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chubby 和 plump 都是形容某人不是很胖,很丰满,的一种比较礼貌的形容词吧。还有类似的吗。

2023-06-19 21:03:44
TAG: plum

plentiful well-developed full-grown round well-rounded sonsy plumpish

ample 这些都是丰满的意思,希望对您有帮助O(∩_∩)O






fat, obese, fleshy, stout, pudgy, plump, chubby用法上有什么不同!即它们各自所侧重的意思?

overweight - Usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it.fat - Having an (over)abundance of flesh.obese - (Medicine) excessively fat or fleshy.fleshy - Having abundant flesh.stout - Strong in body;bulky in figure; thickset or corpulent.pudgy - Short and fat.plump - Well-rounded and full in form; chubby.chubby - Sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure.large - Of greater than average size, extent, quantity, or amount.heavy - Having relatively great weight.tubby - Shaped like a tub.以上是我的归纳总结,希望能够对你产生帮助,祝你好运……
2023-06-19 17:33:591


2023-06-19 17:34:084


2023-06-19 17:34:196


2023-06-19 17:34:352


在英语中某些词有两种或两种以上的形容词形式,它们词形相近,但词义不同,容易用错,下面就是一些这类形容词。1)historic: famous in history, 历的 associated with past times 与过去时代有关的 a ~ event/speech/spot historical: belong to history 历的 a ~ people/novel/play/film/painting ~ trend2) electric: worked by, changed with, producing electricity 用电的,带电的, 有电的 ~ current/cable electrical: relating to electricity, an idea of a less close connection with electricity ~ engineering/apparatus3) economic: of economics ~ policy/geography/crisis/crops economical: careful in the spending of money and time, not waste 经济的,节俭的 an ~ housewife/store4) industrial: of industries 工业的 the ~ revolution/products/system industrious: hard-working, diligent ~ people5) considerable: great much 相当多(大)的 a ~ income/distance considerate: thoughtful 体谅的, 体贴的 周到的 She is ~ to others.6) sensible: reasonable, having good sense 实用的, 明知的 a ~ woman/idea/ 豁达的妇女/明知的观点 ~ clothes 实用的衣服 sensitive: quick to receive impression 敏感的 a ~ skin ~ paper 感光纸7) continual: going on all the time without stopping or with only short breaks, stop and go repeatedly, 连续的,断断续续的 ~ rain/noise continuous: going on without a break, an uninterrupted flow 连续不断的 ~ fight/work8) intense: high in degree 强烈的, 剧烈的,高度的 ~ heat炽热/pain an ~ lady 热情的女子 intensive: deep and thorough 精深的, 集中的 ~ reading/study彻底研究/agriculture密集农业9) respectable: deserving respect, 值得尊敬的,有名望的 a ~ man/profession respectful: showing respect 尊敬人的,有礼貌的, He is always ~to the elders. respective: belongs to each of these 分别的,各自的 They sat on their ~ chairs.10) imaginable: that can be imagined 可象想的 ~ difficulties imaginary: existing only in the mind, unreal 想象中的, 不真实的 ~ figure imaginative: of, having, using imagination 有想象力的, 运用想象力的 a ~ writer11) intelligent: having, showing intelligence, clever 有才智的, 聪明的 an ~ looking girl ~ answer intelligible: clear to mind, that can be easily understood. 易了解的, 易领悟的 an ~ speech/explanation intellectual: possessing a great deal of knowledge 知识的, 智力的12) contemptible: deserving contempt 可卑的 a ~ lie contemptuous: showing contempt 表示轻视的 a ~ look13) credible: that can be believed 可信的, 可靠的 a ~ witness credulous: too ready to believe things. 轻易相信的, 易上当的 He always cheats ~ people. creditable: that brings credit. 可称赞的 a ~ record/deed/effort14) alternate: changing by turns 轮流的, 交替的 alternative: giving a choice between two things 选择的, 两者选一的15) comparable 可比较的, 有类似之处的 comparative 比较而言的, 相当的 There is no scenery comparable to that of the West lake. He lived in comparative comfort recently.16) politic 精明的 political 政治的17) beneficial 有益的 beneficent 多多行善的18) official 官方的 officious 多管闲事的19) potent 强有力的 potential 潜在的, 可能的20) confident 有信心的, 自信的 confidential 机密的21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 negligible 可忽视的22) momentary 瞬时的, 短时的 momentous 重大的23) memorable 值得记忆的, 不能忘却的 memorial 纪念的24) social 社会的 sociable 善社交的25) childish 幼稚的 childlike 孩子般的26) distinct: clear 明显的, 清晰的 distinctive: characteristic 独特的, 有区别的27) classic 一流的 classical 古典的28) comprehensible 可理解的 comprehensive 全面的, 综合的29) disinterested 公平的 uninterested 冷淡的30) earthly 人间的, 尘世的 earthy 泥土似的31) effective 有效的 efficient 有效率的 effectual 奏效的32) exceptionable 反对的 exceptional 非凡的33) fatal 致命的 fateful 决定性的34) fleshly 肉体的 fleshy 肥胖的35) homely 家常的 homelike 象家的36) im(un)practical 不切合实际的 impracticable 无法使用的37) ingenious 有独创性的 ingenuous 直率的, 天真的38) manly 男人气派的 male 男的 masculine 男性的39) movable 可移动的, 变动的 mobile 可动的,活动地 40) mysterious 神秘的 mystical 奥妙的41) notable 的(指事) noted 的(指人)42) practical 实际的 practicable 可行的, 通行的43) regretful 遗憾的 (指人) regrettable 遗憾的 (指事)44) seasonable 及时的 seasonal 季节的45) spiritual 精神的 spirituous 酒精的46) tortuous 弯曲的 torturous 受刑的47) transitory 短时间的 (指事) transient 瞬时的 (指人)48) elementary 基本的 elemental 自然的49) healthy 健康的 healthful 有易于健康的50) likely 可能的 likable 可爱的51) desirable 合意的 desirous 渴望的52)clean 干净的 cleanly 有干净习惯的 Are cats cleanly animals?53) kind 慈善地 kindly 友好的,亲切的54) temporal 一时的, 暂时的, 世俗的 temporary 暂时的, 临时的
2023-06-19 17:34:421


2023-06-19 17:35:011

…求 描述水果的英语单词!!!类似于酸啊,甜啊之类的…谢谢啊!!!!

sour sweet...求中文。。。
2023-06-19 17:35:106


  你知道形容一个人身体肥胖吗?下面我为大家带来多肉的英语说法,供大家参考学习。   多肉的英语说法1:   fleshiness   多肉的英语说法2:   Fleshy   多肉相关英语表达:   多肉的   meaty   多肉植物   succulent plant   多肉的英语例句:   1. You must picture Mr. Thomas Marvel as a person of copious, flexible visage.   我们必须把汤姆斯·马弗尔先生想象作一个脸颊多肉而松驰的人.   2. Cheeky —— a head whose cheeks are too fleshy.   形容头部的脸颊部位松弛多肉.   3. She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenances innocent, diffident manner.   那妇人生著一副绵软多肉的体格, 一张坦率开诚的面容,一种天真羞怯的神气.   4. For a and juicy - tasting chicken, simmer in a *** all amount of water or broth.   若要煮出多肉汁的鸡肉, 可加入小量的水或清汤以慢火煮熟.   5. His thumb and index finger seemed to have rather large, fleshy pads on them.   他的拇指和食指的指腹好像比较大块多肉一些.   6. The Bai Chang of home town because the face is meaty little and get a name.   家乡的白肠因为面多肉少而得名.   7. A day, avanti buys the pork again, he skimp A Fan carries half jins meaty.   一天, 阿凡提又来买肉, 他又少给了阿凡提半斤多肉.   8. Make meaty plant cultivate an industry, it is a dream in how many popular feeling.   打造多肉植物种植产业, 是多少人心中的一个梦.   9. He let the young men clasp his bony hand in their fleshy ones.   他让这些年轻人把他骨瘦如柴的手紧握在他们多肉的手里.   10. A rather floral nose , with some meaty elements alongside some attractively perfumed red fruit.   依靠一些多肉的,迷人的,能散发香味的红色水果为元素,这款酒闻起来有点花香.
2023-06-19 17:35:341


