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2023-05-19 15:04:40
TAG: 英语






  管家的相关 短语

  行政管家 Executive Housekeeper ;

  好管家 Good Housekeeping

  女管家 Automatic Maiden

  男管家 Butler ;


  1. The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar"s desk to answer the call.


  2. They had a butler, a cook, and a maid.


  3. The butler always laid the table.


  4. The butler gave a little cough to announce his presence.


  5. You"d better ring for the housekeeper to bring more soap.


  6. The butler would not admit him into the house.


  7. To let the roof leak would be bad husbandry.


  8. The new housekeeper came on the highest recommendation.


  9. Her adoptive mother was a housekeeper.


  10. The butler was an accomplice in the robbery.


  11. His wife is a frugal [ thrifty ] housekeeper .

  她的妻子是个 节俭 的好管家.

  12. Send the coupon with a cheque for £18.50, made payable to "Good Housekeeping"


  13. It may interest you to know that Miss Woods, the housekeeper, witnessed the attack.


  14. I set the basket against the door, hoping that the housekeeper would find it.

  我把篮子靠门放着, 希望管家能够找得到.

  15. He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.



1. 主管用英语怎么说

2. 腾讯管家的安全功能的介绍

3. 如何用腾讯管家禁止软件连接网络

4. DNF夏日缤纷管家来送礼活动地址

5. U盘用电脑管家怎么杀毒



accomplice英[əˈkʌmplɪs]美[əˈkɑ:mplɪs]n.共犯; 帮凶网络共犯者; 同伙; 同谋复数:accomplices 双语例句 One-sided accomplice is a special pattent of joint hostility.片面共犯是共同犯罪的特殊形态;
2023-01-01 20:48:302


collaborator和accomplice的区别:两者情感意义不同。“collaborator”和“accomplice”,它们的中文意思都为“同伙”,但“collaborator”一般指协同做正面的,好的事情,而“accomplice”往往指合伙做坏事。collaborator英 [kəˈlæbəreɪtə(r)]   美 [kəˈlæbəreɪtər]  n.合作者;协作者;合著者;通敌者。accomplice英 [əˈkʌmplɪs]   美 [əˈkɑːmplɪs]  n.共犯;帮凶;同谋。The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.欧文研究小组和他们的合作伙伴正在测试激光是否会更为有效。Two alleged collaborators were shot dead by masked activists.两名涉嫌通敌者被蒙面的激进分子击毙。
2023-01-01 20:48:381


accomplice牛津的解释a person who helps another to commit a crime or to do sth wrongcomplicity 牛津的解释U] ~ (in sth) (formal) the act of taking part with another person in a crimeACCOMPLICE讲的是人 解释为 共犯COMPLICITY讲的是共同犯罪这件事 行为. 解释为 共谋
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2023-01-01 20:48:585


dogdog常用释义英 [dɒɡ] 美 [dɔːɡ] [词典]dog; accomplice; bad egg;[例句]The dog"s nostrils quivered at the scent. 闻到那种气味狗鼻子搐缩了几下。
2023-01-01 20:49:286

同情是什么意思 同情的意思

2023-01-01 20:49:503


2023-01-01 20:50:003


有这层意思。partner的意思:一、作为名词时1、配偶;性伴侣2、合伙人3、搭档;同伴;舞伴4、伙伴(与另一国家有协议关系的国家或组织)二、作为动词时1、(在跳舞、游戏等中)结成伙伴,做搭档,配对2、partner off配成对,做搭档3、partner up成为伙伴扩展资料词义辨析partner,accomplice,ally,associate,colleague,co-worker这组词都有“在冒险或事业中的合作者”的意思。其区别是:accomplice指参与或促进犯罪行为或错误行为的人;partner表示“合伙人”,强调相互有平等的地位和独立性,也暗示彼此应承担某种法定的或默契的义务;colleague表示“同事,同行”,仅指同一职业或同一组织的成员;ally表示“伙伴,同盟者”,指为共同目的集结在一起的人或组织,彼此信任,至少暂时相互信赖;associate表示“伙伴,同事”,泛指在同一地方的相互有直接接触的人;co-worker是最不正式的用词,多用于工厂或其他从事手工劳动的“伙伴,同仁”。
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2023-01-01 20:50:332

accomplice 和 accessory区别

accomplice [ac·com·plice || ə"kʌmplɪs]n. 帮凶, 共犯; 同谋者accessory [ac·ces·so·ry || æk"sesərɪ]n. 配件, 附件; 妇女饰品; 房间陈设;零件adj. 附加的, 附属的;帮凶的, 同谋的;辅助的; 非主要的
2023-01-01 20:50:411


转别人的,希望对你有所帮助!!Friendship Synonyms:acquaintanceship: –noun1. a person known to one, but usually not a close friend.2. the state of being acquainted.3. personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.: a good acquaintance with French wines.4. (used with a plural verb) the persons with whom one is acquainted.alliance: –noun1. the act of allying or state of being allied.2. a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.3. a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states, or organizations: an alliance between church and state.4. the persons or entities so allied.5. marriage or the relationship created by marriage between the families of the bride and bridegroom.6. correspondence in basic characteristics; affinity: the alliance between logic and metaphysics. amiability: - noun, see amiableamiable: –adjective 1. having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable: an amiable disposition.2. friendly; sociable: an amiable greeting; an amiable gathering.3. agreeable; willing to accept the wishes, decisions, or suggestions of another or others.4. Obsolete. lovable or lovely.amity: –noun1. friendship; peaceful harmony.2. mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship, esp. between nations; peace; accord.attachment:–noun1. an act of attaching or the state of being attached.2. a feeling that binds one to a person, thing, cause, ideal, or the like; devotion; regard: a fond attachment to his cousin; a profound attachment to the cause of peace.3. something that attaches; a fastening or tie: the attachments of a harness; the attachments of a pair of skis.4. an additional or supplementary device: attachments for an electric drill.5. Law. seizure of property or person by legal authority, esp. seizure of a defendant"s property to prevent its dissipation before trial or to acquire jurisdiction over it.6. something attached, as a document added to a letter.comity: –noun, plural -ties.1. mutual courtesy; civility.2. Also called comity of nations. courtesy between nations, as in respect shown by one country for the laws, judicial decisions, and institutions of –noun1. a number of individuals assembled or associated together; group of people.2. a guest or guests: We"re having company for dinner.3. an assemblage of persons for social purposes.4. companionship; fellowship; association: I always enjoy her company.5. one"s usual companions: I don"t like the company he keeps.6. society collectively.concord: –noun1. agreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; concurrence in attitudes, feelings, etc.; unanimity; accord: There was complete concord among the delegates.2. agreement between things; mutual fitness; harmonyfamiliarity: –noun, plural -ties.1. the state of being familiar; friendly relationship; close acquaintance; intimacy.fondness:–noun1. the state or quality of being fond.2. tenderness or affection.3. doting affection.4. a liking or weakness for something: He has a fondness for sweets. rapport: –nounrelation; connection, esp. harmonious or sympathetic relation: a teacher trying to establish close rapport with students. solidarity: –noun, plural -ties.1. union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.2. community of feelings, purposes, etc.3. community of responsibilities and interests.chumminess: –adjective, -mi�6�6er, -mi�6�6est. Informal.friendly; intimate; sociable.companionship: –noun1. association as companions; fellowship.2. Printing. a group of compositors working under a foreman.comradeship: –noun1. a person who shares in one"s activities, occupation, etc.; companion, associate, or friend.2. a fellow member of a fraternal group, political party, etc.fellowship: –noun1. the condition or relation of being a fellow: the fellowship of humankind.2. friendly relationship; companionship: the fellowship of father and son.3. community of interest, feeling, etc.4. communion, as between members of the same church.5. friendliness.6. an association of persons having similar tastes, interests, etc.7. a company, guild, or corporation.Friend Synonyms:acquaintance: –noun1. a person known to one, but usually not a close friend.2. the state of being acquainted.3. personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.: a good acquaintance with French wines.4. (used with a plural verb) the persons with whom one is acquainted.associate: –noun1. a person who shares actively in anything as a business, enterprise, or undertaking; partner; colleague; fellow worker: He consulted with his associates before proceeding further.2. a companion or comrade: my most intimate associates.3. a confederate; an accomplice or ally: criminal associates.4. anything usually accompanying or associated with another; an accompaniment or concomitant.5. a person who is admitted to a subordinate degree of membership in an association or institution: an associate of the Royal Academy.buddy: n. pl. buddies 1. A good friend; a comrade. 2. A partner, especially one of a pair or team associated under the buddy system. 3. Friend or comrade; chum. Used as a form of familiar address, especially for a man or boy: Watch it, buddy.cohort: –noun1. a group or company: She has a cohort of admirers.2. a companion or associate.3. one of the ten divisions in an ancient Roman legion, numbering from 300 to 600 soldiers.4. any group of soldiers or warriors.5. an accomplice; abettor: He got off with probation, but his cohorts got ten years apiece.6. a group of persons sharing a particular statistical or demographic characteristic: the cohort of all children born in 1980.7. Biology. an individual in a population of the same species.colleague: –nounan associate.companion: –noun1. a person who is frequently in the company of, associates with, or accompanies another: my son and his two companions.2. a person employed to accompany, assist, or live with another in the capacity of a helpful friend.3. a mate or match for something: White wine is the usual companion of fish. consort: –noun1. a husband or wife; spouse, esp. of a reigning monarch. eg prince consort, queen consort.2. a companion, associate, or partner: a confidant and consort of heads of state.3. accord or agreement.crony: –noun, plural -nies.a close friend or companion; chum.intimate: –noun1. an intimate friend or associate, esp. a confidant.mate: –noun1. husband or wife; spouse.2. one member of a pair of mated animals.3. one of a pair: I can"t find the mate to this glove.4. a counterpart.5. an associate; fellow worker; comrade; partner (often used in combination): classmate; roommate.6. friend; buddy; pal (often used as an informal term of address): Let me give you a hand with that, mate. pal: –noun1. a very close, intimate friend; comrade; chum.2. an accomplice.
2023-01-01 20:50:561

Accomplice的《Courageous》 歌词

歌曲名:Courageous歌手:Accomplice专辑:AccompliceCourageousWe were made to be courageousWe were made to lead the wayWe could be the generationThat finally breaks the chainsWe were made to be courageousWe were made to be courageousWe were warriors on the front linesStanding, unafraidBut now we"re watchers on the sidelinesWhile our families slip awayWhere are you, men of courage?You were made for so much moreLet the pounding of our hearts cryWe will serve the lordWe were made to be courageousAnd we"re taking back the fightWe were made to be courageousAnd it starts with us tonightThe only way we"ll ever standIs on our knees with lifted handsMake us courageousLord, make us courageousThis is our resolutionOur answer to the callWe will love our wives and childrenWe refuse to let them fallWe will reignite the passionThat we buried deep insideMay the watchers become warriorsLet the men of god ariseWe were made to be courageousAnd we"re taking back the fightWe were made to be courageousAnd it starts with us tonightThe only way we"ll ever standIs on our knees, with lifted handsMake us courageousLord, make us courageousCasting Crowns - CourageousSeek justiceLove mercyWalk on. be with your godSeek justice. love mercyWalk on. be with your godIn the war of the mind I will make my standIn the battle of the heart and the battle of the handIn the war of the mind I will make my standIn the battle of the heart and the battle of the handWe were made to be courageousAnd we"re taking back the fightWe were made to be courageousAnd it starts with us tonightThe only way we"ll ever standIs on our knees, with lifted handsMake us courageousLord, make us courageousWe were made to be courageousIn the war of the mind I will make my standLord, make us courageousIn the war of the mind I will make my standWe were made to be courageousIn the war of the mind I will make my standLord, make us courageousIn the war of the mind I will make my stand
2023-01-01 20:51:011


 词目:同谋   拼音:tóng móu   基本解释:   1. [conspire;be of complicity;aid and abet]∶共谋,一同谋划   不敢与他同谋   2. [accomplice;confederate]∶参与谋划的人   同谋多人。——清· 方苞《狱中杂记》   不做你的同谋   详细解释:      1. 共谋,一同谋划。   《左传·襄公二十年》:“ 陈庆虎 、 庆寅 畏 公子黄 之逼,愬诸 楚 曰:‘与 蔡司马 同谋。"”《后汉书·荀彧传》:“﹝ 夏侯惇 ﹞曰:‘何知 贡 不与 吕布 同谋,而轻欲见之。"” 陈少白 《兴中会革命史要》十一:“当时 杨衢云 仍在 横滨 教书度日,此次的事,本来不敢与他同谋。”   2. 指参与谋划的人。   《宋书·武帝纪上》:“ 毅 兄 迈 先在京师,事未发数日, 高祖 遣同谋 周安穆 报之,使为内应。” 清 叶廷琯 《鸥陂渔话·张炳垣传》:“拘君至,诘同谋,鞭挞炮烙,备极惨酷。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第三幕:“你不要管,我不做你的同谋。”   3. 同时营求。   唐 韩愈 《驽骥》诗:“喟余独兴叹,才命不同谋。”
2023-01-01 20:51:071


火星文 “小伙”,男孩的意思
2023-01-01 20:51:123

马屁精 怎么翻译?

