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grow older能这样用吗

2023-06-20 06:33:15



Children lose their innocence as they grow older.









grow up长大;成年;成熟。







1、grow的过去式是:grew。 2、grow:扩大; 增加; 增强; 长大; 长高; 发育; 成长; (使) 生长。 3、[例句]:We stop growing at maturity.我们成年之后不再长个儿。
2023-06-20 02:48:001


2023-06-20 02:49:031


2023-06-20 02:49:101


动词的过去式和过去分词有规则变化和不规则变化。规则变化的动词,过去式和过去分词的变化如下:一、一般情况,在词尾加-ed:stay——stayed、play——played。二、e结尾的动词时,在词尾加-d:like——liked、live——lived。三、以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y改成i再加ed:study——studied、apply——applied。四、以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母(c和x除外),先把这个辅音字母双写再加-ed。如:stop——stopped、rob——robbed,但是:mix——mixed。五、以c结尾的动词,先加上-k,再加-ed,如:picnic——picnicked、panic——panicked。不规则变化的动词,大多由日耳曼语强变化动词演变而来,总数不过二百多个,但使用频率却相当高.这些不规则动词可以分为以下七组.第一组,源自于原印欧语中变音的词干元音后方接/i/的动词.现代英语经历了ī的双元音化(虽然很多时候它依旧拼写成i,这时元音字母i要念成长元音,即合口双元音的/au026a/)及ā变成ō的推移.同时现代英语的过去时也由古英语的单数过去形发展而来,同时在shine这个字的状况中,其过去分词形和单数过去形合并.这组动词有以下几类:bide-bided-bodechide-chid-chiddendrive-drove-drivenride-rode-riddenwrite-wrote-writtenhide-hid-hiddenshine-shone-shonerise-rose-risenstrike-struck-struckshrive-shrove-shriventhrive-throve-thrivensmite-smote-smittenstride-strode-stridden第二组,源自于原印欧语中变音的词干元音后方接/u/的动词,有一小群的动词以其过去分词的o元音和过去时的元音同化而自成一类:choose-chose-chosencleave-clove-clovendive-dove-divedfly-flew-flownfreeze-froze-frozen第三组,源自于原印欧语中变音的词干元音后方接鼻音(n)和一个辅音或卷舌摩擦音r、边音l和一个辅音的动词.现代英语中,此类动词的过去形多半以古英语的单数过去形来构造,有时则以众数过去形来构造.bind-bound-boundbegin-began-beguncling-clung-clungfling-flung-flungring-rang-rungstring-strung-strungswell-swelled-swollenfight-fought-fought第四组,变音的词干元音后方接单一一个鼻音、卷舌音或边音的动词.现代英语中,在所有“规则的”四类动词中,其分词形结尾的-n都依旧有所保留,不过在r之后,其r与n中间的e消失了.bear-bore-bornebreak-broke-brokenget-got-gottenshear-sheared-shornspeak-spoke-spokensteal-stole-stolenswear-swore-sworntear-tore-torntread-trod-troddenwake-woke-wokenweave-wove-woven第五组,变音的词干元音后方接鼻音或卷舌音、边音以外其他种单一辅音的动词.在现代英语中,第五组动词已丧失了其内的一致性.bid-bade-biddeneat-ate-eatengive-gave-givenlie-lay-lain-lying(注意,lie的现在分词也是不规则的,为lying)see-saw-seensit-sat-sat第六组,变音的词干元音在原始日耳曼语时期为a的动词.第六组动词已失去了其一致性,且依据许多不同的模式分成许多变化类.draw-drew-drawnforsake-forsook-forsakenlade-laded-ladenshake-shook-shakenshave-shaved-shavenslay-slew-slainstand-stood-stoodtake-took-taken第七组,这类动词的变化并非基于原印欧语词干元音变音的,这类动词的变化,在哥德语中以叠词的形式呈现,在其他日耳曼语的分支中,则以不规则的变音模式呈现.在现代英语里,第七组动词已经丧失了它的一致性.beat-beat-beatenblow-blew-blownfall-fell-fallengrow-grew-grownhew-hewed-hewngrow-grew-grownhang-hung-hunghold-held-heldknow-knew-knownthrow-threw-thrown此外,一些情态动词、助动词be、have、do的变化也是不规则的.be-am/is/are-was/were-been(be动词的现在时也是不规则的)have-has-had-had (have的第三人称单数现在式也是不规则的)do-did-donecan-couldmay-mightmust-mustshall-shouldwill-would。
2023-06-20 02:49:184


