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英语语法问题 请大家帮帮忙...

2023-06-19 08:10:42

in the meanwhile 同时

at the same time 同时

at noon(the morning, the evening, night)在中午(早上,晚上,半夜)

on time / in time 准时/及时

for a while一会儿

回答者:rockettosky - 门吏 二级 11-23 20:56

1. 人称代词

主格: I we you she he it they

宾格: me us you her him it them

形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their

名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs


(1) 一般在形容词或副词后+er

older taller longer stronger, etc

(2) 多音节词前+more

more interesting, etc.

(3) 双写最后一个字母,再+er

bigger fatter, etc.

(4) 把y变i,再+er

heavier, earlier

(5) 不规则变化:

well-better, much/many-more, etc.


Most nouns + s a book –books

Nouns ending in a consonant +y - y+ ies a story—stories

Nouns ending in s, sh, ch or x + es a glass—glasses a watch-watches

Nouns ending in o +s or +es a piano—pianos a mango—mangoes

Nouns ending in f or fe - f or fe +ves a knife –knives a shelf-shelves


bread, rice, water ,juice etc.

5. 缩略形式

I"m = I am you"re = you are she"s = she is he"s = he is

it"s = it is who"s =who is can"t =can not isn"t=is not etc

6. a/an

a book, a peach

an egg an hour

7. Preposition:

on, in ,in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at, behind.

表示时间: at six o"clock, at Christmas, at breakfast

on Monday on 15th July On National Day

in the evening in December in winter

8. 基数词和序数词

one – first two-second twenty-twentieth

9. Some /any

I have some toys in my bedroom.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

10. be 动词

(1) Basic form: am/are/is

(2) 肯定和否定句 I am(not) from London.

My eyes are(not) small.

My hair is(not) long.

(3)一般疑问句: Am I a Chniese? Yes, you are. No, you aren"t.

Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they aren"t.

Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. No, it isn"t.

11. there be 结构

肯定句: There is a …

There are …

一般疑问句:Is there …? Yes, there is./ No, there isn"t.

Are there…? Yes, there are. /No, there aren"t.

否定句: There isn"t …. There aren"t….

12. 祈使句

Sit down please

Don"t sit down, please.

13. 现在进行时.通常用“now”.

形式: be + verb +ing

eg: I am(not) doing my homework.

You/We/They are(not) reading.

He/She/It is(not) eating.

动词 —ing 的形式

Most verbs +ing walk—walking

Verbs ending in e -e + ing come—coming

Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant run –running swim—swimming

14 一般现在时。通常用 “usually, often, every day, sometimes”。



I go to school on foot every day.

She goes to school on foot every day.


1,名词,Nouns (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 box, pen,tree,apple

2,代词,Pronouns (pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词We, this, them,myself

3,形容词, Adjectives(adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 good, sad, high, short

4,数词,Numerals(num.)表示数目或顺序 one,two, first

5,动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 Jump,sing,visit

6,副词,Adverbs(adv.) 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征 there,widely,suddenly

7,冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a, an, the

8,介词,Prepositions (prep.) 用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系 in,on,down,up

9,连词,Conjunctions (conj.) 表示人或事物的名称if,because,but

10,感叹词, Interjections (int.) 代替名词、数词、形容词等 oh,hello,hi,yeah

vt.是及物动词,vt.后必须跟宾语:sing a song

vi.是不及物动词,vi.后不直接带宾语或不带宾语:jump high


情态动词,在英文中主要用来表示说话人的看法、态度等。它很接近中文里的能愿动词。从用法上来说,它有这样几个特点: 1)各个情态动词自身都有一定的词义。 2)情态动词不能在句中独立担当谓语。 3)情态动词在句中不受任何人称,性,数变化的影响。常见的情态动词如下:










例如:Reading and writing are very important. 读和写都是非常重要的。

[注意]: 当主语由and连接时,如果它表示一个单一的概念,即指同一人或同一物时,谓语动词用单数,and 此时连接的两个词前只有一个冠词。

例如:The iron and steel industry is very important to our life.钢铁工业对于我们的生活来说是非常重要的。


1)当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致。

例如:There is a pen, a knife and several books on the desk……桌上有笔、小刀和几本书。

2)当either… or… 与neither… nor, 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致。

例如:Either you or she is to go.要么是你走,要么是她走。

Neither I nor he is to blame.我和他都不应该受责备。


当主语后面跟有with, together with, like, except, but, no less than, as well as 等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与最前面的主语一致。

例如:The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.老师和一些学生在参观工厂。

He as well as I wants to go boating.他和我都想去划船。


1) 代词each和由every, some, no, any等构成的复合代词作主语,或主语中含有each, every, 谓语需用单数。

例如:Each of us has a tape-recorder.我们每个人都有一台录音机。

There is something wrong with my watch.我的表出问题了。

2) 当主语是一本书或一条格言时,谓语动词常用单数。

例如:The Arabian Night is a book known to lovers of English.>是英语爱好者熟悉的一本好书。

3) 表示金钱,时间,价格或度量衡的复合名词作主语时,通常把这些名词看作一个整体,谓语一般用单数。

例如:Three weeks was allowed for making the necessary preparations.允许用三周的时间做必要的准备工作。

Ten yuan is enough.十元钱足够了。


1) 集体名词作主语时,谓语的数要根据主语的意思来决定。如family, audience, crew, crowd, class, company, committee等词后用复数形式时,意为这个集体中的各个成员,用单数时表示该集体。

例如:His family isn"t very large.他家不是一个大家庭。

His family are music lovers. 他的家人都是音乐爱好者。

但集合名词people, police, cattle, poultry等在任何情况下都用复数形式。

例如:Are there any police around?周围有警察吗?

2)有些名词,如variety, number, population, proportion, majority 等有时看作单数,有时看作复数。

例如:A number of +名词复数+复数动词

The number of +名词复数+单数动词

例如:A number of books have lent out.不少书都被借出去了。

The majority of the students like English.大多数学生喜欢学英语。

1.6 与后接名词或代词保持一致

1) 用half of, part of, most of, a portion of 等词引起主语时,动词通常与of后面的名词,代词保持一致。

例如:Most of his money is spent on books.他的钱大多用来买书了。

Most of the students are taking an active part in sports.大部分学生都能积极参加体育活动。

2) 在一些短语,如 many a 或 more than one 所修饰的词作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式。但由more than… of 作主语时,动词应与其后的名词或代词保持一致。

例如:Many a person has read the novel. 许多人都读过这本书。

More than 60 percent of the students are from the city.百分之六十多的学生都来自这个城市。


2.1 代词与其代替或修饰的名词在人称和性别上必须保持一致。

例如:(错误) Those of us who are over fifty years old should get their blood pressure checked regularly.

(正确) Those of us who are over fifty years old should get our blood pressure checked regularly.




例如:(错误)She is not only famous in China but also abroad.

(正确)She is famous not only in China but also abroad.



例如:(错误)The workers in that factory are fewer than our factory.

(正确)The workers in that factory are fewer than those in our factory.





同学们需掌握以下不定代词:all, each, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no以及由some, any, no, every构成的合成词如 nobody等,并注意不定代词的定语后置,如something English


同学们需要记住一些特殊拼写的序数词。如:第1—— first 第2—— second 第3—— third 第5—— fifth 第9—— ninth第12—— twelfth 第20—— twentieth

另外需要记住以下短语:hundreds of 数以百计thousands of 数以千计tens of thousands of 数以万计several millions of好几百万 但表示确切的百或千时不能用复数形式,如:ten thousandthree million



如,speak highly of高度赞扬 regard… as …视为,把……看做…… make a contribution to doing sth 为……做贡献


同学们需要特别记忆以下连词或连词短语:neither…nor…either…or…not only…but also…both…and…前三个短语引导主语时,谓语动词需遵循就近原则。

如,Neither you nor I am right. 你和我都不正确。

Either Lucy or Lily is going there. 不是Lucy就是Lily要去那儿。


如,Both Lucy and Lily are going there.





如,Whom do you travel with?当然,也可以把介词放在句首。



在特殊问句中,经常可以看到这样的句子:Where do you think they may go?其中,do you think 是疑问式插入语,其余部分是think的宾语从句。注意,疑问式插入语同句子的其余部分不用逗号分开。

疑问式插入语还有do you hope, do you guess 等。在肯定句中也有插入语。如:That man, I guess, is neither a policeman nor a soldier. 在肯定句的插入语要用逗号与句子的其他部分分开。去掉插入语,该句子仍然是个完整的句子。

You"d better (not)… (do sth.) 这个说法常用于提出“劝告,建议,告戒”。 比较委婉的有礼貌的说法是 Would you like …? 或 What about (doing)…?如,It"s too dark. You"d better leave at once. I"m afraid (that) … I"m afraid (that) I can"t go with you today. 常用来委婉地表示自己的看法或预料一件令人不悦的事情。


并列句的考查重点是并列连词。并列连词有and, or, but, both… and, neither… nor, either… or, not only… but also…等。





A.宾语从句的连接词:宾语从句本身是叙述句是,用that 引导。He said (that) he would leave on March 12 next weeek.宾语从句本身是特殊疑问句时,用疑问词引导。 Do you know where we can find our teacher?宾语从句本身是一般疑问句时,用if 或whether引导。I don"t know if / whether he has done that.

