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2023-06-19 08:28:27

  十三张 C Poker  规则Rules  十三张跟大老二很相似,所有玩家都会获发13 张牌。游戏的玩法是要把十三张牌分为三组,两组五张牌及一组三张牌,各人要与其他玩家斗大。  这三组牌可分为”下手” 五张牌,”中手” - 五张牌及”上手” 三张牌,下手一定要比中手大,而中手亦要比上手大,否则,玩家就会被罚要赔钱给其他玩家了。对於上手来说,通常只有三种:1. 三条 3-of-a-Kind, 2. 一对子pair, 和大牌 high card。 顺子和同花不计 (请看通刹牌 Clean Sweeps ).  譬如你手上有以下的牌:  你可以把它们排成以下的模式  上手Front hand  中手Middle hand  下手Back hand  例子中下手是 同花顺straight flush, 大过中手的 四条4-of-a-Kind, 亦比上手的三条大3-of-a-Kind. 。  游戏一般以一个筹码为单位,视乎你参与的桌子而家。所有玩家会从三组牌互相比较。换言之玩家们有三个不同的比赛分别比比上中下手,最后再计算胜负的比数。  可玩中式唆哈扑克牌 - 十三张的站点  在这里签名支持中文化及廿八张唆哈  每赢对手一手你就可以赢得一个筹码而如果你的一手输了,你就输掉一个筹码。如此这般,上中下三手比拚三次再总结输赢。  例子:  玩家 A  上手Front Hand  中手Middle Hand  下手Back Hand  玩家 B  上手Front Hand  中手Middle Hand  下手Back Hand  玩家 C  上手Front Hand  中手Middle Hand  下手Back Hand  玩家 D  上手Front Hand  中手Middle Hand  下手Back Hand  记著,下手对下手、中手对中手、上手对上手。  A 对. B  A 赢 了 三手. A 赢 B 三个筹码.  A对. C  A 赢 下手, C赢了中手及上手. C 赢 A 一个筹码.  A对. D  D 赢 下手, A 赢了中手及上手. A 赢 D 一个筹码.  B对. C  C 赢 了 三手. C 赢 B 三个筹码.  B对. D  D 赢 下手及上手, B 赢了中手. D 赢 B一个筹码.  C对. D  D 赢 下手, C赢了中手及上手. C 赢 D一个筹码.  最后结数就是: A赢3 个筹码, B输7个筹码, C 赢 5个筹码 and D 输 1个筹码.  以英伦海岸扑克English Harbour Poker 为例,有两个版本中式及西式。  当在大堂lobby 选了中式十三张之后,请小心检查Type 的一项是中式或是西式 。  在西式当中赢最多的玩家可获额外的奖金。  换言之,一个玩家从三手牌中赢了对手二手的话,他就可以赢得两个筹码。  而下面就是西式十三张的额外奖金表:  上手Front 中手Middle 下手Back  三条3-of-a-Kind 3  葫芦Full House 2  四条4-of-a-Kind 8 4  同花顺Straight Flush 10 5  可玩中式唆哈扑克牌 - 十三张的站点  在这里签名支持中文化及廿八张唆哈  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  通刹牌Clean Sweep Hands  如果一个玩家手上的牌是以下的通刹牌即马上赢!  一条龙Dragon Ace 至 King 各有一支 13  十三同色13 Colors 13 张同色牌 13  十二同色12 Colors 12 张同色牌 3  六对对6 Pair 六对牌(四条作两对计) 3  三组顺子3 Straights 上手、中手及下手皆是顺子 3  三组同花3 Flushes 上手、中手及下手皆是同花 3  当玩家有上面的通刹牌时通单击 Submit Natural。 如果多个玩家有通刹牌就会依上述的次序而决胜负。如果一样的话就当打和计算。



你好!银行协议扣款- The bank agreement to cut payment扣款- Cuts payment冲正- flushes希望对你有所帮助!
2023-06-19 06:10:565


银行协议扣款- The bank agreement to cut payment扣款- Cuts payment“冲正- flushes
2023-06-19 06:11:121

什么是Nitrogen flushed

flush[英][flu028cu0283][美][flu028cu0283]vi.脸红; 呈红色; 奔流; 冲刷; adj.满面红光的; 富足的,丰富的; 盈满的,没过的; 水平的,同高的; n.奔流,涌出; 脸红或发亮; 发热; 强烈情感的冲动; vt.发红或发亮; 使兴奋或得意; (以水)冲刷,冲洗; 冲掉,除掉; 第三人称单数:flushes过去分词:flushed复数:flushes现在进行时:flushing过去式:flushed
2023-06-19 06:11:191


  水袖功是中国京剧的特技之一。水袖是演员在舞台上夸张表达人物情绪时放大、延长的手势。  水袖的姿势有数百种,不胜枚举。如:抖袖、掷袖、挥袖、拂袖、抛袖、扬袖、荡袖、甩袖、背袖、摆袖、掸袖、叠袖、搭袖、绕袖、撩袖、折袖、挑袖、翻袖等等  The long flowing silk inner sleeves merit is one of Chinese Peking opera stunts. The long flowing silk inner sleeves are the actor exaggerates when the stage expresses the character mood enlarge, the extension hand signal  The long flowing silk inner sleeves posture has several hundred kinds, too numerous to cite individually. For example: The sleeve gestures, throw the sleeve, wield the sleeve, flick the sleeve, throw the sleeve, raise the sleeve, swing the sleeve, fling the sleeve, the back sleeve, the pendulum sleeve, brush off the sleeve, fold the sleeve, build the sleeve, circle the sleeve, pull up the sleeve, the booklet sleeve, select the sleeve, turn the sleeve and so on  水袖的基本动作有:甩、掸、拨、勾、挑、抖、打、扬、撑、冲10种。 水袖靠着这些众多的基本功的相互搭靠,可以组合出表现丰富情感的多种手法,来塑造各种人物形象。并且在舞台上有着很多功能:  The long flowing silk inner sleeves elementary action includes: Flings, brushes off, dials, cancels, selects, shakes, hits, raises, supports, flushes 10 kindsThe long flowing silk inner sleeves close right up against these multitudinous basic skills to build mutually depend on, may combine the performance rich emotion many kinds of techniques, portrays each kind of character image. And has very multi-purpose in the stage  1 扇子的功能:用水袖在脸前来去。 2 行礼:在躬身行礼的时候,一只手横着扯起另外一只水袖,表示很有礼貌并且很恭敬。  3 哀痛、害羞:用一只手扯起另一只水袖遮着脸。  4 拭泪:用水袖轻轻的虚拭。  1 fan function: With long flowing silk inner sleeves in front of face   2 salutes: Is bowing salutes, a hand horizontally is hoisting other long flowing silk inner sleeves, expressed and has politeness very much very respectfully  3 is sorrowful, is shy: Hoists another long flowing silk inner sleeves with a hand to obstruct the face  4 wipes one"s tears: Gently empty wipes with the long flowing silk inner sleeves5 拂尘: 用水袖轻轻的在衣服上掸拂。  6 握手相拥:双方把水袖轻轻的扬起来,互相的搭在一起。  7 示意:演员在舞台上到了要演唱的时候,示意乐队时,运用水袖。 5 whisksGently brushes off with the long flowing silk inner sleeves on clothes strokes  6 handshakes supports: Both sides gently raise the long flowing silk inner sleeves, mutual building in same place  7 hints: The actor arrived in the stage must sing, when hint orchestra, utilizes the long flowing silk inner sleeves
2023-06-19 06:11:271


然后承上启下,主要是语句的连接 更加地道或者eleven fifty-five 两种都可以第三人称单数你是不是提前学习了?有些语法是要一步一步学的
2023-06-19 06:11:365


show interface ser0/0 Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: weighted fair Output queue: 0/1000/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops) Conversations 0/1/256 (active/max active/max total) Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated) Available Bandwidth 1158 kilobits/sec 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 233 packets input, 18186 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 174 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 268 packets output, 18664 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 4 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 4 carrier transitions DCD=up DSR=up DTR=up RTS=up CTS=up R1#只能看接口的流量 show interface fastethernet 0/1packets input, 18186 bytes
2023-06-19 06:12:062


2023-06-19 06:12:121


subsidiary banksubbranch of a bankaccount billaccount numberoutput dateinput datetrade datetrade codeabstractdebtor sumlender sumbalancebalance labelbalance holdtransfercosumewithdraw cashdeposit cashtax feeinquiry feesalary paid by Bank of China
2023-06-19 06:12:203


2023-06-19 06:12:422


给你找了一下:首先说一下路由器命令输出过滤的语法:任意show命令+管道符|+过滤器这里的过滤器包括以下三种:include和exclude:显示包含或者不包含特定正则表达式的行begin:从符合特定正则表达式的行开始显示section:仅显示特定符合正则表达式的section(所谓的section就是从一个非空格打头的行开始,直到下一个非空格打头的行之前结束,常用的是路由协议配置命令部分)对于more命令的输出仅支持include,exclude和begin,其他的命令都不支持命令输出的过滤,这点和UNIX的针对任意命令都可以使用管道符是不同的,同时也不能像UNIX那样可以对过滤进行级联。下面先以一个简单的例子来介绍一下输出的过滤。show interface命令可以给我们很多信息的输出,比如:R1#show interfacesFastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is DEC21140, address is ca00.0f08.0000 (bia ca00.0f08.0000) Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Half-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output 00:00:09, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue :0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec.....其实我们可能仅仅关注某部分的信息,比如通常会关心所有的端口是不是工作在全双工的模式下,也就是Half-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX这部分的内容,那么我们加个过滤条件看一下:R1#show interfaces | include duplex Half-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX Half-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX这样简洁多了吧,可是不够完美,发现了半双工,但是不知道是哪个端口怎么办,我们在扩展下这个输出过滤:R1#show interfaces | include duplex|EthernetFastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Half-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FXFastEthernet3/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down Half-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX恩,这下比较完美了。这里出现了两个管道符|,后面这个|不是对前面结果的再过滤,而是正则里面or的功能。每次输入这么多是不是不爽,那就定义一个别名来简化吧:R1#conf tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.R1(config)#alias exec duplex show interfaces | include duplexR1(config)#endR1#duplex Half-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX Half-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX然后再看一个section的例子,有时我们会只关注路由器上关于路由协议的配置,一般都会用下面的命令show run | begin router这样显示的不但包含路由配置还会有以后更多的配置,这时候就可以使用section过滤(注意不是所有的IOS版本都支持section)router1#show run | section routerhostname router1router ospf 100log-adjacency-changesnetwork area 0唉,还是不够完美,把配置路由器名字的命令也显示出来了,只好再修改一下了:router1#sh run | section ^routerrouter ospf 100log-adjacency-changesnetwork area 0这下就比较完美了。^router 就是代表以router打头的行了,这样就把hostname router1给排出再外了。最后再来一个比较复杂点的输出过滤。在OSPF中show ip ospf neighbor不能够显示出邻居的area,只能通过show ip ospf neighbor detail命令,Neoshi#show ip ospf neighbor detailNeighbor, interface address In the area 0 via interface Serial0/0/0.100 Neighbor priority is 0, State is FULL, 6 state changes DR is BDR is Options is 0x52 LLS Options is 0x1 (LR) Dead timer due in 00:00:37 Neighbor is up for 00:39:02 Index 1/1, retransmission queue length 0, number of retransmission 1 First 0x0(0)/0x0(0) Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0) Last retransmission scan length is 1, maximum is 1 Last retransmission scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec输出信息很多,而实际上最有用的就是前三行的输出。Neoshi#show ip ospf neighbor detail | include (Neighbor.*(interface|priority))|areaNeighbor, interface address In the area 0 via interface Serial0/0/0.100 Neighbor priority is 0, State is FULL, 6 state changesNeighbor, interface address In the area 0 via interface FastEthernet0/0 Neighbor priority is 1, State is FULL, 6 state changes这个正则稍微复杂点,不过输出还是达到了预定目标。上面只是对命令输出过滤的一些总结,除了过滤器的选择外最重要的就是正则表达式的编写了,关于正则有专门的书我就不多说了。其实更进一步还可以对输出进行重新的排版,从而使输出变的更简洁,更有效,不过这就要用到TCL脚本。下面是一个学别人配置的别名为ipconfig的脚本输出示例,有兴趣的大家可以研究一下。R1#ifconfigInterface IP Address Mask MTU State=================================================================FastEthernet0/0 1500 upFastEthernet0/1 no address admin downSerial0/0/0 no address upSerial0/0/0.101 1500 upSerial0/1/0 no address up/down
2023-06-19 06:12:571


flush toilet
2023-06-19 06:13:3815


2023-06-19 06:14:044

思科2950T 中 show interfaces Ethernet 命令是干嘛用的,我在模拟器里瞎鼓动没弄明白,望赐教

2023-06-19 06:14:122


2023-06-19 06:14:223


2023-06-19 06:14:302

netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces 打错命令怎么删除

参考一下C:Windowssystem32>netsh interface ipv4 delete /?The following commands are available:Commands in this context:delete address - Deletes an IP address or default gateway from the specified interface.delete arpcache - Flushes the ARP cache for one or all interfaces.delete destinationcache - Deletes the destination cache.delete dnsservers - Deletes the DNS server from the specified interface.delete neighbors - Flushes the ARP cache for one or all interfaces.delete route - Deletes a route.delete winsservers - Deletes the WINS server from the specified interface.
2023-06-19 06:14:381


2023-06-19 06:14:484


X expense which raises in advance flushes reverse
2023-06-19 06:14:552


2023-06-19 06:15:179


晕死, 你只打开了 read权限啊, pBuf[ length - 1 ]=0; 不然就超过了吧。你用Beyond Compare比对一下。flush是不必需的,频繁使用会出现硬盘读写变慢问题。直接Close()就好。
2023-06-19 06:15:332


