barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-20 06:00:57


KK: []

DJ: []


1. 较晚的,更晚的

2. 以后的

We will discuss this in detail in a later chapter.


3. (时期)下一半的;末期的


1. 较晚地,更晚地

I went to bed later than usual.


2. 后来;以后

I"ll tell you later.


KK: []

DJ: []


1. 后面的;后半的;末了的

This latter point was of great importance.


2. (两者中)后者的

Here are Tom and David; the latter is my brother.


3. 最近的;现今的

His health has been deteriorating in these latter years.




adj. 更迟的, 后面的

adv. 稍后, 后来, 迟到地


She had her baby weaned a year later.


He chose not to go home until later.


I can"t pay now, please bill me later.


He was charged with murder but found innocent later.


Cath me later.


Angrily the men returned the minutes later to tell their mates, "We had no impact. These men have skins like a rhinoceros."


I"ll speak with her later.





afterward(s), later


afterward(s): 指一整段时间之后,一般不分具体时间,强调事物的先后顺序。

later: 常指一个具体的时间点之后,侧重“迟、推迟”。

later, latter


later: 是形容词late的比较形式,表示时间的先后,意为“较后的”、“较新的”,它能作形容词,也能作副词。

Is it later than eleven?


This dictionary is a later edition.


Mr.Liang came later than we had expected.


We"ll come to see you again later.


latter: 表示事物的先后,意为“后者“,只能作形容词,不能作副词。

The latter half of his essay contains penetrating observations.


The former is a Hong Kong Island street map and the latter is a Kowloon street map.



形容词 later:

coming at a subsequent time or stage

同义词:future, ulterior

at or toward an end or late period or stage of development


形容词 late:

being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time


after the expected or usual time; delayed

同义词:belated, late, tardy

of the immediate past or just previous to the present time

同义词:late, recent

having died recently


of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages


at or toward an end or late period or stage of development


(used especially of persons) of the immediate past

同义词:former, late, previous

副词 later:

happening at a time subsequent to a reference time

同义词:subsequently, afterwards, after




late是晚的,迟到的,比如:stay up late at night熬夜晚睡;She"s late for class他上课迟到了。而belated是指误期的,(已经发生的)但是没有做的,最常用的句子估计是 Happy belated birthday了。就是在别人生日已经过了的时候对别人说的生日祝福语。
2023-06-19 22:09:452


belated 英 [bu026a"leu026atu026ad] 美 [bu026a"letu026ad]adj. 迟来的;误期的; 来得太迟的请采纳
2023-06-19 22:10:081


belate[bi leit]
2023-06-19 22:10:252


belated effort;
2023-06-19 22:10:553

be |αte的意思?

英语很简单,至少拼字要正确。修正为Belate or belated 延迟的意思 Belate happy new year!补上新年快乐的祝福Belated birthday wishes!补上迟到的生日祝福
2023-06-19 22:11:213


2023-06-19 22:12:104

迟到的情人节礼物 用英语怎么说?

delayed valentine"s present
2023-06-19 22:12:275


late bless
2023-06-19 22:13:024

迟来的爱英文怎么写 有的说是Belated love 还有说是lated love 那个更加准确

delayed love 吧!地道三.
2023-06-19 22:13:451

马后炮 英语

2023-06-19 22:14:008


2023-06-19 22:14:372

belated happy birthday

这位先生的语文太简洁了,我先为你用英语改写: I hope you had a great day and managed to find time to enjoy yourself. Have a good week and (let"s ) speak (again) soon. 他是说 希望你过了很好的一天,并找到时间去自己享受一点. 祝你这一周愉快.咱们回头再聊. 希望帮到了你,若满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,
2023-06-19 22:14:501


Happy "been late" birthday??
2023-06-19 22:15:055

tardy 和late 之间有什么区别

tardy:1. after the expected or usual time; delayed同义词:belated, late 基本同义的
2023-06-19 22:16:003

他总是迟到 用英语怎么说

he always belated
2023-06-19 22:16:316


《如果我是你》by暴食成球《 彭格列后宫拓宽工程》就记得这些了以上有all27~~
2023-06-19 22:17:062

Belated love, you can only belong to me.什么意思

2023-06-19 22:17:505


Thanks birthday blessing which you late come
2023-06-19 22:18:107


I"m sorry, this is a late letter, but I hope to be able to understand andforgive me.
2023-06-19 22:18:394


2023-06-19 22:18:5214


朋友,还记得我们走过的每一个春夏秋冬吗?回首,发现那些泛黄的记忆依旧在我的心中泛起微微涟漪,忘不了和你一起走过的岁月!流过泪,流过汗,有悲伤,也有喜悦。。。。或许我们以后不能在一起了,但友谊却一直存在!生命就像河流一样,不舍昼夜,奔向它理想的海洋。在它中奔向大海的过程中,难免错过!当你在追求你的理想时,不要错过沿途的风景,珍惜你所拥有的美好!抬头仰望天空,那一抹绚丽的云彩,是我用真心凝聚的祝福!张开双臂,闭上双眼,去感受风的方向,因为那是我想你的痕迹!流星划过天空,请记得许下心愿!如果你想起了我,请记得幸福的微笑!朋友,在未来的每一天我为你祝福着,所以在未来的每一天也希望你能快乐的度过!朋友,祝你生日快乐!即使我们不能在一起我依然会陪你度过每一个春夏秋冬! Friends, do you remember we have come every spring? Looking back, found those faded memories are still in my heart ripples formed slightly, forgotten through the years with you! Tears, through sweat, sorrow or joy. ... Perhaps we cannot be together in the future, but our friendship has! life is like a river, day and night, heading for its ideal marine. In the middle of it running into the sea, will inevitably be missed! When you are in the pursuit of your dream, don"t miss the scenery along the treasure you have better! Look up the sky, a colorful clouds, is my true cohesion of blessings! With open arms, closed my eyes, to feel the direction of the wind, because that"s what I think you sing! Meteors streak across the sky, please remember to make a wish! If you remember me, please remember the happy smile! Friends, every day I prayed for you in the future, so in the future every day hope you can happy spending! Friends, I wish you a happy birthday! Even if we cannot be together I will accompany you through each spring!
2023-06-19 22:19:304


