barriers / 阅读 / 详情

翻译成英文 一个富人和一个旁人在谈论什么是幸福。 穷人说:“幸福就是现在。”富人望着穷人的茅舍,破

2023-06-20 06:43:25

A rich and others are talking about what is happiness.

The poor say: "happiness is now." Rich looked at poor huts, shabby dress, said contemptuously, "that what is called happiness? My happiness but between a person of extraordinary powers curtilage, thousands of slaves." Impermanence, a fire between the rich man"s best piece of tile without burning mansion, each rush thing by slaves. Overnight, become a beggar to the rich. As the volts, sweating like a beggar passed the huts of the poor, want to win the saliva to drink. The poor a bowl of clear cool water, asked him: "now you think what is happiness?" Beggar anxiously said: "happiness is when you in the hands of the bowl of water."





beggar怎么读:英 [u02c8beɡu0259(r)]、美 [u02c8beɡu0259r]1、He tossed a penny to the beggar. 他丢给乞丐一便士。2、He"s a sly old beggar if ever there was one. 他确确实实是个老奸巨猾的家伙。3、It beggars belief how things could have got this bad. 真是难以置信,情况怎么会恶化到这种地步。4、Aren"t you dressed yet, you lazy beggar? 你这个懒汉还没穿好衣服吗?5、Why should I beggar myself for you? 我为什么要为你受穷?6、He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry. 他警告说解除版权限制会使这个行业一贫如洗。
2023-06-20 04:12:091


2023-06-20 04:12:263


beggar n. 乞丐;穷人;家伙vt. 使贫穷;使沦为乞丐其中有egg鸡蛋,可以联想起来记忆:乞丐砸鸡蛋(想象画面)。这样容易记住。
2023-06-20 04:13:091


您好,beggar 通常作为(名词)使用,译为(乞丐),而 beggar 本身也有(动词)的用法,其原型就是 beggar,译为(使贫穷),比如:Why should I beggar myself for you?(我为什么要因你而穷困潦倒呢?)而 beggar 这个单词作为(名词)时,是由 beg 这个(动词)拓展出来的,属于派生词汇,beg 作为(动词)译为(乞讨,乞求)。
2023-06-20 04:13:171


并没有begger这个词,beggar是乞丐的意思,所以他们没有可比性。 扩展资料 并没有begger这个词,beggar是乞丐的意思,说以他们没有可比性。beggar例句:He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry. 他警告说解除版权限制会使这个行业一贫如洗。
2023-06-20 04:13:231


2023-06-20 04:13:5813


2023-06-20 04:14:215


乞丐 [qǐ gài]释义 :1.乞求;请求 2.专靠要饭要钱过活的人百科:乞丐(beggar)就是以乞讨为生的人统称为乞丐,也叫“叫花子”或作“要饭的”。乞丐在中国上古文字中,最早是以单音词出现的。“乞”在金文字中的意思是乞求、求讨,同时又可用为反义,指给予。“丐”又作“句”(gai丐),在甲骨卜辞中多作祭祀用词,指向神灵乞求,如“崇雨,句于河”,即雨大成灾,乞灵于河神。
2023-06-20 04:14:472


问题一:乞丐用英语什么翻译? beggar pauper mendicant 问题二:乞丐用英语怎么说 Beggar 问题三:乞丐配乞丐英文怎么写 beggarfink gaberlunzie moocher panhandler 问题四:"乞丐"用英文怎么说啊? beggar fin锭 gaberlunzie moocher panhandler 问题五:最牛的乞丐用英文怎么说 the best/greatest beggar 问题六:乞丐牛仔裤的英文怎么说? 乞丐牛仔裤,其实是一度风靡的ripped jeans,直译是裂口牛仔裤,而一般我们成为乞丐牛仔裤 问题七:国外乞丐要饭时说的什么英语 这就多了,首先从不知道手里的讨饭碗是古董,明显就是愚昧无知,就等于手里拿着几百万还去跟别人乞讨几毛钱一样,这是傻瓜的行为,说明没有认知。也从而证明穷是有原因的,乞讨也是有原因的,没有乞讨的心即使饿死也不是乞丐,有一颗乞讨的心拿着古董碗也是乞丐。
2023-06-20 04:14:531

beggar 和tramp是一个意思吗?是不是都能理解为要饭的?

