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求 Swallow the Flames 的歌词!

2023-06-20 06:22:12

Swallow the Flames

Bleeding" over my face

Yeah all over my face


No, it"s just a game



Come out and play

I wanna see you swallow my pain

The end of sanity is clear

This time I won"t pay for your sins

For all my life

I"ve been so weak

Hiding silent like an ordinary sheep

But now I seek

The end is near

The beast inside me still

Longs to be unchained

Hatred"s burning fast

Inside my breast



Still impressed?

Genocidal machine

Homicidal relief

Pitch-black dreams... Just f**k it!

Burning me

Bullets over you

Burning deep

This time I"ll see your ego"s fall


With no regrets I kneel alone

Among the ruins of my world

Jag blir s0106 j01¤vla tr0109tt

P0106 att ditt j01¤vla tj0109t

S0106 knip din j01¤vla k01¤ft

Och ge mig lite mat

Get lost


Before I nail you down

Show me

Your God

I cannot wait to see you crawl

Hellfire in my grip

Infernal greed

Damn right!

I wanna see you bleed



Here I come

I"m just a freak out of control


flame flames 区别

1、按照我的理解,这个词的单复数,要看它在句中的意义。主要就是读句子就会找到语感。2、The flames were licking the warehouse.火焰正吞卷仓库。The flames of the fire licked the dry grass.火苗燎着了干草。He kept his eyes on the flickering flames.他的双眼一直盯着闪烁的火苗。The flames flickered in the fireplace.火焰在火炉中闪烁。可以感觉到 flames 是有一种熊熊燃烧,或者是一闪一闪的火苗的意思,有一种视觉效果。当你想形容的是一种跳跃的感觉时,就可以用flames,尤其是 flames of the fire,一般都是复数,我们课文中就是这样3、A fiery ball of flame.一团燃烧着的火。The flame of love has died.爱情之火已经熄灭。Should I cook it over a low flame?我应该用小火吗?My blind eyes spit the flame.我失明的眼睛吐出火苗。这个flame 就是客观上的讲火焰这个事物,有的时候会用作比喻或者是前面有a bar of 修饰时应用flames4、当然,也不全是这样,The plane burst into flame(s).飞机突然猛烈燃烧起来。这个句子中两个形式都可以,你可以讲它侧重于就是燃烧这个事实,也可以再带有一种猛烈之意,给人一种空难的悲哀感。5、综上所述,在火焰这个意义上,两个词差别不大,自己好好把握,除了几个固定短语外,一般情况下用flame、flames,都不用算错,因为英语毕竟是人说的,而人是活的,美国人估计都不会计较那么多。回答完毕
2023-06-20 00:53:002


不可数因为火焰本身是不可数的你要数只能用其他量词再定义像是一团火焰=a mass of flame
2023-06-20 00:53:172


blazeraging fire
2023-06-20 00:53:256


可以用英语这么说fiery dragon
2023-06-20 00:53:4014

J「Flames」歌词 中文翻译

歌:J作词:J作曲:J时间よ止まれ 孤独な夜に そう愿った 时间啊,停止吧,在孤独的夜里这样祈祷 鲜やかな思い出だけ 深い夜の隙间から 只有鲜活的回忆在深沉夜晚的缝隙中 そっとこぼれた 轻轻倾洒出来白い壁に挂けた 写真の様に 今 就像挂在白色墙壁上的照片一样 现在 世界よ止まれ 世界啊 停下吧tonight 君の声は 你的声音 tonight 风に揺れて 在风中飘荡 tonight tonight tonight そっと 星に消える 悄悄地 消失在星星里繋ぎ止めた 时の欠片 今そっと数えて 现在悄悄数着 连接起来的时间碎片 戻れない昨日を超えて 明日への光に向かい 跨越无法回去的昨天 朝向明日的光芒 そう 歩き出そう 是啊,走吧ねぇ闻こえるかい? この想いを 照らす様に 喂,听得到吗?为了照亮这份思念 世界よ回れ 世界啊,转动吧tonight 神を探そう 去寻找神吧 tonight tonight tonight 夜が终わる前に 在夜晚结束之前 tonight tonight tonightはぐれた二人が 迷わぬように 今强く 为了让失散的两人不再迷路 现在强烈地 世界を照らせ 照亮世界 tonight 揺れる炎 摇晃的火焰 tonight 永远に照らせ 时を映す様に 永远照耀 如同时光的倒影 tonight tonight tonight自译
2023-06-20 00:54:021

Flames 歌手:David Guetta / Sia 320mp3百度云

2023-06-20 00:54:131

in flames(燃烧着)造句

1. All the houses perished in flames. 所有的房子都在火焰中烧毁 x09 2.x09 That polyacetylenes are present in flames has been demonstrated many times. 已多次证实火焰中存在聚乙炔. x09 x09 3.x09 The whole city was in flames. 整个城市陷入火海中. x09 x09 4.x09 The whole building went up in flames. 整座建 物在大火中焚毁. x09 5.x09 The house was in flames, ie was on fire, burning. 房子失火了. x09 x09 6.x09 The factory was in flames. 工厂失火了. x09 x09 7.x09 The aircraft came down in flames,and heat fused most of the parts together into a solid mass. 飞机着火坠落,高温把它的大部分溶化成一个大铁块. x09 x09 8.x09 His limbs, his body, took fire and beat up in flames. 他的四肢和身体象着了火一样,熊熊燃烧着. x09 x09 9.x09 The house was in flames when the fire engine arrived. 救火车到达的时候,房子已经着火了. x09 x09 10.x09 The house was engulfed in flames. 这房子被火苗吞噬了.
2023-06-20 00:54:471

Flames 歌手:David Guetta / Sia 320mp3

2023-06-20 00:54:561


2023-06-20 00:55:244


to spurt flames由于flame既是可数名词,又是不可数名词,当我们表达一束束火焰时,直接用flames就行。表示喷的单词有spout、gush等等,但它们都表示(液体)喷出,而spurt既可用于液体,也可用于火焰。
2023-06-20 00:55:381