2023-06-19 17:35:445


问题一:小萝卜的英语怎么说 neep 萝卜 radish 萝卜 carrot 胡萝卜 daikon [日]萝卜 问题二:小萝卜的英文怎么说 Carrot 问题三:萝卜用英语怎么说? 胡萝卜叫做 carrot是没错的 raddish是指那种小的红萝卜 樱桃萝卜 白萝卜并没有太统一的叫法 因为一般鬼老是不吃那个的 是属于亚洲传入蔬菜 我那里一般叫叫做white raddish 一般好像都是这么叫的 而turnip则是指芜菁 皮不是太红的那种 问题四:萝卜用英语怎么说 neep 萝卜 radish 触卜 carrot 胡萝卜 daikon [日]萝卜 问题五:萝卜的英文怎么写? 红萝卜 carrot 白萝卜 Daikon 小胡萝卜 radish 问题六:萝卜的英文怎么写 萝卜: radish。 radish [英][?r?d??][美][?r?d??] n. (做色拉用的)小萝卜; 网络 萝卜; 葡萄; 莱菔; 问题七:萝卜的英文怎么说? radish rad.ish AHD:[r??d“??sh] D.J.[6r#di.] K.K.[6r#d!.] n.(名词) A Eurasian plant (Raphanus sativus) having a fleshy, edible root and white to purple flowers clustered in a terminal raceme. 小萝卜:一种产于亚欧大陆的植物,(萝卜属 萝卜) ,根肥硕可食,花为白色至紫色,末端为总状花序 The pungent root of this plant, eaten raw as an appetizer and in salads. 萝卜:这种植物辛辣的根部,生食用作开胃品或拌色拉 问题八:萝卜用英语怎么写? carrot 胡萝卜 radish 萝卜 问题九:萝卜用英文怎么说吗? radish[英][?r?d??][美][?r?d??] n.(做色拉用的)小萝卜; 复数:radishes 1. Eg. she carved a flower out of a radish. 她把萝卜刻成一朵花。
2023-06-19 17:36:311


2023-06-19 17:36:508


看你想达到什么样的效果了~1. 如果想挨揍或者断绝关系,你可以直接说." Wow, you"re fat. "说完之后就等着绝交吧。2, 礼貌点,说人胖的挺可爱的,肉嘟嘟的。可以用形容词: chubby; 丰满的,可以用plump. eg. She is a little chubby. 她有点肉呼呼的。
2023-06-19 17:37:305


flesh单词音标英式:[fleʃ]美式:[flɛʃ]中文翻译n.肉;肉体;人类v.充实;变胖单词例句用作名词 (n.)The knife cut the flesh of his arm. 小刀把他胳膊上的肉割破了。The pain was almost more than flesh could take. 疼痛几乎使肉体受不了。We are made from flesh and soul. 我们是肉体与灵魂结合的产物。His life was devoted to the pleasure of the flesh. 他一生贪图肉体上的舒适享受。Humans and animals resorted to eating flesh to survive. 人类和动物们靠食肉幸存。用作动词 (v.)Examples were used to flesh out the skeleton of the argument. 通过例证使干巴巴的论点充实起来。This essay if far too short; I"ll have to think of some way to flesh it out. 这篇文章太短了,我得想个办法充实它。Good meals can make you flesh out. 佳肴可使你长胖。扩展学习fleshyadj.肉的;多肉的fleshedn.肉;肉体;人类v.充实;变胖fleshpotsn.奢侈的生活;暖衣饱食;豪华的餐厅fleshless xueci.cn提供翻译adj.瘦的;消瘦的fleshpotn.煮肉锅fleshern. 屠夫; 肉畜
2023-06-19 17:37:461


2023-06-19 17:37:553


2023-06-19 17:38:021

关于“胖”的所有英文单词,以及它们的区别.比如说,XX是指一个人丰满 YY是指一个人有点婴儿肥.

fat 不礼貌,通常不用 big/strong 委婉语 heavy 重 obese 学术用语 corpulent 肥胖 plump 丰满 swelt 肥大 fleshy 肉多的 chubby 胖乎乎 stout 矮胖
2023-06-19 17:38:081

小腿 用英文怎么说

1. shank . . . 人体部位相关词汇 2. calves . . . 美容院中常用英语 3. Calf . . . 骨肌解剖
2023-06-19 17:38:184


2023-06-19 17:38:405

名词y 构成形容词

rain - rainysnow - snowy jump - jumpyboss - bossysmell - smelly luck - lucky pull - pullypush - pushy health - healthy sleep - sleepy
2023-06-19 17:39:023


good(好的) ; bad(坏的); small(小的 ; big(大的 ; hugry(饿的;full(饱的); little(少的; high(高的); short(矮的,短的); tall(高的);long(长的); old(老的,旧的); new(新的); young(年轻的); many(许多的); much (许多的); beautiful(漂亮的);nice(美好的); early(早的); late(迟的);right(正确的) ; wrong(错误的); busy(忙的); free(空闲的); lazy(懒的); bored(无聊的); heavy(重的); light(轻的); blind(盲的) ;special(特别的); kind(善良的); happy(高兴的); sad(伤心的); fast(快的); fun(有趣的); scary(吓人的);different(不同的); same(同样的); round (圆的); great(伟大的);black(黑的) ; white(白的) ; blue(蓝的) ; purple(紫的); pink(粉的) ; yellow(黄的);orange(桔黄的) ; green(绿的) ; brown (棕钯的); grey (灰的);gold(金色的) sunny(晴朗的) ; windy(多风的); cloudy(多云的); rainy(多雨的); snowy(多雪的); social 社会的 sociable 善社交的 childish 幼稚的 childlike 孩子般的 distinct:clear 明显的,清晰的 distinctive:characteristic 独特的,有区别的 classic 一流的 classical 古典的 comprehensible 可理解的 comprehensive 全面的,综合的 disinterested 公平的uninterested 冷淡的 earthly 人间的,尘世的 earthy 泥土似的 effective 有效的 efficient 有效率的 effectual 奏效的 exceptionable 反对的 exceptional 非凡的 fatal 致命的 fateful 决定性的 fleshly 肉体的 fleshy 肥胖的 homely 家常的 im(un)practical 不切合实际的 impracticable 无法使用的 ingenious 有独创性的 ingenuous 直率的,天真的 manly 男人气派的 male 男的 masculine 男性的 movable 可移动的,变动的 mobile 可动的,活动地 mysterious 神秘的 mystical 奥妙的 notable 著名的(指事) noted 著名的(指人) practical 实际的 practicable 可行的,通行的 regretful 遗憾的 (指人) regrettable 遗憾的 (指事) seasonable 及时的 seasonal 季节的 spiritual 精神的 spirituous 酒精的 tortuous 弯曲的 torturous 受刑的 transitory 短时间的 (指事) transient 瞬时的 (指人) elementary 基本的 elemental 自然的 healthy 健康的 healthful 有易于健康的 likely 可能的 likable 可爱的 desirable 合意的 desirous 渴望的 clean 干净的 cleanly 有干净习惯的 kind 慈善地 kindly 友好的,亲切的 temporal 一时的,暂时的,世俗的 temporary 暂时的,临时的
2023-06-19 17:39:101


there are 2 teachers which is sort of tiny, the other one is sort of chubby
2023-06-19 17:39:175