B. 宾语从句与主句时态的呼应。主句谓语是现在时和将来时的时候,宾语从句的动词时态不受影响。如,It is said that the panda was sent to America last month.主句是过去时态,从句谓语要做适当调整:

a)由现在时调整为过去时。I didn"t know you were also here.

b)由将来时调整为过去将来时He said that he would go to Beijing the next week.

c)过去时态多数不受影响,但“一般过去时”常调整为“过去完成时”,尤其是从句中有before, since 一类的时间状语时,多调整为“过去完成时”如:She said she had worked at this school before her father came to this city.


状语从句有时间状语从句(常由when, while, before, after, until, as soon as等词引导)、地点状语从句(常有where 引导)、原因状语从句(常有because, since, as 引导,这三词所表达的语气由because到as逐渐减弱,由why提出的问题必须用because 来回答), 条件状语从句(常由if引导)、结果状语从句(常由such … that…, so…that…, so that等引导 )、让步状语从句(常由though, although引导)。


其考查内容主要是正确使用关系代词{who(指人)、that(指人或物)、which(指物)} , etc. 定语从句一般紧跟在修饰词的后面,如:She is the person who I want to see. 她就是我想见到的人。有时,为了使句子平衡,也可把定语从句与所修饰词分开。

同学们还记得这样一句话吗?Then a screen came up that read,“Congratulations!” 这是第三册第54课中的一个句子。


am 系动词,不能省略,be doing这里是现在进行时。

write 是及物动词。这里加for表示写的目的是要一些信息


adverb同adj 有时分唔清

你好,对的,副词 (adverb) 不只是用来修饰动词 (verb) 的,还可以用来修饰形容词 (adjective) 和另一个副词 (another adverb) 的。 1) To modify a verb - He drove slowly. ---> "slowly" is an adverb. 2) To modify an adjective - She runs very fast. ---> "very" is an adverb. 3) To modify another adverb - She spoke extremely confidently. ---> "extremely" and "confidently" are adverbs. 至于形容词 (adjective) 是用来修饰名词 (noun) 和名词的片语 (noun phrase) 的。 问题 1: 我们可以写 She has a beautiful face. 的,但是不可以 She has a face beautiful 的,因为我们通常都会把形容词放在 noun 或 noun phrase 的前面。 问题 2: 我们不只可以写 She was beautifully dressed. 还能够写 She was dressed beautifully 的,因为我们可以放 adverb 在动词 (noun) 的前面或后面的。 应该是 She runs quickly. 吧?所以啊,我们也是不只可以写 She runs quickly. 还能够写 She quickly runs. 的。可是我比较喜欢写 She runs quickly 多一点。 不知道我的解释算简单和容易让你明白的吗? 希望能帮到你咯。。。: ) 问题1: She has a beautiful face个beautiful (adj) 一定要放中间。 不过喺"She is beautiful."句子,个beautiful唔一定放中间,可以喺前面--Beautiful she is.但意思稍不同。 问题2: Adverbs e.g. beautifully 位置很自由 除了动词 (verb) 的前面或后面,例如"Beautifully she was dressed.","She beautifully was dressed." 也可。 Q1. The adj "beautiful" modifies the noun "face". Generally speaking the adj is placed in front of the noun. Thus "she has a face beautiful" is wrong for the adjective is at the wrong place. Q2. Adverb usually gives more information on verb adjective another adverb or a phrase. In my opinion I see "dressed" in the sentence as an adjective (past participle used as an adjective in the sentence). Therefore the adverb "beautifully" modifies "dressed". 2009-05-28 23:18:38 补充: We see the adverb sometimes would be at any part of the sentence because it can be used to add informtion about place time circumstance manner cause degree etc to a verb an adjective a phrase or another adverb. 参考: for your information
2023-06-19 03:20:311


问题一:什么叫做定语,状语 定语:定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子,汉语中常用‘……的"表示。 返回 定语通常位于被修饰的成分前。若修饰some,any,every,no构成的复合不定代词时,(如:something、nothing);或不定式、分词短语作定语、从句作定语时,则定语通常置后。副词用作定语时须放在名词之后。 形容词作定语: The little boy needs a blue pen.(little修饰名词boy;blue修饰名词pen.)/小男孩需要一支兰色的钢笔。 Tom is a handsome boy./Tom是个英俊的男孩。 There is a good boy./有个乖男孩。 数词作定语相当于形容词:Two boys need two pens./两个男孩需要两支钢笔。 The two boys are students./这两个男孩是学生。 There are two boys in the room./房间里有两个男孩。 代词或名词所有格作定语: His boy needs Tom"s pen./他的男孩需要Tom的钢笔。 His name is Tom./他的名字是汤姆。 There are two boys of Toms there./那儿有Tom家的两个男孩。 介词短语作定语: The boy in the classroom needs a pen of yours./教室里的男孩需要你的一支钢笔。 The boy in blue is Tom./穿兰色衣服的孩子是汤姆。 There are two boys of 9,and three of 10./有两个9岁的,三个10岁的男孩。 名词作定语: The boy needs a ball pen./男孩需要一支圆珠笔。 It is a ball pen./这是一支圆珠笔。 There is only one ball pen in the pencil box./这铅笔盒里只有一支圆珠笔。 副词作定语: The boy there needs a pen./那儿的男孩需要一支钢笔。 The best boy here is Tom./这里最棒的男孩是Tom。 不定式作定语: The boy to write this letter needs a pen./写这封信的男孩需要一支钢笔。 The boy to write this letter is Tom./将要写这封信的男孩是汤姆。 There is nothing to do today./今天无事要做。 分词(短语)作定语: The *** iling boy needs a pen bought by his mother./那个微笑的男孩需要一支他妈妈买的钢笔。 The pen bought by her is made in China./她买的笔是中国产的。 There are five boys left./有五个留下的男孩。 定语从句: The boy who is reading needs the pen which you bought yesterday./那个在阅读的男孩需要你昨......>> 问题二:在英语中,什么叫做定语? 形容词作定语: The little boy needs a blue pen.(little修饰名词boy;blue修饰名词pen.)/小男孩需要一支蓝色的钢笔。 Tom is a handsome boy./Tom是个英俊的男孩。 There is a good boy./有个乖男孩。 数词作定语相当于形容词:Two boys need two pens./两个男孩需要两支钢笔。 The two boys are students./这两个男孩是学生。 There are two boys in the room./房间里有两个男孩。 代词或名词所有格作定语: His boy needs Tom"s pen./他的男孩需要Tom的钢笔。 His name is Tom./他的名字是汤姆。 There are two boys of Tom"s there./那儿有Tom家的两个男孩。 介词短语作定语: The boy in the classroom needs a pen of yours./教室里的男孩需要你的一支钢笔。 The boy in blue is Tom./穿蓝色衣服的孩子是汤姆。 There are two boys of 9,and three of 10./有两个9岁的,三个10岁的男孩。 名词作定语: The boy needs a ball pen./男孩需要一支圆珠笔。 It is a ball pen./这是一支圆珠笔。 There is only one ball pen in the pencil box./这铅笔盒里只有一支圆珠笔。 副词作定语: The boy there needs a pen./那儿的男孩需要一支钢笔。 The best boy here is Tom./这里最棒的男孩是Tom。 不定式作定语: The boy to write this letter needs a pen./写这封信的男孩需要一支钢笔。 The boy to write this letter is Tom./将要写这封信的男孩是汤姆。 There is nothing to do today./今天没有事要做。 分词(短语)作定语: The *** iling boy needs a pen bought by his mother./那个微笑的男孩需要一支他妈妈买的钢笔。 The pen bought by her is made in China./她买的笔是中国产的。 There are five boys left./有五个留下的男孩。 定语从句: The boy who is reading needs the pen which you bought yesterday./那个在阅读的男孩需要你昨天买的钢笔。 The boy you will know is Tom./你将认识的男孩叫汤姆。 There are five boys who will play the game./参加游戏的男孩有五个。 定语的位置一般有两种:用在所修饰词之前的叫前置定语,用在所修饰词之后的叫后置定语。 单词作定语时通常放在它所修饰的词之前......>> 问题三:定语是什么 表语(Predicative):谓语有时由系动词加一个形容词或名词(或起同样作用的其他词类 短语或从句)担任 在此种情况中 用来与系动词合成谓语的成分 成为表语 定语(Attribute):用来修饰或限制名词或代词 主要由形容词或与之相当的其他词类 短语或从句担任 状语(Adverbial Modifier):用来修饰动词 形容词 副词或整个句子 主要由副词或与之相当的其他词类 短语或从句担任 除以上说到的以外 主语(Subject) 谓语(Predicate) 宾语(Object) 同位语(Appositive) 插入语(Parenthesis)等 均为句子的成分 是在说句法 副词(Adverbs)用于动词或形容词的前面川示动作行为的范围 时间与其频率等性质状态的程度的词 是词法 问题四:勇气前定语有哪些,请帮我 勇敢地一直向前进,比喻有充足的勇气。前仆后继(qián pū hòu jì) 仆...【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义迈的情感,远大的志向。 问题五:有什么定语可以修饰服务 任性的服务~ 问题六:灵魂的定语都有哪些词 为你奉上,请参考: 颤栗的灵魂; 孤寂的灵魂; 寂寞的灵魂; 卑污的灵魂; 肮脏的灵魂; 高贵的灵魂; ......
2023-06-19 03:20:381

