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Eminem的Nail In The Coffin的歌词翻译

2023-06-20 06:32:58


that"s why those people in UBC but cant get a job


haha Funny ,look at urself sissy and phoeny


mothafcker don"t tell me u forgot how u got me started



i don"t wanna be like this


i don really wanna hurt no feelings


but i"m only be real when i say

that nobody wanna see skinny Aron wank


that guy has a heart attack


and i don"t wanna be responsible for that so


step on gas and drive away


you can still have a little fkin dignity



i don even fight but the crowd said the game is K.O.

我还没出手呢,但观众已经说这场比赛 K.O.了

because u are still in ur room playing Halo


Microsoft design this kindergarten shit for u IQ stunting dick

to spend ur ****in money on their game promotion


here, u thought i was a man with good emotion


huh,punch ur fkin face in the slower motion


u skinny as fked dude are u really on ur diet


u never have ur supper never knew what the rice is


so how can he throw me straight to some felony

without bouncing down and beg allow him to eat the sh*t of me


i"m not scary but u are scared


u don even talk to me i think they call this fear


weird ,maybe ur parents taught u how to hide


right now let me teach u mothafka how to die and rhyme


don"t be shy to talk to me ,keep on talking to my girlfriend


i hope u could face me and fight like a man


but u can"t ,i knew the letter in the window


give her to u ,but i don want her to be a widow


haha, u can still make love with ur pillow


asking ur bros who u are fking with, that"s a riddle

然后叫你的朋友猜你和谁干了, 这还真是个难解的谜语阿

if u dared ever talk to Cherry


without hesitation i goon soonly get ur fkin as* buried


aron , let me break this shit down in lames


terms for u just to make sure that u understand this


and candice they using too many complicated bloody fking words for you


here then let me slow it down for you

现在 为了你放慢点速度

so that you can understand if i say it slower


Adios motherfker it"s over!

再见 X你妈的, it"s over!


i don"t wanna be like this


i don really wanna hurt no feelings


but i"m only be real when i say

that nobody wanna see skinny Aron wank


that guy has a heart attack


and i don"t wanna be responsible for that so


step on gas and drive away


you can still have a little fkin dignity



you are fking sissy!


how do you feel after hearing this track?


it"s dope ain"t it


if u wanna talk to me , i gon show more respect


cuz you never said sh*t ,no apology ,nutting !


are u afraid? are you gay??

你是怕了? 还是你是个gay?

by the way , u"d better park you car away


next time i see it beside the mini i gon smash ur fkin window


let ur friend shut the **** up


you know what i"m saying

you know nothing about me , but i know everything about u,


you know i mean

oh pick up an opponent as gay as u next time


better doesn"t know how to rap


mucho gusto motherfker!


fkin loser!!!!


haha ,sorry for makin u scary this time


have a good night





2023-06-20 02:42:292

fking chinese什么意思

fking是fucking, 这是骂咱中国人的话,对说这句话的人的嘴狠抽!!!!!
2023-06-20 02:42:361

fking chinese是什么意思

骂人的话fking 是fucking的缩写直译过来是操蛋的中国人。
2023-06-20 02:42:431


wtf=what the fuckfkin"=freakingnoob=菜鸟也就是what the f*ck? Freaking noob!! 就是骂人的。what the f*ck 也就是不赞成某人做的什么事或者不赞成任何东西的时候用的,我也说不太来。freaking noob就是在骂人“菜鸟”,因为freaking就是带个骂人的意思,意思像“神经”。
2023-06-20 02:42:511

what the fking pu55y翻译?

