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2023-06-19 08:59:36
TAG: ccm

1 CM —— 正转。

2 CCM —— 反转。

3 CM/CCM —— 正转 / 反转。




CM/CCM —— 正转 与 反转。





全称是chuang cheng micro electic 深圳创成微电子。
2023-06-19 06:24:332


肝硬化心肌病(CCM),一种与肝硬化合并产生的血流动力学异常,主要包括心率、心输出量及 血流量增加,外周血管阻力降低,心肌舒张收缩能力下降的高动力循环状态,可由血容量分布异常、神经体液调节紊乱、血管活性物质水平异常等引起,可表现心肌收缩力减低及心肌对刺激反应减弱,尤其是在应激状态下更为明显,严重时可导致心力衰竭
2023-06-19 06:24:411

CCM 是什么意思

2023-06-19 06:24:501


2023-06-19 06:24:595


2023-06-19 06:25:153


2023-06-19 06:25:371


2023-06-19 06:25:581

英文缩写 _ CCM _ CCM是什么意思

英文缩写 CCM 英文全称 chemical cleavage of mi *** atch 中文解释 化学切割错配法 缩写分类 生物科学 缩写简介 CCM为在Maxam-Gilbert测序法的基础上发展的一项检测突变的技术,其检测突变的准确性可与DNA测序相仿。其基本原理为将待测含DNA片段与相应的野生型DNA片段或DNA和RNA片段混俣变性杂交,在异源杂合的双链核酸分子中,错配的C能被羟胺或哌啶切割,错配的T能被四氧化饿切割,经变性凝胶电泳即可确定是否存在突变。该法检出率很高,也是检片段最长的方法,已有报功检测了1.7kb片段,如果同时对正、反义链进行分析,检出率可达100%。应用荧光检测系统可增强敏感度,可检测到10个细胞中的1个突变细胞。该法中的化学试剂有毒,又发展了碳二亚胺检测法(catodiimide,CDI),CDI为无毒物质,也可检测大片段DNA的点突变。
2023-06-19 06:26:061


ccm就是立方厘米,cubic centimeter的英文缩写,合起来就是:克/立方厘米,单位体积的重量
2023-06-19 06:26:153


2023-06-19 06:28:132

气体流量 CCM单位

2023-06-19 06:28:471


cc/rev = 毫升/转, 常用于表示泵的排量。性能参数:主要有流量和扬程,此外还有轴功率、转速和必需汽蚀余量。流量是指单位时间内通过泵出口输出的液体量,一般采用体积流量;扬程是单位重量输送液体从泵入口至出口的能量增量 ,对于容积式泵,能量增量主要体在压力能增加上,所以通常以压力增量代替扬程来表示。泵的效率不是一个独立性能参数,它可以由别的性能参数例如流量、扬程和轴功率按公式计算求得。反之,已知流量、扬程和效率,也可求出轴功率。泵的排量工作原理:叶轮安装在泵壳内,并紧固在泵轴上,泵轴由电机直接带动。泵壳中央有液体吸管。液体经底阀和吸入管进入泵内。泵壳上的液体排出口与排出管连接。在泵启动前,泵壳内灌满被输送的液体;启动后,叶轮由轴带动高速转动,叶片间的液体也必须随着转动。在离心力的作用下,液体从叶轮中心被抛向外缘并获得能量,以高速离开叶轮外缘进入蜗形泵壳。在蜗壳中,液体由于流道的逐渐扩大而减速,又将部分动能转变为静压能,最后以较高的压力流入排出管道,送至需要场所。液体由叶轮中心流向外缘时,在叶轮中心形成了一定的真空,由于贮槽液面上方的压力大于泵入口处的压力,液体便被连续压入叶轮中。可见,只要叶轮不断地转动,液体便会不断地被吸入和排出。
2023-06-19 06:29:221


2023-06-19 06:29:361


2023-06-19 06:29:441

dota ccm战队的主力成员都有哪几个

2023-06-19 06:29:513


《英雄连2:阿登突击》游戏中有玩家发现作弊方法,下面给大家带来CCM作弊使用教程,有兴趣的可以尝试一下。用法和1代的差不多,只不过需要通过命令行激活!希望大家喜欢!游戏画面:使用教程:将解压后的文件夹ccm放到游戏根目录即Company of Heroes 2文件夹下2.进入游戏后,按Ctr + Shift + 字符~ 打开控制台(如果出现了3个问号即???,则可用字符?代替字符~,即按Ctr+Shft+?)充第2步: 将RelicCoH2快捷方式到桌面 然后打开桌面的RelicCoH2快捷方式属性 在RelicCoH2.exe后面加上空格 -dev -nomovies记得要复制空格 否则 名字改不了的。3.输入或复制粘贴以下命令: dofile("ccm/ccm.scar")并回车,再按相同快捷键关闭控制台。现在,作弊模组成功激活,可使用以下快捷键实现相应效果相应效果:Control + Shift + F1: This help page 帮助页面Control + Shift + F2: Squad Spawning Hotkeys 打开可刷部队的列表Control + Shift + F3: Entity Spawning Hotkeys 打开可刷建筑的列表Control + F1: Toggle Fog of War On/Off战争迷雾开关Control + F2: Toggle TaskBar Visibility On/Off 切换界面是否可见Control + F3: Infinite Resources 无限资源Control + F4: Toggle Instant Production On/off 打开/关闭立即生产单位Control + F5: Toggle Instant Ability Recharge On/Off 打开/关闭立即使用技能Control + F6: Toggle Instant Construction On/Off 打开/关闭立即建造建筑Control + F7: Toggle Global AI On/Off 打开/关闭全局AIControl + F8: Take Over Selected Player 接管所选单位阵营Control + F12: Clear screen from prompt messages 清理屏幕提示信息Control + Insert: Toggle Selected squad / entity owner 切换所选部队/建筑的所有者Control + Space: Toggle Selected Race for spawning (Soviet/German) 切换可刷的阵营(苏联和德国) 即:可以给所选阵营刷其他阵营的单位Control + Shift + Space: Toggle Help Page 切换帮助页面Control + Delete: Delete selected squads / entities (buildings/constructions) 删除所选部队/建筑Shift + Delete: Kill selected squads / entities (buildings/constructions) 消灭所选部队/建筑Control + Alt + 1: Toggle Spawn table between Pre-defined and Raw 切换刷新列表的1级页面及2级页面Control + Shift + A: Abandon selected vehicle 遗弃所选车辆(貌似可以抢电脑车辆了)Control + [0-9, a-z]: Spawn squads of selected army 刷与所选同阵营的部队Control + NumPad0: Game Speed * 0.125 游戏速度*0.125倍Control + NumPad1: Game Speed * 0.25 游戏速度*0.25倍Control + NumPad2: Game Speed * 0.5 游戏速度*0.5倍Control + Numpad3: Game Speed * 0.75 游戏速度*0.75倍Control + NumPad4: Game Speed * 1 游戏速度*1倍Control + NumPad5: Game Speed * 1.25 游戏速度*1.25倍Control + NumPad6: Game Speed * 1.5 游戏速度*1.5倍Control + NumPad7: Game Speed * 2 游戏速度*2倍Control + NumPad8: Game Speed * 4 游戏速度*4倍Control + NumPad8: Game Speed * 8 游戏速度*8倍
2023-06-19 06:29:591

