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2023-06-19 15:41:15





ng about the finest mill on the Pellawa plains





2023-06-19 13:01:441

SJ疑题解答第3期【catto】就是艺声麻麻唱的那段,是那首歌啊.. 想不起来了QAQ

3辑后续曲 《It‘s you》
2023-06-19 13:01:512


2023-06-19 13:02:121


2023-06-19 13:02:192


Take the cat to the vet.意思是: 带这只猫去看兽医。
2023-06-19 13:02:261

小学五年级作文350字:Can A Cat To Be A Good Pet?

作文标题: Can A Cat To Be A Good Pet? 关 键 词: 小学五年级 350字 字 数: 350字作文 本文适合: 小学五年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学五年级350字的作文,题目为:《Can A Cat To Be A Good Pet?》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 欢迎阅读《作文:Can A Cat To Be A Good Pet?》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“一年级作文”,请随时关注!  Cat is a lovely animal, it"s enjoyed by people all over the world.Many cats come to many houses as pets.But, can a cat to be a good pet? Let"s talk about it.  来自:作文大全 You know,all the things have two sides,cats have too.Although they are very lovely,they also can scratch you when they get angry, sometimes you maybe hate them. But you are wrong,cats deserve to get angry like humans. 来源:作文网  Somebody prefer dogs to cats,because they think that a dog not only look after the house, but also very funny. Even though cats con"t do as well as dogs,they have other good pionts,some cats  《Can A Cat To Be A Good Pet?》这篇优秀的“一年级作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。
2023-06-19 13:02:331


import java.util.ArrayList;public class Tcat { //假设停车场有100个停车位 private int carport=100; //记录空的车位 private int noullcat=100; //初始化类时传入空余车位数量 public Tcat(int mou) { noullcat=mou; } public void setNoullcat(int noullcat) { this.noullcat = noullcat; } public int getNoullcat() { return noullcat; } //记录进来的车的停车时间 private ArrayList lis=new ArrayList<>(); //车辆进来,空余车位减一 public int catin(){ if(noullcat>1){ noullcat--; lis.add(1);//停车时间 System.out.print("剩余的车位数量:"+noullcat); return noullcat;//返回剩余的车位数量 }else{ return -1;//返回值-1,表示以及没有空余的车位 } } //返回停车费用 public int catvalue(int id){ return (int)lis.get(id)*3; } //车辆出去,空余车位加一,返回空余车位,删除车辆停留的列表 public int catto(int id){ if(noullcat<carport){//判断空余车位是否小于最大车位 lis.remove(id); noullcat++; } System.out.println("停车费用:"+catvalue(id)); System.out.println("剩余的车位数量:"+noullcat); return noullcat; }}可以参考一下这个
2023-06-19 13:02:481

I can take my cat to the party改为一般疑问句?

