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2023-06-19 20:54:26






but now 但是现在,表明语意转折

get used to 习惯于



B、casually 随意地、

gradually 逐渐地C










选C 逐渐地,渐渐地 你祖父母以前住在哪儿?————城市,但是现在他们渐渐习惯乡下的生活了。


C 逐渐




Where did your grandparents use to live?

In the city , but now they are ( C) getting used to the life in the countryside








C, gradually



adj. 1.(尤作定语)偶然的,碰巧的 2.(尤作定语)不经意的,随便的,马虎的,临时的 3.【贬】漠不关心的, 无动於衷的,不负责任的 4.(尤作定语)无条理的,不彻底的, 不认真的 5.(尤作定语)非永久的,不定期的,部分时间的 6.(衣物)便服的,非正式的 7.(尤作定语)轻微的,表面的,肤浅的 词形变化:副词:casually;名词:casualness;复数:casuals。 同义词:occasional;fooling;insouciant,nonchalant;everyday;free-and-easy;accidental,chance;effortless;cursory,passing,perfunctory。 单词分析:这些形容词均有“非正式的、非正规的”之意。 irregular:指不按常规、固定模式或计划做事;或指不隶属于任何机构或组织。 casual:指不太注意场合,仪表等,随意性强。 informal:指语言、穿着等随便,也指不举行任何形式或仪式的活动。 英语句子 A cursive kana used for polite,informal,or casual writing. 平假名一种草体的假名,用于礼貌的,非正式的或随意的书写中 Behave haphazardly;take a careless and casual attitude in everything. 吊儿郎当。 This work is therefore praiseworthy, and you gentlemen of Nanking should not adopt a casual attitude towards it 因此,这件工作是应当受到赞美的,南京的先生们对此不应当表示不够郑重的态度。 Admire the casual elegance of the passerby or the old men in their time-honored berets 欣赏着过路者非刻意妆扮的优雅或是戴着传统的贝雷帽的老人都是别有一番风味的。 I"ll say good-by and walk off casual-like. 我这就告别,假装漫不经心地走开。英语解释 without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand occuring from time to time characterized by a feeling of irresponsibility相似短语 casual dress 便服 casual staff 临时工 casual clothes 便装 Business Casual 商务便装 casual distribution 偶然分布 相似单词 casual adj. 1.(尤作定语)偶然的,碰巧的 2.(尤作定语)不经意的,随便的,马虎的,临时的 3.【贬】漠不关心的, 无动於衷的,不负责任的 4.(尤作定语)无条理的,不彻底的, 不认真的 5.(尤作定语)非永久的,不定期的,部分时间的 6.(衣物)便服的,非正式的 7.(尤作定语)轻微的,表面的,肤浅的 casualies 受伤者,意外,灾难 (复数) casualism 机缘说,机缘论 casually ad. 偶然地,临时地,随便地 casualness n. 偶然;无心;随便
2023-06-19 16:22:081

[ A ] casually[ B ] confidently[ C ] cheerfully[ D] carefully

2023-06-19 16:22:161


2023-06-19 16:22:265


do as one pleaseshave one"s own wayat one"s pleasure follow one"s inclinations
2023-06-19 16:23:088


free大部分时候还是用来表示 免费的,自由的 很少用于形容 随便的 你想说随便, 大多数时候都要用 casual 比如说 穿得随便一点是 "dress up casually"这时你就不能说 dress up freely 特别涉及到形容一些衣服之类的, 有价值的东西时,完全不能用free 比如 便服, 休闲装 casual clothes你也不能说 free clothes 那样就变成了免费的衣服
2023-06-19 16:23:231


2023-06-19 16:23:301


when we in the bus,we cannot take troub
2023-06-19 16:23:417


2023-06-19 16:24:081


How can I fall in love with someone so casually
2023-06-19 16:24:222


1 on weekends I will wear more leisure points2 you know tom10 years will become what kind of gad?3 we believe in the future people at home will have its own robot.4 now scientists are trying to make robots do like people and do the same thing.
2023-06-19 16:24:314


