 bereaved, bereft bereaved, bereft beseech 乞求 besought, beseeched besought, beseeched beset 围攻 beset beset bespeak 预约 bespoke bespoken, bespoke bespread 铺盖 bespread bespread bestrew 散放 bestrewed bestrewed, bestrewn bestride 跨坐 bestrode bestridden, bestrid, bestrode bet 打赌 bet, betted bet, betted betake 前往 betook betaken bethink 想起 bethought bethought bid 出价 bade, bid bidden, bid bide 忍受 bode, bided bided bind 绑 bound bound bite 咬 bit bitten, bit bleed 流血 bled bled blend 混合 blended, blent blended, blent bless 祝福 blessed, blest blessed, blest blow 吹 blew blown break 断开 broke broken breed 产生 bred bred bring 带来 brought brought broadcast 广播 broadcast, broadcasted broadcast, broadcasted browbeat 严斥 browbeat browbeaten build 建筑 built built burn 燃烧 burnt, burned burnt, burned burst 爆炸 burst burst buy 买 bought bought can 能 could - cast 铸造 cast cast catch 抓住 caught caught chide 责骂 chid, chided chid, chidden, chided choose 选择 chose chosen cleave: 分裂 cleaved, cleft, clove cleaved, cleft 打通 clave cloven cling 粘附 clung clung clothe 穿衣 clothed, clad clothed, clad come 来 came come cost 价值 cost cost creep 爬行 crept crept crow 报晓 crowed, crew crowed cut 切 cut cut dare 敢 dared, durst dared deal 处理 dealt dealt dig 挖洞 dug dug dispread 扩散 dispread dispread do 做 did done draw 画 drew drawn dream 做梦 dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt drink 喝 drank drunk drive 驾车 drove driven dwell 细想 dwelt, dwelled dwelt, dwelled eat 吃 ate eaten fall 落下 fell fallen feed 喂 fed fed feel 感觉 felt felt fight 打架 fought fought find 找寻 found found flee 逃跑 fled fled fling 派出 flung flung fly: 飞 flew flown 逃逸 fled fled 击飞 flied flied forbear 克制 forbore forborne forbid 禁止 forbade, forbad forbidden forecast 预报 forecast, forecasted forecast, forecasted fordo 损毁 fordid fordone forego 居先 forewent foregone foreknow 预知 foreknew foreknown forerun 作先驱 foreran forerun foresee 看穿 foresaw foreseen foreshow 预示 foreshowed foreshown foretell 预言 foretold foretold forget 忘记 forgot forgotten, forgot forgive 原谅 forgave forgiven forsake 抛弃 forsook forsaken forswear 发假誓 forswore forsworn freeze 冷冻 froze frozen gainsay 反驳 gainsaid gainsaid get 得到 got got, gotten gild 镀金 gilded, gilt gilded gird 束缚 girded, girt girded, girt give 给予 gave given go 去 went gone grave 铭记 graved graven, graved grind 磨 ground ground grow 成长 grew grown hamstring 残废 hamstringed, hamstrung hamstringed, hamstrung hang: 挂 hung hung 吊死 hanged hanged have 有 had had hear 听 heard heard heave 力擎 heaved, hove heaved, hove hew 砍劈 hewed hewed, hewn hide 隐藏 hid hidden, hid hit 打 hit hit hold 拿住 held held hurt 伤害 hurt hurt inlay 镶嵌 inlaid inlaid keep 保持 kept kept kneel 下跪 knelt, kneeled knelt, kneeled knit 编结 knitted, knit knitted, knit know 知道 knew known lade 舀水 laded laded, laden lay 放置 laid laid lead 带领 led led lean 倾斜 leaned, leant leaned, leant leap 跳跃 leapt, leaped leapt, leaped learn 学习 learnt, learned learnt, learned leave 离开 left left lend 借出 lent lent let 让 let let lie: 躺下 lay lain 撒谎 lied lied light: 点燃 lit lit 照亮 lighted lighted lose 丢失 lost lost make 做 made made may 可以 might - mean 意思 meant meant meet 见面 met met melt 熔化 melted melted, melten misdeal 处理不当 misdealt misdealt misgive 担忧 misgave misgiven mislay 放错 mislaid mislaid mislead 欺骗 misled misled mistake 弄错 mistook mistaken misunderstand 误会 misunderstood misunderstood mow 割草 mowed mowed, mown must 必须 must - ought 应该 ought - outbid 中标 outbade, outbid outbidden, outbid outbreed 超产 outbred outbred outdo 胜过 outdid outdone outeat 多吃 outate outeaten outfight 击败 outfought outfought outgo 支出 outwent outgone outgrow 生长快 outgrew outgrown outlay 花费 outlaid outlaid outride 冲过 outrode outridden outrun 超越 outran outrun outsell 畅销 outsold outsold outshine 亮过 outshone outshone outshoot 发射 outshot outshot outsit 久坐 outsat outsat outspend 花钱过多 outspent outspent outspread 伸展 outspread outspread outthrow 扔出 outthrew outthrown outthrust 刺穿 outthrust outthrust outwear 用旧 outwore outworn overbear 压抑 overbore overborne overbid 漫天要价 overbid overbidden, overbid overblow 吹过 overblew overblown overbuild 建造过多 overbuilt overbuilt overbuy 买得过贵 overbought overbought overcast 遮蔽 overcast overcast overcome 克服 overcame overcome overdo 做得过分 overdid overdone overdraw 透支 overdrew overdrawn overdrive 超速 overdrove overdriven overeat 吃得太多 overate overeaten overfeed 喂得太多 overfed overfed overfly 飞过 overflew overflown overgrow 过度生长 overgrew overgrown overhang 悬垂 overhung overhung overhear 无意听到 overheard overheard overlade 超载 overladed overladed, overladen overlay 覆盖 overlaid overlaid overleap 跳过 overleapt, overleaped overleapt, overleaped overlie 躺在上面 overlay overlain overpay 付出太多 overpaid overpaid override 藐视 overrode overridden overrun 泛滥 overran overrun oversee 监督 oversaw overseen oversell 卖完 oversold oversold overset 推翻 overset overset oversew 缝合 oversewed oversewed, oversewn overshoot 打过头 overshot overshot oversleep 睡过头 overslept overslept overspend 过度使用 overspent overspent overspread 扩张 overspread overspread overtake 追上 overtook overtaken overthrow 推倒 overthrew overthrown overwind 旋太紧 overwound overwound overwrite 写得冗长 overwrote overwritten partake 参与 partook partaken pay 付出 paid paid precast 预计 precast precast prechoose 预选 prechose prechosen prove 证明 proved proved, proven put 放 put put quit 退出 quitted, quit quitted, quit read 读 read read reave 掠夺 reaved, reft reaved, reft rebuild 重建 rebuilt rebuilt recast 重铸 recast recast reeve 贯穿 rove, reeved rove, reeved relay 转送 relaid relaid rend 撕破 rent rent repay 报答 repaid repaid reset 重设定 reset reset retell 重述 retold retold rid 除去 rid, ridded rid, ridded ride 骑 rode ridden ring 响 rang rung rise 升起 rose risen rive 扯裂 riven riven, rived run 跑 ran run saw 锯 sawed sawn, sawed say 说 said said see 看见 saw seen seek 搜索 sought sought sell 卖 sold sold send 送 sent sent set 设置 set set sew 缝补 sewed sewn, sewed shake 摇晃 shook shaken shall 将 should - shave 剃须 shaved shaved, shaven shear 修剪 sheared shorn, sheared shed 脱落 shed shed shine 照耀 shone, shined shone, shined shoe 穿鞋 shod, shoed shod, shoed shoot 射击 shot shot show 展示 showed shown, showed shred 撕碎 shredded, shred shredded, shred shrink 萎缩 shrank, shrunk shrunk, shrunken shrive 忏悔 shrove, shrived shriven, shrived shut 关闭 shut shut sing 唱歌 sang, sung sung sink 下沉 sank, sunk sunk, sunken sit 坐 sat sat slay 残杀 slew slain sleep 睡觉 slept slept slide 滑动 slid slid, slidden sling 吊起 slung slung slink 潜逃 slunk slunk slit 切开 slit slit smell 闻 smelt, smelled smelt, smelled smite 打击 smote smitten, smote sow 播种 sowed sown, sowed speak 讲话 spoke spoken speed 促进 sped, speeded sped, speeded spell 拼写 spelt, spelled spelt, spelled spend 花钱 spent spent spill 溢出 spilt, spilled spilt, spilled spin 旋转 spun spun spit 吐 spat, spit spat, spit split 劈开 split split spoil 破坏 spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled spread 散布 spread spread spring 弹跳 sprang, sprung sprung stand 站立 stood stood stave 凿孔 staved, stove staved, stove steal 偷窃 stole stolen stick 粘贴 stuck stuck sting 刺激 stung stung stink 发臭 stank, stunk stunk strew 散播 strewed strewn, strewed stride 大踏步 strode stridden, strid strike 打动 struck struck, stricken string 捆扎 strung strung strive 奋斗 strove, strived striven, strived swear 发誓 swore sworn sweat 出汗 sweat, sweated sweat, sweated sweep 打扫 swept swept swell 膨胀 swelled swollen, swelled swim 游泳 swam swum swing 摆动 swung swung take 拿到 took taken teach 教 taught taught tear 撕 tore torn tell 讲述 told told think 思考 tought thought thrive 蔓延 throve, thrived thriven, thrived throw 投掷 threw thrown thrust 刺入 thrust thrust tread 践踏 trod trodden, trod unbend 放松 unbent unbent unbind 解开 unbound unbound unbuild 拆除 unbuilt unbuilt underbid 出低价 underbid underbidden, underbid underbuy 贱价买走 underbought underbought undercut 廉价出售 undercut undercut underdo 不尽力 underdid underdone
2023-06-20 04:34:341

