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职场双语: 减薪还不是最糟的

2023-06-19 09:01:24

职场双语: 减薪还不是最糟的

  A growing number of employers are resorting to salary cuts as the recession drags on. This month alone, A.H. Belo Corp., publisher of the Dallas Morning News, and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra have announced pay reductions of as much as 15%.

  随着经济衰退的加剧,越来越多的员工只能接受减薪的命运。仅在2009年4月,就有《达拉斯晨报》(Dallas Morning News)发行商A.H. Belo Corp以及亚特兰大交响乐团宣布减薪15%。  

  At some companies, the cuts affect only executive and senior management levels, but many others are adopting an across-the-board approach or tiered salary reductions. Some companies are imposing permanent cuts, and some are promising to return employees to their full pay -- eventually.


  In some cases, companies are trying to confine the pain to higher levels of management. Recreational-vehicle maker Winnebago Industries Inc. in Forest City, Iowa, implemented a tiered salary cut in March. Chief Executive Bob Olson took a 20% pay cut, and other senior executives took a 10% cut; all other salaried employeesu2019 pay was reduced 3%. In February, Hewlett-Packard Co. CEO Mark Hurd took a 20% reduction, and other employees will forfeit between 2.5% and 15% of pay, following similar moves in January by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. in Sunnyvale, Calif.

  一些企业尽量把减薪的阵痛控制在较高的管理层之内。艾奥瓦州弗斯特市的北美房车巨头Winnebago Industries Inc.在2009年3月实施一项分等级减薪措施,首席执行长鲍勃u2022欧尔森(Bob Olson)减薪20%,别的高管减10%,其他所有员工减薪3%。今年2月,惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard Co.)首席执行长马克u2022赫德(Mark Hurd)给自己减薪20%,其他员工减薪从2.5%到15%不等,与1月份加州桑尼韦尔的高级微设备公司(Advanced Micro Devices Inc.)所采取的做法差不多。

  Rob Katz, the chief executive of Vail Resorts Inc., a mountain resort chain based in Broomfield, Colo., employing 15,000 people, is forgoing his 2009 pay and taking a 15% pay cut in 2010. His employees will give up between 2.5% and 10%, depending on what they earn. The cuts took effect in April.

  科罗拉多州Broomfield一家山地度假连锁酒店Vail Resorts Inc.有1.5万名雇员,首席执行官罗伯u2022凯兹(Rob Katz)选择放弃2009年的工资,并把2010年的薪水降低15%;他的员工将根据不同的收入水平减薪2.5%-10%。减薪方案于2009年4月正式实施。

  A January survey by global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas found that of 100 human-resource professionals surveyed, 27.2% reported that their companies have imposed a salary freeze or cut. A February survey of 245 large U.S. companies conducted by human-resource consultants Watson Wyatt Worldwide found that 4% of companies plan to reduce salary over the next year, with 7% already implementing pay cuts.

  全球再就业介绍机构Challenger, Gray & Christmas于2009年1月所做的一项调查发现,在100名受访的"人力资源经理中,有27.2%的人表示其所在公司已冻结加薪或减薪。人力资源咨询企业Watson Wyatt Worldwide 2月份对245家美国大企业进行了调查,发现4%的受访企业在未来一年内计划减薪,7%的企业已经实施减薪。

  Until the current recession, the practice of imposing pay cuts has been u2019very rare,u2019 says John Challenger, chief executive officer of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, despite recent calls for capping executive salaries and bonuses.

  尽管近期舆论呼吁限制企业高管的工资和奖金,但在此次危机之前,减薪的做法“非常少见”,Challenger, Gray & Christmas的首席执行官约翰u2022钱伦淇(John Challenger)说。

  Other companies have imposed cuts but also added incentives to recoup lost salary. In March, law firm Thompson Hine instituted a pay cut for the first time since the Great Depression. The firmu2019s roughly 200 associates and nonpartner lawyers, whose salaries typically start in the low $100,000s, were forced to take a $17,500 decrease.

  还有一些企业虽然减薪,但同时推出了激励计划以弥补员工的工资损失。2009年3月,律师事务所Thompson Hine自经济大萧条以来首次推出减薪方案,所里大约有200名非合伙人的律师和助理,年薪一般在十多万美元以上,他们的工资被迫减少1.75万美元。

  u2019This was an unusual and aggressive step,u2019 says David Hooker, managing partner at the Cleveland-based law firm. u2019I was nervous [because] anytime you do something like this, it creates anxiety.u2019 The caveat: Lawyers who bill 1,750 hours can recoup $7,500 of their lost pay, and those who bill 1,900 hours can recoup all of it.

  “这是大刀阔斧、非同寻常的一步,”该所执行合伙人戴维u2022胡克(David Hooker)说,“我很紧张,(因为)做出这种选择难免会让人焦虑不安。”好在公司给出另一项政策:业务量超过1,750小时的律师可以再拿回 7,500美元,而业务量达到1,900小时的可以补回工资工资。

  Jared Oakes, a 30-year-old associate in the firmu2019s real-estate group, says that though he isnu2019t excited about the pay cut, the measure brought some relief. u2019In the weeks leading up to the announcement, there were announcements of large law firms making layoffs, and you feel like, u2019When is the shoe going to drop at our firm?u2019u2019 he says. u2019The natural anxiety of the unknown was taken away.u2019

  30岁的杰瑞德u2022奥克斯(Jared Oakes)是该所房地产小组的律师助理,他说,虽然对减薪不高兴,但公布的方案还是让他感到欣慰。“宣布减薪那阵子,经常有大型律师事务所裁员的消息传来,所以我们不禁会想,自己所里会有什么措施呢?” 奥克斯说,“等方案一出来,由未知带来的恐慌也就消失了。”


  Still, Mr. Oakes has other reasons to be anxious about his salary reduction: He and his wife Jillian, 31, a social worker, are expecting their first child, and he says the pay cut is part of the reason she will limit her maternity leave to three months, rather than the four she had planned.


  Organizations in dire straits may have no choice but to slash salaries across the board. After being unable to make payroll in mid-March, South Carolinau2019s Charleston Symphony Orchestra cut the wages of all its staff and employees by 11.4%. Musicians in the orchestra also took a 11.4% hit in the form of unpaid time off. Combined, the efforts will save $180,000. u2019This is very, very painful for them,u2019 says Ted Legasey, the orchestrau2019s board president. u2019Itu2019s a huge sacrifice. These people arenu2019t highly paid to begin with.u2019

  陷入困境的企业别无选择,只能采取全员减薪行动。2009年3月中,南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿交响乐团付不出工资来,只能全员减薪11.4%;乐团中的音乐家们被迫“享受”不带薪假期,这部分等于又让他们损失了11.4%。这些举措加起来能为乐团节省18万美元的支出。“这对乐团的人来说非常非常痛苦,”乐团理事会主席泰德u2022莱格希(Ted Legasey)说,“他们损失巨大,因为这些人的薪水本来就不高。”

  Some employers are trying to lessen the blow. At Momentive Performance Materials Inc. in Albany, N.Y., a chemicals and specialty materials company with 4,600 global employees, any worker forced to take a pay cut will receive an extra week of paid vacation for each quarter that the reduction remains in place.

  一些企业试图缓和减薪给员工带来的冲击。纽约州阿伯尼的一家化工产品企业Momentive Performance Materials在全球有4,600名雇员;在减薪措施生效期间,任何遭到减薪的员工每季度都能额外享受一周的有薪假期。

  Similarly, nonunion New York Times Co. employees were forced to take up to a 5% pay cut, effective this month, but were given 10 vacation days in return. Vail Resorts is granting full-time, year-round employees stock-based incentive compensation on a sliding scale. u2019Itu2019s partially to ease the blow, but itu2019s also giving people some ownership to participate in our future success,u2019 says Mr. Katz, the CEO.

  同样,未参加工会的《纽约时报》(New York Times Co.)员工被迫减薪5%,于2009年4月生效,但能享受到10天假期。Vail Resorts连锁酒店向工作满一年的正式员工提供逐级减少的股票激励补偿。“这不但能缓和减薪的冲击,还能鼓励员工更多地参与到公司的未来发展中来。” 首席执行官凯兹说道。

  If your firm isnu2019t clear on how long the cuts will last, experts say you should consider them permanent. Kenan Abosch, head of workplace consultants Hewitt Associatesu2019 North American compensation practice, says employees should brace themselves for the lasting effect of a pay cut. u2019I expect the majority of employees not to recover what they lost,u2019 he says. u2019We donu2019t expect salary-increase budgets to come back . . . for several years.u2019

  专家表示,如果你的公司没有说明减薪方案要持续多久,那你最好认为这是永久性的。职业咨询公司Hewitt Associates北美劳资部门负责人科南u2022阿伯西(Kenan Abosch)说,职员应该对减薪的长期性做好心理准备。“我估计大多数减薪的职员不会再回到原先的工资水平了。” 阿伯西说,“企业在未来几年都很难承担加薪的预算。”

  Heidi Shierholz, a economist with the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank based in Washington, says the exception may be in service-based firms in areas such as hospitality, insurance and health, where she expects salaries to bounce back once demand picks up.

  华盛顿左派智库──经济政策研究所(Economic Policy Institute)经济学家海迪u2022谢尔霍兹(Heidi Shierholz)表示,只有餐饮、保险和医疗等服务领域可能例外,一旦需求回暖,员工的薪水应该会反弹。

  If you are forced to take a salary cut, financial planners advise creating a realistic new budget and sticking to it. Consider obvious cutbacks, such as cable TV and restaurants. If your pay reduction is severe, you might have to take more drastic action. Although itu2019s usually taboo, you might want to take a scalpel to your retirement and college-savings contributions to free up some cash, at least temporarily. Joseph Montanaro, a financial planner with financial-services company USAA, says if necessary, reduce your 401(k) account contributions to the level at which you receive the full employer match. He also advises reducing or stopping contributions to a childu2019s college fund until your salary returns to its normal level.

