barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-20 06:28:06

问题一:欢迎,英语怎么写? wele

问题二:欢迎您英文怎么写 Wele!

问题三:欢迎使用用英文怎么写? wele to use...

问题四:欢迎使用用英文怎么写 英文原文:

Wele to use


[?welk?m] [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [ju?z]


[?w?lk?m] [tu?t?] [juz]

问题五:“欢迎来中国”用英语怎么写 wele to china!

问题六:欢迎你用英语怎么说 1. Bye - bye , please take care , wele to you next time


2. There is lots of work to do , wele to you exhibitions


3. I " d like to extend warm wele to you


4. I will like to extend a warm wele to you on behalf of our fair


5. On behalf of our pany , i " d like to extend a warm wele to you all


6. All the staff of our pany show our warmest wele to you for your ing


7. Yosun wele to you

永升公司欢迎您! ! !

8. I " d like to take this opportunity to extend / of extending our warm wele to you


9. Want to know more some knowledge about the puter weles to you to ask me


10. On behalf of all our staff , please allowe me to expre a warm wele to you


问题七:欢迎来到英文怎么写 Wele here!

问题八:“欢迎下次再来”的英文怎么写的? 40分 您好:


Wele you again

Wele next time Wele to e again next time


问题九:欢迎,英语怎么写? wele

问题十:欢迎您英文怎么写 Wele!


on behalf of 和 on behalf的区别

On behalf of one | On one"s behalf1、就是所有格上的区别,在意义上没有不同,可相互替换。She signed the paper on behalf of me.She signed the paper on my behalf.On one"s behalf2、美国人也常常用介词 in 取代介词短语中的 on。He attended the great ceremony in behalf of his families.3、on behalf of一般指代表某些人.as the representative of sb or instead of them On behalf of the A.E.A.,the uranium reconnaissance in the U.K.was undertaken.on thebehalf是受谁的委托的意思:受原子能管理局的委托,在英国开展了铀矿普查工作。
2023-06-20 01:39:177

on behalf 的中文意思

代表on behalf of sb.
2023-06-20 01:40:364


Ddo sth on one"s behalf 为,替某人做...
2023-06-20 01:40:515

代表我去看望 英语怎么说

2023-06-20 01:41:061

on behalf of 和on the behalf of 区别

2023-06-20 01:41:151


2023-06-20 01:41:293

in the behalf of,in behalf of,on behalf of的区别

in behalf of 和 on behalf of... 都是 为了....的利益。区别在于 in behalf of 是美式英语表达,on behalf of 则是英式英语表达。其中 也可以用 on one"s behalf =in/on behalf the behalf of.... 代表.... 更为正式场合使用。Participating in civil suits in the behalf of the partnership. 代表合伙企业参与民事诉讼活动。
2023-06-20 01:41:372

on behalf of什么意思

代表;为了...的利益The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益。I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims. 我代表饥民恳求援助。
2023-06-20 01:41:571


You may consider Peter to be your lawyer.Peter has been a lawyer in a law firm for many years. He is able to on behalf of you in the legal aid
2023-06-20 01:42:073

on behalf of的用法及例句

on behalf of一般是接名词或者名词性短语并放到句子中做状语来修饰整个句子。on behalf of的例句:On behalf of our company,I welcome you to Nanjing(我代表我们的公司欢迎你来南京)。 扩展资料 on behalf of的"例句:On behalf of my parents and myself I thank you(我代表我的父母以及我自己向你表示谢意);I"m collecting on behalf of the blind(我正在为盲人进行募捐)。
2023-06-20 01:42:141

on behalf of的用法与例句

2023-06-20 01:42:232

on behalf of什么意思

on behalf of代表;为了
2023-06-20 01:42:332

on behalf of 怎么用

意思是代表或为了...的利益I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims.我代表饥民恳求援助。On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you.我代表我的同事和我本人向你表示感谢。
2023-06-20 01:42:402

代表 英语的翻译

2023-06-20 01:42:584


2023-06-20 01:43:051


2023-06-20 01:43:121


FOR AND ON BEHALF OF仅此代表;公司负责人或代表;例句1.For and on behalf of the Liberian people, I wish to thank the United Nations and other international partners for the mammoth role they played in securing peace and bringing sanity to Liberia.我谨代表利比里亚人民感谢联合国及其他国际伙伴在确保和平和使利比里亚恢复理智过程中发挥的巨大作用。2.All moneys received for the purpose of being applied towards acquiring additional land or erecting buildings for the hospital or for paying off any debt incurred for any such purpose shall on being received be paid to the corporation for and on behalf of the board.所有收取供用以院取外土地或建造建物或收取供付任何等目的招致的的款,均在收取后付予作董事代表的法。
2023-06-20 01:43:222

on the behalf of什么意思?