tramp偏重流浪 不一定成天要饭beggar基本纯要钱要饭
2023-06-20 04:15:012


2023-06-20 04:15:107


2023-06-20 04:15:242


2023-06-20 04:15:324


我们都认识beg和beggar这两个英语单词,也许还知道beggar是由beg派生而来,其实这是一种误解。 说来有趣,英语中原来只有beggar这个词,而后才有beg。这是因为人们错误地认为beggar如同actor和Painter是由act和Paint 加后缀而成一样,它一定也来自beg。根据这种错误的推论,英语中产生了一些新的单词,而这种构词的方法就叫做“倒退构词法”。 通过这种 "倒退构词法" (Back-formation)构成单词,有以下几种情况。 1.由行为者(名词)倒退构成某种行为或动作(动词)。 例如: burgle (黑夜盗窃) burglar (夜间窃贼) sculpt (雕塑) sculptor (雕塑家) typewrite (打字) typewriter (打字员) rove (漂泊) rover (漂泊者) edit (我) editor (我) hawk (叫卖) hawker (小贩) butl (管理) butler (管家) cobble (修补) cobbler (补鞋匠) baby-sit (临时保姆) baby-sitter (临时看护婴儿者) housekeep (管家) housekeeper (女管家) thought-read (洞察人心)thought—reader(洞察人心者) 2.由非表示人的名词(多为抽象名词)倒退构成动词. diagnose (诊断) diagnosis (诊断) automate (自动) automation (自动化) emote (表露感情) emotion (感情) bird-watch(观察野鸟) bird-watching(观察野鸟) mass-produce (大量生产)mass-production (大量生产) air-condition (装空调) air-conditioner(空调设备) enthuse (热中) enthusiasm (热情,热心) tape-record (录音) tape-recorder (录音机) 3.由副词倒退构成动词。 如副词sidling的—1ing本是副词词尾,但在一些句子中,如 He walks sidling. (他斜着走。) 这时便误以为词尾 "-ing" 是分词词尾,于是就派生出新的动词to sidle(侧身走)。 此外尚有: grovel(匍匐,平伏) groveling(匍匐,平伏) darkle(使阴暗) darkling(暗地,暗中地) 4.由形容词去掉y,倒退派生出动词。 greed (贪婪) greedy (贪婪的) laze (偷懒) lazy (懒惰的) cose (自适) cosy (舒适的) jeopard (陷于危险) jeopardy (危险的) 5.其他 Pup (n.) (小狗) puppy(n.) (小狗[爱称]) Pet (n.) (宠物,心宠) petty(a.) (小的) Vamp (v.) (吸入膏血) vampire(n.) (吸血鬼) Perk (v.) (过滤) percolator(n.) (咖啡壶,过滤器)
2023-06-20 04:15:381


2023-06-20 04:15:473


没有begger这个词 beg是乞讨:请求,恳求 的意思而beggar就是乞丐的意思
2023-06-20 04:15:551

beggers 和 tramps的区别是什么

2023-06-20 04:16:035


一旦乞丐(乞丐)已走在炎热的太阳约5英里。他也非常累了,想休息。 当他来到一个通道,他看到一棵大树。上树,他看到一板(木板端)。 “走这条路要富兰克林”写在黑板上。 “我会在树下休息,说:”那个乞丐。 “我可以躺在船上,而我睡觉。” 当乞丐睡,医生向他骑着。 “醒醒,乞丐! “医生说。 “我失去了。你能告诉我该走哪条路的 富兰克林?“ “这是太热想说:”乞丐。 “思想正是在这样一个炎热的一天的工作。” “这是一个美元,”医生说,“现在,你觉得呢?” “当然,我会的,先生! “乞丐说,”Takethat富兰克林的道路。“ 过了一会儿,司机停下来问他乞丐究竟走哪条道路的富兰克林。 “你必须给我1美元,”乞丐说,“我开始思考。”司机给了 他一美元。 “向左拐”的乞丐说。乞丐回去睡觉。不久,一个农民叫醒他。 “这是对富兰克林的道路?”他问。乞丐了1元和农民沿路了。 “一个医生收钱时,他的医生。”乞丐说,对自己,“一位司机收钱时,驱动器和一个农民收钱时,他的农场。但是,这是一个乞丐了支付时间,他所做的一切的想法。“
2023-06-20 04:16:291


2023-06-20 04:16:373


1,46% of the students disagree to what the government has done.Some beggars are forced to beg by life.And some of them make a living as a perfomer in the underground sidewalk,to which our society should offer our help.2,While 54% of students consider it a damage caused by these beggars to the city,adding lots of trouble.Moreover,a number of beggars are not unable to work,but so lazy that they use others" sympathy.Therefore,the government are supposed to ban those beggars entering the public.
2023-06-20 04:16:443