  如果你被迫接受减薪,财务规划专家建议你重新制定一个现实的新预算,并严格执行。有些享受肯定得放弃,比如看收费的有线电视和下馆子吃饭等。如果减薪的幅度很大,你也许不得不采取更激进的行动。虽然不合常规,但你可以考虑从401(k)账户和子女大学教育基金中拿出一部分钱来,至少是暂时借用一下。财务规划企业USAA规划师约瑟夫u2022蒙塔纳罗(Joseph Montanaro)说,如有必要,可以减少每月放在401(k)账户的钱,让个人收入恢复到减薪前的状况。他还建议减少或者暂停给子女大学教育基金放钱,直到收入恢复正常水平。

  Emily Rybinski, director of marketing for the Charleston Symphony, says she and her husband, who live in Johns Island, S.C., will scale back on spending as a result of the pay cut. u2019There is some level of uncertainty [among colleagues] about mortgage payments and bills,u2019 the 28-year-old says. The couple also decided to trim their contributions to their Roth individual retirement accounts. She and her colleagues have also begun selling furniture and other items on Craigslist or in yard sales.

  查尔斯顿交响乐团的市场总监艾米利u2022罗宾斯基(Emily Rybinski)说,由于薪水减少,她和住在南卡罗来纳州约翰岛的丈夫将削减家庭开支。“有些同事在支付房贷和日常帐单方面出现了一定的问题。”28岁的艾米利说。这对夫妻还决定减少放入Roth个人退休账户的资金。她和同事们还开始在Craigslist分类网站和跳蚤市场出售家具和家里的其他一些东西。

  u2019Even our cat took a budget hit -- no more toys and treats for him,u2019 Ms. Rybinski says.

  “连我们的猫都在削减开支──它再也享受不到新玩具和零食了。” 艾米利说道。




  采用,指采纳应用,如:采用新技术。那么你知道采用用英语怎么说吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   采用的英语说法1:   use   采用的英语说法2:   adopt   采用的英语说法3:   accept   采用相关英语表达:   等效采用 adopting by equivalent   等同采用 adopting by equation   采用过程 adoption process   逐步采用 introduced smoothly   方案采用 adoption of the scheme   课程采用 curriculum adoption   采用模式 using patterns   采用的英语例句:   1. If you build more plastics into cars, the car lasts longer.   如果汽车采用更多塑料元件,寿命会更长一些。   2. This commission would keep environmental scorecards on UN member nations.   该委员会将 对联 合国的成员国采用环境记录卡制。   3. Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.   眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。   4. Deliveries are made by common carrier or van line.   货物运输采用普通货车或厢式货车。   5. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.   这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的 方法 。   6. Millions of words have been written about the introduction of the euro.   有关采用欧元的 文章 已经有很多。   7. He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes.   他还在为可采用的进近航线与指挥塔台争执不下。   8. Plainly, a more objective method of description must be adopted.   显而易见,必须采用更为客观的描述方法。   9. Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off.   诸如拓宽苏伊士运河等长期束之高阁的计划正被重新采用。   10. The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines.   该航空公司已采用X光机对行李进行安全检查。   11. Demonstrations, films, and videotapes are shown for your edification.   采用了演示及播放电影和录像带的形式,以起到 教育 作用。   12. Mrs Starky accused the local police of operating double standards.   斯塔基夫人指责当地警方采用双重标准。   13. It was the first commercially available machine to employ artificial intelligence.   这是第一台作为商品出售的采用人工智能技术的机器。   14. Using "I" adds directness to a piece of writing.   采用第一人称会使文章更显亲切。   15. Tiffany revamped her sitting room with simple decorative tricks.   蒂法尼采用简单的装饰技巧将起居室翻新。
2023-06-19 06:38:551

英语选择题 希望给出相应语法点解释~谢谢了~ 尤其第一二两题

A,原句应是:He was convinced of ...的省略,他相信吸烟的危害,就决定戒烟。D,set in 可以用来指“不愉快的事情”开始,来临。对于这个国家,新的经济衰退已经开始(而且要持续很久)。我觉得题2的干扰项主要是set off,它可以有“引起,使发生“用法,特别强调引起未想到的意外,接宾语。不敢保证是你要的答案,只做个参考吧!
2023-06-19 06:39:171


2023-06-19 06:39:286


你要我命啊The general land use planning is forbidden to land use plan and arrangement, the planning of regional economy is reasonable in relation to the land resources, ecological and environmental sustainability. Environmental impact assessment can improve the general land use planning and scientific rationality, To find the planning, aimed at the evaluation results of cheating in the adverse effects, and take effective measures to prevent or slow. Countermeasures China is now the third round of land use planning, although the domestic environment impact assessment for planning of theoretical research and practical research are still not mature, but according to the current situation in China and the world economic development, land use planning of ecological environment, and therefore cannot escape out of the general land use planning environmental impact assessment has the extremely vital significance. This paper mainly includes: (1) expounded topic background and purpose, for the land use planning environmental impact assessment of current research and study abroad, the content and the technical route, (2) the general land use planning environmental impact assessment of the concept, theoretical foundation and the necessity, content, (3) the general land use planning environmental impact assessment index system research, mainly introduces design principle, the index system of construction, and the index weight index, index evaluation standards; etc. (4) to yangshan county of general land use planning (2008-2020), for example, in the analysis and research base of yangshan county planning, environmental situation and major problems of ecological environment, based on sensitivity analysis, find out the ecological yangshan county land use should pay attention to the environmental impact factor, and environmental factors, the environmental protection goal. Based on these, the construction method using index yangshan county of general land use planning environmental impact assessment index system for environmental impact assessment, in the results of the adverse influence, to take effective measures to prevent or slow, optimizing plan. Finally, yangshan county of general land use planning environmental impact assessment for feasibility analysis
2023-06-19 06:39:463


像Caner和Zia提出的那样去设想一个是周围的deck slab长度5%的link-slab。采用安全系数2计算出这个被施加的拉伸应变大约是1.6%,这个拉伸应变是与温度,活载,收缩有关的。这说明了混凝土link-slabs的裂痕是不可避免的因为混泥土的最大拉伸系数是0.01%.还有,由过往车辆引起循环的疲劳荷载也许随着时间的流逝会扩大混凝土的裂痕。希望你采纳
2023-06-19 06:40:053


acbba cdbba bdacd dacdbb
2023-06-19 06:40:225

英语作文《less pressure,better life》

英语作文《less pressure,better life》 Hello, my clas *** ates! Pressure is a serious problem in today"s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure.Some students can"t get on well with their clas *** ates, while others may worry about their exams. I"m always under pressure, too. My parents wanted me to be the student in class. They had me study all day. even send me to all kinds of classes on weekends. I had a talk with my parents and told them I had done my best. Finally they understand me. In this way, I feel less stressed out so that I can concentrate more on my studies.. Less pressure makes better life. Thank you! Pressure is a serious problem in today‘s world.Student in our class are under too much pressure. First of all,I"d love to tell you something about less pressure.Junior high school examination is ing,I believe you feel the pressure as same as I.But,I think it is good for us.There is pressure on the power. I suggest you to relax because it"s good for you.You can also tell you friends with your pressure. Friends,pressure is a natual part of everyone life and there is no way to advoid it what we can do is to face it bravely ang try to make“less pressure,better life“ That‘all.Thank you! 英语作文《less pressure makes life better》, 英语作文"less pressure makes life better"带翻译100词 Less Pressure Makes Better Life Pressure is a serious problem in today"s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can"t get on well with their clas *** ates, while others may worry about their exams too much. I was always under pressure, too. My parents wanted me to be the student in my class. They always sent me to all kinds of after-classes on weekends. I had a talk with my parents and told them I had done my best. Finally, they understood me. In this way, I feel less stressed out so that I can concentrate more on my studies. Less pressure makes better life. Thank you . Less Pressure Makes Better Life 英语作文 Pressure is a serious problem in today"s world.Students in our class are under too much pressure.Some students can"t get on well with their clas *** ates, while others may worry about their exams. Some students think pressure makes them upset and be stressed out. I"m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the student in class. So they send me to all kinds of after-school classes on weekends. Last week I had a talk with my parents. I told them I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax and do something I like. My parents agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem. Less pressure makes better life.Do you agree? less pressure,better life的英语作文 In modern society, people"s lives are being increasingly plex and fast-paced, especially for those who live in the city. (讲一些关于城市生活的繁忙景象)Living in the city can be a delight as well as a burden. Constant pressure from the environment can overwhelm those who aren"t easily adaptable. The lack of time to relax, take a break, and have some down-time in beeen working and studying hours is a sure sign of having too much external pressure, which will eventually will take its toll on a person"s physical, or even mental, health. ... Thus, it is crucial that one find a balance beeen work and leisure in order to minimize unnecessary stress and thus establish a healthier and better lifestyle. less pressure better life英语作文,麻烦各位 I will get a better life if i ignore pressure around me.U know .The pressure could cause so many chaos after my issuing this article. How could i blame them? Coz cute act can not get a high score relatively.Will be strctly confined by our endearing administrator. 英语作文演讲稿“less pressure ,better life”80词 Less Pressure, Better Life Hello, boys and girls! Pressure is a serious problem in today"s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can"t get on well with their clas *** ates, while others may worry about their exams. I"m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the student in class. So they send me to all kinds of after-classes at weekends. Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem. That"s all. Thank you! 求一篇英语作文!Less Pressure, Better Life演讲形式!急 Hello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious problem in today"s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can"t get on well with their clas *** ates, while others may worry about their exams.I"m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the student in class. So they send me to all kinds of after-classes at weekends.Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.That"s all. Thank you! less pressure better life 英语作文 不要网上查的 70个词, Over the next few decades, a new understanding of space and time is a revolution in our outlook on universe.. Ancient on basically the same, already exists and will continue to exist infinitely long universe concept, movement, expansion and appears to be from a finite past started and will be limited in the future with the idea of the end of the universe is replaced. This revolution is the next chapter.. It was just a few years later that I studied the starting point of theoretical physics.. Roger Penrose and I point out that Einstein"s general theory of relativity can be inferred that the universe must have a beginning and an end
2023-06-19 06:40:402