“这次金融危机的直接诱因是美国次级抵押贷款,即美国的金融机构向没有信用或没有固定收入来源的人发放大量的住房贷款,然后又将这种贷款制作成债券出售给投资人,最后还将这种债券制作成金融衍生品进行对冲交易。如何迅速遏止金融危机、迅速遏制金融危机对实体经济的影响,是当前世界各国的头等大事和一致行动。” This financial crisis"s direct cause is the American overlying mortgage loan, namely US"s financial institution doesn"t have the credit or doesn"t have the human who the fixed income originates to provide the massive mortgage, then manufactures this kind of loan the bond sell to give the investor, finally also manufactures this kind of bond the financial derivation to carry on to flushes the transaction. How to suppress the financial crisis, the rapid containment financial crisis rapidly to the entity economy influence, It is the current various countries major event and the concerted action.” 这个有些金融方面的专业术语不太清楚,我也只能翻译成这样了,你参考一下吧!
2023-06-19 06:15:551


1、长按路由器后面的RESET按键,直到路由器的SYS灯灭掉或者长亮不闪的时候,就证明路由器复位成功了。2、复位之后重新登录路由器界面,如果还是提示 input error进不了路由器界面,请更换一个浏览器,再登录。
2023-06-19 06:16:031


问题一:不飞则己,一飞冲天表示什么意思 不飞则已,一飞冲天; 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人,南方的土山上有一种鸟,三年不鸣不飞,但一飞便可冲天,一鸣便能惊人。后世遂用“一鸣惊人、一鸣、一飞鸣、冲天翼、三年翼”等。比喻有才华的人,平时默默无闻,一但施展才华,就能做出惊人的业绩。” 问题二:不动则已,是什么意思 不动则已,是指不行动就罢了。 不动,就是不行动, 则,表顺承,翻译成“就” 已,可以看成是通假字。通“矣”位于句末,没有实际意义,翻译成“……罢了” 这句话后面还有一句,一鸣惊人。 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人,比喻平时没有突出的表现,一下子做出惊人的成绩。鸣:动词,鸟叫。成语为褒义词。出自西汉u30fb司马迁《史记u30fb滑稽列传丁:“此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。” 问题三:此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人.是什么意思 出 处 西汉u30fb司马迁《史记u30fb滑稽列传》:“此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。” 意思:这种鸟不飞翔就罢了,要是飞翔便会冲向广阔的蓝天.不鸣叫就罢了,要是鸣叫就会使他人惊讶. 【一鸣惊人】yi ming jing ren 《史记 滑稽列传》:“此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天:不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。”(已:罢。)比喻平时没有突出的表现,一下子做出惊人的成绩。(例句:在全国体操比赛中,不少新手一鸣惊人,创造出良好的记录。)一鸣惊人,是指一位不出名的人干出卓越的光辉成绩使世界惊异起来;比喻平时没有突出的表现,突然做出惊人的成绩。蓝本出自《韩非子u30fb喻老》:“虽无飞,飞必冲天;虽无鸣,鸣必惊人。” 问题四:不动则己一动惊人什么意思 不动则已,是指不行动就罢了。 不动,就是不行动, 则,表顺承,翻译成“就” 已,可以看成是通假字。通“矣”位于句末,没有实际意义,翻译成“……罢了” 这句话后面还有一句,一鸣惊人。不鸣则已,一鸣惊人,比喻平时没有突出的表现,一下子做出惊人的成绩。鸣:动词,鸟叫。成语为褒义词。出自西汉u30fb司马迁《史记u30fb滑稽列传》:“此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。” 问题五:英语翻译:不飞则已 一飞冲天!!不鸣则已 一鸣惊人! (of an obscure person)amaze the world by one"s successful maiden effort.精选汉英词典 商务印书馆 此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。(of an obscure personPto amze the world with the first work e.e. make(or pwll off) a great coup 汉英双解成语词典 商务印书馆 Does not fly then already, as soon as flies flushes the day; Does not call then, has surprised people. 问题六:不鸣则已,一鸣惊人相同意思的成语有那些 15分 鱼跃龙门,升价十倍 大鹏一日同风起, 扶摇直上九万里 一举成名,一步登天. 脱颖而出 问题七:不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。(司马迁) 是甚么意思? 该典故出处有二, 一、你所说的是司马迁《史记u30fb滑稽列传》中淳于髡的相关记载 淳于髡者,齐之赘婿也。长不满七尺,滑稽多辩,数使诸侯,未尝屈辱。齐威王之时,喜隐,好为淫乐长夜之饮,沉湎不治,委政卿大夫。百官荒乱,诸侯并侵,国且危亡,在于旦暮,左右莫敢谏。淳于髡说之钉隐曰:“国中有大鸟,止王之庭,三年不蜚又不鸣,王知此鸟何也?”王曰:“此鸟不蜚则已,一蜚冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。”于是乃朝诸县令长七十二人,赏一人,诛一人,奋兵而出。诸侯震惊,皆还齐侵地。威行三十六年。语在《田完世家》中。 这话不是司马迁说的,是齐威王回复淳于髡的,比喻平时没有突出的表现,一下子做出惊人的成绩。 二、另外该典故还出自《韩非子u30fb喻老》说的是楚庄王。
2023-06-19 06:16:101


2023-06-19 06:16:187


不知道您作为任何有, 进入流放生活, 虽然它是notjoyful, 而且感觉与礼物更好比较, 单独personwalks在燃烧的原野, 没人知道感觉坏, howeverstarved 被考虑了。进入流放lifecertainly 不是我必须选择, 因为您然后只是快乐的inthe 边。出去混合五谷容器世界, 寻找一nobodyresidence, 在自由生活。 对极端 今天, 因此之间昨天区别, 确切地因为ofyesterday 感觉, 仍然还在我们的心脏 xipi 北京押韵白色酒, 在Tongren 寺庙frontthe 门塔, 大碗茶喷射之外中央庭院, speaksmost 冲洗北京小女孩
2023-06-19 06:16:352


Region内每个ColumnFamily的数据组成一个Store。每个Store内包括一个MemStore和若干个StoreFile(HFile)组成。 HBase为了方便按照RowKey进行检索,要求HFile中数据都按照RowKey进行排序,Memstore数据在flush为HFile之前会进行一次排序 为了减少flush过程对读写的影响,HBase采用了类似于两阶段提交的方式,将整个flush过程分为三个阶段: 要避免“写阻塞”,貌似让Flush操作尽量的早于达到触发“写操作”的阈值为宜。但是,这将导致频繁的Flush操作,而由此带来的后果便是读性能下降以及额外的负载。 每次的Memstore Flush都会为每个CF创建一个HFile。频繁的Flush就会创建大量的HFile。这样HBase在检索的时候,就不得不读取大量的HFile,读性能会受很大影响。 为预防打开过多HFile及避免读性能恶化,HBase有专门的HFile合并处理(HFile Compaction Process)。HBase会周期性的合并数个小HFile为一个大的HFile。明显的,有Memstore Flush产生的HFile越多,集群系统就要做更多的合并操作(额外负载)。更糟糕的是:Compaction处理是跟集群上的其他请求并行进行的。当HBase不能够跟上Compaction的时候(同样有阈值设置项),会在RS上出现“写阻塞”。像上面说到的,这是最最不希望的。 提示 :严重关切RS上Compaction Queue 的size。要在其引起问题前,阻止其持续增大。 想了解更多HFile 创建和合并,可参看 Visualizing HBase Flushes And Compactions 。 理想情况下,在不超过的情况下,Memstore应该尽可能多的使用内存(配置给Memstore部分的,而不是真个Heap的)。下图展示了一张“较好”的情况: hbase使用的是jdk提供的ConcurrentSkipListMap,并对其进行了的封装,Map结构是<KeyValue,KeyValue>的形式。Concurrent表示线程安全。 SkipList是一种高效的数据结构,之前专门写过文章,这里就不表了 写入MemStore中的KV,被记录在kvset中。根据JVM内存的垃圾回收策略,在如下条件会触发Full GC。 1、内存满或者触发阈值。 2、内存碎片过多,造成新的分配找不到合适的内存空间。 RS上服务多个Region,如果不对KV的分配空间进行控制的话,由于访问的无序性以及KV长度的不同,每个Region上的KV会无规律地分散在内存上。Region执行了MemStore的Flush操作,再经过JVM GC之后就会出现零散的内存碎片现象,而进一步数据大量写入,就会触发Full-GC。 为了解决因为内存碎片造成的Full-GC的现象,RegionServer引入了MSLAB(HBASE-3455)。MSLAB全称是MemStore-Local Allocation Buffers。它通过预先分配连续的内存块,把零散的内存申请合并,有效改善了过多内存碎片导致的Full GC问题。 MSLAB的工作原理如下: 1、在MemStore初始化时,创建MemStoreLAB对象allocator。 2、创建一个2M大小的Chunk数组,偏移量起始设置为0。Chunk的大小可以通过参数hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.chunksize调整。 3、 当MemStore有KeyValue加入时,maybeCloneWithAllocator(KeyValue)函数调用allocator为其查找KeyValue.getBuffer()大小的空间,若KeyValue的大小低于默认的256K,会尝试在当前Chunk下查找空间,如果空间不够,MemStoreLAB重新申请新的Chunk。选中Chunk之后,会修改offset=原偏移量+KeyValue.getBuffer().length。chunk内控制每个KeyValue大小由hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.max.allocation配置。 4、 空间检查通过的KeyValue,会拷贝到Chunk的数据块中。此时,原KeyValue由于不再被MemStore引用,会在接下来的JVM的Minor GC被清理。 MSLAB解决了因为碎片造成Full GC的问题,然而在MemStore被Flush到文件系统时,没有reference的chunk,需要GC来进行回收,因此,在更新操作频繁发生时,会造成较多的Young GC。 针对该问题,HBASE-8163提出了MemStoreChunkPool的解决方案,方案已经被HBase-0.95版本接收。它的实现思路: 1、 创建chunk池来管理没有被引用的chunk,不再依靠JVM的GC回收。 2、 当一个chunk没有引用时,会被放入chunk池。 3、chunk池设置阈值,如果超过了,则会放弃放入新的chunk到chunk池。 4、 如果当需要新的chunk时,首先从chunk池中获取。 根据patch的测试显示,配置MemStoreChunkPool之后,YGC降低了40%,写性能有5%的提升。如果是0.95以下版本的用户,可以参考HBASE-8163给出patch。
2023-06-19 06:16:421


2023-06-19 06:17:142


1.Lose weight:Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown.Drinking water reduces hunger,it"s an effective appetite suppressant so you"ll eat less.Plus,water has zero calories.Here are the further details on how to achieve fat loss by drinking water. 2.Natural Remedy for Headache:Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration.Although many reasons contribute to headache,dehydration is the common one. 3.Look Younger with Healthier Skin:You"ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated.Water helps to replenish skin tissues,moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity. 4.Better Productivity at Work:Your brain is mostly made up of water,thus drinking water helps you think better,be more alert and more concentrated. 5.Better Exercise:Drinking water regulates your body temperature.That means you"ll feel more energetic when doing exercises.Water also helps to fuel your muscle. 6.Helps in Digestion and Constipation:Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion.Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement. 7.Less Cramps and Sprains:Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated,so you"ll less likely get cramps and sprains. 8.Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy:Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack.Water adds with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease,intestinal problems,rheumatism and arthritis etc.In another words one of the benefits of drinking water is that it can improve your immune system.Follow this link for further information on how lemon water can improve your health. 9.Relieves Fatigue:Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body.If your body lacks water,your heart,for instance,needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells,so are the rest of the vital organs,your organs will be exhausted and so will you. 10.Good Mood:Your body feels very good and that"s why you feel happy. 11.Reduce the Risk of Cancer:Related to the digestive system,some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer.Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining. 够全面的吧,英语这些东西可能谷哥更方便
2023-06-19 06:17:281

《恋恋笔记本》里 男主角读的诗

Spontaneous Me (By Walt Whitman)Spontaneous me, Nature,The loving day, the mounting sun, the friend I am happy with,The arm of my friend hanging idly over my shoulder,The hillside whiten"d with blossoms of the mountain ash,The same late in autumn, the hues of red, yellow, drab, purple, and light and dark green,The rich coverlet of the grass, animals and birds, the privateuntrimm"d bank, the primitive apples, the pebble-stones,Beautiful dripping fragments, the negligent list of one afteranother as I happen to call them to me or think of them,The real poems, (what we call poems being merely pictures,)The poems of the privacy of the night, and of men like me,This poem drooping shy and unseen that I always carry, and that allmen carry,(Know once for all, avow"d on purpose, wherever are men like me, areour lusty lurking masculine poems,)Love-thoughts, love-juice, love-odor, love-yielding, love-climbers,and the climbing sap,Arms and hands of love, lips of love, phallic thumb of love, breastsof love, bellies press"d and glued together with love,Earth of chaste love, life that is only life after love,The body of my love, the body of the woman I love, the body of theman, the body of the earth,Soft forenoon airs that blow from the south-west,The hairy wild-bee that murmurs and hankers up and down, that gripes thefull-grown lady-flower, curves upon her with amorous firm legs, takeshis will of her, and holds himself tremulous and tight till he issatisfied;The wet of woods through the early hours,Two sleepers at night lying close together as they sleep, one withan arm slanting down across and below the waist of the other,The smell of apples, aromas from crush"d sage-plant, mint, birch-bark,The boy"s longings, the glow and pressure as he confides to me whathe was dreaming,The dead leaf whirling its spiral whirl and falling still andcontent to the ground,The no-form"d stings that sights, people, objects, sting me with,The hubb"d sting of myself, stinging me as much as it ever can anyone,The sensitive, orbic, underlapp"d brothers, that only privilegedfeelers may be intimate where they are,The curious roamer the hand roaming all over the body, the bashfulwithdrawing of flesh where the fingers soothingly pause andedge themselves,The limpid liquid within the young man,The vex"d corrosion so pensive and so painful,The torment, the irritable tide that will not be at rest,The like of the same I feel, the like of the same in others,The young man that flushes and flushes, and the young woman thatflushes and flushes,The young man that wakes deep at night, the hot hand seeking torepress what would master him,The mystic amorous night, the strange half-welcome pangs, visions, sweats,The pulse pounding through palms and trembling encircling fingers,the young man all color"d, red, ashamed, angry;The souse upon me of my lover the sea, as I lie willing and naked,The merriment of the twin babes that crawl over the grass in thesun, the mother never turning her vigilant eyes from them,The walnut-trunk, the walnut-husks, and the ripening or ripen"dlong-round walnuts,The continence of vegetables, birds, animals,The consequent meanness of me should I skulk or find myself indecent,while birds and animals never once skulk or find themselves indecent,The great chastity of paternity, to match the great chastity of maternity,The oath of procreation I have sworn, my Adamic and fresh daughters,The greed that eats me day and night with hungry gnaw, till I saturate what shall produce boys to fill my place when I am through,The wholesome relief, repose, content,And this bunch pluck"d at random from myself,It has done its work--I toss it carelessly to fall where it may
2023-06-19 06:17:362

fflush与flushall有什么区别?flushall不能再DEV c++上使用?