open adoption 是什么意思

2023-06-19 06:29:102

She put the boy up for adoption 高手解释put up 在此是啥意思

put up 把。。。。陈列出来 (待售)她把那位男孩摆出来寻求领养。------希望可以帮到你,满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!
2023-06-19 06:29:182

guru meditation什么意思

guru meditation大师的冥想meditation[英][u02ccmedu026au02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02ccmu025bdu026au02c8teu0283u0259n]n.默想; 默念; 沉思; 冥想; 复数:meditations易混淆单词:Meditation例句:1.Meditation gives your very active brain a rest. 冥想有助于放松你的大脑
2023-06-19 06:29:211

Unifi管理软件显示 Adoption Failed 是什么问题

2023-06-19 06:29:261

Using a non-finite verb form: after my guru had been consulted, I decided to face the bungee jump.

2023-06-19 06:29:284


2023-06-19 06:29:321


Adopt pets
2023-06-19 06:29:414


技术采用生命周期(Technology Adoption LifeCycle) ==技术采用生命周期概述[ http://cdnet. pat_A100.htm David.技术采用生命周期及死亡之井对新产品行销启示. 科技产业资讯室]==
2023-06-19 06:29:471


今年12月22日,好莱坞备受期待的电影新片《Guru》将在印度和美国同时上映。近日,《Guru》的片中音乐提前向外界发布,部分宝莱坞顶级明星齐聚孟买,出席了音乐发布会。 发布会由印度超级巨星阿穆布·巴克强(Amitabh Bachchan)主持,巴克强的儿子阿比谢克在影片中扮演男主角。享有印度西施美誉的前世界小姐艾丝维亚莉(Aishwarya Rai)饰演女主角,当天身穿白色纱丽参加了发布会。 《Guru》一片的音乐由古扎尔创作,里赫曼(A.R. Rehman)谱曲。该片导演马尼·拉纳姆(Mani Ratnam)是印度南部名气最盛的导演,以拍摄当代现实主义主题的电影而著称,能够在商业和艺术之间很好地把握分寸,取得了事业上的很多成功。拉纳姆的电影,还以令人侧目的技巧、强烈的个性和充满深情的音乐见长。此前,拉纳姆和里赫曼已经合作过《洛加》(Roja)、《孟买》(Bombay)和《迪尔·瑟》(Dil Se)三部影片,为观众创造出余音绕梁的音乐篇章。 拉纳姆介绍说,《Guru》讲述的是年轻村民古鲁肯特·迪赛获得事业成功的故事,生活简单的迪赛经过奋斗,最终成为一名工业界大亨。宣传《Guru》的电影片花介绍说,迪赛首先是个村民,后来被人认为是幻想家,最终获得了成功。
2023-06-19 06:29:492

The adoption of this policy would relieve them of

2023-06-19 06:29:551


2023-06-19 06:29:551


伯克利音乐学院的入学条件包含了四个部分:第一,需要学生认证中英文的成绩单,注意:一定要做成绩认证才算完成。第二,需要学生提供一个72分以上的语言成绩。注意:稍微差一点(比如69分)没达到72分,学校是可能会提供语言学习机会的,但是差太多会影响申请。第三,需要提交完整的申请表格。注意:如果有原创音乐或个人音乐网站,主页等一定要在这里作为加分项提交给学校。第四,需要完成线上或线下的面试。面试主要涵盖了英语沟通能力的测评以及音乐的专业测评,其中专业测评是重中之重。疫情期间中国学生的面试以网络面试为主,目前线下面试点只在美国设立,主要覆盖了五个城市,分别是纽约,波士顿,洛杉矶,旧金山,芝加哥。其余都是网络面试。英语沟通部分需要提前准备好以下问题:How have you prepared for Berklee?What are your professional/career goals?Why do you want to study at Berklee?How will you contribute to our diverse community?Why is being a part of an inclusive environment important to you?除此之外,还会有一些即兴问题,老师会根据和学生的沟通去进一步了解学生的音乐学习背景,音乐学习经历,对于音乐的理解以及未来的音乐职业规划,也会通过interview来进一步了解学生的沟通表达能力。专业的准备主要包含了以下四个部分:Prepared PieceImprovisationSight-Reading7Ear Training专业没有把握的同学一定要提前找专业的指导老师把这四部分分别提前做好练习,效果会有很大的不同,精心准备过和完全无准备的结果也会有很大差别。除此之外,精心准备也会大大提升学生的自信心,这在audition过程中也是非常重要的。目前伯克利音乐学院的录取率是52%,可以说机会非常多了,换句话说目前是比较好考的。另外最新开设的音乐商业专业BA是不需要经过音乐面试的。
2023-06-19 06:29:565

翻译are you related to your fiance or partner by blood ,marriage or adoption?

你和你的未婚夫或者合伙人有血缘、婚姻或者收养关系吗?祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-06-19 06:30:032


2023-06-19 06:30:031

guru mother 歌词

歌曲名:guru mother歌手:Opus Iii专辑:guru motherguru brahmaguru vishnuguru sakshat parabrahmaguru devo maheshwarahtasmai shri guruveh namahatasmai shri guruveh namaha
2023-06-19 06:30:091

如何将RSS链接添加到Podcust Guru

2023-06-19 06:30:171


CCIT是传播,文化及信息技术专业。全称是文化和信息技术(Communication,Culture and Information Technology,CCIT)。 扩展资料 信息技术,是主要用于管理和处理信息所采用的各种技术的总称。它主要是应用计算机科学和通信技术来设计、开发、安装和实施信息系统及应用软件。它也常被称为信息和通信技术。主要包括传感技术、计算机与智能技术、通信技术和控制技术。
2023-06-19 06:30:191