聘方欢迎受聘方提出意见,并酌情采纳的翻译是:Party A welcomes the employers" comments and adopts them as appropriate
2023-06-19 06:40:492


   定语从句和非谓语动词解析:   熟悉非谓语动词的同学们应该都知道,非谓语动词包括to do, doing和done,这三类动词的特别之处就在于它们可以在句子里面充当除谓语以外的任何成分,其中一个非常重要的用法就是位于名词后作为名词的后置定语,比如:   The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased environmental pressures.   以上例句里的非谓语动词的短语“bordering the deserts”就是用作定语来修饰前面的名词短语“the semiarid lands”。   很多同学很熟悉定语从句,而对非谓语动词的用法总是有种望而却步的感觉。   但是细心的同学肯定会发现,其实在语法家族里,当将非谓语动词用作后置定语的时候,它与定语从句的.用法是一样的,两者是名副其实地长相不同,但却有血缘关系的“远房表亲”。比如,上面的例子我们就可以改写成定语从句:   The semiarid lands which border the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased environmental pressures.   再如以下带有非谓语动词短语的句子:   Theorist adopting the psychodynamic approach hold that inner conflicts are crucial for understand human behavior, including aggression.   我们可以改成定语从句:   Theorist who adopt the psychodynamic approach hold that inner conflicts are crucial for understand human behavior, including aggression.   又如,以下的两个句子的意思是相同的:   1.What audience came to see was the magic made possible by trick photography and manipulation of the cinema.   2.What audience came to see was the magic that was made possible by trick photography and manipulation of the cinema.   在很多情况下,学生更容易理解定语从句。所以,下次在处理包含非谓语动词短语的长难句时,不妨将其改写成定语从句,方便我们理解长难句。   那么问题来了,定语从句和作定语的非谓语动词之前是否有某种特定的对应关系呢?答案是有的,关系如下:   Which be to do = to do(表主动/将来)   Which do... = doing...(表主动)   Which be done... = done...(表被动)   为方便大家记忆,哈耶普的老师为大家准备了一个“玫瑰凋谢理论”:   1.The roses to be planted in the garden are fading away.   2.Tho roses which are to be planted in the garden are fading away.   1.The roses growing in the garden are fading away.   2.The roses which grow in the garden are fading away   1.The roses planted in the garden are fading away.   2.The roses which are planted in the garden are fading away
2023-06-19 06:40:551


adopt 意思是: 采纳,收养,没有适应的意思。所要选第三个。
2023-06-19 06:41:322

Adopt legislation,launch campaigns.......怎么改?

这句话缺少主语。Dignity can be gained and old framework can be broken down by adopting legislation and laughing campaigns.或者By adopting..and...lauching...,we can break...
2023-06-19 06:41:401


这篇关于高考英语作文:根据提示写一篇短文,是 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 第二节 开放作文(15 分) 请根据下面提示。写一篇作文。词数不少于 50. You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.【参考范文】1 I think the picture is telling us that there is usually a difference between one"s dream and reality. People need to learn to face it. Everyone has his dream. However, it is not so easy for people to realize their dreams every time. Just like the man in the picture, instead of the big fish he wishes for, he actually catches a small one. In my opinion, people need to learn to accept the reality and keep on trying. With another try, they may gain what they dream of. 【参考范文】2 Hi, Jim, there is an interesting picture conveying a message vividly that a difference between reality and dream may as well be recognized in our life. Evidently, realizing this difference and trying to shorten this gap is the key to achieving our accomplishment, otherwise nothing will be gotten in the end. In our daily life, some people are aware of their ability, making great efforts to improve themselves, while others ignore the disparity between their earnest wish and poorest actuality, doing nothing but complaining. Conceivably, the confused man in the picture is exactly the latter one. In this picture, a man is fishing on a big stone, waiting and waiting. However, the small fish he has caught is totally different from the big one he is longing for. Now, there are two options in front of him: face the reality and keep trying till get the dreamy fish, or drop his fishing rod and feel desperate. Apparently, he chooses the second one. Such a situation seems fairly common in our society. We are faced with this kind of intriguing question all the time, and every choice we make has great influence on our way to success. Making an accurate estimate of our realities and dreams, then sparing no efforts to approach the tip is the only option for us to make, provided that we are in great want of achieving our goals. Based on the above statement, a conclusion will be arrived at that learning to accept the reality and adopting a positive attitude towards the dream is what we are supposed to do, when confronting our less-satisfying situation.
2023-06-19 06:41:471


  preferentially  英 [,prefu0259"renu0283u0259li] 美  adv. 优先地;优惠地  preferentially  adv. preferential的变形  preferential [,prefu0259"renu0283u0259l]  adj.  优先的;优待的  供选择的  (关税等)优惠的,特惠的  表明选择顺序的  [美国英语](根据契约)优先雇佣工会会员的机构的  短语:  preferentially formed 优先析出  preferentially growth 择优取向  applying preferentially 广义  precipitated preferentially 优先析出  preferentially occurred 优先发生  preferentially adopting 优先采用  preferentially considered 优先考虑  orientation preferentially 方向优先  preferentially erosion 选择性侵蚀  例句:  1、Heterosexuals should not be treated preferentially when the state carries out thatrole.  当国家执行这个作用的时候不应该优先对待异性恋者。  2、Then back in Spain, they trained a strain of Pseudomonas bacteria topreferentially nibble salt blooms.  回到西班牙后,他们便培养了一种可以优先吞食盐层的假单胞菌。  3、"We try to find which parts of the brain preferentially talk to which other parts, " hesays. "We can sort of map that out, and at the end it sort of spits out a number.   “我们希望弄明白大脑中哪些部分优先和哪些部分通信”他说“我们可以从某种程度上将其映射出来,并最终以数字的方式反映出来,这就是“脑龄””。
2023-06-19 06:42:271


The man-hour cost of the BHR Timesheet"s tracking management system is 1 for record different item set man-hour cost to track management system to provide the most basic way of system.The analysis gets from the history data of the report can let the customer do sooner more accurate decision. The system of BHR Timesheet is to use to record employee a daily pursuit contents with correspond a person of waste a circumstance physically, it is the process which inputs physically according to the employee with item a manager/section"s manager to carry on an approval. System is according to company organization structure, and item the personnel constitute a pair of dimensions to set up, applying in the Browser, making employee and manager can the very convenient entry system carries on an actual work circumstance at any time of record and person consume of search. The system owns a great deal of statement makes item the manager can see item of depletion condition, make section the manager can see the depletion condition of personnel and section, can carry on risk to guard against perhaps for plan progress by feedback thus. The BHR man-hour cost tracks management system according to the Windows terrace, circulating in the company internal net.Adopting the JSP writes.BE use to record employee a daily pursuit contents with correspond a person of waste a circumstance physically, it is the process which inputs physically according to the employee with item a manager/section"s manager to carry on an approval.
2023-06-19 06:42:342


1、 we can product this label as same as the first, moreover, we will use color of second time. 2. Following by the first sample, we also can make folding line 3 About Mesh backing, we need you give us sample. we will adjust the price according your sample.
2023-06-19 06:42:445


Nowadays, many young people no longer choose to work steadily, they are more willing to start their own business, relying on their own wisdom and struggle to achieve self value.
2023-06-19 06:43:023


  我们要懂得保护我们来一生存的环境,保护环境,从我做起。下面,是我为你整理的,希望对你有帮助!   篇1   Dear brothers and sisters,   On behalf of the University Students" Union, I, the Chairman of the Union , am earnestly calling for your active participation in our environmental protection campaign. It is the duty of every global villager; man just can not sustain his glorious civilization without a rewarding environment, which will be possible only if man makes considerable efforts to protect the environment.   Do you cherish precio us opportunities to volunteer in our joint efforts in environmental protection? Here is a great one not to be missed by any enthusiastic youth; Right next Saturday, our university is to run a publicity campaign to advocate environmental protection across the city. The University Students" Union will be in charge of recruitment of volunteers. Let"s join our hands and take action immediately.   Yours sincerely,   Li Hua   篇2   To everyone on our planet,   Over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust-storms have frequented our planet, the only habitat of human beings. Several days ago, tsunami海啸 has swept the Southeast Asia, which has caused enormous damage. All these have sounded an alarm to human beings.   The destruction which is caused by human beings has aroused people"s concern all over the world. If we pay no heed to the present destructive human activities, our planet will bee of tomb instead of cozy home. What"s more, we should realize that only from our planet can we obtain our sheltering, food, cloth and so forth.   Counter-measures must be taken to curb the destruction caused by human beings. Most importantly, laws must be established to punish those who are involved in destructive conducts.   Sincerely Yours   Li Ming   篇3   Dear Sir or Madam,   I"m writing to you to state my view on the water pollution problem. It is generally accepted that water pollution is a serious public hazard today. Rivers all over the world are being polluted with garbage and dangerous chemicals. Ships contribute to the problem because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and make water unsafe for drinking. Because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and make water unsafe for drinking. In a word, polluted water is a big problem to everyone.   As you know, people depend on water to live on. They should be involved in finding a solution to this problem. I think, certain counter measures need to be taken as soon as possible. To begin with, the governments of all countries are supposed to formulate rules and regulations to deal with the pollution problem. In addition, factories in towns and cities must be prohibited from draining waste liquids into rivers before they are totally treated and purified. I feel if they violate relevant rules or laws, they should be fined heavily. Certainly, there are some other cures which are worth adopting.   As far as future prospect is concerned, I am sure that good results will be achieved in this respect. Rivers which used to be contaminated by industrial wastes will be cleaned and fish which could not live there a few years ago will be again. To conclude, it seems obvious that tomorrow will be better and brighter only if everyone does his part and tries hard to seek solutions for its control.   
2023-06-19 06:43:091

