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Help Me (Get Over This Mountain) (Lp Version) 歌词

2023-06-20 06:41:41
TAG: nt
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歌曲名:Help Me (Get Over This Mountain) (Lp Version)
歌手:The Great Divide

Elvis Presley-Help Me
Lyrics/Music:Larry Gatlin
Lord, Help me walk
another mile, just one more mile;
I"m tired of walkin" all alone.
Lord, Help me smile
another smile, just one more smile;
You know I just can"t make it on my own.
I never thought I needed help before;
I thought that I could get by by myself.
But now I know I just can"t take it any more.
With a humble heart, on bended knee,
I"m beggin" You, please, Help Me.
Come down from Your golden
throne to me, to lowly me;
I need to feel the touch of Your tender hand.
Remove the chains of darkness
Let me see, Lord let me see;
Just where I fit into your master plan.
I never thought I needed help before;
I thought that I could get by by myself.
But now I know I just can"t take it any more.
With a humble heart, on bended knee,
I"m beggin" You, please, Help Me - - - -
With a humble heart, on bended knee,
I"m beggin" You, please, Help Me.




Beggin: 车库摇滚 车库摇滚Popmundo ... BeckySTaR 嘻哈音乐 beggo 流行音乐 benito 流行音乐 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -T beggin: 独立摇滚;传统爵士乐 独立摇滚Popmundo ... ...Well then ask for love 后朋克 T beggin 独立摇滚 Club 能量流行 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 传统爵士乐Popmundo ... T Best Kiss 慢摇滚 T Better Party 流行舞曲 Big Lesson 轻音乐 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -Beggin": 新浪潮 新浪潮Popmundo ... BeckySTaR 嘻哈音乐 beggo 流行音乐 benito 流行音乐 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -T beggin you: 黑色金属 黑色金属Popmundo ... T beggin you 黑色金属 Da Hoesta 哥特式金属 T ekinoks 黑色金属 ...基于2个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -Beggin‘ Back Mama: 调过头来乞求我 调过头来乞求我迈克尔·杰克逊歌词全收集(三) ... Don‘t You Come Walkin‘ 你还不是会 Beggin‘ Back Mama 调过头来乞求我 I Don‘t Care Anyway 我却毫不关心 ...基于3个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -Beggin"s Strips Original: 原味烟肉片 原味烟肉片调查:请问ol上面养宠物的JM们多吗?你们会给宠物... ...Biscuits Lamb & Rice Flavor 羊 肉 骨 型 饼Beggin"s Strips Original 原味烟肉片Beggin"s Strips Cheese 芝士味烟肉片 ...基于2个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -Beggin"s Strips Beef: 牛肉味烟肉片 牛肉味烟肉片调查:请问ol上面养宠物的JM们多吗?你们会给宠物... ...Beggin"s Strips Turkey & Bacon 火鸡味烟肉片Beggin"s Strips Beef 牛肉味烟肉片T-Bonz Dog Snack 原味T骨扒 ...基于3个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -Beggin please, baby please: 宝贝,求求你 宝贝,求求你hey juliet 奥斯巴林广告(LMNT) ...Girl you got me on my knees/我跪地恳求求求你了 Beggin please, baby please/宝贝,求求你 Got my best DJ on the radiowaves saying.../收音机里我最喜欢的流行音乐节目主持人说 ...基于10个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -Beggin"s Strips Cheese: 芝士味烟肉片 芝士味烟肉片调查:请问ol上面养宠物的JM们多吗?你们会给宠物... ...Beggin"s Strips Original 原味烟肉片Beggin"s Strips Cheese 芝士味烟肉片Beggin"s Strips Turkey & Bacon 火鸡味烟肉片 ...基于4个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -Don"t Come Beggin": 别来乞求;不要请求
2023-06-20 03:55:431

舞出我人生插曲begging 歌词

歌手: Madcon 歌曲: Beggin" Oh Put your loving hand out baby I"m beggin [Chorus] Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out baby Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out darling Ridin high, when I was king Played it hard and fast, cause I had everything Walked away, won me then But easy come and easy go And it would end So I eight tama dj let me go Eight tama vj get me know Eight tama sekeey let me know But, I played that sj let me go I"m on my knees when I"m (beggin) Couse I don"t want to lose (you) I got my heart on spett And I hope that my heart gets wet becouse I freak down a beck [Chorus] I need you, (yeeah) to understand Tried so hard To be your man The kind of man you want in the end Only then can I begin to live again An empty shell I used to be Shadow of my life Was hangin over me A broken man Without a throne Wont even stand the devils dance To win my soul I am a chocen why am a chaisen Boutam boutam, boutam plasment Why me got got shit on the brayslett Why then feel for that need a replacement Your the wrong way track from the good I wanna picka pickta having a good in jet Like a audience inn a dest-way should You can even the way have it to took the tampt anna Keep losing on keep dosinn on keep Boss befor not a call for sure Keep hoe Couse I don"t wanna live whit the broken home girl a neck [Chorus] I"m fighting hard To hold my own No, I just can"t make it All alone I"m holdin on I can"t fall back Now that big brass ring Is a shade of black [Chorus*3]
2023-06-20 03:56:241


2023-06-20 03:56:345


歌手:Madcon歌曲:开始"哦把你的爱失控婴儿我开始[合唱]首先,你开始把你的爱失控婴儿首先,你开始把你的爱失控的宠儿Ridin高,当我是国王赛很难快速,导致我的一切走开了,我当时赢得了不过,来得容易去而且,它还将结束因此,我8摩03让我走8个多摩让我知道南军8个多摩sekeey让我知道不过,我打的律政司司长让我走我对我的膝盖,当我(开始)病程我不想失去(你)我得到我的心就spett我希望我的心变湿了,因为我挥了一怪物[合唱]我需要你,(yeeah)了解竭尽所能,待你的男人该种男人你最终想要只有这样,我可以重新开始生活一个空壳我曾经是我生活的阴影是对我hangin破碎的男子没有宝座习惯甚至忍受魔鬼舞为了赢得我的灵魂我是一个霍岑为何我一chaisenBoutam boutam,boutam plasment为什么我得到了关于brayslett狗屎为什么感到需要更换你的错误的方式从良好的跟踪我想picka pickta有一个良好的喷射就像观众旅店一DeST的路要你甚至可以有它的方式来采取了tampt安娜继续继续保持dosinn失去老板befor不是要求肯定保持锄病程我不想生活在破碎的家庭,白衣少女脖子[合唱]我苦战为了保持我自己不,我不能让所有单我holdin上我不能后退现在,大铜戒指是一个黑色的阴影[合唱* 3]
2023-06-20 03:56:521


歌手:Madcon歌曲:开始"哦把你的爱失控婴儿我开始[合唱]首先,你开始把你的爱失控婴儿首先,你开始把你的爱失控的宠儿Ridin高,当我是国王赛很难快速,导致我的一切走开了,我当时赢得了不过,来得容易去而且,它还将结束因此,我8摩03让我走8个多摩让我知道南军8个多摩sekeey让我知道不过,我打的律政司司长让我走我对我的膝盖,当我(开始)病程我不想失去(你)我得到我的心就spett我希望我的心变湿了,因为我挥了一怪物[合唱]我需要你,(yeeah)了解竭尽所能,待你的男人该种男人你最终想要只有这样,我可以重新开始生活一个空壳我曾经是我生活的阴影是对我hangin破碎的男子没有宝座习惯甚至忍受魔鬼舞为了赢得我的灵魂我是一个霍岑为何我一chaisenBoutam boutam,boutam plasment为什么我得到了关于brayslett狗屎为什么感到需要更换你的错误的方式从良好的跟踪我想picka pickta有一个良好的喷射就像观众旅店一DeST的路要你甚至可以有它的方式来采取了tampt安娜继续继续保持dosinn失去老板befor不是要求肯定保持锄病程我不想生活在破碎的家庭,白衣少女脖子[合唱]我苦战为了保持我自己不,我不能让所有单我holdin上我不能后退现在,大铜戒指是一个黑色的阴影[合唱* 3]
2023-06-20 03:57:141


歌手 : Madcon 歌曲 : Begin Oh Put您爱实施婴孩 I上午开始 [合唱] Begin,开始您 Put您爱实施婴孩 Begin,开始您 Put您爱实施亲爱的 高的Ridin,当我是国王 Played它严格,起因我有一切 Walked,然后赢取我 But容易来和容易是 它将结束的And So我八tama dj让我走 Eight tama vj得到我知道 Eight tama sekeey告诉我 But,我使用sj让我走 在我的膝盖的I上午,当我是(时开始) 我不想要丢失的Couse (您) I得到了我的在spett的心脏 And我希望我的心脏得到湿,因为我变得极度兴奋在小河下[合唱] I需要您, (yeeah)了解 Tried那么艰苦 To是您的人 您在最后要的The种类人 Only然后能我开始再居住 An倒空壳 I曾经是 我的生活Shadow 在我的Was hangin A打破的人 Without王位 不甚而Will立场恶魔舞蹈 To胜利我的灵魂 I上午chocen为什么上午chaisen Boutam boutam, boutam plasment Why我得到了在brayslett的得到的粪 Why为那然后感到需要替换 Your从好错误方式轨道 I要对picka pickta有好在喷气机 Like观众旅店dest方式应该 You可能甚而方式有它采取了tampt安娜丢失在保留的保留dosinn的Keep Boss befor肯定不是电话 Keep锄 我不想要居住丝毫残破的家庭女孩脖子的Couse[合唱] 艰苦I上午战斗 To举行我自己 No,我就是不可能做它 单独All I上午holdin I不可能后退 ,即然大中奖的机会 Is少许黑色 [Chorus*3
2023-06-20 03:57:321