英语题,关于get的用法, 急

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Sarah, hurry up . i"m afraid you can"t have time to ____ before the party. A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change 这个为什么选A, 为什么这边后面要用被动的, 而不是主动的,不是很理解这个句子该怎么理解 John , e on ! wait a moment , mum , i _______. A. get just dressing B. got just dressed C. am just getting dressed D. have just dressed 答案是C , 这个为什么后面又要用被动的 解析: 1中get changed 是个习惯用法 2中不是被动,仍然是get changed ,只是加了进行时态。 get 的用法去看词典吧大1点的词典应该会有好几页。 试试逼自己看完 –verb (used with object) 1. to receive or e to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension. 2. to cause to be in one"s possession or succeed in having available for one"s use or enjoyment; obtain; acquire: to get a good price after bargaining; to get oil by drilling; to get information. 3. to go after, take hold of, and bring (something) for one"s own or for another"s purposes; fetch: Would you get the milk from the refrigerator for me? 4. to cause or cause to bee, to do, to move, e, as specified; effect: to get one"s hair cut; to get a person drunk; to get a fire to burn; to get a dog out of a room. 5. to municate or establish munication with over a distance; reach: You can always get me by telephone. 6. to hear or hear clearly: I didn"t get your last name. 7. to acquire a mental grasp or mand of; learn: to get a lesson. 8. to capture; seize: Get him before he escapes! 9. to receive as a punishment or sentence: to get a spanking; to get 20 years in jail. 10. to prevail on; influence or persuade: We"ll get him to go with us. 11. to prepare; make ready: to get dinner. 12. (esp. of animals) to beget. 13. Informal. to affect emotionally: Her pleas got me. 14. to hit, strike, or wound: The bullet got him in the leg. 15. Informal. to kill. 16. Informal. to take vengeance on: I"ll get you yet! 17. to catch or be afflicted with; e down with or suffer from: He got malaria while living in the tropics. She gets butterflies before every performance. 18. Informal. to puzzle; irritate; annoy: Their silly remarks get me. 19. Informal. to understand; prehend: I don"t get the joke. This report may be crystal-clear to a scientist, but I don"t get it. –verb (used without object) 20. to e to a specified place; arrive; reach: to get home late. 21. to succeed, bee enabled, or be permitted: You get to meet a lot of interesting people. 22. to bee or to cause oneself to bee as specified; reach a certain condition: to get angry; to get sick. 23. (used as an auxiliary verb fol. by a past participle to form the passive): to get married; to get elected; to get hit by a car. 24. to succeed in ing, going, arriving at, visiting, e (usually fol. by away, in, into, out, e): I don"t get into town very often. 25. to bear, endure, or survive (usually fol. by through or over): Can he get through another bad winter? 26. to earn money; gain. 27. Informal. to leave promptly; scram: He told us to get. 28. to start or enter upon the action of (fol. by a present participle expressing action): to get moving; Get rolling. –noun 29. an offspring or the total of the offspring, esp. of a male animal: the get of a stallion. 30. a return of a ball, as in tennis, that would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent. 31. British Slang. a. something earned, as salary, profits, e: What"s your week"s get? b. a child born out of wedlock. —Verb phrases32. get about, a. to move about; be active: He gets about with difficulty since his illness. b. to bee known; spread: It was supposed to be a secret, but somehow it got about. c. to be socially active: She"s been getting about much more since her family moved to the city. Also, get around. 33. get across, a. to make or bee understandable; municate: to get a lesson across to students. b. to be convincing about; impress upon others: The fire chief got across forcefully the fact that turning in a false alarm is a serious offense. 34. get ahead, to be successful, as in business or society: She got ahead by sheer determination. 35. get ahead of, a. to move forward of, as in traveling: The taxi got ahead of her after the light changed. b. to surpass; outdo: He refused to let anyone get ahead of him in business. 36. get along, a. to go away; leave. b. get on. 37. get around, a. to circumvent; ouit. b. to ingratiate oneself with (someone) through flattery or cajolery. c. to travel from place to place; circulate: I don"t get around much anymore. d. get about. 38. get at, a. to reach; touch: to stretch in order to get at a top shelf. b. to suggest, hint at, or imply; intimate: What are you getting at? c. to discover; determine: to get at the root of a problem. d. Informal. to influence by surreptitious or illegal means; bribe: The gangsters couldn"t get at the mayor. 39. get away, a. to escape; flee: He tried to get away, but the crowd was too dense. b. to start out; leave: The racehorses got away from the starting gate. 40. get away with, to perpetrate or acplish without detection or punishment: Some people lie and cheat and always seem to get away with it. 41. get by, a. to succeed in going past: to get by a police barricade. b. to manage to exist, survive, continue in business, e, in spite of difficulties. c. to evade the notice of: He doesn"t let much get by him. 42. get down, a. to bring or e down; descend: The kitten climbed the tree, but then couldn"t get down again. b. to concentrate; attend: to get down to the matter at hand. c. to depress; discourage; fatigue: Nothing gets me down so much as a rainy day. d. to swallow: The pill was so large that he couldn"t get it down. e. to relax and enjoy oneself pletely; be uninhibited in one"s enjoyment: getting down with a bunch of old friends. 43. get in, a. to go into a place; enter: He fot his key and couldn"t get in. b. to arrive; e: They both got in on the same train. c. to bee associated with: He got in with a bad crowd. d. to be chosen or accepted, as for office, membership, e: As secretary of the club, his friend made sure that he got in. e. to bee implicated in: By embezzling money to pay his gambling debts quickly, he was getting in further and further. 44. get off, a. to escape the consequences of or punishment for one"s actions. b. to help (someone) escape punishment: A good lawyer might get you off. c. to begin a journey; leave: He got off on the noon flight. d. to leave (a train, plane, e); di *** ount from (a horse); alight. e. to tell (a joke); express (an opinion): The edian got off a couple of good ones. f. Informal. to have the effrontery: Where does he get off telling me how to behave? g. Slang: Vulgar. to experience a *** . h. to experience or cause to experience a high from or as if from a drug. i. to cause to feel pleasure, enthusia *** , or excitement: a new rock group that gets everyone off. 45. get on or along, a. to make progress; proceed; advance. b. to have sufficient means to manage, survive, or fare. c. to be on good terms; agree: She simply can"t get on with her brothers. d. to advance in age: He is getting on in years. 46. get out, a. to leave (often fol. by of): Get out of here! We had to get out of the bus at San Antonio. b. to bee publicly known: We mustn"t let this story get out. c. to withdraw or retire (often fol. by of): He decided to get out of the dry goods business. d. to produce or plete: Let"s get this work out! 47. get over, a. to recover from: to get over an illness. b. get across. 48. get through, a. to succeed, as in meeting, reaching, or contacting by telephone (usually fol. by to): I tried to call you last night, but I couldn"t get through. b. to plete; finish: How he ever got through college is a mystery. c. to make oneself understood: One simply cannot get through to her. 49. get to, a. to get in touch or into munication with; contact: It was too late by the time he got to the authorities. b. Informal. to make an impression on; affect: This music really gets to you. c. to begin: When he gets to telling stories about the war, there"s no stopping him. —Idioms50. get back, a. to e back; return: When will you get back? b. to recover; regain: He got back his investment with interest. c. to be revenged: She waited for a chance to get back at her accuser. 51. get even. even1 (def. 26). 52. get going, a. to begin; act: They wanted to get going on the construction of the house. b. to increase one"s speed; make haste: If we don"t get going, we"ll never arrive in time. 53. get it, Informal. a. to be punished or reprimanded: You"ll get it for breaking that vase! b. to understand or grasp something: This is just beeen us, get it? 54. get it off, Slang: Vulgar. to experience a *** . 55. get it on, a. Informal. to work or perform with satisfying harmony or energy or develop a strong rapport, as in music: a rock group really getting it on with the audience. b. Slang: Vulgar. to have sexual intercourse. 56. get it up, Slang: Vulgar, to achieve an erection of the penis. 57. get off on, Slang. to bee enthusiastic about or excited by: After years of indifference, she"s getting off on baseball. 58. get round. get around. 59. get the lead out. lead2 (def. 15). 60. get there, to reach one"s goal; succeed: He wanted to be a millionaire but he died before he got there. 61. get together, a. to accumulate; gather: to get together a portfolio of 20 stocks. b. to congregate; meet: The alumnae chapter gets together ice a year. c. to e to an accord; agree: They simply couldn"t get together on matters of policy. 62. get up, a. to sit up or stand; arise. b. to rise from bed. c. to ascend or mount. d. to prepare; arrange; anize: to get up an exhibit. e. to draw upon; marshal; rouse: to get up one"s courage. f. to acquire a knowledge of. g. (to a horse) go! go ahead! go faster! h. to dress, as in a costume or disguise: She got herself up as an astronaut. i. to produce in a specified style, as a book: It was got up in brown leather with gold endpapers. 63. has or have got, a. to possess or own; have: She"s got a new car. Have you got the tickets? b. must (fol. by an infinitive): He"s got to get to a doctor right away. c. to suffer from: Have you got a cold?
2023-06-20 04:34:401

For glance beget ogles,ogles sighes,sighes wishes,wishes words,words a letter什么意思.

2023-06-20 04:34:481


2023-06-20 04:34:561


2023-06-20 04:35:271

英语题,关于get的用法, 急

1中get changed 是个习惯用法2中不是被动,仍然是get changed ,只是加了进行时态。get 的用法去看词典吧大1点的词典应该会有好几页。试试逼自己看完–verb (used with object) 1. to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension. 2. to cause to be in one"s possession or succeed in having available for one"s use or enjoyment; obtain; acquire: to get a good price after bargaining; to get oil by drilling; to get information. 3. to go after, take hold of, and bring (something) for one"s own or for another"s purposes; fetch: Would you get the milk from the refrigerator for me? 4. to cause or cause to become, to do, to move, etc., as specified; effect: to get one"s hair cut; to get a person drunk; to get a fire to burn; to get a dog out of a room. 5. to communicate or establish communication with over a distance; reach: You can always get me by telephone. 6. to hear or hear clearly: I didn"t get your last name. 7. to acquire a mental grasp or command of; learn: to get a lesson. 8. to capture; seize: Get him before he escapes! 9. to receive as a punishment or sentence: to get a spanking; to get 20 years in jail. 10. to prevail on; influence or persuade: We"ll get him to go with us. 11. to prepare; make ready: to get dinner. 12. (esp. of animals) to beget. 13. Informal. to affect emotionally: Her pleas got me. 14. to hit, strike, or wound: The bullet got him in the leg. 15. Informal. to kill. 16. Informal. to take vengeance on: I"ll get you yet! 17. to catch or be afflicted with; come down with or suffer from: He got malaria while living in the tropics. She gets butterflies before every performance. 18. Informal. to puzzle; irritate; annoy: Their silly remarks get me. 19. Informal. to understand; comprehend: I don"t get the joke. This report may be crystal-clear to a scientist, but I don"t get it. –verb (used without object) 20. to come to a specified place; arrive; reach: to get home late. 21. to succeed, become enabled, or be permitted: You get to meet a lot of interesting people. 22. to become or to cause oneself to become as specified; reach a certain condition: to get angry; to get sick. 23. (used as an auxiliary verb fol. by a past participle to form the passive): to get married; to get elected; to get hit by a car. 24. to succeed in coming, going, arriving at, visiting, etc. (usually fol. by away, in, into, out, etc.): I don"t get into town very often. 25. to bear, endure, or survive (usually fol. by through or over): Can he get through another bad winter? 26. to earn money; gain. 27. Informal. to leave promptly; scram: He told us to get. 28. to start or enter upon the action of (fol. by a present participle expressing action): to get moving; Get rolling. –noun 29. an offspring or the total of the offspring, esp. of a male animal: the get of a stallion. 30. a return of a ball, as in tennis, that would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent. 31. British Slang. a. something earned, as salary, profits, etc.: What"s your week"s get? b. a child born out of wedlock. —Verb phrases32. get about, a. to move about; be active: He gets about with difficulty since his illness. b. to become known; spread: It was supposed to be a secret, but somehow it got about. c. to be socially active: She"s been getting about much more since her family moved to the city. Also, get around. 33. get across, a. to make or become understandable; communicate: to get a lesson across to students. b. to be convincing about; impress upon others: The fire chief got across forcefully the fact that turning in a false alarm is a serious offense. 34. get ahead, to be successful, as in business or society: She got ahead by sheer determination. 35. get ahead of, a. to move forward of, as in traveling: The taxi got ahead of her after the light changed. b. to surpass; outdo: He refused to let anyone get ahead of him in business. 36. get along, a. to go away; leave. b. get on. 37. get around, a. to circumvent; outwit. b. to ingratiate oneself with (someone) through flattery or cajolery. c. to travel from place to place; circulate: I don"t get around much anymore. d. get about. 38. get at, a. to reach; touch: to stretch in order to get at a top shelf. b. to suggest, hint at, or imply; intimate: What are you getting at? c. to discover; determine: to get at the root of a problem. d. Informal. to influence by surreptitious or illegal means; bribe: The gangsters couldn"t get at the mayor. 39. get away, a. to escape; flee: He tried to get away, but the crowd was too dense. b. to start out; leave: The racehorses got away from the starting gate. 40. get away with, to perpetrate or accomplish without detection or punishment: Some people lie and cheat and always seem to get away with it. 41. get by, a. to succeed in going past: to get by a police barricade. b. to manage to exist, survive, continue in business, etc., in spite of difficulties. c. to evade the notice of: He doesn"t let much get by him. 42. get down, a. to bring or come down; descend: The kitten climbed the tree, but then couldn"t get down again. b. to concentrate; attend: to get down to the matter at hand. c. to depress; discourage; fatigue: Nothing gets me down so much as a rainy day. d. to swallow: The pill was so large that he couldn"t get it down. e. to relax and enjoy oneself completely; be uninhibited in one"s enjoyment: getting down with a bunch of old friends. 43. get in, a. to go into a place; enter: He forgot his key and couldn"t get in. b. to arrive; come: They both got in on the same train. c. to become associated with: He got in with a bad crowd. d. to be chosen or accepted, as for office, membership, etc.: As secretary of the club, his friend made sure that he got in. e. to become implicated in: By embezzling money to pay his gambling debts quickly, he was getting in further and further. 44. get off, a. to escape the consequences of or punishment for one"s actions. b. to help (someone) escape punishment: A good lawyer might get you off. c. to begin a journey; leave: He got off on the noon flight. d. to leave (a train, plane, etc.); dismount from (a horse); alight. e. to tell (a joke); express (an opinion): The comedian got off a couple of good ones. f. Informal. to have the effrontery: Where does he get off telling me how to behave? g. Slang: Vulgar. to experience orgasm. h. to experience or cause to experience a high from or as if from a drug. i. to cause to feel pleasure, enthusiasm, or excitement: a new rock group that gets everyone off. 45. get on or along, a. to make progress; proceed; advance. b. to have sufficient means to manage, survive, or fare. c. to be on good terms; agree: She simply can"t get on with her brothers. d. to advance in age: He is getting on in years. 46. get out, a. to leave (often fol. by of): Get out of here! We had to get out of the bus at San Antonio. b. to become publicly known: We mustn"t let this story get out. c. to withdraw or retire (often fol. by of): He decided to get out of the dry goods business. d. to produce or complete: Let"s get this work out! 47. get over, a. to recover from: to get over an illness. b. get across. 48. get through, a. to succeed, as in meeting, reaching, or contacting by telephone (usually fol. by to): I tried to call you last night, but I couldn"t get through. b. to complete; finish: How he ever got through college is a mystery. c. to make oneself understood: One simply cannot get through to her. 49. get to, a. to get in touch or into communication with; contact: It was too late by the time he got to the authorities. b. Informal. to make an impression on; affect: This music really gets to you. c. to begin: When he gets to telling stories about the war, there"s no stopping him. —Idioms50. get back, a. to come back; return: When will you get back? b. to recover; regain: He got back his investment with interest. c. to be revenged: She waited for a chance to get back at her accuser. 51. get even. even1 (def. 26). 52. get going, a. to begin; act: They wanted to get going on the construction of the house. b. to increase one"s speed; make haste: If we don"t get going, we"ll never arrive in time. 53. get it, Informal. a. to be punished or reprimanded: You"ll get it for breaking that vase! b. to understand or grasp something: This is just between us, get it? 54. get it off, Slang: Vulgar. to experience orgasm. 55. get it on, a. Informal. to work or perform with satisfying harmony or energy or develop a strong rapport, as in music: a rock group really getting it on with the audience. b. Slang: Vulgar. to have sexual intercourse. 56. get it up, Slang: Vulgar, to achieve an erection of the penis. 57. get off on, Slang. to become enthusiastic about or excited by: After years of indifference, she"s getting off on baseball. 58. get round. get around. 59. get the lead out. lead2 (def. 15). 60. get there, to reach one"s goal; succeed: He wanted to be a millionaire but he died before he got there. 61. get together, a. to accumulate; gather: to get together a portfolio of 20 stocks. b. to congregate; meet: The alumnae chapter gets together twice a year. c. to come to an accord; agree: They simply couldn"t get together on matters of policy. 62. get up, a. to sit up or stand; arise. b. to rise from bed. c. to ascend or mount. d. to prepare; arrange; organize: to get up an exhibit. e. to draw upon; marshal; rouse: to get up one"s courage. f. to acquire a knowledge of. g. (to a horse) go! go ahead! go faster! h. to dress, as in a costume or disguise: She got herself up as an astronaut. i. to produce in a specified style, as a book: It was got up in brown leather with gold endpapers. 63. has or have got, a. to possess or own; have: She"s got a new car. Have you got the tickets? b. must (fol. by an infinitive): He"s got to get to a doctor right away. c. to suffer from: Have you got a cold?
2023-06-20 04:35:361


