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Are you pig???

2023-06-19 15:52:14

真是白痴!不知道要加不定冠词 a 的吗?就算你说 pig 是你的名字,不用加冠词,可专有名词也要大写啊!你说是不是啊,Pig 楼主?


Yes,you are.


i"am cat!

tu es quelqu"un qui est simple!


va te faire foute!

allez a la hospital,svp!













fuck off, you the pussy cat,go back to the cathouse,man


r u p?



2023-06-19 14:47:092


1.描写猫的英文句子 Five days of sunshine to under the chair, he got out of the body, fuzzy mat forward a build, an exaggerated due to a stretch and narrowed narrowed eyes suddenly give the aura, a loud enough for him to master guy bowel sounds true is too sweet. Whenever night es, cat is special spirit, it stare big round eyes kept the door of the house in mice waiting quietly for a targeted appear, cats will suddenly robot in the past will never caught, then having a delicious meal. 五日的阳光照到椅子下面,他起了身,茸茸的脚垫向前一搭,夸张至极的抻了一个懒腰,眯眯的眼神一下子透出了灵光,一声足以让他主人牵肠的叫声实在是太甜了。 每当夜幕降临,小花猫就显得特别精神,它瞪着圆圆的大眼睛守在老鼠家的门口静静地等待着,一有目标出现,小猫会一下子扑过去死死地捉住,然后美餐一顿. 2.有没有40个英文单词的描写小猫的英文作文 I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath.。 3.关于猫的英语俗语谚语 a cat nap 打个盹儿 let the cat out of the bag 放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴) more than one way to skin a cat 剥猫皮各有巧妙不同(另有办法) rain cats and dogs 天上下猫,天上下狗(倾盆大雨) All cats are(或look)black(或gray)in the dark.或者We are in the same boat.也就是说:大家彼此彼此(We are all equal或We are in the same situation。就像「五十步笑百步」或「乌鸦笑猪黑」。 一言既出,驷马难追:有人译成:One word lets slip and four horses will fail to catch it. 或 A statement that once let loose cannot be caught by four galloping horses. 西方人也喜欢猫,并将猫养为宠物。但是黑猫却让西方人心生恐惧,尤其是英国人,他们将黑猫与女巫联系在上起。如果是在一个漆黑的星期五晚上碰上一只黑猫,便预示着此人会遭厄运。在英国古代的传说中,人们认为妖魔常变成黑色的动物,尤其是黑猫,还有人说黑猫就是巫婆变的。黑猫有九命,巫婆有变九次的魔法。杀死一只黑猫,她还可以再变八次。所以英语的猫还含有"心地恶毒的女人,爱说人坏话的女人"等意思。如,She is a cat(她是个包藏祸心的女人),Mrs Smith is a perfect cat(史密斯太太是个地地道道的长舌妇),The man and his wife lead a cat and dog life, and both are miserable (他们夫妻俩经常吵架,两人都感到痛苦)。It"s difficult to get a man to bell the cat(敢于在危险中挺身而出的人不容易找到)。与猫有关的成语也很多,如:A cat has nine lives(猫有九命--自有天相),Cats hide their claws(猫总是藏起自己的爪子--知人知面不知心),All cats are grey in the dark (黑暗处的猫都是灰色的--人未出名时看起来都差不多),A gloved cat catches no mice(戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠--不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业),The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream(掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人)。Care killed the cat(忧虑伤身), Let the cat out of bag(无意中泄露秘密),There"s more ways than one to kill a cat(有的是办法),When the cat is away, the mice will play(猫不在,老鼠玩得自在),,like a cat on hot bricks(焦躁不安,如热锅上的蚂蚁),not a cat in hell"s chance(毫无机会)。 4.关于猫的英文介绍 Cats have a long history, the history of the cat originated in ancient Africa, the cat in the Far East have also been domesticated, but later than in Egypt. Domestic cats came from Egypt, Italy, and later gradually spread to Europe as a whole, in many countries to win the "admirer." However, the Middle Ages, the cat has been bad luck. Church of Christ and the pagan idols do not want to be associated, launched a campaign of persecution of the cat. Even so a cat who has always been good partners in this。 5.有没有40个英文单词的描写小猫的英文作文 I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath。 6.描写“猫”的英文诗有哪些 PUSSY-CAT 小猫咪 Pussy一Cat, Pussy一Cat, 小猫咪,猫咪乖, Can you catch me that big rat? 去把那只大老鼠逮。 It is sitting by the ham, 它就藏在果酱后, Just behind the apple一jam. 靠近那块火腿肉。 Pussy一Cat, Pussy一Cat, 小猫咪,猫咪乖, That fat rat is very bad. 那只肥老鼠顶顶坏。 If you catch it, I"ll be glad, 逮住他,我喜欢, I"ll give you some milk for that. 我拿牛奶给你舔。 Five days of sunshine to under the chair, he got out of the body, fuzzy mat forward a build, an exaggerated due to a stretch and narrowed narrowed eyes suddenly give the aura, a loud enough for him to master guy bowel sounds true is too sweet. Whenever night es, cat is special spirit, it stare big round eyes kept the door of the house in mice waiting quietly for a targeted appear, cats will suddenly robot in the past will never caught, then having a delicious meal. 