东方神起 begin 中文和音译歌词

Micky:泣【な】き たい时[とき]は泣【な】けばいいから ねえ 无理 【むり】はしないで 涙【なみだ】涸れ【かれ】たら 笑颜【えがお】はひらく ほら、もう笑【わら】ってる Xiah:戸惑【とまど】うのは未来【みらい】はあるか 眩し【まぶし】さにまけない、勇気【ゆうき】が欲し 【ほしい】 Hero:every day and night with you 小さ【ちいさ】な君【きみ】の手【て】を握り 【にぎり】しめるから every day every night every way つながる感触【かんしょく】をずっと确か【たしか】めよう 今 【いま】、物语 【ものがたり】はbegin U—know:瞳【ひとみ】反らし【そらし】てさけてるつもり でもぼくはすきだよ 离れ【はなれ】ていてもわかちあうもの そう 想い【おもい】があれば Xiah:昨曰【きのう】にまだ”さよなら”いえずに くすぐってる时间 【じかん】は无駄 【むだ】しにだけさ Hero:every day and night with you 冷め【さめ】ない微热 【びねつ】だけもて余し【あまし】ながら every day every night every way 二人のcontactをもっと重ね【かさね】よう 今【いま】、君【きみ】とぼくはbegin Max:本当【ほんとう】はぼくも同じ【おなじ】よ (baby I need your love, need your touch) (baby I need your love, need your touch, baby) 夜【よる】のくらにおびえてる (You tell me now) Xiah:でも一人【ひとり】じゃない Hero:every day and night with you ふるえる君【きみ】の手[て]を握り 【にぎり】しめるから every day every night any way つながる感触【かんしょく】をずっと确か【たしか】めよう 今 【いま】、物语 【ものがたり】はbeginevery day and night with you 冷め【さめ】ない微热 【びねつ】だけもて余し【あまし】ながら 二人【ふたり】の运命【うんめい】をそっと重ね【かさね】よう 今【いま】、二人【ふたり】だけでbegin Micky:泣きたい时は泣けばいいから 想哭的时候哭就好了 nakitaitokiwa nakebaiikara ねえ 无理はしないで 不要勉强 nee muriwashinaide 涙涸れたら 笑颜はひらく 当眼泪干涸的时候 笑容便会展开 namidakaretara egaogahiraku ほら、もう笑ってる 你看 已经在笑了 hora mouwaraateru Xiah:戸惑うのは未来はあるから 未来总会有忧郁不决 tomadounowa miraigaarukara 眩しさに负けない、勇気が欲しい 不要输给那晃眼的光 想要获得勇气 mafushisanimakenai yuukigahoshii Hero:every day and night with you 小さな君の手を握り缔めるから 我会握紧你纤小的手 chiisanakiminoteo nigirishimerukara every day every night every way つながる感触をずっと确かめよう一直确认这相牵的感觉吧 tsunagaru kanjokoo zuutotashikameyou 今、物语はbegin 现在 故事开始了 ima monogatariwa begin U—know:瞳反らして避けてるつもり 移开眼眸是为了逃避 hitomisorashite saketerutsumori でも仆は好きだよ 但是我很喜欢哦 demobokuwasukidayo 离れていても分かち合うもの 就算分离也能明白 hanareteitemo wakachiaumono そう 想いがあれば 没错 只要有思念 sou omoigaareba Xiah:昨日にまだ”さよなら”言えずに 还未能对昨日说再见 kinounimada sayonara iezuni くすぐってる时间は无駄しにだけさ 闲晃的时间也只是无用 kusuguuterujikanwa mudashinidakesa Hero:every day and night with you 冷めない微热だけ持て余しながら 边保留这仅存还未冷却的微热 samenai binetsudake moteamashinagara every day every night every way 二人のcontactをもっと重ねよう 让两人的接触加深吧 futari no cantact o mouto kasaneyou 今、君と仆はbegin 现在 我和你开始了 ima kimitobokuwa begin Max:本当はぼくも同じよ 实际上我也是一样 hondowa bokumo onnajidayo (baby I need your love, need your touch) (baby I need your love, need your touch, baby) 夜の暗におびえてる 同样恐惧着夜晚的幽暗 yorunoyamini obieteru (You tell me now) Xiah:でも一人じゃない 不过我不是一个人 demo hitorijanai Hero:every day and night with you ふるえる君の手を握り缔めるから 我会握紧你颤抖的手 furueru kiminoteo nigirishimerukara every day every night any way つながる感触をずっと确かめよう 一直确认这相牵的感觉吧 tsunagaru kanjokuo zuutotashikameyou 今、物语はbegin 现在 故事开始了 ima monogatari wa begin every day and night with you 冷めない微热だけ持て余しながら 边保留这仅存还未冷却的微热 samenai binetsudake moteamashinagara every day every night every way 二人の运命をそっと重ねよう 让两人的命运重合吧 futari no unmeio soutokasaneyou 今、二人だけでbegin 现在 就我们两人一起开始 ima futaridakede begin
2023-06-20 03:57:402

Beggin Madcon歌词

Oooooh-Put your loving hand out, babyI"m begginBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out babyBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out darlinRidin high, when I was kingPlayed it hard and fast, cause I had everythingWalked away, won me thenBut easy come and easy goAnd it would endSo why anytime i bleed you let me goAnytime i reach you get me lowAnytime i seek you let me knowBut I pry what i seek just let me goI"m on my knees when I"m (beggin")Cause I don"t wanna lose you(you)I got my arms so spreadI hope that my heart gets fed---?Beggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out, babyBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out darlinI need you, (yeeah) to understandTried so hardTo be your manThe kind of man you want in the endOnly then can I begin to live againAn empty shellI used to beShadow of my lifeWas hangin over meA broken manWithout a throneWon"t even stand the devils danceTo win my soulWhat we doing what we chasin"Why the bottom, why the plasementWhy we got good shit don"t embrace itWhy the feel for that need a replacementYour on the wrong way track from the goodI wanna paint in a picture tell it what we could but yeahLike that hole in the ???? shouldYou"re not giving away your habbits and it"s trueYou payed for thatBut I"m Keep walking on keep open doors he blocked beforeWithout the cowardice you all keep loosin" hopeCause i don"t wanna live in a broken home girl i"m begginBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out, babyBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out darlinI"m fighting hardTo hold my ownNo, I just can"t make itAll aloneI"m holdin onI can"t fall backNow that big brass ringIs a shade of blackBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out, babyBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out darlinBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out, babyBeggin, beggin youPut your loving hand out darlin
2023-06-20 03:57:472


Madcon是来自挪威的都市嘻哈团体,在挪威一直算是家喻户晓的了,随着他们的音乐进入欧洲市场,后来在欧洲很多国家也名声大噪;他们正是通过单曲Beggin的发行取得了国际市场的成功;他们的单曲和其它合辑在全球范围内已有上百万的销量。。。其实首版Beggin是流行摇滚乐队The Four Seasons在1967年的专辑New Gold Hits的第二首单曲,当年排行榜最高到了第16位,算是一首“老”流行摇滚乐。。。在2007年,来自法国的DJ,Pilooski重新编辑并发行了这首歌,在英国排行榜名列32位,舞曲排行榜达到第一位;值得注意的是,Pilooski并未对这首歌添加或修改任何乐器,也未对它进行重新演唱;Pilooski完全只是对当年的版本添加和改变了声音效果,使它的曲风更舞曲化。。。同样在2007年,Madcon重新演绎发行了全新版本的Beggin,所有乐器由3Elementz演奏,Madcon献声;最终拿下排行榜冠军,成为当年挪威年度最佳销量的单曲,并顺利获得了许多将项;Madcon作为一个都市嘻哈团体,曲风当然是充斥着现代嘻哈的感觉,但出自北欧的Madcon曲风又与当代美国嘻哈乐略有差异;差异也许在于地域、民族、文化的不同对音乐表现手法影响的不同吧,这个我也没有研究过,毕竟嘻哈乐的下分支太多,我的水平很难讲到底Beggin是哪类的嘻哈。。。楼主要是喜欢这首歌可以找找听听其它两个版本比较一下,希望我的解释可以帮到你^^
2023-06-20 03:57:551

求Macdon ——Begging 中文歌词?

