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2023-06-19 20:55:56
·[英文歌曲]-One thing
·[英文歌曲]-Falling 堕落
·[英文歌曲]-Heal the World
·[英文歌曲]-Miracle (爱的奇迹)
·[英文歌曲]-Dangerously in love
·[英文歌曲]-I am alive
·[英文歌曲]-Things will go my way
·[英文歌曲]-Call my name
·[英文歌曲]-Even If
·[英语歌曲]-Viva Forever spice girls
·[英语歌曲]-The end of the world
·[英文歌曲]-Summer Wine
·[英语歌曲]-You should"ve known better
·[英语歌曲]-A song for you
·[英语歌曲]-Did you ever see a lassie
·[英语歌曲]-Simple simon

1 Yesterday Once More 2 Said I love You..But.. 3 Hotel California 4 Reality 5 Save the Best for Last
6 Rhythm of the Rain 7 La Paloma 8 I Have Nothing 9 I Swear 10 Emotion
11 Paint My Love 12 Candle in the Wind 13 Love story 14 Sailing 15 Casablanca
16 Sound of silence 17 Sealed with a kiss 18 Careless whisper 19 Right here waiting 20 Let it be
21 Moon River 22 Sad movie 23 Yesterday 24 Love is blue 25 Oh Carol
26 Love me tender 27 River of Babylon 28 Everytime You Go Away 29 My Heart Will Go On 30 Everything I Do
31 Say You Say Me 32 The Cup of Life 33 Overture of William 34 Gmmei 35 Winterfire
36 Denyboy 37 Superstar 38 Take a Bow 39 Beauty and the Beast 40 Miss You
41 a whole new world 42 because i love you 43 big big world 44 colors of the wind 45 evergreen
46 eyes on me 47 i just called to.. 48 i will always love.. 49 love of my life 50 perfect moment
51 speak softly love 52 when i fall in love 53 sitting down here 54 Hotel California 55 tennesse waltz
56 the wedding 57 changing partners 58 are you lonesome.. 59 tammy 60 the last waltz
61 sad movies 62 all kind of my.. 63 and i love her 64 summer holiday 65 hey jude
66 hey paula 67 the greatest love.. 68 saving all my love.. 69 endless love 70 making love out of..
71 i"ve never been to me 72 moonlight flower 73 you"re my everything 74 one more night 75 you needed me
76 rains & tears 77 run away 78 tell laure i love her 79 young love 80 auld lang syne
81 inside of my guitar 82 500 miles 83 sa tears go by 84 the end of the world 85 and i love you so
86 stay awhile 87 the way we were 88 evergreen tree 89 morning has broken 90 paloma blanca
91 imaging 92 cotton fields 93 rhineston cowboy 94 nobody"s child 95 moon river
96 diana 97 holiday 98 on!carol 99 frankie 100 tea for two

101 if 102 angel of the morning 103 there s a kind of.. 104 san francisco 105 rose garden
106 i started a joke 107 mandy 108 Family Portrait 109 take me home 110 pretty boy
111 Jenny From The Block 112 Trouble 113 White Flag 114 You Don t Know My.. 115 Fighter
116 Me Against The Music 117 Breathe 118 Stole-Kelly Rowland 119 Slow-Kylie Minogue 120 The Closest Thing..
121 Milkshake 122 Too Lost In You 123 No Scrubs 124 Survivor 125 take me to your heart

--奥斯卡欧美电影金曲-- ‖百年经典‖
经典珍藏版(一) 1 我怎么活 【空中监狱】 2 爱情傻瓜 【新罗密欧与茱丽叶】 3 再见 【巧克力情人】
4 天使怎么会伤我的心 【天使多情】 5 屈服 【007之明日帝国】 6 欢乐嘉年华 【王牌大贱谍】 7 麻烦 【第五元素】
8 爱你所爱 【爱情失窃事件】 9 敬重 【花木兰】 10 我将记住 【人生点滴是真情】 11 我总梦见你 【白宫奇缘】
12 我不想在提起 【惊世未了情】 13 x档案 【x档案】 14 乘喷气机离去 【地球末日】 15 破坏者 【越空狂龙】

经典珍藏版(二) 16 往无前 【穿梭梦美人】 17 坠入爱河 【四个婚礼一个葬礼】 18 梦 【职业特功队】
19 此情可待 【终有一天感动你】 20 威力无限 【炮弹专家】 21 三番市 【阿甘正传】 22 说你说我 【白夜】
23 他是我兄弟 【第一滴血3】 24 我的宝贝 【宝贝小情人】 25 今夜爱无限 【狮子王】 26 崭新世界 【阿拉丁】
27 似曾相识 【时光倒流七十年】 28 夜色 【夜色】 29 落日之幻影 【生命因你而动听】 30 引领我 【壮志凌云】

经典珍藏版(三) 31 黑超特警 【mib黑超特警】 32 心之形 【这个杀手不太冷】 33 现在和永远 【赌命鸳鸯】
34 粉红色玫瑰 【一切从失恋开始】 35 星体 【阻击职业杀手】 36 我相信我能飞 【太空也入樽】 37 漂亮 【云裳风暴】
38 你的追求 【那一天传奇】 39 吻她 【小美人鱼】 40 费城街头 【费城故事】 41 007主题音乐 【007】
42 你的爱有多深 【周末狂热爱】 43 破晓时分 【现代女人心】 44 玫瑰之吻 【蝙蝠侠第三集】 45 勿伤我心 【致命恋人】

经典珍藏版(四) 46 电话诉衷情 【红衣女郎】 47 老虎的眼睛 【洛奇】 48 时光流逝 【北非谍影】
49 倒退华尔兹 【沉默的羔羊】 50 你的画像 【憨豆先生】 51 伴我一生 【留住有情人】 52 残酷 【此情可问天】
53 我会永远等待 【捉鬼敢死队】 54 畅通无阻 【艳舞女郎】 55 红色女郎 【上班女郎】 56 生生不息 【狮子王】
57 你爱的那个 【生于七月四日】 58 未来战士 【未来战士】 59 说爱 【理智与情感】 60 王者殿堂 【危机总动员】

经典珍藏版(五) 61 打击 【三步杀人曲】 62 一无所有 【女人香】 63 跨越彩虹 【绿野仙踪】
64 此情永不移 【廊桥遗梦】 65 总在某处 【鹅塘暗杀令】 66 如果你需要传奇 【精子奇缘】 67 让我哭泣 【激情交叉点】
68 上帝知道 【一生的爱都给你】 69 驾驶 【的士司机】 70 海底下 【小美人鱼】 71 雪绒花 【音乐之声】
72 你一定爱上了我 【贝隆夫人】 73 我一无所有 【保镖】 74 改变世界 【不一样的本能】 75 奔向你 【保镖】

经典珍藏版(六) 76 幻想 【变相怪杰】 77 化装舞会 【情人】 78 你让我快乐 【猎爱高手】
79 当男人爱上女人【当男人爱上女人】 80 爱情故事 【爱情故事】 81 你我和第三次世界大战 【职业特工队】 82 美女与野兽 【美女与野兽】
83 奔放的旋律 【人鬼情未了】 84 毕业生 【毕业生】 85 你可曾见过雨 【费城故事】 86 我会永远爱你 【保镖】
87 当我坠入爱河 【西雅图未眠夜】 88 感觉真好 【闪电舞】
goodbye heal the world
windflowers love story
anyoneatall all out of love
my heart will go on I want it that way
take my breath away tonight i celebrate my love
can you feel the love tonight 狮子王续集-荣耀大地
my heart stays with you 狮子王续集-沉睡的狮子
that"s why (you go away) everything i do (i do it for you)
yesterday once more


