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2023-06-19 12:26:06


  One of the most interesting questions about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swift"s satire. In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we look closely at the way that the Houyhnhnms act, we can see that in fact Swift does not take them seriously: he uses them to show the dangers of pride.

  First we have to see that Swift does not even take Gullver seriously. For instance, his name sounds much like gullible, which suggests that he will believe anything. Also, when he first sees the Yahoos and they throw excrement on him, he responds by doing the same in return until they run away. He says, I must needs discover some more rational being, even though as a human he is already the most rational being there is. This is why Swift refers to Erasmus Darwins discovery of the origin of the species and the voyage of the Beagle-to show how Gulliver knows that people are at the top of the food chain. But if Lemule Gulliver is satirized, so are the Houyhnhnms, whose voices sound like the call of castrati. They walk on two legs instead of four, and seem to be much like people. As Gulliver says, It was with the utmost astonishment that I witnessed these creatures playing the flute and dancing a Vienese waltz. To my mind, they seemed like the greatest humans ever seen in court, even more dextrous than the Lord Edmund Burke . As this quote demonstrates, Gulliver is terribly impressed, but his admiration for the Houyhnhnms is short-lived because they are so prideful. For instance, the leader of the Houyhnhnms claims that he has read all the works of Charles Dickens, and that he can singlehandedly recite the names of all the Kings and Queens of England up to George II. Swift subtly shows that this Houyhnhnms pride is misplaced when, in the middle of the intellectual competition, he forgets the name of Queen Elizabeths husband.

  Swifts satire of the Houyhnhnms comes out in other ways as well. One of the most memorable scenes is when the dapple grey mare attempts to woo the horse that Guenivre has brought with him to the island. First she acts flirtatiously, parading around the bewildered horse. But when this does not have the desired effect, she gets another idea: As I watched in amazement from my perch in the top of a tree, the sorrel nag dashed off and returned with a yahoo on her back who was yet more monstrous than Mr. Pope being fitted by a clothier. She dropped this creature before my nag as if offering up a sacrifice. My horse sniffed the creature and turned away. It might seem that we should take this scene seriously as a failed attempt at courtship, and that consequently we should see the grey mare as an unrequited lover. But it makes more sense if we see that Swift is being satiric here: it is the female Houyhnhnm who makes the move, which would not have happened in eighteenth-century England. The Houyhnhm is being prideful, and it is that pride that makes him unable to impress Gullivers horse. Gulliver imagines the horse saying, Sblood, the notion of creating the bare backed beast with an animal who had held Mr. Pope on her back makes me queezy .

  A final indication that the Houyhnmns are not meant to be taken seriously occurs when the leader of the Houynhms visits Lilliput, where he visits the French Royal Society. He goes into a room in which a scientist is trying to turn wine into water (itself a prideful act that refers to the marriage at Gallilee). The scientist has been working hard at the experiment for many years without success, when the Houyhnmn arrives and immediately knows that to do: The creature no sooner stepped through the doorway than he struck upon a plan. Slurping up all the wine in sight, he quickly made water in a bucket that sat near the door .

  He has accomplished the scientists goal, but the scientist is not happy, for his livelihood has now been destroyed. Swifts clear implication is that even though the Houyhnhmns are smart, they do not know how to use that knowledge for the benefit of society, only for their own prideful agrandizement.

  Throughout Gullivers Travels, the Houyhnhms are shown to be an ideal gone wrong. Though their intent might have been good, they don"t know how to do what they want to do because they are filled with pride. They mislead Gulliver and they even mislead themselves. The satire on them is particularly well explained by the new born Houyhnhm who, having just been born, exclaims, With this sort of entrance, what must I expect from the rest of my life! .



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一般读fu,英文写法为 Gulliver. 相关名著有《格列佛游记》Gulliver"s Travels
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Gulliver n. 格利佛(《格利佛游记》的主人公) 英国
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super junior《Gulliver》中文歌词

2023-06-19 11:16:354


《格列佛游记》个人认为是慧骃国,因为他已经被慧骃的美好品质所吸引而折服了格列佛(Gulliver),乔纳森.斯威夫特小说《格列佛游记》中的主人公。在小说中,格列佛是英国一个酷爱航海旅行的人。他年轻时学医,后来在海轮上担任外科医生,多次环游世界,到过许多地方,有过不少的奇遇。最值得称道的是他到小人国、大人国、飞岛国、慧骃国的四次游历。1)从小人国逃离的原因:海军大臣嫉妒他的功劳,财政大臣又怀疑他的妻子和格列佛私通,于是国王召开了一次密谋会,要给格列佛定叛国罪,并把他的双眼剌瞎。格列佛得知后,慌忙逃到不来夫斯古国。2)离开大人国的原因:格列佛在大人国住了两年。有一次,他和国王出外旅行时,装他的箱子被老鹰叼到半空中,然后又掉到海里,幸好遇见一只英国海轮搭救了他。于是他在一七○六年六月回到了伦敦。结束了他的大人国旅行。3)离开飞岛国的原因:格列佛又游历了拉格奈格王国,这里的臣子谒见国王时要舔地板,国王把毒药洒在地板上杀死他不喜欢的大臣。在这里他还见到了长生不老的人,了解到长生不老并不是一件幸福的事。他乘船到了日本。这并不是他所希望见到的。4)慧骃国之旅:被放逐到"慧骃国"。这儿马是该国有理性的居民和统治者。而"列胡"(雅胡、野胡、耶胡、野猢等多种名称是翻译的问题)则是马所豢养和役使的畜生。格列佛的举止言谈在"慧骃国"的马民看来是一只有理性的"列胡"。 在"慧骃"各种美德的感化下,格列佛一心想留在"慧骃"国.然而"慧骃"国决议要消灭那里的列胡.所以格列佛的愿望无法实现。4)慧骃国之旅:被放逐到"慧骃国"。这儿马是该国有理性的居民和统治者。而"列胡"(雅胡、野胡、耶胡、野猢等多种名称是翻译的问题)则是马所豢养和役使的畜生。格列佛的举止言谈在"慧骃国"的马民看来是一只有理性的"列胡"。 在"慧骃"各种美德的感化下,格列佛一心想留在"慧骃"国.然而"慧骃"国决议要消灭那里的列胡.所以格列佛的愿望无法实现。它是一本讽刺类型的小说。得多读。而且每读一遍,体会到的东西都不一样的。希望可以帮助到您~
2023-06-19 11:17:081