马屁精mǎpìjīng【subservient;flatterer;flunkey;apple polisher】 释义 阿谀奉迎的人;拍马者。1. 别信他---他纯粹是个马屁精。Don"t believe him --- he"s a real flatterer.2. 我不喜欢彼得。他真是个马屁精。I don"t like Peter. He"s such a brown-noser.3. 他得到提升是因为他是个马屁精。He got that raise because he"s a real apple-polisher.如需更详尽到这个网页
2023-01-01 20:51:236


mule : 挟带毒品者,贩运私货的人 A person used to transport drugs or contraband from one place to another. 被用来从一地到另一地运送毒品或违禁品的人。 bootlegging : 贩卖违禁品 The illegal distribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc. 非法销售物品如酒类、毒品、枪支等。 accomplice : 同案 Any person who takes part in a crime. 参与犯罪的每个人。 adult business district : 红灯区 A neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc. 划定的街区,作为开设色情书店、影院、脱衣舞场等的场所。 agricrime : 农业犯罪 Sort for agricultural crime. The theft of crops and /or farm equipment. "agricultural crime"的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。 armed robbery :武装抢劫 The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party. 夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。 arrest warrant : 逮捕证 A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime. 对被指控犯罪的某人实施搜捕的文件。 arson : 纵火 The crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire. 故意放火毁坏财产的犯罪。 assassin : 暗杀 A murderer. A person who sets out to kill someone, esp. a prominent person. 谋杀者。密谋杀害他人,特别是一位杰出人物的凶手。 assault : 袭击 The act of attempting or threatening to harm another person. 试图伤害或威胁要伤害他人的行为。 attack dog : 攻击犬 A canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars, etc. 一种经过训练的狼犬,用来攻击窃贼等。 back-alley butcher : 卑鄙的屠夫 Slang for abortionist. 俚语,给人施行流产手术的人。 bail : 保释金 Money that is deposited with a court in order to secure the release of a defendant while awaiting trial. 存放在法庭的一定数量的保证金,以使被告在候审期间获得释放。 ballistics : 弹道学 The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets. 研究火器及子弹运动的科学。 blackmail : 敲诈,勒索 The act of threatening to reveal personal information, esp. *ual scandals, in order to extract money. 以揭露隐私特别是性丑闻为威胁手段以谋取钱财的行为。 black market : 黑市 A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged. 非法或紧俏物资的销售点,或者非法换汇的地方。 blood money : 血腥钱 Money that is paid as retribution for injury, loss of life, vandalism, etc. 为他人受伤、丧命、损坏财产而付出的酬金。 body bag : 装尸袋 A heavy-duty bag that is used to contain a corpse. 一种结实的用来装运尸体的袋子。 bomb squad : 爆破小组 A team of police who are specially-trained to remove and deactivate bombs. 经专门训练,从事排除和拆卸炸弹的一支警察队伍。 break-in : 非法闯入 It looks like you are the victim of a break-in. 看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者。 bribery : 行贿受贿 The act of offering, giving, or taking bribes. 赠送,提供,或接受贿金的行为。 bucket shop : 投机商号 (Also called “telephone boiler room.”) An office that is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing. (也被称为”电话交易所”)通过邮件或电话营销来推销荒地或垃圾证券的地点。 bug : 窃听 To use electronic listening devices to listen in on the conversations of others. 使用电子收听装置来偷听他人的谈话。 bum rap : 错捕 Steve served six months jail time on a bum rap. 史迪夫因错捕而受了6个月的监禁。 burglary : 入室盗窃 The act of breaking into a home, building, etc. with the intent to steal from it. 闯入民宅、建筑物等,企图偷盗的行为。 car bangers : 汽车窃贼 Thieves who steal form automobiles. 从汽车里偷东西的贼。 career criminal : 职业罪犯 A person who makes a living from crime. 以犯罪为生的人。 child abuse : 虐待儿童 The physical and verbal mistreatment of children. 对儿童进行身体上和言语上的虐待。 chop shop : 地下拆车厂 A shop where criminals take apart stolen cars and sell the parts. 犯罪分子将所盗汽车拆成零件并销售出去的窝点。 cocaine : 可卡因 A powerful stimulant drug. 一种有强力兴奋作用的毒品。 computer cleaner : 消除财务信息的电脑黑客 A person who, for a price, clean computer files of unfavorable financial credit information of others. 将反映他人财物信用赤字的计算机文件抹去以获取报酬的人员。 con artist : 行骗高手 A person who is skilled at convincing others of believing in fraudulent schemes. 擅于蒙骗并使人进入骗局的人。 con game : 骟局 Any fraudulent scheme 任何骗人的把戏。 convict : 囚犯 A person found guilty of a felony and confined in a prison. 被判有重罪并羁于狱中的人。 counterfeit : 伪造 To illegally reproduce a copy of money, postage stamps, bonds, etc. 非法印造钱币、邮票、证券等。 credit-card fraud : 信用卡欺诈 The attempted use of a credit to obtain goods or services with the intention of avoiding payment. 企图使用信用卡获取货物或服务,并故意逃避付款。 crime of passion : 激情犯罪;冲动犯罪 Murder that resulted form the infidelity of a lover; Murder committed in the heat of rage. 由于情人的不忠而导致的谋杀;暴怒驱使的杀人行为。 Crime rate : 犯罪率 The number of reported crimes per specified number of the population. 每一定人数中发生的犯罪数量。 criminal : 犯罪 A person who has violated a criminal law. 触犯刑法的人。 date rape : 约会* A rape that is committed by a woman"s date. 由女性的约会对象实施的*。 deadly weapon : 致命武器 Any object, or instrument that is capable of being used to kill. 任何可以用以杀人致命的物体、器具。 death penalty :死刑 Punishment by death, that is imposed in a legal manner. 以合法的形式剥夺罪犯生命的一种惩罚。 death row : 死囚牢房 A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution. 特别为等待处决的死刑犯设置的牢房。 defendant : 被告 A person who has been charged with a crime 被指控犯有罪行的人。 domestic violence : 家庭暴力 Violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating. 对家庭成员施加的暴力,包括虐待儿童和殴打妻子。 drug abuse : 吸毒 The excessive and compulsive use of drugs to the point of damaging one"s health. 强迫性过量使用毒品,以致损害身体。 drug king (czar) : 毒枭 The person who controls the production, transportation and selling of drug in an area. 控制某一地区的毒品地区生产、运输和销售的头号人物。 drunk driving : 酒后驾驶 Driving while under the influence of alcohol. 在受酒精影响的状态下开车。 edp crimes : 电脑犯罪 Electronic data-processing crime; criminal offenses committed using computer technology. 在电子数据处理方面的犯罪;利用电脑技术进行的犯罪。 embezzlement : 贪污 The illegal misappropriation of funds entrusted to one"s care. 将由自己保管的资金非法据为已有。 first-degree murder : 一级谋杀案 Premeditated murder. 事先策划好的谋杀。 forensic medicine : 法医学 The use of medicine in solving legal problems. 利用医学解决法律问题。 forgery :伪造 The act of creating a document, either written or printed, with the intent to defraud. Forgery also covers counterfeiting, or producing fake signatures, works of art, etc. 以欺骗为目的而仿制手写或印刷文件的行为。伪造还包括制假钱币、仿冒签名和艺术品等。 gamble : 赌博 To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc. 在概率类游戏或比赛中打赌或下注。 gang : 黑帮 A group of people organized to achieve some common goal. Gangs are often involved in drugs, violence, money lending, prostitution, etc. 为达到某种共同目的而组织起来的一群人。黑帮常常涉嫌毒品、暴力、高利贷和卖淫等。 hijack : 劫持 To seize control of an airplane, boat, automobile, etc. 强行控制飞机、船只、车辆等。 hit-and-run :肇事逃逸 An automobile accident in which the driver fails to stop and identify himself or herself. The term “hit-and-run” may also be applied to such a driver. 指一起汽车事故中,肇事司机不停车,且不亮明自己身份。该词也可以指肇事逃逸司机。 hold-up : 持枪抢劫 The act of robbing someone at gunpoint. 持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。 homcide : 杀人,他杀 The act of killing someone. 杀死他人的行为。 hot wire : (汽车)电启动 To electrically start a vehicle without using an ignition key. 不用点火钥匙而用电来发动汽车。 impulse crime : 冲动犯罪 Crimes such as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc. that are done on an impulse. 在冲动之下所犯的罪行,如商店扒窃、*、损坏公物等。 juvenile delinquency : 青少年犯罪 Criminal behavior by adolescents and children. 少年和儿童的犯罪行为。 labor racketeering : 工会诈骗 Corrupt practices and organized crime that involve organized labor. 涉及工会的腐败行为和团伙犯罪。 larceny : 偷盗 The stealing of another person"s property. 偷取别人财产的行为。 libel : 文字诽谤 Written defamation. 以文字材料来诋毁他人名声的行为。 Mafia : 黑手党 A secret society that originated in Italy in the 1860"s. The Mafia now widespread, and is focused on power and profit. 19世纪60年代起源于意大利的秘密团体。现在黑手党势力广为分布,专门从事扩张势力、牟取钱财。 mail fraud : 邮政诈骗 The using of the mail system to defraud the public. 利用邮政系统诈骗公众的行为。 manhunt : 追捕 An organized search to catch a criminal or an escapee. 有组织的追踪、捉拿囚犯、逃犯。 mass murderer : 谋杀多人的凶手 A murderer who kills many people. 多条命案的谋杀者;连环杀手。 money laundering : 洗钱 The act of concealing the source of funds for the purpose of tax evasion and fraud. 为达到逃税和欺骗的目的而隐瞒资金来源的行为。 organized crime : 集团犯罪 A term used to describe underworld societies such as the Mafia who deal in crimes such as gambling, narcotics, and prostitution. 黑手党之类的黑社会组织所进行的犯罪,如赌博、贩毒、卖淫等活动。 parole : 假释 A conditional release of an offender from confinement before the expiration of his or her sentence. The offender is usually placed under the guidance of a parole officer. 囚犯在服刑期满前有条件地释放出来,但必须置 于假释官的督导之下。 penitentiary : 监狱,劳改所 Lee is serving his sentence down at the penitentiary. 李正在监狱服刑。 perjury : 伪证 The crime of willingly giving false information while under oath. 在法庭上立誓之后故意提供虚假证词的犯罪行为。 pickpocket : 扒手 A thief who is skilled in stealing items from other people"s pockets. 擅于从别人口袋里偷取物品的窃贼。 pilice brutality : 警察暴力 The act of using excessive physical force by police or other law enforcement officers. 警察或其他执法人员过多使用体罚的行为。 police corruption : 警察腐败 The misuse of police power in return for favors of gain. 警察滥用权力以换取好处和利益。 pornoshop : 色情商店 A shop or bookstore that sells pornographic materials. 出售色情物品的商店。 prison break : 越狱 An escape from prison involving violence by one or more prisoners. 一个或多个囚犯使用暴力从监狱逃跑。 property crime : 财产犯罪 Auto theft, burglary, larceny, etc. 偷汽车、入室盗窃、偷盗等。 serial killer :系列命案的杀手,连环杀手 A murder who commits a series of killings, usually with distinct similarities in the murders. 制造多起命案的凶手,其作案手段通常有明显相似之处。 sin tax :罪孽税 Tax that is imposed on cigarettes, liquor, gambling, etc. 对香烟、精、赌博等开征的税收。 skid row :贫民街,贫民窟 A rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street. 城市的破旧区域,常见到许多酒鬼露宿街头。 slush fund :贿金 Money that is used to bribe public politicians and other influential officials 用来贿赂知名政客或其他有影响力的官员的资金。 statutory rape :法定*罪 *ual intercourse with a female who has consented, but who is legally incapable of consent because she is underage. 与未成年女子发生的性行为,虽经其本人同意,但法律规定其尚未成年,不具备表达同意意愿的能力。 suicide pact :自杀合约 An agreement between two or more persons to commit suicide together. 一起自杀的两者或多者之间的协定。 suicide season :自杀季节 The Christmas season when many lonely people feel isolated and take their own lives. 指圣诞节期间,许多人孤独不堪而自杀。 tax evasion :逃税 The illegal attempt by a taxpayer to avoid paying his or her taxes. 纳税人企图逃避纳税的非法行为。 vandalism :故意毁坏 The defacement or destruction of public or private property. 损坏或破坏公私财产的行为。 vice squad :警察缉捕队 Plain clothes policeman who work undercover to detect crime. 隐蔽调查犯罪的便衣警察。 vigilante :治安维持会 A person or group who takes the responsibility of a law enforcement officer into their won hands. 承担执法人员维持治安责任的个人和群体。 war crime :战争犯罪 Crimes that violate the customs and laws of war. 违犯战争法律和战争习惯的犯罪。 white-collar crime :白领犯罪 Crimes committed by persons in businesses including expense-account padding, stealing office supplies, price-fixing, product fraud, etc. 公司职员的犯罪,包括虚报开支、偷盗办公用品、私定价格、产品欺诈等。
2023-01-01 20:51:451

associaet 什么意思

associate[英][əˈsəʊʃieɪt][美][əˈsoʊʃieɪt]vt.联想; (使)发生联系; (使)联合; 结交; vi.联盟; 陪伴同事; associaten.合伙人; 伴侣,同志; 非正式会员; adj.联合的; 合伙的; 非正式的; (性质上)有密切联系的;
2023-01-01 20:51:502

什么牌子的香水好?拜托了各位 谢谢

Cartier de Must 以东方神秘之香为主题的香水。 前味:柑橘香 中味:玫瑰、茉莉 后味:白檀香、岩兰草、麝香、龙涎香 Panthere (豹) 1987年推出的芬芳花香-旭蒲鹤香-现代水果香系列香水。香水瓶身上的两翼是两个精巧的水晶豹。(豹与香水有一种神秘的关系,古希腊神话中认为豹有一种异香。) 前味:夜来香、玫瑰、茉莉、橘花再配以少许橘皮香和石玫瑰香胶 中味:木香系列,包括鸢尾、白檀香、岩兰草、爪哇薄荷、豆蔻和橡苔 后味:灵猫香、麝香、龙涎香、香草、甜乳香 关于Oleg Cassini Oleg Cassini原是巴度的当家服装设计师,主要为著名的女星设计服装。 Cassini 是古典旭蒲鹤-水果香系列香水。香水瓶设计大胆新潮,引人遐思。 前味:橘皮、南非鸢尾为主 中味:茉莉、玫瑰、夜来香、康乃馨、菊花 后味:橡苔、龙涎香 主要有五十多种香水,其中重要的有:L"Origan (1905), Chypre(1917) , L"Aimant (1927) , Muguet des Bois (1941) , Muse (1946) , Accomplice (1954) , Imprevu (1965) , Masumi (1968) , Wild Musk (1968) , L"Aimant Eternelle (1987) , Fatale (1988) , Exclamation (1990) L"Aimant 是一个芬芳花香系列的古典名作,耗时五年研究而成。 前味:佛手柑和柑橘香 中味:茉莉、玫瑰和天竺葵 后味:香草、岩兰草、麝香和灵猫香 Cypre Chypre本指罗马时代由塞浦路斯岛流传下来的一种令人迷醉的东方神秘之香的香水。现在有两层意思,一是指香水的七大香味系列之一,一是指由蔻帝发展出来的香水。 以神秘的东方之香为主要诉求,后味中充满了浓烈的苏合香、石玫瑰香胶、麝香草、爪哇薄荷香草、及橡苔,另外还添加了茉莉、玫瑰的芬芳花香,佛手柑、柠檬的甜蜜香。 迪奥公司的作品有:Miss Dior (1947)、Diorissimo (1956)、Diorama (1949)、Eau Fraiche (1953)、 Diorella (1972)、Dioressence (1979)、 Poison (1985)、Dune (1992)、Dolce Vita (1996) 男性香水有:Eau Sauvage (1966)、Jules (1980)、 Eauvage Extreme (1984)、 Fahrenheit (1988) Dune for man (1997) Miss Dior(迪奥小姐) 迪奥小姐香水是服装设计师迪奥1947 年特别为搭配划时代巨作-新风格(New Look)系列服装而推出的香水。与新风格服装一样,迪奥小姐亦是迪奥香水的惊世之作,是迪奥公司推出的第一款以古典芬芳花香-旭蒲鹤香结合波斯树脂产生出清新、幽雅而高贵的芬芳香水。 迪奥小姐香水的出现,正如迪奥本人所言,是为了让迷人的女性美萦绕着每位女性,仿如设计(时装)从瓶中散发出来。 迪奥小姐脱离了古老香水的沉闷浓重气氛,开创明朗轻快的幽香,拓展出一个充满柔和清晰与温馨两种不同感受的自由空间。香水一经面世即震撼整个香水界,这瓶香水出品之后,为二次大战后沉闷的时尚局面注入了新色彩、新风尚。直至半个世纪后的今天仍然是众多女性的心爱之物
2023-01-01 20:51:586