Literally and constraint.Europeans comparative formalist, like get bogged down in the details, German and British people in this respect was especially prominent. Americans criterion otherwise, attitude towards on expression nimbly casually. Almost every English gentleman knows they how should do just do not break the gentleman poise, While americans, despite of etiquette books pervading city, few in manners and customs unified on. Except in the upper social occasions, American ordinary people in social interactions mostly from various discourages people close to level sex imho.Since americans in fewer behavior on discipline yourself in many ways, they played too casual. They speak casually, dressed casually, eat casually, to the person"s attitude also casually. Don"t know them to think that americans indulgence rude, no systems,, this is the American casual habits. Reflected in English language use, americans to its medium-newspaper attitude, often to some hidebound old literati saddened, And those widely used in folk Hu of irregular expression, more make many grammarian ACTS sigh helpless. As for language veiled performance social hierarchy of words, americans often disdain ignore them. Also may be due to the lack of American imho attention, their discipline concepts comparing counterparts, it often makes the administration officials and enforce discipline people headaches. There is a parlance, say it was the British who think observe rules is a fun, whereas americans take tough asked him a defined as to keep his contempt, even insult. American party school, students discipline loose, American families, parents lax discipline their children; American troops, soldiers free lax is famed.Surprisingly, American education with varying success, America"s most children grow up to become a good parents, good citizen, American forces occasionally can play some battle. This seemingly contradictory phenomenon it might be explained: americans love freedom, don"t want to be forcibly control, however, in really exercise right to freedom, they are still under legal concept constraint, sense of propriety land within its jurisdiction
2023-06-19 16:24:405


随意的 optional
2023-06-19 16:25:294


孤独抑郁的英文名字如下:Lonely(孤独)Redundant.(多余)Sandm°(旧梦)Curtain(落幕)lie [说谎]Tears°(眼泪)Drowning.(溺死)partiality(偏心)memories°(落寞的回忆)outsiders (局外人)Pass(流逝)Autism (孤独症)lost(失去)Fall to him (沦陷于他)Alone in a (孤身一人)Pretext(借口)Struggle(挣扎)Dear°(心裂)sad(痛心)Lonely patients(孤独患者)Archive(封存)Deep sea(深海)unnecessary(多余)Casually(随便)Yoke(羁绊)
2023-06-19 16:26:341


孤独抑郁的英文名字如下:Lonely(孤独)Redundant.(多余)Sandm°(旧梦)Curtain(落幕)lie [说谎]Tears°(眼泪)Drowning.(溺死)partiality(偏心)memories°(落寞的回忆)outsiders (局外人)Pass(流逝)Autism (孤独症)lost(失去)Fall to him (沦陷于他)Alone in a (孤身一人)Pretext(借口)Struggle(挣扎)Dear°(心裂)sad(痛心)Lonely patients(孤独患者)Archive(封存)Deep sea(深海)unnecessary(多余)Casually(随便)Yoke(羁绊)
2023-06-19 16:26:501

"wear casually"这句话错了吗

一定错了应是dress casuallywear:穿着,表穿的状态,后面跟物.wear+n.(sth.)dress:表示穿的动作,后面跟人和副词.dress+n.(sb.) dress+adv.wearvt.1. 穿着;戴着;佩带着;涂抹(香水、化妆品)wear perfume(makeup, cologne)涂抹香水(化妆品,古龙水)She was wearing a gold ring.她戴着一个金戒指。2. (习惯性地)戴着(假发、眼镜等)wear glasses(a wig)戴眼镜(假发)3. 面露,面带,面有...色He was wearing a pleasant smile.他一直面露愉快的微笑。4. (将胡须、头发)留成...的样子;保持...的样子He wore a short beard.他蓄着短胡子。She wears her hair long.她留长发。5. (船只)升、挂(旗);(骑师、骑士)打着(旗)6. 穿破,磨损,磨出;冲刷;冲蚀The rocks were worn away by the sea.岩石受海浪冲蚀。His trousers have been worn into holes.他的裤子已破了好些洞。7. 使疲乏,使厌烦;使力竭She was worn down with fatigue.她已疲惫不堪。8. 消磨(时间)vi.1. 磨损;穿破;变旧;用坏I like this shirt, but the neck has worn.我喜欢这件衬衫,但领子已旧了。2. 耐久;耐穿;耐磨[Q]That cloth will wear for years and years.那种布料可以穿好多年。3. (时间)逐渐消逝[(+on/away)]The hours wore on; night came.时间一点点过去,夜色降临了。n.[U]1. 穿;戴;佩;使用This jacket is for everyday wear.这件短上衣供日常穿用。2. (常用于复合词)衣服,服装;时装3. 磨损,损耗This sofa is showing signs of wear.这只沙发开始显得破旧了。4. 耐用性,经久性There is plenty of wear left in the machine.这台机器还可用好长一段时间。dressvt.1. 给...穿衣;打扮;替...做衣服The mother is dressing her baby.母亲正为婴孩穿衣。2. 使穿着[H][W]She is dressed in black today.今天她穿一身黑。3. 给(伤口)敷药;包扎The nurse dressed his wound.护士替他包扎伤口。4. 调制(色拉);制作(菜)She dressed the vegetables with butter and salt.她在蔬菜里面加上黄油和盐。5. 梳理(头发);装饰(橱窗等)He was dressing the shop window.他在布置商店橱窗。6. 整(队)vi.1. 穿衣;打扮The girl dresses fashionably.那女孩穿着时髦。2. 穿晚礼服She is dressing for the party.她在穿礼服准备去参加晚会。3. 整队n.1. 女装;连衣裙[C]All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.所有漂亮的女士都穿着最漂亮的连衫裙。2. 衣服;(特定的)服装(如民族服装,礼服等)[U]Few people wore evening dress.几乎没有人穿晚礼服。
2023-06-19 16:27:061