There once was a beggar(乞丐), and in his home town there lived a millionaire. But that person was very, very stingy(吝啬的)! So everything he had, he stuck somewhere in a cupboard or dug a hole in the earth and hid. 从前有个乞丐,他有个同乡是个百万富翁。但是那个人非常非常抠门。但凡他的东西,不是塞在柜子里就是在地上挖个洞藏起来。 No one, not even he, knew where it was. In this way, he didn"t have to spend! So he was very, very stingy! He never gave anyone a penny, not to mention refugees or the Red Cross; he didn"t even want to hear about such things. He wanted to keep his money intact. 没有人知道东西放在哪儿了,连他自己也不知道。这样一来,他就一分钱也不用花了! 这个百万富翁可抠门了!他从来不给别人一分钱,更别提救济难民或是捐钱给红十字会了,这种给钱的事儿他是听都不想听,自己的钱一个子儿都不愿意动。 As for spending in the home, he was also very, very expert in stinginess. So his wife, his children, his mother, his brother, his sister — everyone — were miserable(苦不堪言). 要说家里的花销,他也有抠门的一套,他的妻子、孩子、母亲、兄弟姐妹——每个人——都受不了他。 miser(守财奴) Then one day a beggar came to the millionaire"s door and wanted a piece of gold from him. The millionaire had a lot of gold, but of course, he kicked the beggar out and also told his workers and family to throw him out. 有一天,乞丐来到百万富翁家想向他讨一块金子。百万富翁有的是金子,但不用想也知道,他撵乞丐走,还吩咐长工和家人把他轰出门去。 The next day, however, the beggar came back again and wanted the same thing, a piece of gold. So the millionaire once again kicked him out. But the beggar came back again yet another day — and again and again, day after day, month after month, year after year. 第二天,乞丐又来了,还是讨要一块金子。百万富翁又把他撵了出去。但是又过了一天,乞丐又来了——后来每天都来,就这样持续了一个月又一个月、一年又一年。 He really practiced patience! Year after year it went on like this until one day the millionaire was so fed up with(受够了) the beggar that he finally cut a piece of gold, a very small one, and gave it to him. 人家这就叫有耐心啊! 同样的戏码一年年上演,有一天,百万富翁烦了,终于割了一块金子给他,可是是很小的一块。 Then the beggar became very, very happy. He jumped around and sang “Hallelujah(哈利路亚)!”And then he took the piece of gold to his bosom(胸) and went back to his place and went to sleep. He put his piece of gold next to him, on top of his meditation cushion, and went to sleep. 乞丐高兴极了,一路跳着,唱着“哈利路亚”,把金子揣在胸口走回住处去睡觉。他把金子放在身旁的冥想垫子上就睡着了。 But when he woke up, it wasn"t there anymore. Of course! Maybe another person had thought it was a play toy and brought it home with him or he left it alone and someone else took it, but he didn"t know who. 乞丐醒来的时候,发现金子不见了。当然了,有可能是有人觉得这是个玩具就拿回家了,或者这个人把金块单独放在什么地方,又被不知是谁的其他人拿了去。 Because the beggar just slept anywhere in front of the supermarket, under a bridge, in front of the theater, in an empty field, anywhere! So if he put his piece of gold there, people could just take it away. 鉴于乞丐都是随便找地儿睡的,要么是超市门口,要么是大桥底下,要么是剧院门口,要么是在空地上,哪儿都有可能! Then the next day he went back and requested another piece of gold from the millionaire. And the millionaire asked, “But why? I just gave you one yesterday. What did you do with it?” 所以说他要是把金块放在这些地方,肯定就被人拿走了。 第二天,他又去百万富翁家要一块金子。百万富翁问:“我就不明白了,我昨天刚给了你一块,你拿去干吗了?” So the man said, “Yes, yesterday I had it. I put it beside me, and I just closed my eyes, and when I opened my eyes, it was gone. So today I have to come back again for another piece.” 乞丐回答:“是的,昨天我是拿了一块。我就放在身边,就闭了一下眼睛。睁开眼的时候,它就不见了。所以今天我来再要一块。” When the millionaire heard this, he immediately became enlightened! He realized the truth about the things of this world: today you have them; tomorrow you don"t. Or you might have them now, but later you don"t. 百万富翁听了这话,瞬间明白了一个道理,这个道理放之四海而皆准。那就是:今天拥有的,明天可能失去。又或者现在拥有的,稍纵即逝。
2023-06-20 04:16:511


2023-06-20 04:17:233

少壮不努力老大徒伤悲 英语翻译

2023-06-20 04:17:324

a young ider,an old beggar是什么意思?