  水果是指多汁且大多数有甜味可直接生吃的植物果实,不但含有丰富的营养且能够帮助消化。水果是对部分可以食用的植物果实和种子的统称。水果有降血压、减缓衰老、减肥瘦身、皮肤保养、 明目、抗癌、降低胆固醇补充维生素等保健作用。那么你知道水果用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    水果英语说法1:   fruit    水果英语说法2:   fruitage    水果的英语例句:   我一直坚持用新鲜水果做甜点。   I tend to stick to fresh fruit for pudding.   桌上有个水果盘。   There is a fruit bowl on the table.   好的水果冬天难得见到,而且价格昂贵。   Good fruit is scarce in winter and costs a lot.   他们奖给优胜者一些水果和鲜花。   They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers.   马车上堆满了水果和蔬菜。   The cart is piled high with fruit and vegetables.   他主要靠蔬菜和水果维持生命。   He subsisted mainly on vegetables and fruit.   宴会上,大家吃掉了好几篮水果。   Several baskets of fruit were eaten at the party.   她和卖水果的人讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖给了她。   She bargained with the trader till he sold her the fruit at a low price.   柑橘类水果是全世界最大宗产量的水果之一;   Citrus fruit is one of the biggest yield fruit in the world.   把水果装瓶保藏就是你把新鲜水果置入特制的容器中。   To bottle fruit you put fresh fruit into special containers.   在传统移动平台上,用户在屏幕上疯狂滑动手指,而各色水果被切成碎屑漫天飞舞,他们对此心满意足。   On mobile devices, users swipe their fingers across the screen sending fruit gibs flying about, which is satisfying enough.   苹果、李子、梨和桃等果肉多的水果   Fleshy fruits like apples, plums, pears, peaches   这里每年水果都大丰收。   Each year it produces a fine crop of fruit.   婚宴上经常有水果供应。   The fruit was often served at wedding feasts.   包含了足量一天所需新鲜水果的饮食   A diet containing adequate daily amounts of fresh fruit   这种水果又酸又涩。   The fruit has a tart and astringent flavour.   新鲜水果和蔬菜提供植物纤维素和维生素。   Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins.   蔬菜、色拉和水果的充分供应   A plentiful supply of vegetables and salads and fruits   秋天丰富的水果、种子和浆果   Autumn"s bounty of fruits, seeds and berries   一定要挑选硬实但已成熟的水果。   Always choose firm, but ripe fruit.   把水果色拉冰镇一下,吃的时候再拿出来。   Chill the fruit salad until serving time.
2023-06-19 17:39:381


fleshy的意思是:肉质的。fleshy,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“肉的;肉质的;丰满的”。单词用法:ADJ If you describe someone as fleshy, you mean that they are a little too fat.略显肥胖的。ADJFleshy parts of the body or fleshy plants are thick and soft.厚实的。短语搭配1、fleshy leaf肉质叶。2、fleshy stem肉质茎。3、fleshy mole肉样胎块。4、fleshy tumor肉瘤。双语例句1、He was well-built, but too fleshy to be impressive.他肌肉发达,但是有点胖,没给人留下印象。2、The standard epicurism person lets a person "fleshy mound".那个标准的贪口福者让人感到“都是肉”。3、It seems like magic that a fleshy lump of gray, disgusting meat can give rise to these feelings.一个灰色的肉质块,恶心的肉,能引起这些感觉,这就像魔法一样。
2023-06-19 17:39:571