on the behalf of代表On the behalf of India, how is the financial crisis affected China"s ability to give donations to poor countries around the globe?作为代表印度的代表。我想问,国际金融危机是否影响了中国向其他国家提供外援的力度?
2023-06-20 01:43:574


例句1中made on ambition"s behalf是定语修饰前面的sacrifices,意思是“所作出的牺牲”例句2中the educated not least among them. 不是做people的补语,它是对 it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired整个部分的一个补充说明,它是一个独立主格结构,其作用等同于:and the educated are not least among them.例句3中as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.也不是做宾语从句中的主语补足语,你没错,应该是状语。凡是做补足语成分的都应该可以用be动词来检验看是否说得通,显然这里有as,说不通啊!例句4哪有宾语?因此to maintain its rein as the dominant explanation of the cosmos也不是做宾补,是状语,至于是目的状语还是结果状语,区别不大,要看你的理解了。
2023-06-20 01:44:053


2023-06-20 01:44:256

想问公司名称 T/A, O/B 有咩分别, 同定义?

trading as (T/A) 商业名称(trade name trading name or business name),是企业基于商业目的所使用的贸易名称,不过可能与企业本身于签约及其他正式场合所使用之注册名称有所出入。可指企业名、商品名或商标名等依营业用途而定。 abbreviation for trading as: used to show the name used by a business when advertising dealing with customers e rather than the name recorded for legal purposes: Andrew Clarke t/a Clarke"s Cakes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O/B 是什么意思? O/B一般是指ON BEHALF OF,也就是代表的意思 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 请问各位兄弟姐妹,O/B是什么意思,我们的提单的发货人一栏上先写货代的公司名称然后在O/B我们公司的名称.这个O/B到底是什么意思呀? O/B 是on behalf的意思,意思就是说代表....的利益,在海运主单中运用该字眼说明船东批示的运价是对on behalf前面的公司有效,后面的公司是经前者的授权才可用该运价协议。 O/B = On Behalf of 代表、奉的意思 船东单的 SHIPPER 经常有用 货代公司名 O/B 客户提供的SHIPPER KEYUN SHIPPING AGENCY CO. LTD ON BEHALF OF 贵公司抬头地址
2023-06-20 01:44:431


2023-06-20 01:46:241

on ones behalf是什么意思

behalf强调的是“代表”这个意思吧,而benefit是强调“利益”;如for one"s benefit为“对某人有利”;on sb"s behalf 为“替,为...”。不知道是否满意
2023-06-20 01:46:391

On your behalf什么意思

2023-06-20 01:47:013


pay the fee for XX应付费用: 1. expenses payable2. outstanding expenses
2023-06-20 01:47:192

请问,Sending on behalf 还是sent on behalf, 哪个正确写在邮件句首

2023-06-20 01:47:472

英语翻译 我很荣幸能代表我班在此发表演讲.(behalf)

I am honoured to give a speech here on behalf of my class.
2023-06-20 01:47:531


问题一:代收货款用英语怎么说 名词词组: collection of trade charges; collection payment on your behalf 动词词组:collect payment on your behalf 问题二:"委托XX公司代收货款"英文怎么翻译? 委托XX公司代收货款英文翻译: ⑴XX pany missioned payment collection ⑵mission XX pany to collect money ⑶XX pany missioned cod 相关例句: We entrust authorize XXpany to charge for the goods on our behalf. 拜托帮忙翻译一句话“我方委托XX公司 代理收货款”,谢谢! 问题三:请教各位:快递代收款英文怎么说? Dear Sir, The fms pany will make collection on delivery for our pany . 其他的你自己会写吧``呵呵``也不知道我说得符不符合要求.. 问题四:收到货款,用英语怎么说? received payment例句:We could ship your order within ten days of receiving your payment 问题五:收货款 英语怎么说 collect AR AR = account receivable 应收款 问题六:"多收货款"用英语怎么说 多收货款 Multiple payment 货款 [huò kuǎn] [释义] 买方向卖方支付的钱款 问题七:收到货款,用英语怎么说 received payment 例句:We could ship your order within ten days of receiving your payment
2023-06-20 01:48:001


2023-06-20 01:48:151

on your behalf是什么意思?

