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2023-06-18 20:51:05


Folk Festival


Folk Festival



folk customs and culture festival


Folklore Festival



folk festival

Chinese Festivals


The folk festival is also native happy days of male-female loving seasons.

Provided by gtcom


《folklore》Taylor Swift

Cause I knew you Stepping on the last train Marked me like a bloodstain I knew you Tried to change the ending Peter losing Wendy I knew youLeaving like a fatherRunning like water ——《cardigan》 美国乐坛小天后,欧美新声代五大Diva之一——泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor·Swift)于2020年7月24日北京时间中午12时空降发布了第八张个人录音室专辑《folklore》,中文译为《民间故事(民俗)》。专辑发布当天引起了小轰动,几乎所有霉粉都在发布当天守在数字专辑购买通道,甚至发布后就成为了QQ音乐销量最快达到钻石认证的欧美专辑。在发行一周后,专辑和首单《cardigan》同时空降Billboard200榜和HOT100榜第一名,成为历史上第一位有专辑与单曲同时空降冠军的女艺人。当然,这张专辑的乐评也算是泰勒最高的成绩了,甚至有几家公司直接打了满分!至《folklore》,泰勒已经连续多张专辑首周销量破50万,本专辑更是拿下了80多万销量的好成绩(实销+流媒体),这张专辑无疑会在泰勒的职业生涯中有重要的地位!《folklore》的音乐流派定义为ALTERNATIVE另类音乐,而美国另一位厉害的歌手——打雷姐,她的风格就属于这种另类音乐。主打首单《cardigan》确实有一些打雷姐的味道,但细细品味依然能听出泰勒独特的风格。《cardigan》中多次唱了"When you are young they assume know nothing",想必这就是这首歌的线索中心所在。 《exile》——粉丝心中的最佳曲目,这首歌可以说是全专旋律最佳处,并且泰勒邀请了Bon iver助阵演唱,Bon的低音让人静下心来沉思,泰勒在Part.2的加入,为歌曲增添了不少的清新与空灵,整首歌曲以悲伤为基调,讲述了一对男女的爱情一步步走向衰亡,这是很可悲的。"You were my town……"——《exile》 《seven》——最适合夏天晚上吹自然风听的歌,这首歌是泰勒回忆起童年一起玩耍的伙伴,听起来十分舒服。歌曲最大亮点是尾部伴奏一段听起来耐人寻味。 这张专辑还有很多好听的歌比如:《august》、《the 1》、《mirrorball》……这张专辑的词汇量达到了前所未有的多,泰勒以往用英语四级的词汇写词,单本张专辑更多的是英语八级和托福雅思词汇,直接上高了一个档次,包括词中的诗意,《the lakes》中美丽的英国湖区。当然,能写出那么好的词,都是由于平时的积累,泰勒连出席活动都要随身带一本小字典。个人喜爱度:u2764ufe0fu2764ufe0fu2764ufe0fu2764ufe0fu2764ufe0f让我给你讲欧美音乐u2705
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folklore 意思是“民俗/民间传说”,是抽象概念,属于不可数名词。
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2023-06-18 20:20:283