Happy birthday to you.
2023-06-19 22:19:463


举世闻名的自由女神像,高高地耸立在纽约港口的自由岛上,象征着美国人民争取自由的崇高理想。 自由神像重45万磅,高46米,底座高45米,是当时世界上最高的纪念性建筑,其全称为“自由女神铜像国家纪念碑”,正式名称是“照耀世界的自由女神”。整座铜像以120钢铁为骨架,80铜片为外皮,30万只铆钉装配固定在支架上,总重量达225吨。铜像内部的钢铁支架是由建筑师约维雷勃杜克和以建造巴黎艾菲尔铁塔闻名于世的法国工程师艾菲尔设计制作的。
2023-06-19 22:20:124


我在等待,等待着,最终把自己交到爱的手里.这便是我姗姗来迟的缘故,也是我负疚的缘由. 他们带来清规戒律,紧紧地把我束缚.但是我总在逃避,因为我在等待,等待着最终把自己交在爱的手里. 人们指责我,说我漫不经心;当然,他们的指责不无道理. 市集已散,繁忙的工作也已结束.叫我不应的人愤愤地回去了.我在等待,等待着最终把自己交在爱的手里 I waiting and waiting, finally put himself into love hand. This is my belated"s sake, and my guilt-ridden reason. They bring imho, tightly tether me. But I always avoid, because I am in the waiting, waiting for the final put himself into love"s hands. People blame me, saying I carelessly, Of course, they accuse makes sense. Fair has spread, busy work also has ended. Call me should not man angrily returned. I waiting, waiting for the final put himself into love"s hands
2023-06-19 22:20:271


第15个生日the fifteenth birthday her fifteenth birthday 她的第15个生日
2023-06-19 22:20:371


  我不是您最出色的学生,而您却是我最崇敬的老师.在您的节日,您的学生愿您永远年轻!下面是我整理的感谢老师的话英文版,希望对您有所帮助。  感谢老师的话英文版(流行)   1. My sincere thanks to you for being my child"s teacher.   2. My child speaks highly of you. Thank you very much.   3. As parents we recognize the value of you in our child"s development. Thank you for what you have done.   4. One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.   5. Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.   6. Summer sent Cup ice tea and let it take away your hot, hot winter sent Cup Lulu, let it give you warm; just glad at this time sending Cup, Pepsi bless you!(夏日送杯冰红茶,让它带走您的炎热;冬日送杯热露露,让它给您温暖;此时送杯高兴就好,祝福您百事可乐!)   7. You are extraordinary, you are special, extraordinary and special Zhiyuan was accompanied by you! Special extraordinary + = happiness, joy!(你是平凡的,你是特别的,只愿平凡与特别伴随于你!平凡+特别=幸福,快乐!)   8. You are a GREat teacher, like others lit a candle burning themselves. I wish you a happy holiday, take care of themselves!(老师您是伟大的,像支蜡烛照亮别人燃烧自己。祝您节日快乐,保重身体!)   9. Teacher: every Yilv the sun is my best wishes for your every one I see the stars is your eyes, holding each Siyu I deeply miss you, miss you.(老师:每缕的阳光是我对您的祝福,每颗星星是我看您的眼睛,每丝雨牵着我对您深深地思念,想念你。)   10. I respect the teachers, my success is the support given to you, a thousand words a "thank you" - you"re a teacher I will never, never a friend!(我尊敬的老师,我的成功是您给予的支持,千言万语声"谢谢"--您是我永远的老师,永远的朋友!)   11. Dear gardener: Hello! Under the hard work you have made GREat achievements,桃李满天下. Sincerely wish you a happy Teacher"s Day!(尊敬的园丁:您好!在辛勤耕耘下您已是硕果累累,桃李满天下。衷心祝您教师节快乐!)   感谢老师的话英文版(精选)   1. The ends of the earth have made, only Shien infinite period. Bless you, teachers!(天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。祝福您,老师!)   2. Send a message bless you, to express my deep liking. Tao Li Hua Yu Man the world, often in your heart happy!(送个短信祝福您,深深表达我心意。桃李天下漫花雨,幸福常在您心底!)   3. Dear teachers, a thousand words can not express the gratitude of the I, I can only say that I am the truth: the teachers happy holidays, you would like to have a better tomorrow.(老师您好,千言万语表达不了我的感激之情,我只说句我的心里话:老师节日快乐,愿您有个更美好的明天。)   4. Hello, teacher! Sabian is your painstaking efforts of the broad masses of students, your hard work cultivating a new generation of Tianzhijiaozai, I wish you happy holidays and good health.(老师您好!是您的心血撒遍了广大莘莘学子,您的辛劳培养了新代天之骄子,祝您节日快乐,身体健康。)   5. With you, my life was wonderful! ! Thank you! My teacher!(有了你,我的生才精彩!!谢谢你!我的老师!)   6. Teachers -the season winds my Yanmouyula in the minds of several from the screen and off screen and can not help but recall the past quietly regards to your childhood.(老师--感念的季节风吹过我的眼眸雨落在心中几番幕起又幕落忍不住又忆起童年往事悄悄问候您。)   7. Tian Dixia the teachers, you are not responsible for the dazzling stars, with your bright star that lit up each student"s soul, and bless you, thank you!(天底下的老师们,您们是天上耀眼的星星,用您们那明亮的星光照亮每位学生的心灵,祝福您们,感谢您们!)   8. Teachers, so when children call me, just like thatu2026u2026 Today, I sincerely Duinin Shui sound: the teacher, you had hard.(老师,当孩子们这样称呼我时,犹如当年u2026u2026今天我衷心地对您说声:老师,您辛苦了。)   感谢老师的话英文版(热门)   1. Teachers, you are a tall and straight trees, the guitar had been a mature fruit, in your years under the old engraved on the ring, you are next to the rise of a lush forest.(老师,您是棵挺拔的树,曾结过成熟的果实,岁月在您的身上镌刻下苍老的年轮,您的身旁却崛起片森林郁郁葱葱。)   2. Teachers, you accept a belated GREetings! When I at the beginning of the division well, I feel you have to become our efforts have paid a number!(老师,请您接受份迟到的问候吧!当我初为人师时,我才感受到您曾经为我们的成才付出了多少心血!)   3. Teacher: I was the sun every Yilv of your blessings, each is a star I see your eyes, holding each slightest drizzle I deeply miss you, miss you.(老师:每缕阳光是我对您的祝福,每颗星星是我看您的眼睛,每丝细雨牵着我对您深深思念,想念您。)   4. Days teachers are black, you Guaiguai, Zaodian Shui bar, good night! Teachers we like them you laugh, you laugh together pretty good, really!(老师天都黑了,您乖乖的,早点睡吧,晚安!老师我们喜欢您笑嘛,您笑起来好漂亮,真的!)   5. I Tuoqi is your ideal for sail; you lit the fires of my knowledge. You are a respected person in my life!(是您托起我的理想之帆;是您点燃我的知识之火。您是我生敬重的人!)   6. When the stars hiding in the distant horizon, vaguely lights still shining in your window. It is precisely because of your perseverance, we have bright future! Thank you, teachers!(当星星隐匿在遥远的天际,依稀的灯光依然闪亮在您窗前。正因您的执着,才有我们璀璨的明天!谢谢您,老师!)   7. We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your unselfish dedication could we achieve no success today. 猜你喜欢: 1. 有关于感恩老师的英语句子 2. 赞美老师的话用英语怎么说 3. 学生给老师的英文感恩寄语 4. 感谢英语老师的话 5. 感谢英语老师的话
2023-06-19 22:20:441

