barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 15:05:54

1.We also need to arrange how to arrive at the airport.2.To my great surprise, the first part of the plan has been completed.3.Joanna couldn"t attend the meeting, so I come to replace her.



accomplish意思是:完成;实现。英 [ə"kʌmplɪʃ]     美 [ə"kɑːmplɪʃ]    vt. 完成;实现。I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months.在过去几个月里,我完成了相当多的工作。The prediction was literally accomplished.这个预言确实实现了。语法:accomplish的基本意思是“实现,完成”,指完成任务,达到目的,实现计划、诺言等。表示“完成”时,侧重完成的技能,而不强调工作的独创性,往往含有“坚持不懈地努力而达到某一目的或实现某一计划”的意思。accomplish是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,有时也可接动名词或wh-从句,但不能接动词不定式。accomplish主要用于一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时。
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2023-01-01 21:06:424


accomplishvt. 完成;实现;达到
2023-01-01 21:06:563

accomplish 的用法

They didn\"t accomplish the purpose desired. 他们没有达到预期的目的
2023-01-01 21:07:073

accomplish 和fulfill 的区别

accomplish vt.1.完成,实现,达到They didn"t accomplish the purpose desired.他们没有达到预期的目的.They have accomplished their mission successfully.他们成功地完成了任务.2.走完,度过She has accomplished 95 years of her life.她已达九十五高龄.The journey was accomplished in five weeks.花了五个礼拜走完全部旅程.3.使完美 fulfill vt.1.执行(命令等);服从The doctor"s instructions must be fulfilled exactly.必须一丝不苟地遵照医嘱去办.2.履行(诺言等);完成(任务等);实现He always fulfills his promises.他总是履行自己的诺言.3.达到(目的);满足(愿望等)The company should be able to fulfill our requirements.公司应该能够满足我们的要求.4.使结束;使完整These illustrations fulfill the text.这些插图使正文臻于完整.
2023-01-01 21:07:182


accomplish除了有动词完成的意思 还有达到目的 走完路程 使完美 这些意思  complish只有完成的意思 除此之外还有complete 也是完成的意思 它比较中性 complete the task完成任务
2023-01-01 21:07:262


