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2023-06-19 01:20:29
TAG: gzb



GZB 哪个银行的简称

GZB一般说的是赣州 银行的简称,B是银行英文单词的首写字母。
2023-06-18 21:27:501


2023-06-18 21:28:144


2023-06-18 21:28:241


2023-06-18 21:28:501


2023-06-18 21:29:165


2023-06-18 21:30:081


坏丫头 GIZIBE缩写 韩语
2023-06-18 21:30:552


柱塞行程:100mm速比:1=7.2545柱塞冲次:169次吸入管直径:50mm排出管直径:16~25mm柱塞直径:45、50、55mm输出流量:96、99、110L/Min额定压力:42、40、35Mpa(配90kw电机)35、30、28Mpa(配75kw电机)25、22、20Mpa(配55kw电机)电机型号:YCT335-4C电机 高转速:1340r/Min外型尺寸:3050*1800*1150mm整机重量:3000kg
2023-06-18 21:31:411


2023-06-18 21:32:211


2023-06-18 21:32:521


强制性国家标准——GB;推荐性国家标准——GB/T;行业标准:农业——NY,水产——SC,水利——SL,林业——LY……;地方标准——‘DB(地方标准代号)"+‘省、自治区、直辖市行政区码前两位"+‘/"+‘顺序号"+‘年号";企业标准——Q/××× ×××-××××;团体标准——T/××× ×××-××××。
2023-06-18 21:34:102


whosyourdaddy 一击必杀
2023-06-18 21:34:347


2023-06-18 21:35:503


2023-06-18 21:36:546

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:Goldwhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:38:331


2023-06-18 21:38:461


游戏 与 科技 的共生发展关系,正成为 游戏 产业的一个热门话题。12月15日,中国 游戏 产业年会 科技 共生分论坛在广州举行,旨在呈现 游戏 与 科技 的共生发展关系,展示 科技 驱动下 游戏 行业的创新成果,畅想 科技 进步催生的新场景,共同推动数实融合发展,助力数字经济增长。 盛趣 游戏 副总裁 谭雁峰 盛趣 游戏 副总裁谭雁峰受邀出席,并以线上形式分享了盛趣 游戏 在 游戏 科技 方面的理解与相应的布局。他表示 游戏 本质上是一个超级复杂的跨学科产物, 游戏 产业的发展源自 科技 创新,同时 游戏 科技 正打破场景的束缚,在更多前沿领域发光发热,赋能数字经济及产业的发展。 科技 创新: 游戏 产业发展的源动力 在大多数眼里, 游戏 或许要与 娱乐 产品画上等号,但在谭雁峰看来, 娱乐 只是 游戏 所呈现出来的一种功能而已。当前的 游戏 开发是一件复杂的系统性工程,包涵了系统性的程序开发、原画创作、建模、材质、灯光渲染、骨骼设定、动画、特效等诸多学科与项目,且随着时代的进步, 游戏 的 科技 含金量正变得越来越高。 这一点从开发人员数量的变化便可得到印证。1984年发行的《俄罗斯方块》的鸣谢人员只有24人,但到了2018年,开放世界 游戏 《荒野大镖客2》的开发团队已达到近4000人,其中核心人员也近乎2000人。尽管这种变化并不能决定一款产品的好坏,但也足够反映出当下一款大制作水准产品开发的复杂程度。 谭雁峰表示,网络 游戏 诞生的基础就是互联网信息技术的发展, 游戏 产业的进步同样来自互联网 科技 的推动。从最早的卡带 游戏 ,到如今的多平台 游戏 ,更强大的 游戏 引擎、更智能的AI系统、更先进的3D渲染技术,正不断解放 游戏 的生产力,让 游戏 拥有更强大的性能表现,更丰富的互动体验,推动着 游戏 产业的发展。 这种进步如今正打破硬件端的“枷锁”。他以云 游戏 为例,从 游戏 诞生开始,其表现便受到硬件端的性能限制, 游戏 开发往往需要考量与用户终端的适配。而随着5G与云计算技术的发展, 游戏 可以做到在云端运行,渲染出来的视频画面通过网络传送到终端,真正摆脱终端性能的限制,有利于 游戏 表现力的进一步提升,或带来新的交互方式。 打破单一应用场景 探索 游戏 科技 价值最大化 值得一提的是,在 游戏 与 科技 双向赋能进化的循环之下, 游戏 的 科技 也正打破单一的应用场景,开始成为新兴事物的催化剂。去年,一款公众科学 游戏 Foldit在线上发起了一个谜题,邀请全球玩家共同设计一种能与新冠病毒的刺突蛋白结合的蛋白质结构,帮助科研人员研究如何阻断病毒与人类受体的结合。 不仅如此, 游戏 的引擎技术已经广泛用于自动驾驶、数字孪生、智慧城市、航空航天、医疗手术模拟等领域,通过数字模拟的方式,让相关领域用智能、动态、可视化的方式展现模拟的过程和结果,既提高了效率,又更加直观。“ 游戏 已然成为人们认识这个世界的新工具,其实最原始的 游戏 也是人类用于学习新技能所创造出来的。”谭雁峰说到。 脑科学及数字药物同样被认为是 游戏 可以大展拳脚的领域。通过数字技术与脑神经科学的结合,可以破译和调节脑神经信号的传输,从而帮助精神类疾病患者的诊断与治疗。过去,医生对于这类疾病的判断更多基于经验,但有了类似于 游戏 数据的直观反馈,能够帮助他们更好的去做判断,也能缓解精神类疾病医疗资源不足的问题。 据谭雁峰介绍,盛趣 游戏 目前所做的,就是基于旗下拥有大量用户 游戏 数据的反馈经验,在脑科学领域去打造这样的一个系统。去年,盛趣 游戏 专门与浙江大学成立了浙江大学传奇创新研究中心,联合高校的科研力量去做脑科学及数字药物应用等方面的研究。 关于 游戏 与 科技 共生发展的未来,谭雁峰用了两个“超过想象”去形容。他说:“ 游戏 产业发展到今天,已经超过我们过去的想象,我们也有理由相信,未来 游戏 科技 所发挥出来的作用、应用的领域也将远远超过我们今天的想象。”
2023-06-18 21:39:051