我的业余爱好 英文演讲稿

My amateur love a lot, the love reads a book, write, loved Chin chess more. After remembering up the primary school, I see the Mu Ye and father play chess, feel to be easy to play.Hence I then tie up Mu Ye to teach me how to play chess.The Mu Ye tells me:"Ma3 Zou3 Ri4, the elephant flies a farmland, the cannon beats away and disappear, the car speeds everywhere, foot soldier a don"t return to return."I press the Mu Ye teach of rule, learn to play chess.A come two go to, I also slowly mastered to play chess, can I always the defeated opponent of Mu Ye.I defy spirit very much, wish, can"t be old so lose next go to, must "vanquish" Mu Ye.How to do?I think to want to go, had and why not beg to teach toward father?I asked father, the academic association"the double bombard with artillery old will" this recruit.Led for several days, I played chess with Mu Ye again, used this to recruit, really work properly, very quick the Mu Ye"will live".The Mu Ye is stunned speechless, nasty have to grasp ear Nao Sai, how also can not figure out to deal with of recruit a method.I won Mu Ye, the joy in heart openned a flower and wonder this descend the Mu Ye became me of defeated opponent!Who know good fortune doesn"t last long, the Mu Ye figures out to win mine "expertise" again.Later on, I mastered "Ma3 Wo4 Cao2, belated effort" toward father again etc. military tactics, and then won Mu Ye. Although I just learned to play chess, time isn"t long, passed to play chess a my feeling Wu some truths:Play chess is two soldier opposing campses and like battlefield, both parties match wits Dou courageously;Play chess and govern view overall situation, careful and attentive strategy, stay on the safe side, then can gram the enemy overcome. The chessboard is a battlefield, and then seems life satge.Pawn the position of the station be different and implement of the job be also different, each attends to his own duties, each fulfils his duties, person should also thus.I applaud foot soldier very much, they although the position is dependably and actually very low, steps, the headway doesn"t retreat, unyielding, go forward courageously, meet a difficulty not to shrink back我的业余爱好很多,爱看书、写字,更爱下象棋。 记得上小学后,我看见姥爷和爸爸下棋,觉得很好玩。于是我便缠着姥爷教我下棋。姥爷告诉我:“马走日,象飞田,炮打一溜烟,车四处奔驰,小卒一去不回还。”我就按着姥爷教的规则,学着下棋。一来二去,我也慢慢学会了下棋,可我总是姥爷的手下败将。我很不服气,心想,不能老这样输下去,一定要“打败”姥爷。怎么办呢?我思来想去,有了,何不向爸爸求教呢?我请教了爸爸,学会“双炮轰老将”这一招。过了几天,我又跟姥爷下棋,用了这一招,真灵,很快就把姥爷“将住”了。姥爷愣住了,急得抓耳挠腮,怎么也想不出对付的招法。我赢了姥爷,心中乐开了花,暗想这下姥爷成了我的手下败将!谁知好景不长,姥爷又想出战胜我的“看家本领”。随后,我又向爸爸学会了“马卧槽、马后炮”等战术,又赢了姥爷。 我虽然刚学下棋,时间不长,但通过下棋我感悟出一些道理:下棋是两军对垒,好似战场,双方斗智斗勇;下棋要统观全局,周密运筹,稳扎稳打,才能克敌制胜。 棋盘不仅是战场,又像是人生舞台。颗颗棋子站的位置不同,履行的职责也不同,各司其职,各尽其责,人也应该如此。我非常赞赏小卒,他们虽然地位很低,但踏踏实实,只前进不后退,不屈不挠,勇往直前,遇到困难不退缩
2023-06-19 22:20:541