accomplish的基本意思是“实现,完成”,指完成任务,达到目的,实现计划、诺言等。表示“完成”时,侧重完成的技能,而不强调工作的独创性,往往含有“坚持不懈地努力而达到某一目的或实现某一计划”的意思。接下来我为你带来用accomplish造句,希望对你有帮助。 It"ll require indomitable will to accomplish the task. 完成这项工作需要百折不回的毅力。 I will answer for it that he will accomplish the task. 我保证他能完成这项任务。 To accomplish his own end, he placed collective interests in the back of his mind. 为了达到个人目的,他把集体利益置之脑后。 We will manage to accomplish the task in time even though it is difficult. 纵然任务艰巨,我们也要及时完成。 How do you accomplish them both at once? 你是如何同时实现这两个目标的呢? How do you accomplish this? 您如何来实现这一点呢? What do you want to accomplish? By when? 你想要完成什么?在什么时候以前? How do we accomplish this? 我们如何来完成呢? You can do this and accomplish more at the same time. 这样做你就可以在同样的时间内完成更多事情。 To accomplish this, you should begin by figuring out which element the attribute appears on. 要完成这项任务,应该首先确定这个属性出现在哪个元素上。 One of the ways we accomplish this is through our relationships with other people. 我们实现这一动机的方式就是能过与他人之间建立的关系。 So what do you want to accomplish today, this week, this month? 所以,你今天,这个星期,这个月想要完成的事是什么呢? If he could accomplish this objective by freeing all, some, or none of the slaves, that was what hewould do. 如果总统通过解放全体,或部分,或根本不解放奴隶能够完成这一目标,他自然如此行之。 What do you have left to wait for and accomplish? 还有什么需要你期待和完成的呢? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the goals you want to accomplish? 你是否曾经对你想要实现的.所有目标感到不知所措? The program can be implemented in any language to accomplish whatever task you need. 这个程序可以以任意语言实现,完成您需要的任何任务。 You should have one goal that you want to accomplish this week. And every morning, you shoulddecide what one thing you can do today to move yourself further towards that goal. 你应该给自己设定一个这周想要完成的目标,每天早晨起床时,你就要决定你今天能做那些事情可以让你离目标更近一些。 If you just have to accomplish one thing this week, you can really put your energy into making ithappen. 如果你这星期仅仅是必须完成一件事,那么你就真的可以把你的精力放到上面去实现它。 Depending on what you need to accomplish, you use only a certain subset of these commands. 取决于您需要完成的任务,您可能会仅仅使用到这些命令的某个子集。 These are the tasks we need to accomplish. 这些就是我们需要完成的任务。 Both of these statements accomplish the same thing. 这两个语句完成了相同的工作。 When you can adjust and control your internal world, anything is possible to accomplish orimprove from the outside. 当你能够调整和控制你的内心世界,任何事都可能从外部去完成或改进。 You really have to have every employee understand what we are trying to accomplish and wherethey personally can help us take the company. 你需要让每个员工明白我们需要达到的是什么和他们在工作中,在什么地方可以帮助我们。 Moreover, did not Eve accomplish the Fall of Man in the eternal spring of Eden? 而且,夏娃不正是在伊甸园永恒的春天里完成人类的堕落的吗? This way all your energy will go into it and you will accomplish it perfectly. 这样的话,你所有的精力和心思都会深入其中,自然你就能把它完成得非常出色。
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1、accomplish强调“达到预期的目的,成功地完成,取得成绩或成就”,后面可接名词或动名词。如:Fred can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class.弗莱德一天能完成的功课比班上其他任何一个男孩都多。2、complete强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,语气比finish正式,但很多情况下可以和finish通用。complete后面只能接名词。如:Lucy wanted to complete the first chapter of her book before going to bed.露西想在睡觉前完成她的书的第一章。3、finish强调“结束”,即完成了自己计划要干的事情,着眼点在最后是否完成而不太注重整个过程,后面可接名词和动名词。在做把什么东西“吃完、喝完”解时,不能用complete代替。如:When he finished speaking, we all applauded.他说完后,大家都鼓掌喝彩。扩展资料相关句子:1、So what do you want to accomplish today, this week, this month? 所以,你今天,这个星期,这个月想要完成的事是什么呢?2、Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the goals you want to accomplish? 你是否曾经对你想要实现的所有目标感到不知所措?3、We have lists of what we should do, which are also tasks we should finish. 我们都有需要做的事情的清单。这些就是我们需要完成的任务。4、We want to sent the message that if you start, you finish. 我们希望传达这样的信息:如果你来了,就要坚持到结束。5、What work do they do, and what do they need to complete their objectives? 他们做的工作是什么,他们要完成目标的话需要做些什么?6、He computed that the project would take seven years to complete.  他估计这项计划要花七年才能完成。
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Accomplish, complete 这两个动词都含“完成”的意思。Complete [常用被动语态] 后面要接且只能接名词或代词,通常用来表示完成某个计划、理想、事业、工程、建筑、书籍及作品等,强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,如:1. She completed her degree in two years. 她用两年的时间修完了课程,拿到了学位。2. The building will be completed by the end of this month.这座楼于本月底建成。Accomplish通常接 task, aim, journey, voyage 等名词,不仅仅完成了,还达到预期的目地,强调“成功地完成,取得成绩或成就”,后面可接名词或动名词。同义词achieve。如:3. The explorers accomplished the voyage in five weeks.探险队在五周内完成了航程。4. If we"d all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.只要大家齐心协力,我想我们就能实现目标。更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘"(链接请百度一下“词不离句”)。● 不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!●●当所学的单词达到一定的数量时,很多同学就会感到英语学习越来越糊涂了,很多词汇让人感到很混乱,不知道怎么用,那是因为在英语常用的词汇8000多个里,有过半的词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词,我们得分清楚它们的用法!《词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关》统计如下:
2023-01-01 21:08:333