First Degree Murder accomplice murderer
2023-01-01 20:52:205


一、单音节词拼读规则 1.一个元音字母的音节 1)开音节以元音字母结尾的单音节词, 或者元音加辅音加不读音的e结尾的单词都是开音节。开音节词中的元音字母读字母音。如:a/eɪ/,bake/beɪk/; e/i: /,be/bi: /; i/aɪ/,bike/baɪk/; o/əʊ/,no/nəʊ/; u/ju: /,tube/tju: b/ 2)闭音节以辅音字母结尾的单音节词, 都是闭音节词. 闭音节词中的元音字母读短元音. 如: a/æ/,bad/bæd/; e/e/,bet/bet/; i/ɪ/,bit/bɪt/; o/o/,not/not/; u/ʌ/,but/bʌt/ 2.字母组合音节 1)音节以元音字母加r构成的音节, 称为r音节, 其读音如下: ar/ɑː/,car/kɑː/; er/ɜː/,her/hɜː/; ir/ɜː/,bird/bɜːd/; ur/ɜː/,nurse/mɜːs/; or/ɔː/,for/fɔː/ 2)re音节以元音字母加re的音节, 称为re音节, 其读音如下: are,air, eir/eə/,care/keə/,hair/heə/,their/ðeə/; ere,ear,eer,ier/ɪə/,here/hɪə/,year/jɪə/,deer/dɪə/,fierce/fɪəs/,there/ðeə/; ire/aɪə/,fire/faɪə/; ore,oar,oar,our/ɔː/,fore/fɔː/,board/bɔːd/,floor/flɔː/,four/fɔː/,poor/pʊr/,hour/aʊr/; ure/jʊə/,pure/pjʊə/ 3)w音节以元音字母加w的音节, 称为w音节, 其读音如下: aw,au/ɔː/,sow/sɔː/,cause/kɔːz/; ew,eu/juː/,new/njuː/,feudal/ˈfjuː.dəl/; ow,ou/naʊ/,now/naʊ/,plough/plaʊ/ 4)y音节以元音字母加y的音节, 称为y音节, 其读音如下: ay,ai,ei/eɪ/,may/meɪ/,wait/weɪ/,eight/eɪt/; oy,oi/ɔɪ/,boy/bɔɪ/,join/dʒɔɪn/; uy/aɪ/,buy/ba1/; ui/u:ɪ/,ruin/ˈruː.ɪn/ 5)其他元音字母组合的音节, 如: ea,ee/i:/meat/mi:t/,meet/mi:t/; oa/əʊ/boat/bəʊt/; oo/u/book/buk/,oo/u:/cool/ku:l/ 二、双音节词拼读规则 双音节词的读音要点是, 两个音节有轻重之分。双音节单词的重音大多在前边一个音节上,后边的音节不重读。 1.原始双音节词:读音规则是重音在前,前一音节重读, 后一音节不重读. 如:alien/ˈeɪliən/, echo/ˈek.əʊ/ 合成词:一般重音在前, 如: midnight, fireplace, heart-beat, new-born. 有时两个都重读, 以示第2个词重要, 或对比, 多见于作定语用的形容词: old-fashioned, good-looking, far-fetched, right-handed. 派生词:一般规则是词根的意义是主要的, 要重读, 词缀的意义是次要的, 不重读. 如前缀fore-, mis-, un-等:forecast, mistake, untie等。后缀如-ful, -er等: careful, leader. 但是, 英语词缀也有重读的, 一般是它的意义很明确, 重要. 如in-, out-, up-, down- uncle-, after-等: income, outgo, upstairs, downstairs, underneath, afternoon等。有的双音节词由重音变化区分词性,动词重读词根,名词,形容词重读前缀:export/ˈeksˈpɔːrt/n.输出品/vt. 输出, /ˈekspɔːrt/n.输出品; present/ˈprezənt/vt.提出, /preˈzənt/n.礼物adj.现在的 三、多音节词拼读规则 1.英语多音节词,是多次加词缀构成的。三四个音节的单词重读倒数第3个音节:adaptable/əˈdæptəbl/, particular/pəˈtɪkjələ/ 2.5个音节的单词除倒数第3个音节重读外, 倒数第5个音节上还有个次重音: particularity/pəˌtɪkjəˈlærəti/, familiarity /fəˌmɪliˈærəti/, adaptability/əˌdæptəˈbɪləti/ 3.有的多音节词, 为了保证重读倒数第3个音节,需要改变单词的重音. 这主要是加拉丁后缀时出现的情况, 如:active/ˈæktɪv/→activity/ækˈtɪvəti/, relate/rɪˈleɪt/→relative/ˈrelətɪv/, refer/rɪˈfɜː/→reference/ˈrefərəns/, technique/tekˈniːk/→technical/ˈteknɪkəl/, rotate/rəʊˈteɪt/→rotary/ˈrəʊtəri/ 4.英语本族语后缀一般不改变词的重音, 所以有重读倒数第4个或第5个音节的情况. 如: economy/iˈkɒnəmi/, economical/ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkl/, economic/iːkəˈnɒmɪk/, economically/ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkəli/, desperate/ˈdespərət/, desperately/ˈdespərətli/, necessary/ˈnesəseri/, necessarily/ˈnesəserɪli/ 5.后缀规则 1)-al类, 包括-an, -ant, -ance, -ent, -ence, -on, -or, -ous, -us, -um, -ate, -age, -ment等. 双音节词重读倒数第2个音节, 元音字母读长音, 如: fatal, penal, final, total, brutal. 三音节词重读倒数第3个音节, 元音字母读短音, 如: animal, medical, hos­pital, political, funeral. 但是, -al前有两个辅音宇母时则重读倒数第2个音节, 如: external, colossal, autumnal, fundamental. 2)-ial类. 其前的音节重读, 且为短音, 如: material, official, special, memorial. 这类后缀有-iar, -iate, -io. -iot, -ious, -ium, -ual, 如: idiot, infuriate, solarium, previ­ous, radio, unusual, familiar, peculiar. 3)-id类包括如-in, -il, -it. 双音节重读倒数第2个音节, 三音节词重读倒数第3个音节. 如: rapid, pyramid, basin, origin, evil, habit, benefit. 这类后缀还有-ice, -ile, -ine, -ite, -ive, -ize等, 如: notice, prejudice, juvenile, masculine, finite, definite, organize, 其前有两个辅音字母的重读倒数第2个音节: accomplice, determine. 4)-ic类, 重读倒数第2个音节, 重读音节中的元音字母多读短元音, 如: basic, panic, public, atomic, historic. 这类还包括如-ion, -ish, -ous, -ure: action, aggression, establish, astonish, distinguish, adventure, creature.
2023-01-01 20:52:421