是on appointment 还是in,atappointment

是on appointment ,在约会的意思。appointment同义词组appointment [u0259u02c8pu0254intmu0259nt] n. 约会, 约定 I have an appointment with him at four o"clock. 我和他四点钟有个约会。 任命, 委派 He secured the appointment of professor of English literature in the university. 他获聘为该大学的英国文学教授。 同义词:assignment , designation , naming , dat , eengagement , fitting , appointee .appointment system的意思委任制;委任制度;委派制度例句1.Mr Tung said the District Council appointment system cannot be abandonedsuddenly.董建华表示不能一下子全面撤消区议会委任制。2.Second chapters are to put government functionary appointment system cause into practice.第二章为实施公务员聘任制的原因。3.Considerations of Adopting Accountant Appointment System in Major Water Projects。对水利重点工程项目实行财务委派制的构想。
2023-06-19 06:43:171


tentation假设。Adopting the tentation of raster, the acoustooptic interaction in isotropic medium is discussed, and the formula of diffractive efficiency for the diffractive beam is deduced.采用光栅假设,对各向同性介质中的声光效应作了简要讨论,导出了第m级衍射光的衍射效率公式。A Tentation Exploration on Strategic Evaluation and Risk of Enterprise Operation.企业经营战略风险及战略评价初探。The Tentation of Heart Determination in the Education of Durable Running.谈心理测定对耐久跑的激励作用。This article demonstrates the scheme of designing the hydraulic multi-headed fixed torque spanners, expounds the situation for tentation stages and the test results, intro-duces some problems that should be resolved in the development procedure.论证了液压多头定扭矩扳手的方案设计,简要介绍了样机试验方法,测试结果及研制过程中需要解决的问题。
2023-06-19 06:43:241


小学课本中是Teachers" Day 这个够权威么不过按说两个都行
2023-06-19 06:43:517


The earth"s energy is gradually diminishing,people also face the deterioration of the environment,how to do? Save energy words. First of all,from the side with. Save every once electricity,save every drop.Don"t litter,have the consciousness of environmental protection,from the side with,a bit of the minor matter,starts to let the world will no longer be polluted. 中文也给你好了. 地球上的能源正在逐渐减少,人们也面对着环境恶化,怎么办呢? 要节约能源的话. 首先,从身边做起. 节约每一度电,节约每一滴水.不乱扔垃圾,有环保意识,从身边做起,一点小事做起,才能让地球不再被污染.
2023-06-19 06:44:152

ability group中文翻译

The pupils were streamed into five abipty groups 学生们分成了5个能力小组。 A study on the apppcation of the strategy of adopting a differentiated approach to different abipty groups in teaching 分层递进教学策略在教学中的应用研究 They learn to work in multi - age and multi - abipty groups , making use of the interests and abipties of all 他们学习如何在一个混龄及能力各不相同的团体中,将他们的兴趣与能力尽力发挥。 It is a strategy that divides the students from different year levels into their abipty groups for providing them with an appropriate curriculum 这个策略聚合不同年级的学生,再按他们的能力分组,以施教恰当的课程。 That some junior high school teacher protested about the " abipty grouping " in schools had been stunning to the whole society and thus opened the " window of opportunity . " later , the minister of education repped her assertion and promised to implement the " normal grouping " popcy 某国中教师为了替该校后段班的学生请命所采取的抗争方式,著实震撼人心,也为政策的获得注意与制定,打开了政策制定的机会之窗;后来,她的诉求终于得到教育部长善意的回应,允诺在一个月内有所改善:全面恢复常态编班。
2023-06-19 06:44:211

it is important for kids to choose the best pets文

三百字,字数有点多,要构思和写出来很费点事。我可以提供专业帮助的,不知你能增加多少悬赏?先给个开头你看看; Hi,everyone! I am very glad to have the opportunity to share with you some surprising changes in many areas in my hometown with you . 祝你开心如意!
2023-06-19 06:44:302

returned purchase是什么意思

returned purchase退货; 双语例句Based on research theory and methods at home and abroad, combined with personal innovation, the paper proposes the following books reverse logistics management policies: Firstly, optimizing overall books reverse logistics supply chain to form demand-pulling supply chain mode; secondly, improving operational efficiency of supply chain by utilizing supplier managing inventory and building integral returned purchase center; lastly, adopting modern marketing theories and innovative marketing means to reduce books reverse logistics quantity from very beginning.借鉴了国内外相关研究理论和方法,结合个人的创新,提出图书逆向物流管理的措施是:首先从整体上对图书逆向供应链流程的优化,建立拉动型逆向供应链模式;其次利用供应商管理库存和建立集中退货中心的方式,提高供应链的运作效率,降低逆向物流管理的成本;最后利用现代营销理念,创新营销手段,从源头上控制图书逆向物流的流量。
2023-06-19 06:44:541


希望楼主采纳哦:All crops areadopting organic farming,nopollution,is conducive tothe protection of the environmen
2023-06-19 06:45:043

雅思阅读的一大点金石 标点符号准确表达语意?

冒号冒号在英文中有两大用法:一是用在一个正式的引用前面,二是列出表示列举、解释和说明性的词语。比如在剑六TEST2第一篇文章的A段中,首句是这样表达的:In fact, Newman believes the main reason for adopting one sort of transport over another is politics: “The more democratic the process, the more public transport is favored.”冒号后的内容是一句正式引语,并对冒号前的politics进行了具体的阐述说明,因此,冒号后的内容是本段的主题句,强调的引号内的democratic一词,所以在本篇第一个题型List of Heading中,本段的选项为A successful exercise in people power.在剑桥四Test 4第三篇阅读文章The Problem of Scarce Resources中第一个题型依旧是List of Heading。文章section c 段首句如下:"However, at exactly the same time as this new realization of the finite character of health-care resources was sinking in, an awareness of a contrary kind was developing in Western societies: that people have a basic right to health-care as a necessary condition of a proper human life."冒号后面的内容对前半句的an awareness of a contrary kind进行了具体的解释说明,因此冒号后面的内容就是解题的重点。在冒号后面提出了health-care与right的关系,所以这个段的段落大意选择选项I The connection between health-care and other human rights.括号括号在英文中可以用来表示其中插入的或附加的解释成分,这个插入成分可以是单词、词组或句子。例如在剑五TEST1第一篇文章Johnson"s Dictionary中,题号为5的summary即考察的就是文中括号内的内容。该题为:Johnson did not have a ……..available to him, but eventually produced definitions of in excess of 40,000 words written down in 80 large notebooks. 根据题中的定位词80 large notebooks, 考生可找到文章第六段首句” The work was immense; filling about eighty large notebooks (and without a library to hand), Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words, and……..”考生根据所填题目前的did not have体现的否定关系以及不定冠词a, 可预判答案选词为可数名词单数,并且体现为否定关系。通过阅读,可确定答案为文章中括号内的单词library.问号雅思阅读中的问号,多数情况下用在设问句之后。设问句,即没有疑问而故意自问自答,作者的目的在于引起读者的注意和思考,能够引起文章的跌宕起伏。因此,多数情况下, 如果在段首位置出现了问号,该句即为该段的主旨句。如剑六TEST1第一篇文章“Australia"s Sporting Success”的首段:They play hard, they play often, and they play to win. Australian sports teams win more than their fair share of titles, demolishing rivals with seeming ease. How do they do it? A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academies underpinned by science and medicine. 前两句为描述性语句,第三句问句How do they do it?后的自问自答引出了本段甚至本文的中心内容。破折号雅思阅读中的破折号后的内容,通常是对主句中的某个单词或短语的修饰或解释说明。破折号写法上共有两种,一种为两个破折号搭配使用,两破折号中间部分为细节即—……—,而第二种情况为—…….的情况。如剑四TEST3第二篇文章:Volcanoes-earth-shattering news”中Section C第二段首句:Sometimes it is slow: vast bubbles of magma-molten rock from the mantle-inch towards the surface…… 两个破折号中的molten rock from the mantle是在解释破折号之前的名词magma.破折号中的部分正好对应19题的题干:What is the name given to molten rock from the mantle? 因此答案为magma。依旧在Section C第四段中, 第四行and you can see the rough outlines of what are called tectonic plates-the plates which make up the earth"s crust and mantle.破折号后的the plates which make up the earth"s crust and mantle是在解释破折号前的tectonic plates. 此句与18题题干What are the sections of the earth"s crust, often associated with volcanic activity, called?相对应。环球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思阅读的一大点金石 标点符号准确表达语意? ]问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家!
2023-06-19 06:45:101

英文翻译 要速度 这是最后部分 前面部分愿意翻得继续给分

上面所列举的理论认为,跨国组织必须在一定的 人力资源管理实践情况,采取更为敏感,培育,回应,和 信息共享与主人的文化(使用多途径。然而,而这个。 方法使跨国机构更加道德敏感,广泛使用 公民可以促进东道国的专有知识的扩散…从一个 经营的角度来看,这可能消失的竞争优势举例来说, 他们经常在不同文化的态度Swinyard尊重知识产权 在1990年,换句话说,可能会有一支有竞争力的成本approaches.Thus多, 当采用多中心的方法,不仅要考虑组织的双重吗 对于全球的效率和当地的压力,1987(Prahalad&Doz改编的,但也是 当地的伦理要求之间的互动,需要保持竞争力 优势。如何实现这一平衡机构提供了一个有趣的潜在问题吗 对未来的研究方向。 总之,战略人力资源的使用范围内的国际 管理可能使跨国机构的需求为全球 本地适应性、效率高、持续竞争优势的. 通过帮助组织 有效解决伦理两难行动在其他国家,适当的 指定的人力资源配置可能降低成本,促进亲善与贡献 对全球竞争力的终极目标。
2023-06-19 06:45:181