2023-06-20 02:49:261


过去式: grew 过去分词: grown 第三人称单数: grows 现在分词: growing 扩展资料   There is a growing realization that changes must be made.   越来越多的人认识到改革势在必行。   I"m sure you"ll grow to like her in time.   我肯定你慢慢就会喜欢她了。   You"ve grown since the last time I saw you!   自从我上次见到你后,你又见长了!
2023-06-20 02:49:521


2023-06-20 02:49:591


grow的三种意思是生长、情感发展和发育。动词指增加,生长,变成,种植,逐渐开始。副词是growingly,名词是grower,过去式是grew,过去分词是grown,现在分词是growing,第三人称单数是grows。例句:Plants cannot grow well in the absence of water.grow into成长为,长成,发展为。Grow Ornament圣诞树,成长系列游戏圣诞树,成长圣诞树。Grow Free小鱼长大,grow up长大,成熟。单词造句1、不及物动词,成长,生长,发育:She has grown into a beautiful young lady.她长成一位年轻漂亮的女子。2、增大,增加,发展:John"s reputation is growing fast.约翰的名声正在迅速扩大。3、渐渐变得:His cold is growing worse.他的感冒正在加重。4、及物动词,种植,栽培:We grow flowers and vegetables in our garden.我们在庭园里种植鲜花和蔬菜。
2023-06-20 02:50:341


uy 过去式:bought 过去分词:bought buy-bought-bought hear 过去式:heard 过去分词:heard hear-heard-heard keep 过去式:kept 过去分词:kept keep-kept-kept lend 过去式:lent 过去分词:lent lend -lent-lent give 过去式:gave 过去分词:given give-gave-given go 过去式:went 过去分词:gone go-went-gone grow 过去式:grew 过去分词:grown grow-grew-grown lose 过去式:lost 过去分词:lost lose-lost-lost
2023-06-20 02:51:091

I grow up in a small village改为过去式

grow的过去式 :grew 中文意思为:增加;种植( grow的过去式 );扩大;扩展。 例句: 1、The boys grew into men 这些男孩子长成了男子汉。 2、Trees and bushes grew down to the water"s edge. 树和灌木丛一直长到了水边。 过去分词 :grown 中文意译:成年的,成熟的;被…长满的;栽培的,种植(grow的过去分词);生长,变成;生长,渐渐变得; 逐渐开始。 例句: 1、Dad, I"m a grown woman. I know what I"m doing. 爸爸,我不再是个小女孩了,知道自己在做什么。 2、It"s only a year since I last saw the child and he"s grown so tall. 这孩子一年不见,长这么高了。 GROW模型 GROW的意思是成长,帮助员工成长。 G(Goal setting):代表确认员工业绩目标; R(Reality Check):是现状,要搞清楚目前的现状、客观事实是什么;寻找动因; O(Options):代表寻找解决方案; W(Way Forward):What? When? Who? Will? What should be done? When by whom and does the will exist to do it?代表制定行动计划和评审时间。
2023-06-20 02:52:191


2023-06-20 02:52:261

grow some rice

答案:grew last weekend 上周末,是一般过去时的时间状语,其结构:主语+ 过去式 grow 的过去式是:grew 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-06-20 02:52:341

fly forget forgive get give go grow hang hear hit 的过去式和过去分词

fly- flew -flown forget-forgot-forgotten forgive-forgave-forgiven get-got-gotten give-gave-given go-went-went grow-grew-grown hang-hung-hung hear-heard-heard hit-hit-hit
2023-06-20 02:53:081


