barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-19 15:43:05

cattle牛,家畜(总称) bull是正常的公牛









(物理单位)newton 简称N







cow 母牛(一头) cattle 牛(群) ox 公牛(一头)

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Bull in a china shop 瓷器店里的蛮牛(笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人)
tin cow“罐头牛奶”
Shoot the bull 聊天
John Bull英国佬
have a cow 非常生气
don"t have a cow别大惊小怪参考资料:http://zhidao.b***.com/question/9135090.html?si=5

ox, cow, bull, neat, bossy 动物的牛

awesome excellent brilliant out-standing fantastic 表示人比较厉害


ox, cow, bull, neat, bossy



如果是动物的话 cow ox

如果表示很厉害的意思的话 awesome excellent brilliant out-standing fantastic


cow 奶牛













cattle cow


cow [kau]



cattle 一般牛cow 奶牛ox 公牛
2023-06-19 13:16:203

高考英语词汇: cattle的用法

高考英语词汇:cattle的用法   cattle是单数还是复数?英语可说cattles吗?请看下面一题:   In fact, _________ one cause that leads to the problem.   A. cattle is B. cattle are C. cattles are D. the cattles are   此题容易误选A,想当然地认为cattle是单数,并且空格有表单数的one,自然谓语动词用is。其实,正确答案为B。cattle(牲畜,牛)为集合名词,尽管它不带复数词尾-s,却永远表示复数意义,若用作主语,谓语要用复数。又如:   For this many cattle were killed. 为此宰了不少牲畜。   The prisoners were herded like cattle. 囚犯像牲口一样被赶到一起。   类似地,police(警察),people(人),police(警察),poultry(家禽)等也具有同样用法,即只有单数形式,但却表示复数意义;用作主语时谓语通常也用复数;不与 a(n) 连用,但可与the连用(表示总括意义和特指)。如:   The poultry have been fed. 家禽已经喂过饲料了。   In Britain police do not usually carry guns. 在英国警察通常不带枪。   It annoys me when people forget to say “thank you”. 遇到有人忘记道谢的时候,我就不痛快。
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cattle   moggy   moo-cow   ox
2023-06-19 13:18:275


2023-06-19 13:19:024


"people / police / cattleThese collective nouns always take a plural verb. There is no singular form of these noun." (from BBC)"The word cattle is plural -- it is a collective term for more than one bovine, be it a cow, heifer, bull, or steer (or any or all of these)." (from从小就学到 cattle 本身就是复数, 也不像 fish 那样可以被说成 fishes, 所以唯一的可能就是你那本书的编辑偷懒或眼残了 :P
2023-06-19 13:19:351


侧重点不同: 1、ox侧重指用于干重活的阉牛。 2、cattle主要指肉牛或奶牛。 3、cow主要是指任何一种成年奶牛或奶牛。 扩展资料   意思不同:   1、ox的`意思是:牛;公牛   例句:The frequent, unreasonable whips angered the ox.   频繁而不合理的鞭打激怒了牛。   2、cattle的意思是:牛;家畜;畜牲   例句:There are many herds of cattle in the meadow.   牧场上有许多牛群。   3、cow的意思是:母牛;雌象;雌鲸;雌犀牛;<俚><贬>女人;恐吓   例句:The cow brushed off the flies with a whisk of its tail.   那头母牛尾巴一甩拂走了苍蝇。   用法不同:   1、ox:用作名词,基本上,它的意思是“牛”或“转向”,它是牛的总称,尤指公牛。复数是牛。   2、cattle:一个集合名词不能与一个词的结尾不定冠词a或s连用,它常与多、少、这些、那些等连用。当用作主语时,句子的谓语动词通常是复数。   3、cow:可数名词,指“牛”,其对应的正名词是牛,牛有时可以被比作“女人”,它也可以用作动词来表示“恐吓”。
2023-06-19 13:21:461


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*❦ω❦),bull通常用于指代单只雄性牛。cattle通常用于指代多只牛或牛的总称。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完bull和cattle的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、含义区别bull:指未被阉割的成年公牛,是一个具体的词汇。cattle:指家畜中的牛,是一个泛指的词汇。例句:The bull is grazing in the field.(公牛正在田野上吃草。)The cattle are raised for their meat and milk.(牛被饲养是为了它们的肉和牛奶。)2、词性区别bull:是一个名词。cattle:也是一个名词。例句:The bull is strong.(公牛很强壮。)The cattle are grazing in the pasture.(牛在牧场上吃草。)3、用法区别bull:通常用于指代单只雄性牛。cattle:通常用于指代多只牛或牛的总称。例句:The bull is the leader of the herd.(公牛是牛群的领袖。)The cattle are grazing peacefully.(牛群正在平静地吃草。)
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2023-06-19 13:22:356


2023-06-19 13:23:521

abrupt 和 cattle 是什么意思

2023-06-19 13:24:152


cattle cows
2023-06-19 13:24:241


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2023-06-19 13:26:3412

Rico的《Float》 歌词

歌曲名:Float歌手:Rico专辑:Sanctuary MedicinesFlogging Molly--Floatlyrics By Larry ChengBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulDrank away the rest of the day,Wonder what my liver"d say,Drink, that"s all you can.Blackened days with their bigger gales,Blow in your parlor to discuss the day,Listen, that"s all you can.Ah but don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you need, you built to keep afloat,Ah no don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you built...Sick and tired of what you sayno one listens anywaysing... that"s all you can.Rambling years of lousy luck,ya miss the smell of burning turf,Dream, that"s all you can.Ah but don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you Built, you built to keep afloat,Ah no don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you built... that you built to keep afloat.Singled out for who you are,Takes all types to judge a man,Feel, that"s all you can.Fill your suits with biggot ears,Hide behind their their own worst fears,Live, that"s all you can.It"s all you canIt"s all you can... do.No matter where I put my head,I wake up feeling sound again,Breathe, that"s all you can.Tomorrow smells of a lester cade,Reach the bowls but glooming frame,Be thankful, that"s all we can.Ah but don"t, don"t sink the boat,That you built, you built to keep afloat,Ah no don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you built... you built to keep afloat.Ah no don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you built, you built to keep afloat,A ripe old age,A ripe old age,I"m a ripe old age,That"s what I am.I"m a ripe old age,A ripe old age,A ripe old age,Just doing the best I canA ripe old age,A ripe old age,A ripe old age,Thats what I am.A ripe old age,A ripe old age,A ripe old age,Just doing the best I canHeyThe best I canLarry Cheng ~~share with you~~my blog muzique sky~~
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2023-06-19 13:26:215