查看flushall:This POSIX function is deprecated beginning in Visual C++ 2005. Use the ISO C++ conformant _flushall instead._flushall的特点:Flushes all streams; clears all buffers.格式:int _flushall( void );返回值:_flushall returns the number of open streams (input and output). There is no error return.RemarksBy default, the _flushall function writes to appropriate files the contents of all buffers associated with open output streams. All buffers associated with open input streams are cleared of their current contents. (These buffers are normally maintained by the operating system, which determines the optimal time to write the data automatically to disk: when a buffer is full, when a stream is closed, or when a program terminates normally without closing streams.)If a read follows a call to _flushall, new data is read from the input files into the buffers. All streams remain open after the call to _flushall.The commit-to-disk feature of the run-time library lets you ensure that critical data is written directly to disk rather than to the operating system buffers. Without rewriting an existing program, you can enable this feature by linking the program"s object files with Commode.obj. In the resulting executable file, calls to _flushall write the contents of all buffers to disk. Only _flushall and fflush are affected by Commode.obj.For information about controlling the commit-to-disk feature, see Stream I/O, fopen, and _fdopen.需要用到头文件stdio.hfflush的特点:Flushes a stream.格式:int fflush( FILE* stream );参数:stream Pointer to FILE structure. Return Valuesfflush returns 0 if the buffer is successfully flushed, if the specified stream has no buffer, or if the stream is open for reading only. A return value of EOF indicates an error.Note If fflush returns EOF, data might be lost due to a write failure. When setting up a critical error handler, it is safest to turn buffering off with the setvbuf function.RemarksThe fflush function flushes a stream. If the file associated with stream is open for output, fflush writes to that file the contents of the buffer associated with the stream. If the stream is open for input, fflush clears the contents of the buffer. fflush negates the effect of any prior call to ungetc against stream. Also, fflush(NULL) flushes all streams open for output. The stream remains open after the call. fflush has no effect on an unbuffered stream.Buffers are normally maintained by the operating system, which determines the optimal time to write the data automatically to disk: when a buffer is full, when a stream is closed, or when a program terminates normally without closing the stream. 我翻的MSDN,呵呵
2023-06-19 06:17:511


stdlib.hRun-Time Library Reference exit, _exit Terminate the calling process after cleanup (exit) or immediately (_exit). void exit( int status );void _exit( int status );ParametersstatusExit status.RemarksThe exit and _exit functions terminate the calling process. exit calls, in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order, the functions registered by atexit and _onexit, then flushes all file buffers before terminating the process. _exit terminates the process without processing atexit or _onexit or flushing stream buffers. The status value is typically set to 0 to indicate a normal exit and set to some other value to indicate an error.Although the exit and _exit calls do not return a value, the low-order byte of status is made available to the waiting calling process, if one exists, after the calling process exits. The status value is available to the operating-system batch command ERRORLEVEL and is represented by one of two constants: EXIT_SUCCESS, which represents a value of 0, or EXIT_FAILURE, which represents a value of 1. The behavior of exit, _exit, _cexit, and _c_exit is as follows.Function Description exit Performs complete C library termination procedures, terminates the process, and exits with the supplied status code._exit Performs quick C library termination procedures, terminates the process, and exits with the supplied status code._cexit Performs complete C library termination procedures and returns to the caller, but does not terminate the process._c_exit Performs quick C library termination procedures and returns to the caller, but does not terminate the process.When you call the exit or _exit functions, the destructors for any temporary or automatic objects that exist at the time of the call are not called. An automatic object is an object that is defined in a function where the object is not declared to be static. A temporary object is an object created by the compiler. To destroy an automatic object before calling exit or _exit, explicitly call the destructor for the object, as follows: You should not call exit from DllMain with DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH. If you want to exit the DLLMain function, return FALSE from DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH.RequirementsFunction Required header Compatibility exit <process.h> or <stdlib.h> ANSI, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003_exit <process.h> or <stdlib.h> Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.Example Copy Code // crt_exit.c// This program returns an exit code of 1. The// error code could be tested in a batch file.#include <stdlib.h>int main( void ){ exit( 1 );}.NET Framework EquivalentSystem::Diagnostics::Process::KillSee AlsoReferenceProcess and Environment Controlabortatexit_cexit, _c_exit_exec, _wexec Functions_onexit, _onexit_m_spawn, _wspawn Functionssystem, _wsystemTo make a suggestion or report a bug about Help or another feature of this product, go to the feedback site.
2023-06-19 06:18:072


That car rushed out from the side street. 部车从横街冲出来. That vehicle was suddenly outrush from the bystreet. thrust意思系用力推 插;塞;挤出. dash意思系猛撞. outrush系冲出 但系好似有d唔make sense?? 我觉得That vehicle suddenly drove out from the side street.或者make sense d! I hope this can help you! If not my bad! 参考: myself 部车从横街冲出来"英文点讲﹖ A car dashed out from a side street. Yes dash-out is the exact word for 冲出 (dashed-out 冲出来) Thrust me push stab. 推 刺 而没有冲出来的意思. 例: They thrust the car as it is running out of gasoline. 参考: Own A vehicle flushes out from the cross street
2023-06-19 06:18:181


Spontaneous Me (By Walt Whitman)Spontaneous me, Nature,The loving day, the mounting sun, the friend I am happy with,The arm of my friend hanging idly over my shoulder,The hillside whiten"d with blossoms of the mountain ash,The same late in autumn, the hues of red, yellow, drab, purple, and light and dark green,The rich coverlet of the grass, animals and birds, the privateuntrimm"d bank, the primitive apples, the pebble-stones,Beautiful dripping fragments, the negligent list of one afteranother as I happen to call them to me or think of them,The real poems, (what we call poems being merely pictures,)The poems of the privacy of the night, and of men like me,This poem drooping shy and unseen that I always carry, and that allmen carry,(Know once for all, avow"d on purpose, wherever are men like me, areour lusty lurking masculine poems,)Love-thoughts, love-juice, love-odor, love-yielding, love-climbers,and the climbing sap,Arms and hands of love, lips of love, phallic thumb of love, breastsof love, bellies press"d and glued together with love,Earth of chaste love, life that is only life after love,The body of my love, the body of the woman I love, the body of theman, the body of the earth,Soft forenoon airs that blow from the south-west,The hairy wild-bee that murmurs and hankers up and down, that gripes thefull-grown lady-flower, curves upon her with amorous firm legs, takeshis will of her, and holds himself tremulous and tight till he issatisfied;The wet of woods through the early hours,Two sleepers at night lying close together as they sleep, one withan arm slanting down across and below the waist of the other,The smell of apples, aromas from crush"d sage-plant, mint, birch-bark,The boy"s longings, the glow and pressure as he confides to me whathe was dreaming,The dead leaf whirling its spiral whirl and falling still andcontent to the ground,The no-form"d stings that sights, people, objects, sting me with,The hubb"d sting of myself, stinging me as much as it ever can anyone,The sensitive, orbic, underlapp"d brothers, that only privilegedfeelers may be intimate where they are,The curious roamer the hand roaming all over the body, the bashfulwithdrawing of flesh where the fingers soothingly pause andedge themselves,The limpid liquid within the young man,The vex"d corrosion so pensive and so painful,The torment, the irritable tide that will not be at rest,The like of the same I feel, the like of the same in others,The young man that flushes and flushes, and the young woman thatflushes and flushes,The young man that wakes deep at night, the hot hand seeking torepress what would master him,The mystic amorous night, the strange half-welcome pangs, visions, sweats,The pulse pounding through palms and trembling encircling fingers,the young man all color"d, red, ashamed, angry;The souse upon me of my lover the sea, as I lie willing and naked,The merriment of the twin babes that crawl over the grass in thesun, the mother never turning her vigilant eyes from them,The walnut-trunk, the walnut-husks, and the ripening or ripen"dlong-round walnuts,The continence of vegetables, birds, animals,The consequent meanness of me should I skulk or find myself indecent,while birds and animals never once skulk or find themselves indecent,The great chastity of paternity, to match the great chastity of maternity,The oath of procreation I have sworn, my Adamic and fresh daughters,The greed that eats me day and night with hungry gnaw, till I saturate what shall produce boys to fill my place when I am through,The wholesome relief, repose, content,And this bunch pluck"d at random from myself,It has done its work--I toss it carelessly to fall where it may.
2023-06-19 06:18:261

怪物史莱克1 中英台词

2023-06-19 06:18:353


2023-06-19 06:18:445

思科问题 我的一台思科交换机 的一个端口经常性的 DOWN 请高手 解答一下

2023-06-19 06:19:123

帮忙翻译一下 谢谢罗 有奖励哦

Han Jiang is located on east wing in the Guangdong province, is a Guangdong province the two river, from plum river and Ting river after remit match but become, take plum river as main current, plum river and Ting river start to call Han2 Jiang after three river dams remit match, stem flow long 470 km.Han2 Jiang from northwest to southeast flow through plentiful agreeable, tide Anne etc. county to juniors in the Chao-chou City go into Han2 Jiang the delta river net area, to south infusion south china sea.Han2 Jiang"s river valley is located on Yue east, the southwest of Fujian province, geography position is in 115 °s 13"~117 ° 09", northern latitudes 23 ° 17"~26 ° 05", the river valley gather a surface to accumulate a 30112 km 2, among them, the Ting river is a 11802 km 2, plum river is 13929 km 2, three river dam go to tide Anne hydrology station zone is 3346 km 2, tide Anne the following(Han2 Jiang"s delta) is 1035 km 2.Han2 Jiang"s waterway is a conjunction Guangdong province plum state, Chao-chou, Shan head the only aquatic transportation main route of three cities is also a go out to sea of Yue east passage. This thesis according to solid measure geography etc. data analysis Han2 Jiang Gan flow and downstream delta course of river through ex- period whole after cure, turn into of course of river circumstance and blunt Yu regulation, and on this foundation to Han2 Jiang San the river dam ~ Shan head river segment the river net carry on one dimension mathematics model of the water current sediment calculation, stayed segment and Ge cloth ~ of the Huang point shoal river to return river segment in the lake to carry on flat surface to river ~ in the pond two dimensions mathematics model of the water current sediment calculation.Pass a mathematics model calculation research channel engineering whole cure effect, the channel is whole cure behind Han2 Jiang delta river net of reposition of redundant personnel ratio variety and whole cure engineering to the course of river line Hong of influence, is owner and superior supervisor"s section approve officially engineering whether can line provide basis 应该是这样!
2023-06-19 06:19:192


The Boy Who Cried Wolf There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!" The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces. "Don"t cry "wolf", shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there"s no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill. Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away. When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don"t cry "wolf" when there is NO wolf!" But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more. Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!" But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn"t come. At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn"t returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping. "There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn"t you come?" An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village. "We"ll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"
2023-06-19 06:19:292

show tech-support什么命令

show tech-support Show system information for Tech-Support可以显示设备的硬体、软体、配置等信息!举个例子:Router#sh tech-support Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(15)T1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)Technical Support: (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Wed 18-Jul-07 04:52 by pt_teamROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)T8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)System returned to ROM by power-onSystem image file is "flash:c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin"This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to UnitedStates and local country laws governing import, export, transfer anduse. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not implythird-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible forcompliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product youagree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unableto comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: you require further assistance please contact us by sending email 1841 (revision 5.0) with 114688K/16384K bytes of memory.Processor board ID FTX0947Z18EM860 processor: part number 0, mask 492 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)191K bytes of NVRAM.63488K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write)Configuration register is 0x2102Building configuration...Current configuration : 476 bytes!version 12.4no service timestamps log datetime msecno service timestamps debug datetime msecno service password-encryption!hostname Router!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address duplex auto speed auto!interface FastEthernet0/1 ip address duplex auto speed auto!interface Vlan1 no ip address shutdown!ip classless!!!!!!!line con 0line vty 0 4 login!!!endFastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Lance, address is 0090.214d.2501 (bia 0090.214d.2501) Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00, Last input 00:00:08, output 00:00:05, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue :0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 10 packets input, 1180 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 9 packets output, 1052 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped outFastEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Lance, address is 0090.214d.2502 (bia 0090.214d.2502) Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00, Last input 00:00:08, output 00:00:05, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue :0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 10 packets input, 1080 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 9 packets output, 1052 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped outVlan1 is administratively down, line protocol is down Hardware is CPU Interface, address is 000a.4130.1293 (bia 000a.4130.1293) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 1000000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 21:40:21, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 1682 packets input, 530955 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicast) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 563859 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 23 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
2023-06-19 06:19:362