2023-06-20 04:18:184


Beggars and the rich I put money in a beggar"s bowl when the house, there"s good-hearted people came up to me: "Taipei 99% of beggars are false, and you take care of your money to take his life of debauchery." I said: "As long as beggars do not leave because he asking for a handout when the mood is a beggar of. Feelings are beggars, even if his limbs intact, Kongwuyouli, Jiacaiwanguan, it is still a beggar, more worthwhile charity worthy of sympathy. "Similarly, a poor mood as long as the rich, he is a rich man.
2023-06-20 04:18:533

请问 他不是真的乞丐 用英语怎么说?

hey boy,come on! he can"t be a begger,i bet!
2023-06-20 04:19:126

求黄子韬 - Beggar Remix版.mp3音源

黄子韬 - Beggar Remix歌曲下载地址已发送到你的百度私信请及时下载若看不了私信可以追问,选择发送邮箱或者百度云盘同求资源的请去百度提问问题地址发我百度私信
2023-06-20 04:19:273

A beggar is a person who ___

beggar和tramp 是有区别的。
2023-06-20 04:19:403


2023-06-20 04:19:474


2023-06-20 04:19:541


2023-06-20 04:20:356


第6课的内容:   一、重要句型或语法   1、冠词的用法   1)不定冠词a/an,如:a pen, an egg   2)定冠词the,如:A dog is barking at me. The dog is black and white.   3)零冠词,即不用冠词的情况,如人名和地名前面,如:John lives in London.   2、短语动词的用法   短语动词指的是后面跟上介词或副词后、意思会发生变化的动词。如:   1)I put your book on the shelf. / I put on my hat and left the house.   2)It was very hot, so I took off my coat. / Will you look after the children for me please?   二、课文主要语言点   I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 1)注意move to表示搬到什么地方,move into表示搬进什么地方。 2)注意地名Bridge Street里的每个单词的首字母都要大写。   Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. 1)beggar来源于beg(请求,祈求),表乞丐。 2)knock at表示敲打。   He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. ask sb. for sth.,表示向某人提出请求或要求。注意ask sb.表示询问某人。   In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. 1)in return for sth.,作为对...的回报。 2)stand on one"s head,表示倒立。   He ate the food and drank the beer. 1)本句为由and连接的并列句,而且前后结构完全一样,使得整句话颇有节奏感。 2)注意ate和drank作为不规则的过去式形式。   Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. put ... in ...,表...放进什么地方。   Later a neighbour told me about him. 1)later表示后来、以后。 2)tell sb. about sth./sb.,告诉某人某事或某人。   Everybody knows him. 注意询问并给学生解释该句话为什么使用一般现在时,而不用一般过去时:因为该句话描述的有关这个beggar的一般情况。   He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. 1)call at,表示拜访、光顾。 2)once a month,次数+时间单位,表示每隔段时间的频率是多少。   三、读写重点   1、注意课文中现在完成时、一般过去时和一般现在时的结合使用,学会根据实际情况来选择使用不同的时态。   2、注意once a month这种结构的频率的表达。   3、注意教材第34页难点中的有关knock的短语表达,即knock at(敲打)、碰撞;打折)、knock off(下班)、knock...over(撞倒)、knock...out(打晕)。
2023-06-20 04:20:511