  1.abideabode, abidedabode, abided  2arisearosearisen  3awakeawokeawaked, awoken  4bewasbeen  5bearboreborne, born  6beatbeatbeaten  7becomebecamebecome  8befallbefellbefallen  9begetbegotbegotten  10beginbeganbegun  11beholdbeheldbeheld  12bendbentbent  13bereavebereaved, bereftbereaved, bereft  14beseechbesoughtbesought  15besetbesetbeset  16betbet, bettedbet, betted  17betakebetookbetaken  18bethinkbethoughtbethought  19bidbade, bidbidden, bid  20bindboundbound  21bitebitbitten, bit  22bleedbledbled  23blendblended, blentblended, blent  24blessblessed, blestblessed, blest  25blowblewblown  26breakbrokebroken  27breedbredbred  28bringbroughtbrought  29broadcastbroadcast, broadcastedbroadcast, broadcasted  30buildbuiltbuilt  31burnburnt, burnedburnt, burned  32burstburstburst  33buyboughtbought  34castcastcast  35catchcaughtcaught  36chidechided, chidchided, chidden  37choosechosechosen  38cleaveclove, cleftcloven, cleft  39clingclungclung  40clotheclothed, cladclothed, clad  41comecamecome  42costcostcost  43creepcreptcrept  44crowcrowed, crewcrowed  45cutcutcut  46daredared, durstdared  47dealdealtdealt  48digdugdug  49divedived; (US) dovedived  50dodiddone  51drawdrewdrawn  52dreamdreamt, dreameddreamt, dreamed  53drinkdrankdrunk  54drivedrovedriven  55dwelldweltdwelt  56eatateeaten  57fallfellfallen  58feedfedfed  59feelfeltfelt  60fightfoughtfought  61findfoundfound  62fleefledfled  63flingflungflung  64flyflewflown  65forbearforboreforborne  66forbidforbade, forbadforbidden  67forecastforecast, forecastedforecast, forecasted  68foreknowforeknewforeknown  69foreseeforesewforeseen  70foretellforetoldforetold  71forgetforgotforgotten  72forgiveforgaveforgiven  73forsakeforsookforsaken  74forswearforsworeforsworn  75freezefrozefrozen  76gainsaygainsaidgainsaid  77getgotgot; (US) gotten  78gildgilded, giltgilded  79girdgirded, girtgirded, girt  80givegavegiven  81gowentgone
2023-06-20 04:35:431


2023-06-20 04:36:021

when the flowers and begetable came up

2023-06-20 04:36:091

英语谚语:Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other 中文意思: 健康愉快,相生相成。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Every dog has his day 凡人都有得意之日。 Every dog has his day and every man his hour 人人都有得意的日子。 Every dog is a lion at home 夜郎自大。 Every dog is valiant at his won door 狗在家门前条条都凶悍。 Every door may be shut but death"s door 除了死门外,每门都可关。 Every extremity is a fault 万事过分都差误。 Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy 蠢人也能找出聪明人无法弥补的岔子来的。 Every heart has its own sorrow 人人都有伤心处。 Every horse thinks his sack heaviest 每疋马认为自己驮的袋子重。 Every Jack has his Jill 有情人终成眷属。 英语谚语: Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other 中文意思: 健康愉快,相生相成。
2023-06-20 04:36:151

bear 的动词形式有没有出生的意思?

有的。bear 1verb1 I come bearing gifts: carry, bring, transport, move, convey, take, fetch, deliver, tote, lug.2 the bag bore my name: display, exhibit, be marked with, show, carry, have.3 will it bear his weight? support, carry, hold up, prop up.4 they can"t bear the cost alone: sustain, carry, support, shoulder, absorb, take on.5 she bore no grudge: harbor, foster, entertain, nurse, nurture, brood over.6 such a solution does not bear close scrutiny: withstand, stand up to, stand, put up with, take, cope with, handle, sustain, accept.7 I can"t bear having him around: endure, tolerate, put up with, stand, abide, submit to, experience, undergo, go through, countenance, brave, weather, stomach; informal hack, swallow; formal brook; archaic suffer.8 she bore a son: give birth to, bring forth, deliver, be delivered of, have, produce, spawn, birth; informal drop; literary beget.9 a shrub that bears yellow berries: produce, yield, give forth, give, grow, provide, supply.10 bear left at the junction: veer, curve, swerve, fork, diverge, deviate, turn, bend.第八条就是“她生了孩子” she bore a son一般用被动态her son was born 表示“她儿子出生”
2023-06-20 04:36:221


2023-06-20 04:36:334

be/get used to doing sth.和used to do sth.

be/get used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词.而used to do sth.则表示过去常常,to后跟原形动词。如:Now he is used to getting up early.现在他已经习惯早起了。He used to get up early.过去他经常早起.(意味着如今他不再早起了。)You"ll soon get/be used to hard work.你会很快习惯于艰苦的工作的。be used to do表示“被用来做某事”.如:Wood is often used to make desks and chairs.木头常常被用来制作桌椅。be used to doing表示“习惯于”某一客观事实或状态,不强调动作,to是介词.如:She is not used to eating Chinese food.她不习惯吃中餐。
2023-06-20 04:36:521

什么是表语 什么是定语 什么是补足语

关于表语,让我来通俗地讲讲: 英语中有五大基本句型,其中的“主语-连系动词-表语”是较重要和常见的一种。 表语常放连系动词后。能作表语的词除了形容词外,还有名词(或动名词),副词,介词短语,表语从句等。 辨别出连系动词也很关键。常见的连系动词除了be(become)动词之外,还有:(1)…..得:变得(get,turn),显得(look).(2)…..起来:看起来look,听起来sound,闻起来smell,尝起来taste。(3)以及其它一些词:seem,keep,stay等。 举例如下: He is careful.(是形容词作表语,千万别用副词carefully) He is a boy.(名词) He is in.(副词) = He is at home.(介词短语) This food tastes good.( 形容词good作表语,千万别用副词well) That was what I said.(句子作表语,用的是表语从句) 二、定语:定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子,汉语中常用‘……的"表示。 返回 定语通常位于被修饰的成分前。若修饰some,any,every,no构成的复合不定代词时,(如:something、nothing);或不定式、分词短语作定语、从句作定语时,则定语通常置后。副词用作定语时须放在名词之后。 形容词作定语: The little boy needs a blue pen.(little修饰名词boy;blue修饰名词pen.)/小男孩需要一支兰色的钢笔。 Tom is a handsome boy./Tom是个英俊的男孩。 There is a good boy./有个乖男孩。 数词作定语相当于形容词:Two boys need two pens./两个男孩需要两支钢笔。 The two boys are students./这两个男孩是学生。 There are two boys in the room./房间里有两个男孩。 代词或名词所有格作定语: His boy needs Tom"s pen./他的男孩需要Tom的钢笔。 His name is Tom./他的名字是汤姆。 There are two boys of Toms there./那儿有Tom家的两个男孩。 介词短语作定语: The boy in the classroom needs a pen of yours./教室里的男孩需要你的一支钢笔。 The boy in blue is Tom./穿兰色衣服的孩子是汤姆。 There are two boys of 9,and three of 10./有两个9岁的,三个10岁的男孩。 名词作定语: The boy needs a ball pen./男孩需要一支圆珠笔。 It is a ball pen./这是一支圆珠笔。 There is only one ball pen in the pencil box./这铅笔盒里只有一支圆珠笔。 副词作定语: The boy there needs a pen./那儿的男孩需要一支钢笔。 The best boy here is Tom./这里最棒的男孩是Tom。 不定式作定语: The boy to write this letter needs a pen./写这封信的男孩需要一支钢笔。 The boy to write this letter is Tom./将要写这封信的男孩是汤姆。 There is nothing to do today./今天无事要做。 分词(短语)作定语: The smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother./那个微笑的男孩需要一支他妈妈买的钢笔。 The pen bought by her is made in China./她买的笔是中国产的。 There are five boys left./有五个留下的男孩。 定语从句: The boy who is reading needs the pen which you bought yesterday./那个在阅读的男孩需要你昨天买的钢笔。 The boy you will know is Tom./你将认识的男孩叫汤姆。 There are five boys who will play the game./参加游戏的男孩有五个。 补足语有宾语补足语和主语补足语两种,通常前一种提到的多,后一种提到的少。宾语补足语所起作用就是补充说明动作的内容,方式等。主语补足语补充说明主语的状态,特征等。 宾语补足语 1、常接形容词作宾语补足语的动词有:keep, make, find等。如:We must keep our classroom clean. 2、常接名词作宾语补足语的动词有:call, name, make, think等。如:We call them mooncakes. 3、常接动词-ing形式作宾语补足语的动词有:see, watch, hear, find, keep等。如:In the country, we can hear birds singing. 4、常接介词短语作宾语补足语的动词有:keep, find, leave等。如:I left my pen on my desk at home. 5、常接带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask, tell, want, teach, wish等;接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:see, watch, hear, make, let等。如:I often see him play football. She often asks me to help her. 注:help后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式可以带to也可以不带to。如: I often help my mother(to) do some housework. 状语是修饰说明整个句子或形容词、副词的 主语补足语,通常位于主语之前或谓语动词之后,当然放在谓语动词被动语态的过去分词之后, ①主语补语位于主语之前,后有逗号 例:Tired and sleepy, I went to bed ②有时位于主语之后,前后皆有逗号 例:Chen, only 1.30 metres tall, won the first prize. ③位于谓语动词之后 例:He died young He was found died. ④除形容词外,名词、数词、不定式,分词,介词短语,从句也可作主语补足语。 例:He came home quite changed,过去分词短语作主语补足语。
2023-06-20 04:37:005

