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2023-06-19 15:51:03


In the press, my poetry was severely abused. How could fate be so unfair to me! I"ve only been a nobody all my life. I can"t stand it. It"s really fate!


I grabbed my hat, threw away the newspaper, and rushed to Broadway, where a large group of people flocked happily to the circus beside the street. The performance has just begun. It is said that the clown in the circus is famous for his excellent performance.


After a while, my old friend standal came to greet me.


Nice to meet you, Helstone, my boy. Oh, how are you doing? Didn"t kill or set fire? Don"t you have to escape? You look as if you were stimulated!



现在完成时( The Present Perfect Tense)是过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。




生活没有目的,是想航行没有指南针。 2.after长期对话,吉姆成为孙在她的心。 3.put您的手中,没有进一步的比您的袖子将达到。 4.paper和墨水,减少喉咙的男人,和良好的呼吸,可能震撼世界。 5.six年已通过在一个眨眼,因为我来到首都从农村。 6.marriage就像一个violin.after音乐是弦乐仍在攻击。7.the督察,霜冻的名称和性质,进入厨房,站在我旁边。 8.thousands的人蜂拥而至,向hostital支付方面的遗骸的伟大影星。 9.beauty是夏季水果,这是很容易腐败,不能过去。 10.never显示底部您的钱包或您的想法。 11.i听到美味的歌唱的母亲,或对青年的妻子,或该女童的缝纫或清洗。
2023-06-19 14:32:101


你做过什么事最快乐?请写一写。 今年春天我很快乐 春天来了,燕子从南方归来了,它一身乌黑亮丽的羽毛,一双俊俏轻盈的翅膀,在天空中啄著树枝准备回家重新建巢。我仿佛听见它说:“我又可以搬新家了,我好快乐啊!” 杨柳吐出了绿色的新芽我来到小河边,看见堤岸上,充满了生机与活力,夏天的时候,人们就可以靠在它的身上乘凉了,它是多么快乐啊!我听到了溪水“叮咚叮咚”地唱着欢快的歌儿,我问:“小溪,小溪,你要到哪里去?”小溪说:“我要流到小河里,在路途中我可以滋润田野,溼润土地…我能为人们做出点儿贡献我很快乐!” 我来到了一座花园里,万紫千红的花儿,粉的似霞,白的如雪,红的似火,可真漂亮啊!人们赞美着这美丽、鲜艳的花儿。花儿听着赞美之辞,快乐极了。 我来到田野里,天上下起了濛濛春雨,这春雨溼润了小草,让小草更加翠绿,溼润了大地,让大地更加柔软…农民伯伯露出了甜甜的微笑,他们播下了南瓜种、玉米种……他们也同时播下了希望,希望来年秋天能有一个好收成。他们仿佛看到了茄子穿上了紫袍,冬瓜披上了白纱,高粱举起了火把……他们有快乐的笑了。 我又来到了河岸,我看见小朋友正在漫滩路上奔跑着,放著五颜六色的风筝,看着他们甜蜜的笑容,我也快乐的笑了。 春天是多么美好,多么甜蜜,多么艳丽啊!我喜欢春天,因为她让世间的一切都这么快乐! 你为爸爸、妈妈做过什么事呢?快来动手写一写吧! 拿鞋 请写一写你做过的梦五句话英文  I had a wonderful dream not very long ago. In the dream, I found myself suddenly able to swim. I swam freely in the sea, where I saw many strange trees and plants I had never seen before. While I was swimming, some brightly colored fish followed me. When I sped, they all flocked around me, as if anxious to know who I was. To my amazement, I found they could talk! So we struck up an interesting conversation. We became good friends and lived together. In my happiness in the fantasy land, I fot all my troubles. In fact, I fot that I was a human being. Unfortunately, however, this wonderful life didn"t last too long, for soon the dream ended and I woke up to face the real world again. 你爱父父母吗?你为他们做过什么事?选择你印象最深的事写一写 生病的时候卧床,第一次去市场买菜,被坑,作饭煮得不太好就一点都够你写上几百字了。 春天最快乐的事写一写日记 春天里,真是百花齐放,花儿朵朵开。一月的梨花,二月的迎春,我都喜欢,但我更喜欢三月的桃花,三月的桃花是怎样的美啊! 春天里,故乡的桃花最美。奶奶在园里种的桃花,怎样的美那是无法形容的。那是广大的美;那是未知的美。刚下过一场春雨,桃花开了,花瓣满地都是。走进桃花园,那里散发著泥土气息,多久没有呼吸到这么清新的空气,与城市街道哪儿比,奶奶的桃花园就犹如仙境一般,它会让你如痴如醉沉迷于其中。桃花有5瓣,它是多么多么地粉红,花瓣中间浅一些,外边深一些,有着由浅到深的层次感,是多么的美丽。不仅今人喜欢桃花,古人也喜欢桃花多少古诗中写有桃花,多少画中画有桃花。桃花呀桃花,你是多么的受人喜爱?看那园中还有几朵含苞欲放,它们粉红著,多似小姑娘害羞不愿见人,但大部分都开了,它们开的十分艳丽,又好似见客人来了睁著开放来展现自己的美丽之处。又一阵微风吹来一朵桃花飘了下来,地这么大,它偏偏落在我的手上,仔细瞧瞧,你必然会发现它的不同之处:它更漂亮;它更艳丽;它更好看;它更芳香。一朵小小的桃花,就让我沉迷其中,这难道是我与桃花的一种缘分?桃花啊桃花…… 春天里的桃花最美丽;春天里的桃花最芳香;春天里的桃花最值得人们的赞扬和喜爱的。故乡的桃花我怎能将你忘怀…… 你在冬天最快乐的事是什么?为什么快乐?用几句话写一写 冬天最快乐的事情就是走在雪地里,脚下咯吱咯吱的响声让我心情舒畅,空气清新,田野里一片白。 做什么事最快乐答案你认为做什么事最快乐 做你自己想做的事 想一想,写一写。什么,很快乐 健康的人,很快乐 你在学校里和家里都帮助老师同学和家人做过什么事?请写一写 帮家人洗碗,买菜,帮小孩洗澡,拖地,倒垃圾等在学校帮同学老师端作业发作业,叫人,发饭,扫地等 用英语写一写你做过的一项运动(六年级下) Sports help everyone to keep healthy,happy,and efficient.So I pay specialattention to games,especially table-tennis.Table tennis is my favorite game.I play it almost every day. Table-tennis is an ideal game us because it brings the whole body into action.It strengthens our muscles,expands our lungs,promotes the circulation of the blood,and causes a healthy action of the skin.Besides,it is very amusing and does not cost us much money.Table-tennis is very moderate; it is not so rough as football.It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days.Thus,it is my favorite kind of exercise. 运动能帮助每一个人保持健康、快乐和有效率.所以我特别重视运动,特别是桌球,桌球是我最喜欢的运动.我几乎每天玩. 桌球对我们而言,是一项理想的运动,因为它可以使我们全身运动,它可以增强我们的肌肉,扩张我们的肺部,促进血液回圈,并且使肌肤产生健康作用,此外,它很有趣而且所费不多.桌球是相当温和适中的,它不像足球那么粗野.它是一种室内运动,甚至在下雨天也能玩.因此,桌球是我最喜爱的一个运动专案
2023-06-19 14:32:441