2023-06-19 16:27:131


孤独抑郁的英文名字如下:Lonely(孤独)Redundant.(多余)Sandm°(旧梦)Curtain(落幕)lie [说谎]Tears°(眼泪)Drowning.(溺死)partiality(偏心)memories°(落寞的回忆)outsiders (局外人)Pass(流逝)Autism (孤独症)lost(失去)Fall to him (沦陷于他)Alone in a (孤身一人)Pretext(借口)Struggle(挣扎)Dear°(心裂)sad(痛心)Lonely patients(孤独患者)Archive(封存)Deep sea(深海)unnecessary(多余)Casually(随便)Yoke(羁绊)
2023-06-19 16:27:291

高效谈判四原则: Commitment全心投入

高效谈判四原则: Commitment全心投入 Four Ingredients in Effective Negotiation Commitment Commitment to the negotiation process is required. This applies to negotiation as an overall process. It also applies specifically to a particular negotiation in hand. A half-hearted approach can never be effective in negotiation. There must be a serious commitment to achieving the result you want. If you are serious then you will be taken seriously; if you are casual then you will be taken casually. In my experience, most business people do not have true commitment to the negotiation process. What typically happens is that negotiation gets the odd few moments, the remnants of our time. To be effective we need to settle the issue that negotiation is going to require predetermined amounts of time and resource. Case Study 案例学习 A party of businessmen were eating at an Indian restaurant. During the process of ordering, one person said, "Let"s ask for a special deal before we order and try to get a good selection for £10 each." The leader of the party was unsure. Essentially, he was uncomfortable with the suggestion, so a vague proposal was made, something like "We would like 10 per cent discount, please." There was no commitment in the request and the waiter said nothing. Nothing was agreed. The approach was treated casually because that"s exactly what it was. When the bill was presented at the end, there was no discount. When pressed, the waiter simply said that the manager was away and he had no authority to give a discount. The meal cost nearly £20 per head. It cost us all because there was no commitment to the negotiation. It was treated hopefully, casually, and therefore without authority. ***************************************************************** --文章注释-- overall process 整个过程 specifically adv.特定地,具体地 half-hearted adj. 三心二意的 remnant n.剩余,残余,边角料 settle a issue 达成一个根本观点 predetermine v.先决,预先决定 vague adj. 含糊的,不明确的 ;
2023-06-19 16:27:451

征服欲爆棚的稳重英文网名 很成熟有魅力的英文网名

blow(咒骂) hushnow(安静) Aquablue(水蓝) Pioneer拓荒者 Nefertari(深渊) Struggle(挣扎) worthy(值得) Lethe(遗忘) Chihiro(千寻) Endlêss_传说 liar(说谎者) Ranger(浪人) Iraqis(伊人) Ferry(摆渡) moveon(离开) Onlyyou的世界 Casually(随便) Numb(麻木) rostiute(入戏) unravel(放手) Provoke(招惹) End.(结束) Eternity永恒 Deepsea(深海) peerless断夏 single(一个人) Ambition(野心) Iruri(过客) Stranger(陌路) Yoke(羁绊) Bubble[泡沫] Elope(私奔) Appoint(约定) Submarine(海底) Absurd(荒唐) Trister(旧情人) pseudo伪情 collapse(崩溃) Trauma(创伤) Oldflame(旧情人) nitia(倾城) False[虚伪] Betrayal(背叛) Insane.(疯狂) hangover(宿醉) indulge(放纵) Pretext(借口) Lolita(萝莉) Pass(流逝) Forever.(永远) Hickey(吻痕) lost(失去) Britney暮光 Kennedy狂妄 Limited局限 Runaway(逃离)
2023-06-19 16:28:031


2023-06-19 16:28:101


Elope(私奔) pseudo 伪情 Absurd(荒唐) Britney 暮光 False [虚伪] Kennedy 狂妄 Limited 局限 Bubble [泡沫] Endlêss_传说 Eternity 永恒 Ferry(摆渡) Insane.(疯狂) Provoke(招惹) peerless 断夏 Betrayal(背叛) End.(结束) Pass(流逝) Pioneer拓荒者 Yoke(羁绊) hangover(宿醉) lost(失去) Iruri(过客) Lethe(遗忘) Numb (麻木) blow (咒骂) nitia(倾城) Iraqis(伊人) Lolita(萝莉) Only you 的世界 worthy(值得) Appoint(约定) Deepsea(深海) Hickey (吻痕) Pretext(借口) Ranger (浪人) Trauma (创伤) hushnow(安静) indulge(放纵) liar(说谎者) move on(离开) unravel(放手) Ambition(野心) Casually(随便) Forever.(永远) Run away(逃离) Stranger(陌路) Struggle(挣扎) collapse(崩溃) rostiute(入戏) Aqua blue(水蓝) Nefertari(深渊) Submarine(海底) single(一个人) Trister(旧情人) Chihiro (千寻)Old flame(旧情人)
2023-06-19 16:28:241


