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2023-06-19 21:22:28
TAG: eli believer

I think you are a believer






I think you are a believer.







歌名:Believer谱曲:Imagine Dragons、Robin Fredrikkson、贾斯汀·特兰特、马蒂亚斯·拉尔森填词:Imagine Dragons、Robin Fredrikkson、贾斯汀·特兰特、马蒂亚斯·拉尔森歌曲原唱:Imagine Dragons歌词:First things first,I"m a say all the words inside my head,首先,我会坦然相告心底所有的想法,I"m fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh,The way that things have been, oh-ooh,我厌倦了周遭一成不变的一切 早已满腔怒火,这一成不变的一切,Second things second,Don"t you tell me what you think that I can be,接下来,不必教导我该成为你所期待的谁,I"m the one at the sail I"m the master of my sea, oh-ooh,The master of my sea, oh-ooh,我的命运由我主宰 我才是我灵魂之海的主人,我才是我灵魂之海的主人,I was broken from a young age,Taking my sulking to the masses,年少时我心灵破碎,将愤怒向外发泄 将自己的痛苦隐藏,Writing my poems for the few,That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me,书写自己的诗歌鲜为人知,只给那些关心我、支撑我、鼓励我、愿与我感同身受的人,Singing from heartache from the pain,Taking my message from the veins,于心酸绝望中高歌,接收来自我血管中传递的讯息,Speaking my lesson from the brain,Seeing the beauty through the …,说出我脑中领悟的教训,窥见美好要透过…,Pain!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,痛苦!,你让我重拾信念 成了一个信徒,Pain!You break me down,you build me up believer believer,你痛苦!,让我万念俱灰无法自拔 却又甘愿沦为你的信徒,Pain!I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain,苦痛,哪怕是枪林弹雨又怎样,My life, my love, my drive, it came from…Pain!,我的人生、我的挚爱我、前进的动力 皆来自于…痛苦!,You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,Third things third,你让我重拾信念 成了一个信徒,然后,Send a prayer to the ones up above,All the hate that you"ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh,对着上帝祈祷,埋藏在心底的所有仇恨终将释然转化为白鸽,Your spirit up above, oh-ooh,I was choking in the crowd,你的灵魂终将得到升华,我在人群中感到窒息,Building my rain up in the cloud,Falling like ashes to the ground,为那愁云更添一丝惨淡,似尘埃般落入俗世凡尘,Hoping my feelings they would drown,But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing,多希望我的所有情绪湮灭其中,而它们不曾消散远离,Inhibited, limited,Till it broke open and rained down,不曾减少消散,直至我分崩离析 如滂沱大雨而至,It rained down like,Pain!就像倾盆大雨,痛苦!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,Pain!你让我重拾信念 让我成了信徒,痛苦!You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer,Pain!你让我万念俱灭 却又甘愿沦为你的信徒,痛苦!I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain,My life, my love, my drive, it came from,哪怕是枪林弹雨又怎样,我的人生、我的挚爱我、前进的动力 皆来自于…,Pain!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,痛苦!你让我重拾信念 让我成了信徒,Last things last,By the grace of the fire and the flames,最后的最后,承蒙那激情的熊熊烈焰,You"re the face of the future the blood in my veins, oh-ooh,You"re the blood in my veins, oh-ooh,如未知的面容 你已成了进驻我灵魂的血液,是我体内流动的血,But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing,Inhibited, limited,而它们不曾消散远离,不曾减少消散,Till it broke open and rained down,It rained down like,直至我分崩离析 如滂沱大雨而至,就像倾盆大雨,Pain!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,痛苦!你让我重拾信念 让我成了信徒,Pain!You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer,痛苦!你让我万念俱灰无法自拔 却又甘愿沦为你的信徒,Pain!I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain,痛苦!哪怕是枪林弹雨又怎样,My life, my love, my drive, it came from,Pain!我的人生、我的挚爱我、前进的动力 皆来自于…,痛苦!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,你让我重拾信念 让我成了信徒,扩展资料创作背景:“梦龙”Imagine Dragons为《太空旅客》演唱的插曲《Levitate》于2016年12月2日上线,时隔两个月,梦龙又携新单曲《Believer》再次归来。单曲的封面上只有一个人,他的前方有最绚烂的色彩,也有无数的坎坷,为了心中的梦想,他必定会不顾一切地勇往直前,正如歌曲的名字《Believer》一样,始终坚信没有到达不了的远方。而整首歌的歌词大意也是如此:无论前面是荆棘丛生还是悬崖万丈,都无法阻挡我追寻梦想的脚步
2023-06-19 19:32:231


believer美 [bu026a"livu0259r]英 [bu026a"liu02d0vu0259(r)]n.信徒 信仰者;相信的人;信者复数:believers 例句筛选1.Others may find this to be true, but I believer that hope exist forever.其他人可能发现这是事实,但是我相信希望永远存在。2.Lincoln was a believer, but it is hard to say just what he believed.林肯是一个信徒,但是仅仅说他信仰什么是困难的。
2023-06-19 19:32:472

抖音中笨李白的是什么歌 believer完整版歌词

【导读】:最近抖音里面经常出现一首旋律非常好听的歌曲,这首歌最近超火,那么抖音中笨李白的是什么歌?believer完整版歌词。下面就一起来了解一下吧! 抖音中笨李白的是什么歌谁唱的 最近,抖音上出现一首笨李白的超级的火,这首歌都快被玩上天了,其实这是取自歌词里面的谐音,也就是大家经常所说的空耳,这首歌是《believer》,是在2017年2月份推出的一首单曲,旋律特别的生动。想听的用户可以直接在各大音乐平台中搜索即可。 believer完整版歌词 歌手:(Kaskade Remix)Imagine Dragons,Kaskade 所属专辑:Best Of 2017 Believer - Imagine Dragons First things first 最初的最初 I"ma say all the words inside my head 我想将我脑海中的想法都一一吐露 I"m fired up and tired of the way that things have been 我受够了过去那些一成不变反反复覆 The way that things have been 那些陈芝麻烂谷 Second thing second 然后的然后 Don"t you tell me what you think that I can be 我不需要你告诉我我会成为谁 我能不能够 I"m the one at the sail I"m the master of my sea 我的人生由我掌舵 命运之海亦将归附于我 The master of my sea 我自有我的天高海阔 I was broken from a young age 自年幼时我就丢了自我 Taking my sulking to the masses 被教导着放任灵魂随波逐流 Writing down my poems for the few 我的诗篇只为那少数人歌颂 That looked at me took to me shook to me feeling me 他们关注着我 支持着我 与我并肩携手 感同身受 Singing from heart ache from the pain 自苦痛和心碎中奋起高歌 Take up my message from the veins 自血液和心跳中认清自我 Speaking my lesson from the brain 将脑海中的经历教训高声唱颂 Seeing the beauty through the 试着体会美好 透过那该死的 Pain 苦痛 You made me a you made me a believer believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷 Pain 苦痛 You break me down you build me up believer believer 你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒 Pain 苦痛 I let the bullets fly oh let them rain 就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨 My life my love my drive it came from 对着我的命运 我的挚爱和上帝 让它们重生自苦痛里 Pain 苦痛 You made me a you made me a believer believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷 Third things third 之后的之后 Send a prayer to the ones up above 对着天顶之上的神明虔诚祷告 All the hate that you"ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove 你耳濡目染的所有的恨都会将你的灵魂涤荡 化作象征和平的鸽 Your spirit up above 飞向那天顶之上 I was choking in the crowd 在皇冠之下偷偷啜泣 Living my brain up in the cloud 将心之向往放飞云里 Falling like ashes to the ground 似那随风散落一地的灰烬 Hoping my feelings they would drown 希望我所有感知 溺毙在飘散的过程里 But they never did ever lived ebbing and flowing 但我却从未如愿 自存在之时 它们便不断 Inhibited limited 涌动着 衰弱着 受限着 周而复始 Till it broke open and it rained down 直到分崩离析 飘散殆尽 It rained down like 就这么飘散着 就像那 Pain 苦痛 You made me a you made me a believer believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷 Pain 苦痛 You break me down you built me up believer believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷 Pain 苦痛 I let the bullets fly oh let them rain 就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨 My life my love my drive it came from 对着我的命运 我的挚爱和上帝 让它们重生自苦痛里 Pain 苦痛 You made me a you made me a believer believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷 Last things last 最后的最后 By the grace of the fire and the flames 承蒙那熊熊燃烧的烈焰 You"re the face of the future the blood in my veins 自你身上我看到未来慢慢浮现 The blood in my veins 你如我体内流动的血液 But they never did ever lived ebbing and flowing 但事实却并不如我所愿 自存在之时 它们便不断涌动着 Inhibited limited 涌动着 衰弱着 受限着 周而复始 Till it broke open and it rained down 直到分崩离析 飘散殆尽 It rained down like 就这么飘散着 就像那 Pain 苦痛 You made me a you made me a believer believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷 Pain 苦痛 You break me down you built me up believer believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷 Pain 苦痛 I let the bullets fly oh let them rain 就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨 My life my love my drive it came from 对着我的命运 我的挚爱和上帝 让它们重生自苦痛里 Pain 苦痛 You made me a you made me a believer believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷
2023-06-19 19:33:251