1、part of, a part of   这两个词组后可接单,复数名词或不可数名词,名词前要有the, these, your等限定词;亦可跟代词宾格。它们都表示“部分”的意思,但在词意范围上有所不同。   part of意为其中“一部分”,可能是整体的一半,一半以上或一半以下。例如:he is a philatelist; part of his collection is rare sets of postage stamps of the qing dynasty.他是一位集邮家。他藏品的一部分是罕见的套头的大清国邮票。the chinese revolution is part of the world"s proletarian revolution. 中国革命是世界无产阶级革命的一部分。   a part of意为其中的“一小部分”,仅指整体的一半以下,这时可用part of代替。例如:(a) part of the textbooks have arrived.(一小)部分教科书已经到了。i read only (a) part of the story.这篇小说我仅仅看了(一小)部分。  2、permit, allow   这两个词都是“许可,允许”之意,用法正式;而且都表示有能力或权威去阻止的含义。   permit意为“准许,允许”,比前者更为正式,严肃,指有权允许的一方积极、明确地从正面允许或持肯定态度。例如:we do permit our employees to gather in the hobby and sing carols on christmas eve. 我们确实准许雇员们于圣诞前夜在大厅里集合唱圣诞颂歌。you are indeed not sensible enough to allow your teenage son to stay out until midnight and even permit him to use the family car. 听任你十几岁的儿子在外逗留直至午夜甚至还准许他使用家里的汽车,你这样做实在是太不明智了。the distance between the two cities was in those days too great to permit of frequent contact.这两个城市的距离太远,在那时不可能有频繁的接触。in the wall of the cabin there is a hole to permit light to enter. 小屋的墙壁上有一个小洞,光线可以射进来。   allow意为“许可,准许”,其实表达的意思是并不反对,不加阻止或客观条件的可行性,偏重“听任”,意义较消极。可用于复合结构,即allow sb./sth. to do sth.。常用词组:allow for考虑到具体情况;allow of (no delay/ no dispute)许可,承认(刻不容缓,没有争论余地)。例如:his weakened condition would not allow of his being questioned by the police.他身体虚弱,受不了警方的质询。the nurse allowed the visitors to remain beyond the hospital visiting hours, though it was not permitted.尽管医院并不允许,但这位护士还是默许探视者们过了探视时间依然留在医院。i want to get a good business or profession which allows me to get away when i want to.我想找一份我想离开时就能允许我离开的行当或职业。being the principal of a high school, jane"s position allowed of no unseemly behavior in public.作为一座高等学府的校长,简的职位不允许她在公共场合有任何不得体的举止。  3、personal, private, individual   这一组词都可译作“个人的”。 personal意为“个人的,私人的,亲自的”,着重强调属于或涉及本人,而非他人所能代表或代替的事物。例如: according to etiquette in western countries, it"s good manners to avoid making personal remarks.按照西方礼仪,避免发表涉及个人的评论是礼貌的。i have something personal to discuss with you because it"s related to either my own or your intimate interests.我有点私事和你商量,因为它有关你我的切身利益。what is special about the meeting is that the prime minister will make a personal appearance.此次会议与众不同之处在于首相亲自出席。susan wondered if she could ask anna a personal question such as the marital status.苏珊在想她能否问安娜一个诸如婚姻状况一类的私人问题。   private意为“个人的,私有的”,表示与公共的或公有的相反,也含有明确的隐私,不愿或不应公之于众的意思。例如:he has asked the secretary of the state to apply to the president for a private interview.他已要国务卿向总统提出申请,要求秘密会见。in the united states, the rich tend to send their children to private schools regardless of their expensive tuition.在美国富人们愿意让孩子上私立学校,不论其费用有多昂贵。this file is highly confidential because it contains all the private information concerning the election.这份文件高度机密,因为它包含了与选举有关的所有个人材料。   individual意为“个体的,个人的”,区别于集体,整体或普通,明确指某类单一的,个别的人物,常用作定语。例如:she was determined to do good, not to any individual person but to a country.他决心为国家而不是为任何个人做好事。some people claim that the individual rights are more important than the public interests as a whole.有些人声称个人利益比公众利益更重要。what i admire most is that my sister has an individual style of arranging her hair.我最羡慕姐姐的是她梳的发型很有个性。  4、passed, past   passed是动词pass的过去式和过去分词,当它用作分词,修饰某个名词时,有强调该名词的意味。例如:on our way home we passed through a picturesque village.在回家的路上,我们经过了一个风景如画的村子。i consider that the days passed in this way are memorable.我认为以这种方式度过的日子是值得纪念的。   past不能用作动词,但可以用作介词,副词,名词和形容词。作形容词时,既可放在所修饰名词的前面作定语,也可用作连系动词be的表语。例如:in the past, only men had a vote.过去只有男子才有选举权。he dashed forward, paying no attention to the bullets that whizzed past him.他冲向前去,不顾耳边飞过的枪弹。during the past few days, many visitors have flocked into the town.在过去的几天当中,许多参观者涌入城里。those times are past.那样的时代过去了。注意:当past作形容词,其前面有定冠词时,past放在所修饰的名词之前;没有定冠词时,past放在所饰的名词之后。试比较下面的短语:for the past few months 过去的几个月during the past week 过去的一周期间for some time past过去的一段时间in times past 在过去的年代里  5、play, play with   play是一个多义动词。在表示“玩”的意思时,既可作不及物动词(主语一般是儿童);也可作及物动词,这时,后面通常跟乐器名词(有冠词),球类名词或者棋,牌等。例如:the children are playing on the ground.孩子们在操场上玩。she played the piano quite beautifully.她钢琴弹得棒极了。sometimes they played bridge together.有时他们在一起打桥牌。   play with也可表示“玩”的意思。一般用于小孩和动物,指一种不自觉的“玩耍;开玩笑“的意思。用于前者时,后接具体的东西;用于后者时,后接表示人的名词。例如:the little girl is playing with her toy bus. 小姑娘在玩她的玩具汽车。it was mean of him to play with her affections.他玩弄她地感情是卑鄙的。don"t play with him, he is in a bad humor.别和他开玩笑;他情绪不好。注意:play with后接人的名词时,有时容易产生歧义。请比较下面一句的意义:they are playing with each other.他们在相互玩弄。/ 他们在相互开玩笑。/ 他们相互在一起玩。  6、prepare, prepare for, prepared for   prepare和另两个词组都是“准备”的意思,但含义和用法有别。prepare用作及物动词,后接名词时,表示“准备;调制,配置”的意思,它亦可接带to的动词不定式(表示“准备干某事”)或接不定式复合结构(表示“为某人做某事作准备)。例如:i can"t see you tonight, i shall be preparing my lessons.我今晚不能见你,我要预备功课呢。after the discussion they prepared to write an article to air their views.经过讨论,他们准备写一篇文章来提出自己的看法。the nurse is preparing the child to go to hospital.保姆正在为孩子住院作准备。   prepare for和prepared for后均接名词或代词,都含有“为将来即要发生的某一行动或某种情况作准备”的意味。两者一般可以互换,不同的是prepare for是个动介型短语动词,作及物动词用,动作意味很强,可直接用作谓语;prepared for中的prepared是一个形容词,须借助动词be作表语,表示状态。例如:we were given two days to prepare for the examination.我们可以有两天的时间来准备考试。they were prepared for the worst.他们已准备好应付最坏的情况。注意:prepare for可分开来写,即prepare...for, 这时prepare是及物动词。当prepare后接表示物的名词时,prepare...for通常表示“为(某人)准备(什么)”。当prepare后接人的名词,介词for后接事物等名词时,它通常表示“培养或指导(某人)准备(什么)”。例如:we must prepare a room for our guest.我们必须为客人准备一个房间。they are preparing their child for college.他们培养孩子准备上大学。  7、price, cost, expense   这组词都指“价钱,花费”。price意为“价格,定价,价钱”,主要指卖主给商品定的价格,一般都高于成本(cost),也可引为做某事而付出的“代价”。例如:labor was the first price, the original purchase money that was paid for all things.劳动是最初的价格,是人们购买一切东西所支付的最初货币。what a price she paid for saving the factory from the fire!为了使工厂不至于被火烧掉,她付出了什么样的代价啊!   cost意为“成本,费用,价钱”,多指对要价的支付,也指产品本身的成本,即设计,生产,运输付出的所有劳动及原材料的价值总和。引申为“代价”,即付出的牺牲。常用词组:at the cost of 以...为代价;at all costs (any cost)不惜一切代价。例如:we have paid a very high cost but we have also made very great achievement.我们付出了很高的代价,但也取得了巨大的成就。he rescued the boy from drowning at the cost of his own life.他救了这孩子,使其免于被淹死,却牺牲了自己的生命。   expense意为“费用,花费,开支”,常指为某物实际支付的金额总数,也可指各种花费,尤指金钱,也可包括时间,精力等。例如:they built a runway in a shorter time and at less expense than originally planned.他们修筑了一条跑道,所用的时间比原计划短,花的钱也少些。the board of the directors decided to cut down expenses by combining the three offices into one.董事会决定把三个办公室合并成一个,以节省开支。in order to meet the expenses for her studies, kessy had to do extra work at night.为了支付学习费用,凯西只好晚上去加班工作。  8、pretty, fairly, rather   这组词都有“相当地”之意。pretty意为“相当,非常”,是个非正式的用法,表示程度相当高。常用短语有:pretty well, pretty soon, pretty certain。例如:people in the city can hardly imagine what a pretty rough life the countrymen live.生活在城里的人难以想象农村人的生活有多苦。we can safely draw a conclusion from her facial expression that she is pretty satisfied with the election result.从她面部表情我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:她对选举结果相当满意。   fairly意为“相当,还算”,语气最弱,表示适度、尚可,不能与too及形容词,副词的比较级连用。还可以讲作“公正地,明白地”之意。常用短语:be fairly beside oneself几乎疯了;fairly and squarely光明正大地。例如:the children were fairly beside themselves with joy as they caught sight of their parents. 孩子们见到父母简直欣喜若狂。in our school most of the teachers were fairly young except for a few older teachers.除了几位老教师外,在我校大多数是很年轻的教师。   rather意为“相当,颇”,用来含蓄地表达某种想法,以避免直截了当的表达方式,但其所表示的程度实际上却颇高。rather通常修饰表示否定的词或本身为否定的意义,而fairly则修饰即表示肯定意义的词或本身为肯定的意义。常用短语:rather too...稍微太...一点;rather than:与其...不would rather...than宁愿。例如:i have got a fairly good memory for names, but i"m rather bad on dates.我记名字记得相当牢,可是记日期却不行。before then, air pollution may have become an international, rather than national problem.在那以前,空气污染与其说是国家问题,倒不如说是一个国际问题。
2023-06-19 14:32:511


2023-06-19 14:33:091

那个 帮忙大概的翻译一下,谢谢!!