五日的阳光照到椅子下面,他起了身,茸茸的脚垫向前一搭,夸张至极的抻了一个懒腰,眯眯的眼神一下子透出了灵光,一声足以让他主人牵肠的叫声实在是太甜了。 每当夜幕降临,小花猫就显得特别精神,它瞪着圆圆的大眼睛守在老鼠家的门口静静地等待着,一有目标出现,小猫会一下子扑过去死死地捉住,然后美餐一顿. 7.猫咪的英文介绍 cat[kAt]n.猫CAT=Carburetor Air Temperature 汽化器空气温度cat[kAt]n.猫; 猫科动物(如狮, 虎, 豹等)脾气不好的女人, 可鄙的女人, 恶妇九尾鞭起锚滑车(=catfish)鲶鱼(=catboat)有中插板的单桅帆船一种有六脚的架子(无论如何放置, 均有三只脚着地)[美俚]娼妓; 流动工人; 爵士乐演奏者[爱好者]弹射器无线电遥控靶机无线电测距系统的偏流台[“猫台”]履带式拖拉机, 推土机填塞灰板条缝的草泥浆硬耐火土软风, 微风catvt.(catted; catting)起锚(把锚吊在锚架上)用九尾鞭笞打vi.[口]呕吐嫖妓, 宿娼cat-and-dogadj.好争吵的, 不和睦的投机性的cat-and-mouseadj.折磨的, 虐待的catbird[`kAtb:d]n.北美洲猫声鸟; 猫鹊catcall[5kAtkC:l]n.似猫叫的声音; 剧场里喝倒采的口哨声[嘘声等]catvt.奚落; 嘲弄vi.发嘘声cateyedadj.黑暗中能见物的catface[`kAtfeIs]n.树或木材上由于火烧等所留下的疤痕catfall[`kAtfR:l]n.【航海】吊锚索catfight[`kAtfaIt]n.激烈的争吵catfootn.圆短如猫的脚catfootedadj.象猫似的(悄悄走路); 偷偷摸摸的catgut[5kAt^Qt]n.肠线(外科用)乐器[网球拍]弦, 线弦乐器cathead[5kAthed]n.锚架cathouse[`kAthaJs]n.妓院catlap[`kAtlAp]n.淡的饮料catmint [nip]n.【植】猫薄荷 cat-o"-nine-tailsn.九尾鞭【植】香蒲catriggedadj.装有单帆船式的索具的cat"s-earn.【植】猫耳草cat"s-eye[`kAtsaI]n.猫眼石; (汽车等的)小型反光装置cat"s-foot[`kAtsfJt]n.积雪草cat-skinnern.[美俚]牵引车的司机cat-sleepn.打盹cat"s-pawn.被人利用的人【航海】微风cat-stepn.陡坡上建的窄阶caalk[5kAC:k]n.[美俚]狭窄的人行道或过道; 桥上的人行道cat("s)whisker【无】触须; 晶须A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命。 (英国迷信, 指猫的生命力强)a cat with nine lives有九条命的猫; 富有生命力的人A cat in gloves catches no mice.[谚]带手套的猫捉不到耗子; 四肢不勤, 一事无成; 怕沾污手指的人做不出什么事。Muffled cats catch no mice.[谚]包裹严实的猫捉不到耗子; 四肢不勤, 一事无成。 A cat may look at a king.[谚]猫也可以看国王(指小人物也应有些权利)agree like cats and dogs[口]像猫和狗一样合不来, 完全合不来At night all cats are grey[谚]猫在暗中都是灰色; 黑暗中难分丑妍(as) melancholy as a cat非常忧郁(as)sick as a cat直想呕吐病得厉害as weak as a cat (=as weak as water)身体非常虚弱barber"s cat瘦弱的人, 面带饥色和病容的人bear cat熊猫[口]大力士, 精力过人的人bell the cat不惧危险, 挺身而出blowing cat[美俚]爵士乐师Cheshire cat咧着嘴傻笑的人copy cat盲目的模仿者dead cat猛烈的指责或攻击[美俚](马戏团中)不肯表演的狮子Dog my cats![美俚]见鬼! 他妈的; 我可以赌咒!enough to make a cat laugh极其可笑; 让人笑掉大牙enough to make a horse laugh极其可笑; 让人笑掉大牙enough to make a cat speak[口]令人惊讶; 事情太出奇fat cat美国政治运动的出资人, 捐献大宗政治款项的富人; 安于现状的懒汉; 以权谋私的人, 享受特权的人fight like Kilkenny cats死拼flog the cat[俚]作无益的追悔grin like a Cheshire cat咧着嘴傻笑Has the cat got your tongue?[口]猫把你的舌头叼去了吗?为什么不吭声?Holy cats![口]哎呀! 好家伙! (表示强烈的惊讶, 愤怒或高兴)Holy cow![口]哎呀! 好家伙! (表示强烈的惊讶, 愤怒或高兴)It rains cats and dogs.下倾盆大雨, 大雨滂沱jerk the cat[俚](酒醉的人呕吐)shoot the cat[俚](酒醉的人呕吐)whip the cat[俚](酒醉的人呕吐)Kilkenny cats打起架来不顾死活的动物[人]let the cat out of the bag说走了嘴, (无意中)泄露秘密like a cat in a strange garret[美]胆怯, 极不自然like a cat on hot bricks局促不安, 如热锅上的蚂蚁like a scalded cat象烫伤的猫到处乱窜; 拼命的逃走like sth. the cat brought in[口]象猫叼来的东西似的; 衣衫褴褛(指人的外表); 不修边幅live like cat and dog[口]整天吵架look like the cat after it had eaten the canary带着洋洋得意的样子no room to swing a cat极狭窄, 没有转身的地方not room to swing a cat极狭窄, 没有转身的地方not room enough to swing a cat极狭窄, 没有转身的地方no room to swing a cat in极狭窄, 没有转身的地方not room to swing a cat in极狭窄, 没有转身的地方not room enough to swing a cat in极狭窄, 没有转身的地方old cat脾气坏的老太婆put the cat among the canaries[口]惹出乱子, 引起轩然 *** see how the cat jumps观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变watch how the cat jumps观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变see which way the cat jumps观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变watch which way the cat jumps观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变wait for the cat to jump观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变singed cat[美俚]看起来不好, 其实并不坏的人skin the cat[美]【体】以两手悬于单杠, 以身体及两脚从两臂间穿过, 向后翻转; [喻]从极窄的洞爬过去teach the cat the way to the kirn[苏] 坏习惯易学难改tear a cat[废]说大话; 夸夸其谈tear the cat[。 8.一篇描写猫的英语作文 小猫满月的时候更可爱,腿脚还不稳,可是已经学会淘气。一根鸡毛,一个线团,都是它的好玩具,它到院子里来了,院中的花草可遭了殃。它在花盆里摔跤,抱着花枝打秋千,所到之处,枝折花落。你见了,绝不会责打它。它是那样生气勃勃,天真可爱! More cute kittens when the full moon, legs are still unstable, they have learned to be naughty. A feather, a coil, is it a good toy, it into the courtyard, courtyard flowers can meet with disaster. Wrestling in the pot, holding a swing squid, wherever he went, zhe she. You see, will never beat it. It is so be full of vitality, innocent and lovely!
2023-06-19 14:47:171