2023-06-20 02:53:283


I grew fatter these years.
2023-06-20 02:53:363


生长的英文翻译为:grow。 grow: v.扩大;增加;增强;长大;长高;发育;成长;(使)生长; 第三人称单数: grows现在分词: growing过去式: grew过去分词: grown 扩展资料   As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water.   当植物生长并开始结果的时候,它们需要大量的水。   The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature.   毛虫钻入果实,并在其中生长为成虫。   Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different world.   和大多数同辈人一样,我生长在一个截然不同的"世界。   The rate at which hair grows can be agonisingly slow   头发生长的速度可能极其缓慢。
2023-06-20 02:53:431


2023-06-20 02:54:021

fly forget forgive get give go grow hang hear hit 的过去式和过去分词

fly flight flight;forget forgot forgottenforgive forgave forgivenget got gotgive gave givengo went gonegrow grew grownhang hung hunghear heard heardhit hit hit
2023-06-20 02:54:114

run begin sit think have forget grow offer 的过去式 过去分词 是什么?

run ran runbegin began begunsit sit sitthink thought thoughthave had hadforget forgot forgottengrow grew grownoffer offered offered
2023-06-20 02:54:192

He ____ to understand for her reasons for leaving.A: Lay, B: remained, C: grew 选哪个亲?

选Cgrow to do sth逐渐开始... (双语剑桥词典),再如:I"ve grown to like her over the months.
2023-06-20 02:54:275