烈酒,哥特式的幻想和欲望,请,我们正在英国 登录电子邮件 友善列印 重印 保存文章 艾伦骑马 发布时间: 2006年2月27日 新华社伦敦2月21日-诗人菲利普u2022拉金著名宣布,英国在1963年发现的性别,但一个新的展示泰特英国提议远远早日期1782年,这一年好奇涌向伦敦皇家学院夏季展看愣住,混乱和兴奋在亨利Fuseli的绘画“的噩梦。 ” 跳到下一段 放大此图片 底特律艺术学院 “的噩梦” ( 1782年)由瑞士出生的英国艺术家亨利Fuseli ,从展览,泰特英国。 论坛:艺术家及展览 因此,在通常的值得肖像和风景, Fuseli石油展示了身体,俯卧睡觉的处女,以堕落前瞻性食人魔或梦魇坐在她的胸部和头部的瞎马突出menacingly通过红色天鹅绒窗帘。什么意思? 这是10年前,英格兰教会部长清除起来谴责Fuseli作为一个“浪子的绘画。 ” Fuseli自然反对,坚持他决不会发挥“的魅力,击中人群。 ”但是,是的, “恶梦”的有关性:与她低着头,她的胳膊挂松弛尚未sensually ,年轻女子做梦的肯定性。 Fuseli似乎也补充说他自己的双关语。在“马”的“噩梦”来自德国的“玛拉” ,意思是谁适用折磨精神压力卧铺的胸部。因此,它很可能是Fuseli的笑话陪同“玛拉” -在进出口中的绘画-以“马”的形式,马的头部。啊,东西的梦想。 “恶梦”很快成为一个受欢迎的形象,同时抄送其他艺术家和转载于打印。实际上,打印的石油寄托在弗洛伊德的办公室在维也纳举行。现在,原始-对贷款底特律艺术学院-再次提请人群为核心的“哥特式的恶梦: Fuseli ,布雷克和浪漫的想象, ”它仍然在泰特英国通过5月1日。 不过,这不是一个性别表明,即使面纱并不孤立一些俏皮的形象。 (或存在的面纱,以确保没有人怀念他们? )相反,它是探索世界的幻想,神秘,恐怖和性变态的表现在艺术和文学在英国1770年和1830年之间,并引发通过小说,电影,甚至流行音乐,后来被称为哥特式。 在文学,标志工作是玛丽雪莱的1818年“科学怪人” 。在艺术,时尚化为画和素描强烈说明,肌肉米开朗基罗启发男子和裸若虫,以及无数的仙女和恶魔。从某种意义上说,这些作品是一个反应对理性的启示,在另一个,他们代表了寻求一种独特的英国神话。 政治背景有关。英国刚刚失去了美国的殖民地,而法国大革命风暴蔓延欧洲各地。危言耸听-甚至粗俗-这些漫画在此展览证明了政治斗争发生在英国本身在经常不稳定的乔治三世统治时期。 奇怪的是,该名男子谁来到人格化的哥特式英语艺术Fuseli ,苏黎世出生的自学成才的画家是谁在他的中期30日的时候,他搬到伦敦,谁不会说英语流利。然而,超过任何他的同时代人,他把莎士比亚和弥尔顿的材料,吸引了在这两种情况下的超自然因素在其书面答复。 在50幅绘画和绘画Fuseli在这显示是“怪异姐妹” ,他采取的女巫在“麦克白” ,本身就是一个很大复制-和模仿-形象。许多其他国家都更加诱人。举例来说,他的两幅画作以“仲夏夜之梦” - “二氧化钛和底部的驴头”和“二氧化钛觉醒” -把二氧化钛光荣裸体。 Fuseli当然希望他的梦想,鬼神。在“女王凯瑟琳的梦想, ”从莎士比亚的“亨利八世” ,临终和废黜女王访问的“和平的精神。 ”同样他同时代的启发:一个版画罗伯特Thew已经哈姆雷特会议的幽灵他的父亲,威廉布莱克了理查德三世的幽灵困扰他的受害者。 Fuseli还利用了弥尔顿的“失乐园” ,其中“撒旦开始,触Ithuriel的Lance ”提出的亚当和夏娃赤裸拥抱幸福。作为瑞士,他已接近德国民间传说和传奇。总之,他是专门牟姆博-珍宝。 18世纪瑞士神学家约翰卡斯帕拉瓦特尔Fuseli写的: “幽灵,魔鬼和疯子的幻影,灭绝天使;谋杀和暴力行为-例如是他最喜欢的科目,可是,我再说一遍,没有人喜欢有更多的温情。 ” 但Fuseli也是一个不错的画家?从某种意义上说,这个问题是不公平的,他在这些艺术家更关心的是他们所说比他们如何说。当然,他梦幻般的想象力,促使Surrealists恢复关心他的工作在1920年的。 布莱克,也很感兴趣,超自然。泰特英国显示器25他水彩,素描和油画,其中包括一些从他的启示系列。其他使用圣经的主题,如“上帝写作摆在桌子上的盟约。 ”很奇怪的,当然他最哥特式的工作“的幽灵跳蚤” ,这表明肌肉吸血鬼般的人物,有人说,由于布雷克的交谈跳蚤。 也许最令人吃惊的是,是如何的哥特式仍然呼吁英国,至少如果衡量报纸艺术评论家在这里,谁的反应,以独特的混合喜悦和尴尬。 “到本查看, ”理查德Dorment中写道每日电讯报, “我已经觉得Fuseli是一个schlock艺术家,而是一个伟大的。 ”在独立日,苏丝Feay写的“噩梦: ” “这是营,它的粘性,这是愚蠢的。这是纯Fuseli 。 ”但她随后供认: “哥特式艺术,如哥特式小说,是一个犯高兴:这么愉快的,您觉得它不能做的事你都没有好处。 ” 坎贝尔的雷切尔,约翰斯顿,写在他的时代, “这是一个thrillingly奢华,振奋的表演。 ”但它也谈到了一个关键时刻,在英国的历史。 “房间后,房间的图片展示, ”她写道, “我们看一个国家的对等首次进入内心深处的精神,探索它的梦想和回忆和愿望,探测其担心和恐惧。 ”它始于一个夏天的一天, 1782年。 更多文章,在艺术“
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巴厘岛作者:路丝 西门丝说起 "巴厘岛 ," 和大多数的人想到一个热带的天堂。 好几年,旅客已经成群而行到岛赞美包括来自海岸的巴厘岛沿海岸而行的天然的美人。 因为他们地方不能变得充足,所以一些旅客再三地归还。 其它来而且不曾离开。 到所有他们, 在像巴厘岛的地球上没有地方。 沿着岛的中央山范围, volcanoes 进入云之内上升。 他们的出现是祝福和诅咒。 volcanoes 使岛的土壤肥沃, 但是爆发, 虽然稀少的, 已经带数千的生命。 在六百年以前,伊斯兰教扫进了东南亚。 爪哇的印度尺逃出了到巴厘岛逃脱侵略者。 因为一些理由, 回教徒在巴厘岛上别管他们了。 他们的文明继续未受到干扰的直到 1597 当荷兰的水手 " 发现了 " 岛的时候。 一些喜欢它这么多当它来了为船的时间航向家的时候,他们拒绝离开。 荷兰人只是第一个访客享受巴厘岛。 现在数千每年从在全世界的国家到达。 为库塔海滩的大多数的头正确地从飞机场。 他们进入许多奢侈酒店衬里之一大海之内消失。 虽然这海滩是巴厘岛最好之一,但是沙子的长条挤满数以百计厂商。 这些商人要求旅游者买,买, 买来自按摩的每件事物给巴厘岛的布料和木制的雕刻品。 比较传统的巴厘岛存在着超过库塔。 由 Ubud 向北方前进, 岛的文化的和艺术中心。 在这里, 油漆, 雕刻品, 织动和制造珠宝的繁荣。 见到使巴厘岛成为他们的家的西方艺术家的巴厘岛艺术品和那的一个许多风格的样品。 跳舞, 也, 是 Ubud 的艺术的一些。 许多跳舞告诉远古的印度人故事。 舞者练习数小时和数小时藉着每跳舞学习必需的精确的运动。 Ubud 北方躺卧中央的山范围。 在这里山视野能取走你的呼吸。 咖啡和丁香树的绿色果园铺以地毯一些山坡。 饭台地相似的庞大楼梯包括其它。 巴里语是一些世界上最好的饭栽培者。 小心的水管理让他们有每年二收获。 种植饭是给男人只有,但是整个的村庄在收获时间进入行动。 在 Banjar Tega 的温泉, 在很棒的山中高度,吸引本地人和访客一样。 愉快的热水进入三个池之内从像龙一样人的嘴溢出。 在一次清爽的沭浴之后,多数以以好价格供应优良的食物的附近的餐馆享受午餐。 附近的地方市场提供多种新鲜的水果和蔬菜。 在岛上,多数商人也卖装香料的包裹。
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Today is May in Chinese lunar calendar is Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the midday Festival, festival of May, five, AI Festival, end of day, noon, the summer festival. Although the names are different, the customs of people around the holiday is the same. Dragon Boat Festival is China more than 2000 years old customs, each to this day, each and every family were suspended as Zhong Kui, hangs the leaf calamus, dragon boat races, eat zongzi, drinking realgar wine, travel sickness, Perry sachet!Morning, we began to pack dumplings, ready to feed my belly".". Said the Dragon Boat Festival, you must not know the Dragon Boat Festival knowledge, let me tell you the doctor about the Dragon Boat Festival knowledge!Talking about the Dragon Boat Festival, we have to select a poet asked him to help us to start at the beginning of him, but he is He Fang divine? He is the famous patriotic poet -- Qu Yuan! Qu Yuan is the Warring States period abroad, very learned. He was an official in the image is the Chu side, our country rich and strong. He was a traitor to genius, Qu Yuan Xiaozhi exile. In exile, Qu Yuan heard that the Chu capital held by the enemy, the people in distress, very angry. The fifth in May this day, he came to the Miluo River, holding a piece of stone, to plunge into the Miluo river. Overseas people hear Qu Yuan River news, very sad. Their tears rowed to salvage Qu Yuan, also put the dumplings into the river to feed the fish in the hope that the fish, do not harm the body of Qu Yuan. This is the May festival dumplings.
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Many job seekers have such experience: No high academic qualifications and work experience rich conditions, it may be difficult to find an ideal job. However, according to press survey found that communication barriers (poor communication and conversation), more likely to be blocked in the success of job seekers outside. Reporters had launched a specialized random survey interviewed, the survey targeted at professionals to Shenzhen, a large market of job seekers, a total of 100 questionnaires were sent out to recover 88 valid questionnaires were effectively the response rate was 88%. Specific findings are as follows: the success or failure of job-seekers are closely related and communicative competence. First of all respondents to the questionnaire "qualifications" and "past experience" was asked. The results showed that job-seekers, a college-level education, 32.6% have tertiary qualifications of 42.7%, 75.3% for the total sum; have engaged in marketing, clerical, management, and other major and dealing with the work of the people, the cumulative 64.9%. This shows that the majority of job seekers have a higher academic qualifications and rich work experience. Thereafter, the key question questionnaire: "According to your own job experience, do you think that the success of job seekers and communicative ability and eloquence to do?" Statistics show that: the view that "a relationship" accounted for 60.7 percent, answered " 1:00, "which accounted for 37.1%, and that" little "and" little to no "only 2.2 per cent. In other words, if the "relationship" and "okay" category-that the success of job seekers and communicative ability and eloquence "relationship" account for 97.8 percent. Clearly, the success or failure of that job-seekers and communicative ability and eloquence "" the proportion of persons than the "highly educated" and "rich experience" the proportion of persons is higher. This means that, compared with academic qualifications and work experience, communication and eloquence factor in the job search process may play a more important role. If not successful job seekers and recruiters communication, as the tide of talent from all flocked to Shenzhen today, in order to obtain other people"s appreciation, is not an easy matter. Most job seekers consider themselves communication barriers exist statistical analysis found that their "general communicative competence" for the 49.4% consider themselves "eloquent generalization," 53.4%, respectively accounting for about half the respondents. When asked about the "peacetime and there are no barriers to people exchanges", 53.4% of the respondents said that "there." In these people, 29.8 percent of the respondents believe that the greatest obstacle is the psychological Communication, 31.9 percent of the respondents think it is "the lack of actual communication skills," 38.3% of the people find their own "psychological and skills in both obstacles. " Clearly, the majority of job-seekers in Shenzhen of their own communication ability is not satisfied with the eloquence and even a lack of confidence. Communication and eloquence lax training system biased towards good proportion of the social and psychological quality of interpersonal skills is not innate, only in the community in the process of continuous and systematic training, can be learned. However, the survey found that only 12.5% of the "regular basis" Communication and eloquence aspects books, 80.7 percent of the people only "occasionally pointed out repeatedly," 6.8 percent were "never see." As for acceptance in this respect, specially trained people is more of the rare. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why some job seekers have high academic qualifications, work experience there, the work is not ideal. Job-seekers eager to fill this lesson Communication and eloquence Perhaps it is because of their own poor communication in the job market rebuffed many, many job seekers has finally recognized that people contacts and the importance of eloquence, and hope to have the opportunity to fill this lesson. For example, 76.1% of the people think that "interpersonal exchanges and eloquent ability is good and to a large extent determines the success or failure of the cause of a person", 69.3% of the people "Communication and eloquence that modern people must have the ability to , as the learning needs of professional knowledge as learning system "that recognized only 9% of the people believed that" communicative competence is born. " Interestingly, more than 93 per cent of the respondents expressed willingness to participate in the communication or eloquence of training. The people did not consider it necessary only 6.8%. Job search process, in essence, is the job seekers and recruiters mutual communication process. Can the two sides effective communication determines the success or failure of job-seekers. People with effective communication, modern professional quality is an important component. On the survey results, job seekers currently only available communication and eloquence situation, it is difficult to adapt to the increasingly fierce competition in the career. Therefore, the job-seekers in order to achieve the ideal jobs, and establish a firm foothold in the professional community, in addition to enhance the professional skills of learning, but also the need to strengthen communication with the eloquence of training, as far as possible, to improve their communication skills in order to accumulate More human capital, access to the survival and development of more space.
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Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Eve, Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, August Festival, August Meeting, Moon Pursuit Festival, Playing Moon Festival, Moonworship Festival, Daughter"s Festival or Reunion Festival, is a traditional cultural festival popular in many ethnic and Chinese cultural circles in China, on August 15th of the lunar calendar; because it is exactly half of the three autumns, so the name of Mid-Autumn Fe The Festival is scheduled for August 16. The Mid-Autumn Festival began in the early Tang Dynasty and prevailed in the Song Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had become one of the main festivals in China, which was as famous as the Spring Festival. Influenced by Chinese culture, Mid-Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival for overseas Chinese in East and Southeast Asia, especially in the local areas. Since 2008, Mid-Autumn Festival has been listed as a national statutory holiday. On May 20, 2006, the State Council was listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists.
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课文翻译如下:In the press, my poetry was severely abused. How could fate be so unfair to me! I"ve only been a nobody all my life. I can"t stand it. It"s really fate!在报刊中我的诗被狠狠地辱骂了一番,命运怎么对我如此的不公呢!我一辈子都只做个无名小卒罢了,实在受不了了,这真是造化弄人!I grabbed my hat, threw away the newspaper, and rushed to Broadway, where a large group of people flocked happily to the circus beside the street. The performance has just begun. It is said that the clown in the circus is famous for his excellent performance.我一把抓起帽子,扔了报刊,然后向百老汇冲去,在那里一大群人都兴高采烈地涌向街道旁的马戏团,表演才刚刚开始,据说马戏团里的那个小丑因为出色的表演而出名。After a while, my old friend standal came to greet me.过了一会儿,我的老朋友斯坦达尔走过来跟我寒暄。Nice to meet you, Helstone, my boy. Oh, how are you doing? Didn"t kill or set fire? Don"t you have to escape? You look as if you were stimulated!幸会幸会,赫尔斯通,我的小伙子。哎呀,最近怎么样呀?没有杀人放火吧?不用去逃难吗?你看起来好像受了什么刺激一样!这部分内容主要考察的是现在完成时的知识点:现在完成时( The Present Perfect Tense)是过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。完成时态的构成分为两部分:一是助动词,二是实义动词的过去分词-ed。具体来说,用助动词have/has表示“时”,以表明动作发生的时间是在过去、现在还是将来;用过去分词来表示动作的“态”,以表明该动作已经完成,而且对现在有一定的影响。
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威尼斯是一个美丽的水上城市,它建筑在最不可能建造城市的地方-水上,威尼斯的风情总离不开“水”,蜿蜒的水巷,流动的清波,她就好像一个漂浮在碧波上浪漫的梦,诗情画意久久挥之不去。这个城市,有一度曾握有全欧最强大的人力、物力和权势。威尼斯的历史相传开始于公元453年;当时威尼斯地方的农民和渔民为逃避酷嗜刀兵的游牧民族,转而避往亚德里亚海中的这个小岛。威尼斯外形像海豚,城市面积不到7.8平方公里,却由118个小岛组成,177条运河蛛网一样密布其间,这些小岛和运河由大约401座各式各样的桥梁缀接相连。整个城市只靠一条长堤与意大利大陆半岛连接。 威尼斯圣马可广场涨水这里建筑的方法,是先在水底下的泥上打下大木桩,木桩一个挨一个,这就是地基,打牢了,铺上木板,然后就盖房子,那儿的房子无一不是这么建造的。所以有人说,威尼斯城上面是石头,下面是森林。当年为建造威尼斯,意大利北部的森林全被砍完了。这样的房子,也不用担心水下的木头烂了,它不会烂的,而且会越变越硬,愈久弥坚。此前考古者0挖掘马可u2022波罗的故居,挖出的木头坚硬如铁,出水后见了氧才朽。 威尼斯肥沃的冲积土质,就地而取材的石块,加上用邻近内陆的木头做的小船往来其间;在淤泥中,在水上先祖们建起了威尼斯。这个不到8平方公里的城市,却被一百多条蛛网般密布的运河割成一百多座小岛,岛与岛之间只凭各式桥梁错落连接,初来乍到很快便会迷失在这座“水城”中。好在有大运河呈S形贯穿整个城市。沿着这条号称“威尼斯最长的街道”,可以饱览威尼斯的精华而不用担心迷路。沿岸的近200栋宫殿、豪宅和七座教堂,多半建于14至16世纪,有拜丰庭风格、哥特风格、巴洛克风格、威尼斯式等等,所有的建筑地基都淹没在水中,看起来就像水中升起的一座艺术长廊。平日里大运河真的像一条熙熙攘攘的大街一样,各式船只往来穿梭其上,最别致的当然还是贡多拉。 威尼斯有毁于火中又重生的凤凰歌剧院,伟大的文艺复兴和拜占庭式建筑,世界上最美的广场之一—圣马可广场,有美得令人窒息的回廊,大师安东尼奥尼电影中最美的段落有一些就在这儿拍摄;这儿是文艺复兴的一个重镇,产过历史上最重要的画派之一:威尼斯画派;德国音乐大师理查德u2022瓦格纳在这里与世长辞……这个城市昔日的光荣与梦想通过保存异常完好的建筑延续到今天,它独特的气氛令游人感到如受魔法,令凡是来过的威尼斯游客都念念不舍,乐而忘返。 威尼斯大体简介 威尼斯的风情总离不开“水”,蜿蜒的水巷,流动的清波,她就好像一个漂浮在酽酽碧波上浪漫的梦,诗情画意久久挥之不去。 这个不到8平方公里的城市,却被一百多条蛛网般密布的运河割成一百多座小岛,岛与岛之间只凭各式桥梁错落连接,初来乍到很快便会迷失在这座“水城”中。好在有大运河(Grand Canal)呈S形贯穿整个城市,沿着这条号称“威尼斯最长的街道”,可以饱览威尼斯的 精华而不用担心迷路。沿岸的近200栋宫殿豪宅和七座教堂,多半建于14至16世纪,有拜占庭风格、哥特风格、巴洛克风格、威尼斯式等等,所有的建筑地基都淹没在水中,看起来就像水中升起的一座艺术长廊。平日里大运河真的像一条熙熙攘攘的大街一样,各式船只往来穿梭其上,最别致的当然还是贡多拉(Gondola)。 虽说威尼斯的守护神和城市象征是圣马克广场上那头带翅膀的狮子,可在人们心中,说到威尼斯就自然会想到穿梭于水巷中的贡多拉。这是一种月牙形的黑色平底小船,几百年前,威尼斯贵族们喜欢乘坐雕刻精美,装饰着绫罗绸缎的贡多拉互相斗富。为了刹住这种奢靡的风气,威尼斯政府颁布了一条发令,禁止把贡多拉漆成彩色,于是,曾经争奇斗艳的贡多拉都变成了今天人们看到的黑色小船。 晚上乘一小时贡多拉的花费可以乘“水上公交”(Vaporetto)绕威尼斯30圈,可是即便昂贵,你又怎么舍得放弃夜游威尼斯的终极浪漫?夜晚的水面倒影着月色,经过一天的喧嚣,此时的河面重归平静,贡多拉在如丝般的碧波上静静前行。两岸爬满青苔的古老墙根发出特殊的潮湿气味,仿佛伸手可触。河水汩汩,船儿荡漾,让人忍不住幻想自己回到几百年前艺术辉煌一时的威尼斯,自己是王公贵族,正乘坐贡多拉,赴一场假面舞会。只有撑船的威尼斯小伙儿在狭窄水巷拐弯处的一声吆喝,才把人又带回到现实世界中来。 船行之处,处处有桥。威尼斯的桥有350座之多,最有名的莫过于叹息桥。它是连接总督府和监狱的一座封闭式的巴洛克风格的桥。至于为什么这座桥有这么个无奈的名字,说法很多。有个说法是一名死囚走过叹息桥时,透过桥上的窗户看到对面房子里自己的女友拥抱着新情人,不禁深深叹息。叹息桥因此得名。不管这个传说是不是有来由,至少现在的叹息桥已经成了恋人见证爱情的地方,据说只要在桥下拥吻,爱情就能天长地久。无数情侣在这里上演深情一幕,也算得是威尼斯的一景。 威尼斯的浪漫中多少掺杂一些凄美,地下水抽取过多,造成威尼斯的陆地不断下沉,再加上周期性的潮水,因水而美丽的威尼斯正在被洪水慢慢侵蚀。她还会为我们的世界美丽多久?这已经不是我们能够左右得了的事情。我们能做的仅仅靠近她,欣赏她,把心盛满浪漫的感受再离开。 地理位置: 意大利东北部 城市概况: 威尼斯外形像海豚,城市面积不到7.8平方公里,却由118个小岛组成,177条运河蛛网一样密布期间,这些小岛和运河由大约350座桥相连。整个城市只靠一条长堤与意大利大陆半岛连接。 人口: 将近7万人 气候: 潮湿 城市经济: 半数以上的人口从事旅游业或相关产业 最佳旅游季节: 黄金季节:7、8月;9月一年一度的贡多拉节以及和2、3月的冬季狂欢节前后 历史: 威尼斯城有七百年历史。最初由一群逃荒的人在一座小岛上建成。十三世纪十字军东征的时候,威尼斯人贡献了君士坦丁堡,成了地中海的霸主,后来威尼斯的繁荣富贵,艺术、回话、建筑、音乐的登峰造极都来源于此后三四百年间威尼斯在地中海的称霸和敛财。 艺术: 威尼斯画派代表人物:提香,乔尔乔纳,贝里尼,丁托列托,委罗内塞 最佳景点: 大运河,圣马克广场,圣马克大教堂,圣马克钟楼,总督府,叹息桥 圣马克广场(Piazza San Marco):威尼斯市中心,最热闹繁华的地方,大约有四个足球场大小,被拿破仑称为“欧洲最美丽的客厅”。广场分别被圣马可教堂、钟楼、新市政厅、克雷尔(Correr)博物馆和总督府环绕。广场边就是几家著名的咖啡馆,拜伦,狄更斯都曾经在这里的露天咖啡座品咖啡。广场上纷飞的鸽子是广场的另一特色。 圣马克大教堂(Basilica di San Marco):建于公元九世纪,为纪念圣徒圣马克而建,融合了拜占庭,哥特,伊斯兰、文艺复兴等各种建筑风格。教堂装饰极尽奢华之能势,陈列了许多威尼斯的十字军从君士坦丁堡掠夺来到战利品。 钟楼(Campanile):乘电梯上钟楼眺望,整个威尼斯的迷人景色尽收眼底。当年伽利略曾在这里向总督展示自己的望远镜。 狂欢节: 威尼斯每年2、3月都有狂欢节,人们戴上夸张的面具,穿着华丽的复古装束,聚在河边或者乘船夜游。面具掩盖了大家的真实身份,所以人们可以毫无顾忌,恣意狂欢。整晚的音乐,整晚的欢庆。这是一场不散的夜宴。狂欢节的习俗最初起源于那些喜欢隐姓埋名到赌场厮混的威尼斯贵族。后来演变成为欧洲最具有异国情调,多姿多彩的节日。
2023-06-19 14:36:5110