comment te dire adieu 的歌词是什么?

これは 法语歌ですか?交流一下吧,本人也喜欢法语歌
2023-06-19 13:26:254

2023-06-19 13:26:3815


2023-06-19 13:26:414


2023-06-19 13:26:413

再见了 生命中的挚爱 英文怎么写

My Love,goodbye!
2023-06-19 13:26:492


更多的可以看这里,中英文对照的:)~ 英语情诗选集 1. I AM THE WIND 我是风 I am the wind that wavers, 我是那舞动的风 You are the certain land; 而你是那安静的土地 I am the shadow that passes Over the sand. 我是那跨越你土地的影子 I am the leaf that quivers, 我是那震澶的叶子 You--the unshaken tree; 而你是那宁静的树 You are the stars that are steadfast, 你是那坚定的群星 I am the sea. 而我是那大海 You are the light eternal, 你是那永恒的光辉 Like a torch I shall die... 而我要象火炬熄灭 You are the surge of deep music, I--but a cry! 你是那深沉乐音的波涛 可我,只会哭泣 2. MISTRESS MINE, WHERE ARE YOU ROAMING 你是去哪里,我的姑娘啊 Mistress mine, where are you roaming? 我的姑娘哦,你要去哪里? stay and hear! your true-love"s coming That can sing both high and low; 还是留下来,你的真爱正悄悄来临 听啊!它会高歌浅吟 Trip no further, pretty sweeting, 不要再四处游荡了,美丽的情人 Journeys end in lovers" meeting-- Every wise man"s son doth know. 飘荡会止于爱人的相会,这每个聪明人的儿子都懂 What is love? "tis not herafter; 什么才是爱情?如这还不是 Present mirth hath present laughter; 现上欢乐,显出笑声 What"s to come is still unsure: 那些将来的依然不能预测 In delay there lies no plenty,-- 这里将没有多少谎言 Then come kiss me, Sweet--and--twenty, 那么来亲吻我吧!妙龄美人! Youth"s a stuff will not endure 青春会稍纵即逝 3. I TRAVELLED AMONG UNKNOWN MEN 我曾在海外的异乡漫游 I travelled among unknown men, In lands beyond the sea; 我曾在海外的他乡漫游 Nor, England! did I know till then 直到那个时候我才知道有个被称为英格兰的地方 What love I bore to thee. 我能给你什么样的爱情。 "Tis past, that melancholy dream! 那只不过是过去的一个忧郁的梦哦! Nor will I quit thy shore 我将不会在你的海岸搁浅 A second time; for still I seem To love thee more and more 这已经不是第一次,我似乎越来越爱你 Among thy mountains did I feel The joy of my desire; 在你的群峰之间,我享受着欲望的快乐 And she I cherished turned her wheel Beside an English fire. 在英国人的钩火边,我怀抱着她催动她欲望之轮 Thy mornings showed, thy nights concealed The bowers where Lucy played; 就在露希曾玩耍过的凉亭,你的清晨已露,你的黑夜逃脱 And thine too is the last green field That Lucy"s eyes surveyed. 而露希的双眸所及,也是你最后的绿地。 FAREWELL, SWEET GROVES 哦再见,可爱的小树林 Farewell, 再见吧 Sweet groves to you; 可爱的小树林 You hills, that highest dwell, And all you humble vales, adieu. 你盘踞在小山之顶 You wanton brooks and solitary rocks, 肆意而孤独的摇摆 My dear companions all, and you, my tender flocks! 我和你仅有的伴侣是那些温顺的羊群 Farewell, my pipe, and all those pleasing songs, whose moving strains 再见吧,我的笛子和所有快乐的歌声, 以及那些移动着的紧张 Delighted once the fairest nymphs that dance upon the plains; 欣喜的,无比美丽的仙女在平地上起舞 You discontents, whose deep and over- deadly smart, 你的不满,是那些深邃过於平静的苦痛 Have, without pity, broke the truest heart; 毫无怜悯地伤害了那真实的心脏 Sighs, tears, and every sad annoy, That erst did with me dwell, And all other"s joy 那曾伴随我的叹息,眼泪和每一个愁苦的烦恼 以及所有别的乐趣 Farewell!Adieu, 再见吧!再见吧! 4. Fair shepherdesses: 美丽的牧羊女们 Let garlands of sad yew Adorn your dainty golden tresses. 让那紫杉木花环,装饰你秀美的卷发 I, that loved you, and often with my quill 我,爱你们的人,也常是用这羽茎 Made music that delighted fountain, grove, and hill: 演奏音乐使山泉,树木和小山高兴 I, whom you loved so, and with a sweet and chaste embrace. 而我,你们深爱的人,被你甜蜜而简朴的拥抱 (Yea, with a thousand rarer favours) would vouchsafe to grace, (是的,以成千珍贵的宠爱) 将赐予优雅 I, now must leave you all alone, of love to pain: 我现在不得不离你们而去,并因爱而痛苦 And never pipe, nor never sing again. 再也不吹起我的风笛,也再不放歌 I must, for evermore, be gone. 我不得不永远地离开 And therefore bid I you 因此我要祝福你 And every one, 以及每一个人 Adieu. 再见 5. MOONSHINE 胡言乱语 To think 如果说思考 I must be alone: 还是要孤单好 To love 如果说是爱情 We must be together. 我们必需一道 I think I love you When I"m alone 当我孤单的时候,我想我真的爱你 More than I think of you 当我们在一起的时候,爱情要远远超出我的思考 When we"re together. I cannot think 没有爱情我又如何思考? Without loving Or love 同样没有思考岂能相爱? Without thinking. Alone I love 因此我热爱孤单 To think of us together:去冥想我们在一起的时候 Together I think I"d love to be alone.而当我们在一起,我又渴望孤单! 5. She Walks in Beauty She walks in beauty, like the night 她优美地走着,有同那漆黑的夜 Of cloudless climes and starry skies; 就象没有一丝云彩的季节和那群星闪耀的天空 And all that"s best of dark and bright 那是最好的黑暗和光亮 Meet in her aspect and her eyes: 就象她的样子和她的眼睛 Thus mellow"d to that tender light 那温柔的光也因此而越加醇美 Which heaven to gaudy day denies. 就是天堂会餐日也会放弃 One shade the more, one ray the less, 越是遮蔽,就越是光芒不再 Had half impair"d the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, 那些被削弱的无名的优雅 在每一颗漆黑的树上挥手致意 Or softly lightens o"er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express 或柔柔地照亮她的面庞 而那里,思想在安祥而甜蜜的显露 How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. 多么纯洁,多么宝贵的栖息之所 And on that cheek, and o"er that brow, 在那面颊和眉宇之间 So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, 如此温柔,如此安详,又是多么的动人 The smiles that win, the tints that glow, 那胜利的微笑,那流动着的丰采 But tell of days in goodness spent, 告诉白昼慈善已尽 A mind at peace with all below, 一颗多么渴望和平的头脑 A heart whose love is innocent! 一颗充满了无辜爱怜的心脏 6. Heart, We Will Forget Him 心啊,让我们把他遗忘 Heart, we will forget him, 心啊,我们将把他忘却 You and I, tonight! 你和我,就在今夜 You must forget the warmth he gave, 你必需忘记他给你的温暖 I will forget the light. 