believerrogue tradershei hei heijust come on and say you love meone more time what you waiting fori just god paid i won"t be lonelyso take my hand what you waiting forhei hei heii"m a believer, believerbeliever, believer, believerjust come on and say you love meone more time what you waiting fori just god paid i won"t be lonelyso take my hand what you waiting foryou"re so beautiful i can hardly breathejust so beautifulyu make me believeu2026u2026i"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believerhei hei heijust come on and say you love meone more time what you waiting fori just god paid i won"t be lonelyso take my hand what you waiting foryou"re so beautiful i can hardly breathejust so beautifulyu make me believeu2026u2026i"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believerhei hei heii"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believer, believer, believer
2023-06-19 19:33:363


believerFirst things first,最初的最初,I"ma say all the words inside my head,我要将脑中的想法一一吐露,I"m fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh,我受够了过去那些一成不变反反复复 噢-呜,The way that things have been, oh-ooh,那些过往 噢-呜,Second thing second,然后的然后,Don"t you tell me what you think that I could be,不用你来告诉我我能成为什么样的人,I"m the one at the sail, I"m the master of my sea, oh-ooh,我的人生由我掌舵 命运之海将依附于我 噢-呜,The master of my sea, oh-ooh,我是自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜,I was broken from a young age,年少时我心灵破碎,Taking my sulkin" to the masses,被教导着麻木隐忍地随波逐流,Writing my poems for the few,我的诗篇只为那少数人歌颂,That look at me, took to me, shook at me, feelin" me,他们关注着我 支持着我 与我并肩携手 感同身受,Singing from heartache from the pain,自苦痛和心碎中奋起高歌,Taking my message from the veins,自血液和心跳中认清自我,Speaking my lesson from the brain,将脑海中的经历教训高声唱颂,Seeing the beauty through the...看清美好要透过…,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Third things third,之后的之后,Send a prayer to the ones up above,对着天顶之上的神明虔诚祷告,All the hate that you"ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh,你所耳闻的嫌言恶语 将使你的灵魂转化为白鸽 噢-呜,Your spirit up above, oh-ooh,飞向那天顶之上,I was chokin" in the crowd,在人群中偷偷啜泣,Building my rain up in the cloud,将心之向往放飞云里,Falling like ashes to the ground,似那随风散落一地的灰烬,Hoping my feelings, they would drown,希望我所有感知 溺毙在飘散的过程里,But they never did, ever lived, ebbin" and flowin",但我却从未如愿 自存在之时 它们便不断涌动着,Inhibited, limited "til it broke open and rained down,衰弱着 受限着 周而复始,It rained down, like...就这么飘散着 就像那..Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Last things last,最后的最后,By the grace of the fire and the flames,凭着火焰和火焰的恩典,You"re the face of the future, the blood in my veins, oh-ooh,你是未来的迹象,是我体内流动的血 噢-呜,The blood in my veins, oh-ooh,是我体内流动的血 噢-呜,But they never did, ever lived, ebbin" and flowin",但我却从未如愿 自存在之时 它们便不断涌动着,Inhibited, limited "til it broke open and rained down,衰弱着 受限着 周而复始,It rained down, like...就这么飘散着 就像那..Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh,I let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer !信之又迷。
2023-06-19 19:33:541


2023-06-19 19:34:011


2023-06-19 19:34:193


2023-06-19 19:34:271

M.I.A.的《Believer》 歌词

歌曲名:Believer歌手:M.I.A.专辑:MayaM.I.A - BelieverThere"s main steamWith the main dreamsBut waterfalls start with a little streamEven Kubrick started with a small sceneBefore it became The ShinningIf your coming from the hoodWork on getting KnowledgeIf your from the front like you wanna surviveI didn"t choose the battles but the battle chose meWhen the bullet first hit my cousin WillsieI been in the game now 5.3Lil shorty but got shorties after meI stay humble from the shit I seeCause I already know there"s only one meI really would like see the star shineBut I keep getting covered up in hard timeA OOOOOOO, I need to let looseAnd the water ran dry, and we got no juiceI need a believerThere"s more means or more meanEvery Tree started with a little beanAnd everything you go through at 17Will it still count at 70?If I"m coming from the streetsThen I"m getting moneyBut my ideas in the bank are worth plentyI didn"t choose the music but the music choose meThe art of hitting your speakers making it bleedI"ve been thinking about what effects meAnd the will to survive is always in meEvery glass of water grows what I beAnd every glass of liquor get me tipsyI really would like see the star shineBut I keep getting covered up in hard timeA OOOOOOO, I need to let looseAnd the water ran dry, and we got no juiceI need a believerIt"s about people not moneyLight up a parliament, turn a car keyI could be a genius, I could be a cheatIt"s a thin line and I"m fucking with itI didn"t choose a struggle but a struggle choose meSo I"m dancing on the rubble permanentlyI"m cut from the cloth that you made meWhen I"m driving down the alley these cats know meIf it"s not cook, then we bring heatIf it"s got feet then, it"s on NEET...Anything on NEET has got that beatI really would like see the star shineBut I keep getting covered up in hard timeA OOOOOOO, I need to let looseAnd the water ran dry, and we got no juiceI need a believermaxrnb - 你的欧美音乐首选
2023-06-19 19:34:331


