barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-19 08:20:56

1、Love in my life。



in my life:介词短语后置,我的一生之中。

2、To be the love of someone' slife。



be the love of someone' slife:名词短语做宾语。


love and marriage,恋爱与婚姻;love music,爱情音乐;



v. (动词)




A lifelong love


Love in my life



A lifetime love



分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 都有什么英语idom?就是英语本来就有的,不要汉语直译的。有历史来原的更好,举出1~2个就可以,中英文对照,谢谢 解析: 请问是“idiom”还是“idom”,你想问的是“俗语/习语”吗? 1.A DOG IN THE MANGER 因为文化传统的关系,狗在英语语言中都被当作忠实、可爱、聪敏的象征,因此与之有关的短语也大多为褒义之词,但 a dog in the manger 则属例外。从字面来看,A dog in the manger 是指『马厩里的狗』,读者可能觉得奇怪了,狗怎么跑到马厩里去了呢?要解释清楚这个短语的实际含义,还得『追根溯源』。这个短语最早出现于《伊索预言》,故事的梗概是:一匹马和一条牛正在马厩里吃草。这时,一条狗闯进来了,它十分霸道地要马和牛都走开。马和牛十分温和地对它说:可是你是不吃草的呀!这条狗却蛮不讲理地说:我是不吃草,可是我不吃的东西也不能让你们白吃!这样,这条狗霸占了盛满稻草的马槽,却赶走了以草为生的马和牛。而它自己呢,也只能看着稻草而不能吃。 《美国韦氏大词典》将其解释为:The dog who would not allow a horse or ox to eat the hay in a manger, even though he himself did not want it. 并且在这一基本意义的基础上又将该片语引申为:A persom who selfishly withholds from others something that he himself can not use or does not need. 讲到这里,大家可能已经想到了汉语中的一个俗语:『占著茅?nbsp| 不拉屎』,两者在语意上倒也确实十分贴近。根据具体的语境,这个短语还可以理解为『自私自利的人』,『一毛不拨的人』等。例如: Don"t be such a dog in the manger. Lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon. 【中】别这么不够朋友。既然你今天下午不出去就把自行车借给他用一用。 [来源:中国翻译网] 2. APPLE OF ONE"S EYE 这是一个名词短语,其历史比较久远,在西方国家甚至非英语国家也有类似的说法。但是对东方人来说,该短语似乎有些费解。 苹果在西方人的心目中是一种像征吉祥的水果。他们认为苹果可以给人带来好运。常食苹果可以使人身体健康。英语中与苹果有关的短语很多。如人人都知道的谚语 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(一天一苹果,医生远离我。)就说明了西方人对苹果的珍视。 由于以上的原因,人们就用 apple of one"s eye 这一短语来表达这样的意思:something or someone that is adored; a cherished person or object,汉语的意思就是『珍贵的人或物』。例如: Charles is the apple of his mother"s eye. 【中】查尔斯是他母亲的心肝宝贝。 John regarded the gold ring left by his dead wife as the apple of his eye. 【中】约翰把他亡妻留下的这只金戒指视为珍宝 [来源:中国翻译网]
2023-06-19 05:06:311

disbeliever-darkseed歌词歌词 不需中文

I believe its all inside youAll the answersStrip it down and see the light comeThrough the crowdI believe it takes a momentjust to know itlisten to the windLet go of the fearLet go of everythingLet go of its realmLove will find youThere you go youre down againdisbelieverHoping for a way to get throughdesireEverything in life is shown youits so easyListen to the windLet go of the fearLet go of everythingLet go of its realmLove wil find youI believe its all inside youall the answersStrip it down and see the light comeThrough the crowdI believe it takes a momentjust to know itlisten to the windLet go of the fearLet go of everythingLet go of its realmLove will find you-= ATB - Love Will Find You =-
2023-06-19 05:06:552


Lucy has worshipped her uncle since she was a child
2023-06-19 05:07:175


2023-06-19 05:07:512


Day by daytrouble is friend
2023-06-19 05:08:004


2023-06-19 05:08:374

adore什么意思中文 adore中文翻译

1、adore,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思为“人名,阿多尔”,作动词时意思为“崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢”。 2、词形变化:副词 adoringly;名称 adorer;时态 adored,adoring,adores。 3、adore属于非正式用词,口语体。指非常喜爱,带强烈的感情色彩。 4、相关短语:adore sb as 把某人当作…崇拜;adore sb for 因…而崇拜某人;adore sb with devotion 虔诚地崇拜。
2023-06-19 05:09:031


// The thought of you is baffling 一想到你 我内心充满困惑 My mind can"t wrap around you 我的心无法向你靠拢 This human cup cannot contain 这副人类躯壳 Heaven"s glory flood 无法承载天堂的荣光 Who is like you lord 上帝啊 谁能与你比肩 Who was and is to come 昔在今在以后永在的全能者 Forever worshiped and adored 永受众生敬仰膜拜 Wepour our heart south here before your throne 我们虔诚簇拥在你的宝座前 This is for you alone yeah 它只为你而设 The sight of you leaves me speech less 一看到你 我竟说不出话来 One glimpse and I am undone 只是一瞥 我便彻底臣服 This weight of glory stirs my soul 这卓越的荣耀撼动我的灵魂 And I fall face down 我将虔诚跪拜 Who is like you lord 上帝啊 谁能与你比肩 Who was and is to come 昔在今在以后永在的全能者 Forever worshiped and adored 永受众生敬仰膜拜 We pour our heart south here before your throne 我们虔诚簇拥在你的宝座前 This is for you 它为你而设 All I can say is holy 我只能歌颂圣主 All I can do is fall on my face 我只能虔诚祈祷 And cry holy 呼求圣洁 You are holy 你是圣洁的主 Who is like you lord 上帝啊 谁能与你比肩 Who was and is to come 昔在今在以后永在的全能者 Forever worshiped and adored 永受众生敬仰膜拜 Wepour ourheart sout here before your throne 我们虔诚簇拥在你的宝座前 This is for you alone 它只为你而设 Who is like you 谁能与你比肩
2023-06-19 05:09:371