谚语大全 字母H开头229条

H 共 229 条Habit cures habit. 新风移旧俗。   Habit is second nature. 习惯成自然。   Half a tale is enough for a wise man. 聪明人凡事只须听一半,就会明白究竟。   Half a loaf is better then no bread. 半块面包亦胜无。   Half the world knows not how the other half lives. 富人不知穷人苦。   Hang up one"s fiddle when one comes home. 在外谈笑风生,在家闷闷不乐。   Hang up one"s hat in another"s house. 在别人家里久留不去,长期居住。   Happiness consists in contentment. 知足常乐。   Happiness takes no account of time. 幸福不觉光阴过。   Happy is he that is happy in childhood. 童年时代快乐的人是幸福的。   Happy is he that is happy in his children. 对自己孩子感到高兴的,才是幸福的人。   Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth. 记得青年时所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的。   Happy is he who owes nothing. 无债一身轻。   Happy is the man that owes nothing. 无债一身轻。   Hardships never come alone. 祸不单行。   Hard words break no bones, fine words butter no parsnips. 粗话无害,甘言无益。   Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. 虎落平阳被犬欺。   Harm set, harm get. 自作自受。   Harm watch, harm catch. 害人反害己。   Haste makes waste. 拔苗助长。   Hasty climbers have sudden falls. 大起者有大落。   Hasty love is soon hot and soon cold. 草草率率谈恋爱,热得快也冷得快。   Hasty love, soon cold. 匆忙的爱情冷得快。   Hatred is blind as well as love. 爱情与仇恨同样是盲目的。   Have but few friends though many acquaintances. 朋友要少,熟人要多。   Hawks will not pick hawks" eyes out. 同类不相残。   He alone is happy who commands his passions. 只有控制感情的人,才会幸福。   He alone is poor who does not possess knowledge. 没有知识,才是贫穷。   Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. 健康愉快,相生相成。   Health and understanding are the two great blessing of life. 健康和融洽是人生两大幸事。   Health does not consist with intemperance. 健康和放纵,彼此不相容。   Health is above wealth. 健康胜于财富。   Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。   Health is happiness. 健康就是幸福。   Health is not valued till sickness comes. 有病方知无病乐。   Heaven helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。   Heaven"s vengeance is slow but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。   He bears misery best who hides it most. 最会隐瞒痛苦者,乃是最善忍受痛苦人。   He can who belive he can. He dances well to whom fortune pipes. 鸿运来时,百事顺遂。   He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour. 吃过苦头,才配享受。   Hedges have eyes, and walls have ears. 篱笆有眼,隔墙有耳。   He dies like a beast who has done no good while he lived. 生时不做好事,死了像个畜生。   He gives twice that gives in a trice. 即刻就给予,等于给两次。   He is a fool who cannot be angry, but he is a wise man who will not. 愚笨人不会发怒,聪明人不愿发怒。   He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 背后说人好话的够朋友。   He is a good man whom fortune makes better. 好人走运人更好。   He is a wise man who speaks little. 聪明的人话不多。   He is lifeless that is faultless. 人孰无过。   He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts. 思想崇高者,绝不会孤独。   He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion. 不能偶而装疯卖傻,就不是一个聪明人。   He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. 正人先正己。   He is rich enough who has true friends. 有真朋友的人是富翁。   He is rich enough who owes nothing. 无债就是富。   He is the wise man who is the honest man. 诚实的人就是聪明的人。   He is the wisest man who does not think himself so. 不自以为聪明的人是最聪明的人。   He is truly happy who makes others happy. 真正幸福的是使人幸福的人。   He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune. 不能承受不幸的就是不幸。   He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself. 为己而生,生而可耻。   He is wise that hath wit enough for his own affairs. 聪明的人有足够的才智处理自己的事情。   He is wise that is honest. 诚实者明智。   He is wise that knows when he"s well enough. 知足的人是聪明的人。   He jests at scars, that never felt a wound. 富人不知穷人苦。   He knocks boldly at the door who brings good news. 彼叩门声响,必来报佳音。   He knows best what good is that has endured evil. 忍过痛受过苦,最知幸福是何物。   He knows enough that can live and hold his peace. 见多识广者沈默寡言。   He knows most who speaks least. 大智者寡于言。   He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue. 懂得缄默的是明白人。   He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得。   He lives long that lives well. 活得好等于活得长。   He lives twice who lives well. 生活得好的等于生活了两次。   He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter. 一个既不用借债又不用奉承人的人,可以称得上心满意足。   He most lives who lives most for others. 活著对别人贡献最多的人,活得最有意义。   He must needs go whom the devil drives. 势在必行。   He must needs swim that is held up by the chin. 身不由己,只得从命。   He preaches best who lives best. 言教不如身教。   He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims ignorance. 夸耀知识实乃无知。   He that cannot ask cannot live. 不会求者不会生。   He that climbs high falls heavily. 爬得高,跌得重。   He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it. 做贼心虚。
2023-06-20 04:37:151


Ugandan Deaths Spotlight Rise of CultsHow could faith beget such evil? After hundreds of members of a Ugandan cult, the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, died in what first appeared to be a suicidal fire in the village of Kanungu two weeks age, police found 153 bodies buried in a compound used by the cult in Buhunga, 25 miles away. When investigators searched the house of a cult leader in yet another village, they discovered 155 bodies, many buried under the concrete floor of the house. Then scores more were dug up at a cult member"s home. Some had been poisoned; others, often-young children, strangled. By week"s end, Ugandan police had counted 924 victims – including at least 530 who burned to death inside the sealed church – exceeding the 1978 Jonestown mass suicide and killings by followers of American cult leader Jim Jones that claimed 913 lives. Authorities believe two of the cult"s leaders, Joseph Kibwetere, a 68-year-old former Roman Catholic catechism teacher who started the cult in 1987, and his “prophetess, ” Credonia Mwerinde, by some accounts a former prostitute who claimed to speak for the Virgin Mary, may still be alive and on the run. The pair had predicted the world would end on Dec. 31, 1999. When that didn"t happen, followers who demanded the return of their possessions, which they had to surrender on joining the cult, may have been systematically killed. The Ugandan carnage focuses attention on the proliferation of religious cults in East Africa"s impoverished rural areas and city slums. According to the institute for the study of American religion, which researches cults and sects, there are now more than 5,000 indigenous churches in Africa, some with apocalyptic or revolutionary leanings. One such group is the Jerusalem Church of Christ in Nairobi"s Kawangwara slums, led by Mary Snaida-Akatsa, or “mommy” as she is known to her thousands of followers. She prophesies about the end of the world and accuses some members of being witches. One day the brought a “special visitor” to church, an Indian Sikh man she claimed was Jesus, and told her followers to “repent or pay the consequences.” Most experts say Africa"s hardships push people to seek hope in religious cults. “These groups thrive because of poverty,” says Charles Onyango Obbo, editor of the Monitor, an independent newspaper in Uganda, and a close observer of cults. “People have no support, and they"re susceptible to anyone who is able to tap into their insecurity.” Additionally, they say, AIDS, which has ravaged East Africa, may also breed a fatalism that helps apocalyptic notions take root. Some Africans turn to cults after rejecting mainstream Christian churches as “Western” or “non-African.” Agnes Masitsa, 30, who used to attend a Catholic church before she joined the Jerusalem Church of Christ, says of Catholicism: “It"s dull.” Catholic icons. Yet, the Ugandan doomsday cult, like many of the sects, drew on features of Roman Catholicism, a strong force in the region. Catholic icons were prominent in its buildings, and some of its leaders were defrocked priests, such as Dominic Kataribabo, 32, who reportedly studied theology in the Los Angeles area in the mid-1980s. He had told neighbors he was digging a pit in his house to install a refrigerator; police have now recovered 81 bodies from under the floor and 74 from a field nearby. Police are unsure whether Kataribabo died in the church fire. Still, there is the question: How could so many killings have been carried out without drawing attention? Villagers were aware of Kibwetere"s sect, whose followers communicated mainly through sign language and apparently were apprehensive about violating any of the cult"s commandments. There were suspicions. Ugandan president Yoweri Mseveni told the BBC that intelligence reports about the dangerous nature of the group had been suppressed by some government officials. On Thursday, police arrested an assistant district commissioner, the Rev. Amooti Mutazindwa, for allegedly holding back a report suggesting the cult posed a security threat. Now, there are calls for African governments to monitor cults more closely. Says Gilbert Ogutu, a professor of religious studies at the University of Nairobi: “When cult leaders lose support, they become dangerous.”1. Why did so may Ugandans die in faith?[A] Many of them were killed for asking for the return of their possessions.[B] They found the cult"s leaders had cheated them.[C] They lost faith in cults.[D] They are willing to die.2. The main reason of people"s joining the cults is[A] poverty.[B] insecurity.[C] AIDS.[D] fatalism.3. What does Mary Snaide Akatsa prophesy?[A] She prophesies the world will be flooded.[B] She prophesies the world will be in fire.[C] She prophesies about the end of the world.[D] She prophesies he followers should die in faith.4. Why do some Africans reject Christian Churches?[A] They feel Christianity is dull.[B] They reject Christian Churches as Western or non-African.[C] They are susceptible.[D] They are dangerous persons.5. How could so many killing have been carried out without drawing attention?[A] The cult acted secretly.[B] The government officials did not see through its dangerous nature.[C] There were no preventive measures.[D] People were frightened.AACBA
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  1、Hygiene is two thirds of health.   卫生能保证三分之二的健康。   2、Young man may die but old men must die.   年轻人可能会死,老年人难免要亡。   3、Care brings gray hair.   忧虑催人老。   4、The love of beauty is an essential part of a I I healthy human nature.   爱美是健康天性的一部分。   5、Feed by measure and defy physician.   饮食有节制,医生无用处。   6、He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy.   忍渴上床,起身健康。   7、Many dishes, many diseases.   多吃多病。   8、A light heart lives long.   无忧者长寿。   9、When the sun comes in, the doctor goes out.   阳光进来,医生离去。   10、There is no medicine for fear.   恐惧没有药物可治疗。   11、Sickness shows us what we are.   疾病让人露出本性。   12、Prescribe the right medicine for a symptom.   对症下药。   13、Diseases come on horseback, but steal away on foot.   病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。   14、Temperance is the best physic.   节制乃是最好的医药。   15、To know the disease is half the cure.   找出病等于治愈了一半。   16、Patient people are patient to gain longevity.   有耐心的人会活得比较久。   17、If you can walk, you can dance; If you can talk, you can sing.   能跑就能走, 能说就能唱。   18、The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease.   医生往往比疾病更可怕。   19、Bitter pills may have blessed effects.   良药苦口利于病。   20、To live long is a I most everyone,s wish,but to live well is the ambition of a few.   人人皆想活得长,鲜少有人想要活得好。   21、Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.   健康与快乐,相辅相成。   22、The windows open more will keep the doctor from the door.   常开窗户,医生不近门。   23、Bed is a medicine.   睡好觉如服良药。   24、Health does not consist with intemperance.   健康和放纵,彼此不相容。   25、Health is not valued till sickness comes.   有病方知无病乐。   26、Diet cures more than the doctor.   药补不如食补。   27、Cheerfulneis the promoter of health.   心情愉快是健康的`增进剂。   28、An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.   预防胜于治疗。   29、Diseases of the sou I are more dangerous than those of the body.   身体有恙好治,心病难医。   30、You must not pledge your own health.   切不可把健康当作抵押品。   31、The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm.   头脚多保暖,身体多健康。   32、We shall lie a I I alike in our graves.   各人终将步入坟墓。   33、Disease, enemy, and debt-these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow.   疾病、敌人和债务,这三样事物一露苗头便应除之。   34、Fresh pork and new wine kill a man before his time.   鲜肉力口新酒,催人早断魂。   35、Health is happiness.   健康就是幸福。   36、Water is the king of food.   水是食物之王。   37、Feed a cold; starve a fever.   着凉时要多吃,发烧时要少吃。   38、Bed is the poor manu2019 s opera.   睡觉是穷人的误乐方式。   39、There are more old drunkards than old doctors.   老酒鬼多过老医生。   40、Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.   读书动脑,运动健身。   41、Fretting cares make gray hairs.   忧虑使人早生华发。   42、A sound mind in a sound body.   健全的精神寓于健康的身体。   43、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.   每日一个苹果胜过灵丹妙药。   44、Good health is over wealth.   健康是最大的财富。
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  快乐最利于健康。愉快的笑声,是精神健康的可靠标志。时刻牢记,能够警醒我们注意健康。下面我给你带来的是的内容,希望你喜欢!   经典版   1 The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease。医生往往比疾病更可怕。   2 Leave off with an appetite。吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。   3 Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise。 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。   4 He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy。忍渴上床,起身健康。   5 Patient people are patient to gain longevity。有耐心的人会活得比较久。   6 Money is a good servant and a bad master 。金钱是善仆,也是恶主。   7 Good health is over wealth。健康是最大的财富。   8 Happiness lies, first of all, in health。快乐首先在于有健康的身体。   9 Exercise, temperance; fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians。运动、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。   10 He who has good health is young, and he is rich who owes nothing。健康葆青春,无债即富足。   11 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。   12 If you can walk, you can dance; If you can talk, you can sing。能跑就能走, 能说就能唱。   13 A little labor, much health。适量的劳动有益于健康。。   14 The love of beauty is an essential part of a I I healthy human nature。爱美是健康天性的一部分。   15 Eat to live, but do not live to eat。吃饭是为了活着,但或者不是为了吃饭。   16 Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise 。早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。   17 The windows open more will keep the doctor from the door。常开窗户,医生不近门。   18 Diet cures more than the doctor。药补不如食补。   19 Fretting cares make gray hairs。忧虑使人早生华发。   20 The first wealth is health 。健康是人生第一财富。   最新版   1 A sound mind in a sound body。健全的精神寓于健康的身体。   2 The best doctors are Dr。 Diet, Dr。 Quiet and Dr。 Merryman。最好的医师就是饮食、宁静和快乐。   3 Playing sports brings me a lot。 I"m crazy about doing sports。 做运动带给我很多东西。我爱运动。   4 One hour"s sleep before midnight is worth three after。午夜前一小时的睡眠等于午夜后睡三小时。   5 Health is better than wealth。健康尤胜于财富。   6 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise。早睡早起,使人健康、富有、明智。   7 Prevention is better than cure。预防胜于治疗。   8 Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other。健康与快乐,相辅相成。   9 Fortune fowours those who use their judgement。动脑者交好运。   10 Health is happiness。健康就是幸福。   11 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。只工作,不玩耍,聪明小伙也变儍。   12 The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm。头脚多保暖,身体多健康。   13 An apple a day, keep the doctor away。一天一个苹果,疾病远离我。   14 Happiness lies first of all in health。幸福首先在于健康。   15 It is not work that kills, but worry。工作不损寿,忧郁才伤身。   16 Diseases e on horseback, but steal away on foot。病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。   17 First wealth is health。健康是人生第一财富。   18 The surest way to be happy i s to be busy。保持忙碌最能无烦恼。   19 The first step to health is to know that we are sick。知道病痛是迈向健康的第一步。   20 Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year。健康是这样一个东西,它使你感到现在是一年中最好的时光。   热门版   1 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure。一分预防胜过十分治疗。   2 We should get into the habit of keeping good hours。 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。   3 A good conscience is a continual feast。问心无愧天天乐。   4 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise。睡得早起得早,聪明富裕身体好。   5 Feed a cold; starve a fever。着凉时要多吃,发烧时要少吃。   6 Cheerfulneis the promoter of health。心情愉快是健康的增进剂。   7 A man needs a purpose for real health。有目标的人才能有真正的健康。   8 It is not work that kills, but worry。工作不损寿, 忧郁才伤身。   9 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变傻。   10 All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend 。人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。   11 Often and little eating makes a man fat。少吃多餐,身强体壮。   12 Diseases are the price of i I I pleasures。疾病是纵欲的代价。   13 Care killed the cat。忧伤足以致命。   14 Better wear out shoes than sheets。宁愿把鞋子穿漏, 不愿把床单磨破。   15 Happy is he who only desires what he may and does what he ought。不作非分之想又能尽本分的人是快乐的。   16 Young man may die but old men must die。年轻人可能会死,老年人难免要亡。   17 A disease known is half cured。病情确诊断,治病好一半。   18 One cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged。一个人无法不变老,但是他可以 *** 衰老。   19 Diet cures more than doctors。自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。   20 Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease。欢乐就是健康, 忧郁就是病痛。
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wow tbc 台词