有的,比如 that cat won"t jump 。指这一手行不通。通常是放在一些类似谚语里的。
2023-06-19 14:47:253


米歇尔·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez星座: 巨蟹座出生日期: 1978-07-12出生地: 美国,得克萨斯,贝克萨尔职业: 演员 / 配音更多外文名: Mayte Michelle Rodriguez (本名) / MRod (昵称)
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2023-06-19 14:47:551


这是台湾一些比较主要的出版社:龙吟: 飞田:耕林: 狗屋: 禾马: 新月: 松果屋:喵喵工作室:飞象: 花雨:东佑:
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2023-06-19 14:48:094


没有吧 有指男人花心 到处寻欢作乐的意思 例如cat around
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sporting house什么意思

sporting house的意思是赌场、妓院。例句:1、“At Belle watling"s sporting house,”said rhett, looking abashed.“在贝尔沃特琳赌场,”瑞德边说,脸上边显出难为情的样子。2、The city is ashamed of its cathouse.那个城市为该市的妓院感到羞耻。3、Brothel is illegal in some countries or regions.妓院在某些国家或地区是非法的。4、The sporting house is a building where prostitutes are available.也就是那种工作者工作的地方,古代的“青楼”。5、Sporting houses are definitely illegal in China.在我们大中国,“青楼”是违法的。6、It is not a hotel, but a sporting house/cathouse.那不是旅馆,而是妓院 。7、In this novel a Samson-like boxer is lured to a sporting house by a blonde and drugged.在这本小说中,大力士一般的拳击手被一名金发碧眼的美女引诱进一家妓院,然后被下了药。
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(小说、短篇、剧本、影视改编) ⒈Player Piano, Scribner (New York,NY),1952,published as Utopia 14, Bantam (New York,NY),1954,with new preface,Holt (New York,NY),1966.1952年,《自动钢琴》⒉The Sirens of Titan, Dell (New York,NY),1959.1959年,《泰坦的海妖》3.Mother Night, Gold Medal Books (New York,NY),1961.1961年,《黑夜母亲》.Cat"s Cradle, Holt (New York,NY),1963.1963年,《猫的摇篮》5.God Bless You,Mr. Rosewater; or,Pearls before Swine, Holt (New York,NY),1965.1965年,《上帝保佑你,罗斯瓦特先生》6.SlaughterhouseFive; or,the Children"s Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death,by KurtVonnegut Jr.,a Fourth-Generation German-American Now Living in EasyCircumstances on Cape Cod (and Smoking Too Much) Who,as an AmericanInfantry Scout Hors de Combat,as a Prisoner of War,Witnessed theFire-bombing of Dresden,Germany,the Florence of the Elbe,a Long TimeAgo,and Survived to Tell the Tale: This Is a Novel Somewhat in theTelegraphic Schizophrenic Manner of Tales of the Planet Tralfamadore,Where the Flying Saucers Come From, Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1969,25th anniversary edition,1994.1969年,《五号屠场》或《第五号屠场》、《五号屠宰场》⒎Breakfast of Champions; or,Goodbye Blue Monday, Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1973.1973年,《冠军早餐》⒏Slapstick; or,Lonesome No More, Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1976.1976年,《打闹剧或曰不再孤独》⒐Jailbird, Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1979.1979年,《囚鸟》⒑Deadeye Dick, Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1982.1982年,《神枪手迪克》⒒Galapagos, Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1985.1985年,《加拉帕戈斯群岛》⒓Bluebeard, Delacorte (New York,NY),1987.1987年,《蓝胡子》⒔Hocus Pocus, Putnam (New York,NY),1990.1990年,《咒语》⒕Three Complete Novels (contains Breakfast of Champions; or,Goodbye Blue MondayGod Bless You,Mr. Rosewater; or,Pearls before Swine, and Cat"s Cradle),Wings,1995.⒖Timequake, Putnam (New York,NY),1997.1997年,《时震》 ⒈Canary in a Cathouse, Fawcett (New York,NY),1961.1961年,《猫舍里的金丝雀》⒉Welcome to the Monkey House: A Collection of Short Works, Seymour Lawrence/ Delacorte (New York,NY),1968.1968年,《欢迎到猴子屋》⒊Bagombo Snuff Box, Putnam (New York,NY),1999.⒋God Bless You,Dr. Kevorkian, Seven Stories Press (St. Paul,MN),2000.2000年,《上帝保佑你,凯沃吉安博士》⒌Armageddon in Retrospect and Other New and Unpublished Writings on War and Peace, Putnam (New York,NY),2008.PLAYS 1.Penelope, produced in Cape Cod,MA,1960,revised version published as Happy Birthday,Wanda June,produced off-Broadway,1970,Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1971,revised edition,S. French (New York,NY),1971.⒉Between Time and Timbuktu; or,Prometheus Five: A Space Fantasy(television play),produced by the National Educational TelevisionNetwork,1972),Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1972.⒊Miss Temptation, edited by David Coperman,Dramatic Publishing Company,1993.OTHER 1.Wampeters,Foma,and Grandfalloons: (Opinions) (essays),Seymour Lawrence/ Delacorte (New York,NY),1974.⒉(With Ivan Chermayeff) Sun,Moon,Star (juvenile),Harper (New York,NY),1980.1980,《太阳,月亮,星星》⒊Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage, Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte (New York,NY),1981.1981.《棕榈树星期天:自传集》⒋Nothing Is Lost Save Honor: Two Essays(contains "The Worst Addiction of Them All" and "Fates Worse thanDeath: Lecture at St. John the Divine,New York City,May 23,1982"),Toothpaste Press (West Branch,IA),1984.1984.《除了荣誉,什么也没丢》⒌Fates Worse than Death: An Autobiographical Collage of the 1980s (autobiography),Putnam (New York,NY),1991.1991,《命运苦于死亡:20世纪80年代自传集》⒍(Author of foreword) Marc Leeds,The Vonnegut Encyclopedia: An Authorized Compendium, Greenwood Press (Westport,CT),1995.1995,马克·利兹,《冯内古特大百科全书》⒎A Man without a Country, edited by Dan Simon,Seven Stories Press (St. Paul,MN),2005.2006年,《没有国家的人》⒏Also author of SomethingBorrowed, 1958; The Very First Christmas Morning, 1962; EPICAC,1963; My Name Is Everyone, 1964; and Fortitude, 1968.1958.《被借的东西》;1962《头一个圣诞节的早晨》⒐Contributor to books,including Boband Ray: A Retrospective,June 15-July 10,1982, Museum of Broadcasting,1982; Discrimination,Affirmative Action,and Equal Opportunity: An Economicand Social Perspective, edited by W.E. Block,and M.A. Walker,FraserInstitute,1982.Contributor of fiction tonumerous publications,including Cornell Daily Sun,Cosmopolitan,Ladies"Home Journal,McCall"s,Playboy, and Saturday Evening Post.Media Adaptations 媒体改编剧大多改编自冯内古特的长篇小说,如《五号屠场》、《上帝保佑你,罗斯瓦特先生》、《打闹剧或曰不再孤独》、《黑夜母亲》、《冠军早餐》、《猫的摇篮》等。Happy Birthday,Wanda June was adapted for film,screenplay by Vonnegut,Columbia,1971;Slaughterhouse Five; or,theChildren"s Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death,by Kurt VonnegutGod Bless You,Mr.Rosewater; or,Pearls before Swine was adapted for the stage by HowardAshman and produced by Vonnegut"s daughter,Edith,1979;Slapstick wasadapted for film as Slapstick of Another Kind, Paul-Serendipity,1984;"D.P." (short story) was adapted for television as DisplacedPerson, Hemisphere,1985;Mother Night was adapted for film,screenplay by Robert B. Weide,Fine Line,1996;Breakfast of Championswas adapted for film,screenplay adaptation and directed by Alan Rudolph,BuenaVista,1999;a Calypso musical adaptation of Cat"s Cradle was performedin New York,NY,2008.
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Kay Parker电影作品列表:(一共 69 个电影作品) 作为演员的电影作品(数量:69) Dick Ho: Asian Male Porn Star ------- (2006) Merchants of Venus ------- (1998) Desert Winds ------- (1995) The Bigger the Better 2 ------- (1994) Taboo XI ------- (1993) True Legends of Adult Cinema: The Golden Age ------- (1992) Taboo IX ------- (1991) Fixation ------- (1991) Stairway to Paradise ------- (1990) Only the Best 3 ------- (1990) Firestorm 3 ------- (1989) Fire in the Hole ------- (1989) Only the Best of Women with Women ------- (1988) Only the Best of Breasts ------- (1988) Bra Breakers Vol. 1 ------- (1988) Tales from the Chateau ------- (1987) Legends of Porn ------- (1987) Firestorm 2: The Angel Blade ------- (1987) Careful, He May Be Watching ------- (1987) Three Faces of Angel ------- (1986) Sweethearts ------- (1986) Fantasies ------- (1986) Balboa ------- (1986) Hot Blooded ------- (1985) Free and Foxy ------- (1985) First Annual XRCO Adult Film Awards ------- (1985) With Love, Annette ------- (1985) Taboo IV: The Younger Generation ------- (1985) Nice "n" Tight ------- (1985) Intimate Realities 2 ------- (1984) I Want to Be Bad ------- (1984) Too Hot to Touch ------- (1984) Firestorm ------- (1984) Taboo III ------- (1984) Desire ------- (1984) Sex Play ------- (1984) Matinee Idol ------- (1984) Fantasy Follies II ------- (1984) Lorelei ------- (1984) L"Amour ------- (1984) Erotic Radio WSEX ------- (1983) Tomboy ------- (1983) Sweet Young Foxes ------- (1983) Eighth Erotic Film Festifal ------- (1983) Private Teacher ------- (1983) Nasty Nurses ------- (1983) 欲火奔腾欲火红 The Young Like It Hot ------- (1983) Fantasy Follies ------- (1983) Intimate Lessons ------- (1982) Body Talk ------- (1982) 春城花满天 The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas ------- (1982) Satisfactions ------- (1982) Memphis Cathouse Blues ------- (1982) Taboo II ------- (1982) Vista Valley P.T.A. ------- (1981) The Seven Seductions of Madame Lau ------- (1981) Fast Cars, Fast Women ------- (1981) The Dancers ------- (1981) Champagne for Breakfast ------- (1980) Taboo ------- (1980) Downstairs, Upstairs ------- (1980) Kate and the Indians ------- (1979) Dracula Sucks ------- (1979) Chorus Call ------- (1979) The Untamed ------- (1978) Health Spa ------- (1978) Casanova ------- (1977) V: The Hot One ------- (1977) Sex World ------- (1977)
2023-06-19 14:52:151