pussy有小猫的意思 fking这里只是个形容词该死的 总的可以翻译成你这该死的/迷人的小野猫
2023-06-20 02:43:132


1.《英雄联盟美服常用语有的么英雄联盟》美服常用语是啥啊 在英文网站中常见的LOL则是英语中的网络用语,LOL=Laugh Out Loud=开怀大笑。 b = 回来,撤退,敌人们去搞你了。意义就等同于国内DOTA里的"3"。 back = 撤退,敌人们去搞你了。意义就等同于国内DOTA里的"3"。 care = 小心,他们可能想搞你。 brb=be right back 马上回来。oom = 没魔法值了。人家没魔法值就用不了技能,所以不要指望他给你技能上的援助(好像是废话) lom = 魔法值很少了。 意思就是人家可能就只能放1到2个技能,你要搞人的时候要想到这点。 focus = 集中搞一个。 就是说你们整队人在团战的时候,先把某个敌方特定英雄弄翻。 top, mid, bottom = Lol中的上,中,下路。 有的老外喜欢把TOP和BOTTOM分别用LEFT和RIGHT来表示。 mia=missing in action 一般用于top mia,mid mia,bot mia意指上,中,下路目标失踪 neuts = 野怪 neutrals = 生活在丛林里的猛兽们。 游戏图片 bp, pill, pilling = 蓝色药片(随着版本的更新被取消掉了,类似回城卷轴的东西),正在回家 base, basing = 蓝色药片(随着版本的更新被取消掉了,类似回城卷轴的东西),正在回家 shop,buy,items = 回家买东西 bush = 草丛,Lol里可以把英雄藏在里面而不被外面的人发现 grass = 还是草丛,Lol里可以把英雄藏在里面而不被外面的人发现 sigils = 玩家打败远古傀儡和蜥蜴长老后所获得的临时增益效果。 这些增益效果将在持有人被杀死后转移到杀手身上。 所以看见谁身上有蓝色牌子或者红色牌子在围着他绕啊绕,就可以纠集人手把他嘿嘿掉。 1 来个人跟我一起打野 (如果是想说开局直接farm有光环的两个野怪可以给队友发信号然后说:help me to get the buff 同样打龙可以说:farm dragon。 当然最好加上队友英雄的名称,比如你一开始可以直奔野区, 然后打字说:ashe/fiddle/cho help me to get the buff) 2 你从旁边抄小路走 (如果是想说躲树林里面可以说: hide in bush) 3 这是个明显的陷阱 (一般叫队友不要上说nw=no wait就可以了, 当然也可以用trap那句) 4 他们过去捉你了 (先发信号,再说:bcareful,they all missing,这句是说小心,地图上看不到人) 5 集火杀其中一个 (这句话很常用: just focus one plz,用于打完团战结果对面n人空血但都没死的情况) 6 跟着大部队别掉单 (如果是一个队友冲的太前可以说: back up, wait for others)。 2.英雄联盟美服常用语 CC是什么意思?有这词么,我怎么从来没见过。 pro大概是好的意思。 bro就是兄弟,朋友,伙计,就是一个称呼,叫你一下。 这些都是单词缩写,都是欧美国家的网络用语,看不懂很正常,很多玩过人都看不懂呢。 楼上的WTF就是 what the fking 什么玩意。..是骂人的 骂人的还有noob,意思是菜鸟 trash,垃圾 fking,就是艹,因为全拼是被和谐的 lol是缩写,是大笑的意思。 dude是老兄,跟BRO一样。 GJ就是干得好 GG就不用我多说了吧,good game,比赛结束的时候输的一方打的,赢了你打GG就等着被喷吧。 放心楼主,正常交流,你只要把大概意思表达出来就可以了,他们听的懂的。 跟他们骂嘛,骂两句英文吧,碰上犀利的,你英文是骂不过他的,就用中文骂吧,反正你看不懂他他也看不懂你,而且一般看到是中国人他都不会再骂下去的。 呵呵,我也是美服的,我是北区有好几个号,楼主有意思可以加下blueslo或者fukkyourmomiscoo一起玩。 3.求大神指教在美服LOL常用语言 常用,譬如 yh(yeah)mid(middle 中)top Lane – 路 Laning - 对线阶段 Solo – 单路 Top – 上 Mid – 中 Bot – 下 Jungle – 打野怪 MIA – Missing in Action 同路的敌人消失了 (如果同路有2 个敌人, 直接以 "-1", "-2" 表达好了) All MIA – All Missing in Action 敌人全部消失了 RE – Returned 同路的敌人回来了 NVM – Nevermind 没事了 (可作RE使用)或是刚刚讲的不算数。 团战篇 OOM –Out of Mana (没魔力了 ) CC - Crowd Control,控场技 (例: 晕,慢, 沉默, 等等。) FB – First Blood 首杀 EM – Enemy 敌人 BD – Backdooring 偷塔 B – Back 退 Gank – gangbang kill – 偷袭 Push – 推塔 GG – Good Game 完成一场好游戏 NP – No Problem 不要紧 Feed – 肥料,一直死,去养对方。 ex:don"t feed them Fed – 被养大 ex: yi was fed Feeder –施肥者 xd Brb – Be Right back 很快就回来 (一般是回去补血或者买东西) baron - 打虫 backdoor = 相方推塔/会战时偷爆。建筑篇 Turret 、tower –炮塔 Inhibitor/Barrack – 水晶 Nexus、Base – 主城 侦查篇 Ward – 绿色洞察棒 ($75普通的 ) Vision Ward– 红色洞察棒 ( $150可看隐形) Oracle – 洞察药水 Bush – 草丛 Stealth – 隐身 网路篇 Lag – 卡卡的 DC – Disconnect 断线 Dced - Disconneced 断线的过去式 Delay - 延迟 ,一般人用LAG比较多 Frozen – 卡得不能动 AFK – Away From Keyboard 闲置状态, 挂机 Report – 回报 情绪篇 Rape – 强X = OMG 4v1 they rape me 意思就是:4打1,他们强。 .我 Rage– 愤怒 Ty – Thankyou 谢谢 Gj – Good Job = Nj– Nice job 干得好 OMW – On My Way 正赶来 Noob – Newbie 新手 OMG – Oh My God 我的天阿 Lame –滥!OMFG – Oh My Fxxking God 我的天阿(进阶版) WTF – What the Fxxk 这怎可能啊or有没有搞错 Retarded – 脑残 LOL – Laugh out loud 大笑 LMAO - Laugh My Ass Off (同上) ROFL – Rolling on floor laugh 笑到地上打滚 STFU - Shut the Fuck up gl hf = Good Luck Have Fun = 祝你好运,享受乐趣 IDC = I don"t care 我不介意 idk=I don"t know 我不知道 英雄篇 Champ – Champions 英雄 Buff – 将英雄改强 (名词)助益性效果 Debuff – 损害性效果 Nerf –(动词)将英雄改弱 OP – Overpowering 英雄过强 Imba – Imbalance 这英雄的设计不平衡 (同上) Ult – Ultimate 大绝 / AD – Attack Damage 物理攻击 AP – Ability Power 魔攻 Dps – 每秒伤害 ( DaMnDog 提供 ) Tank – 坦克 Mage – 法师 support – 支援 melee – 近战 ranger – 远距离。 4.LOL玩家应具备那些知识,何了解那些东西 1、四阿哥的标枪可以作为传送目标。 2、当你以眼为传送目标时,此时对方可以看到你的眼(即使是在草丛里) 3、你可以输入/ff来快速投降。 4、你可以用SHIFT+右键来攻击男爵身后的眼(即使你看不见) 5、你可以用SHIFT+1/2/3/4来使你的英雄讲笑话、嘲讽、跳舞、大笑。 6、你可以金属大师杀死后的灵魂抵挡皮城女警的大招。 7、易大师的Q有个小技巧,如果你把Q点在濒死的小兵身上,效果完了之后,易大师会回到原地。 换句话说,易大师Q选择的目标如果因为的伤害死亡,易大师不会移动到目标身边。 8、关于移动速度。 当你的移动速度超过420时,面板上显示的移动速度要略小于实际移动速度。 9、攻击速度上限是2.5 10、鬼步与其它速度加成技能的使用顺序对你速度加成无关。 11、如果你想把所有物品买齐(全英雄、符文)总计要花费65万金币。 12、游戏中某些地方实际上是可以用闪现闪过去的,只是你以为闪不过去。 (具体的地方你们自己试,文字不好描述。男爵旁、二塔旁树林、一塔外河道旁草丛) 13、有回复光环的装备可以出多件,对于你个人来说是叠加的,但是你的队友只受到一个光环的效果。 14、S与H的区别:S是停止一切动作,包括攻击敌军。H是停在原地,当敌军进入射程时,会攻击。 15、A是攻击当前敌军,X是攻击沿途敌军(A点地板后是攻击当前视野中敌军,X是攻击沿途的,一般情况下,X比A操作更智能,更傻瓜。)X键等同于SHIFT+右键 16、/r空格空格:回复上次与你私聊的好友。 18、相同的光环最多只能有2个。 19、5级前被上了点燃不要怕,用一个血瓶就可以抵消点燃的伤害。 (尽量不要治疗术,因为只有50%的效果。) 20、左上角的队友图标上有个绿色的小点,这代表着队友大招是否准备就绪。 亮了就是好了。 希望追加分。 谢谢,。
2023-06-20 02:43:221