2023-06-19 19:34:542

数码兽拯救者 Believer

Believer 作词:山田ひろし 作曲·编曲:太田美知彦 もう なにもない世界じゃ 感动できない そう、気づいたその日から 分かるのさ 震えを止めて 瞳を开け 君の时间を解き放て! 未来へ Shootin" star! 光のアーチ描け 届くのさ 信じ続けるならば 君を呼ぶ声が 心ではじけたら すべてが始まる Believer! ただひとつの约束が 世界を変える 小さな顷见上げてた 星の様に 心の奥で 瞬く光 梦という名の辉きへ You can be a Shootin" star! それが君の约束 暗暗を 切り裂けるそのチカラ 思いの强さが スピード上げるから そのまま飞ぶんだ Believer! 未来へ Shootin" star! 光のアーチ描け 届くのさ 信じ続けるならば 君を呼ぶ声が 心ではじけたら すべてが始まる Believer! 在这失去一切的世界中已不能再次感动 在意识到的那天我已彻底觉悟 将颤动停止双眸打开 把你的时间解放开来 奔向未来 shoting star 描绘光芒的色彩 坚信着在心底绽放对你的呼喊一定能够传达到彼方身边 然后命运就此转动 Believer 仅凭一个约定将世界改变 如同小时仰望浩空的星辰 在心底深处闪烁的光 奔向那被称之为“梦”的芒 YOU CAN BE A SHOTING STAR 这是你的承诺 你那可以将黑暗撕裂的力量 思念的执着将为你加快速度 就这样展翅飞翔吧 Believer! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023-06-19 19:35:011


陈珊妮【believer】BELIEVER Rogue Traders Hei hei hei Just come on and say you love me One more time what you waiting for I just god paid I won"t be lonely So take my hand what you waiting for Hei hei hei I"m a believer, believer Believer, believer, believer Just come on and say you love me One more time what you waiting for I just god paid I won"t be lonely So take my hand what you waiting for You"re so beautiful I can hardly breathe Just so beautiful Yu make me believe…… I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer Hei hei hei Just come on and say you love me One more time what you waiting for I just god paid I won"t be lonely So take my hand what you waiting for You"re so beautiful I can hardly breathe Just so beautiful Yu make me believe…… I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer Hei hei hei I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer I"m a believer, believer, believer, believer好了。
2023-06-19 19:35:081

Believer (Vince Clarke Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Believer (Vince Clarke Remix)歌手:Goldfrapp专辑:BelieverI would have been in doubt when this started outThat everything would turn out this wayFirst it was a phone call then it was anotherfrom a mother who was ready to playShe said things that no one ever told me beforeBut how could I have known that she wanted to settle the score?Then a man came inI can finally see it and it looks like you"re having funWhen I get backYou"re gonna be bleeding so I think son, you"d better runNow I thinkI should be leaving "cause it looks like I"ve had enoughShe was a deceiverBut I had to believe her when she told me she was in love(She told me she was in loveShe told me she was in love)I knew I could fix it in just another minuteBut I guess it was a minute too lateI knew he was coming and I should have been runningIf he"d caught me I would never escapeNow I know it never should have been a surpriseBut how could I have known that she was only telling me lies"Cause a man came inI thought you were leaving but I see you"re still having funNow I"m backAnd you"re gonna be bleeding so I think son, you"d better runNow I seeI should be leaving "cause it looks like I"ve done enoughShe was a deceiverBut I had to believe her when she told me she was in loveDon"t blame me,It"s not my fault,Don"t blame me,I"m not the one."Cause a man came in,I thought you were leaving but I see you"re still having funNow I"m backYou"re gonna be bleeding so I think son, you"d better runNow I seeI should be leaving cause it looks like I"ve done enoughShe was a deceiverBut I had to believe her when she told me she was in loveShe told me she was in love
2023-06-19 19:35:161


最初的最初 我会坦然相告心底所有真实想法 厌倦了周遭一成不变的一切 我早已满腔怒火 一成不变的一切 然后的然后 不必教导我该成为你所期待的谁 我的命运由我主宰 灵魂之海由我掌舵 就算整个世界没有容我身之地 但我坚信 不管到哪 自有我的海阔天空 自年少时我就以学会 将自己的心事烦恼隐藏 吐露心事的诗篇也鲜为人知 还好仍有一部分人关心我支持我 愿与我感同身受 与心酸绝望中孤独高歌 于灵魂自省中审视自我 于理智认知中谨记教训 于刻骨铭心中窥见美好 锥心苦痛 你让我万念俱灰 却又甘愿沦为你的虔诚信徒 锥心苦痛 哪怕是枪林弹雨 纵然是狂风骤雨 我的人生 我的挚爱 我的动力依旧源自于 锥心苦痛 你让我重拾信念 我成了虔诚的教徒 最初的最初 你能否想象会有怎样的奇迹发生 明星和我合作了 我们左拥右抱 无需幻想这样的情景 这就是现实 其次我追求完美 准确无误的写作 我明白没有磨砺技巧 何来慢慢的底气 我也不知道不经历风雨何来彩虹 虽然我清楚条条大路通罗马 但要知道我也是从无人关注努力到今天的小有所成 之后的之后 来 我们算算看 你是否是个虔诚的信徒 如今我是这样的狼狈 锥心苦痛 已是我的座右铭 我知道失败并不意味着耻辱 我知道玫瑰也有伤人的刺 等等 还有最后 我知道没有付出就难有收获 我知道不经历苦痛就没有胜利的荣耀 锥心苦痛 你让我万念俱灰 却又甘愿沦为你的虔诚信徒 哪怕枪林弹雨 纵然是狂风骤雨 我的人生 我的挚爱 我的动力依旧源自于 锥心苦痛 你让我重拾信念 我成了虔诚的信徒 最后的最后 承蒙那激情的熊熊烈焰 却未知的面容 你已成了进驻我灵魂的血液 进驻我灵魂的血液 而他们不曾消散远离 不曾减少衰退 直至我分崩离析 如滂沱大雨而至 如倾泄的倾盆大雨 锥心苦痛 你让我重拾信念 我成了前程的信徒 锥心苦痛 你让我万念俱灰 却又甘愿沦为你的虔诚信徒 锥心苦痛 哪怕枪林弹雨 纵然是狂风骤雨 我的人生 我的挚爱 我的动力依旧源自于 锥心苦痛 你让我重拾信念 我成了虔诚的信徒 锥心苦痛 你是我的代名词 我是你虔诚的信徒 锥心苦痛 你让我重拾信念 我成了虔诚的信徒
2023-06-19 19:35:231

believe at /for/in/believer区别

2023-06-19 19:35:343

Supergrass的《Believer》 歌词

歌曲名:Believer歌手:Supergrass专辑:MovingI would have been in doubt when this started outThat everything would turn out this wayFirst it was a phone call then it was anotherfrom a mother who was ready to playShe said things that no one ever told me beforeBut how could I have known that she wanted to settle the score?Then a man came inI can finally see it and it looks like you"re having funWhen I get backYou"re gonna be bleeding so I think son, you"d better runNow I thinkI should be leaving "cause it looks like I"ve had enoughShe was a deceiverBut I had to believe her when she told me she was in love(She told me she was in loveShe told me she was in love)I knew I could fix it in just another minuteBut I guess it was a minute too lateI knew he was coming and I should have been runningIf he"d caught me I would never escapeNow I know it never should have been a surpriseBut how could I have known that she was only telling me lies"Cause a man came inI thought you were leaving but I see you"re still having funNow I"m backAnd you"re gonna be bleeding so I think son, you"d better runNow I seeI should be leaving "cause it looks like I"ve done enoughShe was a deceiverBut I had to believe her when she told me she was in loveDon"t blame me,It"s not my fault,Don"t blame me,I"m not the one."Cause a man came in,I thought you were leaving but I see you"re still having funNow I"m backYou"re gonna be bleeding so I think son, you"d better runNow I seeI should be leaving cause it looks like I"ve done enoughShe was a deceiverBut I had to believe her when she told me she was in loveShe told me she was in love
2023-06-19 19:35:461