1. [claws and teeth]∶动物的尖爪和利牙2. [tool; lackey; accomplice]∶党羽,帮凶爪牙广布 1. 人的指甲和牙齿。①《吕氏春秋·恃君》:“凡人之性,爪牙不足以自守卫。”②《初学记》卷五引 晋 杨泉 《物理论》:“石,气之核也。气之生核,犹人筋络之生爪牙也。”2. 动物的尖爪和利牙。①《荀子·劝学》:“蚓无爪牙之利、筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。”②汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·险固》:“虎兕所以能执熊罴,服羣兽者,爪牙利而攫便也。”③唐 卢纶 《腊日观咸宁王部曲娑勒擒豹歌》:“歘然扼颡批其颐,爪牙委地涎淋漓。”④《西游记》第三四回:“虎斗时,爪牙乱落。”⑤冰心 《寄小读者》二七:“看见过力士搏狮么?当他屏息负隅,张空拳于狰狞的爪牙之下的时候,他虽有震恐,虽有狂傲,但他决不暇有萧瑟与悲哀。”3. 喻勇士;卫士。①《诗·小雅·祈父》:“祈父!予王之爪牙。” 郑玄 笺:“此勇力之士。”②唐 陆贽 《普王荆襄江西道兵马都元帅制》:“三事大夫竭诚於内,羣帅爪牙宣力於外。”③《古今小说·吴保安弃家赎友》:“ 李都督 虽然骁勇,奈英雄无用武之地。手下爪牙看看将尽,叹曰:‘悔不听 郭判官 之言,乃为犬羊所侮。"”④清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·局诈》:“见天子坐殿上,爪牙森立。”4. 比喻武臣。①《汉书·陈汤传》:“战克之将,国之爪牙,不可不重也。”②唐 颜真卿 《右武卫将军臧公神道碑铭》:“公兄左羽林军大将军平卢副持节 怀亮 ,以 方虎 之才,膺爪牙之任。”③清 顾炎武 《日知录·夫子之言性与天道》:“股肱惰而万事荒,爪牙亡而四国乱。”5. 形容勇武。①《国语·越语上》:“夫虽无四方之忧,然谋臣与爪牙之士,不可不养而择也。”②唐 元稹 《宋常春等内仆局令》:“勑:近制选内臣之善於其职者,监视诸镇,盖所以将我腹心之命达於爪牙之士也。”③清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十一:“爪牙之将,用不拘资。”④《花月痕》第四回:“本爵钦承威命,统领之戎,招募悉拳勇之材,团练集爪牙之利。”6. 党羽;帮凶。①《史记·酷吏列传》:“是以 汤 虽文深意忌不专平,然得此声誉。而刻深吏多为爪牙用者,依於文学之士。”②唐 元结 《问进士》之一:“外以奉王命为辞,内实理车甲,招宾客,树爪牙。”③明 黄道周《节寰袁公(袁可立)传》:“诸常侍即纵横爪牙自竖,要如蟠蟒学虬,未有吞海之意。”④清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·时事·刘庸夫》:“无非为一己之耳目爪牙,得以於中取利。”⑤ 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部二二:“ 郭全海 寻思‘ 满洲国 "这么一个大密探,藏在这儿一年多,没有发觉,一定有爪牙。”
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be brought to justice
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转自[百度百科] 徐若瑄,本名徐淑娟,是家中的二女儿,具有台湾原住民(母亲为泰雅族)血统。 1990年参加华视《TV星秀争霸站》节目举办的“才艺美少女选拔”获得第一名后开始其演艺生涯。比赛之后与经纪公司签约,并与其他两位参赛者吴佩瑜、王思涵组成偶像团体“少女队”。少女队解散后,徐若瑄将重心转为拍摄台湾电视剧和香港电影。出道早期,徐若瑄被塑造为性感偶像;在电影“天使心”和同名的写真集出版上市后知名度大增。在演出多部戏剧之后,徐若瑄在1995年前往日本发展,与南南见狂也(南原清隆)及天山(天野博之)组成黑色饼干,在日本电视台《火焰大对抗》节目中与口袋饼干表演多项对抗赛。1995年10月初次发行单曲《唇的神话》,1997年黑色饼干推出发行第一张单《斗志》及个人首张国语《大麻烦》,并在1998年底上红白对抗及推出单曲《轻松》。之后陆续发行了《不败的恋人》以及《假扮的天使》两张中文专辑。 徐若瑄也是一位创作人,曾为周杰伦、梁咏琪、庾澄庆、费翔、伍佰、谢霆锋以及F4中的言承旭、吴建豪和朱孝天等人作曲填词。徐若瑄自称具有吸引灵异的体质,并且在多个场合公开讲述自己经历过的遇鬼故事,在话题性的同时也引来了不少争议。 本名:徐淑娟 英文名:Vivian Hsu 日文名:ビビアンスー 出身地:台中丰原县 民族:泰雅人(笼统上属于高山族) 生日:1975年3月19日 生肖:兔 星座:双鱼座 血型:A型 身高:159公分 体重:42~46公斤 三围:B85 W58 H85 性格:率直 座右铭:努力 语言:粤语 国语 日语 英语 家庭状况:一姐,一弟,5、6岁时父母离异 婚姻状况:未婚 脚的size:24公分 小学就读:台北市立健行小学 中学就读:台北县树林国中 学历:“国立”台北商业专科学校(现为“国立”台北商业技术学院) 运动兴趣:游泳,打保龄球 爱情对象:成熟,孝顺的人 兴趣:将二手衣设计剪裁成新衣.到世界各地旅行,吃好吃的东西,搜集粉红色物品 收藏:香精油(熏衣草、檀香、薄荷、野姜花、芬多精、尤加利)、 熏衣草香的物品(茶、沐浴精、化妆水……) 、 香水蜡烛(苹果、巧克力、桃子、草莓……)、各种粉红色的东西 喜欢的艺人:Vanessa Paradis(法国歌手),Jean Birkin(法国歌手), 伍佰,猫王,The Beatles(披头士乐队),布莱德彼特,张曼玉,约翰列侬( John Winston Lennon ) 喜欢的颜色: 绿、蓝、白、黄、粉红 喜欢的运动:保龄球,游泳,慢跑,篮球 喜欢的国家:法国 喜欢的食物:台湾小吃,火锅,抹茶雪糕 不喜欢的食物:生鱼片 喜欢的日本餐厅:六本目的“四舍家”餐厅 最想学的语言:法语 最喜欢的季节:夏 最喜欢去的场所: 海边 最喜欢喝的饮料:水 最想养的宠物:狗 最开心的事:为妈妈买了房子 最感激的人:姐姐徐佩瑜 最倒霉的事:拍MTV摔坏了摄影机 觉得最恐怖的事: 生小孩 觉得最快乐的事:和喜欢的人在一起 觉得最美好的事:恋爱 向往的爱情:泰坦尼克式 不为人知的特点:很会包水饺 最大心愿:帮家人买房子 第一次出道:15岁入少女队 圈内好友:王心凌 曹格 林志玲 林心如 梁咏琪 蔡依林 [编辑本段]音乐专辑 1991.12.24. 少女队(徐若瑄 王思涵 吴佩瑜)第一张专辑 “我的心要去旅行” 开丽公司 1992.06 少女队(徐若瑄 王思涵 吴佩瑜)专辑名称:偏爱你的心 1996.03.06. 日本第二张单曲 “Accomplice”(共犯者) (TOSHIBA EMI) 1996.04.10. 第一张日文个人专辑 “天使?想”(TOSHIBA EMI) 1996.07.31. 日本第三张单曲 “st.Valentine"s Day in August” (TOSHIBA EMI) 1996.10.24. 韩国个人专辑 “天使美少女” (SAMPONY) 1997.09. 黑色饼干 第一张国语单曲 “STAMINA”(BMG) 1997.12.31. 黑色饼干 第一张日文单曲 “STAMINA” (BMG) 1998. 第一张精选辑 ViViAN Hsu 1st Album 1998.04.22. 黑色饼干 第二张日文单曲 “TIMING” (BMG) 1998.05. 黑色饼干 第二张国语单曲 “TIMING” (BMG) 1998.05.06. 第一张国语个人专辑 “大麻烦”(BMG) 1998.08.17. 黑色饼干 第三张国语单曲 “RELAX” (BMG) 1998.10.21. 黑色饼干 第三张日文单曲 “RELAX” (BMG) 1998.10.21. 黑色饼干 发行VIDEO (BMG) 1999.05.02. 黑色饼干 第四张国语单曲 “BYE-BYE” (BMG) 1999.05.21. 黑色饼干 第四张日文单曲 “BYE-BYE” (BMG) 1999.05.21. 黑色饼干 第一张日文专辑 “LIFE”(BMG) 1999.05.21. 黑色饼干 第一张国语专辑 “LIFE”(BMG) 1999.11.18. 第二张个人专辑 “不败的恋人”(BMG) 2000.03.23. 第二张个人专辑 “不败的恋人”改版(BMG) 2000.04.27. 第三张日文专辑 “Happy Past Days” (BMG) 2000.09.19. 第三张国语个人专辑 “假扮的天使”(BMG) 2001.03.23. 首张国语精选 爱的瑄言 1998~2000精选辑 (BMG) 2001.04.01. The d.e.p Mr.NO Problem 单曲(SONY) 2001.05.15. The d.e.p 地球生病了日文专辑 (SONY) 2001.08.08. The d.e.p ITAI/神?STOP单曲(SONY) 2001.11.07. lil"viv MARRY ME?单曲 (TOSHIBA EMI) 2003.01.29. (Vivian & Kazuma) Moment~~单曲 (SONY) 2003.05. 用音乐加油手牵手大合唱 单曲 2003.08. 狂爱龙卷风恋曲电视原声 (SONY) 2003.09. 决定爱你抒情版 预购赠单曲 (AVEX) 2003.09.28. 第四张国语个人专辑 我爱你x4 (AVEX) 2003.10.31. 四次我爱你 Plus CD+VCD影音限定盘 (AVEX) 2004.12 极乐175mix合辑 (EMI) 2005.04.08. 第五张国语个人专辑 狠狠爱 (AVEX) 2005.06.24. 狠狠爱(百变精装影音版CD+VCD)(AVEX) 2006.03.28. 梦幻珍藏 (新力博德曼) 2006.09.19. Vivi and...(AVEX) 2007.02.14 最爱是V 新歌+精选(AVEX) 2008.05 北京欢迎你(奥运会歌曲) 2008.09亲自操刀《恋爱兵法》片尾曲 2008.12国语精选专辑《绝对收藏》(SONY) [编辑本段]出版书籍 《Vivian Hsu 的 chikyu onigiri》本书是介绍是介绍从1999年中到年2000初的Vivian生活记事。 《PRIVACY BY VIVIAN HSU》本书为Vivian的世界生活杂记。 《Vivian的地球饭团》2001年4月,台湾国际角川出版,本书为日文版 Vivian的chikyu onigiri 中文版,还多了16张Vivian旅行的照片。 《徐若瑄的我爱Taiwan》本书为一本类似游记的散文集,介绍一些有关来台湾吃什么买什么去逛那个夜市等。 [编辑本段]出版服饰 Hang TenVivian亲自设计操刀(狠狠爱.PinkyGirl.ViVi自画像.日日有见财.ViVi异想世界〕数款T恤 [编辑本段]电视剧 1992《哪咤传奇》 1992《又凉又暖的季节》 1992《北方来的刀客》 1994《忘忧岁月》 1995《Miss Diamond 钻石小姐》 1996《港区23区女》 1997《一张半双人床》 1999《Semi Double-日剧》 2000《巴格野鲁,我生气了哟》 (富士电视台) ,《沉睡在雨中》 (TBS电视台5周年单元剧) 2001《本家之嫁》 饰 中日混血儿小美 2003《狂爱龙卷风》 (与周渝民,朱孝天等合作) 2006《别爱我》饰演飞扬(与胡歌,林家宇等合作) 2007《恋爱兵法》饰演孙雨萱(与金桢勋,陈紫涵等合作) [编辑本段]电影 1993《笑林小子》 1994《天使心》 1994《旋风小子》 1994《桃色追缉令》 1994《卜派小子》 1994《终极猎杀》 1995《赤裸天使》 1995《新乌龙院》 1995《无敌反斗星》 1995《魔鬼天使》 1996《龙在少林》 1996《黄金岛历险记》 1996《超级中国龙》 1996《杀手和说谎的女人》(日本松竹电影) 1997《超级无敌追女仔》( 与舒淇合作) 1997《爱上百分百英雄》(与梁咏琪、陈小春、郑伊健合作) 1997《Shoot,My Darling》 1997《侠盗正传》 1998《义胆钟魂》 1998《每天爱您8小时》( 与梁朝伟合作) 1999《流氓学生 - 又名: 男生女生配 - A tale of rascal 》 ( 与吴奇隆合作) 2000《ナトゥ 踊る!ニンジャ伝说》(印度式电影,在日本上映) 2001《特务迷城》(与成龙合作) 2004《一轮明月弘一大师》 2005《人鱼朵朵》(与赖登勤合演一对小夫妻) 2006《云水谣》(与陈坤、李冰冰合作) 2006《茶舞》(与吴镇宇合作) 2008《背着你跳舞》(与杨祐宁、陈怡蓉合作) (地铁剧) 2008《非诚勿扰》(与葛优、舒淇合作) [编辑本段]广告 《满婷》 《大裕木瓜牛乳汁》 《味王牛肉面》 《SAMPO传真机》 《澎澎香浴乳》 《FUJITZU冷气》 《PANASONIC电池》 《AVIVA COMPUTER学校》(日本) 《ACE COOK铁人拉面》(日本) 《明治SUPER CUP Ice Cream》(日本) 《PADI潜水》(日本) 《FABRICA》(日本) 《大冢制药 MATCH炭酸饮料》(日本) 《DDI手提电话》(日本) 《TOYOTA IPSAM汽车》(日本) 《千寿制药眼药水》(日本) 《PIZZA-LA》(日本) 《UTENA PROQUALITE Shampoo系列》(日本) 《任天堂Nintendo N64》(日本) 《MEKO蜜桃之水》(日本) 《DAIKIN冷气》(日本) 《东京劳动保险》(日本) 《东京道路安全》(日本) 《舒跑NEAR WATER水感觉》 (2000~2001) 《蕾妮亚卫生棉》 (2000) 《远传易付卡》 (2000) 《SEGA机器狗》 (2000年,日本) 《游戏橘子混乱冒险online》 (2002年) 《统一AB轻优酪乳》(2002年) 《Sifone花王丝逸欢系列发妆水.洗发乳》(2002~2004) 《维他露御茶园》(2003~2004,2007~2008) 《Hang Ten服饰》(2004~2008) 《观月清酒》 (2005) 《竹城富士(房屋)》 (2005) 《法国Biotherm碧儿泉》(2005~2008) 《Iwin金饰》(2006) 《GARMIN GPS》(2006) 《7-11小熊维尼80周年纪念磁铁书签》(2006) 《曼黛玛琏内衣》(2007) 《海伦仙度丝洗发精》(2007~2008) 《glico格力高慕纱巧克力》(2007,中国大陆) 《grace gift鞋》(2008,网络) 《dermes 激光永久脱毛中心》(2008,香港) [编辑本段]歌词创作 《不败的恋人》:希腊咒语、不需要理由、蜡烛爱情、21世纪 《假扮的天使》:假扮的天使、她他、Walking in Turkey、老夫妇、快过期的草莓、人不为己 天诛地灭、魔鬼爱奢侈的眼泪 《爱的瑄言》:坐在月亮上 《我爱你X4》:王子变青蛙、四次我爱你、Dream、面具、决定爱你、我最好的朋友、结婚对不对、甜蜜的折磨、Do Shi Te?(为什么)、子弹、BaBy BaBy 《狠狠爱》:不由自主 《Vivi and...》:美人鱼、I Still Believe、小女子、来电Darling、别爱我、臭皮匠V.S.诸葛亮、因为你 黑色饼干 Black Biscuit 《Timing 时机》:时机 《Relax 轻松》:轻松 周杰伦 Jay Chou 《周杰伦》:可爱女人、龙卷风、伊斯坦堡 《范特西》:简单爱、开不了口 《叶惠美》:爱情悬崖 言承旭 Jerry 《第一次Jerry for you之白天》想要爱你 吴建豪 Vaness Wu 《身体会唱歌》:想像十个你、那个女生 《V.Dubb》:幻想这爱 朱孝天 《永不停止》:复活 费翔 《旅程EP》:旅程 天炫男孩 Tension 《做你的男人》:She"s Having My Baby、Arigato 庾澄庆 Harlem 《哈林天堂》:天堂 梁咏琪 Gigi 《魔幻季节》:紧急的眼泪 《归属感》:抱紧你 张惠春 Saya 《Solo》:告白 谢霆锋 Nicolas 《释放》:爱 罗志祥 Show 《Showtime》:你说你的我说我的 王心凌 Cindy 《Honey》:爱情城堡 兄弟联 Gogo Club 《兄弟联GoGoClub》:永远都会在 金桢勋 《恋爱兵法》:一起走 演艺经历 (转)妖女徐若瑄:我30岁,为何不是第一美女? 很喜欢Vivian,不太听她的歌,也不太看她的戏,可是可以一直一直的喜欢她。如果我是男人一定会珍惜她,不过没关系,我会一直支持她,因为她是唯一一个让我看到现在都觉得还是那么漂亮的女艺人,还有她独特的魅力。喜欢Sugizo的吉他,曾以为他们是金童玉女,可惜无疾而终,希望Vivian可以找到她的幸福。以下来自转贴: 台湾娱乐教母张小燕如此形容她:“这个女生15岁的时候我就认识了,15岁的时候媒体叫她‘小男生杀手",20岁的时候又改口叫她‘男生杀手",现在30岁的时候她又变成了‘男人杀手"。奇怪的是,她的脸蛋这么多年几乎没什么改变,在台湾怎么算都数一数二了,可就是没人把‘台湾第一美女"的帽子给她戴。萧蔷、林志玲整天被媒体比来比去,有时候还要被田丽之类的站出来骂,可偏偏没人找她的麻烦……”小燕姐讲的“她”就是一双无辜大眼睛电死人不偿命———拥有性感与清纯的极致反差蛊惑———男生见她无不人仰马翻的Vivian徐若瑄.恨她吗?还是嫉妒她?身为女人的我们居然没办法讨厌她…… 家境清贫 选秀入行 时间:1990年 年龄:15岁 入行:“TV新秀争霸站”才艺美少女选拔赛第一名 1975年,一个叫徐淑娟的小婴儿在台中降生,拥有一半原住民血统的她从小就是个瓷娃娃般可爱的女孩。说起她人见人爱的漂亮脸蛋和与生俱来的表演天分,20岁时就生下第一个女儿的徐妈妈可谓居功至伟。徐若瑄不无骄傲地回忆说:“我妈妈是泰雅族人,很会唱歌,家里的电风扇、电视、冰箱都是妈妈参加歌唱比赛赢回来的。而且妈妈年轻的时候超级漂亮,在我们住的地方远近闻名。” 小时候因为家里穷,父母不断换职业,面店、洗车店、服装店都开过,就是没成功过,徐若瑄记得家里前后搬了30几次家,全台湾地图上能念出的地名,几乎都住过,不过每次搬家,房子都是租的。 由于太年轻就结婚,徐妈妈的婚姻没有维持多久就划上了休止符。因此徐若瑄5岁以前跟父亲住,母亲回到台湾后,她才回到母亲的身边。 父母离异,令徐若瑄养成了早熟的性格。中学时期她难掩叛逆的个性,开始贪玩逃课,在踏入演艺圈之前,过着一段年少轻狂的生活。 15岁国中毕业那年,她参加了华视的“TV新秀争霸战”才艺美少女选拔活动,一举荣获冠军。当时恰恰是小虎队红翻天的时候,签下徐若瑄的事务所因此将她和另外两个女生组成了形式相近的“少女队”,徐若瑄曲折而璀璨的星路序幕从此正式揭开。但几乎和成名同样的速度,徐若瑄接受了人生的第一次打击———少女队在短暂的辉煌之后便解散了。“我在少女队待了大概有两年的时间,我们的人气开始下滑,工作和收入也减少了。我为了给台北的家里赚生活费,和姐姐一边到学校上学,一边坐着摩托车把妈妈做的盒饭送到早市去卖,而我给送货的那家人突然看到明星给他家送盒饭就问我:”你是拍电视的吗?"他们不明白偶像为什么会生活得这么惨。“徐若瑄直到今天仍旧清楚地记得那些日子,但她说那并不是什么讨厌的回忆,有过那样的经历才使她变得更坚强。 写真少女 受尽白眼 时间:1993年 年龄:18岁 转型:在公司提议下接拍了大胆写真 如此下去演艺事业必然停滞的徐若瑄选择出走香港,去拍电影。 “最开始拍的两部电影都是比较性感的。为了能在电影界有发展,我不管什么样的片子都接,现在想起来有些逞强的味道,也有点拿着青春做赌注的味道。在片场拍性感镜头的时候,只有一部分工作人员在场,但是我却很不舒服。不过只要拍出来是美的,别的都不重要了。那时为了宣传电影,我去了香港,为一家杂志拍照,当时台湾事务所的工作人员并没去,只有我和姐姐两个人去的。由于香港杂志社的人叫我不用担心,因为是穿着衣服拍照,于是我放心地来到香港。到了那里,才看见摄影室里只有一块小布———我看到这块布整个人都呆了,我以为杂志社会给我准备衣服,所以只穿着内衣,这件事对于当时只有19岁的我是相当恐怖的,在那一瞬间,我感到很悲哀。” 那之后,徐若瑄又做出了更让人跌破眼镜的决定———公司提议她拍摄大胆写真,不到20岁的她开始第一次面对人生的真正选择。拍,还是不拍,她反反复复考虑了三个月,最后决定了,拍!“当时我看到了宫泽理惠的写真,就觉得太美了!自己也希望留下美丽的回忆,于是就拍了。拍写真的摄影师和第一次拍写真的我合作得很好,那是混杂着羞涩和美丽的我。虽然我现在仍然美丽,但是我不可能如昨天般心态,因为那是一个人的青春。” 不出预料,写真集在台湾激起千层浪,所有媒体、观众都为她的行为感到可耻。徐若瑄面对着超负荷的压力,一切工作都处在停顿状态,她甚至根本不敢在媒体面前露脸。 逃往日本 打入红白 时间:1995年 年龄:20岁 成功:组成“黑色饼干”,三张专辑总销量300万张 在台湾被定义成小脱星的徐若瑄被一家日本事务所看中了,认为她是个敢于突破形象的女孩,向她发出邀请。徐若瑄几乎是立刻答应了,“当初我简直是‘逃"到日本的!”她甚至还来不及细想自己对日语一窍不通,到日本后是个文盲,并且必须离开从小同住的家人 “刚到日本的时候,一句日语都不会说,一个朋友都没有,想尽快与人交流必须努力学习日语,所以我每天只睡三四个小时。语言不通所以很怕别人误会自己不合群、不高兴、耍脾气,所以总是笑笑笑,无论什么场合我都只能笑,回到家里就用热水敷脸,因为脸上的肌肉全部僵了,笑得僵了。”
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夥【huǒ】 出现于: “一年老一年,一日没一日,一秋又一秋,一辈催一辈。 一聚一离别,一喜一伤悲。 一榻一身卧,一生一梦里。 寻一夥相识,他一会咱一会,都一般相知,吹一回唱一回。”元朝无名氏——《雁儿落带过得胜令》
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2023-01-01 20:54:267