而我将忘却他给予的光线 When you have done pray tell me, 当你祷告的时候就告诉我吧 Then I, my thoughts, will dim. 也好使我的思潮变得暗淡 Haste! ‘lest while you"re lagging 那请快点吧!不要藕断丝连 I may remember him! 我可能会记住他 英文诗 Angel As I look into your eyes I see an angel in disguise like I"ve never been here next to you near and keep you by my side Whenever i see you smile I"ll drop into a fairytale Like a playful child sleeping on the puffy cloud Then the cloud disappeared I fell all the way down to here but you helped me to fight away my fears I heard you whisper in my ear all of the words i long to hear of how you"ll always be here next to me to wipe away my tears.评论|大春妹 |八级采纳率34%擅长:华人明星按默认排序|按时间排序其他3条回答2008-05-30 13:12小弥弥子|七级-- 英语诗〔英汉互译〕 Love"s Witness——爱情的见证 Slight unpremeditated Words are borne By every common Wind into the Air; Carelessly utter"d, die as soon as born, And in one instant give both Hope and Fear: Breathing all Contraries with the same Wind According to the Caprice of the Mind. But Billetdoux are constant Witnesses, Substantial Records to Eternity; Just Evidences,who the Truth confess, On which the Lover safely may rely; They"re serious Thoughts,digested and resolv"d; And last,when Words are into Clouds devolv"d. 不加思索的轻率话语, 被每一次平凡的呼吸载入空气; 随便说说,刚出口即消失, 一瞬间给人希望和恐惧: 同一气息呼出万般矛盾心肠, 追随心灵无常的遐想。 但情书则是恒常的见证, 直至永恒的实体记录; 公道的证物,它道出真诚, 恋人能在其上安心依附; 它们是严肃的思想,经过深思熟虑; 当话语在云外消失,它们还将延续。 更多的可以看这里,中英文对照的:)~ 英语情诗选集 1. I AM THE WIND 我是风 I am the wind that wavers, 我是那舞动的风 You are the certain land; 而你是那安静的土地 I am the shadow that passes Over the sand. 我是那跨越你土地的影子 I am the leaf that quivers, 我是那震澶的叶子 You--the unshaken tree; 而你是那宁静的树 You are the stars that are steadfast, 你是那坚定的群星 I am the sea. 而我是那大海 You are the light eternal, 你是那永恒的光辉 Like a torch I shall die... 而我要象火炬熄灭 You are the surge of deep music, I--but a cry! 你是那深沉乐音的波涛 可我,只会哭泣 2. MISTRESS MINE, WHERE ARE YOU ROAMING 你是去哪里,我的姑娘啊 Mistress mine, where are you roaming? 我的姑娘哦,你要去哪里? stay and hear! your true-love"s coming That can sing both high and low; 还是留下来,你的真爱正悄悄来临 听啊!它会高歌浅吟 Trip no further, pretty sweeting, 不要再四处游荡了,美丽的情人 Journeys end in lovers" meeting-- Every wise man"s son doth know. 飘荡会止于爱人的相会,这每个聪明人的儿子都懂 What is love? "tis not herafter; 什么才是爱情?如这还不是 Present mirth hath present laughter; 现上欢乐,显出笑声 What"s to come is still unsure: 那些将来的依然不能预测 In delay there lies no plenty,-- 这里将没有多少谎言 Then come kiss me, Sweet--and--twenty, 那么来亲吻我吧!妙龄美人! Youth"s a stuff will not endure 青春会稍纵即逝 3. I TRAVELLED AMONG UNKNOWN MEN 我曾在海外的异乡漫游 I travelled among unknown men, In lands beyond the sea; 我曾在海外的他乡漫游 Nor, England! did I know till then 直到那个时候我才知道有个被称为英格兰的地方 What love I bore to thee. 我能给你什么样的爱情。 "Tis past, that melancholy dream! 那只不过是过去的一个忧郁的梦哦! Nor will I quit thy shore 我将不会在你的海岸搁浅 A second time; for still I seem To love thee more and more 这已经不是第一次,我似乎越来越爱你 Among thy mountains did I feel The joy of my desire; 在你的群峰之间,我享受着欲望的快乐 And she I cherished turned her wheel Beside an English fire. 在英国人的钩火边,我怀抱着她催动她欲望之轮 Thy mornings showed, thy nights concealed The bowers where Lucy played; 就在露希曾玩耍过的凉亭,你的清晨已露,你的黑夜逃脱 And thine too is the last green field That Lucy"s eyes surveyed. 而露希的双眸所及,也是你最后的绿地。 FAREWELL, SWEET GROVES 哦再见,可爱的小树林 Farewell, 再见吧 Sweet groves to you; 可爱的小树林 You hills, that highest dwell, And all you humble vales, adieu. 你盘踞在小山之顶 You wanton brooks and solitary rocks, 肆意而孤独的摇摆 My dear companions all, and you, my tender flocks! 我和你仅有的伴侣是那些温顺的羊群 Farewell, my pipe, and all those pleasing songs, whose moving strains 再见吧,我的笛子和所有快乐的歌声, 以及那些移动着的紧张 Delighted once the fairest nymphs that dance upon the plains; 欣喜的,无比美丽的仙女在平地上起舞 You discontents, whose deep and over- deadly smart, 你的不满,是那些深邃过於平静的苦痛 Have, without pity, broke the truest heart; 毫无怜悯地伤害了那真实的心脏 Sighs, tears, and every sad annoy, That erst did with me dwell, And all other"s joy 那曾伴随我的叹息,眼泪和每一个愁苦的烦恼 以及所有别的乐趣 Farewell!Adieu, 再见吧!再见吧! 4. Fair shepherdesses: 美丽的牧羊女们 Let garlands of sad yew Adorn your dainty golden tresses. 让那紫杉木花环,装饰你秀美的卷发 I, that loved you, and often with my quill 我,爱你们的人,也常是用这羽茎 Made music that delighted fountain, grove, and hill: 演奏音乐使山泉,树木和小山高兴 I, whom you loved so, and with a sweet and chaste embrace. 而我,你们深爱的人,被你甜蜜而简朴的拥抱 (Yea, with a thousand rarer favours) would vouchsafe to grace, (是的,以成千珍贵的宠爱) 将赐予优雅 I, now must leave you all alone, of love to pain: 我现在不得不离你们而去,并因爱而痛苦 And never pipe, nor never sing again. 再也不吹起我的风笛,也再不放歌 I must, for evermore, be gone. 我不得不永远地离开 And therefore bid I you 因此我要祝福你 And every one, 以及每一个人 Adieu. 再见 5. MOONSHINE 胡言乱语 To think 如果说思考 I must be alone: 还是要孤单好 To love 如果说是爱情 We must be together. 我们必需一道 I think I love you When I"m alone 当我孤单的时候,我想我真的爱你 More than I think of you 当我们在一起的时候,爱情要远远超出我的思考 When we"re together. I cannot think 没有爱情我又如何思考? Without loving Or love 同样没有思考岂能相爱? Without thinking. Alone I love 因此我热爱孤单 To think of us together:去冥想我们在一起的时候 Together I think I"d love to be alone.而当我们在一起,我又渴望孤单!
2023-06-19 13:26:591