Marina and The Diamonds的《Primadonna》 歌词

歌曲名:Primadonna歌手:Marina and The Diamonds专辑:Electra HeartPrimadonnaMarina and the DiamondsPrimadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girlWould you do anything for me?Buy a big diamond ring for me?Would you get down on your knees for me?Pop that pretty question right now, babyBeauty queen on the silver screenLiving life like I"m in a dreamI know I"ve got a big egoI really don"t know why it"s such a big deal though(Oh!)I"m sad to the core core core(Yeah!)Everyday is a chore chore chore(Wow!)When you give, I want more more moreI wanna be adoredCause I"m a -Primadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girlFill the void up with celluloidTake a picture, I"m with the boysGet what I want ‘cause I ask for itNot because I"m really that deserving of itLiving life like I"m in a playIn the limelight, I want to stayYeah, I know I"ve got a big egoI really don"t know why it"s such a big deal though(Oh!)Going up, going down down down(Yeah!)Anything for the crown crown crown(Wow!)When the lights beat down down downI spin aroundCause I"m a -Primadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girl
2023-06-19 05:10:371


2023-06-19 05:10:441

2023-06-19 05:11:022


金子啊,多么神奇的力量!只要那么一点点儿,就可以使黑的变成白的,丑的变成美的,错的变成对的,卑贱变成尊贵,老人变成少年,懦夫变成勇士.它可以使异教联盟,同宗分裂;它可以使窃贼获得高位,使恶棍受到敬爱;使歪脸的流氓得到少女青睐,使鸡皮黄脸的寡妇再做新娘;即使她满脸都是流脓的恶疮,也会被认为是娇艳无比的美娇娘!这就是金子,这就是金子的伟大力量!”Gold?yellow,glittering,precious gold?No,gods,I am no idle votarist:roots,you clear heavens!Thus much of this will make black white,foul fair,Wrong right,base noble,old young,coward valiant.Ha,you gods!why this?what this,you gods?Why,thisWill lug your priests and servants from your sides,Pluck stout men"s pillows from below their heads:This yellow slaveWill knit and break religions,bless the accursed,Make the hoar leprosy adored,place thievesAnd give them title,knee and approbationWith senators on the bench:this is itThat makes the wappen"d widow wed again;She,whom the spital-house and ulcerous soresWould cast the gorge at,this embalms and spicesTo the April day again.Come,damned earth,Thou common whore of mankind,that put"st oddsAmong the route of nations,I will make theeDo thy right nature.(第四幕第三场)
2023-06-19 05:11:111


.A DOG IN THE MANGER 因为文化传统的关系,狗在英语语言中都被当作忠实、可爱、聪敏的象征,因此与之有关的短语也大多为褒义之词,但 a dog in the manger 则属例外。从字面来看,A dog in the manger 是指『马厩里的狗』,读者可能觉得奇怪了,狗怎么跑到马厩里去了呢?要解释清楚这个短语的实际含义,还得『追根溯源』。 这个短语最早出现于《伊索预言》,故事的梗概是:一匹马和一条牛正在马厩里吃草。这时,一条狗闯进来了,它十分霸道地要马和牛都走开。马和牛十分温和地对它说:可是你是不吃草的呀!这条狗却蛮不讲理地说:我是不吃草,可是我不吃的东西也不能让你们白吃!这样,这条狗霸占了盛满稻草的马槽,却赶走了以草为生的马和牛。而它自己呢,也只能看著稻草而不能吃。 《美国韦氏大词典》将其解释为:The dog who would not allow a horse or ox to eat the hay in a manger, even though he himself did not want it. 并且在这一基本意义的基础上又将该片语引申为:A persom who selfishly withholds from others something that he himself can not use or does not need. 讲到这里,大家可能已经想到了汉语中的一个俗语:『占著茅?nbsp| 不拉屎』,两者在语意上倒也确实十分贴近。根据具体的语境,这个短语还可以理解为『自私自利的人』,『一毛不拨的人』等。例如: Don"t be such a dog in the manger. Lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon. 【中】别这么不够朋友。既然你今天下午不出去就把自行车借给他用一用。 [来源:中国翻译网] 2. APPLE OF ONE"S EYE 这是一个名词短语,其历史比较久远,在西方国家甚至非英语国家也有类似的说法。但是对东方人来说,该短语似乎有些费解。 苹果在西方人的心目中是一种像征吉祥的水果。他们认为苹果可以给人带来好运。常食苹果可以使人身体健康。英语中与苹果有关的短语很多。如人人都知道的谚语 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(一天一苹果,医生远离我。)就说明了西方人对苹果的珍视。 由于以上的原因,人们就用 apple of one"s eye 这一短语来表达这样的意思:something or someone that is adored; a cherished person or object,汉语的意思就是『珍贵的人或物』。例如: Charles is the apple of his mother"s eye.
2023-06-19 05:11:192

Love me Accapella 和stupid cupid的歌词

Love me Accapellahe way you make me feel so adoredwish you"d bring me candles when i feel lonely dream that you were my husband-to-be in 365 all i ask is one name it after melalalalawish you"d write my name on your favourite palm tree look in my eyes,love is all you can see night and day i dream that things are the way before will you love me morewhere,when and why did you make me cryloneliness has become another part of life tears running strong and angels have gone don"t how to carry on baby i need you nowi need your arms to hold me tight tonight please turn the lights down low and feel my body glow whisper and flowbaby i need you nowi need your strength to hold me down tonight the world is outof sight cause you are all that i"ve been searching for the way you make me feel adored
2023-06-19 05:11:262


Adore (Acoustic (不插电)) - Jasmine ThompsonCome to me and I shall give you peaceCome to me lay down your headTouch the rain and feel the summer breezeSay the things we"ve never saidI will keep you from the world outsideI will never let you goI will be the thing you dream aboutCome to me and you will knowI adored you before I laid my eyesI laid my eyes on youL"amour toujoursI just can"t take my eyes can"t take my eyes off youFollow me to where the rivers meetTell me I belong to youFeel the grass crumble beneath your feetSet me free and let me looseTake my heart for it is yours to keepShackle my spirit to youYou are mine and mine eternallyCome to me you always knewI adored you beforeI laid my eyesI laid my eyes on youL"amour toujoursI just can"t take my eyes can"t take my eyes offI adored you beforeI laid my eyesI laid my eyes on youL"amour toujoursI just can"t take my eyes can"t take my eyes off youI adored you beforeI laid my eyesI laid my eyes on youL"amour toujoursI just can"t take my eyes can"t take my eyes off youI adored you beforeI laid my eyesI laid my eyes on youL"amour toujoursI just can"t take my eyes can"t take my eyes off you
2023-06-19 05:11:331

英语造句 高二水准 中文翻译

2u3001Can you give some advice to me as how to improve my English?3u3001She simply adores being praised.4u3001We should take advantage of our rich resources to develop our encomy,5u3001I advised him to quit smoking,but he didn"t listen to me.6u3001They were deeply affected by the news of her death.
2023-06-19 05:11:434

请问谁知道No Doubt乐队Bathwater的歌词?