格列佛游记故事梗概 格列佛是英国一个酷爱航海旅行的人。他年青时学医,后来在海轮上担任外科医生,多次环游世界,到过许多地方,有过不少的奇遇。最值得称道的是他到小人国、大人国、飞岛国、慧马国的四次游历。下面便是他的游历见闻。 一六九九年五月四日,格列佛应“羚羊号”船长的雇请,乘船到太平洋一带航海,因遇风暴,“羚羊号”触礁沉没了。他和五个水手跳入救生艇中逃生,可是半途那艇也翻了。格列佛只身被风浪刮到利立浦特岛上。上岸后,他由于过度疲乏,躺在草地上酣睡了一觉。待他醒来时,他觉得全身都动弹不得,他的四肢、身体被紧紧捆缚住了,连他的头发也一根根地被缚牢在地上。他只能仰天躺着,太阳晒得他睁不开眼睛。这时,他听到四周有一种轻微的嘈杂的响声。同时,他感到他的左腿上有生物在爬动。那东西渐渐爬上他的身体,走到他胸膛,又去到他的下颔边。格列佛略略把眼光朝下一看,只见一个不到六英寸的小人,两手执着弓箭,背着箭壶,神气傲然地领头走着,后面跟着四十几个小人,全是戎装打扮。格列佛大喊了一声,吓得他们拼命奔逃。有的从他身上滚落到地面,有的自相践踏负了伤。 过了一会儿,小人又围拢过来。格列佛感到不耐烦了,把左手略微一翻动,便有几百支箭向他射来,他觉得被针剌一般。格列佛只好躺着不动。小人在他右耳约三、四码的地方,搭起了一座高台,一位很体面的长官模样的人站在高台上,向他发布演说,意思是要他投降。格列佛别无出路,只好表示归顺。于是有五十个小人跑上前来,割断了绳索,给他松了绑。格列佛用手指了指口,表示他饿得要命了。小人便在他身体两侧,安放了几把梯子,上百个小人挑着篮子,把一篮一篮的食物轮流往他的口里倒下去。格列佛一口得吞食二、三篮的食物,小人应接不暇地倒。他们为格列佛食量之大,惊奇不已。 接着小人用了一万五千匹御马把他拉进京城。皇帝(他比他的臣民高一指甲)带领他的大臣们站在一座高塔上瞻仰格列佛的风采。小人国的居民也络绎不绝地跑来观看,因为这是他们从未见过的巨人。皇帝召开大臣会议,讨论如何处置格列佛的问题。有人担心格列佛的食量太大,他一人的伙食,可供一千七百二十个小人的食用。光饮食一项,就有可能引起国内的饥荒;有人主张把格列佛弄死,但又担心他的庞大的尸体发臭后,会造成京城的瘟疫。最后,皇帝决定暂时让格列佛留着,派了五百人给他当差,还叫了三百个裁缝,按国内最时兴的样式,给他赶制了一件衣服。 一天,格列佛得到国王的允许,让他参观皇城和皇宫。那皇城四周是城墙,高二英尺半,阔十一寸,每十尺之间筑一雉堡。格列佛从西门跨进了城,他小心翼翼地在街上走着,生怕踩伤了市民。他身上穿着短衣,因为他怕衣襟挂坏了屋脊和房檐。街道两旁的房屋都是三层至五层,每幢房子窗口和阳台都挤满了看热闹的市民。两条主要街道有五尺开阔,那些巷子只能容纳格列佛的一只脚。皇宫在城市中央,有一带高二尺的御墙。国王希望格列佛参观他宏大的宫阙,但格列佛无法进去。后来,他想出一个妙法:在御园中选了最大的几棵树木,用小刀把它削制成三尺来高的两张椅子。一张放在外庭,一张放在内庭,他踩着椅子进入了宫殿,躺在宫内一块空地上,抬头仔细观看宫殿。在那儿,他看到了豪华的陈设和簇拥着婢仆的皇后和公主。 小人国的幅员并不大。他们有着奇特的风俗。国王在选拔官吏时,让人们在绳上跳舞,谁跳得高便可以当大官。财政大臣被认为是全国跳得最高的人(超出别人一英寸)。在盛大的节日里,官员们还在皇帝执着的横杆上下表演特技。按表演技艺的高低,分别赏给不同颜色的丝带。这个国家有两个政党。他们的区别是一党穿的鞋跟高些,另一党的鞋跟低些。高跟党自认为是合乎古代制度的,而国王则偏向低跟党。因此,政府的官员都是低跟党的人担任。两党仇恨很深。皇太子则两边讨好。为此,他的鞋跟一只高,一只低。 这个国家常和邻近岛国不来夫斯古发生战争。战争起因是利立浦特岛国改变了吃鸡蛋的习惯,不先磕破大端,而是要人们先磕破小端。国内那些惯于遵循古制的人不服,分成在“大端派”和“小端派”。他们互相攻击对方是“异端邪说”。“大端派”在国内遭到镇压,他们便逃亡到不来夫斯古,引起两个帝国的战争。不久前,不来夫斯古新造了一批战舰,准备再度和利立浦特国开战。格列佛为了表示对利立浦特的忠心,他跨过海面,用绳子把敌方的战舰全部拉了过来。为此,国王赐给他尊贵的爵位。接着,国王又命令他把不来夫斯古灭掉,把它沦为自己的一个行省。格列佛不同意,他对皇帝说:“我永运不愿做人家的工具,使一个自由、勇敢的民族沦为奴隶。”国王和大臣便对他不满起来,要加害于他。 一次,皇宫失火。由于运水困难,格列佛撒了一泡尿浇灭了大火。这使皇后十分反感。加上海军大臣嫉妒他的功劳,财政大臣又怀疑他的妻子和格列佛私通,于是国王召开了一次密谋会,要给格列佛定叛国罪,并把他的双眼剌瞎。格列佛得知后,慌忙逃到不来夫斯古国。再从那儿找到了一只小船,便乘船离去。他在公海上遇到一只英国商船。他便搭乘这只商船,于一七○二年回到伦敦。从而结束了他的第一次游历。英文:A British likes sailing is gulliver travel. When young, he studied in the destination for surgeons, around the world, and visited many places, have many adventures. He is the most admirable to small states, adults, and the Malaysian fly island four travel. Below is his travels.Thousands of 1999 on May 4, should be "antelope" gulliver"s captain, Pacific Ocean to hire boats sailing, because when the storm, "antelope" foundered on rocks. He jumped in with five sailor lifeboats escape, but also turned the boat halfway. Gulliver in the wind was alone on the island"s covenant pu. When he landed, excessive fatigue, lying on the grass had to sleep. He woke up, he feel whole body paralyzed, his limbs, the body is bound tightly tied, even his hair is tied in the root. He is lying on his lie, the sun to open his eyes. Then he heard a slight around the noisy noise. At the same time, he felt his left leg in a creature crawled. It grew up in his body, go to his chest and went to his mandible edge. The slight gulliver looked down and saw a less than 6 inches, two arrows, carrying arrow pot persistence, animation, leading to stands behind, whole is quite understand. Gulliver gave out a yell, frighten them to flee. Sometimes he fell to the ground from the photograph, some down injured.After a while, the people gathered round again. Gulliver, feel impatient, then turning left slightly a hundreds of arrows toward him, he felt he was shot to stimulate needle. Gulliver had to lay motionless. People in his right ear about three or four yards of the place, set up a tower, a very respectable appearance chief on high, he released to mean to his speech, surrender. BieWuChuLu gulliver, had to say unto thee. So there are fifty people ran forward, cut the rope to tie, he breathed. The mouth with your fingers gulliver, said he was desperately hungry. People in his body, and put the ladder, several hundreds of people carrying basket, a basket of food turns into a basket of his mouth went down. Gulliver in two or three to swallow a basket of food, and ringing-off. Their appetite for gulliver, was surprised.Then with a small YiWanWuQianPi on horses pull him into the city. The emperor than (he was) his subjects nails led his ministers standing in the towers of gulliver. Residents of the small states are streamed around watching, because they have never seen giant. The emperor held meetings to discuss how to dispose, minister of problem. Gulliver Some worry that the food is too big, gulliver, one of his food 1720 a small edible. A light diet, you might have caused domestic of famine, Some claim to kill, but worry gulliver in his huge body smelly, will cause the disease. Finally, the emperor decided to let gulliver, sent a messenger to him, five people are called by the tailor, 300 domestic fashion style, give him a garment. TemporaryOne day, the king got allows gulliver in imperial palace and his visit. The emperor was surrounded by high walls, 11 inches wide, half feet every ten feet, build a fort pheasant between. The city from west into gulliver, gingerly he was walking in the street, afraid of hurting people trample. He was wearing skirts, because he was afraid DuanYi broken roof and FangYan hanged. Streets are three layers of the house to the five layers, each house Windows and balconies were filled with fun citizens. Two main streets have five feet, those who open lanes can accommodate gulliver"s foot. In the city, the palace of the high wall around on foot. The king to visit his grand in gulliver, but cannot enter. Gulliver Later, he came up with a tip: in just a few chose the biggest trees, with a knife to cut it into three feet high two chairs. A court in the main, put a chair, he stepped into the palace, lying on a glade in the house, watch it carefully palace. There, he saw a luxury furnishings and surrounding the servants of the queen and the princess.Small countries is not big. They have peculiar custom. When the officials in selection, let people dance in line, who can jump high when the big officer. Finance ministers are considered the jumps highest (beyond the other one inch). In the grand festivals, officials in the emperor of upper rail stunts. By acting skill level, to different color ribbon. This country has two parties. The difference between them is a party to wear heels taller, another party"s heels low. With the party that is high, and the system meets the ancient king criterion deflection is low with the party. Therefore, the government officials are low and the people. A bipartisan hatred. The crown prince is the hounds. Therefore, his heels a high, a low.This country and neighboring island to greaves ancient war. War is the cause, changed the covenant pu island, not the habit of eating eggs to break their main, but the first people to break their small. Those who used to follow the domestic refuses to the people, in "main sent into the" and "little". They are "heresy. "The main" in domestic crackdown on, they fled to not caused two greaves, the empire. Not long ago, in ancient greaves created a new battleship, preparation, and once again made war miura kingdom. Gulliver in pukou to set the faithful, he crossed the sea, with the enemy warships all pull over. Therefore, the king gave him honour to the title. Then the king ordered him to come again, not destroy it, ancient into one of his lands. Don"t agree, he confronted gulliver emperor said: "I don"t ever let somebody else"s operation, make a free and tools of the brave national slaves." The king and the princes, and to his dissatisfaction to harm to him.First, the palace on fire. Because water difficulties, the gulliver douse the flames bubble urine. The queen is very antipathetic. Add navy ministers jealous of his achievement, the finance minister and suspicious of his wife and gulliver, then the king dropped convened a plot, to set treason, and gulliver stimulate his eyes blind. Gulliver, flurried fled after that, not old. From there, he found a small boat away. He met a British merchant waters. He will take the merchant in 2002, strong back to London. Thus ended his first travel.
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第一卷写的是格列佛在小人国(利立普特)的遭遇,格列佛与利立普特人的大小比例为十二比一,那里的居民身高仅6英寸,格列佛置身其中,就像一座“巨人山”。起先他被小人们捆了起来,但后来由于他表现温顺并答应接受某些条件,小人国国王同意恢复他的自由。此时,该国正遭到另一小人国(布莱夫斯库)入侵,格列佛涉过海峡把敌国舰队的大部分船只掳来,迫使敌国遣使求和。尽管格列佛立了大功,但后来因在几件事情上得罪了国王,国王决定刺瞎他的双眼,将他活活饿死。格列佛得知消息,仓皇逃向邻国,修好一只小船,起航回家。 第二卷描述格列佛在大人国的遭遇。在这一卷里,格列佛又一次出海时,遭遇风暴,船被刮至一片陌生的陆地。这陆地叫布罗卜丁奈格(大人国)。那里的居民身高有如铁塔。格列佛一到这里,由“巨人山”一下子变成了侏儒,置身大人国,自己仿佛变成了一个利立普特(小人国)人,比例倒了过来,成了一比十二。在大人国的农夫面前,格列佛像鼹鼠般大小,被农夫当作玩物带回家。为了赚钱,农夫竟把他带到市镇,让他耍把戏,供人观赏。后来他被王后买去,得以与大人国的国王相处。逐渐地,格列佛思乡之情日益浓烈,在一次随国王巡视边境时佯称有病,去海边呼吸新鲜空气。当他在岸边钻进小木箱睡觉时,一只大鹰将木箱叼走。后来木箱落入大海,被路过的船只发现,里面的格列佛获救,终于又回到英国。 第三卷写的是飞岛国。这一卷比较松散,铺得较开,写格列佛以勒皮他(飞岛)游历为中心,兼及巴尔尼巴比、拉格奈格、格勒大锥和日本四个地方的游记。 第四卷描述了格列佛在贤马国(“慧骃国”)的所见所闻。这是历来最为争议的部分。在那里,格列佛遭到智慧而理性的慧骃的放逐,满心怅惘地回到那块生他养他如今却叫他厌恶的故土,愤怒而又无可奈何地与一帮“野胡”在一起度过自己的余生。 在这些虚构的国度里可以找到当时英国社会的痕迹。作品集中反映了18世纪前半期英国社会的种种矛盾,对英国政治制度作了辛辣的讽刺。如小人国里的高跟鞋代表的是当时的辉格党,而低跟鞋代表的是托利党,关于打破鸡蛋是从大的一头打还是从小的一头打的争论反映了宗教战争。主人公格列佛勤劳、勇敢、机智、善良。作品想象丰富,构思奇特,勾画出一个五彩缤纷的神奇世界。幻想与现实的有机统一是这部作品的最大特点。首版在一周内售完,并立即被译成法文和荷兰文。18世纪末叶出现了改编的小册子。伦敦塔巴特出版社于1805年首次出版了专门的儿童版本,并附有三幅彩色铜板插画。迄今的儿童版本一般只涉及格列佛在小人国和大人国的奇遇。《格列佛游记》对英国和世界儿童文学产生过重要影响,尤其是其勾想手法、离奇描写在英国儿童文学史上有开拓意义。 格列佛游记〉用“大人国”“小人国”(国名)讽刺了英国18世纪的资本主义统治,颇具喜剧的色彩 格列佛游记》中,格列佛第一次出游,发现小人国是用(跳绳比赛)来选拔官员的,她第四次出游来到了(慧骃国) 格列佛游记 的主要内容 乔纳森·斯威夫待(Jonathan Swift,1667—1745)是英国启蒙运动中激进民 主派的创始人,十八世纪英国最杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家。他父亲是定居爱尔兰 的英格兰人,早在他出生前七个月就已去世。斯威夫特由叔父抚养长大,就读于著 名的都柏林三一学院(以天主教的“三位一体”命名)。在当时,担任教会的神职 是穷孩子的最稳妥的出路;但斯威夫特厌恶神学和那些烦琐的哲学课程,他的志趣 在于历史及文学。凭着一纸表示不堪深造(其实他后来还是取得了硕士及博士学位) 的“特许文凭”,他只好到母亲的远亲邓波尔爵士家去作私人秘书,处境无异于 “识字的奴仆”。不久,他便以见解精辟、讽刺犀利的文章显示了才华。他的一篇 揭露政府贪污行径的政论,直接促成了英法停战,以至有人称那项和约为“斯威夫 特和约”。他后来虽然成了首相的亲信和女王演说词的起草人,成为别人巴结的对 象,但仍以清贫为荣。 斯威夫特没有官衔,给报社审稿不取报酬;哈利首相给他写文章的奖金,被他 愤而退回,声明自己不是被雇佣的文人墨客。女王及其要巨终因畏惧他的声望和讽 刺文章的影响,将他逐出伦敦。他到都柏林后积极投入爱尔兰人民争取自由独立的 斗争,接连发表了战斗性极强的文论,使英国的殖民政策不得不有所收敛。斯威大 特深受爱尔兰人民热爱,在他因匿名作品被当局悬赏缉捕时,人们保护他;在他最 后一次访英归来时,人们鸣钟举火,用仪仗队簇拥他返回寓所。斯威夫特晚景凄凉, 亲人去世,头晕耳聋,每逢清醒,仍执笔写作,直至七十八岁逝世。 斯威夫特的传世之作中,以《格列佛游记》(Gulliver"s Travels,1726)流 传最广,也最为各国读者所喜爱。该书通过里梅尔·格列佛船长之口,叙述了周游 四国的奇特经历。但仔细体会,却处处揭露着英国社会的黑暗现实,并寄寓着作者 的理想。 虽然格列佛起初以为小人国与英国毫不相像,但实际上小人国却是英国的写照。 透过那似是荒谬的逻辑,我们看到的是:国王比他的臣民只高出一个指甲,却狂妄 地自命为头顶天的宇宙统治者,以其无常的喜怒决定老百姓的命运。官吏们也无需 德才兼备,只要跳绳跳得高,就可得到高官厚禄。 小人国的两党以鞋跟高矮为区分标志,这里影射的是当年英国的托利党(即保 守党的前身)和辉格党(后来发展成自由党)两党政治;而吃鸡蛋时是从大头敲开 还是从小头敲开,则指的是天主教与新教(亦称清教,即加尔文教派)之间关于教 会仪式的无稽之争。为了这一区区争端,竟导致了小人国的内战,甚至殃及邻国。 由于小人国里的警察制度和诬告成风,格列佛不得不逃离那里。 大人国的人无论体力还是理智都超过了那群“小人”;大人国里实行的是理想 化的、有教养的君主政体,国王贤明而正直,经常关怀臣民,法律也是自由和福利 的保障。 在大人国国王的要求下,格列佛向他介绍了英国的社会及制度,他的溢美之词 在国王的追问下破绽百出。国王对英国存在的营私舞弊、侵略战争和法律不公大加 指责,并指出其原因就在于人心的卑劣自私。 飞岛国的科学家脱离人民与实际,从事不着边际的“科学研究”,尤其是对属 地的居民,更采取残暴的手段:稍有叛逆,就将飞岛驾临上空,阻隔阳光,或降落 到其国土上,将居民碾压成粉。这里揭露的正是英国对爱尔兰的殖民统治。 格列佛还到了一个魔术家的国度,在那里回溯了古罗马的政治,对比了英国的 制度。此时,他的思想已从支持君主政体变为拥护共和了。不过,他还只是赞美处 于“自然状态”下的宗法社会。 如果这种看法还属于“浪漫的倒退”的话,格列佛对智马国的描述,则指出了 文明社会对于人类的腐蚀,表明只有生活在自然状态下的人,才是纯洁高尚的。这 一观点后来被法国的卢梭发扬光大,成为浪漫主义文学的发端。 智马国的居民分为状似野兽的“雅虎”和有智慧、会说话的智马两类。“雅虎” 代表了人类的贪欲和败坏,而智马则生活在原始的善良社会。不言而喻,如果人类 堕落下去,将与动物无异,那是多么可悲啊! 斯威夫特生活的时代是由培根开创的实验科学和牛顿奠定的古典力学方兴未艾 之际。他笔下的小人国和大人国虽是虚构的,但其居民身高分别是正常人类的十二 分之一和十二倍。那里的一切建筑和器物,都具有数学比例的准确性,全书结构匀 称而明显,这都符合理性思维的要求。 斯威夫特是在古典主义的哺育下成长起来的作家,他的文字功底极深,表现手 法新颖,尽管隔着一层翻译,仍有许多值得我国青少年朋友学习和借鉴之处。参考资料:
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格列佛游记》(Gulliver"s Travels)是英国作家乔纳森·斯威夫特以笔名执笔的匿名长篇游记体讽刺小说,原版因内容招致众怒而大幅修改,后于1726年出版。该作品在中国是最具影响力的外国文学作品之一,被列为语文新课程标准必读书目。作者假借虚构人物,用丰富的讽刺手法和虚构的幻想描写一系列神奇的旅行经历,反映了当时英国议会中的斗争,昏庸腐朽,殖民战争的残酷暴戾;同时它歌颂了殖民地人民反抗统治者的英勇斗争
2023-06-19 11:19:211

Super Junior 6辑Gulliver,sexy,free&single和someday,daydream,butterfly,bittersweet......的风格???