魂断蓝桥 《友谊地久天长》插曲

北非谍影 《卡萨布兰卡》插曲

I Will Always Love You
007 <《007主题音乐》插曲> 泰塔尼克 <《我心依旧》插曲> 007之明日帝国 <《屈服》插曲>
魂断蓝桥 <《友谊地久天长》插曲> MIB黑超特警 <《黑超特警》插曲> 北非谍影 <《卡萨布兰卡》插曲>
X档案 <《X档案》插曲> 阿甘正传 <《三番市》插曲> 阿拉丁 <《崭新世界》插曲>
爱情故事 <《爱情故事》插曲> 爱情失窃事件 <《爱你所爱》插曲> 白宫奇缘 <《我总梦见你》插曲>
白夜 <《说你说我》插曲> 伴我一生 <《伴我一生》插曲> 宝贝小情人 <《我的宝贝》插曲>
保镖 <《奔向你》插曲> 保镖 <《我一无所有》插曲> 保镖 <《我会永远爱你》插曲>
时光流逝 <《北非谍影》插曲> 贝隆夫人 <《你一定爱上了我》插曲> 毕业生 <《毕业生》插曲>
蝙蝠侠第三集 <《玫瑰之吻》插曲> 变相怪杰 <《幻想》插曲> 不一样的本能 <《改变世界》插曲>
沉默的羔羊 <《倒退华尔兹》插曲> 穿梭梦美人 <《一往无前》插曲> 此情可问天 <《残酷》插曲>
当男人爱上女人 <《当男人爱上女人》插曲> 的士司机 <《驾驶》插曲> 地球末日 <《乘喷气机离去》插曲>
第五元素 <《麻烦》插曲> 第一滴血3 <《他是我兄弟》插曲> 赌命鸳鸯 <《现在和永远》插曲>
鹅塘暗杀令 <《总在某处》插曲> 费城故事 <《费城街头》插曲> 费城故事 <《你可曾见过雨》插曲>
憨豆先生 <《你的画像》插曲> 红衣女郎 <《电话诉衷情》插曲> 花木兰 <《敬重》插曲>
激情交叉点 <《让我哭泣》插曲> 惊世未了情 <《我不想在提起》插曲> 精子奇缘 <《如果你需要传奇》插曲>
空中监狱 <《我怎么活》插曲> 廊桥遗梦 <《此情永不移》插曲> 理智与情感 <《说爱》插曲>
猎爱高手 <《你让我快乐》插曲> 绿野仙踪 <《跨越彩虹》插曲> 洛奇 <《老虎的眼睛》插曲>
美女与野兽 <《美女与野兽》插曲> 那一天传奇 <《你的追求》插曲> 女人香 <《一无所有》插曲>
炮弹专家 <《威力无限》插曲> 巧克力情人 <《再见》插曲> 情人 <《化装舞会》插曲>
人鬼情未了 <《奔放的旋律》插曲> 人生点滴是真情 <《我将记住》插曲> 三步杀人曲 <《打击》插曲>
闪电舞 <《感觉真好》插曲> 上班女郎 <《红色女郎》插曲> 生命因你而动听 <《落日之幻影》插曲>
生于七月四日 <《你爱的那个》插曲> 狮子王 <《今夜爱无限》插曲> 狮子王 <《生生不息》插曲>
时光倒流七十年 <《似曾相识》插曲> 四个婚礼一个葬礼 <《坠入爱河》插曲> 太空也入樽 <《我相信我能飞》插曲>
天使多情 <《天使怎么会伤我的心》插曲> 危机总动员 <《王者殿堂》插曲> 未来战士 <《未来战士》插曲>
西雅图未眠夜 <《当我坠入爱河》插曲> 现代女人心 <《破晓时分》插曲> 小美人鱼 <《海底下》插曲>
小美人鱼 <《吻她》插曲> 新罗密欧与茱丽叶 <《爱情傻瓜》插曲> 艳舞女郎 <《畅通无阻》插曲>
夜色 <《夜色》插曲> 一切从失恋开始 <《粉红色玫瑰》插曲> 一生的爱都给你 <《上帝知道》插曲>
音乐之声 <《雪绒花》插曲> 越空狂龙 <《破坏者》插曲> 云裳风暴 <《漂亮》插曲>
这个杀手不太冷 <《心之形》插曲> 职业特工队 <《你我和第三次世界大战》插曲> 职业特功队 <《梦》插曲>
至OUT凸务IN娇娃 <《欢乐嘉年华》插曲> 致命恋人 <《勿伤我心》插曲> 终有一天感动你 <《此情可待》插曲>
周末狂热爱 <《你的爱有多深》插曲> 壮志凌云 <《引领我》插曲> 捉鬼敢死队 <《我会永远等待》插曲>
阻击职业杀手 <《星体》插曲>

1.Anything But Ordinary


3.Im With You

4.Losing Grip


6.My World


8.Nobodys Fool

9.Skater Boy

10.Things I"ll Never Say


12.Too Much To Ask



[A22] A dear John letter 给约翰的一封信* —Skeeter Davis 史琪特戴维丝
[A14] A horse with no name 没有名字的马 —America 亚美利加合唱团
[A54] A new day has come 新的一天开始 —Celion Dion 席琳狄翁
[A48] A shoulder to cry on 可以靠著哭泣的肩膀 —Tommy Page 汤米佩吉
[A57] A song for mama 给妈妈的歌# —Boyz II Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团
[A12] A spaceman came traveling 外星人来访 —Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫
[A05] A time for us 我俩的时光* from电影“殉情记“ —Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯
[A46] A whiter shade of pale 更浅的苍白阴影 —Procol Harum 普洛可哈伦合唱团
[A31] A whole new world 崭新的世界 from动画“阿拉丁“ —Peabo Bryson & Regina 比柏布莱森 & 芮姬娜
[A06] A winter"s tale 冬天的故事 —David Essex 大卫艾塞克斯
[A50] About a girl 关於女孩 —Nirvana 超脱合唱团
[A42] Abracadabra 咒语 —The Steve Miller Band 史提夫米勒乐团
[A47] Across the universe 飞越宇宙 —Beatles 披头四合唱团
[A30] Africa 非洲 —Toto 托托合唱团
[A16] Against all odds(Take a look at me now) 完全不可能(再看我一眼)* from电影“再看我一眼“
—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯
[A32] Ain"t no mountain high enough 爱比山高 from电影“亲亲小妈“
—Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell 马文盖 & 黛米泰瑞尔
[A11] Alasca 阿拉斯加* —Topas 黄玉合唱团
[A52] All about loving you 全心爱你 —Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团
[A07] All by myself 独自一人* —Eric Carmen 艾瑞克卡门
[A53] All for the love of a girl 全是为了一个女孩的爱 —Johnny Horton 强尼荷顿
[A19] All I have to do is dream 只有寻梦去 —Glen Campbell & Robbie Gentry 葛伦坎伯 & 罗比珍崔
[A21] All kinds of everything 万事万物 —Dana 唐娜
[A51] All my life 一生一世 —Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville 琳达朗丝黛 & 艾伦纳维尔
[A29] All my loving 我所有的爱 —Beatles 披头四合唱团
[A55] All night long 彻夜狂欢 —Lionel Richie 莱诺李奇
[A02] All out of love 与爱绝缘 —Air Supply 空中补给合唱团
[A41] All those years ago 多年以前* —George Harrison 乔治哈里森
[A34] Almost over you 几乎忘了你 —Sheena Easton 席娜伊斯顿
[A43] Almost paradise 如在天堂 from电影“浑身是劲“ —Mike Reno & Ann Wilson 麦可利诺 & 安威尔森
[A10] Alone 孤单 —Heart 红心合唱团
[A35] Always 永远 —Atlantic Stars 大西洋之星合唱团
[A36] Always 永远 —Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团
[A17] Always on my mind 永在我心中* —Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱
[A26] Always somewhere 总在某处 —Scorpions 蝎子合唱团
[A49] Am I that easy to forget? 忘记我有那麼容易吗? —Jim Reeves 吉姆瑞夫斯
[A09] Amanda 阿嫚达 —Boston 波士顿合唱团
[A45] Amazing 太神奇了 —Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团
[A01] Amazing grace 奇异恩典* —Judy Collins 茱蒂柯琳丝
[A27-1] American pie 美国派 歌词完全解说版请看这里! —Don McLean 唐麦克林
[A27] American pie 美国派* —Don McLean 唐麦克林
[A28] And I love her 我爱她 —Beatles 披头四合唱团
[A13] And I love you so 我是如此爱你 —Don McLean 唐麦克林
[A44] And so it goes 就这麼走了 —Billy Joel 比利乔
[A18] Angel 天使* from电影“X情人“ —Sarah McLachlan 莎拉麦克劳兰
[A40] Angel 天使 —Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团
[A38] Angel queen 天使女王* from日本动画“千年女王“ —Dara Sedaka 达拉西达卡
[A23] Angie 安琪 —Rolling Stones 滚石合唱团
[A04] Annie"s song 安妮之歌* —John Denver 约翰丹佛
[A25] Another brick in the wall 墙上的另一块砖* —Pink Floyd 平克佛洛依德合唱团
[A03] Another day in paradise 天堂的另一日 —Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯
[A15] Another town another train 另一城镇另一班车 —ABBA 阿巴合唱团
[A33] Anywhere is 四处皆然 —Enya 恩雅
[A56] Are you happy now ? 你快乐吗 ? —Michelle Branch 蜜雪儿
[A24] Are you lonesome tonight? 今晚你寂寞吗? —Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱
[A37] Arthur"s theme (the best you can do) 亚瑟之歌 from电影“二八佳人花公子“
—Christopher Cross 克利斯多佛克罗斯
[A39] As long as you love me 只要你爱著我 —Backstreet Boys 新好男孩合唱团
[A20] As tears go by 泪水流逝 —Rolling Stones 滚石合唱团
[A08] Aubrey 奥布芮 —Bread 面包合唱团