网关cisco路由器sh int fa0/0端口后显示的结果,请大家帮我分析下,为什么局域网丢包率比较高,谢谢

2023-06-19 06:19:475


Sichuan is rich in local color, is one of China"s four branches, mainly from Chongqing, Chengdu and northern Sichuan. n and the special dishes were composed of local flavor. Sichuan cooking methods are fried, fry, bombing, explosions, quick-fry, speeding, cook in soy, bake, bake, stewed, baked, cooked, the concoction, a little, and boil for a short time. hot, simmer, steam, halogen, dash white, saturate, and soaked, cold, Shengjian, starch, dry speeding, the ingredients fresh Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Suzha, soft, dry steam, paint, bad drunk. admission bombing, fried dumpling nearly 3,000 more than 40 major categories. As one of China"s four major branches of Sichuan in China occupies an important position in the history of cooking. It is based on a wide range of seasonings changes, the dishes are varied, Landscape both refreshing taste to use a spicy, With his unique cooking methods and the strong local flavor of the renowned, A history of Chinese food culture and civilization has become a splendid and colorful pearl. In the end mean that the number of species in this world? No one can say that all I can say for sure that there is a rich person in exile Yi carry forward the spirit children and grandchildren lie incomplete generation has got to eat, why? Nature can produce odorous substances are 20 to 40 million, with 200 to 400 people can identify the species. Chinese cooking up to 500% of the condiment. Properties can be divided into two basic and complex type. Nine basic types : acid, sweet, hard, hot, salty, Korea, Hong Ma, desalination. Compound difficult to statistics, only 50% into : 1-Sour : hot and sour, sweet and sour, Study on production of ginger vinegar, ketchup. Second, sweet types : sweet, litchi, a mixture. Third, befuddled type : Xianxiang salty acid, Xianla, Maotai, the fermented bean curd, peculiar. Fourth, Hu : peppery-spicy, fragrant and hot, mustard, Stir, mashed garlic and fruit. 5 : Sweet-scented wine is, a mess of Hong Suanxiang, Law, incense, spices, 10 incense, sesame, Flower, incense, fruit incense, in color, breathing incense, paste incense, Philip incense, cumin, Citrus, curry, ginger juice, sesame seeds, Lengxiang, smell incense. 6 : delicious flavor type, oyster sauce, Method of this month, stipulations. 7 Ma Ma : salty taste, and fold. 8 bitterness type : hardship, hardship incense. 9 : mild short-Hong, the flavor. Then, the three Kozo Law in three Sichuan, seven AIDS Bawei 9 Miscellaneous what? Three incense is onions, ginger, garlic, hot peppers is Sansho, pepper, Chinese prickly ash, three were expected vinegar, soy bean paste Pixian County, Laozaoping in Chongqing. Need cooking sauce, it is universal truth, but the truth is Sansho the renovation, The flavor is further expanded, especially Sichuanese trying to get this Sansho the Mood, a seven Bawei AIDS. created a world-renowned style. AIDS is 7 : acid, sweet, hard, hot, Ma, pungent, incense, Chatham. Bawei means : Stir, spicy, hot and sour, ingredients and style -- oil, peculiar, Law, Ma. 9 refers to miscellaneous materials, miscellaneous. BaShu ancient name of Sichuan, is known as "the land of abundance" in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, a mild climate, abundant rainfall, mountains, rivers criss-crossing produces grain, vegetables and fruits seasons constant, livestock and poultry species range, deep bioherms production Bear Mountain, deer, river deer, Roe deer, Tremella, Cordyceps. Edible bamboo shoots Game, rivers and lakes another group Jiang AGB fish, rock carp, Chinese sturgeon. Superiority of the natural product of rich resources for the formation and development of Sichuan dishes provide favorable conditions.
2023-06-19 06:20:214


如果想在调用WriteFile之后,数据就立即写入磁盘,有如下三种方法:1. 调用FlushFileBuffers(hFile);Flushes the buffers of a specified file and causes all buffered...
2023-06-19 06:20:451

c++ cout

2023-06-19 06:20:536


The term "Chinese poker" is sometimes mistakenly used to refer to a different card game, Big Two.Chinese poker, also called Russian poker or Pusoy (but not Pusoy Dos), is a card game that has been played in the Asian community for many years. It has begun to gain popularity elsewhere because it has many features of an "exciting" gambling game:The rules are simple—only a basic knowledge of poker hand rankings is needed to get started. There is a large element of luck involved, therefore a beginner has a good chance of winning in the short term, even against experienced opponents. Poor players may not be so easily deterred by losses as they can more easily attribute bad results to their cards rather than their plays. More advanced players can still apply enough strategy to the game to give themselves a significant advantage over poor players. The game format results in frequent unexpected wins and high ranking hands. Only a few players are required to play the game. Contents [hide]1 Gameplay 1.1 Playing a hand 1.2 Scoring 1.3 Example 1.4 Royalties 1.5 Surrendering 1.6 Mis-set Hand 2 Where played 3 Variations 4 External links [edit] GameplayChinese poker is typically played as a four-person game, though it can also be played with two or three.[edit] Playing a handIn Chinese Poker, each player receives a 13 card hand from a standard 52 card deck. Each player then has to divide his cards into three poker hands (known as "setting"): two containing five cards each (known as "the middle" and "the back"), and one containing three cards ("the front"); the back must be the highest ranking hand, and the front, the lowest ranking hand (note that straights and flushes do not count in the three card hand). The back hand is placed face down on the table in front of the player, then the middle hand is placed face down in front of the back hand, and the front hand is placed face down in front of the middle hand. After all the players have set their hands, each player will announce in turn (clockwise, starting from the left of the dealer) whether or not he is playing his hand. All players then announce their royalties, before revealing their hands.[edit] ScoringThe stakes played for in Chinese poker are known as units: an amount of money agreed on before the game starts. Basic scoring rules dictate that a player collects one unit from each opponent whose front, middle or back hand is beaten by his own corresponding hand. Thus, unlike most poker games, being second-best at the table is good enough to win money. In some variants players are also paid an additional unit if they win in two or three of the hands. In other variants players only get an additional unit if they win all three hands (known as a scoop). Also, due to the head-to-head nature of the comparisons, it is possible for different players to play for different stakes. For example, A and B could play for $10/unit, while all other pairs play for $1/unit. Many variations of scoring are in common use; refer to the external links for more information.The two most common scoring systems used in Casinos today are the 2-4 scoring method, and the 1-6 scoring method.In the 2-4 method you receive 1 unit for each of the three hands you win, and 1 unit called the overall unit is awarded to the player who wins two out of the three hands, or all of the three hands. In the event of a tie in one of the hands, then no money is exchanged for this particular hand and one player either wins both of the other hands, and collects 3 units (1 for each hand, and 1 overall), or they each win one hand and no units are exchanged (each win 1 unit, and there is no overall).In the 1-6 method you receive 1 unit for each of the three hands you win, and 3 bonus units (on top of the three for the hands) if you win all three hands.[edit] Example Ivey Gus Winner Front 6u2660 6u2663 4u2665 Au2665 Ku2666 Qu2666 Ivey Middle 10u2666 10u2660 9u2663 Qu2660 8u2663 9u2665 9u2666 5u2665 5u2666 4u2663 Gus Back 3u2665 3u2666 3u2660 2u2665 2u2666 Ku2660 Ju2660 9u2660 8u2660 7u2660 Ivey In the 2-4 method, Gus would pay Ivey two points. In the 1-6 method, Gus would pay Ivey one point.[edit] RoyaltiesRoyalties, or bonuses as they are sometimes called, are extra units that may be awarded to players with particularly strong hands. In some variants all royalties are worth the same amount (e.g. 1 unit per royalty). In other variants each royalty is given a different payout (e.g. 1 unit for a four of a kind in the back, and 2 units for a straight flush in the back). Sometimes only the winner may be awarded a royalty (e.g. four sevens in the back beats four sixes in the back, therefore only the player with sevens is awarded a royalty). In some games players are allowed to break up straight flushes or four of a kinds and still receive royalties (e.g. a player is dealt four sevens; he may use three of them for a three of a kind in the front, and one as part of a straight in the middle). Some rules say that players are only allowed to claim one royalty per hand.Royalties must be declared prior to the revealing of the hands.Some hands and combinations of hands that are commonly awarded royalties are listed:Straight flush Four of a kind Full house or better in the middle Three of a kind in the front Naturals are special types of royalties where if dealt to a player, the player is rewarded immediately (prior to anyone surrendering), and the player does not set their hand.Three straights Three flushes Six pairs (counting all three hands) 13 unique cards (i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A) No face cards or called "No People" [edit] SurrenderingIf a player chooses to surrender his hand, he will pay an amount greater than the amount paid when losing 2 out of 3 hands, but less than the amount paid when getting scooped (losing all three hands). When surrendered, a player is not required to pay any royalties to his opponents. In some variations surrendering is not an option.[edit] Mis-set HandIf a player mis-sets his hand (e.g. he puts three of a kind in the front, but only two pair in the middle) then he must pay each of his opponents still in the hand (players who have not surrendered) an amount equal to being scooped. In some variations players are still required to play their hands.[edit] Where playedChinese Poker was played at the 1995 World Series of Poker and the 1996 World Series of Poker. In 1995, the $1500 event was won by John Tsagaris, and the $5000 event by Steve Zolotow. In 1996 the $1500 event was won by Gregory Grivas, and the $5000 event by Jim Feldhouse. There have been no Chinese Poker events at the World Series of Poker since 1996.Chinese Poker is often played as a side game in large poker tournaments. Typical stakes are $25, $50 and $100 per unit. Some high stakes poker players are known to play as high as $500 or $1000 per unit.The Venetian, Bellagio and Wynn casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada have been known to spread a Chinese poker game.[edit] VariationsLow in the middle — In this variation the middle hand is played as a Deuce-to-seven low hand. Criss Cross — This variation is played heads up: each player is dealt two 13 card hands and plays each of their hands against each of their opponents" hands. Players" hands are to be treated as two independent hands, they cannot exchange cards between the two hands. In this variation The Wheel (A, 2, 3, 4, 5) is the second highest straight. Therefore it is ranked above a 9, 10, J, Q, K straight, but below a 10, J, Q, K, A straight.
2023-06-19 06:21:081


  只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。你看过哪些时间英语名言警句呢?   听说幸福很简单。简单到时间一冲就冲淡。   Heard that happy is very simple. As soon as flushes simply to the time dilute.   花香飘渺,一如往昔的爱恋,尘封时间的沧桑。   Love of flowers ethereal, as usual, dusty the vicissitudes of time.   又过一年,又是一季,变的只是时间,不变的是守候。   One year, another season, just time, constant is waiting for you.   每个人在一个时间只能扮演一种角色,这样才能达到演出的完美。   Each person can only play a role at a time, in order to achieve perfect performance.   时间美化那仅有的悸动,也磨平激动。   Time to beautify it only throb and smooth.   有些人就像是流行歌曲,你只会短时间把他们挂在嘴边。   Some people like pop songs, you hang them in the mouth will only a short time.   回忆是片断的,没有太多的感情,我们太狼狈,没有奢侈的时间来培养感情。   Fragments of memories is, not a lot of feelings, we are too mess, and no time to cultivate feelings of luxury.   勤奋的人是时间的主人,懒惰的人是时间的奴隶。   Diligence is the master of time, idle man is the slave of time.   时间到了,我们各走各的路,是活在这个世上好还是死了好,只有神知道答案。   We are on our different paths when the time came, is to live in this in this world good or death, only god knows the answer.   只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。   As long as we can make good use of time, we always have time enough.   时间是人能消费的最有价值的东西。   Time is the most valuable thing one can consumption.   要成功一项事业,必须花掉毕生的时间。   To a successful career, you must spend their life time.   相信生活和时间,时间冲淡一切苦痛。生活不一定创造更新的喜悦。   Believe that life and time, time dilute all pain. The joy of life is not necessarily create update.   属于我的东西,自然会随着时间沉淀下来。   Belong to my things, will naturally settle over time.   每个人都会坚持自己的信念,在别人来看是浪费时间,她却觉得很重要。   Everyone will insist on your faith, in others it is a waste of time, she felt very important.   时间就是性命。无端的空耗别人的时间,其实是无异于谋财害命。   Time is life. Gratuitous waste other people*39;s time, is actually is a gain.   我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。   I hope all I wasted time to come back, let me to waste it again.   时间待人是平等的,而时间在每个人手里的价值却不同。   Time to treat people is equal, and time in every man*39;s hand value is different.   相爱真的没有那么容易,需要双方都能抵挡时间的危害。   Love really is not so easy, need both sides can withstand time.   人生的时间,由大大小小的悲喜堆叠而成过去,由错错对对的选择建构而成未来。   The time of life, composed of large and small feeling stack in the past, made from a wrong wrong construction on the choice of the future.   在时间和现实的夹缝里,青春和美丽一样,脆弱如风干的纸。   In the time and reality of cracks, youth and beauty, as fragile as dry paper.   大多时间都在匆忙追赶,其实仅差一个转身回眸而已。   Most of the time in the rush, actually just a turn and look back.   时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。   Time is not let a person forget pain, but let a person accustomed to pain.   所谓幸福,我想我可以理解为,在对的时间,遇到对的人。于是没有错过没有彷徨。   The so-called happiness, I think I can be understood as, at the right time, meet the right person. So no miss without hesitation.   真相和误解,有时不能被自己呈现和突破。要等待时间消逝,做出审定。   The truth and misunderstanding, sometimes cannot be present and breakthrough myself. Waiting for time passing, make examination and approval.   世俗有时间是金钱这句话,所以窃取他人时间的小偷,显然该加以处罚。   Secular this sentence with time is money, so the thief of time, steal others clearly should be punished.   利用时间是一个极其高级的规律。   Use of time is a very advanced.   勤学的人,总是感到时间过得太快;懒惰的人,却总是埋怨时间跑得太慢。   Diligent person, always feel time passed so fast; The lazy man, but always blame time runs too slowly.   时间和破碎的梦想,被埋葬在一起不停地发酵,无法停止。   Time and broken dreams, be buried together constantly fermenting, can*39;t stop it.   时间不能增添一个人的生命,然而珍惜光阴却可使生命变得更有价值。   Time can*39;t add a person*39;s life, cherish the time, however, can make the life become more valuable.   时间告诉我,无理取闹的年龄过了,该懂事了。   The time to tell me, unreasonable age, the sensible.   每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有伤悲,人总有一段时间要学会自己长大。   Everyone tired, no one for you bear all shangbei, people always have a period of time to learn oneself grow up.   时间会缓和所有的悲伤,当你的悲伤被安抚以后,你就会因为认识过我而感到满足。   Time will ease all the sadness and when your sorrow is calm after, you*39;ll know because I feel satisfied.   没有时间教育儿子,就意味着没有时间做人。   I have no time to education son, means that there is no time to be.   时间是一只藏在黑暗中的温柔的手,在你一出神一恍惚之间,物走星移。   Time is a gentle hand, hidden in the dark in a trance a trance between, you walk of stars.   你说,不想再浪费时间和精力来坚持了,已经没意义了。   You say, I don*39;t want to waste time and energy to insist on, have no meaning.   最深的爱恋,却终究抵不过时间。   The deepest love, but eventually arrived but time.   对于最不幸的事情说来,时间是最伟大的医生,他会医治人们的创伤。   For the most unfortunate thing, time is the great doctor and he will heal wounds.   时间像风一样从指间滑过,想要抓住它,而它又调皮的绕过,展开手,剩下的只是回忆。   Wind slip through your fingers by living in the time want to grab it, and it is naughty bypass, a hand and the rest is just memory.   时间不能回还,而做过的这些事,像是已经深深打下去的树桩,如何能视而不见。   Time cannot be back, and do these things, like has been deeply fighting stumps, how can you turn a blind eye.   就让时间改变我们,我们都太傻,时间会让我们冷静,冷静到我们都不见了踪影。   Let the time change us, we are too stupid, time will let us calm, calm to we all disappeared.   生命里没有你的日子,就好像在浪费时间。   In every day without you, life is like a waste of time.   凋落的情感,终将被时间填满,而我终将学懂释然。   Full of emotion, will be the time to fill, and I will eventually learn relief.   时间可以使一切事物成熟;时间一久,一切都越来越清楚;时间不愧是真实之父。   Time ripens all things; A long period of time, everything is becoming increasingly clear; Not the kui is the father of real time.   在今天和明天之间,有一段很长的时间;趁你还有精神的时候,学习迅速地办事。   Between today and tomorrow, have a very long time; While you still have the spirit of the time, learning quickly.   尽可多创造快乐去填满时间,哪可活活缚着时间来陪着快乐。   Can create more joy to fill time, which can be alive bound with a happy time to accompany.   爱的伟大,只有时间才知道!   The greatness of love, only time will tell!
2023-06-19 06:21:311