can I take my cat to the party?
2023-06-19 13:03:173


  1。它的明亮的光itsbrightlight2。飞机上的光thelightontheplane   3。充满befullof   4。一些令人吃惊的事someamazing/unusualthings形容词+名词   某件不寻常的东西somethingunusual不定代词+形容词   6。给某人展示某物showsbth=showsthtosb带领某人参观某地showsbaroundsp   举办服装(车、花)展览haveafashion/car/flowershow   7。你的睁着眼睛keepyoureyesopen/closed   8。睁着眼睛睡觉。sleepwiththeireyesopen/closeddosthwith+n(名词)+adj(形容词)   sleepwithlightson/offdosthwith+n(名词)+adv(副词)   comein/gooutwithbooksinhishanddosthwith+n(名词)+prep(介词)   9。相同点大小(颜色、款式、年龄)bethesamesize/colour/style/age   同时atthesametime与————相同bethesameas   10。自出生起frombirth   11。停止做某事stopdoingsth   停下来去做某事stoptodosth停止A去做BstopdoingAtodoB   12。Ais差值adj比较级thanB(tall,young,big,long,wide———)   13。大象脚背没有骨头,只有脂肪。   Therearenobonesinthebackofelephants"feet———onlyfat。=Elphantshavenobonesinthebackoftheirfeet———onlyfat。   Reading   1。上个星期天lastSunday2。一个星期天的早晨oneSundaymorning   3。向往常一样做某事dosthasusual4。坐在大树下situnderthebigtree   5。听到来自灌木丛中的耳语hearawhisperfromthebushes来自灌木丛comefromthebushes   6。转过身turnaround(round)7。什么都没看见seenothing=can"tseeanything8。回答某人replytosb/sth=answersb/sthgivemeareply=givemeananswer   9。某人发生了某事Somethinghappentosb。   某人发生什么事?Whathappenedtosb?=Whatishappeningtosb?   碰巧在街上遇到他happentomeethiminthestreet10。仔细地听—————listen(tosb/sth)carefully   听见奇怪的声响hearthestrangenoise听上去像低语声soundlikeawhisper   听上去很奇怪soundstrange/amazing/interesting/wonderful———   11。立刻跑走leave/runawayquickly   12。在某人回家的路上onone"swayhome(副词,回家)   在某人去我家的路上onone"swaytomyhome(名词,家)   13。告诉某人一切tellsbeverything14。站在树边stoodbesidethetree   15。仔细地搜索灌木丛searchthebushescarefully   为————搜索某地searchAforBeg。Thepolicesearchedthehouseforthelostboy。   在森林里搜索那个男孩(2种)searchfortheboyintheforest=searchtheforestfortheboy16。自言自语saytooneself(myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves)17。在灌木丛中发现一只小猫findalittlecatinthebushes18。虚弱beweak19。拿起某物pickupsth=picksth(it/them)up20。对某事感到吃惊sbbesurprisedatsth吃惊地做某事besurprisedtodosth某事令人惊奇sthissurprising令人惊奇的是—————It"ssurprising/amazing/interestingthat21。那天傍晚laterthatday22。把小猫带到了动物中心takethelittlecattotheanimalcentre好好照看23。开心地诉说某事saysthhappily24。告诉某人关于那奇怪的声音tellsbaboutthestrange25。帮助Andy找到鬼helpAndyfindtheghost26。把小猫给AndygivethelittlecattoAndygivesthtosb=givesbsth(show,send,)Grammar1。一个月(很久)以前amonth/alongtimeago2。上个星期天的早晨lastSundaymorning3。昨天早晨yesterdaymorning前天thedaybeforeyesterday4。去奇妙世界博物馆gototheFunWorldMuseum5。到达博物馆gettothemuseum6。在博物馆度过3小时spendthreehoursinthemuseum7。拍大量的照片takealotofphotos8。我们中的一些人someofus9。买了一些动物卡片buycardsoftheanimals10。返回学校comebacktoschool11。玩的`开心Haveagreattime12。告诉我关于这事的全部Tellmeallaboutit13。只有11厘米高alongtimeago14。其他还有什么?whatelse?15。学一些类似渡渡鸟的奇怪鸟类learnaboutsomestrangebirdslikedodos16。住在地球上liveontheearth/ground//liveintrees/water/inverydryplace   Integratedskills   1。向某人展示一些动物的图片Showsbsomepicturesofanimals   2。害怕动物Beafraidofanimals   3。一些有关动物的有趣的事情Someinterestingthingsaboutanimals   对————感兴趣Beinterestedinsth   4。长长脖子Havealongneck   5。在寒冷的冬天吃的很少或几乎不吃Eatlittleornothingforincoldwinter   6。没有———也能活很长一段时间Livewithoutforalongtime   7。嗅觉灵敏Smellthingswell   闻起来很香Smellgood/delicious   8。给某人写封感谢信writeathank—youlettertosb   9。谢谢你的帮助thankyouforyourhelp   10。对动物了解更多knowmoreaboutanimals   11。需要保持房屋干净needtokeepourhousecleankeepsthadj   12。不再—————not———anymore   13。