The Music的《Float》 歌词

歌曲名:Float歌手:The Music专辑:The MusicFlogging Molly--Floatlyrics By Larry ChengBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulDrank away the rest of the day,Wonder what my liver"d say,Drink, that"s all you can.Blackened days with their bigger gales,Blow in your parlor to discuss the day,Listen, that"s all you can.Ah but don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you need, you built to keep afloat,Ah no don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you built...Sick and tired of what you sayno one listens anywaysing... that"s all you can.Rambling years of lousy luck,ya miss the smell of burning turf,Dream, that"s all you can.Ah but don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you Built, you built to keep afloat,Ah no don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you built... that you built to keep afloat.Singled out for who you are,Takes all types to judge a man,Feel, that"s all you can.Fill your suits with biggot ears,Hide behind their their own worst fears,Live, that"s all you can.It"s all you canIt"s all you can... do.No matter where I put my head,I wake up feeling sound again,Breathe, that"s all you can.Tomorrow smells of a lester cade,Reach the bowls but glooming frame,Be thankful, that"s all we can.Ah but don"t, don"t sink the boat,That you built, you built to keep afloat,Ah no don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you built... you built to keep afloat.Ah no don"t, no don"t sink the boat,That you built, you built to keep afloat,A ripe old age,A ripe old age,I"m a ripe old age,That"s what I am.I"m a ripe old age,A ripe old age,A ripe old age,Just doing the best I canA ripe old age,A ripe old age,A ripe old age,Thats what I am.A ripe old age,A ripe old age,A ripe old age,Just doing the best I canHeyThe best I canLarry Cheng ~~share with you~~my blog muzique sky~~
2023-06-19 13:27:001