你要滴在任务管理器里全部都有 ALT +DEL+ CTRLWindows 性能监视器工具如果需要在一台计算机上监视多个 Report Server 实例,可以同时或单独监视这些实例。选择要包括的实例是计数器添加过程的一部分。有关使用 Windows 附带的性能工具的更多信息,请参见微软 Windows 产品文档。若要访问性能工具u2022 从“开始”菜单上选择“运行”。u2022 在“打开”文本框中输入“perfmon”,然后单击“确定”。u2022 在性能监视器工具中,在左侧窗格里选择 System Monitor 对象,然后右击“性能”图表。u2022 选择“添加计数器”。现在,可以开始选择这些对象和要监视的计数器了。ASP.NET 应用程序性能计数器 有关 ASP.NET 应用程序性能计数器的大部分信息最近已被合并到一个题为“改善 .NET 应用程序的性能和伸缩性”的综合文档中。下表描述了一些可用于监视和优化 ASP.NET 应用程序(包括 Reporting Services)性能的重要计数器。性能对象 计数器 实例 描述 Processor(处理器) % Processor Time(处理器时间百分比) __Total “% Processor Time”监视运行 Web 服务器的计算机的 CPU 利用率。低 CPU 利用率或者无法最大化 CPU 利用率(无论客户端负载为多少)都表明 Web 应用程序中存在对资源的争用或锁定。Process(进程) % Processor Time(处理器时间百分比) aspnet_wp 或 w3wp(具体情况视 IIS 版本而定) 由 ASP.NET 工作进程所使用的处理器时间所占的百分比。在将标准负载情况下的性能与先前捕获的基准进行对比时,如果此计数器的值出现下降,则说明降低了对处理器的需求,因此也提高了伸缩性。Process(进程) Working Set(工作集) aspnet_wp 或 w3wp(具体情况视 IIS 版本而定) 由 ASP.NET 主动使用的内存数量。虽然应用程序开发人员对应用程序使用的内存数量拥有最大的控制权,但系统管理员也可通过调整会话的超时期限来显著影响这一点。Process(进程) Private Bytes(专有字节) aspnet_wp 或 w3wp(具体情况视 IIS 版本而定) Private Bytes 是当前分配给该进程且不能由其他进程共享的内存数量(以字节计)。不时出现的尖峰表明某些地方存在瓶颈,会导致工作进程继续持有不再需要的内存。如果此计数器突然下降为接近 0 的值,则可能表示 ASP.NET 应用程序由于无法预料的问题进行了重启。为了验证这一点,请监视“ASP.NET Application Restarts”计数器。ASP.NET Applications(ASP.NET 应用程序) Requests/ Sec(每秒的请求数) __Total 允许您检验请求的处理速度是否于发送速度相适应。如果每秒请求数的数值低于每秒产生的请求数,则会出现排队现象。这通常意味着已经超过了最大请求速度。ASP.NET Applications(ASP.NET 应用程序) Errors Total(总错误数) __Total 在执行 HTTP 请求期间发生的错误总数。包括任何分析器、编译或运行时错误。此计数器是“Errors During Compilation”(编译错误数)、“Errors During Preprocessing”(预处理错误数)和“Errors During Execution”(执行错误数)计数器的总和。运转正常的 Web 服务器不应产生任何错误。如果错误发生在 ASP.NET Web 应用程序中,它们的存在可能会让实际的吞吐量结果产生偏差。ASP.NET Request Execution Time(请求执行时间) 显示了呈现所请求页面并将其传送给用户所需的时间(以毫秒计)。跟踪此计数器通常要比跟踪页面呈现时间效果更好。此计数器可以更全面地衡量从开始到结束的整个请求时间。在与基准进行对比时,如果此计数器的平均值较低,则说明应用程序的伸缩性和性能均得到了改善。ASP.NET Application Restarts(应用程序重新启动) 应用程序在 Web 服务器生存期间发生重新启动的次数。每次发生 Application_OnEnd 事件时,应用程序的重新启动次数都会增加。应用程序进行重新启动的原因可能是:更改了 Web.config 文件、更改了存储在应用程序的 in 目录下的程序集、或者 Web Forms 页面中发生了太多的更改。如果此计数器的值出现意料之外的增加,说明某些不可预知的问题导致 Web 应用程序被关闭。在这种情况下,应该认真调查问题原因。ASP.NET Requests Queued(排队的请求数) 在队列中等待服务的请求数。如果此数字随着客户端负载的增加而呈现线性的增长,则说明 Web 服务器计算机已经达到了它能够处理的并发请求极限。此计数器的默认最大值为 5,000。您可以在计算机的 Machine.config 文件中更改此设置。ASP.NET Worker Process Restarts(工作进程重新启动) 工作进程在服务器计算机上重新启动的次数。如果出现意料之外的故障或者被有意回收,则工作进程会重新启动。如果此计数器的值出现意料之外的增加,应认真调查问题原因。除了上表中介绍的这些核心监视要素之外,在您试图诊断 ASP.NET 应用程序具有的特定性能问题时,下表中的性能计数器也可对您有所帮助。性能对象 计数器 实例 描述 ASP.NET Applications(ASP.NET 应用程序) Pipeline Instance Count(管线实例计数) __Total 指定 ASP.NET 应用程序的活动请求管线实例的数量。由于只有一个执行线程可以在管线实例内运行,所以此数值反映了为特定应用程序处理的并发请求的最大数量。大多数情况下,在存在负载的情况下此数值较低为佳,这表明处理器得到了很好的利用。.NET CLR Exceptions(.NET CLR 异常) # of Exceps Thrown(引发的异常数) 显示应用程序中引发的异常数。如果此数值出现意料之外的增加,说明可能存在性能问题。如果仅仅存在异常,则并不需要担心,因为异常对于某些代码路径来说是正常工作的一部分。例如,HttpResponse.Redirect 方法通过引发一个不可捕获的异常 ThreadAbortException 来完成工作。同样,对 ASP.NET 应用程序跟踪此计数器也更加有用。使用“Errors Total”计数器确定该异常是否将导致应用程序出现意料之外的错误。System(系统) Context Switches/ sec(每秒的上下文切换次数) 测量 Web 服务器计算机上所有处理器切换线程上下文的速度。如果此计数器的值很高,可能表示对锁的争用频繁发生,或者在线程的用户模式和内核模式之间切换频繁。使用采样优化程序和其他工具执行进一步调查可证实上述猜测。Reporting Services 性能计数器 Reporting Services 包括一组它自己的性能计数器,用于收集有关报告处理和资源消耗方面的信息。可通过 Windows 性能监视器工具中出现的两个对象来监视实例和组件的状态和活动:MSRS 2005 Web Service 和 MSRS 2005 Windows Service 对象。MSRS 2005 Web Service 性能对象包括一组用来跟踪 Report Server 处理过程的计数器,这些处理过程通常通过在线交互式报告浏览操作而引发。这些计数器在 ASP.NET 停止该 Web 服务后被重设。下表列出了可用于监视 Report Server 性能的计数器,并描述了它们的目的。性能对象:RS Web Service计数器 描述 Active Sessions(活动会话数) 活动会话的数量。此计数器反映了尚未过期的所有浏览器会话总数。这并不是同时处理的请求数,而是存储在 ReportServerTempDB 数据库中的会话数量。Cache Hits/Sec(每秒缓存命中次数) 每秒从目录中取得的报告请求的数量。如果此值增加,而“Memory Cache Hits”的值不增加,则说明报告数据没有被重新处理,但是页面被重新呈现。将此计数器与 Memory Cache Hits/Sec 计数器一同使用,可以确定用于缓存、磁盘或内存的资源是否充足。Cache Misses/Sec(每秒缓存未命中数) 每秒未能从目录中(与内存中相对)返回报告的请求数量。将此计数器与 Memory Cache Misses/Sec 计数器一同使用,可以确定用于缓存、磁盘或内存的资源是否充足。First Session Requests/Sec(每秒的首次会话请求数) 每秒中从 Report Server 缓存中启动的新的用户会话数量。Memory Cache Hits/Sec(每秒内存缓存命中数) 每秒中从内存中的缓存里取得报告的次数。内存中缓存是 Reporting Services 缓存的一部分,用于在内存或临时文件中保存已呈现过的报告。这样可以为请求提供最佳的性能,因为无需执行任何处理工作。如果使用内存中缓存,报告服务器将不会通过查询 SQL Server 来获得缓存的内容。Memory Cache Misses/Sec(每秒内存缓存未命中数) 每秒中未能从内存中的缓存里取得报告的次数。Next Session Requests/Sec(每秒的下一次会话请求) 每秒在现有会话中请求打开报告的次数。Report Requests(报告请求) 当前处于活动状态并且将由 Report Server 进行处理的报告数量。Reports Executed/Sec(每秒执行的报告数) 每秒成功执行的报告的数量。此计数器提供了有关报告处理量的统计信息。综合使用此计数器和 Request/Sec,比较可从缓存中返回的报告请求的执行情况。Requests/Sec(每秒的请求数) 每秒向 Report Server 发出的请求数。此计数器跟踪由 Report Server 处理的所有类型的请求。Total Cache Hits(缓存命中总数) 自服务启动以来,从缓存中获得报告的请求总数。此计数器在 ASP.NET 停止该 Web 服务后被重设。Total Cache Misses(总的缓存未命中数) 自服务启动以来,不能从缓存中获得报告的总次数。此计数器在 ASP.NET 停止该 Web 服务后被重设。可使用此计数器确定磁盘空间和内存是否充足。Total Memory Cache Hits(总的内存缓存命中数) 自服务启动以来,从内存中缓存里返回的已缓存报告的总数。此计数器在 ASP.NET 停止该 Web 服务后被重设。内存中缓存是在 CPU 内存中存储报告的那部分缓存。如果使用内存中缓存,报告服务器将不会通过查询 SQL Server 来获得缓存的内容。Total Memory Cache Misses(总的缓存未命中数) 自服务启动以来,针对内存中缓存的缓存未命中总数。此计数器在 ASP.NET 停止该 Web 服务后被重设。Total Processing Failures(处理故障总数) 自服务启动以来,发生的所有报告处理故障的总数。此计数器在 ASP.NET 停止该 Web 服务后被重设。处理故障可能来自报告处理器,也可能来自任何扩展。Total Reports Executed(执行的报告总数) 自服务启动以来得到成功执行的报告的总数。Total Requests(总请求数) 自服务启动以来,向 Report Server 发送的所有请求的总数。RS Windows Service 性能对象包括一组用于跟踪报告处理过程的计数器,这些处理过程是通过预定操作而引发的。预定操作可能包括订阅和交付、报告执行快照以及报告历史。微软的工作负载中并不包含任何预定操作或交付操作,此处列出这些性能计数器仅是便于您进行参考。可使用此性能对象监视 Report Server Windows 服务。如果您准备在一个横向伸缩配置中运行 Report Server,那么这些计数器应用于所选的服务器,而不是应用于横向伸缩配置整体。这些计数器在应用程序域回收之时将被重设。下表列出了可用于监视预定和交付操作的计数器,并描述了它们的目的。性能对象:RS Windows Service计数器 描述 Cache Flushes/Sec(每秒缓存刷新次数) 每秒刷新缓存的次数。Cache Hits/Sec(每秒缓存命中数) 每秒获取到缓存报告的请求数量。Cache Misses/Sec(每秒缓存未命中数) 每秒未能从缓存中获得报告的请求的数量。Delivers/Sec(每秒交付数) 每秒从各种交付扩展交付的报告的数量。Events/Sec(每秒事件数) 每秒处理的事件数量。被监视的事件,包括 SnapshotUpdated 和 TimedSubscription。Memory Cache Hits/Sec(每秒内存缓存命中数) 每秒中从内存中的缓存里取得报告的次数。Memory Cache Misses/Sec(每秒内存缓存未命中数) 每秒中未能从内存中的缓存里取得报告的次数。Report Requests(报告请求数) 当前处于活动状态并且将由 Report Server 进行处理的报告数量。可使用此计数器评估缓存策略。向特定呈现扩展提交的请求数。请求的数量可能比执行的报告数量多许多。Reports Executed/Sec(每秒执行的报告数) 每秒成功执行的报告的数量。Snapshot Updates/Sec(每秒快照更新数) 每秒报告执行快照的预定更新数量。Total App Domain Recycles(应用程序域回收总数) 自服务启动以来回收的应用程序域总数。Total Cache Flushes(缓存刷新总数) 自服务启动以来,Report Server 的缓存更新总数。Total Cache Hits(缓存命中总数) 自服务启动以来,从缓存中获得报告的请求总数。Total Cache Misses(总的缓存未命中数) 自服务启动以来,不能从缓存中获得报告的总次数。可使用此计数器确定是否需要更多磁盘空间或内存。Total Deliveries(总交付数) 由 Scheduling and Delivery Processor 交付的报告总数(对于所有交付扩展)。Total Events(总事件数) 自服务启动以来发生的事件的总数。Total Memory Cache Hits(总的内存缓存命中数) 自服务启动以来,从内存中缓存里返回的已缓存报告的总数。Total Memory Cache Misses(总的缓存未命中数) 自服务启动以来,针对内存中缓存的缓存未命中总数。Total Processing Failures(处理故障总数) 自服务启动以来,发生的所有报告处理故障的总数。处理故障可能来自报告处理器,也可能来自任何扩展。Total Rejected Threads(被拒绝的线程总数) 拒绝执行异步处理后在同一线程中作为同步过程在以后进行处理的数据处理线程总数。Total Report Executions(报告执行总数) 已执行报告的总数。Total Requests(请求总数) 自服务启动以来得到成功执行的报告的总数。Total Snapshot Updates(快照更新总数) 自服务启动以来,报告执行快照进行更新的总数。如果您打算排除 Reporting Services 存在的性能问题,记录以下性能计数器通常很有帮助:ASP.NET、ASP.NET Applications、Process、System、Memory、Physical Disks、.NET Exceptions、.NET Memory、.NET Loading、.NET CLR Locks and Threads 以及 .NET CLR Data。可选的 Reporting Services 性能计数器 以下列出了一些适用于 RS Web Service 但在默认情况下并未安装的性能计数器。但是,在执行性能优化工作时,可以通过这些计数器来改善您洞察性能的能力。为实现这个目的,请在命令提示符中执行以下语句:installutil.exe /u ReportingServicesLibrary.dll然后再执行:installutil.exe ReportingServicesLibrary.dll为了成功执行该语句,您可能首先需要修改您的路径,在路径中包含 Microsoft .NET Framework 的安装目录。在路径修改完毕后,请从包含 ReportingServicesLibrary.dll 文件的目录下执行先前语句。默认情况下,该文件安装在 C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLMSSQL.instanceReporting ServicesReportServerin 目录下。这些计数器没有进行彻底的本地化。Active Database Connections(活动数据库连接) 某个时间处于活动状态的数据库连接的数量。只统计指向 Report Server 目录的连接。Active Datasource Connections(活动数据源连接) 某个时间处于活动状态的数据库连接的数量。只统计由当前运行的报告打开的数据源连接。Active Threads(活动线程) 当前处于活动状态的线程数量。在 Web 服务中,它包含一些为请求提供服务的线程。在交付服务中,它包含工作线程以及维护和轮询线程。Byte count(字节计数) 对于上一次请求,在呈现当前报告时向客户端返回的字节数量。这与对应的执行日志条目相类似。Row Count(行计数) 对于上一次请求,由当前报告返回的行的数量。这与对应的执行日志条目相类似。Time in Compression(压缩时间) 对于上一次请求,在快照和 PDF 报告压缩上花费的时间(以毫秒计)。Time in data source access(数据源访问时间) 对于上一次请求,在获取报告的数据源信息上花费的时间(以毫秒计)。其中包括执行查询和取回结果所需的时间。这与对应的执行日志条目相类似。Time in database(数据库时间) 对于上一次请求,在获取 Report Server 目录信息上花费的时间(以毫秒计)。Time in processing(处理时间) 对于上一次请求,在报告处理上花费的时间(以毫秒计)。这与对应的执行日志条目相类似。Time in rendering(呈现时间) 对于上一次请求,在呈现报告上花费的时间(以毫秒计)。这与对应的执行日志条目相类似。
2023-06-19 06:21:411