The font for the specified device context is not a truetype font 指定的设备上下文的字体不是 truetype字体 。 The font is a truetype font 该字体为 truetype字体 。 Supplemental truetype fonts optimized for maximum on - screen legibipty 最适合于屏幕显示的补充 truetype字体 。 A collection of truetype fonts optimized for maximum on - screen legibipty 用于屏幕最优化的 truetype字体 集合。 This add - on pack includes truetype fonts created especially for use on the web 该附加软件包包括为用于web而特殊创建的 truetype字体 。 Windows forms apppcations support truetype fonts and have pmited support for opentype fonts Windows窗体应用程序支持 truetype字体 ,并且对opentype字体提供有限的支持。 The thai language pack includes truetype fonts and other support files to enable inter explorer to display thai text 泰语软件包包括 truetype字体 和其他支持文件,使interexplorer可以显示泰语文本。 The hebrew language pack includes truetype fonts and other support files to enable inter explorer to display hebrew text 希伯来语软件包包括 truetype字体 和其他支持文件,使interexplorer可以显示希伯来语文字。 This sample , which is available only in visual c , demonstrates drawing , image scapng , custom controls , and scalable truetype fonts 本示例(仅在visual c #中可用)演示了绘图、图像缩放、自定义控件和可缩放 truetype字体 。 The simppfied chinese language pack includes truetype fonts and other support files to enable inter explorer to display simppfied chinese text 简体中文软件包包括 truetype字体 和其他支持文件,使interexplorer可以显示简体中文。 The traditional chinese language pack includes truetype fonts and other support files to enable inter explorer to display traditional chinese text 繁体中文软件包包括 truetype字体 和其他支持文件,使interexplorer可以显示繁体中文。 The traditional chinese language pack includes truetype fonts and other support files to enable inter explorer to display traditional chinese text . 繁体中文软件包包括 truetype字体 和其他支持文件,使interexplorer可以显示繁体中文文本。 The simppfied chinese language pack includes truetype fonts and other support files to enable inter explorer to display simppfied chinese text . n t 简体中文软件包包括 truetype字体 和其他支持文件,使interexplorer可以显示简体中文。 n t In order to display chinese character " s strokes in the input method , we introduced truetype font adopting curve outpne describing technology , *** yzed the principle of the describing technology and the file structure of truetype font . then we created a truetype font file for chinese character " s strokes by using font creator program 为了在输入法中显示汉字的笔画,论文介绍了采用曲线轮廓描述技术的 truetype字体 ,分析truetype字形描述技术原理和truetype文件结构,利用字体创造软件建立汉字笔画的truetype字体文件。 Comparing three character code architectures and some character display technologies , the author selected the unicode character code architecture and truetype technology to create iob word pbrary . moreover , through *** yzing the kernel mechani *** of the windows os supporting multilanguage and ime , the author explained the basic principles of ime and developed a model system of ime of iob based on the api provided by os 本文通过对多种编码体系和字符显示技术的比较分析,作者选择了unicode字符集和 truetype字体 技术来建立金文隶定字库和金文原篆字库,并通过剖析windows操作系统对多语言和输入法支持的内部机制,阐述了输入法实现的基本原理,基于系统提供的编程接口,开发了金文原篆输入法的原型系统。
2023-06-19 06:45:241


翻译如下:第一张图:Can you tell me how to combine work with rest?My teacher"s advice is precious to me, and it"s worth adopting/taking.第二张图:Thank you very much for telling me your questions/problems.Your parents care too much about your scores after each exam.Many students of our age have the same problem.The problem of stress gets worse when you keep it inside your heart. Why don"t you talk about it with your parents?You feel angry when someone laughs at you.I suggest that you ignore him.I hope that you find my advice worth taking.I hope that you find my reply useful to you.第三张图:Do you know how many letters I have got from my online friends?She wonders what he is worrying about.Please tell me when I"ll have to finish all the work?Can you explain why you are late for class again?I don"t know where I can find a quiet place to study.I forget whose mobile phone this is.Can you tell me whom I should go to for advice?I am not sure which girl her close friend is.第四张图:You can call 110 for help at once when you gets in trouble.My parents are very strict with me.I believe that it is important to develop hobbies because they can help us relax.
2023-06-19 06:45:431


  公共英语四级写作冲刺范文一    亚健康   With the modernization of the world, peopleu2019s standard of living has improved a lot. Then there appears a state of sub-health among people which poses a new threat to them.   There are some tpical symptoms for people who are in a state of sub-health. First of all, those who suffer from it often have a headache or backache. Secondly, they feel like having a rest frequently. What upsets us most is that, the situation spreading countrywide. As a result, more and more workers in big cities are harassed by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing, 72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.   Then how can we sovle this problem effectibely? Experts suggest that the best way to keep ourselves thealthy is to do exercises. It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early. Only doing so can we keep us healthy.   公共英语四级写作冲刺范文二    压力   Life today is filled with sources of stress, much of which cannot be avoided, When stress appears to be a lifelong problem to many people, how it actually forms remains a subject of controversy to many scientists. The objective of this essay is to outline both the sources of stress and appropriate ways of dealing with it.   Many stressors arise from people"s circumstances. For example, the high-pressured and fast-paced lifestyle has made it unlikely for people to gain adequate leisure time. Failure to balance work and leisure causes them either to struggle with deteriorating health or to cope with psychological distress, e.g., anxiety and depression. Together with some other problems, such as disharmony with others, unpleasant work or living environment, it would increase stress to an unmanageable level.   Another group of stressors is intertwined with personality, People interpret events or situations differently. A problem taken as a threat by many people might be accepted as a positive challenge to others, Evidence is inconclusive about the reasons behind this distinction, but it is widely believed that a person of a cheerful disposition is less likely to be heavily affected by adversity. Of equal importance is the ability to handle with some issues, such as time and money. Considering the role of personality in deciding the attitudes toward an issue and responses to an event, the effect of stress management skills actually varies from person to person.   Methods to cope with stress are many, but the most effective ones are in fact not remote or complicated but accessible and practicable. People under stress are advised to participate more in recreational activities, adopt a sound dieting habit, and exercise regularly. They should learn to block out worries and try to keep the effect of a challenge in life to a minimum. Finally, it is important to nurture a good state of mind and to perceive things positively.   As suggested above, environment factors can be taken as the sources of stress and people"s personality determines the extent to which they are influenced by those factors. Adopting a healthy   lifestyle and proper attitudes toward life can promote people"s physical and psychological well-being and help them relieve stress.   公共英语四级写作冲刺范文三    Information Security   The human beings are stepping into the information society. The information industry develops very rapidly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue.   In case of information breach, the victims-----government department, an organization or an institution, or a company will inevitably suffer great or small loss. Government may be threatened with national security. Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. And the publicu2019s and usersu2019 confidence will be damaged.   Then how to deal with this issue? Technology is only a partial solution to information security. Whatu2019s more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on information security to its staff. However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. Companies and organizations should adopt a dual approach to information security management by combing prevention and detection techniques.
2023-06-19 06:46:021

independent assortment是什么意思

2023-06-19 06:46:092


CCCCA BADCD contributes/ arrives/ wanted /finance/ picked/ to close/ annually /looked/ could have avoided/ dangerous要是觉得我写的对,记得采用我为最佳答案哦
2023-06-19 06:46:175


Convening being accompanying two meetings, more and more members have brought forward the good bill. I introduce Here it is choosing one of which here. Effect because of financial crisis this year, foreign merchant of our country investment has accepted very big effect , has been in the morning on March 8 for this purpose, the Qiu Li Cheng (professor of Nankai University) member has suggested that turning point called "the crisis making use of a finance expands the middle making use of foreign capital " , here motion , he has pointed out stability protecting foreign merchant investment for the sharpening, under must achieve 5 o"clock. And show solicitude for international financial crisis background first , close going down international capital flows pattern change, international capital flows trend carries out the judgement and the forecast on the near future. Effect degree estimating that the whole world financial crisis uses foreign funds to our country. And foreign-investment enterprise carries out comparatively all-round investigation on our country secondly, feel out degree affecting in what China foreign-investment enterprise accepts the whole world financial crisis being unlike a type and their main difficulty being in motion and doing business demanding a people , analyse these enterprise increasing money in the near future or remove money inclination and cause, be that they resolve difficulty pulling through difficulty active. Thirdly, be to guard against foreign capital or the floating capital fleetness outflow or to flow into our country, relevance organization such as State Administration of Foreign Exchange , People"s Bank of China , silver prison meeting , Department of Commerce enlarges collecting the administration converting foreign exchange putting into effect networking verifying to outlet, keep close watch over abroad, on a large scale, capital flows into or sets apart our country marketplace. Fourthly, this one turning point , the active perfect investment climate making use of the whole world financial crisis, expand using foreign funds. The central government affects our country in answering an international financial crisis and very possible measure messenger "Chinese economy such as the active fiscal policy stimulating the economy increase by and moderate monetary policy loose and comfortable will first in Europe and America economic recovery ". The long range comes in middle , that growing degree of difficulty is very big, but economy grows by one two percentage point only with Europe and America though China maintains two-digit number again is that the negative growth economy is compared with each other even , this helps strengthen the foreign-funded enterprise investment confidence to our country , may possibly be that the long range attracts and uses foreign funds in our country to provide fine turning point. Therefore, we respond to more show solicitude for in the homeland and international trends in economic development , join the measure that timely adopting certainly needs. Fifth, in the field of policy angle, we can consider examining and approving relaxing individual foreign merchant investment; Take the Sino-foreign joint ventures individual shareholder problem seriously; "The enterprises applying high and new technology being able to relax January 1 , 2008 beginning to be put into effect is set mind on managing way " , is covers foreign capital enterprises applying high and new technology. , because of put regulation regulation into practice according to "business income tax law " Ji Qi once becoming the enterprises applying high and new technology that country priority supports, can reduce the levying of business income tax according to 15%"s tax rate right away.
2023-06-19 06:46:312