WTF 经常用这个就可以了 老美都看得懂 OMG这个全球通用
2023-06-20 02:43:312

r u fking srue是什么意思

Are you fucking sure?
2023-06-20 02:43:513


翻译为:What a fucking annoyance, what a fucking misfortune!
2023-06-20 02:44:012

翻译 急急急

ju大概听了下st开始说他觉得那个叫shero ko(不知道怎么拼的)的女孩很hot,还说她butt很in sexy哈哈. 然后就说起了Justin嘴感兴趣的话题,girls....然后主持人问他is的最后问题,第一个恋爱的女孩. 他说有个学校舞会, 他和一个班上同学初吻,fking他和他朋友打赌,谁最先初吻,谁得到10美元,哈哈. regular hockey boy lol. gay还有头发8分钟就做好了,比较自然吧啊.
2023-06-20 02:44:092


你说的应该的袁凤瑛的《天若有情》 网易云音乐里可以找到
2023-06-20 02:44:173


你说的应该的袁凤瑛的《天若有情》 网易云音乐里可以找到
2023-06-20 02:44:313


2023-06-20 02:44:464


英文歌歌词哦佛了水友歌名是:《i love poland》
2023-06-20 02:44:534

谁能告诉我下,有一首老歌 其中有点歌词是 让轻风吹动你的长发,谁能告诉我叫什么歌名?

阿牛 爱我久久
2023-06-20 02:45:137


01 买了佛冷=i love poland=我爱波兰,出自英文歌《Ilovepoland》的一句歌词。因该歌曲十分魔性,且英文单词被网友古怪的发音被玩坏而延伸到了日常的对话中!当别人对你说“买了佛冷”的时候,你可以搞笑回答相应歌词,如:Poland?、Why?、I don"t belive it、Shut up! 完整版歌词 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我爱波兰,好运! I love Poland.( Poland?) 我爱波兰(波兰?) I love Poland.( Why?) 我爱波兰(为什么?) I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) 我爱波兰(我不相信。) I love Poland.(Poland?) 我爱波兰(波兰?) I love Poland.(Why?) 我爱波兰(为什么?) I love Poland,(Shut up!) 我爱波兰(闭嘴) I love driving by my car 我爱开着我的车 and the road its not so far. 这条路并不远 Berlin, London, Moscow too. 柏林,伦敦,墨西哥也是 it"s my love I tell you true.实话实说,这是我的挚爱 When I came to Poland, 当我来到波兰时 I saw my car was stolen. 我看到我的车被偷了 it was my favourite truck, 那是我最喜欢的卡车 I said fking kurwa ma! 他*的 Chicks in Poland are so hot, 波兰小妞如此火辣 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我爱波兰,好运! I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.)我爱波兰(我不相信。) I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I had really pretty car, baby you have as so far, don"t be shy, come with us, we will show you amouros. Then I say in Poland, have not car but I don"t mind. Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I had really pretty car, baby you have as so far, don"t be shy, come with us, we will show you amouros. Then I say in Poland, have not car but I don"t mind. Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! I love Poland kurwa ma!
2023-06-20 02:45:271

抖音有首英文歌曲,歌词是 什么荷兰人(音译for ran什么的) 然后女的回应what,后来是呵呵 最后是fu c k

歌名:《i love poland》舞曲:DJ308歌词:I love Poland.(Poland?)I love Poland.(Why?)I love Poland,(Shut up!)I love driving by my carand the road its not so far.Berlin, London, Moscow too.its my love I tell you true.When I came to Poland,I saw my car was was my favourite truck,I said fking kurwa ma!Chicks in Poland are so hot,I love Poland kurwa ma!I love Poland.I love Poland.I love Poland.I love Poland.(I dont belive it.)I love Poland.I love Poland.I love Poland.I love Poland.I had really pretty car,baby you have as so far,dont be shy, come with us,we will show you amouros.Then I say in Poland,have not car but I dont mind.Chicks in Poland are so hot,I love Poland kurwa ma!We will show you amouros.We will show you amouros.We will show you amouros.We will show you amouros.Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Chicks in Poland are so hot,I love Poland kurwa ma!I love Poland kurwa ma!I love Poland.I love Poland.I love Poland.I love Poland.(I dont belive it.)I love Poland.I love Poland.I love Poland.I love Poland.I had really pretty car,baby you have as so far,dont be shy, come with us,we will show you amouros.Then I say in Poland,have not car but I dont mind.Chicks in Poland are so hot,I love Poland kurwa ma!We will show you amouros.We will show you amouros.We will show you amouros.We will show you amouros.Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!Kurwa ma!I love Poland kurwa ma!
2023-06-20 02:45:341