You and your museum of loversThe precious collection you"ve housed in your coversMy simpleness threatened by my own admissionAnd the bags are much to heavyIn my insecure conditionMy pregnant mind is fretful with envy againBut I still love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherI cant help"re my kind of manWanted and adored by attractive womenBountiful selection at your discretionI know I"m diving into my own destructionSo why do we choose the boys that are naughty?I don"t fit in so why do you want me?And I know I can"t tame you...but I just keep trying"Cause I love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherOn your list with all your other womenBut I still love to wash in your old bathwaterYou make me feel like I couldn"t love anotherI can"t help it.. your my kind of my manWhy do the good girls always want the bad boys?And so I pacify problems with kisses and cuddlesDiligently doubtful through all kinds of troublesThen I find myself choking on all my contradictions"Cause I still love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherShare a"re my kind of manI still love to wash in your old bathwaterMake me feel like I couldn"t love anotherI can"t help it.. you"re my kind of manNo I can"t help myselfI can"t help myselfI still love to wash in your old bathwater
2023-06-19 05:12:011


I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels. However, my parents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that could never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension.当时,我只想去写小说。但是,我的父母出身贫寒,没有受过大学教育。他们认为,我那些不安分的想象力只是一种怪癖,根本不能用来还房贷,或者挣来养老金。They had hoped that I would take a vocational degree; I wanted to study English Literature. A compromise was reached that in retrospect satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages. Hardly had my parents" car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor.他们希望我再去读个专业学位,而我想去攻读英国文学。最后,达成了一个双方都不甚满意的妥协:我改学外语。可是等到父母一走开,我立刻报名学习古典文学。I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Classics; they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day. Of all subjects on this planet, I think they would have been hard put to name one less useful than Greek mythology when it came to securing the keys to an executive bathroom.我不记得将这事告诉了父母。他们可能是在毕业典礼那一天才发现的。我想,在全世界的所有专业中,他们也许认为,不会有比研究希腊神话更没用的专业了,根本无法换来一间独立的宽敞卫生间。I would like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that I do not blame my parents for their point of view. ... I cannot criticise my parents for hoping that I would never experience poverty. They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience. Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is indeed something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools. 我要申明,我并不责怪父母。……他们只是希望我不要过穷日子,我不能批评他们。他们自己很穷,我后来一度也很穷,所以我很理解他们,贫穷是一种悲惨的经历。它带来恐惧、压力、有时还有抑郁。它意味着许许多多的羞辱和艰辛。靠自己的努力摆脱贫穷,确实让人自豪,但是只有傻瓜才会将贫穷本身浪漫化。A mere seven years after my graduation day, I had failed on an epic scale. 我毕业后只过了7年,就失败得一塌糊涂。An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded, and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless. The fears my parents had had for me, and that I had had for myself, had both come to pass, and by every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew. 短命的婚姻闪电般地破裂,我还失业了,成了一个艰难的单身母亲。除了流浪汉,我是当代英国最穷的人之一,真的一无所有。我父母对我的担忧,我对自己的担忧,都变成了现实。用平常人的标准,我是我所知道的最失败的人。That period of my life was a dark one. I had no idea how far the tunnel extended, and for a long time, any light at the end of it was a hope rather than a reality.那段日子是我生命中的黑暗岁月。我不知道还要在黑暗中走多久,很长一段时间中,我有的只是希望,而不是现实。So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. 为什么我说失败是有好处的?因为失败将那些非本质的东西都剥离了。我不再伪装自己,我找到了真正的我,我将自己所有的精力,投入完成对我最重要的唯一一项工作。Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. 要是我以前在其他地方成功了,那么我也许永远不会有这样的决心,投身于这个我自信真正属于我的领域。I was set free, because my greatest fear had already been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.我自由了,因为我最大的恐惧已经成为现实,而我却还依然活着,依然有一个深爱着的女儿,我还有一台旧打字机和一个大大的梦想。我生命中最低的低点,成为我重建生活的坚实基础。Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above rubies. 失败使我的内心产生一种安全感,以前通过考试也没有的安全感。失败让我看清自己,以前我从没认识到自己是这样的。我发现,我比自己以为的,有更强的意志和决心。我还发现,我有一些比宝石更珍贵的朋友。You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more to me than any qualification I ever earned.只有到逆境来临的那一天,你才会真正了解你自己,了解你结识的人。这种了解是真正的财富,虽然是用痛苦换来的,但是它比我以前得到的任何证书都有用。Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world"s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school … the children who die from diseases we can cure?哈佛是否鼓励她的老师去研究解决世界上最严重的不平等?哈佛的学生是否从全球那些极端的贫穷中学到了什么……世界性的饥荒……清洁的水资源的缺乏……无法上学的女童……死于非恶性疾病的儿童……哈佛的学生有没有从中学到东西?Should the world"s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world"s least privileged?那些世界上过着最优越生活的人们,有没有从那些最困难的人们身上学到东西?These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies.这些问题并非语言上的修辞。你必须用自己的行动来回答它们。When you consider what those of us here in this Yard have been given – in talent, privilege, and opportunity – there is almost no limit to what the world has a right to expect from us.想一想吧,我们在这个院子里的这些人,被给予过什么——天赋、特权、机遇——那么可以这样说,全世界的人们几乎有无限的权力,期待我们做出贡献。Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world"s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school … the children who die from diseases we can cure?哈佛是否鼓励她的老师去研究解决世界上最严重的不平等?哈佛的学生是否从全球那些极端的贫穷中学到了什么……世界性的饥荒……清洁的水资源的缺乏……无法上学的女童……死于非恶性疾病的儿童……哈佛的学生有没有从中学到东西?Should the world"s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world"s least privileged?那些世界上过着最优越生活的人们,有没有从那些最困难的人们身上学到东西?These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies.这些问题并非语言上的修辞。你必须用自己的行动来回答它们。When you consider what those of us here in this Yard have been given – in talent, privilege, and opportunity – there is almost no limit to what the world has a right to expect from us.想一想吧,我们在这个院子里的这些人,被给予过什么——天赋、特权、机遇——那么可以这样说,全世界的人们几乎有无限的权力,期待我们做出贡献。Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world"s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school … the children who die from diseases we can cure?哈佛是否鼓励她的老师去研究解决世界上最严重的不平等?哈佛的学生是否从全球那些极端的贫穷中学到了什么……世界性的饥荒……清洁的水资源的缺乏……无法上学的女童……死于非恶性疾病的儿童……哈佛的学生有没有从中学到东西?Should the world"s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world"s least privileged?那些世界上过着最优越生活的人们,有没有从那些最困难的人们身上学到东西?These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies.这些问题并非语言上的修辞。你必须用自己的行动来回答它们。When you consider what those of us here in this Yard have been given – in talent, privilege, and opportunity – there is almost no limit to what the world has a right to expect from us.想一想吧,我们在这个院子里的这些人,被给予过什么——天赋、特权、机遇——那么可以这样说,全世界的人们几乎有无限的权力,期待我们做出贡献。the fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success. Indeed, your conception of failure might not be too far from the average person"s idea of success, so high have you already flown academically.你们是哈佛毕业生的这个事实,说明你们并不很了解失败。你们也许极其渴望成功,所以非常害怕失败。说实话,你们眼中的失败,很可能就是普通人眼中的成功,毕竟你们在学业上已经很成功了。But how much more are you, Harvard graduates of 2008, likely to touch other people"s lives? Your intelligence, your capacity for hard work, the education you have earned and received, give you unique status, and unique responsibilities.…… That is your privilege, and your burden.但是,所有各位哈佛大学2008届毕业生,你们对其他人的生活了解多少?你们的智慧、你们的能力、你们所受的教育,给了你们独一无二的优势,也给了你们独一无二的责任。……你们的优势就是你们的责任。If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice; if you choose to identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless; if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have your advantages, then it will not only be your proud families who celebrate your existence, but thousands and millions of people whose reality you have helped transform for the better. 你们要用自己的地位和影响,为那些被忽略的人们说话;你们不仅要看到那些有权有势者,也要看到那些无权无势者;你们要学会设想,那些条件不如你们的人们是如何生活的;那样的话,不仅你们的亲人们将为你们感到自豪,而且千千万万的人们将因为你们的帮助而生活得更好。We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.我们不需要改变世界的魔法,我们自己的体内就有这样的力量:那就是我们一直在梦想,让这个世界变得更美好。
2023-06-19 05:12:081