i want it that way 是哪种句型

2023-06-20 02:51:534


By the pond side, there was a crowd of frogs swaying and dancing. Look how exciting they were! Suddenly, a coral snake showed up and sneaked to the frogs. Seeing those fresh and juicy frogs, the snake dribled like a starving wolf which has just found a delicious rabbit. However, the frogs had flet away before the snake made her move. "This would be tough", the snake hesitated. "Bingo!" the snake blurted out with his eye blinking. Later, the snake came to the middle of the pasture. Following the lark"s graceful pace, she began to dance with her delicate body. By this moment, those frogs were completely charmed by her squamas shining under the golden sunshine. "Wow, she"s awesome!" "Maybe we"d ask her to teach us." "But she"s a coral snake!" "No harm for watching anyway", the frogs whispered. Finally, the frogs walked toward the snake on a impulse. The snake chuckled to herself and went, "hey, my dear little frog buddies, how"s my dance eh?"(挨千刀的小淫蛇还是个英国妞)The leader frog nodded but he didn"t know the snake had already seen through him.The snake went, "Oh, sweetheart【如果这故事是讲给小朋友听的请把sweetheart改成dear little friend】, don"t be panic, i"m not gonna bite eh【如果你要读这篇译文,在这里这个eh要读成升调】,you know i"ve changed my taste, i"m a bugtarian now【bugtarian是由vegetarian演变的再造词,意思是食虫的人,如果你觉得不保险请把这里改成"i eat bugs now"】 .""Oh, really?" the frog doubted her words. "You"ve really become a bugtarian【正如我刚才说的,如果你觉得bugtarian不保险请改成"you do eat bugs now?"】"Er...sure【这里如果你觉得sure这个词太普通了,你可以改成hell fucking yeah, hell yeah, no shit, you bet, you think i"m fucking with you bro?之类的,当然你还可以用比较文明的例如absolutely, definitely,之类的】, form now on, you"re my mates/friends/buddies/bros! I swear to the God(if snakes got one=.=)【这里如果你不喜欢用"I swear to the God"你可以换成you have my words或者"If i"m lying, i"d be raped by Justin Biber who ain"t no dude(你敢用最后那句你就威武了)】In this way, the snake proudly became the frogs dancing teacher. Everyday, the snake led the frogs to the pond side and taught them how to dance the disco, the yanko. See how wonderful they were!【你这个“可带劲儿了”搞得我很纠结啊,英语里面实在没有能完全贴切的短语或词语能翻译的,我只好用wonderful代替了】Yet, what the frogs didn"t know was that the tragedy would finally come. One day, the snake dropped by to see the frogs" rehearsal. While the other frogs were dancing vigorously, the snake grabbed two of the dancing frogs and ate"em up in a blink of eye. "So much for today, we shall continue tomorrow!" said the snake, wiping her mouth like nothing had happened.That night, the frogs found that two of them had missed for no reasons. "is this possible that the snake ate them?""can"t be, the teacher coral snake promised remember?""Well, maybe they went to the squirrel"s hosue.""otherwise, they went to the little bunny"s" the frogs mumbled.The next day, the snake continued watching frogs" rehearsal as she did yesterday. A frog hid in jungle captured the whole process. He almost screamed out as the snake was neaking around and devoured another frog. Then the "jungle-frog" stumbled to the police station for help. The Captain Blackcat sent the police immediately as he got the news. In the meantime, the tercel took a short path and reached the snake before the others. Realizing her danger, the snake began to run. "Freeze!" the tecel took a dive and grasped the snake in his mouth then flew back to the station. The frog in jungle told everyone alive the whole story which astonished the whole frogs."You can never make a snake eat bugs""How"d we trust that posioned bitch!?"【如果你是讲给小朋友听的请改成"I can"t believed that we trusted her"】everyone grumbled.On the thirday day, on the court, the fair Judge Owl asked"how"d we deal with this heartless muderer?""Die! Die! Die!" all the animals shouted as soon as the owl finished his words.The jury passed the resolution then the fair, noble Judge Owl claimed"Alright, as the coral snake was found guilty, she will be sentenced to death immediately!"The applause broke out as he finished his words...【我靠,就这么给小蛇整死了啊?畜生啊】Ps: Oh my sweetest holy penguin maria! this story"s the most crap one that i"ve ever heard. motherfuckers, somebody really"d teach that son of a bitch how to write stories for children. I won"t let my children read this fking shit anyway. it"s totally nonsense "n totally FUCKING GAY! it has no bloody logic! i don"t even know how"d a HUMAN make up such a bullshit story like this. If i meet that twat writer, i"d rip his balls off and fry"em in a goddamn fry pan then stuff the balls in his sorry ass. i"m gonna make him the biggest faggot ever!PPs:It cost me over three hours to translate this inhuman story. I"d tell you responsibly that it"s total my stuff. not a bit from the internet, so use it kills me, dude, i mean it. this story"s bloody stool~i don"t even know why i translated it for you. you gotta thank me, man. PPPs: Dude, use my reply as the "best answer". for your own sake!PPPPs:sweet juses, it"s been 3:43....gotta get some sleep..【特此用中文注明给不懂英文者:本译文完全自己翻译,转载注明“此文乃人才Oswald杰作”,另外文章底下的附注为本人自己看法,如不喜欢请勿观看或者回复攻击性语言。另外,我直到翻译到最后才发现这该死的破玩意儿是黑猫警长,我靠,是不是在玩我呢……另另外,这故事不是真是为了讲给小朋友听的吧?如果真是的话,大哥,别讲了,耽误小孩成长,你看最后那蛇都给判死刑了,别给小朋友搞出阴影来。耽误成长】邪门歪道英文问题请找Oswald,英文骂人骂不过别人怎么办?请找Oswald我承认我崩溃了,
2023-06-20 02:52:002


2023-06-20 02:52:051

2023-06-20 02:52:068

我所熟悉的你们 英文怎么说

fiamliar to
2023-06-20 02:52:089

英语作文witness a car accident

2023-06-20 02:52:103


Carrie n. 卡丽; (Caroline的昵称)(f.) [网络] 卡莉; 凯瑞; 嘉丽妹妹; [其他] 形近词: Yarrie Harrie Carril
2023-06-20 02:52:211

认识自己 征服自己 的英文 翻译是什么?必须要正确的英文翻译 .