经理 五级都没分?
2023-06-19 16:28:3510


答案:broken;carelessly/casually 解析:根据中文及所给英文题干可知,本题考查broken"破碎的"及carelessly/casually"随意地"这两个单词;故本题答案为:broken;carelessly/casually.
2023-06-19 16:29:101


Right now, animals are dying *faster and faster* (at a quicker rate than ever before). We should protect them. But how *do we* protect animals? *Here* are some advice. *First*, don"t kill them, and don"t eat wild animals, especially *the* endangered animals such as wild *chicken*, wild fish, and wild crocodiles. *Second*, *it is important to not cut down the forests* casually. It"s not only for our environment but also for their *habitats* The forests are fading away, *and* the birds have no place ot live; *they can only wait for death*. *More animals will also die.* There are many ways to protect animals, *but the main thing is to protect them and the places they live.*
2023-06-19 16:29:182

英语翻译 原句:你永远不会知道,你不经意的一句话,对另一个人的影响有多深.

不经意 casual 不经意的一句话 a casual remark a casual comment 对另一个人的影响有多深 have an effect on another person affect another person 你永远不会知道,你不经意的一句话,对另一个人的影响有多深. You could never know what effect a remark made casually can have on another person You‘d never know how deeply a remark made casually can affact another person 这两个句子应该是精确、地道的 我是加拿大人,前英语老师.
2023-06-19 16:29:271


Don"t touch others" stuff casually
2023-06-19 16:29:374


1 Wear uniforms everday 每天都要穿制服2 Don"t take your phones to school 别带你们的手机上学3 Don"t be late 不要迟到4 Don"t talk in class 不要在课堂上说话5 Don"t eat in class 不要在课堂上吃东西6 Help each other 互相帮助7 Finish your schoolwork on time 及时完成你的作业8 Wear your sport shoes in gym class 上体育课要穿运动鞋9 Finish your work by yourself 做你自己的作业10 Don"t fight with others 不要打架11 Don"t run or shout in the classrooms 不要在教室跑或叫喊12 Try to answer teacher"s questions 尝试回答老师的问题13 Discuss questions with your groups 和你的群组讨论问题14 Study hard 刻苦学习15 Be polite 要有礼貌1 Don"t go out on school nights 上学夜不要外出2 Don"t play computer games on school nights 上学夜不要玩游戏3 Don"t get up late on school mornings 上课别迟到4 Don"t watch TV on school nights 上学夜不能看电视5 Don"t meet your friends on school nights 上学夜不要见你的朋友6 Don"t stay up late on school nights 上学夜不要太晚睡7 Wash your clothes on weekends 在周末的时候要洗你的衣服8 Help with housework when you"re free 有时间的时候要帮忙做家务9 Be friendly to your family members 对你的家人要友善10 Take care of yourself 多多保重自己
2023-06-19 16:30:2914