Helen Baxendale 只能找到英文资料了…… Helen Baxendale was born on Febuary 14th 1970 in Lichfield, Staffordshire. From a early age Helen"s ambition was to become a ballet dancer, "how I loved ballet, I totally adored it. I thought it was the perfect art form" says Helen on her first passion. At 17 she attended The Elmhurst Ballet School in Surrey but realised that she would probably not reach the professional level she wanted. She found acting a viable option, which she had previously viewed as a "sad second" to ballet, and gained a place at the prestigious Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. After graduating, she worked at the Glasgow Citizens Theatre as a theatre actress between 1992 to 1994, starring in a number of European existentialist dramas and was nominated for the 1993 Ian Charleson Award for her performance in the play "The Soldiers". It was at the Citizens Theatre that she met director David Elliot, who at the time was also an actor. The two soon began dating when they were both cast in production of "La Ronde", "We got on really well immediately" says Helen on their relationship, "although I think I was keener on him to start with. Our backgrounds are very similar. We have the same points of reference. Although he was born in America, you"d never know it. We started going out and we"ve never been apart since." In 1993 Helen made her first and brief appearance on screen in the TV pilot "The Marshall", and also a short film called "The Euphoric Scale". Also in 1993 she made a guest appearance in the BBC"s long running hospital drama "Casualty" in the episode “Give us this day” in which she played Emma, a brain-washed religious cult member. It wasn"t until 1994 that Helen first caught the general public"s attention. At the age of 23 director David Hayman,
2023-06-19 05:12:151

Danger Zone 歌词

歌曲名:Danger Zone歌手:Larsen/Feitan Band专辑:Larsen/Feiten BandDangerzone (Radio Version)Vanilla NinjaLove is WarLock me up in chainswant to be with me think you know the scorefeel my burning flameswanna hold me tight,wnna be adoredfeel my cursewelcome to the dangerzonefeel the poison in my veinstell me are you strong enoughto keep up with my lifewelcome to the dangerzonewhat you see ain"t what you getlet us fly this aeroplane tonightdid you see the signdid you read the warning in my eyesgot a heavy loadgotta stay on track when things explodeand together we磍l go through the firewill you stay by my side?welcome to the dangerzonefeel the poison in my veinstell me are you strong enoughto keep up with my lifewelcome to the dangerzonewhat you see aint what you getlet us fly this aeroplane tonightcome with mefeel the needyou"re mine tonightI will win this fightcome with mehold the keyof destinywelcome to the dangerzonefeel the poison in my veinstell me are you strong enoughto keep up with my lifewelcome to the danger zonewhat you see aint what you getlet us fly this aeroplane tonight
2023-06-19 05:12:211