这首歌正确的中文名叫 别了再见,珍重晚安
2023-06-19 13:27:062


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2023-06-19 13:27:331


负荆请罪 不知道是不是这个
2023-06-19 13:27:343


2023-06-19 13:27:411


曼殊大师所译《拜伦 去国行》“行行去故国,濑远苍波来,鸣湍激夕风,沙鸥声凄其。”Adieu, Adieu! My Native Shore "Adieu, Adieu! My Native Shore"(From “Childe Harold"s Pilgrimage”,Canto the First, IV,“Childe Harold"s Good Night”)1Adieu, adieu! my native shoreFades o"er the waters blue;The night-winds sigh, the breakers roar, And shrieks the wild sea-mew.Yon sun that sets upon the sea We follow in his flight;Farewell awhile to him and thee, My native Land - Good Night!
2023-06-19 13:27:422


副:居第二位的,辅助的 附带或次要的 相称 量词付:交、给 量词,同“副”负:背 仗恃,倚靠 遭受 欠(钱) 违背,背弃 败,与“胜”相反 小于0的 指相对的两方面中反的一面
2023-06-19 13:26:032


No News from Auschwitz A. M. Rosenthal Brzezinka, Poland— The most terrible thing of all, somehow, was that at Brzezinka the sun was bright and warm, the rows of graceful poplars were lovely to look upon, and on the grass near the gates children played. It all seemed frighteningly wrong, as in a nightmare, that at Brzezinka the sun should ever shine or that there should be light and greenness and the sound of young laughter. It would be fitting if at Brzezinka the sun never shone and the grass withered, because this is a place of unutterable terror. And yet every day, from all over the world, people come to Brzezinka, quite possibly the most grisly tourist center on earth. They come for a variety of reasons—to see if it could really have been true, to remind themselves not to forget, to pay homage to the dead by the simple act of looking upon their place of suffering. Brzezinka is a couple of miles from the better-known southern Polish town of Ou015bwiu0119cim. Ou015bwiu0119cim has about 12,000 inhabitants, is situated about 171 miles from Warsaw, and lies in a damp, marshy area at the eastern end of the pass called the Moravian Gate. Brzezinka and Ou015bwiu0119cim together formed part of that minutely organized factory of torture and death that the Nazis called Konzentrationslager Auschwitz. By now, fourteen years after the last batch of prisoners was herded naked into the gas chambers by dogs and guards, the story of Auschwitz has been told a great many times. Some of the inmates have written of those memories of which sane men cannot conceive. Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess, the superintendent of the camp, before he was executed wrote his detailed memoirs of mass exterminations and the experiments on living bodies. Four million people died here, the Poles say. And so there is no news to report about Auschwitz. There is merely the compulsion to write something about it, a compulsion that grows out of a restless feeling that to have visited Auschwitz and then turned away without having said or written anything would somehow be a most grievous act of discourtesy to those who died here. Brzezinka and Ou015bwiu0119cim are very quiet places now; the screams can no longer be heard. The tourist walks silently, quickly at first to get it over with and then, as his mind peoples the barracks and the chambers and the dungeons and flogging posts, he walks draggingly. The guide does not say much either, because there is nothing much for him to say after he has pointedFor every visitor there is one particular bit of horror that he knows he will never forget. For some it is seeing the rebuilt gas chamber at Ou015bwiu0119cim and being told that this is the “small one.”For others it is the fact that at Brzezinka, in the ruins of the gas chambers and the crematoria the Germans blew up when they retreated, there are daisies growing. There are visitors who gaze blankly at the gas chambers and the furnaces because their minds simply cannot encompass them, but stand shivering before the great mounds of human hair behind the plate-glass window or the piles of babies" shoes or the brick cells where men sentenced to death by suffocation were walled up. One visitor opened his mouth in a silent scream simply at the sight of boxes—great stretches of three-tiered wooden boxes in the women"s barracks. They were about six feet wide, about three feet high, and into them from five to ten prisoners were shoved for the night. The guide walks quickly through the barracks. Nothing more to see here. A brick building where sterilization experiments were carried out on women prisoners. The guide tries the door—it"s locked. The visitor is grateful that he does not have to go in, and then flushes with shame. A long corridor where rows of faces stare from the walls. Thousands of pictures, the photographs of prisoners. They are all dead now, the men and women who stood before the cameras, and they all knew they were to die. They all stare blank-faced, but one picture, in the middle of a row, seizes the eye and wrenches the mind. A girl, twenty-two years old, plumply pretty, blond. She is smiling gently, as at a sweet, treasured thought. What was the thought that passed through her young mind and is now her memorial on the wall of the dead at Auschwitz? Into the suffocation dungeons the visitor is taken for a moment and feels himself strangling. Another visitor goes in, stumbles out, and crosses herself. There is no place to pray in Auschwitz. The visitors look pleadingly at each other and say to the guide, “Enough.” There is nothing new to report about Auschwitz. It was a sunny day and the trees were green and at the gates the children played.
2023-06-19 13:25:541

Beat It Upright 歌词

歌曲名:Beat It Upright歌手:Korn专辑:CollectedKorn - Beat It UprightAre you ready for a good pounding baby?(Get down)Are you ready to get it on?(Get down, get down)Don"t pretend you"re not fucking freaky baby(Get down)I will spank that ass just for fun(Get down, on the ground)Ass up highMake a motherfucker cryIt"s so good that I could dieHelp me stay aliveThe time is rightI wanna feel it good tightI"m down to do this all nightI"m gonna beat it uprightI"ll behave, oh, my GodMake me beg, my GodYes, I"m ready for a good flogging baby(My God)Come on beat my ass for fun(Get down, get down)Don"t let up till my ass is bleeding baby(Get down)Don"t let up until you are done(Get down, on the ground)Ass up highMake a motherfucker cryIt"s so good that I could dieHelp me stay aliveThe time is rightI wanna feel it good tightI"m down to do this all nightI"m gonna beat it uprightWe"re going on a rideI"m gonna turn you inside and outside nowDon"t try to run and hideYes, it"s true what they say about my kindAre you ready for a good pounding baby?(Get down)Are you ready to get it on?(Get down, get down)Don"t pretend you"re not fucking freaky baby(Get down)I will spank that ass just for fun(Get down, on the ground)Ass up highMake a motherfucker cryIt"s so good that I could dieHelp me stay aliveThe time is rightI wanna feel it good tightI"m down to do this all nightI"m gonna beat it upright
2023-06-19 13:25:471