我花了798呢,它上面写着flames craftsmanship最后店老板讲价700搞定,没有自带调音器,变音器
2023-06-20 00:55:496

coldplay -------------up in flames中文歌词

2023-06-20 00:56:041

burst into flames是什么意思

2023-06-20 00:56:113

求let it go火焰版let them burn的英文歌词

the volcano glows red and everyone"s dead not a body to be seen火山在每个人眼中发出红色的火光,所有人都化为灰烬a nation of ash and cinders and it looks like I"m the queen一个飞灰与余烬的国度仿佛我就是女王The flames keep roaring like the furnace that"s inside咆哮的火焰如同内心炙热的熔炉Couldn"t keep it in, hell only knows I"ve tried无法再压制,地狱知道我已尝试Don"t let them in don"t let them see,不要让他们进来,不要让他们看见be the good girl you always have to be,做以往的乖孩子conceal don"t feel, don"t let them learn,隐藏自己,不去感知,不要让他们发现well now they"ve learned!但他们已经知晓Let them burn, let them burn!燃烧吧燃烧吧they"re no longer my concern!对他们我已经不再关心let them burn, let them burn!燃烧吧燃烧吧Time to show the world it"s my turn!是时候让世界知道这是我的时代I won"t care, how they"re going to scream!我不管他们会如何尖叫Let the fire rage on.让火焰升腾吧Flames never seemed to bother me anyway.反正烈焰也从未让我烦恼It"s funny how this inferno makes everything lookbright多么有趣,愤怒让世界看上去是如此明亮And the fear that once controlled me, seteverything alight!我内心生长的愤怒,让万物燃烧It"s time to see what I can do,是时候看看我的力量了to test the limits and break through.去试一下我的能力No right, no wrong, when it"s only me!没有对错,有的,只是我!So i"m free!我自由了Let them burn, let them burn!燃烧吧燃烧吧See my fire across the sky!看我的火焰在空中飞舞Let them burn, let them burn!燃烧吧燃烧吧Like a rocket I can fly!我可以像火箭一样飞I wont care, how they"re going to scream!我不管他们会如何尖叫Let the fire rage on.让火焰升腾吧My power surges through the air and all around.我的力量在空气中汹涌,环绕飘扬My soul"s the engine that will burn this world downto the ground!我的灵魂在舞蹈中将世界夷为平地And one move sparks ignition of my vengeful wrath!我将点燃复仇的怒火I"m never going back, the future"s all I have!我再也不会回头,未来属于我Let them burn, let them burn!燃烧吧燃烧吧Raining down Armageddon,给世界降下末日Let them burn, let them burn!燃烧吧燃烧吧Their precious world is gone!他们宝贵的世界以荡然无存I wont care, how they"re going to scream!我不管他们会如何尖叫Let the fire rage on.让火焰升腾吧Flames never seemed to bother me反正烈焰也从未让我烦恼求采纳
2023-06-20 00:56:191

Add fuel to the flames 和 Add fuel to the fire 哪个正确啊

2023-06-20 00:56:274

through the fire and flames歌词中文翻译

寒冷冬日,曙光初露之前的黎明 骑马奔赴战场,在永恒死亡国度的烈焰中 黑暗笼罩下,度过苦难的时日 今夜,全世界回荡着邪恶的笑声 斗志高昂,战意如钢 破碎的灵魂穿越荒原后 将在海岸边见到地狱的消亡 历史上最黑暗的时日 我们目送它远去 一次次经历战火与伤痛后 我们终于自由地展翅飞起 再不惧怕狂风骤雨 旷野上,探索的步伐永不停止 跨越日落,穿过月光 深深镌刻在灵魂与心底 这一天我们期盼已久 为了悄然逝去的光明 我们曾因那些失落的日子陷入苦痛 但现在将穿越烈焰与火光,不断前行 红色的黎明即将拂晓 闪电撕裂了天空 他们举起双手向天国祈求 却只能落回自己的谎言中 我们终于重新沐浴晨光 心中烈火熊熊 从堕落国度中解脱 奔向光芒闪耀的群星 在无尽的噩梦中我们曾坚信 命运中的自由今夜就会成真 张开梦想的翅膀 超越残酷的现实 孤独绝望的时光已经过去 如果放任自己迷失在心里 苦难的日子仍会继续 这一天我们期盼已久 为了悄然逝去的光明 我们曾因那些失落的日子陷入苦痛 但现在将穿越烈焰与火光,不断前行 现在我们双手沾满敌人的鲜血 这样艰难的战斗意义何在? 因为我将竭尽全力打破诅咒的封印 为了自由的到来 这一天我们期盼已久 为了悄然逝去的光明 我们曾因那些失落的日子陷入苦痛 但现在将穿越烈焰与火光,不断前行
2023-06-20 00:56:352

World In Flames 歌词

歌曲名:World In Flames歌手:in this moment专辑:A Star-Crossed WastelandWorld In FlamesIn This MomentIt"s two thirty a.m.I slowly come awake.I know somethings just not right.I walk slowly to the door,and feel the heat through the walls;smell the burning outside...And all I can seeare these flames around me.And all I can thinkis I"m here alone.Please find me and save me...Even if the world ignites into flamesyou"ll be right here by my side.And as it burns away,you smile at me and saythat, "not even death could take me away from you..."The fires are growing close,and all I smell is smoke... Yea.Still it"s beautiful to me.I hope you get here soon;I"ve been waiting here for you.I believed in you...So hurry please.There"s these flames around me.Please come and save me...Even if the world ignites into flamesyou"ll be right here by my side.And as it burns away,you smile at me and saythat, "not even death could take me away from you..."Where are you tonight?Come find me...Come find me...Cause you"re not here by my side.Even if the world ignites into flamesyou"ll be right here by my side...Come home to me...Where are you tonight, love?Cause you"re not here,you"re not here with me.Please come home...Please come home...It"s burning outside!Please come home...Cause you"re not here,you"re not here with me...I"ve been waiting here for you...I hope you make it soon.The flames are right outside my door...
2023-06-20 00:56:481