形容人的身材的,矮胖,骚高闷壮,丰满, 英文怎么说,谢、

2023-06-19 17:40:191

.Fleshy 呆橘 是什么意思

2023-06-19 17:40:251


   ★historic与historical   historic: famous in history, 历史上著名的 associated with past times 与过去时代有关的   a ~ event/speech/spot   historical: belong to history 历史上的   a ~ people/novel/play/film/painting   ~ trend    ★electric与electrical   electrical: worked by, changed with, producing electricity 用电的,带电的, 有电的   ~ current/cable   electrical: relating to electricity, an idea of a less close connection with electricity   ~ engineering/apparatus    ★economic与economical   economic: of economics   ~ policy/geography/crisis/crops   economical: careful in the spending of money and time, not waste 经济的,节俭的   an ~ housewife/store    ★industrial与industrious   industrial: of industries 工业的   the ~ revolution/products/system   industrious: hard-working, diligent   ~ people    ★considerable与considerate   considerable: great much 相当多(大)的   a ~ income/distance   considerate: thoughtful 体谅的, 体贴的 周到的   She is ~ to others.    ★sensible与sensitive   sensible: reasonable, having good sense 实用的, 明知的   a ~ woman/idea/ 豁达的妇女/明知的观点   ~ clothes 实用的衣服   sensitive: quick to receive impression 敏感的   a ~ skin   ~ paper 感光纸    ★continual与continuous   continual: going on all the time without stopping or with only short breaks, stop and go repeatedly, 连续的,断断续续的   ~ rain/noise   continuous: going on without a break, an uninterrupted flow 连续不断的   ~ fight/work    ★intense与intensive   intense: high in degree 强烈的, 剧烈的,高度的   ~ heat炽热/pain   an ~ lady 热情的女子   intensive: deep and thorough 精深的, 集中的   ~ reading/study彻底研究/agriculture密集农业    ★respectable、respective与respectful   respectable: deserving respect, 值得尊敬的,有名望的   a ~ man/profession   respectful: showing respect 尊敬人的,有礼貌的,   He is always ~to the elders.   respective: belongs to each of these 分别的,各自的   They sat on their ~ chairs.    ★imaginable、imaginary与imaginative   imaginable:: that can be imagined 可象想的   ~ difficulties   imaginary: existing only in the mind, unreal 想象中的, 不真实的   ~ figure   imaginative: of, having, using imagination 有想象力的, 运用想象力的   a ~ writer    ★intelligent、intelligible与intellectual   intelligent: having, showing intelligence, clever 有才智的, 聪明的   an ~ looking girl ~ answer   intelligible: clear to mind, that can be easily understood. 易了解的, 易领悟的   an ~ speech/explanation   intellectual: possessing a great deal of knowledge 知识的, 智力的    ★contemptible与contemptuous   contemptible: deserving contempt 可卑的   a ~ lie   contemptuous: showing contempt 表示轻视的   a ~ look    ★credible、credulous与creditable   credible: that can be believed 可信的, 可靠的   a ~ witness   credulous: too ready to believe things. 轻易相信的, 易上当的   He always cheats ~ people.   creditable: that brings credit. 可称赞的   a ~ record/deed/effort    ★alternate与alternative   alternate: changing by turns 轮流的, 交替的   alternative: giving a choice between two things 选择的, 两者选一的    ★comparable与comparative   comparable 可比较的, 有类似之处的   There is no scenery comparable to that of the West lake.   comparative 比较而言的, 相当的   He lived in comparative comfort recently.    ★politic与political   politic 精明的   political 政治的    ★beneficial与beneficent   beneficial 有益的   beneficent 多多行善的    ★official与officious   official 官方的   officious 多管闲事的    ★potent与potential   potent 强有力的   potential 潜在的, 可能的    ★confident与confidential   confident 有信心的, 自信的   confidential 机密的    ★negligent与negligible   negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的   negligible 可忽视的    ★momentary与momentous   momentary 瞬时的, 短时的   momentous 重大的.    ★memorable与memorial   memorable 值得记忆的, 不能忘却的   memorial 纪念的    ★social与sociable   social 社会的   sociable 善社交的    ★childish与childlike   childish 幼稚的   childlike 孩子般的    ★distinct与distinctive   distinct: clear 明显的, 清晰的   distinctive: characteristic 独特的, 有区别的    ★classic与classical   classic 一流的   classical 古典的    ★comprehensible与comprehensive   comprehensible 可理解的   comprehensive 全面的, 综合的    ★disinterested与uninterested   disinterested 公平的   uninterested 冷淡的    ★earthly与earthy   earthly 人间的, 尘世的   earthy 泥土似的    ★effective 有效的   efficient 有效率的   effectual 奏效的    ★exceptionable与exceptionable   exceptionable 反对的   exceptionable 非凡的    ★fatal与fateful   fatal 致命的   fateful 决定性的    ★fleshly与fleshy   fleshly 肉体的   fleshy 肥胖的    ★homely与homelike   homely 家常的   homelike 象家的    ★im(un)practical与impracticable   im(un)practical 不切合实际的   impracticable 无法使用的    ★ingenious与ingenuous   ingenious 有独创性的   ingenuous 直率的, 天真的    ★manly、masculine与male   manly 男人气派的   male 男的   masculine 男性的    ★movable与mobile   movable 可移动的, 变动的   mobile 可动的,活动地    ★mysterious与mystical   mysterious 神秘的   mystical 奥妙的    ★notable与noted   notable 著名的(指事)   noted 著名的(指人)    ★practical与practicable   practical 实际的   practicable 可行的, 通行的    ★regretful与regrettable   regretful 遗憾的 (指人)   regrettable 遗憾的 (指事)    ★seasonable与seasonal   seasonable 及时的   seasonal 季节的    ★spiritual与spirituous   spiritual 精神的   spirituous 酒精的    ★tortuous与torturous   tortuous 弯曲的   torturous 受刑的    ★transitory与transient   transitory 短时间的 (指事)   transient 瞬时的 (指人)    ★elementary与elemental   elementary 基本的   elemental 自然的    ★healthy与healthful   healthy 健康的   healthful 有易于健康的    ★likely与likable   likely 可能的   likable 可爱的    ★desirable与desirous   desirable 合意的   desirous 渴望的    ★clean与cleanly   clean 干净的   cleanly 有干净习惯的 Are cats cleanly animals?    ★kind与kindly   kind 慈善地   kindly 友好的,亲切的    ★temporal与temporary   temporal 一时的, 暂时的, 世俗的   temporary 暂时的, 临时的
2023-06-19 17:40:321


2023-06-19 17:40:475


A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. The standard for the name "mushroom" is the cultivated white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, hence the word mushroom is most often applied to those fungi (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) that have a stem (stipe), a cap (pileus), and gills (lamellae, sing. lamella) on the underside of the cap, just as do store-bought white mushrooms.The word "mushroom" can also be used for a wide variety of gilled fungi, with or without stems, and the term is used even more generally, to describe both the fleshy fruiting bodies of some Ascomycota and the woody or leathery fruiting bodies of some Basidiomycota, depending upon the context of the word.Forms deviating from the standard form usually have more specific names, such as "puffball", "stinkhorn", and "morel", and gilled mushrooms themselves are often called "agarics" in reference to their similarity to Agaricus or their placement in the order Agaricales. By extension, "mushroom" can also designate the entire fungus when in culture or the thallus (called a mycelium) of species forming the fruiting bodies called mushrooms.
2023-06-19 17:41:033


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2023-06-19 17:41:322

苹果的英文单词是apple 还有什么英文之类单词一样可以解释为苹果的意思 急死阿 ~

额,这样的话。。。。我不知道你是从哪里听说过一个特定的词或者是不知道。如果是听说过,我还真不知道。如果是后者的话,我推荐你叫tomato因为有个典故,蕃茄原产于南美洲,16世纪前,首批来到南美的欧洲殖民者,不知其为何物,没人敢吃,到了后来,由于这种果实外表光亮鲜艳,人们便把它们作为观赏植物加以栽培,并把它们看作是爱情之果(apple of love)。因此,apple of love实际上指的是蕃茄(tomato)。所以,你可以叫tomato,哈哈,我觉得蛮合适的。
2023-06-19 17:41:408


  用英文来表达胖和瘦的话,会有滑稽的感觉吗?下面是我给大家整理的胖和瘦的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   胖和瘦的英文是什么   胖fat瘦thin   胖的英语例句   1. I only resist things like chocolate if I feel really gross.   我只有在觉得自己胖得很难看的时候才能拒绝巧克力这类东西的诱惑。   2. She is too thin. Feed her up a bit.   她太瘦了,把她养胖点。   3. He was well-built, but too fleshy to be impressive.   他肌肉发达,但是太胖了,没给人留下好印象。   4. "He"s a bit of an eccentric old fatty," Thomas thought, unkindly.   “他是一个有点古怪的胖老头。”托马斯不厚道地想。   5. He was short and fat, with a large beer belly.   他又矮又胖,挺着个大啤酒肚。   6. She was rather fat, and her complexion was muddy and spotty.   她比较胖,脸色暗淡、多斑。   7. I"m forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily.   我永远都在减肥,因为我很容易长胖。   8. The 14lb feline is so fat she can hardly walk.   这只14磅的猫这么胖,几乎连路都走不动了。   9. He was a tall, stout man with gray hair.   他是个又高又胖、头发灰白的男子。   10. As a heavy child, she became the object of ridicule from classmates.   由于体胖,她成了班上同学嘲笑的对象。   11. Almost overnight, she had aged ten years and become fat.   她几乎一夜之间老了10岁,人也胖了。   12. My boyfriend used to call me a fat slob.   我男朋友过去常常叫我“邋遢的懒小胖”。   13. They have a normal body weight but see themselves as being fat.   他们体重正常,但自认为偏胖。   14. You"re too skinny — we"ll have to fatten you up.   你太瘦了,我们要把你养胖些。   15. He put a pudgy arm around Harry"s shoulder.   他用粗胖的胳膊搂住哈丽的肩膀。   瘦的双语例句   1. She was thin and spare, with a sharply intelligent face.   她又高又瘦,一副精明过人的模样。   2. Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con.   有神奇减肥效果的瘦身点心是一个骗局。   3. He was a tall, thin man with grey hair.   他是个瘦高个,头发灰白。   4. She is too thin. Feed her up a bit.   她太瘦了,把她养胖点。   5. His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.   他的双腿和他庞大身躯的其他部分相比瘦得可怜。   6. He was six feet four, all lanky and leggy.   他身高6英尺4英寸,瘦高个儿,大长腿。   7. He was almost as tall as Pete, but skinnier.   他和皮特差不多高,但更瘦。   8. He was a tall, thin fellow with a slight stoop.   他是个瘦高个儿,有点驼背。   9. It isn"t the walking and jogging that got his weight down.   他并不是因为散步和慢跑而瘦下来的.   10. It is a beautiful meat, very lean and tender.   这块肉很好,又瘦又嫩。   11. He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair.   他是个瘦高个子,一头铁灰色头发。   12. He was thin and tall, with a hooked nose.   他又瘦又高,长着鹰钩鼻。   13. She has one slightly withered leg, noticeably thinner than the other.   她有一条腿有点儿萎缩,看上去明显比另一条腿瘦。   14. My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts.   我的瘦身运动总是三天打鱼两天晒网。   15. The twins were dressed differently and one was thinner than the other.   这对双胞胎穿着不同,而且其中一个偏瘦一点。   
2023-06-19 17:41:541