莲花生大士为了普度众生,具有八种变相,此又称莲师八变。 (一)海生金刚(Guru Orgyen Dorje Chang):最初,阿弥陀佛心间的“舍”字,投射到邬金达那够夏大海的莲花上,莲蕊中诞生了一位八岁童子。邬金国王恩札布德膝下无子,因其乐善好施,不时供养三宝,故国库空虚,于是到大海里取宝。在回程途中,大臣紫那木扎首先见到莲师,接着国王也见到了,对其生起极大信心,迎请到宫中作为太子,赐名“海生金刚”。(二)忿怒金刚(Guru Dorje Drolo):莲师降伏了奸臣之子,国王将其流放到尸陀林。他在不同的尸陀林中,为有缘的人与非人宣说了种种殊胜法门;对无缘的对佛法有邪知邪见的鬼神,以忿怒金刚的形象全部降伏。(三)释迦狮子(Guru Shakya Sengeyi):在印度金刚座,莲师示现种种神通,说自己是自生之佛陀。很多人不信,并加以诽谤。为把这些众生引入解脱道,他在扎巴哈日上师座下示现出家,此时被称为释迦狮子。(四)爱慧莲师(Guru Loden Chokse):莲师于西日桑哈、桑吉桑瓦(佛密)等诸多上师面前,得受了以大圆满为主的众多显密教授。他听闻任何一部经典和续部,都能了如指掌、通达无碍,故叫做罗丹确哲,汉译为“爱慧”。(五)班玛托创匝(Guru Padmasambhava):莲师在萨霍国示现种种神变,国王不承认他的成就相,命人堆积木柴焚烧他。结果烈火变成了湖,木柴变成了莲花,莲师端坐在莲花上,颈上挂着骨鬘以作庄严,没有受到丝毫损伤,此时叫班玛托创匝。托创匝即颅鬘妙力之义,指莲师用骷髅鬘装饰身体。(六)莲花王(Guru Pema Gyalpo):萨霍国王和大臣们对莲师生起极大信心,请他担任国师十三年,并从国库里取出珍贵的衣饰、莲花帽等作供养。莲师戴着莲花帽,这时叫班玛加波,即莲花王。(七)日光莲师(Guru Nyima Oser):在格拉佐尸陀林,莲师示现种种禁行,给空行母们传授密续法门。并降伏了一些鬼神,对其宣说诸多妙法,在日光上显示各种神变,故叫革日宁玛沃热,即日光莲师。(八)狮吼莲师(Guru Senge Dradog):在印度金刚座,莲师于辩论中击败了五百邪见外道,并依靠咒术的威力降伏了他们,使外道们屈服并皈入佛门,此时叫革日桑给扎周,即狮吼莲师。
2023-06-19 06:28:541


2023-06-19 06:28:511

翻译tech guru什么意思

2023-06-19 06:28:473


我们写信重申伯克利的原则:伯克利仍然向来自世界各地的人们开放,并要求伯克利人继续对我们社区的所有成员持欢迎和尊重态度。1、柯蒂斯音乐学院位于美国费城的柯蒂斯音乐学院(The Curtis Institute of Music)是世界上最著名的音乐学院之一。2、伯克利音乐学院伯克利音乐学院(Berklee College of Music)始建于1945年,坐落在音乐文化浓厚的波士顿。伯克利的创立是基于一个革命性的原则,即让学生为音乐事业做好准备的最好方法是通过当代音乐的研究和实践。3、南加州大学南加州大学桑顿音乐学院成立于1884年,是洛杉矶最古老的音乐学院之一,在全美音乐院校中一直名列前茅。该学院的毕业生在大型管弦乐队、乐团、录音棚和音乐产业公司任职,并在世界各地的舞台和录音棚进行表演。4、西北大学西北大学的Henry and Leigh Bienen音乐学院是美国最古老的授予学位的音乐学院之一。音乐学院的历史可以追溯到1873年,当时西北女子学院和埃文斯顿女子学院合并为西北大学女子学院。5、范德堡大学范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University,简称Vandy)创立于1873年,由美国铁路大亨科尼利尔斯·范德比尔特捐建,是美国最具影响力的顶尖私立大学之一。6、茱莉亚音乐学院茱莉亚音乐学院(The Juilliard School)始建于1905年,是世界上顶尖的专业音乐学院,舞蹈学院和戏剧学院,专门培养从事音乐演奏、创作的高级人才。学校位于美国纽约市林肯中心,有舞蹈、戏剧与音乐三个专业学科。
2023-06-19 06:28:461


领养研究(adoption study)被领养走的孩子(adopted-away Child)
2023-06-19 06:28:451


management practices 这是固定用法,管理,控制的意思。
2023-06-19 06:28:382

wireshark 在抓包时,出现tcp acked lost segment fail,求解决,感谢guru!