2023-06-19 06:46:383


诚信是行政和最悠久的美德在这个国家. 老实的是,中国人,一个可耻的事. 不过,让我感到惊愕,有更多的人看到从事公开和不诚实的猖獗活动的缘故. 人们似乎不再珍惜诚信. 学生制定不同的策略,以考试作弊,写假履历求职等. 商家不会停止销售假冒伪劣商品,除非他们捕获. 运动员渴望获得的优势超过竞争对手通过兴奋剂. 总之一句话,不诚实的现象存在于每一个角落,对社会有所贡献. 但是,我还是价值诚实,因为诚实的好处所有的人. 举例来说,如果商家都是诚实的产品推广或出售. 客户将得到真正满意的,将返回多买,这是一个双赢的局面. 我们是伙伴,在这个相互依存的世界. 如果我们能够进行竞争与合作,以诚实的态度,也就是说,在平等的基础上, 我们所有人都将能获得巨大利益,并取得更大的成功是迟早的事. 总之,它自付一定要诚实. 我衷心希望社会各阶层都应该诚实地生活.
2023-06-19 06:46:452


2023-06-19 06:45:511


君に届け 歌:flumpool作词:Ryuta Yamamura作曲:Kazuki Sakai 『倾尽此心』翻译:时雨つぶらな瞳も 『澄圆明眸』鼻にかかる じゃれた声も 『带着鼻音的嬉笑声』その小さな手も『娇小的手』上手く笑えない君が 笑えば『郁郁寡欢的你如若能展露笑颜』あの日 见た梦がまたひとつ叶う『我便又实现了一个彼时的梦想』行き交う他人たちの幸せ『插肩而过的人群 他们的幸福』自分のことのように『为何 会如同自己的幸福般』どうして ねぇ、愿うの?『祈许?』君に逢えたこと 本当によかったと『能与你相遇 真的此生无憾』そう言える その笑颜を守りたい『此刻 我亦能如是断言 只愿守护你那笑靥』来年も 再来年も『年复一年 』今以上に 君が好きで『也将越来越对你倾心』それぐらい 仆の全てで『仅以 如此微不足道的 我的一切』仆にしか言えない言叶を『汇聚成我独有的话语』今 君に届けたい『此刻 只欲对你倾尽此心』投げ出したくなって『只欲全盘脱出』悩んで 泣いて『烦恼 哭泣』时には喧哗して『时而小吵小闹』そんな毎日で『如此这般的时光』それでも君は君らしくまた『即便如此 你依然一如既往地』歩んでいく 木漏れ日の下『迈着自己的步伐 于斑驳树影下』爱しい『美的叫人心生怜爱』飞び交う嘘や嫉妬に『不被流言蜚语 谎言 嫉妒』迷い惑わされない心よ『所动摇魅惑的心啊』まっすぐな祈りよ『直述衷肠的祈祷』仆は目を闭じて『我紧闭双眸』君との未来を思い描く『在脑海中描绘着与你的未来』その笑颜も描いている『一直描绘着你的笑颜』いつも いつまでも『一直 一直地』思うことはひとつだけ『千思万绪都只是』堪らなく 君が好きだよ『对你无法抑制的爱恋』君にしか言わない言叶を『我定会潜心酝酿』纺ぎだしていくから『那只能对你倾诉的话语』どんな君の侧面を见ても『或许说来有些夸大其词』大げさかもしれないけど『但是 无论是从哪种角度凝望你的侧脸』そのどれもが仆の胸を打つ『都能让我心潮澎湃』抱きしめたい『渴望着拥你入怀』もしも悲しみに包まれたなら『倘若你深陷悲伤之中』仆は 今すぐ 君に会いに行くよ『此刻我定会 义无反顾地 直奔去见你』届け 今 届け『倾尽此心 此刻倾尽此心』君に言えずにいた「I live you」『那句未曾对你诉说的「I live you」』その心の真ん中に『直入你心扉』来年も 再来年も『年复一年 』今以上に君が好きで『也将越来越对你倾心』それぐらい 仆の全てで『仅以 如此微不足道的 我的一切』仆にしか言えない言叶を『汇聚成我独有的话语』见つけたなら『一旦某天酝酿而成的话』心まで交わしたい想い『便将这渴望与你心有灵犀的思念』君に届けたい『向你倾诉』------------------------------------ tsuburana hitomi wo hana ni kakarujareta koe mo sono chiisa na te moumaku warae nai kimi ga warae baano hi mita yume ga mata hitotsu kanauyukikau tachi mo shiawasejibun no koto no youni doushite negau nokimi ni ae takoto hontou ni yokattato sou ie rusono egao wo mamori tairainen mo sarainen mo imaijou ni kimi ga suki desorekurai boku no subete deboku ni shika ie nai kotoba wo ima kimi ni todoke tainagedashi takunatte nayan de nai tetokini wa kenkashite sonna mainichi desoredemo kimi wa kimi rashikumataayun deku komore bi no shita itoshiitobikau uso ya shitto mayoinadono sae nai kokoro yomassuguna inori yoboku wa me wo tojite kimi tono mirai wo omoi egakusono egao wo egai teruitsumo itsumademo omou koto wa hitotsu dakekawa ranaku kimi ga suki dayokimi nishika iwa nai kotoba wo tsumugi tashi teikukaradonna kimi no sokumen wo mite mo oogesa kamoshirenaikedosonodoremoga boku no mune wo utsu dakishimetaimoshimo kanashimi ni tsutsuma retanara boku wa ima sugukimi ni ai ni yuku yotodoke ima todoke kimi ni ie zuniitaI love yousono kokoro no mannaka nirainen mo sarainen mo imaijou ni kimi ga suki desorekurai boku no subete deboku nishika ie nai kotoba wo mitsu ketakarakokoro made majiwa shiteiyou omoi
2023-06-19 06:45:541


2023-06-19 06:45:582


2023-06-19 06:45:584

flumpool的《证》 歌词

歌曲名:证歌手:flumpool专辑:experience「证」作词∶山村隆太作曲∶阪井一生歌∶flumpool前を向きなよ 振り返ってちゃ 上手く歩けない远ざかる君に 手を振るのがやっとで声に出したら 引き止めそうさ 心で呟く“仆は仆の梦へと 君は君の梦を”あたりまえの温もり 失くして 初めて気づく寂しさ 噛み缔めて 歩みだす勇気 抱(いだ)いて溢れだす涙が 君を遮(さえぎ)るまえにせめて笑颜で“またいつか”伤つけ合っては 何度も许し合えたこと代わりなき仆らの证になるだろう“我侭だ”って贬(けな)されたって 愿い続けてよその声は届くから 君が君でいれば仆がもしも 梦に 败れて 谛めたなら远くで叱ってよ あの时のようにね君の指差すその未来(さき)に 希望があるはずさ谁にも决められはしないよ一人で抱え込んで 生きる意味を问うときはそっと思い出して あの日の仆らを“またね”って言叶の儚さ 叶わない约束いくつ交わしても惯れないなのに追忆の破片(かけら)を 敷き诘めたノートに君の居ないページは无い溢れだす涙 拭う顷 君はもう见えない想う言叶は“ありがとう”伤つけ合っては 何度も笑い合えたこと绊を胸に秘め 仆も歩き出す【 おわり 】
2023-06-19 06:46:011

flumpool的《Birds》 歌词

歌曲名:Birds歌手:flumpool专辑:残像あんな风に生きたいな 大空で 羽根を拡げて风に吹かれて泳ぐ鸟のように重力に逆らって もがいたって 弄ばれ届かぬ叫びはポロリ こぼすシャボン玉背伸びしてた ただ我武者罗な本気の恋も果てはすべて 空回りで萎えた花束鼻の穴を膨らませ こじ开けた梦も 今はまるで空っぽのおもちゃ箱のよう心の中にある景色 目の前にあるレシピ ふたつの间で揺れてる现実"鸟になれたら…"なんてマジで言叶にして微笑えたあっちこっち飞んだって「自分」なんて どこにもいなくて逃げも隠れもしないで 未来へドンナモンダ胸张って「自分だ」って そんな歩幅で歩いてく勇気抱いたら 手に入れた翼「Birds」作词∶山村隆太作曲∶阪井一生歌∶flumpoolテレビの向こう 流行りの曲歌いあげてくシンガー手振り 仕草 大げさなブレス梦中で憧れたものまねレベルのマニュアル 型にはめ込まれて"自分らしくいることなど 谁ができんの?"って!?こんな自由な空で 生きて何が不幸だ 恐れるモノは何だ 命の限りにどこへでもまだ飞んでゆける瞳は前にあるいつだってこの胸 无重力で 梦の风船ゆっくりと上がってく 上に 上にと360度以上 见渡せば 向う场所がある背中はいつも感じてる 新しい风"鸟になりたい…"なんて言ってた子供の顷のテンションあんな风に生きたいな 自由になって 空を飞びたいな生まれ変わっても もう一度「自分」で重力に逆らって もがいたって また起き上がれ歩いてく勇気抱いたら 手に入れた翼【 おわり 】
2023-06-19 06:46:081