jessy英文名的意思是杰西(女子名)。英文名”Jessy“的意思是上帝的恩赐,Jessy常见英文名音译是杰茜,杰西。Jessy代表是希伯来语名字,是个女士用的英文名字。历史出自希伯来语,Jessy是个好记的名字,叫Jessy的人的品格通常积极。相关名:Jessy Schram:洁西斯克拉姆;她;洁西夏伦、Jessy Terrero:杰西;泰洛;杰西泰洛、JESSY LINE:杰茜莱;杰西莱;杰茜莱代理商;代购秋、Jessy Kim:金大喜、Sally Jessy Raphael:拉斐尔、Jessy Jane:杰西简。Jessy Rodriguez:罗德里格斯;杰西、Miss Jessy:杰西小姐。例句:1、Have you heard about Jessy"s new boyfriend?You are telling me.你听说Jessy有新男朋友了吗?我早就知道了。2、Jessy"s face looks very fleshy, not like a person who is only 47.5kg, but her figure is really good.杰西脸上看着挺有肉,不像是只有95斤的人,但她身材是真的挺好。3、When playing Truth or Dare, Jessy put her arm lightly behind the heroine, and half-covered her face and asked a question.玩真心话大冒险的时候,杰西把胳膊轻巧地放在了女主后面,似抱非抱,半遮面的提出了一个问题。4、Jessy has been in China for 6 years and has spent a quarter of her current life in China. Studying in China not only gave her knowledge, but also made her happy.杰西(来到中国已有6年,在中国度过了她目前人生的四分之一时光。在中国留学不仅让她收获了知识,还让她感到快乐。5、My friend Jessy is unhappy recently. She earns 10K a month, and usually uses 200 bottles of makeup water, 300 bottles of face cream, and 20 masks.我的朋友杰西最近不开心。她月入10K,平时用200一瓶的化妆水、300一瓶的面霜,20块一张的面膜。
2023-06-19 17:42:021


肉果(Fleshy Fruits) 植物的果实类型之一。 果皮肉质而多汁,成熟时不开裂,称为肉果。肉果的常见类型包括浆果、柑果、瓠果、梨果与核果等。 浆果(berry):由单心皮或多心皮合生复雌蕊所衍生。浆果的果皮除外面几层细胞外,其余部分都肉质化并充满汁液,内含1至数枚粒种子,如葡萄、茄、番茄、柿等。在番茄的浆果发育过程中,子房壁进行细胞分裂和体积增大形成果皮的同时,胎座细胞也活跃地增殖和体积增大,形成充满子房室的肉质组织,番茄的食用部位由子房壁和胎座发育而成。 柑果(hesperidium):是芸香科柑橘属特有的果实,由多心皮合生具中轴胎座的上位子房发育而成。其外果皮坚韧革质,包括表皮层和其下的薄壁组织,在薄壁组织中有含挥发油的油囊和含结晶的细胞;中果皮比较疏松,由胞间隙大的薄壁细胞组成,有维管束分布其间,干燥果皮内的“橘络”就是这些维管束;内果皮薄膜状,包含内表皮和几层紧密的薄壁细胞,内果皮分隔成若干室,室内产生多汁的长形丝状细胞,实际上是内果皮衍生的多细胞的毛。 瓠果(pepo):葫芦科植物,如多种瓜类,其果实是由3心皮合生具侧膜胎座的下位子房和花托一起发育形成的浆果,特称为瓠果。由于果实的肉质部分是子房和花托共同发育而成的,所以属于假果。黄瓜、冬瓜、南瓜的可食部分主要是果皮,西瓜则是原来的胎座。
2023-06-19 17:43:002

pineapple 什么意思?

pineapple 凤梨,菠萝
2023-06-19 17:44:202

英文微信昵称女生名字 奶凶奶凶可爱网名英文

1、outsider局外人 2、Casually(随便) 3、Sprout Sister(萌妹子) 4、Small Fairy(小仙女) 5、Morishima(森岛) 6、Naughty Girl 淘气女孩 7、Ingenue 天真无邪的少女 8、Exclusive 专属 9、Akoasm【幻听】 10、Cherish.(珍惜) 11、Indulge 迁就 12、Maid(少女) 13、Sandm ° 旧颜 14、Deity.(神明.) 15、Lolita(萝莉) 16、Dimple「酒窝」 17、Taurus-安于此生 18、Flower 刺心 19、Cherry Blossom (樱花) 20、puzzle 谜 21、Lemon 青柠 22、Puppet(傀儡) 23、ZeRo、禁灭 24、generosity(慷慨) 25、Poison★弑神 26、Fleshy呆橘 27、Fairy(仙女)
2023-06-19 17:44:441


shy shyer shyness shypoo shyster ashy brashy dashy flashy fleshy goosefleshy mashy mediashy meshy nebbishy plashy rubbishy splashy squashy swashy trashy washy wishywashy
2023-06-19 17:45:103