burst into flames是什么意思

2023-06-20 00:56:553


2023-06-20 00:57:141


《自杀小队》预告片的片曲 《 hit and run 》中 last one down was an Englishman吧。译文:最后一个倒下的是英国绅士。《Hit and Run》是《自杀小队》的预告片的片尾曲,电影是由美国华纳兄弟影业公司出品动作冒险片,该片根据DC漫画改编,讲述了一群超级罪犯成员都是面临严重牢狱之灾,他们只好为美国政府做事,以此来减轻自己罪刑的故事。歌名:hit and run歌手:Lolo歌词:They never saw us coming直到倒地之后Til they hit the floor他们才发现我们的到来They just kept begging for他们只是苦苦哀求着More, more更多,更多Na na na na na na na啦啦啦啦啦啦啦All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走Na na na na na na na啦啦啦啦啦啦啦All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走I was brought up as a southern belle我本是南国丽人I grew into the queen of hell蜕变而成地狱女王You were just a little stowaway你原是个偷渡客That stabbed her way to save herself为了自保不惜伤人You always liked the taste of blood你总是热爱鲜血的滋味And I get off when I point the gun而我热爱开枪时的快感It"s so good to have someone to be so bad with真高兴能有个作恶伙伴First one up was a preacher"s son第一个起身的是牧师的儿子Last one down was an Englishman最后一个倒地的是名英国绅士I"m in bed with his bow tie on我戴着他的领结入睡All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走Na na na na na na na啦啦啦啦啦啦啦All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走Na na na na na na na啦啦啦啦啦啦啦All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走Sunday in notting hill诺丁山的星期天he was sneaking a cigarette他正准备偷偷吸根烟His God protects him but他的主在天保佑他I know we"ll get him yet可我知道我们还是会得手Ran my fingers thru his hair手指抚过他的头发So he thinks it"s fun and games他还以为不过是场嬉笑打闹He don"t know our faces but他认不出我们的脸He"ll never forget our names但他会永远记住我们的名字First one up was a preacher"s son第一个起身的是牧师的儿子Last one down was an Englishman最后一个倒地的是名英国绅士I"m in bed with his bow tie on我戴着他的领结入睡All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走Na na na na na na na啦啦啦啦啦啦啦All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走Na na na na na na na啦啦啦啦啦啦啦All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走I was waiting in the getaway car我在车里等着你好上路You were stuck in the hotel bar你还等在酒店吧台那He was a proper Englishman他是个得体的英国绅士You had one last pint before the cops broke in警察破门而入之前你喝完了最后一杯啤酒You poured the gasoline and你倒下了汽油I drove into the flames而我开车冲进了火海History will hate us我们将会遗臭万年But they"ll never forget our names当他们永远不会忘记我们的名字They never saw us coming直到倒地之后Til they hit the floor他们才发现我们的到来They just kept beggin for他们只是苦苦哀求着More, more更多,更多They never saw us coming直到倒地之后Til they hit the floor他们才发现我们的到来They just kept beggin for他们只是苦苦哀求着More, more更多,更多First one up was a preacher"s son第一个起身的是牧师的儿子last one down was an Englishman最后一个倒地的是名英国绅士I"m in bed with his bow tie on我戴着他的领结入睡All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走Na na na na na na na啦啦啦啦啦啦啦All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走Na na na na na na na啦啦啦啦啦啦啦All dressed up for a hit and run盛装登场杀完就走扩展资料:《自杀小队》是由美国华纳兄弟影业公司出品动作冒险片,由大卫·阿耶执导,玛格特·罗比、乔尔·金纳曼、威尔·史密斯、杰瑞德·莱托、杰·科特尼、维奥拉·戴维斯、卡拉·迪瓦伊、杰伊·赫尔南德兹、阿德沃尔·阿吉纽依-艾格拜吉、亚当·比奇联合主演。该片于2016年8月5日在美国上映。《自杀小队》于2016年8月5日(周五)在美国4255家影院放映,首日票房6527万美元(含提前场2050万美元),领先夺得单日冠军。该片在8月6日(周六)呈现了较大的跌幅,周六票房为3880万美元,单日成绩比包含午夜场的周五大跌41%,影片8月7日(周日)票房为3104万美元,下跌20%,影片在北美上映三天票房为1.351亿美元,轻松夺得周末冠军。
2023-06-20 00:57:316

In Flames的《in flames》 歌词

歌曲名:in flames歌手:In Flames专辑:Lunar StrainBehold the heart of mine in flamesA top the highest mountainBelow the darkest depthsIn the walley of hate I wanderMy frost bitten heart is set ablaze, set ablazeRavage my soulIn FlamesPlunder my mindBranded by thunder, fire and iceTrampled in fury by hordes of the lightI am crushed by the hand of my skyMy sky has forsaken meRivers of crimson lead me nowTrail of fireIn a place of fire ethernalLeft in flamesScattered in a world of thornsTorn from my earthly selfAggreived in tears and bitternessIn fall beyond stars, beyond starsRavage my soulPlunder my mindBranded by thunder, fire and iceTrampled in fury by hordes of the lightMy firey heart is stronger than everIt磗 stronger than ever beforeMy heart in flames
2023-06-20 00:58:021