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一、采用“六人制排球”前的我国排球运动二、六人制排球的推广和发展三、冲出亚洲,走向世界四、走出低谷,重振雄风分享][排球]排球运动的历史与发展同篮球一样,排球的历史可以追溯到一百多年之前。非常凑巧,两项运动在同一所大学诞生,只是时间上相差几年而已。排球是韦廉姆·G·摩根(William G. Morgan)在1895年发明的,他是美国斯普林菲尔德专科学校的学生,也是马萨诸塞州霍利奥克城的基督教青年会干事。最初这项运动被称做“Mintonette”。 排球运动很快传遍世界,而且在别的国家的流行程度甚至超过了美国。国际排球联合会(FIVB)成立于1946年。尽管排球从未作为表演项目出现在奥运会上,但1964年日本人还是将它引入了奥运会。没有一个国家曾在这个项目上真正地独占鳌头,尽管从获得奖牌数量上讲苏联占优势。最初在整个20世纪80年代,日本拥有世界最佳女子排球队,美国拥有最佳男子排球队。而今中国女子排球队站在了世界女子排球的顶峰。排球分室内排球和沙滩排球两种。 室内排球 室内排球虽然历史要悠久的多,但近年来越来越受到沙滩排球的挑战。因此它开始进行了一些规则上的改进。其中最关键的就是引进了“自由人”规则。 自由人的设立就是为了增多排球比赛每个球的回合数,加强防守,使比赛更加精彩。这名自由人身穿与队友不同颜色的的衣服,可以在后场任何位置活动,但不许发球、扣球、击球过网或参与前场进攻。比赛中,球队可以选择派上自由人,也可以选择不派自由人上场。如果自由防守人受伤,主教练可以与第一裁判交涉,让另外的球员穿上自由防守人的衣服,充当自由防守人。自由防守人不一定是专有位置,比如当年男排的李铁鸣,在辽宁队是主攻手,在国家队就是自由防守人。 排球比赛时,两队各6人,分两排站位,以中间球网为界,用手作发球、垫球、传球、扣球、拦网等动作组成进攻与防守的球类运动之一。此外还有一种9人制的排球比赛在远东地区曾经十分盛行。 6人制的排球比赛实行每球得分制,在本队进攻成功时或是对方失误、犯规时,本方都得一分。国际排球比赛一般采用五局三胜制。现在前四局每局比分为25分,最后一局比分为15分。每局只有在超出两分的情况下才能算赢得一局,不过对每局比分没有封顶规则,也就是说,可以无限制地延续下去。 基本战术: 探头球:对方一传不到位,直接垫到网上的球,拦网手直接扣球得分 两次球:二传手似传实扣,直接得分,多为左手型二传使用 背快:二传从背后传出的低平球,主攻手迅速起跳扣球得分 背飞:相对背快弧线较高,攻手从二传身前插到身后,骗过对方拦网队员得分 背溜:从背后传出速度快,弧线低的拉开球 前快:相对背快而言,配合在二传身前进行 沙滩排球 沙滩排球参赛队员为两名,而不是室内排球的每队6名队员,它是在沙滩上进行比赛。 与室内排球不同的是,沙滩排球只有在己方发球的时候才有机会得分,比赛采用三局两胜制,每局比分21分,只有领先两分才算获胜,不设封顶分数,至少赢两分才算获胜。第三局决胜局比赛的为15分制。今天排球在美国和巴西能够很高的普及率,应归功于沙滩排球的发展。正处在起步阶段的沙滩排球运动已经颇受世人瞩目。从10多年前国际排联举办第一届世界沙滩排球巡回赛,到1996年亚特兰大奥运会和2000年悉尼奥运会“沙滩”赛场上如潮观众和电视转播的巨大成功,沙滩排球为排球运动打开了一个全新的市场。排球运动里程碑 1895年 排球运动由美国人威廉-摩根发明。 1918年 每支队的上场球员人数固定为六人。 1922年 每队一次进攻触球次数确定为至多三次。 1949年 前苏联队获得第一届男子世锦赛的冠军。 1952年 第一届女子世锦赛举行,前苏联队夺冠。 1964年 东京奥运会上,排球成为奥运正式比赛项目。 2000年 奥运比赛中,首次规定每次换发球之后记录并播报比赛成绩。该届奥运会上,也开始出现自由人。 沙排运动里程碑 1895年 美国人威廉-摩根发明排球 1920年 沙滩排球作为一项家庭体育活动在美国加利福尼亚州开始兴起,之后传入欧洲,并成为法国裸体主义者聚居地的主要体育运动。 20世纪50年代 沙滩排球运动得到进一步发展,第一项真正意义上的沙滩排球巡回赛在美国加利福尼亚州诞生,成百上千的沙滩排球爱好者参与其中,比赛分别在加州的五个海滩举行。 20世纪60年代 沙滩排球比赛吸引了赞助商的投入,并设立奖金。许多社会名流推动了沙滩排球运动的发展,包括已故美国总统约翰-肯尼迪,好莱坞影星梦露以及当红乐队甲壳虫。 1980年 职业排球选手协会(AVP)创立。 1987年 国际排球联合会(FIVB)在巴西里约热内卢创办了世界男子沙滩排球锦标赛。这被认为是国际排联和职业排球选手协会共同努力的成果。 1989年 世界沙滩排球巡回赛创办,这一赛事吸引了大批的观众。 1996年 亚特兰大奥运会上,沙滩排球首次进入奥运大家庭。 2003年 国际排联和职业排球选手协会开始合并巡回赛。
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男排:巴西、美国、俄罗斯、塞尔维亚,中国第八女排:美国 345分巴西 310分中国 276分日本 271分意大利 258分多米尼加共和国 181分俄罗斯 180分塞尔维亚 150分德国 139分韩国 137分土耳其 120分泰国 87分比利时 82分阿根廷 77分波多黎各 71分
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成都大运会完整比赛项目   成都大运会完整比赛项目,成都大运会是人们比较关注的一场赛事,一共有18个比赛项目,我还整理了比赛项目的介绍和规则。下面是有关于成都大运会完整比赛项目,一起来看看吧   成都大运会完整比赛项目1    成都大运会完整比赛项目    1、体操   体操于1961年在保加利亚索菲亚正式成为夏季大运会的比赛项目。直到现在,体操一直是夏季大运会的必选项目,也是最精彩、最引人入胜的项目之一。   大学生体操竞赛的存在为运动员们体操事业的进一步发展提供了平台。通过参加比赛,运动员们能为今后参加其他国际体操赛事做好准备。    2、游泳   游泳是全世界最受欢迎的休闲活动和竞技体育运动之一,在1951年卢森堡举行的第三届国际大学生运动周上,游泳项目首次亮相   国际大体联规定   游泳赛事将依照国际泳联(FINA)的最新技术规范来举办。游泳赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,游泳赛事会持续七天,并包含以下比赛项目:   -每个个人项目:两名运动员 每个国家(地区)代表队可派遣参与:   -每个团体项目:一支代表队    3、羽毛球   在中国,羽毛球是一项十分受欢迎的运动。2011年,在中国深圳举办的夏季大运会上,羽毛球第二次被列为大运会比赛项目之一。此后,2013年喀山大运会和2015年光州大运会都将羽毛球设为自选项目。由于此前取得的巨大成功,从即将到来的2021年成都大运会起,羽毛球将成为大运会的必选项目。    4、田径   田径运动在大学体育运动中有着悠久而传奇的历史,其中,夏季大运会田径比赛对其发展、普及和水平的提高做出了巨大贡献。大运会田径比赛因其广泛的参与度和超高的水准而备受关注。    5、击剑   国际大体联规定   击剑赛事将依照国际击剑联合会(FIE)的最新技术规范来举办。击剑赛事的`计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,击剑赛事会持续六天,并包含以下比赛项目:    6、乒乓球   国际裁判员将由国际击剑委员会派出,并和国际大体联进行密切合作。参加击剑比赛的国家(地区)必须自行支付国际裁判员和国际击剑委员会裁判的费用。    国际大体联规定   乒乓球赛事将依照国际乒乓球联合会(ITTF)的最新技术规范来举办。乒乓球赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,乒乓球赛事会持续七天,最多八天,并包含以下比赛项目:    个人赛:男子组和女子组   每个国家(地区)代表队最多可派出十名运动员参赛,具体如下:   -单打:一至五名运动员   -双打: 一至两对运动员——男双、女双和混合双人最多两对。    团体赛:男子组和女子组   -各派一支三至五名运动员的代表队    7、篮球   国际大体联规定   将依据国际篮球联合会(FIBA)的最新技术规范来组织篮球赛事。篮球赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会(CTI)共同协商确定。一般而言,篮球赛事将会持续十一天,并包含以下比赛项目:   男子篮球比赛:最多二十四支队伍参赛,   女子篮球比赛:最多十六支队伍参赛。    8、排球   国际大体联规定   应依据国际排球联合会(FIVB)的最新技术规范来组织排球赛事。排球赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,排球赛事最长会持续十一天,并包含以下比赛项目:   男子排球比赛:最多二十四支队伍参赛;   女子排球比赛:最多十六支队伍参赛。   对于每场排球赛,各参赛国(地区)可派遣一支由十二名队员组成的代表队出赛。   参加排球比赛的国家(地区)必须随团携带以下人员(并且费用自理):   男子排球赛:派遣一名由国际排球联合会认可的裁判出任国际裁判候选人或国际裁判;   女子排球赛:派遣一名由国际排球联合会认可的裁判出任国际裁判候选人或国际裁判。    9、柔道    国际大体联规定   柔道赛事将依照国际柔道联合会(IJF)的最新技术规范来举办。柔道赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,柔道赛事会持续五天,并包含以下比赛项目:   -男子个人赛:每个重量级和无差别级最多1名柔道运动员;   每个国家(地区)代表队最多可派出16名柔道运动员:   -女子个人赛:每个重量级别和无差别级最多1名柔道运动员;   -男子团体赛:3至5名柔道运动员;   -女子团体赛:3至5名柔道运动员。   柔道团体赛中的参赛队员必须同时也参加柔道个人赛。在团体赛当天,运动员可参与各自的重量级比赛或参加稍高一级的重量级比赛。   国际裁判员将由国际柔道联合会派出,并和国际大体联进行密切合作。参加柔道比赛的国家(地区)必须自行支付国际裁判员和国际柔道联合会裁判的费用。    10、赛艇   1980年和1982年,意大利大学体育中心(CUSI)和米兰市成功举办了两届国际大学生赛艇锦标赛。此后,国际大体联开始在全世界开展这项运动。赛艇运动常常被列为夏季大运会的比赛项目。    11、射击运动   射击运动在2009年贝尔格莱德大运会中成为了比赛项目之一,2010年世界大学生射击锦标赛在波兰弗罗茨瓦夫成功举办。终于,在中国深圳举办的第26届大运会上,射击运动第三次成为夏季大运会自选项目之一。    12、射箭   射箭融合了运动的精准与和谐,锻炼了身体素质和精神的集中,这项经典项目也吸引着大学生的参与。射箭训练非常灵活,运动员们可以根据自己的节奏来安排,因此也与大学生生活节奏非常契合。从2019之后,射箭正式成为了夏季大运会的必选项目。    13、水球    国际大体联规定   水球赛事将依照国际游泳联合会(FINA)的最新技术规范来举办。水球赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,水球赛事将会持续十三天,并包含以下比赛项目:   男子水球比赛:最多十六支队伍参赛   女子水球比赛:最多八支队伍参赛   被选中的参赛国(地区)可派遣一支由十三名队员组成的代表队出赛。每个参赛国(地区)需随队带一名国际游泳联合会裁判出赛,并且费用由参赛国(地区)自理。    14、跆拳道    国际大体联规定   跆拳道赛事将依照世界跆拳道联合会(WTF)的最新技术规范来举办。如对技术规范有任何疑问,应以发布的英文版规范为标准。   跆拳道赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,跆拳道赛事将会持续七天,并包含以下比赛项目:竞技比赛和品势比赛。    竞技比赛   团体竞技比赛中,男子组和女子组各四名运动员,从每个参赛国家(地区)代表队的十六名竞技运动员和十名品势运动员中选出符合以下参赛运动员总体重要求的队伍:    团体竞技比赛规则   团体竞技比赛体重范围:总体重   -男子组:每场比赛四名运动员的总重量不得超过300公斤。   -女子组:每场比赛四名运动员的总重量不得超过260公斤。    15、跳水    国际大体联规定   跳水赛事将依照国际泳联(FINA)的最新技术规范来举办。跳水赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,跳水赛事会持续七天,并包含以下比赛项目:    -个人跳水项目:跳台和跳板   每个国家(地区)代表队可参与:   男子组和女子组最多各六名运动员,每场比赛最多三名运动员参加。   参加个人跳水比赛的运动员也可以参加双人跳水比赛。    -双人跳水项目:   男子组和女子组每项比赛最多两名运动员。   