SFS是电音和R&B的风格,Gulliver应该属于R&B和HIP-HOP的风格,daydream是抒情系列,butter fly也是电音中毒风格~
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2023-06-19 11:19:482


1.格列佛游记》是一部杰出的讽刺小说。它的主题思想是:通过格列佛在利立浦特、布罗卜丁奈格、勒皮他和慧因国的奇遇,反映了十八世纪前半期 英国社会 的一些矛盾,揭露批判了英国统治阶级的腐败和罪恶,和英国资产阶级在资本主义原始积累时期的疯狂掠夺和残酷剥削。《格列佛游记》不但具有深刻的思想内容,而且具有比较完美的艺术形式。斯威夫特的艺术技巧有许多地方是值得我们借鉴的。首先,斯威夫特利用虚构的情节和幻想手法刻画了当时英国的现实。同时他也是根据当时英国的现实才创造出一个丰富多彩的、童话般的幻想世界。斯威夫特的幻想世界是以现实为基础的,而现实的矛盾在幻想世界中则表现得更为集中突出。比如一六八八年政变后,托利党和辉格党争权夺利,互相攻计,而实际上他们都代表贵族和资产阶级的利益。斯威夫特抓住了议会党派斗争的本质特点,创造了小人国的高跟党和低跟党。这些虚构的情节就把现实表现得更为强烈、更为集中、更为典型,而且更带普遍性。十八世纪初年的英国虽然距今有二百多年,可是我们今天读了《格列佛游记》,还深深地感到它的许多情节仍有现实意义。现在资本主义国家也有形形色色的资产阶级政党争权夺利,揭开它们的外衣来看,还不都是代表着反人民的统治阶级。帝国主义表面上侈谈和平而事实上是在扩军备战等等,和小人国的情形又有什么不同呢?《格列佛游记》的艺术魅力也就在这里。斯威夫特的幻想和现实是和谐的、统一的,格列佛在小人国、大人国、飞岛、马国的遭遇各不相同,但都安排得合情合理,毫无破绽。他每到一个幻想国度都受到不同的待遇,绘声绘影,使作品具有艺术的真实感,这种真实感具有巨大的感染力,从而使讽刺达到高度的效果。
2023-06-19 11:19:571


Gulliver"s Travels这就是格列佛游记的英文名字,其中人名没变,后面加上所有格,游记就是旅游这个名词变成复数形式就行了。简介:格列佛是一个酷爱旅行的人,他年轻时出过海,周游世界,是海轮上的一名外科医生。最精彩的是他的四次旅游经历:小人国大人国飞岛国和慧马国。He is a stuff of the mailroom and often talks a lot but lacks of action.In order to win Darey"s favor,he volunteered to explore the Bermuda Triangle and small islands around it.At the beginning of his voyage,he suffers from a big storm and nearly drowned.
2023-06-19 11:20:221

gulliver superjunior歌词分配的

Marry U 的love!oh baby my girl 你是我的全部 甚至让我觉得你是我的幸福 神给我的礼物 透过时光机就算回到上个世纪看幸福结局 不管你是穿着旗袍还是长裙 只要一个眼神确定心不再怀疑 茫茫人海相遇我想不惜一切告诉你 千言万语不敌我爱你 would u marry me? 向着流星默默许愿 默契永恒不变 每当你微笑进入梦乡 多想让你靠在肩膀 would u marry me? 希望你能成全我所有心愿把你烙在心底i do 时时刻刻爱你i do 就算狂风暴雨不让你受委屈i do 爱你的心不离my love美丽的你穿着白色婚纱 我穿着礼服光着脚丫 我们就这样看着彼此发呆 星星月亮做伴i swear 不需要语言用心体验 再不离开我的公主stay with me哪怕有一天我们变老 也要努力微笑并肩跑 would u marry me? 不知是否愿意来牵手同行不管爱情多艰辛i do 相信命中注定i do 我珍惜每个和你的日子里i do 把你放在心底my love我早已经为你预定了幸福结局 我正为你许下誓言别怀疑 推开你爱情的心门 让我们记住最美时分would u marry me ~把你烙印在心底i do (旭:i want to do ) 时时刻刻爱你i do (旭:i wanna marry u) 就算狂风暴雨不让你受委屈i do 爱你的心不离i do(rap) 现在能给你的是我一生一世无尽的爱..合: 不管爱情多艰辛i do(贤:我会永远保护你) 虽然钻石闪耀它无法比较.......................... ................................ 也许微不足道但是请相信我.............相信 命中注定i do ......................... 我会付出全力照顾你陪伴着你.................. .................................... 这是我们守护的约定....................我珍惜 每个和你的日子里i do................ 我对你爱不离............................................ ........................ 我们彼此信任相信爱................................. ............................. 仅此而已…............................把你放在心 底my love......................我们相爱到永远i doDon"t Don谁定下的法则弱肉强食的罪恶 谁让你是渺小角色别无选择 面对着强大的黑暗除了无奈地呐喊还能 怎么办Don"t Don!生在这个世界 除了被他轻蔑又该如何 you outta control what is your mind 陷落进肮脏的泥沼根本摆脱不掉无处可 逃stop bangin" my head. my eyes gone re d …我要来挽救世界我要阻止希望破灭 那些自私的人们别以为 随波逐流漠不关心就能放任良心的责问 不要太天真The world is mind 让我为这个世界立法 虽然我也想和大家一起抓住幸福 但这可恶的命运它已经先一步...
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2023-06-19 11:20:461

gulliver in lilliput讲的是什么故事

2023-06-19 11:20:531


10 two ?????Chinglish
2023-06-19 11:21:254


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中英语作文《格列佛游记》读后感In English composition gulliver"s travels the feeling after reading12月里,我读了英国作家乔纳森;斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》,小说以辛辣的讽刺与幽默、离奇的想象与夸张,描述了酷爱航海冒险的格列佛,四度周游世界,经历了大大小小惊险而有趣的奇遇。  12 months, I read the British writer Jonathan; Swift"s gulliver"s travels, novel by bitter ironies and humor, extraordinary imagination and exaggeration, describe the love sailing adventure, four degrees gulliver travel around the world, experienced greatly small breathtaking and interesting adventures.  游记中小人国、大人国里光怪离奇的故事深深地吸引了我,然而给我印象最深的是,1710年格列佛泛舟北美,巧访了荒岛上的慧因国,结识了具有仁慈、诚实和友谊美德的慧因。在慧因国的语言中没有“撒谎”和“欺骗”这样的字眼,人们更不理解它的含义。他们不懂什么叫“怀疑”、什么是“不信任”,在他们的国度里一切都是真实的、透明的。Small and medium-sized people"s kingdom, adult kingdom light blame extraordinary story deeply attracted me, however, give me the deepest impression is, 1710 in North America, rafting gulliver skillfully visit the island for the wisdom of, met with kindness, honesty and friendship for wisdom of virtue. Wisdom in the language of the kingdom for no "lying" and "deceit" this word, people don"t understand the meaning of it more. They don"t know what call "suspect", what is "no confidence" in their country, everything is true, transparent.格列佛在慧因国里度过了一段美好的时光,他完全融入这个社会,以致于与暗喻人类的耶胡交往时形成强烈的反差,因为他们总是以怀疑的眼光看待他的诚实,使他感到失落,对人类产生了极度的厌恶。  Because of the kingdom in the hui gulliver had a good time, and he fully integrated into the society, so that the human and metaphor and hu contact the formation of strong contrast, because they always with suspicion of his honesty, made him feel lost to humans, the extreme dislike.  我很羡慕文中的主人公有幸能到慧因国,慧因国是我们所追求和向往的理想境地,在这里你不需顾虑别人说话的真假,而在现实的世界,有着太多我们不愿看到的事情常常发生:有人用花言巧语骗取别人的血汗钱、有人拐卖儿童谋取暴利、有人甚至为了金钱抛弃自己的亲身父母。难怪我们的老师、长辈从小就教育我们要提高警惕,不要上当受骗。这与我们提倡的帮助他人、爱护他人是很难统一的。当我遇到有困难的人,要伸出援助之手时,我迟疑;当有人替我解围时,我不敢接受。这些都让我内心感到痛苦、矛盾,无所适从。既妨碍了我去“爱”别人,同时也错过了别人的“爱”,在难道不是一种悲哀吗?  I admire the hero could have to hui for the comet, because we are pursuing the kingdom of the ideal situation, and yearning in here you don"t need to worry the true and false, and talking to people in the real world, with so much we do not like to see things are often happen: someone with other people"s hard-earned money, diddle rhetoric was abducted children seek profits, some even for money leave his own parents. No wonder our teacher, elder since the childhood education we have to remain vigilant, don"t be deceived. This and we advocate help others, love others is united very hard. When I met a person who has difficulty, to lend a helping hand, I hesitate to; When someone for me, I can"t accept clearance. These make me feel pain, contradiction and disoriented. Both hampered I love others, also missed the others "love", in a sad isn"t?  我不知道十八世纪美国的辉格、托利两党缠绵悱恻、暧昧的关系,当然也就无从体会斯威夫特笔下的争论吃鸡蛋应先敲哪头、 鞋跟之高低等"原则"问题的"高跟党"与"低跟党"的妙处。  I don"t know the eighteenth century America"s case, the glory of the two parties exceedingly sentimental, ambiguity of relation, of course, there was no way swift"s debate experience to eat eggs should be knocked the height of head, which heel "principles" problem "high follow the party" and "low with the party" beauty.  我错怪斯威夫特了,我要有一颗宽容的心。而后来的斯威夫特也渐渐变得可以理解了,给我的感觉是他很正义。  I blamed swift, I want to have a tolerance of heart. And later swift also gradually become can understand, give my feeling is that he is justice.  他讽刺地道出了当时英国的特点:"贪婪、党争、伪善、无信、残暴、愤怒、疯狂、怨恨、嫉妒、淫欲、阴险和野心。"他挖苦地描述了人兽颠倒的怪诞现象:马成了理性的载体,而人则化作脏臭、屎尿横飞、贪婪刁难的下等动物耶胡。他大谈人的天性,就是心甘情愿被金钱所奴役,不是奢侈浪费就是贪得无厌。看完《格列佛游记》之后,我们不能不审视自己,我们身上有没有这些顽疾劣根的影子。  He was a real irony British features: "greed, the party is divided, hypocrisy, without faith, brutal, anger, crazy, resentment, jealousy, lust, sinister and ambition." He described the beast sarcastic man upside of paradox: MaCheng a rational carrier, but are into dirty rotten, excrement and urine to fly the popularity of an inferior animals and greed, hu jintao. His talk about human nature, is willing to be subjected to money, not extravagant waste is insatiable. Finish see gulliver"s travels after, we have to look at themselves, we have a problem on the root shadow.  有一句话,我认为评论得很经典:以夸张渲染时代的生气,藉荒唐痛斥时代的弊端;在厌恨和悲观背后,应是一种苦涩的忧世情怀。  A word, I think very classic: to review the angry, render times exaggerated by lashing out at the shortcomings of The Times; absurd In hatred and pessimistic, should be behind a bitter sorrow the feelings.  没有想到在那些朴实得如同流水账的大白话游记中竟蕴含着这么深邃的内涵。  Didn"t think in those simple as the DaBaiHua travel stories have day-books contain so deep connotation.我期盼着有一天我们的社会也像慧因国,孩子们的眼中不再有疑虑,教育与现实是统一的。我愿为此付出努力,也希望大家与我一道,从自己做起,从现在开始做起,让这个社会多一点真诚、少一点虚伪。I hope one day we society also like hui for the children"s eyes no longer have suspicions, education and reality is unified. I wish to pay the effort, also hope you and I together, from ourselves, to start from now, let the society more sincere, a bit less hypocrisy.
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小说以辛辣的讽刺与幽默、离奇的想象与夸张,描述酷爱航海冒险的格列佛,四处周游世界,经历了大大小小惊险而有趣的奇遇。 游记中的大人国、小人国的离奇故事深深吸引了我,然而给我印象最深的1710年格列佛泛舟北美,巧遇了荒岛上的慧因国,结识了具有仁慈、诚实美德的慧因国国王的故事。在慧因国的语言中没有“撒谎”和“欺骗”这样的字样,人们更不懂他们的含义。他们不懂什麽是“怀疑”,什麽是“不信任”。在他们的国度中,一切都是真实的、透明的。 我很羡慕格列佛能有幸到慧因国,哪里是我们所追求和向往的理想境地,在这里你不需要顾虑别人说话的真假。而在现实社会中,有人用花言巧语骗取别人的血汗钱;有人拐卖儿童谋取暴利;有人甚至为了金钱而抛弃自己的亲生父母……难怪,我们的老师、长辈从小就教育我们要提高警惕,小心上当受骗。 我也盼望着有一天我们的社会也能像慧因国那样,孩子们的眼中不再有疑虑,教育与现实是统一的。我愿为此努力,也希望大家一起,从我做起,从身边做起,让这个社会多一点真诚,少一点虚伪。
2023-06-19 11:21:593