2023-06-19 05:12:294


高帝斯 gao di si
2023-06-19 05:12:382

求take that -[when We Were Young]整首歌曲白话翻译

Take That - When We Were Young   接招乐队 - 年少轻狂时 When we were young the world seemed so old   当我们青春年少时,感觉世界似乎过于苍老 Careless and cold   无情与冷酷充斥其中 We did what we were told in our lives   我们按照叮咛嘱咐过生活 When we were young   当我们青春年少时 Had the world by the tail, good would prevail, starships would sail   仿佛世界在握,以为正义必胜,飞船也必将遨游太空 And none of us would fail in this life   谁都不会拥有失败的人生 Not when you"re young   至少在青春年少时不会 We were drawn to whoever could keep us together   我们会因某某而惺惺相惜   And bound by the heavens above   被抬头可见的天空所禁锢 And we tried to survive   我们也曾痛苦挣脱于 Travelling at the speed of love   转瞬即逝的懵懂爱情之伤 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们青春年少时 When we adored the fabulous   当我们沉浸于美丽的童话 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少无知时 We were the foolish fearless   我们曾因无知而无畏 Never knowing the cost of what we paid   却从不知要付出怎样的代价 Letting someone else be strong   才能使旁人变得更坚强 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少轻狂时 In a moment of grace   美好时刻的感受 A long leap of faith   形成了永久的信念 There"s still more glorious dawn awaits my life   我的人生还会有更璀璨的黎明来临   I"m here with the lovers   我与我爱的人同在 Then we burned the bridges we"re crossing over   我们点燃一路走过的木桥   Just to see the firelight   只为看那绚丽夺目的火光 And the innocent are getting over being old tonight   当年的天真烂漫经历重重,在今晚日渐成熟   Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们青春年少时   When everything was what it seemed   当一切事物看上去一如既往 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少无知时 And everyday was how we dreamed   每天都如生活在梦境一般 Never knowing the cost of what we paid   从不知要付出怎样的代价 Letting someone else be strong   才能使旁人变得更坚强 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少轻狂时 And when you look at yourself tonight   当你今晚凝望自己 Are you someone you recognise?   还是那个曾经认知的自己吗? You can take back what you"ve given away   你也许可以挽回曾放弃的一切   But it must be the last time   但这是最后一次机会 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们青春年少时 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少无知时 When we were young   当我们年少轻狂时 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们青春年少时 When we adored the fabulous   当我们沉浸于美丽的童话 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少无知时 We were the foolish fearless   我们曾因无知而无畏 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少轻狂时 We didn"t know it wouldn"t last   我们不知青春不会常驻 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少轻狂时
2023-06-19 05:12:464

翻译下面的一段话 急求。。。。

Black as white mainstream vulnerable groups in society, were subjected to racial discrimination, and make their physical and mental suffering severe influence. Therefore, the racial of prospect and destiny has been the focus of attention problem, but also many scholars and experts had research problems. American history first won the Nobel Prize for literature in the black writer Tony. Morrison"s first novel, most blue eyes "Negro made a profound research. This paper tries to discuss the from several aspects of the blue eyes of the black community disadvantaged - black female tragic fate roots to expose the racial discrimination and gender discrimination on black women more exposed systems, black face the plight of his countrymen the callous and insensitive, and reflects in white hegemonic culture under the impact of the twisted mind of black women and confusion, adored otherness culture simultaneously produce self-loathing consciousness, eventually make black woman to hopeless situation. For they are in, "the sad fate of fraught with danger", we should be the deepest sympathy and), for white ideology about black women under various mismanagement words and extreme prejudice, and we should be strong criticism and condemnation. This paper for those as still suffered from the white cultural influence for black people profound education meaning and realistic significance. "The most blue eyes" is black writer Tony. Morrison"s masterpiece, although written one of the last century, but with deep reflect common blacks especially tragic fate of black women to attract domestic and foreign experts and scholars, generation after generation a discussion and interpretation
2023-06-19 05:13:073

跪求 Pure bathing culture 的 Dream the dare 歌词!

Tell me golden ocean love为我讲述金色的海洋之爱吧Hopeless but adored多么绝望而令人向往Sea-slick symboled wants for more光滑平整的大海一望无际He draws the Raven"s card他抽取着乌鸦塔罗牌Give me forward motion love给我前方遥不可及的爱Seas of white unfold白色海面渐渐铺展开来Sky"s black servant divinate天空的黑暗使者留下预言Show us what you hold向我们展示你拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Diamond islands in your eyes你眼眸里的钻石岛屿Blackest in the sun太阳最漆黑的一面Ancient watcher divinate古老的守望者留下预言You"re the only one告诉我你就是唯一Window watcher i want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya窗台上的守望者啊 我需要你To feel water来带我感受水的柔情To feel fire火的热烈To feel water水的柔情Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya, come down and be mine窗台上的守望者啊我需要你 来吧来跟我在一起Little watcher come closer I need ya守望者啊过来吧 我需要你Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you see?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Is it all what you want it, want it to be这就是你想要的一切吗Come down storm crow, from your window暴风雨中的乌鸦 从窗台上下来吧Come down storm crow, find your way home下来吧 去找寻你回家的路
2023-06-19 05:13:131

the end的歌词大意

我的家是在议案,黑暗即将到来, 空气超载,天空站在黄金。 但你在某种意义上说,你离开我留下来, 我们看到,我们在天上的,我票的日子... 在去年底的时候,到了最后,我们在一切的结束,我们有, 只有真诚地帮助你,只有慈悲可以做的, 只有你可以采取的痛苦。 造成年底,和平是最终的生活方式, 和归宿,任何幸福, 只有爱,可以帮助你,只有信任的基础上才能做的, 只有你可以采取痛过我... 当打雷呼唤,我觉得这么活着非常第一晨,你能看见曙光? 但你关闭大门,让我喜欢, 我们看到,我们在天上的,我算没有更多… … 在去年底的时候,到了最后,我们在一切的结束,我们有, 只有真诚地帮助你,只有慈悲可以做的, 只有你可以采取的痛苦。 造成年底,和平是最终的生活方式, 和归宿,任何幸福, 只有爱,可以帮助你,只有信任的基础上才能做的, 只有你可以采取痛过我...
2023-06-19 05:13:201

We Are Broken 歌词

歌曲名:We Are Broken歌手:Paramore专辑:The Final Riot!Paramore-We Are BrokenI am outsideAnd I"ve been waiting for the sunWith my wide eyes,I"ve seen worlds that don"t belongMy mouth is dry, with words I cannot verbalizeTell me why we live like thisKeep me safe insideYour arms like towers tower over meCause we are brokenWhat must we do to restore our innocenceAnd all the promise we adored?Give us life again, cause we just wanna be wholeGive us life again, cause we just wanna be wholeLock the doorsCause I"d like to capture this voicethat came to me tonightSo everyone will have a choiceAnd under red lights,I"ll show myself it wasn"t forgedWe"re at warWe live like thisKeep me safe insideYour arms like towers tower over meCause we are brokenWhat must we do to restore our innocenceAnd all the promise we adored?Give us life again, cause we just wanna be wholeTower over meTower over meAnd I"ll take the truth at any costCause we are brokenWhat must we do to restore our innocenceAnd all the promise we adored?Give us life again, cause we just wanna be whole
2023-06-19 05:13:381