参加双人跳水比赛的运动员也可参加本赛事所有个人跳水项目的比赛,并需要计入个人赛项目六人名额之一。    16、网球    国际大体联规定   网球赛事将依照国际网球联合会(ITF)的最新技术规范来举办。网球赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,网球赛事将持续九天(包含周一至周日),并包含以下比赛项目:   -男子组:单打和双打   -女子组:单打和双打   -混合双打    17、武术   武术也称功夫,源于中国,是对各种武学技艺的统称。武术的起源可追溯至五千年前,是人类在恶劣的环境中为求生存而进行的斗争,其中包括猎杀和抵御野生动物和其他人类的攻击。从那时起,武术成为了人们强身健体和修养心智的方式。   武术比赛不限性别,主要包括:个人赛、全能赛和团体赛。    18、艺术体操   国际大体联规定   艺术体操赛事将依照国际体操联合会(FIG)的最新技术规范来举办。艺术体操赛事的计划和时间安排将由执行委员会、组织委员会和技术委员会共同协商确定。一般而言,艺术体操赛事将会持续三天,并包含以下女子比赛项目:   个人全能赛(项目二)   个人单项决赛(项目三)   团体全能赛   团体单项决赛   成都大运会完整比赛项目2   2021年12月15日,在太阳神鸟金饰成为成都城市形象标识主体图案10周年之际,由成都第31届世界大学生夏季运动会执委会开发活动部支持,成都金沙遗址博物馆和成都许燎源现代设计艺术博物馆联合主办的“大运金沙——发现金沙20年许燎源艺术展”在金沙遗址博物馆与观众见面。    展出时间 :2021年12月15日-2022年1月15日    展出地点 :金沙遗址博物馆   据介绍,此次“大运金沙”首次面向大众展出了大运会火炬“蓉火”,同时火炬设计者许燎源先生以古蜀文明为主题创作的多件艺术作品也惊喜亮相。此外,展览还将通过丰富的图片、多媒体互动展示,以大运精神对话古蜀先民,以现代设计致敬传统文化。    成都大运会火炬塔在哪里?   火炬塔位于大运会主会场东安湖公园内,滨水而立,正对大运会主场馆,将作为第31届世界大学生运动会期间承载圣火的火炬台与艺术装置。   日前,成都大运会火炬塔塔身钢结构吊装完成,以“大运之光”为设计理念的火炬塔已初具雏形。    成都大运会火炬将发布   2022年6月26日至7月7日,备受关注和期待已久的第31届世界大学生夏季运动会,将于天府之国——成都举行。   据了解,作为大运会火炬传递的重要一环,8月31日晚,成都大运会火炬,将在成都金沙遗址博物馆面向全球发布。   成都大运会完整比赛项目3    举办时间:2022年6月26日至7月7日    举办地点:东安湖体育中心位于龙泉驿区东安湖片区    东安湖体育公园   东安湖体育公园位于成都市龙泉驿区车城大道旁,总建筑面积约32万平方米,项目包含“一场三馆一酒店”—4万座的综合运动场、1、8万座的多功能体育馆、5000座的游泳跳水馆和综合小球馆、一座五星级接待酒店。    场馆介绍:   第31届大运会成都筹委会已确定了51个场馆的配置方案并通过了国际大学生体育联合会的评估。其中,东安湖体育中心已确定为大运会主体育场,将承担大运会开、闭幕式任务及游泳、体操比赛。包括一座综合运动场和体育馆、游泳跳水馆、综合小球馆在内的东安湖体育中心预计整体于2021年4月建成,并启动大运会相关测试。   2019年12月10日,成都东安湖体育公园项目主体结构封顶。   大运村项目选址成都大学,已于4月18日正式启动建设,包括运动员公寓、生活服务中心、医疗中心、国际教育交流中心、体育馆附馆、游泳馆和东盟艺术学院等8个项目,预计于2021年6月底前完成运营测试。   目前,第31届世界大学生夏季运动会场馆设施正在加紧建设改造中,主会场东安湖体育公园、核心场馆凤凰山体育公园等13处新建场馆已全部完成主体结构施工。
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烧麦网推一日多团超Groupon再创团购新模式。烧麦网已于2010年9月15日凌晨全面升级,采取一日多团的新模式,在同一天的主页面中向用户推出多款团购活动。   烧麦网这一动作不仅再次突破了国内团购行业一直以来一成不变的商业模式,更是跳出了对团购网站鼻祖Groupon的一味模仿,自成一体,首创了一日多团的新型团购模式。据悉,这是烧麦网自成立以来,第二次向传统的团购模式发起挑战。早在2010年6月,烧麦网就结合国内市场形式,创造了属于中国“本土化”的Groupon + Foursquare模式(团购+签到)。如今,烧麦网又在主页面中推出了一日多团的新型模式。可谓是国内团购网站中创新型选手,同时这种敢于在实践中不断创新的精神也无疑给国内互联网产业做出了榜样。烧麦网无论是从公司规模,商业模式还是服务质量方面来说,都已经跃居成为团购行业中的龙头老大,成为中国最大并且首个向用户承诺零风险团购的网站。烧麦网推出团购2.0模式,在新模式中,添加了名为“烧麦网生活广场”的功能版块,商户可以通过该版块自助发布团购信息。虽然烧麦网已于2010年8月底在北京、上海等多个一线城市推行了一日多团的模式,但仍有众多寻求合作的商家在排队等候,显然现有的模式已无法满足商家和用户的需求,这也是烧麦网开发并推行团购2.0的主要原因。在全新的团购2.0模式下,商家只需填写一个详细的介绍,并通过烧麦网的质量考评,便可以通过该板块自主发布团购信息,无需排队等候,同时也可以最大程度的满足用户需求,为用户提供了更多选择的空间。2010年8月,大洋彼岸的团购鼻祖Groupon也在对酝酿同一动作,只不过该功能截至到2010年8月还在测试中。Groupon的内部人士认为,自助式团购平台未来将超过Groupon当前的每日团购业务,更受商家和用户的青睐,并逐渐成为主流。
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行不通。过去,中国互联网长期被百度、阿里巴巴和腾讯三大巨头把持。如今,以美团、今日头条、拼多多为代表的三股新兴力量日益崛起。这些新巨头都没有全盘复制美国的模式,而是结合中国特有的商业环境成长起来的。而我近期与一些CEO交流的时候,发现他们还有着这样的误区:想着如何复制美国模式到中国。每当CEO问起这样的问题,我都会当即告诉他们:复制美国模式在中国行不通。不过CEO之所以会有这样的困惑,这其中有着历史原因:互联网在美国诞生。20年前,中国的三大门户网站新浪、搜狐、网易基本上是copy雅虎的。Facebook于2004年诞生,随后2005、2006年期间中国诞生了几百家社交网站。所以说中国的创业公司复制美国模式是有历史渊源的。10年前,中国创业者一创业就形成这么一个规律:我要山寨美国,或者说我对标的美国公司是什么。而投资人问CEO的第一句话就是「你这个模式美国有没有对标?」如果创业者回答「没有」,那么资本便失去了兴趣。因此,从创业者到资本都形成这么一个惯例,美国有的中国一定要有。延展到后面,很多中国公司的估值都是对标美国的估值来算的。2015年是我认为的一个分水岭。2015年前后,新巨头美团、拼多多、今日头条崛起了。2016年,我写了一篇趋势文章,标题就叫《趋势|为什么山寨美国在中国行不通了?》。从大背景来说,中美创业的格局在2015年之后是一个分水岭,这背后反映的其实是中美国情以及商业环境的根本不同。中美的差异性中国与美国完全不同,历史不同,体制也完全不同。从商业背景来讲,美国的现代商业启蒙元年是1886年,洛克菲勒、美国铁路公司、卡耐基等等都诞生于1886年前后。而对于中国商业史来说,1992年是一个重要的年份,从90年代到现在也才30年的时间。一个130多年,一个30多年,从时间角度来说的话,历史差距很大。由于商业历史的差异性,中国社会与美国也有着巨大的差异性。有的模式在中国行得通,但在美国却不行。美国专门做电商的平台,有名的只有亚马逊和ebay,而中国,有阿里、京东、拼多多以及一堆新诞生的社区团购等线上线下结合的公司。美国的商业史已经有100多年,传统零售业非常发达,所以创新的机会有限。中国的商业史才二三十年,未来还会诞生新的公司。此外,中国与美国的国情,例如人口情况,也存在巨大不同。中国的人口高度集中,而美国比较分散,许多城市人口只有几十万。而中国千万级人口的城市有15个之多。商业要和人结合,特别是线下的实体商业要与人口聚集地结合。由于中美人口聚集情况不一样,未来可能会看到越来越多的中国模式与美国基本没什么关系。美国有的中国可能会有,美国没有的中国也会有。美团、拼多多、今日头条的崛起就是典型案例。新巨头的崛起美团早期是Copy Groupon的,但是后来跟Groupon完全不一样了,并且团购本身在2010年、2011年左右王兴就已经做了很大的改革。Groupon 是典型的高举高打,高额的初创费、办公费用、管理费用导致了它对商家的提成佣金非常高,结果这个公司慢慢地消失了。美团2012年的时候,王兴提出团购「三高三低」的理论,他对团购的理解更加独立,甚至和Groupon背道而驰。美团定位于:为消费者提供高品质、低价格的服务;为此,公司做到高效率、低成本;高科技、低毛利的定位。后来王兴在团购的基础上开始拓展更多业务,与Groupon进一步分道扬镳。他拆分出一个T型战略,T型战略就是一个垂直的战略,把一个公司拆分出来。猫眼电影是第一个,后来这个公司也市值百亿港币左右。再后来酒店旅游也被拆分出来。2013、2014年美团又切入外卖、出行,现在进入了吃喝玩乐的所有领域,这与当年的Groupon是完全不同的。如果完全山寨就是死路一条,美团结合了中国本土化特色,走出了中国独有的这么一条路。今日头条这个公司也是独特的,我当时评价这个模式「推荐是搜索的迭代」。今日头条的海外扩张已经开始攻城拔寨,前些天有一个朋友说找北美今日头条负责人合作,北美的今日头条在当地也占据了很大的市场份额。还是那句话,这相对是独创的,美国也没有做成的。拼多多就更特立独行了。2015年12月,我和黄峥见面,此前三个月,他拿到A轮投资,在融资B轮过程中,他见了数十位投资人,投资人问他第一句话:你这个模式美国有对标吗?黄峥说是全球第一家。投资人不投,融资受挫。拼多多模式确实是全球第一家。任何全球性创新,在创业初期一定不被理解或认可。黄峥跟我说,当时不仅在中国出现400多家模仿拼多多的公司,在美国也出现了山寨拼多多公司,美国倒过来模仿中国了。不过不久前这个公司已经倒闭。拼多多的起家植根于中国特殊的国情。中国低收入人群众多,人们都爱便宜。拼多多最早起家的是广大的农产品自销,这跟美国的农产品完全不一样。美国的农产品没有像中国小众化,几亩,十亩这种。它基本上是大规模的机械化生产的农田,包括包装、运输、储藏全是工业化,所以没有拼多多模式诞生的土壤。新巨头的崛起无一不是结合了中国的本土特色,做到了全球首创。美国没有的模式在中国却可以生根发芽。但同时,美国发展得风生水起的行业到了中国可能会遭遇水土不服,例如SaaS行业。本土化创业中国商业是一个丛林时代,竞争非常激烈。相对来讲,美国经过100多年的商业规律淘汰、反垄断化等等,美国的公司相对来说比中国公司更为守规矩一点,或者说更区分自己的边界。比如美国的交易公司,买卖零售的公司会用第三方软件帮助支付。但在中国就完全不同,巨头更愿意自己干,我认为这是中国特有的,比较野蛮的原始丛林式竞争环境。所以在美国,交易和SaaS可以完全分开,彼此相安无事,但在中国不行,做交易的一定要把SaaS干掉,或者自己干。这是中国特有的竞争环境决定的,巨头无限生长。中国巨头把交易啃光后,不会任由SaaS公司掌握其数据——卧榻之侧,岂容他人酣睡?我们长期看好中国。虽然有的行业可能在中国难以发展壮大,但相应的,在其他国家可能不会诞生的行业,却会在这片土地上茁壮成长。中国未来会出现社区零售公司,但是美国很难,因为他们的人口相对比较分散,都是住别墅,效率太低了。2018年是社区团购创业的爆发期。根据烯牛数据统计,2018年社区团购赛道共计披露融资事件21起,总计融资金额达20.4亿元,共有超过30家投资机构入场。中国一个小区3000户,每户5个人,一个小区搞一两万人的生意效率一定很高。这叫中国模式,未来社区零售模式成立,这就是中国特殊的创业机会,在美国不可能发生的。中国未来还会有很多的行业发展与美国的不同,比如养老。老龄化程度逐步升高,中国的老年人在一两年以后会有3亿,会超过美国全国人口。再过5年,2025年,中国老年人数量会达到4.5亿,这么大的基数与体量,能诞生多少创业机会难以想象。另外随着城镇化的加剧,未来会诞生超级县城,会出现超过50万人口以上的超级县城。这样的县城可能至少有1500个。一个个县城就相当于是一个个支点,1500个超级县城的背后,也是无数的创业机会等待创业者们去探索。同时,随着越来越多的农民进城,中国出现的一个特殊的行业机会叫蓝领,这是在中国才可能有的巨大赛道。中国8亿农民进城后,叫新蓝领,新市民,围绕他们的创业机会也会很多。创业者们要根据中国特殊的国情与商业环境,寻找其中的商机。单纯复制美国模式的时代早已过去,创业者需要把国家、社会、时代、技术与个人命运相结合,才能精准把握未来趋势。(作者简介:李志刚,新经济100人创始人兼CEO、山海成长营创办人,著有《创京东》和《九败一胜:美团创始人王兴创业十年》,在美团、拼多多A轮时,今日头条B轮时,发现、判断并帮助他们成长。)
2023-06-20 04:33:091