更多的了解他们learn/knowmoreaboutthem   15。听说某人hearofsb/sth   16。骑车环游80多个国家travelaroundover80countriesbybike   17。第二天theotherday   18。用一只手写字writewithonehand   19。用另一只手画画drawwiththeotherhand   20。同时做某事doAanddoBatthesametime   21。用粉笔画3—D图画draw3—Dpictureswithchalks   Studyskills   1。在博物馆外遇见某人Meetsboutsideamuseum   2。博物馆一分钟前关门了。Themuseumclosedjustaminuiteago   3。今天下午做某事了Didsththisafternoon   4。呆在家和她聊天Stayathomeandtalktoher   5。我希望———Ihope句子   6。希望做某事hopetodo/be   7。一天开心Enjoyyourday   8。展示世界上许多奇妙事情showalotofamazingthingsintheworld   9。玩了一些奇妙的游戏playsomeamazinggames   10。特别棒。Itwasgreatfun   11。做某事特棒Itwasfuntodosth   12。让我跟你一起来letmecomewithyou   Task   1。从———得名getitsnamefrom———   2。一个叫———的人amancalled————   3。停下来吃饭stopformeals   4。把————夹在两片面包之间putsthbetweentwopiecesofbread   5。其他人others   6。吃同样的食物eatthesamefood   7。后来变得很流行becomepopularlater   8。遍及世界各地allovertheworld   9。第一部电视剧thefirstTVshow   10。截止1935年by1935   11。投入使用beinuse   12。至少atleast至多atmost   13。与———一样大AisaslargeasB=A&Barethesamesize   14。充满许多奇妙事件的精彩世界awonderfulworldwithlotsofamazingthings   15。这种食品thiskindoffood   16。索要———askfor   17。这难道不稀奇吗?Isn"tthatamazing?   Reading知识点   1。Asusual像往常一样   1和往常一样吉姆忘记关门了。Asusual,Jimforgottoclosethedoor。   2今天晚上他和平常一样工作努力。Heworkedhardasusualtonight。   他跟平时一样迟到了吗?   跟平时一样,他没有跟妈妈道别就去上学了。   asbefore   他还跟以前一样乐于助人。Heisstillhelpfulasbefore。   thanusual他会比平时晚来一点。Hewillcomelaterthanusual。   thanbefore   我现在比以前更努力学习。Istudyharderthanbeforenow。   Whispern。&v。   他正低声说话。Heistalkinginawhisper。Heiswhispering。   他低声告诉了我这件事。   角落里有些孩子正在低语。   turnn。&v。   taketurnstodosth。=dosthinturns   我们轮流玩电脑游戏。Wetaketurnstoplaycomputergames。=Weplaycomputergamesinturns。   我们轮流打扫教室好吗?   Turnon/off开/关Turnup/turndown把声音调高/低turnaround/round转过身去   1她转过身看着我。Sheturnedaroundandlookedatme。   2当Lily听到奇怪的声音时她转过了身。Lilyturnedaroundwhensheheardthestrangenoise。   3他们转过身但没有发现什么异样的东西   Theyturnedaroundbutdidn"tfindanythingunusual。   nothing不定代词somethingelse/anythingunusual形容词必须放在不定代词的后面。   1我的电脑出问题了。Thereissomethingwrongwithmycomputer。   今天的报纸上有什么有趣的东西吗?Isthereanythinginterestingintoday"snewspaper?   onone"s/theway(tos。p。)在去……的路上   1在去学校的路上她发现了一些不同寻常的东西。   Onherwaytoschool,shefoundsomethingunusual。   2在回家的路上她停下来买了些食物。   Onthewaytoherhome,(onher/thewayhome),shestoppedtobuysomefood。   happen(vi)指偶然发生   Sth。happen   1去年那件有趣的事情发生在南京。TheinterestingthinghappenedinNanjinglastyear。   2sth。happentosb。某人发生某事   昨天他发生什么事了?Whathappenedtohimyesterday?   search搜寻   Thepolicearesearchingfortheboy。Thepolicearesearchingtheboy。   searchsp。对某地进行搜索   searchforsth。=lookforsth。   我仔细的搜寻了我的口袋。Isearchedmypocketcarefully。   我正在网上搜索一些东西。IamsearchingforsomethingontheInternet。   searchthebushessearchforthatmissingboy   Hereitis。(原来)它在这儿。   (原来)你在这儿。Hereyouare!(原来)它在那儿。Thereitis!   你的外套在这里。Hereisyourcoat。=Hereitis。   saytooneself自言自语   不要总是在课堂上自言自语。Don"talwayssaytoyourselfinclass。   他以前从来不自言自语。Heneversaidtohimselfbefore。   soundn。&v。   我听到一个象是低语的声音。Iheardasoundlikeawhisper。   那声音听上去象是一声低语。Thesoundsoundslikeawhisper。   10。pickupsth拿起,拾起,举起   Hewentovertothecryingchildandpickedherup。   地上有本书,请捡起来。There"sabookontheground。Pleasepickitup。   11。surprised吃惊的,惊讶的   当我告诉妈妈消息时,她很惊讶。MymotherlookedsurprisedwhenItoldherthenews。besurprisedtodosth   有了给大家整理的 初一unit5知识点巩固 ,大家一定要仔细阅读,相信大家一定会取得优异的成绩。
2023-06-19 13:03:241