格列佛游记读后感英文精选   格列佛游记读后感英文精选,阅读是非常能够改变一个人的,碎片化阅读剥夺了我们静下心来读一本书的`能力,灵魂的漏洞亟需填补,学会精读是把书读透的重要途径,一起来看看格列佛游记读后感英文精选的优秀范文。   格列佛游记读后感英文1   The novel by the pungent satire and humorous, the strange imagination and the exaggeration, Gulliver who the description is very fond of the navigation risk, travels around the world in all directions, has experienced every large or small thrilling and the interesting fortuitous encounter.   In travel notes adult the country, Lilliputs strange story has attracted me deeply, however the impression deepest in 1710 Gulliver went boating North America for me, on the chance encounter desert island brightly because of the country, knew had, the honest moral excellence benevolently brightly because of the country kings story. Does not have because in bright countrys language “to lie” and “the deceit” such inscription, the people do not understand their meaning. They do not understand anything are “suspect”, anything is “does not trust”。 In theirs state, all are real, transparent.   I envy Gulliver to be able very much to arrive fortunately brightly because of the country, where is the ideal region which we pursue and yearned for, does not need to worry others speech in here you the genuine and fake. But in the realistic society, some people swindles others hard-earned money with the honeyed words; Some people kidnap and sell the child to seek the sudden and huge profits; Some people even abandon their for the money birth parents ……No wonder, our teacher, the elder since childhood educates us to want to enhance vigilance, carefully is deceived.   I was also hoping the one day of our society also to be able to look like brightly because of country such, in childrens eye no longer has the anxiety, the education and the reality is unified. I hope for this reason diligently, also hopes everybody same place, starts from me, starts from the side, lets this social many spots be sincere, the few spot is false.   格列佛游记读后感英文2   In English composition gullivers travels the feeling after reading   12 months, I read the British writer Jonathan; Swifts gullivers travels, novel by bitter ironies and humor, extraordinary imagination and exaggeration, describe the love sailing adventure, four degrees gulliver travel around the world, experienced greatly small breathtaking and interesting adventures.   Small and medium-sized peoples kingdom, adult kingdom light blame extraordinary story deeply attracted me, however, give me the deepest impression is, 1710 in North America, rafting gulliver skillfully visit the island for the wisdom of, met with kindness, honesty and friendship for wisdom of virtue. Wisdom in the language of the kingdom for no "lying" and "deceit" this word, people dont understand the meaning of it more. They dont know what call "suspect", what is "no confidence" in their country, everything is true, transparent.   Because of the kingdom in the hui gulliver had a good time, and he fully integrated into the society, so that the human and metaphor and hu contact the formation of strong contrast, because they always with suspicion of his honesty, made him feel lost to humans, the extreme dislike.   I admire the hero could have to hui for the comet, because we are pursuing the kingdom of the ideal situation, and yearning in here you dont need to worry the true and false, and talking to people in the real world, with so much we do not like to see things are often happen: someone with other peoples hard-earned money, diddle rhetoric was abducted children seek profits, some even for money leave his own parents. No wonder our teacher, elder since the childhood education we have to remain vigilant, dont be deceived. This and we advocate help others, love others is united very hard. When I met a person who has difficulty, to lend a helping hand, I hesitate to; When someone for me, I cant accept clearance. These make me feel pain, contradiction and disoriented. Both hampered I love others, also missed the others "love", in a sad isnt?   I dont know the eighteenth century Americas case, the glory of the two parties exceedingly sentimental, ambiguity of relation, of course, there was no way swifts debate experience to eat eggs should be knocked the height of head, which heel "principles" problem "high follow the party" and "low with the party" beauty.   I blamed swift, I want to have a tolerance of heart. And later swift also gradually become can understand, give my feeling is that he is justice.   He was a real irony British features: "greed, the party is divided, hypocrisy, without faith, brutal, anger, crazy, resentment, jealousy, lust, sinister and ambition." He described the beast sarcastic man upside of paradox: MaCheng a rational carrier, but are into dirty rotten, excrement and urine to fly the popularity of an inferior animals and greed, hu jintao. His talk about human nature, is willing to be subjected to money, not extravagant waste is insatiable. Finish see gullivers travels after, we have to look at themselves, we have a problem on the root shadow.   A word, I think very classic: to review the angry, render times exaggerated by lashing out at the shortcomings of The Times; absurd In hatred and pessimistic, should be behind a bitter sorrow the feelings.   Didnt think in those simple as the DaBaiHua travel stories have day-books contain so deep connotation.   I hope one day we society also like hui for the childrens eyes no longer have suspicions, education and reality is unified. I wish to pay the effort, also hope you and I together, from ourselves, to start from now, let the society more sincere, a bit less hypocrisy.   格列佛游记读后感英文3   Gulliver"s Travel is a fairy tale written by Jonathan Swift. It"s a very interesting story full of imagination. Besides, the description is vivid and appealing, when I read it I feel like I"m traveling with the hero in the story.   Jonathan Swift was born in Ireland, but his parents are English. He has written many books such as A Tale of A Tub and The Battle of Books, respectively criticizes and attacks the corruption of religion and prejudice of scholar authority. His Drapier"s letters reveals the attempt of England to destroy the economy of Ireland. For this reason, English government awarded 300pounds for catching Swift. However, nobody in Ireland betrayed him. Swift died in 1745, and he said in his testament that he would give all his property to the charity.   Gulliver"s Travels tells a story of Captain Gulliver"s unique experience. Gulliver has a strong desire of traveling around the world since he grew up. However, when he became a captain, he travels not between different countries but between strange places we never imagine.   The first time, his boat encountered a storm and he swan to the shore. When he woke up he found himself surrounded by small men later he realized he had come to the country “Liliput”, which was a country of small men. In the country, the people treated him very friendly, they gave him food and drink and wine. He? lived happily and he was nice to them as well. Later, the king asked him to help fight the other country Blefuscu for a very amusing reason: people there break their eggs at the big end while people in Liliput break eggs on the small end. Gulliver helped the king win the battle and soon after that he went home.   The second time, he set sail and met a fierce storm again. This time he found a land which was a country named Broadingnag. It was a country of giants. You can guess his whereabouts. The huge people treated him as a pet. They put him on show, give speech and do sword drill, till he was tired out. Later he was sent to the Queen, the Queen liked him very much and had him dine with her everyday. But life was not easy for him. Nevertheless, something interesting happened. When he wanted to read, he had to climb up on the book and walk from left to right to read a line. Imagine that scene I couldn"t help laughing. Another story is playing the piano. He had to strike the keys hard with his first.   People comment the book as a satire to England even to the whole Europe. In detail, that is, the first experience use the amusing reason of war to criticize the parties and religion of England, the second experience satirizes the boast and conceit of the whole Europeans. Nevertheless, in my opinion, I only see the vivid portrayal and the interesting imagination. Maybe it"s because it"s the first time I read the story and know not so much about the background and situation of the author and his society, but the story really impresses me. I like the exotic experience of Gulliver, and I like Swifer"s imagination. A masterpiece which can influence generation after generation surely has its reason, maybe for the profound understanding of history, maybe for the description of people"s life. This novel may have something to do with sarcasm, but to me, at least by now, is a pure fantasy and a wonderful fairy tale.
2023-06-19 11:22:071


【 #英语资源# 导语】当品味完一本著作后,你有什么体会呢?是时候写一篇读后感好好记录一下了。千万不能认为读后感随便应付就可以,是 的我特意为大家精心整理的《格列佛游记》英语读后感,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】《格列佛游记》英语读后感   Gulliver"s Travel is a fairy tale written by Jonathan Swift. It"s a very interesting story full of imagination. Besides, the descr iption is vivid and appealing, when I read it I feel like I"m traveling with the hero in the story.   Jonathan Swift was born in Ireland, but his parents are English. He has written many books such as A Tale of A Tub and The Battle of Books, respectively criticizes and attacks the corruption of religion and prejudice of scholar authority. His Drapier"s letters reveals the attempt of England to destroy the economy of Ireland. For this reason, English government awarded 300pounds for catching Swift. However, nobody in Ireland betrayed him. Swift died in 1745, and he said in his testament that he would give all his property to the charity.   Gulliver"s Travels tells a story of Captain Gulliver"s unique experience. Gulliver has a strong desire of traveling around the world since he grew up. However, when he became a captain, he travels not between different countries but between strange places we never imagine.   The first time, his boat encountered a storm and he swan to the shore. When he woke up he found himself surrounded by small men later he realized he had come to the country “Liliput”, which was a country of small men. In the country, the people treated him very friendly, they gave him food and drink and wine. He? lived happily and he was nice to them as well. Later, the king asked him to help fight the other country Blefuscu for a very amusing reason: people there break their eggs at the big end while people in Liliput break eggs on the small end. Gulliver helped the king win the battle and soon after that he went home.   The second time, he set sail and met a fierce storm again. This time he found a land which was a country named Broadingnag. It was a country of giants. You can guess his whereabouts. The huge people treated him as a pet. They put him on show, give speech and do sword drill, till he was tired out. Later he was sent to the Queen, the Queen liked him very much and had him dine with her everyday. But life was not easy for him. Nevertheless, something interesting happened. When he wanted to read, he had to climb up on the book and walk from left to right to read a line. Imagine that scene I couldn"t help laughing. Another story is playing the piano. He had to strike the keys hard with his first.   People comment the book as a satire to England even to the whole Europe. In detail, that is, the first experience use the amusing reason of war to criticize the parties and religion of England, the second experience satirizes the boast and conceit of the whole Europeans. Nevertheless, in my opinion, I only see the vivid portrayal and the interesting imagination. Maybe it"s because it"s the first time I read the story and know not so much about the background and situation of the author and his society, but the story really impresses me. I like the exotic experience of Gulliver, and I like Swifer"s imagination. A masterpiece which can influence generation after generation surely has its reason, maybe for the profound understanding of history, maybe for the desc ription of people"s life. This novel may have something to do with sarcasm, but to me, at least by now, is a pure fantasy and a wonderful fairy tale. 【篇二】《格列佛游记》英语读后感   On this holiday, I read a book called Gullivers travels. The author of the book is the best satirical expert and politician in Britain in the early eighteenth Century - Jonathan Swift.   The first place in Gullivers adventures was the villain. There he was able to drag the entire naval fleet with one hand, a large number of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and lots of barrels of wine at a meal. In order to send the giant to the capital, he used five hundred craftsmen, countless ropes, nine hundred big men, fifteen thousand big royal horses, and so on. In a small country so that all competition and war inevitably seem small petty. With the height of heel partisan divide, "high-heeled party" and "low with Party infighting, neighboring countries not only irreconcilable opposed to; want to conquer and enslave each other, but also should eat egg debate where head knock like trifles" principles "problem.   Giant in the country, he has become giants of the doll, was playing in the palm of your hand, and fight against flies and birds; later, he came to the mysterious flying island, people here use the flying island of the lower part of the natural magnet and the seabed under the force of a magnet, want to move, this is also a at any time, engage in some special summoned the ghost of dialogue rather baffling the study of the strange country.   I admire the hero to honor to Hui from country to country, Hui from country to country is the pursuit of the ideal situation and yearning, here you dont need to worry about other people say is true, but in reality, there are so many things we dont want to see someone with blandishments cheat other peoples hard-earned money, people and children profiteering and some people even sacrifice their all for money. No wonder our parents and teachers have taught us to be vigilant and not to be deceived. This is very difficult to unite with others, who help others and love others. When I meet someone who is in trouble, I want to lend a helping hand. I hesitate. When someone comes to help me out, I cant accept it. All this makes me feel miserable, contradictory and at a loss what to do. Isnt it sad that it prevents me from "loving" other people and also "missing" other peoples love? 【篇三】《格列佛游记》英语读后感   One of the most interesting questions about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swifts satire. In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we look closely at the way that the Houyhnhnms act, we can see that in fact Swift does not take them seriously: he uses them to show the dangers of pride.   First we have to see that Swift does not even take Gullver seriously. For instance, his name sounds much like gullible, which suggests that he will believe anything. Also, when he first sees the Yahoos and they throw excrement on him, he responds by doing the same in return until they run away. He says, "I must needs discover some more rational being," even though as a human he is already the most rational being there is. This is why Swift refers to Erasmus Darwins discovery of the origin of the species and the voyage of the Beagle-to show how Gulliver knows that people are at the top of the food chain. But if Lemule Gulliver is satirized, so are the Houyhnhnms, whose voices sound like the call of castrati. They walk on two legs instead of four, and seem to be much like people. As Gulliver says, "It was with the utmost astonishment that I witnessed these creatures playing the flute and dancing a Vienese waltz. To my mind, they seemed like the greatest humans ever seen in court, even more dextrous than the Lord Edmund Burke" . As this quote demonstrates, Gulliver is terribly impressed, but his admiration for the Houyhnhnms is short-lived because they are so prideful. For instance, the leader of the Houyhnhnms claims that he has read all the works of Charles Dickens, and that he can singlehandedly recite the names of all the Kings and Queens of England up to George II. Swift subtly shows that this Houyhnhnms pride is misplaced when, in the middle of the intellectual competition, he forgets the name of Queen Elizabeths husband.   Swifts satire of the Houyhnhnms comes out in other ways as well. One of the most memorable scenes is when the dapple grey mare attempts to woo the horse that Guenivre has brought with him to the island. First she acts flirtatiously, parading around the bewildered horse. But when this does not have the desired effect, she gets another idea: "As I watched in amazement from my perch in the top of a tree, the sorrel nag dashed off and returned with a yahoo on her back who was yet more monstrous than Mr. Pope being fitted by a clothier. She dropped this creature before my nag as if offering up a sacrifice. My horse sniffed the creature and turned away." It might seem that we should take this scene seriously as a failed attempt at courtship, and that consequently we should see the grey mare as an unrequited lover. But it makes more sense if we see that Swift is being satiric here: it is the female Houyhnhnm who makes the move, which would not have happened in eighteenth-century England. The Houyhnhm is being prideful, and it is that pride that makes him unable to impress Gullivers horse. Gulliver imagines the horse saying, Sblood, the notion of creating the bare backed beast with an animal who had held Mr. Pope on her back makes me queezy .   A final indication that the Houyhnmns are not meant to be taken seriously occurs when the leader of the Houynhms visits Lilliput, where he visits the French Royal Society. He goes into a room in which a scientist is trying to turn wine into water (itself a prideful act that refers to the marriage at Gallilee)。 The scientist has been working hard at the experiment for many years without success, when the Houyhnmn arrives and immediately knows that to do: "The creature no sooner stepped through the doorway than he struck upon a plan. Slurping up all the wine in sight, he quickly made water in a bucket that sat near the door" .   He has accomplished the scientists goal, but the scientist is not happy, for his livelihood has now been destroyed. Swifts clear implication is that even though the Houyhnhmns are smart, they do not know how to use that knowledge for the benefit of society, only for their own prideful agrandizement.
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The countries that Gulliver have been going to:LilliputBrobdingnagLaputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib, JapanHouyhnhnms
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Gulliver"s Travels recounts the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a practical-minded Englishman trained as a surgeon who takes to the seas when his business fails. In a deadpan first-person narrative that rarely shows any signs of self-reflection or deep emotional response, Gulliver narrates the adventures that befall him on these travels.Gulliver"s adventure in Lilliput begins when he wakes after his shipwreck to find himself bound by innumerable tiny threads and addressed by tiny captors who are in awe of him but fiercely protective of their kingdom. After staying in England with his wife and family for two months, Gulliver undertakes his next sea voyage, which takes him to a land of giants called Brobdingnag. Next, Gulliver sets sail again and, after an attack by pirates, ends up in Laputa, then travels to Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg and Japan.Finally, on his fourth journey, Gulliver sets out as captain of a ship. Gulliver then concludes his narrative with a claim that the lands he has visited belong by rights to England, as her colonies, even though he questions the whole idea of colonialism
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格列佛游记 英文梗概