都是同义词,不过accomplish和achieve , accomplish更注重完成,完成不一定达到很好的效果。而achieve更倾向于实现,达到预期。achievement和attainment, 前者表示普通取得的成绩,成就,后者更注重学术上的造诣。objective和target和aim 都有目标的意思, 但是objectvice更倾向于任务型的,target 表示标的, 而aim可以是靶子或者更高层面的志向。 一般情况下都是可以作为同义词互换的。
2023-01-01 21:08:482


accomplish完成,达到的意思,及物动词accomplish one"s goal/purpose 达到某人的目标accomplish sth 后面直接加宾语 accomplish几乎没有不定式的用法
2023-01-01 21:08:592


accomplish, complete和finish的区别:  这三个词都表示“完成”的意思,但在用法上有区别:accomplish一般后接“任务”、“使命”、“目标”、“航程”或其他抽象名词;complete后接名词往往更具体些,如“建筑物”、“工程”、“书籍”等;而finish后面可接名词或动名词,往往带有反面的意味,如“用完”、“吃完”等。例如:I think our scientists and engineers can accomplish the task.我认为我们的科学家和工程人员能完成这项任务。  The explorers accomplished the difficult voyage from Shanghai to the Antarctic Continent in four weeks.这些探险队员在四周内完成了从上海到南极的艰难航程。After we had finished eating, we set out immediately.  The building will be completed by the end of the month.这座大楼将于月底竣工。
2023-01-01 21:09:081


accomplish1. 完成, 实现, 做成功 I have accomplished my work.2.达到(目的);完成(任务、使命、计划、事业等);实现(诺言、计划等) This task is accomplished by great effort. 这项任务是经过巨大努力才完成的。3.做到,做成,做成功 She seems to accomplish nothing. 她似乎没有任何建树。
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2023-01-01 21:09:403

accomplish to do还是doing

accomplish to doing比如 How we"re going to accomplish doing that we"re not sure yet. 我们现在并不完全肯定怎样来完成这项工作。accomplish v.(动词),accomplish的基本意思是“实现,完成”,指完成任务,达到目的,实现计划、诺言等。表示“完成”时,侧重完成的技能,而不强调工作的独创性,往往含有“坚持不懈地努力而达到某一目的或实现某一计划”的意思。accomplish是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,有时也可接动名词或wh-从句,但不能接动词不定式。accomplish主要用于一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时。“can be accomplished”的意思是“某功能或作用可由…达成”,多用于科技英语。
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2023-01-01 21:10:002


1,achieve v.“取得,实现美好的事物”,后面不接贬义词做宾语。如不能说: The team achieved failure. 2,complete强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,语气比finish正式,但很多情况下可以和finish通用。complete后面只能接名词。如: Lucy wanted to complete the first chapter of her book before going to bed. 3, finish强调“结束”,即完成了自己计划要干的事情,着眼点在最后是否完成而不太注重整个过程,后面可接名词和动名词。在做把什么东西“吃完、喝完”解时,不能用complete代替。如: When he finished speaking, we all applauded. 4,accomplish强调“达到预期的目的,成功地完成,取得成绩或成就”,后面可接名词或动名词。如: Fred can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class.
2023-01-01 21:10:081


他们 都有完成的意思`achieve着重成功``而accomplish没那 意思(个人见解,呵呵`见笑拉.)
2023-01-01 21:10:152


accomplish,是指完成了某一具体的事件,计划,任务等等;achieve,是指”(凭长期努力)达到(某目标,地位,标准)”,一般来说,前者是指完成了具体事件;后者是指达到一定的目标achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ CET4 TEM4 (achieving,achieved,achieves)1.V-T If you achieve a particular aim or effect, you succeed in doing it or causing it to happen, usually after a lot of effort. 实现例:There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.有很多人会努力工作来实现这些目标。accomplish /əˈkɒmplɪʃ/ CET4 TEM4 (accomplishing,accomplished,accomplishes)1.V-T If you accomplish something, you succeed in doing it. 完成例:If we"d all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.如果我们齐心协力,我想我们能实现我们的目标。
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accomplish带有“圆满完成”之意,后面常跟任务、目的、旅程.achieve .“取得,实现美好的事物”,后面不接贬义词做宾语 complete一词常跟建筑、工程、书籍等词语连用,有臻于完美、填补空缺之意finish常指一些日常事情,如作业、家务等的“结束,了结”
2023-01-01 21:10:451

accomplish complete的区别?

accomplish带有完成某种任务的意思,通常是指一个目标达到了,有所成就 complete泛指完成,意思中通常没有牵涉到“成就感”
2023-01-01 21:10:521

圆满的完成自己的任务是一件让人高兴的事(accomplish) 用英语怎么说?