作者: i94cat 2005-8-13 22:33 回复此发言


2 回复:【推荐】大量经典英文歌曲英汉曲目对照表,首首经典(转载)
[B08] Babe 宝贝* —Styx 冥河合唱团
[B33] Back at one 回到原点 —Brian McKnight 布莱恩麦肯奈特
[B05] Back for good 永远停留 —Take That 接招合唱团
[B25] Bad medicine 劣药 —Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团
[B30] Band on the run 逃亡乐队 —Paul McCartney & Wings 保罗麦卡尼 & 翅膀合唱团
[B20] Beat it 走开 —Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森
[B17] Beautiful boy 美丽的孩子* from电影"春风化雨1996" —John Lennon 约翰蓝侬
[B12] Beautiful Sunday 美丽的星期天 —Daniel Boone 丹尼尔潘
[B15] Beauty and the beast 美女与野兽 from动画"美女与野兽" —Peabo Bryson & Celion Dion 比柏布莱森 & 席琳狄翁
[B06] Because I love you 因为我爱你 —Shaking Steven 薛金史蒂芬
[B13] Because you loved me 因为你爱过我* from电影"因为你爱过我" —Celion Dion 席琳狄翁
[B31] Bed of roses 玫瑰花床 —Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团
[B29] Before the next teardrop falls 下一滴眼泪落下以前 —Freddie Fender 佛瑞迪芬德
[B19] Ben 班 from电影"金鼠王" —Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森
[B18] Better man 更好的人 —Robbie Williams 罗比威廉斯
[B14] Betty Davis‘s eyes 贝蒂黛维丝的眼睛 —Kim Carnes 金卡伦斯
[B16] Big, big world 广大的世界 —Emilia 艾蜜莉亚
[B28] Biggest part of me 我最珍贵的部分 —Ambrosia 安伯路西亚
[B11] Bird on a wire 电线上的鸟* —Leonard Cohen 李欧纳柯罕
[B32] Bloody Sunday 染血的星期天* —U2 U2合唱团
[B04] Blowing in the wind 飘在风中* —Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗 & 玛丽三重唱
[B26] Blue balloon 蓝色汽球 from电影"初恋的故事" —Jeremy 杰若米
[B27] Blue bayou 蓝色港湾 —Linda Rondstadt 琳达朗丝黛
[B21] Blue eyes 蓝眼睛 —Elton John 艾尔顿强
[B23] Blue moon 蓝色月亮 —The Marcels 波浪发型合唱团
[B24] Blue velvet 蓝丝绒 —Bobby Vinton 巴比温顿
[B10] Bohemian rhapsody 波西米亚人狂想曲 —Queen 皇后合唱团
[B07] Borderline 边界 —Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫
[B01] Both sides now 正反两面 —Judy Collins 茱蒂柯琳丝
[B22] Breathe 呼吸 —Faith Hill 费丝希尔
[B02] Bridge over troubled water 恶水上的大桥 —Simon & Garfunkel 赛门 & 葛芬柯二重唱
[B03] Bright eyes 明亮双眼* —Art Garfunkel 亚特葛芬柯
[B09] Broken wings 残破的羽翼 —Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫

作者: i94cat 2005-8-13 22:33 回复此发言


3 回复:【推荐】大量经典英文歌曲英汉曲目对照表,首首经典(转载)
[C20] C‘set la vie 这就是人生 —Emerson, Lake & Palmer 爱默生、雷克 & 帕玛合唱团
[C02] California dreaming 加州之梦 —Mamas & Papas 双亲合唱团
[C07] Call me 打电话给我 —Dennis De Young 丹尼斯狄杨
[C26] Can you feel the love tonight 今晚你感受到爱了吗? from动画"狮子王" —Elton John 艾尔顿强
[C31] Can‘t fight the moonlight 无法抗拒这月光* from电影"女狼俱乐部" —LeAnn Rimes 黎安莱姆丝
[C13] Can‘t fight this feeling 无法克制这份感情 —REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团
[C19] Can‘t help falling in love 无法自拔陷入爱河 —Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱
[C18] Can‘t take my eyes off you 无法将视线从你身上移开* from电影"绝命大反击" —Frankie Valli 法兰琪瓦利
[C27] Can‘t we try ? 我们不能再试试看吗? —Dan Hill & Vonda Sheppard 丹希尔 & 芳达雪柏
[C04] Candle in the wind 风中之烛* —Elton John 艾尔顿强
[C04-1] Candle in the wind 1997 风中之烛* 纪念黛安娜王妃


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玩一个游戏前最重要的是知道游戏怎么操作,很多玩家不知道王国与城堡怎么操作,今天深空高玩为大家带来王国与城堡按键操作方法,大家一起来看看吧。王国与城堡按键操作方法可以通过WSAD进行上下左右,也可以通过鼠标滑动进行上下左右的界面移动。鼠标左键为选择与建筑,右键为取消,滚轮可以改变建造方向当然R建也是相同的作用。按住R或者F可以拉高或者降低视角,而QE分别为左右旋转视角。王国与城堡(kingdoms and castles)整合Grand Buildings DLC中文PC版v116r3s
2023-06-19 16:47:161

cards and castles怎么调中文

2023-06-19 16:47:364


Ice City
2023-06-19 16:47:588

剑6 TEST2 听力 大小写问题

这个问题我做的时候也犹豫过,但是好像这个样的地名分开不分开都有可能得分,但是如果该大写的没有大写,就一定会扣。所以我们老师说,如果特别不确定的时候,可以把所有的答案都大写。7 screen 的话,雅思有的时候真的很恶心啊,一会儿有连字符一会儿不能加,这道题只能理解为名词作定语,因为如果加连字符的话,cinema之前也应该加。27题的话发音是有的一点模糊,但还是1882,因为nine的发音更圆更夸张;更有利的证据是,那个表是按照时间顺序来排的,最下面才1959,所以应该是1882.○
2023-06-19 16:48:152


王国与城堡中税收是很重要的收入,很多玩家不知道王国与城堡税收怎么提高,今天深空高玩为大家带来王国与城堡税收增加方法,大家一起来看看吧。王国与城堡税收怎么提高方法介绍:提高税金会造成人民不幸福。我的方法是,在龙和维京人不来的时候关闭箭塔和弩塔。箭塔4金一年,弩塔6金一年。王国与城堡(kingdoms and castles)整合Grand Buildings DLC中文PC版v116r3s
2023-06-19 16:48:221


英雄城堡2Heroes and Castles游戏中英文界面的人物属性大家看的懂吗?如果看不懂就来看看我为大家带来的翻译和详细介绍吧。 最大生命值—HP 最大生命值,无需多言,就是血量 伤害—DMG 破甲能力—AP 破甲能力,AP值越高,在轻击中对铠甲敌人造成伤害的概率越大 暴击率—CRIT 暴击率,三倍伤害的概率 武器技巧—WS 武器技巧,邪道的格挡方式,像infinite blade里面一样,在对方出招同时进行攻击,有概率招架对方攻击。只能格挡物理攻击,与DGE值不同,DGE可以格挡魔法伤害。 防御—DEF 防御,这个是种族天赋,也可以理解为皮糙肉厚,只有矮人有13的DEF。也就是减免伤害。 护甲值—ARM 护甲值,这个在我的圣骑士详解里有提到 格挡几率—DGE 格挡几率,被动的防御住一些攻击,精灵剑圣有加这个的技能 最大活力值—STA 最大活力值,影响跑动,攻击和重击三项属性 活力恢复速度—ST.REG 活力恢复速度,就是活力槽恢复的速度啊 防御时间—BLK 格挡时间,影响盾牌槽的消耗速度,越高的BLK值,举盾时间越久
2023-06-19 16:48:291


今天读到《little women》第11章,castle in the air, 空中楼阁。什么意思?学生已经训练有素了,Cindy说,是梦想。 我问怎么看出来的?她说是自己猜的。确实也是,整整一章,四姐妹,加上不请自来的劳里,一直在讲梦想。找出这个词第一次出现的地方,有这样的两句对话:Jo sighed, “Wouldn"t it be fun if all our ‘castles in the air" came true?” Laurie said it would be hard for him to follow just one dream because he had so many different ones. 上下句连起来一看,也不难合理推断也castles in the air 在这里就是dream。查了查字典,据说还是白日梦。但这觉得本章里每个人都很认真。 是很有意思的一个片断。每个人,认真地说出了自己的梦想。 Meg想要做个家庭主妇,打理一幢漂亮的房子,里面自然应该有位好丈夫,及几位小天使。 Jo自然是要当作家。Amy自然要当画家。 Beth只想呆在家里,陪伴父母姐妹帮忙做家务。尽管她有音乐天赋。 Laurie,很奇怪,之前对他的梦想一点印象也没有了。这章里他的梦想似乎也有些杂乱。首先他梦想太多,Jo逼着他说最喜欢的一个时,他说想去德国做一个著名的音乐家。但他同时又一门心思要去外出旅行,到处走走,看看这个世界。有梦想自然很好,尽管不一定能实现。 所以Jo才会叹气,说:wouldn"t it be fun if all our ‘castles in the air" came true? 如果我们所有的梦想都能实现,该有多好啊? 又说:I"ve got the key to my castle, but whether I can unlock it is another story. 我手中有钥匙,但能否打开梦想的大门是另一回事。Laurie最是纠结,因为他所有的梦想都与祖父对他的期待相违背。他自己也知道,并且矛盾自责。 Meg是一群人里最大的,于是像个大姐姐一样语重心长地责备他,劝他要先认清自己的职责,做一位受人尊敬的有责任心的人。而当务之急,是要先好好学习,认真对待自己的学业,不能有丝毫懈怠。 ——那架势,颇有种宝钗劝宝玉的感觉。最后,Laurie却似乎认清了自己的内心: He thought hard about what Meg had said, and vowed to himself, “I"ll let my castle go for now — and stay with my dear grandfather while he needs me, for I am all he has.” 他决定暂时放下自己的梦想,祖父俩相依为命,只要祖父需要他,他就会留下来。因为Jo与Laurie最终擦肩而过,成为所有读者唏嘘不已的憾事。便常常有人拿《红楼梦》来类比,觉得他们正如宝玉和黛玉,千古遗憾。 但读着读着,总会觉得,终究不是红楼。这个故事有满满的烟火气,而且处处是温馨的暖色调,又积极向上,颇有些治愈的况味。 大概也正因为如此,特别不能接受这个故事竟没有完满的结局。 ——但不能想,一想,就会不忍读下去了。
2023-06-19 16:49:301

castles是什么意思 castles解释

1、n.城堡;宅邸;(国际象棋)车(castle 的复数); 2、v.(国际象棋)王车易位,用车护王(castle 的第三人称单数); 3、例句:There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums.那里有许多可看的城堡、奇珍异宝和博物馆。 4、短语:windsor castle 温莎城堡(英国著名城堡)。castle in the air 空中楼阁;白日梦。
2023-06-19 16:49:541