Happened to Gulliver in Lilliput (Lilien Pood) Volume I is written, the Gulliver Lilien Pood people, the size ratio of ten to two to one, where the inhabitants height of 6 inches, the grid column Buddha in it, like a giant mountain. At first he was a small people tied up, but later, as he showed meek and promised to accept certain conditions, the king of Lilliput agreed to resume his freedom. At this point, the country was another Lilliput invasion, Gulliver involved in over the Straits spoil most of the vessels of the enemy fleet, forcing the enemy emissary summation. Gregor Buddha done a great, but later on a few things offended the king, the king decided blinded his eyes, he was starved to death. Gulliver heard the news, fled fled to neighboring countries, to repair a boat, sail home. The second volume describes the encounter of Gulliver in Brobdingnag. Gulliver went to sea again in this volume, a storm, the ship was scraped to a strange land. This land is called Brobdingnag. Where residents of height like the Eiffel Tower. Gulliver here, by the giant mountains, "all of a sudden become a dwarf, exposure to Brobdingnag, has become something of Lilliput people, the ratio reversed, became a ten two. Farmer in front of Brobdingnag, the size of the grid column Buddha mole, was a farmer as a plaything to take home. In order to make money, the farmer goes as far as he brought the town to let him juggle for people to watch. Later, he was the queen bought able to get along with the king of Brobdingnag. Gradually, Geliefosi rural feeling increasingly strong, sick time with the king visits the border pretended to go to the beach a breath of fresh air. When he climbed into the wooden box to sleep on the shore, a great eagle, wooden box ran off. Later, wooden box into the sea, passing vessels found inside the Gulliver rescued, and finally returned to England. The third volume written by a flying island. This volume is a loose and laying out a more open, write Gulliver to Flying Island traveled as the center of the Baltic Nipah Rugby Naige Spangler large cone of Japan"s four local travel . Volume IV describes Gulliver saw in the Hui Yin State . This has always been the most controversial part of. Where Gulliver was the banishment of wise and rational Hui Yin, full of wistful return to the piece of his birth raised but now called the homeland of his disgust, anger and helpless together with a bunch of "wild Hu through the rest of his life. Can be found in the fictional country where the traces of British society at that time. The work reflects the various contradictions of the first half of the 18th century British society, made a biting satire on the British political system. Lilliput"s high-heeled shoes on behalf of the Whig party, and low-heeled shoes on behalf of the Tory party, breaking eggs childhood from the big one to play or a play controversy reflects the religious wars.
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格列佛游记英文读后感   篇一:格列佛游记英文读后感      One of the most interesting questions about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swift"s satire. In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we look closely at the way that the Houyhnhnms act, we can see that in fact Swift does not take them seriously: he uses them to show the dangers of pride.      First we have to see that Swift does not even take Gullver seriously. For instance, his name sounds much like gullible, which suggests that he will believe anything. Also, when he first sees the Yahoos and they throw excrement on him, he responds by doing the same in return until they run away. He says, "I must needs discover some more rational being," even though as a human he is already the most rational being there is. This is why Swift refers to Erasmus Darwins discovery of the origin of the species and the voyage of the Beagle-to show how Gulliver knows that people are at the top of the food chain. But if Lemule Gulliver is satirized, so are the Houyhnhnms, whose voices sound like the call of castrati. They walk on two legs instead of four, and seem to be much like people. As Gulliver says, "It was with the utmost astonishment that I witnessed these creatures playing the flute and dancing a Vienese waltz. To my mind, they seemed like the greatest humans ever seen in court, even more dextrous than the Lord Edmund Burke" . As this quote demonstrates, Gulliver is terribly impressed, but his admiration for the Houyhnhnms is short-lived because they are so prideful. For instance, the leader of the Houyhnhnms claims that he has read all the works of Charles Dickens, and that he can singlehandedly recite the names of all the Kings and Queens of England up to George II. Swift subtly shows that this Houyhnhnms pride is misplaced when, in the middle of the intellectual competition, he forgets the name of Queen Elizabeths husband.      Swifts satire of the Houyhnhnms comes out in other ways as well. One of the most memorable scenes is when the dapple grey mare attempts to woo the horse that Guenivre has brought with him to the island. First she acts flirtatiously, parading around the bewildered horse. But when this does not have the desired effect, she gets another idea: "As I watched in amazement from my perch in the top of a tree, the sorrel nag dashed off and returned with a yahoo on her back who was yet more monstrous than Mr. Pope being fitted by a clothier. She dropped this creature before my nag as if offering up a sacrifice. My horse sniffed the creature and turned away." It might seem that we should take this scene seriously as a failed attempt at courtship, and that consequently we should see the grey mare as an unrequited lover. But it makes more sense if we see that Swift is being satiric here: it is the female Houyhnhnm who makes the move, which would not have happened in eighteenth-century England. The Houyhnhm is being prideful, and it is that pride that makes him unable to impress Gullivers horse. Gulliver imagines the horse saying, Sblood, the notion of creating the bare backed beast with an animal who had held Mr. Pope on her back makes me queezy .      A final indication that the Houyhnmns are not meant to be taken seriously occurs when the leader of the Houynhms visits Lilliput, where he visits the French Royal Society. He goes into a room in which a scientist is trying to turn wine into water (itself a prideful act that refers to the marriage at Gallilee)。 The scientist has been working hard at the experiment for many years without success, when the Houyhnmn arrives and immediately knows that to do: "The creature no sooner stepped through the doorway than he struck upon a plan. Slurping up all the wine in sight, he quickly made water in a bucket that sat near the door" .      He has accomplished the scientists goal, but the scientist is not happy, for his livelihood has now been destroyed. Swifts clear implication is that even though the Houyhnhmns are smart, they do not know how to use that knowledge for the benefit of society, only for their own prideful agrandizement.      Throughout Gullivers Travels, the Houyhnhms are shown to be an ideal gone wrong. Though their intent might have been good, they don"t know how to do what they want to do because they are filled with pride. They mislead Gulliver and they even mislead themselves. The satire on them is particularly well explained by the new born Houyhnhm who, having just been born, exclaims, "With this sort of entrance, what must I expect from the rest of my life!" .      篇二:格列佛游记英文读后感      In English composition gulliver"s travels the feeling after reading 12 months, I read the British writer Jonathan; Swift"s gulliver"s travels, novel by bitter ironies and humor, extraordinary imagination and exaggeration, describe the love sailing adventure, four degrees gulliver travel around the world, experienced greatly small breathtaking and interesting adventures.      Small and medium-sized people"s kingdom, adult kingdom light blame extraordinary story deeply attracted me, however, give me the deepest impression is, 1710 in North America, rafting gulliver skillfully visit the island for the wisdom of, met with kindness, honesty and friendship for wisdom of virtue. Wisdom in the language of the kingdom for no "lying" and "deceit" this word, people don"t understand the meaning of it more. They don"t know what call "suspect", what is "no confidence" in their country, everything is true, transparent.      Because of the kingdom in the hui gulliver had a good time, and he fully integrated into the society, so that the human and metaphor and hu contact the formation of strong contrast, because they always with suspicion of his honesty, made him feel lost to humans, the extreme dislike.      I admire the hero could have to hui for the comet, because we are pursuing the kingdom of the ideal situation, and yearning in here you don"t need to worry the true and false, and talking to people in the real world, with so much we do not like to see things are often happen: someone with other people"s hard-earned money, diddle rhetoric was abducted children seek profits, some even for money leave his own parents. No wonder our teacher, elder since the childhood education we have to remain vigilant, don"t be deceived. This and we advocate help others, love others is united very hard. When I met a person who has difficulty, to lend a helping hand, I hesitate to; When someone for me, I can"t accept clearance. These make me feel pain, contradiction and disoriented. Both hampered I love others, also missed the others "love", in a sad isn"t?      I don"t know the eighteenth century America"s case, the glory of the two parties exceedingly sentimental, ambiguity of relation, of course, there was no way swift"s debate experience to eat eggs should be knocked the height of head, which heel "principles" problem "high follow the party" and "low with the party" beauty.      I blamed swift, I want to have a tolerance of heart. And later swift also gradually become can understand, give my feeling is that he is justice.      He was a real irony British features: "greed, the party is spanided, hypocrisy, without faith, brutal, anger, crazy, resentment, jealousy, lust, sinister and ambition." He described the beast sarcastic man upside of paradox: MaCheng a rational carrier, but are into dirty rotten, excrement and urine to fly the popularity of an inferior animals and greed, hu jintao. His talk about human nature, is willing to be subjected to money, not extravagant waste is insatiable. Finish see gulliver"s travels after, we have to look at themselves, we have a problem on the root shadow.      A word, I think very classic: to review the angry, render times exaggerated by lashing out at the shortcomings of The Times; absurd In hatred and pessimistic, should be behind a bitter sorrow the feelings.      Didn"t think in those simple as the DaBaiHua travel stories have day-books contain so deep connotation.      I hope one day we society also like hui for the children"s eyes no longer have suspicions, education and reality is unified. I wish to pay the effort, also hope you and I together, from ourselves, to start from now, let the society more sincere, a bit less hypocrisy.      篇三:格列佛游记英文读后感      Gulliver"s Travel is a fairy tale written by Jonathan Swift. It"s a very interesting story full of imagination. Besides, the description is vivid and appealing, when I read it I feel like I"m traveling with the hero in the story.      Jonathan Swift was born in Ireland, but his parents are English. He has written many books such as A Tale of A Tub and The Battle of Books, respectively criticizes and attacks the corruption of religion and prejudice of scholar authority. His Drapier"s letters reveals the attempt of England to destroy the economy of Ireland. For this reason, English government awarded 300pounds for catching Swift. However, nobody in Ireland betrayed him. Swift died in 1745, and he said in his testament that he would give all his property to the charity.      Gulliver"s Travels tells a story of Captain Gulliver"s unique experience. Gulliver has a strong desire of traveling around the world since he grew up. However, when he became a captain, he travels not between different countries but between strange places we never imagine.      The first time, his boat encountered a storm and he swan to the shore. When he woke up he found himself surrounded by small men later he realized he had come to the country “Liliput”, which was a country of small men. In the country, the people treated him very friendly, they gave him food and drink and wine. He? lived happily and he was nice to them as well. Later, the king asked him to help fight the other country Blefuscu for a very amusing reason: people there break their eggs at the big end while people in Liliput break eggs on the small end. Gulliver helped the king win the battle and soon after that he went home.      The second time, he set sail and met a fierce storm again. This time he found a land which was a country named Broadingnag. It was a country of giants. You can guess his whereabouts. The huge people treated him as a pet. They put him on show, give speech and do sword drill, till he was tired out. Later he was sent to the Queen, the Queen liked him very much ( had him dine with her everyday. But life was not easy for him. Nevertheless, something interesting happened. When he wanted to read, he had to climb up on the book and walk from left to right to read a line. Imagine that scene I couldn"t help laughing. Another story is playing the piano. He had to strike the keys hard with his first.      People comment the book as a satire to England even to the whole Europe. In detail, that is, the first experience use the amusing reason of war to criticize the parties and religion of England, the second experience satirizes the boast and conceit of the whole Europeans. Nevertheless, in my opinion, I only see the vivid portrayal and the interesting imagination. Maybe it"s because it"s the first time I read the story and know not so much about the background and situation of the author and his society, but the story really impresses me. I like the exotic experience of Gulliver, and I like Swifer"s imagination. A masterpiece which can influence generation after generation surely has its reason, maybe for the profound understanding of history, maybe for the description of people"s life. This novel may have something to do with sarcasm, but to me, at least by now, is a pure fantasy and a wonderful fairy tale.
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Gulliver"s TravelsJonathan Swift wrote it in Ireland.The first part of it appeared in October 1726 and by November the book was in everybody"s hand.1.The story of the book is known to us all. In the first part Gulliver describes his shipwreck in Lilliput where the tallest peo;ole were six inches high. The emperor believed hismself to be the delight and terror of the universe, but it appeared quite absurd to Gulliver who was twelve times as tall as he. In his account of the two parties in the country, distinguished by the use of high and low heels, Swift satirixes the Tories and the Whigs in England, Religious disputes were laughed at in an account of a problem which divided the Lilliputians:"Should eggs be broken at the big end or the little end?" The follows an ironical comment:"This, however, is thought to be a merer strain upon the text, for the words are thses, that all true believers shall break their eggs at the convenient end. And which is the convenient end seems, in my humble opinion, to be left to every man"s conscience, or at least in the power of the Chief Magistrate to dtermine." This part is full of references to current politics.2.In the second part, the voyage to Brobdingnag is described. Gulliver now found himself a dwarf among men sixty feet in height. The King, who regarded Eruope as if it were an anthill, said,"I cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth."And Gulliver, after living among such a great race, could not but feel tempted to laugh at the strutting and bowing of English lords and ladies as much as the King did at him.3.The third part is a satire on philosophers and projuctors, who were given to dwelling in the air, like the inhabitants of the flying Island. In the Island of sorcerors, Gulliver was able to call up famous men of ancient times and question them. Then he found the world to have been misled by prostitute wriers into ascribing the greatest exploits in war to cowards, the wisest counsels to fools, and sincerity to flatterers. He saw, too, by looking at an lod yeoman, how the race had greatly deteriorated through vice and corruption.4.In the last part, Gulliver"s satire is of the bitterest. Gulliver was now in a country where horses werer possessed of reason, and were the governing class, while the Yahoos,though in the shape of men, were brute beasts with such vices as stealing and lying. In endeavouring to persuade the horses that he was not a Yahoo, gulliver was made to show how little a man was removed from the brute. Gulliver"s account of the warfare among the English lords, given with no little pride, caused only disgust from the horses. He praised the life and virtues of the horses while he was disgusted with the Yahoos, whose relations reminded him of those existing in english society to such a degree that he shuddered at the prospect of returning to England.So, when he returned home, his family filled him with such disgust that he swooned when his wife kissed him.5.Swift hated all kinds of oppression-political, economical and religious. But he cherished a great love for the people,
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帮我找找格列佛游记的英文简介 100字左右