心里压抑崩溃的网名英文   心里压抑崩溃的网名英文,我们在使用互联网的时候,一般都很关心一个话题,那就是取网名的"问题,现在的社会,很多人都会通过网名称来表达一定的情感,下面是心里压抑崩溃的网名英文。   心里压抑崩溃的网名英文1   1、Finish、(散场)   2、Archive(封存)   3、TRAP(陷阱)   4、The madman(疯子)   5、Deep sea(深海)   6、Beperfunctory、(敷衍)   7、Privatedoubts、(私惑)   8、Casually(随便)   9、Be patient、(颓忍)   10、ronin、(浪人)   11、Pretext(借口)   12、Run away(逃离)   13、Yoke(羁绊)   14、Garbage、(废物)   15、Sorry、(遗憾)   16、deceive(欺骗)   17、Struggle(挣扎)   18、Poison、(毒药)   19、Lonely patients(孤独患者)   20、Submarine(海底)   21、Akoasm(幻听)   22、Old flame(旧情人)   23、Without(没有你)   24、Dear°(心裂)   25、Allenxia、(寻欢)   26、Couvrir(困兽)   27、Asphyxia、(窒息)   28、End、(结束)   29、Mole(泪痣)   30、Blame(冷心)   31、unnecessary(多余)   32、Trauma (创伤)   33、Themorning、(凌晨)   34、Warmkiss、(温吻)   35、Galaxy(距离)   36、Stranger(陌路)   37、move on(离开)   38、Alone in a (孤身一人)   39、Delusion (妄想)   40、Monster(怪物)   41、Noone、(无人)   42、Former、(前任)   43、Thesuperior、(怜优)   44、Fickle、(薄情)   45、Decadent、(颓废)   46、Hobo(流浪)   47、Years、(岁月)   48、Bubble [泡沫]   49、Badpeople、(烂人)   50、sad(痛心)   51、Halfway、(半途)   52、Noorphans、(无孤)   心里压抑崩溃的网名英文2   Enchating(患得患失)   Vulnerable″脆弱   dream(终是梦)   Poison.(毒药)   Scavengers[拾荒者]   Spoil me 溺爱我   Edelweiss、离殇   drop the idea forever(死心)   Obsessiveness(执念)   dirty(肮脏)   collapse(崩溃)   Gossip(流言蜚语)   Excuses. 借口。   Deep love(深爱之人)   Limerance(纯爱)   Empty city 拾心ヾ   sad(痛心)   Deserted(冷清)   Trance(恍惚)   Melony.(没了你)   Late summer(夏末)   Offshore(离岸)   Shine(光芒)   weak 软弱   First sonw(初雪)   Lonelycity 孤城   Faith wither 信念枯萎   花刺 Flower thorn-   Private Love 私有爱情   Love alone 独自喜欢   Vampire(吸血鬼)   Alive(苟活)   Nightmare°(梦魇)   Break Down破裂   FALSE 虚伪   nostalgia 旧梦   Ignore 无视   Destiny 宿命。   crazy miss[思之如狂]   Relieved 释怀   freaky(怪胎)   HURT [伤害]   Uninstall memories 卸载回忆   Acolasia(放纵)   lie [说谎]   Liar (说谎家)   Struggle(挣扎)   Lifetime(一生)   凡人(Mortal)   肤浅っ゛shallow   South blocks 南荒   Unfair(偏心)   hangover(宿醉)   Suspicion 猜疑   Temptation 无奈   Nanshan South(南山南)   Sily°(小晴天)   agoni(痛苦)   Bury(埋葬)   Old woundaged scar(旧伤)   Shadow(暗影)   Cherish(珍爱)   lose(丧失)   Nefertari(深渊)   Aqua blue(水蓝)   The blame 黑锅   Can not be cured 不可治愈   Edge 边缘   Affliction苦情   Angel wing(天使之翼)   Within a foot of(咫尺之间)   Tear stains(泪痕)   Struggle(旧事)   Burden(负担)   Acardia 无心   The humble (卑微)   Manjusaka 凄美   Sacrifice 祭奠   Traitor (叛徒)   Hurt 伤害   Fedad(已凋谢的)   Irritability 烦躁   detainment 挽留   心里压抑崩溃的网名英文3   Sorrow 悲哀   Run away 逃走   Feel sad 心酸   Core plug 心塞   Wry smile 苦笑   Impasse 僵局    Distant 遥远   Though. 割舍。   Distance 疏远   Destiny 宿命   Pretend 假装   Lonely 寂寞   Elegy 悲歌   A loser 输不起   The wound 伤口   The reason 理由    Me weak 我懦弱   Tired 累了   Afflictive 难受   Soon followed 骤变   Far-fetched 牵强   Distractions 分心   Frustrated 失落   No forever 没有永远   Empty Heart °心空   Dodder along 跌跌撞撞   Old drawer 旧抽屉   Make zero 归零   Stay up late 熬夜   See through 看透   Depressed heart 压抑的心   That person 那个人   Floating dream 浮梦   Can not let go 放不下   A monologue 独白   Memory of fish 鱼的记忆   Chilly breeze 凉风   Console themselves 自我安慰   Misunderstanding 误解   Nothins wrong 谁都没有错   Rejoice too soon°空欢喜   Truth Or Lies 真相或谎言   Different scenery 不一样的风景   Last dance 最后一支舞   Plain boiled water 白开水   No place to hide 无处躲   Dont say goodbye 不说再见   May not love you 可能不会爱你   Be of no importance 无关痛痒   Cry on my shoulders 在我肩上哭泣   All my pain comes from you 我所有的痛都来自于你
2023-06-19 16:31:281

He sits on the floor c______and watches TV.