adjective and adverbs中文翻译

Obviously , he can " t tell the difference beeen adjectives and adverbs 显然他无法区别形容词和副词。 Therefore , we take a look at the pst of adjectives and adverbs to quapty the movement 形式)主语+动词+形容词+表示趋势的名词+时间状语。 We have revised numerals , prepositions , pronouns , conjunctions , adjectives and adverbs before 前一阶段,我们已经复习了数词、介词、代词、连词、形容词与副词。 These sentences are posed largely of nouns and verbs , have few adjectives and adverbs , and rely on repetition and rhythm for much of their effect 这种句子主要由名词与动词组成,极少带有形容词及副词,并以重复句法及韵律感制造效果。 She discusses parts of speech , basic sentence patterns , verbs , nouns , adjectives and adverbs , prepositions , relative clauses , imperative sentences , and so on 内容包括词类、基本句型、动词、名词、形容词与副词、介词、关系子句、祈使句等等。
2023-06-19 03:20:571


词性指以词的特点作为划分词类的根据。从组合和聚合关系来说,一个词类是指:在一个语言中,众多具有相同句法功能、能在同样的组合位置中出现的词,聚合在一起形成的范畴。词类是最普遍的语法的聚合。词类划分具有层次性。如汉语中,词可以分成实词和虚词,实词中又包括体词、谓词等,体词中又可以分出名词和代词等。英语词性缩写名词:Nouns(n.)表示人或事物的名称box,pen,tree,apple。代词:Pronouns(pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词We,this,them,myself。形容词: Adjectives(adj.)用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征good,sad,high,short数词:Numerals(num.)表示数目或顺序。动词:Verb(v.)表示动作或状态Jump,sing,visit。副词:Adverbs(adv.)修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征there,widely,suddenly。冠词:Articles(art.)用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围a,an,the。介词:Prepositions(prep.)用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系in,on,down,up。连词:Conjunctions(conj.)表示人或事物的名称if,because,but。感叹词: Interjections(int.)代替名词、数词、形容词等oh,hello,hi,yea。
2023-06-19 03:21:041


ad 是adverbs的缩写, 副词。即, above 既可以做介词(prep), 也可以做副词。
2023-06-19 03:21:131


prep.=介系词(介词);前置词,preposition的缩写pron .= 代名词(代词),pronoun的缩写n .= 名词,noun的缩写v. = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写conj. = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写s = 主词(主语)sc = 主词补语(有两种说法,一种表示主语补语=表语,一种表示一般表语属于主语补语)o = 受词 (宾语)oc = 受词补语(宾语补足语)vi. = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写vt. = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写adj. = 形容词,adjective的缩写adv. =副词,adverb的缩写art. = 冠词,article的缩写num. = 数词,numeral的缩写int. = 感叹词,interjection的缩写u. = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写c. = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写pl. = 复数,plural的缩写扩展资料:词性指以词的特点作为划分词类的根据。现代汉语的词可以分为两类14种词性。词类是一个语言学术语,是一种语言中词的语法分类,是以语法特征(包括句法功能和形态变化)为主要依据、兼顾词汇意义对词进行划分的结果。从组合和聚合关系来说,一个词类是指:在一个语言中,众多具有相同句法功能、能在同样的组合位置中出现的词,聚合在一起形成的范畴。词类是最普遍的语法的聚合。词类划分具有层次性。如汉语中,词可以分成实词和虚词,实词中又包括体词、谓词等,体词中又可以分出名词和代词等。参考资料:百度百科-词性推荐于 2019-09-30查看全部20个回答乐宁教育_专注少儿英语启蒙与强化,自信开口说英语值得一看的自然拼读相关信息推荐专注3-12岁孩子的英语思维培养,提升阅读能力,带动听说读写,提升应用能力!沪27+直营校区,试听课预约中广告 英语快速记单词方法_宋维钢_英语词汇浮速记特训营_限时0元关注英语单词的都在看英语快速记单词方法4天名师直播课,报名赠送速记大礼包+实时答疑+超速记忆,轻松掌握速记秘籍,轻松搞定38000个单词!m.genshuixue.com广告 相关问题全部英语中所有词性的缩写有什么n. 名词 pron. 代词 num. 数词 adj./a. 形容词 adv. 副词 v. 动词 vt. 及物动词 vi. 不及物动词 aux. 情态动词 art. 冠词 prep. 介词 conj. 连词 int. 叹词 pl. 名词的复数形式词18 浏览172 2019-08-25英语中所有词性的简写!!!!!!!!prep. = 介系词(介词);前置词,preposition的缩写 pron .= 代名词(代词),pronoun的缩写 n .= 名词,noun的缩写 v. = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写 conj. = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写 s = 主词(主语) sc = 主词补语(有两种说法,一种表示主语补语=表语,一种表示一般表语属于主语补语) o = 受词 (宾语) oc = 受词补语(宾语补足语) vi. = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写 vt. = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写 aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写 adj. = 形容词,adjective的缩写 adv. =副词,adverb的缩写 art. = 冠词,article的缩写 num. = 数词,numeral的缩写 int. = 感叹词,interjection的缩写 u. = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写 c. = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写 pl. = 复数,plural的缩写 扩展资料:词性指以词的特点作为划分词类的根据。现代汉语的词可以分为两类14种词性。 词类是一个语言学术语,是一种语言中词的语法分类,是以语法特征(包括句法功能和形态变化)为主要依据、兼顾词汇意义对词进行划分的结果。 从组合和聚合关系来说,一个词类是指:在一个语言中,众多具有相同句法功能、能在同样的组合位置中出现的词,聚合在一起形成的范畴。词类是最普遍的语法的聚合。词类划分具有层次性。如汉语中,词可以分成实词和虚词,实词中又包括体词、谓词等,体词中又可以分出名词和代词等。 参考资料:百度百科-词性浏览7746 2018-09-27英语所有词性缩写。prep. = 介系词(介词);前置词,preposition的缩写 pron .= 代名词(代词),pronoun的缩写 n .= 名词,noun的缩写 v. = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写 conj. = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写 s = 主词(主语) sc = 主词补语(有两种说法,一种表示主语补语=表语,一种表示一般表语属于主语补语) o = 受词 (宾语) oc = 受词补语(宾语补足语) vi. = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写 vt. = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写 aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写 adj. = 形容词,adjective的缩写 adv. =副词,adverb的缩写 art. = 冠词,article的缩写 num. = 数词,numeral的缩写 int. = 感叹词,interjection的缩写 u. = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写 c. = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写 pl. = 复数,plural的缩写 扩展资料 名词有以下性质: 1、性:对于大多数印欧语言都分——或部分地分——阴,阳,中;一些小语种用“动物性”或“非动物性”区分词性,如格鲁吉亚语。某些语言还有更多分类方式,或交叉地采用上述的分类方式 2、数:表示物体是单个,特定的几个或多个,即单数或复数。有些语种包括双数等特定数的词法 3、格:表示名词在句子中的成分,即主格(第一格),与格(第二格),属格(第三格),宾格(第四格)等。部分语言如希腊语,俄语等还分更多的词格。 在屈折语中,需要注意主谓一致,即谓语的形式需要根据主语的性和数屈折变化。44 浏览1635 2019-09-30英语中 各种词性的简写及意义英语词性的缩写: adv = 副词,adverb的缩写 adj = 形容词,adjective的缩写 art = 冠词,article的缩写 num = 数词,numeral的缩写 prep = 介系词;前置词,preposition的缩写 pron = 代名词,pronoun的缩写 n = 名词,noun的缩写 v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写 conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写 vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写 vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写 aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写 a = 形容词,adjective的缩写 int = 感叹词,interjection的缩写 u = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写 c = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写 pl = 复数,plural的缩写 s = 主词 sc = 主词补语 o = 受词 oc = 受词补语 扩展资料 词性的解释 1、名词,Noun (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 desk, pencil, tomato, apple 1)可数名词,Countable Noun (c./cn.), tree, bottle, bag 单数,Singular(sing.), a car, an apple, the man 复数,Plural(pl.), books, shoes, pens 2)不可数名词,Uncountable Noun(u./un.), milk, water, ocean 2、代词,Pronoun (pron.) 代替名词或代替相当于名词的词、短语或句子you, this, them ,myself 3、形容词,Adjective (a./adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 lucky, excellent, wonderful, humorous 4、数词,Numeral (num.)表示数目或顺序 one, two, first 5、动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 eat, go, travel 1)及物动词,Transitive Verb (vt.) 后面可直接接宾语 2)不及物动词,Intransitive Verb (vi.) 后面不可直接接宾语 6、副词,Adverbs(ad./adv.) 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征 there, widely, suddenly 7、冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a, an, the 8、介词,Prepositions (prep.) 用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系 in, on, at, of 9、连词,Conjunctions (conj.) 表示人或事物的名称and, because, but 10、感叹词, Interjections (int.) 代替名词、数词、形容词等 oh, ah, wow 参考资料来源:百度百科—词性 参考资料来源:百度百科—英语语法33 浏览8770 2019-07-21所有常见词性的缩写,,英语里一共只有十大词性: 1,名词,Nouns (n.) 表示人或事物的名称,作主语和宾语 box,pen,tree,apple 2,代词,Pronouns (pron.) 代替名词、数词、形容词 We,this,them,myself (个数有限) 3,形容词,Adjectives(adj.) 修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 good,sad,high,short 4,数词,Numerals(num.) 数目或顺序 one,two,first 5,动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态,只有动词(包括助动词)可以形成谓语 Jump,sing,visit 6,副词,Adverbs(adv.) 修饰动、形、副词以及句子,状态动作特征 there,widely,suddenly 7,冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a,an,the (只有三个) 8,介词,Prepositions (prep.) 后接名词结构形成介词短语 in,on,down,up (个数有限) 9,连词,Conjunctions (conj.) 连接句子形成复合句或者连接短语 if,because,but (个数有限) 10,感叹词,Interjections (int.) 情感表达,常作为插入语 oh,hello,hi,yeah
2023-06-19 03:21:391