爪牙的拼音 爪牙怎么读

1、爪牙拼音:[zhǎo yá] 2、爪牙(vassels),现多比喻为坏人效力的人,他们的党羽,帮凶。是贬义词。原意指动物的尖爪和利牙。古义是得力帮手的意思,属于褒义。 3、基本解释 [claws and teeth]∶动物的尖爪和利牙。 [tool; lackey; accomplice]∶党羽,帮凶。 4、例句 他是个甘愿作侵略者爪牙的民族败类。 这个总管果然是黑暗的爪牙。
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爪 zhǎo 虎爪【汉字】爪爪zhǎo(1)(象形。按甲骨文和小篆字形,“又”是手,两点表手爪甲形。本义:人的指甲、趾甲)(2)同本义 [nail]爪,人之指叉或亦通作爪。――《六书故》(3)又如:爪甲(指或趾前的角质硬壳);爪翦(修剪手指甲或脚趾甲)(4)鸟兽的脚趾 [claw;talon]蚓无爪牙之利。――《荀子·劝学》虫已在爪下。――《聊斋志异·促织》鳞爪飞扬。――清·梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》(5)又如:虎爪;猫爪;前爪;张牙舞爪;鹰爪;爪嘴(鸟类的爪和嘴);爪吻(鸷禽猛兽的爪和嘴。喻帮凶)(6)像爪的东西 [claw-like thing]。如:铁锚四爪皆折;棘爪、掣爪或制动爪爪zhǎo(1)抓,搔 [clutch;grap; scratch]爪其肤以验其生柘。――唐·柳宗元《种树郭橐驼传》(2)剪指甲或趾甲 [trim one"s nails or toes]小臣爪足。――《礼记·丧大记》(3)又如:爪足(剪脚趾甲);爪手翦须(修剪手指甲和胡须);爪翦(修剪手指甲和脚趾甲)另见zhuǎ爪哇zhǎowā[Java] 印度尼西亚岛屿。全国第四大岛爪牙zhǎoyá(1)[claws and teeth]∶动物的尖爪和利牙(2)[tool; lackey; accomplice]∶党羽,帮凶爪牙广布爪2zhuǎ鸟兽的脚爪 [claw;paw]。多用于口语另见zhǎo爪尖儿zhuǎjiānr[trotters of a pig] 猪蹄子爪儿zhuǎr(1)[paw of a small animal]∶爪子,动物的脚趾(2)[foot of a utensil]∶某些器物的腿五个爪儿的煤油炉爪子zhuǎzi(1)[claw]∶动物的有尖甲的爪子(2)[dirty hands]∶孩子的时常不干净的小手去把那双小脏爪子洗洗再吃饭(3)[stupid person]∶愚笨的人爪1zhǎo ㄓㄠˇ(1)指甲或趾甲:趾端有~。(2)鸟兽的脚指:鹰~。~牙(喻党羽,狗腿子)。一鳞半~。(3)抓。满意请采纳。
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帮帮bāng<名>(形声。从巾,邦声。“巾”。从“巾”字多与布帛有关。本义:鞋的边缘部分)同本义 [uppers (of a shoe)]用纤指将绣帮儿弹。——元·乔吉《赏花时·睡鞋儿》又如:帮子,帮儿(鞋帮)泛指物体两侧或周围的部分 [side]。如:船帮;床帮;桶帮伙,群 [band;clique;gang]。如:匪帮;茶帮;丝帮;帮会;青帮;红帮[量词]∶一群人,一伙人 [group]东壁店里,午后走了一帮客。——《老残游记》又如:来了一帮孩子白菜等蔬菜的外部厚硬叶 [outer leaf]。如:菜帮;帮子帮帮bāng<动>帮助 [help]。如:你帮我,我帮你;帮人(做佣人);帮衬(帮忙补衬)从旁挟持 [seize sb. on both sides by the arms]曹正、杨志紧紧地帮着鲁智深到阶下。——《水浒传》靠拢 [draw close]。如:帮着泊(挨靠在一起停泊);帮住(靠紧对方身旁使之不能自由动作)帮办bāngbàn[assistant;deputy] 主管人员的助手帮办bāngbàn[assist in handling] 协助主管人员办理公务帮办公务帮场儿bāngchǎngr[watch and boost] 观看卖艺人露天表演多谢众位帮场儿帮衬bāngchèn[assist;help;assist financially] 在人力或物力上帮助帮厨bāngchú[help in the mess kitchen] 帮助炊事人员干厨房里的活儿帮凑bāngcòu[contribute money] 凑集财物而帮人解难小小困难,何劳帮凑该帮凑的决不会不管帮倒忙bāng dàománg[be more of a hindrance than a help;do sb. a sad disservice;do ill turn] 指主观上想帮忙,但实际上却起了反作用帮工bānggōng[help to work] 帮助别人干活儿,多指农业方面帮工bānggōng[helper]∶以体力劳动协助他人干活的人[slave;hired man]∶为别人干活的人帮规bāngguī[rules of a secret society] 民间团伙内部的行为准则帮会bānghuì[secret society] 总称民间的各种秘密组织帮伙bānghuǒ[band] 见“帮派”帮教bāngjiào[help and educate] 一帮二教;帮助和教育能帮教的决不能放任帮口bāngkǒu[clans] 旧时各地方或行业中结起的帮派、集团帮忙bāngmáng[help] 帮助别人做事或解决困难帮忙搬家帮派bāngpài[faction] 帮伙派别,小集团帮腔bāngqiāng[vocal accompaniment;sing the same tune]∶台上人主唱、多人在台后和唱的戏曲演唱形式[echo]∶帮衬,支持;替人说话无人帮腔帮手bāngshou[assistant]∶作为下级或副职人员而行动的人;助手[helper]∶(以体力劳动)协助他人工作的人帮套bāngtào[pull a cart beside the shafts]∶帮衬在车辕外的拉车套[animal pulling like this]∶指帮助驾辕牲口拉车的牲畜再加一匹马做帮套帮贴bāngtiē[help (out) financially] [方]∶资助他不习惯于帮贴别人帮同bāngtóng[help] 共同帮忙众人帮同缉拿逃犯帮闲bāngxián[toady;hanger-on;one who plays up to the rich and powerful]受人豢养的食客你两个帮闲的贼子好生无礼。——萧德祥《杀狗劝夫》被有钱人雇用标榜风雅的文人帮闲文人帮凶bāngxiōng[accomplice] 帮助他人行凶或作恶。也指帮凶的人帮佣bāngyōng[serve]∶替人做佣工[hired man]∶做佣工的人帮助bāngzhù[help;aid;assist] 以出钱、出力或出主意的方式相助别人帮助公司筹款请帮助拿一下帮子bāngzi[outer leaf]∶菜外表的老叶脉老菜帮子吃不动[upper of a shoe]∶连于鞋底的竖立部分帮子bāngzi[group] 量词,相当于群、伙这帮子临时工干活尽瞎凑合
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犯罪学的专业词汇 中英双译,至少五十个,谢谢,急用,不用太难