以c为开头的副词.随便地的意思挺符合生活的. casuallycasually adv. 偶然地, 随便地, 临时地 例句 By chance; casually. 偶然地;任意地
2023-06-19 16:32:131


alley小巷 first最初 mist 薄雾 estrus动情 future未来 taurus挽歌 vevive苏醒 conquer征服 fickle.薄情 memory 荒年 move on离开 pattern套路 spirit 精灵 whisper喜欢 arrogant傲慢 casually随便 eternity永恒 loser遗失者 serenity宁静 Sprout(萌) emotional动情 hurriedly匆匆 the waves浪游 guetse乱情transparen透明 Pirit(精灵) beginner初学者 Review(旧爱) monologue独角戏 Blessed(幸福) Release(放生) Wayward(任性) de ja vu幻觉记忆 Exclusive(专属) Judicious(识趣) Morishima(森岛) Rbitrary (随心) single(一个人) Whisper(悄悄话) Ponytsil(马尾辫) Thintime(浅时光) don"t cry 不要哭 deserted city(空城) no one and you 无人及你 Dream traveler(梦旅人)
2023-06-19 16:32:211

请各位帮忙翻译:Love is the book, too casually miss turn, will be tears read too seriously.

2023-06-19 16:32:385

关于英语主系表 主谓宾 的问题

主语一般用人称代词谁来表示,谓语一般用动词表示行为或用be动词表示是的意思,宾语通常在最后表示。例如:我爱妈妈--i love my mother.我是主语,谓语动词是爱,妈妈则是宾语。有时还有双宾语,比如,你能把刀传给我吗?can you pass me the knife.主语你,谓语传,我和刀都是宾语,这两个就叫双宾语了。一般句型有be动词和have以及there be构成。如:i am a student.我是主语,am是是谓语,学生是宾语。i have a pencil我主语,have有时谓语,宾语铅笔。其他的成分多属副词,如:often,always,方位副词或介词on,in,under等。数量副词more,much.时间副词in the future,in the near future等。
2023-06-19 16:32:561


【 #英语资源# 导语】每天早上起床之后我都会默默地鼓励自己:连起床这么艰难的事你都做到了,接下来的一天还有什么能难倒你的!欢迎阅读 ! 1、在这辉煌快乐的新春佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝您一切顺心如意!A brilliant and happy New Year, all good wishes! I wish you all the best! 2、精神畅快,心气平和。饮食有节,寒暖当心。起居心时,劳逸均匀。 Refreshed, really peaceful。 Eating well, cold warm warning。 Are on work uniform。 3、新年到了,将一声声贴心的问候,一串串真挚的祝福,一片片深厚的情意。 New Year came, yet close to greetings, a string of sincere blessings, pieces of deep feeling。 4、出门在外,老婆交代,少喝酒多吃菜,见了姑娘不要爱,欢欢喜喜快回来! Away from home, the wife told, drink to eat more vegetables, less see don"t love a girl, and come back quickly! 5、不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功!加油!新的一年更不同! Do not experience wind and rain, how see rainbow, no one can casually succeed! Come on! New Year is different! 6、我站在你的身旁,煽起天使的翅膀,当月光变成了你的目光,我的心已然荡漾。 I"m on your side and stirs up the wings of the angel, when the moonlight into your eyes, my heart already。 7、睁开眼睛,给你一个轻轻的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康、好运和幸福。 Open your eyes, give you a gentle blessing, is willing to each minute bring you health, luck and happiness。 8、人是铁,饭是钢,一餐不吃饿得慌,吃好喝好休息好,身体才会更健康! Man is iron, the meal is steel, don"t eat so hungry panic to a meal, eat good drink good rest, the body will be more healthy! 9、但愿我寄予您的祝福是最新鲜、最百读不厌的,祝福您新年快乐,万事如意。 I wish I send to you the blessing of the most fresh, can read, I want to wish you a happy New Year, everything goes well。 10、新年祝福﹐祝福是份真心意,不是千言万语的表白。一首心曲,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意! New Year greeting, the blessing is a true heart, not words。 A song, and wish you peace and happiness, all the best! 11、所有的记忆如落定的尘埃,不经意间惊醒,在岁末新春之际,默默执着的思恋。 All of the memories, such as the dust settles, woke up casually, in the end the New Year, silent dedication of one"s affection。 12、祝您在新的一年,事业飞黄腾达。家庭和-谐美满。辞旧迎新,带去我真诚的祝福。 I wish you in the New Year, the enterprise the apprentice。 Home and harmonious and graceful。 Looks new, bring my sincere blessings。 13、好久不见,十分想念。在这温馨的日子里,常常忆起共处的岁月。祝新年快乐,心想事成! Long time no see, very missed。 In this warm day, often recalled coexistence years。 I wish a happy New Year, happy! 14、想念的话,说也说不完;关怀的心,永远不改变;真挚的友谊,永远不会忘,愿我的祝福将你围绕。 Miss, said also said not over; Caring heart, never change; Sincere friendship, never forget, let my blessing to you。 15、天天三笑容颜俏,七八分饱人不老,相逢莫问留春术,淡泊宁静比药好。 Three smiling face every day qiao, seven and eight full man not old, meet the mo ask leave spring, indifferent silence is better than medicine。 16、当你翻开这本纪念册的时候,我们又一次把祝福送给了你,虽然青春也不在,但友情永相连。 When you open this book, we once again to send blessings to you, even though the youth is not in, but our friendship forever。 17、祝您在新的一年中,吉祥如意、笑口常开;也预祝我们在新的一年中,合作愉快,万事如意。 I wish you good fortune in the New Year, ruyi, smile; Also wish we can cooperate happily in the New Year, and all the best。 18、你是泊于青春的港口的一叶小舟,愿你扬起信念的帆,载着希望的梦幻,驶向辽阔的海洋。 You are a little hoat lying at anchor at a port of, may you raise the sail of faith, carrying the dream of hope, into the vast ocean。 19、新年到,吃大餐;少喝酒,多吃菜;够不着,站起来;有人敬,耍耍赖;吃不了,兜回来! New Year, to eat dinner; Drink less, eat more vegetables; Can"t reach, stand up; Some worship, play play to depend on; Can"t eat, take back! 20、如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你的就是一片大海;如果一颗星代表一份幸福,我送你的就是整条银河! If a drop of water represents a blessing, I send you is a piece of the sea; If a star on behalf of a happy, I give you is the whole galaxy! 21、一切的美好源于早晨,虽然岁月不会轮回,昨天不再重现,一份真诚的祝福会让您快乐每一天! All the good from the morning, although years won"t reincarnation, no longer return yesterday, a sincere blessing will make you happy every day! 22、祝福到,短信到,愿收到我短信的朋友,您的公司,兴隆活虎,在虎年里,如虎添翼,大发虎威啊。 Wishes to text messages to, want to receive my message friends, your company is thriving live tiger, in the year of the tiger, luxury, daihatsu from ah。 23、轻轻推开冬季的窗,静看雪花飘起,给你捎个讯息,你还好吗?真是惦记,祈愿你新年快乐甜蜜! Gently pushed open the window of the winter, still see snow piaoqi, take a message for you, are you ok? Sweet is really caring, wish you a happy New Year! 24、祝你在新的一年里,致富踏上万宝路、事业登上红塔山、情人赛过阿诗玛、财源遍布大中华。 Wish you in the New Year, to get rich on marlboro, boarded the hongta career, lover"s flattering ashimar, financial resources throughout the greater China。 25、每天早上起床之后我都会默默地鼓励自己:连起床这么艰难的事你都做到了,接下来的一天还有什么能难倒你的! After I get up in the morning I will silently encourage yourself: even so difficult things you did, what do the next day can overwhelm you!
2023-06-19 16:33:211