2023-06-19 06:46:1515


残像作词∶山村隆太作曲∶阪井一生歌∶flumpool音译:@AmberKid (音译歌词吧)卡在你胡卡来那比库卡密呀哇啦卡那你撒系啊弄hi投哦那集开系ki死百态哇扣扣咯系打一打哟投哇来啊太他ki密打开开系太扣弄密喔开字太摸哦摸哎路hi投撒哎摸一次卡哇啊哎那库那路搜来噶进赛一投哇里ki来路摸弄那弄哦摸一带弄那卡弄都扣你摸卡一太那一哟啊一系太路库路系库太那ki他库太你就唔用及抗一吗吗打开赛那一Ki密噶ki哎那一扣弄木乃你啊胡来打死哦摸一哇摸啊哦走啦你弄密扣吗来太投都库扣投摸那库 一吗哇那一后系弄哟你撒吗哟唔hi卡里哟买噶哦哇里买砸买路哟你哇死来路扣投带 hi投哇死死嗯带库嗯打咯搜来哇哟路撒那一哟那带啊一喔卡他后唔带弄走密那噶啦卡哇系呀哟库搜库喔 弄扣系他ki字啊投喔打ki系买它ki哦库喔 开死死白喔摸他字胡路波开他下新噶一咯啊赛路哟哦你扣扣咯哇带ki太那库太摸打来摸噶那密打喔系路扣投带哦投那你那路搜来噶一吗打投系太吗他一破胡密打系太次他哎哟那噶库弄比他啊系啊投喔胡里卡哎太啊弄都啊喔啊开太哟卡他嗯打投系该路搜弄一寻吗带红投你他一赛次那摸弄喔唔系那啊他投ki你Hi投哇摸唔一ki ki来那一投抗及路开都搜来带摸呀怕里塔一赛次那摸弄弄那一hi比喔Hi投哇一ki ki来那一嗯打哟波库啦哇打来卡喔啊一死路扣投带他系卡买太路扣都唔噶撒开嗯带路扣扣你一路投撒开嗯带路啊一系太路啊一系一太路啊一系死gi他啊弄ki赛次弄扣弄木乃扣噶死哦投木乃弄那卡带ki一太一他啊胡来打死哦摸一哇摸唔啊哦走啦你弄密扣吗来太投都库扣投摸那库一吗哇那一后系弄哟你撒吗哟唔hi卡里
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2023-06-19 06:45:485

flumpool的《Present》 歌词

歌曲名:Present歌手:flumpool专辑:Presentflumpool - Present作词:山村隆太作曲:阪井一生君に今赠りたい 惜しみなく届けたい五线谱に乗せるよ 仆らが过ごした daysあやふやで頼りない 约束を今日まで待ち続けてくれた君にありがとう何度となくすれ违い 时には阋(せめ)ぎ合いそのたび优しさを重ねたたったひとりの君 もっと爱したい意味ずっとそれだけを抱いて生きるよ决して変わらないものそっと変えてゆくことその眼差しだけが 教えてくれるね言叶など无力で 谛めの意味じゃなく声のない気持ちを交信し合えたら...まだ知らない君さえ 无防备に信じてる刻んだ足迹が物语っているよ人生は単调じゃない 大それた変调もない仆らしか知らない道を歩こうたったひとつの场所 やっと出会えた感情いつもそばにある 唯一のhome sweet home决して枯らさないよ ずっと见届けるよ皱くちゃになってもその手 握ってたい日常に目を凝らせば见落としてた幸せが溢れ夕映えの坂 手を振る影もう离さないと誓った 永远に...たったひとりの君 もっと爱したい意味ずっとそれだけを抱いて生きるよいつか约束した ずっと笑颜でいることその眼差しだけに 伝えてゆくよ皱くちゃになってもその手 握ってたい
2023-06-19 06:45:471


stu hamm
2023-06-19 06:45:442

flumpool的残像 中文歌词 和 日文歌词的 罗马音的

flumpool「残像」风に吹かれなびく髪Kaze ni fukarenabiku kami柔らかな日差し あの日と同じ景色Yawarakana nisashi a no hi to onaji keshikiすべては心しだいだよとSubete ha kokoro shidaidayo to笑ってた君だけ消してWaratteta kimi dake keshiteこの身を削っても 思える人さえもKo no mi wo kezuttemo omoeru hito sae moいつかは会えなくなるそれが人生とItsuka ha aenakunaru sore ga jinsei to割り切れるものなど思い出の中のWarikireru mono nada omoi de no naka noどこにも书いてないよDoko nimo kaite nai yo爱してる 苦しくて 泣きたくてaishiteru kurushikute nakitakute24时间 今まだ消せないNijuyon jikan ima mada kesenai君が消えないこの胸にKimi ga kienai ko no mune ni溢れだす想いはもう青空に饮み込まれてAfuredasu omoi ha mou aozora ni nomikomarete届く事もなく 今はない星のようにTodoku koto mo naku ima ha nai hoshi no you niさまよう光samayou hikari梦が终わり目覚めるようにyume ga owari mezameru you ni忘れることで人は进んでくんだろうWasureru koto de hito ha susundekundarouそれを许さないような出会いをSore wo yurusanai youna deai wo片方で望みながらKatahou de nozomi nagara交わした约束を残した伤迹をKawashita yakusoku wo nokoshita kizuato wo抱きしめた记忆を消す术を持たずDakishimeta kioku wo kesu sube(/jutsu) wo motazu 古ぼけた写真が色あせるようにFuruboketa shashin ga iroaseru you ni心はできてなくてもKokoro ha dekitenakutemo谁もが涙を知ることでDare mo ga namida wo shiru koto de 大人になるOtona ni naruそれが今だとしてまた一歩踏み出してsore ga ima da toshite mata ippo fumidashite伝えよう 长く伸びた足迹をTsutaeyou nagakunobita ashiato wo振り返ってあのドアを开けてFurikaette a no doa wo aketeよかったんだと告げるその一瞬までyokattanda to tsugeru so no isshun made本当に大切なものを失ったときにHontou ni taisetsuna mono wo ushinatta toki ni人はもう生きれないと Hito ha mou ikikirenai to感じるけどKanjiru kedoそれでもやっぱり大切なもののない日々をSore demo yappari taisetsuna mono no nai hibi wo人は生きれないんだよhito ha ikikirenainda yo仆らは谁かを爱することでbokura ha dareka wo aisuru koto de确かめてるtashikameru鼓动が叫んでる ここにいると叫んでるkodou ga sakenderu koko ni iru to sakenderu爱してる 爱してる 爱しすぎたaishiteru aishiteru aishisugitaあの季节のこの胸焦がす音a no kisetsu no ko no mune kogasu oto胸の中で闻いていたmune no naka de kiitei ta溢れだす 想いはもう青空にafuredasu omoi ha mou aozora ni饮み込まれて 届くこともなくNomikomarete todoku koto mo naku今はない星のようにさまよう光Ima ha nai hoshi no you ni samayou hikari随风飘动的发丝 温柔的阳光 景色如昔销声匿迹的 唯独是曾笑语心诚则灵的你即便那曾执意为其刻骨铭心之人也终有天无缘再会 这便是人生但是这般彻悟 却丝毫未曾记载於回忆里热恋 苦痛 泪上心头24小时而今挥之不去 你的身影挥之不去在我心里汹涌的思念 已然被这苍穹所吞噬触碰不到 那宛若此刻已难觅见的星辰般 彷徨的残像亦如梦的尾声 从梦中清醒 一旦遗忘了 人是否便能继续前行?却仍单方面地期许著 能够推翻这一定论的邂逅将许下的约定 残留的痕迹珍藏的记忆 统统清除的方法 我未曾知晓犹如老旧的照片 褪去颜色 即使心还未意识到无论谁 都尝过泪水 才能成人倘若此刻时机已来临 再跨出一步倾吐心扉 重蹈来时悠长的足迹直到能够大声宣告 那时将那道门开启真是万幸的那一瞬在失去了真正挚爱之时 人们总感生存已无意义真的 在没有挚爱的时光中 人已无生存的意义我们 凭藉著爱上谁去确认些什麼心的律动在呐喊 呐喊著 我就在此热恋著你 热恋著你 疯狂地热恋著你 太过於热恋的那个季节里心急如焚般 在梦中一直倾听 你的爱语汹涌的 思念已然被这苍穹所吞噬触碰不到 那宛若此刻已难觅见的星辰般 彷徨的残像
2023-06-19 06:45:392