2023-06-19 13:25:434


So Long, Farewell Children:There"s a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hallAnd the bells in the steeple tooAnd up in the nursery an absurd little birdIs popping out to say "cuckoo"Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:Cuckoo, cuckooChildren: Marta, Gretl, Brigitta: Regretfully they tell us Cuckoo, cuckoo But firmly they compel us Cuckoo, cuckoo To say goodbye . . . Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:Cuckoo!Children:. . . to youChildren:So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good nightMarta:I hate to go and leave this pretty sightChildren:So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieuFriedrich:Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieuChildren:So long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehenLiesl:I"d like to stay and taste my first champagneChildren:So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbyeKurt:I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye!Brigitta:I"m glad to go, I cannot tell a lieLouisa:I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I flyGretl:The sun has gone to bed and so must IChildren:So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbyeGoodbye, goodbye, goodbyeGuests:Goodbye!
2023-06-19 13:25:351

ナラタージュ 音译歌词

歌名:卒业メモリーズ~サヨナラ、あなた歌手:沢井美空音译:Christina_FBC(百度音译歌词吧)歌词:啊那他你啊依你噶啊考五你依库啊那他闹他买你哈呀奥ki我思路啊那他噶啊他西我五高卡西太他闹子嗯陶啊考噶来太ki他闹扫次要五西ki那啦嗯带路他库撒嗯闹赛那卡啊那他闹思噶他思股你米次开路思考西ki他吗爱噶米带啊他啊闹高咯闹要五哈那撒ki卡思买路哈路闹你奥依依起到毛思噶他我米来那卡啊他嘿哇1 你翘五子嗯陶次吗嗯那库太k要五西次咯五卡卡依打嗯卡爱李gi哇闹撒卡米起ki噶次开吧啊那他闹考陶撒噶西太路啊那他你啊五撒依高闹嘿打卡啦啊那他闹卡开啦我嘿陶次库打撒依啊那他闹那吗爱ki考爱他瞬嗯卡嗯依卡那依带姆乃闹奥库噶库路西库那路思ki那嗯打思ki那嗯打思ki那嗯打那你该那库买噶啊爱吧米米啊次库那他思来起噶五打开带ki嗯翘五西他起跑开那西啊哇赛西子卡你陶奥咋卡啊太库依依卡开他考陶吧闹到你次吗路吗他思股啊爱路要陶哇啦五啊那他闹考陶吧噶那在卡陶奥库你卡嗯及他哈太吗库次子库奥毛依噶依吗毛啊付来太路开到啊他西毛赛依依爬依哇啦太嗯那子库啊那他噶库来他他啊他依起要五啊那他闹不哇ki啦包五那噶嗯吧来啊那他闹思噶他思考西依包呀开路依依笑五付嗯买你呀ki次开太奥库嗯打依依他库太依爱那库太思ki思gi太撒库啦吗依起路考五啥你付库卡在赛依付库闹思卡啊陶我邮啦西太路依次卡哇啦啊太奥毛依打赛路卡那啊那他你考依我西他啊他西闹赛依瞬嗯思ki那嗯打思ki那嗯打撒要那啦
2023-06-19 13:25:271


浇铸是塑料加工的一种方法。早期的浇铸是在常压下将液态单体或预聚物(见聚合物)注入模具内,经聚合而固化成型,变成与模具内腔形状相同的制品。 语锻锤duànchuí〖forginghammer〗∶一种用来将金属锤击成锻件的锤〖flogginghammer〗∶用来锤打大凿或敲打金属用的一种小型手用锻锤〖hammer〗∶一种机动工具,常用金属块或钻头代替锤头(如打桩,锤击或锻打金属,或打碎岩石表面)锻打duàndǎ〖hammer〗∶反复用锤子敲打;锻造锻打牙轮〖temper(oneself)〗∶锻炼;磨练革命者就是钢铁,锻打得越多,就越纯净越坚硬锻工duàngōng〖forging〗∶一种工业操作过程,把金属材料加热到一定温度,然后击打〖hammersmith〗∶操纵锻锤或动力压力机的工人锻焊duànhàn〖forgeandweld〗金属加温后用锤子击打,使焊接在一起锻件duànjiàn〖forgedpiece;forging〗锻造金属零部件锻接duànjiē〖forgewelding〗在铁砧上用锻打将两件热金属连接起来的方法(加热于金属之断裂处或欲接合金属之部分,使其呈熔融状,连接后再经捶打,使可吻合连接在一起)锻炼duànliàn〖takeexercise〗∶通过军事训练或体育活动,增强体质每个早上进行走路上班的锻炼〖temper;steel〗∶磨炼他这几年锻练得很不错了〖forgingandsmelting〗∶锻造,冶炼锻炉duànlú〖forge〗冶炼用的高炉锻模duànmú〖forgingdie〗锻造制造金属制品的工具锻铁duàntiě〖wroughtiron〗适合于制造熟铁的生铁锻压duànyā〖forgeandpress〗在加热或不加热情况下用机械压机或水压机加工〖金属〗锻造duànzào〖forge〗∶表示在炽热下用锤打使可塑金属工件改变物理性能、形状和大小〖smith〗∶加热后在砧上锻
2023-06-19 13:25:231

求《音乐之声》中《so long, farewell 》的中文解释

礼堂的钟发出悲伤的叮当声教堂的礼钟也声声悲鸣房里可笑的杜鹃鸟发出一阵阵呜咽他们后悔作这样的决定但我们却要坚强在一起不分离到了说再见之时再见 再见 晚安我也不想在这么美的画面中离去再见 再见 再见要说再见了 就要分开了再见 再见 再见我想呆在这里品尝我第一杯香槟那么再见吧 再见 再见我离开也只能长叹一句再会说真的我还满想离开我随风飘我随水流我飞快地逃走我飞走太阳已经睡得很熟再见 再见 再见再见!
2023-06-19 13:25:202


2023-06-19 13:25:172

bid sb goodbye是不是比较正式的说法呢?