危害行为 dangerous act 因果关系 causative relation 共同犯罪 complicity; joint offence 教唆犯 abettor 主犯 principal 从犯 accessory 胁从犯 accomplice under duress; unwilling follower 帮助犯 aider; accessory 累犯 recidivist; repeat offence 一般累犯 common recidivist 反革命累犯 counter-revolutionary recidivist 法人犯罪 corporate crime 结伙犯罪 gang crime 流氓集团 gang of hoodlums 流氓罪 crime of indecent assault 集团犯罪 organized crime 经济犯罪 economic crime 职务犯罪 duty crime; crime by taking advantage of duty 聚众犯罪 assembled a crowd to commit a crime 一罪 one crime 一罪不二罚 nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto; no one is punished twice for the same crime 继续犯 continuous crime 持续犯 continuous crime 想象竟合犯 imaginative joinder of offences 惯犯 habitual offence 结合犯 combinative crime; integrated offence 连续犯 continuing offence 牵连犯 implicated offence 吸收犯 Inclusive offence; absorbable offence 数罪 plural crimes 数罪并罚 joinder of punishment for plural crimes 法定最高刑 maximum statutory penalty 法定最低刑 minimum statutory penalty 总和刑期 total term of sentences 并科原则 doctrine of cumulation of punishments 相加原则 doctrine of accumulation 合并原则 doctrine of joinder 累加原则 cumulative principle 吸收原则 absorption principle 限制加重原则 principle of limitative aggravation 折衷原则 doctrine of compromise 两罚制 dual/double punishment 单罚制 single punishment 漏罪 omitted crime 先并后减 reduction after combined sentence 新罪 newly committed crime 先减后并 combination of sentence after reduction 刑罚个别化原则 principle of individualization of punishment 刑罚经济原则 principle of economization of punishment 刑罚人道主义原则 principle of humanitarianism of punishment 刑罚效益原则 principle of utility of punishment 刑罚的种类 classification of criminal pennalties 生命刑 punishment depriving life 财产刑 punishment against property 权利刑 punishment of depriving rights 主刑 principal penalties 管制 public surveillance 拘役 penal servitude 有期徒刑 fixed-term imprisonment 无期徒刑 life imprisonment 死刑 death penalty 死缓 death sentence with a two-year reprieve 附加刑 accessory penalties 剥夺政治权利 deprivation of political right 没收财产 forfeiture of property 罚金 criminal fine 剥夺勋章、奖章和荣誉称号 stripping of medals, decoration or honorary titles 驱逐出境 renvoi 量刑 sentencing 犯罪事实 criminal fact 犯罪性质 criminal character 犯罪情节 criminal circumstances of crime 情节严重 grave/serious circumstances 情节特别严重 circumstances are particularly serious 情节恶劣 circumstances are wicked 后果特别严重 with particularly serious consequence 量刑情节 circumstance for sentencing 法定情节 statutory circumstances 从轻处罚 lighter punishment 减轻处罚 mitigation of penalty below minimum statutory prescript 从重处罚 heavier punishment 加重处罚 aggravation of penalty below minimum statutory prescript 免予处罚 exemption from punishment 酌定情节 discretionary circumstances 自首 surrender oneself to justice 坦白 confession of one"s offence 自动投案 voluntary surrender to justice 立功 metitorious serviceoffset立功赎罪 假释 one"s guilt by merit 假释考验期 probation period for parole 减刑 commutation; mitigation of punishment 减刑建议书 advisory letter of commutation 赦免 pardon 大赦 amnesty; general pardon 特赦 special pardon 追诉时效 limitation of prosecution 追诉期限 deadline of prosecution 预防犯罪 prevention of crime 缓刑 probation; reprieve 缓刑宣告制 system of suspended pronouncement of sentence 缓刑起诉制 system of suspended prosecution 缓刑考验期 probation period 行刑 execution; executing punishment
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Three hundred and forty-eight years, six months, and nineteen days ago to-day, the parisians awoke to the sound of all the bells in the triple circuit of the city, the university, and the town ringing a full peal. The sixth of January, 1482, is not, however, a day of which history has preserved the memory.There was nothing notable in the event which thus set the bells and the bourgeois of paris in a ferment from early morning.It was neither an assault by the picards nor the Burgundians, nor a hunt led along in procession, nor a revolt of scholars in the town of Laas, nor an entry of "our much dread lord, monsieur the king," nor even a pretty hanging of male and female thieves by the courts of paris.Neither was it the arrival, so frequent in the fifteenth century, of some plumed and bedizened embassy. It was barely two days since the last cavalcade of that nature, that of the Flemish ambassadors charged with concluding the marriage between the dauphin and Marguerite of Flanders, had made its entry into paris, to the great annoyance of M. le Cardinal de Bourbon, who, for the sake of pleasing the king, had been obliged to assume an amiable mien towards this whole rustic rabble of Flemish burgomasters, and to regale them at his H?tel de Bourbon, with a very "pretty morality, allegorical satire, and farce," while a driving rain drenched the magnificent tapestries at his door. What put the "whole population of paris in commotion," as Jehan de Troyes expresses it, on the sixth of January, was the double solemnity, united from time immemorial, of the Epiphany and the Feast of Fools. On that day, there was to be a bonfire on the place de Grève, a maypole at the Chapelle de Braque, and a mystery at the palais de Justice.It had been cried, to the sound of the trumpet, the preceding evening at all the cross roads, by the provost"s men, clad in handsome, short, sleeveless coats of violet camelot, with large white crosses upon their breasts. So the crowd of citizens, male and female, having closed their houses and shops, thronged from every direction, at early morn, towards some one of the three spots designated. Each had made his choice; one, the bonfire; another, the maypole; another, the mystery play.It must be stated, in honor of the good sense of the loungers of paris, that the greater part of this crowd directed their steps towards the bonfire, which was quite in season, or towards the mystery play, which was to be presented in the grand hall of the palais de Justice (the courts of law), which was well roofed and walled; and that the curious left the poor, scantily flowered maypole to shiver all alone beneath the sky of January, in the cemetery of the Chapel of Braque. The populace thronged the avenues of the law courts in particular, because they knew that the Flemish ambassadors, who had arrived two days previously, intended to be present at the representation of the mystery, and at the election of the pope of the Fools, which was also to take place in the grand hall. It was no easy matter on that day, to force one"s way into that grand hall, although it was then reputed to be the largest covered enclosure in the world (it is true that Sauval had not yet measured the grand hall of the Chateau of Montargis). The palace place, encumbered with people, offered to the curious gazers at the windows the aspect of a sea; into which five or six streets, like so many mouths of rivers, discharged every moment fresh floods of heads.The waves of this crowd, augmented incessantly, dashed against the angles of the houses which projected here and there, like so many promontories, into the irregular basin of the place.In the centre of the lofty Gothic* fa?ade of the palace, the grand staircase, incessantly ascended and descended by a double current, which, after parting on the intermediate landing-place, flowed in broad waves along its lateral slopes,--the grand staircase, I say, trickled incessantly into the place, like a cascade into a lake.The cries, the laughter, the trampling of those thousands of feet, produced a great noise and a great clamor.From time to time, this noise and clamor redoubled; the current which drove the crowd towards the grand staircase flowed backwards, became troubled, formed whirlpools. This was produced by the buffet of an archer, or the horse of one of the provost"s sergeants, which kicked to restore order; an admirable tradition which the provostship has bequeathed to the constablery, the constablery to the ~maréchaussée~, the ~maréchaussée~ to our ~gendarmeri~ of paris. *The word Gothic, in the sense in which it is generally employed, is wholly unsuitable, but wholly consecrated.Hence we accept it and we adopt it, like all the rest of the world, to characterize the architecture of the second half of the Middle Ages, where the ogive is the principle which succeeds the architecture of the first period, of which the semi-circle is the father. Thousands of good, calm, bourgeois faces thronged the windows, the doors, the dormer windows, the roofs, gazing at the palace, gazing at the populace, and asking nothing more; for many parisians content themselves with the spectacle of the spectators, and a wall behind which something is going on becomes at once, for us, a very curious thing indeed. If it could be granted to us, the men of 1830, to mingle in thought with those parisians of the fifteenth century, and to enter with them, jostled, elbowed, pulled about, into that immense hall of the palace, which was so cramped on that sixth of January, 1482, the spectacle would not be devoid of either interest or charm, and we should have about us only things that were so old that they would seem new. With the reader"s consent, we will endeavor to retrace in thought, the impression which he would have experienced in company with us on crossing the threshold of that grand hall, in the midst of that tumultuous crowd in surcoats, short, sleeveless jackets, and doublets. And, first of all, there is a buzzing in the ears, a dazzlement in the eyes.Above our heads is a double ogive vault, panelled with wood carving, painted azure, and sown with golden fleurs-de-lis; beneath our feet a pavement of black and white marble, alternating.A few paces distant, an enormous pillar, then another, then another; seven pillars in all, down the length of the hall, sustaining the spring of the arches of the double vault, in the centre of its width.Around four of the pillars, stalls of merchants, all sparkling with glass and tinsel; around the last three, benches of oak, worn and polished by the trunk hose of the litigants, and the robes of the attorneys.Around the hall, along the lofty wall, between the doors, between the windows, between the pillars, the interminable row of all the kings of France, from pharamond down: the lazy kings, with pendent arms and downcast eyes; the valiant and combative kings, with heads and arms raised boldly heavenward.Then in the long, pointed windows, glass of a thousand hues; at the wide entrances to the hall, rich doors, finely sculptured; and all, the vaults, pillars, walls, jambs, panelling, doors, statues, covered from top to bottom with a splendid blue and gold illumination, which, a trifle tarnished at the epoch when we behold it, had almost entirely disappeared beneath dust and spiders in the year of grace, 1549, when du Breul still admired it from tradition. Let the reader picture to himself now, this immense, oblong hall, illuminated by the pallid light of a January day, invaded by a motley and noisy throng which drifts along the walls, and eddies round the seven pillars, and he will have a confused idea of the whole effect of the picture, whose curious details we shall make an effort to indicate with more precision. It is certain, that if Ravaillac had not assassinated Henri IV., there would have been no documents in the trial of Ravaillac deposited in the clerk"s office of the palais de Justice, no accomplices interested in causing the said documents to disappear; hence, no incendiaries obliged, for lack of better means, to burn the clerk"s office in order to burn the documents, and to burn the palais de Justice in order to burn the clerk"s office; consequently, in short, no conflagration in 1618. The old palais would be standing still, with its ancient grand hall; I should be able to say to the reader, "Go and look at it," and we should thus both escape the necessity,--I of making, and he of reading, a description of it, such as it is. Which demonstrates a new truth: that great events have incalculable results. It is true that it may be quite possible, in the first place, that Ravaillac had no accomplices; and in the second, that if he had any, they were in no way connected with the fire of 1618.Two other very plausible explanations exist: First, the great flaming star, a foot broad, and a cubit high, which fell from heaven, as every one knows, upon the law courts, after midnight on the seventh of March; second, Théophile"s quatrain,-- "Sure, "twas but a sorry game When at paris, Dame Justice, Through having eaten too much spice, Set the palace all aflame." Whatever may be thought of this triple explanation, political, physical, and poetical, of the burning of the law courts in 1618, the unfortunate fact of the fire is certain.Very little to-day remains, thanks to this catastrophe,--thanks, above all, to the successive restorations which have completed what it spared,--very little remains of that first dwelling of the kings of France,--of that elder palace of the Louvre, already so old in the time of philip the Handsome, that they sought there for the traces of the magnificent buildings erected by King Robert and described by Helgaldus.Nearly everything has disappeared.What has become of the chamber of the chancellery, where Saint Louis consummated his marriage? the garden where he administered justice, "clad in a coat of camelot, a surcoat of linsey-woolsey, without sleeves, and a sur-mantle of black sandal, as he lay upon the carpet with Joinville?"Where is the chamber of the Emperor Sigismond? and that of Charles IV.? that of Jean the Landless? Where is the staircase, from which Charles VI. promulgated his edict of pardon? the slab where Marcel cut the throats of Robert de Clermont and the Marshal of Champagne, in the presence of the dauphin? the wicket where the bulls of pope Benedict were torn, and whence those who had brought them departed decked out, in derision, in copes and mitres, and making an apology through all paris? and the grand hall, with its gilding, its azure, its statues, its pointed arches, its pillars, its immense vault, all fretted with carvings? and the gilded chamber? and the stone lion, which stood at the door, with lowered head and tail between his legs, like the lions on the throne of Solomon, in the humiliated attitude which befits force in the presence of justice? and the beautiful doors? and the stained glass? and the chased ironwork, which drove Biscornette to despair? and the delicate woodwork of Hancy?What has time, what have men done with these marvels?What have they given us in return for all this Gallic history, for all this Gothic art?The heavy flattened arches of M. de Brosse, that awkward architect of the Saint-Gervais portal.So much for art; and, as for history, we have the gossiping reminiscences of the great pillar, still ringing with the tattle of the patru. It is not much.Let us return to the veritable grand hall of the veritable old palace.The two extremities of this gigantic parallelogram were occupied, the one by the famous marble table, so long, so broad, and so thick that, as the ancient land rolls--in a style that would have given Gargantua an appetite--say, "such a slice of marble as was never beheld in the world"; the other by the chapel where Louis XI. had himself sculptured on his knees before the Virgin, and whither he caused to be brought, without heeding the two gaps thus made in the row of royal statues, the statues of Charlemagne and of Saint Louis, two saints whom he supposed to be great in favor in heaven, as kings of France. This chapel, quite new, having been built only six years, was entirely in that charming taste of delicate architecture, of marvellous sculpture, of fine and deep chasing, which marks with us the end of the Gothic era, and which is perpetuated to about the middle of the sixteenth century in the fairylike fancies of the Renaissance.The little open-work rose window, pierced above the portal, was, in particular, a masterpiece of lightness and grace; one would have pronounced it a star of lace. In the middle of the hall, opposite the great door, a platform of gold brocade, placed against the wall, a special entrance to which had been effected through a window in the corridor of the gold chamber, had been erected for the Flemish emissaries and the other great personages invited to the presentation of the mystery play. It was upon the marble table that the mystery was to be enacted, as usual.It had been arranged for the purpose, early in the morning; its rich slabs of marble, all scratched by the heels of law clerks, supported a cage of carpenter"s work of considerable height, the upper surface of which, within view of the whole hall, was to serve as the theatre, and whose interior, masked by tapestries, was to take the place of dressing-rooms for the personages of the piece.A ladder, naively placed on the outside, was to serve as means of communication between the dressing-room and the stage, and lend its rude rungs to entrances as well as to exits. There was no personage, however unexpected, no sudden change, no theatrical effect, which was not obliged to mount that ladder.Inn
2023-01-01 20:58:241


The common crime independent abetting sinAbout abettor theory is crime in criminal law theory to study the most controversial but also is one of the biggest problems encountered in the judicial practice and complicated and confusing, it is one of the important problems of many scholars put forward different views and some views even sharp opposition. The theory of the dispute will lead to the judicial practice in case of abetting disunity will undoubtedly bring to the judge, that makes known to be eager to solve problems of the abettor and inevitable important realistic problems. This one for our country criminal law article 29 of the second paragraph of this article, the theoretical understanding has been controversial, this regulation: "who had committed instigated the instigated crime, the instigator may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment. The author thinks, at present the traditional theories are not perfect. Not only such, legislation, and lack of scientific practice for lack of practice is rare case of the given criminal punishment abettor. Therefore the author thinks that the theoretical issues related to further study is necessary. In paragraph 2 of article 29 of the dispute is the source of the problem of the nature of abetting the disputes in the abettor theory outstandingly. To accurately determine the attempted abetting state legal responsibility, should make clear above all the legal nature of the abettor a basic problems, only clearly differentiated.the abettor and actor in the legal nature of the study, we can find out the right way of problem abettor. But the general said the abettor properties of difficult to solve, constitutive requirements and instigated crime is that more and more instigate, no identity abet have identity abet behavior and to those who instigates or instigates situations. Therefore, we should convert current research ideas to accomplice relationship is a standard, can existence into the abettor instigators of common crime and joint crime, in the common crime abettor abettor from normal accomplice abetting should be independent abetting set separately. Based on the nature of the crime analysis, instigators of China"s criminal law by paragraph 2 of article 29 of the legislative defect analysis, in foreign lawmaking example, on the basis of the proposed legislation suggestion, it is suggested that the criminal law in general, established in the instigated crime to clear the abettor can punish scope and principle, in part of its legal punishment, charges and rich punish the abettor criminal legislation. Finally the author puts forward the concept of sin and business, and its related elements of crimes.
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一、大伙 [ dà huǒ ] 1.大家,大家伙儿。2.大副。船长的主要助手。3.指人数较多、聚集成伙的强盗。4.a——放在复数代词后面,表示复指。5.b——称某人或某些人之外的一定范围内的所有人。二、伙伴 [ huǒ bàn ] 1、元魏 时军人以十人为火,共灶饮食,故称同火者为火伴。引申为同伴之意。后多写作“伙伴”。艾青 《双尖山》诗:“童年时候的伙伴,陪我攀登 双尖山 。” 高云览 《小城春秋》第十七章:“我很高兴,她会成为我们的好同志,也会成为你最好的伙伴。”参见“ 火伴 ”。2、夥伴:共同参加某种组织或从事某种活动的人。明 叶宪祖 《鸾鎞记·挫权》:“小弟昨因送行醉酒,今日起迟,恐怕赶不上伙伴。”《儿女英雄传》第五回:“那女子又复一笑说:‘只有你说的还有个伙伴在后边这句话倒是实话。"” 浩然 《艳阳天》第一一二章:“一会儿就找到了 兰兰 ,找到了 栓柱 ,找到一群小伙伴,就能捉到小鸟了。”三、结伙 [ jié huǒ ] 1.跟人结成一伙:成群~。2.法律上指两人及两人以上预先通谋犯罪的组织。四、搭伙 [ dā huǒ ] 1.合为一伙:成群~。他们搭了伙,一起做买卖。2.加入伙食团体:在单位食堂~。五、入伙 [ rù huǒ ] 1、加入某个集体或集团。如:我们三个都入伙,参加互助组。《水浒传》第四七回:“ 晁盖 细问两个踪迹, 杨雄 石秀 把本身武艺,投托入伙先说了,众人大喜。”2、加入集体伙食。《中国青年》1984年第六期:“ 越忠 端着从学校食堂打来的饭菜,递给没有入伙却因临时情况不能回家吃午饭的同学。”
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2023-01-01 20:59:082