2023-06-19 06:28:311

early adoption造句 early adoptionの例文

This feature contributed to its early adoption over peting hardness tests. Early adoption with passengers was slow, except for Business Travellers. So we"re way past the early adoption stage. This led to early adoption of MSG as a cupnary agent in Japan. Perhaps the most significant of this early adoption of Western styles was its pubpc origin. This reflects early adoption of SGML technology. Due to the early adoption by VSoft initially focused on developing support for Delphi tools. But Germany"s Chancellor Helmut Kohl recently called for an early adoption of the declaration. Another is early adoption of Christianity and resistance since then to converting to the surrounding Islam. If the transfer runs *** oothly, the result is called an " early adoption ". It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的 Mid-20th century British Pagani *** had a strong influence on early adoption of an eightfold Wheel. The clay soil also led to sleepers-an early adoption of these on a British railway. The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Austrapa is an example of the early adoption of radios in telehealth. One of Marsh"s most distinguishing features has been its innovation and early adoption of retail technology. One aspect of the Airspace organization was its early adoption of puter technology to faciptate its activist activities. Lemmon"s entrepreneurial spirit and early adoption of the inter lead to rapid growth for the pany. She said she would not vote in May but supported an early adoption of direct elections in Hong Kong. The old county aristocracy would lead the way, making hay from the early adoption of this new technology. The pany grew quickly in large part due to Lemmons-Poscente"s early adoption of the inter. Given its open source sofare experience, the pany pushed for the early adoption of Linux products in Japan. Early adoption does e with pitfalls : early versions of products may be buggy and / or prone to malfunction. His early adoption of Freud"s psycho *** ytic theory was instrumental in defining the goals and strategies of pubpc relations. " Early adoption of the euro might involve substantial economic risks and costs, " the EU statement said. It was known for its early adoption of joint honours degrees which were often very broad such as history and biology. The latter involved early adoption of hypertext technology to represent laws as a work of nodes, each representing a section. The British had a head start thanks to their early adoption of steam technology and their supremacy on the high seas. The best one can hope for is early adoption and support from a critical few who can gradually spread the new ideas. With its early adoption of emerging puting and munications technologies, Air Force Weather was at the fore of the Space Age. 1984-Principal Sister Dorita Cpfford, BVM, makes the NY Times for her early adoption of puters at the school. The n in " p閚tek " suggests an early adoption from Slavic, when many Slavic dialects still had nasal vowels. It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的 It was his early adoption of this new technology and his natural skill of illustration that in large part led to his fame. The early adoption of Anglo-Norman as a written and pterary language probably owes something to this history of bipnguap *** in writing. Murthy"s firm grew quickly, in part because of her early adoption of using the Inter for promotional and outreach efforts. These engines are notable for their early adoption of gasopne direct injection technology and also for their unmon 75?cypnder head bank angle. Due to the Columbia Phonograph Company"s early adoption of musical recording, AtLee was one of the first popular recording musicians. A final decision to estabpsh the force will only follow early adoption of an appropriate resolution by the U . N . Security Council, Through this early adoption , today, Facebook"s astronomical value stems from the quapty and quantity of information it has about its users. Ministers also urged " early adoption " of an EU regulation to require psted European firms to prepare their books using International Accounting Standards. HAL does not honor the historical aspects of the early adoption reform movement who requested and worked years to have terminology changed from natural to birth. His style was Burgundian in nature and Sessions was considered a " pioneer " for his early adoption of stainless steel tanks and French oak barrels. Sweden"s early adoption of petition and new technology put the nation in the vanguard, rather than anything in the Nordic soul, they say. Diplomats said on Tuesday that France had suggested the early adoption of a " statement of principles " on Iraq, as an interim measure. Her colleague Lee Cheuk-yan said he hoped for an early adoption of a plete " one person, one vote " direct election. Following the early adoption of the original course at Wisconsin-Madison, and schools in St Louis, a specifically American Edition was pubpshed in 1996. In 1999 Soria was appointed in Greenpeace, where his early adoption of mobile phones led into landmark victories in forest protection and indigenous rights in Argentina. The founders credit early traction to their virtual internship program, which they modeled after oDesk and to early adoption of onpne munities, such as Reddit. In the G-7 forum, Japan needs to pledge a crackdown on terrorist financing by ratification of the pact and through early adoption of relevant legislation. Advogato"s early adoption of an XML-RPC interface led to its use as an example of how such interfaces could be used by web programmers. Dingley was innovative in the early adoption of the telegraph for tran *** ission of news reports, and oversaw a great expansion of the newspaper"s facipties in 1898. However, the speed advantages of RISC puters in the 1980s was primarily due to early adoption of on-chip cache, rather than intrinsic advantages of RISC. It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的
2023-06-19 06:28:301

adoption model 怎么翻译?