1、Shards of cups and plates for friendsOn the eve of New Year"s Eve, Danes collect the fragments of cups and plates that they break, and send them to their friends"doors in the dead of the night. On the morning of New Year"s Day, the more debris piled up in front of one"s house, the more friends his family has, the luckier the New Year must be.2、Eating GrapeAtMid-nightThe Spaniards were reunited on New Year"s Eve. By 12 o"clock, with the church bell as the sign, grapes are scrambled to eat. Every time the bell strikes, one grape must be eaten, and 12 grapes must be eaten in succession, indicating that the next year will be smooth sailing.3、Women sit on the market benchThe West Germans celebrate New Year"s Day with a comedy about women"s seizure of power. In many places, women flocked into the city hall, broke into the mayor"s office and sat on the bench to take over the mayor"s power.中文:1、杯盘碎片送朋友丹麦人在元旦前夜,家家户户都要将平时打碎的杯盘碎片收集起来,待夜深人静时偷偷地送至朋友家的门前。元旦的早晨,如果谁家门前堆放的碎片越多,则说明他家的朋友越多,新年一定很幸运。2、深更半夜吃葡萄西班牙人在元旦前夜全家团聚。到12点时,以教堂钟声为号,争着吃葡萄,每敲一下钟,必须吃下一颗葡萄,而且要连着吃下12颗,表示来年一帆风顺。3、妇女坐上市长椅西德人过元旦,要表演妇女夺权的喜剧。许多地方的妇女成群结队地冲进市政府大厅,闯入市长办公室,坐上市长办公椅,表示接管市长权力。
2023-06-19 14:37:162