Successful completion of their task is a pleasant thing
2023-01-01 21:10:574


accomplish[英][əˈkʌmplɪʃ][美][əˈkɑ:mplɪʃ]vt.完成; 达到(目的); 走完(路程、距离等); 使完美; 第三人称单数:accomplishes过去分词:accomplished现在进行时:accomplishing过去式:accomplished
2023-01-01 21:11:473


accomplish 英[əˈkʌmplɪʃ] 美[əˈkɑ:mplɪʃ] vt. 完成; 达到(目的); 走完(路程、距离等); 使完美
2023-01-01 21:11:592


完成;造句:1. If we"d all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.如果我们齐心协力,我想我们能实现我们的目标。2. He exhorted his companions, "Try to accomplish your aim with diligence."他勉励他的同志,“尝试以勤奋来实现目标。”3. "Never in my wildest dreams did I think I"d ever accomplish this," said Toni.“即便在我异想天开的时候,也从来没有想到过我能实现它,”托尼说。
2023-01-01 21:12:071


accomplish [英]əˈkʌmplɪʃ [美]əˈkɑ:mplɪʃ vt. 完成;达到(目的);走完(路程、距离等);使完美
2023-01-01 21:12:263


accomplish 完成,达到,实现
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2023-01-01 21:12:493


accomplished意思为技术娴熟的。accomplished:英[əˈkʌmplɪʃt],美[əˈkɑːmplɪʃt]。adj.技术娴熟的;受过良好训练的;娴于社交的。原形:accomplish。网络释义:有成就的;完成了;艺的;任务完成;有造诣的;熟练的;完成的。短语搭配:mission accomplished任务已完成,使命已完成,目标已达成。easily accomplished很容易完成;轻松地完成;容易达成。easily accomplished task容易完成的任务。accompanied相关例句:He is far and away the most accomplished player.他显然是最有成就的运动员。Nothing can be accomplished without a leader, so we must choose one first.蛇无头不行,我们先得选出个头来。He is an accomplished writer. / He is a writer of great attainments.他是一位有造诣的作家。I cannot set my mind at ease until the task is accomplished.任务不完成,我不塌心。He was thoroughly accomplished in music, chess, calligraphy and painting.他琴棋书画,无所不能。
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2023-01-01 21:13:471


及物动词 vt. 1.完成,实现,达到They didn"t accomplish the purpose desired. 他们没有达到预期的目的。 They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他们成功地完成了任务。 2.走完,度过She has accomplished 95 years of her life. 她已达九十五高龄。 The journey was accomplished in five weeks. 花了五个礼拜走完全部旅程。 3.使完美 美音:[ə"kɔmplıʃ ]英音:[ə"kɔmplıʃ ]近义词, 同义词be complete come to a head render complete complete accomplish fill charge load replenish make up make good supply deficiencies fill up fill in fill to the brim fill the measure of saturate go the whole hog go the whole length accomplishment achievement fulfillment performance execution dispatch culmination finish conclusion close end terminus arrival winding up finale denouement issue upshot result crowning touch finishing touch elaborate do execute enact bring to a head finish finish off dispose of 词形变化:名词:accomplisher 动词过去式:accomplished 过去分词:accomplished 现在分词:accomplishing 第三人称单数:accomplishes 形容词:accomplishable
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2023-01-01 21:14:111


accomplish强调“达到预期的目的,成功地完成,取得成绩或成就”,后面可接名词或动名词.如: Fred can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class. complete强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,语气比finish正式,但很多情况下可以和finish通用.complete后面只能接名词.如: Lucy wanted to complete the first chapter of her book before going to bed. finish强调“结束”,即完成了自己计划要干的事情,着眼点在最后是否完成而不太注重整个过程,后面可接名词和动名词.在做把什么东西“吃完、喝完”解时,不能用complete代替.如: When he finished speaking, we all applauded.
2023-01-01 21:14:171