求Believer-Imagine Dragons 百度云mp3

2023-06-19 19:35:541


《Believer》的歌词(英中对照版):First things first首先I"m saying all the words inside my head我要将脑中的想法都说出来I"m fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh我要发火了 受够了这一切的一成不变 噢-呜The way that things have been, oh-ooh这一成不变 噢-呜Second things second接下来Don"t you tell me what you think that I can be不用你来告诉我我能成为什么样的人I"m the one at the sail, I"m the master of my sea, oh-ooh我是人生的掌舵 自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜The master of my sea, oh-ooh自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜I was broken from a young age年少时我心灵破碎Taking my sulking to the masses将愤怒向外发泄Write down my poems for the few我写下的诗是只为少数那些That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me看到我 听到我 响应我 感受我Singing from heartache from the pain自伤心与苦痛中歌唱Take up my message from the veins接收来自我血管中传递的讯息Speaking my lesson from the brain说出我脑中领悟的教训Seeing the beauty through the …看清美好要透过…Pain!痛苦!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者Pain!痛苦!You break me down and you build me up, believer, believer你击碎我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者Pain!苦痛I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain我让子弹飞 让枪林弹雨都来吧My life, my love, my drive, it came from…我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于…Pain!痛苦!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者Third things third第三件事Send a prayer to the ones up above对着天上的神明祷告All the hate that you"ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh你所耳闻的嫌言恶语 将使你的灵魂转化为白鸽 噢-呜Your spirit up above, oh-ooh你的灵魂凌驾于天上 噢-呜I was choking in the crowd我在人群中感到窒息Building up my brain up in the cloud将我所有的情绪藏在云层中堆积成雨Falling like ashes to the ground倾泻如下如尘埃落地Hoping for my feelings, they would drown但愿我所有的感受 都被淹没But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing但它们从来没有 有的就只是潮起潮落Inhibited, limited被压抑着 被限制着Till it broke open and rained down直至爆发 倾盆而下It rained down, like …倾盆而下 就像…Pain!痛苦!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者Pain!痛苦!You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer你击溃我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者Pain!痛苦!I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain让枪林弹雨来吧My life, my love, my drive, it came from我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于…Pain!痛苦!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者Last things last最后By the grace of the fire and the flames在炽火烈焰的恩典下You"re the face of the future你是未来的代表The blood in my veins, oh-ooh是我体内流动的血 噢-呜The blood in my veins, oh-ooh是我体内流动的血 噢-呜But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing但从来没有过 有的就只是潮起潮落Inhibited, limited被压抑着 被限制着Till it broke open and rained down直至爆发 倾盆而下It rained down, like…倾盆而下,就像…Pain!痛苦!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者Pain!痛苦!You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer你击溃我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者Pain!痛苦!I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain让枪林弹雨来吧My life, my love, my drive, it came from我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于…Pain!痛苦!You made me a, you made me a believer, believer你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者
2023-06-19 19:36:261


Believer 作词:山田ひろし 作曲·编曲:太田美知彦 もう なにもない世界じゃ 感动できない そう、気づいたその日から 分かるのさ 震えを止めて 瞳を开け 君の时间を解き放て! 未来へ Shootin" star! 光のアーチ描け 届くのさ 信じ続けるならば 君を呼ぶ声が 心ではじけたら すべてが始まる Believer! ただひとつの约束が 世界を変える 小さな顷见上げてた 星の様に 心の奥で 瞬く光 梦という名の辉きへ You can be a Shootin" star! それが君の约束 暗暗を 切り裂けるそのチカラ 思いの强さが スピード上げるから そのまま飞ぶんだ Believer! 未来へ Shootin" star! 光のアーチ描け 届くのさ 信じ続けるならば 君を呼ぶ声が 心ではじけたら すべてが始まる Believer! 不好意思只找得到这个...
2023-06-19 19:36:331


2023-06-19 19:36:422

believer与follower有什么区别?如果要说我是某个哲人(e.g. Socrates,Plato)的信徒,怎么说更好呢?

I am a believer of ...
2023-06-19 19:36:492

求《黑道比酷》里 Christina Milian唱的Believer的歌词!!

Believer--Christina MilianLife Is What You Make ItAt least that"s what they sayWell I think im gonna make itFulfill my dreams one dayI feel this fire growing deep inside of meIm so inspired knowing that its my destinyI breathe like a championI dream im a championI see im a championIts meant to beMy wills getting strongerI cant wait any longerIm singing a song that"s inside of meCuz im a believerI know that I can make itNo matter what they saySo im a believerThe Future is NowIt starts todayI keep my head upEveryday im waitingTrying to find the patientsSo close I can taste it..But sometimes its so hardBut imma keep on pushingAnd Imma keep on fightingAnd imma keep on trying because I come to farI breathe like a championI dream im a championI see im a championIts meant to beMy wills getting strongerI cant wait any longerI"m singing a song that"s inside of meCuz im a believerI know that I can make itNo matter what they saySo im a believerThe Future is NowIt starts today
2023-06-19 19:36:562

求ikuo believer的罗马文发音歌词

Ikuo/BelieverMou nanimo nai sekai ja Kandou dekinai Sou, kizuita sono hi kara Wakaru no sa Furue wo tomete Hitomi wo ake Kimi no jikan wo tokihanate! Mirai e shootin" star! Hikari no aachi egake Todoku no sa shinjitsuzukeru naraba Kimi wo yobu koe ga Kokoro de hajiketara Subete ga hajimaru believer! Tada hitotsu no yakusoku ga Sekai wo kaeru Chiisana koro miageteta Hoshi no you ni Kokoro no oku de Matataku hikari Yume to iu na no kagayaki e You can be a shootin" star! Sore ga kimi no yakusoku Kurayami wo kirisakeru sono chikara Omoi no tsuyosa ga Supiido ageru kara Sono mama tobun da believer! Mirai e shootin" star! Hikari no aachi egake Todoku no sa shinjitsuzukeru naraba Kimi wo yobu koe ga Kokoro de hajiketara Subete ga hajimaru believer!
2023-06-19 19:37:041