ruby jewel was here 歌词

歌曲名:ruby jewel was here歌手:Allison Moorer专辑:miss fortuneIn nineteen and double-aughtA harlot who was hot to trotGave a fine little bijou to the worldWith a blacksmith for a makeshift docIn a cathouse far from CamelotHer gold mine brought to bed a baby girlWhen the child screamed from life"s first slapThe bawd said kid get used to thatYou"ll never meet a day that isn"t cruelThen she wrapped her babe in a petticoatGrabbed a bottle and made a toastHere"s to my gorgeous bastard Ruby JewelAnd the man at the piano played a tuneAnd everybody sang and danced in the saloonExcept Ruby, no not Ruby, Ruby JewelReared among the guttersnipeWhile her mama puffed the Chinese pipeThe salad days for Ruby didn"t lastForced to work and pay her duesInside that poor man"s Moulin RougeThe snot-nosed kid had to grow up fastNight and day she"d toil and sweatAllison MoorerWhile brothel patrons placed their betsOn who would be the first to break her inThen one night the madam screamsRuby get to room thirteenThere"s someone there who thinks you"re quite a gemAnd the man at the piano played a tuneAnd everybody sang and danced in the saloonExcept Ruby no not Ruby Ruby JewelIn done up hair and a borrowed dressShe climbed the stares scared to deathSaid a prayer and tip-toed through the doorBut on deaf ears her prayer fellCause through her tears she stared at hellStanding there in nothing but his drawersShe recognized the whiskered chinBloodshot eyes and foul-mouthed grinHe was the man who wore the silver starShe tried to turn around and runBut he pulled out his big six gunAnd said whore you won"t get very farAnd the man at the piano played a tuneAnd everybody sang and danced in the saloonExcept Ruby, no not Ruby, Ruby JewelRuby Jewel woke up in bedA crimson pool between her legsBut lying there next to himMade her wish she hadn"t beenIf this was all that living had in storeMaking sure he was asleepShe quietly got to her feetFound his gun and aimed it "tween his eyesShe kept it there "til he came toSo he could stare down the barrel tooPulled the trigger once and watched him dieAnd the man at the piano played a tuneAnd everybody sang and danced in the saloonExcept Ruby no not Ruby Ruby JewelOn a rainy night in nineteen-twelveLocked inside the town"s new jailRuby carved a message in the stoneWhen morning came hacks led her outIn ankle chains right through the crowdWho waited in the mud to watch the showThey walked her up the gallows stepsBut the rope around her neckDropped the trap as all the watchers cheeredBut on the wall of her cellIn a tiny scrawl and misspelledWere the words Ruby Jewel Was HereAnd the man at the piano played a tuneAnd everybody sang and danced in the saloonExcept Ruby, no not Ruby, Ruby Jewel
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分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 问题描述: 定义一个Cat类,拥有静态数据成员HowManyCats,记录Cat的个体数目;静态成员函数GetHowMany(),存取HowManyCats。设计程序测试这个类,体会静态数据成员和静态成员函数的用法。下面是我做的程序,但有错误。请把它复制然后调试一下,帮我解决一下! #include<iostream.h> class Cat {public: Cat(int age): itsAge(age) {HowManyCats++;} virtual~Cat() {HowManyCats--;} virtual int GetAge() {return itsAge;} virtual void SetAge(int age) {itsAge=age;} static int GetHowMany() {return HowManyCats;} private: int itsAge; static int HowManyCats; }; int Cat::HowManyCats=0; void Telepathic Function(); int main() { const int MaxCats=5; Cat*CatHouse[MaxCats]; int i; for(i=0;i<MaxCats;i++) {CatHouse[i]=new Cat(); Telepathic Function();} for(i=0;i<MaxCats;i++) {delete CatHouse[i]; Telepathic Function();} return 0;} void Telepathic Function() { cout<<"There are"<<Cat::GetHowMany()<<"Cats alive! "; } 解析: 搞定 #include<iostream.h> class Cat { public: Cat(int age): itsAge(age) {HowManyCats++;} virtual~Cat() {HowManyCats--;} virtual int GetAge() {return itsAge;} virtual void SetAge(int age) {itsAge=age;} static int GetHowMany() {return HowManyCats;} private: int itsAge; static int HowManyCats; }; int Cat::HowManyCats=0; void TelepathicFunction(); int main() { const int MaxCats=5; Cat*CatHouse[MaxCats]; int i; for(i=0;i<MaxCats;i++) { CatHouse[i]=new Cat(5); TelepathicFunction(); } for(i=0;i<MaxCats;i++) { delete CatHouse[i]; TelepathicFunction(); } return 0; } void TelepathicFunction() { cout<<"There are"<<Cat::GetHowMany()<<"Cats alive!\n"; }
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class Cat {private: int itsAge; static int HowMangCats;public: Cat(int age):itsAge(age) {HowMangCats++;} ~Cat() {HowMangCats--;} int GetAge() {return itsAge;} void SetAge(int age) {itsAge=age;} static int Gethowmang() {return HowMangCats;//这个地方是不是少了个括号}?}int Cat::HowMangCats=0;void T();int main()
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nofx的《el lay》 歌词