go up in flames是什么意思

2023-06-20 00:58:232


上海五月有一些展览活动,大家如果是对以下的这些展览感兴趣,可以预定前去参观,有的展览是免费的,但是也有一些展览是要收取门票的,大家先提前了解清楚。 5月展览活动2021年中国品牌日活动时间:5.10-5.12地点:上海展览中心票价:免费2021年中国品牌日活动将于5月10日-5月12日在上海展览中心举办,本次活动主题为“中国品牌,世界共享;聚力双循环,引领新消费”。将集中展现我国品牌发展新成果新形象,扩大自主品牌知名度和影响力,树立品牌经济发展理念,坚定自主品牌发展信心,推进形成自主品牌消费热潮,促进国内国际双循环。中国国际体育用品博览会时间:5.19-22地点:国家会展中心(上海)地址:青浦区崧泽大道333号门票:提前预约免费中国国际体育用品博览会(以下简称“体博会”)(ChinaSportShow)是由中国体育用品业联合会主办、中体联(北京)体育产业发展有限公司承办,中国唯一的国家级、国际化、专业化的体育用品展会,是亚太区域规模最大、最权威的体育用品盛会,是全球体育品牌进入中国市场的捷径,中国体育品牌向世界展示实力的重要窗口。在体博会的平台上汇集了体育用品、体育营销资源、体育文化与科技的综合性体育产业,是体育用品企业品牌推广和渠道拓展的助推器,传播崭新体育文化理念的重要渠道。我愿意IDo时间:4.29-5.31地点:龙腾大道2380号,油罐艺术中心5号罐票价:免费著名当代艺术家张洹,通过全世界280种语言、280种我愿意,以其最具代表性的香灰画艺术形态、和独创的大地艺术创作为载体,展出一系列无与伦比的艺术作品,诠释爱、表达爱。周子曦个展时间:4.30-5.16地点:闵行区漕宝路3055号,宝龙美术馆票价:20-30元艺术家周子曦创作生涯已超25年,他的作品中既有对时代和历史的反映也饱含对个体生命的反思,于宏大叙事中充沛着丰富可感的情节。他以强烈的情绪、风格鲜明的时代图像和极具个性化的绘画语言,构建了自己的艺术体系。来来时间:4.24-5.16地点:长宁区愚园路1175号,飞呦画廊FiuGallery票价:35元Loliloli又来fiufiu啦!在本次展览的观展过程中,观众需要在艺术装置之间去寻找属于自己的参观方式、视角和节奏。有些作品你要躲开,有些作品躲不开,硬的作品是软的,有些作品你要钻进去再扭出来。把新的观察方式带出画廊,发现更有趣的生活。《FLAMES火焰》音乐剧时间:5.12-5.23地点:黄浦区延安东路433号,上海共舞台票价:180-580元悬疑音乐剧《FLAMES火焰》由《危险游戏》原作者StephenDolginoff编剧作曲,继承了危险游戏一贯简洁而深刻的音乐设计与层层迂回的故事风格。在钢琴与大提琴的演奏下,迷境之地,火焰纵起。《长城》现代舞剧时间:5.1619:30地点:嘉定区白银路159号,上海保利大剧院-大剧场票价:80-380元北京现代舞团的原创巨作《长城》由北京现代舞团艺术总监、著名舞蹈家高艳津子担任总导演,从生命和情感出发,让每一块长城的石砖都活了起来,讲述他们的生命故事,讲述他们身后的牵挂与悲欢离合。《皇帝的新娘》舞台剧 时间:5.7-5.16地点:长宁区天山路888号,虹桥艺术中心票价:80-1180元开心麻花2018年的年度大戏《皇帝的新娘》一经上演,至今已演出百余场,场场爆满,为经典故事《皇帝的新装》续写了全新篇章。本月,这部爆笑大戏将再度光临热力开演,不容错过。《虚无的十字架》舞台剧时间:5.14-5.16地点:黄浦区九江路663号亚洲大厦508室,人民大舞台票价:88-588元本剧由日本推理小说界罕见的“三冠王”东野圭吾经典同名作品改编,通过简单质朴的语言不断诉说着人性的隐恶与自赎,让人欲罢不能!东野圭吾的作品,所解的不是罪案之谜,而是情感与人性之谜。《权力的游戏》音乐会时间:5.1519:30地点:浦东新区丁香路425号,东方艺术中心票价:80-480元超燃音乐会——权力的游戏2018年首演以来广受欢迎,2021版超燃音乐会——权力的游戏曲目更新。交响乐团+电声乐队+歌手+和声组豪华演出阵容,配合恢宏的混剪画面,热血音乐,一燃到底!特色旅游线路(15条)宝山区:后工业时代风尚新玩法众多承载着工业记忆的老厂房、老堆场在产业转型中焕发新的光彩,成为后工业时代前卫的风景。智慧湾科创园汇聚了中国3D打印文化博物馆、世界最大3D打印桥、艺术码头等网红打卡点集聚地;上海玻璃博物馆从玻璃窑炉车间华丽变身为神奇多变、缤纷晶莹的玻璃世界;前身是上海日硝保温瓶胆厂的三邻桥体育文化园,现已成为新一代潮流网红打卡点。崇明区:工业亲子休闲游长兴岛郊野公园杉林叠翠、自然生态、野趣十足,在阳光大草坪休闲游乐,带着宠物撒欢,在梦幻花海、百果天地赏花采摘。江南造船、振华港机安静矗立。横沙拥有优美的自然环境和独特的岛屿优势,岛上林木葱茏、风景秀丽。在这里,阳光明媚温暖,江风干净和煦,我们向着海洋骑行出发。长宁区:ART愚园让文化休闲与建筑产生碰撞,拥有艺术化的美好生活。奉贤区:亲子滨海线路2日游奉贤揽胜,以海为最。随着旅游事业不断开发,海湾有着日新月异的变化。这里的渔人码头占地面积8万平方米,是一个集购物、休闲餐饮、娱乐为一体的大型滨海休闲娱乐广场,展现出上海海湾的时尚气息,身置广场中央,感受朝夕观海听涛的优雅风情,领略海湾生活的浪漫。虹口区:奇遇·虹口犹太难民足迹该线路立足于北外滩的提篮桥历史风貌保护区,深度探秘隐藏二战时期欧洲犹太难民在虹口的历史,从现留存的历史建筑中,感受往昔犹太人在这片土地上的生活故事。黄浦区:【微游上海】红色记忆,觅初心启新程从地铁黄陂南路站出发,到中共一大会址纪念馆,是中国共产党的诞生地。中国共产党发起组成立地(《新青年》编辑部)旧址,成立了中国第一个共产党早期组织,创办了第一份党刊月刊。中国社会主义青年团中央机关旧址纪念馆诞生了中共党史上的三个第一。上海市历史博物馆是一座综合反映上海城市历史发展的地志性博物馆。中共中央政治局机关旧址(1928-1931年),是中共中央在沪期间使用时间最长的一处旧址。上海解放时南京路上升起的第一面红旗位于老永安大楼绮云阁。最后,在“国歌的唱响地”黄浦剧场参观爱国主义教育展厅,结束红色初心之旅。静安区:阅建筑,重温流金岁月这条静安微游线路挖掘南京西路沿线上海海派文化的体现。在阳光明媚的午后来到静安,漫步在静安南京西路的街头,从石库门走到老洋房,跟着建筑一起时光倒流,体味海派文化。这里有悠久深邃的人文历史、演出剧场、名人故居,这里有文艺浪漫的老洋房,这里有最能代表上海的石库门,也是“最上海、最海派”的文化之旅。 金山区:金山田园如画之旅走进乡村,玩转郊野。廊下郊野公园是上海首家开园的开放式“主题农场”型郊野公园。廊下生态园坐落于郊野公园核心区域,集中展现廊下非遗、农耕、饮食文化。吕巷水果公园内现有30多种特色水果,在瓜果飘香的季节里,可以体验亲手采摘的乐趣,体验土布贴画等创意手工。花开海上生态园内四季美景如画,漫步花海,让人流连忘返。漕泾水库村展现乡村振兴农村新风貌,“藕”遇公园、尚品书院、湿地公园、休闲水庄成为热门打卡点。闵行区:最文艺闵行12小时一座城市美不美,看一下她的“美学C位”就知道了。酷炫大喷泉、文艺书店、火爆夜市??闵行这几年向城市里喜欢文艺,爱好潮玩的亲们推送了不少好玩好吃关键还好看的休闲空间,一经推出,迅速成为热门。这条线路内容丰富,站站出彩,满足大家一路拍美照的需求。白相到闵行,就要这么玩!普陀区:苏河寻访·民族工业的崛起上海作为最早看向世界的窗口,沿着苏州河黄金水道,最早的纺织、食品等轻工业,为中国大国崛起之路叩开了门扉。如今走在闹中取静的苏州河沿岸,有不少不为众人所知、内容却很精彩的小型博物馆、展示馆,他们展现了上海工业发展的脉络。青浦区:进博游购之旅青浦夜未央,霓虹灯闪亮。开阔的国际视野,贴心的一站式服务,青浦正是这样一处游购天堂。足不出“沪”,畅够全球。松江区:文化寻根游云间粮仓原为上世纪50至90年代陆续建造的粮食仓库和工厂,见证了新中国成立以来松江粮油行业的发展演变。醉白池历经300余年,至今仍保存有堂、轩、亭、舫、榭等古建筑,曲栏横槛、回廊曲径。广富林文化遗址是新石器时代到东周时期的遗址,记载着上海先民文明和进步的“历史卷册”,目前开放的场馆有:广富林文化展示馆、广富林考古遗址展示馆、富林塔等。小昆山地处松郡九峰之最南端,是西晋文学家陆机、陆云的故乡。浦江之首有来自江浙蜿蜒而来的斜塘江、圆泄泾两水在此汇集,形成一块三角洲形状的宝地。徐汇区:建筑可阅读—魅力衡复之旅衡复风貌区有一种难以言说的质地,它吸纳、包容、融汇中外各种文化,一大批旧有文物保护建筑经历了活化利用的再保护、再建设、再开发、再利用,重获新生,旧与新、传统与潮流、怀旧感与现代性交叠融合,形成了一道亮丽别致的城市风景线。来百年衡复打卡网红圣地,感受建筑带来的温度吧!徐汇区:徐汇音乐艺术之旅徐汇区坐拥上海历史最悠久的音乐“摇篮”。这里有上海音乐学院、上海交响乐团、上海交响乐博物馆,毗邻上音附中、上海沪剧院。悠久的音乐人文历史俨然将这里打造成一片“音乐街区”。附近还集中了徐汇艺术馆、以“生活中的音乐家”为设计理念的最美公共空间——黑石M+音乐园区等,让人走进梧桐树下,来一场艺术人文之旅,了解城市记忆,传承历史文脉,感受文化魅力。杨浦区:“杨浦滨江生活秀带”之旅杨浦滨江被联合国教科文组织认为可能是世界上仅存的最大的滨江工业地带,是杨浦“三个百年”特色文旅资源中“百年工业”的重要载体。如今的杨浦滨江已经从昔日的“工业锈带”转变成为“生活秀带”,活力交织,旧貌换新颜。
2023-06-20 00:58:341