把你的爱的手了,宝贝我beggin你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱把婴儿你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手出褐痣Ridin高,当我是上帝很牢靠,因为我拥有一切我走开了,赢了吧但来得容易去得也快它将结束那么为什么每当我流血,你就让我去吧无论何时,只要我找到你给我低无论何时,只要我找你让我知道但我撬我所寻求的只是让我走我在我的膝盖当我)(歌词- - -因为我不想失去你(你)我得到了我的手臂,蔓延我希望我的心得到喂养- - -怎么样?你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手了,宝贝你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手出褐痣我需要你,(yeeah)理解竭尽全力是你的男人你想要的那种人了只有我能开始新生活吧一个空壳我曾经是我生命的阴影是我hangin一个心碎的男人没有宝座甚至不会忍受恶魔跳舞赢得我的灵魂我们做我们chasin "为什么,为什么plasement底部为什么我们有良好的大便不接受它吗为什么觉得那需要一个人接替辞职吗你走错路痕迹好我想画一张照片中我们可以告诉它不过是呀就像那个洞在? ? ? ?应该你不送你习惯,这是真的你花费了那但我一直走在保持开启一扇门,他堵住了之前没有你一直loosin怯懦的希望因为我不想生活在一个破裂的家庭的女孩,我很beggin你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手了,宝贝你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手出褐痣我努力对抗握住我的不,我刚好有事不能躬逢其盛独自一人我holdin在我不能撤退现在大铜管的戒指是一种黑色的阴影你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手了,宝贝你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手出褐痣你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手了,宝贝你Beggin Beggin,把你的爱的手出褐痣
2023-06-20 03:59:291

哪位大虾知道有一首BREAKING音乐叫什么BEGIN来着的,里面的歌词是什么I CAN I CAN的,找不到啊,帮帮忙啊

东方神起 - 《begin》
2023-06-20 03:59:502


2023-06-20 03:59:595

谁能帮回答一下这首英文歌开头的那段说唱的英文DJ TrickDuan beggin(remix)

Ooh, put your lovin" hand out babyI"m beggin".......... 2 Beggin", put your lovin" hand out babyBeggin" you, put your lovin" hand out babyRidin" high, when I was king.! Played it hard and fast cos" I had everythingYou walked away, won me thenBut easy come and easy go and it would endnetI"m beggin" you, won"t you put your hand out baby,I"m beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out babyI need you to understandThat I tried so hard to be your manOnly then can I begin to live again.An empty shell / used - to -be / shadow of my lifeIs hangin" over meBroken man, without a throneRBroken man,Won"t even stand the devil"s dance to win my soulJI"m beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out baby,Beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out babyI"m fightin" hard to hold my ownBut I just can"t make it onmy owI"m holdin" on, I can"t fall backNow that big brass ring is a shade of blackI"m beggin" you, put your lovin hand out baby,Beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out baby.
2023-06-20 04:00:261


2023-06-20 04:00:351

电影 随波逐流中的插曲,在瀑布游泳那里的一段插曲,和最...

《随波逐流》中,在瀑布游泳, 女人跳下水时候的歌曲, 名字是《beggin》, madcon-geggin. 百度——MP3,输上名字就看到了。 希望能帮到你
2023-06-20 04:00:501

英文歌中间有段美音baby baby oh~~的。不是JB唱的,在炫舞青春中有出现,街舞歌曲。

2023-06-20 04:00:573


2023-06-20 04:01:041

A NEW START 和A NEW BEGGIN 谁更符合 新的开始 的意思?

A NEW START 指生活等中的一个新开始。e.g. This gave him a new start in life.这(件事)给了他的生活一个新的开始。A NEW BEGGIN 拼写错误,A new beginning也可以理解成一个新的开始,其中beginning是begin的ing形式,它本身就是指开始/端/事物的初级阶段,通常不和new连用。参见下列例子:A bad beginning makes a bad ending.[谚]不善始者不善终。A good beginning is half the battle.良好的开端是成功的一伴。A good beginning makes a good ending.[谚]欲善其终必先善其始。at the beginning从一开始; 开始; 起初; 首先at the beginning of在...初Everything must have a beginning.[谚]凡事都有个开头。from beginning to end从头到尾, 自始自终from first to last从头到尾, 自始自终In every beginning think of the end.[谚]未做一事先思其结果。
2023-06-20 04:01:131


【第五季第25集】开场10秒 - 1分04秒时,也就是镜头转到黑人社区里的时候,这里的背景音乐是Mack 10的<LIKE THIS> (Ft. Nate Dogg)7分57秒,在现场采集证据的时候,背景音乐是Radiohead的<Jigsaw Falling Into Place>以下是这两首歌的下载地址:【第六季第01集】开场第2分钟,放完前情回顾和片花之后,那个背景音乐是Fink的<SEE IT ALL>25分04秒,Sid和Hawkes在检查死者身上取出来的玻璃碎片时,背景音乐是Freeland的<DO YOU>这里是这两首歌的下载地址:【第六季第02集】第8分40秒,Hawkes在检查那辆车时,背景音乐是Juster的<BOOM BOOM BOOM>这里是这首歌的下载地址:【第六季第05集】楼主说的“11.06--12.30--14.20 ”这段,11分06秒到12分30秒是一段纯音乐,这首歌没有找到。12分30秒到14分20秒这段的街舞比赛里,背景音乐是另外一首有人声的歌,这首歌是Madcon的<Beggin>这里是<Beggin>的下载地址:
2023-06-20 04:01:201


歌名:Beggin 歌手:Madcon你看看是不是歌词:OhPut your loving hand out babyI"m begginBeggin beggin youPut your loving hand out babyBeggin beggin youPut your loving hand out darlingRidin high when I was kingPlayed it hard and fast cause I had everythingWalked away won me thenBut easy come and easy goAnd it would endSo I eight tama dj let me goEight tama vj get me knowEight tama sekeey let me knowBut I played that sj let me goI"m on my knees when I"mCouse I don"t want to loseI got my heart on spettAnd I hope that my heart gets wet becouse I freak down a beckI need you to understandTried so hardTo be your manThe kind of man you want in the endOnly then can I begin to live againAn empty shellI used to beShadow of my lifeWas hangin over meA broken manWithout a throneWont even stand the devils danceTo win my soulI am a chocen why am a chaisenBoutam boutam boutam plasmentWhy me got got shit on the brayslettWhy then feel for that need a replacementYour the wrong way track from the goodI wanna picka pickta having a good in jetLike a audience inn a dest-way shouldYou can even the way have it to took the tampt annaKeep losing on keep dosinn on keepBoss befor not a call for sureKeep hoeCouse I don"t wanna live whit the broken home girl a neckI"m fighting hardTo hold my ownNo I just can"t make itAll aloneI"m holdin onI can"t fall backNow that big brass ringIs a shade of black
2023-06-20 04:01:292


2023-06-20 04:01:374


2023-06-20 04:01:571

Olympus广告主题曲hey julia是哪个乐队唱的?

2023-06-20 04:02:041


lambert翻译成中文:兰伯特。Lambert,男,出生于江苏省南通市,95后新锐说唱歌手。隶属于北京微粒文化传媒有限公司旗下厂牌Flowsixteen。2021年8月参加芒果TV自制说唱音乐综艺《说唱听我的第二季》销敏。2019年4月发布第一首原创单曲《BEGGIN》。6月和十七草合作发布单曲《Young Boss》。8月发布自填rap词版本的《不得不爱》,11月和杨胖雨合作,发布全新rap填词版本的《没有理由》。2020年发布原创单曲《想说》和全新版本的《Young Boss2.0》。参加抖音举办“看不见”线上音乐会。并在综艺《天赐的声音第亏岁枝二季》,与和赵泳鑫合作带来了热单《清空》的rap改编版本。2021年4月发布全新专辑《X》的先行曲《等待》 。8月参加芒果TV自制说唱音乐综艺《说唱听我的第二季》,和中国内地流行乐女歌手单依纯组成了说唱双子星,在节目中参与制作雀磨并演唱了《3分45秒》、《降噪》、《Moon Talk (月光专线)》和《Sunrise》等歌曲。
2023-06-20 04:02:131