Both the palm and the back of the hand are fleshy.
2023-06-19 17:45:193


1)historic: famous in history, 历史上著名的 associated with past times 与过去时代有关的 a ~ event/speech/spot historical: belong to history 历史上的 a ~ people/novel/play/film/painting ~ trend 2) electric: worked by, changed with, producing electricity 用电的,带电的, 有电的 ~ current/cable electrical: relating to electricity, an idea of a less close connection with electricity ~ engineering/apparatus 3) economic: of economics ~ policy/geography/crisis/crops economical: careful in the spending of money and time, not waste 经济的,节俭的 an ~ housewife/store 4) industrial: of industries 工业的 the ~ revolution/products/system industrious: hard-working, diligent ~ people 5) considerable: great much 相当多(大)的 a ~ income/distance considerate: thoughtful 体谅的, 体贴的 周到的 She is ~ to others. 6) sensible: reasonable, having good sense 实用的, 明知的 a ~ woman/idea/ 豁达的妇女/明知的观点 ~ clothes 实用的衣服 sensitive: quick to receive impression 敏感的 a ~ skin ~ paper 感光纸 7) continual: going on all the time without stopping or with only short breaks, stop and go repeatedly, 连续的,断断续续的 ~ rain/noise continuous: going on without a break, an uninterrupted flow 连续不断的 ~ fight/work 8) intense: high in degree 强烈的, 剧烈的,高度的 ~ heat炽热/pain an ~ lady 热情的女子 intensive: deep and thorough 精深的, 集中的 ~ reading/study彻底研究/agriculture密集农业 9) respectable: deserving respect, 值得尊敬的,有名望的 a ~ man/profession respectful: showing respect 尊敬人的,有礼貌的, He is always ~to the elders. respective: belongs to each of these 分别的,各自的 They sat on their ~ chairs. 10) imaginable: that can be imagined 可象想的 ~ difficulties imaginary: existing only in the mind, unreal 想象中的, 不真实的 ~ figure imaginative: of, having, using imagination 有想象力的, 运用想象力的 a ~ writer 11) intelligent: having, showing intelligence, clever 有才智的, 聪明的 an ~ looking girl ~ answer intelligible: clear to mind, that can be easily understood. 易了解的, 易领悟的 an ~ speech/explanation intellectual: possessing a great deal of knowledge 知识的, 智力的 12) contemptible: deserving contempt 可卑的 a ~ lie contemptuous: showing contempt 表示轻视的 a ~ look 13) credible: that can be believed 可信的, 可靠的 a ~ witness credulous: too ready to believe things. 轻易相信的, 易上当的 He always cheats ~ people. creditable: that brings credit. 可称赞的 a ~ record/deed/effort 14) alternate: changing by turns 轮流的, 交替的 alternative: giving a choice between two things 选择的, 两者选一的 15) comparable 可比较的, 有类似之处的 comparative 比较而言的, 相当的 There is no scenery comparable to that of the West lake. He lived in comparative comfort recently. 16) politic 精明的 political 政治的 17) beneficial 有益的 beneficent 多多行善的 18) official 官方的 officious 多管闲事的 19) potent 强有力的 potential 潜在的, 可能的 20) confident 有信心的, 自信的 confidential 机密的 21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 negligible 可忽视的 22) momentary 瞬时的, 短时的 momentous 重大的 23) memorable 值得记忆的, 不能忘却的 memorial 纪念的 24) social 社会的 sociable 善社交的 25) childish 幼稚的 childlike 孩子般的 26) distinct: clear 明显的, 清晰的 distinctive: characteristic 独特的, 有区别的 27) classic 一流的 classical 古典的 28) comprehensible 可理解的 comprehensive 全面的, 综合的 29) disinterested 公平的 uninterested 冷淡的 30) earthly 人间的, 尘世的 earthy 泥土似的 31) effective 有效的 efficient 有效率的 effectual 奏效的 32) exceptionable 反对的 exceptional 非凡的 33) fatal 致命的 fateful 决定性的 34) fleshly 肉体的 fleshy 肥胖的 35) homely 家常的 homelike 象家的 36) im(un)practical 不切合实际的 impracticable 无法使用的 37) ingenious 有独创性的 ingenuous 直率的, 天真的 38) manly 男人气派的 male 男的 masculine 男性的 39) movable 可移动的, 变动的 mobile 可动的,活动地 40) mysterious 神秘的 mystical 奥妙的 41) notable 著名的(指事) noted 著名的(指人) 42) practical 实际的 practicable 可行的, 通行的 43) regretful 遗憾的 (指人) regrettable 遗憾的 (指事) 44) seasonable 及时的 seasonal 季节的 45) spiritual 精神的 spirituous 酒精的 46) tortuous 弯曲的 torturous 受刑的 47) transitory 短时间的 (指事) transient 瞬时的 (指人) 48) elementary 基本的 elemental 自然的 49) healthy 健康的 healthful 有易于健康的 50) likely 可能的 likable 可爱的 51) desirable 合意的 desirous 渴望的 52)clean 干净的 cleanly 有干净习惯的 Are cats cleanly animals? 53) kind 慈善地 kindly 友好的,亲切的 54) temporal 一时的, 暂时的, 世俗的 temporary 暂时的, 临时的
2023-06-19 17:45:292


I think thin and fat respectively is not the weight, but in the body, gives the overall impression. Some people weigh heavily, but give a person a whole feel good, such as: a meter six of the girls 40g, a meter eight of the boys weight 80KG. Although the boy weight is two times the girl, but with the boy"s height, give a person just a good feeling. For me, girls, boys to slim body health, and fertilizer is large, fleshy, with a belly.
2023-06-19 17:45:382


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2023-06-19 17:45:531

fill out 的用法,中文

fill out: 填写例句与用法: 1. Now, will you please fill out these custom form for each package. 那么请您把每个包裹的报关表填写一下。 2. It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire. 填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间。 3. It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。 4. Her cheeks began to fill out. 她的脸胖起来了.
2023-06-19 17:46:123


well-built的例句是:Hewaswell-built,buttoofleshytobeimpressive.他肌肉发达,但是有点胖,没给人留下印象。Mitchelliswell-built,ofmediumheight,withadarkcomplexion.米切尔身体强壮,中等个子,面色黝黑。Touristswillbesurprisedbythespaciousandwell-builtcourtyardsamongthehouseseverywheretheygo.无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都有会惊喜的发现。well-built的例句是:Hewaswell-built,buttoofleshytobeimpressive.他肌肉发达,但是有点胖,没给人留下印象。Mitchelliswell-built,ofmediumheight,withadarkcomplexion.米切尔身体强壮,中等个子,面色黝黑。Touristswillbesurprisedbythespaciousandwell-builtcourtyardsamongthehouseseverywheretheygo.无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都有会惊喜的发现。well-built的意思是adj.建造精良的;体格健美的;造型优美的。well-built的读音是英["wel"b_lt];美["wel"b_lt]。一、网络释义点此查看well-built的详细内容 体态健美的...versatile多才多艺的well-built体态健美的x只可意会,不能言传... 健美的...Rotund浑圆的Plump圆胖的Well-built健美的... 体格健美的...weightliftingn.举重well-builta.体格健美的;造型优美的;建造精良的well-feda.吃得好;胖胖的... 身强体壮的...13.graduallyadv.逐渐地14.gratefuladj.感激的15.well-builtadj.身强体壮的...二、例句Hewaswell-built,buttoofleshytobeimpressive.他肌肉发达,但是有点胖,没给人留下印象。Mitchelliswell-built,ofmediumheight,withadarkcomplexion.米切尔身体强壮,中等个子,面色黝黑。Touristswillbesurprisedbythespaciousandwell-builtcourtyardsamongthehouseseverywheretheygo.无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都有会惊喜的发现。well-built的相关近义词sturdy、strong、muscular、burly、powerful、solid、athletic、husky、strapping、rugged、manlywell-built的相关临近词well、wellfed点此查看更多关于well-built的详细信息
2023-06-19 17:46:191