2023-06-19 14:37:386


2023-06-19 14:38:051

styrene flocked是什么意思?

styrene flocked聚苯乙烯你是对的
2023-06-19 14:38:122

求 一张 VFP 的 函数表

2023-06-19 14:38:212


1、Shards of cups and plates for friendsOn the eve of New Year"s Eve, Danes collect the fragments of cups and plates that they break, and send them to their friends"doors in the dead of the night. On the morning of New Year"s Day, the more debris piled up in front of one"s house, the more friends his family has, the luckier the New Year must be.2、Eating GrapeAtMid-nightThe Spaniards were reunited on New Year"s Eve. By 12 o"clock, with the church bell as the sign, grapes are scrambled to eat. Every time the bell strikes, one grape must be eaten, and 12 grapes must be eaten in succession, indicating that the next year will be smooth sailing.3、Women sit on the market benchThe West Germans celebrate New Year"s Day with a comedy about women"s seizure of power. In many places, women flocked into the city hall, broke into the mayor"s office and sat on the bench to take over the mayor"s power.中文:1、杯盘碎片送朋友丹麦人在元旦前夜,家家户户都要将平时打碎的杯盘碎片收集起来,待夜深人静时偷偷地送至朋友家的门前。元旦的早晨,如果谁家门前堆放的碎片越多,则说明他家的朋友越多,新年一定很幸运。2、深更半夜吃葡萄西班牙人在元旦前夜全家团聚。到12点时,以教堂钟声为号,争着吃葡萄,每敲一下钟,必须吃下一颗葡萄,而且要连着吃下12颗,表示来年一帆风顺。3、妇女坐上市长椅西德人过元旦,要表演妇女夺权的喜剧。许多地方的妇女成群结队地冲进市政府大厅,闯入市长办公室,坐上市长办公椅,表示接管市长权力。
2023-06-19 14:38:391


课文翻译如下:In the press, my poetry was severely abused. How could fate be so unfair to me! I"ve only been a nobody all my life. I can"t stand it. It"s really fate!在报刊中我的诗被狠狠地辱骂了一番,命运怎么对我如此的不公呢!我一辈子都只做个无名小卒罢了,实在受不了了,这真是造化弄人!I grabbed my hat, threw away the newspaper, and rushed to Broadway, where a large group of people flocked happily to the circus beside the street. The performance has just begun. It is said that the clown in the circus is famous for his excellent performance.我一把抓起帽子,扔了报刊,然后向百老汇冲去,在那里一大群人都兴高采烈地涌向街道旁的马戏团,表演才刚刚开始,据说马戏团里的那个小丑因为出色的表演而出名。After a while, my old friend standal came to greet me.过了一会儿,我的老朋友斯坦达尔走过来跟我寒暄。Nice to meet you, Helstone, my boy. Oh, how are you doing? Didn"t kill or set fire? Don"t you have to escape? You look as if you were stimulated!幸会幸会,赫尔斯通,我的小伙子。哎呀,最近怎么样呀?没有杀人放火吧?不用去逃难吗?你看起来好像受了什么刺激一样!这部分内容主要考察的是现在完成时的知识点:现在完成时( The Present Perfect Tense)是过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。完成时态的构成分为两部分:一是助动词,二是实义动词的过去分词-ed。具体来说,用助动词have/has表示“时”,以表明动作发生的时间是在过去、现在还是将来;用过去分词来表示动作的“态”,以表明该动作已经完成,而且对现在有一定的影响。
2023-06-19 14:38:581


All Flocked Up 肯定是这首 没错
2023-06-19 14:39:3713


1、Shards of cups and plates for friendsOn the eve of New Year"s Eve, Danes collect the fragments of cups and plates that they break, and send them to their friends"doors in the dead of the night. On the morning of New Year"s Day, the more debris piled up in front of one"s house, the more friends his family has, the luckier the New Year must be.2、Eating GrapeAtMid-nightThe Spaniards were reunited on New Year"s Eve. By 12 o"clock, with the church bell as the sign, grapes are scrambled to eat. Every time the bell strikes, one grape must be eaten, and 12 grapes must be eaten in succession, indicating that the next year will be smooth sailing.3、Women sit on the market benchThe West Germans celebrate New Year"s Day with a comedy about women"s seizure of power. In many places, women flocked into the city hall, broke into the mayor"s office and sat on the bench to take over the mayor"s power.中文:1、杯盘碎片送朋友丹麦人在元旦前夜,家家户户都要将平时打碎的杯盘碎片收集起来,待夜深人静时偷偷地送至朋友家的门前。元旦的早晨,如果谁家门前堆放的碎片越多,则说明他家的朋友越多,新年一定很幸运。2、深更半夜吃葡萄西班牙人在元旦前夜全家团聚。到12点时,以教堂钟声为号,争着吃葡萄,每敲一下钟,必须吃下一颗葡萄,而且要连着吃下12颗,表示来年一帆风顺。3、妇女坐上市长椅西德人过元旦,要表演妇女夺权的喜剧。许多地方的妇女成群结队地冲进市政府大厅,闯入市长办公室,坐上市长办公椅,表示接管市长权力。
2023-06-19 14:40:012


to a sufficient distance, I know that the fire
2023-06-19 14:40:333


您可以用以下分类在google搜索: 将下面的英文关键词复制进去就可以.2368000 Carpets, rugs and mats 地毯和脚垫2368001 Carpets, rugs and mats, cotton 地毯和垫子,棉的2368002 Carpets, rugs and mats, animal hair 地毯和垫子,动物毛的2368003 Carpets, rugs and mats, wool 地毯和垫子,羊毛的2368004 Carpets, rugs and mats, jute 地毯和垫子,黄麻的2368005 Carpets, rugs and mats, sisal 地毯和垫子,剑麻制2368006 Carpets, rugs and mats, paper 地毯和垫子,纸的2368007 Carpets, hemp or manilla 地毯,大麻或马尼拉麻的2368008 Carpets, silk 丝毯2368009 Carpets, rugs and mats, coir (coconut fibre) 地毯和垫子,椰子壳纤维的2368010 Carpets, rugs and mats, man-made fibres 地毯和垫子,羊皮的2368012 Carpets, mixed fibres 地毯和垫子,毡制2368014 Carpets, rugs and mats, chenille 地毯,绳绒的2368015 Carpets, rugs and mats, pile 地毯和垫子,绒头的2368016 Carpets, rugs and mats, imitation fur 地毯和垫子,仿皮的2368017 Rugs and mats, sheepskin 地毯和席子,羊皮的2368018 Rugs and mats, felt 地毯和席子,毡制品2368019 Rugs and mats, plastic 垫子,塑料的2368020 Rugs and mats, mixed natural and man-made fibres 垫子,混合天然和人造纤维制2368021 Rugs and mats, rubberised hair or fibre 垫子,橡胶毛发或纤维的2368025 Rugs and mats, Wilton 威尔顿垫子2368026 Rugs and mats, Axminster 阿克斯明斯特垫子2368027 Rugs and mats, broadloom 垫子,阔幅的2368028 Rugs and mats, reversible 垫子,双面的2368029 Rugs and mats, patterned 垫子,有图案的2368030 Rugs and mats, tufted 垫子,簇绒的2368031 Rugs and mats, reinforced 垫子,加筋的2368033 Rugs and mats, circular 垫子,圆形的2368034 Rugs and mats, half-moon 垫子,半月形的2368035 Rugs and mats, oblong 垫子,椭圆形的2368040 Carpets, hand-knotted 手工栽绒地毯2368041 Carpets, machine-knotted 机械栽绒地毯2368042 Carpets, hand-woven 手工梭织地毯2368043 Carpets, machine-woven 机械梭织地毯2368044 Carpets, jacquard weave 地毯,提花(机织)的2368045 Carpets, needleloom 地毯,针刺的2368046 Carpets, broadloom 地毯,宽辐单色的2368047 Carpets, fibre-bonded 地毯,缝编的2368048 Carpets, stitch-bonded 地毯,针刺毡合的2368049 Carpets, seamless 地毯,无缝的2368050 Carpets, tufted 地毯,簇绒的2368055 Carpets to customer specification 地毯,按客户规格定制的2368100 Carpets, rugs and mats (cont"d) 地毯和脚垫2368101 Carpets, cord 起圈地毯2368102 Carpets, Brussels 地毯,布鲁塞尔式的2368103 Carpets, Wilton 地毯,威尔顿机织的2368104 Carpets, Axminster 地毯,阿克斯明斯特的2368105 Carpets, embossed 地毯,压花的2368106 Carpets, printed 地毯,印花的2368107 Carpets, coloured 地毯,染色的2368108 Carpets, oval 地毯,椭圆的2368109 Carpets, crush resistant 地毯,抗压耐轧的2368112 Carpets, mothproofed 地毯,防蛀的2368113 Carpets, dust repellent 地毯,憎尘式2368114 Carpets, insulating 地毯,绝热的2368115 Carpets, foam backed 地毯,泡沫背衬的2368116 Carpets, ribbed 地毯,有梭纹的2368117 Carpets, stippled 地毯,总描花纹的2368118 Carpets, flocked 地毯,植绒的2368119 Carpets, embroidered 地毯,刺绣制的2368120 Carpets, reproduction antique 地毯,仿古的2368121 Carpets, reproduction, oriental 地毯,仿制的,东方式的2368122 Carpets, oriental 地毯,东方的2368125 Carpet runners 狭长走廊地毯2368126 Carpets, stair 楼梯地毯2368127 Carpet squares and tiles 组合毯和方毯2368128 Body carpet 小尺寸地毯(缝合成大面积用)2368129 Carpets, heavy duty 地毯,重型的2368130 Carpets for embroidering 地毯,刺绣用的2368131 Carpets on spools 卷轴毯2368135 Carpets and floor coverings, antistatic 地毯和地板覆盖物,抗静电的2368136 Carpets and textile floor coverings for aircraft 地毯和机舱地面覆盖用纺织品,用于飞机2368137 Carpets, rugs and mats, for bathrooms 地毯和脚垫,浴室用2368138 Carpets, rugs and mats for motor cars 汽车地毯和脚垫2368139 Rugs and mats for bedrooms 卧室地毯和脚垫2368140 Rugs and mats, hearth 脚垫,炉床的2368144 Doormats 门前擦鞋的垫子(擦鞋垫)2368146 Matting, entrance, industrial 席子,入口用,工业的2368150 Carpet and tapestry restoration services 地毯和挂毯修复服务2368154 Pattern book making-up services for wall and floor coverings 按照图案书制做的服务,用于墙壁和地板覆盖物2368155 Matting, incorporating designs to specification 席子,根据规格设计
2023-06-19 14:41:101