Taylor Swift新专《folklore》上线,欧美歌星乐迷热衷齐聚QQ音乐

在Taylor Swift新专辑《folklore》发售之际,QQ音乐成为了Taylor Swift的"空降首站":她在第一时间来到QQ音乐评论区与乐迷互动。而亿万欧美乐迷也涌入QQ音乐,聆听讨论新歌、争相期待"霉霉"的"翻牌"。与此同时,越来越多欧美明星和乐迷,已经把QQ音乐视作双方不可或缺的"连接器"。可以说, QQ音乐基于海量音源,以及年轻化的音乐" 情感 场景",已经构建了国内最为浓厚的欧美音乐氛围,成为备受欧美歌星、乐迷青睐的首选聚集地。纵观当今欧美乐坛,谁才配得上"流行女王"这个称呼?好吧,在人才济济的英语歌界,这个问题极有争议,答案不一。但问到谁是欧美乐坛"最会营业的流行女王",那大家都要会心一笑。 Taylor Swift。7月23日晚八点,这位被网飞纪录片尊称为Miss Americana(美利坚女士)的巨星突然上线营业,用无预警新专《folklore》划破了平静的夜空。数字版新专辑共包含16首全新单曲,也延续了Taylor Swift一贯的思考深度与个人特色,让欧美乐迷为之风靡。在国内欧美乐迷首选的聚集地QQ音乐上,不到10个小时的预约吸引了50万人,新专一开售的2小时内,即刻获得"三白金唱片"认证,成为QQ音乐平台最快达成【三白金唱片】等级认证的欧美专辑,强势收割QQ音乐巅峰畅销榜日榜/周榜双榜第一。截止目前,新专辑销量已突破20万张。相较于国外深夜发推的"营业", Taylor Swift在QQ音乐上的"营业"完全可以用"不遗余力"来形容。在发完Twitter的一个小时后,Taylor Swift马上登陆QQ音乐的"扑通社区",一连发布三条动态,向广大欧美乐迷亲切介绍新专,有一条字数多到都被系统折叠了。而在专辑发布后的第一时间,Taylor本人还亲临了QQ音乐评论区,与粉丝来了一场跨越大洋的"零距离互动"。作为欧美乐坛领军人物,为何Taylor Swift会如此"沉迷"于QQ音乐?答案其实也显而易见:QQ音乐已经公认为是国内首屈一指的欧美音乐、乐迷聚集地。和大众印象完全相符,坐拥周杰伦、李宇春、王力宏、英皇 娱乐 (港澳明星)、时代峻峰(TFBOYS等)、摩登天空(民谣)、SACRA MUSIC(日音)、SM/YG/JYP(顶尖韩国 娱乐 厂牌),以及海量热门影视、综艺独家音源的QQ音乐,一直都是"想找什么都有"的音乐平台,毋庸置疑,在欧美音乐领域,QQ音乐也保持着一贯的领先优势。我们之前文章《2020年国内音乐版权格局解读:始于版权,忠于生态》中,已经对QQ音乐的欧美音源做过不完全统计。不难发现,QQ音乐一直深受环球、索尼、华纳三大欧美音乐厂牌青睐,曲库中涵盖了几乎所有欧美巨星、新星的音源。基于海量音源,QQ音乐推出了丰富多元的年轻玩法,这些玩法不单见证了欧美音乐逐步进入国内的点点滴滴,更将欧美音乐与一代代年轻乐迷的生活紧密联系,成为乐迷不可或缺的"长情陪伴"。在一次采访中,环球音乐副总裁沈丹扬就把2016年称为"数字销售里程碑的年代"。因为在当年1月29日,环球音乐携手QQ音乐,共同实现了环球音乐在国内的首次全球专辑同步发行——当天,欧美流行巨星Rihanna的新专《Anti》在第一时间与国内乐迷见面,而QQ音乐上的乐迷也回馈以了非同一般的热情,在QQ音乐上,该专辑销量甚至超过了包括日本在内的所有亚洲其他市场的总和。近些年来,QQ音乐成功地将自身在数专玩法方面的成功经验,赋能到了欧美数专之上,让欧美数专在华"捷报不断",并且出现了鲜明的长尾效应。就拿《folklore》来说,新专辑刚上线, QQ音乐为粉丝们准备了超多惊喜:粉丝可以解锁获得独家早安音频以及未公开花絮,听Taylor Swift专属语音,还能赢得福利周边以及珍贵的Taylor Swift亲笔签名照(to签),当购买人数突破100万时,QQ音乐还将为粉丝解锁Taylor Swift独家福利ID。更值得一提的是,Taylor Swift的专辑《Lover》在QQ音乐上累计售出量超千万首,销售额远超其他音乐平台,QQ音乐还特地为中国乐迷举办了一场与霉霉的见面会,让数专消费与见到偶像时的 情感 满足融合在一起,乐迷每次听到自己购买的歌曲,都会想起见到霉霉时的幸福感,忍不住在QQ音乐上跟其他乐迷们分享这份带着 情感 的记忆。今年Justin Bieber新专辑《Changes》上线后,QQ音乐便推出了和Justin Bieber携手准备的独家问候视频,还有被粉丝怒赞"萌化了"的Justin Bieber小猫咪视频,粉丝还能在数专主页赢取签名周边,丰富的玩法,让该专辑在不到48小时内,便凭借近500万首的销量,一举斩获QQ音乐 "钻石唱片"等级认证,成为开年来首张获得该认证的数字专辑。再把时间线往前拉,在QQ音乐数专玩法的激励下,大量欧美数专得以在国内"开花结果",共同组成了"乐迷同好大本营"的内容生态,让乐迷养成了"听欧美数专,就来QQ音乐"的习惯。像是 Ariana Grande的《thank u,next》(三白金唱片),Troye Sivan的《Bloom》(三白金唱片),说唱巨星 Eminem的《Revival》(双白金唱片),Lorde的《MELODRAMA》(白金唱片),Charlie Puth的《Voicenotes》(白金唱片)……正如沈丹扬所说,在QQ音乐上欧美数专的表现,绝对能让整个亚洲市场"眼红羡慕"。更重要的是,QQ音乐数专的专业运营,还让不少数专出现了"长尾效应"。以Taylor Swift的《1989(Deluxe)》、《reputation》两张专辑为例,前后者分别在发布4年、2年之后,双双获得殿堂金钻唱片,牢牢占据QQ音乐数字专辑畅销榜TO20,而Taylor Swift也因此成为了首位拥有两张殿堂金钻认证的欧美歌手。