accomplished是才华高的、技艺高超的或者熟练的意思。accomplished的英文词源是late 15c, "perfect as a result of training," past participle adjective from accomplish . Meaning "completed" is from late 14c,相关短语有accomplished fact既成事实。可造句如下:1、Somewhat ingenuously, he explains how the crime may be accomplished.他有点天真地解释了这一罪行可能是如何实施的。2、"She seems at times an accomplished liar," he said.“她有时像个撒谎高手”他说。3、He felt a glow of pride in what she had accomplished.他为她取得的成绩深感自豪。4、They are skeptical about how much will be accomplished by legislation.他们对于立法成效心存疑虑。
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1、accomplish强调“达到预期的目的,成功地完成,取得成绩或成就”,后面可接名词或动名词。如:Fred can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class.弗莱德一天能完成的功课比班上其他任何一个男孩都多。2、complete强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,语气比finish正式,但很多情况下可以和finish通用。complete后面只能接名词。如:Lucy wanted to complete the first chapter of her book before going to bed.露西想在睡觉前完成她的书的第一章。3、finish强调“结束”,即完成了自己计划要干的事情,着眼点在最后是否完成而不太注重整个过程,后面可接名词和动名词。在做把什么东西“吃完、喝完”解时,不能用complete代替。如:When he finished speaking, we all applauded.他说完后,大家都鼓掌喝彩。扩展资料相关句子:1、So what do you want to accomplish today, this week, this month? 所以,你今天,这个星期,这个月想要完成的事是什么呢?2、Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the goals you want to accomplish? 你是否曾经对你想要实现的所有目标感到不知所措?3、We have lists of what we should do, which are also tasks we should finish. 我们都有需要做的事情的清单。这些就是我们需要完成的任务。4、We want to sent the message that if you start, you finish. 我们希望传达这样的信息:如果你来了,就要坚持到结束。5、What work do they do, and what do they need to complete their objectives? 他们做的工作是什么,他们要完成目标的话需要做些什么?6、He computed that the project would take seven years to complete.  他估计这项计划要花七年才能完成。
2023-01-01 21:14:451


accomplish =ac+compl+ish=加强+完整/完成+名词后缀=完成本单词记忆的难点在于词根compl的理解,compl是complete的缩写,是完成的意思。继续破解的话,com是到达,pl是愉悦/满意(please/pleasure的前面部分),达到满意的结果即是完成。本单词记法由英语词汇领导品牌一词千金教研组组长阿晨老师贡献。accomplish 英[əˈkʌmplɪʃ] 美[əˈkɑːmplɪʃ] v. 完成; [例句]If we"d all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal只要大家齐心协力,我想我们就能实现目标。[其他] 第三人称单数:accomplishes 现在分词:accomplishing过去式:accomplished 过去分词:accomplished accomplishment 英[əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt] 美[əˈkɑːmplɪʃmənt] n. 成就; 成绩; 才艺; 技艺; 专长; 完成; [例句]For a novelist, that"s quite an accomplishment对于一位小说家来说,那是相当了不起的成就。[其他] 复数:accomplishments
2023-01-01 21:15:161

accomplish complete finish的区别:

accomplish  complete  finish的区别:三个词都表示“完成”的意思,但在用法上有区别:️ accomplish一般后接“任务”、“使命”、“目标”、“航程”或其他抽象名词。 如: The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished. 计划的第一部分已顺利完成。️ complete后接名词往往更具体些,如“建筑物”、“工程”、“书籍”等。 如: The project must be completed within a year. 这项工程必须在一年之内完成。️ finish后面可接名词或动名词,如“做完”、“吃完”等。 如: Haven"t you finished your homework yet? 难道你还没有完成家庭作业吗?deceive和cheat的区别: 手段不同:cheat是造假、作弊、做假动作。 deceive是歪曲事实,隐瞒真相,耍两面派。 目的不同:cheat指的是骗财、骗物、骗色,即为了谋取私利或占便宜而采取不诚实的手段进行欺骗。 deceive是使人产生错误印象。 ️用法不同: cheat还可以作不及物动词,指在考试、买卖、竞赛中的欺骗行为。 deceive只能作及物动词。
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complete强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,语气比finish正式,但很多情况下可以和finish通用。complete后面只能接名词。如: Lucy wanted to complete the first chapter of her book before going to bed. accomplish强调“达到预期的目的,成功地完成,取得成绩或成就”,后面可接名词或动名词。如: Fred can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class.
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He has a sense of fulfillment.
2023-01-01 21:15:364