英语句子中,自己必须为(你自己、或我自己)可以翻译为: Acquaint yourself ,(and) qonquer yourself. 认识你自己,(并且)征服你自己. 如果说我自己,那么: Acquaint myself ,(and) qonquer myself. 认识我自己,(并且)征服我自己. 谢谢您的支持!
2023-06-20 02:52:221


be was/were been (be动词) do did done (助动词) speak spoke spoken (讲话) read read read (阅读) cut cut cut (切) cost cost cost (花费) go went gone (去,走) feel felt felt (感觉) dig dug dug (挖) overcome overcame overcome (克服) come came come (来) write wrote written (写) get got gotten (自己查一下,这个词要看用在那里了) see saw seen (看) spend spent spent (花费) put put put (放下) find fought fought (找,查明) deal dealt dealt (分配) bend bent bent (使…变曲) fight fought fought (搏斗,奋斗) keep kept kept (留下,保留,继续) lay laid lain (放置,躺下,保留) lend lent lent (借出,借给) lose lost lost(失去,丧失) sit sat sat (坐,就坐) sleep slept slept(睡觉,睡着)
2023-06-20 02:52:255


2023-06-20 02:52:262


2023-06-20 02:52:301


expect to install and adjust to try a work after attending that item of, spreading to move to all understand and acquaint with very much to the ABBDCS, SIEMENSPLC and the ABB, can be independently carry on weaving a distance.All relatively acquaint with to various instrument and the appearances(such as pressure, temperature, liquid, discharge and so on) through the foundation work for 5 years in the meantime, have management experience of abundant equipments.If lucky can become your one members, settle a meeting to bring expensive factory a good economic performance.
2023-06-20 02:52:302


go fuck yuorself
2023-06-20 02:52:351


n. 卡丽(女名,Caroline的昵称) 魔女嘉莉 1974年的 《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie)是 史蒂芬·金第一部出版的小说,故事主角嘉莉是一个晚熟、内向、孤僻的女孩,母亲是个宗教狂热者,她也因此备受同龄人的嘲笑. 基于946个网页- 相关网页 2. 血腥嘉莉 中文:血腥嘉莉;英语:Carrie;日语:キャリー;法语:Carrie, la revanche;韩语:; 基于500个网页- 相关网页 3. 凯莉 美国电视影集《欲望城市》一剧中,女主角凯莉(Carrie)是住在纽约曼哈顿的专栏作家,擅长描写发生在纽约男女的生活. 基于428个网页- 相关网页 短语 1. Carrie Underwood 凯莉·安德伍德 ; 凯莉 ; 凯莉安德伍 ; 卡丽·安德伍德 2. Carrie Lam 林郑月娥 ; 林莉 3. Carrie Fisher 凯瑞·费雪 ; 费希尔 ; 费舍尔 ; 费什尔
2023-06-20 02:52:361


This is hereby to certify thatIt is hereby cetify that
2023-06-20 02:52:404


2023-06-20 02:51:491


2023-06-20 02:51:472


2023-06-20 02:51:441

英语 知道,认识(某人)和 了解(某人)分别怎么说的????有什么区别

熟悉;认识(某人) familiar with2.acquaint oneself with了解某人: know about somebody了解某人的心理: know / understand sb"s psychology
2023-06-20 02:51:401


2023-06-20 02:51:395

the oefinition of love(BY Andrew Marvell)