face everything and rise是什么电影配乐

2023-06-20 00:58:432

请问in flames的Trigger歌MV里面讲述的那个光头的乐队叫什么名字

2023-06-20 00:59:012


2023-06-20 00:59:097

Ring Of Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Ring Of Fire歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:live from austin, tx [live] [original recording remastered]Love is a burnin" thingIt makes a fire ringBound by wild desireI fell in to your ring of fireI fell in to that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAhh, ahh, ahhhI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames, they got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireThe taste of love is sweetWhen souls like I always meetI fell for you like a little childOhhh, and flames got wildI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAhh, ahh, ahhhI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames, they got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fire
2023-06-20 00:59:231


根据下面找来的解释,extinguish主要用来表示“熄灭”,而quench可以表示“压制”“熄灭”“镇压”等意义从Extinguish的解释中可以看出,它有点“根除”的意思,而最后一个quench的解释更像“降等”Definitions of quench on the Web:satisfy (thirst); "The cold water quenched his thirst" snuff out: put out, as of fires, flames, or lights; "Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained"; "quench the flames"; "snuff out the candles" electronics: suppress (sparking) when the current is cut off in an inductive circuit, or suppress (an oscillation or discharge) in a component or device squelch: suppress or crush completely; "squelch any sign of dissent"; "quench a rebellion" reduce the degree of (luminescence or phosphorescence) in (excited molecules or a material) by adding a suitable substance cool (hot metal) by plunging into cold water or other liquid; "quench steel" Definitions of extinguish on the Web:snuff out: put an end to; kill; "The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children" snuff out: put out, as of fires, flames, or lights; "Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained"; "quench the flames"; "snuff out the candles" stub out: extinguish by crushing; "stub out your cigar" eliminate: kill in large numbers; "the plague wiped out an entire population"
2023-06-20 00:59:311

炎之蜃气楼的主题曲a vision of flames的歌词

A Vision Of Flame 歌:山根麻以 Can"t hold this feeling no more Just can"t pretend to care for Half-hearted trips out to grab and hit the score I"ve come to see the light We"re destined to ignite Long as we live everyone has got the right *Wake up your inner child Wake up your tender branches We"ve been…we"ll always be Here to stay and breathe forevermore **Blazing away to free The reins of power that live inside Believe in vision of flames and dream The sweetest dream testify Blazing away to free The heat of passion that burns inside Believe in vision of flames and see What lies beneath them all Sure as the sun that rises The mirage hypnotizes Our mission here…we"ve got to vocalize If only for a fleeting Moment of doubts and being We"ve got to give keep giving to live again Light up your gentle candle Light up your inner river Let go…we"re meant to flow You"ve been here with me eternally **Blazing away to free The reins of power that live inside Believe in vision of flames and dream The sweetest dream testify Blazing away to free The heat of passion that burns inside Believe in vision of flames and see What lies beneath them all *Wake up your inner child Wake up your tender branches We"ve been…we"ll always be Here to stay and breathe forevermore…breathe forevermore **Blazing away to free The reins of power that live inside Believe in vision of flames and dream The sweetest dream testify Blazing away to free The heat of passion that burns inside Believe in vision of flames and see What lies beneath them all
2023-06-20 00:59:452