英语的词有实词与虚词两种:实词:名词、形容词、动词、代词、数词、副词;虚词:介词、连词、冠词、叹词。可以归纳为:名形动,代数副,介连冠叹下面我简单介绍一下这10类词1,名词,Nouns (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 box,pen,tree,apple2,代词,Pronouns (pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词We,this,them,myself3,形容词,Adjectives(adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 good,sad,high,short4,数词,Numerals(num.)表示数目或顺序 one,two,first5,动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 Jump,sing,visit6,副词,Adverbs(adv.) 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征 there,widely,suddenly7,冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a,an,the8,介词,Prepositions (prep.) 用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系 in,on,down,up9,连词,Conjunctions (conj.) 表示人或事物的名称if,because,but10,感叹词,Interjections (int.) 代替名词、数词、形容词等 oh,hello,hi,yeahvt.是及物动词,vt.后必须跟宾语:sing a songvi.是不及物动词,vi.后不直接带宾语或不带宾语:jump high
2023-06-19 03:21:461


2023-06-19 03:22:206

adverb of degree中文翻译

You can use adverbs of degree in front ofparative adjectives 形容词比较级前可用程度副词加以修饰。 The parison of use beeen engpsh adverbs of degree and russian adverbs of degree 俄英中程度副词的用法比较 Semantic constraints on the nouns in chinese quot; adverbs of degree noun quot; constructions 句法手段对名词性并列结构中语义量级的强制 When the bination of adverb of degree " hen ( 很 ) " and negation " bu ( 不 ) " is used to modify adjectives , the quantity - restrains of different patterns of bination on the adjectives are different 摘要程度副词“很”和否定副词“不”双项连续连用修饰形容词时,不同的连用情况对形容词有著不同的量性规约。
2023-06-19 03:22:341

英语里面的(n. )(adj. )(u.)是什么意思呀

2023-06-19 03:22:443


2023-06-19 03:23:226

故意的 形容词,名词,副词怎么说?

Deliberately adjectives, nouns, adverbs
2023-06-19 03:23:394


状语从句可分为:   (1)时间状语从句:(adverbial clause of time)   (2)地点状语从句:(adverbial clause of place)   (3)原因状语从句:(adverbial clause of cause)   (4)条件状语从句:(adverbial clause of condition)   (5)目的状语从句:(adverbial clause of purpose)   (6)让步状语从句:(adverbial clause of concession)   (7)比较状语从句:(adverbial clause of comparison)   (8)方式状语从句:(adverbial clause of manner)   (9)结果状语从句:(adverbial clause of result) 宾语从句必须用陈述语序。   False: He is wondering when can he finish this difficult job.   Right: He is wondering when he can finish this difficult job. A. 有时候可以用it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语从句放在后面。   Bad: I thought that he could finish this job in just two hours impossible.   Good: I thought it impossible that he could finish this job in just two hours.    Bad: He left whether we should continue this project to my judgment.   Good: He left it to my judgment whether we should continue this project.   B.带有宾语从句的复合句的否定形式一般是否定主句。   Bad: I think he doesn"t like the English teacher.   Good: I don"t think he likes the English teacher.   C.False: He wanted to know why he is crying in the corner.   Right: He wanted to know why he was crying in the corner.
2023-06-19 03:23:472


2023-06-19 03:23:566


辅助动词 (auxiliary verb) 主要用来加进本来己有动词 (verb) 的句子里,建立完整的动词组 (verb phrase)。例如: I [will] do it tomorrow. He [has] arrived. She [must be] dreaming. 形容词 (adjective) 用来形容事物,而副词 (adverb) 则用来形容动词或形容词。例如: She is [beautiful]. (形容词,意思是「她」很美丽。) She is dancing [beautifully]. (副词,意思是她跳舞「跳」得很美,但她本人是否美丽是另一回事。) 另:应该是「详」细解释,而你的问句也不合中文语法。你英文已经不好,别连中文也用坏。 动词 is Verb A verb is use to say an action For example run swim eat kick e He runs to the bus-stop every day. He never swims. 副词is Adverb There are o cases for adverb 1. Adverbs are used to describe verbs to tell readers how the action is like. For example quickly slowly loudly He runs very quickly. The adverb quickly is used to describe the verb runs. 2. Adverbs are used to describe adjectives For example really rather quite This book is really beautiful. The adverb really is used to describe beautiful. Hope i can help you la. I typed all these myself ga ^^ 动词就如:do make eat drink (verb to do); is am are (verb to be); has have(verb to have). 但是:I am doing my homework. am 就是辅助动词 You have eaten three pieces of bread already. have 就是辅助动词 副词:slowly quietly tidily ---- e 是把动词再形容得详细一些的
2023-06-19 03:24:351

英语 adverbs of frequency

Adverb of frequency = (表示)屡次,多次的副词. always = 总是,(100% 时间);(如果用此字,表示100%的时间都做那件事;) Usually=一般,(可能80%可能去做) Often=经常(50%的时间吧) Sometimes =有时(小于50%,可能20%以下) Never =从不,从没有(0%)(一次都没做) 把表示多次的副词放在主要动词之前,除非应该放在动词后的.(练习哪些副词应放在动词前,哪些一定放在动词后)
2023-06-19 03:24:591


十大词类:1,名词,Nouns (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 box,pen,tree,apple2,代词,Pronouns (pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词We,this,them,myself3,形容词,Adjectives(adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 good,sad,high,short4,数词,Numerals(num.)表示数目或顺序 one,two,first5,动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 Jump,sing,visit6,副词,Adverbs(adv.) 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征 there,widely,suddenly7,冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a,an,the8,介词,Prepositions (prep.) 用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系 in,on,down,up9,连词,Conjunctions (conj.) 表示人或事物的名称if,because,but10,感叹词,Interjections (int.) 代替名词、数词、形容词等 oh,hello,hi,yeahvt.是及物动词,vt.后必须跟宾语:sing a songvi.是不及物动词,vi.后不直接带宾语或不带宾语:jump high
2023-06-19 03:25:171


ever、never、rarely、seldom、once,、often、occasionally、constantly、frequently等。一、ever 英 ["evu0259(r)]     美 ["evu0259r]    adv. 曾经;在任何时候;究竟;一直;永远示例:Nothingeverhappensinthisvillage.这村里从来没有发生过什么事情。二、rarely 英 ["reu0259li]     美 ["rerli]    adv. 很少;难得示例:Sherarelywentanywhereexcepttoheroffice.她除了去办公室以外,很少去别的地方。三、seldom 英 ["seldu0259m]     美 ["seldu0259m]    adv. 很少;难得示例:Theappletreeisseldomfruitful.这棵苹果树很少结果。四、always 英 ["u0254u02d0lweu026az]     美 ["u0254u02d0lweu026az]    adv. 总是;一直;始终;永远;随时;无论如何示例:Alivebandisalwaysagooddrawataparty.现场演奏的乐队在聚会上总是很吸引人的。五、often 英 ["u0252fn]     美 ["u0254u02d0fn]    adv. 经常;时常;屡次示例:Ioftentakemychildrentoplayinthepark.我经常带我的孩子们去公园玩。
2023-06-19 03:25:274