买了佛冷歌词 买了佛冷歌词带翻译

1、Ilovepoland歌词中文谐音翻译 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我他*的爱波兰! I love Poland.( Poland?) 我爱波兰(波兰?) I love Poland.( Why?) 我爱波兰(为什么?) I love Poland.(I dont belive it.) 我爱波兰(我不信) I love Poland.(Poland?) 我爱波兰(波兰?) I love Poland.(Why?) 我爱波兰(为什么?) I love Poland,(Shut up!) 我爱波兰(闭嘴!) I love driving by my car 我爱开着我的车 and the road its not so far. 这条路并不远 Berlin, London, Moscow too. 柏林,伦敦,墨西哥也是 its my love I tell you true. 实话实说,这是我的挚爱 When I came to Poland, 当我来到波兰时 I saw my car was stolen. 我看到我的车被偷了 it was my favourite truck, 那是我最喜欢的卡车 I said fking kurwa ma! 他*的 Chicks in Poland are so hot, 波兰小妞如此火辣 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我他*的爱波兰! I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland.(I dont belive it.) 我爱波兰(我不信) I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I had really pretty car, 我有一辆漂亮的车 baby you have as so far, 宝贝目前这也属于你 dont be shy, come with us, 不要害羞,和我们走 we will show you amouros. 我们会给你看阿莫罗斯(情♂趣用品) Then I say in Poland, 接着我在波兰说 have not car but I dont mind. 我不介意没有车 Chicks in Poland are so hot, 波兰小妞如此火辣 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我他*爱波兰! We will show you amouros. 我们会给你看阿莫罗斯 We will show you amouros. 我们会给你看阿莫罗斯 We will show you amouros. 我们会给你看阿莫罗斯 We will show you amouros. 我们会给你看阿莫罗斯 Kurwa ma! *的! Kurwa ma! *的! Kurwa ma! *的! Kurwa ma! *的! Kurwa ma! *的! Kurwa ma! *的! 2、买了佛冷- 陈烁 词:陈烁 曲:陈烁
2023-06-20 02:45:411

抖音拜了佛伦啥意思 抖音拜了佛伦是什么歌

【导读】:最近抖音上有一首歌其中有一句拜了佛伦这首歌非常火,那么抖音拜了佛伦啥意思?抖音拜了佛伦是什么歌?下面和爱秀美我一起来了解下吧! 抖音拜了佛伦啥意思 拜了佛伦是一首歌的名字,这首歌是《I love poland (DjCore Remix)》,有DjCore演唱。 具体就是刚开始我太TM爱波兰了,然后一直说,女主角就一直说为什么要说你爱波兰?最后不耐烦了女主就开始说闭嘴吧!就是一段非常魔性的对话,因为声音有磁性,而女声的声音又特别娇媚吸引人,所以就有很多人开始模仿嘴型或者两人合拍舞蹈,就流行起来了。 其实在这首歌的第一句是“Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰小妞如此 *** ”正是因为波兰美女太多了所以才引起了这首DJ创作者对于波兰的喜爱吧,才有了后面的我爱波兰的对话!当然也是因为抖音上美女太多了所以我们爱抖音hahaha。对于男性同胞们来说爱可能就是这么简单!就是因为这里有让你值得怀恋的女孩。 抖音拜了佛伦是什么歌 I love poland (DjCore Remix) 歌词: Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland.( Poland?) I love Poland.( Why?) I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) I love Poland.(Poland?) I love Poland.(Why?) I love Poland,(Shut up!) I love driving by my car and the road its not so far. Berlin, London, Moscow too. it"s my love I tell you true. When I came to Poland, I saw my car was stolen. it was my favourite truck, I said fking kurwa ma! Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I had really pretty car, baby you have as so far, don"t be shy, e with us, we will show you amouros. Then I say in Poland, have not car but I don"t mind. Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I had really pretty car, baby you have as so far, don"t be shy, e with us, we will show you amouros. Then I say in Poland, have not car but I don"t mind. Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. Kurwa ma! I love Poland kurwa ma!
2023-06-20 02:45:481


2023-06-20 02:45:554


2023-06-20 02:46:042


01 买了否冷=i love poland=我爱波兰,出自英文歌《Ilovepoland》的一句歌词。因该歌曲十分魔性,且英文单词被网友古怪的发音被玩坏而延伸到了日常的对话中!当别人对你说“买了否冷”的时候,你可以搞笑回答相应歌词,如:Poland?、Why?、I don"t belive it、Shut up! 完整版歌词 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我爱波兰,好运! I love Poland.( Poland?) 我爱波兰(波兰?) I love Poland.( Why?) 我爱波兰(为什么?) I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) 我爱波兰(我不相信。) I love Poland.(Poland?) 我爱波兰(波兰?) I love Poland.(Why?) 我爱波兰(为什么?) I love Poland,(Shut up!) 我爱波兰(闭嘴) I love driving by my car 我爱开着我的车 and the road its not so far. 这条路并不远 Berlin, London, Moscow too. 柏林,伦敦,墨西哥也是 it"s my love I tell you true.实话实说,这是我的挚爱 When I came to Poland, 当我来到波兰时 I saw my car was stolen. 我看到我的车被偷了 it was my favourite truck, 那是我最喜欢的卡车 I said fking kurwa ma! 他*的 Chicks in Poland are so hot, 波兰小妞如此火辣 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我爱波兰,好运! I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.)我爱波兰(我不相信。) I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I had really pretty car, baby you have as so far, don"t be shy, come with us, we will show you amouros. Then I say in Poland, have not car but I don"t mind. Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I had really pretty car, baby you have as so far, don"t be shy, come with us, we will show you amouros. Then I say in Poland, have not car but I don"t mind. Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! I love Poland kurwa ma!
2023-06-20 02:46:111

用take翻译 我今天花了一个小时学英语

It took me one hour to study the fking English today. How on earth did this stupid language happen to be the most prevalent language? it"s so freaking confusing and tedious. There are over 5 words for exact same meaning, learning the jerky vocab jus to freaking impress people? nah... there mus be something terribly wrong with this world.
2023-06-20 02:46:193

歌曲I love Poland歌词中有提到"我的货车在波兰被偷了",这是不是在调侃波兰治安差呢?