歌曲名:el lay歌手:nofx专辑:ribbedGet out of my way,can"t you see I"m from L.A.?Yeah, I met Slash, I"ve got a rose tattooNoFXI bet I know way more people than youI just love this town,my girlfriend weights 84 poundsMet her at the Cathouse where I get in for freeShe pays the rent while I watch T.V.When we go out tonight,gotta get my hair just rightTight black pants and blue suede shoesI"ll get my picture in Rock City NewsGotta get those flyers out,might meet a talent scoutAnd he will talk contracts with meMy fame and fortune and MTV
2023-06-19 14:54:241


首先,看一下使用范例:Java代码 LoadingCache<Key,Graph> graphs =CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(1000) .expireAfterWrite(10,TimeUnit.MINUTES) .removalListener(MY_LISTENER) .build( newCacheLoader<Key,Graph>(){ publicGraph load(Key key)throwsAnyException{ return createExpensiveGraph(key); } }); 适用性缓存在很多情况下都是非常有用的。比如,我们需要多次根据给定的输入获取值,而且该值计算或者获取的开销是非常昂贵的。缓存和ConcurrentMap是非常相像的,但是它们也不完全一样。最根本的区别就是,ConcurrentMap会持有所有添加的对象,直到被显示的移除。而缓存为了限制其内存的使用,通常都会配置成可以自动的将对象移除。在某些情况下即使不自动移除对象也是非常有用的,如LoadingCache它会自动加载缓存对象。一般,Guava缓存适用于以下几种情况:你愿意花费一些内存来换取性能提升;你预测到某些键会多次进行查询;你的缓存数据不超过内存(Guava缓存是单个应用中的本地缓存。它不会将数据存储到文件中,或者外部服务器。如果不适合你,可以考虑一下 Memcached)。如果你的需要符合上面所说的每一条,那么选择Guava缓存绝对没错。使用CacheBuilder的构建模式可以获取一个Cache,如上面的范例所示。但是如何进行定制才是比较有趣的。注意:如果你不需要缓存的这些特性,那么使用ConcurrentHashMap会有更好的内存效率,但是如果想基于旧有的ConcurrentMap复制实现Cache的一些特性,那么可能是非常困难或者根本不可能。加载对于缓存首先需要明确的是:有没有一个方法可以通过给定的键来计算/加载相应的值?如果有,那么可以使用CacheLoader。如果没有这样的方法,或者你想复写缓存的加载方式,但你仍想保留“get-if-absent-compute”语义,你可以在调用get方法时传入一个Callable实例,来达到目的。缓存的对象可以通过Cache.put直接插入,但是自动加载是首选,因为自动加载可以更加容易的判断所有缓存信息的一致性。From a CacheLoaderLoadingCache 缓存是通过一个CacheLoader来构建缓存。创建一个CacheLoader仅需要实现V load(K key) throws Exception方法即可。下面的范例就是如何创建一个LoadingCache:Java代码 LoadingCache<Key,Graph> graphs =CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(1000) .build( newCacheLoader<Key,Graph>(){ publicGraph load(Key key)throwsAnyException{ return createExpensiveGraph(key); } }); ... try{ return graphs.get(key); }catch(ExecutionException e){ thrownewOtherException(e.getCause()); } 通过方法get(K)可以对LoadingCache进行查询。该方法要不返回已缓存的值,要不通过CacheLoader来自动加载相应的值到缓存中。这里需要注意的是:CacheLoader可能会抛出Exception,LoaderCache.get(K)则可能会抛出ExecutionException。假如你定义的CacheLoader没有声明检查型异常,那么可以通过调用getUnchecked(K)来获取缓存值;但是一旦当CacheLoader中声明了检查型异常,则不可以调用getUnchecked。Java代码 LoadingCache<Key,Graph> graphs =CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterAccess(10,TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build( newCacheLoader<Key,Graph>(){ publicGraph load(Key key){// no checked exception return createExpensiveGraph(key); } }); ... return graphs.getUnchecked(key); 批量查询可以使用getAll(Iterable<? extends K>)方法。缺省,getAll方法将循环每一个键调用CacheLoader.load方法获取缓存值。当缓存对象的批量获取比单独获取更有效时,可以通过复写CacheLoader.loadAll方法实现缓存对象的加载。此时当调用getAll(Iterable)方法时性能也会提升。需要注意的是CacheLoader.loadAll的实现可以为没有明确要求的键加载缓存值。比如,当为某组中的一些键进行计算时,loadAll方法则可能会同时加载组中其余键的值。From a Callable所有Guava缓存,不论是否会自动加载,都支持get(K, Callable(V))方法。当给定键的缓存值已存在时则直接返回,否则通过指定的Callable方法进行计算并将值存放到缓存中。直到加载完成时,相应的缓存才会被更改。该方法简单实现了"if cached, return; otherwise create, cache and return"语义。Java代码 Cache<Key,Value> cache =CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(1000) .build();// look Ma, no CacheLoader ... try{ // If the key wasn"t in the "easy to compute" group, we need to // do things the hard way. cache.get(key,newCallable<Value>(){ @Override publicValue call()throwsAnyException{ return doThingsTheHardWay(key); } }); }catch(ExecutionException e){ thrownewOtherException(e.getCause()); } 直接插入使用cache.put(key, value)方法可以将值直接插入到缓存中,但这将会覆盖缓存中已存在的值。通过使用Cache.asMap()所导出的ConcurrentMap对象中的方法也可以对缓存进行修改。但是,请注意asMap中的任何方法都不能自动的将数据加载到缓存中。也就是说,asMap中的各方法是在缓存自动加载范围之外来运作。所以,当你使用CacheLoader或Callable来加载缓存时,应该优先使用Cache.get(K, Callable<V>),而不是Cache.asMap().putIfAbsent。缓存回收残酷的现实是我们可以肯定的说我们没有足够的内存来缓存一切。你必须来决定:什么时候缓存值不再值得保留?Guava提供了三种基本的缓存回收策略:基于容量回收策略,基于时间回收策略,基于引用回收策略。基于容量回收策略使用CacheBuilder.maximumSize(long)可以设置缓存的最大容量。缓存将会尝试回收最近没有使用,或者没有经常使用的缓存项。警告:缓存可能会在容量达到限制之前执行回收,通常是在缓存大小逼近限制大小时。另外,如果不同的缓存项有不同的“权重”, 如,缓存项有不同的内存占用,此时你需要使用CacheBuilder.weigher(Weigher)指定一个权重计算函数,并使用CacheBuilder.maxmumWeight(long)设定总权重。和maximumSize同样需要注意的是缓存也是在逼近总权重的时候进行回收处理。此外,缓存项的权重是在创建时进行计算,此后不再改变。Java代码 LoadingCache<Key,Graph> graphs =CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumWeight(100000) .weigher( newWeigher<Key,Graph>(){ publicint weigh(Key k,Graph g){ return g.vertices().size(); } }) .build( newCacheLoader<Key,Graph>(){ publicGraph load(Key key){// no checked exception return createExpensiveGraph(key); } }); 基于时间回收策略CacheBuilder为基于时间的回收提供了两种方式:expireAfterAccess(long, TimeUnit) 当缓存项在指定的时间段内没有被读或写就会被回收。这种回收策略类似于基于容量回收策略;expireAfterWrite(long, TimeUnit) 当缓存项在指定的时间段内没有更新就会被回收。如果我们认为缓存数据在一段时间后数据不再可用,那么可以使用该种策略。就如下面的讨论,定时过期回收会在写的过程中周期执行,偶尔也会读的过程中执行。测试定时回收测试定时回收其实不需要那么痛苦的,我们不必非得花费2秒来测试一个2秒的过期。在构建缓存时使用Ticker接口,并通过CacheBuilder.ticker(Ticker)方法指定时间源,这样我们就不用傻乎乎等系统时钟慢慢的走了。基于引用回收策略通过键或缓存值的弱引用(weak references),或者缓存值的软引用(soft references),Guava可以将缓存设置为允许垃圾回收。CacheBuilder.weakKeys() 使用弱引用存储键。当没有(强或软)引用到该键时,相应的缓存项将可以被垃圾回收。由于垃圾回收是依赖==进行判断,因此这样会导致整个缓存也会使用==来比较键的相等性,而不是使用equals();CacheBuilder.weakValues() 使用弱引用存储缓存值。当没有(强或软)引用到该缓存项时,将可以被垃圾回收。由于垃圾回收是依赖==进行判断,因此这样会导致整个缓存也会使用==来比较缓存值的相等性,而不是使用equals();CacheBuilder.softValues() 使用软引用存储缓存值。当响应需要时,软引用才会被垃圾回收通过最少使用原则回收掉。由于使用软引用造成性能上的影响,我们强烈建议使用可被预言的maximum cache size的策略来代替。同样使用softValues()缓存值的比较也是使用==,而不是equals()。显示移除在任何时候,你都可以可以通过下面的方法显式将无效的缓存移除,而不是被动等待被回收:使用Cache.invalidate(key)单个移除;使用Cache.invalidteAll(keys)批量移除;使用Cache.invalidateAll()移除全部。