副词用在句首是什么意思? 一般副词用在句首的意思是什么

1、地点副词,时间副词和方式副词一般放在句末。如句中同时有地点副词和时间副词,地点副词通常在前,时间副词通常在后。 2、always,usually,often,never,sometimes等,放在行为动词之前,情态动词,助动词之后。 3、修饰形容词和副词的程度副词,enough除外,一般放在被修饰词之前。
2023-06-19 03:25:342

rarely, seldom,hardly,scarcely, barely

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: rarely, seldom,hardly,scarcely, barely的用法和区别 解析: Strictly speaking, the use of ever after rarely and seldom is redundant; She rarely ever watches television adds nothing to She rarely watches television. In an earlier survey a large majority of the Usage Panel found this construction unacceptable in formal writing. But ever has been used as an intensive with rarely for several hundred years, and the construction is mon in informal contexts. By contrast, the constructions rarely (or seldom) if ever and rarely (or seldom) or never are unexceptionable: She rarely if ever watches television. She rarely or never watches television. See: hardly redundancy The use of hardly with a negative is avoided in Standard English. Some critics have been puzzled that adverbs such as hardly, rarely, and scarcely should be treated as negatives in the traditional strictures against double negation, which tars sentences like I couldn"t hardly see him with the same brush as I didn"t get none. After all, they argue, the sentence Mary hardly laughed entails that Mary did laugh, not that she didn"t, and therefore does not express a negative proposition. But hardly and scarcely occur with other negative expressions in a number of ways. For one thing, they bine with items such as any and at all, which are characteristically associated with negative contexts: we say I hardly saw him at allor I never saw him at all but not I occasionally saw him at all;we say I hardly had any time or I didn"t have any timebut not I had any time, and so on. Like other negative adverbs, hardlytriggers inversion of the subject and auxiliary when it begins a sentence. Thus we say Hardly had I arrived when she left, on the pattern of Never have I read such a book or At no time has he condemned the movement. Such inversion is not used with other adverbs: we would not say Occasionally has he addressed this question or To a slight degree have they changed their position. The fact is that adverbs such as hardly are semantically negative in that they qualify a state or an event relative to the limiting case of nonoccurrence. Thus the meaning of hardly is, roughly, 揳lmost not at all? the meaning of rarely is 损ractically never? and so forth. These adverbs are felt to have a negative ponent in their meaning, and it should not be surprising that grammarians have reacted to binations of hardly with negatives in the same way that they have reacted to binations of pairs of negatives such as not and none. See: double negative rarely scarcely Scarcely has the force of a negative and is therefore regarded as incorrectly used with another negative, as in I couldn"t scarcely believe it. ?A clause following scarcely is correctly introduced by when or before; the use of than, though mon, is still unacceptable to some grammarians: The meeting had scarcely begun when (or before but not than) it was interrupted. See: double negative hardly
2023-06-19 03:25:491


Athe more more tired young better harder better excited too a important a Balways shareoften goes outused to walkto schoolalways carrying smile on her faceas big as minedoesnt as well as Jackmuch taller than mefaster than himwhich is easier to learnthe longest river in chinasings the bestthe most difficult coursewhich is heavierthinner than me
2023-06-19 03:26:085


2023-06-19 03:26:371


英语所有词性:1、名词(n),Nouns 表示人或事物的名称 box,pen,tree,apple。2、代词(pron),Pronouns 代替名词、数词、形容词We,this,them,myself。3、形容词(adj), Adjectives 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征good,sad,high。4、数词(num),Numerals表示数目或顺序one,two。5、动词(v),Verb表示动作或状态 Jump,sing。6、副词(adv),Adverbs 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征there,widely。7、冠词(art),Articles 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a,an。8、介词(prep),Prepositions 用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系 in,on。9、连词(conj),Conjunctions 表示人或事物的名称if,but。10、感叹词(int),Interjections 代替名词、数词、形容词等 oh,hello。英语背单词方法:1,制定合理计划,重复循环:记忆单词是一项非常繁重的任务,需要大量的精力。如果没有一个周密的计划,许多考生会发现很难坚持下去,这是非常必要的一步。一般来说,考试前一定要把单词手册背三遍,第一次认真学习;第二次巩固;第三次查漏补缺,加深印象。这比只重复一次要好得多。2,听、说、读、写共同进行:许多考生在记忆单词时,只是看着它们,只记住单词的外观。他们在阅读中能认出这些词,但在听力上有困难,在写作中也不能拼写出来,在口语中更是无法说出来。这样的词对于英语学习来说只是一个“消极词汇”。记忆单词的最好方法是先读单词,同时要听标准发音,然后重复跟读,然后根据自己的发音记录单词。只有通过听、说、读、写才能记住这些单词。3,背诵和练习同步:英语单词是要放在语言中进行使用的。如果只是简单地背诵单词,而不理解它们的语境,记忆单词的效率将大大降低。因此,考生在背单词的同时,必须辅以大量的听、说、读、写练习,在使用中反复巩固单词的发音、意思和用法。剑桥雅思真题是一个很好的练习。在完成听力和阅读题并做出自己的分析后,如果有时间,最好先听录音,对文章进行精读,并将核心词汇记在一个专门的笔记本上。
2023-06-19 03:26:451


2,代词,Pronouns (pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词We, this, them,myself 3,形容词, Adjectives(adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 good, sad, high, short 4,数词,Numerals(num.)表示数目或顺序 one,two, first 5,动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 Jump,sing,visit 6,副词,Adverbs(adv.) 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征 there,widely,suddenly 7,冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a, an, the 8,介词,Prepositions (prep.) 用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系 in,on,down,up 9,连词,Conjunctions (conj.) 表示人或事物的名称if,because,but 10,感叹词, Interjections (int.) 代替名词、数词、形容词等
2023-06-19 03:27:211

急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!英文Prepositions or Adverbs

Mr and Mrs Wong were planning to go _to_ the place where they grew _up_. They decided _to go there _on_ Sunday. _On_ the way they looked _at_ the beautiful view _of_ Lantau Island. After they reached the pier they walked _around_ Lantau Island. They saw some people playing _in_ the beach_with_ their beach ball. They kept walking on the footpath. Before they reached their old house they pointed _to_ some special places _for_ their daughter Emily. They showed her a big tree where they used _to_ meet each other after dinner. It was not far away _from_ the pier. Every morning Mrs Wong used _to_ buy food _at_ the street stall. _In_ the afternoon Mrs Wong played _with_ shells_in_ school. Sometimes she made some musical instruments _with_ waste materials. At that time Mr Wong exclaimed and he pointed _to_ a stream and said that he used to camp _by_ that stream. After they walked _up_ the stream they had a rest _under_ a big tree. Mrs Wong wiped her sweat _with_ her handkerchief. “The time went _by_ quickly. It"s about enty years from now. I enjoyed the life _in_ the past. I enjoyed playing football _with_ my friends _in_ the football pitch. I enjoyed walking _in_ the park _with_ your mom. I enjoyed swimming _in_ the beach _with_ your uncle. Now we all moved _to_ urban areas in H.K. We are very busy. Your uncle lives _in_ the housing estate near Shek Kip Mei and I have moved _to_Hung Hom _for_ ten years after marriage. We live _in_ high-rise building.” said Mr Wong. Mr and Mrs Wong were planning to go _to_ the place where they grew _up_. They decided _to_ go there _on_ Sunday. _On_ the way they looked _at_ the beautiful view _on_ Lantau Island. After they reached the pier they walked _around_ Lantau Island. They saw some people playing _on_ the beach_with_ their beach ball. They kept walking on the footpath. Before they reached their old house they pointed _out_ some special places _for_ their daughter Emily. They showed her a big tree where they used _to_ meet each other after dinner. It was not far away _from_ the pier. Every morning Mrs Wong used _to_ buy food _at_ the street stall. _In_ the afternoon Mrs Wong played _with_ shells_at_ school. Sometimes she made some musical instruments _of_ waste materials. At that time Mr Wong exclaimed and he pointed _to_ a stream and said that he used to camp _near_ that stream. After they walked _along_ the stream they had a rest _under_ a big tree. Mrs Wong wiped her sweat _with_ her handkerchief. “The time went _by_ quickly. It"s about enty years from now. I enjoyed the life _in_ the past. I enjoyed playing football _with_ my friends _at_ the football pitch. I enjoyed walking _around_ the park _with_ your mom. I enjoyed swimming _at_ the beach _with_ your uncle. Now we all moved _to_ urban areas in H.K. We are very busy. Your uncle lives _in_ the housing estate near Shek Kip Mei and I have moved _to_Hung Hom _for_ ten years after marriage. We live _in_ high-rise building.” said Mr Wong.
2023-06-19 03:27:271