炫舞网名带一的 me公ㄣ主 me王ㄣ子 蔷薇 守护蔷薇 低头吻你 抬头rang你吻 乖老婆de宝 坏老公de贝 LOVE恋 LOVE爱ㄜポ铒钉 | ㄜポ铒钉 *介村夫ノ | *介村姑ノ {大鳖 | {乐乐 ァí调ぐ | ァí曲ァ Go,|`同类 | Mo,|`喜ぶ ′想。 求 好听的炫舞名字 *′断弦° _韩小柒′. 、灰飞湮灭。 涅磬、苍穹。 °最后⒈次 ′半夏微凉° 、浅夏诗韵。 °紫阡陌尘、 °夏沫浅雨つ 衣酌浅斟、 谎言式、爱情 那一枪温柔 ‖、是童话 ンバ离8弃。 Angelべ海蜇 Syó⒈淡颓 “Harm”回忆 ° ―肆尕熙〃 〃_o甘蔗味┒ !双眸、倦怠 无所谓 这殇,太美、 ”Smart? 残留繁华 *浅墨未殃 1.米外的纯白 ¨殇丨残魂 *¨沫夕残∞ *¨沫夕贝∞ ┆存露问晓。 ┆晨曦遇晓。 ⒈种感觉づ ⒈种暧昧づ ≈低吟浅唱. ≈朝花夕拾. ◆、甾水壹方 ㄗsu30fb遗 ㄗsu30fb降世 シ从头ジ ⒈脸倔强 づ开始懂了 缺德⒐⒋时尚 ●⒈觉 ′此情不渝 ′死亡契约 *°a.若枫 *°a.若羽 *°a.若雪 *** ile忧伤 *** ile无奈 *** ile悲伤 *** ile祭忆 彼岸花开 彼岸轻唱 彼岸天涯 彼岸未眠 qq炫舞名字符号大全 ⊙●○①◎Θ⊙¤◆◇▲△ ?.2  ■ 回 □ 〓≡ ┠ ┨┯ ┷┏ ?.3 ┓┗ ┛┳⊥『』┌ ┐└ ┘「」↑↓→←┇┅ ?.4  *^_^* ^*^ ^-^ ^_^ ^(^ ∵∴‖| |()〔〕 ?.5 【】〖〗@:!/ _ `,u30fb。≈{}~ ~() _ -『』√ $ @ * & # ※ ?.6  々∞Ψ ∪∩∈∏ の ぁ §∮”〃ミ灬ξ№∑⌒ξζω* ㄨ ≮≯ + ?.7 -×÷+-±/=∫∮∝ ∞ ∧∨ ∑ ∏ ‖∠ ≌ ∽ ≤ ≥ ≈<> 炫舞组织名字大全 职莅(低): ◇◆丶 ◇◆丶 ◇◆丶 ◇◆丶独尊 ◇◆丶执 ◇◆丶 ◇◆丶审核 ◇◆丶低调 ◇◆丶待啶 以上原创↑↑↑ 以下仅供参考↓ 延续 闪曜 魅惑 护 低调 区 总裁、 副总裁、 助理、 耀眼、 名牌经纪、 天王、 艳星、 实力派、 偶像派、 保镖、 ◇延续ミ ◇ミ ◇ミ ◇闪曜ミ ◇魅惑ミ ◇ミ ◇护ミ ◇低调ミ ◇区ミ ど炫舞.谛 ど炫舞.镓 ど炫舞.呼 ど炫舞.舞 ど炫舞. ど炫舞. ど炫舞.恃 ど炫舞.仕 ど炫舞.亻 ●茈浸。 ●茈副团。 ●茈总菅。 ●茈栲。 ●茈区。 ●茈。 ●茈。 ●茈护。 ●茈质。 ●茈。 ●茈专署。 ●茈濞。 ●茈。 ●茈恋。 不知道可以波 追问: 我要组织名 不要职位... 回答: 那我真不知道,不好意思啊 qq炫舞好听的网名 男生! 给我一年的时间用来忘记° 漫天樱花飘出的思念 离开迩、俄才发现那笑 ∞ 站在教学楼下只为等你 灬顾影自怜 灬好了伤疤忘了疼的男人 是我欠你的太多. 殇莪,你不配∥ 流年一别,浮云忘却 戏并不只这一出 冷暖自知° 你真的不用来我回忆里微笑 将心≠比心 爱上 晨间阳光 东京的樱花飘满了巴黎 一个晚安换一句我爱你。 ≈ 爱是你不能玷污的 迩望着俄,瞳孔里全是虚伪 爱比恨多一点 独霸你的爱 残殇? 撕心裂肺的痛你可懂 鸡尾酒潜意识de放肆透着 那抹微笑开始沦陷最终缺陷 你要的离开我给你 情、已远去 等待,那不会愈合的伤口 痛到无力去改变 那抹虚伪的微笑背后的谎言 那抹虚伪的微笑背后的敷衍 你为什么总是看不到我づ 那抹微笑开始滞留怎么挽留 离开我以后你有没有更快乐 安生 干涸的记忆 さ 请带我走 我不怕坎坷∮ 你不懂的寂寞 开普敦 泉边 *** 的少女 爱并非誓言的描绘 所有誓言都被冲刷成谎言 有没有一个梦 倾尽我所有 黑发白花盘伤哀 _回忆是朵罂栗花。 烟花再美,也只是一瞬间。 追溯流年暗潮,印记沦丧。 ◆ 信仰,惯性的疏离。 安生 干涸的记忆 さ 45°角仰望 唏嘘的岁月 那丶心底的思念 你的路途,看不到我苍老 ¤ 隐匿 一张纸的空白。 苦笑 孤寂的城市陌生的你我 我最爱的你是否爱我 、夏了夏天。 孤单一人的巴黎铁塔 离不开 n 1" qq炫舞情侣名字 ⒉o⒑`宅 | ⒉o⒑ャ宅钕 多一份期待。 | 多一点依赖。 想著一个人- | 念著一个人- 心◆◇相连 | 手◆◇相牵 45°俯视 | 45°仰视 心痛的抽象。 | 心疼的遐想。 虚伪的男人 | 虚伪的女人 情定三生 、 | 缘定三世 、 蝶恋花 | 花恋蝶 丶好好学习 | 丶天天向上 奈何丶花落去 | 花落丶人断肠 ゆ \ 芯 | ゆ \ 嗳 ゐ  .霸占 | ゐ  .私有 锥心痛丶 | 刺骨疼丶  ̄地狱 |  ̄天堂▲ 你爱的人 | 我爱的人 情歌深唱。 | 悲歌浅唱。 北极星 | 南极星 ˉ落花、有意 | ˉ流水、无情 回忆丶那麽伤 | 承诺丶那麽假 抹不去累 | 抹不去泪 爱情一走了之 | 思念不了了之 哭了,谁疼 | 哭了,我疼 堕落成瘾 | 堕落成性 意料的结果 | 华丽的沈默 合不来ゆ | 分不开ゆ 抹空多少期待 | 抹去多少希望 释怀你给的伤。 | 释怀你给的爱。 QQ炫攻情侣名 [° M依赖 | [° M依靠 ら 多 情 | ら 花 情 怀 旧 丶 | 念 旧 丶 一生、最爱 | 一世、最爱 诉卟完痛 | 说卟完伤 洒一地月光 | 倾一池碧水 明天,娶丶 | 明天,嫁丶 後来们≠ | 从前们≠ 昨天的暧昧∮ | 今天的完美∮ 盛夏全是爱 | 剩下诠释爱 对念太多ζ | 对想卜够ζ 期待你丶回眸 | 期待丶回首 感受你的心跳 | 亲吻你的心脏 时间绷断悬念 | 心跳乱了节奏 给你我的爱、 | 给我你的爱、 淡写爱情 | 心扉结局 树、终枯萎 | 花、终雕谢 比比皆然 | 比比皆是 你是我的美′ | 你是我的眼′ 贪恋你的唇 | 贪婪迩的吻 男人的自尊、 | 女人的高傲、 寂与寞有染、 | 宿与命有染、 _ 之初 | 性_ 本善 舍不ぃ得 | 不舍ぃ得 许多的.怀恋 | 许多的.回忆 渲染 离别 | 渲染 分别 霸占你的所有 | 贪婪你的一切 护、未来 | 等待、来 开、承诺 | 折、瘼 无毒不丈夫 | 最毒女人心 尔要狠幸福 | 偶会狠幸福 念一种悲伤° | 念一种快乐° 听⒈首歌、 | 想⒈个人、 上错、车 | 下错、站 拥抱,未遗忘 | 牵手,未流浪 天、依旧狠蓝 | 云、依旧狠白 听。