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Open the "Robinson Crusoe" and opened a few pages before, it seems that the main character is a child I do not know the immensity of heaven and earth, time and again to dissuade the father, he was a "risk" to realize their dream of hearts, are not shown in the block The face of many obstacles. But think carefully, we are too. Robinson learned after the experience, I can not help but appreciate the insistence optimism, perseverance important. "" From our population do not know how many there have been times, and for Robinson, insisting that he solved all the difficulties, and when he came to the island, he did not have food, no daily use, and he insisted on No shortage of people on the island to seek a ray of hope, he found a broken vessel, he all on board the timber are transported down the building for themselves a small wooden boat, but also take on board some of the wet gunpowder and firearms, He relied on guns in the forest to find a group of wild animals, to find their own food and rely on their own hands to build a house. He continued with the struggle of wild animals, as they will break into his house. When the wild Animals are disappearing, he learned to use only some of the seeds planted a variety of food, when food was stolen animals, the way he wants to capture the animal, he learned to make bread, he constantly improve their own lives, he would do Spent several decades, the decades since, he insisted daily diary, in the calculation of their days on a desert island, he went through the war with the natives, with the "Castle" and "country house", " Loyal ", as well as the island"s sovereignty. From these difficulties, he learned optimism in the face of life and how to make use of its strong determination. In the face of difficulties and confusion that he had had fear, have complained that even desperate, because he is the difficulties faced by the average person can not understand. At the time of despair, he told us not to complain to the life of your problems. Indeed We often complain that other students why I did not, but than I always got a great track record Why do other people see my weaknesses, and I do not see the merits of a matter of fact, a hard, a harvest, as long as you adhere to the , And one day you will know only victory in the effort. If we fail to adhere to the end, how can they know will be a failure, let alone see the success of their day. We have difficulties with Robinson than it is the small, in learning, because a little difficult to give up a lot of students because they can not Jinshou setback, a setback just how enough for us to give up the pursuit of their ideals. To learn how to adjust their mentality, how to make their own treatment of all things calmly. Just as Robinson did to convince himself, telling myself all just begun, so that we can all look better, be able to better solve their own Difficulties. Robinson"s optimistic he renewed the hope of life, optimistic that we can never give up, learning hard into the spirit of enthusiasm for life. We need perseverance, Robinson in the absence of any of the tools to create a new world of their own. In our lives, our determination to solve difficulties, to take full advantage of their own strength to overcome all the difficulties, Whether it is learning, or in life. We can not insist on completion of their dream, but also because we do not have perseverance, the difficulties we are afraid, do not know how to face difficulties, we are afraid that they will fail. In fact, is the determination to seize all The fruit of the victory of power. Only with perseverance, we hope to continue their efforts to continue to adhere to. If the pursuit of their ideals and determination are not, how can expect the same as other people to realize their ideals and dreams to reach the end of this Insists that optimism, perseverance are the starting point for the victory. We have to be able to adhere to the belief that optimism has brought us self-confidence, perseverance, we can bring to power. Insists that optimism, determination belongs to all of us, as long as we believe that they can face On the life of all obstacles to the self-confidence said to myself, I have the line, all but a new starting point. 希望喜欢。
2023-06-19 14:52:082