我要adv 10个 英文副词

1.happily 2.badly 3.quickly 4.slowly 5.beautifuly 6.corrctly 7.incorrectly 8.perfectly 9.currently(流畅地) 10.angrily Some more: accidentally afterwards almost always angrily annually anxiously awkwardly badly blindly boastfully boldly bravely briefly brightly busily calmly carefully carelessly cautiously cheerfully clearly correctly courageously crossly cruelly daily defiantly deliberately doubtfully easily elegantly enormously enthusiastically equally even eventually exactly faithfully far fast fatally fiercely fondly foolishly fortunately frantically gently gladly gracefully greedily happily hastily honestly hourly hungrily innocently inquisitively irritably joyously justly kindly lazily less loosely loudly madly merrily monthly more mortally mysteriously nearly neatly nervously never noisily not obediently obnoxiously often only painfully perfectly politely poorly powerfully promptly punctually quickly quietly rapidly rarely really recklessly regularly reluctantly repeatedly rightfully roughly rudely sadly safely seldom selfishly seriously shakily sharply shrilly shyly silently sleepily slowly *** oothly softly solemnly sometimes soon speedily stealthily sternly successfully suddenly suspiciously swiftly tenderly tensely thoughtfully tightly tomorrow too truthfully unexpectedly very victoriously violently vivaciously warmly weakly wearily well wildly yearly yesterday 参考: paulnoll/Books/Clear-English/English-adverbs
2023-06-19 03:27:341


强调某一句子成分。用于句首的副词通常有以下两种:1、Connecting Adverbs连接副词当我们使用连接副词将一段陈述与之前的从句或句子连接起来时,就是用到副词的初始位置。连接副词位于句子的开头,以便于和之前的句子连接在一起,后面经常会跟有逗号。连接副词数量繁多,下面是一些最常使用的:However、Consequently、Then、Next、Still。例句:(1)Life is hard.However,life can be fun.生活充满艰辛,却又不乏乐趣。(2)The market is very difficult these days.Consequently,we need to focus on what works best for our customers.这段时间市场很不景气。所以,我们要将重点放在那些最能为顾客提供优质服务的事情上。2、Time Adverbs时间副词时间副词也会用在句首,用来表示某事发生的时间。值得注意的是,时间副词的位置多变。在所有的副词中,时间副词的位置是最为灵活的。例句:(1)Tomorrow Peter is going to visit his mother in Chicago.皮特明天要去芝加哥看望妈妈。(2)Sundays I like playing golf with my friends.我喜欢在周日和朋友一起打高尔夫。扩展资料:英语词性:1、名词,Nouns (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 box,pen,tree,apple2、代词,Pronouns (pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词We,this,them,myself3、形容词,Adjectives(adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 good,sad,high,short4、数词,Numerals(num.)表示数目或顺序 one,two,first5、动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 Jump,sing,visit6、副词,Adverbs(adv.) 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征 there,widely,suddenly7、冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a,an,th
2023-06-19 03:27:411


当。。。 的时候。。。。
2023-06-19 03:27:492


2023-06-19 03:28:113


时间频率副词 now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地), frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即), finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice, lately,recently,personally,today……yet
2023-06-19 03:28:205


Degree Adverbs
2023-06-19 03:28:353

英文文法 Grammar 英文文法 Grammar Guide grammarstation/ grammarguide/Gguide 你不确定你写的句子文法对不对吗?Grammar Guide可以帮你改喔! Grammar Quizzes grammar_test/grammar_test 由小港高中叶博士所设计的英文文法测验,可针对自己较不足的部分加强训练。 Grammar Help ruthvilmi/hut/help /grammar_help/ 里面提供英文各种词性的用法及规则,还有各种题目可供练习。 Grammar Bytes chompchomp/ 提供了许多handouts给学生及老师使用,但有规定不可以拿来作商业营利用途。 Grammar Lady grammarlady/ 里面有详细的文法,还有Q&A可供同学解决个人的问题。 Pop-Up Lady englishplus/grammar/ 这个网站包罗万象,包括教授教导如何写书信及标点符号的用法,非常实用。 Grammar Now grammarnow/ 有许多文法上的技巧,还有专门回答疑问的空间和对特殊字词的定义及解释,对读者助益良多。 Daily Grammar dailygrammar/ 提供了很多的基本词性及文法的句子供你去参考,让你学习如何辨别及组合句子,对英文写作很有帮助。 English-Zone english-zone./grammar/ 有各式各样的题目供你去你去练习,还有程度的区分,让你循序渐进,不过有的需要注册。 English-Grammar grammar.englishclub/ 对许多的词性、有哪些字、用法,都以表格解释整理的相当的清楚,尤其句子词性对照的方式,一目了然,让我们能轻易的学会文法。 Grammar Slammer: englishclub/grammar/ 提供了书信的写法、句子结构、符号、及大小写的用法,是其它网站比较少的,值得我们去深入学习。 Guide to Grammar and Style: 编者 Jack Lynch 把他分成若干个系列,不但有介绍从基础文法开始介绍,也有较高阶的文法。我们亦可以直接连接到属于自己国家的网站。 The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation: grammarbook/ 提供许多相关文法的测验,有SUBJECTS AND VERBS PRONOUNS ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS等。 Fundamentals of English Grammar: Description and Use grammarbook/title/ 以下拉式的选单,让读者快速地search想要的资讯,也提供了非常详尽的文法介绍。 Self-study Grammar Quizzes a4esl/q/h/grammar 已分好难易程度,一进入便可找到自己适合的分类,进去做题目后可以马上知道结果。 The Inter Grammar of English grammar/home 包含解释、测验,测验可以选择自己想测试的项目;资讯提供的主要对象为大学生。 Guide to Grammar and Writing grammar/textonly 以活泼的画面提供文法及写作技巧,是个不错的网站。 ESL Quiz Center pacific/~sperling/quiz/ 提供英文学习的问题测验,包含文法的。 英文动画文法: grammarfree 中文的介面,用动画的方式介绍文法。 Better English better-english/ 包含许多测验当场写当场改很有挑战性。 Mind your grammar edict/vlc/grammarcourse /grammarcontent 由edict语言学习网站所提供的文法学习和测验,测验时按下所选的答案马上可知对或错。 Language sites on the Inter pw1/~rlederer/rllink 各种类别的网站都可在这找到。 Guide to Grammar and Writing 画面活泼提供文法、写作、论文等资源,还有题目可以练习。 Grammar Check grammarcheck/thanks 把自己的email输入系统会提供文法帮助。 网站: They are 学习英文文法的网站.^_^ gamequarium/
2023-06-19 03:28:421


  什么是定语从句英文   A simple sentence is modified and defined after a noun or pronoun (called antecedent), which is called an attributive clause. As the attribute in the main component. [1] the modified word is called antecedent. An attributive clause differs from a word in that it is usually placed only after the modified word (the antecedent).   Attributive clauses are guided by relative words (relative pronouns and relative adverbs). Relative pronouns and relative adverbs are located at the beginning of attributive clauses.   定义   The attributive clause guided by relative pronoun   The antecedent of a relative pronoun is the noun or pronoun of a person or thing, and acts as the subject, object, attribute and so on in the sentence. When the relative pronoun is used as the subject in the attributive clause, the person and the number of the subordinate predicate verb should be consistent with the antecedent.   1) who, whom, that   The antecedent of these words is the noun or pronoun of a person, and plays a role in the clause:   Is, he, the, man, who/that, wants, to, see, you?   Is he the one who wants to see you? (who/that is the subject in the clause) He, is, the, man, whom/, that, I, saw, yesterday.   He is the man whom I saw yesterday. (whom/that is the object in the clause)   2) Whose is used to refer to people or things (used only as attributes, and if they refer to objects, they can also be interchanged with of which), for example:   They rushed over to help the down. man whose car had broken, the man car broke down, everyone rushed to help.   Please, pass, me, the, book, whose (of, which) cover is green., please pass me that book with green paper.   3) which, that   The antecedent they replace is the noun or pronoun of a thing, and can be used as the subject, object, etc. in the clause, for example:   A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. rural unprecedented prosperity. (which / that is the subject in the sentence)   The package which / that you are carrying unwrapped. is about to come your bag is almost gone. (which / that is the object in the sentence)   Attributive clauses guided by relative adverbs   An antecedent in which an adverb can be substituted is a noun of time, place, or cause, used as an adverbial in a clause.   1) when, where, why   The relative adverbs "when", "where" and "why" have the same meaning as "preposition + which" structure, so they are often used interchangeably with the "preposition + which" structure, for example:   There, are, occasions, when (on, which), one, must, yield., when everyone has to give in.   Beijing, is, the, place, where (in, which), I, was, born.,, is my birthplace.   Is, this, the, reason, why (for, which), he, refused, our, offer? That"s why he refused us to help him?   2) that instead of relative adverb   That can be used for nouns time and location, and the reason to replace when, where, why and the "preposition + which" attributive clause, in informal style that is often omitted (omitted not in formal writing, for example):   His father died the year (that / when / in which) he was born. his father died the year he was born.   He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which) he lived forty years ago., he is unlikely to find the place where he lived forty years ago.   Judgment of relative pronoun and relative adverb   Method 1: whether to use a relative pronoun or a relative adverb depends entirely on the predicate verb in the clause. When there is no object behind transitive verbs, we must ask for relative pronouns. Such as:   (error) This, is, the, mountain, village, where, I,, visited, last, year.   (error) I, will, never, forget, the, days, when, I,, spent, in, the, countryside.   (yes) This, is, the, mountain, village (which), I, visited, last, year.   (yes) I"ll, never, forget, the, days (which), I, spent, in, the, countryside.   Traditionally, the nouns of tables, places, or time are associated with relational Adverbs "where" and "when". The two question is the misuse of the relation word.   Method two: to accurately determine the antecedent in the attributive clause in the components (the main, predicate and object, and the like), have the right to choose a relative pronoun / adverbs. The antecedent in the clause, subject and object, should choose the relative pronoun; antecedent in the clause adverbial, should choose d..   For example: (to) Is, this, the, museum, which, you, visited,, a, few, days, ago?   (yes) Is, this, the, museum, where, the, exhibition, was, held?
2023-06-19 03:28:561


2023-06-19 03:29:162

adverbs of sequence是什么意思

adverbs of sequence 副词的序列 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.
2023-06-19 03:29:331


2023-06-19 03:29:412

a graded adjective 是什么意思?Some adjectives can be graded with adverbs如何理解?