2023-06-19 16:31:131


是的,电影flipped译成怦然心动,是根据电影的主题来翻译的,不是完全照搬英语单词的翻译。flipped译为:轻弹,触动。怦然心动意思为:心突然被触动。翻译成怦然心动能更准确的表达电影的主题思想带给人的美好感觉。 flipped含义 (使)快速翻转,迅速翻动 按(开关) 按(按钮) 开(或关)(机器等) (用手指)轻抛,轻掷 flipped相关例句 He flipped the lid open and looked inside the case. 他猛然开盖,朝箱里看。 They flipped a coin to decide who would get the ticket. 他们掷币决定谁得这张票。 She flipped through the magazine looking for the letters page. 她浏览杂志寻找读者来信页。 The car hit a tree and flipped over. 汽车撞上一棵树,翻倒了。 She finally flipped under the pressure. 她在这种压力下终于发疯了。
2023-06-19 16:31:201

flipped什么意思 flipped的解释

1、动词:轻弹( flip的过去式和过去分词 ); 按(开关); 快速翻转; 急挥。 2、还有的译为美国的一部电影名称叫【怦然心动】。 3、比如下面的句子:The plane then flipped over and burst into flames. 接着飞机突然翻转并燃起了大火。He flipped through the post without opening any of it. 他飞快地翻了一下邮件,但一封也没有打开。
2023-06-19 16:31:271


2023-06-19 16:31:321


crush和flipped的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同crush:英 [kru028cu0283]     美 [kru028cu0283]。    flipped:英 [flu026ap]     美 [flu026ap]。    2、意思不同crush:v. 压碎;击败;使...失望;折皱;压榨;n. 压碎;压榨;极度拥挤;<口>迷恋。flipped:vt. 掷;轻击;弹;vi. 翻转;n. (跳水或体操动作中的)空翻;轻弹;浏览;adj. 无礼的;冒失的;轻率的。3、用法不同crush的基本意思是“压碎”“压榨”,多指在两个坚硬物体的表面之间挤压,所施加的力量会对原物体的形状与完整造成破坏。其结果可以是永久破坏,其形状也可以弹回原形。引申可指所采取的行动无法反抗,即“压服”“压垮”“消灭”等。flip可用作不及物动词,也可作及物动词。用作及物动词时常以硬币、鞭子、书页等作宾语。flip的过去式和过去分词是flipped。
2023-06-19 16:31:341