Castles Made Of Sand 歌词

歌曲名:Castles Made Of Sand歌手:Four Tet专辑:Late Night Tales: Four Tet (Remastered)Down the street you can hear her scream, "You"re a disgrace,"as she slams the dooor in his drunken face.And now he stands outside and all the neighbours start to gossip and drool.He cries "Oh girl, you must be mad.What happened to the sweet love you and me had?"Against the door he leans and starts a sceneand his tears fall and burn the garden green.And so castles made of sand fall in the sea eventuallyA little Indian brave who before he was tenplayed war games in the woods with his Indian friends,and he built a dream that when he grew uphe would be a fearless warrior Inidan chief.Many moons past and more the dream grew stronger,until tomorrow he would sing his first war songand made his first battle but something went wrongsuprise attack killed him in his sleep that night.And so castles made of sand melts into the sea eventuallyThere was a young girl whose heart was a frown"cause she was crippled for life and she couldn"t speak a sound.And she wished and prayed she could stop living, so she decided to die.She drew her wheelchair to the edge of the shoreand to her legs she smiled, "You won"t hurt me no more."But then a sight she"d never seen made her jump and say,"Look, a golden winged ship is passing my way."And it really didn"t haver to stop.It just kept on going.And so castles made of sand slips into the sea eventually.
2023-06-19 16:50:561

castles made of sand 歌词及翻译

只在外网找到这外文歌词。没有翻译。可以么?Down the street you can hear her scream "you"re a disgrace"As she slams the door in his drunken face,And now he stands outside and all the neighbours start to gossip and drool.He cries "Oh girl, you must be mad,What happened to the sweet love you and me had?"Against the door he leans and starts a scene,And his tears fall and burn the garden green.And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually.A little Indian brave who before he was ten, played war games inthe woods with his Indian friends, and he built a dream that when hegrew up, he would be a fearless warrior Indian Chief.Many moons passed and more the dream grew strong, until tomorrowHe would sing his first war song,And fight his first battle, but something went wrong,Suprise attack killed him in his sleep that nightAnd so castles made of sand, melts into the sea eventually.There was a young girl, whose heart was a frown,Because she was crippled for life, and couldn"t speak a soundAnd she wished and prayed she would stop living, so she decided to die.She drew her wheel chair to the edge of the shore, and to her legs she smiled"You won"t hurt me no more."But then a sight she"d never seen made her JUMP AND SAY"Look, a golden winged ship is passing my way"And it really didn"t have to just kept on going.And so castles made of sand slips into the sea, Eventually
2023-06-19 16:51:031

Castles In The Sand 歌词

歌曲名:Castles In The Sand歌手:Thunder专辑:6 X 6 - RockDavion Farris - Castles In The Sandevery dream comes to an endtil the sun comes up againbut it"s too late you paid the pricenow you see it"s just a lie, lieit"s amazing, how you try so hard just to let it bewhen you never tried that hard on meand it"s crazy, that everything you"ll die to keepbut somehow managed to up and leaveand then you wanna come crying to meyou"re building castles in the sandtil the tide comes in againand when life washes ashoreit won"t be playtime anymorei"ll be there girl when you seethat life"s no picnic on the beachnow what you feel just won"t endureit won"t be playtime anymorenow it"s over and you see just how this fairy-tale unfoldsand you"re the only one who"s on your ownlittle girl it"s finishedand the love you chose in place of mewas all just make believenow reality you face aloneyou"re building castles in the sandtil the tide comes in againand when life washes ashoreit won"t be playtime anymorei"ll be there girl when you seethat life"s no picnic on the beachnow what you feel just won"t endureit won"t be playtime anymoreyou see the last glass has been passedand you realized the joke is on younow the love has been lost in the pastleaving you wondering what to doi tried to tell you not to play the gamebut you just did what you wanted to donow you see that you"re the one to loseay, ayyou"re building castles in the sandtil the tide comes in againand when life washes ashoreit won"t be playtime anymorei"ll be there girl when you seethat life"s no picnic on the beachnow what you feel just won"t endureit won"t be playtime anymoreevery dream comes to an endtil the sun comes up againbut it"s too late you"ve paid the pricenow you see it"s just a lieit"s kind of apron up to mebut never measure up to meit"s about time you realizewhat you have just won"t surviveno, no, no, no, no, no
2023-06-19 16:51:101

Castles In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Castles In The Air歌手:Don McLean专辑:The Very Best Of Don McLeanAnd if she asks you why,you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream I want the world to shareAnd castle walls just lead me to despair.Hills of forest green where the mountains touch the sky,A dream come true, I"ll live there till I die.I"m asking you to say my last goodbye.The love we knew ain"t worth another try.Save me from all the trouble and the pain.I know I"m weak, but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasons why I can"t remain,Perhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plain.But how can words express the feel of sunlight in the morning,In the hills, away from city strife.I need a country woman for my wife;I"m city born, but I love the country life.For I cannot be part of the cocktail generation:Partners waltz, devoid of all romance.The music plays and everyone must dance.I"m bowing out. I need a second chance.Save me from all the trouble and the pain.I know I"m weak, but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasons why I can"t remain,Perhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plain.And if she asks you why, you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream I want the world to shareAnd castle walls just lead me to despair.
2023-06-19 16:51:181

Castles In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Castles In The Air歌手:Don McLean专辑:TapestryAnd if she asks you why,you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream I want the world to shareAnd castle walls just lead me to despair.Hills of forest green where the mountains touch the sky,A dream come true, I"ll live there till I die.I"m asking you to say my last goodbye.The love we knew ain"t worth another try.Save me from all the trouble and the pain.I know I"m weak, but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasons why I can"t remain,Perhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plain.But how can words express the feel of sunlight in the morning,In the hills, away from city strife.I need a country woman for my wife;I"m city born, but I love the country life.For I cannot be part of the cocktail generation:Partners waltz, devoid of all romance.The music plays and everyone must dance.I"m bowing out. I need a second chance.Save me from all the trouble and the pain.I know I"m weak, but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasons why I can"t remain,Perhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plain.And if she asks you why, you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream I want the world to shareAnd castle walls just lead me to despair.
2023-06-19 16:51:251


1.幻想曲第联合国gentilhombre:维利亚诺u0178里切尔卡雷2.幻想曲第联合国gentilhombre:Espanoleta - 托克斯德拉卡瓦列里亚德纳波莱斯3。幻想曲第联合国gentilhombre:丹萨代拉斯hachas4。幻想曲第联合国gentilhombre:卡纳里奥5。 Concierto戴尔苏尔:一,中庸的快板6。 Concierto戴尔苏尔:二。缓慢地7。 Concierto戴尔苏尔:三。中庸的快板é费斯蒂沃8。西班牙城堡:一图雷加诺(塞拉尼亚)9。西班牙城堡:二。托里哈(Elegia)10。城堡西班牙:曼扎纳雷斯德尔实(阿拉摩撒fermosa)11。西班牙城堡:四。蒙特马约尔(普拉西)12。西班牙城堡:五阿尔卡尼斯(费斯蒂瓦)13。西班牙城堡:六。德锡古恩萨(香格里拉Infantina duerma)14。西班牙城堡:七。阿尔巴德托尔梅斯(Trova)15。西班牙城堡:八。阿尔卡萨德塞哥维亚(拉马达)
2023-06-19 16:51:321

Castles In The Sky 歌词

歌曲名:Castles In The Sky歌手:ian van dahl专辑:Here Comes The WeekendCastles in the SkyDo you ever question your life?Do you ever wonder why?Do you ever see in your dreams..all the castles in the sky.Oh, tell me we build castles in the sky.Oh, tell me why...all the castles way up high.Please tell me whydo we build castles in the sky.Oh, tell me why...all the castles way up high.Do you ever question your life?Do you ever wonder why?Do you ever see in your dreams..all the castles in the sky.Oh, tell me we build castles in the sky.Oh, tell me why...all the castles way up high.Please tell me whydo we build castles in the sky.Oh, tell me why...all the castles way up high.
2023-06-19 16:51:501