求一首应该是最近的英文歌名字。男声,高潮歌词是baby baby put y,其他的是rap说唱听

can"t take my eyes off you
2023-06-20 04:02:385


amy diamond <heartbeats>
2023-06-20 04:02:535

if you go歌词是什么

i dont think im gonna want you back 我不觉得我会想要你回到我身边cause i know it wont be easy like that 因为我知道你不会就这么容易(回到我身边)dont come around and make me feel bad 不要再出现在我身边,让我的心情变差cause you know we both got no place to go 因为你知道我们将无处可去i dont think im gonna play your games 我不觉得我会加入你的‘游戏"its only gonna end one way (这‘游戏")最后只会有一种结局things are always gonna be the same 什么事都不会改变滴if you never want to let me know 如果你从来不想让我知道(的话)back back turn it around, ound 后退 后退 旋转 旋转up and youre down down 向上 ,可你却在向下just let me know 请告诉我in in in or you out 是加入还是退出oh its killing me now 哦天,它在折磨着我if you"de just let me go 如果你让我离开(的话)nothin to save me now 现在没什么能拯救我的not when you"re crashing down 起码不是在你崩溃的时候somebody break me out 有人将解救我theres nothin to run for 已经不需再逃避了cause baby we"re done for 因为 亲耐滴 我们会玩儿完滴if you dont let let let me go(可)如果你不让我让我让我离开if you dont let let let me go (可)如果你不让我让我让我离开i dont wanna lose lose lose control 我不想失去失去失去控制but you dont let let let me go 但是你不肯让我让我让我离开now you call me on the telaphone 现在你给我打的电话一直响only want me when youre all alone (你打电话给我是因为)你只在觉得寂寞的时候才会需要我turn the car around and drive back home 调转(车的)方向头然后开回家cause youre never gonna let me know 因为你从不让我知道and evrynight that you fall asleep 每个你熟睡的夜晚while youre dreamin of me 当你梦到我的时候im beggin you to set me free 求求你给我自由吧im beggin you to let me go 求求你让我离开吧back back turn it around, ound 后退 后退 旋转 旋转up and youre down down 向上,可你却在向下just let me know 请告诉我in in in or you out 是加入还是退出oh its killing me now 哦天,它在折磨着我if you"de just let me go 如果你让我离开(的话)nothin to save me now 现在没什么能拯救我的not when you"re crashing down 起码不是在你崩溃的时候somebody break me out 有人将解救我theres nothin to run for 已经不需再逃避了cause baby we"re done for 因为 亲耐滴 我们会玩儿完滴if you dont let let let me go (可)如果你不让我让我让我离开if you dont let let let me go (可)如果你不让我让我让我离开i dont wanna lose lose lose control 我不想失去失去失去控制but you dont let let let me go 但是你不肯让我让我让我离开i waited patiently i know you got a place for me 我耐心的等待,因为我知道你会给我一个结局im blinded by the light so im letting you know-o-o-o-o 灯光刺痛了我的眼睛,至此,我想要你知道you mean so much to me, youre everything i wanna be 你之于我是如此重要,你就是俺的‘一切"but now youre taking it away from me 但素,现在你竟将我的‘一切"带走了im letting you know 让我现在告诉你nothin to save me now 现在没什么能拯救我的not when you"re crashing down 起码不是在你崩溃的时候somebody break me out 有人将会解救我theres nothin to run for 已经不需再逃避了cause baby we"re done for 因为 亲耐滴 我们会玩儿完滴if you dont let let let me go (可)如果你不让我让我让我离开if you dont let let let me go (可)如果你不让我让我让我离开i dont wanna lose lose lose control 我不想失去失去失去控制but you dont let let let me go 但是你不肯让我让我让我离开if you dont let let let me go (可)如果你不让我让我让我离开if you dont let let let me go (可)如果你不让我让我让我离开i dont wanna lose lose lose control 我不想失去失去失去控制but you dont let let let me go 但是你不肯让我让我让我离开呼,总算翻完了,纯手工翻译的哦,希望你满意哈。
2023-06-20 04:03:081


男人喝吧不是醉,心中的苦谁能体会。这歌叫什么歌名, 男人何把不罪心中的痛谁能体会是什么歌名 歌曲: 男人喝吧不是醉 歌手: 海生 歌词: 人生就像那烈酒一杯 有苦有甜有喜有悲 人后自己默默受的罪 只为人前的那个贵 都说做男人真的好累 担当的压力让你憔悴 干了一杯又再来一杯 谁不知道伤肝也伤胃 男人喝吧不是醉 心中的苦谁能体会 只有酒精明白我的累 是是非非谁错谁对 男人喝吧不是醉 爱过痛过都无所谓 再苦再难都笑颜相对 酸甜苦辣人生百味 都说做男人真的好累 担当的压力让你憔悴 干了一杯又再来一杯 谁不知道伤肝也伤胃 男人喝吧不是醉 心中的苦谁能体会 只有酒精明白我的累 是是非非谁错谁对 男人喝吧不是醉 爱过痛过都无所谓 再苦再难都笑颜相对 酸甜苦辣人生百味 男人喝吧不是醉 心中的苦谁能体会 只有酒精明白我的累 是是非非谁错谁对 男人喝吧不是醉 爱过痛过都无所谓 再苦再难都笑颜相对 酸甜苦辣人生百味 再苦再难都笑颜相对 酸甜苦辣人生百味 我只想喝醉 男人的苦你不懂 这首是什么歌名 《男人的苦女人不清楚》 - 金久哲 歌词:男人的苦只有自己最清楚 奔波忙碌为了理想和前途 四海为家经历坎坷无数 做为男人就要挺住 异乡的路缺少不了吃苦 再苦再累也从不向人倾诉 夜深人静一个人偷偷的哭 不是这首的话就到威信平台:每晚睡前音乐 为你解答,更多好音乐尽在每晚睡前音乐 这歌叫什么歌名? 歌词介绍:你背着我的心,给着她安慰,那感觉累不累。我的嘴,吃过你的亏,吻过你的眉,有没有她的泪。请不要给我一脸灰,我就能像野花娇媚,宁愿三个人一个约会,假如没有一段情完美,六只手就十全十美,你翅膀一路飞,感情两边给,我为你,一颗心喝醉,这样子美不美… “我不是会回头能忍住不哭,也会忍受心中的苦.也会学着说不”歌名叫什么 不哭歌手:赵凯 所属专辑:《柏拉图广场》镜子里看自己,有一点点的迟疑 我和你的距离,永远都不可预计 付出了许多东西,委屈了自己 含着苦涩的泪滴,却没了勇气 我不是回回头能忍住不哭 坚强背后也会有孤独 我不是回回头能忍住不哭 不是所有的都能看清楚 我不是回回头能忍住不哭 也会忍受不住心中的苦 也会学着去说不 你给我的记忆,难得一见的甜蜜 黑夜里问自己,值不值得去珍惜 付出了许多东西,委屈了自己 含着苦涩的泪滴,却没了勇气 我不是回回头能忍住不哭 坚强背后也会有孤独 我不是回回头能忍住不哭 不是所有的都能看清楚 我不是回回头能忍住不哭 也会忍受不住心中的苦 也会学着去说不 夜听!心里的苦,谁能懂?插曲歌名叫什么 离开的理由 演唱:牛奶咖啡 有没有这样一首歌 就让你想起我 想起了 属于我们的生活 这一次含着泪选择 虽然舍不得 却固执地 去寻找全新的生活 也许我要的只是一个理由 去宽容了彼此的心 哪怕是借口 直到最后的一秒 你才放开我的手 给了我离开的理由 没有力气拯救 直到最后的一秒 你才紧紧拥抱了我 却在分开了以后 才明白真爱不一定要拥有 没当你唱起这首歌 会不会想起我 想起了 属于我们的生活 这一次含着泪选择 虽然舍不得 却固执地 去寻找全新的生活 也许我要的只是一个理由 去宽容了彼此的心 哪怕是借口 直到最后的一秒 你才放开我的手 给了我离开的理由 没有力气拯救 直到最后的一秒 你才紧紧拥抱了我 却在分开了以后 才明白真爱不一定要拥有 我和你 都看不透 要自由 也渴望长久 爱一个人 不懂得保留 直到最后的一秒 你才放开我的手 给了我离开的理由 没有力气拯救 直到最后的一秒 你才紧紧拥抱了我 却在分开了以后 才明白真爱不一定要拥有 这歌叫什么歌名 歌手? Madcon Beggin" :tudou./programs/view/nxC7E-FWgj8/2 这歌词叫什么歌名? 歌曲名称:夏日倾情 - 专辑名称:88极品精选 出版年代:1988年 发行公司:环球唱片 语言类别:粤语 歌手姓名:黎明 歌手类别:香港男歌手 是你吗? 手执鲜花的一个 你我会在梦里 暗中相约在这夏 承诺站在夕阳后 斜阳别你渐离去 盼你会来静听我的心里面说话 每天我衷心祝祷 祈求夏季快来到 你会否也像我 我已深爱着你 见你一面也好 缓我念挂 你我最爱沿路唱 以歌声代替说话 这首歌在梦里面完全为你而唱 如今我只想你见你一面也好缓我念挂你应该知道你应该感到谁人爱你 歌曲名称:夏日倾情 - 专辑名称:88极品精选 出版年代:1988年 发行公司:环球唱片 语言类别:粤语 歌手姓名:黎明 歌手类别:香港男歌手 是你吗? 手执鲜花的一个 你我会在梦里 暗中相约在这夏 承诺站在夕阳后 斜阳别你渐离去 亦会不归家 期待我吗? 是你吗? 能否轻轻转身吗? 盼你会来静听我的心里面说话 每天我衷心祝祷 祈求夏季快来到 让这么一刻燃亮爱吧! I LOVE YOU 你会否听见吗? 你会否也像我 秒秒期待遥远仲夏 I LOVE YOU 你不敢相信吗? 我已深爱着你 见你一面也好 缓我念挂 是你吗? 能哼出这首歌吗? 你我最爱沿路唱 以歌声代替说话 这首歌在梦里面完全为你而唱 让我的声音 陪着你吧! I LOVE YOU 你不敢相信吗? 如今我只想你 见你一面也好 缓我念挂 你应该知道 你应该感到 谁人爱你 …让你尝尽所有的苦与悲,才能体会真情可贵… 这歌谁唱的?歌名是什么? 遗憾 - 巫启贤 别再说是谁的错 让一切成灰 除非放下心中的负累 一切难以挽回 你总爱让往事跟随 怕过去白费 你总以为要体会人生 就要多爱几回 与其让你在我怀中枯萎 宁愿你犯错后悔 让你飞向梦中的世界 留我独自伤悲 与其让你在我爱中憔悴 宁愿你受伤流泪 莫非要你尝尽了苦悲 才懂真情可贵 别再说是谁的错 让一切成灰 除非放下心中的负累 一切难以挽回 你总爱让往事跟随 怕过去白费 你总以为要体会人生 就要多爱几回 与其让你在我怀中枯萎 宁愿你犯错后悔 让你飞向梦中的世界 留我独自伤悲 与其让你在我爱中憔悴 宁愿你受伤流泪 莫非要你尝尽了苦悲 才懂真情可贵 与其让你在我怀中枯萎 宁愿你犯错后悔 让你飞向梦中的世界 留我独自伤悲 与其让你在我爱中憔悴 宁愿你受伤流泪 莫非要你尝尽了苦悲 才懂真情可贵 莫非要你尝尽了苦悲 才懂真情可贵 才懂真情可贵
2023-06-20 04:03:161