2023-06-19 06:28:244


2023-06-19 06:28:075


玩具总动员 安弟是个非常爱护玩具的孩子。他有小淘气蛋头先生、存钱罐小猪火腿、弹簧狗和抱抱龙。但他最喜欢的玩具是会叫的牛仔胡迪。安弟一扯他背后的线,他就会叫:“咿呀!”但安弟怎么也想不到,只要他一离开房间,所有的玩具都会活动起来。 安弟一家人都在准备搬家,但他们还是抽出时间为安弟开了生日晚会。玩具们都很不安,害怕新玩具顶替了他们的位置。 胡迪是他们的头儿,他命令两个士兵去侦察一下安弟收到了哪些礼物。但是礼物太多了,他们根本记不住。 晚会结束后,安弟把最好的一份礼物——巴斯光年船长带上楼来。那是个玩具宇航员。但巴斯认为自己不是玩具,而是个真正的宇航员。他在屋里举着拳头边跑边喊:“我要到星星上去!”胡迪想打消巴斯的这种愚蠢的想法,可是没有成功。 过了一会儿,安弟和妈妈要去“比萨行星”玩儿。安弟只能带一个玩具去。胡迪为了争取到这唯一的名额,决定把巴斯藏起来。他耍了一个花招:他让巴斯把卡在桌子下面的一个玩具救出来,想乘机把巴斯藏在桌子底下。当他把一个碍事的台灯挪开时,没想到台灯碰到了巴斯,巴斯从窗口掉了下去! “胡迪把巴斯推下去了!”小淘气蛋头先生生气地说,其他玩具也都开始责怪胡迪。“我不是有意的!请相信我!”胡迪对大家说。但没有人理睬他,玩具们一个个默默地走开了。 安弟找不到巴斯,就带胡迪去了“比萨行星”。就在车刚要开动的时候,巴斯从树丛中跳了出来,抓住了车后的保险杠。车开走了。妈妈把车停在加油站加油。巴斯趁安弟和妈妈离开时跳到车里和胡迪扭打起来。两个叽里咕噜地滚到了车下。车开走了,两人傻了眼。“这全怪你!”胡迪责怪巴斯。 为了不被别人发现,胡迪和巴斯藏了起来。幸好一辆“比萨行星”的送货车开了过来,他们偷偷地跳进了车里。到了“比萨行星”,他们到处找安弟,可是却被一个玩具吊车抓住了。 希德——安弟的邻居,一个不爱护玩具的孩子,抓到了胡迪和巴斯。“嘿,一下子抓到了两个!”他得意地嚷着。 胡迪和巴斯想找个安全的地方隐藏起来,可是希德的狗斯科德追得他们到处乱跑。“咱们得分开!”巴斯说。胡迪藏到了储藏室,巴斯跑到了看电视的房间。 希德很快把他们带回了家。胡迪和巴斯发现,希德把所有的玩具都拆散了,然后把它们装得奇形怪状。一个怪模怪样的玩具老是缠着他们。“对不起,我们不能留下来吃饭!”胡迪叫道,他和巴斯赶紧逃出了希德的房间。 电视里正在播玩具巴斯光年的广告。巴斯这才明白,胡迪是对的,他只是个玩具!巴斯向空中跳去——他多么希望能飞起来呀!但他失败了,而且摔断了右胳膊。希德的妹妹汉娜发现了他,把他带到她的房间里。屋里都是些希德弄坏的没有脑袋的娃娃。 胡迪终于把巴斯救了出来。他们又回到希德的房间。胡迪向窗外张望,看到街对面安弟房间里的朋友们。“喂,朋友们!帮帮我们!”他喊道。玩具们都没有忘记胡迪是怎样对待巴斯的,他们没有理睬他。 还有更糟糕的呢!那些怪模怪样的玩具围住了他们!“走开,你们这些魔鬼!”胡迪大声喊道。 其实那些玩具并没有恶意,他们只是想把巴斯摔断的胳膊装上。 希德又回到了房间里。胡迪只能眼巴巴地看着他把一枚火箭绑在巴斯的背上。他真的要把巴斯送到天上去。“到星星上去吧!”希德喊道。幸运的是下雨了,希德只好推迟了“发射”计划。 明天就要搬家了,可胡迪和巴斯不见了,安弟非常担心。“我们不能就这样把他们扔在这儿!”安弟在入睡前自言自语地说。过了一会儿,他进入了梦乡。在希德的房间里,不幸的巴斯一遍一遍地对自己说:“我只不过是个没用的玩具,没用的玩具……”“喂,你不要这样!安弟和我都喜欢你!”胡迪捧着巴斯头盔大声对他说。就在这一刻,胡迪明白了,巴斯也是他的朋友。而巴斯也被胡迪真诚的话语打动了,他又恢复了自信。 第二天早晨,胡迪把那些怪模怪样的玩具都召集到一起。“我们必须救救巴斯。”他说。就在希德准备把巴斯发射上天的时候,玩具们包围了他。“不许你这样对待巴斯,以后你必须好好对待玩具!”胡迪和玩具们对希德严厉地说。希德吓得逃跑了。玩具们胜利了!胡迪和巴斯获得了自由。这时,他们看到搬家的卡车从安弟家门前开走了。 胡迪和巴斯跳上了一辆装电池的玩具车。车像箭一样地向前冲去。“快点,再快点!”胡迪嚷道。就在他们眼看就要赶上卡车的时候,电池没电了。紧急关头,胡迪机敏地点着了巴斯背上的火箭,他们又飞了起来。 “嘿,我们飞起来了,巴斯!”胡迪欢呼着。他们飞得很高很快,最后正好落到了卡车上!安弟看到了这两个他最喜爱的玩具又回来了,高兴地把他们抱在怀里。胡迪和巴斯也最终明白了,友谊才能给人带来真正的快乐。 几个月后,圣诞节到了,玩具们又一次急切地盼望看到安弟的新玩具。“别害怕,”胡迪对巴斯说,“安弟还能得到比你更棒的玩具吗?”过了一会儿,玩具们有了答案——是只真正的小狗!大家全都兴奋得欢呼起来。Toy general mobilization An Di is the child which extremely cherishes the toy. He hasyoung mischievous egg gentleman, saves money the pot young pig ham,the spring dog and holds the dragon. But he most likes the toy iscowboy Hu which can call enlightens. The peaceful younger brother assoon as pulls behind him the line, he can call: "Creaking sound!" Butcouldn"t the peaceful younger brother how also think, so long as he assoon as leaves the room, all toys can move. The peaceful younger brother whole families all are preparing to move,but they or extracted the time for An Dikai the birthday party. Thetoys very were all restless, are afraid the new toy to replace theirposition. Hu Di is their head son, which gifts did he order two soldiers toreconnoiter the peaceful younger brother to receive. But the gift toohave been many, they cannot remember. After the party ended, Captain An Diba a best gift - Buss light yearbrings to go upstairs. That is the toy astronaut. But the Buss thoughtoneself is not the toy, but is a genuine astronaut. He lifts the fistin the room to run while shouted that, "I must arrive the star to comeup!" Hu Di wants to dispel Buss"s this stupid idea, but has notsucceeded. After a while, An Di and mother must go to "the Pisa planet" to play.An Dizhi an energy band toy goes. Hu enlightens in order to strive forto this only quota of people, decided lays aside the Buss. He hasplayed a trick: He lets the Buss rescue a card under table toy, wantsto seize the opportunity the Buss to hide under the table. When he isin the way when the desk lamp moves out of the way, had not thoughtthe desk lamp bumped into the Buss, the Buss has fallen from thewindow! "Hu Diba the Buss pushed down!" Small mischievous egg gentleman isangry said that, other toys also all start to blame Hu to enlighten."I am not intend! Please believe me!" Hu Di said to everybody. Butnobody pays attention to him, the toys one each one silently got outof the way. The peaceful younger brother cannot find the Buss, belt Hu enlightened"the Pisa planet". On just about to starts in the vehicle, the Bussfrom the grove jumped, after has held the vehicle bumper. The vehiclestarted. Mother stops the vehicle in the gas station refuels. Bussleaves while An Di and mother when jumps to the vehicle in and Huenlightens wrestles. Two 叽里咕噜 rolled under the vehicle. Thevehicle started, two people were scared. "This all blames you!" Hu Diblames the Buss. In order to was not discovered by the others, Hu Di and the Buss havehidden. Luckily "Pisa planet" the delivery car has started, theysecretly jumped in the vehicle. To "the Pisa planet", they haveeverywhere looked for the peaceful younger brother, but actually isheld by a toy crane. Hopes the German - An Di"s neighbor, does not cherish the toy thechild, caught Hu Dihe the Buss. "Hey, caught two all of a sudden!" Hehappily is shouting. Hu Di and the Buss want to look for a safe place to hide, but hopesGermany dog Si Codd everywhere pursues them to run all over the place."We must separate!" The Buss said. Hu Dicang arrived the storeroom,the Buss has run watched the television the room. Hopes Germany very quickly to bring them to go home. Hu Di and theBuss discovered that, hoped Germany all to break up all toys, theninstalled grotesquely them. A grotesque toy always is entangling them."Sorry, we cannot stay behind eat meal!" Hu Di called out, he and theBuss hurried to escape has hoped German the room. In the television is broadcasting the toy Buss light year theadvertisement. The Buss now at last understood that, Hu Di is right,he is only a toy! The Buss to airborne jumps - he to hope can fly! Buthe has been defeated, moreover fell broke the right arm. Hopes Germanythe younger sister Chinese had elegantly discovered he, leads him toin hers room. In the room all is the baby which the Greece Germanyspoils does not have the head. Hu enlightened has finally rescued the Buss. They return to hopeGerman the room. Hu Di look arounds, the friends to the window outsidewhich sees in the street opposite peaceful younger brother room."Feeds, friends! Helps us!" He shouts. The toys had not all forgottenhow Hu Di treats the Buss, they have not paid attention to him. Also has too bad! These grotesque toys have sphered them! "Gets out ofthe way, your these devils!" Hu enlightens loudly shouts. Actually these toys certainly do not have the evil intention, theyonly are want the arm which falls the Buss breaks to install. Hoped Germany to return to in the room. Hu Dizhi can eagerly look heties up a rocket in Buss"s carrying on the back. He really mustdeliver the Buss the space to go. "Comes up to the star!" HopesGermany to shout. Lucky was rains, hopes Germany to have to postpone"the launch" the plan. Will have to move tomorrow, but Hu Di and the Buss disappeared, An Diextremely worried. "We cannot like this throw them in here!" An Diinwardly said in front of going to sleep. After a while, he enteredthe dreamland. In hopes German in the room, the unfortunate Buss一遍一遍 said to oneself that, "I only am a useless toy, uselesstoy... ... " "Feeds, you like this! An Di and I all likes you!" HuDipeng the Buss hard helmet loudly was saying to him. In this moment,Hu Di had understood, the Buss also is his friend. But the Buss isalso enlightened by Hu the sincere words to move, he restored has beenself-confident. The second day morning, Hu Diba these grotesque toys all convene thesame place. "We must rescue the Buss." He said. On is hoping Germanyto prepare launches the Buss ascends the sky, the toys have surroundedhe. "Does not have you to treat the Buss like this, later you willhave to treat the toy well!" Hu Di and the toys to hope Germanyseverely to say. Hoped Germany to frighten escapes. The toys won! HuDi and the Buss have obtained the freedom. By now, they saw moves thetruck started from the peaceful younger brother main house gate. Hu Di and the Buss jumped up an attire battery toy vehicle. CheXiangjian equally flushes away to front. "A bit faster, again a bitfaster!" Hu Di shouts. On shortly must catch up with the truck in themtime, electricity. The critical moment, Hu enlightened the resourcefulplace the rocket which Buss carried on the back, they flew. "Hey, we flew, Buss!" Hu Di is cheering. They fly very much high arevery quick, finally happen to fell on the truck! An Di saw these twohe has most liked the toy came back, happily hugs them in the bosom.Hu Di and the Buss finally had also understood, the friendship canbring the true joy to the person. After several months, Christmas day arrived, toys anxiously hoped seesthe peaceful younger brother"s new toy. "Other fear," Hu Di said tothe Buss that, "An Dihuan can obtain compares you better toy?" After awhile, the toys had the answer - is only the genuine puppy! Everybodyis all excited cheers.
2023-06-19 06:28:043