喜欢的歌 | 唱。喜欢的曲 看不清 ≠ | 猜不透 ≠ 酒易醉 | 心易碎 〃现在 | 〃以後 泛黄了。回忆 | 消失了。时光 情到深处. | 覆水难收. 〃仿徨红颜 | 〃淡漠流年 ※ 雾非雾、 | ※ 菲、 情歌、乜继续. | 情歌、乜悲伤. 爱是绝对承诺 | 泪光承载不了 触不及的容颜 | 感不到的心痛 向←走 | 向→走 ∴ 朝朝 | ∵ 暮暮 女人心口不一 | 男人心不一  ̄ ˉ假面λ、 |  ̄ ˉ陌λ、 删除→深爱 | 抛掉→倚赖 一人只一心 | 一心只一人 ミ 以前 | ミ 以後 黑色晚礼服 | 白色公主裙 执手 | 与偕佬 、芯囿◇ | 、在芯◆ ◇◆宅男ㄗ | | | ◇◆宅女ㄗ 转不停的旋律 | 参不透的情绪 角落Dé | Dé角落 後悔来卜急 | 想过去了 、我爱她。 | 、我爱他。 唯他命う | 唯她命......>> 炫舞名字大全 GRAY 14°灰色天空- 旧情歌-TRISTE- Reserved -{矜持丶 尾戒|Blacklnterweaves 无爱 、 NOLOVE° 心跳heartbeat* Distance [距离] 怀旧 Nostalgia - 破晓 step back In time 离愁 Feast away 拾荒者, King 旧事 Reminiscence° BonnenuIt浅时光 Your hand [执子之手] 轻别离 Leave-taking | 小情绪 Triste ° GoodnIght淡年华 迷惑  tears‖ 懵懂 Ignorant ゅ 爱在拜城sunbeam 冷眸 ┃ crimino False [虚假] Paranoid. [偏执] 破碎之光perplexe 时光纪 Bound。 People have changed [物是人非] 绝世风光 Circular。 lcbkmm° 牵扯 初秋- Gentle° 茶蘼 Dais *** ention Happiness味道 - 薰衣草 EVERLAST/520 |简爱Simple 小温暖warm helpless____〃无奈 Belated happy/迟来的幸福 傻傻爱 素锦流年 独厮守 ぢ .′缔。′ .′后。′ │柒橼* │叁笙石* │●* 薪 喳 │●* 薪娘 淇 〖奸夫】 〖 *** 】 ミDī 调つ ミCī 调つ 处 处钕 ‘吡佧丘、 "杰尼龟、 __&啷、 __&娘、 丶&负 丶&痴钕 □_咬嘴嘴丶 □_摸 *** 丶 、‘0n!y亲。 、"0n!y嘴。 灬咴飞-12℃ 灬湮灭-12℃ ;楠。 ;笑。 ◆。鹅 ▲。白鹅 ′猪。 ′猪婆。 Βαβч乐 Βαβч糖 ˇ≈王oヤ ˇ≈oヤ &恋、 &恋猫、 ㄣ缘伟じò 屋久 /~ )ㄣ缘若ぴé 轩落_/~ 葬 a! 葬x!n . &/离;)! .&/弃 同步&坏 同步& 铑ωǒ爱你 铑ωǒ爱你 ⒎31.号 ⒏30.号 ㄣ妣乱 ㄣ乱 ㄣ嘴乱 ㄣ乱谟 o.无时 o无刻 棉花糖OnE 棉花糖TwO (缃" *. (缃嗳 ′ *. ╄→疼Z/xin ╄→爱Z/xin ⒈辈孓丶 爱你⒈辈孓丶 我想哭 我哭了 *‖ *‖......>> 求qq炫舞唯美好听的情侣名字 急、、、 ≡ 暖人暖心暖瞳回眸 ≡ 冷言冷语冷眼相望 ▲ 戏子  2/5,° △ 丑角  3/5,° 堇色素颜 凉城空ζ 暮色浓妆 却微凉ζ 新人笑  〔Fa1r〕° 旧人哭  〔Fa1r〕° 倒数.こ three two one 默写.こ one two three 磕磕绊绊从不言分离∥ 吵吵闹闹从不言离弃∥ 深浅不一的印记, 付之一笑的回忆。      生相随.      死相伴. 新念   2/n 旧思   2/s 钻石草  pu2en 霸王花  pu2en 我不难过不难过我的逃° 我不想念不想念你的笑° 你的眼眸都是他的笑颜 你的眼眸都是她的温柔 单数先生  1/2 复数小姐  2/1 造梦先生°  ち. 痴梦小姐°  ち.  失忆小姐  追忆先生 明眸° Sunshine 浅笑° Sunshine 君不见. 伊人莫相忘 场以散. 故人亦相离 my heart/为痴迷- my world/为颠覆- 旧事难题    旧梦难温    温存   u2 迷醉   u2 烂熟透红 空洞了的瞳孔 终于掏空 终于有始无终 ▲我比你妈还爱你 /m △我比你爸还疼你 /m 小萝莉  △7m° 怪叔叔  △7m° 爷们不狠江山不稳 娘们不毒何以立足 灯红酒绿舔男人心  纸醉金迷噬女人情  Curtain 情歌。 Flowers 情调。 2m/ 你哭的很难过, 2L/  我笑的很做作。 把花心的男R3n°捐给灾区 把滥情的女R3n°独家收藏 很二先生   不三小姐   △比情兽更禽兽 Animals ▲比凶器更胸七 Animals 多情 des1Re∥ 寡欲 des1re∥ 霸气小伙的潮流范er 犀利姑娘的时尚范er    搅心者。    温柔虐。 寄存在你世界里的伪情调7m 寄生在你世界里的假温柔7z 这爱说不清也道不明 这心填不满也掏不空 说谎说谎说不出的谎 骗人骗人骗不了的人 -  私欲  3/s -  温凉  7/c 你的笑慌乱了我的骄傲∝ 你的泪慌乱了我的心跳∝ I love you uoy evol I 命° 劫° 不文艺的伪萝莉∞ 不天真的假正太∞ 寡人有疾    - 庸人未治    - 假温柔° mmmmmm 假绅士° mmmmmm 旧人旧情    ≡ 旧情旧瘾    ≡ mmmmmm°离心率 mmmmmm°痴心范 灯笼易灭 M/m° 恩宠难寻 M/m° 揪心 # 纠心 # 花心 # 滥情 # 暮冬-  Gentle° 初晴-  Moment° -  无欲无求 -  莫失莫忘 空心 Vicious 暖心 Vicious 沦陷°  -fall 散格°  -lost 独一小姐  1/2 无二先森  2......>>
2023-06-19 22:21:001