1、一个人的暗恋,一个人的永远。一个人幻想的地久天长。 A person"s unrequited love, a person"s forever. A personal fantasy forever. 2、暗恋是一种礼貌,自恋是一种骄傲,明恋是一种格调,不恋是种味道。 Unrequited love is a kind of courtesy, narcissism is a kind of pride, bright love is a kind of style, not love is a kind of flavor. 3、喜欢你,原来是我一个人的事。 Like you, it was my own thing. 4、只是喜欢有他的那总感觉吧,至于忘记那是一辈子不可能的事情。 Just like to have his total feeling, as far as forget that is a lifetime impossible. 5、爱情,是自身的圆满,我不再缺少些甚么了。 Love is itself complete, and I no longer lack something. 6、我在暗恋你,你在单恋我。 I have a crush on you, you love me. 7、暗恋人往往会面对这样的结局,明明是最纯粹的爱,却要永远埋在心底。 Dark lovers often face such an outcome, obviously is the purest love, but always buried in the bottom of my heart. 8、有一天你能到我的心理去,你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲。 One day you can go to my mind, and you"ll see the sorrow you gave me there. 9、明知爱你会痛苦,我却愿意一直痛下去。 Knowing love you will be painful, but I am willing to continue to hurt. 10、不要去喜欢一个太耀眼的人,他看不见你的。 Do not go to like a person who is too dazzling, he can not see you. 11、无论怎样,我都没有后悔曾经喜欢上你。 Anyway, I didn"t regret having liked you. 12、那些暗恋我的人啊,你们怎么那么沉得住气啊! I love those people ah, why are you so angry! 13、爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。 Love will come to an end when it comes to an end, and when you don"t want to stop, you can"t do it. 14、我不知道暗恋是否会带来快乐,我只知道暗恋是如此的深沉,如此寂静。 I don"t know if secret love can bring happiness. I only know that unrequited love is so deep and so quiet. 15、最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是她就在我身边却不知道我爱她。 The furthest distance is not between life and death, but that she is right beside me without knowing I love her. 16、暗恋那种感觉就像天上的浮云一样,若隐若无,而暗恋人的心也随着那种感觉,漂浮在天涯。 Unrequited love that kind of feeling, like the clouds in the sky, if hidden, if not, and dark, lovers heart also with that feeling, floating in the world. 17、我不想和我暗恋的人做朋友,我怕我越陷越深! I don"t want to be friends with someone I secretly love. I"m afraid I"m getting deeper and deeper! 18、暗恋就是,一个人写两个人的故事。 Unrequited love is a person to write two people"s story. 19、十年后,也许我们已为能够忘掉她,却发现自己的眼睛已经充满了泪水。 Ten years later, perhaps we have been able to forget her, but found that her eyes have been filled with tears. 20、暗恋也是一种爱,但爱的结局总是心痛。 Unrequited love is also a kind of love, but the end of love is always heartache. 21、我也不知道为什么会这样,我只是喜欢上兄弟的女人! I don"t know why. I just like my brother"s woman! 22、天若有情,赐我相伴你身边。此情可待,朝朝暮暮只与你! Give me your romance. I can only stay with you every morning and evening! 23、暗恋是一个人的独舞,尽管莪不会跳舞,但莪已经尝到孤独的滋味。 Secret love is a solo, although I can"t dance, but I have already tasted the taste of loneliness. 24、爱吃肉肉的姑娘会发光。我很爱他,看着他上线,却总是不敢烦他。 Eat fleshy girl will shine. I love him, watching him on the line, but always dare not bother him. 25、这些天来,这些月,没有哪一天是好好对自己的,我一直在为他努力。 These days, these days, there"s no day for me. I"ve been working on it for him. 26、看见了,世界美好,霞光万丈;看不见,地暗天昏,人生失迷。 See, the world is beautiful, invisible, Xiaguang miles; dark day, life lost. 27、情天情海幻情深,系船应有去年痕,暗中往往精灵语,恋亲时见在人群。 The love magic love, vessel should last year marks, often secretly elvish, see love in the crowd when pro. 28、如果你真的很喜欢他、那就去和他说啊、撒娇也好、哭也好、耍横也好、去叫他和你在一起啊! If you really love him, then go and he said ah, or cry, or spoiled playing or to call him with you! 29、我不是淑女怎么了,我就讨厌女生吃个饺子还分十来口,我就一口一个。 I"m not a lady. What"s wrong? I hate girls eating dumplings, and I still have ten. I"ll take one. 30、我们之间,你是太阳,我是月亮,你的一点光就可以照亮我的全部。 Between us, you are the sun, I am the moon, and a little bit of your light can light up all of me. 31、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 It"s better to have met than never to meet. 32、暗恋是是一种力量,但谁又能否认暗恋是微不足道的呢。 Unrequited love is a kind of power, but who can deny that unrequited love is insignificant?. 33、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。 Every coin has its price, and the price of its happiness is pain. 34、我最想旅行的地方,我暗恋者的心。 The place I most want to travel, the heart of my secret admirer. 35、有没有这么一个人,一处风景,你无数次说着要放弃,但终究还是舍不得。 There is no such a person, a landscape, you countless times said to give up, but eventually still reluctant. 36、爱一个人需要勇气,更需要运气。 It takes courage to love someone, but more luck. 37、我只能远远的望着你,在这个刻意嬉笑的年代,暗恋只是个秘密。 I can only look at you from far, in this deliberately with age, love is just a secret. 38、看见了,世界美好,霞光万丈;看不见,地暗天昏,人生失迷。 See, the world is beautiful, invisible, Xiaguang miles; dark day, life lost. 39、旋律,何时想起,贝多芬的曲调总是那么的悲伤;音乐,何时停止,没有音乐的日子你会不会悲伤。 Melody, when to think, Beethoven"s tune is always so sad, music, when to stop, no music days, you will not sad?. 40、我的泪,怎么去分别。原来感情真容不下挂念。 My tears, how to separate?. Don"t miss the original true feelings. 41、心里的那份感动为谁坚持。心底的那份执着为谁痴迷。其实你并不懂我的心,只有我深深的爱着你。 The heart of the move, who insisted?. The heart of that persistent obsession for whom?. In fact, you do not understand my heart, only I love you deeply. 42、静静地我爱上了你,可是我只敢把这份感情藏在心底,哪怕是做朋友只要你幸福。 Quietly, I fell in love with you, but I only dare to hide this feeling in my heart, even if I am a friend, as long as you are happy. 43、暗恋的人本以为自己会很坚强,但他们的内心却是如此的脆弱。 People who secretly believe that they will be strong, but their hearts are so fragile. 44、因为真的很在乎,所以我一直都在装作不在乎。 Because I really care, so I always Ptend not to care. 45、暗恋需要承受十倍于初恋的幻想,百倍于失恋的孤独。 Unrequited love, need to withstand ten times the illusion of first love, a hundred times the lovelorn loneliness. 46、暗恋是成功的哑剧,说出来就成了悲剧! Unrequited love is a successful pantomime, saying it becomes a tragedy! 47、暗恋是一部成功的哑剧,如果说出来,就成了悲剧。 Unrequited love is a successful pantomime, if you say it, it becomes a tragedy. 48、有些话,注定烂在心里。有些伤,注定难以愈合。有些事,注定无法抹去。有些人,注定无可替代。 Some words, doomed rotten in the heart. Some wounds are doomed to be difficult to heal. Some things are doomed not to erase. Some people are doomed to be irreplaceable. 49、不爱我别墨迹,快骑着你的她马不停蹄的滚! Do not love me, do not ink, quickly ride your, she non-stop rolling! 50、那些暗恋的事,开花在潮湿的季风里,然后溃烂在潮湿的雨水中。 Those unrequited love bloom in the humid monsoon, and then fester in wet rain water. 51、待我长发及腰,他早已与她双宿双飞。 When my hair achieves waist length, he had with her shuangsushuangfei. 52、暗恋的人真的很会装戏,他们是天生的伪装者,几乎可以骗过所有的人。 Those who are secretly in love are really good at it. They are born camouflage and can fool almost everyone. 53、天若有情,赐我相伴你身边。此情可待,朝朝暮暮只与你! Give me your romance. I can only stay with you every morning and evening! 54、窗外下着雪,泡一杯咖啡,握到它凉了,才知道又想起了你。我的期待你如何才能明白! Out of the window under the snow, a cup of coffee, and hold it cool, and I know, and think of you. My expectations, how can you understand?! 55、有时候,选择与某人保持距离,不是因为不在乎,而是因为清楚的知道,他不属于你。 Sometimes, choose to keep a distance with someone, not because you don"t care, but because you know you don"t belong to him. 56、褪色的夜晚伴随着痛苦让我无法入眠,忧郁的月光,出乎意料的吧你的影子,悬挂在我的窗口。 The fading night, with the pain, makes me unable to sleep, the melancholy moonlight, unexpectedly, your shadow hanging in my window. 57、你相信缘分吗?那是一种神秘又美丽的牵系。至于我们之间,我只想告诉你,我很珍惜。 Do you believe in fate? It is a mysterious and beautiful. As for us, I just want to tell you that I treasure it. 58、羞涩的暗恋,什么时候酿成悠久的苦茶。 Shy like, what time a long tea. 59、很多人,还都只是在默默地喜欢,我们不是没有勇气说出来,只是怕说出来后,会心碎。 A lot of people still only like it in silence, we don"t have the courage to say it, but we are afraid that they will break their hearts when they say it. 60、我会为他的开心而开心,为他的难过而难过;可是他只会为她的开心而开心,为她的难过而难过! I will be happy for him and sad for his sorrow, but he will only be happy for her and feel sad for her! 61、对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world. 62、我在你的世界外讲述所有和你的故事。打动了自己却没法感染到你。 I tell you all and your stories outside your world. Touched myself, but I could not infect you. 63、爱一个不爱你的人,就像在机场等一艘船。 Love someone who doesn"t love you, just like a ship at the airport. 64、年轻的时候我们不懂得如何去爱。当我们懂得怎样去爱的时候,已不再年轻。 When we were young, we didn"t know how to love. When we know how to love, we are no longer young. 65、我不会爱、但对于你、我心里起了变化。 I can"t love, but for you, my heart has changed. 66、他心里住着她,我心里住着他。 He lives in her, and I live with him. 67、初见倾心,再见痴心,终日费心,欲得芳心,煞费苦心,想得催心,难道你心,不懂我心! First go, bye, all for nothing, to heart, took pains to heart, does your heart, do not know my heart! 68、什么时候,你会想我,有如,我这般的想你。 When will you miss me, just like I miss you like this. 69、我喜欢你,所以请不要在我的世界里走来走去,我怕你走来我就不想让你走出去了。 I like you, so please don"t walk around in my world. I"m afraid I don"t want you to go out when you"re coming. 70、暗恋是一个人的奸情,暧昧是两个人的借口。 Love is a person"s adultery, ambiguous is two person"s excuse. 71、不是我不爱他了,我只是想留点时间好好爱我自己。 It"s not that I don"t love him anymore. I just want to take some time to love myself. 72、暗恋一个人的心情就像瓶中等待发芽的种子永远不能确定未来是否完美但却真心倔强的等待这! To love someone in secret is like a seed in the bottle waiting for growing up, though not sure whether the future will be perfect, yet wait for it earnestly and eagerly! 73、有种喜欢叫沉默,而种那沉默叫暗恋。 There is a kind of like silence, and kind of silence called unrequited love. 74、就这样我们又步入了新的生活,自己的这种爱渐渐的淡忘了,陪伴我们的就只有那种深沉。 In this way, we have entered a new life, and this love of our own gradually faded away, with us only the kind of deep. 75、已经习惯了听到你的名字,就反射性的抬头。 It"s getting used to hearing your name, so it"s about looking up. 76、如果一生中只能实现一个愿望,我希望,永远待在你身旁。 I wish I could stay with you forever if I only had one wish in my life. 77、一路上,用小偷的眼光注视着你;我不是在做贼、我只是不想见到光明。 Along the way, with the thief stared at you; I am not a thief, I just don"t want to see the light. 78、暗恋的人本以为自己可以祝她幸福,但这个祝福是如此的勉强。 Those who love secretly think they can wish her happiness, but this blessing is so reluctant. 79、暗恋一的人是痛苦的,不如痛彻心扉的表达出来。 It is painful to have a crush on someone, rather than exPss it.
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2023-06-19 17:47:1514