Goodbye 是口语化的,而 bid goodbye 或 bid farewell 就很有文学艺术的感觉了,literary啦~ 还有一种比较古的雅言 bid adieu to ... 这个 adieu 源于法语,但很早就用在英语里了。济慈的《夜莺颂》就有Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well和Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades这样的诗句。
2023-06-19 13:25:122


1 Rancid 2 Rise Against 3 NOFX 4 Misfits 5 Against Me! 6 Anti-Flag 7 AFI 8 Alkaline Trio 9 Leftover Crack 10 Flogging Molly 11 Operation Ivy 12 Taking Back Sunday 13 Underoath 14 Casualties 15 Green Day 16 Bad Religion 17 Ramones 18 Thrice 19 Dead Kennedys 20 Atreyu 21 Coheed And Cambria 22 Mars Volta 23 Black Flag 24 Bright Eyes 25 Dropkick Murphys 26 Adicts 27 Unseen 28 Bouncing Souls 29 Tiger Army 30 Minor Threat 31 Choking Victim 32 Matchbook Romance 33 Used 34 Thursday 35 As I Lay Dying 36 Fall Out Boy 37 Descendents 38 Less Than Jake 39 Catch 22 40 Bad Brains 41 Screeching Weasel 42 Hot Water Music 43 Cursive 44 Falcon 45 My Chemical Romance 46 Converge 47 Exploited 48 Armor For Sleep 49 Lower Class Brats 50 Every Time I Die 51 Silverstein 52 A Global Threat 53 Tsunami Bomb 54 Strike Anywhere 55 GBH 56 Norma Jean 57 Nekromantix 58 Propagandhi 59 Queers 60 Bane 61 Alexisonfire 62 Lagwagon 63 Me First And The Gimme Gimmes 64 Sublime 65 Streetlight Manifesto 66 Poison The Well 67 Jawbreaker 68 Blink 182 69 Strung Out 70 Subhumans 71 Social Distortion 72 Clash 73 Saves The Day 74 At The Drive In 75 Big D And The Kids Table 76 Avenged Sevenfold 77 Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards 78 Blood Brothers 79 Planes Mistaken For Stars 80 Nirvana 81 Throwdown 82 Further Seems Forever 83 Eighteen Visions 84 Hawthorne Heights 85 Terror 86 Zao 87 Pennywise 88 Hopesfall 89 Methadones 90 Bleeding Through 91 Death Cab For Cutie 92 Refused 93 Get Up Kids 94 Lawrence Arms 95 Evergreen Terrace 96 Yellowcard 97 Weezer 98 Dillinger Escape Plan 99 With Honor 100 No-Cash 101 Hatebreed 102 Give Up The Ghost 103 Gorilla Biscuits 104 Briefs 105 Transplants 106 New Found Glory 107 Locust 108 Business 109 Mad Caddies 110 Toxic Narcotic 111 Blood For Blood 112 Circle Jerks 113 TSOL 114 None More Black 115 Specials 116 Horrorpops 117 Senses Fail 118 Enemy You 119 Oxymoron 120 Mustard Plug 121 MXPX 122 Against All Authority 123 Sparta 124 No Use For A Name 125 Between The Buried and Me 126 Virus 127 Good Riddance 128 Shai Hulud 129 Nerve Agents 130 Darkest Hour 131 Boy Sets Fire 132 Groovie Ghoulies 133 7 Seconds 134 Atom And His Package 135 Strokes 136 Cock Sparrer 137 Mad Sin 138 Adolescents 139 Comeback Kid 140 Story Of The Year 141 Fear Before The March Of Flames 142 US Bombs 143 Remembering Never 144 Vandals 145 Crass 146 Riverdales 147 Germs 148 Beautiful Mistake 149 Millencolin 150 Spitalfield 151 Goldfinger 152 Briggs 153 INDK 154 Dwarves 155 Morning Glory 156 Midtown 157 Conflict 158 Dashboard Confessional 159 GG Allin 160 Pedro The Lion 161 Unearth 162 Sick Of It All 163 Murder By Death 164 Agnostic Front 165 Modest Mouse 166 Kid Dynamite 167 Voodoo Glow Skulls 168 Death By Stereo 169 Stiff Little Fingers 170 Swingin" Utters 171 Common Rider 172 Even In Blackouts 173 Fear 174 Dillinger Four 175 One Man Army 176 Discharge 177 Appleseed Cast 178 Distillers 179 Dead Poetic 180 Killswitch Engage 181 Weakerthans 182 Rufio 183 F-Minus 184 Desaparecidos 185 Guttermouth 186 Pretty Girls Make Graves 187 Pietasters 188 Street Dogs 189 Postal Service 190 Black Dahlia Murder 191 A Static Lullaby 192 Reel Big Fish 193 Jimmy Eat World 194 Billy Talent 195 Brand New 196 Dead Milkmen 197 Hope Conspiracy 198 Ataris 199 Ducky Boys 200 Pulley 201 American Distress 202 Motion City Soundtrack 203 Thought Riot 204 Autopilot Off 205 Buzzcocks 206 Epoxies 207 Finch 208 Say Anything 209 Cheap Sex 210 Toasters 211 Orchid 212 Youth Of Today 213 It Dies Today 214 Angry Samoans 215 Bayside 216 UK Subs 217 From First To Last 218 Blitz 219 Teen Idols 220 Piebald 221 Emery 222 Juliana Theory 223 Reggie And The Full Effect 224 Living End 225 Northstar 226 Jets To Brazil 227 Blondie 228 Daughters 229 From Autumn To Ashes 230 Varukers 231 A Wilhelm Scream 232 Happy Campers 233 H2O 234 Break The Silence 235 Ten Yard Fight 236 Reagan Youth 237 Wings Of Azrael 238 Hey Mercedes 239 MDC 240 Circle Takes The Square 241 Fugazi 242 Sugarcult 243 Isis 244 Vindictives 245 International Noise Conspiracy 246 Dead To Fall 247 On Broken Wings 248 Movielife 249 And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 250 Suicidal Tendencies 251 Sigur Ros 252 Curl Up And Die 253 Real McKenzies 254 Kill Your Idols 255 Beloved 256 Audio Karate 257 Name Taken 258 Slackers 259 Pixies 260 Demented Are Go 261 88 Fingers Louie 262 Squirtgun 263 Dickies 264 Copeland 265 Ted Leo And The Pharmacists 266 MeWithoutYou 267 Defiance 268 Anti Nowhere League 269 Botch 270 Soviettes 271 Bigwig 272 Pogues 273 Killing Tree 274 Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards 275 Link 80 276 Husker Du 277 CKY 278 All 279 Damned 280 Bikini Kill 281 Templars 282 Rehasher 283 Code 284 Anti-Heros 285 Belvedere 286 Minus The Bear 287 River City Rebels 288 Maxeen 289 Slick Shoes 290 Hot Cross 291 Explosion 292 Lifetime 293 Youth Brigade 294 Manges 295 Brandtson 296 Partisans 297 Boys Night Out 298 Horse The Band 299 Sex Pistols 300 Champion 301 Letter Kills 302 Chain Of Strength 303 Forgotten 304 Darlington 305 Suicide Machines 306 Son Of Sam 307 Mr. T Experience 308 This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb 309 Hot Rod Circuit 310 Face To Face 311 Pig Destroyer 312 Nausea 313 Total Chaos 314 Five Iron Frenzy 315 Good Life 316 Minutemen 317 Q an
2023-06-19 13:25:091