爪牙的读音 仅用来表示动物爪子时是不是改念zhua ya了

爪牙 zhǎoyá (1) [claws and teeth]∶动物的尖爪和利牙 (2) [tool; lackey; accomplice]∶党羽,帮凶 爪牙广布
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1、一千个灿烂的阳光能否驱散阿富汗的硝烟所带来的黑暗,唯有爱才能让我们看到这灿烂千阳。 One thousand brilliant sunshine can dispel the darkness of Afghanistan smoke, only love can let us see this brilliant Qianyang. 2、最残酷的场面却是最诗意的表达,极度的痛苦使得人的泪腺瞬间麻木,反而产生一种诡异的近乎沉迷的晕眩。 The most cruel scene is the most poetic exPssion, the extreme pain makes the lacrimal gland instantly numb, but produce a strange almost addicted dizzy. 3、完全没有和她们一起逃亡的忐忑的心态。从开始就知道,注定是这样的结局。这种清晰的,绝望的感受,就是成长令人讨厌的地方,是厌恶。 There was no fear of running away with them. From the beginning, I knew it was destined to be like this. This clear, desperate feeling is where growth is repugnant, and disgust. 4、每个布满灰尘的面孔背后都有一个灵魂。 Behind every dusty face there is a soul. 5、每逢说到这里,娜娜总会露出意味深长的微笑,至于它究竟是余狠未消的责怪,还是心有不甘地宽宥,玛丽亚姆未曾分辨得出。 In here, Nana will always reveal a significant smile, as to whether it is still more than ruthless blame, or the heart has not forgive Gandhi, Maryam did not tell. 6、在一个人所必须面对的全部艰辛之中,没有什么比单纯的等待更加痛苦的了。 There is nothing more painful than mere waiting in all the hardships that one must face. 7、就像指南针总是指向北方一样,男人怪罪的手指总是指向女人。 Just as the compass always points to the north, the man"s finger is always pointing at the woman. 8、但是,和塔里克站在阳光之下,莱拉刹那之间觉得这些年仿佛什么事情也没有发生。她父母的死亡,和希拉德的婚姻,杀戮,火箭弹,塔利班,挨打,饥饿,甚至她的两个孩子,所有这些恍如一场大梦。 However, and Tariq stood in the sun, feel as if these years what has happened suddenly riera. Her parents died, and Hillard"s marriage, killing, rockets, Taliban, beaten, hunger, and even her two children, all of which seems like a dream. 9、爱是使人遍体鳞伤的错误,而它的帮凶,希望,则是令人追悔莫及的幻想。 Love is the mistake and it covered all over with cuts and bruises, accomplice, hope, it is a fantasy too late to regret. 10、时间是最不能原谅的大火。 Time is the most unforgivable fire. 11、莱拉记得妈妈有一次对爸爸说,说她嫁了一个没有信念的男人。妈妈不明白,她并不明白,其实她自己就是他生命中最为坚定不移的信念。 Riera remember mother once said to his father, said she was married to a man without faith. Mother didn"t understand, she didn"t understand, in fact, she was the most unshakable belief in his life. 12、她将永远不会在妈妈的心灵留下两个哥哥已经给它烙下的印记,因为妈妈的心像一片惨白灰暗的沙滩,悲伤的波浪扑上来,摔得粉碎,扑上来,摔得粉碎,永远地将莱拉的脚印冲得不见痕迹。 She will never be in the mother"s soul left two brothers has given its branded imprint, because mother"s heart is like a pale grey sand, sad waves rushed, shattered, rushed, shattered forever Riera footprints washed no traces. 13、女孩的名声,尤其像你这么漂亮的女孩的名声,莱拉,是微妙的东西。就像抓在手里的八哥。你一松开手,它就飞走了。 The girl"s name, especially such a beautiful girl like you name, Riera, is subtle. It"s like a bird in the hand. You let go, it flew away. 14、他掌管人间,他主宰万物,他创造了生与死,得到他的考验是你的光荣。 He is in charge of the world. He is the master of all things. He created life and death, and his test is your glory. 15、她告诉自己,他们终究会休戚相关。 She told herself that they would eventually be involved. 16、人们数不清她的屋顶上有多少轮皎洁的明月,也数不清她的墙壁之后那一千个灿烂的太阳。 It"s hard to see how many bright moons there are on her roof, and the one thousand brilliant suns behind her walls. 17、我听见走廊的时钟滴答、滴答响。然后我就会想到,还有这么多秒钟、这么多分钟、这么多日子、这么多星期、这么多个月、这么多年在等着我。而且所有这些时间里面都不会有它他们。 I hear the corridor ticking and ticking. And then I think, there are so many seconds, so many minutes, so many days, so many weeks, so many months, so many years waiting for me. And none of them will have it all these days. 18、就在那个星期,莱拉开始相信,在一个人所必须面对的全部艰辛之中,没有什么比单纯的等待更加痛苦的了。 In that week, Leila began to believe in all the hardships must face a person, not what is more painful than simply wait for the. 19、人生就是这样的,在心碎之后,我们还得忍受一次又一次的悲伤。 Life is like this. After heartbreak, we have to put up with grief again and again. 20、时间就像塔里克的父亲有时候用来给古老的普什歌谣伴奏的手风琴,能够拉伸和收缩,取决于塔里克在不在她身边。 Time is like Tariq"s father sometimes used to old songs to the accompaniment of the accordion to push, stretching and contraction, depending on Tariq in her side. 21、也许这就是对无情无义的人的惩罚,让他等到一切都无可挽回的时候才恍然大悟。 Perhaps this is the man"s punishment, let him wait until everything is irretrievable only see light suddenly. 22、她庆幸自己穿了布卡,庆幸阿兹莎看不到布卡之后的她已经肝肠寸断。 She was glad she was wearing the burqa, glad to see Aziza Buka after she has broken up. 23、但是,最重要的是,玛丽雅姆就在莱拉自己心中,在那儿,她发出一千个太阳般灿烂的光芒。 But, most importantly, Maria M is in my heart there, Lila, she gave one thousand sun bright light. 24、某些往事会冒出来,毫无征兆地,随之而来的是石头般的沉默或者中邪般的粗暴消沉和崩溃迷茫的眼神、噩梦和突然袭来的悲哀。 Some of the past will emerge, there is no sign, followed by a stone like silent or evil like dePssion and violent collapse confused eyes, and suddenly sad nightmare. 25、你害怕,娜娜,她也许会说,你害怕我会得到你从未拥有的幸福,你不想我幸福。你不想我过上好日子,心灵狠毒的人是你。 You"re afraid, Nana, she might say, "you"re afraid that I"ll get the happiness you never had, and you don"t want me to be happy.". You don"t want me to live a good life, you are the soul of evil people. 26、你们见过那个女孩的牙齿么?跟墓碑一样。她嘴巴里藏着一个坟场呢。 Have you ever seen that girl"s tooth? Just like tombstone. She has a cemetery hidden in her mouth. 27、我跟你说这些话,是想让你知道害怕是正常的反应,你不用为此觉得羞愧。 I"m telling you this to make you know that fear is a normal response, and you don"t have to be ashamed of it. 28、但这个游戏只和男性的名字有关。因为,如果他是个女孩,莱拉已经给她取好名字了。 But the game is only about men"s names. Because, if he was a girl, she has named her. 29、莱拉决定不要让怨恨冲昏头脑,这样有什么意义呢?玛丽亚姆会带着天真而机智的笑容说,这样有什么用呢?只能活下去,带着希望! She decided not to hate what is the meaning of it become dizzy with success, like this? Maryam would say with an innocent and witty smile, "what"s the use of that?" Can only live, with hope! 30、娜娜说,就像指南针总是指向北方一样,男人怪罪的手指总是指向女人。 Nana said, just like the compass always points to the north, the man blames the finger always pointing to the woman. 31、人生就是这样的,在心碎之后,我们还得忍受一次又一次的悲伤。我并不害怕,我相信当那一刻来临时,我会很高兴地离开。 Life is like this. After heartbreak, we have to put up with grief again and again. I"m not scared, I believe that when that moment comes, I"ll be happy to leave. 32、男人对待友谊,正如对待阳光一样,它的存在毋庸置疑,它的光芒最好用来享受,而不是直视。 Men treat friendship, just like the sun, its existence is beyond doubt. Its light is best to enjoy, not look directly at. 33、一阵阵难以言说的黑暗,像吹过泥屋旁边柳树的风那样,不停地吹拂着玛丽亚姆。 A wave of unspeakable darkness, like the wind blowing through the willow beside the mud house, kept blowing Maryam. 34、每一片雪花都是人间某个悲哀的女人叹出的一口气。 Every snowflake is the sigh of a sorrowful woman in the human world. 35、莱拉知道他们吵架的模式:妈妈盛气凌人,不依不饶,走来走去,不断咆哮;爸爸一直坐着,一副温顺迷茫的样子,乖乖地点点头,等待这阵风暴过去。 Riera know their quarrel: mother domineering, and roar unceasingly; he"s really not letting this go, dad sitting, a gentle look confused, nods, waiting for the storm in the past. 36、关于不可饶恕的时代,不可能的友谊以及不可毁灭的爱。每个布满灰尘的面孔背后都有一个灵魂。 The unforgivable times, the impossible friendship, the indestructible love. Behind every dusty face there is a soul. 37、但我属于哪里呢?现在我该怎么办呢?我是你在这个世界上所拥有的一切,玛丽雅姆,要是我走了,你就什么也没有了。你将会什么都没有。你什么都不是。 But where do I belong? Now what should I do? I"m everything you"ve got in the world, Maria M. If I go, you"ll have nothing. You will have nothing. You"re nothing. 38、莱拉已经抛开一切新仇旧恨。因为她终于知道那是她惟一能够做到的事。她只能活下去。带着希望。 Leila has put aside all all the old and recent grudges. Because she finally knew it was the only thing she could do. She can only live. With hope. 39、神圣的古兰经禁止人们喝酒。因为醉鬼的罪行,总是由清醒的人来偿还。 The Holy Koran forbids people to drink. Because of drunk crime is always a sober person to repay. 40、莱拉终于明白了,男孩对待友谊,就像他们对待太阳一样:它的存在毋庸置疑,它的光芒最好是用来享受,而不是用来直视。 She finally realized that the boy with friendship, just like they treat the sun: it"s no doubt exists, it is best to enjoy the light, not to open. 41、人们就算被毒蛇咬到也能入睡,但是饥饿的时候会睡不着。 People can sleep even if bitten by a venomous snake, but they can"t sleep when they are hungry. 42、如果一个社会的女人没有受过教育,那么这个社会就没有进步的可能。 If a society"s women are not educated, then there is no possibility of progress in this society. 43、时间,磨钝了那些锐利的记忆的边缘。随着时间的流逝,她将会慢慢厌倦这种行为。她将会明白,召唤死去已久的回忆、掸走它上面的灰尘、使它重新浮现是一件越来越耗费精力的事情。 Time has blunted the edges of those sharp memories. As time goes on, she will gradually get tired of this behavior. She will understand that summoning long dead memories, dusting off the dust on it and making it reappear is an increasingly exhausting thing.
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201.accomplice : 同案犯 any person who takes part in a crime. 参与犯罪的每个人。 tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime. 人们发现托尼是该案的同案犯。 business district : 红灯区 a neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc. 划定的街区,作为开设色情书店、影院、脱衣舞场等的场所。 police are constantly arresting people over in the adult business district. 警察常在红灯区拘捕人犯。 203.agricrime : 农业犯罪 sort for agricultural crime. the theft of crops and /or farm equipment. "agricultural crime"的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。 farmers are losing thousands of dollars each year due to agricrime. 每年农业犯罪给农场主造成了成千上万美元的损失。 204.armed robbery :武装抢劫 the act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party. 夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。 did you read about the armed robbery in this morning"s paper? 今早的报纸上报道了这次武装抢劫,你读了吗? 205.arrest warrant : 逮捕证 a document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime. 对被指控犯罪的某人实施搜捕的文件。 the court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect. 法庭对这个嫌疑人发出了逮捕证。 206.arson : 纵火 the crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire. 故意放火毁坏财产的犯罪。 police think the fire that burned down the old warehouse was an act of arson. 警察怀疑这座仓库的大火是纵火行为所致。 207.assassin : 暗杀 a murderer. a person who sets out to kill someone, esp. a prominent person. 谋杀者。密谋杀害他人,特别是一位杰出人物的凶手。 police are still looking for the assassin of the president candidate. 警方仍在追查暗杀总统候选人的凶手。 208.assault : 袭击 the act of attempting or threatening to harm another person. 试图伤害或威胁要伤害他人的行为。 mr. green was assaulted while he was walking on 25th street. 格林先生在第25大街行走的时候受到袭击。 209.attack dog : 攻击犬 a canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars, etc. 一种经过训练的狼犬,用来攻击窃贼等。 the officer"s attack dog has saved his life many times. 这位警察的攻击犬多次救了主人的命。 210.back-alley butcher : 卑鄙的屠夫 slang for abortionist. 俚语,给人施行流产手术的人。 demonstrators picked an abortion clinic with signs that said "back-alley" butcher. 示威者将一家流产诊所用标语牌围起来,牌子上写着"卑鄙的屠夫". 59.surrealism :超现实主义 a style using subconscious mental activity as its subject matter, characterized by dreamlike, hallucinatory imagery. 将下意识的精神活动作为描写对象,多运用梦幻意象的艺术形式。 the artist salvador dali is synonymous with surrealism. 艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利是超现实主义的同义词。 211.bail : 保释金 money that is deposited with a court in order to secure the release of a defendant while awaiting trial. 存放在法庭的一定数量的保证金,以使被告在候审期间获得释放。 frank"s wife came down to the police station to bail him out. 弗兰克的妻子到警察局将他保释出来。 212.ballistics : 弹道学 the science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets. 研究火器及子弹运动的科学。 a ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime. 一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。 213.blackmail : 敲诈,勒索 the act of threatening to reveal personal information, esp. ***ual scandals, in order to extract money. 以揭露隐私特别是性丑闻为威胁手段以谋取钱财的行为。 linda was involved in a blackmail scandal of the mayor. 林达涉嫌敲诈市长的丑闻。 market : 黑市 a market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged. 非法或紧俏物资的销售点,或者非法换汇的地方。 gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market. 黑帮总在黑市购买攻击性武器。 215.blood money : 血腥钱 money that is paid as retribution for injury, loss of life, vandalism, etc. 为他人受伤、丧命、损坏财产而付出的酬金。 the mafia paid blood money to have that man killed. 黑手党拿出血腥钱将那人杀了。 216.body bag : 装尸袋 a heavy-duty bag that is used to contain a corpse. 一种结实的用来装运尸体的袋子。 the officer warmed the man to drop his gun or "end up in a body bag." 警察警告那人放下武器,否则必死无疑。 217.bomb squad : 爆破小组 a team of police who are specially-trained to remove and deactivate bombs. 经专门训练,从事排除和拆卸炸弹的一支警察队伍。 the bomb squad was called in to deactivate the car bomb. 有关部门请来爆破小组拆除这枚汽车炸弹。 218.bootlegging : 贩卖违禁品 the illegal distribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc. 非法销售物品如酒类、毒品、枪支等。 three mexicans were arrested for bootlegging firearms across the border. 三名墨西哥人因越境贩卖枪支而被捕。 219.break-in : 非法闯入 a burglar 入室盗窃 it looks like you are the victim of a break-in. 看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者。 220.bribery : 行贿受贿 the act of offering, giving, or taking bribes. 赠送,提供,或接受贿金的行为。 the congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery. 这位议员被证实犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。 221.bucket shop : 投机商号 (also called "telephone boiler room.") an office that is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing. (也被称为"电话交易所")通过邮件或电话营销来推销荒地或垃圾证券的地点。 crooks across the country are using bucket shops to scam older people. 全国各地的骗子都利用投机商号来欺骗老年人。 222.bug : 窃听 to use electronic listening devices to listen in on the conversations of others.使用电子收听装置来偷听他人的谈话。 this office has been bugged. 这间办公室已被窃听。 223.bum rap : 错捕 an unmerited arrest 不应实施的逮捕。 steve served six months jail time on a bum rap. 史迪夫因错捕而受了6个月的监禁。 224.burglary : 入室盗窃 the act of breaking into a home, building, etc. with the intent to steal from it. 闯入民宅、建筑物等,企图偷盗的行为。 burglaries in our town have been on the ung. 我们小城里的入室盗窃案一直在上升。 bangers : 汽车窃贼 thieves who steal form automobiles. 从汽车里偷东西的贼。 police caught the car bangers in the act. 警方将这些汽车窃贼当场抓获。 criminal : 职业罪犯 a person who makes a living from crime. 以犯罪为生的人。 john was a career criminal until the day he got caught in the home of a policeman. 约翰是位职业罪犯,直到一天他在一个警察家里被抓获。 227.child abuse : 虐待儿童 the physical and verbal mistreatment of children. 对儿童进行身体上和言语上的虐待。 the most unnerving thing about child abuse is the number of cases that go unreported. 有关虐待儿童方面最让人不安的事情是大量的此类行为没有报道。 228.chop shop : 地下拆车厂 a shop where criminals take apart stolen cars and sell the parts. 犯罪分子将所盗汽车拆成零件并销售出去的窝点。 i watched a news program that tracked chop shops across the country. 我收看了一个追踪全国地下拆车点的电视节目。 229.cocaine : 可卡因 a powerful stimulant drug. 一种有强力兴奋作用的毒品。 what is the street value of a pound of cocaine? 一磅可卡因市值多少? cleaner : 消除财务信息的电脑黑客 a person who, for a price, clean computer files of unfavorable financial credit information of others. 将反映他人财物信用赤字的计算机文件抹去以获取报酬的人员。 computer cleaners cost companies and financial institutions million of dollars every year. 消除财务信息的电脑黑客每年给公司和金融机构造成百万元计的损失。 231.con artist : 行骗高手 a person who is skilled at convincing others of believing in fraudulent schemes. 擅于蒙骗并使人进入骗局的人。 bob makes his living as a con artist. 鲍勃是位行骗高手,并以行骗为生。 232.con game : 骟局 any fraudulent scheme 任何骗人的把戏。 my grandparents got burned in a con game. 我的祖父母曾上过骗子的当。 233.convict : 囚犯 a person found guilty of a felony and confined in a prison. 被判有重罪并羁于狱中的人。 mr. welch is an ex-convict. 韦尔奇先生从前是囚犯。 234.counterfeit : 伪造 to illegally reproduce a copy of money, postage stamps, bonds, etc. 非法印造钱币、邮票、证券等。 police busted up a counterfeiting racket in miami last week. 上周警方捣毁了迈阿密的一个伪造团伙。 fraud : 信用卡欺诈 the attempted use of a credit to obtain goods or services with the intention of avoiding payment. 企图使用信用卡获取货物或服务,并故意逃避付款。 that woman is wanted in 5 states for credit-card fraud. 那位妇女因信用卡欺诈而被5个州通缉。 236.crime of passion : 激情犯罪;冲动犯罪 murder that resulted form the infidelity of a lover; murder committed in the heat of rage. 由于情人的不忠而导致的谋杀;暴怒驱使的杀人行为。 crimes of passion seem to be popular material for tv infotainment programs. 冲动杀人似乎是娱乐性新闻节目受欢迎的题材。 237.crime rate : 犯罪率 the number of reported crimes per specified number of the population. 每一定人数中发生的犯罪数量。 which state has the highest crime rate in the u.s.? 在美国,哪个州的犯罪率最高? 238.criminal : 犯罪 a person who has violated a criminal law. 触犯刑法的人。 we are placing your son in criminal detention. 我们对你儿子实行刑事拘留。 rape : 约会强* a rape that is committed by a woman"s date. 由女性的约会对象实施的强*. date rape is the last thing that a young girl should have to worry about. 约会强*是年轻女子最不用害怕的事。 240.deadly weapon : 致命武器 any object, or instrument that is capable of being used to kill. 任何可以用以杀人致命的物体、器具。 it is against the law to carry a concealed deadly weapon. 秘密携带致命武器是违法的 241.death penalty :死刑 punishment by death, that is imposed in a legal manner. 以合法的形式剥夺罪犯生命的一种惩罚。 three men have received the death penalty so far this year. 今年已有三个被判死刑。 242.death row : 死囚牢房 a cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution. 特别为等待处决的死刑犯设置的牢房。 this convicted killer has been on death row for 15 years. 这位被判决死刑的杀人犯住在死囚牢房已15年了。243.defendant : 被告 a person who has been charged with a crime 被指控犯有罪行的人。 the court found the defendant guilty of murder. 法庭判定被告犯有谋杀罪。 244.domestic violence : 家庭暴力 violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating. 对家庭成员施加的暴力,包括虐待儿童和殴打妻子。 domestic violence is one of the most dangerous calls that a law enforcement officer has to make. 家庭暴力是执法官最难应付的案件之一。 245.drug abuse : 吸毒 the excessive and compulsive use of drugs to the point of damaging one"s health. 强迫性过量使用毒品,以致损害身体。 it was obvious to see by looking at the needle marks on her arms that the young girl was a victim of drug abuse. 从她臂上针扎的痕迹来看,很明显,这位年轻女子是吸毒的受害者。 246.drug king (czar) : 毒枭 the person who controls the production, transportation and selling of drug in an area. 控制某一地区的毒品地区生产、运输和销售的头号人物。 after two years of using an undercover operation, the fbi finally arrested the cuban drug king. 经过两年的秘密行动,联邦调查局终于逮捕了这位古巴毒枭。 247.drunk driving : 酒后驾驶 driving while under the influence of alcohol. 在受酒精影响的状态下开车。 this is your second drunk driving offense this month. 这是你本月第二触犯次酒后驾驶的禁令。 248.edp crimes : 电脑犯罪 electronic data-processing crime; criminal offenses committed using computer technology. 在电子数据处理方面的犯罪;利用电脑技术进行的犯罪。 the irs investigated hundreds of edp crimes every year. 美国国内收入局每年都要调查数以百计的电脑犯罪。 249.embezzlement : 贪污 the illegal misappropriation of funds entrusted to one""s care. 将由自己保管的资金非法据为已有。 we have never had a problem with embezzlement at this bank. 我们这家银行从没发生过贪污案件。 250.first-degree murder : 一级谋杀案 premeditated murder. 事先策划好的谋杀。 the man was changed with first-degree murder in the death of his lover"s husband. 这位男子其情人的丈夫死亡案中被指控犯有一级谋杀罪够多的了,我还可以上传.....建议你去买几本字典...........
2023-01-01 21:01:236