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Bootleg Series Vol.1 - The Quine Tapeswhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:39:341

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:Midnight Oil专辑:20,000 Watt R.S.L. - Greatest Hitswhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:39:561

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Velvet Underground / Rock Legendswhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:40:231

CECT 是什么意思

分类: 教育/学业/考试 >> 其他资格考试 解析: 中电通信科技有限责任公司,即中电通信(简称CECT),注册资金3亿元人民币,是中国少数几家获批同时生产GSM和CDMA手机的厂家之一。 2002年侨兴移动收购中电通信(CECT)的部分股份,并于2003年2月成立新的中外合资中电通信科技有限责任公司(CECT)。 作为侨兴集团旗下的核心企业, 中电通信(CECT)掌握了GSM手机、GPRS手机、PDA手机、CDMA手机、增值业务等国际先进通信技术,其中2.5G、3G的GSM和CDMA移动电话生产技术已经与世界同步。目前CECT下属的三个具有强大实力的研发机构,即北京昌平研发机构、上海研发中心、惠州研发中心的研发人员已接近500人。CECT研发机构开发的手机软件技术、工业设计在国内手机行业占据举足轻重的地位。
2023-06-18 23:12:381

不清醒的 英语怎么说

2023-06-18 23:12:433


VFP? VisualFoxPro? 还有人用吗?SQL语句的话:select 职称,count(教师ID) as 人数,max(工资) as 最高工资, min(工资) as 最低工资,avg(工资) as 平均工资 form JS inner join GZB on JS.教师ID=GZB.教师ID where 职称 in ("教授","副教授") group by 职称 order by min(工资)看看对你有没有帮助
2023-06-18 23:12:461


2023-06-18 23:12:481


愚蠢用英语是stupid; foolish; silly。解释:stupid 英[u02c8stju:pu026ad] 美[u02c8stu:pu026ad] adj. 愚蠢的; 迟钝的; 乏味的; 晕眩的,昏迷不醒的; n. <口>傻子,笨蛋; [例句]I"ll never do anything so stupid again我再也不会做这种傻事了。foolish 英[u02c8fu:lu026au0283] 美[u02c8fulu026au0283] adj. 愚蠢的; 鲁莽的; 荒谬的,可笑的; 混; [例句]It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily无谓地燃起人们的希望是愚蠢的。silly 英[u02c8su026ali] 美[u02c8su026ali] adj. 蠢的; 糊涂的; 不明事理的; 没头脑的; n. (常用于向孩子指出其愚蠢行为) 傻孩子,淘气鬼; 傻子,蠢货; [例句]My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this我最好的朋友说我要是为这事而沮丧难过就真够傻的。
2023-06-18 23:12:511


2023-06-18 23:12:541


be addicted to也是
2023-06-18 23:13:016


整个色调的图像被设置为终止,可能指向。 改变图形!
2023-06-18 23:13:035


2023-06-18 23:13:173


痴迷Be obsessed
2023-06-18 23:13:262

GZB2-混乱武林III谁与争锋 最新更新版 单机版中4个BOSS怎么打?