2023-06-19 13:25:002


常用汉语成语:(Common Chinese Idioms)按图索骥 Looking for a steed with the aid of its picture百发百中 A hundred shots, a hundred bull"s-eyes班门弄斧 Showing off one"s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter杯弓蛇影 Mistaking the reflection of a bow for a snake闭门造车 Building a cart behind closed doors病入膏肓 The disease has attacked the vitals草木皆兵 every bush and tree looks like an enemy吹毛求疵 Blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect打草惊蛇 Beating the grass and flushing out the snake调虎离山 Luring the tiger out of the mountains东施效颦 Aping the Beauty"s frown对牛弹琴 Playing the lute to a cow负荆请罪 Bringingthe birch and asking for flogging功亏一篑 Running an enterprise for the lack of one basketful故步自封 Content with staying where one is含沙射影 spitting sand on a shadow-attacking by insinuation狐假虎威 Basking in reflected glory囫囵吞枣 Gulping down a whole date画饼充饥 Allaying hunger with pictures of cakes画龙点睛 Putting the finishing touch to the picture of a dragon画蛇添足 Drawing a snake and adding feet惊弓之鸟 Birds startled by the mere twang of a bowstring精卫填海 Jingwei fills up the sea井底之蛙 A frog in a well刻舟求剑 Notching the boat to find the sword空中楼阁 A castle in the air滥竽充数 Passing oneself off as a member of the orchestra狼狈为奸 A wolf working hand in glove with a jackal老马识途 An old horse knows the way梁上君子 A gentleman on the beam临渴掘井 Not digging a well until one is thirsty满城风雨 A storm enveloping the city盲人摸象 Blind men touching an elephant毛遂自荐 Mao Sui recommending himself门庭若市 A courtyard as crowded as a marketplace名落孙山 Failing to pass an examination南辕北辙 Going south by driving the chariot north怒发冲冠 So angry that one"s hair lifts up one"s hat披荆斩棘 Breaking open a way through brambles and thorns蚍蜉撼树 An ant trying to shake a big tree破釜沉舟 Smashing the cauldrons and sinking the boats破镜重圆 A broken mirror made whole again骑虎难下 When one rides a tiger, it is hard to dismount杞人忧天 The man of Qi who worried that the sky would fall
2023-06-19 13:24:521

呆会儿见 翻译成法语

一会见是à tout à l" heure 或者是A bientot 再见Au revoir
2023-06-19 13:24:469


2023-06-19 13:24:432


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: SO LONG, FAREWELL There"s a sad sort of clanging From the clock in the hall And the bells in the steeple, too, And up in the nursery A absurd little bird Is popping out to say “coo-coo.” Regretfully they tell us But firmly they pel us To say “goodbye” to you… So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night. I hate to go and leave this pretty sight. So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, adieu. Adieu, adieu, To yieu, and yieu, and yieu. So long, farewell, Au ‘voir, auf Wiedersehen. I"d like to stay and taste my first champagne. YES? NO! So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye, Goodbye! I"m glad to go, I cannot tell a lie. I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly The sun has gone to bed and so must I So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye Goodbye…Goodbye… goodbye. Good-bye!
2023-06-19 13:24:351