accomplish的宾语经常是:aim, end, feat, mission, object, purpose, task等。没有achieve的用途广。We have accomplished all we set out to do.我们已经完成我们着手做的事情。Exactly what he thought hewould accomplish isunclear.There are several different waysto accomplish thesame task.Mission accomplished (=we have done what we intended to do).It"s amazing what you can accomplish [=do] through/with hardwork.He finally felt like he had accomplished [=done] somethingimportant.They have accomplished [=done, achieved] much ina very short period of time.
2023-01-01 21:15:561


这两个动词都可表示“取得成绩、成就”。 achieve强调通过能力获得较大的成就或成绩。常直接接success 或victory 等作宾语,也可接不定代词something 、nothing 、little等。accomplish语气比achieve弱,表示“取得成绩、成就”时只接不定代词something 、nothing 、little,指有所建树或无所作为等。 1)We should never be content with what we have achieved. 我们永远不应该满足于我们所取得的成绩。 2)Despite repeated failures and setbacks, they eventually achieved somesuccess in the experiment. 尽管一再失败和挫折,他们实验最终取得了一些成功。 3)It is good to have talent, but talent alone cannot achieve great deeds. 有天赋是件好事,但天赋本身并不能成就伟大的事迹 4)Use your intelligence, and you"re sure to achieve something. 发挥你的聪明才智,你一定能取得成就。 5)If he"s lazy, he"ll never fulfil his ambition to achieve anything. 如果他不努力,他将永远也不会实现自己的抱负和有所成就。 6)As we have learned a lot of knowledge from our teachers, we always think of them when we achieve / accomplish something. 我们从老师那里学到了很多知识,所以每当我们有所成就时总是想到他们。 7)For all his boasting, he actually accomplishes very little. 他吹得厉害,其实他很少有作为。 8)Why do we have to do something which is impossible to accomplish? 为什麽我们要去做那些不可能办到的事呢? 9)If he"s lazy, he"ll never fulfil his ambition to accomplish anything. 如果他不努力,他将永远也不会实现自己的抱负和有所成就。 名词 achievement 词和 accomplishment 表示“成就”时区别不大,有时可以通用。相比较而言,achievement 指较大的成绩或成就,语气比accomplishment强。 1)We should never be content with the achievements we have made. 我们永远不应该满足于我们所取得的成绩。 2)Man y foreign visitors marvel at the great achievements we have made in the economic field. 许多外国游客惊叹我们已经取得的伟大成就在经济领域。 3)Man"s first moon landing was a conspicuous achievement. 人类的首次月球登陆是一个卓越的成就。 4)The company awarded him a great sum of premium to thank him for the accomplishment to it. 本公司为他颁发一笔数丰厚的奖金感谢他为公司作出的成就。 5)It was a great accomplishment to finish the arduous task within two months. 在两个月内完成这项艰巨任务是件很了不起的事。
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2023-01-01 21:16:223

问一下此处的accomplish 怎么理解?

2023-01-01 21:16:342

accomplish mush

楼主,我先帮你断句一下 After all,/ rarely / can one accomplish much / all by himself . 首先,rarely提到句首,表明这是一个倒装句,倒装句要把谓语动词提前,这里,谓语动词是can,因此把can 提前到 one前面 其次,楼主请看断句,accomplish much应该是在一起的,即 完成很多 的意思 all by himself 是在一起的,即 全由他一个人 翻译整句:总之,一个人很难自己承担一切.
2023-01-01 21:16:431