《神七问天》Manned space flight, many years of waiting, and so to the "Shenzhou V", to be to the "Shenzhou VI."Lunar satellite, how many people"s expectations, looked forward "Chang"e One."Space walk, how many Chinese people look forward to, how many years of waiting for the Chinese!China"s space "three-step" program, the first step is to walk in space!2008 Today, September 25, China, will usher in another Olympics, and a "faster", "higher", "stronger"!Shenzhou VII!Shenzhou VII will unite thousands of miles of expectations, asked the day off, crowned with thousands of history. With the release of small satellites flying for three years after the "China City" station to open the door to the universe.Shenzhou VII, will be the pride of the Chinese people, red smoke Feiming, dicey for the clouds. Following after the Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft, a new history of China"s space glory.Shenzhou VII, will be carrying the vast land of wishes, surf the sky, aerial view of the world. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer instrument, multi-mode microwave remote sensor reconnaissance, let us recognize the beautiful home.Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng, the three "two cream of the crop," the names of the astronauts, it will go down in history forever.Time is almost up.At 16:39 on September 27, Zhai Zhigang ready extravehicular successful implementation of China"s first extravehicular activities in space!16:48, Zhai Zhigang in space taken his first step, the first Chinese space walk started! Step by step, then step by step, every step, as if stepping on people"s hearts, and slowly, gently, and his feet are so soft, not rash, a little noise does not seem to fear an inattentive , put the chord to the strained and broke.Successful. We finally made it!16:59, Zhai Zhigang into the orbital module and orbital module door is completely closed to complete the space walk to complete the most difficult "space mission."17:36, completion of Shenzhou VII manned space mission, the capsule successfully landed.I sat in front of the TV, cheering had flocked down my throat, but suddenly remembered Liu Boming space note:"Overlooking the home, the same global village; Wang Wang sun and the moon, a space with the city; three horse fly, Qi wish; earth connection, a family."
2023-06-19 14:41:183


  2019年6月大学英语六级作文话题汇总  作文题目:  Week-long Holidays, Good or Bad? What"s Your Opinion?  你认为长假好还是不好?  参考范文:  Our National Day is coming. We shall have days of rest, presumably week-long holidays again just like the week-long May Day holidays. Many people welcome week-long holidays and are busy planning where and how to spend the seven days; whereas many other people do not applaud. As to me, week-long holidays mean a span of dullness, boredom, melancholy and helplessness, and I think anyone who had experienced the holiday sufferings in May would share my feelings.  I well remember that from May Day, to be more exact, a few days earlier than May Day, the shopping season started. Most shops extended their shopping hours to respond to their overwhelmingly enthusiastic customers. There were special sales with discount coupons and instant lucky draws and various sales promotions in nearly every big store to lure potential customers into spending more. Crowds of shoppers flocked towards department stores, enjoying their high purchasing power.  There were traffic jams almost everywhere, people waited in long queues at bus-stops and taxi-stands, looking entirely exhausted. Tempers flared when people got pushed or if someone else cut the queue. Impatient drivers honked at each other every now and then.  The railway station was congested with travelers who rushed to the platform like a swarm of bees and then squeezed their way into the train for seats as if there would be no tomorrow.  In the restaurants, tables were shared. A platoon of waiters filed out from the kitchen armed with various containers of eatables. Orders were taken feverishly and then shouted across to the kitchen. Excitement reigned everywhere as waiters ran hither and thither to fill the orders.  The above are just some vivid scenes that happened a few months ago. Everywhere was chaos and chaos everywhere. I am really afraid the drama will soon be repeated.  True, week-long holidays help activate economy, but what about after-holiday depression? No doubt, people can have a lot of leisure, but leisure does not always bring a lot of pleasure.
2023-06-19 14:41:241

Better City, Better Life 作文

"Better City, Better Life" is not only the theme of the Shanghai World Expo, but also represents people"s expectations for a better life and the direction of future urban development. With the acceleration of urbanization process, cities have become one of the most important carriers in modern society. The quality of cities not only affects the living quality of residents, but also involves the development and progress of the whole society.Firstly, a good city needs to have a comfortable, safe, and healthy living environment where people can enjoy fresh air, good water resources, safe food and perfect medical services. For example, in Shanghai, the government has implemented the "Clean River Action", which cleans up pollution sources and improves the water environment, making the Huangpu River clean, beautiful and attractive again. Meanwhile, the Shanghai government has also invested heavily in building modern medical facilities to improve the quality of medical services.Secondly, a good city needs to have well-equipped public service facilities and convenient transportation where people can have more cultural, sports and entertainment activities, as well as smooth movement and travel convenience. For example, in Shanghai, the government has vigorously developed rail transit, expanded roads, optimized bus routes and other measures to make urban transportation faster and more convenient, bringing more convenience and comfort to residents.Finally, a good city should also have an open, innovative, and inclusive spirit to attract more talents and resources, promote sustainable urban development. For example, during the Shanghai World Expo, millions of people flocked to the city, bringing not only huge economic benefits but also promoting cultural exchanges and international cooperation. At the same time, Shanghai is also actively promoting technological innovation and industrial upgrading, striving to become a leading innovation center and modern city worldwide.In conclusion, the theme of "Better City, Better Life" expresses our pursuit of a better life. Building a good city requires support from the government and participation from all sectors of society, as well as efforts and struggles from everyone. Only in this way can we create our own life values and significance in a better city.
2023-06-19 14:41:342

英语高手进 请翻译句子(新概念3)

1 at least2 most34 to do and not do4 like and dislike567. Year after year9 asThe old smokers11. She said clearly that everyone can hear you12 she go early, get a good seat13. We decided to get up every morning, eat more early, much less do some housework14 I give myself made 2 moderate goals15 to do STH16. In his effort to learn EnglishBut to escape18) in a good mood19 I repeated apologies20 I coach list this eat and not to eat21. Eat biscuit against hungryAnd his eyes revealed his powerHearing the bell, 23. Students flocked outside the classroom
2023-06-19 14:41:537


美国人和食品一个不寻常的,但及时卡通近日出现在当地的报纸。单面板显示沙石坑与茂密的原始地球和大型起重机。旁边的一个起重机站在业主的沙石坑-的帮助下,艰难前瞻性的性格,锤子在手,指着自豪地向新的迹象显示他已经刚刚t acked到了。该招牌上写着"弗雷德的填补污垢及croissants "漫画说明了一个很有趣的现象:改变饮食习惯的americans.our膳食习惯构成的东西,像homecooked一锅烧肉,土豆泥镶以黄油和盐,一层厚厚切片的苹果馅饼的调料,一个健康的勺子的香草冰淇淋-平原,重饭,煮熟从无到有,大胃王悠闲地在家中。但美国已经改变了,因为它,所以有什么我们美国人吃的,以及我们如何吃它了。 我们曾经有过的简单,质朴的口味,并期待与怀疑,在任何更多的外来比一个汉堡包。诚然,我们曾经采取了一些食品,从各个移民群体的人涌到我们的海岸。我们学会了吃croissants ,那些小,甜法国面包,也有中国食品和比萨饼,但在过去几年中,国际都会的特色,我们的饮食已经长大了很多。我们可以走进任何商场中arerica买墨西哥食品如太平洋岛屿电信协会面包和tacos 。这类食品往往是改变了他们的旅程从异国情调的进口以一般的"美国的"膳食,但进口仍然有很长的路,从汉堡一包。 为什么我们变得更加世俗化,在我们的口味?一方面,电视毯子的countey资料,新的食品产品和发展趋势。观众在农村蒙大拿知道最新的渴求,在华盛顿特区,是cajun烹饪和一些所谓的豆腐现已在本地超市。另一个原因,为日益增长的国际色彩丰富,我们的食物是,许多年轻的美国人到国外旅游,并得到了迷上了新的口味和风味。 backpacking的学生和年轻的专业人士,度假,在欧洲来家里,一尝为正宗法式面包或德国啤酒。最后,不断涌入的移民定居,在城市中,有许多都是我们的生活,造成了重大变化,我们eat.vietnamese ,海地人,泰国,例如,使他们本国的食品和烹调方式与他们,并最终开放市场规模小或酒楼。在当时,新成立的食物将成为美国化,足以考虑它在我们国家的饮食习惯。 阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体)
2023-06-19 14:42:071