一些形容词是由副词渐渐变化而来的. grade 动词有渐渐转变,发展的 意思。
2023-06-19 03:29:493

“Function as”是什么意思?

2023-06-19 03:29:561

Please underline the relative pronouns(关系代词) and

2023-06-19 03:30:052

Fmag7和 Fmaj7 和弦分别是如何按

2023-06-19 03:27:031


堕的歌曲如下:作词:-Gwen/Charlie作曲:-Gwen/Charlie录音:余蕉鸿 / B SHARK混音:余蕉鸿 / B SHARK-Gwen:堕入雾里想找寻堕入雾里想找寻梦的痕迹那梦里面都是你可是总是没有头绪周围无关痛痒的表情漂浮在深夜的孤寂野火烧尽了空灵只是这虚假的美丽附带脸上的水汽yeah yeah yeahgirl don"t be shy快到这碗里来我已经迫不及待想要和你计划未来可不过是沉溺在醉都无所谓 都说的对反正是寂静的房间里一个人睡Say something it"s already late沉入海底是回忆沉入海底是回忆还附带着泪滴渗入心底的水滴随着时间的推移枯萎的玫瑰被藏进了抽屉脑海里波澜四起也保持表面非常平静 right最后的雨是和你最后的雨是和你一起想过的结局所有的想法都丢弃只要有你就可以如同神明的旨意海平面 在升起淹没过往的美丽我随之沉入海底Charlie:比海底三万里更冰冷的是你我潜入了深海底继续探寻你的秘密陪你过每一个节日girl相信我是感情先知我们应该双手合十请你别再对我排斥今晚喝醉的我给你通电话你说没时间不是很想听你怎么能突然就变卦回我一堆难懂的表情冰冷的雨湿透我身体看不懂你开始自我怀疑没法探测我和你的距离请把英尺全部换成公里你是我带不走的flow找不到和你匹配的韵脚亚特兰大的突然变冷的空气是否是你的讯号突然响起海边号角我的轮船就要开到你所在的冰山一角让我给你拥抱-Gwen:沉入海底是回忆沉入海底是回忆还附带着泪滴渗入心底的水滴随着时间的推移枯萎的玫瑰被藏进了抽屉脑海里波澜四起也保持表面非常平静 right最后的雨是和你堕小乔版表达什么堕小乔版表达了男女感情间的难舍难分。
2023-06-19 03:27:031


2023-06-19 03:27:181


2023-06-19 03:27:195

no doubt的乐队风格

NO DOUBT 组建于1987年。90年代中期的时候 punk 的风格稍有回头,但是 punk 的一个商业上的竞争对手是 new wave 乐队组合的崛起。No Doubt 在此时发现了自己的位置,将自己定义为一个 new wave 和 ska 风格的乐队。主音歌手 Gwen Stefani 的个性明确地标明了整个乐队的特征,既纯真又疯狂。这一点可以从他们的单曲“ Just a Girl ”中清楚地体现出来。在1987年刚刚组建的时候, No Doubt 作为一支ska 风格的乐队,阵容包括 John Spence , Gwen Stefani 和她的哥 Eric 。当他们在 Anaheim 附近地区进行演出的时候,这支三人组合的乐队发现了贝司手 Tony Kanal 。他出生于印度,但是成长在英国和美国。在1987年的十二月时, No Doubt 乐队遭到了巨大的打击, Spence 自杀了。但是乐队没有止步不前,Gwen 成为了唯一的歌手,乐队中又加入了吉它手 Tom Dumont 和鼓手 Adrian Young 。No Doubt 活跃的演出行动渐渐开始引起大家的注意,在1991年的时候 Interscope Records 与他们签约。一年之后,乐队发行了首张专辑,内容主要是80年代中的 pop 和 ska 风格歌曲的结合,但是效果很不理想。Interscope 公司拒绝支持乐队的巡回演出计划和发行其它的专辑。后来,他们在93年至94年中自己开始录音,并发行了专辑The Beacon Street Collection。此张专辑的风格更加粗犷,比他们的首张专辑更加趋向于punk 的风格。Eric Stefani 在专辑发行后就离开了乐队,后来为 The Simpsons 工作。1994年的时候, Interscope 公司恢复了乐队的录音,随后 名为Tragic Kingdom 的新专辑在1995年的十月发行。在乐队进行了大量持续的巡回演出,以及他们的两首单曲“ Just a Girl ”和“ Spiderwebs ” 在 MTV 的 Buzz Bin 栏目的播出,此张专辑在1996年中登上了排行榜的前十名位置。Stefani 对流行音乐一直抱有远大的志向,此时终于如愿以偿,成了排行榜上赫赫有名的人物。到当年年底的时候, Tragic Kingdom 最终登上了榜首的位置。此时,该专辑已经发行有一年有余了。2001年,乐队在Interscope厂牌推出他们最新的第五张专辑“Rock Steady / 摇滚万万岁”,它不仅是一次环游音乐地球的探险之旅,还提出实质的成果来证明“心”在哪里“家”就在哪里。新专辑中的歌曲由Gwen作词、No Doubt创作拍档Tony Kanal与Tom Dumont谱曲,远征伦敦、洛杉矶、旧金山和牙买加完成录制工作,并与多位乐界赫赫有名的代表性制作人合作。毫无疑问,“Rock Steady”在该团名利双收的音乐事业当中,堪称至今最不设限、范围广阔且乐风多变的作品,它也是No Doubt回敬滋养他们成长茁壮的音乐根源的诚挚献礼。紧接着“Rock Steady”专辑的发片之后,是排得满满的巡回演唱行程消息,还刚好与U2合唱团宣布举办大规模全球演唱会的头条新闻撞日。“我们本来就是个现场演唱团体,” Tony表示,“那是我们如何起家,如何和乐迷紧密连系的主要原因。这些年来,虽然No Doubt日益壮大,却愈来愈难保持那份连结关系,但是,这次我们下定决心忠于音乐精神,作出玩得尽兴、在走廊间跳舞唱歌的轻松感觉。毕竟,每个人都需要开怀玩乐,而它也将是这次巡回演唱的主张。”
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还记得奔腾B70吗?这是一汽奔腾品牌诞生后的第一款车型。上市后直接定位自主品牌中高级轿车。2006年上市时,15.18万的起售价丝毫没有阻挡消费者的热情,月均5000的销量也给了一汽轿车极大的信心。从定位、定价到造车水平,一汽奔腾品牌自诞生之日起,向上的野心就展露无遗。如果一汽奔腾继续这样发展下去,奔腾可能是当今最能激发民族自豪感的自主汽车品牌。可惜奔腾的进步已经停止了。这里就不重复故事了。感兴趣的朋友可以自行搜索奔腾的品牌历史。最终奔腾品牌历经各种瞎折腾,品牌价值一落千丈,最终成为二线汽车的独立品牌。时间来到了2018年10月17日,代表复兴决心的全新奔腾品牌正式亮相。从世界之窗的新logo到BESTUNE的英文Logo再到新车型奔腾T77,一汽轿车创新的意志可见一斑。销量方面,新奔腾首款车型T77上市以来月销量徘徊在3000辆左右,虽然成绩并不出色;对于“新品牌”来说,也算是一个满意的答案。当然,一汽轿车花费大量财力物力,总经理刘长庆亲自带队打造全新奔腾。目标不是月销3000辆,而是重拾自主品牌。大家都会说,以后做什么最重要。所以,新奔腾,你要去哪里,怎么去? 新奔腾,要往哪奔?新奔腾品牌之夜,新奔腾T99总设计师强调新奔腾是一线豪华品牌。以T99为例,所有新车从设计细节到用料到NVH都在向奔驰GLC和奥迪Q5L倾斜。奔腾新品牌发布当晚,奔腾还公布了“B、E、S、T”四大新产品线计划。从官方效果图来看,B系列主打家用车,E系列主打纯电动,S系列主打高端SUV,T系列是主流SUV。光有车辆规划是不够的。同期新奔腾还发布了FMA和FME,其中FMA是传统燃油车平台;FME是一个纯电动汽车平台。为适应B系列、E系列、S系列、T系列的车型规划,两个平台可支持车辆轴距在2575-2800mm之间灵活调整,平台可适配轿车、跨界车、SUV、MPV。可以说,新奔腾在两大造车平台的基础上,可以根据需要做出小、紧凑、中型的车型,这对于新奔腾的产品布局无疑是非常重要的。新车规划方面,除了现有的T33、T77、T99 SUV矩阵,一汽轿车还表示,旗下首款基于FME平台的A级纯电动SUV C105将于明年北京车展上市,同时上市的还有基于FMA平台的A0级SUV D365和家用轿车D357。 新奔腾,要往哪腾?不仅是后端,还有市场前端,包括4S门店的优化,客户关系的优化。在4S店板块,全新奔腾发布了服务品牌“BestCare真诚关怀”,通过千次网络换新活动,对国内奔腾4S店进行重新设计,最终实现了将4S店打造成物联网汽车体验馆的目标。成人词汇的翻译意味着新奔腾决心让品牌4S店体验更好、更有意义。在客户关系方面,新奔腾还发布了云腾E扇营销平台,通过大数据分析实现了从被动服务到主动服务的转变,从而提高售后服务质量,最终提高客户粘性。 写在最后从个人感受来说,希望看到奔腾再次腾飞,因为一汽集团有着不同于国内其他自主品牌的象征意义。另一方面,“感情”这个词并不意味着实现。新奔腾要想实现品牌提升,提升产品力势在必行。百万购车补贴
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2023-06-19 03:26:574