中文你家有猫吗?你喜欢猫猫吗?你知道猫的本领吗? 抓老鼠是猫最厉害的本领, 相信你们一定全都知道猫抓老鼠吧!可是,对猫抓老鼠的本领你们知道多少呢? 猫呀,你一定不知道它的鬼主意!它只要盯上了老鼠,你无论如何打它,用食物诱惑 它,它的眼神也一直瞄着老鼠洞,老鼠想过猫这关?没门!就算它插上翅膀也别想“飞过”猫的手心,猫嘛,就算两天三天不睡觉,也要捉到老鼠。 关于猫抓老鼠还另有妙招,猫会用自己长长的胡子测量一下老鼠洞,如果胡子比老鼠洞长出一大节,它们就会死等,如果短,它们就一个箭步冲上去捉住老鼠。 我家的猫还特有妙招!我家的猫抓老鼠,先会找到老鼠洞,从洞口放块石头,用一些吃的放在洞口,老鼠出来享用美味的同时,猫把洞口用石头顶住,然后再到处抓老鼠。这样老鼠也抓住了,还又节省了吃的,准备继续去下一个领地! 这就是我所说的猫的本领。那么你家的猫是属于第一种,还是第二种,还是属于我家的这种呢?Do you have a cat in your family? You love cats? Do you know the power of the cat? Catch the mouse is the most powerful ability of the cat, I believe you must all know that the cat catch the mouse! But how much do you know about the ability of the cat to catch mice? The cat, you must have no idea what it"s about! He just stared at the mouse, you hit it anyway, with the temptation of food it, its eyes have been looking at the mouse hole, the mouse thought of the cat? no way Even if it is inserted in the wings do not want to fly over the palm of the cat, the cat well, even if three days two days do not sleep, but also to catch mice. A cat and mouse also another coup, the cat can be used his long beard measure the mouse hole, if the beard than a rat hole grow a festive, they will die, if short, they a stride rushed to catch mice. My cat has unique coup! My cat catch mice, the first to find a mouse hole, from the mouth of the hole to put a stone, with some of the food on the mouth of the cave, the mouse to enjoy delicious at the same time, the cat to the hole with a stone to withstand, and then caught the mouse. So the mouse was caught, but also to save food, ready to continue to the next territory! This is the power of the cat. So your cat is one of the first, or second, or belong to my family?
2023-06-19 13:03:321