用 fill oue 造句

myfill oue
2023-06-19 17:47:412


英语作文中很多的写作体裁是与动物相关的,下面我为大家总结整理了英语作文写动物的五句话,供大家参考。 英语作文描写动物的例句 1.I have a dog. He is my favorite pet. He is very lovely. His name is Peter and he is two years old. His fur is long and white. He has big black eyes. His nose is very good. He can smell very well. He is quite small. He weighs about two kilograms. Peter"s favorite food is meat. He also likes bones. 我有一只狗。他是我最喜欢的宠物。他很可爱。他的名字是彼得和他二岁。他的皮毛长而白。他有着黑色的大眼睛。他的鼻子是非常好的。他有很好的嗅觉。他很小。他重约两公斤。彼得最喜欢的食物是肉。他也喜欢骨头。 2.My dog is very gentle cute. It had a white, fluffy long hair. It is a long, fleshy face, a pair of black eyes, look down on a sensitive nose. Further down is a greedy little mouth, raised his hand when it is hungry, staring at you, revealing a pitiful, give you a sense of Lianxiangxiyu. This is my dog. 我的小狗非常温顺可爱。它长着一身雪白的,毛绒绒的长毛。它肥嘟嘟的脸上长着一双乌黑的大眼睛,往下看,是一只灵敏的小鼻子。再往下,就是一张贪吃的小嘴,它饿时就抬起手,朝你瞪大眼睛,露出一副可怜兮兮的样子,给你以怜香惜玉之感。 这就是我的小狗。 3.I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called Mimi. Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me, I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to eat. My legs and then jump to bark "Wang "called, so I picked up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me laugh. I like Mimi, like puppies. 我有一条小狗,它很可爱,它叫咪咪。每当我放学回家时,咪咪总是围着我绕圈,我便去厨房拿一片肉给它,它就趴在地板上吃。然后跳到我腿上汪汪汪地叫,于是我抱起咪咪,它就乘机舔我的手,逗得我哈哈大笑。 我喜欢咪咪,喜欢小狗。 4.My eyes followed the crawling insects, made a fantastic travel. I follow this time is a little, it is considered that the humble little ants. I found it is on the roof of my house. I stared at it, it is in a few big between the block - this is a few flower POTS, stop and take a walk from time to time, as if already to find food, and like around the tentacles ask partner to find food. Several times, all of a sudden it stopped at a corner. It is found a piece of bread. 5.Since the childhood like monkeys, because it looks very interesting. Its head is always kept, eyes are east Chou west look, seems to be especially alert. Its ears pointed out, as long as there is any voice, it will. You scratch it little fluffy, a moment that, clenched it after a while, always do. A yellowish-brown fur also as it is not honest body shaking, as if she was full of lice, this is fun. Monkey"s limbs is very flexible, blink of an eye kung fu can move from one tree to another tree, sometimes used it long tail roll the branches on the swings, let me see the very is envy. 英语作文写作技巧有哪些 背诵是提高写作的又一有效途径。要学好写作文,首先要处理好语言输入与输出之间的关系。前者是后者的前提条件。如果头脑空空如也,就根本谈不上写出像模像样的文章。只有读过大量东西,并且有意识地将其中精彩部分储存于记忆之中(commit the highlights to memory),才能保证下笔流畅、文通字顺。因此,背诵对于写作极为重要。但背诵不是机械记忆,而是有选择性的背诵,是有意义的记忆。因为机械背诵的结果要么是记忆很快就荡然无存、了无痕迹,要么是无法活学活用、付诸实践。背诵包括五个方面:重点词汇、常用套语、精彩句子、优秀段落、经典篇章。
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