天使报佳音 英文歌词

2023-06-19 05:13:463

Rodolphe Burger的《Lover Dose》 歌词

歌曲名:Lover Dose歌手:Rodolphe Burger专辑:No SportLover Djoysidemusic:虹位&边远words:边远i wasted my dayjust wait for a brand new nightvacate my brainsit by a beer that"s full of lightthey come and gothe strange guys and my dear old fellowsshe gets her seatthen turns to me and says hellohere comes monday girlshe seems cannot find the doorhere comes tuesday girlshe"s such a borehere comes wednesday girlshe laughs like a manhere comes thursday girlshe"s a lone some dykehere comes friday girlshe wears a mushroom hathere comes saturday girlher name is snow whitehere comes sunday girlshe disappears like a gasfill up your glassfuck the time, just let it passdrunk on the flooryou know you"re gonna be adorednowhere to gocause i dont really have a homegonna lose my mindwith a cake that"s full of lovehere comes monday girlshe seems cannot find the doorhere comes tuesday girlshe"s such a borehere comes wednesday girlshe laughs like a manhere comes thursday girlshe"s a lone some dykehere comes friday girlshe wears a mushroom hathere comes saturday girlher name is snow whitehere comes sunday girlshe disappears like a gas(solo)nowhere to gocause i dont really need a homeshe gets her seatthen turns to me and says hellohere comes monday girlshe seems cannot find the doorhere comes tuesday girlshe"s such a borehere comes wednesday girlshe laughs like a manhere comes thursday girlshe"s a lone some dykehere comes friday girlshe wears a mushroom hathere comes saturday girlher name is snow whitehere comes sunday girlshe disappears like a gashere comes monday girlhere comes tuesday girlhere comes wednesday girlhere comes thursday girlhere comes friday girlhere comes saturday girlhere comes sunday girl
2023-06-19 05:13:521


2023-06-19 05:14:001


was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels. However, my parents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that could never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension. 当时,我只想去写小说。但是,我的父母出身贫寒,没有受过大学教育。他们认为,我那些不安分的想象力只是一种怪癖,根本不能用来还房贷,或者挣来养老金。 They had hoped that I would take a vocational degree; I wanted to study English Literature. A compromise was reached that in retrospect satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages. Hardly had my parents" car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor. 他们希望我再去读个专业学位,而我想去攻读英国文学。最后,达成了一个双方都不甚满意的妥协:我改学外语。可是等到父母一走开,我立刻报名学习古典文学。 I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Classics; they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day. Of all subjects on this planet, I think they would have been hard put to name one less useful than Greek mythology when it came to securing the keys to an executive bathroom. 我不记得将这事告诉了父母。他们可能是在毕业典礼那一天才发现的。我想,在全世界的所有专业中,他们也许认为,不会有比研究希腊神话更没用的专业了,根本无法换来一间独立的宽敞卫生间。 I would like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that I do not blame my parents for their point of view. ... I cannot criticise my parents for hoping that I would never experience poverty. They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience. Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is indeed something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools. 我要申明,我并不责怪父母。……他们只是希望我不要过穷日子,我不能批评他们。他们自己很穷,我后来一度也很穷,所以我很理解他们,贫穷是一种悲惨的经历。它带来恐惧、压力、有时还有抑郁。它意味着许许多多的羞辱和艰辛。靠自己的努力摆脱贫穷,确实让人自豪,但是只有傻瓜才会将贫穷本身浪漫化。 A mere seven years after my graduation day, I had failed on an epic scale. 我毕业后只过了7年,就失败得一塌糊涂。 An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded, and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless. The fears my parents had had for me, and that I had had for myself, had both come to pass, and by every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew. 短命的婚姻闪电般地破裂,我还失业了,成了一个艰难的单身母亲。除了流浪汉,我是当代英国最穷的人之一,真的一无所有。我父母对我的担忧,我对自己的担忧,都变成了现实。用平常人的标准,我是我所知道的最失败的人。 That period of my life was a dark one. I had no idea how far the tunnel extended, and for a long time, any light at the end of it was a hope rather than a reality. 那段日子是我生命中的黑暗岁月。我不知道还要在黑暗中走多久,很长一段时间中,我有的只是希望,而不是现实。 So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. 为什么我说失败是有好处的?因为失败将那些非本质的东西都剥离了。我不再伪装自己,我找到了真正的我,我将自己所有的精力,投入完成对我最重要的唯一一项工作。 Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. 要是我以前在其他地方成功了,那么我也许永远不会有这样的决心,投身于这个我自信真正属于我的领域。 I was set free, because my greatest fear had already been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. 我自由了,因为我最大的恐惧已经成为现实,而我却还依然活着,依然有一个深爱着的女儿,我还有一台旧打字机和一个大大的梦想。我生命中最低的低点,成为我重建生活的坚实基础。 Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above rubies. 失败使我的内心产生一种安全感,以前通过考试也没有的安全感。失败让我看清自己,以前我从没认识到自己是这样的。我发现,我比自己以为的,有更强的意志和决心。我还发现,我有一些比宝石更珍贵的朋友。 You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more to me than any qualification I ever earned. 只有到逆境来临的那一天,你才会真正了解你自己,了解你结识的人。这种了解是真正的财富,虽然是用痛苦换来的,但是它比我以前得到的任何证书都有用。 Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world"s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school … the children who die from diseases we can cure? 哈佛是否鼓励她的老师去研究解决世界上最严重的不平等?哈佛的学生是否从全球那些极端的贫穷中学到了什么……世界性的饥荒……清洁的水资源的缺乏……无法上学的女童……死于非恶性疾病的儿童……哈佛的学生有没有从中学到东西? Should the world"s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world"s least privileged? 那些世界上过着最优越生活的人们,有没有从那些最困难的人们身上学到东西? These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies. 这些问题并非语言上的修辞。你必须用自己的行动来回答它们。 When you consider what those of us here in this Yard have been given – in talent, privilege, and opportunity – there is almost no limit to what the world has a right to expect from us. 想一想吧,我们在这个院子里的这些人,被给予过什么——天赋、特权、机遇——那么可以这样说,全世界的人们几乎有无限的权力,期待我们做出贡献。 Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world"s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school … the children who die from diseases we can cure? 哈佛是否鼓励她的老师去研究解决世界上最严重的不平等?哈佛的学生是否从全球那些极端的贫穷中学到了什么……世界性的饥荒……清洁的水资源的缺乏……无法上学的女童……死于非恶性疾病的儿童……哈佛的学生有没有从中学到东西? Should the world"s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world"s least privileged? 那些世界上过着最优越生活的人们,有没有从那些最困难的人们身上学到东西? These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies. 这些问题并非语言上的修辞。你必须用自己的行动来回答它们。 When you consider what those of us here in this Yard have been given – in talent, privilege, and opportunity – there is almost no limit to what the world has a right to expect from us. 想一想吧,我们在这个院子里的这些人,被给予过什么——天赋、特权、机遇——那么可以这样说,全世界的人们几乎有无限的权力,期待我们做出贡献。 Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world"s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school … the children who die from diseases we can cure? 哈佛是否鼓励她的老师去研究解决世界上最严重的不平等?哈佛的学生是否从全球那些极端的贫穷中学到了什么……世界性的饥荒……清洁的水资源的缺乏……无法上学的女童……死于非恶性疾病的儿童……哈佛的学生有没有从中学到东西? Should the world"s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world"s least privileged? 那些世界上过着最优越生活的人们,有没有从那些最困难的人们身上学到东西? These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies. 这些问题并非语言上的修辞。你必须用自己的行动来回答它们。 When you consider what those of us here in this Yard have been given – in talent, privilege, and opportunity – there is almost no limit to what the world has a right to expect from us. 想一想吧,我们在这个院子里的这些人,被给予过什么——天赋、特权、机遇——那么可以这样说,全世界的人们几乎有无限的权力,期待我们做出贡献。 the fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success. Indeed, your conception of failure might not be too far from the average person"s idea of success, so high have you already flown academically. 你们是哈佛毕业生的这个事实,说明你们并不很了解失败。你们也许极其渴望成功,所以非常害怕失败。说实话,你们眼中的失败,很可能就是普通人眼中的成功,毕竟你们在学业上已经很成功了。 But how much more are you, Harvard graduates of 2008, likely to touch other people"s lives? Your intelligence, your capacity for hard work, the education you have earned and received, give you unique status, and unique responsibilities.…… That is your privilege, and your burden. 但是,所有各位哈佛大学2008届毕业生,你们对其他人的生活了解多少?你们的智慧、你们的能力、你们所受的教育,给了你们独一无二的优势,也给了你们独一无二的责任。……你们的优势就是你们的责任。 If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice; if you choose to identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless; if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have your advantages, then it will not only be your proud families who celebrate your existence, but thousands and millions of people whose reality you have helped transform for the better. 你们要用自己的地位和影响,为那些被忽略的人们说话;你们不仅要看到那些有权有势者,也要看到那些无权无势者;你们要学会设想,那些条件不如你们的人们是如何生活的;那样的话,不仅你们的亲人们将为你们感到自豪,而且千千万万的人们将因为你们的帮助而生活得更好。 We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better. 我们不需要改变世界的魔法,我们自己的体内就有这样的力量:那就是我们一直在梦想,让这个世界变得更美好。
2023-06-19 05:14:071