美国电影压榨的主题曲 是哪首歌

Johnny Paycheck She"s All I Got歌手:Johnny Paycheck
2023-06-20 04:03:278


《beggin》Ooh, put your lovin" hand out baby亲爱的宝贝,我麻烦你伸出你那可爱的手I"m beggin"..........我麻烦你……2 Beggin", put your lovin" hand out baby麻烦,请伸出你那可爱的手,宝贝Beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out baby我麻烦你宝贝,请伸出你那双可爱的手Ridin" high, when I was king.!当我是个国王,骑在高高的马上时,Played it hard and fast cos" I had everything,强劲而有力的骑着,这时的我拥有一切You walked away, won me then然而你慢慢走过,立刻赢得了我的芳心But easy come and easy go and it would end但是来得快去得也快,这很快就会结束I"m beggin" you, won"t you put your hand out baby,我麻烦你,难道你会不伸出你的手?I"m beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out baby我麻烦你,伸出你那可爱的手I need you to understand我需要你的理解That I tried so hard to be your man我已经很努力的来成为你的男人,The kinda man you want in the end那个你最终需要的好男人,Only then can I begin to live again.只有到那个时候我才能重新复活。An empty shell / used - to -be / shadow of my life这个空空的贝壳(曾经)让我的生活阴霾,Is hangin" over me它威胁到我了么?Broken man, without a throneRBroken man,没有了王位,Won"t even stand the devil"s dance to winmy soul难道从来没有像群魔狂舞那样夺取我的灵魂,JI"m beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out baby,我麻烦你,宝贝伸出你那双可爱的手,Beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out baby麻烦你,宝贝请伸出你那双可爱的手I"m fightin" hard to hold my own我很艰难的一个人在承受,But I just can"t make it on my own但是我一个人承受不了,I"m holdin" on, I can"t fall back我仍然坚持着,我不能后退,Now that big brass ring is a shade of black.现在皇冠就是黑色的阴影。I"m beggin" you, put your lovin hand out baby,我麻烦你,宝贝伸出你那双可爱的手Beggin" you, put your lovin" hand out baby.麻烦你,伸出你那双可爱的手。
2023-06-20 04:04:001


歌手: Madcon 歌曲: Beggin" Oh Put your loving hand out baby I"m beggin [Chorus] Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out baby Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out darling Ridin high, when I was king Played it hard and fast, cause I had everything Walked away, won me then But easy come and easy go And it would end So I eight tama dj let me go Eight tama vj get me know Eight tama sekeey let me know But, I played that sj let me go I"m on my knees when I"m (beggin) Couse I don"t want to lose (you) I got my heart on spett And I hope that my heart gets wet becouse I freak down a beck [Chorus] I need you, (yeeah) to understand Tried so hard To be your man The kind of man you want in the end Only then can I begin to live again An empty shell I used to be Shadow of my life Was hangin over me A broken man Without a throne Wont even stand the devils dance To win my soul I am a chocen why am a chaisen Boutam boutam, boutam plasment Why me got got shit on the brayslett Why then feel for that need a replacement Your the wrong way track from the good I wanna picka pickta having a good in jet Like a audience inn a dest-way should You can even the way have it to took the tampt anna Keep losing on keep dosinn on keep Boss befor not a call for sure Keep hoe Couse I don"t wanna live whit the broken home girl a neck [Chorus] I"m fighting hard To hold my own No, I just can"t make it All alone I"m holdin on I can"t fall back Now that big brass ring Is a shade of black [Chorus*3]
2023-06-20 04:04:071


不知道是不是这首Oooooh -把你的爱伸出手,婴儿我开始首先,你开始把你的爱手出婴儿首先,你开始把你的爱了,亲爱的手坐车的高,当时我是国王发挥它一成不变,因为我拥有一切走开,我赢得了那么但容易来容易,去得也快它会结束[约瑟夫沃尔德-玛丽亚姆][Tshawe Baqwa:]首先,你开始把你的爱伸出手,婴儿首先,你开始把你的爱了,亲爱的手[约瑟夫沃尔德-玛丽亚姆:]我需要你,(yeeah)了解尝试这么难要成为你的男人人的那种你希望在最后只有这样,我开始重新生活[Tshawe Baqwa:]一个空壳我曾经是我生命中的阴影是对我的犹豫不决破碎的人没有宝座甚至不会忍受魔鬼舞为了赢得我的灵魂[约瑟夫沃尔德-玛丽亚姆][Tshawe Baqwa:]首先,你开始把你的爱伸出手,婴儿首先,你开始把你的爱了,亲爱的手[约瑟夫沃尔德-玛丽亚姆:]我苦战为了保持自己的不,我不能让独自我holdin上我不能后退现在,大铜戒指是黑色遮阳[Tshawe Baqwa:]首先,你开始把你的爱伸出手,婴儿首先,你开始把你的爱了,亲爱的手首先,你开始把你的爱伸出手,婴儿首先,你开始把你的爱了,亲爱的手首先,你开始把你的爱伸出手,婴儿首先,你开始把你的爱了,亲爱的手
2023-06-20 04:04:153


2023-06-20 04:04:523


2023-06-20 04:05:131


伍 优 no 埋 内以福 挨 梭 优 因 嘿稳威尔 优 逼 的 塞以福 挨 梭 优 因 嘿稳挨 马斯特 逼 死壮 按 凯瑞 昂渴死 挨 no 挨 洞 逼浪黑尔 因 嘿稳伍 优 厚 买 汉德以福 挨 梭 优 因 嘿稳伍 优 黑尔普 咪 死但以福 挨 梭 优 因 嘿稳挨 威尔 抚爱的 买 威 死路 耐特 按 嘚渴死 挨 no 挨 抓斯特 看 死嘚黑尔 因 嘿稳泰 看 不灵 优 no泰 看 搬得 若 逆泰 看 布瑞克 若 哈特哈抚 优 逼紧 普利斯逼紧 普利斯比样 的 多 戴尔斯 批死 挨 M 说昂 挨 no 戴尔 威尔 逼 no 莫 踢尔斯因 嘿稳伍 优 no 买 内以福 挨 梭 优 因 嘿稳威尔 优 逼 的 塞 以福 挨 梭 优 因 嘿稳挨 马斯特 逼 死壮 按 凯瑞 昂渴死 挨 no 挨 洞 逼浪黑尔 因 嘿稳渴死 挨 no 挨 洞 逼浪黑尔 因 嘿稳
2023-06-20 04:05:311

急求beat again英文谐音歌词!