where is the guru?是什麽意思?

老师在那里 ?
2023-06-19 06:27:562


世界十大音乐学院:1、茱莉亚学院;2、伯克利音乐学院;3、新英格兰音乐学院;4、柴可夫斯基音乐学院;5、维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学;6、皇家音乐学院;7、耶鲁音乐学院;8、欧柏林音乐学院;9、巴黎音乐学院;10、英国皇家音乐学院。1、茱莉亚学院茱莉亚学院(The Juilliard School)始建于1905年,是世界上顶尖的专业音乐学院,舞蹈学院和戏剧学院,专门培养从事音乐演奏、创作的高级人才,录取率只有6.0%(2018)。学校位于美国纽约市林肯中心。学校有舞蹈、戏剧与音乐三个专业学科。2、伯克利音乐学院伯克利音乐学院(Berklee College of Music)成立于1945年,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,是一所私立艺术类音乐学院。伯克利音乐学院现约有4300名学生,学制为四年。该校于2012年在西班牙设立第二校区。3、新英格兰音乐学院新英格兰音乐学院(New England Conservatory)是一所以音乐为主的专业学院,成立于1867年,位于美国波士顿,是美国境内历史最悠久的独立音乐学院,它的创始人是Eben Tourjée。新英格兰音乐学院被认为是世界上教学质量最高音乐学府之一,拥有众多享有盛誉的教师,提供预科、专科、本科、硕士学位、博士学位以及成人继续教育,开设的专业包括:弦乐、木管、铜管、打击乐、键盘乐器、爵士研究、当代即兴表演以及声乐表演等等。4、柴可夫斯基音乐学院莫斯科国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院(Московская государственная консерватория имени П.И.Чайковского),中文简称“柴院”,创建于1866年9月1日,位于俄罗斯莫斯科,是世界顶尖的音乐学院、全球举世闻名的音乐教育重镇,欧洲音乐学院联盟成员。5、维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学是奥地利最大的公立性音乐高等院校。该校成立于1817年,具有悠久的历史。维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学还设有相关专业的博士学位课程。从维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学创立,有一万多名著名的音乐家从这里诞生。以上内容参考:百度百科——茱莉亚学院百度百科——伯克利音乐学院百度百科——新英格兰音乐学院百度百科——莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐学院百度百科——维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学
2023-06-19 06:27:441