Castles In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Castles In The Air歌手:Ama Jazz专辑:In One BreathAnd if she asks you why,you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream I want the world to shareAnd castle walls just lead me to despair.Hills of forest green where the mountains touch the sky,A dream come true, I"ll live there till I die.I"m asking you to say my last goodbye.The love we knew ain"t worth another try.Save me from all the trouble and the pain.I know I"m weak, but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasons why I can"t remain,Perhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plain.But how can words express the feel of sunlight in the morning,In the hills, away from city strife.I need a country woman for my wife;I"m city born, but I love the country life.For I cannot be part of the cocktail generation:Partners waltz, devoid of all romance.The music plays and everyone must dance.I"m bowing out. I need a second chance.Save me from all the trouble and the pain.I know I"m weak, but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasons why I can"t remain,Perhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plain.And if she asks you why, you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream I want the world to shareAnd castle walls just lead me to despair.
2023-06-19 16:51:571

Castles In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Castles In The Air歌手:The Colourfield专辑:Virgins And PhilistinesCastles In The Air---齐豫---Lrc:sunpzhAnd if she asks you why,you can tell her that I told you thatI"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream.I want the world to share,and castle walls just lead me to despair.Hills of forest greenwhere the mountains touch the sky.A dream comes true.I"ll live there till I die.I"m asking youto say my last good bye.The love we knew ain"t worth another try.I know I"m weak,but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasonswhy I can"t remain perhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plain.Oh, but how can words express the feelof sunlight in the morning in the hills.away from city strife.I need a country womam for my wifeI"m city born,but I love the country life.For I can not be part of the cocktail generation.Partners waltz devoid of all romance.The music plays and everyone must dance.I"m bowing now. I need a second chance.Music...Save me from all the trouble and the pain.Save me from all the troble and the pain.I know I"m weak,but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasonswhy I can"t remain perhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plain.And if she asks you why,you can tell herthat I told you that I"m tiredof castles in the air.I"ve got a dream.I want the world to share,and castle walls just lead me to despair.Hm, la la la la...
2023-06-19 16:52:041


皇宫的英文翻译是 :1、asilica。2、palace。她在皇宫剧院演主角。She topped the bill at the Palace Theatre.我们趁便参观了皇宫。We took the opportunity of visiting the palace.我们正前方就是皇宫。Directly ahead of us is the royal palace.古罗马皇宫Roman palace帝国统治;皇宫imperial rule; the imperial palace.帝国统治;皇宫。皇宫剧院大力推出一位魔术师The Palace Theater headlines a magician.侍奉,尤指在皇宫中In attendance,especially at a royal court.生于贫民窟,住进皇宫难入睡。He who is born in a slum can not sleep in a palace.这位大臣到皇宫去晋谒国王。The minister betook himself to the palace to see the King.古老的城堡、皇宫以及其他游览胜地。Old castles,palaces and other show - places
2023-06-19 16:52:111


My mother and me are building castles at the edge of the beach
2023-06-19 16:52:462


筑沙堡的英文是make sand castle; 具体怎么用,还要看上下文的: 例如:We made some sand castles on the beach yesterday.就用了过去式和复数形式. We were making a big sand castle when Tom arrived at the beach yesterday. Mary had made a huge and tall sand castle on the beach when I got to there yesterday afternoon. 宝贝勤学好问,天天进步!
2023-06-19 16:52:521

Castles In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Castles In The Air歌手:Jim Johnstone & His Band专辑:Best Of ScotlandCastles In The Air---齐豫---Lrc:sunpzhAnd if she asks you why,you can tell her that I told you thatI"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream.I want the world to share,and castle walls just lead me to despair.Hills of forest greenwhere the mountains touch the sky.A dream comes true.I"ll live there till I die.I"m asking youto say my last good bye.The love we knew ain"t worth another try.I know I"m weak,but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasonswhy I can"t remain perhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plain.Oh, but how can words express the feelof sunlight in the morning in the hills.away from city strife.I need a country womam for my wifeI"m city born,but I love the country life.For I can not be part of the cocktail generation.Partners waltz devoid of all romance.The music plays and everyone must dance.I"m bowing now. I need a second chance.Music...Save me from all the trouble and the pain.Save me from all the troble and the pain.I know I"m weak,but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasonswhy I can"t remain perhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plain.And if she asks you why,you can tell herthat I told you that I"m tiredof castles in the air.I"ve got a dream.I want the world to share,and castle walls just lead me to despair.Hm, la la la la...
2023-06-19 16:52:591

Castles In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Castles In The Air歌手:The Colourfield专辑:Terry Hall - The CollectionCastles In The Air---齐豫---Lrc:sunpzhAnd if she asks you why,you can tell her that I told you thatI"m tired of castles in the air.I"ve got a dream.I want the world to share,and castle walls just lead me to despair.Hills of forest greenwhere the mountains touch the sky.A dream comes true.I"ll live there till I die.I"m asking youto say my last good bye.The love we knew ain"t worth another try.I know I"m weak,but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasonswhy I can"t remain perhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plain.Oh, but how can words express the feelof sunlight in the morning in the hills.away from city strife.I need a country womam for my wifeI"m city born,but I love the country life.For I can not be part of the cocktail generation.Partners waltz devoid of all romance.The music plays and everyone must dance.I"m bowing now. I need a second chance.Music...Save me from all the trouble and the pain.Save me from all the troble and the pain.I know I"m weak,but I can"t face that girl again.Tell her the reasonswhy I can"t remain perhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plain.And if she asks you why,you can tell herthat I told you that I"m tiredof castles in the air.I"ve got a dream.I want the world to share,and castle walls just lead me to despair.Hm, la la la la...
2023-06-19 16:53:061


IntroductionThe United Kingdom is a country known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and beautiful landscapes. From bustling cities to quaint villages, the UK has something to offer for all travelers. In this article, we will explore some of the local treasures that you must experience during your trip to the UK.Famous CastlesCastles are a staple of the UK"s history, and they are scattered throughout the country. One of the most famous castles is the Tower of London, which has served as a royal palace, prison, and even a zoo. Visitors can explore the castle and learn about its dark history, including the imprisonment and execution of several famous figures such as Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh.Windsor Castle is another must-visit castle in the UK. This is the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world and has been home to British monarchs for over 900 years. Visitors can take a guided tour of the castle and see the State Apartments, St George"s Chapel, and the Queen Mary"s Dolls" House.The British MuseumThe British Museum is a world-famous museum that houses a vast collection of artifacts from around the world. Some of the most popular exhibits include the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon Sculptures, and the mummies from Ancient Egypt. The museum is also home to a library that contains over 4 million books.The best part about the British Museum is that admission is free. So, if you are looking for an affordable way to spend a day in London, make sure to add the British Museum to your list of places to visit.Countryside RetreatsWhile the UK is known for its bustling cities, the countryside is just as beautiful and worth a visit. The Cotswolds, located in central England, is a picturesque area filled with rolling hills, charming villages, and scenic walking paths. Visitors can stay at a cozy bed and breakfast, explore the local markets, and enjoy the stunning landscapes.The Lake District, located in northwest England, is another must-visit destination for nature lovers. This area is famous for its crystal-clear lakes, rolling hills, and charming villages. Visitors can take a boat ride on Lake Windermere, go for a hike in the hills, and enjoy a pint at a local pub.ConclusionFrom castles to museums to stunning countryside retreats, the UK has something for everyone. Whether you are a history buff, nature lover, or just looking for a memorable vacation, the UK should be at the top of your list. So, pack your bags, grab your passport and get ready for a trip of a lifetime!
2023-06-19 16:53:241

lady castle 什么意思?

2023-06-19 16:53:312

White Lingerie 歌词

歌曲名:White Lingerie歌手:Cris Cab专辑:RiseCris Cab - White Lingerie.I looked as far as the eye can seeShe screamed her love from the balconyThat""s how she was so young and freeShe wanted to believe.I told her wait at the corner storeShe""s lightning quick when it rains it poursIt""s the kind of love cash can""t affordI wanted to believe.She""s got the voice of harmonyAnd the mind of SocratesWhen we meet it""s synergyIt""s only you and me.While we sleep on sacred groundYou talk about this love we foundFeel the Earth and it""s spinning roundAnd now we both believe.She""s so young, yet so oldWhen she heard the wedding bellsShe fell in love with a fairy taleShe""s so young, yet so oldWhen her father saidThat even castles turn to sand somedayCastles turn to sand somedayEven castles turn to sand someday.White flowers and white lingerieThe marching band with the red barrettesThe parents showed on wedding dayThey wanted to believe.She""s walking in just like the queenBut when she falls, there was no kingThe best to say he left the sceneShe never wanted to believe.She""s so young, yet so oldWhen she heard the wedding bellsShe fell in love with a fairy taleShe""s so young, yet so oldWhen her father saidThat even castles turn to sand somedayCastles turn to sand somedayEven castles turn to sand someday.Oh noThis isn""t how it""s all supposed to beAll this can change so easilyOh noAll that remained has washed into the seaSo she""ll just take her sweet timeShe""s so young, yet so oldWhen she heard the wedding bellsShe fell in love with a fairy taleShe""s so young, yet so oldWhen her father saidThat even castles turn to sand somedayCastles turn to sand somedayCastles turn to sand somedayEven castles turn to sand someday.
2023-06-19 16:53:401