qq炫舞新手装名称 男的:发型:h油土闪 银白佳人 尖刀时刻 上衣:炽热朝阳 另类享受 和风环绕 下衣:经久型男 闲闪风 朴素条纹 鞋子:韵白贵人 桃花纹理 瀚蓝韵 脸型:邻家GG 我形我酷 YOU点酷 女:发型:舞动人生 花漾年华 精灵物语 上衣:倾城之恋 轮回轨迹 紫色迷情 下衣:光亮四射 魅力四色 奢华豹纹 鞋子:冰清玉洁 粉红女郎 蓝色水晶 脸型:金粉世家 有点冷 贝蒂 不容易啊, 亲,满意请采纳 炫舞怎样把名字变色 1、买QQ炫舞橙色名片夹,但是橙色名片夹只能在QQ炫舞舞团商店才能买得到,然后你的名字就是橙色的。 2、开通绿钻服务,然后你在游戏里的名字是绿色的。 3、开通紫钻服务,然后你在QQ炫舞里的名字是紫色的。 4、QQ炫舞每个星期都有会个星级舞者评定,你看你QQ炫舞游戏界面的左上角,会有“本周多少分”、“上周都少分”之类的。 其中―― 一个星期内小于800是白色的名字(就是默认的颜色) 一个星期内大于等于800是蓝色的名字 5激花钱多了之后,冲上消费星级榜的话就是黄名(太黑了~)。 6.买风采闪耀(30天84QB, ) QQ炫舞怎么粘贴名字 首先,选择要复制的名字,点击右键,选择复制。 从客户端登录游戏,然后从信息里进入个人信息界面。 点击自己名字后面的更改图标。(要有改名道具) 在系统弹出的改名框里,用光标选中框,然后同时按ctrl+v,就可以把你想要的名字复制在框内了。 qq炫舞男生名字两个字 τ.执念 或者 云泥 那个t是炫舞里很多人用的符号很像t的 就是这个 qq炫舞名字前的图标怎么好多人一样,怎么得的? 这是新出来的等级显示XVIP,基本就是你要花钱了,然后才会有这个的,而且等级很坑的,基本要你花很多之后才有好点的东西 qq炫舞名字发光怎么弄 方法: 1、进偿游戏,然后进入商城搜索风采闪耀,点击购买。 2、然后在进入【我的物品】点击装扮就可以,退回即可看到ID名称闪烁变色。 求个性炫舞名字<女生> 20分 浅眸 流年碎 jonathan 偏执、Paranoid Uniquek独一无二 旧故事∞Story Inplete/残缺 Goce 格思п 爱不释手 aimer ?? 忘了爱° Toro pretend △假装 旧年 F12 PEEu 浮浅 Superficial° Despair - 七年 水性杨花 ‖ why≈ Forever° 优雅- qcrazy、Y拥抱夕阳 毒°Toxic≈- 放纵的情欲,heart2/2- 寂寞与红酒Nervous GRAY 14°灰色天空- 旧情歌-TRISTE- Reserved -{矜持丶 尾戒|Blacklnterweaves 无爱 、 NOLOVE° 心跳heartbeat* Distance [距离] 怀旧 Nostalgia - 破晓 step back In time 离愁 Feast away 拾荒者, King 旧事 Reminiscence° BonnenuIta浅时光 Your hand [执子之手] 轻别离 Leave-taking | 小情绪 Triste ° GoodnIghta淡年华 迷惑  tears‖ 懵懂 Ignorant ゅ 爱在拜城sunbeam 冷眸 ┃ crimino False [虚假] Paranoid. [偏执] 破碎之光perplexe 时光纪 Bound。 People have changed [物是人非] 绝世风光 Circular。 lcbkmm° 牵扯 初秋- Gentle° 茶蘼 Dais *** ention Happiness味道 - 薰衣草 EVERLAST/520 |简爱rSimple 小温暖rwarm helpless____〃无奈 Belated happy/迟来的幸福 zuixin 原创网名分享。 爱在蔓延 .Spread Madness疯狂的洒脱 醉人烟 8023 逆光Presumptuous Irony. [讽刺] 毒药 |Posion Backlight. 逆光。 Corner. [小角落] 永远 Forever° Black and white [黑白照] Blank 空白 爱我恨我 AssociateΞ Wither [凋谢] 素锦流年r fleeting shimmer 微光 打不死的小强rCockroach Forever┆g傻傻爱 温存°d3sTiny Worrying about 牵肠挂肚 虚度年华 tempt▲ 独厮守 ぢ. One、Life- 搁浅? stranded Years°诠释了苍白 透明°Transparent ° 指尖的温度°Ice Alone.孤单的小花? 没资格、Not qualified black|┃黑色衬衫 旋律) ̄Melody 最后的微笑°finally *** ile 温柔 | Gentle 怀念 2amor A monologue. 独白。 q 流言。Gossip Deception 欺骗 封锁 keyLock≡ 醉眼 WhiteIn posure -{......>> 炫舞名字怎么加空格 当然可以。 1、楼主可以炫舞里看看谁的名字有空格,右击复制昵称,再在自己改名字的时候粘贴就行。这是常用的方法。 2、在改名的时候,加一些无法显示的字符,这样名字改后就是空格了。按V+1 里面会有很多字符,楼主选一个,看看显示是不是空格。 希望采纳,谢谢。 炫舞一个字名字 女:曦 璃 晴 卿 沫 陌 妍 颜 洛 凝 落 男:冷 溪 熙 影 晨 寒 宸 琛 轩 望采纳------------
2023-06-19 22:21:081