2023-06-20 04:20:596


2023-06-20 04:21:142


beggar是乞丐或使贫穷的意思。beggar的相关例句:1、 You lucky beggar!你这幸运的家伙!2、The cheeky beggar!不要脸的家伙!3、The beggar shambled past us.那个乞丐脚蹭着地从我们身旁走过。4、He tossed the beggar a coin/tossed a coin to the beggar.他把一枚硬币扔给乞丐。5、The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise.那个众人眼中的乞丐,其实是化了装的警察。6、The beggar fastened his eyes on my money.那乞丐的眼睛牢牢地盯着我的钱。7、Clad in rags, he appears almost like a beggar.他衣衫褴褛,看上去几乎像个乞丐。8、He gave the beggar a few coppers.他给那乞丐几个铜币。9、The dog snarled at the beggar.狗对着乞丐嚎叫。10、Send that beggar away ; I"ve no money for him.把那个要饭的赶走,我没有钱给他。11、Give the beggar something.给乞丐一点东西吧。12、To the surprise of everybody, the beggar took out a bag of gold.使人人大吃一惊的是,这乞丐取出了一袋金子。13、I tossed a penny to the beggar.我扔给乞丐1便士。14、The beggar received trifle.那乞丐讨得少许钱。15、The beggar turned out to be a thief.那乞丐原来是个贼。16、The miser hardened his heart against the pleas of the beggar.那个吝啬的人对乞丐的恳求无动于衷。17、He was sorry that he had been unkind to the beggar.他因自己对那个乞丐不仁慈而内疚。18、The beggar had visions of wealth.那乞丐梦想发财。19、Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.昨天一个乞丐来敲我的门。
2023-06-20 04:21:411


beggar英[u02c8begu0259(r)] 美[u02c8bu025bɡu025a] n. 乞丐; 家伙; vt. 使贫困; 使无用; [例句]He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry.他警告说解除版权限制会使这个行业一贫如洗。[其他] 第三人称单数:beggars 复数:beggars 现在分词:beggaring过去式:beggared 形近词: eggar seggar begger
2023-06-20 04:22:111


2023-06-20 04:22:252


I play a beggar
2023-06-20 04:22:405


2023-06-20 04:22:561


2023-06-20 04:23:062


Carries, the people may see diverse is complex, the colorvariegated beggar picture to, on to the king, the writer talentedperson, gets down up to the common people, the swindler bandits andthieves, all mayBegs in these in the picture found, cannot help but makespeople think deeply.The beggar in our country antiquity writing, most early is appears bythe tone word. "Begs" in the golden writing meaning is the desire,requested that, simultaneously may use for the counter- righteousness,refers givesGives. "The beggar" makes "the sentence" (the gai beggar),makes the sacrificial offering in the animal bones and tortoise shellsoracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty to use the word, thedirectional God desire, if "honors the rain, the sentence to theriver", namely the rain greatly causes disaster, seeks strength to theriverGod. The beggar also may do gives righteousness, if "the HanHistory Western region Hands down" records: "And carries the meatdishes grain to the road, the beggar executes (bestowment to give) thepoor." The beggar two characters syntheses are a word use,Is starts from the Han Dynasty, moreover its original meaningstill retained begged and gives these two meanings. Therefore beforeSong Dynasty, the beggar two characters not yet use for to call askfor the food the person.Then, before Song Dynasty, how to begs for food the person is calls?According to "Mencius", "Lushih Chunchiu", "Liezi", "HistoricalRecords of the Eastern Han dynasty", "Cassiabarktree Park Collectionof essays or books" and so on secretaryCarries, has "乞人", "the beggar", "the beggar person","begs the rope" and so on the name. These names later still willcontinue in Song Dynasty to use, mostly continuously continued the endof the Qing."The beggar" a word uses for to call begs for food the person isstarts from Song Dynasty, like "Peaceful Broadly Records" centerdirects "Wang What one sees and hears" a speech, beggar and Ma Yi,liquorGuarantees, the commission makes and class of the slave traderplaces on a par. Also like "the Chuhsi Language Class" center alsorecorded as a result of the commodity economy development, in themarket to the paper money has replaced the coined money to circulateit at that timeAfter, some people morning or the rich merchant, eveningbecame has not had a thing in the world begs for food the beggar.
2023-06-20 04:23:131

A young idler,an old beggar什么意思?

2023-06-20 04:23:311

少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 用英文怎么翻译?

A young idler, an old beggar.
2023-06-20 04:23:393

a young idler an old beggar怎么读

2023-06-20 04:23:481


  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是我整理的有关高一的英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。   My little cousin is only ten, but he knows more than any students in his grade.   He likes puter games and he is crazy about music. When he is free, he always listens to music. He likes many kinds of music, like country music, pop music, jazz and classical music.   He hates noise, when it is very noisy, he will be very angry and shout until people bee quiet. So of course, he doesn"t like public places.   One day, I went shopping with him. On our way we saw a beggar. He thought the beggar was a drunk, and he wanted to tell him not to drink too much wine. But I told him that he was a beggar, he is very poor. To my surprise, he came in front of the beggar and gave him $5. Isn"t he kind?   He is like his father. They are both very kind and friendly, and a little funny. They both have big eyes and little mouth.   Although he is ten, his room is full of toy planes and toy buses.   This is my little cousin. Is he lovely?
2023-06-20 04:23:571