  鲍比达(ChrisBabida)出生于音乐世家,是活跃于香港及台湾地区的音乐人,担任作曲、编曲、唱片制作人、电影配乐、音乐总监及指挥等。下面就跟随我的步伐一起来了解一下鲍比达的个人资料吧!   鲍比达的成长故事   鲍比达生於音乐世家,爸爸曾於上海当过很多年的乐手,後来移居香港,鲍比达就是在香港出生。在他五岁的时後,母亲意外地发现他拿著毛线针当指挥棒,站在椅子上比手画脚陶醉的样子,心想这孩子或许有音乐天份,於是就送他去学钢琴。从此,鲍比达跟钢琴就没办法分开。 为了维持家里生计,鲍比达七岁便开始从事音乐工作—在夜总会表演萨克斯风、吉他、贝斯及打击乐器。他十多岁便成为专业乐手,後来更成为亚洲多家著名饭店及夜总会最年青的音乐领班。   自七十年代起鲍比达除了现场表演的工作外,还开始踏足流行唱片界。他所创作的旋律和编曲,经常被认为是长青的作品,叫人百听不厌。1984年,鲍比达第一次参与台湾的音乐制作--电视剧『杨贵妃』的原声带,主题曲『一代佳人』的主唱者是当时红极一时的汤兰花小姐。自此之後鲍比达渐渐活跃於台湾的流行乐界。   “我是专业的,我也希望歌手是专业的,如果遇到不专业的歌手,或者是专业歌手有不专业的意见,工作就很难做下去了。” 鲍比达这样说。   他普通话说得不好,但言辞毫不婉转;赞赏起来不遗余力、指责起来不留情。   这可能跟出生背景造就的个性有关,虽在华语音乐界声名远洋,鲍比达却是不识中文的菲律宾人,持的是英国护照。   1975年鲍比达出任香港科艺百代唱片公司的音乐总监,为旗下歌手作曲、编曲及担任制作人。鲍比达于1978年重返校园,到美国波士顿柏克莱音乐学院(Berklee College of Music)主修作曲及编曲,毕业后转赴洛杉矶迪格罗夫音乐工作坊(Dick Grove"s Workshop)修读电影配乐及音乐工业课程。   鲍比达的演艺经历   八十年代初 学成返港,参与制作一线歌手如许冠杰、徐小凤、陈百强、张国荣、林子祥、叶蒨文、甄妮、梅艳芳等的唱片,并为不少大型活动担任音乐总监及指挥。1984年鲍比达首次参与台湾电视剧“杨贵妃”原声带音乐制作,主题曲“一代佳人”的主唱者是汤兰花,自此开始活跃于台湾的流行乐界。   九十年代初鲍比达签约滚石唱片成为制作人,亦担任作曲及编曲。1993年为电影“新不了情”配乐,由万芳主唱的主题曲“新不了情”成为热门流行歌曲。鲍比达同时受聘于中国北京的正大国际,担任音乐总监一职。鲍比达在1993年曾受聘於中国北京的正大国际,担任音乐总监一职。1995年鲍比达在台北成立工作室,不久之後受委托担任李玟专辑的制作人,结果由鲍比达包办作曲、编曲及制作的“往日情”推出后成为大热歌曲,专辑『李玟CoCo』创下骄人60万+销售记录,奠定李玟在亚洲的天后地位。後来鲍比达陆续参与制作李玟『每一次想你』(1997)、『李玟CoCo』(广东专辑)(1998)、『Sunny Day好心情』(1998)、『DiDaDi暗示』(1998)、『今天到永远』(1999)及 『真情人』(2000)等专辑。   过去几年,鲍比达於台湾的音乐界十分的活跃。除了李玟之外,鲍比达曾为萧亚轩、柯以敏、陈晓东、张信哲、赵咏华、蔡琴及苏芮等知名歌手担任制作人。在演奏曲制作方面,包括鲍比达音乐工作室旗下艺人王颂恩的双簧管专辑、陈冠宇的钢琴专辑、吕秀龄的琵琶及温金龙的二胡专辑等等 。   鲍比达的个人生活   蔡琴是鲍比达《朋友系列》的第一个女人。久违三年再战歌坛的蔡琴,以一句“好的东西值得等待”来回答歌迷的翘首期盼。出版了三十五张专辑唱片的蔡琴,在这次出击中化身天涯女,演唱的曲目一半是鲍比达的创作,一半是所谓的“经典老歌”。像《大约在冬季》、《把悲伤留给自己》、《不了情》、《驿动的心》等,机智幽默的她还把三年的学习与鲍比达的相遇,做了趣味的比喻。   蔡琴除了将80年代男歌手唱过的歌,以干净的女声重新诠释外,现场也演唱了鲍比达的台语新作《老曲盘》。反应灵敏的蔡琴与国语不流利的鲍比达,究竟在专辑制作过程中,如何沟通?没想到,鲍比达竟以简单的回答:“就是GOOD BYE & HELLO呀!”   发片日因男友赵先生远在美国无法到场祝福,改由好友赵文瑄代劳到场献花,送上香水百合表情意,赵文瑄也代献香吻;平常靠越洋电话联系感情的蔡琴,坦承有过结婚念头,但是因唱片公司不允许,让她打消了此想法。
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  flumpool - 流れ星『流星』  作词:山村隆太 作曲:阪井一生  翻译:时雨  流れ星ひとつ 駆けてく瞬间に 无邪気な君を想い描く『孤星 划过天际的瞬间 脑海中浮现纯真无邪的你』  そう几度となく その笑颜のために 仆は明日へ迎えるんだよ『一次又一次 为了你那笑颜 我便能一步步迎向明天』  谁もがきっと 谁かのために生きたくて『无论谁人 都仅为了某个谁而活』  爱したくて 手を伸ばして 伤ついていくけれど『因渴望爱而伸出双手 即使伤痕累累』  涙无くした时は この约束 想って『当泪水不再 请忆起当初的这份约定』  君の声 吐息 その眼差しも 全て煌めいて『你的声音 你的气息 你的眼神 都如此闪亮动人』  一瞬でも 永远でも 君を近くに感じていたい『无论一瞬 亦或永远 我都渴望近距离地感受你』  优しい心 もっと触れてたい 光より热く『我渴望触碰 那温柔的心 如火光般炽热地』  胸を焦がして 溶かして きっとまたここで逢えるよ『将心焚烧 溶化 而后我们定能在此相遇』  小さな本屋で すり减った小说の 1ページを开くときに似た『犹如于小小的书店 翻开残旧的小说的某一页般 』  胸を踊らす そんな期待だけで 今 君を导けたなら『我的心在雀跃 仅因这份期待 此刻 如若能将你指引』  「自分らしさ」呪文のように 缲り返して 优先して『犹如那句“真我”的咒语 反反复复 占据一切优先』  犠牲にした 谁かの幸せも『于是牺牲掉了 谁的幸福』  远回りの果てに そう君こそ真実だ『蜿蜒曲折的终点 唯有你才是真实』  サヨナラを 越えて 君よ 耀いて 最后まで煌めいて『跨越那句永别 请你绽放光芒 熠熠生辉直到最后』  一瞬でいい こんなにも 夜が素晴らしいって思えるなら『即便只是一瞬间 只要能感受到 夜是如此璀璨美丽便足矣』  火照った梦を 热を 届けてよ 光より速く『将燃烧的梦想 将这份热诚 传递 超越光的速度』  时を 急がして 飞ばして きっとまたすぐに逢えるよ『拨快时间的步伐 让时光飞逝 坚信着我们很快便能相逢』  忘れない 消えやしない 离れ离れになっても『念念不忘 挥之不去 即便隔海重洋』  思い出は 必ず明日への粮になるから『只因回忆 定能酝酿出新的明天』  梦や希望じゃうまらなかった『仅凭梦想亦或希望 无法弥补』  心の隙间 満たされる 流れ星 手を振った『心的空隙 得以满足 向着流星 挥手』  巡り巡る 时を 超えて 何度でも会いにくるよ『穿越千回百转的时光 一次又一次前去与你相会』  何度でも 何度でも その笑颜だけ 守るために『一次次 一次又一次 仅仅只为 守护你那笑颜』  君の声 吐息 その眼差しも 全て煌めいて『你的声音 你的气息 你的眼神 都如此闪亮动人』  一瞬でも 永远でも 君を近くに感じていたい『无论一瞬 亦或永远 我都渴望近距离地感受你』  爱しい心 ずっと爱してる 光より热く『恋恋不舍之心 海枯石烂 如火光般炽热地』  胸を焦がして 溶かして 绝対またここで逢えるよ『将心焚烧 溶化 而后我们绝对能在此相遇』  作词:Ryuta Yamamura 作曲:Kazuki Sakai  流れ星ひとつ 駆けてく瞬间に 无邪気な君を想い描く  nagareboshi hitotsu kake teku shunkan ni mujaki na kun wo omoi egaku  そう几度となく その笑颜のために 仆は明日へ向かえるんだよ  sou ikudo tonaku sono egao notameni bokuha ashita he muka erundayo  谁もがきっと 谁かのために生きたくて  daremo gakitto dareka notameni iki takute  爱したくて 手を伸ばして 伤ついていくけれど  itoshi takute te wo nobashi te kizutsu iteikukeredo  涙无くした时は この约束 想って  namida naku shita toki ha kono yakusoku omotte  君の声 吐息 その眼差しも 全て煌めいて  kun no koe toiki sono manazashi mo subete kou meite  一瞬でも 永远でも 君を近くに感じていたい  isshun demo eien demo kun wo chikaku ni kanji teitai  优しい心 もっと触れてたい 光より热く  yasashii kokoro motto furete tai hikari yori atsuku  胸を焦がして 溶かして きっとまたここで逢えるよ  mune wo koga shite toka shite kittomatakokode ae ruyo  小さな本屋で すり减った小说の 1ページを开くときに似た  chiisa na honya de suri hetta shousetsu no 1 pe^ji wo hiraku tokini nita  胸を踊らす そんな期待だけで 今 君を导けたなら  mune wo odora su sonna kitai dakede ima kun wo michibike tanara  「自分らしさ」呪文のように 缲り返して 优先して  ( jibun rashisa ) jumon noyouni kurikaeshi te yuusen shite  犠牲にした 谁かの幸せも  gisei nishita dareka no shiawase mo  远回りの果てに そう君こそ真実(こたえ)だ  toomawari no hate ni sou kun koso shinjitsu ( kotae ) da  サヨナラを 越えて 君よ 辉いて 最后まで煌めいて  sayonara wo koe te kun yo kagayai te saigo made kou meite  一瞬でいい こんなにも 夜が素晴らしいって思えるなら  isshun deii konnanimo yoru ga subara shiitte omoe runara  火照った梦を 热を 届けてよ 光より速く  hi shou tta yume wo netsu wo todoke teyo hikari yori hayaku  时を 急かして 飞ばして きっとまたすぐに逢えるよ  toki wo seka shite toba shite kittomatasuguni ae ruyo  忘れない 消えやしない 离れ离れになっても  wasure nai kie yashinai hanare hanare ninattemo  思い出は 必ず明日への粮になるから  omoide ha kanarazu ashita heno kate ninarukara  梦や希望じゃうまらなかった  yume ya kibou jaumaranakatta  心の隙间 満たされる 流れ星 手を振った  kokoro no sukima mita sareru nagareboshi te wo futta  巡り巡る 时を 超えて 何度でも逢いにくるよ  meguri meguru toki wo koe te nando demo ai nikuruyo  何度でも 何度でも その笑颜だけ 守るために  nando demo nando demo sono egao dake mamoru tameni  君の声 吐息 その眼差しも 全て煌めいて  kun no koe toiki sono manazashi mo subete kou meite  一瞬でも 永远でも 君を近くに感じていたい  isshun demo eien demo kun wo chikaku ni kanji teitai  爱しい心 ずっと爱してる 光より热く  itoshii kokoro zutto itoshi teru hikari yori atsuku  胸を焦がして 溶かして 绝対またここで逢えるよ  mune wo koga shite toka shite zettai matakokode ae ruyo  きっとまたここで逢えるよ  kittomatakokode ae ruyo
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