2023-06-20 01:48:303


代收货款用英语怎么说 名词词组: collection of trade charges; collection payment on your behalf 动词词组:collect payment on your behalf "委托XX公司代收货款"英文怎么翻译? "委托XX公司代收货款"英文翻译: ⑴XX pany missioned payment collection⑵mission XX pany to collect money ⑶XX pany missioned cod 相关例句: We entrust authorize XXpany to charge for the goods on our behalf. 拜托帮忙翻译一句话“我方委托XX公司 代理收货款”,谢谢! 请教各位:快递代收款英文怎么说? Dear Sir, The fms pany will make collection on delivery for our pany . 其他的你自己会写吧``呵呵``也不知道我说得符不符合要求.. 收到货款,用英语怎么说? received payment例句:We could ship your order within ten days of receiving your payment 收货款 英语怎么说 collect AR AR = account receivable 应收款 "多收货款"用英语怎么说 多收货款" Multiple payment" 货款 [huò kuǎn] [释义] 买方向卖方支付的钱款 收到货款,用英语怎么说 received payment 例句:We could ship your order within ten days of receiving your payment
2023-06-20 01:48:371


2023-06-20 01:48:454

英语on behalf of什么意思!

on behalf of代表
2023-06-20 01:48:523


I welcome you on behalf all the students.
2023-06-20 01:49:143


2023-06-20 01:49:201

represent 同on behalf of 有什么分别?

on behalf of somebody/ on somebody"s behalf,词性:preposition phrase。 解释有三: the representative of somebody or instead of them,代表/ 代替某人。 Mr Chan cannot be here so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf. 2.US写法:in behalf of somebody/ in somebody"s behalf; in order to help somebody,为了帮忙某人。 We collected money in behalf of the homeless. 3.because of somebody; for somebody,因为某人。 Don"t worry on my behalf. represent,词性:verb。 由于represent是verb,所以跟on behalf of somebody的用法不同,但意思与上面的解释一有点相似。 意思是to speak act or be present officially for another person or people,代表某人。 柯林斯字典有这样的解释: If someone such as a lawyer or a politician represents a person or group of people they act on behalf of that person or group. If you represent a person or group at an official event you go there on their behalf. If you represent your country or town in a petition or sports event you take part in it on behalf of the country or town where you live. 例句: They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court. The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies. My only aim is to represent Britain at the Olympics. 总结: represent是动词;但on somebody"s behalf是preposition phrase,所以用它时要加上动词。 2010-08-25 10:32:41 补充: 例子: He represented her. He did sth on her behalf.
2023-06-20 01:49:271

on behalf of和in the name of的区别

on behalf of是代表某人做某事 也可以说on one"s behalf 代表的是人 可能是经人授权所以代表某人做事情 比如说“我代表经理来看望你们” 就是I come here to visit you on behalf of our managerin the name of以……的名义 一般是以某件事或者某个理由的名义 比如说“她以爱的名义剥夺了他自由”She deprived him of his freedom in the name of love放到句子里就发现意思的差别了
2023-06-20 01:50:181

on behalf of 怎么用?I on behalf of myself. 需要加be动词吗?

on behalf of 是介词短语, 后面跟名词动名词. I am on behalf of myself.
2023-06-20 01:50:261

on the behalf of是什么意思

2023-06-20 01:50:353


2023-06-20 01:50:501

on the behalf of是什么意思

2023-06-20 01:50:593


2023-06-20 01:51:171


2023-06-20 01:51:243

Nominee and Trustee

更新1: Thanks a lot for your help in this regard. I have a better udnerstanding now. However, May I ask what is the purpose of signing instrument of trfer? Not only there is shares trfer where the instrument of trnasfer needs to be signed by both sides? Please advise. Thank you. ,You nominate a person to act on your behalf, this person is then called nominee. This nominee may act on a single event, short time or long time. If you nominee a person to act as a director or a shareholder on your behalf, we normally called it a nominee director but a trustee for the shareholding. The trustee has the interest of value and act for you for your best interest. A nominee shareholder (Trustee) is holding the shares on your behalf; the trustee has no interest on the shares or any accrued benefit vetted on the shares. He is holding the shares in trust of the beneficiary. In this case, a trust deed has to be made signed by each party defining the right and obligations of the beneficiary and the trustee. To safeguard the interest of its shares, a blank instrument of trfer is normally prepared and signed by the trustee and be vetted to the beneficial owner.,If the beneficial owner wishes to have the shares trferred back to his names, what documentation he should prepare and sign?? Does the pany need to prepare board resolution as well??,
2023-06-20 01:51:311


in the name of
2023-06-20 01:51:408

on behalf of什么意思

2023-06-20 01:51:581

on behalf of 和on the behalf of 区别

2023-06-20 01:52:095


2023-06-20 01:52:241

on behalf of 代表某人;为某人;以某人名义

对的in behalf ofFor the benefit of; in the interest of.为了…;为了…利益on behalf ofAs the agent of; on the part of.作为…的代理;在…一边
2023-06-20 01:52:323

on behalf of什么意思

2023-06-20 01:52:572