Emily took a little cat to home y

2023-06-19 13:03:411


A sunny morning, small white and small black cat to play on the bridge. Goose save little black cat saw under the bridge there are two fishes in the freely swim to swim, the greedy little black cats have saliva DC, stretch his hand to catch. At this time, saw a small white, shout loudly: "little black cats, don"t move, very dangerous, you will fall down!" But it was too late, I saw the little black cat "splash" fell into the water. They can"t swim, how to do? Small white on the shore anxious to run round in circles, a small black cat said: "you first support, I will find someone to save you." Run small white road, loudly shouted: "help ah, help ah, a small black cat fell into the river, who can save it." At this time, just brother goose passing, small white to see the Savior, panting, said: "brother goose, a small black cat fell into the water, you quickly to save it! Later it might die." Small white goose brother immediately followed came to the river, the small black cat saved. Small black cat said: "thank you, goose! Not for you, I"d be dead." Goose big brother smiled and said, "no, but you can be careful when you are in the water."  一个阳光灿烂的早晨,小白猫和小黑猫到桥上玩。   大白鹅救小黑猫小黑猫看见桥下有两条鱼在自由自在地游来游去,小黑猫馋得口水直流,就伸手去抓。这时,小白猫看到了,大声地喊:“小黑猫,不要动,很危险的,你会掉下去的!”可是已经晚了,只见小黑猫“扑通”一声掉进了水里。它们都不会游泳,怎么办?小白猫在岸上急得团团转,它对小黑猫说:“你先支撑一下,我去找人来救你。”   小白猫一路飞跑,大声地喊:“救命啊,救命啊,小黑猫掉进河里去了,谁来救救它。”这时,刚好鹅大哥路过,小白猫看到了救星,气喘吁吁地说:“鹅大哥,小黑猫掉进水里,你快去救它吧!再晚了它可能就会没命了。”鹅大哥马上跟着小白猫来到河边,把小黑猫救了起来。   小黑猫说:“谢谢你,鹅大哥!要不是你,我就没命了。”鹅大哥微笑地对它说:“不客气,不过以后你在水边的时候可要小心一点了。”
2023-06-19 13:04:001


2023-06-19 13:04:084

it is nature for a cat to catch mice

natural to develop
2023-06-19 13:04:221

程序设计: 猫大叫一声,所有的老鼠都开始逃跑,主人被惊醒。(C#语言)