door keeper 就是看更 不一定拥有攻击性跟防卫性, guard有一定的攻击性跟防卫性,可以是看门的,也可以是负责保安的~~
2023-06-19 16:31:403


let someone"s guard down.
2023-06-19 16:31:472


2023-06-19 16:31:571


2023-06-19 16:32:031


2023-06-19 16:31:031


2023-06-19 16:30:271


您好,现在我来为大家解答以上的问题。flipped是什么意思,flipped是什么意思相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、怦然心... 您好,现在我来为大家解答以上的问题。flipped是什么意思,flipped是什么意思相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、怦然心动,这也是一部电影名,有美国版的和印度版的。 2、此外,还有的意思为: flipped v. 轻弹( flip的过去式和过去分词 );按(开关);快速翻转;急挥 flip [英]flu026ap [美]flu026ap vt. 轻弹,轻击;按(开关);快速翻转;急挥 vi. 发疯;急动;捻;蹦蹦跳跳 n. 浏览;空翻;(射击时枪管的)跳跃;轻抛。
2023-06-19 16:30:261

Belong to和belong with有啥区别嘞?

2023-06-19 16:30:236

belong to的用法,详细点。。。

1. belong to不用被动语态;(东西属于人)Who does the book belong to?2. belong to不用进行时;It once belonged to me but now it belongs to him.3. belonging to 可用作定语China is a country belonging to the third world.
2023-06-19 16:30:142


“flipped”在爱情中的特殊意义所指的就是“怦然心动”,并且和“coisini”还能组合成一对情侣网名,“coisini”是爱尔兰语,其特殊含义也是指“怦然心动”。如果有女生或者男生对你使用了这个单词的话,那么就代表他or她对你心动了,是在和你表白!电影flipped译成怦然心动,是根据电影的主题来翻译的,不是完全照搬英语单词的翻译。怦然心动意思为:心突然被触动。翻译成怦然心动能更准确的表达电影的主题思想带给人的美好感觉。其他英文情侣网名推荐:1、羁绊 °sunset| | 牵绊 °sunset|2、flower | leaves3、te amo . | ti amo .4、believe你爱我 | because我爱你5、higirl | heyboy6、sunny°刺眼 | rainy°伤情7、暮冬- gentle° | 初晴- moment°8、寂寞与红酒 nervou | 烟蒂与口红 direct9、知足 content つ | 识趣 content つ10、|perfume染烟||perfume引味
2023-06-19 16:30:121


  语言是以符号系统来执行其交际职能的。语言符号与其他符号相比,有自己的特点。这些特点是:  1、线条性。语言符号是由发音器官发出的一个一个的声音。这一连串的语音在同一说话时间里,始终是而且只能是以一根线的形式伸展开来,即一个声音接着一个声音相继出现,好像一条锁链一环扣一环,而不能同时发出两个声音。这就是语言符号的线条性。  2、任意性。一种语言社会集团的人们,最初用什么样的语音去标记客观事物,从而指代该事物获得意义,这是任意性的。比如能制造劳动工具的动物,汉语叫人rén(人),维吾尔语叫adem,英语叫man。所以马克思说:“物的名称,对于物的性质,全然是外在的。”这就是语言符号的任意性。  语言符号的任意性是指人们最初用什么样的语音形式去标记客观事物而说的,不是指人们对语义内容的任意解释。语义内容是客观事物在人们头脑中的反映,是客观事物本身的特性赋予的,是人们思维活动的结果,认识活动的成果。如果语义内容也是任意性的,没有共同理解的基础,那么,人类社会中的思想交流就成为不可能的事了,语言也就丧失了交际工具的作用。  3、不变性。人们最初用什么样的语音形式去标记客观事物是任意性的,但一经社会约定俗成,在使用该语言集团的人们中间通行之后,便失去了“自由”,个人不能任意改变它。比如说,使用汉语的社会集团,一经把“人”叫做rén之后,个人就不能自由地任意改叫别的什么名称。事实上,语言一经置于社会领域,作为人类社会共时性(Synchrony)的最重要的交际工具,个人无权改变语言符号。你只能按照社会通行的名称去指称事物,按照社会共同理解的语义去使用,才能达到交际目的。在这一方面,语言不同于人为的、契约性质的符号。语言无法通过多数人的决议,改变某些规则或移植某些规则。人们只能依照现存的母语这样说,这样用。所以说共时的语言符号具有不变性。  4、可变性。可是,只要我们把现代汉语和古代汉语拿来一比较,就会发现它们之间有质的差别。比如现代汉语叫“眼睛”,古代汉语却叫“目”;现代汉语说“下棋”,古代汉语却说“奕”,等等。可见,语言符号又具有可变性的一面。
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