Keane的something in me was dying的歌词和翻译。

I don"t wanna be adoredDon"t wanna be first in lineOr make myself heardI"d like to bring a little lightTo shine a light on your lifeTo make you feel loved我, 不想受景仰不想领先于人甚至无意被人发现只希望能带来一小束光芒照亮你的生命让你感到被爱No, don"t wanna be the only one you knowI wanna be the place you call homeI lay myself downTo make it so, but you don"t want to knowI give much moreThan I"d ever ask for不, 不愿做你所知的唯一希望我能成为你称为家的地方躺下来即便如此, 你不屑知晓我之所付多于我之所求Will you see me in the endOr is it just a waste of timeTrying to be your friendJust shine, shine, shineShine a little lightShine a light on my lifeWarm me up again最终你是否会发现我难道为了成为你的朋友浪费了我的时间就这样闪烁着闪烁着微光一束照亮我的生命吧再次温暖我吧Fool, I wonder if you know yourself at allYou know that it could be so simple傻瓜, 不知你曾真正了解自己与否要知道, 这样做其实很简单I lay myself downTo make it so, but you don"t want to knowYou take much moreThan I"d ever ask for躺下来即便如此, 你不屑知晓你之所取多于我之所求Say a word or two to brighten my dayDo you think that you could see your way说些什么来驱赶这天的阴暗吧你觉得能看得见自己的道路吗To lay yourself downAnd make it so, but you don"t want to knowYou take much moreThan I"d ever ask for躺下来即便如此, 你不屑知晓你之所取多于我之所求
2023-06-19 05:14:151


申请产地证时,申请人需提交以下文件资料: (1)《普惠制原产地证明书申请书》或《一般原产地证明书申请书》一份,申请书需盖申请单位公章; (2)缮制完整的《普惠制原产地证书》或《一般原产地书》一套,证书需签字、盖章。签字人员应是取得产地证申领资格的人员; (3)正式出口商业发票副本一份,发票需盖章,并应注明包装、数量、毛重,否则还需另附装箱单; (4)含有进口成分的商品,需提供《含进口成分商品成本明细单》;(5)后发证书,需提供提单; (6)如有必要,还需提供合同、信用证等其他有关的单据。
2023-06-19 05:04:592