Gulliver"s Travels recounts the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a practical-minded Englishman trained as a surgeon who takes to the seas when his business fails. In a deadpan first-person narrative that rarely shows any signs of self-reflection or deep emotional response, Gulliver narrates the adventures that befall him on these travels. Gulliver"s adventure in Lilliput begins when he wakes after his shipwreck to find himself bound by innumerable tiny threads and addressed by tiny captors who are in awe of him but fiercely protective of their kingdom. They are not afraid to use violence against Gulliver, though their arrows are little more than pinpricks. But overall, they are hospitable, risking famine in their land by feeding Gulliver, who consumes more food than a thousand Lilliputians combined could. Gulliver is taken into the capital city by a vast wagon the Lilliputians have specially built. He is presented to the emperor, who is entertained by Gulliver, just as Gulliver is flattered by the attention of royalty. Eventually Gulliver becomes a national resource, used by the army in its war against the people of Blefuscu, whom the Lilliputians hate for doctrinal differences concerning the proper way to crack eggs. But things change when Gulliver is convicted of treason for putting out a fire in the royal palace with his urine and is condemned to be shot in the eyes with poisoned arrows. The emperor eventually pardons him and he goes to Blefuscu, where he is able to repair a boat he finds and set sail for England.
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【 #英语资源# 导语】当赏读完一本名著后,你有什么领悟呢?这时候,最关键的.读后感怎么能落下!是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?以下是 为大家精心整理的《格列佛游记》英文读后感,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】《格列佛游记》英文读后感   Gulliver"s Travel is a fairy tale written by Jonathan Swift. It"s a very interesting story full of imagination. Besides, the desc ription is vivid and appealing, when I read it I feel like I"m traveling with the hero in the story.   Jonathan Swift was born in Ireland, but his parents are English. He has written many books such as A Tale of A Tub and The Battle of Books, respectively criticizes and attacks the corruption of religion and prejudice of scholar authority. His Drapier"s letters reveals the attempt of England to destroy the economy of Ireland. For this reason, English government awarded 300pounds for catching Swift. However, nobody in Ireland betrayed him. Swift died in 1745, and he said in his testament that he would give all his property to the charity.   Gulliver"s Travels tells a story of Captain Gulliver"s unique experience. Gulliver has a strong desire of traveling around the world since he grew up. However, when he became a captain, he travels not between different countries but between strange places we never imagine.   The first time, his boat encountered a storm and he swan to the shore. When he woke up he found himself surrounded by small men later he realized he had come to the country “Liliput”, which was a country of small men. In the country, the people treated him very friendly, they gave him food and drink and wine. He? lived happily and he was nice to them as well. Later, the king asked him to help fight the other country Blefuscu for a very amusing reason: people there break their eggs at the big end while people in Liliput break eggs on the small end. Gulliver helped the king win the battle and soon after that he went home.   The second time, he set sail and met a fierce storm again. This time he found a land which was a country named Broadingnag. It was a country of giants. You can guess his whereabouts. The huge people treated him as a pet. They put him on show, give speech and do sword drill, till he was tired out. Later he was sent to the Queen, the Queen liked him very much and had him dine with her everyday. But life was not easy for him. Nevertheless, something interesting happened. When he wanted to read, he had to climb up on the book and walk from left to right to read a line. Imagine that scene I couldn"t help laughing. Another story is playing the piano. He had to strike the keys hard with his first.   People comment the book as a satire to England even to the whole Europe. In detail, that is, the first experience use the amusing reason of war to criticize the parties and religion of England, the second experience satirizes the boast and conceit of the whole Europeans. Nevertheless, in my opinion, I only see the vivid portrayal and the interesting imagination. Maybe it"s because it"s the first time I read the story and know not so much about the background and situation of the author and his society, but the story really impresses me. I like the exotic experience of Gulliver, and I like Swifer"s imagination. A masterpiece which can influence generation after generation surely has its reason, maybe for the profound understanding of history, maybe for the descr iption of people"s life. This novel may have something to do with sarcasm, but to me, at least by now, is a pure fantasy and a wonderful fairy tale. 【篇二】《格列佛游记》英文读后感   On this holiday, I read a book called Gullivers travels. The author of the book is the best satirical expert and politician in Britain in the early eighteenth Century - Jonathan Swift.   The first place in Gullivers adventures was the villain. There he was able to drag the entire naval fleet with one hand, a large number of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and lots of barrels of wine at a meal. In order to send the giant to the capital, he used five hundred craftsmen, countless ropes, nine hundred big men, fifteen thousand big royal horses, and so on. In a small country so that all competition and war inevitably seem small petty. With the height of heel partisan divide, "high-heeled party" and "low with Party infighting, neighboring countries not only irreconcilable opposed to; want to conquer and enslave each other, but also should eat egg debate where head knock like trifles" principles "problem.   Giant in the country, he has become giants of the doll, was playing in the palm of your hand, and fight against flies and birds; later, he came to the mysterious flying island, people here use the flying island of the lower part of the natural magnet and the seabed under the force of a magnet, want to move, this is also a at any time, engage in some special summoned the ghost of dialogue rather baffling the study of the strange country.   I admire the hero to honor to Hui from country to country, Hui from country to country is the pursuit of the ideal situation and yearning, here you dont need to worry about other people say is true, but in reality, there are so many things we dont want to see someone with blandishments cheat other peoples hard-earned money, people and children profiteering and some people even sacrifice their all for money. No wonder our parents and teachers have taught us to be vigilant and not to be deceived. This is very difficult to unite with others, who help others and love others. When I meet someone who is in trouble, I want to lend a helping hand. I hesitate. When someone comes to help me out, I cant accept it. All this makes me feel miserable, contradictory and at a loss what to do. Isnt it sad that it prevents me from "loving" other people and also "missing" other peoples love? 【篇三】《格列佛游记》英文读后感   In this winter vacation, I read a book called Gullivers travels. This book is a famous satirical novel written by swift, a famous British satirist (I only know this later).   When I bought the book, I knew the general contents of the book, because I had read the essence of the book before. There are many fantastic contents in this book. Its clearly a fantasy, but its portrayed so truthfully by the author. It seems that the author has made great efforts in creating this book.   This book, written in the first person, describes the fantastic experience of a doctor named Gulliver. The doctor liked to explore the sea, but the bad luck seemed to follow him all the way - the ship capsized, the pirates met, or the crew mutinied. However, due to these misfortunes, he came to four magical islands. On the four islands he came to, either the people on the island were very small, or the people on the island were very big, and there was also an island where there were no people but horses. All in all, these islands are unimaginable.   What left me the most profound influence is "Lilliputian country". The people on this island are surprisingly small. High is only as high as one finger. On this island, Gulliver is regarded as a giant. Lilliputian is not a whole, it is divided into many pieces. Like our world, people are divided. As a result, wars are often waged there. Gulliver helped his "King" to defeat the enemy many times and was greatly praised by the king.   However, one day, the princesss bedroom caught fire. The fire was very fierce. Gulliver was in a hurry and doused the fire with a bubble of urine. This made the princess very angry. The king read that he was a "meritorious minister" in Gulliver and pardoned his "crime". But the princess kept pestering him and had to put him to death. So, she came up with a vicious idea - now prick Gullivers eyes, and gradually reduce his food until he finally starved to death. Gulliver knew the news. So he took a boat all night and ran away.   If Gulliver were me, I would not run away! I would punch the damned Princess hundreds of meters, and then throw her into the sea! Kill all those ungrateful people! Even if their "firepower" was no stronger, I would not be subdued. After letting them all pay the price, just leave!   In fact, this kind of jealousy also exists in our class - Zhang Tianyis gang beating is a good example - which should be the first in the class, so we were beaten violently. This kind of jealousy should not exist. If I were, I wouldnt plead for the dead midget!   Gulliver has also been to the "flying island country", which floats in the air by a large magnet. People on the island are always afraid. What are you afraid of? The earth should be destroyed for various reasons. They are afraid of collision with the earth, rupture of the ozone layer, depletion of the suns energy, expansion of the sun, and swallowing up the earth I think that even if its the end of the world, theres no way for you to avoid it. Since theres no way to avoid it, its better to live happily. Dont think about those things. Thinking about them is consuming your brain cells!   And the last island he came to was only horse. The horse here was more spiritual, had its own language, and lived in peace without war. Its very different from the villain in front. This makes the author envious. Its just as good to pretend to be in our world. Unfortunately, it is impossible   Gulliver, the doctor, impressed me deeply. His fantastic experience has inspired us a lot and made us understand many things we didnt understand. This book is of great value to watch.
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Gulliver"s Travels
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1699 on May 4, Gulliver should be captain of the antelope, hiring, boat to the Pacific area navigation, because it met the storm, the antelope, ran aground sank. He and five seaman jumped into the lifeboat to escape, but the boats also turned halfway. Gref was alone on the island of Lilliput to wind blowing. After landing, he because of excessive fatigue, lying on the grass to sleep soundly. He woke up, he felt all could not move, his arms, legs and body is tightly bind the, even his hair is also a root to be tied firmly on the ground. He could only lie on his back, the sun in his eyes. It was, he heard a slight noise around him. At the same time, he felt a creature in the crawling on his left leg. It crept on his body, walked to his chest to his lower jaw edge. Gulliver briefly the eyes and look towards the next, I saw a less than six inches of the villain, hands clinging bow, carrying arrows pot, air proudly led the way, followed by 40 several villains, all dressed in military uniform. Gulliver shouted, scared they fled. Some from him fall to the ground, some self trampling was wounded.After a while, people crowded around. Gref was impatient, his left hand is slightly over hundreds of arrows shot at him, he felt a general acupuncture. Gref had no choice but to lie down. Villain in his right ear in about three or four yards place, erected a tall tower, a respectable Sir look like people standing on the platform, to he published speech, which means he has to surrender. Gregory Fobie no way out, had said to. So the fifty little men came up, and cut off the ropes, and they gave him a loose tie. He pointed his finger to his mouth and said he was hungry. Villain will on either side of his body, placed the few of the ladder, hundreds of villain to pick a basket, put a basket of a basket of food turns to his mouth fell down. Gulliver a mouth swallowed two or three baskets, fell too busy to attend to all. They have a big appetite for food.Then the little man with the fifteen thousand Royal horse to pull him into the capital. The Emperor (a nail he than his subjects high) led his ministers stood a tower to Gulliver style. The Lilliputians also streamed out to watch, this is because they have never seen a giant. The emperor held a meeting of ministers to discuss how to deal with the problem of the. Some people worry that the food intake is too large, he a person"s food, can be used for one thousand seven hundred and twenty people to eat. A light diet, which may lead to the famine; advocate Gullivers kill, but worry about his huge body stink, will cause the capital of plague. Finally, emperor decided to temporarily let Gulliver left, sent five hundred men to his Messenger, also called the three hundred tailors, according to the most fashionable style, he rushed out a piece of clothing.One day, the king allowed Gulliver, let him visit the Imperial Palace and. The palace is surrounded by walls, two half feet, eleven inches wide, every ten feet between building a pheasant fort. Gref stepped into the city from the west, he carefully in the street, afraid to hurt people. He is wearing a jacket body, because he was afraid of broken roof and eaves hanging skirts. Streets on both sides of the house are three to five floors, each house window and balcony are crowded with people watching. Two main street is five feet wide, the alley can only accommodate Gulliver"s foot. The palace is in the center of the city, and there is a wall of high grade two feet. The king wants Gulliver to visit his grand palace, but not in gulliver. Later, he came up with a magic bullet: chosen to use the largest trees in the garden, with a knife cut from three feet high, two chairs. A place in the court, a court, he stepped on the chair into the palace, lying on a piece of open space, looked up at the palace. There, he saw the luxurious furnishings and surrounded by the servants of the queen and princess.The size of a small country is not large. They have strange customs. The king in the selection of officials, let people dance on a rope, who can jump when leading HISTEP. The finance minister is considered to be the highest in the country. In the grand festival, officials are still clinging to the bar on the emperor under the stunt. According to the performing skill level, respectively, and different color ribbon. There are two political parties in this country. The difference between them is the one wearing high heel, heel down the other party. High heels think it is in line with the ancient system, while the king is biased towards low with the party. Therefore, the government officials are the people who are low with the party. Both parties hate deep. Crown prince is on both sides to please. Therefore, his heels a high and a low.The country and neighboring island of Blefuscu war. War is the cause of Lilliput changed Island egg eating habits, not to break the big end, but to the people to break the small end. China refuses to accept those who used to obey the old system of people, divided into "big" and "small endians". They attack each other "heretical beliefs". "Big pie" crackdown in China, they fled to Blefuscu, causing two imperial war. Not long ago, the new Bulaifusi made a number of warships, and once again ready to fight in lilliput. Gref in order to express the Lilliput loyalty, he crossed the sea, with a rope to pull over all enemy warships. To this end, the king gave him the noble princeThen, the king ordered him to Blefuscu burn out, put it into one of their own provinces. He did not agree with him. He said to the emperor, "I will never be a tool of other people, and will make a free and brave nation to be a slave." When the king and the minister became dissatisfied with him, he was to be hurt.One time, the Imperial Palace was on fire. Due to water transport difficulties, Gregory Fosa a urine extinguished the fire. This makes Huang Houshi. With Shanghai army minister jealous of his credit, Chancellor of the exchequer and doubt his wife and Gulliver affair. Then the king held a time plots will, to give Gulliver treason and to blind his eyes sting. Gulliver, hurriedly fled to Bulaifusi. Again from there to find a boat, then by boat to leave. He met a British merchant ship on the high seas. He took the merchant, and the one seven, two years back in london. Which ended his first trip.
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Gulliver"s Travels Jonathan Swift wrote it in Ireland.The first part of it appeared in October 1726 and by November the book was in everybody"s hand. 1.The story of the book is known to us all. In the first part Gulliver describes his shipwreck in Lilliput where the tallest peo;ole were six inches high. The emperor believed hismself to be the delight and terror of the universe, but it appeared quite absurd to Gulliver who was twelve times as tall as he. In his account of the two parties in the country, distinguished by the use of high and low heels, Swift satirixes the Tories and the Whigs in England, Religious disputes were laughed at in an account of a problem which divided the Lilliputians:"Should eggs be broken at the big end or the little end?" The follows an ironical comment:"This, however, is thought to be a merer strain upon the text, for the words are thses, that all true believers shall break their eggs at the convenient end. And which is the convenient end seems, in my humble opinion, to be left to every man"s conscience, or at least in the power of the Chief Magistrate to dtermine." This part is full of references to current politics. 2.In the second part, the voyage to Brobdingnag is described. Gulliver now found himself a dwarf among men sixty feet in height. The King, who regarded Eruope as if it were an anthill, said,"I cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth."And Gulliver, after living among such a great race, could not but feel tempted to laugh at the strutting and bowing of English lords and ladies as much as the King did at him. 3.The third part is a satire on philosophers and projuctors, who were given to dwelling in the air, like the inhabitants of the flying Island. In the Island of sorcerors, Gulliver was able to call up famous men of ancient times and question them. Then he found the world to have been misled by prostitute wriers into ascribing the greatest exploits in war to cowards, the wisest counsels to fools, and sincerity to flatterers. He saw, too, by looking at an lod yeoman, how the race had greatly deteriorated through vice and corruption. 4.In the last part, Gulliver"s satire is of the bitterest. Gulliver was now in a country where horses werer possessed of reason, and were the governing class, while the Yahoos,though in the shape of men, were brute beasts with such vices as stealing and lying. In endeavouring to persuade the horses that he was not a Yahoo, gulliver was made to show how little a man was removed from the brute. Gulliver"s account of the warfare among the English lords, given with no little pride, caused only disgust from the horses. He praised the life and virtues of the horses while he was disgusted with the Yahoos, whose relations reminded him of those existing in english society to such a degree that he shuddered at the prospect of returning to England.So, when he returned home, his family filled him with such disgust that he swooned when his wife kissed him. 5.Swift hated all kinds of oppression-political, economical and religious. But he cherished a great love for the people,
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"Gulliver"s Travels," the author of Swift was born in Dublin, Ireland, his father was a British settlement in Ireland. He is a posthumous child, dependent *** by his uncle. His masterpiece "Gulliver"s Travels," published in 1726, was regarded as a children"s literary works, but it is actually attacked, the British social degradation and corruption of satirical writing. In this book, write a hero, a surgeon, Gulliver"s adventures, some of them breathtaking. In Lilliput, he became a monster, invulnerability, a few dozen head of cattle are still Liantun famished stomach; in a giant country, he became a giant people"s dolls, was played in beeen the palm of your hand, and with flies and bees fight against the child; later, he came to a mysterious flying island, where people use the lower part of the bird"s natural mag and bottom mag under the power of arbitrary move, which was also ready to summon the ghost of a dialogue, specially engaged in some baffling The study of strange countries; also deeply embarrassed the country of the Hui Yin, in the Sagittarius-turvy world, there are many incredible stories. Reading reading, I would like, together with the Gulliver walked into that fantasy world. Of those doll-like villain, the tall and mighty giant, looked like flying fish, island residents and Hui Yin and Yehuda who gave me left a deep impression. I think the most special to the number of flying island residents. Their eyes are longer on one side, but also a music-loving nation, in their clothes also have their favorite instrument. Where the attendants will have to keep beating their heads ministers, or they love to good to be true. ... ... After reading this book, I admire Gulliver"s wisdom, courage and adventurous spirit, he was a unique man, he saw the sea on the adventure could not suppress his impulses. As a doctor, he specialized in travel to travel around the vessel, that the grounds crew doctor, go around the world, everywhere adventure. After reading this book, I feel that these books is very interesting, and will not do not see into, but after reading a few times, more and more in love with these books. The book is that people"s progress, and in the world of surf is everyone"s dream. Open the hands of the book, go headlong into a one day will find the fun. 绝对原创   原发布者:唯一_989 MyOpinionsonGulliver"sTravels格列夫游记读后感Abstract:Swift"s"Gulliver"sTravels",thenovelspicySatiresandHumors,quirkyimaginationandexaggeration,describesthepassionforsailingadventureGulliver,fourdegreestravelaroundtheworld,hasexperiencedlargeand *** all,thrillingandinterestingadventure.ThisentrymainlyincludestheintroductionfortheauthorJonathanSwiftandhiswritingbackground.AswellasthevariouscharactersinGulliver"stravelscharacter *** ysisandwhattheauthorwantstoexpressthroughthecharacterinthestory.Alsowritethestyleoftheworksandtheauthor"swritingstyle.FinallyItalkedaboutmyownviewsandharvest.(斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》,小说以辛辣的讽刺与幽默、离奇的想象与夸张,描述了酷爱航海冒险的格列佛,四度周游世界,经历了大大小小惊险而有趣的奇遇。我的这篇读后感主要包括了对于作者JonathanSwift的简介和他的写作背景。以及格列夫游记中各种人物的性格分析和作者想通过这些人物的故事来表达什么情感。还写了作品的写作手法和作者的写作风格。最后我谈了一下自己的看法和收获。)KeyWords:voyage航程background背景characterise刻画··性格textRecentlyIreadanovelcalled
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2023-06-19 11:27:453