四级听力短文攻略   一、命题特点   四级考试短文听力的命题特点主要包括:   1. 形似阅读理解,难度相差悬殊。听力短文在形式上与阅读理解基本相同,都是根据材料所包含的信息回答后面提出的问题,但听力短文材料的难度比阅读理解小得多,只相当于一般的口语材料。因此考生完全没有必要被其外在形式吓倒。   2. 短文播放时间固定,但有弹性时间可利用。虽然短文播放的时间及回答问题的时间是固定的,但播放听力录音之前有大约90秒的试音时间,且在播放短文之前要播放本题的指令部分(directions),这些时间都是可以利用的。   3. 短文体裁较为固定,为做出正确判断提供了语境依据。听力短文多为说明文或叙述性小故事,材料较为通俗易懂,这使提前根据所给选项推断材料内容成为可能。   4. 选项已知,可作为推断短文内容的依据。虽然材料的内容只播放一遍,但每小题的选项是提前给定的,考生可以根据选项所提供的信息,利用前面提到的弹性时间进行推断,为充分获取短文信息创造更加有利的条件。   5. 各小题类型相对固定,有助于总结答题规律。多年来听力短文的试题类型是相对固定的,主要包括细节题、推断题、态度题、数字题、主旨题等。这给我们正确解题提供了启发和思路。   二、应试技巧   结合听力短文的命题特点,我们可总结出如下解题步骤:   首先,浏览已知选项,推断问题的内容和短文大意。在播放短文之前,我们可以利用弹性时间浏览各小题选项,推断短文的体裁和大致内容,为播放短文时充分获取信息做准备。另外,也可据此推断问题的类型甚至内容以便听录音时更有针对性。   其次,手眼脑并用,记录关键信息。播放短文录音期间要听记兼顾,以听为主。一篇短文就是一个信息群,完全靠大脑记忆所有的信息往往是很困难的。因此我们应该把获取的主要信息有选择性地记录下来,特别是有关细节,为做出正确选择做准备。需要特别注意的是这时"听"应该是第一位的,千万不要因为记录前面的信息而漏听后面的信息。   再次,针对不同题型采取相应的解题技巧。在播放问题时,考生要综合利用各种解题技巧做出正确选择。   1. 细节题。细节题出题点无处不在,但这并不是说无规律可循。细节题的答案往往由first, most, because, in any case,as a matter of fact等副词或副词短语引出,考生在听短文时,除了要尽量听懂所有细节外,一定要更加留意这些词后面的相关信息。   2. 推断题。多数推断题与每段的大意或短文的中心思想有关系,因此在听短文录音时我们一定要注意文章中间和结尾总结性的话,特别是每部分的最后一句话。我们对这些话加以分析,往往不难找到正确的"答案。   3. 态度题。态度题的选项往往是四个形容词,所以考生在播放短文录音之前判断出有态度题,在听录音时就应特别留心fortunately, luckily, unfortunately等这样的具感情色彩的可以反映出speaker的态度的词。speaker对于谈论的对象可能有双向评论,如果听不出speaker的态度方向,建议同学们选正面态度的,因为反驳的文章往往更为复杂。   4. 数字题。数字题一般涉及时间、数量、年代等等。如果事先判断出有数字题,在听短文录音时就要特别留意相关数字并尽可能地记下来。而且对于Section B的解题对策要与Section A完全要反过来,即听到哪个数字就要选哪个数字,这里的数字不考运算。   5. 主旨题。对于主旨题,我们可以从三方面来把握:一是从选项入手。选项中出现的多次重复的词一定是中心词(key word)。二是从短文入手,要特别注意文章的两头,尤其是文章的开头的两个句子最重要,很有可能成为主旨题的考点,具体需要听的是文章开头的名词。选答案时要优先选含有该名词的选项。三是从短文后面的问题入手,这样也可以提供中心词的线索。大多数的考题都问及的词一定就是此段的中心词。   最后,认真检验核对,不允许任何由于疏忽造成的失误。   把握命题特点和解题技巧固然重要,但这些都是"应急"措施,平时掌握扎实的基础知识,练就基本技能才是解题之根本。忽略平时的基本功训练片面追求所谓的解题技巧只能是舍本逐末。   26. A) They want children to keep them company.   B) They want to enrich their life experience.   C) They need looking after in their old age.   D) They care a lot about children.   27. A) Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information.   B) They are usually adopted from distant places.   C) Their birth information is usually kept secret.   D) Their adoptive parents don"t want them to know their birth parents.   28. A) They do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptive parents.   B) They have mixed feelings about finding their natural parents.   C) They generally hold bad feelings towards their birth parents.   D) They are fully aware of the expenses involved in the search.   29. A) Adoption has much to do with love.   B) Understanding is the key to successful adoption.   C) Most people prefer to adopt children from overseas.   D) Early adoption makes for closer parent-child relationship.   听力原文   When couples get married, they usually plan to have children. Sometimes, however, a couple cannot have a child of their own. In this case, they may decide to adopt a child. In fact, adoption is very common today. There are about 60,000 adoptions each year in the United States alone. Some people prefer to adopt infants; others adopt older children. Some couples adopt children from their own countries; others adopt children from foreign countries. In any case, they all adopt children for the same reason-they care about children and want to give their adopted child a happy life.   Most adopted children know that they are adopted. Psychologists and child-care experts generally think this is a good idea. However, many adopted children or adoptees have very little information about their biological parents. As a matter of fact, it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents be-cause the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed. The information is secret so no one can see it. Naturally, adopted children have different feelings about their birth parents. Many adoptees want to search for them, but others do not. The decision to search for birth parents is a difficult one to make. Most adoptees have mixed feelings about finding their biological parents. Even though adoptees do not know about their natural parents, they do know that their adopted parents want them, love them and will care for them.   Questions 26-29 are based on the passage you have just heard.   26. According to the speaker, why do some couples adopt children?   27. Why is it difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents?   28. Why do many adoptees find it hard to make the decision to search for their birth parents?   29. What can we infer from the passage?   答案&解析   26. D)细节题。答案是由副词短语"in any case"引出的。录音中我们可以听到这句话"In any case, they all adopt children for the same reason-they care about children and want to give their adopted child a happy life."在听录音时只要我们留心"in any case"后面的内容就可找到正确答案。   27. C)细节题。答案是由副词短语"as a matter of fact"引出的。录音中我们可以听到"As a matter of fact, it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents because the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed. The information is secret so no one can see it."在听短文录音时我们只要留心副词短语"as a matter of fact"后面的信息就可以找到正确答案。   28. B)细节题。在短文录音里面我们可以听到这样的信息"The decision to search for birth parents is a difficult one to make. Most adoptees have mixed feelings about finding their biological parents."这里只提到了被收养的孩子很难下决心寻找他们生父母的原因是由于对他们的"复杂的感情",并没有说是什么感情,因此选B)。   29. A)推断题。录音中至少有两处可作为推断的依据:   一处是"In any case, they all adopt children for the same reason-they care about children and want to give their adopted child a happy life.";   另一处是"Even though adoptees do not know about their natural parents, they do know that their adopted parents want them, love them and will care for them."。   
2023-06-19 06:27:401

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程序的刷新不是基于用户的使用习惯,使用BatteryGuru就可以根据我们的习惯来自动断定哪些需要及时刷新,哪些不需要。BatteryGuru是基于自己的使用习惯来断定优化详细数值,可能刚刚使用时不会有特别大的变化经过几个小时甚至一两天的适应使用者的习惯,故而达到优化的目的!这款节电应用全名是Qualcomm Snapdragon BatteryGuruBeta。这是专为Snapdragon处理器编写的省电应用,可以延长和优化Snapdragon处理器的电池续航,防止在wifi区外反复扫描、频繁地同步检查、夜间睡眠期间接受短信电话等。BatteryGuru会帮我们减少不必要的后台活动。Wi-Fi,打开时默认是5秒扫描一次的,对手机是极其耗电的。BatteryGuru提供了基于位置的热点连接,它会帮我们记住此次热点的位置,仅当热点可用时才会打开。
2023-06-19 06:27:371