Beat AgainDamnThe Doctor"s just finishedtelling me there"s no timeLosing you could bethe end of me and that IShould do the thingsthat I wanna do how could IWithout you, without you, ooh, oohCos you"re the only I let inTell me how to stopthis feeling spreadingI"m hoping somehowthat you know, ooh, oohLet"s just get back togetherWe should"ve never broke upThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWe should have stayed togetherCos when you left me it stoppedThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meIf I died,Yeah would you come tomy funeral would you cryWould you feel some regretthat we didn"t tryOr would you fall apartthe same as I, I, I, IAnd would it always haunt you babyThat you missed your chance to save meCos you know it"s not too lateLet"s just get back togetherWe should have never broke upThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWe should have stayed togetherCos when you left me it stoppedThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meI need you back in my armsI need love CPRCos it"s getting so cold, oohI need you back againOr else I"ll never mendAnd girl if I go, I go, I go, I goLet"s just get back togetherWe should have never broke upThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWe should have stayed togetherCos when you left me it stoppedThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meI"m beggin" please don"t let me goI"m beggin" please don"t let me goI"m beggin" please don"t let me goI"m beggin" please don"t let me goI"m beggin" please don"t let me go
2023-06-20 04:05:452

leave me lone 的英文歌词(完整版)

请注明歌手名 并核对准确歌名
2023-06-20 04:06:123

baby_got_back 中文歌词

2023-06-20 04:06:312

Big Black Train 歌词

歌曲名:Big Black Train歌手:Mims专辑:Music Is My SaviorMims - Big Black Trainugh ugh ughshortie wanna ridedont worry bout a carcus u can take a ride on my big black trainill scoop you up wherever that you arefrom under your mans arm hes just that lameand we gon be rollin rollin choo choo chooinNY ATL LA Houstonnow all the lil shorties like he got gamethey beggin for a ride on my big black trainnow some like whips and some like chainsbut her she got a thing for that big black trainnot just a metaphor to how im ridin on tracksfrom up north to down south wit niggas ridin in lack"ssince i dropped i got the whole world ridin ma backto much chit chat is he back pack or is he gimmickylyricaly hes sick he know the ring of remedysjealousy breathes envy got alot of enemysshorties i probly wife i keep alot of those toobitches all in my pockets i know alot of hoes tooill yellin all aboard they takin off they clothes tooyou tryna figure why and i already told youmost chicks is infatuaed with all my vocalsniggas hate in the hood cus im no longer localall around the world got ladies screamin ma nameand for what they lookin for a ride on my big black trainshortie wanna ridedont worry bout a carcus u can take a ride on my big black trainill scoop you up wherever that you arefrom under your mans arm hes just that lameand we gon be rollin rollin choo choo chooinNY ATL LA Houstonnow all the lil shorties like he got gamethey beggin for a ride on my big black traini aint got spinners im a winner by naturei cant stand a broad thas just into ma paperyou find me in the club sippin henny no chaserif i dont hit it now i bet im hittin that latasee when i swing thru the bling i bring thrubrightin up the room turnin everything blueand everything new is everything newcant choose to and everything you aint used tonow have you eva seen a nigga lay his game downhop off the leer jet come thru and bring the train roundim just playin with the game see its a shame nowthey say im cocky since industry know my name nowbut now its back on board see off to my train we gocheck a id make sure that this thing legalshe gave me head crack and i aint talkin bout cee-loi hit her same day man thats word on ma peopleshortie wanna ridedont worry bout a carcus u can take a ride on my big black trainill scoop you up wherever that you arefrom under your mans arm hes just that lameand we gon be rollin rollin choo choo chooinNY ATL LA Houstonnow all the lil shorties like he got gamethey beggin for a ride on my big black trainshortie wanna ridedont worry bout a carcus u can take a ride on my big black trainill scoop you up wherever that you arefrom under your mans arm hes just that lameand we gon be rollin rollin choo choo chooinNY ATL LA Houstonnow all the lil shorties like he got gamethey beggin for a ride on my big black trainride on ma big black trainbig black trainthey beggin for a ride on ma....they beggin for a ride on ma big black train
2023-06-20 04:06:391


2023-06-20 04:06:462

i want you to want me 歌词

歌曲名:i want you to want me歌手:Propagandhi专辑:how to clean everythingI want you to want me. I need you to need to me. I"m beggin" you to beg me.And I want you now. Yeah, I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I"mbeggin" you to beg me. I"d love you to love me. Put on a brand new shirt, puton brand new shoes. I"d do anything if you say that you love me, yeah. Oh,Megan (kiss). Didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin"?... Sittin" aloneI know you felt like dyin". Didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin? Iwant you to want me. I need you to need me. I"m beggin" you to beg me. I"dPropagandhilove you to love me. Put on a brand new shirt, put on my brand new shoes. I"ddo anything if you say that you love me, yeah. I won"t you now, Megan!She don"t eat bacon. She"s one of them vegan"s. And that"s alright. Fuck...The constitutional rights of (ascribed) "Canadians" as outlined in the Charterof Rights and Freedoms allegedly include absolute freedom of thought, belief,opinion and expression via and media of communication. However, these seeming-arbitrary and subject to the discretion of those in positions of authority.Basically, what this means, is that we in Canada live in a constant state ofmartial law, with the Charter acting merely as a spoonful of sugar to help itgo down. Freedom of thought and expression, contrary to statist thought, arenot rights or privelages to be granted or revoked. They are values inherent tobeing human. The misconception is a trait inherent to all nations and allstatist political systems where humans are perceived as subjects of the crown,state or flag before they are perceived as individuals. They depend on ourdependence. Don"t be a pawn. Don"t give it to them.Reject their valuesReject traditionBurn their flagFuck their sytem
2023-06-20 04:06:531

dangerous royal deluxe歌词

This is how it"s gonna beThis is what you"ll think of meIt"s going down like I told youThis is how it"s gonna beI"ll be the last man standing hereI"m not going anywhereIt"s going down like I told youI"ll be the last man standing hereWhat you gonna do? I"m gonna rock youI"ll have you beggin" for mercy, beggin for mercy Oh I"m dangerous, so dangerous, I"m dangerous, so dangerousI"m the baddest mother up in hereAnd I"m about to make it clearIt"s going down like I told youI"m the baddest mother up in hereGet ready cause here I comeI"m about to come and get me some Hot as smoking gunso get ready cause here I comeWhat you gonna do? I"m gonna rock youI"ll have you beggin" for mercy, beggin for mercy OhI"m dangerous, so dangerous, I"m dangerous, so dangerous
2023-06-20 04:07:091