1、简单是终极的复杂。 Simplicity is the ultimate complex. 2、世上本无事,庸人自扰之。 In the world this have no matter, much ado about nothing. 3、平凡简单,安于平凡,真不简单。 Ordinary simple, content with ordinary, it"s not simple. 4、简单和简单,却拼凑不成简简单单。 Simple and simple, but fails to piece together a simple. 5、简单的事,能把它做好确实比较困难。 The simple things, can do it well is more difficult. 6、最伟大的人仅仅因为简单才显得崇高。 The greatest person just because simple makes the sublime. 7、只挑简单的做,你的人生当然只能这样! Only choose simple do, of course, your life can only be so! 8、最深刻的真理是最简单、最普通的真理。 The deepest truth is the simplest and most common truth. 9、大自然总是在蠢人面前露出简单的特征。 Nature always show the characteristics of simple in front of the fool. 10、简单地活着,其他人可能只是简单地生活。 Live simply, others may simply live. 11、其实忘记一个人挺简单:不要见,不要贱。 Actually forget a person Ptty simple: don"t see, don"t mean. 12、如果你的心简单,那么这个世界也就简单。 If your heart is simple, the world is simple. 13、把事情变复杂很简单,把事情变简单很复杂。 It is simple to complex, the simple things complicated. 14、简单才不简单,又有谁能真正如愿活的简单。 Simple is not simple, live simple and who can truly wish. 15、为什么?很简单,因为你是土鳖,没见过世面。 Why is that? Very simple, because you be a soil terrapin and have never seen a world. 16、华丽常常伴随着伟大,幸运更经常地来自于简单。 Luxuriant and often accompanied by great, lucky more often from the simple. 17、每个人都应照顾自己的利益,这是最简单的道理。 Everyone should take care of their own interests, this is the most simple truth. 18、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple. 19、最伟大的真理最简单;同样,最简单的人也最伟大。 The greatest truth is the most simple; Similarly, the simplest are the greatest. 20、简单的格调,简单的布置。就这样,简简单单的我。 Simple style, simple layout. In this way, simple me. 21、以前看的太简单了,现在看的太麻烦,后来看不清了。 Used to look too simple, now look too much trouble, later can"t see. 22、简单人生简单过,人生本来就很简单,只要快乐就好。 Simple life, simple life is very simple, as long as happy. 23、你把问题看得太简单,以至于我不知道怎么和你解释。 You are too simple, the question that you and I don"t know how to explain. 24、有的时候,应该学会用简单的方法去解决复杂的问题。 Sometimes, should learn to use simple method to solve complex problems. 25、你简单了,事情就简单了;事情简单了,世界就简单了。 You are simple, it is simple; Things simple, the world becomes simple. 26、因为历练了所以成熟,所以简单,所以珍惜,所以淡然! Because experience so mature, so simple, so cherish, so cool! 27、历史和哲学负有多种永久的责任,同时也是简单的责任。 History and philosophy of permanent responsibility, is also the responsibility of the simple. 28、有些人,就是很简单,而简单的人,最好遇见简单的人。 Some people, is very simple, and simple people, best meet the simple people. 29、在纯粹的光明中就像在纯黑暗中一样,看不清什么东西。 In the light of pure like in pure in the dark, can"t see anything. 30、许多至高至深的道理,都是含蕴在一些极其简单的思想中。 Many high enough to sense and are encompassed in some very simple ideas. 31、宗派主义,使人完全忘记了人就是人这个简单明白的真理。 Sectarianism, make people completely forget for man is man understand this simple truth. 32、区别成功人士和普通人士最简单的方法,就是前者喜欢读书。 The difference between successful people and ordinary people the most simple way to like reading is the former. 33、后来的进程无关痛痒——我简单地;中他干笑,随即逃之天天。 The later process irrelevant - I simply; Every day in his dry, then fled. 34、我想就这样牵着你的手不放开,爱可不可以简简单单没有伤害。 I don"t think so, holding your hand open, love can simply no harm. 35、你,简单了,你的世界就简单了;你,简单了,事情就简单了。 You, simple, your world is simple; You, simple, simple things. 36、小时候幸福是一件很简单的事,长大了简单是一件很幸福的事。 When I was young happiness is a simple thing, grew up simple is a very happy thing. 37、学会以最简单的方式生活,不要让复杂的思想破坏生活的甜蜜。 Learn to live in the most simple way, don"t allow thoughts of the complex damage the sweetness of life. 38、任何事物都不及“伟大”那样简单;事实上,能够简单便是伟大。 Anything less is as simple as "great"; In fact, can be simple is great. 39、事情是很简单的人,全部秘诀只有两句话:不屈不挠,坚持到底。 It is very simple, only two words all the secret: perseverance, stick it out. 40、我爱哭的时候便哭,我爱笑的时候便笑,我不求深刻,只求简单。 I love cry and cry, I love to laugh and smile, I not deep, but simple. 41、世界上没有不能用简单标志着简单真理似乎是它的基本意愿之一。 No can"t use simple marks a simple truth in the world seems to be one of the basic intention of it. 42、无论在自然界或社会中,“纯粹的”现象是没有而且也不可能有的。 Whether in nature or society, the phenomenon of "pure" is not and is not possible. 43、喜欢简单的人,简单的事,简简单单的感觉。保持最初的那份纯真。 Like simple people, simple things, simple feeling. Keep the initial share of the pure. 44、简单的你穿着简单的白衬衫。你那简单的笑容让一切简单变得不简单。 Simple you wore a simple white shirt. Your simple smile make everything simple is not simple. 45、看它简简单单,足够开心不需太多,然而细心一想,我也可以这样过! See it simple, happy enough don"t need too much, but careful thought, I also can do that! 46、我喜欢简单的生活,简单的思维,简单的人际关系,一切都是简简单单。 I like simple life, simple mind, simple relationships, everything is simple. 47、一个想法含糊景用简单的方式表达不清楚,那就说明这个想法应该抛弃。 An idea of vague scene in a simple way to exPss is not clear, then the idea should be abandoned. 48、简单生活的麻烦在于,它是快乐的,丰富的,有创意的,却一点也不简单。 The simple life of the trouble is, it is happy, rich, creative, but is not simple. 49、绝对不要做你的敌人希望你做的事情,原因很简单,因为敌人希望你这样做。 Absolutely don"t do your enemy hope you do, the reason is very simple, because the enemy wants you to do so. 50、喜欢简单,喜欢简单的她。因为简单,所以快乐;因为简单,所以才不简单。 She like simple, like simple. Because simple, so happy; Because simple, so is not easy. 51、岁也无法阻挡我爱美和追求浪漫。我比18岁时更简单,因为舍不得再浪费光阴。 , also can"t stop my love of beauty and the pursuit of romance. I am more simple than the age of 18, because won"t waste any more time. 52、当今领导,集中到一点,就是他有能力使他的下属信服而不是简单地控制他们。 Today"s leadership, converge, is his ability to convince his subordinates, not simply to control them. 53、简单点吧!让我们挑最明显的特点——最共通的事物——把它做得非比寻常地好。 Simple point!!!! Let"s do the obvious characteristics of the most common things, unusual well - do it. 54、郭靖:追女孩子其实很简单,比如说,在她扮成小乞丐的时候,请她吃一顿大餐。 Guo jing: chasing girls actually very simple, for example, when she was dressed up as little beggar, asked her to eat a big meal. 55、头脑简单的人有了虚荣心往往干出种种荒唐事,年轻姑娘最容易抱不切实际的幻想。 Simple people have vanity tend to dry out a variety of absurd things, young girl is the most easy to unrealistic fantasies. 56、在一起时说句甜言蜜语特别难,散了之后,一句我想你却那么简单,那么发自肺腑。 Said the sweet nothings special difficult together, dispersed, line I think you are so simple, so visceral. 57、小时期以为自己的父亲不简单,后来觉得自己不简单,再后来觉得自己的孩子不简单。 Thought his father not simple small period, then feel not simple, then think their children is not easy. 58、越简单,就越快乐越幸福。简单不一定美丽,但美丽一定简单。学会简单,你就不简单。 The more simple, the happy the happiness. Simple is not necessarily beautiful, but beauty must be simple. Learn to simple, you are not simple. 59、其实爱情和友情也就那么回事儿,想的开了自然也就淡了,快乐简单一点烦恼也不在复杂。 In fact, love and friendship are so, want to open the natural would be light, happy a little bit more simple annoyance is not complicated. 60、简单的事情考虑得很复杂,可以发现新领域,把复杂的现象看得很简单,可以发现新规律。 Considers very complex, the simple things you can find new areas, the phenomenon of complex is very simple, can be found that the new rule. 61、因为都是简单的人所以会有简单的情绪,所以会有简单的生活,所以才会有并不简单的故事。 Because the people are simple so there will be a simple mood, so there will be a simple life, so just can have is not a simple story. 62、其实,一个人的生死看似简单,但是我们的身份决定了,本来简单的事情,也注定不会简单。 In fact, a person"s life looks be like simple, but the identity of our decision, originally simple things, also is not simple. 63、我教自己简单明智地生活,仰望苍穹,向上帝祈祷,傍晚之前长途漫步,消耗我过剩的忧虑。 I teach his simple life wisely, looking up at the sky, pray to god, in the evening before walking long distances, consumption of excess my anxiety. 64、听说幸福很简单,简单到时间一冲就冲淡,曾经的海枯又石烂,抵不过你最后一句好聚好散。 Heard that happy is very simple, as soon as flushes simply to the time dilute, once the sea dry stone lousy again, is worth but you the last sentence on good terms. 65、对问题不应满足于简单的回答,而应该象一颗优良的种子,给思想的原野催发一片嫩绿的新芽。 Should not be content with a simple answer to the question, and should be like a good seed, ideological field spin off a piece of green buds.
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1、成功就是将简单的事情重复做。 Success is to do simple things repeatedly. 2、平凡简单,安于平凡,真不简单。 Ordinary simple, content with ordinary, it"s not simple. 3、成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。 Success is to do simple things repeated. 4、快乐很简单,但要做到简单却很难。 Happiness is very simple, but to do a simple but very difficult. 5、简单的事,能把它做好确实比较困难。 The simple things, can do it well is more difficult. 6、只挑简单的做,你的人生当然只能这样! Only choose simple do, of course, your life can only be so! 7、如果你的心简单,那么这个世界也就简单。 If your heart is simple, the world is simple. 8、简单才不简单,又有谁能真正如愿活的简单。 Simple is not simple, live simple and who can truly wish. 9、简单两字看似很简单,要做到简单还真不简单。 Seemingly very simple, simple two word to do simple is not simple. 10、简单的格调,简单的布置。就这样,简简单单的我。 Simple style, simple layout. In this way, simple me. 11、或许我们都应该简单一点,简单的思考,简单的活着。 Maybe we should all be a little bit more simple, the simple thinking, simple living. 12、有的时候,应该学会用简单的方法去解决复杂的问题。 Sometimes, should learn to use simple method to solve complex problems. 13、因为历练了所以成熟,所以简单,所以珍惜,所以淡然! Because experience so mature, so simple, so cherish, so cool! 14、在纯粹的光明中就像在纯黑暗中一样,看不清什么东西。 In the light of pure like in pure in the dark, can"t see anything. 15、你简单了,事情就简单了;事情简单了,世界就简单了。 You are simple, it is simple; Things simple, the world becomes simple. 16、简单地说,文明就是人类对大自然的一个又一个的胜利。 In a nutshell, is human civilization of nature a victory after another. 17、历史和哲学负有多种永恒的责任,同时也是简单的责任。 Have a variety of eternal responsibility history and philosophy, and is also the responsibility of the simple. 18、有些人,就是很简单,而简单的人,最好遇见简单的人。 Some people, is very simple, and simple people, best meet the simple people. 19、简单生活,并不一定出于无奈,有时它是发自内心的选择。 Simple life, is not necessarily because of helpless, sometimes it is from the heart. 20、无论长多大,在面对思念的时候我们都只是个简单的孩子。 No matter how long, in the face of missing when we are all just a simple child. 21、区别成功人士和普通人士最简单的方法,就是前者喜欢读书。 The difference between successful people and ordinary people the most simple way to like reading is the former. 22、献身于正义是简单的,献身于邪恶则是复杂的,而且变化无穷。 Dedicated to the justice is a simple, dedicated to the evil is complex, and everything changes. 23、小时候幸福是一件很简单的事,长大了简单是一件很幸福的事。 When I was young happiness is a simple thing, grew up simple is a very happy thing. 24、人生往往是复杂的,使复杂的人生简单化除了**就别无他法。 Life is often complicated, simplify complicated life will have no choice but in addition to the violence. 25、离你越近的地方,路途越远;最简单的音调,需要最艰苦的练习。 As close to your place, the farther the way; The most simple tones, need the most hard practice. 