2023-06-19 05:04:5914


2023-06-19 05:05:063


【答案】:(一)中国政府驻外机构中国政府驻外机构包括驻外大使馆、领事馆、经商处等。维护本国公民和法人在外国的合法权益是我国驻外机构的重要职能之一。驻外机构的工作人员大多经过专业训练,对当地的政治、经济、法律等情况较为了解,是中国企业海外发展的重要沟通桥梁和遭遇风险时的坚强后盾。(二)中国国际贸易促进委员会中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)成立于1952年,是全国性对外贸易投资促进机构,主要开展同世界各国和各地区经济贸易界、商协会和其他经贸团体以及有关国际组织的联络工作。(三)民间社团近年来,越来越多的民间社团如美国中国商会、欧盟中国商会等在国际贸易、 国际维权中扮演起重要角色,充分发挥了组织、协调、促进和服务作用。走出去的中国企业借助民间社团互帮互助、抱团取暖,举办各类会议和活动,熟悉当地法 规,分享经验教训,掌握市场动态,抓住投资及贸易商机。
2023-06-19 05:05:071


隐藏英雄密码:-flw -roqs -knns本图下载:西方世界的劫难II追风少女
2023-06-19 05:05:121


按照信用证做,收到钱后再提柜! 沙特的要小心点,我们之前做的单子,信用证付款,做CIF,到港以后开证行出问题了,银行拒付,最后货全部半价贱卖了。。。。 所以收到钱再提柜,要不然会有钱货两空的风险
2023-06-19 05:05:151


2023-06-19 05:05:205


1、轮胎出口埃及需要什么证书2、产地证埃及大使馆加签认证步骤?3、埃及使馆认证是什么?埃及大使馆认证怎么办理轮胎出口埃及需要什么证书装运前检验证书、原产地证书CO。出口埃及需要ciq(装运前检验证书,另外还需要基本的提单,发票,装箱单,合同,产地证co,还需要埃及大使馆认证加,这些都是出口往埃及的基本证书。产地证埃及大使馆加签认证步骤?一、关于步骤流程: 1.首先,确认下你公司有没有在贸促会或海关进行备案: 如果有备案,自己公司出一份产地证; 如果没有备案,需要委托代办机构帮你出一份双抬头的产地证。 2.然后,将产地证提交外交部和埃及驻华使馆办理使馆加签。二、关于时间:2周左右有不明白的地方可以再问我~~希望可以帮到你~~埃及使馆认证是什么?埃及大使馆认证怎么办理埃及使馆认证是什么?埃及使馆认证,一般也叫做埃及领事馆认证,也有人叫做“埃及使馆加签”,具体说的是埃及客户为了能够让货物顺利进口到埃及这个国家而委托中国出口商将埃及国家要求的清关文件递送到埃及驻华使馆进行认证,并在需要认证的文件上加盖某些特殊机关的印章或该机关主管人员的签字属实。继而在文件背面加盖埃及使馆的印章,继而对文件加以确认,以便能够使得该批货物方可顺利通关的整个过程就叫做“埃及大使馆认证”。通常需要进行大使馆认证的资料有:原产地证即CO,INVOICE、授权书、装箱单、销售合同、声明,出口商登记证,更改函,报关单、营业执照等等各类商业文件。目前,要求使领馆认证的国家和地区主要集中在南美、中东、非洲等国家和地区,另外一些欧美国家也正加入到这一行列中来。主要有阿根廷、埃及、墨西哥、沙特、阿联酋、阿曼、巴西、科威特、秘鲁、伊朗、印度、俄罗斯、卡塔尔、玻利维亚、希腊、波兰、哥伦比亚、伊拉克、泰国、菲律宾、厄瓜多尔、约旦、利比亚、土耳其、丹麦、西班牙、巴基斯坦、缅甸、智利、委内瑞拉、叙利亚、哥斯达黎加、越南、缅甸、尼日利亚等。如何办理埃及使馆认证?其实,一些商业文件要办理埃及大使馆认证也是非常的简单的,需要的资料也并不复杂,就拿你们埃及客户对你们要求的产地证CO和商业发票要做埃及大使馆认证的例子来说吧,只要你们根据以下的具体流程来操作,那么你们的产地证CO和商业发票做埃及大使馆认证是非常容易办理的;关于产地证CO和商业发票办理埃及大使馆认证的具体流程如下:一、首先,你们要先提供一份由贸促会出具的产地证(这个产地证一般可以找代理出具和贵司自己用WORD文档编写的商业发票盖章一式两份,并提供公司的营业执照复印件。二、其次,产地证CO和贵司自行编写盖章的商业发票会先经过贸促会认证后制成证明书的形式(因使馆不能直接认证文件上面的内容,所以无法验证文件上面的内容真伪,因此需要由贸促会,也就是CCPIT,"中国国际贸易促进委员会“来验证文件的真实性,有效性,印章的属实性,并做成CCPIT商事证明书形式。三、再次,通过贸促会认证后的产地证CO和商业发票会再次经贸促会转至到“中国外交部"进行盖章和加签。四、最后,经过外交部对文件认证CCPIT的印章属实后,继而再转交给埃及使馆进行认证盖章和签字。以上就是关于产地证CO和商业发票办理埃及使馆认证的具体流程!!希望我的回答能够为您带来帮助,如果还有其他不懂的地方欢迎您随时来咨询我,谢谢!
2023-06-19 05:05:221


2023-06-19 05:05:364


2023-06-19 05:04:502


2023-06-19 05:04:455


2023-06-19 05:04:431

有白色图案的黑色guuka秋衣,图案为BLUE GUUKA ORIGINAL 哪儿买到

2023-06-19 05:04:431


请复制函数上来看看!可能原因:1、函数字母输入错误,比如说 sum 输成SUN这样的错误。2、自定义函数的代码被清除掉。(alt+F11可查看原表格内的自定义函数)
2023-06-19 05:04:362


2023-06-19 05:04:362


2023-06-19 05:04:231


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">function test(){var num = new Array();var tmp = 0;var tmp2 = 0;var tmp3 = ""; for(var i =1;i<=100; i++){ tmp = 0; for(var j =1;j<=i;j++){ if(i%j==0){ tmp++; if(i == j && tmp == 2){ num[tmp2] = i; tmp2++; } } } } for(var k =0;k<num.length; k++){ if(k!=num.length-1){ tmp3 = tmp3 + num[k] + "," }else{ tmp3 = tmp3 + num[k]; } if(k%5==4){ tmp3 += " "; } } alert(tmp3);}</SCRIPT>
2023-06-19 05:04:181


2023-06-19 05:04:153