THE DEFINITION OF LOVE. 爱的定义by Andrew MarvellI.MY Love is of a birth as rare 我的爱与生俱来地珍贵 As "tis, for object, strange and high; 奇异而高远It was begotten by Despair, 她由绝望而生 Upon Impossibility. 超越一切不可能II.Magnanimous Despair alone 唯有这崇高的绝望 Could show me so divine a thing, 让我深知爱的神圣Where feeble hope could ne"er have flown, But vainly flapped its tinsel wing.III.And yet I quickly might arrive Where my extended soul is fixed;But Fate does iron wedges drive, 但造化弄人 And always crowds itself betwixt. 使我们不能相随IV.For Fate with jealous eye does see 命运之神嫉妒 Two perfect loves, nor lets them close; 我们真挚的爱情,不让我们相守一生Their union would her ruin be, 我们的爱 And her tyrannic power depose. 让命运暴虐的力量无法容忍V.And therefore her decrees of steel 因此它决意让我们分开 Us as the distant poles have placed, (Though Love"s whole world on us doth wheel), Not by themselves to be embraced, 永远不能相遇相随VI.Unless the giddy heaven fall, And earth some new convulsion tear.And, us to join, the world should all Be cramp"d into a planisphere.VII.As lines, so love"s oblique, may well 如果爱是倾斜的直线 Themselves in every angle greet: 总有相交的一天But ours, so truly parallel, 但我们的爱却是平行线 Though infinite, can never meet. 虽无穷延伸,却永无法相遇VIII.Therefore the love which us doth bind, 因此,爱让我们结合 But Fate so enviously debars, 又教善妒的命运无情分割Is the conjunction of the mind, 我们心神交会 And opposition of the stars. 隔着银河遥遥相望
2023-06-20 02:51:361


1,"acolyte",n 助手,侍僧(行宗教仪式时的教士的助手)   【记】ac一再,olyte赖他:因为他是你的下属,副手;如果是住持,你敢赖他???   【记】在宗教仪式(a liturgical service)中帮助教士(priest)的助手   2,"acorn","[<0E5:Q]n 橡实,橡子(橡树果实为木质,是单一种子,有厚壁)   【源】它是由 oak和 corn(谷物)两个词组成的   3,"acoustic",adj 听觉的,有关声音的   【记】acous读:我哭死,tic形容词后缀=因哭而死的。这个问题值得讨论,据我了解,当一个人受到巨大打击(如:失恋)后,可以哭出一定的水平,比如频率很高,这就有可能导致声带破裂,甚至使旁人耳膜震裂,出血而死(比如:金毛狮王的狮子吼)。总之,这是一个有关声音的,听觉的问题。   4,"acoustics",n 声学(研究声音的产生,传播和接收的学科);音响效果(尤其是在一密封的场所)   【例】The hall has good acoustics 这个大厅音响效果好。   5,"acquaintance",n 熟知,认识(对一个不象朋友那样亲密的人的了解);熟人(认识、了解的人,但不亲密)   【例】I have no acquaintance with this book 我不熟悉这本书。She has a large circle of acquaintances 她有很多相识的熟人。   【记】可能源于acquire(vt 获得, 学到)   【参】quaint(adj 奇妙的,古怪的);acquaint(v 和…相知)   6,"acquainted",adj 对某事物熟悉的,对某人认识的(为他人所了解的或熟悉他人的)Are you fully acquainted with the facts? 你完全了解事实吗?   7,"acquiesce",v 勉强同意,默认(含有不情愿,但又不敢反抗的味道)=consent=accede=subscribe   【例】You acquiesced in their plan 你只得默认他们的计划。   【记】acquire(vt 获得;学到),quiet安静=安静的获得学到=默认   【参】quiescent(adj 不动的,静止的);quietude(n 安静)   【类】intransigent:acquiesce=deferential:offend不妥协的不会同意=恭顺的不会冒犯acquiesce:yield 默许是一种屈服   【反】defy(v 反抗);resist(v 拒绝)   8,"acquired",adj 已获得的,已成习惯的,后天的(通过自己的努力得到的)   【反】indigenous(adj 天生的)   9,"acquisition",n 获得(获得的行为);获得物   【例】This motor scooter is his latest acquisition 这辆摩托车是他最新购置的。   【反】divestiture(n [财产权利的]剥夺)   10"acquisitive",adj 贪得的,物欲重的 (特征:有强烈的占有欲)=grasping=greedy   【例】an acquisitive mind 好学心 be acquisitive of (迫切地)想获得   【记】源于acquire(vt 获得,学到),ive用在人身上的特征,表示一个人过分的作某事=过分的想获得=贪得无厌的   【参】requisite(n 必需品);prerequisite(n 先决条件)"
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如何理解《低俗小说》Gold Watch部分的女出租车司机