26、简单的灵魂,是质朴;简单的内涵,是本真;简单的归依,是智慧! The soul of simple, plain; The connotation of simple, is true; Simple refuge, is wisdom! 27、我喜欢简单的生活,简单的思维,简单的人际关系,一切都是简简单单。 I like simple life, simple mind, simple relationships, everything is simple. 28、一个想法含糊景用简单的方式表达不清楚,那就说明这个想法应该抛弃。 An idea of vague scene in a simple way to exPss is not clear, then the idea should be abandoned. 29、因为简单,所以快乐。也许我是一个复杂的人,但我向往简单,追求简单。 Because simple, so happy. Maybe I am a complicated person, but I like simple, the pursuit of simple. 30、我想要的,想做的很简单。你对我简单,我就简单;你复杂,那就不好说了。 I want, want to do is very simple. You simple to me, I"ll simple; You are complicated, that is to say. 31、岁也无法阻挡我爱美和追求浪漫。我比18岁时更简单,因为舍不得再浪费光阴。 , also can"t stop my love of beauty and the pursuit of romance. I am more simple than the age of 18, because won"t waste any more time. 32、在一起时说句甜言蜜语特别难,散了之后,一句我想你却那么简单,那么发自肺腑。 Said the sweet nothings special difficult together, dispersed, line I think you are so simple, so visceral. 33、简单就是真理,简单就是聪明,简单是厚积薄发的力量。学会了简单,其实真不简单。 Simple is the truth, and the simple is smart, simple is the power of the whole. Learn the simple, actually really don"t simple. 34、成功的秘诀——很简单,无论何时,不管怎样,我也绝不允许自己有一点点灰心丧气。 The secret of success, is very simple, no matter when, no matter what, I never allow myself to have a little bit frustrated. 35、我爱哭的时候便哭,想笑的时候便笑,只要这一切出于自然。我不求深刻,只求简单。 I love cry and cry, want to smile smile, as long as it all out of nature. Not deep, I pursue simple. 36、我发现啊,我喜欢的人,也喜欢我这件事,并不简单呢。所谓奇迹,就是指的这种吧。 I find I like of the person, also like me in this matter, is not simple. The so-called miracle, is refers to the right. 37、把简单的事情考虑得很复杂,可以发现新领域;把复杂的现象看得很简单,可以发现新定律。 Simple things into very complex, can find new areas; Read the complex phenomenon is very simple, can be found that the new law. 38、其实,一个人的生死看似简单,但是我们的身份决定了,本来简单的事情,也注定不会简单。 In fact, a person"s life looks be like simple, but the identity of our decision, originally simple things, also is not simple. 39、听说幸福很简单,简单到时间一冲就冲淡,曾经的海枯又石烂,抵不过你最后一句好聚好散。 Heard that happy is very simple, as soon as flushes simply to the time dilute, once the sea dry stone lousy again, is worth but you the last sentence on good terms. 40、比较复杂的劳动只是自乘的或不如说是多倍的简单的劳动,因此,少量的复杂劳动等于多量的简单劳动。 More complex labor is square or times more than simple labor, as a result, a small amount of labor is equal to the amount of more complex simple labor. 41、不简单、一点都不简单,没你想的简单,真的很不简单。就像当两个人在拥抱的时候想的不是拥抱的事情一样。 Not easy, is not simple, not simple as you think, it"s really not easy. Just like when two people hug to not embrace things. 42、我喜欢简单的人,简单的事,简单的努力,简单的收获,简单的成长,简单的未来。回归简单,才是生命的真谛。 I like simple people, simple things, simple, simple, simple, simple in the future. Return to the simple, is the real meaning of life. 43、我们不肯探索自己本身的价值,我们过分看重他人在自己生命里的参与。于是,孤独不再美好,失去了他人,我们惶惑不安。 We refuse to explore the value of their own, we disdainful of the participation of others in their life. So lonely no longer beautiful, lost to others, our confusion. 44、几笔柔顺的线条,几朵白色的云儿,一席绿色的地毯,就是我的世界。简单的我,喜欢在简单的世界里,做着简单的梦,就这样简单地快乐着。 Several smooth lines, some white cloud, a seat on the green carpet, is my world. Simple, I like in a simple world, do a simple dream, so simply happy. 45、简单的你好与再见,表达了遇见与离别,简单谢谢与抱歉,表达了感激与愧疚。能诉说浓烈感情的,只有那些简单的词句。因为简单,所以纯粹。 A simple hello and goodbye, exPssed the meeting and parting, simple thank you and I"m sorry, exPssed his gratitude and guilt. They can exPss strong feelings, only those simple words. Because simple, so pure. 46、我们往往能够记住成长中的寂寞,疼痛,却记不住童年时那段透明时光中简单快乐的小幸福。也许就像人说的那样,人往往能记住痛苦,因为痛苦比快乐更为深刻。 We tend to remember growing loneliness, pain, but can"t remember my childhood time transparent simple little happiness. Perhaps like people say, people tend to remember the pain, because the pain is more profound than pleasure. 47、最好的生活就是简单生活,一盏茶,一张桌,一处清幽,日子平淡,心无杂念。可是简单的生活却需要你百般的努力,这样才会让你无忧无虑的欣然享受这种生活。 The best life is the simple life, a light tea, a table, a quiet, life dull, empty heart. But simple life you all need to work hard, this will make you carefree glad to enjoy the life. 48、简单生活才是幸福生活,人要懂得知足常乐,没有什么东西是不能放手的,所有的哀伤、痛楚,所有不能放弃的事情,不过是生命里的一个过渡,你跳过了,就可以变得更精彩。 Simple life is happiness life, people want to know the happiness consists in contentment, nothing can"t let go, all the sadness, pain, what all don"t give up, but is a transition in the ways of life, you skip, you can become more wonderful.
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1、婚姻是场**,赌注是一生的幸福。 Marriage is a gamble, bet is a lifetime of happiness. 2、做一个善良的人,为人类去谋幸福。 Do a kind person, for the human to seek happiness. 3、幸福不是得到的多,而是计较的少。 Happiness is not get much, but caring less. 4、天国般的幸福,存在于对真爱的希望。 Heavenly happiness exists in the hope of true love. 5、人生,幸福不是目的,品德才是准绳。 Life, happiness is not the goal, character is the criterion. 6、在幸福的爱情,也经不过时间的消磨。 In the happiness of love, also but time to kill. 7、幸福就是白开水里加一点糖,甜甜的! Happiness is the plain boiled e. 12、不逃避真实,才不会错过真实的幸福。 Don"t hide, don"t miss the real happiness. 13、两人永远的羁绊,这是何等的幸福啊! Te unhappy. 20、只要心中有希望存在,就有幸福存在。 As long as there is a hope in your heart, there is happiness. 21、幸福是没有额度的,它永远不会变质。 Happiness is no limit, it es too suddenly, es from ignorance and blind. Fortunately, you are not very happy. 41、自由是上帝赐给人类的最大的幸福之一。 Freedom is one of the greatest happiness of god to mankind. 42、我还是希望自己爱的人,永远幸福快乐。 I still e sad. 45、不要羡慕别人的幸福,因为那不属于你。 Don"t envy other people"s happiness, because that does not belong to you. 46、勤奋是幸福的基础,懒惰是罪恶的起源。 Diligence is the foundation of happiness, lazy is the origin of evil. 47、只要你愿意付出,幸福就会自己来敲门! As long as you are a sense of accomplishment and creative work. 69、建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。 Building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness. 70、幸福是简单的呼吸,呼吸停止前没有不幸。 Happiness is a simple breathing, breathing stops before no misfortune. 71、听说幸福很简单。简单到时间一冲就冲淡。 Heard that happy is very simple. As soon as flushes simply to the time dilute. 72、一直在想,我若不够优秀,怎么给她幸福。 Have been thinking about it, if I not enough good, how to give her happiness. 73、一切为了社会主义的这种人是最幸福的人。 All the kind of person to socialism is the most happy people. 英语幸福的句子 1、幸福就是平平安安;幸福就是简简单单;幸福就是轻轻松松;幸福就是自自然然;幸福就是潇潇洒洒;幸福就是快快乐乐。 Happiness is peace; happiness is simple; happiness is easy; happiness is natural; happiness is chic; happiness is happy. 2、我不允许你吓我,我很胆小,不要用任何事吓我,我会很害怕!心简单,世界就简单,幸福才会生长;心自由,生活就自由,到哪都有快乐。 I pared. Being loved and loving others is the same happiness, and once you get it, it and bottom of the position, you can not see the flopletely in his os ises its presence to the sky, nor does its scenery tell its eternity to its eyes. I don"t have much commitment, no sweet words, just because true love needs not too many words to express. 关于幸福英语句子 1、幸福的关键不在与找到一个完美的人,而在找到任何一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系。 The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and he together and build a perfect relationship. 2、别让幸福等太久,别让拥有变成遗憾;我们,再也不会从这里经过。 Dont let happiness too long, dont let have a regret; ent eone the beginning of a happy heart. 10、有些失去是注定的,有些缘分是永远不会有结果的,爱一个人就一定要好好去爱她。 Some are doomed to lose, some fate is never have the result, love a person must take to love her. 11、明白的人懂得放弃,真情的人懂得牺牲,幸福的人懂得超脱。 Understand that people knoe painful. 16、想得太多,只会让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。 Think too much, ans life, but a mans life in an episode. 19、幸福是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态。 Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on the state of peoples lives, and depends on the mentality of people. 20、幸福,是智慧圆满,功成名就;慈善捐助,无畏布施;救人于水火。 Happiness, is the perfect pany, I have had, Thanksgiving is satisfied, no regrets. 24、美,美不过草原;阔,阔不过蓝天;深,深不过大海。 Beautiful, beautiful but broad, broad grassland; but deep, but the sea deep blue sky. 25、幸福永远存在于人类不安的追求中,而不存在于和谐于稳定之中。 Happiness al far, to once ent his wife all glory, splendour, wealth and rank. The best lovers are the following. 44、失败时有人伸出一只手来为你擦泪,会好过成功时无数人伸手为你鼓掌。 are on the ground, dont look too light; as long as you are living on the earth, dont take yourself too much. 47、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。 One is a gorgeous short dream, one is the brutal long reality. 48、喜欢你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开,比很久很久还要久 Like you, for a long time, waiting for you, also a long time, and now, I want to leave, long time for a long time 49、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the for outsiders to intervene. 64、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情,就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 Those e together, I do not knomendation, then the good is a credit card! 78、幸福从来不在于你拥有什么,幸福在于用自己的能力去努力创造,去用心感受。 Happiness lies not in what you have, happiness lies in your ability to work hard to create, to feel. 79、朝霞映着她那幸福的笑脸,如同玫瑰花一样鲜艳;微微翘起的嘴角挂着满心的喜悦。 Asaka shiny her happy smiling face, like a rose as bright; slightly tilted mouth hanging heart filled with joy. 80、爱情也像海一样深沉,我给你的越多,我自己就越丰富,因为两者都是没有穷尽的。 Love as deep, the more I give you, I am more rich, because both are not exhaustive. 英语描写幸福的句子 1、世上没有绝对幸福的人,只有不肯快乐的心。 There is no absolute happiness of person, only not happy heart. 2、生活是需要诚信的,有了诚信才会有幸福可言。 Life is need good faith, the good faith pany you see all the scenery. 8、爱到不爱了,不想爱了,才是最幸福的时候吧。 Love to the love, don"t my mother there, I got the happiness and the joy of the story. 13、笨人寻找远处的幸福,聪明人在脚下播种幸福。 Stupid people looking for happiness in the distance, the love. 35、为什么幸福的人这么多,却偏偏像少了我一个。 is courage. 38、对媳妇好点,她也是家人,家庭和睦才能幸福。 To daughter-in-labstone, happiness is also a kind of safe. 45、因为我是幸福的,所以觉得随时死去也没有关系。 Because I am a happy, so think to die at any time. 46、我愿用多一点点的辛苦,来交换多一点点的幸福。 I meet on life, Thanksgiving from the perceived happiness. 55、如果我们没有才华,那努力就足以使我们幸福了。 If e people are only suitable for hope in happiness. 70、上天让我们习惯各种事物,就是用它来代替幸福。 God let an, don"t too good memory. The more women less happiness memories. 73、人生至高无上的幸福,莫过于确信自己被人所爱。 The supreme happiness in life, is the conviction that we are loved. 74、有取有舍的人多么幸福,寡情的守财奴才是不幸。 Have take of people, how happy meaner miser is unfortunate. 75、一个人成为他自己了,那就是达到了幸福的顶点。 A person as his own, it is reached the peak of happiness.
2023-06-19 06:22:121