排球比赛规则排球比赛特性 排球比赛是由两队球员在一以球网分隔的比赛场地上进行的一种团队竞技。有不同比赛方式,适应特定状况提供人们不同比赛。 比赛的目标是要每队采用合于规定的方法击球过网,落于对方的场地上,同时防止球在自己的场地上落地。每一队有三次机会将球击回对方的场区(拦网触球除外)。 比赛由发球开始,球员击球过网进入对方的场区,双方往返击球,直到球触地、出界或一队无法正确的回击为止。 排球比赛中,球队赢得一球则获得一分(得球得分制),当接发球队赢得一球,该队得到一分并取得发球权。 第一篇比赛 第一章设备与器材 比赛区域 比赛区域包括比赛球场和无障碍区,而且是对称长方形。 1范围 排球规则1999--2000 比赛球场是一个18公尺x9公尺的长方形场地,四周设有相互对称且至少3公尺宽的长方形无障碍区域。场内自地面向上至少7公尺的空间必须无任何障碍。 FIVB世界性及正式比赛,场外无障碍区域,自边线外至少须有5公尺;自端线外须有8公尺;自地面以上高度至少须有12.5公尺。 1.2场地表面 1.2.1表面必须平坦、水平并且一致,场地表面须使球员无受伤之虞。粗糙、湿滑的球场严禁使用。FIVB世界性及正式比赛,仅允许使用木质或人造橡胶的场地。任何球场必须先获得FlVB的认可。 1.2.2室内球场的表面必须为浅色。 FlVB世界性及正式比赛,球场的界线皆为白色,场地与无障碍区域则须周不同颜色加以区别。 1.2.3室外球场可有每公尺0.5公分的倾斜度,以便于排水。界线禁止用固体材料做成。 1.3球场界线 1.3.1所有的球场界线皆为5公分宽,且必须为浅色,并与地面及其它线条颜色不同。 1.3.2界线: 比赛球场由两条边线及两条端线所构成。边线与端线均包含在比赛球场范围内。 1.3.3中线: 中线把球场分割成每边9公尺x9公尺,此线从网下延伸至二条边线为止。 1.3.4攻击线 攻击线位于中线的中心点向后三公尺处。 1.4场区及区域 1.4.1前区 FlVB世界性及正式比赛,在攻击线约两侧各划五段长15公分宽5公分,间隔20公分的虚线,虚线总长为1.75公尺(含线宽)。前区延伸至边线以外至无障碍区底为止。 1.4.2发球区 发球区为一位于端线之后(不含端线)、宽9公尺的区域。此区域两侧受到两条位于端线之后20公分、长度15公分的短线,延伸至边线。两条线皆计入此区域的宽度范围内。 深度方面,发球区可延伸至场外无障碍区域尽头。 1.4.3替补区 替补区是由两条攻击线的假想延伸线至记录台问的区域。 1.4.4热身区 FlVB世界性及正式比赛中,面积3公尺x3公尺的热身区位于无障碍区域外球队席两测的角落上 1.4.5惩罚区: 惩罚区位于两队球员席后方,面积约1公尺x1公尺见方以5公分宽红色为界线,并放二张椅子。 1.5温度 最低气温不得低于摄氏10度(华氏50度)FlVB世界性及正式比赛中,最高温不得超过摄氏25(华氏77度),最低温不得低于摄氏16度(华氏61度)度 1.6照明 FIVB世界性及正式比赛中,比赛场地的照明度,自场地表面上方一公尺高度处,须有1000至1500勒克斯(LUX)的亮度。 2·球网和网柱 2.1球网高度 2.1.1球网置于中线上方,男子网高2.43公尺,女于2.24公尺。 2.1.2球网高度的测量,以测量竿自比赛球场的中央量起。 球网两端(边线上方)距地面之高度必须相等,并且不得超过规定高度2公分以上。 2.2球网构造 球网宽1公尺,长9.50公尺,垂直张挂于中线轴的上方。 网面由10公分见方的黑色网孔组成。 网顶有5公分宽的水平带子,系以自帆布对折,沿球网的全长缝住。带子的两端各有一个孔,孔中穿有绳索与网柱相系,使网顶呈拉紧状态。 带子的中间有一可弯曲的钢索,以利于将球网紧系于网住上。 在网的下方(无水平带),有一条绳子贯穿于网孔之中,以系紧两网柱,使球网下半部呈拉紧状态。 2.3标志带 两条宽5公分、长1公尺的白色带子垂直紧系于两边线上方球网上。标志带视为球网的一部份。 2.4标志竿 标志竿是一支具有弹性的竿子,长度为1.80公尺,直径为10公厘。 标志竿由玻璃纤维或类似的物质制成。 两支标志竿紧系于标志带的外缘,两边各一支标志竿上部80公分的长度超出网顶,每10公分涂以对比鲜明的颜色,以红白相间为佳。 标志竿应视为球网的一部分且作为有效穿越空间的两侧界限。规则11.1.1。 2.5网柱 2.5.1网柱为支撑球网,位于球场与边线相距0.50至1.00公尺处,其高度为2.55公尺,且最好能够调整。 2.5.2网柱为圆形且平滑,不使用金属铁索以固定网柱于场地上,其装置必须无妨碍和危险。 2.6附属设备 所有附属设备须符合FIVB的规定。 3·球 3.1球的规格 球必须为圆形,以柔软具有弹性的皮革制成,其中实以橡胶或类似质料制成的球胆。 颜色:一致且浅色,或是由FIVB核可之组合色彩排球。 圆周:65公分到67公分。 重量:260公克到280公克。 内部气压:294.3到318.82毫巴(每平方公分0.30到0.325公斤) 3.2球规格的一致性 一场球赛中所使用的球必须具有相同的特性,例如:球的圆周、重量、气压、式样等。 FIVB世界性及正式比赛,必须使用FIVB认可的球。 3.3三球制 FIVB世界性及正式比赛中,可使用三个球。因此项设六名捡球员,即在无障碍区域的四个角落各站一人,两名裁判员身后各站一人。 第二章参加人员 4·球队 4.1球队的组成 4.1.1每一球队最多包含十二名球员、一名教练、一名助理教练,一名运动医护人员(trainer)及一名医师。球员之一是队长且需在记录表上注明。FlVB世界锦标赛中的医师必须事先获得FIVB的认可。 4.1.2每一球队可从12名决定名单中选出一位登记为自由防守球员。(规则8.5) 4.1.3只有登录在记录表上的球员,方可参加比赛,一经教练,队长在记录表上签名后,既不得更换。 4.2球队的位置 4.2.1球员必须坐在球员席或者热身区(规则14.4),教练(规则5.2.3)及其它成员坐在球员席,但可以暂时离座。 球员席位于记录台旁无障碍区以外。 4.2.2只有球队之成员可以坐在球员席,比赛中球员可参予热身(规则4.1.1) 4.2.3比赛中,末上场比赛球员可在热身区徒手热身(规则1.4.4),暂停时可在他们球场后方无障碍区做热身运动。 局间休息球员可在无障碍区用球热身。 4.3装备 球员的装备包括运动衫、短裤及球鞋。 4.3.1运动衫、短裤及袜子必须全队一致,且整洁及颜色相同。(自由防守球员除外规则8.5) 4.3.2球鞋必须轻便柔软,由橡胶或皮革制成。 在FIVB世界性成人组锦标赛中,鞋子的颜色也必须全队一致,但商标的颜色图样可以不同;比赛服必须符合FIVB认可的标准规格。 4.3.3球员运动衫的号码必须使用1至18号。号码位置须在胸前与背后的中央部分。号码的颜色必须与运动衫成对比。球衣胸前号码至少15公分高,背后号码至少20公分高,号码的笔划应有至少2公分的宽。 FIVB世界性及正式比赛中,在右腿球裤上需绣上号码至少4至6公分高,宽至少l公分。 4.3.4队长的胸前号码下方应配戴一条长8公分宽2公分的带子以资识别。 4.3.5禁止穿著号码不符规定(规则4.3.3)或与同队球员不同颜色的运动衫。(规则4.3.1;自由防守球员除外,规则8.5) 4.4装备的更换 第一裁判可允许一名或一名以上的球员: 4.4.1赤足比赛。 4.4.2局与局之间或替补以后,更换汗湿的运动衫。但新换的运动衫颜色、式样及号码须与原来的相同。 4.4.3天气寒冷时,第一裁判可允许球队穿著训练服装比赛,但全队服装颜色与样式必须相同,(自由防守球员除)并佩有合法的号码经允许后球队球员都必须依照办理(规则4.3.3.i) 4.5禁止的对象 4.5.1禁止佩戴可能致使球员受伤或为球员提供人为助力的对象。 4.5.2球员可以戴眼镜,但危险须自行承担。 5·球队领导者:队长与教练均须为队中成员的行为与纪律负责。 5.1队长自由球员不得担任队长 5.1.1比赛开始前,队长应:在记录表上签字,代表球队参与掷硬币。 5.1.2在比赛时,球队队长若在场上,便成为比赛队长。 当队长未上场比赛须由教练或者队长本人指定另一位选手代替队长职务,直到队长回到场上比赛或者一局结束为止。唯有当死球时,比赛队长且唯有其本人,才有权向裁判要求:请求说明所引用规则的解释。也可将队友的要求或问题转达给裁判员。 若无法接受裁判的解释,队长必须立即向裁判员提出异议,保留比赛后将异议记载于记录表上以作为正式抗议的权利(规则23.2.4)请求认可 更换运动服装或配备, 确认球员的位置, 检查场地、球网、球等。依法请求比赛中止(规则16.2.1) 5.1.3比赛结束时,队长应:向裁判员致谢,并于记录表上签字以承认比赛结果。若其曾向第一裁判提出异议,可在记录表上确认抗议的记录(规则5.1.2.1) 5.2教练 5.2.1比赛时教练坐在场边指导其球队打球,教练向第二裁判提出阵容单、暂停、替补等要求。 5.2.2教练在比赛前登记或核对己方球员记录表上的姓名与号码并签字。 5.2.3比赛中每一局比赛前,教练应将填妥并已签字之球员上场阵容单交给记录员或第二裁判。在比赛进行中,他必须坐在最靠近记录员的球员席上,但可暂时离席。要求暂停或替补球员。教练可以在球员席前的无障碍区至热身区之间站立或走动进行指导,但不得干扰或延误比赛。 5.3助理教练 5.3.1助理教练坐在球员席上,但无权调度比赛。 5.3.2若教练必须离队时,助理教练可在比赛队长的要求下,经第一裁判的认可执行教练的任务。 第三章比赛形式 6·得一分,胜一局,胜一场 6.1得一分 6.1.1当球队犯规时,裁判鸣笛,并依据下列规则处罚如果有二次以上连续犯规发生,只算第一次犯规。如果双方的犯规同时发生,称双方犯规,该球不计,重新比赛。 6.1.2犯规结果 犯规的结果,则失一分:若接发球队犯规,则发球队得一分且继续拥有发球权。发球队犯规,则对队得一分且得到发球权。 6.2胜一局 第一周至第四局,先获得25分并至少领先2分则胜一局(第五局除外)若比数为24:24时,则必须领先对队2分为止,(例:26:24;27:25) 6.3胜一场 6.3.1获胜三局之球队为该场比赛的胜队。 6.3.2若局数为2比2时,在决胜局(第五局)之比赛,先获15分并领先对队2分为胜。 