徐若瑄 介绍都有!
2023-01-01 21:01:494


Napoleon I Emperor of the French 1769 - 1821 Ambition is never content, even on the summit of greatness. —Napoleon Bonaparte -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Through his military exploits and his ruthless efficiency, Napoleon rose from obscurity to become Napoleon I, Empereur des Francais (Emperor of the French). He is both a historical figure and a legend—and it is sometimes difficult to separate the two. The events of his life fired the imaginations of great writers, film makers, and playwrights whose works have done much to create the Napoleonic legend. Napoleon decided on a military career when he was a child, winning a scholarship to a French military academy. His meteoric rise shocked not only France but all of Europe, and his military conquests threatened the stability of the world. Napoleon was one of the greatest military commanders in history. He has also been portrayed as a power hungry conqueror. Napoleon denied being such a conqueror. He argued that he was building a federation of free peoples in a Europe united under a liberal government. But if this was his goal, he intended to achieve it by taking power in his own hands. However, in the states he created, Napoleon granted constitutions, introduced law codes, abolished feudalism, created efficient governments and fostered education, science, literature and the arts. Emperor Napoleon proved to be an excellent civil administrator. One of his greatest achievements was his supervision of the revision and collection of French law into codes. The new law codes—seven in number—incorporated some of the freedoms gained by the people of France during the French revolution, including religious toleration and the abolition of serfdom. The most famous of the codes, the Code Napoleon or Code Civil, still forms the basis of French civil law. Napoleon also centralized France"s government by appointing prefects to administer regions called departments, into which France was divided. While Napoleon believed in government "for" the people, he rejected government "by" the people. His France was a police state with a vast network of secret police and spies. The police shut down plays containing any hint of disagreement or criticism of the government. The press was controlled by the state. It was impossible to express an opinion without Napoleon"s approval. Napoleon"s own opinion of his career is best stated in the following quotation: I closed the gulf of anarchy and brought order out of chaos. I rewarded merit regardless of birth or wealth, wherever I found it. I abolished feudalism and restored equality to all regardless of religion and before the law. I fought the decrepit monarchies of the Old Regime because the alternative was the destruction of all this. I purified the Revolution. If you are aware of books, movies, databases, web sites or other information sources about Napoleon Bonaparte or related subjects, or if you would like to submit comments please send us email. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-01-01 21:02:032


"City of Twilight: Twilight," Bella himself exiled to the Fox and the remote town of rain throughout the year. She could not think of how is this choice, let her meet him at the crossroads of destiny. Fair eyes that moment, have to understand each other, waiting for them, apart from the well-being of the temptation, there is a danger of the abyss. Cordial with each other two, in love and the risk of inter-swing, with new and exciting Spend each day, as long as the sun,romantic evening in the City of Light. Since he has a charming appearance, Superman"s body, and the ability to see through people"s minds, he is? And she is just a natural motor neuron worse, skin as white as sick as ordinary girls. Meeting that year, they are all 17-year-old. Wheel of time is the solidification of him, for her it is rapidly rotating. Youth willhim, she will eventually corrupt the youth, their world, there are really mixed it? From Adam and Eve started, in the face of a love-hate vortex desire, mankind is always at a loss. Happiness slowly forward, waiting for waves moving. When a vulnerable young girls to integrate into a very human world, she faced the danger of the devil than with the kind of kiss is much more difficult. After dusk the day after a beautiful evening, this adventure story of ups and downs at this time is just a prelude. Author will be the main character"s emotional adolescent feelings of confusion and bewildering entanglement describes a real delicacy,description andelegant language to arouse the reader"s endless imagination,stories and bizarre plot twists and turns readers aroused continuous reading impulse. In the fresh, gentle and touching, and readers have witnessed the brilliant youth, first love of the beautiful, also witnessed the struggle Sense & Sensibility, soul and body of the struggling ... ... "Twilight City: Crescent" Edward deeply fascinated Beira, also loved her unique scent. But Happy Hour is always short-lived, in her eighteen-year-old birthday party, the Beira accidentally cut his arm, the blood flows evoked Edwards family bloodthirsty nature. In order to protect his beloved people, Edward and his family left the town of Fox. Edward left, Bella"s world completely collapsed, and she began to try all kinds of risky behavior, because she found that as long as she is dangerous to do one thing, Edward"s voice will appear in her mind. Beira-style self-flagellation act crazy and did not let Edward change her mind and this time, young Jacob appeared uninhibited pale in her world, though he knows the hearts of otherwise Beira others, or affectionately to accompany and protect her. One is as firm as a rock of ice-cold heterogeneous, a Some Like It Hot are the hot werewolf, Bella will be a choice ... ... Edwards mistakenly think Bella had jumped into the sea and death, can not afford such a sudden a huge blow, he decided to make all One of the broken. Dusk gradually retire, what awaits them is the horizon shows the most dark nights一Crescent, Bella and Edward will fall into this irrevocableit? They can recover before the end of life is also precious than their own each other to save this world with the most exciting of love? Tsam enjoy continued life and death entangled Romance, "New Moon" will be the reader into the novel category than ordinary youth more magical pluralistic world, the readers are not so much to accompany Bella SPEND the first paragraph of her life during the darkest as it is with Mel Miaoying pen magic world experienced a real life experience of love could not exist. Edwards struggles, Beira on the demands of love and desire for true love Jacob of tension throughout the three novels has always been, a good interpretation of the eternal theme of love. Mel with her unique style and gifted ability to control the reader"s heart, sentimental readers inevitably and Bella together, or hold your breath, or tears. "Twilight City: eclipse" Bella is about to graduate from secondary school into a dilemma: she wanted to Edward and Jacob in the Select a lover, and this choice may lead to ethnic Karen family and between werewolf a bloody war ... ... blood boilingwould like to choose to die with Edwardappearance, but before their marriage, Edward does not allow her to do so. On the other hand, Jacob"s involvement so that the feelings of their red light to visit the injured in Beira Jacob, the Jacob King took her to his home, the opportunity to declare her love, and regardless of the wishes of her kissing her. This forced a deep kiss printed on the minds of Beira, for Jacob"s feelings, Bella has When Bella for the selection of much pain and suffering of lovers, she discovered that someone from her room robbery, follow the above purpose is to sniff out the odor Her lies. Bella will be all sorts of accidents linked to the past, and finally to understand from the legendary Victoria Crane family is all behind the scenes manipulation. In order to revenge for the death of James, Victoria is gathered a group of accomplices hurried to Fox for Edward and Bella"s life caused a great threat, Karen werewolf family decided to go to deal with ethnic groups a common enemy. Ice and Fire irreconcilable contradiction, love and sacrifice in the scale, Bella found her dedication to not only the soul ... ... When you can be immortal, you live why? "Eclipse"the dark veil, Body and Soul of the struggling show. Karen irreconcilable werewolf family and ethnic conflicts of the question of how to solve? Angelic kind are Edward and Bella fragile glass-like step-by-step on the marriage altar, hand in hand into the Garden of Eden, or Jacob and Bella and her childhood had on the ordinary human life? Alternating day and night from the "twilight", experienced the "Crescent" and the heartbreaking "eclipse" of grief, the reader will be our doubts in the "dawn" hours one by one to crack, and the truth will also complicated in the "midnight sun "in Sudden Impact.
2023-01-01 21:02:191