2023-06-19 14:42:173


课文翻译如下:In the press, my poetry was severely abused. How could fate be so unfair to me! I"ve only been a nobody all my life. I can"t stand it. It"s really fate!在报刊中我的诗被狠狠地辱骂了一番,命运怎么对我如此的不公呢!我一辈子都只做个无名小卒罢了,实在受不了了,这真是造化弄人!I grabbed my hat, threw away the newspaper, and rushed to Broadway, where a large group of people flocked happily to the circus beside the street. The performance has just begun. It is said that the clown in the circus is famous for his excellent performance.我一把抓起帽子,扔了报刊,然后向百老汇冲去,在那里一大群人都兴高采烈地涌向街道旁的马戏团,表演才刚刚开始,据说马戏团里的那个小丑因为出色的表演而出名。After a while, my old friend standal came to greet me.过了一会儿,我的老朋友斯坦达尔走过来跟我寒暄。Nice to meet you, Helstone, my boy. Oh, how are you doing? Didn"t kill or set fire? Don"t you have to escape? You look as if you were stimulated!幸会幸会,赫尔斯通,我的小伙子。哎呀,最近怎么样呀?没有杀人放火吧?不用去逃难吗?你看起来好像受了什么刺激一样!这部分内容主要考察的是现在完成时的知识点:现在完成时( The Present Perfect Tense)是过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。完成时态的构成分为两部分:一是助动词,二是实义动词的过去分词-ed。具体来说,用助动词have/has表示“时”,以表明动作发生的时间是在过去、现在还是将来;用过去分词来表示动作的“态”,以表明该动作已经完成,而且对现在有一定的影响。
2023-06-19 14:42:261


1.He wrote some poems in English.A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.2.Some application forms can be incomprehensible to ordinary people. He was demoted to the rank of ordinary soldier.3.I have a good feeling.We had the same feeling.4.I order a pizza.Everything was in apple-pie order.5.They have much wonderful advice.我只能帮到这了
2023-06-19 14:42:443


2023-06-19 14:42:525

Asset 是什么意思啊?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Asset的翻译是资产,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:个人或一家企业拥有、具有经济价值的任何物品。资产也是资产负债表上的一个重要项目,显示公司拥有的价值。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
2023-06-19 14:43:181


2023-06-19 14:43:2711


到这里边去找找吧 我以前就在这里边下到的
2023-06-19 14:44:412


just once last dance,one life,tonight i feel close to you,close to you,hero,without you,reflection,will be,toxic,i see you,telephone,poker face,just dance.
2023-06-19 14:45:022


1,by2,and because 不可以的。并且因为。你放到句子里翻译下看看,例如:(她是这样的。(并且)因为他不像其他的人,他能。。)你看一下,就能明白4,前后主语不一致,前面主语 是人后面主语是a few 电视台我先吃饭去了。。
2023-06-19 14:45:103


  "The Gift of the Magi"  is a short story written by O. Henry (a pen name for William Sydney Porter), about a young married couple and how they deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with very little money. As a sentimental story with a moral lesson about gift-giving, it has been a popular one for adaptation, especially for presentation during the Christmas season. The plot and its "twist ending" are well-known, and the story and its lesson are sometimes subverted for the sake of irony or humor. It was allegedly written at Pete"s Tavern[1][2] on Irving Place in New York City.  James [Jim] Dillingham Young and his wife Della are a young couple who are very much in love with each other, but can barely afford their one-room apartment due to their very bad economic situation. For Christmas, Della decides to buy Jim a chain which costs $21.00 for his prized pocket watch given to him by his father. To raise the funds, she has her long, beautiful hair cut off and sold to make a wig. Meanwhile, Jim decides to sell his watch to buy Della a beautiful set of combs made out of tortoiseshell and jewels for her lovely, knee-length brown hair. Although each is disappointed to find the gift they chose rendered useless, each is pleased with the gift they received, because it represents their love for one another.  The story ends with the narrator comparing the pair"s mutually sacrificial gifts of love with those of the Biblical Magi:  The magi, as you know, were wise men – wonderfully wise men – who brought gifts to the new-born King of the Jews in the manger. They invented the art of giving Christmas presents. Being wise, their gifts were no doubt wise ones, possibly bearing the privilege of exchange in case of duplication. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest. Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.  The Cop and the Anthem  Plot summary  The Cop and the Anthem has only one character who is given a name, the protagonist "Soapy." Furthermore, no last name is given. It is made clear that Soapy is homeless, a member of the substantial army of underclass men and women who had flocked to New York City during the earliest years of the twentieth century.  The short story"s narrative is set in an unstated day in late fall. Because the city trees" deciduous leaves are falling and there is a hint of frost in the air, Soapy faces the urgent necessity of finding some sort of shelter for the winter. O. Henry uses characteristically high-flown language to describe Soapy"s desperate plight.  As with many other homeless people in the United States, Soapy is psychologically experienced in thinking of the local jail as a de facto homeless shelter. He therefore develops a series of tactics intended to encourage the police to classify him as a criminal and arrest him.  Soapy"s ploys include swindling a restaurant into serving him an expensive meal, vandalizing the plate-glass window of a luxury shop, repeating his eatery exploit at a humble diner, sexually harassing a young woman, pretending to be publicly intoxicated, and stealing another man"s umbrella.  However, all of these attempts are quickly exposed as failures. The upper-class restaurant looks at Soapy"s threadbare clothes and refuses to serve him. A police officer responds to the broken window but decides to pursue an innocent bystander. The diner refuses to have Soapy arrested, and instead has two servers throw Soapy out onto a concrete pavement.  Soapy"s failures to earn his desired arrest continue. The young woman, far from feeling harassed, proves to be more than ready for action. Another police officer observes Soapy impersonating a drunk and disorderly man, but assumes that the exhibitionistic conduct is that of a Yale student celebrating their victory over "Hartford College" in football. Finally, the victim of the umbrella theft relinquishes the item without a struggle.  Based on these events, Soapy despairs of his goal of getting arrested and imprisoned. With the autumn sun gone and night having fallen, Soapy lingers by a small Christian church, considering his plight.  As O. Henry describes events, the small church has a working organ and a practicing organist. As Soapy listens to the church organ play an anthem, he experiences a spiritual epiphany in which he resolves to cease to be homeless, end his life as a tramp afflicted with unemployment, and regain his self-respect. Soapy recalls that a successful businessman had once offered him a job. Lost in a reverie, Soapy decides that on the very next day he will seek out this potential mentor and apply for employment.  As Soapy stands on the street and considers this plan for his future, however, a policeman taps him on the shoulder and asks him what he is doing. When Soapy answers “Nothing,” his fate is sealed: he has been arrested for loitering. In the magistrate"s court on the following day, he is convicted of a misdemeanor and is sentenced to three months in Riker"s Island, the New York City jail.
2023-06-19 14:45:181


wild 野性的; huge 硕大的; dangerous危险的; cute 可爱的; friendly 友善的; nice 漂亮的; cute 机灵可爱的; smart 聪明的; small 小小的; friendly 有好的; Fierce 凶猛的; interesting有趣的; scary吓人的; furry毛茸茸的; lazy懒惰的 扩展资料   The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers.   沿河两岸生长着野生植物。   Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake.   成群的鸟聚集在湖边。   It"s a great place for swimming, but beware dangerous currents.   那是个游泳的好去处,但要当心危险的水流。   Oh, look at that dog! He"s so cute.   哦,看看那条狗!它太可爱了。   The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly.   发言人说信函的语气非常友好。
2023-06-19 14:45:261


"捉鸟"的英文是 Catch birds
2023-06-19 14:45:3414


很简单的,shouldwillmaycouldcanwould等这些词是情态动词,后面要跟动词原形.am,is,are的原形就是be,所以就成了will be和should be.
2023-06-19 14:40:571

be bend for什么意思

2023-06-19 14:41:051


2023-06-19 14:41:064

3DMAX中 怎么两次bend 吧面片变成球

2023-06-19 14:41:132


2023-06-19 14:40:452


2023-06-19 14:40:444


2023-06-19 14:40:363