2023-06-19 13:04:335

小红衣怎么养 小红衣多肉介绍 小红衣浇水方法

小红衣(Echeveria ‘Vincent Catto")[1]是景天科,拟石莲花属的一种多肉植物。小型种,栽培难度较大。目前国内市场价格很昂贵。是一种观赏价值非常高的景天科多肉植物。[1]中文学名小红衣拉丁学名Echeveria ‘Vincent Catto"别称新版小红衣、小红莓、文森特卡托界植物界门被子植物门纲双子叶植物纲亚纲原始花被亚纲目蔷薇目亚目虎耳草亚目科景天科 Crassulaceae属拟石莲花属 Echeveria韩文名ube48uc13cud2b8 uce74ud1a0命名者Al Waltemeyer[1] 描述者Margrit Bischofberger[1] 形态特征 听语音小红衣的小叶片呈莲座状紧密排列,叶片呈微扁的卵形,叶尖两侧有突出的薄翼。强光下,叶缘和叶百度百科小红衣8593 55"小红衣小红衣(Echeveria ‘Vincent Catto")[1]是景天科,拟石莲花属的一种多肉植物。小型种,栽培难度较大。目前国内市场价格很昂贵。是一种观赏价值非常高的景天科多肉植物。[1]中文学名小红衣拉丁学名Echeveria ‘Vincent Catto"别称新版小红衣、小红莓、文森特卡托界植物界门被子植物门纲双子叶植物纲亚纲原始花被亚纲目蔷薇目亚目虎耳草亚目科景天科 Crassulaceae属拟石莲花属 Echeveria韩文名ube48uc13cud2b8 uce74ud1a0命名者Al Waltemeyer[1] 描述者Margrit Bischofberger[1] 形态特征 听语音小红衣的小叶片呈莲座状紧密排列,叶片呈微扁的卵形,叶尖两侧有突出的薄翼。强光下,叶缘和叶尖会呈现出漂亮的红色。小红衣的花(由Emmanuelle Aubé拍摄)小红衣的花朵(由Emmanuelle Aubé拍摄)栽培技术 听语音小红衣喜凉爽、干燥和阳光充足的环境和排水良好的沙质土壤,不耐水湿。对通风要求很高。夏天养护难度很大。[1]光照光照越充足、昼夜温差越大,叶片色彩越鲜艳,株型越紧凑。在温度适宜的情况下放到室外养护,可使植株叶片颜色更加鲜艳。光照不足或土壤水分过多时徒长,全株呈浅绿色,叶片排列松散向外摊开,严重影响观赏性,甚至可能因植株的光合作用受阻而死亡。夏天时需置于稍阴散光处以免灼伤。[1]水分因植株内部水分含量高,小红衣在高温潮湿的环境下非常容易变黑腐烂(尤其是夏季)。切忌浇水过多。为避免根部水分淤积,最好选用底部带排水孔的盆器,南方可选用透气性良好的红陶盆;玻璃容器吸热且透气性差,慎用。[1]参考浇水量:至少间隔10天左右浇一次水,每次浇透即可。可根据不同地区和季节的气候差异酌情增减浇水频率。夏季或梅雨季节最好暂停浇水。[1]土壤宜用排水、透气性良好的沙质土壤栽培,以便于多余水分的排除和植物根部的生长;可用腐叶土(或泥炭土)、沙土和园土各1/3配制(也可适当提高腐叶土(或泥炭土)的比例),也可在土中添加适量蛭石、珍珠岩、兰石、桐生砂、赤玉土、鹿沼土。每1~2年于春季换盆一次,可将坏死的老根剪去。温度冬夏两季气温过高(高于35摄氏度)或过低(低于五摄氏度)时植株生长速度延缓或停止生长,此时应暂时减少或停止浇水,待气温适宜时再恢复浇水频率。[1]
2023-06-19 13:04:591

take a cat to school 可以写成take to school a boy?

2023-06-19 13:05:062


2023-06-19 13:05:211


The tiger runs after the cat to the river.老虎追着猫跑到了河边。
2023-06-19 13:05:442

高中寒假英语作文:善待坏学生 Be Kind to the Bad Students

In every class, there will be some bad students, they are very active and annoy other students. The bad students don"t want to study, they will interfere other students to listen to the class, which also bothers the teachers. Bad students are not welcomed everywhere, so students will stay away from them, some teachers even give up on them. But some day, when I went home after school, I found a bad student who was in my class carry a cat, he handed the cat to a woman, the woman said thank you to him for help her find the cat. I was surprised, I saw the good side of a bad student. I think I need to be nice to the bad students, they are not that bad, maybe they just want to attract other people"s attention. If we give them more chances, they will be good students. 在每个班级,总会有一些坏学生,他们很活跃,让其他学生烦恼。坏学生不爱学习,他们会干扰其他学生听课,这也让老师们烦恼。坏学生到处都不受欢迎,因此学生们会远离他们,一些老师甚至放弃他们。但是有一天,在我放学回家的时候,我发现我们班的一个坏学生带有一只猫,他把猫交给一个女人,女人说谢谢他帮助她找到了猫。我很惊奇,我看到了一个坏学生好的一面。我觉得我应该对坏学生友好点,他们没有那么坏,也许他们只是想要吸引别人的注意。如果我们给他们多点机会,他们就会是好学生。
2023-06-19 13:06:171

daniel take the litter cat to the animal centre改

Daniel takes the litter cat to the animal centre.丹尼把流浪猫带到动物中心。
2023-06-19 13:06:512