樱桃小丸子的英语介绍 一定要英语 樱桃小丸子的英语介绍 一定要全英文

sakura momoko 个人资料 血型:A型 姓名:樱桃子(sakura momoko) 别称:丸子、小丸子、樱桃小丸子 年龄:九岁 星座:金牛座 口头禅:坏心眼 身高:姐姐身高的一半 挚爱:熊宝宝、兔宝宝 生日:一九六五年五月八号 习惯动作:发呆、叹气、滚来滚去、扭屁股 最爱的运动:骑自行车(但完全因为小玉、花轮怂恿,小丸子才肯去学)、游水(但最讨厌换泳衣,因为最怕被男同学看到). 最讨厌运动:行山(因为脚同腰都会好倦)、体操(早晨做体操是一件不人道的事). 嗜好:公园看话剧(钟意的原因是因为喜欢话剧老师所卖的麦芽糖、牛奶煎饼、兔子煎饼)、集邮(因当时日本有一股集邮热潮,所以小丸子去学)、交笔友(包括:神奈川的田边和江同冲绳的那岭诗子,结果小丸子因送礼问题而中断)、盆栽.特征:无忧无虑、不讲理、容易高兴、有时对人很好、容易吃醋、对痛苦的事很快忘记、爱模仿、懒床、打盹、爱睡、胆小、爱放屁、冲凉唱歌、好奇.喜欢食物:最钟意是汉堡、炸虾、炸鸡、House即蛋煮拉面、巧克力、刨冰、日本茶、中国冷盘料理. 讨厌食物:菜、特别讨厌学校的盐腌菜、生菜(除非有好味酱汁例外)、蕃茄、纳豆.吃东西的方法:将好吃的留到最后吃、将自己钟意的食物留一半放在雪柜,下次再吃(但下次真的要吃,那些东西早就变坏了). 偶像:淡谷法子、Kings、山本琳达、西木之明、五指合唱团、天地真理、山口百惠、叮当、水户黄门. 喜欢事情:冲凉(要同爸爸一齐冲)、动物(但小丸子养不好)、唱浪花曲、涂鸦. 难忘的事 升上三年级时,要负责照顾小动物,小丸子贪那份工,但同时花轮表示也要照顾动物,于是提意捉一青蛙、小龙虾.小丸子捉来后,同学看过表示宁愿看金丝雀,小丸子觉得完全白费心机.而小丸子同花轮的工作就是每日给青蛙换水,给捉来的乌龟喂食,但捉的乌龟帮青蛙浮蛋,五个月后有十几只青蛙出世,令教室一片混乱,情况同小丸子开头想象完全不同. 难忘五月十二日去远足登山,花轮带了两粒法国巧克力给小丸子(为了再吃几粒,小丸子自愿做花轮的跟班),小丸子保存二粒巧克力到最后,先决定回家后慢慢吃,谁知回家后妈妈从小丸子衬衫口袋里发现巧克力,于是和爸爸一块吃了,小丸子好心疼哦! 七月五、六、七日公园举行七夕活动,爷爷约小丸子去玩,但小丸子觉得这个日子为六号,她一定要到七号去庆祝,因为觉得日本人应该七日傍晚过七夕才对.于是,爷爷只好同姐姐去,而爷爷给姐姐买了好多东西,如气球、棉花糖、还捞金鱼,小丸子很羡慕,决定七号出去玩,谁知那天下雨. 学校举行参观教学活动,但小丸子不叫爸爸同妈妈去,因为觉得这个活动只会留下悲痛的回忆,但可惜他们都去了.老师问一道数学题,小丸子摆明不知道,但却装模作样举手,谁知老师竟然叫小丸子回答,小丸子此时装疯卖傻. 三年级开学,学校举行马拉松大赛,小丸子都有参加(但当然不是自愿的),妈妈期待小丸子可以跑入十名以内可以拿奖状.半路上,小玉的妈妈、老师都大声鼓励小丸子,最后小丸子跑入十名以内,而妈妈买了套女儿节的公仔给小丸子,当一切完美的时候,校长说因为石油危机导致纸张不足,于是奖状只有一至七名有,小丸子她…… 不可思议的事情 小丸子开始连载的时候,她拎书包是去三年三班的课室,而且家庭访问的通知单也都是写三年三班导师户川,但之后小丸子却变成了三年四班的学生,小丸子何时换的班呀? 小丸子的发型通常都是学生头,但是出街的时候却绑成两团丸子,左右各一,再绑上丝带,但以小丸子头发的长度根本不可以扎二个球. 爷爷在特卖活动中抽到去南洋小岛旅行的特奖,但因为家里的人都没时间,于是只得小丸子一个人去,但一个三年班的女生能够没监护人同行的情况下参加吗? 小丸子喜欢涂鸦,但由第一集至第十集都没见过小丸子的墙上、笔记上涂鸦,那么小丸子去哪里施展她的兴趣?小丸子屋后面的屋时时不同,有时高,有时低,这个现象如何理解? blood-group: A name: Prunus pseudocerasus peach (sakura momoko) alternate name: Meatball, small meatball, cherry small meatball age: Nine year old of constellation: Taurus pet phrase: Bad mind height: An elder sister height half love: Bear baby, rabbit baby birthday: In May, 1965 eight custom movements: Is in a daze, sighs, rolls rolls, turns the movement which the buttocks most love: (But rides the bicycle because small jade, floral whorl instigate completely, (but small meatball only then is willing to go to study), swims trades swim suit repugnantly, because most feared is seen by male schoolmate). Most repugnant movement: Good mountain (because foot with waist can good tired), gymnastics (morning make gymnastics is a not humanity matter). Hobby: The park looked the modern drama (Zhong Yi the reason is (because because liked malt sugar, milk fried cake, rabbit fried cake which modern drama teacher sold), the stamp collecting at that time Japan has a stamp collecting upsurge, therefore small meatball studied), makes the pen pal (including: Kanagawa"s edge of a paddy field and the river with Okinawa"s that range poem, the result small meatball because of give a present the question to interrupt), the bonsai. Characteristic: Carefree, does not reason with, easily happy, very to be sometimes good to the human, easily to be jealous, to the painful matter forgot very quickly, to like imitating, the lazy bed, napping, likes resting, timidly, likes breaking wind, flushing sings coolly, curiously. Likes food: Most Zhong Yi is Hamburg, the fried shrimp, the fried chicken, House is the egg boils mediates, the chocolate, digs the ice, the Japanese tea, the Chinese hors d"oeuvres ingredients. Repugnant food: Vegetable, specially repugnant school salty pickles, greens (only if has good taste meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce exception), the tomato, accepts the bean. Eats the thing the method: Delicious keeping to finally will eat, remains own Zhong Yi food one partly places the refrigerator, (but next time again will eat the next time really to have to eat, these things already went bad). Idol: Pale valley method, Kings, mountain this Linda, west wood bright, five fingers chorus, world truth, mountain pass hundred benefits, dingdong, water household palace gate. Likes the matter: (But flushes coolly (must flush, the animal in once with the daddy) small meatball cannot recuperate), sings the spray tune, the doodle. 抱歉,将就看吧~~
2023-06-19 06:27:351

cisco 管道我的怎么用不到

2023-06-19 06:27:205