2023-06-18 23:13:313

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Beatles专辑:Box Set_disc 6what goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 23:13:371

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Velvet Underground Story 2Cd Setwhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:38:101

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Beatles专辑:The Alternate Rubber Soulwhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:37:211

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:Live With Lou Reed, Vol.1what goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:36:501


2023-06-18 21:36:292

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:William Sussman专辑:Oil On Ice Soundtrackwhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:35:541


2023-06-18 21:35:316

What Goes On, Pt. 7 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On, Pt. 7歌手:The Roots专辑:Do You Want More?!!!??!what goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:35:141

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Best Of The Velvet Undergroundwhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:34:461


2023-06-18 21:34:051

What Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:Controlwhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:34:041

CECT U8810

2023-06-18 21:33:274

Love You Goodbye 歌词

歌曲名:Love You Goodbye歌手:Tim Mcgraw专辑:Southern VoiceTim McGraw - Love You GoodbyeHe was thinking back when he was a kidHis folks were divorcedHis old man high on somethingCame knocking at the doorHis mama wouldn"t talk to himShe said boy dontcha let him inShe was cussing and pacing and wasting her lifeOn that linoleum floorHe took him back to his old apartmentTurned off the TVHis beautiful broken hero on the couchPassed out asleepAnd he put "em to bedWith tears in his eyesHe said dad I love you, GoodbyeHe headed out into the nightSeventeen years oldFired up that rusty old pickupTurned his collar to the coldAnd he headed back to mama"s placeReady for his big escapeAnd he tiptoed up the stairs and left a noteIn the cover"s foldIt said mom I wish I could wave a wandAnd make you smile againBring back the man who stole your heart"fore the demons got to himIf I stay here any longerSomething sacreds gonna dieHe said mom I love you, GoodbyeTook a lot of wrong turns on the roadFinding his lifeBy the grace of God he ended upWith a little boy and a wifeAnd the phone call came from his sisterIt was that old familiar painHis mother was at the doorstepOf heaven"s pure white lightAt the end of the serviceHis father came up to himClear eyed and sober now he saidBoy Jesus took my sinsAnd I pray someday maybe you"ll forgive me tooWith tears in his eyesHe said son I love you, GoodbyeHis plane touched down in TexasHe pulled out his phoneDialed in the number, got the machineOf his old man"s homeHe said dad we got an extra roomAnd your grandson has your eyesCouldn"t say anything elseCause he started to cryAnd he choked out dad I love you, GoodbyeDad I love you, Goodbye
2023-06-18 21:32:481


分类: 电子数码 解析: 中电通信(CECT),全名中电通信科技有限责任公司,注册资金3亿元,是中国少数几家获批同时生产GSM和CDMA手机的厂家之一。 2002年侨兴移动收购中电通信(CECT)65%的股份,并于2003年2月成立中外合资中电通信科技有限责任公司(CECT)(侨兴移动占65%股份,中国电子信息产业集团公司(CEC)占25%股份、天津泰达占10%股份),侨兴移动的入股为中电通信(CECT)注入了大量资金,带来了先进管理经验。具备国内最先进的研发和生产能力,掌握了GSM手机、GPRS手机、PDA手机、CDMA手机、增值业务等国际先进通信技术。
2023-06-18 21:32:291

What Goes On (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:The Bride Stripped Barewhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:32:221

What Goes On (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:Platinum Collectionwhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:31:551


用手机里面的字符串啊,按下*#06#,就显示出来啦,与后面电池下面的字符串对比一下,如果一样就是行货,若不是,那就不是 啦,呵呵
2023-06-18 21:31:333

What Goes On (Bonus Track) (Digitally Remastered 03) 歌词

歌曲名:What Goes On (Bonus Track) (Digitally Remastered 03)歌手:Nitty Gritty Dirt Band专辑:Uncle Charlie And His Dog Teddywhat goes on in your mindWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindThe other day I saw youAs I walked along the roadBut when I saw him with youI could feel my future foldIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mindI met you in the morningwaiting for the tides of timeBut now the tide is turningI can see that I was blindIt"s so easy for a girl like you to lieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?I used to think of no on elseBut you were just the sameYou didn"t even think of meAs someone with a nameDid you mean to break my heart and watchme dieTell me whyWhat goes on in your heart?What goes on in your mind?You are tearing me apartWhen you treat me so unkindWhat goes on in your mind
2023-06-18 21:31:141


2023-06-18 21:30:531