I love Poland歌词提到货车在波兰被偷是有调侃波兰意思,歌中一男一女,一个说我爱波兰,另一个是提出疑问真的爱波兰?就是一首调侃波兰的歌曲。I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - I hadn"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你(ya=you)I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭上你的嘴!I love driving by my car我喜欢开车兜风and the road its not so far.这里道路并不遥远Berlin, London, Moscow too柏林,伦敦,莫斯科也是it"s my love I tell you true.我告诉你的是我的爱When I came to Poland,当我来到波兰I saw my car was stolen.我发现我的车被偷了it was my favourite truck,这可是我最爱的货车啊I said fking kurwa mać!我自言 妈的真走运I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - I hadn"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭上你的嘴!I love driving by my car我喜欢开车兜风and the road its not so far.这里道路并不遥远Berlin, London, Moscow too柏林,伦敦,莫斯科也是it"s my love I tell you true.我告诉你的是我的爱When I came to Poland,当我来到波兰I saw my car was stolen.我发现我的车被偷了It was my favourite truck,这可是我最爱的货车啊I said fking kurwa mać!我自言 妈的真走运I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland - I don"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I had really pretty car我的车真的漂亮(baby you have as so far,(宝贝,知道目前为止,don"t be shy, come with us,别害羞啊,随我们一起,we will show you amouros)我们将给你展示一个奇迹)Then I say in Poland然后我就会说在波兰Have not car but I don"t mind.没有车但我不介意Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰的美女是那么火辣I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰的美女是那么火辣I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭嘴!!!I love Poland.我爱波兰
2023-06-20 02:46:371

your mi account verification code is 501233[小米]

so? get a life douchebag. Fking stupid dumbass.
2023-06-20 02:46:463


01 买了佛冷=i love poland=我爱波兰,出自英文歌《Ilovepoland》的一句歌词。因该歌曲十分魔性,且英文单词被网友古怪的发音被玩坏而延伸到了日常的对话中!当别人对你说“买了佛冷”的时候,你可以搞笑回答相应歌词,如:Poland?、Why?、I don"t belive it、Shut up!完整版歌词 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我爱波兰,好运! I love Poland.( Poland?) 我爱波兰(波兰?) I love Poland.( Why?) 我爱波兰(为什么?) I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) 我爱波兰(我不相信。) I love Poland.(Poland?) 我爱波兰(波兰?) I love Poland.(Why?) 我爱波兰(为什么?) I love Poland,(Shut up!) 我爱波兰(闭嘴)I love driving by my car 我爱开着我的车 and the road its not so far. 这条路并不远 Berlin, London, Moscow too. 柏林,伦敦,墨西哥也是 it"s my love I tell you true.实话实说,这是我的挚爱 When I came to Poland, 当我来到波兰时 I saw my car was stolen. 我看到我的车被偷了 it was my favourite truck, 那是我最喜欢的卡车 I said fking kurwa ma! 他*的 Chicks in Poland are so hot, 波兰小妞如此火辣 I love Poland kurwa ma! 我爱波兰,好运! I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.)我爱波兰(我不相信。) I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I love Poland. 我爱波兰 I had really pretty car, baby you have as so far, don"t be shy, come with us, we will show you amouros. Then I say in Poland, have not car but I don"t mind. Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland kurwa ma! I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.) I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I love Poland. I had really pretty car, baby you have as so far, don"t be shy, come with us, we will show you amouros. Then I say in Poland, have not car but I don"t mind. Chicks in Poland are so hot, I love Poland kurwa ma! We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. We will show you amouros. Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! Kurwa ma! I love Poland kurwa ma!
2023-06-20 02:46:553


The network is very slow.
2023-06-20 02:47:044


I did something wrong,but my mom didnt kick my ass. I had tried my best,but I still fail in my final. I have apple and banana,but my mom prefer pear. That bread was fking stinky,but I still have to had them as my lunch.
2023-06-20 02:47:251


wow,it"s fking beautiful
2023-06-20 02:47:344


This money even a fucking cigarette is not enough to buy, you want to use it to buy me?
2023-06-20 02:47:423


so fking stupid(最前面加个I am)
2023-06-20 02:47:504


我认为说脏话不代表个人的素养问题。每个人都不一样有时候脏话只是表达情绪的一种方法。既然想改掉这个习惯,就从心底里给自己下决心 我相信只要认真严肃真心的对待一件事的话,没有什么是不可能的事在人为。
2023-06-20 02:47:588


fashionking是时尚王FASHIONKING(FKing) 的衣服主营产品:时尚女包; 时尚男包; 包; 牛皮包; 高跟鞋; 高跟鞋; 包; 皮包; 高跟鞋; 时尚女包; 性感高跟鞋; 帆布鞋
2023-06-20 02:48:281


中二:i am the one who knocks.正常:i am a real gangster.帮派分子:niger i am a mother fking gangster.
2023-06-20 02:48:351