这一段看似可有可无,其实很关键。想象下,本来,他从拳击场逃出来,坐上出租车,直接回到家,即使没有车上这一段对话,好像也没有什么影响。但是实际上,这一段是为了Butch后来杀死Vicent做心理上的准备,结合前面见老大时候他们俩的口角的动机的铺垫,和自卫的本能,导致他杀Vicent没有迟疑,反而相当冷静,甚至还能在事后冷静地擦枪上的指纹再走。 首先,他是不知道自己杀了人的,他从女司机的口中得知自己杀人。然后女司机反复追问,杀人是一种什么样的感受,他虽然起先避而不答,但是在心里一定一直在思考究竟是什么感受,他最后得出了结论:我没有感觉到什么不好(I don"t feel bit bad about it)。到这里他便从“没有杀过人的状态”转变成了“得知自己杀人并没感觉不好的状态”,从而具备了杀人的心理上的准备。有电影里的对话线索可以看出这个转变的完成,一开始得知对手被杀他的反应是“Poor Floyd”,这是在同情对手的死亡,这明明就是感觉到不好,但是经过女司机的追问,他最后得出的答案却是“其实并没什么不好”。所以他在中途通电话的对话中的话语已经变成了“去他丫的,如果他是个有实力的拳击手,他就不会死。”(“Fk him, if he was a better boxer, he"d be still alive, he never laced up his gloves which he shoulda done in the first fking place he"d be still alive, who gives a fk?”)语气里已经没有了同情,对这死亡已经毫无内疚,罪恶感。接下来转而去讨论靠这次拳击场外投注赚下的钱和后面的计划了。 有人可以说,他当时不杀Vicent,他自己就得死,所以他必须会开枪杀他。这个还真不好说。具备杀人的心理准备条件的重要性在这个电影里两处可见:一个杀过人的人和没杀过人的人的区别。一。他们在向一群废柴取回黑色密码箱的时候,从厕所里冲出来拿枪那个人。他在厕所里吓得要死,听到枪响后才鼓起勇气冲出去,但也只是乱开枪。二,情侣抢劫饭店时候,没杀过人的情侣虽然在抢劫方面已经是老手,但是遇到随便杀人的Jules,Honey Bunny拿着枪也慌的要死,因为她没杀过人。 因此我认为安排出租车这一段对话为Butch做杀人的心理准备是很重要的。有了杀人动机,再有了杀人的心理素质,才能冷静开枪,连对话都没有一句。 关于女司机 那么为什么这个女司机会执着于这个问题呢?“杀死人是一种什么样的体验?”,大概因为她知乎刷多了? 其实我认为这与这个司机的性格有关。我认为她是个女司机是个奇特的好奇者。奇特是因为她居然光着脚踩油门,行为上与常人不同就注定着思维上会与人不同,好奇的点也不同,不是问“你为什么把人打死了呢?”之类的,而是问“杀死人是一种什么样的体验?”而且她开车出来第一个弯,拐得特别急,都违反交通规则了好么,肯定是Butch嘱咐她快开,但是正常司机被催也都会按交通规则来吧。 但是这个女司机的职业就是个出租车司机,而不是专门被人派来接人逃跑的那种司机。这一点从计价打表和最后付车钱的精细程度上可以看出来,精确到小数点后一位了,接黑活,不用这么精确吧。而且从他们的对话可以看出,他们之前是互不相识的。 那么她为什么会等在那里,空无一人的小巷,垃圾桶旁边,刚好是Butch的逃跑路线。一定是Butch事先跟预定好了,让她等在那里。因为Butch一开始就想好了要逃跑的。 那她为什么在听拳击广播,因为拳击广播播放的电台多?播放的台再多,相信人也不会看自己不感兴趣的东西。那是因为她对拳击感兴趣?好吧,也很有可能,但是我有一个大胆的推测,她不是对拳击感兴趣,而是对这个让她等在这里的这个顾客感兴趣。停在拳击场外,那自然是来看拳击或者打拳击的,所以她为了了解他,听了相关的报导,以便有话可问。因为对他好奇,所以一直盯着后视镜看,强行问他问题。 她很聪明,很敏锐,她知道什么问题该问什么不该问,也懂得什么该说什么不该说。她问“杀人是什么体验”,说是出于自己的兴趣,我认为她是认真的。她不多问其他,一是其他没什么感兴趣的,二是其他有很多不能问。她答应帮他圆谎,有人觉得是因为给了一点小费,我觉得要是她贪图这点钱,那她不如把他的行踪说出去,收益说不定更大。我认为她是自愿为他保密的,她得到了她问题的答案,就已经满足了。 不过关于女司机的部分我也只是猜测而已,并没有特别确凿的依据,但是电影里给她的面部的特写很多,让我对她非常好奇。但是这里确实需要一个人来告诉Butch他杀人了,而且需要他对自己杀人这件事进行思考,从而获得前面提到的杀人心理准备。正常人又不会问这种问题,估计就是因为这样所以才安排一个奇特的光着脚的她出现在出租车司机的位置上。
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accent音节有 1/解析 ac 加强语气 + cent 唱歌 -> 唱歌(的声音)-> accent 腔调 2/联想 accentuate v. 使突出 acknowledge v. 承认;确认收悉 acknowledgment n. 感谢;承认;承认书 acquaint v. 使熟悉 incentive n. 奖励;鼓励;动机 adj. 激励的;刺激的 3/例句: His English has a strong Scottish accent. 他的英语有浓重的苏格兰口音。