2023-06-20 04:24:073


2023-06-20 04:24:154


不知道你要答案还是原文,反正我原题给你找来了。Before India gained independence, a few young men from the villages wanted to free India from the foreign rule. They needed material wealth to【36】 the British out of India, so they started collecting 【37 】in the Indian village.One day, they got inspired to collect【38】 things as well. They went from door to door carrying a huge bag, which gradually was【39 】with coins and gifts. As they went, a one-legged beggar kept 【40】them, but the young men did not mind.At the 【41】 of the day, they entered a house to see【42】 they had collected. The beggar also wanted to enter, but since he was not a member of the group, they did not 【43】 him in. The beggar said to them: “I walked such a 【44】 distance right behind you. You want freedom; I also want freedom. Our motherland is not only your property but also my property.”【45】, the young men got mad and told the beggar to go away. Then one of the men felt 【46】for him, so they decided to 【47】him the things they had collected. 【48】 the beggar was looking at the gifts in their bag, most of them were showing no 【49】for him. Then suddenly the beggar opened up the bag that he had been carrying. It 【50】 a few coins and some rice. He threw all the contents into their bag without【51】 .At the sight of this, immediately, 【52】 of gratitude started to run down on all the members of the revolutionary group, because he had 【53】all that he had to their cause. On that day, they had visited so many rich families, who had given them next to【54】 . They were deeply【55】 by the beggar"s contribution. 36. A. grow B. help C. throw D. pick37. A. information B. seeds C. papers D. money38. A. material B. mental C. mysterious D. manual39. A. tired B. filled C. satisfied D. annoyed40. A. following B. beating C. cheating D. calling41. A. beginning B. front C. end D. middle42. A. how B. where C. why D. what43. A. drop B. allow C. promise D. engage44. A. long B. near C. little D. short45. A. Finally B. Basically C. Briefly D. Originally46. A. grateful B. patient C. sorry D. necessary47. A. serve B. show C. excite D. trouble48. A. While B. Since C. Although D. If49. A. courage B. interest C. respect D. disappointment50. A. included B. consisted C. held D. contained51. A. difficulty B. hesitation C. limits D. reasons52. A. laughter B. truth C. tears D. difference53. A. taken B. wasted C. lost D. given54. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything55. A. removed B. moved C. excited D. surprised【答案】36-40 CDABA 41-45 CDBAD 【解析】本文讲述了印度处于英国殖民统治时期时,一位单腿的乞丐为了自己国家的自由倾囊相助的故事。36. C。从上句内容可知为了获取自由,必须把英国殖民者从印度赶出去。37. D。根据第二段开头:革命者忽然想到可以同时募集物品,可知他们起初仅打算募集钱款。38. A。由后文gifts可知应是实物。39. B。革命者挨家挨户去拜访,他们所携带的一个大袋子很快装满了硬币和捐赠的实物。40. A。一个单腿的乞丐一直跟着这群年轻的革命者,但他们对他根本没有在意。41. C。在走了一天后,革命者们来到一所房子清点今天都收到了什么捐赠。42. D。解析同上。43. B。乞丐也想进入那座房子,但因为他不是他们中的一员,所以就被拒之门外。44. A。由第二段乞丐跟了他们一整天可知是走了很长的一段距离。45. D。根据下文语境,起初,这些年轻人对乞丐非常生气,要他马上离开。46. C。根据下文语境,其中的一个年轻人非常同情乞丐,决定让乞丐看看他们募集到的东西。47. B。解析同上。48. A。根据下文语境,当乞丐在看他们的东西时,大部分人对他不屑一顾。49. C。解析同上。50. D。乞丐打开自己的袋子,里面装着一些硬币和一些大米(乞丐所有的财产)。51. B。根据下文语境,乞丐把袋子里所有的东西毫不迟疑地倒在年轻革命者的袋子里。52. C。看到这一情形,所有在场的革命者都立刻留下了感激的泪水。53. D。乞丐把他所有的财富都奉献给了革命事业。54. A。在一天的募集活动中他们去了很多大财主家,可他们却一毛不拔。55. B。根据第五段第一句内容可知革命者被乞丐的爱国热情深深地感动了。
2023-06-20 04:24:243


呵呵,新概念英语3中的第六课Percy ButtonsI have just moved into a new house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, he stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away . Later, a neighbour told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
2023-06-20 04:24:332


2023-06-20 04:24:401