can the cat to fly错在哪呢

2023-06-19 13:07:292

让某人看猫在抓老鼠用英语可以说the cat is chasing a mouse.对吗

Look, the cat to catch mice
2023-06-19 13:07:432

prefer sth to sth

prefer sth1 to sth2喜欢sth1而不喜欢sth2
2023-06-19 13:07:537

Can the cat to fly.错在哪

2023-06-19 13:08:153

高中英语作文:善待坏学生 Be Kind to the Bad Students

In every class, there will be some bad students, they are very active and annoy other students. The bad students don"t want to study, they will interfere other students to listen to the class, which also bothers the teachers. Bad students are not welcomed everywhere, so students will stay away from them, some teachers even give up on them. But some day, when I went home after school, I found a bad student who was in my class carry a cat, he handed the cat to a woman, the woman said thank you to him for help her find the cat. I was surprised, I saw the good side of a bad student. I think I need to be nice to the bad students, they are not that bad, maybe they just want to attract other people"s attention. If we give them more chances, they will be good students. 在每个班级,总会有一些坏学生,他们很活跃,让其他学生烦恼。坏学生不爱学习,他们会干扰其他学生听课,这也让老师们烦恼。坏学生到处都不受欢迎,因此学生们会远离他们,一些老师甚至放弃他们。但是有一天,在我放学回家的时候,我发现我们班的一个坏学生带有一只猫,他把猫交给一个女人,女人说谢谢他帮助她找到了猫。我很惊奇,我看到了一个坏学生好的一面。我觉得我应该对坏学生友好点,他们没有那么坏,也许他们只是想要吸引别人的注意。如果我们给他们多点机会,他们就会是好学生。
2023-06-19 13:09:171

有首英文歌,歌词有几句好像是i wanna know where to ...just like me know how to...是什么歌啊

2023-06-19 13:09:242


TOMCAT/conf/web.xml中找到<param-name>listings</param-name><param-value>false</param-value></init-param>改成true 即可.这样,你输入一个目录, 这个目录下有没有指定默认的文件,就会把整个文件列出来,但是,这样做不安全. 会把你整个网站都暴漏了..自己调试网站可以这么搞,正式部署,不要这么做.
2023-06-19 13:09:311

window无法启动Apache Tmcat Tocat7服务(位于本地计算机上) 上面说的很详细,若还有问题请追问
2023-06-19 13:09:511

How it feels to be out of work. 原文是什么

2023-06-19 13:10:023

How to Train Your Dragon是什么意思

How To Train Your Dragon驯龙高手; [电影]驯龙记; 例句:1.And did you train your scarf to find it? 你训练你的围巾帮你拿帽子?2.That"s like trying to train your cat to do your taxes-a waste of time and money. 这就好比训练你的猫为你报税一样纯属浪费时间和金钱。
2023-06-19 13:10:091


1.Look like the cat that ate the canary:形容一个人得意洋洋的样子。Eg:I think he is too proud. He always looks like the cat that ate the canary 2.Play cat and mouse with someone:对某人欲擒故纵,戏弄某人3.That looks like something that the cat dragged in :看起来像什么脏得一塌糊涂。Eg: I cannot undersstand why her dress always looks like something that the cat dragged in"s meow :不同凡响,妙极了5.a fraidy/caredy cat :胆小鬼A copycat :盲目的模仿者Fat cat:很有钱的人,美国政治运动的出资人Cat nap:打盹6.let the cat out of the bag :泄露秘密,真相大白7.has the cat got your tongue?(口)猫把你的舌头叼去了吗?你为什么不吭声?8.when the cats away,the mice will play.:山中无老虎,猴子称大王9.curiosity killed the cat :好奇心害死猫,好奇惹祸10.there is not enough room to swing a cat:连摇摆猫的空间都不够,表示房间窄的难以转身11.agree like cats and dogs:(口)像猫和狗一样合不来。形容完全合不来12.enough to make a cat laugh:机器可笑,让人笑掉大牙13.enough to make a cat speak:令人惊讶,事情太出奇 rains cats and dogs :下倾盆大雨 a cat on hot bricks :局促不安,想热锅上的蚂蚁16.that"s like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl:引狼入室17..the cat did it :不是我干的18.the cat jumps :形式清楚了19.the cat shuts its eye when stealing cream:掩耳盗铃20.the cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet:形容想得到某种东西又害怕承担风险
2023-06-19 13:10:301