谁能帮我把下面的句子翻译成英语,最好专业一点的,不要机器翻译的- -

Hi friend, thank you to pay attention to my commodity, this is X goods price, contains the postage I to possess the goods the quality all is best this is I lowest price I must pay XX expense mail toward yours country postage is very expensive hoped you can understand me if you pay today, then I might mail the goods tomorrow already to receive your payment for you Asks you in detail to tell me you to need the goods again the name, the number, the size, quantity, I make the final checkup goods to send out the goods after 24 hours to send out me to be prompt inform you not to keep in stock today, I will mail in tomorrow for you was sorry, now I do not have the goods which you will need, you might choose other designs or I return the money for you delay your time I to feel was sorry very much was sorry very much was late answered your I might pledge, you saw in the picture will be you obtains, the goods will be the brand-new anticipation with your transaction if you agreed, you in 6After the day obtains it if you want to increase other goods please to inform me to thank extremely, processes your transaction very happily if you need very many, I may give you the discount in 2009 the newest design XX, best quality, most complete design, quickest transportation
2023-06-19 22:21:175


a late (happy) birthday wish
2023-06-19 22:21:443


2023-06-19 22:21:581


2023-06-19 22:22:131


迟到的生日祝福用英语表达用以下几种译法:1、wishahappybelatedbirthday 2、latebirthdaywishes3、ahappybelatedbirthday双语例句:I last heardfrom him when he emailedmy Webpage wishing me ahappybelated birthday.我最后一次收到的他的消息是他在我的网页上发的迟到的生日祝福。
2023-06-19 22:22:271


  没有belate,应该是 belated,音标是 [bi"leitid] ,意思是 “过分迟到的”、“延误厉害的” 或 “早已过期的”.   这个词由三部分构成.词根是 late, 读作 [leit];be- 是前缀,表示 “加倍的”,读作 [bi]; -ed 是后缀,加在形容词后表示“具有…特征的”,读作 [id].
2023-06-19 22:22:561