注册会计师考试科目 注册会计师考试来自科目先考什么内容?

大家好今天来介绍注册会计师考试科目,注册会计师考试来自科目先考什么内容的问题,以下是全国自考教材服务网教务老师对此问题的归纳整理,来看看吧。文章目录列表:1、注册会计师考试科目有哪些2、注册会计师考试来自科目先考什么3、注册会计师考试科目几年必须通过4、注册会计师考试科目有哪些5、注册会计师考试科目注册会计师考试科目有哪些注册会计师专业考试科目为《会计》、《审计》、《财务成本管理》、《经济法》、《税法》、《公司战略与风险管理》,综合阶段为:职业能力综合测试。中国注册会计师分专业阶段和综合阶段。专业阶段考会计、审计、经济法、税法等科目,综合阶段要等专业阶段考完才能报考,加入企业会计准则等知识。2012年,中国注册会计师考试首次从纸笔考试向机考转化。ACCA注册报名罪础须界合置出起的条件:申请参加ACCA考试者,必须首先注册成为ACCA学员,注册需具备以下任一条件:1、教育部认可的高等院校在校生(本科在校),顺利完成大一的课程考试,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员。2、凡具有教育部承认的大专以上学历,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员。3、未符合1、2项报名资格的申请者,可以先申请参加FIA基础财务资格考试。在完成FAB(基础商业会计)、FMA(基础管理会计)、FFA(基础财务会计)3门课程后富其照布尽烧红善下,可以豁免ACCAF1-F3三门课程的考试,直接进入ACCA技能课程的考试。注册会计师考试来自科目先考什么注册会计师考试科目先考综合阶段考试:2019年8月24日08:30—12:00跟日职业能力综合测试(试卷一)14:00—17:30职业能力综合测试(试卷二)专业阶段考试:2019年10月19日08:30—11:00审计13:00—15:30财务成本管理17:30—19:30经济法2019年10月20日08:30—11:30会计13:30—15:30公司战略与风范论求院险管理17:30—19:30税法注册会计师考试科目几年必须通过注册会计师考试科目5年必须通过。专业阶段考试的单科考试合格成绩 5 年内有效。对在连续5个年度考试中取得专业阶段考试全部科目合格成绩的考生,颁发注册会计师全国统一考试专业阶段考试合格证电子证书。注册会计师考试科目:考试划分为专业阶段考试和综合阶段考试。考生在通过专业阶段考试的全部科目后,才能参加综合阶段考试。专业阶段考试科目:《审计》、《财务成本管滑助广理》、《经济法》、《会计》、《公司战略与风险管理》、《税法》。专业阶段考试报名人员可以同时报考6个科目,也可以选择报考部分科目。综合阶段考试科目:《职业能力综合测试(试卷一)》、《职业能力综合测试(试卷二)》。注册会计师考试科目有哪些注册会计师专业考试科目为《会计》、《审计》、《财务成本管理》、《经济法》、《税法》、《公司战略与风险管理》,综合阶段为:职业能力综合测试。中国注册会计师分专业阶段和综合阶段。专业阶段考会计、审计、经济法、税法等科目,综合阶段要等专业阶段考完才能报考,加入企业会计准则等知识。2012年,中国注册会计师考试首次从纸笔考试向机考转化。ACCA注册报名的条件:申请参加ACCA考试者,必须首先注册成为ACCA学员,注册需具备以下任一条件:1、教育部认可的高等院校在校生(本科在校),顺利完成大一的课程考试,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员。2、凡具有教育部承认的大专以上学历,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员。3、未符合1、2项报名资格的申请者,可以先申请参加FIA基础财务资格考试。在完成FAB(基础商业会计)、FMA(基础管理会计)、FFA(基础财务会计)3门课程后,可以豁免ACCAF1-F3三门课程的考试,直接进入ACCA技能课程的考试。注册会计师考试科目注册会计师考试科目如下:1、会计会计是一门基础课,和其他很多的科目之间都有一定的关联性。会计是六门课程中难在吸轮志他官突诉厚度系数最高的,尤其是它的分录,是让很多的学员都很头疼的一个问题。2、审计审计这门科目侧重于考察学员的逻辑能力,如果你能充分的理解教材中的知识点,题目会很好做,建议在学习的时候要配套的做一些有针对性的题目,加深记忆。3、财务成本管理这么课程的公式很多,而且不仅要记住这些公式,还要能分清楚他们之间的区别,想要学好这门课程只能加深对公式的记忆。4、税法、经济法这两门科目的学习方法比较类似,都是多背多记,最重要的是要理解知识点,活学活用。5、战略战略的内容相对来说会少一点,在学习这门课程的时候,验我们要梳理清楚这门课程的知识框架,同一知识点,类似的题型也要多做,找出不同形式出题的感觉。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
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所谓的超限经营,是指交易商虽然持有各国监管机构的授权牌照(或者仅仅是注册了某个编号),但是其牌照资质没有从事外汇经纪业务的权限,也就是说这些交易商提供的外汇业务属于超范围经营,并不在监管机构监管范围内。许多境外的监管机构,对所监管公司及业务层次分类很明确,但因为投资者不尽了解,很多交易商就在这里面玩心眼,干着“挂羊头卖狗肉”的勾当。请注意,外汇超限经营=没有监管!也就是说,你的投资资金得不到任何保障。新西兰牌照成超限经营重灾区一直以来,新西兰FSP(金融服务企业)和FMA(金融市场管理局)让人傻傻分不清,即使本站已经不断重复那句“请注意,新西兰外汇交易商需持有FMA金融衍生牌照才受监管”,但还是有众多外汇黑平台拿个FSP号就号称拥有新西兰外汇零售监管,欺骗投资者。根据2015年2月28日更改的“金融市场行为法及其附属条例”,受新西兰监管的合规外汇交易商,都必须获得FMA授予的衍生品提供商牌照。金融衍生品牌照信息显示在FSPR查询页面。任何提供衍生品服务的合规经纪商需向投资者公开信息,特别是零售客户。而FSP是指在新西兰提供金融服务的个人、企业和机构的可查询的线上信息注册,并不代表监管!借美国NFA会员超限经营美国NFA,作为外汇行业监管严格的机构,获得其零售外汇牌照的经纪商往往代表着处于行业的权威。因此外汇市场上也总有一些黑平台谎称自己拥有美国NFA监管牌照,或者利用大多数人对NFA会员的不了解来蒙混过关,仅在NFA进行了注册,就号称自己受NFA外汇监管。要知道,除RFEDs(零售外汇经纪商)以外、期货代理商(FCMs)、介绍经纪人(IBs)、商品交易顾问(CTAs)和商品合资基金经理(CPOs)也都可以成为NFA会员。在美国必须有RFEDs,才是真正受美国NFA监管的零售外汇经纪商。目前美国就只有三家交易商具有零售外汇资质,分别是Oanda安达、Gain Capital嘉盛外汇和今年10月新增的IG Markets。因此,除这三家交易商之外,一切宣称持有NFA外汇牌照的交易商都是假冒或者超限经营。借小监管机构牌照超限经营所谓“树大招风”,如今很多交易商也转向借用类似圣文森特这种小的监管机构牌照来迷惑投资者,明目张胆地进行着超限经营。但经外汇天眼咨询核实到,FSA(圣文森特金融服务管理局)监管的跨国公司有开展外汇业务,但该机构不对外汇进行监管授权,也不接受申诉。FSA在其网站上也未披露国际商公司IBC的任何信息,包括IBC公司名单合IBC业务权限。FSA并不对从事外汇交易或经纪业务的IBC进行监管、监督、管理或授予牌照。经营超限的平台,实际上与不受监管无异,各位投资者必须认清这一点并加强警惕!在核实交易商的监管牌照时,一定要确认有无外汇零售监管资质。
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