the tiger is stronger than the cat这句话有语病吗?

2023-06-19 13:10:383

The cat _ (like)to eat fish 空格填?

2023-06-19 13:10:463

how to keep a cat

2023-06-19 13:10:542

关于ABAP的一个简单程序调用问题。程序如下。 ls_fieldcat-ref_fieldname 是什么意思在程序里面。

这是ALV GRID定义的属性吧fieldname就是你传入表的字段名seltext_l是把这个字段的那一列的名称
2023-06-19 13:11:013


2023-06-19 13:11:102


2023-06-19 13:11:282


show me your cat给我看看你的猫
2023-06-19 13:11:383


Fat cat 这个字面意思上看是肥猫,其实是指有权势的人。因为在以往西方人看来,贵族家庭总是喜欢养猫,而且这些猫养尊处优,吃饱了就躺着晒太阳,都长得胖胖的,所以呢,fat cat也被引申为那些有钱且有权势的人。Copy cat意思是盲目的模仿者,一般是小孩子用得比较多。我们来看个句子:He calls me a copy cat just because my new shoes look like his.就因为我那双新鞋子与他的鞋子相像,他就说我模仿他。No room to swing a cat无立锥之地。这个表达出于 cat-o"-nine-tails 一词,指水手曾经普遍使用的一种鞭子,九尾鞭。甩不开鞭子,也就是地方很小了,No room to swing a cat。Like a cat on a hot tin roof我们形容人着急,会说他像热锅上的蚂蚁。但英语里用猫来形容——like a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof。例句:Failing to find her homework, Jill is just like a cat on a hot tin roof.吉尔的作业找不到了,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。除了上面的说法,我们也可以用like a cat on hot bricks。See how the cat jumps 联想到猫捉摸不定的特点,我们就很容易理解see how the cat jumps这个表达,也就是观望形势。举个例子:You had better see how the cat jumps first and then decide.您最好先观望一下形势,然后再做决定。你们还知道哪些和猫有关的英文表达呢?还有,你们也像我一样喜欢猫咪吗?快在留言区告诉我吧!
2023-06-19 13:11:451


楼上的很详细了rain cats and dogs也可以单独使用,不一定要说it rains cats and dogs.意为下倾盆大雨
2023-06-19 13:11:532

1,His love ( ) the cat ( ) to be

2023-06-19 13:12:001


可以用代理 Proxy 在Tomcat 中可配置
2023-06-19 13:12:071

=^t^=to cat什么意思

* 是乘号,√是根号。速度是相对的,时间变慢只是相对于那个认为你有v速度的参照物而言。
2023-06-19 13:12:141

The Ghost in the park

2023-06-19 13:12:222

cat connect to server什么意思

2023-06-19 13:12:411


2023-06-19 13:12:481

cat belongs to

译文:那只黑白相间的猫属于我阿姨Aggie. 语法:cat是主语,the black and white作定语修饰cat belongs to是谓语,my aunt Aggie是宾语,是belong to的对象~ (估计刚才chiakaku 把阿姨错看成叔叔了~)
2023-06-19 13:12:551


2023-06-19 13:13:021

ABAP的一个简单问题。程序如下请各位帮忙解释下程序 还有里面的ls_fieldcat-ref_fieldname 是什么意思?

ref_fieldname 参考字段名ref_tabname 参考表名
2023-06-19 13:13:092