2023-06-20 02:48:412


ihateuiloveu歌曲背景ihateuiloveu是由美国DJGnash与美国歌手OliviaO"Brien合作推出的单曲,发行于2015年7月6日,2017年被提名为迪斯尼音乐奖最佳分手歌曲。歌曲有一种孤独到骨髓里的悲凉感,低沉的钢琴伴奏,节奏随歌手情绪强弱而变化,营造了一种伤感的氛围,成为很多人失恋难眠夜的必听曲。女声温柔哀怨,男声低沉饱满,反复渐唱IhateuIloveu把爱恨交织的复杂感情提现得淋漓尽致。这份爱是矛盾的,我很恨你却也很爱你。ihateuiloveu歌词如下Feeling used,But I'mStill missing you,And I can&apostSee the end of this,Just wanna feel your kissAgainst my lips,And now all this timeIs passing by,But I still can&apost seem to tell you whyIt hurts me every time I see you,Realize how much I need youI hate you I love you,I hate that I love youDon't want to but,I can't put nobody else above youI hate you I love you,I hate that I want youYou want her you need her,And I&aposll never be herI miss you when I can&apost sleep,Or right after coffeeOr right when I can&apost eat,I miss you in my front seatStill got sand in my sweaters,From nights we don't rememberDo you miss me like I miss you,Fked around and got attached to youFriends can break your heart too,And I'm always tired but never of youIf I pulled a you on you,You wouldn&apost like that stI put this reel out,But you wouldn&apost bite that stI type a text but then,I never mind that stI got these feelings,But you never mind that stOh oh keep it on the low,You're still in love with meBut your friends don&apost know,If you wanted me you would just say soAnd if I were you I would never let me go,I don't mean no harmI just miss you on my arm,Wedding bells were just alarmsCaution tape around my heart,You ever wonder what we could have beenYou said you wouldn't,And you fking didLie to me lie with me,Get your fking fixNow all my drinks and all,My feelings are all fking mixedAlways missing people that,I shouldn&apost be missingSometimes you gotta burn some bridges,Just to create some distanceI know that I control my thoughts,And I should stop reminiscingBut I learned from my dad that,It&aposs good to have feelingsWhen love and trust are gone,I guess this is moving onEveryone I do right does me wrong,So every lonely night I sing this songI hate you I love you,I hate that I love youDon&apost want to but,I can't put nobody else above youI hate you,I love youI hate that,I want youYou want her,You need herAnd I&aposll never be her,All alone I watch you watch herLike she&aposs the only girl you&aposve ever seen,You don&apost care you never didYou don&apost give a dn about me,Yeah all alone I watch you watch herShe is the only thing you ever see,How is it you never noticeThat you are slowly killing me,I hate you I love youI hate that I love you,Don&apost want toBut I can&apost put nobody else above you,I hate youI love you,I hate that I want youYou want her,You need her歌词大意感觉被利用了,但我依旧想着你,我依然不能相信这就是结局,只想感觉你的亲吻弥留在唇上的气息,这么漫长的一段时光已经过去了,但我似乎依然不能向你倾诉什么为什么每次见到你就会阵痛的心脏,让我明白自己有多么需要你,我恨你我爱你,我恨我爱着你我不想沉沦但我再无法,让别人住进心里我恨你我爱你,我恨我爱着你你很爱她 你需要她,可我永远不能成为她失眠的夜我想着你,喝完咖啡我想着你吃不下饭我想着你,我想念你坐在我的前座我的毛衣里还留有细沙,在多少个日夜里被淡忘了你是否像我想你一样也想着我,抛下了一切只想待在你身旁朋友也有使你伤心的时候,我沉溺于对你的思念乐此不疲却耿耿于怀如果我将爱强加于你 你也不会高兴吧,我将深藏在心的话告诉你 而你不会回应我写了简讯 我并不在意你是否回复,我知道我的这些感受 你从来不会在乎好了 不说了,如果你真的爱我 你肯定对朋友说过如果我是你 我绝对不会就这样放手,我要的很简单我只是想念你靠在我的肩上,婚礼的钟声刚刚轻抚过耳畔万念俱灰的感觉缠绕着我的心,你有没有想过我们本也可以步入教堂你说过你不会离开我 但你真的忍心离我而去,一遍又一遍地欺骗着我直到失去重来的机会现在的我也不清楚那是怎样的感受,我总是思念着不该思念的人有时候 必须斩断联系保持距离,我知道我必需隐藏自己的情绪 我也必需停止回忆但我从父亲那学到 有这样的感受也是一件好事,当爱与誓言 都悄然远去我想 这一切 也终会过去的,每个我真心对待的人都辜负了我所以每个孑然一身的夜晚,我都会将这旋律轻轻哼起,我恨你我爱你我恨我还是那样爱着你,我不想沉沦 但我再无法让别人住进心里,我恨你我爱你我恨我 爱着你,你很爱她你需要她可我永远不能成为她,我孤独地望这看着她的你她就是你眼中的唯一,你从来就没有在乎过你伤害了谁你从来都没在意过我,我孤独地望着看着她的你她就是你眼中的唯一,为什么你从来没意识到是你一点一点地扼杀了我,我恨你我爱你我恨我爱着你,我不想沉沦但我再无法让别人住进心里,我恨你我爱你我恨我爱着你,你很爱她你需要她可我永远不能成为她
2023-06-20 02:48:501

才知道 有些感受 我和他谁都不曾说口 这是蔡依林的那首歌中的歌词

2023-06-20 02:49:2411

我爱波兰抖音歌曲是什么? ilovepoland歌词翻译中文[多图]