guava 文件操作 文件行数

复制文件//通过guava 实现文件复制private static String from = "D:\自定义代码\Guava\guava\src\1.txt";private static String to = "D:\自定义代码\Guava\guava\src\2.txt";Files.copy(new File(from),new File(to));//通过java NIO实现文件复制java.nio.file.Files.copy(Paths.get(from),Paths.get(to), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);2、移动文件//to若存在,将被删除,重新生成Files.move(new File(from),new File(to));3、按行读取文件//读取文件第一行String configJson = Files.readFirstLine(file, Charsets.UTF_8);//将文件每一行读到list里List readLines = Files.readLines(file, Charsets.UTF_8);//按照条件,将文件每行读到list里Files.readLines(file, Charsets.UTF_8, new LineProcessor>() {List list = new ArrayList<>();@Overridepublic List getResult() {return list;}@Overridepublic boolean processLine(String arg0) throws IOException {// TODO Auto-generated method stubreturn false;}});4、计算文件hashcode (可对比两个文件是否一样)//Hashing.md5();Hashing.sha256()HashCode hash = Files.asByteSource(new File(to)).hash(Hashing.sha512());
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The company will_to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.

选D adhere to (固定搭配) " 遵循,坚持"
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【 #英语资源# 导语】每个人的心中都有一个梦想,梦想是美好的,但是实现梦想的道路是曲折的,无数人在实现梦想的道路上遭遇了无尽的荆棘,但是还是坚持梦想。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.坚持梦想英语作文   People with dreams are far sighted, people with dreams are enterprising, people with dreams are not afraid of dangers, and people with dreams are tenacious. Be a dreamer and live a perfect life. I believe that everyone has a dream when he was a child. He dreams of being a teacher, teaching knowledge and the pursuit of life to students, dreaming of being an astronaut, traveling in the Milky Way galaxy, dreaming of being an angel in white, bringing warmth to people in pain, dreaming of being a clean Ambassador, putting on a clean and tidy coat for mother earth, and dreaming of becoming a boss, CEO and national leader   However, few people realize their dreams after adulthood. Most people lose themselves on the road called "growth" and forget their childhood dreams. Is it the orderly social life that numbs their nerves, or failure after failure that makes them lose their original self-confidence? Maybe both. But I firmly believe that those who give up their dreams are like dandelions scattered in the sky and don"t know where to go.   Caterpillars adhere to their dreams, break through the dark "cage" and become beautiful dancers on the earth. Eagles adhere to their dreams, fall from high altitude again and again, but don"t forget to fly again, and finally become the king of fighting the sky. Flower seeds adhere to their dreams, pierce their seed coat with bud tips and rush out of the black soil, Become a beautiful scenery on the roadside... They are ordinary and great beings in the biosphere. They dare to pursue dreams and challenge difficulties. As human beings, should we pursue dreams with our lives like them?   Dream is a stone, striking a beautiful spark; Dream is fire, light the extinguished lamp; Dream is a lamp that lights the way for pedestrians at night; Dream is the road leading us to dawn.   People are great because of their dreams. People with dreams in their hearts will not be lonely in their life. They will adhere to their dreams whenever and wherever. People with dreams still have a light in their hearts. Even in the darkest place, they will not get lost.   On the road of life, more or less people will give up their dreams because of unknown setbacks and difficulties ahead. When they repent, they will be old. I believe that if they don"t give up their dreams, their life will be another scenery.   The great man said: "persistence does not necessarily succeed, giving up will certainly fail." Some people are encouraged, others feel confused, because they face the choice again - to give up or stick to their dreams. Tenacious people insist, cowardly people give up. These are two different roads, so friends, when facing this problem, we must consider it carefully.   Dream is a beautiful existence in the world. Dream is a fragrant flower. Dream is the key to the future. Only by adhering to the dream can we taste the beautiful taste, smell the fragrance of flowers and open the door to the future. 2.坚持梦想英语作文   What is the dream? It is water that gives people the silent hope of moistening things; It is the wind that brings boundless new ideas; It is a leaf that turns into spring mud but remains silent.   Dream is nothingness, or the past, past and future. It is the extravagant demand in everyone"s heart, or the demanding demand everyone once had. Dreams can bring people new life, or lead people to an endless abyss. At this point, they can no longer return to their dreams.   Everyone has had a dream, which may be consistent or forgotten. However, the dream is always hidden in the corner of your heart. It is never publicized, but it still exists.   "Ambition is not high". No matter you are always young, as long as you have a distant dream that once could not be realized, you should learn to pick up the old dream, learn to walk with the dream, erase the known regret in your heart, and have a clear conscience.   The sun always rises where there is light, the moon always obscures where it is dark, and the stars always shine where there is a moon. This is their dream.   It is said that there is a kind of bird of paradise in the world. They are born without feet and can only fly continuously. When they are tired, they sleep in the wind and land only once in their life. That is the time of death.   Some people may think that the sound of the bird is the interpretation of sadness? No, it"s just looking for its dream. The shining Milky way with little stars is the unreachable dream it has been chasing all its life. Its heart does not resent the injustice of the world, nor lament the sadness of life. It is only regret that it has spent its whole life and can not touch the elusive galaxy.   But it has never given up. It is flying as one. If it is tired, it will sleep in the wind, smell the faint fragrance filled with the wind, and look for its own dream in the dream.   One day, it found itself farther and farther away from the Milky way. It knew that it could not fly. When it fell to the ground, it was glad that it had a dream of chasing the Milky way.   Finally, it landed.   Only when there is a dream can there be a distance. It is like a navigation lamp, guiding the direction of ship navigation; It is like dawn, bringing light to people in the dark; It is like an oasis in the desert, bringing people hope for life.   Those who have dreams and always adhere to them will never be easily abandoned by the dawn of victory. 3.坚持梦想英语作文   Each of us also has our own dreams, either great, or small, or far away, or within reach... Persistence may not succeed, but giving up will fail. So don"t give up anyway! This is a truth I got after interviewing my sister.   In fact, dream is not a strange word. Because from the moment we are sensible, we have all kinds of dreams. Like my sister, his childhood dream is to be an excellent painter. He hasn"t given up for so many years.   This afternoon, I led my dream team and my cousin to KFC, but I didn"t come to eat. But there is a task, that is to interview the dreamers around you. This dreamer, of course, is my cousin. However, this interview not only benefited me a lot, but also a very unforgettable thing for other team members.   The first person to interview my cousin is my classmate, Chen Nuo. Holding a ballpoint pen in her hand, she asked, "what is your dream? Has your dream not changed since you had your dream? " My cousin seemed a little embarrassed and said to us shyly, "my dream has always been to be a painter and has never changed. Because dreams need to be adhered to, and so do things. We must persevere and never give up. Persistence is victory. " Just after speaking, Chen Nuo seemed to understand something, nodded and carefully recorded it in his notebook. I also understand a sentence: dreams need to adhere to, everything needs to adhere to. When I entered primary school, I decided to be a teacher. It can be said that teachers are students" learning guides, their life guides, or their direction signs on the road of life. The teacher"s duty is to educate people first. Adults first, then talents. Teaching knowledge, only remember for a moment, but educating people, but affect a person"s life, be a teacher, answer questions and solve doubts. Teacher is a very sacred word in the eyes of people all over the world. I"m glad that I haven"t changed my dream in the past six years. After listening to my cousin"s words, I have strengthened my dream.   For my dream, I will learn from my cousin, persevere, study hard, and strive to become an excellent teacher as soon as possible, cultivate more outstanding talents for my famous nation, and make China better.   This interview is really meaningful. Let me remember one sentence:
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本科热水器好不好 本科热水器评测大放送