是 i believe i can fly 吗
2023-06-19 19:37:112


2023-06-19 19:37:195


2023-06-19 19:38:179

很喜欢陈珊妮这首believer,网上没有找到歌词 求歌词~

I believe Shining Day まっすぐに胸を张ろう 何度でも羽ばたける いつでも自分信じて Oh I believe Shining Day 弱虫じゃ终われない 何もうまくゆかず ひとりうつむいてた 自分だけが辛いと いつも思ってた そばで谁かの 声が闻こえる 胸に热く 鸣り响くよ 仆に勇気をくれた MY FRIEND I believe Shining Day まっすぐに胸を张ろう もうダメと决めるのは いつでも自分なんだよ Oh I believe Shining Day 弱虫じゃ终われない 谁よりも信じたい 仆ら BELIEVER 谁にも気付かれず 涙を流してた 素直になることを どこかで忘れてた 差しのべてくれた 手が温かい いつも强く 信じること 仆に教えてくれた MY FRIEND I believe Shining Day あきらめず 手を伸ばそう 何度でも羽ばたける いつでも自分信じて oh I believe Shining Day 弱虫じゃ终われない 谁よりも信じたい 仆ら BELIEVER うまく行かないことで 人を伤つけ 夜に逃げ道隠し あきらめかけた それでも 优しさに触れて 一人じゃないことを感じた 涙が溢れた oh I believe Shining Day まっすぐに胸を张ろう もうダメと决めるのは いつでも自分なんだよ Oh I believe Shining Day 弱虫じゃ终われない 谁よりも信じたい 仆ら BELIEVER 谁よりも信じたい 仆ら BELIEVER
2023-06-19 19:38:391


2023-06-19 19:39:004


在这失去一切的世界中已不能再次感动 在意识到的那天我已彻底觉悟 将颤动停止双眸打开 把你的时间解放开来 奔向未来 shoting star 描绘光芒的色彩 坚信着在心底绽放对你的呼喊一定能够传达到彼方身边 然后命运就此转动 Believer 仅凭一个约定将世界改变 如同小时仰望浩空的星辰 在心底深处闪烁的光 奔向那被称之为“梦”的芒 YOU CAN BE A SHOTING STAR 这是你的承诺 你那可以将黑暗撕裂的力量 思念的执着将为你加快速度 就这样展翅飞翔吧 Believer! 网上直接复制粘贴的,满意请采纳
2023-06-19 19:39:161

求one voice儿童团合唱的 imagine dragons-believer mp3

One Voice Children"s Choir-Imagine Dragons-Believer歌曲已分享到你的百度网盘登陆百度网盘点好友分享查收哦同求资源的请去百度提问问题地址发我百度私信
2023-06-19 19:39:251


2023-06-19 19:39:435

抖音笨李白是什么歌 歌词中带有笨李白原版歌曲名字

《Believer》歌词介绍:歌手:(Kaskade Remix)Imagine Dragons,Kaskade所属专辑:Best Of 2017First things first最初的最初I"ma say all the words Inside my head我想将我脑海中的想法都一一吐露I"m fired up and tired of the way that things have been我受够了过去那些一成不变反反复复The way that things have been那些陈芝麻烂谷Second thing second然后的然后Don"t you tell me what you think that I can be我不需要你告诉我我会成为谁 我能不能够I"m the one at the sail I"m the master of my sea我的人生由我掌舵 命运之海亦将归附于我The master of my sea我自有我的天高海阔I was broken from a young age自年幼时我就丢了自我Taking my sulking to the masses被教导着放任灵魂随波逐流Writing down my poems for the few我的诗篇只为那少数人歌颂That looked at me took to me shook to me feeling me他们关注着我 支持着我 与我并肩携手 感同身受Singing from heart ache from the pain自苦痛和心碎中奋起高歌Take up my message from the veins自血液和心跳中认清自我Speaking my lesson from the brain将脑海中的经历教训高声唱颂Seeing the beauty through the试着体会美好 透过那该死的Pain苦痛You made me a you made me a believer believer你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷You break me down you build me up believer believer你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒I let the bullets fly oh let them rain就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨My life my love my drive it came from对着我的命运 我的挚爱和上帝 让它们重生自苦痛里Third things third之后的之后Send a prayer to the ones up above
2023-06-19 19:41:001

有一首英文歌,第一句歌词是 hey im a believer ,应该是首励志歌曲,歌名是什么

中文名是 麻烦是我的朋友 你去搜英文 我听过,有印象
2023-06-19 19:41:095


真的真的不知道 我也找了好久了 好像没人知道 可能TVB会有答案。。。。。
2023-06-19 19:41:252

believer歌词 believer歌词中英版

1、《Believer》的歌词(英中对照版) First things first 首先 Im saying all the words inside my head 我要将脑中的想法都说出来 Im fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh 我要发火了 受够了这一切的一成不变 噢-呜 The way that things have been, oh-ooh 这一成不变 噢-呜 Second things second 接下来 Dont you tell me what you think that I can be 不用你来告诉我我能成为什么样的人 Im the one at the sail, Im the master of my sea, oh-ooh 我是人生的掌舵 自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜 The master of my sea, oh-ooh 自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜 I was broken from a young age 年少时我心灵破碎 Taking my sulking to the masses 将愤怒向外发泄 Write down my poems for the few 我写下的诗是只为少数那些 That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me 看到我 听到我 响应我 感受我 Singing from heartache from the pain 自伤心与苦痛中歌唱 Take up my message from the veins 接收来自我血管中传递的讯息 Speaking my lesson from the brain 说出我脑中领悟的教训 Seeing the beauty through the … 看清美好要透过… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! You break me down and you build me up, believer, believer 你击碎我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 苦痛 I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain 我让子弹飞 让枪林弹雨都来吧 My life, my love, my drive, it came from… 我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Third things third 第三件事 Send a prayer to the ones up above 对着天上的神明祷告 All the hate that youve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh 你所耳闻的嫌言恶语 将使你的灵魂转化为白鸽 噢-呜 Your spirit up above, oh-ooh 你的灵魂凌驾于天上 噢-呜 I was choking in the crowd 我在人群中感到窒息 Building up my brain up in the cloud 将我所有的情绪藏在云层中堆积成雨 Falling like ashes to the ground 倾泻如下如尘埃落地 Hoping for my feelings, they would drown 但愿我所有的感受 都被淹没 But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing 但它们从来没有 有的就只是潮起潮落 Inhibited, limited 被压抑着 被限制着 Till it broke open and rained down 直至爆发 倾盆而下 It rained down, like … 倾盆而下 就像… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer 你击溃我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain 让枪林弹雨来吧 My life, my love, my drive, it came from 我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Last things last 最后 By the grace of the fire and the flames 在炽火烈焰的恩典下 Youre the face of the future 你是未来的代表 The blood in my veins, oh-ooh 是我体内流动的血 噢-呜 The blood in my veins, oh-ooh 是我体内流动的血 噢-呜 But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing 但从来没有过 有的就只是潮起潮落 Inhibited, limited 被压抑着 被限制着 Till it broke open and rained down 直至爆发 倾盆而下 It rained down, like… 倾盆而下,就像… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer 你击溃我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain 让枪林弹雨来吧 My life, my love, my drive, it came from 我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 2、《Believer》是美国摇滚乐队Imagine Dragons的一首歌曲,由Imagine Dragons、Robin Fredrikkson、贾斯汀·特兰特和马蒂亚斯·拉尔森创作,发行于2017年2月1日。当地时间2018年5月20日,Imagine Dragons 《Believer》荣获2018美国公告牌音乐奖年度最佳摇滚歌曲。
2023-06-19 19:41:441