多年来的数专合作以及运营,让QQ音乐构筑了坚实的欧美音乐"阵地",但相比数字专辑的销量,对用户而言,更重要的是他们从QQ音乐开始发现、了解欧美数专,也在QQ音乐,开始真正享受与国际潮流数专"实时接轨",第一时间享受海量欧美数专的魅力。这些,才是欧美数专背后具有的真正价值,也正是平台自身有情怀的价值观为用户创造的价值。其实,与环球音乐等顶级欧美版权方的深度合作,也只是QQ音乐欧美音乐版图中的基础部分。近年来,QQ音乐不仅已经成为欧美乐迷、明星之间不可或缺的连接器,通过创造、衍生音乐场景,QQ音乐还打造了能够引人深度共鸣 " 情感 场景",吸引海量欧美乐迷齐聚于此,也让QQ音乐成为欧美乐迷心目中的首选聚集地。5月8日,关晓彤在微博上秀出了一组图片,欣喜地称她的偶像----贾斯汀·比伯在QQ音乐的评论区内"翻牌"(回复)了她的评论,相关话题火速登上热搜,引发公众热议。无独有偶,黄子韬本人也在QQ音乐歌曲评论区,和自己的偶像"戳爷"Troye Sivan来了一次"神仙同框",粉丝也在评论区兴奋地称"(在QQ音乐)和自己的偶像一起追偶像,这感觉上头!"黄子韬还不忘向偶像推荐一下自己的新歌除了前文提到的几位欧美歌星,Charlie Puth、Lauv、CharliXCX、Geryson Chance等多位欧美歌星都成为了QQ音乐评论区的"常客"……这些,其实都是QQ音乐《大牌空降评论区》IP栏目为乐迷打造的新颖追星路径。得益于《大牌空降评论区》,越来越多的粉丝获得被偶像翻牌的可能,而且由于这样的举措拉近了明星和粉丝的距离,越来越多的欧美明星也愿意亲自下场参与。甚至像Taylor Swift、Troye Sivan等多位歌星,还将空降QQ音乐评论区视作自己的"营业必须",每每有新专发布,都要在评论区与QQ音乐的乐迷"亲切热聊"。随着空降评论区的欧美明星数量增多,更多普通人得到了与巨星们零距离互动的机会,评论现场的火爆程度堪比明星见面会。在QQ音乐上,同样让乐迷有满满参与感,连通音乐、乐迷、明星三方的" 情感 场景"还不止一个。前文提到,"霉霉"空降了"扑通社区",在这个以音乐为起点的同好兴趣圈中,用户已经自发建立了多个和欧美明星相关的"扑通小组",一起在其中讨论、交流自己对于欧美音乐、明星的心得和 情感 共鸣;而明星本人也纷纷加入到讨论交流中,让"扑通社区"成了当代年轻人"每天必刷"的潮流音乐文化社区。而直播渠道,更是打破空间限制,成了QQ音乐乐迷与欧美歌星实时互动的"任意门"。今年5月,QQ音乐便联手环球音乐打造"Young Summer线上音乐节",邀请多位欧美超人气新秀,轮番做客QQ音乐人气自制节目《见面吧!首唱》,他们边弹边唱,与粉丝进行了一场连轴转的"零距离"互动。可以看到,在QQ音乐上,欧美音乐不仅有"听"的价值,还成为了 "交流"的纽带。在强共鸣的氛围下,QQ音乐已经从以前的"播放器",逐步演变成了立体的音乐 娱乐 生态,成为乐迷购买数专、收听歌曲、评论交流、结交同好的音乐文化社区。而音乐本身也在这个过程中不断扩展着"外延",成为乐迷实现高层次心理需求的必备"陪伴"。在新专主打歌《cardigan》中,Taylor Swift一遍遍唱着"I knew you,I knew you"(我了解你,我了解你)。对欧美乐迷而言,总能在QQ音乐上找到最"懂自己"的欧美音乐,也能在最"懂自己"的音乐体验中,与亿万乐迷产生共鸣感。对于乐迷而言,QQ音乐已经成为一个见证时光流转,安放情怀与激情的地方。当然,未来也将继续会有更多欧美明星加入这个社区,与国内乐迷在此相伴,共享人生的点点滴滴。排版 | 安林
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汤姆斯发明这个词是在1846年,指的是受欢迎的古董或者是受欢迎的文学。民俗,民间传统(folklore)一词创造出来以来就受到民俗学家们的争议,他们的意见是不一致的 。非文学形式如传统音乐、舞蹈、符号、手势应该归入视觉形式而不是口头文学形式 。
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“folklore”这个词是英国学者汤姆斯(William Thoms)于1846年创立的。他以萨克逊语(古英语)的folk(民间、民众)和lore(知识、学问)合成一个新词,既指民间风俗现象,又指研究这门现象的学问。
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是普通版的,官网的星星是官网会随快递寄出的装饰的彩色纸片片。官网的星星纸只有folklore时期才有。纸盒非常精致,打开盒子里面有彩色的星星纸,还有一张提醒大家投选票的宣传卡片。Forklore是Taylor Swift的专辑。她透露说,疫情期间,她一直住在自己2013年买下的已逝音乐人Rebekah Harkness女士的故居,位于Rhode Island watch hill。给了她许多创作灵感,写出了这张forklore。她特别发文对于帮助她完成这次制作的团队大加激赏,文中写到:"多谢我的监制,乐队,他们每个人在整个录制过程中,都戴着口罩,而我还是自己做的头发呢。"从个人生活和情感经历中获得创作灵感并写进歌曲是Taylor Swift 的一贯风格。而这正是她拉近与粉丝距离的有效方式。创作背景继2019年发行专辑《Lover》后,泰勒·斯威夫特的许多计划因遭受新冠肺炎的冲击而不得不延期或取消。但是泰勒·斯威夫特在居家隔离四个月的时间内,积极创作并录制完成了该专辑中的收录曲。首发单曲《Cardigan》由泰勒·斯威夫特独立写作和录制,她在该歌曲中注入了自己的许多创意、梦想、恐惧和沉思,后来又与不同的音乐人合制完成
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Explicit Contents,代表这首歌的歌词当中有一些脏话,最早出现在Apple Music里面希望对你有帮助,望采纳。
2023-06-18 20:22:021