最近在抖音上面的一首《i love poland》是非常的火了,很多的小伙伴都喜欢,不过这首歌是英文的,怎么办呢?没有关系,皇家翻译上线了,看看你有多爱波兰,下面把ilovepoland歌词翻译中文分享给大家。ilovepoland歌词翻译中文具体就是刚开始我太TM爱波兰了,然后一直说,女主角就一直说为什么要说你爱波兰?最后不耐烦了女主就开始说闭嘴吧!就是一段非常魔性的对话,因为声音有磁性,而女声的声音又特别娇媚吸引人,所以就有很多人开始模仿嘴型或者两人合拍舞蹈,就流行起来了。其实在这首歌的第一句是“Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰小妞如此火辣”正是因为波兰美女太多了所以才引起了这首DJ创作者对于波兰的喜爱吧,才有了后面的我爱波兰的对话!当然也是因为抖音上美女太多了所以我们爱抖音hahaha。对于男性同胞们来说爱可能就是这么简单!就是因为这里有让你值得怀恋的女孩。I love Poland kurwa ma!我他*的爱波兰!I love Poland.( Poland?)我爱波兰(波兰?)I love Poland.( Why?)我爱波兰(为什么?)I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.)我爱波兰(我不信)I love Poland.(Poland?)我爱波兰(波兰?)I love Poland.(Why?)我爱波兰(为什么?)I love Poland,(Shut up!)我爱波兰(闭嘴!)I love driving by my car我爱开着我的车and the road its not so far.这条路并不远Berlin, London, Moscow too.柏林,伦敦,墨西哥也是it"s my love I tell you true.实话实说,这是我的挚爱When I came to Poland,当我来到波兰时I saw my car was stolen.我看到我的车被偷了it was my favourite truck,那是我最喜欢的卡车I said fking kurwa ma!他*的Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰小妞如此火辣I love Poland kurwa ma!我他*的爱波兰!I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.(I don"t belive it.)我爱波兰(我不信)I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I had really pretty car,我有一辆漂亮的车baby you have as so far,宝贝目前这也属于你don"t be shy, come with us,不要害羞,和我们走we will show you amouros.我们会给你看阿莫罗斯(情♂趣用品)Then I say in Poland,接着我在波兰说have not car but I don"t mind.我不介意没有车Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰小妞如此火辣I love Poland kurwa ma!我他*爱波兰!We will show you amouros.我们会给你看阿莫罗斯We will show you amouros.我们会给你看阿莫罗斯We will show you amouros.我们会给你看阿莫罗斯We will show you amouros.我们会给你看阿莫罗斯Kurwa ma!*的!Kurwa ma!*的!Kurwa ma!*的!Kurwa ma!*的!Kurwa ma!*的!Kurwa ma!*的!
2023-06-20 02:49:461


If u can"t do this things just fking shut up your ass
2023-06-20 02:49:532


2023-06-20 02:50:024


The ghost
2023-06-20 02:50:094

fk my lifeuff01fk meuff01anyone come to tell me to be a g

fk my life!fk me!anyone come to tell me to be a good person,ill fk u,and ur family!fk all of the kindness in this fking shity world!中文意思是:FK我的生活!FK我!任何人来告诉我做一个好人,生病FK U和你的家庭!也可以读作:FK my life! FK me! Anyone to tell me to be a good person, sick FK U and your family!my life英 [mai laif] 美 [maɪ laɪf] 我的心肝(称呼最心爱的人)anyone英 [ˈeniwʌn] 美 [ˈɛniˌwʌn, -wən] pron.任何人;谁;任何一个come to英 [kʌm tu:] 美 [kʌm tu] 苏醒;到达;共计;突然想起good person好人all of英 [ɔ:l ɔv] 美 [ɔl ʌv] adv.实足,不少于kindness英 [ˈkaɪndnəs] 美 [ˈkaɪndnɪs] n.仁慈,善行;友好的行为复数: kindnessesworld英 [wɜ:ld] 美 [wɜ:rld];地球;领域;尘世复数: worlds
2023-06-20 02:50:171


2023-06-20 02:50:262

what the fking pu55y,中文意思是什么?

5 = s 就是 p u s s y , 是个用来骂人的词,多用来辱骂女性 ,具体什么意思自己百度好了整句话可以翻译为: 这 该 死 的 贱 人
2023-06-20 02:50:333

这“楽”字 是什么字?

how do i fking know eh? you dumbass~
2023-06-20 02:50:423


you is Philipino
2023-06-20 02:50:493


某次跟同事聊天时来的灵感:Mate thanks for helping with this shitNo worries mateHow do you say thanks in Chinese?Xie XieNo fking way! You guys thank someone by saying shit-shit?Oh actually yeah! And we reply people"s thank with Bu XieHaha, this is fking hilarious! I say shit-shit and you reply bull-shit. You must be taking the piss!Not at all mate, and guess how do we say many thanks in Chinese?Many shit!No! Haha, we say dog-shit!------------------类似一个是跟法国同事聊出来的。法语问好是bon jour,salut, 和ca va,在普通话里就是笨猪,傻驴,和傻娃。看来法国人之间也满满都是套路啊。摘自知乎“腾天”。望采纳
2023-06-20 02:51:091

A Bathing APE who know?

2023-06-20 02:51:174


歌名:I Love Poland 歌手:Hazel歌词:I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - I hadn"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你(ya=you)I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭上你的嘴!I love driving by my car我喜欢开车兜风and the road its not so far.这里道路并不遥远Berlin, London, Moscow too柏林,伦敦,莫斯科也是it"s my love I tell you true.我告诉你的是我的爱When I came to Poland,当我来到波兰I saw my car was stolen.我发现我的车被偷了it was my favourite truck,这可是我最爱的货车啊I said fking kurwa mać!我自言 妈的真走运I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - I hadn"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭上你的嘴!I love driving by my car我喜欢开车兜风and the road its not so far.这里道路并不遥远Berlin, London, Moscow too柏林,伦敦,莫斯科也是it"s my love I tell you true.我告诉你的是我的爱When I came to Poland,当我来到波兰I saw my car was stolen.我发现我的车被偷了It was my favourite truck,这可是我最爱的货车啊I said fking kurwa mać!我自言 妈的真走运I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland - I don"t belive ya.我爱波兰 我不相信你I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I had really pretty car我的车真的漂亮(baby you have as so far,(宝贝,知道目前为止,don"t be shy, come with us,别害羞啊,随我们一起,we will show you amouros)我们将给你展示一个奇迹)Then I say in Poland然后我就会说在波兰Have not car but I don"t mind.没有车但我不介意Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰的美女是那么火辣I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹We will show you amouros.我们将向你展示一个奇迹Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Kurwa mać!走好运!Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰的美女是那么火辣I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland kurwa mać!我爱波兰 好运!I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland.我爱波兰I love Poland - Poland?我爱波兰 波兰?I love Poland - Why?我爱波兰 为什么?I love Poland - Shut up!我爱波兰 闭嘴!!!I love Poland.我爱波兰
2023-06-20 02:51:243