  1、《Believer》的歌词(英中对照版)   First things first   首先   Im saying all the words inside my head   我要将脑中的想法都说出来   Im fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh   我要发火了 受够了这一切的一成不变 噢-呜   The way that things have been, oh-ooh   这一成不变 噢-呜   Second things second   接下来   Dont you tell me what you think that I can be   不用你来告诉我我能成为什么样的人   Im the one at the sail, Im the master of my sea, oh-ooh   我是人生的掌舵 自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜   The master of my sea, oh-ooh   自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜   I was broken from a young age   年少时我心灵破碎   Taking my sulking to the masses   将愤怒向外发泄   Write down my poems for the few   我写下的诗是只为少数那些   That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me   看到我 听到我 响应我 感受我   Singing from heartache from the pain   自伤心与苦痛中歌唱   Take up my message from the veins   接收来自我血管中传递的讯息   Speaking my lesson from the brain   说出我脑中领悟的教训   Seeing the beauty through the …   看清美好要透过…   Pain!   痛苦!   You made me a, you made me a believer, believer   你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   Pain!   痛苦!   You break me down and you build me up, believer, believer   你击碎我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   Pain!   苦痛   I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain   我让子弹飞 让枪林弹雨都来吧   My life, my love, my drive, it came from…   我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于…   Pain!   痛苦!   You made me a, you made me a believer, believer   你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   Third things third   第三件事   Send a prayer to the ones up above   对着天上的神明祷告   All the hate that youve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh   你所耳闻的嫌言恶语 将使你的灵魂转化为白鸽 噢-呜   Your spirit up above, oh-ooh   你的灵魂凌驾于天上 噢-呜   I was choking in the crowd   我在人群中感到窒息   Building up my brain up in the cloud   将我所有的情绪藏在云层中堆积成雨   Falling like ashes to the ground   倾泻如下如尘埃落地   Hoping for my feelings, they would drown   但愿我所有的感受 都被淹没   But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing   但它们从来没有 有的就只是潮起潮落   Inhibited, limited   被压抑着 被限制着   Till it broke open and rained down   直至爆发 倾盆而下   It rained down, like …   倾盆而下 就像…   Pain!   痛苦!   You made me a, you made me a believer, believer   你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   Pain!   痛苦!   You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer   你击溃我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   Pain!   痛苦!   I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain   让枪林弹雨来吧   My life, my love, my drive, it came from   我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于…   Pain!   痛苦!   You made me a, you made me a believer, believer   你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   Last things last   最后   By the grace of the fire and the flames   在炽火烈焰的恩典下   Youre the face of the future   你是未来的代表   The blood in my veins, oh-ooh   是我体内流动的血 噢-呜   The blood in my veins, oh-ooh   是我体内流动的血 噢-呜   But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing   但从来没有过 有的就只是潮起潮落   Inhibited, limited   被压抑着 被限制着   Till it broke open and rained down   直至爆发 倾盆而下   It rained down, like…   倾盆而下,就像…   Pain!   痛苦!   You made me a, you made me a believer, believer   你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   Pain!   痛苦!   You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer   你击溃我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   Pain!   痛苦!   I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain   让枪林弹雨来吧   My life, my love, my drive, it came from   我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于…   Pain!   痛苦!   You made me a, you made me a believer, believer   你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者   2、《Believer》是美国摇滚乐队Imagine Dragons的一首歌曲,由Imagine Dragons、Robin Fredrikkson、贾斯汀·特兰特和马蒂亚斯·拉尔森创作,发行于2017年2月1日。当地时间2018年5月20日,Imagine Dragons 《Believer》荣获2018美国公告牌音乐奖年度最佳摇滚歌曲。
2023-06-19 19:41:511

believer歌词 believer歌词中英版

1、《Believer》的歌词(英中对照版) First things first 首先 Im saying all the words inside my head 我要将脑中的想法都说出来 Im fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh 我要发火了 受够了这一切的一成不变 噢-呜 The way that things have been, oh-ooh 这一成不变 噢-呜 Second things second 接下来 Dont you tell me what you think that I can be 不用你来告诉我我能成为什么样的人 Im the one at the sail, Im the master of my sea, oh-ooh 我是人生的掌舵 自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜 The master of my sea, oh-ooh 自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜 I was broken from a young age 年少时我心灵破碎 Taking my sulking to the masses 将愤怒向外发泄 Write down my poems for the few 我写下的诗是只为少数那些 That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me 看到我 听到我 响应我 感受我 Singing from heartache from the pain 自伤心与苦痛中歌唱 Take up my message from the veins 接收来自我血管中传递的讯息 Speaking my lesson from the brain 说出我脑中领悟的教训 Seeing the beauty through the … 看清美好要透过… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! You break me down and you build me up, believer, believer 你击碎我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 苦痛 I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain 我让子弹飞 让枪林弹雨都来吧 My life, my love, my drive, it came from… 我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Third things third 第三件事 Send a prayer to the ones up above 对着天上的神明祷告 All the hate that youve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh 你所耳闻的嫌言恶语 将使你的灵魂转化为白鸽 噢-呜 Your spirit up above, oh-ooh 你的灵魂凌驾于天上 噢-呜 I was choking in the crowd 我在人群中感到窒息 Building up my brain up in the cloud 将我所有的情绪藏在云层中堆积成雨 Falling like ashes to the ground 倾泻如下如尘埃落地 Hoping for my feelings, they would drown 但愿我所有的感受 都被淹没 But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing 但它们从来没有 有的就只是潮起潮落 Inhibited, limited 被压抑着 被限制着 Till it broke open and rained down 直至爆发 倾盆而下 It rained down, like … 倾盆而下 就像… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer 你击溃我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain 让枪林弹雨来吧 My life, my love, my drive, it came from 我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Last things last 最后 By the grace of the fire and the flames 在炽火烈焰的恩典下 Youre the face of the future 你是未来的代表 The blood in my veins, oh-ooh 是我体内流动的血 噢-呜 The blood in my veins, oh-ooh 是我体内流动的血 噢-呜 But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing 但从来没有过 有的就只是潮起潮落 Inhibited, limited 被压抑着 被限制着 Till it broke open and rained down 直至爆发 倾盆而下 It rained down, like… 倾盆而下,就像… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer 你击溃我 又造就我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 Pain! 痛苦! I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain 让枪林弹雨来吧 My life, my love, my drive, it came from 我的人生、挚爱和驱动 皆来自于… Pain! 痛苦! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer 你让我 你让我 成为一位信仰者 信仰者 2、《Believer》是美国摇滚乐队Imagine Dragons的一首歌曲,由Imagine Dragons、Robin Fredrikkson、贾斯汀·特兰特和马蒂亚斯·拉尔森创作,发行于2017年2月1日。当地时间2018年5月20日,Imagine Dragons 《Believer》荣获2018美国公告牌音乐奖年度最佳摇滚歌曲。
2023-06-19 19:43:051