  Human Nature  [1st Verse]  Looking Out 向夜色中  Across The Night Time 望去  The City Winks A Sleepless Eye 城市眨着它不眠之眼  Hear Her Voice 听她的声音  Shake My Window 轻摇我的窗棂  Sweet Seducing Sighs 那是甜蜜诱人的叹息  [2nd Verse]  Get Me Out 让我到  Into The Night-Time 夜色中去  Four Walls Won"t Hold Me Tonight 今晚的四壁关不住我  If This Town 倘若这个小镇  Is Just An Apple 就是一只苹果  Then Let Me Take A Bite 那就让我来尝上一尝  [Chorus]  If They Say – 如果人们问  —Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?  Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性  Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?  Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向  If They Say – 如果人们问—  Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?  Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性  Why, Why, 为什么,为什么  Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向  [3rd Verse]  Reaching Out 伸出手去  To Touch A Stranger 给陌生人一个问候  Electric Eyes Are Ev"rywhere 到处都是放电的眼神  See That Girl 看那女孩  She Knows I"m Watching 她知道我在看她  She Likes The Way I Stare 她一定喜欢我注视的目光  [Chorus]  If They Say – 如果人们问  —Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?  Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性  Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?  Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向  I Like Livin" This Way 我喜欢这种生活  I Like Lovin" This Way 我喜欢这种爱的方式  [4th Verse]  Looking Out 向晨曦  Across The Morning 望去  The City"s Heart Begins To Beat 城市又苏醒了活力  Reaching Out 探出手去  I Touch Her Shoulder 触摸到她的肩膀  I"m Dreaming Of The Street 我在梦街上徜徉  [Chorus]  If They Say – 如果人们问  —Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?  Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性  Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?  Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向  If They Say – 果人们问  —Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?  Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性  Why, Why, 为什么,为什么  Does He Do Me That Way ;是它在为我指引方向  I Like Livin" This Way 我喜欢这种生活  I Like Lovin" This Way 我喜欢这种爱的方式  Another Part Of Me  We"re Takin" Over 我们正在航行  We Have The Truth 我们拥有真理  This Is The Mission 这是一项  To See It Through 去识破它的使命  Don"t Point Your Finger 别担心  Not Dangerous 那不危险  This Is Our Planet 这是我们的行星  You"re One Of Us 你是我们其中的一员  We"re Sendin" Out 我们在传播  A Major Love 一份爱的主题  And This Is Our 这是我们  Message To You 给你的信息  (Message To You)  The Planets Are Linin" Up 星球都串联起来  We"re Bringin" Brighter Days 我们带来更光明的日子  They"re All In Line 它们串联成一行  Waitin" For You 等待着你  Can"t You See . . .? 你看到了吗……?  You"re Just Another Part Of Me . . 你也是我的同伴  A Rather Nation 一个更美好的国度  Fulfill The Truth 实现真理  The Final Message 这是我们带给你的  We"re Bring To You 最后召集  There Is No Danger 这里没有危险  Fulfill The Truth 实现真理  So Come Together 所以一起加入吧  We"re Mean Is You 我们说的就是你  We"re Sendin" Out 我们在传播  A Major Love 一份爱的主题  And This Is Our 这是我们  Message To You 给你的信息  (Message To You)  The Planets Are Linin" Up 星球都串联起来  We"re Bringin" Brighter Days 我们带来更光明的日子  They"re All In Line 它们串联成一行  Waitin" For You 等待着你  Can"t You See . . .? 你看到了吗……?  You"re Just Another Part Of Me . . 你也是我的同伴  We"re Sendin" Out 我们在传播  A Major Love 一份爱的主题  And This Is Our 这是我们  Message To You 给你的信息  (Message To You)  The Planets Are Linin" Up 星球都串联起来  We"re Bringin" Brighter Days 我们带来更光明的日子  They"re All In Line 它们串联成一行  Waitin" For You 等待着你  Can"t You See . . .? 你看到了吗……?  You"re Just Another Part Of Me . . ; 你也是我的同伴  Another Part Of Me . . 我的同伴  We"re Takin" Over 我们正在航行  This Is The Truth, Baby 这就是真理  Another Part Of Me 我的同伴  Leave Me Alone  Aaow!-Hoo Hoo! 嗷!吼-吼!  I Don"t Care What You Talkin" "Bout Baby 我不在乎你的谈资  I Don"t Care What You Say 我不在乎你的言论  Don"t You Come Walkin" 你还不是会  Beggin" Back Mama 调过头来乞求我  I Don"t Care Anyway 却毫不关心  Time After Time I Gave You All 一而再再而三  Of My Money 把我的全部金钱倾注于你  No Excuses To Make 再没有借口  Ain"t No Mountain That I 亲爱的,  Can"t Climb Baby 没有我无法攀登的高峰  All Is Going My Way 我掌控着一切  ("Cause There"s A Time When You"re Right) (曾几何时,你知道你是对的  (And You Know You Must Fight) 所以你要去抗争)  Who"s Laughing Baby, Don"t 我亲爱的,谁在暗笑,  You Know 你难道不清楚?  (And There"s The Choice That We Make) (只要我去辩解)  (And This Choice You Will Take) (便给了你新的机会)  Who"s Laughin" Baby 便宜了谁?  So Just Leave Me Alone 那就别打扰我  Leave Me Alone 别来打扰我  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别干涉我)  Leave Me Alone 别打扰我  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别来缠我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别再烦我)  Leave Me Alone-Stop It! 别打扰我——够了!  Just Stop Doggin" Me Around 别再缠我  (Just Stop Doggin" Me) (别再尾随我)  There Was A Time I Used To 曾几何时  Say Girl I Need You 我说姑娘我需要你  But Who Is Sorry Now 可如今谁在遗憾  You Really Hurt, You Used To 你曾拥有我、欺骗我  Take And Deceive Me 你伤害了我  Now Who Is Sorry Now 可如今谁在遗憾  You Got A Way Of Making Me 我终于发现  Feel So Sorry 你找到了  I Found Out Right Away 伤害我的方法  Don"t You Come Walkin"- 你还不是继续企求?  Beggin" I Ain"t Lovin" You 我并不爱你  Don"t You Get In My Way 你试图扭曲我  "Cause 因为  (There"s A Time When You"re Right) (曾几何时你知道你没有错)  (And You Know You Must Fight) (你知道自己必须去斗争)  Who"s Laughing Baby-Don"t 便宜了谁?  You Know? 你最清楚  (And There"s The Choice That We Make) (只要我去辩解)  (And This Choice You Will Take) (便给了你新的机会)  Who"s Laughin" Baby 满足了谁?  So Just Leave Me Alone 那就别打扰我  Leave Me Alone 别来打扰我  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别干涉我)  Leave Me Alone别打扰我  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别来缠我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  Leave Me Alone-Stop It! 别打扰我——够了!  Just Stop Doggin" Me Around 别再缠我  (Just Stop Doggin" Me) (别再尾随我)  ("Cause There"s A Time When You"re Right) (因为曾几何时)  (And You Know You Must Fight) (我为了捍卫自己而去斗争)  Who"s Laughing Baby, Don"t 是谁笑了?  You Know, Girl 亲爱的姑娘,你最清楚  (It"s The Choice That We Make) (当我作出选择)  (And This Choice You Will Take) (就遍拿起这个机会)  Who"s Laughin" Baby 谁得意了?  So Just Leave Me Alone 那就别打扰我  Leave Me Alone 别来打扰我  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别干涉我)  Leave Me Alone 别打扰我  Me Alone 换我清静  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别来缠我)  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  Stop It!够了!  Just Stop Doggin" Me Around 如此难缠  Leave Me Alone Leave 别打扰我  Me Alone 别骚扰我  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  (Leave Me Alone) (还我宁日)  Leave Me Alone 让我喘息  (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我)  Leave Me Alone-Stop It! 别打扰我——停止!  Just Stop Doggin" Me Around 别再纠缠不止  (Just Stop Doggin" Me) (别再纠缠)  Don"t Come Beggin" Me 不要求我  Don"t Come Beggin" 别来乞求  Don"t Come Lovin" Me 别来爱我  Don"t Come Beggin" 不要请求  I Love You 亲爱的  I Don"t Want It 我不想要  I Don"t... 我不……  I Don"t... 我不……  I Don"t... 我不……  I...I ...Aaow! 我……我……,嗷!  Hee Hee! Don"t Come Beggin" Me 别来求我  Don"t Come Beggin" 别来乞求  Don"t Come Lovin" Me 别看上我  Don"t Come Beggin" 别求着我  I Love You 我亲爱的  I Don"t Want It 我不乐意  I Don"t Need It 我不需要
2023-06-20 04:07:341

有一首很好听的英文歌 我不知道名字 是男歌手唱的 歌词有一句 唱的是:嘎der 嘎der 嘎 谢谢帮下我

Far East Movement — 2Gether
2023-06-20 04:07:426

迈克尔杰克逊 leave me alone歌词

单曲简介 “Leave Me Alone”作为《Bad》专辑的第8只单曲发行于1989年2月。在英国,它排名第2,成为专辑中在英国榜上排名第二高的单曲。 后来大多数《Bad》的单曲都因为市场被专辑销售吞噬而排名不佳,事实上,《Bad》已经成为英国有史以来第3最畅销的专辑;同时,单曲碟内由于没有新素材的加入而难以引起人们的购买欲。“Leave Me Alone”单曲同样没有新素材的加入,而且它只能在CD格式的《Bad》专辑上找到。当时,并没有很多英国人拥有CD唱盘机,而且专辑的CD销售也不足专辑总销售量的25%。因此,很多人通过购买单曲来收藏该曲,从而让它在榜上取得了成功。 遗憾的是它没有在美国发行。在《Bad》专辑已经拥有美国历史上最好单曲排名的情况下,不发行该曲的原因让人不解。有人猜测是Sony/Epic美国总部想致力于对其他艺人的培养和宣传,而不是去再发行第8张单曲。另外值得一提的是:《Bad》专辑在美国的销量远远不如《Thriller》专辑,但它在英国的销量却超过了《Thriller》。 它在世界范围内的表现相对较弱,在德国和法国,它仅打进前20名,而在意大利和澳洲,则完全失败。[编辑本段]部分国家的排行榜信息 德国: #15 法国: #17 意大利: 未入榜 澳大利亚: #42[编辑本段]歌词及翻译 Leave Me Alone 别烦我 Aaow!-Hoo Hoo! 嗷!吼-吼! I Don"t Care What You Talkin" "Bout Baby 我不在乎你的谈资 I Don"t Care What You Say 我不在乎你的言论 Don"t You Come Walkin" 你还不是会 Beggin" Back Mama 调过头来乞求我 I Don"t Care Anyway 却毫不关心 Time After Time I Gave You All 一而再再而三 Of My Money 把我的全部金钱倾注于你 No Excuses To Make 再没有借口 Ain"t No Mountain That I 亲爱的, Can"t Climb Baby 没有我无法攀登的高峰 All Is Going My Way 我掌控着一切 ("Cause There"s A Time When You"re Right) (曾几何时,你知道你是对的 (And You Know You Must Fight) 所以你要去抗争) Who"s Laughing Baby, Don"t 我亲爱的,谁在暗笑, You Know 你难道不清楚? (And There"s The Choice That We Make) (只要我去辩解) (And This Choice You Will Take) (便给了你新的机会) Who"s Laughin" Baby 便宜了谁? So Just Leave Me Alone 那就别打扰我 Leave Me Alone 别来打扰我 (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) (Leave Me Alone) (别干涉我) Leave Me Alone 别打扰我 (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) (Leave Me Alone) (别来缠我) (Leave Me Alone) (别再烦我) Leave Me Alone-Stop It! 别打扰我——够了! Just Stop Doggin" Me Around 别再缠我 (Just Stop Doggin" Me) (别再尾随我) There Was A Time I Used To 曾几何时 Say Girl I Need You 我说姑娘我需要你 But Who Is Sorry Now 可如今谁在遗憾 You Really Hurt, You Used To 你曾拥有我、欺骗我 Take And Deceive Me 你伤害了我 Now Who Is Sorry Now 可如今谁在遗憾 You Got A Way Of Making Me 我终于发现 Feel So Sorry 你找到了 I Found Out Right Away 伤害我的方法 Don"t You Come Walkin"- 你还不是继续企求? Beggin" I Ain"t Lovin" You 我并不爱你 Don"t You Get In My Way 你试图扭曲我 "Cause 因为 (There"s A Time When You"re Right) (曾几何时你知道你没有错) (And You Know You Must Fight) (你知道自己必须去斗争) Who"s Laughing Baby-Don"t 便宜了谁? You Know? 你最清楚 (And There"s The Choice That We Make) (只要我去辩解) (And This Choice You Will Take) (便给了你新的机会) Who"s Laughin" Baby 满足了谁? So Just Leave Me Alone 那就别打扰我 Leave Me Alone 别来打扰我 (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) (Leave Me Alone) (别干涉我) Leave Me Alone别打扰我 (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) (Leave Me Alone) (别来缠我) (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) Leave Me Alone-Stop It! 别打扰我——够了! Just Stop Doggin" Me Around 别再缠我 (Just Stop Doggin" Me) (别再尾随我) ("Cause There"s A Time When You"re Right) (因为曾几何时) (And You Know You Must Fight) (我为了捍卫自己而去斗争) Who"s Laughing Baby, Don"t 是谁笑了? You Know, Girl 亲爱的姑娘,你最清楚 (It"s The Choice That We Make) (当我作出选择) (And This Choice You Will Take) (就遍拿起这个机会) Who"s Laughin" Baby 谁得意了? So Just Leave Me Alone 那就别打扰我 Leave Me Alone 别来打扰我 (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) (Leave Me Alone) (别干涉我) Leave Me Alone 别打扰我 Me Alone 换我清静 (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) (Leave Me Alone) (别来缠我) (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) Stop It!够了! Just Stop Doggin" Me Around 如此难缠 Leave Me Alone Leave 别打扰我 Me Alone 别骚扰我 (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) (Leave Me Alone) (还我宁日) Leave Me Alone 让我喘息 (Leave Me Alone) (别打扰我) Leave Me Alone-Stop It! 别打扰我——停止! Just Stop Doggin" Me Around 别再纠缠不止 (Just Stop Doggin" Me) (别再纠缠) Don"t Come Beggin" Me 不要求我 Don"t Come Beggin" 别来乞求 Don"t Come Lovin" Me 别来爱我 Don"t Come Beggin" 不要请求 I Love You 亲爱的 I Don"t Want It 我不想要 I Don"t... 我不…… I Don"t... 我不…… I Don"t... 我不…… I...I ...Aaow! 我……我……,嗷! Hee Hee! Don"t Come Beggin" Me 别来求我 Don"t Come Beggin" 别来乞求 Don"t Come Lovin" Me 别看上我 Don"t Come Beggin" 别求着我 I Love You 我亲爱的 I Don"t Want It 我不乐意 I Don"t Need It 我不需要
2023-06-20 04:07:562