2023-06-19 16:53:512

Castle In The Air (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Castle In The Air (Live)歌手:Eloy专辑:Floating (Remastered Album)castle in the airDon McleanDon Mclean-Castles in the Airby 依灵萱And if she asks you whyyou can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of Castles in the AirI"ve got a dream I want the worldto share in castle wallsJust leave me to despairHills of forest greenwhere the mountains touch the skyA dream come true,I"ll live there "til I dieI"m asking you,to say my last goodbyeThe love we knew,ain"t worth another trySave me from all the trouble and the painI know I"m weakbut I can"t face that girl againTell her the reasons why I can"t remainPerhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plainOh, but how can words express the feel of sunlightIn the morning in the hills away from city strifeI need a country woman for my wifeI"m city born but I love the country lifeFor I can not be part of her "Cocktail-Generation Partner"s Waltz,"Devoid of all romanceThe music plays and everyone must danceI"m bowing out, I need a second chanceSave me from all the trouble and the painI know I"m weak but I can"t face that girl againTell her the reasons why I can"t remainPerhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plainAnd if she asks you why you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of Castles in the AirI"ve got a dream I want the world to share in castle wallsJust leave me to despair
2023-06-19 16:54:301

Castle In The Air (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Castle In The Air (Live)歌手:Eloy专辑:Floating (Remastered Album)castle in the airDon McleanDon Mclean-Castles in the Airby 依灵萱And if she asks you whyyou can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of Castles in the AirI"ve got a dream I want the worldto share in castle wallsJust leave me to despairHills of forest greenwhere the mountains touch the skyA dream come true,I"ll live there "til I dieI"m asking you,to say my last goodbyeThe love we knew,ain"t worth another trySave me from all the trouble and the painI know I"m weakbut I can"t face that girl againTell her the reasons why I can"t remainPerhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plainOh, but how can words express the feel of sunlightIn the morning in the hills away from city strifeI need a country woman for my wifeI"m city born but I love the country lifeFor I can not be part of her "Cocktail-Generation Partner"s Waltz,"Devoid of all romanceThe music plays and everyone must danceI"m bowing out, I need a second chanceSave me from all the trouble and the painI know I"m weak but I can"t face that girl againTell her the reasons why I can"t remainPerhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plainAnd if she asks you why you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of Castles in the AirI"ve got a dream I want the world to share in castle wallsJust leave me to despair
2023-06-19 16:54:371


这款游戏可能是《部落与城堡》(Tribes and Castles),这是一款由Maxis开发的多人在线角色扮演游戏,于2000年发行。游戏的画面风格与部落有些相似,同时还有许多其他的特点,如玩家可以建造自己的房屋、种植作物、养殖动物等等。游戏中还有不同的角色属性,玩家需要根据不同的角色属性进行团队组建、互动合作才能顺利完成游戏中的任务和目标。《部落与城堡》有非常庞大的地图,并允许玩家与其他玩家进行实时战斗,游戏还有一个经典模式和一个沙盒模式。
2023-06-19 16:54:573

Castle In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Castle In The Air歌手:Eloy专辑:Floating (Remastered Album)castle in the airDon McleanDon Mclean-Castles in the Airby 依灵萱And if she asks you whyyou can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of Castles in the AirI"ve got a dream I want the worldto share in castle wallsJust leave me to despairHills of forest greenwhere the mountains touch the skyA dream come true,I"ll live there "til I dieI"m asking you,to say my last goodbyeThe love we knew,ain"t worth another trySave me from all the trouble and the painI know I"m weakbut I can"t face that girl againTell her the reasons why I can"t remainPerhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plainOh, but how can words express the feel of sunlightIn the morning in the hills away from city strifeI need a country woman for my wifeI"m city born but I love the country lifeFor I can not be part of her "Cocktail-Generation Partner"s Waltz,"Devoid of all romanceThe music plays and everyone must danceI"m bowing out, I need a second chanceSave me from all the trouble and the painI know I"m weak but I can"t face that girl againTell her the reasons why I can"t remainPerhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plainAnd if she asks you why you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of Castles in the AirI"ve got a dream I want the world to share in castle wallsJust leave me to despair
2023-06-19 16:55:031


2023-06-19 16:55:135

Castle In The Air. 歌词

歌曲名:Castle In The Air.歌手:Eloy专辑:The Best Of Eloy, Vol. 1 - The Early Days 1972-1975castle in the airDon McleanDon Mclean-Castles in the Airby 依灵萱And if she asks you whyyou can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of Castles in the AirI"ve got a dream I want the worldto share in castle wallsJust leave me to despairHills of forest greenwhere the mountains touch the skyA dream come true,I"ll live there "til I dieI"m asking you,to say my last goodbyeThe love we knew,ain"t worth another trySave me from all the trouble and the painI know I"m weakbut I can"t face that girl againTell her the reasons why I can"t remainPerhaps she"ll understandif you tell it to her plainOh, but how can words express the feel of sunlightIn the morning in the hills away from city strifeI need a country woman for my wifeI"m city born but I love the country lifeFor I can not be part of her "Cocktail-Generation Partner"s Waltz,"Devoid of all romanceThe music plays and everyone must danceI"m bowing out, I need a second chanceSave me from all the trouble and the painI know I"m weak but I can"t face that girl againTell her the reasons why I can"t remainPerhaps she"ll understand if you tell it to her plainAnd if she asks you why you can tell her that I told youThat I"m tired of Castles in the AirI"ve got a dream I want the world to share in castle wallsJust leave me to despair
2023-06-19 16:55:291


是postcode邮编英国postcode 是6 -7位的前3-4位是区号, 后3位应该是街道的编号其中EC就是east的center也就是东面的中间区域的邮编只要看前3位,你就可以猜到邮编大概是在london的那个方位。要知道postcode是可以作为gps定位用的所以哪怕你地址写的错一点,只要postcode没错都可以找到所要找的街道!
2023-06-19 16:55:382

Just The Two Of Us 歌词

Just the Two of UsGrover Washington Jr.Just the Two of Us: The Best of Love Songs歌手:Grover Washington, Jr.歌名:Just the Two of Us~幸魂~收藏...321I see the crystal raindrops fallAnd see the beauty of it allIs when the sun comes shining throughTo make those rainbows in my mindWhen I think of you some timeAnd I want to spend some time with youCHORUS:Just the two of usWe can make it if we tryJust the two of usJust the two of usBuilding castles in the skyJust the two of usYou and IWe look for love, no time for tearsWasted waters"s all that isAnd it don"t make no flowers growGood things might come to those who waitNot to those who wait to lateWe got to go for all we knowCHORUSJust the two of usWe can make it if we tryJust the two of usJust the two of usBuilding big castles way on highJust the two of usYou and II hear the crystal raindrops fallOn the window down the hallAnd it becomes the morning dewDarling, when the morning comesAnd I see the morning sunI want to be the one with youJust the two of usWe can make it if we tryJust the two of usJust the two of usBuilding big castles way on highJust the two of usYou and IJust the two of usLet"s get together, babyJust the two of usWe can make itJust the two of usWe can make itJust the two of us
2023-06-19 16:55:581

Just The Two Of Us 歌词

Just The Two of UsGrover Washington Jr.Just the Two of Us: The Best of Love Songs歌手:Grover Washington, Jr.歌名:Just the Two of Us~幸魂~收藏...321I see the crystal raindrops fallAnd see the beauty of it allIs when the sun comes shining throughTo make those rainbows in my mindWhen I think of you some timeAnd I want to spend some time with youCHORUS:Just the two of usWe can make it if we tryJust the two of usJust the two of usBuilding castles in the skyJust the two of usYou and IWe look for love, no time for tearsWasted waters"s all that isAnd it don"t make no flowers growGood things might come to those who waitNot to those who wait to lateWe got to go for all we knowCHORUSJust the two of usWe can make it if we tryJust the two of usJust the two of usBuilding big castles way on highJust the two of usYou and II hear the crystal raindrops fallOn the window down the hallAnd it becomes the morning dewDarling, when the morning comesAnd I see the morning sunI want to be the one with youJust the two of usWe can make it if we tryJust the two of usJust the two of usBuilding big castles way on highJust the two of usYou and IJust the two of usLet"s get together, babyJust the two of usWe can make itJust the two of usWe can make itJust the two of us
2023-06-19 16:56:041

puzzles in geography全文翻译

人们可能会奇怪为什么用不同的词语来描述英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰这四个国家。如果你研究英国的历史,你就能够弄明白这个问题。 首先是英格兰。威尔士于公元13世纪就同英格兰联合起来了。如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。然后,于17世纪英格兰、威尔士同苏格兰联合起来,名字改为大不列颠。令人庆幸的是,当苏格兰的詹姆士国王成为英格兰和威尔士的国王时,这三个国家在无(军事)冲突的情况下实现了联合。最后在20世纪初通过同样的和平方式,英国政府尽力把爱尔兰也纳入进来,组成了联合王国。然而,爱尔兰的南部却不情愿这样并分离出去建立了自己的政府。因此只有北爱尔兰同英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰联合起来组成了联合王国,这一点从新的联合王国国旗(“联合杰克”)上就可以看得出来。 值得称赞的是:这四个国家在一些方面(比方说在货币和国际关系上),它们的确是共同合作的,但是有些制度仍然区别很大。例如,北爱尔兰、英格兰和苏格兰在教育体制和立法体制上都存在着差异,并且它们有着各自的足球队参加像世界杯之类的比赛! 在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为了方便,它大致可以划分为三个地区。最靠近法国的那个地区叫做英格兰南部,中部地区叫英格兰中部,最靠近苏格兰的那个地区叫英格兰北部。你会发现大部分人口居住在南部,但是大部分工业城市在中部和北部。虽然就全国范围来说,这些城市都不像中国的城市那样大,但是它们都有着世界闻名的足球队,有的城市甚至还有两个队!令人遗憾的是这些建于19世纪的工业城市并不能吸引游客。要找历史性的建筑你得去罗马人建造的更古老的但是比较小的城镇。在那儿你能找到更多有关英国历史和文化的东西。
2023-06-19 16:56:1410