6.4球队未出场及阵容不完整 6.4.1若球队经由裁判员警告后仍拒绝出场,则宣布取消资格。以每局0:25及该场0:3的比数由对队获胜。 6.4.2球队无正当理由,于规定时间内不上场比赛,即予宣布缺席,其判决结果与规则6.4.1相同。 6.4.3若球队阵容不完整以致该局或该场不能比赛时(规则7.3.1.1)则判该队于该局或该场比赛失败。对队即获赢得该局或该场所需的分数或分数与局数。未能完成比赛的球队则维持其原得的分数与局数。 7.比赛程序 7.1掷硬币:赛前第一裁判执行掷硬币决定第一周发球权及场地权,若须进入决胜局,第一裁判须再次进行掷硬币的选择。 7.1.1在两队队长面前进行掷硬币事宜。 7.1.2掷硬币获胜者可任选下列之一:发球权或接发球权。选择场地。 输者只有另一选择。 7.1.3若两队先后进行网前热身,则由先发球的球队先行开始。 7.2热身时间 7.2.1如赛前已有场地练习,则每队上场各有3分钟的热身时间;否则,可各有5分钟时间。 7.2.2若两队队长同意一起进行赛前热身,则依据规则7.2.1的规定,两队可同时进行6分钟或10分钟的热身活动。 7.3球队上场阵容 7.3.1·各队必须始终保持六名队员在场比赛。每局开始时所决定的球员位置轮转顺序均须维持到该局结束。·若球队选择登记自由防守球员,则自由防守球员的球衣号码必须在第一周时与6位先发球员的号码一同标示在阵容军士。 7.3.2在每局比赛开始前,教练必须将球队上场的阵容写在阵容单上,签字后交给第二裁判或记录员。 7.3.3凡末列在上场阵容单内的球员即为替补球员。 7.3.4上场阵容单一经提出,即不得更改。 7.3.5若球员的实际位置与上场阵容单上所填的位置不符时:球员须在该局比赛开始前,依上场阵容单上所示的位置作更正,不予判罚。同样地若一名或多名上场球员未登于上场阵容单上,则必须依照阵容单中所列更换球员,不予判罚。然而,若教练希望保留阵容单上未登记的球员上场,则必须请求合法的替补,并登记于记录表上。 7.4位置 当发球员击球的瞬间,双方球员均须在各自的场区内依照轮转次序排列(发球员除外) 7.4.1球员位置如下: 7.4.i.1三名沿着球网排列的球员为前排球员,应站在4号位置(左)、3号位置(中)及2号位置(右)另三名为后排队员,站在5号位置(左)、6号位置(中)及1号位置(右) 7.4.2球员之间关系位置每一名后排球员的位置均须比其所对应的前排球员离球网更远。前后排球员必须依序排列(规则7.4.1) 7.4.3球员的位置是以他们足部接触地面的位置来判定如下每一位前排球员均必须至少有一足的一部分,较具相对位置的后排球员之双足更靠近中线,每一位右(左)侧球员均必须至少有--足的一部分,较同排中间球员的双足更靠近右(左)测的边线。 7.4.4球一旦发出,球员即可在己方的场区及无障碍区域任意移动。 7.5位置错误 7.5.1当发球员击球的瞬间,若有球员未按其规定位置站立,则判该球员犯规(规则7.3和7.4) 7.5.2若发球员击球时犯规(规则13.4和13.7.1)先于位置错误之前,判发球犯规。 7.5.3若发球员是击球后的犯规(规则13.7.2)轮转错误犯规。 7.5.4位置错误之判罚如下:该队失一球(规则6.1.2)球员应立即回到正确位置。 7.6轮转 7.6.1整局比赛的轮转顺序,发球顺序,球员位置都依阵容单来决定。 7.6.2当接发球队取得发球权时,该队球员必须依顺时针方向轮转一个位置(2号位置的球员轮转到l号位置发球,1号球员则轮转到6号位置,依此类推) 7.7轮转错误 7.7.1当发球未按轮转顺序进行时,即为轮转错误(规则7.6.1)。而产生下列结果:轮转错误的球队应判丧失发球权(规则6.1.2)并由对队得一分(规则6.2)且拥有发球权。改正球员轮转次序。 7.7.2除此之外,记录员应即判定犯错的正确时间。犯规队在错误期间所得的分数均须取消,其对队所得的分数则依然有效。 若无法确定错误时间则分数不取消,仅判犯规球队失一球。 8.球员替补 球员替补是指裁判员允许一名球员退场,并由另一名球员上场代替其位置(规则16.5) 8.1替补限制 8.1.1每队每局最多可准许有六人次的替补,且同时可替补一名或多名球员。 8.1.2每局开始时上场的球员,仅可在该局中退场一次及再进场一次,但仅以回到原比赛位置为限。 8.1.3替补球员每局仅可上场一次,以替换开始时上场的球员,同时该替补球员亦仅能由原来被替补退场的球员所替换。 8.2例外替补 球员受伤无法继续比赛时,(自由防守球员除外规则8.5.2.4)应作合法之替补,如该队已无合法替补之可能,则可使用例外替补,且不受规则8.1规定的限制。 例外替补是指不在场内之任一球员(自由防守球员除外)替补受伤之球员,受伤之球员不得再进场比赛。 8.3驱逐替补 被判驱逐或取消资格的球员(规则21.3.2、21.3·3)必须以合法的方式进行替补。若是无合法替补的可能,则应判该队为阵容不完整(规则6.4.3; 8.4非法替补 8.4.1凡球员替补超出规则8.1之规定音,即为非法替补(规则8.2所规定之情形除外) 8.4.2当球队构成非法替补,且比赛已重新开始后才发现(规则9.1),则依下列程序处理:非法替补之判处,为对队得一分,且拥有发球权。(规则6.1.2)错误替补应即改正,该队在犯错期间所得的分数一律取消,而对队所得的分数依然有效。 8.5自由防守球员 8.5.1自由防守员(规则4.1.2)于赛前必须用明显线条标示于记录表,号码亦必须于第一局的阵容单上标示(规则7.3.1.3)。 8.5.2自由防守球员的特殊规定:装备 自由防守球员必须穿著与其它球员明显不同颜色或不同样式的比赛服(规则4.3.5)比赛行为 (a)自由防守球员可以替补任何一位后排球员。 (b)自由防守球员只能扮演后排球员的角色,并且不能将高于网上端的球击向对区(含场内及无障碍区)。自由防守球员不得发球、拦网或试图拦网。自由防守球员于前区及延长区域内,使用高手手指传球时,则队友不得将高于网上端的球完成攻击。如果自由防守球员于后区以高手手指传球时,则队友可以任意击球。球员替补 (a)自由防守球员的替补不计为合法正常替补次数,其替补次数、对象不限,但其退场必须与原球员相互替补,再替补时必须经过一次死球。 (b)交换时机: i每一局开赛前第二裁判查验阵容单之后; ii在比赛中成死球时 iii鸣笛发球之前。 (c)自由防守球员进出场区只能在球员席前介于攻击线与端线之间进行。自由防守球员受伤的替换: (a)经等一裁判允许,自由防守球员受伤时须与场外球员进行替补,并不得参加所剩下 的比赛。(包含已替补之球员) (b)被指定替补受伤的自由防守球员之选手,在所剩下之比赛中只能担任自由防守球员 的职务。 第四章 比赛行为 9.比赛情况 9.1比赛的开始 第一裁判员鸣笛后开始发球;而比赛的进行始于发球员击球的瞬间。 9.2死球的构成 比赛中犯规,裁判鸣笛时,构成死球。若无犯规,则自鸣笛时构成死球。 9.3界内球 当球触及包括球场界线在内的场内地面时,即为「界内球」(规则1.3.2) 9.4界外球 以下情况发生时为「界外球」 9.4.1球体触地的部分完全落在界线外时; 9.4.2球触及球场以外的任何物体,如天花板或非比赛球员时; 9.4.3球触及标志竿、绳子、网柱或标志竿、标志带以外的球网本身时; 9.4.4球体全部或一部分在有效的球网空间外通过其垂直面时(规则11.1.2情况除外) 9.4.5球体全部通过网下垂直面。(规则11.1.3)
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acog医学上的意思是美国妇产科医师学会(ACOG,American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)。ACOG指南:早产的管理,本文为美国2012年六月出版的对早产管理2003版的临床指南修订版,通过对早产临床治疗的相关问题的探讨和总结,给出临床推荐。早产是新生儿死亡的首要原因,也是孕妇产前住院的最常见原因之一在美国,约有12%的活产儿在足月前出生而先兆早产占到这些早产分娩的比率达到近 50%。虽然早产的原因目前还不是很清楚,但早产所带来的社会负担非常明显,近70%的新生儿死亡、30%的婴儿死亡、25-50%的小儿慢性神经系统损伤均发生于早产儿美国医学研究所2006年的一项报告中估算美国每年用于早产儿救治的费用约262亿美元;平均每个早产儿救治费用超过51.000美元。然而,临床上并不能精确的判断早产。本文旨在介绍治疗早产的不同方案并系统评价这些方案在临床中应用的证据。本文中将不讨论早产的诊断及其高危因素的处理。
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风险是有一点的。拉手网是全球首家Groupon与Foursquare(团购+签到)相结合的团购网站。于2010年3月18日成立,中国内地最大的团购网站之一,开通服务城市超过400座,2010年交易额接近10亿元。拉手网每天推出一款超低价精品团购,使参加团购的用户以极具诱惑力的折扣价格享受优质服务。拉手网络技术有限公司是中国最大的3G手机应用平台开发商,打造了拉手音乐、拉手离线地图、拉手新闻订阅、拉手开心生活、拉手转换王等iPhone软件产品。拉手网推一日多团超Groupon再创团购新模式。拉手网已于2010年9月15日凌晨全面升级,采取一日多团的新模式,在同一天的主页面中向用户推出多款团购活动。拉手网这一动作不仅再次突破了国内团购行业一直以来一成不变的商业模式,更是跳出了对团购网站鼻祖Groupon的一味模仿,自成一体,首创了一日多团的新型团购模式。据悉,这是拉手网自成立以来,第二次向传统的团购模式发起挑战。早在2010年6月,拉手网就结合国内市场形式,创造了属于中国“本土化”的Groupon + Foursquare模式(团购+签到)。如今,拉手网又在主页面中推出了一日多团的新型模式。可谓是国内团购网站中创新型选手,同时这种敢于在实践中不断创新的精神也无疑给国内互联网产业做出了榜样。
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