求G-Dragon - The Leaders的歌词...

电视里有我出来(Wass Up)死而复活也不敢相信从头到脚的不一样的swagger想模仿都很难的这个形象是我的today漂亮的请排队(Wass Up)只看着我what"s love不要吵架,慢慢的come come and就这样我很疲倦 知道我自己很好too fast to live too young to die虽然身材很小 但我的声音很Gulliver虽然我很年轻 但我是这方面的Sullivan只要转一次就warriormy name is gggg baby baby gdgd baby babyyou waiting G, so you wanna be fashionablef***ing(这部分像个BBBBBB的声音)G to the D hallo and wassupTeddy:Now anybody wanna knowthat the boy name teddy, what he up to知道我脑袋里的 你是我的键盘个手指头今天也在键盘上yeah还好我一出生是个将军样潜水艇(?)潜水潜很快 很快的是飞机 飞机会fly fly 的话是TEDDYG to the D CL 21 she the queen the black jack, beat thatbig bang in your face pow now take thatwe the leaders of new school, how you like it走路堂堂 我的未来畅畅想赢我 那是危险地想象let you (?????)looking at my feet, my shoes they are lanvinCL:we we we da we da leadersYou ain"t in the game you just cheerleaders我年纪 19 vision是 HD我的脑袋里面充满了天生的姿态超越了COOL我已经很冷好几次放了舞台的火的放火犯Cuz I"m hot 始终是个新纪录And this number 1 spot, it"s my home sweet home相随我算了吧,但想跟就跟吧看你能做的怎样I just do what I wanna很像个遵守制度的LADYBut I"m flippin" and freakin" it非常没有礼貌Ready or not here I comeWe don"t care eh eh eh不管谁在前面不要犹豫赶紧躲开And I"m CL the one and only baddest female
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  英国着名作家乔纳森·斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》描述了酷爱航海冒险的格列佛,四度周游世界,经历了大大小小惊险而有趣的奇遇。下面是为大家整理的:格列佛游记英文读后感,欢迎阅读。更多相关内容请继续关注读后感栏目   格列佛游记英文读后感一   well, Duirenduishi is very clear, have good sense. But their government is not up to much, the King listened to the slanderous villain, a clique within the royal government and intrigues, dancing under the ropes for selecting officials, and neighboring countries wars. The author here is not just writing the story of Lee Li Pood even more ironically, the then British Government, within the then British royal government also Lilien Pood similar, Tory, Whig two political parties competing for power, Britain and France war endlessly. This is the author"s masterly of the Department, because it was within the United Kingdom to see Lilien Pood author will be linked to their motherland. The author"s description is very vivid, people seemed to follow in his Lilien Pood tour and saw those cute little people.   Brobdingnag, that is, Brobdingnag, where the academic underdeveloped, but it is a wise monarch, the king of Brobdingnag character refined, intelligent, good at thinking, Gulliver tells him about the British thing he listen very carefully also made a lot of food for thought, have their own unique insights and ideas. His impartiality, the country well and contempt for the rights of and advocate for peace. In Gulliver"s eyes, he is an ideal monarch"s image. However, the author describes people here when they are expanded them shortcomings, I think the irony of this for humans too much.   Le Puy he was flying island, as a reader, I very much dislike ignorant people here, people here only to return to study mathematics and music, turn a blind eye to other subjects very lightly, and their flying island is a fixed axis in the Diamond The aircraft is said to write this, the author is ironic then to the aircraft of the Royal College of enthusiasm. Here people will research the math on paper is impractical, really like the irony ah.   Hui rouge country is really a desirable place, where the Hui rouge hard-working, clean, love of labor, polite, dignified manner, helpfulness ... ... not to mention their honesty and good will can not lie in such a society of time Hu together for a long time and the wild is not used to it.   I hope that every one of us read "Gulliver"s Travels" people must pay tribute to the king of Brobdingnag and Hui rouge learning, and social harmony.   格列佛游记英文读后感二   In English composition gulliver"s travels the feeling after reading   12 months, I read the British writer Jonathan; Swift"s gulliver"s travels, novel by bitter ironies and humor, extraordinary imagination and exaggeration, describe the love sailing adventure, four degrees gulliver travel around the world, experienced greatly small breathtaking and interesting adventures.   Small and medium-sized people"s kingdom, adult kingdom light blame extraordinary story deeply attracted me, however, give me the deepest impression is, 1710 in North America, rafting gulliver skillfully visit the island for the wisdom of, met with kindness, honesty and friendship for wisdom of virtue. Wisdom in the language of the kingdom for no "lying" and "deceit" this word, people don"t understand the meaning of it more. They don"t know what call "suspect", what is "no confidence" in their country, everything is true, transparent.   Because of the kingdom in the hui gulliver had a good time, and he fully integrated into the society, so that the human and metaphor and hu contact the formation of strong contrast, because they always with suspicion of his honesty, made him feel lost to humans, the extreme dislike.   I admire the hero could have to hui for the comet, because we are pursuing the kingdom of the ideal situation, and yearning in here you don"t need to worry the true and false, and talking to people in the real world, with so much we do not like to see things are often happen: someone with other people"s hard-earned money, diddle rhetoric was abducted children seek profits, some even for money leave his own parents. No wonder our teacher, elder since the childhood education we have to remain vigilant, don"t be deceived. This and we advocate help others, love others is united very hard. When I met a person who has difficulty, to lend a helping hand, I hesitate to; When someone for me, I can"t accept clearance. These make me feel pain, contradiction and disoriented. Both hampered I love others, also missed the others "love", in a sad isn"t?   I don"t know the eighteenth century America"s case, the glory of the two parties exceedingly sentimental, ambiguity of relation, of course, there was no way swift"s debate experience to eat eggs should be knocked the height of head, which heel "principles" problem "high follow the party" and "low with the party" beauty.   I blamed swift, I want to have a tolerance of heart. And later swift also gradually become can understand, give my feeling is that he is justice.   He was a real irony British features: "greed, the party is divided, hypocrisy, without faith, brutal, anger, crazy, resentment, jealousy, lust, sinister and ambition." He described the beast sarcastic man upside of paradox: MaCheng a rational carrier, but are into dirty rotten, excrement and urine to fly the popularity of an inferior animals and greed, hu jintao. His talk about human nature, is willing to be subjected to money, not extravagant waste is insatiable. Finish see gulliver"s travels after, we have to look at themselves, we have a problem on the root shadow.   A word, I think very classic: to review the angry, render times exaggerated by lashing out at the shortcomings of The Times; absurd In hatred and pessimistic, should be behind a bitter sorrow the feelings.   Didn"t think in those simple as the DaBaiHua travel stories have day-books contain so deep connotation.   I hope one day we society also like hui for the children"s eyes no longer have suspicions, education and reality is unified. I wish to pay the effort, also hope you and I together, from ourselves, to start from now, let the society more sincere, a bit less hypocrisy.   格列佛游记英文读后感三   One of the most interesting questions about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swift"s satire. In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we look closely at the way that the Houyhnhnms act, we can see that in fact Swift does not take them seriously: he uses them to show the dangers of pride.   First we have to see that Swift does not even take Gullver seriously. For instance, his name sounds much like gullible, which suggests that he will believe anything. Also, when he first sees the Yahoos and they throw excrement on him, he responds by doing the same in return until they run away. He says, "I must needs discover some more rational being," even though as a human he is already the most rational being there is. This is why Swift refers to Erasmus Darwins discovery of the origin of the species and the voyage of the Beagle-to show how Gulliver knows that people are at the top of the food chain. But if Lemule Gulliver is satirized, so are the Houyhnhnms, whose voices sound like the call of castrati. They walk on two legs instead of four, and seem to be much like people. As Gulliver says, "It was with the utmost astonishment that I witnessed these creatures playing the flute and dancing a Vienese waltz. To my mind, they seemed like the greatest humans ever seen in court, even more dextrous than the Lord Edmund Burke" . As this quote demonstrates, Gulliver is terribly impressed, but his admiration for the Houyhnhnms is short-lived because they are so prideful. For instance, the leader of the Houyhnhnms claims that he has read all the works of Charles Dickens, and that he can singlehandedly recite the names of all the Kings and Queens of England up to George II. Swift subtly shows that this Houyhnhnms pride is misplaced when, in the middle of the intellectual competition, he forgets the name of Queen Elizabeths husband.   Swifts satire of the Houyhnhnms comes out in other ways as well. One of the most memorable scenes is when the dapple grey mare attempts to woo the horse that Guenivre has brought with him to the island. First she acts flirtatiously, parading around the bewildered horse. But when this does not have the desired effect, she gets another idea: "As I watched in amazement from my perch in the top of a tree, the sorrel nag dashed off and returned with a yahoo on her back who was yet more monstrous than Mr. Pope being fitted by a clothier. She dropped this creature before my nag as if offering up a sacrifice. My horse sniffed the creature and turned away." It might seem that we should take this scene seriously as a failed attempt at courtship, and that consequently we should see the grey mare as an unrequited lover. But it makes more sense if we see that Swift is being satiric here: it is the female Houyhnhnm who makes the move, which would not have happened in eighteenth-century England. The Houyhnhm is being prideful, and it is that pride that makes him unable to impress Gullivers horse. Gulliver imagines the horse saying, Sblood, the notion of creating the bare backed beast with an animal who had held Mr. Pope on her back makes me queezy .   A final indication that the Houyhnmns are not meant to be taken seriously occurs when the leader of the Houynhms visits Lilliput, where he visits the French Royal Society. He goes into a room in which a scientist is trying to turn wine into water (itself a prideful act that refers to the marriage at Gallilee). The scientist has been working hard at the experiment for many years without success, when the Houyhnmn arrives and immediately knows that to do: "The creature no sooner stepped through the doorway than he struck upon a plan. Slurping up all the wine in sight, he quickly made water in a bucket that sat near the door" .   He has accomplished the scientists goal, but the scientist is not happy, for his livelihood has now been destroyed. Swifts clear implication is that even though the Houyhnhmns are smart, they do not know how to use that knowledge for the benefit of society, only for their own prideful agrandizement.   Throughout Gullivers Travels, the Houyhnhms are shown to be an ideal gone wrong. Though their intent might have been good, they don"t know how to do what they want to do because they are filled with pride. They mislead Gulliver and they even mislead themselves. The satire on them is particularly well explained by the new born Houyhnhm who, having just been born, exclaims, "With this sort of entrance, what must I expect from the rest of my life!"   格列佛游记英文读后感四   The novel by the pungent satire and humorous, the strange imagination and the exaggeration, Gulliver who the description is very fond of the navigation risk, travels around the world in all directions, has experienced every large or small thrilling and the interesting fortuitous encounter.   In travel notes adult the country, Lilliput"s strange story has attracted me deeply, however the impression deepest in 1710 Gulliver went boating North America for me, on the chance encounter desert island brightly because of the country, knew had, the honest moral excellence benevolently brightly because of the country king"s story. Does not have because in bright country"s language “to lie” and “the deceit” such inscription, the people do not understand their meaning. They do not understand anything are “suspect”, anything is “does not trust”. In theirs state, all are real, transparent.   I envy Gulliver to be able very much to arrive fortunately brightly because of the country, where is the ideal region which we pursue and yearned for, does not need to worry others speech in here you the genuine and fake. But in the realistic society, some people swindles others" hard-earned money with the honeyed words; Some people kidnap and sell the child to seek the sudden and huge profits; Some people even abandon their for the money birth parents ......No wonder, our teacher, the elder since childhood educates us to want to enhance vigilance, carefully is deceived.   I was also hoping the one day of our society also to be able to look like brightly because of country such, in children"s eye no longer has the anxiety, the education and the reality is unified. I hope for this reason diligently, also hopes everybody same place, starts from me, starts from the side, lets this social many spots be sincere, the few spot is false.   I read a book to be called "Geleg Buddha Travel notes". In the book the leading character Geleg Buddha is a resourceful and courageous person, he navigates the exploration, at the exploration, he has on the way experienced many strange matters. I admire the Geleg Buddha resourceful and courageous, he lets me know works certainly must use the brain. I envy the Geleg Buddha very much the freedom, although he has encountered many difficulties, but may absorb many knowledge. In this book, some country calls brightly because of the country, this country extremely harmonious, it let me think of the modern society, if this society has everywhere filled sincerely, that that would b
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The first volume is made, miura (SIMS) travels. People in the narrative gulliver travel. Here, with six inches long, place oneself among them, like the lofty mountains. The court with little tricks, faction disputes. The school and wear high heels with a low wear shoe attack, irreconcilable blood feud. The second volume is BuDing block nanowires (adult) travels. Gulliver in pukou, made of a monster, but an BuDing to block, he like nanoscale generally small field. Gulliver as little thing in a suitcase, to the town of performance exhibition. Later, the king summoned his KangKaiChenCi, he boasted of his homeland, the great, the law of the wise, and political justice, but the king was a uniform and refuted.
2023-06-19 11:28:061