believerFirst things first,最初的最初,I"ma say all the words inside my head,我要将脑中的想法一一吐露,I"m fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh,我受够了过去那些一成不变反反复复 噢-呜,The way that things have been, oh-ooh,那些过往 噢-呜,Second thing second,然后的然后,Don"t you tell me what you think that I could be,不用你来告诉我我能成为什么样的人,I"m the one at the sail, I"m the master of my sea, oh-ooh,我的人生由我掌舵 命运之海将依附于我 噢-呜,The master of my sea, oh-ooh,我是自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜,I was broken from a young age,年少时我心灵破碎,Taking my sulkin" to the masses,被教导着麻木隐忍地随波逐流,Writing my poems for the few,我的诗篇只为那少数人歌颂,That look at me, took to me, shook at me, feelin" me,他们关注着我 支持着我 与我并肩携手 感同身受,Singing from heartache from the pain,自苦痛和心碎中奋起高歌,Taking my message from the veins,自血液和心跳中认清自我,Speaking my lesson from the brain,将脑海中的经历教训高声唱颂,Seeing the beauty through the...看清美好要透过…,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Third things third,之后的之后,Send a prayer to the ones up above,对着天顶之上的神明虔诚祷告,All the hate that you"ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh,你所耳闻的嫌言恶语 将使你的灵魂转化为白鸽 噢-呜,Your spirit up above, oh-ooh,飞向那天顶之上,I was chokin" in the crowd,在人群中偷偷啜泣,Building my rain up in the cloud,将心之向往放飞云里,Falling like ashes to the ground,似那随风散落一地的灰烬,Hoping my feelings, they would drown,希望我所有感知 溺毙在飘散的过程里,But they never did, ever lived, ebbin" and flowin",但我却从未如愿 自存在之时 它们便不断涌动着,Inhibited, limited "til it broke open and rained down,衰弱着 受限着 周而复始,It rained down, like...就这么飘散着 就像那..Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Last things last,最后的最后,By the grace of the fire and the flames,凭着火焰和火焰的恩典,You"re the face of the future, the blood in my veins, oh-ooh,你是未来的迹象,是我体内流动的血 噢-呜,The blood in my veins, oh-ooh,是我体内流动的血 噢-呜,But they never did, ever lived, ebbin" and flowin",但我却从未如愿 自存在之时 它们便不断涌动着,Inhibited, limited "til it broke open and rained down,衰弱着 受限着 周而复始,It rained down, like...就这么飘散着 就像那..Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh,I let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer !信之又迷。
2023-06-19 19:43:171


Imagine Dragons-Believer信仰者中英文对照歌词:First things first最初的最初  I"ma say all the words inside my head  我想将我脑海中的想法都一一吐露  I"m fired up and tired of the way things have been, oh  我受够了过去那些一成不变反反复复  The way that things have been,  那些过往,  Second thing second  然后的然后Don"t you tell me what you think that I can be  我不需要你告诉我我会成为谁 我能不能够  I"m the one at the sail  我的人生由我掌舵  I"m the master of my sea,  命运之海将依附于我,  The master of my sea,  大海将依附于我  I was broken from a young age  自年幼时我便受伤  Taking my sulking to the masses  被教导着麻木隐忍地随波逐流  Write down my poems for the few  我的诗篇只为那少数人歌颂  That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me  他们关注着我 支持着我 与我并肩携手 感同身受  Singing from heartache, from the pain  自苦痛和心碎中奋起高歌  Take up my message, from the veins  自血液和心跳中认清自我  Speaking my lesson, from the brain  将脑海中的经历教训高声唱颂  Seeing the beauty through the  试着体会美好 透过那该死的  Pain!  苦痛!  You made me a, you made me a believer, believer  你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷  Pain!苦痛!  You break me down, you built me up, believer, believer  你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒Pain!苦痛I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain  就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨  My life, my love, my drive, it came from  对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里  Pain!苦痛!  You made me a, you made me a believer, believer  你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷  Third things third  之后的之后  Send a prayer to the ones up above  对着天顶之上的神明虔诚祷告  All the hate that you"ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh  你耳濡目染的所有的恨都会将你的灵魂涤荡 化作象征和平的鸽  Your spirit up above, oh  飞向那天顶之上  I was choking in the crowd  在人群中偷偷啜泣  Living my brain up in the cloud  将心之向往放飞云里  Falling like ashes to the ground  似那随风散落一地的灰烬  Hoping for my feelings, they would drown  希望我所有感知 溺毙在飘散的过程里  But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing  但我却从未如愿 自存在之时 它们便不断涌动着  Inhibited, limited  衰弱着 受限着 周而复始  Till it broke open and it rained down  直到分崩离析 飘散殆尽  It rained down, like  就这么飘散着 就像那..  Pain!苦痛!  You made me a, you made me a believer, believer  你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷  Pain!苦痛!  You break me
2023-06-19 19:43:251


Believer Believer (信徒) - Imagine Dragons (梦龙)Written by:Wayne Sermon/Dan Reynolds/Daniel PlatzmanFirst things firstI"ma say all the words inside my headI"m fired up and tired of the way that things have been oh oohThe way that things have been oh oohSecond things secondDon"t you tell me what you think that I should beI"m the one at the sail I"m the master of my sea oh oohThe master of my sea oh oohI was broken from a young ageTaking my sulking to the massesWriting my poems for the fewThat look to me took to me shook to me feeling meSinging from heartache from the painTaking my message from the veinsSpeaking my lesson from the brainSeeing the beauty through thePainYou made me a you made me a believer believerPainYou break me down and build me up believer believerPainLet the bullets fly oh let them rainMy life my love my drive it came fromPainYou made me a you made me a believer believerThird things thirdSend a prayer to the ones up aboveAll the hate that you"ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove oh oohYour spirit up above oh oohI was choking in the crowdBuilding my rain up in the cloudFalling like ashes to the groundHoping my feelings they would drownBut they never did ever lived ebbing and flowingInhibited limitedTill it broke open and rained downIt rained down likePainYou made me a you made me a believer believerPainYou break me down and build me up believer believerPainLet the bullets fly oh let them rainMy life my love my drive it came fromPainYou made me a you made me a believer believerLast things lastBy the grace of the fire and the flameYou"re the face of the future the blood in my veins oh oohYour the blood in my veins oh oohBut they never did ever lived ebbing and flowingInhibited limitedTill it broke open and rained downIt rained down likePainYou made me a you made me a believer believerPainYou break me down and build me up believer believerPainLet the bullets fly oh let them rainMy life my love my drive it came fromPainYou break me a you made me a believer believer
2023-06-19 19:43:441


believerrogue tradershei hei heijust come on and say you love meone more time what you waiting fori just god paid i won"t be lonelyso take my hand what you waiting forhei hei heii"m a believer, believerbeliever, believer, believerjust come on and say you love meone more time what you waiting fori just god paid i won"t be lonelyso take my hand what you waiting foryou"re so beautiful i can hardly breathejust so beautifulyu make me believe……i"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believerhei hei heijust come on and say you love meone more time what you waiting fori just god paid i won"t be lonelyso take my hand what you waiting foryou"re so beautiful i can hardly breathejust so beautifulyu make me believe……i"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believerhei hei heii"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believeri"m a believer, believer, believer, believer, believer
2023-06-19 19:43:521