火苗的英文:flame anchor参考例句:We watched the flames devour the entire building.我们看着火苗吞噬整座大楼。The flames guttered.火苗摇曳不定。A blue flicker issued from the gas cooker.煤气炉窜出蓝色的火苗。All steamy smoke choked off the flames一股潮湿的烟熄灭了火苗。He quickened the hot ashes into flames.他使未熄灭的灰烬燃起火苗。He struck a match ,and held out the little flame towards the barometer.他擦亮火柴,把微小的火苗靠近气压表。The small fire can be left to burn itself out那小火苗可以让它自己慢慢地熄灭。The flames darted into a rick of straw with lightning swiftness火苗象闪电一样迅速地向草垛里钻着。He lit the fire…When it was blazing up…他把火生起来了…着起火苗儿来了…flame是什么意思:n. 火焰;光辉;热情v. 燃烧,焚烧;泛红The campfire flamed.篝火烧起来了。The flames guttered.火苗摇曳不定。I was in a flaming temper.我正怒气冲天。The building was soon enveloped in flames那幢建筑物很快就陷入了火海之中。anchor是什么意思:n. 锚;靠山;锚点v. 抛锚泊船;(使)固定anchor cable stopper锚链制动器adjustable fluke angle anchor变爪角锚The ship rode at anchor in the harbor.这艘船停泊在港口。We anchored alongside.我们并排停泊。To uncoil(an anchor cable)on deck so the anchor may descend easily.解开锚缆在甲板上解开(缆绳)以便能更快下
2023-06-20 01:00:291


She felt colour flame up in her cheeks . 她感到脸上 *** 辣地红了起来。 The reflection of flames pghted the sky . 熊熊火焰把天空映得通红。 The hillsides in june flame with azaleas . 六月的山坡杜鹃花一片火红。 The moon began to show her silver flame . 月儿开始发出银色的光辉。 Passion flamed in american hearts . 激愤的火焰在美国人的心中燃烧。 The enemy base became a sheet of flames . 敌人的基地成了一片火海。 Anna felt the child flame within her . 安娜感到体内的孩子在噪动。 All steamy *** oke choked off the flames . 一股潮湿的烟熄灭了火苗。 I can see his fur will flame forth soon . 我看得出他很快就会勃然大怒的。 With him a bright flame was extinguished . 一团明亮的火焰和他一起熄灭了。 A real flame of love is a subtle thing . 真情热恋的火焰是一种微妙的东西。 All north africa would flame into revolt . 整个北非将激起反抗。 Flame holders keep a flame going constantly . 火焰稳定器维持火焰不断燃烧。 The flames pcked up everything there . 火焰吞没了那里的一切。 Her cheeks flamed with pquor . 她的脸颊因为喝了点酒有点泛红。 Flames sprang up to heaven.flames leap to the sky . 火光冲天。 The rising sun flames the eastern sky . 朝阳映红了东方的天空。 The east broke out in ragged flame . 东方天空射出零落的光辉。 A flame darted from the logs . 从燃烧著的木头上腾起一道火焰。 Flames leap to the sky.the flames pt up the sky . 火光冲天。 Flames were leaping out of the windows . 火焰从窗户向外喷射。 The pttle flame of pfe sinks lower and lower . 生命的细小的火焰越来越微弱。 The aircraft crashed and burst into flames . 飞机坠毁起火。 The flowering shrubs were a scarlet flame . 花丛一片嫣红。 The flare flamed up again in his crooked eyes . 他那双歪眼中的火焰又燃烧起来。 Cook them four hours on a *** all, economical flame . 用文火把它们煮上四个钟头。 It was his serenity that stoked the flames . 他心平气和,反而把火焰拔得更旺了。 Then brusquely his tardy rage flamed up . 跟著,他那迟迟不来的怒火猛的冒起来了。 At this point one of the engines burst into flame . 这时,有一个引擎燃烧起来了。 The end of the connecting tube is sealed with a flame . 连接管的末端用火焰密封。 The flames of revolution are raging . 革命的烈火在燃烧。 A volcano spouts flame and lava . 火山喷出火焰和巖浆。 The flames caught the adjoining house . 火延烧到隔壁。 The *** oulder will soon be a flame . 闷火很快变为烈焰。 The car skidded , turned over and burst into flames . 那汽车一打滑,翻倒后起火了。 The *** older will soon be a flame . 闷火很快变为烈焰。 The girl flamed up when i mentioned his name . 当我提到他的名字时,那姑娘的脸红了。 His heart flamed with love . 他心里的爱之火油然升起。 A flame of strong nationapst feepng swept through the country . 全国民族情绪激昂。 The whole city was in flames . 整个城市陷入火海中。 The car crashes into a pine tree, bursting into flames . 汽车撞在一株松树上,起火了。 Deacon flamed at his host . 迪肯对店主人大发雷霆。 The landscape offers a flaming tribute to the end of summer . 大地向夏末奉献火红的礼品。 A hot flame pcked up from his belly to his chest . 一团烫热的火焰从他的腹部升腾到胸腔。 The cold fall sun flamed over the new jersey mills . 秋天清冷的太阳照射在新泽西的工厂上。 Her face flamed with shame . 她的脸儿羞得通红。 Energy is the flame of pfe . 能量是生命之火。 The hydrides are then deposed in a low-temperature flame . 然后氢化物在低温火焰中分解。
2023-06-20 01:00:441


火焰英语Flame双语例句:1、两片火焰化作一处,腾起了几百英尺高的烈焰。The two sheets of flame clashed, soaring hundreds of feet high.2、消防队员奋力扑救大楼中熊熊的火焰。Firemen tried to quench the flames raging through the building.3、着火后只有几分钟火焰就蔓延到房子的各个部分。The flames spread to all parts of the house within minutes of ignition.4、尼娜好不容易挣脱出来,拿起枕头用力扑打火焰。Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow.5、到处是烟雾和火焰,根本无法进入住处。At every turn smoke and flame stopped efforts to get into the living quarters.6、这些火焰造成了对流漏斗,把许多微粒抛向上层大气。These fires create convection funnels, and throw a lot of particles into the upper atmosphere.7、营火在火焰熄灭后闷烧了好几个小时。The campfire smouldered for hours after the blaze died out.
2023-06-20 01:00:501


2023-06-20 01:01:181


2023-06-20 01:01:241

那里可以下到Through The Fire And Flames 这首歌的LRC歌词?