【 #励志名言# 导语】青春让时间钻了漏洞,而苍老决堤而下,世故奔流。 整理“关于时间的英语励志名言”,以供大家参考,希望可以帮助到大家,感谢大家的阅读与支持! 【篇一】关于时间的英语励志名言   1.要延长白天的时间,最妙的办法莫如从黑夜偷用几个钟头!   To prolong the time of day, the most wonderful way is setting from the night to steal in a few hours!   2.所谓幸福,我想我可以理解为,在对的时间,遇到对的人。于是没有错过没有彷徨。   The so-called happiness, I think I can be understood as, at the right time, meet the right person.So no miss without hesitation.   3.真相和误解,有时不能被自己呈现和突破。要等待时间消逝,做出审定。   The truth and misunderstanding, sometimes cannot be present and breakthrough myself.Waiting for time passing, make examination and approval.   4.世俗有时间是金钱这句话,所以窃取他人时间的小偷,显然该加以处罚。   Secular this sentence with time is money, so the thief of time, steal others clearly should be punished.   5.利用时间是一个极其高级的规律。   Use of time is a very advanced.   6.勤学的人,总是感到时间过得太快;懒惰的人,却总是埋怨时间跑得太慢。   Diligent person, always feel time passed so fast; The lazy man, but always blame time runs too slowly.   7.时间和破碎的梦想,被埋葬在一起不停地发酵,无法停止。   Time and broken dreams, be buried together constantly fermenting, can"t stop it.   8.时间不能增添一个人的生命,然而珍惜光阴却可使生命变得更有价值。   Time can"t add a person"s life, cherish the time, however, can make the life become more valuable.   9.时间告诉我,无理取闹的年龄过了,该懂事了。   The time to tell me, unreasonable age, the sensible.   10.每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有伤悲,人总有一段时间要学会自己长大。   Everyone tired, no one for you bear all shangbei, people always have a period of time to learn oneself grow up.   11.时间会缓和所有的悲伤,当你的悲伤被安抚以后,你就会因为认识过我而感到满足。   Time will ease all the sadness and when your sorrow is calm after, you"ll know because I feel satisfied.   12.没有时间教育儿子,就意味着没有时间做人。   I have no time to education son, means that there is no time to be.   13.时间是一只藏在黑暗中的温柔的手,在你一出神一恍惚之间,物走星移。   Time is a gentle hand, hidden in the dark in a trance a trance between, you walk of stars.   14.你说,不想再浪费时间和精力来坚持了,已经没意义了。   You say, I don"t want to waste time and energy to insist on, have no meaning.   15.最深的爱恋,却终究抵不过时间。   The deepest love, but eventually arrived but time.   16.对于最不幸的事情说来,时间是最伟大的医生,他会医治人们的创伤。   For the most unfortunate thing, time is the great doctor and he will heal wounds.   17.时间像风一样从指间滑过,想要抓住它,而它又调皮的绕过,展开手,剩下的只是回忆。   Wind slip through your fingers by living in the time want to grab it, and it is naughty bypass, a hand and the rest is just memory.   18.时间不能回还,而做过的这些事,像是已经深深打下去的树桩,如何能视而不见。   Time cannot be back, and do these things, like has been deeply fighting stumps, how can you turn a blind eye.   19.就让时间改变我们,我们都太傻,时间会让我们冷静,冷静到我们都不见了踪影。   Let the time change us, we are too stupid, time will let us calm, calm to we all disappeared.   20.生命里没有你的日子,就好像在浪费时间。   In every day without you, life is like a waste of time.   21.凋落的情感,终将被时间填满,而我终将学懂释然。   Full of emotion, will be the time to fill, and I will eventually learn relief.   22.时间可以使一切事物成熟;时间一久,一切都越来越清楚;时间不愧是真实之父。   Time ripens all things; A long period of time, everything is becoming increasingly clear; Not the kui is the father of real time.   23.在今天和明天之间,有一段很长的时间;趁你还有精神的时候,学习迅速地办事。   Between today and tomorrow, have a very long time; While you still have the spirit of the time, learning quickly.   24.尽可多创造快乐去填满时间,哪可活活缚着时间来陪着快乐。   Can create more joy to fill time, which can be alive bound with a happy time to accompany.   25.爱的伟大,只有时间才知道!   The greatness of love, only time will tell!   26.听说幸福很简单。简单到时间一冲就冲淡。   Heard that happy is very simple.As soon as flushes simply to the time dilute.   27.花香飘渺,一如往昔的爱恋,尘封时间的沧桑。   Love of flowers ethereal, as usual, dusty the vicissitudes of time.   28.又过一年,又是一季,变的只是时间,不变的是守候。   One year, another season, just time, constant is waiting for you.   29.每个人在一个时间只能扮演一种角色,这样才能达到演出的完美。   Each person can only play a role at a time, in order to achieve perfect performance.   30.时间美化那仅有的悸动,也磨平激动。   Time to beautify it only throb and smooth. 【篇二】关于时间的英语励志名言   1.有些人就像是流行歌曲,你只会短时间把他们挂在嘴边。   Some people like pop songs, you hang them in the mouth will only a short time.   2.回忆是片断的,没有太多的感情,我们太狼狈,没有奢侈的时间来培养感情。   Fragments of memories is, not a lot of feelings, we are too mess, and no time to cultivate feelings of luxury.   3.勤奋的人是时间的主人,懒惰的人是时间的奴隶。   Diligence is the master of time, idle man is the slave of time.   4.时间到了,我们各走各的路,是活在这个世上好还是死了好,只有神知道答案。   We are on our different paths when the time came, is to live in this in this world good or death, only god knows the answer.   5.只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。   As long as we can make good use of time, we always have time enough.   6.时间是人能消费的最有价值的东西。   Time is the most valuable thing one can consumption.   7.要 成功 一项事业,必须花掉毕生的时间。   To a successful career, you must spend their life time.   8.相信生活和时间,时间冲淡一切苦痛。生活不一定创造更新的喜悦。   Believe that life and time, time dilute all pain.The joy of life is not necessarily create update.   9.属于我的东西,自然会随着时间沉淀下来。   Belong to my things, will naturally settle over time.   10.每个人都会坚持自己的信念,在别人来看是浪费时间,她却觉得很重要。   Everyone will insist on your faith, in others it is a waste of time, she felt very important.   11.时间就是性命。无端的空耗别人的时间,其实是无异于谋财害命。   Time is life.Gratuitous waste other people"s time, is actually is a gain.   12.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。   I hope all I wasted time to come back, let me to waste it again.   13.时间待人是平等的,而时间在每个人手里的价值却不同。   Time to treat people is equal, and time in every man"s hand value is different.   14.相爱真的没有那么容易,需要双方都能抵挡时间的危害。   Love really is not so easy, need both sides can withstand time.   15. 人生 的时间,由大大小小的悲喜堆叠而成过去,由错错对对的选择建构而成未来。   The time of life, composed of large and small feeling stack in the past, made from a wrong wrong construction on the choice of the future.   16.在时间和现实的夹缝里, 青春 和美丽一样,脆弱如风干的纸。   In the time and reality of cracks, youth and beauty, as fragile as dry paper.   17.大多时间都在匆忙追赶,其实仅差一个转身回眸而已。   Most of the time in the rush, actually just a turn and look back.   18.如果有时间抱怨时间的不美,不如换个角度体会它的绚烂多彩。   If you have time complain that time is not beautiful, colorful than experience it from a different Angle.   19.想念被距离拉远,也被时间冲淡,现实像一块橡皮,擦去了曾经的浪漫!   Miss distance is far, also be time dilute, reality is like a piece of rubber, wipe away the once romantic!   20.最能表达爱的方式是付出时间,因为时间就是生命。   Most can express love way is to pay the time, because time is life.   21.没有一种不幸可与失掉时间相比。   There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time.   22.风能吹落花,吹老时间,却吹不了心中的爱。   Wind blowing out, blow to the old time, but not the love of the heart.   23.该怎么告诉你你还在我心里,再多的时间也不能抹去。   What to tell you that you are in my heart, no amount of time cannot erase.   24.我只能隔着时间看着你。   I can only through the time to look at you.   25.时间落到懒汉手里,永远是一张白纸。   Time to bum"s hands, is always a piece of blank paper.   26.请你再成熟一点,让我能够有更长的时间呆在你身边。   Could you grow up, let I can have more time to stay by your side.   27.埋藏在心底的遗憾,时间会替我们保管。   Buried in the bottom of the heart of regret, time will keep for us.   28.时间是用来流浪的,身躯是用来相爱的,生命是用来遗忘的,而灵魂,是用来歌唱的。   Time is used to stray, body is used to love each other, life is for the forgotten, and the soul, is used to sing.   29.懒汉可以撕掉日历,但不能留住时间。   Slug can be torn off the calendar, but can"t keep time.   30.难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。   Hard to avoid blame time hand and put love into love. 【篇三】关于时间的英语励志名言   1.永恒是很长的时间,特别是对尽头而言。   Eternity is a very long time, especially in the end.   2.任何伤痛,任何悔恨,总会有过去的一天,如果过不去,只有一个原因,时间不够长。   No pain, no regret, there will always be the last day, if can not, just for one reason, the time is not long enough.   3.知识就是力量,时间就是生命。   Knowledge is power, time is life.   4.时间偷走了言语,只留下沉默。   Time steals words, leaving only silence.   5.生活应该开心,阳光,充满正面能量,所以你需要有一些自己的时间,做自己爱做的事。   Life should be happy, sunshine, filled with positive energy, so you need some time to myself, do what you love to do.   6.节约时间胜过储存金银。   To save time is better than a store of gold and silver.   7.时间可真是个杀手,能抹杀一切愉快和不愉快。   Time is a killer, to kill all the happy and unhappy.   8.财富就是支持一个人生存多长时间的能力,或者说:如果我今天停止工作,我还能活多久?   Wealth is to support how long it will take a personal survival ability, or, if I stop working today, how long can I still live?   9.我用时间证明我的专一,可你却用时间证明了我的愚蠢。   I use the time to prove my specificity, but you do with the time proved my stupid.   10.等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。   Such as time, is a waste of time.   11.在适当的时间与适当的地点,他是一个适当的人,就是如此。   At the appropriate time and proper place, he is a suitable person, this was the case.   12.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。   Don"t for those who are not willing to spend their time on you waste your time.   13.爱情可以忘记时间,时间也可以忘记爱情。   Love can forget time, time also can forget love.   14.时间无边无际的荒野中,唯有一人,能值得你所有的等待。   Time boundless wilderness, only one person, can is worth all the waiting for you.   15.合理的安排时间,就等于节约时间。   Reasonable arrangement of time, is to save time.   16.时间能获得黄金,黄金却买不到时间。   Time can get the gold, but gold can not buy time.   17时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。   Time is like a net, where are you now, where you will gain.   18.与其花时间去向如何跟朋友和好,还不如直接去向朋友道歉。   Rather than take the time to go to with friends and good, it is better to directly to friends.   19.人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间的混合。所谓强者是既有意志,又能等待时机。   All human power, is just the mixture of patience and time.The so-called strong, is both a will and can wait.   20.唯有时间的深度,才检验得了感情的硬度。   The depth of the time, is the only thing that got emotional hardness test.   21.她不会来的。她站在两年的时间上,无垠的蓝。   She wouldn"t have come here.She stood in two years, the boundless blue.   22.别人冤枉你,如果你是对的,时间会证明你;如果你是错的,时间也证明不了你对。   Others wronged you, if you are right, time will tell you; If you are wrong, time can prove to you.   23.青春让时间钻了漏洞,而苍老决堤而下,世故奔流。   Youth, let time to drill the holes, and the old burst its Banks and sophisticated.   24.一句对不起,让我们的爱败给了时间,输给了距离。   A: I"m sorry, let our love lost to time, lost to the distance.   25.时间的锐齿能啮尽一切,只是对真理无能为力。   Time of sharp teeth gritting can do everything, is powerless against truth.   26.沉浸于现实的忙碌之中,没有时间和精力思念过去,成功也就不会太远了。   Immersed in real busy, no time and energy to miss the past, success is not far away.   27.时间不会流逝。流逝的是我们自己。   Time will not pass.Time is our own.   28.人生在世,必须善处境,万不可浪费时间,作无益的烦恼。   Living life, must be the good situation, don"t waste time, do not trouble.   29.在黑暗的隧道穿越时间过长,光亦更接近一种幻觉。   In a dark tunnel through time is too long, the light is closer to a hallucination.   30.在老 虎 机面前,你还有一丝胜算,在时间面前,从来没有人能赢。   In front of the slot machines, you still have a little chance, in the face of time, no one can win.
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