Atomic Kitten的《Believer》 歌词

歌曲名:Believer歌手:Atomic Kitten专辑:The CollectionBeliever--Atomic KittenI hear the clock, I hear the rainI"m all aloneWhy am I here and you are there?I miss you soI wish that you were here with meI need to breathe the air you breatheCos your blood is my bloodI feel it in my heart that we"ll be togetherAnd your god is my godYour love has made me a believerAll through the night I stay awakeAnd think of youIf love is deep then it will keepI know it"s true, I know it"s trueI never felt so sure beforeBut I don"t doubt it anymoreCos your blood is my bloodI feel it in my heart that we"ll be togetherAnd your god is my godYour love has made me a believer (A believer)I believe in the way I feelI believe our love is realI believe in the dream we shareI feel it everywhereI believe in the way we touchI never felt so much loveYour love has made me a believerYour love has made me a believerCos your blood is my bloodI feel it in my heart that we"ll be togetherAnd your god is my godYour love has made me a believerA believer, a believer, a believerCos your blood is my bloodI feel it in my heartYour god is my godYour love has made me a believerYour love has made me a believerYour love has made me a believerIt is true that your love has made me a believerCos your blood is my blood and your god is my god
2023-06-19 19:43:581


believerFirst things first,最初的最初,I"ma say all the words inside my head,我要将脑中的想法一一吐露,I"m fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh,我受够了过去那些一成不变反反复复 噢-呜,The way that things have been, oh-ooh,那些过往 噢-呜,Second thing second,然后的然后,Don"t you tell me what you think that I could be,不用你来告诉我我能成为什么样的人,I"m the one at the sail, I"m the master of my sea, oh-ooh,我的人生由我掌舵 命运之海将依附于我 噢-呜,The master of my sea, oh-ooh,我是自己命运之海的主宰 噢-呜,I was broken from a young age,年少时我心灵破碎,Taking my sulkin" to the masses,被教导着麻木隐忍地随波逐流,Writing my poems for the few,我的诗篇只为那少数人歌颂,That look at me, took to me, shook at me, feelin" me,他们关注着我 支持着我 与我并肩携手 感同身受,Singing from heartache from the pain,自苦痛和心碎中奋起高歌,Taking my message from the veins,自血液和心跳中认清自我,Speaking my lesson from the brain,将脑海中的经历教训高声唱颂,Seeing the beauty through the...看清美好要透过…,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Third things third,之后的之后,Send a prayer to the ones up above,对着天顶之上的神明虔诚祷告,All the hate that you"ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh,你所耳闻的嫌言恶语 将使你的灵魂转化为白鸽 噢-呜,Your spirit up above, oh-ooh,飞向那天顶之上,I was chokin" in the crowd,在人群中偷偷啜泣,Building my rain up in the cloud,将心之向往放飞云里,Falling like ashes to the ground,似那随风散落一地的灰烬,Hoping my feelings, they would drown,希望我所有感知 溺毙在飘散的过程里,But they never did, ever lived, ebbin" and flowin",但我却从未如愿 自存在之时 它们便不断涌动着,Inhibited, limited "til it broke open and rained down,衰弱着 受限着 周而复始,It rained down, like...就这么飘散着 就像那..Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Last things last,最后的最后,By the grace of the fire and the flames,凭着火焰和火焰的恩典,You"re the face of the future, the blood in my veins, oh-ooh,你是未来的迹象,是我体内流动的血 噢-呜,The blood in my veins, oh-ooh,是我体内流动的血 噢-呜,But they never did, ever lived, ebbin" and flowin",但我却从未如愿 自存在之时 它们便不断涌动着,Inhibited, limited "til it broke open and rained down,衰弱着 受限着 周而复始,It rained down, like...就这么飘散着 就像那..Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer,苦痛!你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒,Believer, believer,对你信之又迷,Pain! Oh,I let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain,苦痛!就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨,My life, my love, my drive, it came from...对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里,Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer,苦痛!你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷,Believer !信之又迷。
2023-06-19 19:44:051


2023-06-19 19:44:121

Ozzy Osbourne的《Believer》 歌词

歌曲名:Believer歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Tribute歌名:Believer歌:坤兽とSHU作词:山田ひろし 作曲·编曲:太田美知彦数码兽拯救者 Digimon Savers 进化曲もう なにもない世界じゃ感动できないそう、気づいたその日から震えを止めて分かるのさ瞳を开け君の时间を解き放て!未来へ Shootin" star!光のアーチ描け届くのさ 信じ続けるならば君を呼ぶ声が心ではじけたらすべてが始まるBeliever!ただひとつの约束が世界を変える小さな顷见上げてた星の様に心の奥で瞬く光梦という名の辉きへYou can be a Shootin" star!それが君の约束暗闇を 切り裂けるそのチカラ思いの强さがスピード上げるからそのまま飞ぶんだBeliever!未来へ Shootin" star!光のアーチ描け届くのさ 信じ続けるならば君を呼ぶ声が心ではじけたらすべてが始まるBeliever!
2023-06-19 19:44:181

Believer (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Believer (Album Version)歌手:David Sanborn专辑:Backstreet歌名:Believer歌:坤兽とSHU作词:山田ひろし 作曲·编曲:太田美知彦数码兽拯救者 Digimon Savers 进化曲もう なにもない世界じゃ感动できないそう、気づいたその日から震えを止めて分かるのさ瞳を开け君の时间を解き放て!未来へ Shootin" star!光のアーチ描け届くのさ 信じ続けるならば君を呼ぶ声が心ではじけたらすべてが始まるBeliever!ただひとつの约束が世界を変える小さな顷见上げてた星の様に心の奥で瞬く光梦という名の辉きへYou can be a Shootin" star!それが君の约束暗闇を 切り裂けるそのチカラ思いの强さがスピード上げるからそのまま飞ぶんだBeliever!未来へ Shootin" star!光のアーチ描け届くのさ 信じ続けるならば君を呼ぶ声が心ではじけたらすべてが始まるBeliever!
2023-06-19 19:44:261

believer-imagine dragons求这首歌曲的下载地址

2023-06-19 19:44:355

Ozzy Osbourne的《Believer》 歌词

歌曲名:Believer歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Live At Budokan歌名:Believer歌:坤兽とSHU作词:山田ひろし 作曲·编曲:太田美知彦数码兽拯救者 Digimon Savers 进化曲もう なにもない世界じゃ感动できないそう、気づいたその日から震えを止めて分かるのさ瞳を开け君の时间を解き放て!未来へ Shootin" star!光のアーチ描け届くのさ 信じ続けるならば君を呼ぶ声が心ではじけたらすべてが始まるBeliever!ただひとつの约束が世界を変える小さな顷见上げてた星の様に心の奥で瞬く光梦という名の辉きへYou can be a Shootin" star!それが君の约束暗闇を 切り裂けるそのチカラ思いの强さがスピード上げるからそのまま飞ぶんだBeliever!未来へ Shootin" star!光のアーチ描け届くのさ 信じ続けるならば君を呼ぶ声が心ではじけたらすべてが始まるBeliever!
2023-06-19 19:45:161


无视我吧天哪 我错了
2023-06-19 19:45:233


2023-06-19 19:45:312