电影原名 Gulliver"s Travels  更多中文片名: 格列佛游记   导演: 查理斯·斯特里奇 Charles Sturridge   编剧:   Simon Moore   乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift ....novel   主演:   特德·丹森 Ted Danson ....Lemuel Gulliver   玛丽·斯汀伯根 Mary Steenburgen ....Mary Gulliver   詹姆斯·福克斯 James Fox ....Dr. Bates   其他演员:  尼德·巴蒂 Ned Beatty ....Farmer Grultrud  爱德华·福克斯 Edward Fox ....General Limtoc  阿尔法·沃德 Alfre Woodard ....Queen of Brobdingnag  爱德华·伍德华德 Edward Woodward ....Drunlo  彼德·奥图 Peter O"Toole ....Emperor of Lilliput  沃维克·戴维斯 Warwick Davis ....Grildrig  凯特·马伯里 Kate Maberly ....Glumdalclitch  汤姆·斯图里奇 Tom Sturridge ....Tom Gulliver (as Thomas Sturridge)  麦克·麦克唐纳德 Mac McDonald ....Farmer  乔治·哈里斯 George Harris ....Brobdingnag scientist  杰拉丁·卓别林 Geraldine Chaplin ....Empress Munodi  约翰·吉尔古德 John Gielgud ....Professor of Sunlight (as Sir John Gielgud)  伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert ....Mistress (voice)  克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas ....Immortal Gatekeeper  奥马尔·沙里夫 Omar Sharif ....The Sorcerer  制作人 Produced by:  Robert Halmi Sr. ....executive producer  Brian Henson ....executive producer  邓肯·肯沃西 Duncan Kenworthy ....producer  Chris Thompson ....line producer  影片类型: 奇幻 / 家庭 / 冒险   片长:187 min / USA:60 min (2 episodes)   国家/地区: 美国 / 英国   电影 美国 USA 1996年2月4日   英国 UK 1996年4月7日 德国 Germany 1996年5月24日 葡萄牙 Portugal 1996年7月16日 法国 France 1996年12月25日 瑞典 Sweden 1996年12月29日 芬兰 Finland 1998年9月20日  对白语言: 英语   色彩: 彩色   幅面: 35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统   混音: Dolby   MPAA评级:Rated PG for thematic elements.   级别:Australia:PG / Singapore:PG / Canada:G / UK:PG / USA:PG   制作成本:$28,000,000 (estimated)   摄制格式: 35 mm   洗印格式: 35 mm   制作公司:  Channel 4 Television Corporation [英国]   Jim Henson Productions [美国]   RHI Entertainment Inc. [美国]   发行公司:  Hallmark Home Entertainment [美国] (USA) (DVD)   Image Entertainment Inc. [美国] (USA) (laserdisc)   NBC电视台 [美国] (original airing)   特技制作公司:Framestore Ltd. [英国]   其他公司:Lee Lighting Ltd. [英国] grip and lighting equipment 动画 1977年 英国/比利时   外文名称 Gulliver"s Travels  导演: Peter R. Hunt   编剧:   Don Black ....screenplay   乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift ....novel   主演:   理查德·哈里斯 Richard Harris ....Gulliver   凯瑟琳·斯切尔 Catherine Schell ....Mary   Norman Shelley ....Father/animation voices   制作人 Produced by:Josef Shaftel ....producer  影片类型: 动画 / 冒险   片长:81 min   国家/地区: 英国 / 比利时   上映 1977年  对白语言: 英语   色彩: 彩色   混音: 单声道   级别:UK:U / Iceland:L / USA:G   摄制格式: 35 mm   洗印格式: 35 mm  制作公司:  Belvision [比利时]   Valeness [英国]   发行公司:  Arrow Film Distributors [英国] (1999) (UK) (VHS)   EMI Distribution [英国] (1977) (UK) (theatrical)   Frontier Amusements [加拿大] (1979) (Canada) (theatrical)   Sunn Classic Pictures Inc. [美国] (1981) (USA) (theatrical)
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格列佛游记 英语
2023-06-19 11:28:334


The first volume was written Gulliver in Lilliput (lilipute) experience,Gref place oneself among them, like a "giant mountain".Later, in a few things because offended the king,Fled to neighboring countries, fix a boat, sail home.Second volumes describes Gulliver in adult countries encountered,The residents there like a tower height,In order to make money, the farmer had brought him to the town,let his tricks, for people to watch.Finally returned to england.The third volume was written fly island.Fourth volumes describes Gulliver in a Malaysian ("yin-hui the what one sees and hears").
2023-06-19 11:28:531


格列佛游记summary范文summary The book presents itself as a simple traveller"s narrative with the disingenuous title Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, its authorship assigned only to "Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, then a captain of several ships". Different editions contain different versions of the prefatory material which are basically the same as forewords in modern books. The book proper then is divided into four parts, which are as follows. Part I: A Voyage to Lilliput The book begins with a short preamble in which Gulliver, in the style of books of the time, gives a brief outline of his life and history prior to his voyages. He enjoys travelling, although it is that love of travel that is his downfall. On his first voyage, Gulliver is washed ashore after a shipwreck and awakes to find himself a prisoner of a race of people one-twelfth the size of normal human beings (6 inches/15cm tall), who are inhabitants of the neighbouring and rival countries of Lilliput and Blefuscu. After giving assurances of his good behaviour, he is given a residence in Lilliput and becomes a favourite of the court. From there, the book follows Gulliver"s observations on the Court of Lilliput, which is intended to satirize the court of George I (King of Great Britain at the time of the writing of the Travels). Gulliver assists the Lilliputians to subdue their neighbours the Blefuscudians (by stealing their fleet). However, he refuses to reduce the country to a province of Lilliput, displeasing the King and the court. Gulliver is charged with treason and sentenced to be blinded. With the assistance of a kind friend, Gulliver escapes to Blefuscu, where he spots and retrieves an abandoned boat and sails out to be rescued by a passing ship which takes him back home. The feuding between the Lilliputians and the Blefuscudians is meant to represent the feuding countries of England and France, but the reason for the war is meant to satirize the feud between Catholics and Protestants, over issues that Swift may have found trivial. Part II: A Voyage to Brobdingnag June 20, 1702 — June 3, 1706 When the sea vessel Adventure, which was an old wooden ship, is steered off course by storms and forced to go in to land for want of fresh water, Gulliver is abandoned by his companions and found by a farmer who is 60 feet (18 m) tall (the scale of Lilliput is approximately 1:12; of Brobdingnag 10:1). He brings Gulliver home and his extremely smart and strong daughter cares for Gulliver. The farmer treats him as a curiosity and exhibits him for money. The word gets out and the Queen of Brobdingnag wants to see the show. She loves Gulliver and he is then bought by her and kept as a favourite at court. Since Gulliver is too small to use their huge chairs, beds, knives and forks, the queen commissions a small house to be built for Gulliver so that he can be carried around in it. This box is referred to as his travelling box. In between small adventures such as fighting giant wasps and being carried to the roof by a monkey, he discusses the state of Europe with the King, who is not impressed. On a trip to the seaside, his "travelling box" is seized by a giant eagle which drops Gulliver and his box right into the sea where he is picked up by some sailors, who return him to England. Part III: A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg and Japan August 5, 1706 — April 16, 1710 After Gulliver"s ship is attacked by pirates, he is marooned near a desolate rocky island, near India. Fortunately he is rescued by the flying island of Laputa, a kingdom devoted to the arts of music and mathematics but utterly unable to use these for practical ends. The device described simply as The Engine is possibly the first literary description in history of something resembling a computer. Laputa"s method of throwing rocks at rebellious surface cities also seems the .
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