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歌名:I Love Poland 歌手:Hazel歌词:I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - I hadn"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你(ya=you)I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭上你的嘴!I love driving by my car我喜欢开车兜风and the road its not so far.这里道路并不遥远Berlin, London, Moscow too柏林,伦敦,莫斯科也是it"s my love I tell you true.我告诉你的是我的爱When I came to Poland,当我来到波兰I saw my car was stolen.我发现我的车被偷了it was my favourite truck,这可是我最爱的货车啊I said fking kurwa mać!我自言 妈的真走运I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - I hadn"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭上你的嘴!I love driving by my car我喜欢开车兜风and the road its not so far.这里道路并不遥远Berlin, London, Moscow too柏林,伦敦,莫斯科也是it"s my love I tell you true.我告诉你的是我的爱When I came to Poland,当我来到波兰I saw my car was stolen.我发现我的车被偷了It was my favourite truck,这可是我最爱的货车啊I said fking kurwa mać!我自言 妈的真走运I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland - I don"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I had really pretty car我的车真的漂亮(baby you have as so far,(宝贝,知道目前为止,don"t be shy, come with us,别害羞啊,随我们一起,we will show you amouros)我们将给你展示一个奇迹)Then I say in Poland然后我就会说在波兰Have not car but I don"t mind.没有车但我不介意Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰的美女是那么火辣I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰的美女是那么火辣I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭嘴!!!I love Poland.我爱波兰
2023-06-20 02:51:243

A Bathing APE who know?

2023-06-20 02:51:174


某次跟同事聊天时来的灵感:Mate thanks for helping with this shitNo worries mateHow do you say thanks in Chinese?Xie XieNo fking way! You guys thank someone by saying shit-shit?Oh actually yeah! And we reply people"s thank with Bu XieHaha, this is fking hilarious! I say shit-shit and you reply bull-shit. You must be taking the piss!Not at all mate, and guess how do we say many thanks in Chinese?Many shit!No! Haha, we say dog-shit!------------------类似一个是跟法国同事聊出来的。法语问好是bon jour,salut, 和ca va,在普通话里就是笨猪,傻驴,和傻娃。看来法国人之间也满满都是套路啊。摘自知乎“腾天”。望采纳
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