belated birthday blessings
2023-06-19 22:23:042


2023-06-19 22:23:193


  朋友生日过了的时候可以补上生日的祝福,那么有哪些迟到的生日祝福英语呢?下面是我为你整理的迟到的生日祝福英语,供大家阅览!   迟到的生日祝福英语【温馨版】   1. Let me join all your other friends in wishing you a happy birthday. Today specially belongs to you. Take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do.   2. 让我与你的朋友们一道共庆你生日快乐,今天属于你,祝你欢欢喜喜!   3. Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your having reached your sixtieth birthday. May you live a long, healthy and joyful life.   4. 在您六十大寿之际,请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝福,祝你健康、长寿、生活愉快!   5. Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best. I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past.   6. 祝你度过一个最美好的生日,希望你未来的日子与以往一样快乐!   7. You know you"re thought of lovingly each day throughout the year. But it"s nice to mention it again when special days are here.   8. 您知道我们无日不把你亲切思念, 逢寿辰当然要把这话再说一遍。   9. Be happy, be cheerful. It"s time to celebrate. My friend was born today. Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through.   10. 祝你幸福,愿你快乐,庆祝今天你来到这个世上。在生命航程新的一年中,愿幸运时时与你相伴!   迟到的生日祝福英语【个性版】   1. Every day is birthday time when thinking of you, and I shall keep one sublime hoping your many dreams come true.   2. 每当想到你我好似天天都在过生日, 可我特别珍视其中的一天, 祝愿你在这天美梦都能实现。   3. Wishing you a wonderful birthday. You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted. May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too.   4. 祝你生日快乐,你的善良使这个世界变得更加美好,愿这完全属于你的一天带给你快乐,愿未来的日子锦上添花!   5. In honour of your moving out of the twenties, we are giving you a marvelous birthday party.   6. 为庆祝你跨越二十岁,我们准备了一个盛大的生日宴会。   7. May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring all the best things you are looking forward to.   8. 愿你的生日特别快乐,愿新的一年中心想事成!   9. Send this special birthday wish just to let you know that you"ll always be remembered for the thoughtfulness you show.   10. 献上这特别的生日祝愿,只想让您知道: 因为您对我的体贴关怀,我永远不会把您忘怀。   11. It"s time to celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday to an attractive and intellectual girl.   12. 是庆祝你生日的时候了,祝福美丽、聪颖的你生日快乐!   13. Have a great day, for today is your birthday and a wonderful event. Wish you happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose.   14. 生日之际,祝你度过妙不可言的一天,愿你的幸福如绽放的玫瑰般芬芳!   15. My birthday wishes to you are the warmest. May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way.   16. 热烈祝贺你的生辰!愿你的计划都能实现、愿你的生活永远美丽!   17. A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you. May you seek all the best that the world has to give. May you never stop learning for as long as you live.   18. 小小的生日祝福。略表我的心愿。愿你的追求孜孜不倦,愿你永远学而不厌。   19. Permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today. May each day be as happy as your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday!   20. 祝贺你抵达了生命的又一个里程碑,愿你每天都象过生日一样充满喜悦。祝你生日无比快乐。   迟到的生日祝福英语【热门版】   1. Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.   2. 祝你生日快乐,天天快乐!   3. Happy birthday to my husband! For all you do the whole year through, this brings world of love to you.   4. 祝我的夫君生日快乐, 感谢你一年到头辛苦劳碌, 让 贺卡 带给你倾心的爱慕。   5. Warm wishes on your birthday. I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift. Take care!   6. 热烈祝贺你的生日,捎给你我对你的爱,也寄去一件小礼物,多保重!   7. May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.   8. 祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现。   9. I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday. May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way.   10. 我急切地祝贺你生日的到来,愿你时时刻刻都充满欣喜,照亮前程。   11. Many happy returns of this special day. All our best wishes go to you on your birthday.   12. 祝你生日快乐,给你我们所有的祝福!   13. My greetings come with affection for the nicest kind of birthday that could be wished for you. When this day comes to an end and you lie down to rest, may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness.   14. 我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。   15. Roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say, May each hour be a happy one on this special day. Have a happy birthday!   16. 送你一束甜蜜芬芳的玫瑰, 她对你说,今天的喜庆分外美妙,每时每刻都同样幸福,令人陶醉。 祝你生日快乐!   17. Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well.   18. 生日快乐,祝你今天过得愉快!   19. To a very special uncle, Because you"re always thought of in a very special way, sure wouldn"t miss a chance like this to tell you so today, Happy Birthday!   20. 献给豁达宽厚的叔叔,因为在我的心里,您总是特别珍贵, 今天我能告诉您,当然不错过机会。 祝您生日快乐!   猜你喜欢: 1. 比较有创意的迟到生日祝福 2. 迟到的生日经典祝福短信简短 3. 关于生日祝福的英文句子 4. 过生日的英文句子 5. 生日祝福的英文句子 6. 迟到用英语怎么说 7. 关于过生日的英语美文 8. 英文版生日祝福语诗句
2023-06-19 22:23:251


late词形变化:形容词比较级:later,latest;名词:lateness。同义词:ly,latterly,of late,recently;deep;recent;belated,tardy;r;belatedly,tardily;former,previous。反义词:early;early,middle;early,ahead of time,too soon。
2023-06-19 22:23:401

迟来的礼物,请收下! 怎么翻译啊!!帅哥美女们,帮帮忙啊!!!急死我啦!! 差不多意思就好了

late gift; late present; belated gift;belated present可以么?
2023-06-19 22:23:582


2023-06-19 22:24:052

happy belated birthday是什么意思

happy belated birthday迟来的生日快乐
2023-06-19 22:24:132


1.this is all Greek to me.2.belated action; belated advice; belated effect3.there must be a cause or reason for this4.pest vermin5.walk right into a ruddy health
2023-06-19 22:24:201

Who Would Have Thought 歌词

歌曲名:Who Would Have Thought歌手:Boyz II Men专辑:Best Of/20Th Century - ChristmasDarren Hayes - This Delicate Thing We"ve MadeNobody told youThat a heart is like a deep, deep freezeSo many lies so much of it brokenNobody told youDeep within a well so cavenousThat maybe I could shed some light onWho would have thoughtIt could be amazing?Who would have thoughtThe tiny courageous?Who would have thoughtThat love so belatedCould save meAnd bring me back to you?Nobody told youThere"d be days of silence that no one heardA river swells and overwhelms youAnd nobody told youDeep within a heart so ravenousThat maybe I could spare a beat forWho would have thoughtIt could be amazing?Who would have thoughtThe tiny courageous?Who would have thoughtThat love so belatedCould save meAnd bring me back to you?I had to find you, had to let you knowThat you aren"t all alone, yeahWe didn"t make the rulesI had to find you, had to get right backTo youI had to find you, had to let you knowThat you aren"t all alone, yeahWe didn"t make the rulesI had to find you, had to get right backTo you, it"s always been youNow tell meWho would have thoughtIt could be this amazing?Now, who would have thoughtThe tiny courageous?Tell me, who would have thoughtThat love so belatedCould save meAnd bring me back to you?se7en_up
2023-06-19 22:24:261

happy belated birthday是什么意思

Happy belated birthday 迟到的生日快乐;
2023-06-19 22:24:341

翻译"跑龙套 "等一系列词语的英文?

跑龙套:walk-on马后炮:Monday-morning quarterback无风不起浪:Where there is smoke , there is fire害人虫:pest自投罗网:hurl oneself willingly into the net红光满面:in ruddy health
2023-06-19 22:24:411

“这是迟来的问候”用英语怎么说?拜托各位了 3Q

This is a belated greeting!
2023-06-19 22:24:482


黑蕾丝 No principle|▍
2023-06-19 22:24:551

A Belated Valentine Anonymous 这篇文章的翻译谁有?

2023-06-19 22:25:161


A Delayed Blessing
2023-06-19 22:25:246