2023-06-20 01:01:311

burst into flames是什么意思

burst into flames爆发成火焰双语例句1But you don"t burst into flames?但你不会被焚为灰烬吧?
2023-06-20 01:01:392

Twin Flames 歌词

歌曲名:Twin Flames歌手:Klaxons专辑:Surfing The Void-PolydorKlaxons - Twin FlamesA burning flame goes by and byVisible love stands side by sideIt comprehendsBeginnings never endInto the cycle of the here and nowWe take our fears and disappear somehowAs we ascendBeginnings never endTwin flames in our heartsAs we turn towards our very startTwin flames in our mindsWhen we move emotions multiplyTwin flames in our heartsAs we move you can"t tell us apartTwin flames in our mindsWhen we move togetherA sea of flamesBefore tonightConducted loveBrought us alightThe fire blendsBeginning never endDouble halves of wholenessFind the missing equal signDouble halves of wholenessNow return to intertwineSpirals turn the fire in usInstants synchroniseJoining us a second loveWe harmonise in time
2023-06-20 01:01:461

Rain of a Thousand Flames 歌词

歌曲名:Rain of a Thousand Flames歌手:rhapsody专辑:Tales from the Emerald Sword SagaRhapsosy - Rain Of A Thousand FlamesDIES IRAEREGNA NELL" OSCURITA"Guardians of the moonlight bring the spell aliveThrough the sphere of sorrow lead my holy rideTitans of the desert face the warlord"s prideFighters from the near lakes join the tragic nightWar of the ghostland take your soulsBut give us freedom once and for all...firestorm!UNDER THE RAIN OF A THOUSAND FLAMESWE FACE THE REAL PAIN FALLING IN VAINWHILE THE DARK ANGEL SCREAMS FOR VENGEANCEIN THE DEAD SHADOW OF FALLING STARSSilent cries of virgins touch the heart of nightRaped by the demons under painful sightsSperm and blood and terror chaos in my headIs the law of evil triumph for the damnedWar of the ghostland take your soulsBut give us freedom once and for all...firestorm!UNDER THE RAIN OF A THOUSAND FLAMESWE FACE THE REAL PAIN FALLING IN VAINWHILE THE DARK ANGEL SCREAMS FOR VENGEANCEIN THE DEAD SHADOW OF FALLING STARS...Moonlight is the witness of the most tragic day for our lands...Nothing seems possible to change the destiny of war...Lament of heroes reach the deep skiesFill the wide cosmos and free my pain... my pain!SoloUNDER THE RAIN OF A THOUSAND FLAMESWE FACE THE REAL PAIN FALLING IN VAINWHILE THE DARK ANGEL SCREAMS FOR VENGEANCEIN THE DEAD SHADOWOF FALLING STARSDIES IRAEREGNA NELL" OSCURITA"End
2023-06-20 01:02:041

in flames 是什么意思?

in flames 燃烧着
2023-06-20 01:02:133

flames test color: disappear?

更新1: to 001: i don"t think so...though i am not sure if u say so where has the anion of the potassium gone? if it is potassium chloride will chlorine be released? i don"t think i saw or *** elt any chlorine in the experiment... 更新2: to 002: i think the burnt potassium will form potassium oxide (K2O) potassium superoxide (KO2) and potassium peroxide (K2O2) at the same time with different proportion. 更新3: but do we really burn the potassium ion? i doubt it even KO2 or whatsover is formed potassium ion still exists in the form of superoxide perhaps so we should still able to see the lilac flame. but why not in the reality? would you wer me plz with many thanks for an atom to release a specific among of energy it has to firstly be ionised i.e. remain single when you give some energy to the atom or ion the energy is absorbed some energy increase the vibration of the atom some of the energy activated the electrons and push it to another level. When the ion became too excited it will reacts with the surroundng e.g. the O2 in air and will give out specific among of energy that can characterized the atom. e.g. K+ will give lilic color and form K2O. I think this is the mechani *** for flame test... please correct me if I am wrong! 2010-06-15 13:08:33 补充: if you use KCl to start the reactions there are a couple of "thing" in the system firstly you would have KCl then the acid let say you use H2SO4 you have O2 as a result what could happened? what are the possibility? I think as a result of the flame test the following would present... 2010-06-15 13:12:46 补充: KCl HCl H2SO4 KHSO4 K2O KOH? and so on.... it shouldn"t *** ell like chlorine gas... There are some reasons I show it in point form(use potassium as example) --When you heat potassium the kiic energy of K increase --increase the chance of effective collision bewteen K and oxygen --K will react with O to form potassium superoxide(KO2) The reason for the disappearment of the colour is all the K+ ions react with O 2010-06-10 15:00:51 补充: remember potassium superoxide is KO2 but not potassium oxide K2O 参考: myself
2023-06-20 01:02:201

Flames Upon My Shoulderstosk 歌词

Flames Upon My Shoulders演唱:郑秀文In The Dark I See No WayI Was Told I Must Be BraveUpon My Shoulders There"s A FlameLooking To The Sky My Heart Is Filed With PrideReaching Out My Arms Now All My Fears SubsideThere Were Times When I Was WeakLost Control Of What To BelieveInto Temptation I Drove My FeetSo Unsure Of What To Do Then I Found YouAnd You Garry Me Together We Go ThroughOn My Knees I Bend My Heart To PrayFor Your Mercy And Your GraceTo Forgive My Sins As I Go AstrayTo Make Me Beliet Let Me ReceiveI Shall Never DeceiveMay All Glory Shine Upon YouThere Were Times When I Was WeakI Lost Control Of What To BelieveInto Temptation I Drove My FeetGrant Me The Strength Long The Toughest I LearnTo Get Out Of The Shadow And To ShareWhat I Have EarnedOn My Knees I Bend My Heart To PrayFor Your Mercy And Your GraceTo Forgive My Sins As I Go AstrayTo Make Me Beliet Let Me ReceiveAnd I Shall Never DeceiveWhen All Glory Shine Upon YouIt"s The Body Not The Soul That FadesWhen You Turn Into His GRACEHe Has Promised To Give All His Love To YouShed The Tears And Fears And All DisgraceOn This Glorious DayLift Your Head And Give Your Hands To HimAll The Pain From YesterdayWelcome His Embrace And You;ll Be SavedOn My Knees I Now Must PratFeel The Miracles Today
2023-06-20 01:02:271