如何理解《低俗小说》Gold Watch部分的女出租车司机

这一段看似可有可无,其实很关键。想象下,本来,他从拳击场逃出来,坐上出租车,直接回到家,即使没有车上这一段对话,好像也没有什么影响。但是实际上,这一段是为了Butch后来杀死Vicent做心理上的准备,结合前面见老大时候他们俩的口角的动机的铺垫,和自卫的本能,导致他杀Vicent没有迟疑,反而相当冷静,甚至还能在事后冷静地擦枪上的指纹再走。 首先,他是不知道自己杀了人的,他从女司机的口中得知自己杀人。然后女司机反复追问,杀人是一种什么样的感受,他虽然起先避而不答,但是在心里一定一直在思考究竟是什么感受,他最后得出了结论:我没有感觉到什么不好(I don"t feel bit bad about it)。到这里他便从“没有杀过人的状态”转变成了“得知自己杀人并没感觉不好的状态”,从而具备了杀人的心理上的准备。有电影里的对话线索可以看出这个转变的完成,一开始得知对手被杀他的反应是“Poor Floyd”,这是在同情对手的死亡,这明明就是感觉到不好,但是经过女司机的追问,他最后得出的答案却是“其实并没什么不好”。所以他在中途通电话的对话中的话语已经变成了“去他丫的,如果他是个有实力的拳击手,他就不会死。”(“Fk him, if he was a better boxer, he"d be still alive, he never laced up his gloves which he shoulda done in the first fking place he"d be still alive, who gives a fk?”)语气里已经没有了同情,对这死亡已经毫无内疚,罪恶感。接下来转而去讨论靠这次拳击场外投注赚下的钱和后面的计划了。 有人可以说,他当时不杀Vicent,他自己就得死,所以他必须会开枪杀他。这个还真不好说。具备杀人的心理准备条件的重要性在这个电影里两处可见:一个杀过人的人和没杀过人的人的区别。一。他们在向一群废柴取回黑色密码箱的时候,从厕所里冲出来拿枪那个人。他在厕所里吓得要死,听到枪响后才鼓起勇气冲出去,但也只是乱开枪。二,情侣抢劫饭店时候,没杀过人的情侣虽然在抢劫方面已经是老手,但是遇到随便杀人的Jules,Honey Bunny拿着枪也慌的要死,因为她没杀过人。 因此我认为安排出租车这一段对话为Butch做杀人的心理准备是很重要的。有了杀人动机,再有了杀人的心理素质,才能冷静开枪,连对话都没有一句。 关于女司机 那么为什么这个女司机会执着于这个问题呢?“杀死人是一种什么样的体验?”,大概因为她知乎刷多了? 其实我认为这与这个司机的性格有关。我认为她是个女司机是个奇特的好奇者。奇特是因为她居然光着脚踩油门,行为上与常人不同就注定着思维上会与人不同,好奇的点也不同,不是问“你为什么把人打死了呢?”之类的,而是问“杀死人是一种什么样的体验?”而且她开车出来第一个弯,拐得特别急,都违反交通规则了好么,肯定是Butch嘱咐她快开,但是正常司机被催也都会按交通规则来吧。 但是这个女司机的职业就是个出租车司机,而不是专门被人派来接人逃跑的那种司机。这一点从计价打表和最后付车钱的精细程度上可以看出来,精确到小数点后一位了,接黑活,不用这么精确吧。而且从他们的对话可以看出,他们之前是互不相识的。 那么她为什么会等在那里,空无一人的小巷,垃圾桶旁边,刚好是Butch的逃跑路线。一定是Butch事先跟预定好了,让她等在那里。因为Butch一开始就想好了要逃跑的。 那她为什么在听拳击广播,因为拳击广播播放的电台多?播放的台再多,相信人也不会看自己不感兴趣的东西。那是因为她对拳击感兴趣?好吧,也很有可能,但是我有一个大胆的推测,她不是对拳击感兴趣,而是对这个让她等在这里的这个顾客感兴趣。停在拳击场外,那自然是来看拳击或者打拳击的,所以她为了了解他,听了相关的报导,以便有话可问。因为对他好奇,所以一直盯着后视镜看,强行问他问题。 她很聪明,很敏锐,她知道什么问题该问什么不该问,也懂得什么该说什么不该说。她问“杀人是什么体验”,说是出于自己的兴趣,我认为她是认真的。她不多问其他,一是其他没什么感兴趣的,二是其他有很多不能问。她答应帮他圆谎,有人觉得是因为给了一点小费,我觉得要是她贪图这点钱,那她不如把他的行踪说出去,收益说不定更大。我认为她是自愿为他保密的,她得到了她问题的答案,就已经满足了。 不过关于女司机的部分我也只是猜测而已,并没有特别确凿的依据,但是电影里给她的面部的特写很多,让我对她非常好奇。但是这里确实需要一个人来告诉Butch他杀人了,而且需要他对自己杀人这件事进行思考,从而获得前面提到的杀人心理准备。正常人又不会问这种问题,估计就是因为这样所以才安排一个奇特的光着脚的她出现在出租车司机的位置上。
2023-06-20 02:51:311