leave me alone 歌词 杰克逊

written and composed by r. kelly.produced by r. kelly and michael jackson.another day has gone i"m still all alone how could this be you"re not here with me you never said goodbye someone tell me why did you have to go and leave my world so cold everyday i sit and ask myself how did love slip away something whispers in my ear and says that you are not alonefor i am here with you though you"re far away i am here to stay you are not alone i am here with you though we"re far apart you"re always in my heart you are not alone all alone why, oh just the other night i thought i heard you cry asking me to come and hold you in my arms i can hear your prayers your burdens i will bear but first i need your hand so forever can begin everyday i sit and ask myself how did love slip away then something whispers in my ear and says that you are not alone for i am here with you though you"re far away i am here to stay for you are not alone i am here with you though we"re far apart you"re always in my heart and you are not alone oh...whisper three words and i"ll come runnin"fly...and girl you know that i"ll be there i"ll be there you are not alone i am here with you though you"re far away i am here to stay you are not alone i am here with you though we"re far apart you"re always in my heart you are not alone(you are not alone)for i am here with you(i am here with you)though you"re far away(though you"re far away)i am here to stay(and you with me)for you are not alone(you"re always)in my heart.....for i am here with you heart.....though we"re far apart"re always in my heart for you are not alone not aloneyou are not alone, you are not just reach for me girlin the morning in the eveningnot alone, not aloneand you with me, not aloneoh, together, together...
2023-06-20 04:08:043


歌名:编号89757歌手:林俊杰专辑:编号89757你把我Turn On的那一天 我睁开眼 见了你第一面认主程序自动站一边 我属於你(没有期限)所有你说的一切命令 绝对执行 忠心程度第一名我的功能就是保护你 上天入地 如影随行不离编号89757 从这一刻就是你给我的姓名模仿人类的机器 就是他皮肤有温度 甚至能呼吸10秒钟你房间打扫完毕 3分钟楼下开车等你男朋友不乖我撵他出去 你寂寞我陪你谈心可是电脑病毒让我生病 不知不觉中我爱上你我行为变的不由自己 主人我绝对不背叛你编号89757 从这一刻就是你给我的姓名模仿人类的机器 Woo~~10秒钟你房间打扫完毕 3分钟楼下开车等你男朋友不乖我撵他出去 你寂寞我陪你谈心可是电脑病毒让我生病 不知不觉中我爱上你我行为变的不由自己 主人我绝对不背叛你可是我真的 想什么做什么 (编号89757)我会阅读 会下厨 会跳舞 (编号89757)会流泪 会多嘴 会伤悲 (编号89757)这世界 没有你 我是谁 (编号89757)10秒钟你房间打扫完毕 3分钟楼下开车等你男朋友不乖我撵他出去 你寂寞我陪你谈心可是电脑病毒让我生病 不知不觉中我爱上你我行为变的不由自己 主人我绝对不背叛你珊瑚海词:方文山 曲:jay演唱:jay&Lara海平面远方开始阴霾悲伤要怎么平定纯白活得很傻 是种加代淹没浅浅的无奈你用唇语说你要离开(情不再)把难过忧伤担揽下来汹涌潮水 你一定明白俯视蓝的珊瑚海转身离开 认真说不出来你有话说不出来海鸟跟鱼相爱 只是一场意外我们的爱 争议一直存在(回不来)永久真爱 竟累积成伤害转身离开 分手说不出来蔚蓝的珊瑚海 错过瞬间苍白当初彼此 不够成熟坦白 (不应该)感情不在 笑容勉强不来爱上那珊瑚海毁坏的沙碉如果重来有裂痕的爱怎麽重改你说你 无法释怀贝壳裏隐藏什麽期待 (花儿开)我们也已经无心在猜面向海风 (面向海风)浅浅的爱 (浅浅的爱)想不出还有未来转身离开 认真(有话)说不出来海鸟跟鱼相爱 只是一场意外我们的爱 争议一直存在 (回不来)永久真爱 竟累积成伤害转身离开 分手说不出来蔚蓝的珊瑚海 错过瞬间苍白当初彼此 不够成熟坦白 (不应该)爱上那珊瑚海...Tear In HeavenWould you know my nameIf I saw you in heavenWill you be the sameIf I saw you in heavenI must be strong and carry on"cos I know I don"t belongHere in heavenWould you hold my handIf I saw you in heavenWould you help me standIf I saw you in heavenI"ll find my way through night and day"cos I know I just can"t stayHere in heavenTime can bring you downTime can bend your kneeTime can break your heartHave you beggin" pleaseBeggin" please......Beyond the door there"s peace I"m sureAnd I know there"ll be no more tearsIn heavenWould you know my nameIf I saw you in heavenWill you be the sameIf I saw you in heavenI must be strong and carry on"cos I know I don"t belongHere in heaven"cos I know I don"t belongHere in heaven假如在天堂相遇,你是否会认得我?最后一首....LZ是不是想要说泪洒天堂?
2023-06-20 04:08:326

有首英文歌的高潮是 beg beg you~~是两个美国男子唱的

big big World
2023-06-20 04:08:462

That mean you can sleep now其中哪里错了

2023-06-20 04:09:106

I Want You To Want Me 歌词

歌曲名:I Want You To Want Me歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Pure... 70"S Dance PartyI want you to want me.I need you to need me.I"d love you to love me.I"m beggin" you to beg me.I want you to want me.I need you to need me.I"d love you to love me.I"ll shine up the old brown shoes, put on a brand-new shirt.I"ll get home early from work if you say that you love me.Didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin"?Oh, didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin"?Feelin" all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dyin".Oh, didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin"?I want you to want me.I need you to need me.I"d love you to love me.I"m beggin" you to beg me.I"ll shine up the old brown shoes, put on a brand-new shirt.I"ll get home early from work if you say that you love me.Didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin"?Oh, didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin"?Feelin" all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dyin".Oh, didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin"?Feelin" all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dyin".Oh, didn"t I, didn"t I, didn"t I see you cryin"?I want you to want me.I need you to need me.I"d love you to love me.I"m beggin" you to beg me.I want you to want me.I want you to want me.I want you to want me.I want you to want me.
2023-06-20 04:09:401