burst into flames是什么意思

burst into flames爆发成火焰双语例句1She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames.车子一下子起火了,她设法从里面爬了出来。2Never seen a police car flip and cause other cars to burst into flames.也从未见过警车翻筋斗,撞得其它车起火。3It landed on a pile of firewood where the yellow yolk burst into flames.鸟蛋掉到一堆柴火上,蛋黄随即迸发出黄色的火焰。4The plane was returning to the airport soon after takeoff when it burstinto flames.飞机起飞之后不久便起火,于是掉头返回机场。
2023-06-20 01:02:342

accept的《Hellfire》 歌词

歌曲名:Hellfire歌手:accept专辑:Stalingrad群66032164:木偶Cursed, by the mind of evilFleeing from a torrent undreamed ofHorror worse than your blackest nightmareHiding from the antithesis of loveSirens, tearing up the darknessBlockbusters .....from the skies they pourHot winds, blowing through the burning streetsFirebombs giving way to crimes of warOne thousand dragons in the skyBreathing flames from aboveHellfire ....... burns across the landHellfire .......One giant column of flames, leaps from the furnaceNo one has a prayerStrafing runs and napalm bombsBlacken the airBlack, is the color of vengeanceThe innocent die as the flames get higher and higherBuildings fall as the madness lingersFeeding fuel on a giant funeral pyreOne thousand bombers in the sky -The inferno from aboveHellfire ...... burns across the landHellfire .......One giant column of flames, leaps from the furnaceNo one has a prayerStrafing runs and napalm bombsBlacken the airBy the light of day, we see the ashes,The beauty that once wasAnd in the end, there is no future less we learnFrom the past and the evil that men causeHellfire ...... burns across the landHellfire ...... spawned by the hands of manHellfire ...... burning across the landHellfire .......spawned by the hands of man珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-06-20 01:02:411

求dragonforce乐队的through the fire and flames这首歌的中文歌词

2023-06-20 01:02:482

Through The Fire And Flames 歌词

歌曲名:Through The Fire And Flames歌手:Dragonforce专辑:Twilight DementiaOn a cold winter morning, in the time before the lightIn flames of death"s eternal reign we ride towards the fightAnd the darkness is falling down and the times are tough all rightThe sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonightFighting high, fighting on for the steelThrough the wastelands evermoreThe scattered souls will feel the hell that is wasted on the shoresOn the blackest waves in historyWe watch them as they goThrough fire, pain and once again we knowSo now we fly ever freeWe"re free before the thunderstormOn towards the wilderness our quest carries onFar beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlightDeep inside our hearts and all our soulsSo far away we wait for the dayFor the lights are so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry onAs the red day is dawningAnd the lightning cracks the skyThey raise their hands to the heavens aboveAs we send them to their liesRunning back through the mid-morning lightThere"s a burning in my heartWe"re banished from the time in the fallen landTo a light beyond the starsIn the blackest dreams we do believeOur destiny this timeAnd endlessly we"ll all be free tonightAnd on the wings of a dreamSo far beyond realityAll alone in desperationNow the time is goneLost inside you"ll never findLost within my own mindDay after day this misery must go onSo far away we wait for the dayFor the lights are so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry onNow here we stand with their blood on our handsWe"ve fought so hard now can we understand?I"ll break the seal of this curse if I possibly canFor freedom of every manSo far away we wait for the dayFor the lights are so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry on
2023-06-20 01:02:571

coldrain的《New Fate》 歌词

歌曲名:New Fate歌手:coldrain专辑:The Enemy InsideDo you remember how it used to be?When all we had was all we needed to be freeBut now it seems we"re fighting everydayFor something, everythingDo you remember how it used to be?When everyday was growing up and chasing dreamsBut all we"re chasing now is enemiesJust burn it all down in flamesJust burn it all down in flamesToday is the day we let go of hate and start againDo you remember how it used to be?When all you wanted was to see the world in peaceBut now you wave your flag at everythingControlling, destroyingSo cold and blind but you"ll denyBut you"ll denyJust burn it all down in flamesJust burn it all down in flamesToday is the day we let go of hateand start again...againJust burn it all down in flamesJust burn it all down in flamesToday is the day we find our new fate and start againLight it up. Light it up with fireLet it burn in flames so we can start againLight it up. Light it up with fireLet it burn in flames so we can start again「New Fate」作词∶Masato作曲∶Sugi/Masato歌∶coldrainJust burn it all down in flamesJust burn it all down in flamesToday is the day we let go of hateand start again...againJust burn it all down in flamesJust burn it all down in flamesToday is the day we find our new fate and start againand start again【 おわり 】
2023-06-20 01:03:161


2023-06-20 01:03:253

Dragonforce的《Seasons》 歌词

歌曲名:Seasons歌手:Dragonforce专辑:The Power Within群66032164:木偶I"m searching through emptinessAnd try to forget us in vainThe light of the dark setting sunWill bring my sadness to an endVoices cry out through the fear and the darkAs we wait for our lives to be betterThe words are dying in the nightNo winter lasts foreverThe seasons pass and sunlight will shineOn my life againSo let the past now burn down in flamesLocked in prison, in a world of living fearOn the edge of my destruction, marching onStill suffering darkness in the dreams of life not meant to beAs I lie awake and curse the rising sunSadness in time for the truth that she hidesAnd this pain in my heart for no reasonThe words are dying in the nightNo winter lasts foreverThe seasons pass and sunlight will shineOn my life againSo let the past now burn down in flamesStare into my eyesI"m burning with lust and desireWon"t you come down andlet yourself go in the fireSo leave the past behindThe words are dying in the nightNo winter lasts foreverThe seasons pass and sunlight will shineOn my life againSo leave the past behindThe dark clouds fading from my mindNo pain will last foreverThe seasons pass and sunlight will shineOn my life againSo let the pastnow burn down in flames,now burn down in flamesOoooh Oh ohohwhoa珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-06-20 01:03:332

There was no opposing the flames中的主语是什么?

there was no opposing the flames 中的主语是no opposing .
2023-06-20 01:03:411

time turns flames to embers时间把火焰变成灰烬

turns 里的 s 是一般现在时态第三人称单数的用法.后面两个单词词尾的 s 是因为复数形式.
2023-06-20 01:03:471