  热水器是每个家庭必备的家电之一,忙碌完一天,回到家洗个热水澡是一件非常享受的事情,特别在大冬天,我们更加需要热水器,市面上热水器品牌众多,很多人在选购时都会非常烦恼,不知道哪个品牌的热水器比较好,下面就跟小编一起来了解本科牌热水器,看看本科热水器好不好?  本科热水器好不好?本科热水器评测大放送  1.BENCO本科,位于东南部,是一研发和销售为一体的高新技术企业,本科卫浴逐渐成为世界顶级的整体卫浴集成系统服务商之一,将热水器和洁具两大产品群融为一体,全新营造不同的卫浴空间,满足客户对卫浴的各种需求,让每一个家庭都能享受舒适的卫浴生活。  2.本科热水器外壳采用SPCC冷轧钢板,同时选用美国进口杜邦涂层材料,配合诺信粉末涂料经典静电喷涂技术,确保产品具有更高的耐腐蚀性,历久如新。运用旋转按钮开关,旋转式温度调节,开机调温,简单易用,方便老人与小孩的使用。  3.本科热水器采用分层加热,根据实际洗浴情况,使用半胆或全胆加热,有效节省电能。洗浴时可事先通过电脑预约,设定加热时间,约定时间开机即洗,洗浴更随心。另外,本科热水器产品均达到一级能效标准,确保了产品的稳定安全.  4、更保温:一次加热热七天。更安全:七重安全防护措施:三重主动安全防护,四重辅助安全措施,全方位呵护您和家人的洗浴安全。更节能:本科超【一级能效】电热水器,省电更省钱!  5、安全可靠:采用先进的水循环加热方式。环保时尚:采用先进的热泵技术,无任何燃烧,无碳化物,硫化物的排放。舒适节能:保证出水温度稳定,出水温高,出水量大。在制相同热水量下,它的使用成本明显比其他热水器成本要低很多。  6、具有燃气过压保护、防冻安全保护、安全接地保护、防过热保护、实时故障诊断等50重安全保护,全方位保护每一个用户的安全。在出厂之前,每一台热水器都经过严苛的质检流程,层层测试,层层把关,确保出厂产品均为优质安全。  本科热水器怎么样  1.BENCO本科,位于东南部,是一研发和销售为一体的高新技术企业,本科卫浴逐渐成为世界顶级的整体卫浴集成系统服务商之一,将热水器和洁具两大产品群融为一体,全新营造不同的卫浴空间,满足客户对卫浴的各种需求,让每一个家庭都能享受舒适的卫浴生活。  2.本科热水器外壳采用SPCC冷轧钢板,同时选用美国进口杜邦涂层材料,配合诺信粉末涂料经典静电喷涂技术,确保产品具有更高的耐腐蚀性,历久如新。运用旋转按钮开关,旋转式温度调节,开机调温,简单易用,方便老人与小孩的使用。  3.本科热水器采用分层加热,根据实际洗浴情况,使用半胆或全胆加热,有效节省电能。洗浴时可事先通过电脑预约,设定加热时间,约定时间开机即洗,洗浴更随心。另外,本科热水器产品均达到一级能效标准,确保了产品的稳定安全。  本科热水器价格  1.本科WHA2-60C热水器参考价格:¥2899元  2.本科WHS1-50C热水器参考价格:¥3363元  3.本科WHA5-50A热水器参考价格:¥1899元  4.本科WHA3-50D热水器参考价格:¥1199元  以上就是对本科热水器好不好的详细介绍了,热水器作用非常大,特别是在冬天,能为我们去除寒冷,带来温暖,选择一款质量过关的热水器是非常有必要的,在平时要定期清洗内胆,因水中含有的微量杂质和矿物质,长期使用后,会慢慢沉淀下来,假如清洗的话,会影响出水水质以整机使用寿命。
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坚定奉行互利共赢的开放战略英语:adhere to the open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win。共赢,是中国的对外开放战略,是科学发展观关于“统筹国内发展和对外开放”目标的具体体现。互利共赢是指必须统筹国内发展和对外开放,不断提高对外开放水平。经验表明,一个国家坚持什么样的发展观,对这个国家的发展会产生重大影响,不同的发展观往往会导致不同的发展结果。根据科学发展观,“十一五”规划具体设定了我国要积极参与国际经济竞争,实施“互利共赢”的对外开放战略。“互利共赢”是科学发展观的具体体现,是中国对外经济交往的指导思想。它包含着对利益的追求,但并不止于对利益的追求,它的着眼点是通过国家之间经济合作的路径,更好地促进国内发展和改革,实现中国的现代化。互利共赢的意义:战争的结局是两败,合作的结果是双赢。现实告诉我们,一国在着眼于本国利益的同时,只有尊重对方的利益,只有将历史的恩怨、社会制度的异同和意识形态的差别放在求同存异、寻找利益交汇点的大原则下去处理,才能实现国际合作最大化和国际争议最小化。中国的经济发展需要充分利用国际国内两个市场、两种资源。中国两大挑战是国内需要和谐社会,国外需要和平发展。互利共赢是中国在维护世界和平中发展自己、又以自身发展促进世界和平的战略选择,是中国和中国企业积极参与国际经济竞争和坚持国际经济合作的行为准则。
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问题一:坚持用英文怎么说 有多种表达方式: 1) insist on doing 坚持做 E.g. Ethiopians insist on doing things their own way. [MSN]: Ethiopia offers unique travel experience 2) keep doing E.g. At the same time, we have to keep doing everything we can to accelerate this recovery. WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on September, 2010 Jobs Numbers 3) persist in doing If you persist in doing something, you continue to do it, even though it is difficult or other people are against it. 坚持; 执意 例: Why do people persist in begging for money in the street? 为什么人们非要在街上讨钱呢? 例: He urged the United States to persist with its efforts to bring about peace. 他敦促美国坚持努力实现和平。 问题二:坚持的英文怎么说? 坚持 n. persistence v. remain mitted to, persist, uphold, insist on, stick to something, adhere to 问题三:用英语翻译 这个世界并不缺少有梦想的人.缺的只是对梦想的执着与坚持. This world is not a lack of people with a dream, the lack of a persistent heart of dreams 问题四:坚持下去英语怎么说 坚持下去 [jiān chí xià qù] 基本翻译 keep going hold the line soldier on 网络释义 坚持下去穿hang on | hold on | Keep Holding On 问题五:世上并不缺少天才,但缺少天才般的坚持的翻译 Talents are many in the world, but many ordinary people lack of that kind of perseverance talents usually have. 问题六:坚持用英语怎么说? 坚持! Hold on!=Keep it up! 坚持不是作为独立句子时,要根据具体搭配,有不同的词persist in; persevere in; uphold; insist on; stick to; adhere to 如:坚持我们自己的见解 stick to our opinion 坚持原来的计划 adhere to the original plan 他坚持他的要求 he insisted on his demand 希望采纳 问题七:坚持下去英文怎么说,坚持下去的英文例句 口语一点的 keep on going/ hold on 书面一点的 persist/ persevere 问题八:我从未忘记自己的目标,既然选择了,就一定要坚持.用英语怎么说 I have never forgotten the goal I set for myself. Once you make up your mind, better stick to it. or I will never forget the goal I am aiming at. Once you make the choice, you"d better never give it up/
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guava[英][u02c8gwɑ:vu0259][美][u02c8ɡwɑvu0259]n.番石榴; Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affectively. 冷藏可有效延长珍珠番石榴的贮藏期。番石榴(Psidium guajava Linn.),别名花念、芭乐、鸡屎果、拔子、喇叭番石榴,是桃金娘科、番石榴属常绿小乔木或灌木,俗称芭乐、拔番石榴子、那拔。为热带、亚热带水果,原产美洲,现在华南地区及四川盆地均有栽培,香甜可口。成熟的番石榴为浅绿色,果皮脆薄,食用时一般不用削皮,果肉厚,清甜脆爽。其营养丰富,含有丰富的维生素和铁,番石榴在台湾算是土生水果之一,在台湾属于一等一的减肥水果,是市场上能见到的很好的减肥水果,也可以预防高血压,肥胖症,还可以排毒促进消化。可促进新陈代谢、调节生理机能、常保身体健康,很适糖尿病患者食用,而且番石榴内的维生素C有治男性不育症的功效。另外果实也富含蛋白质和脂质,多吃易便秘。
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