Viva la Vida 歌词有什么含义

1、《Viva la Vida 》歌曲简介:歌手:Coldplay所属专辑:Viva la Vida发行时间:2016.6.7作曲 : Coldplay作词 : Coldplay2、《Viva la Vida 》歌曲歌词含义《Viva la Vida 》表达的是以被处死的路易十六为主人公的自我感慨的表述,同时我们也能体会到作者所描写的路易十六的无奈与凄凉。路易十六类似于明朝木匠皇帝朱由校,热爱五金工艺,号“锁匠皇帝”。大革命之后,被迫接受立宪,暗中镇压革命党,而后波旁王朝推翻后被处死。是法国历史中唯一一个被处死的国王。这首歌节奏明快,像是人生得意正当时,但是歌词却表达了一个失败国王对自己悲惨一生的回顾,这种感觉就好像是一个失意的人在顾影自怜,而世界依然运转如常,喧嚣依旧,更加让我唏嘘感慨。3、《Viva la Vida 》歌曲中英互译歌词:I used to rule the world我曾经统治世界Seas would rise when I gave the word只要我一个口令就能使海水升起Now in the morning I sleep alone如今的早晨只剩我独自环顾四周Sweep the streets I used to own环视每条曾经属于我的街道I used to roll the dice过去只要我转动手中的骰子Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes就能感受到敌人眼中的恐惧Listened as the crowd would sing听着人民传颂着Now the old king is dead long live the king旧王朝被推翻了!新国王万岁!One minute I held the key前一刻我还握着世界之钥Next the walls were closed on me下一秒世界却从我手中消失And I discovered that my castles stand原来我所竖立的城堡Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand只是不堪一击的砂城I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing我听见耶路撒冷的钟声响起Roman cavalry choirs are singing罗马的骑兵唱诗班正在吟唱着Be my mirror, my sword and shield请成为我的镜子 我的刀与盾Missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士流亡在外For some reason I can"t explain我无法解释原因为何Once you"d gone there was neverNever an honest word将会发现这里没有诚实的语言And that was when I ruled the world那就是我曾经统治的世界It was a wicked and wild wind当时刮起邪恶的狂风Blew down the doors to let me in吹垮所有入口的城门让我进入Shattered windows and the sound of drums窗户上震碎的玻璃 发出阵阵巨响People couldn"t believe what I"d become人民无法置信我成为他们的国王Revolutionaries wait革命者伺机而动For my head on a silver plate等着我的头颅作为祭品Just a puppet on a lonely string我只是绑着一条细弦的傀儡Oh who would ever want to be king噢 谁会想成为这样的国王I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing我听见耶路撒冷的钟声响起Roman cavalry choirs are singing罗马的骑兵唱诗班正在吟唱着Be my mirror, my sword and shield请成为我的镜子 我的刀与盾My missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士流亡在外For some reason I can"t explain我无法解释原因为何I know St Peter won"t call my name我知道连圣彼得都不愿提起我的名子Never an honest word将会发现这里没有诚实的语言But that was when I ruled the world但那就是我曾经统治的世界Hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing我听见耶路撒冷的钟声响起Roman cavalry choirs are singing罗马的骑兵唱诗班正在吟唱着Be my mirror, my sword and shield请成为我的镜子 我的刀与盾My missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士流亡在外For some reason I can"t explain我无法解释原因为何I know St Peter won"t call my name我知道连圣彼得都不愿提起我的名子Never an honest word将会发现这里没有诚实的语言But that was when I ruled the world但那就是我曾经统治的世界
2023-06-19 16:56:391


筑沙堡的英文是make sand castle; 具体怎么用,还要看上下文的: 例如:We made some sand castles on the beach yesterday.就用了过去式和复数形式. We were making a big sand castle when Tom arrived at the beach yesterday. Mary had made a huge and tall sand castle on the beach when I got to there yesterday afternoon. 宝贝勤学好问,天天进步!
2023-06-19 16:56:471

the outline given bellow和 the outline given below

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2023-06-19 16:49:172


  关岛是位于西太平洋马里亚纳群岛最南端的岛屿,所属地区美国。  关岛(The Territory of Guahan/Guam)面积549平方公里,人口17.8万(2010年),首府是阿加尼亚(Hagatn~a,旧名Agan~a)。先后被西班牙、日本和美国占领,现为美国海外属地,是美国的非宪辖管制领土,本岛原住民是查莫罗人,约在3500年前在此定居。  美军基地占地约全岛的1/4。关岛现仍被联合国列为非自治领土,是通向密克罗尼西亚的门户,被誉为“免税购物天堂”。  关岛是太平洋马里亚纳群岛南端的岛屿,在北纬13°26′、东经144°43′。面积549平方公里。人口15.8万(2002年),查莫罗人占绝大多数。首府阿加尼亚,在岛屿西部。属热带季风气候,年平均气温26—27℃,年降水量2,000毫米以上,8—9月有台风。地势南高北低,西南面的兰兰山是最高峰,海拔407米。  南北长48公里,宽6~13公里,面积549平方公里。东距火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)5863公里,为美国与日本、菲律宾间的联络站,扼控西太平洋海、空交通要冲,战略地位重要。关岛世居查莫罗人。  关岛同是美国的小岛,虽然关岛的名声远远没有盖过夏威夷,但也是个伊甸田园。关岛的杜梦湾可以让人一踏出门槛便能看到充满五彩缤纷的海底生物之海洋保育区。历史爱好者可到滩头堡、战地、博物馆及纪念碑下触摸历史的痕迹,也可以一睹关岛独有的拉提石、西班牙废墟及战争遗迹。阿珊海滩可是1944年美军抢滩的主战场。塞班岛是北马里亚纳群岛联邦的首府。登上岛上海拔仅420米的踏破潮山山峰,便可看到东面是辽阔的太平洋,蔚蓝的海水中有一道近乎黑色的水道,那便是最深的马里亚纳海沟。塞班岛也拥有很多太平洋战役的历史遗迹,值得一游,日军最后司令部、自杀崖等都是历史爱好者不可不去的地方。附近的天宁岛、罗塔岛也各有历史资源。
2023-06-19 16:49:192


汉语 --> 我爱你 英语 --> I love you (爱老虎油) 法语 --> Je t`aime,Je t`adore 惹带么"(Je t"aime 德语 --> Ich liebe Dich (衣西里拔弟兮) 芬兰 --> Minarakastan sinua (明那拉卡司谈洗奴娃) 荷兰 --> IK hou van jou (阿荣吼范丸) 捷克 --> Miluji te (米卢急特) 丹麦 --> Jeg elsker dig (接个爱死替个) 缅甸 --> chit pa de (起拍得) 日本 --> あいしてる (阿姨兮带路) 韩语 --> ??? (3朗嗨哟) 泰国 --> Ch`an Rak Khun (千软昆) 越南 --> Em ye`u anh (女生对男生:爱也有阿禾) (男生对女生:爱也有爱恩) 冰岛 --> e`g elska tig (爱个爱二四卡题) 瑞典 --> Jag lskar dig (道理4卡体格) 犹太语 --> Ani ohev otach (啊你 偶和夫 偶踏西) 匈牙利 --> Szeretlek (赛...
2023-06-19 16:49:352

我想要美国小说原名叫flipped〈怦然心动〉的中文译版 最好是txt格式的。跪谢! 再次声明是小

2023-06-19 16:49:364


【名 称】 关岛(Guam),位于马里亚纳群岛最南端,是通向密克罗尼西亚(西太平洋诸岛总称)的门户,为美国海外属地。美国的非宪辖管制领土。在夏威夷以西5,000公里(3,000哩)处。  【面 积】 549平方公里。  【人 口】 15.8万人(2002年)。其中查莫罗人(为西班牙人、密克罗尼西亚人和菲律宾人的混血后裔)约占43%,其余主要为菲律宾人和来自美国大陆的移民,还有密克罗尼西亚人、关岛土著人及亚裔等。英语为官方语言,通用查莫罗语及日语。85%的居民信奉天主教。1996年,曾有2000多名库尔德难民被暂安置到该岛。  【首 府】 阿加尼亚(Agana),人口1400人(2000年)。  【总 督】 拥有行政权,每四年普选产生。1995年6月,卡尔·古铁雷滋(Carl Gutierrez)就任总督。  【历 史】438年前的1521年,关岛的土著查莫洛人在海边发现了只剩下一口气的大航海家麦哲伦。麦哲伦在这个具有美男子形状的岛上“经艳”了数月后返回了西班牙,接踵而至的是他对救过他的命、给了他给养的关岛查莫落人的回报——300年的西班牙占领与统治。在此后100年的岁月中,美国人、日本人都曾经为夺这一方领土而战斗,直到1944年,美国宣布关岛为其非合并领土。美国在1898年的美西战争中从西班牙手中夺取了关岛。在第二次世界大战中,关岛曾是美太平洋舰队司令部所在地,于1941年12月11日被日军占领,1944年7月21日又被美军夺回。1950年,美国通过法案,宣布该岛为美国“未合并的领土”,并给予关岛自治政府以地方权力,划归美内政部管辖。冷战期间,关岛基地在西太平洋军事基地体系中始终占有相当重要的地位。在朝鲜战争和越南战争期间,关岛作为重要的海、空战略基地,曾在集结兵力、运送弹药物资、支援远程轰炸等方面发挥过重要的作用。冷战结束后,由于国际战略格局的重大变化,美军有几年时间没有投资修整关岛的基地设施。前任的美太平洋总部司令布莱尔曾多次批评关岛的基地设施过于老化,贮油设施已经使用了50多年,必须进行改造。2001年9月,在美国新出台的《四年防务审查报告》中决定扩大美国在关岛基地的军事力量,将其作为西太平洋美军基地的中枢要地。   【简 况】 太平洋马里亚纳群岛南端的岛屿,在北纬13°26′、东经144°43′。面积549平方公里。人口15.8万(2002年),夏莫罗人占绝大多数。首府阿加尼亚,在岛屿西部。属热带季风气候,年平均气温26—27℃,年降水量2,000毫米以上,8—9月有台风。地势南高北低,西南面的兰兰山是最高峰,海拔407米。西部沿海有肥沃平原,1565年起被西班牙占领。1898年美西战争后为美国所占。1941年被日本占领,1944年美国重行占领。1950年美国通过《关岛组织法》,宣布关岛为美“未合并领土”,赋予关岛地方政府自治权力,归美国内政部管辖。关岛居民有美国公民权,但不能在全美选举中投票。1976年的一项公民投票支持关岛维持与美国密切联系的地位,目前关岛正与美国政府就关岛获得美国联邦领土地位问题进行谈判,并要求美国军方将军事用地归还民用。1994年,美军将3200英亩土地归还民用,1995年又将位于中央位置的布里菲尔去关岛旅游  一、关岛马路的红绿灯是要行人自行按键才会启动,而且速度超快的,往往走不到一半,就变成红灯了,不过大可放心,没有汽车敢和你争先。  二、关岛两家最大的购物中心为:麦克罗尼西亚广场(Micronesia Mall)及DFS免税商店,用不着担心交通问题,有专车甚至出租车到旅馆来回接送,而且不会向你收费哦!关岛真是为了鼓励观光客消费而用心良苦。以往消费主力是日本人,因此你可能发现店员开口向你说日文!  三、免税商店里面属化妆品最划算,经过比较后,确认商品不会比机场的免税商店贵,而且货色较齐全。一楼就设有航空公司柜台,让游客可以先办理登机、寄行李等手续后,再放心去“血拼”一番,真是无所不用其极,设想周到。  四、若是人生地不熟的观光客,一定难以忍受关岛餐厅的高贵价格;只因为关岛本身就没有什么农林渔牧产品,不要怀疑,导游告诉我们甚至连海鲜都是进口的,想要在此大快朵颐的人最好少做白日梦。  五、关岛“三少”:人少,警察少,垃圾少;“三多”:绿色植物多,日本人多,雨多。随身携带雨具很必要,防晒工具也必不可少。  六、一定要记得戴上防水照相机或是潜水相机呀!德空军基地交还民用。  
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Guam 关岛
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2023-06-19 16:49:051


  《flipped(怦然心动)》英文影评观后感   Because of a friendu2019s strong recommendation,《flipped》is a movie I wanted to watch a long time ago.Then till the vacation,I finally had the chance to enjoy it.   Itu2019s a story showed from the perspective of two people watching the same issue.A little girl and a little boy met at their second grade.The girl fell in love with her newly moved neighbour because of his dazzling eyes.But the boy was always mad at the girl because of her bored broadcast about every morningu2019s school bus,her familyu2019s yard was always in a mess and her ugly sycamore tree. Then the girl realized that the boy wasnu2019t the kind of person who is more than the sum of his parts.However,the boy gradually began to find the   kindness,self-awareness,pureness.   Little Julie has many virtues which impress me.First,she adhered to herself.She loved the sycamore tree in their block.Because she could sit at the braches for hours and amazed by the view.When someone wanted to cut the sycamore tree down,she sat there bravely to protect it.She didnu2019t care about othersu2019 incomprehension and ridicule.Second,she showed sympathy for the weak.She loved her uncle,although he had a severe handicap.And she bid for the Basketboy number 8 at Mayfield Boosters Club Action because no one bid for the boy.Last but not least,she had a merits of the girl,such as   strong feeling of self-respect on her own.She had the ability to rationally judge whether Bryce is worth to love.   Two families with two children in this film,we can also see people with different personalities.When you were young,you may have a lot of things confused.In such a stage a mentor or a guide is a very important thing.Bryce is lucky,he had a grandfather in life to tell him who he is and he should become a kind and honest person.Just as the dialogue says,”Some of us get dipped in flat,some in satin,some in gloss.But every once in a while,you find someone whou2019s iridescent.”Julie is also very lucky.She had a family to give her the right values.   At the end of the film,with the beautiful songsang by The Everly Brothers,the two hands overlapped together.   怦然心动英文观后感   Juliehad felt flipped because of Bryceu2019s brilliant bright eyes at a very early age and began topay court to him. But at first he was fed up with her and tried his best to get away from her stalking. However, being misunderstood and being looked down upon, Juliestarted to reconsider her love to Bryce,especially when her favorite jewel--the sycamore tree was cut down.She even refused to chat with Bryce after that he had done a set of foolish deed which really broke her heart. On the other hand,influenced by his grandfather and Julieu2019s optimism, Bryce began to agree with Julieu2019s belief and finally he found he had a big crush on her and felt flipped in turn. In the end, Bryce rebuilt a sycamore tree and won back Julieu2019s love.   This film told a simple romance about a determined girl and an ignorant boy.But the plot of the film was a subtle statement, from the perspective of two people watching the same issue. It shaped vivid roles which exactly reminded audience of their early puberty.
2023-06-19 16:49:011


十大德系车排名是保时捷,奔驰,宝马,奥迪,大众,劳伦斯,欧宝,迈巴赫,聪明,魏茨曼。1、保时捷德国奥迪公司旗下品牌保时捷,总部位于德国斯图加特。保时捷的创始人是费迪南德·保时捷,著名设计师。根据德国去年的最新统计,保时捷在全球汽车排行榜上排名第60位。2、奔驰奔驰是德国品牌,也是世界上最著名的汽车品牌之一。奔驰在外观和性能方面都是数一数二的。奔驰的创始人是卡尔、弗里德里希、以及本茨和戈特利布的戴姆勒;目前,奔驰在全球汽车品牌排行榜中占据第9位,是德国十大名车之一。3、宝马宝马是德国非常著名的汽车品牌。它成立于1916年,总部位于德国巴伐利亚州慕尼黑。这个工厂最初是用来制造飞机发动机的,后来改造成了汽车。目前宝马在全球汽车排行榜上占据第16位,也是德国十大名车之一。4、奥迪奥迪,也是德国奥迪股份公司旗下的汽车品牌,总部位于德国因戈尔施塔特。奥迪的品牌标志由四个环环相扣的圆环组成,象征着四家合并后的公司。目前,奥迪在全球汽车品牌排行榜中占据第51位。5、大众大众汽车总部位于德国沃尔夫斯堡,其德语名字为Volkswagen,意思是“人的车。”目前,大众汽车在全球汽车排名中位列第39位。6、劳伦斯劳埃德公司是德国著名的高端汽车改装公司,负责对奔驰汽车进行升级改装。现在很多追求个性的年轻人都会在这里重新造车。7、欧宝欧宝虽然是德国品牌,但实际上是通用汽车的子公司。欧宝的创始人是Adem 、奥贝特商标由两部分组成:图案和文字;目前,欧宝在全球多个国家都有市场,很受人们欢迎。论历史发展,欧宝可以算是德国十大名车之一。8、迈巴赫最初,迈巴赫也是一个著名的德国汽车品牌,由卡尔·迈巴赫创立。在上个世纪上半叶,Maibakh品牌非常受欢迎,但不幸的是,由于前景不佳,该公司宣布将于2013年全面停产。9、聪明Smart由德国梅赛德斯-奔驰公司和瑞士斯沃琪手表公司合资成立。Smart生产的产品非常新颖,小巧方便,很受大众欢迎。10、魏茨曼魏茨曼汽车公司位于德国杜尔曼。这家公司生产的汽车都是手工打造,不支持量产,只接受客户定制。因为性能有保障,所以车质量很高。
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