2020年7月24日,美国流行天后,30岁的泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift,下文统称霉霉)重拾民谣风,推出第8张个人专辑《folklore》,而这张个人专辑也让霉霉刷新 Apple Music 多项纪录。 凭借此专辑,霉霉成为 Apple Music 有史以来首日播放量最高的女歌手,打破了2019年由A妹(Ariana Grande)发布的专辑《thank u, next》所创的纪录。在新专辑火爆的同时也引来了一些小麻烦。 7月24日,霉霉的新专辑发布不久后,一家名为「Folklore」的时装品牌创始人 Amira Rasool 在社交媒体上发文表示 霉霉专辑《folklore》的字体设计与自己公司的设计几乎一样。她在贴文中称,对于大公司或者明星模仿小型品牌表示愤怒,并不希望这种公然盗窃行为不受约束。据悉,霉霉在出售新专辑《 Folklore》的同时还推出了一系列主题商品,其中包括带有刺绣图案奶油色针织开衫、连帽衫、T恤、杯子、手机壳、钥匙挂件等产品。 每个产品均印有「The Folklore Album」字样的文字,其排版与上文提到的时装品牌 Folklore 的LOGO有些相似。从两个设计来看,因为霉霉专辑的名字恰好与这家时装品牌撞名,然后在字体的设计上,都将单词「The」横排在「Folklore」的左侧。但在字体风格上,完全看不出两者具有的相似性。 霉霉专辑的名字为了突出主题,使用了更为复古的衬线字体,而时装品牌则用的是一款很现代的衬线字体。24 岁的黑人女性 Amira Rasool 在接受媒体采访时表示,当第一次知道霉霉新专辑的名字时,并没有考虑到它与自己品牌有任何关联,因为「Folklore」是一个很常见的词。直到朋友提醒她霉霉出售的周边商品后,她才注意到霉霉在「Folklore」一词中使用的字体与她在网站上使用的字体相似。针对 Folklore 创始人 Amira Rasool 提出的质疑,霉霉于昨天正式做出回应,表示已关注此事,为了减少争议,霉霉的团队已经将「the」从商品中移除。此举赢得了指控者 Amira Rasool 的赞扬。她随后在社交媒体上发文称:「要表扬霉霉的团队认识到他们的商品对我公司 TheFolklore 品牌造成的损害,她一直倡导女性必须要保护自己的创作权,很高兴看到她的团队也一样。」前不久,曾经发生过一起类似的案例,知名导演诺兰在新片《信条》的LOGO设计上和华盛顿州贝灵厄姆市的自行车公司LOGO高度相似引发争议。不同的是,自行车公司态度要比本文中的 Amira Rasool 好很多,他并没有一上来就指责他人盗窃自己的商标,而是想告诉那些不了解或者从未听说过 Tenet(自行车品牌)的人,因为不明真相的人会认为 Tenet 抄袭了诺兰的电影中的LOGO。毕竟,这部电影会在全世界放映。 最终,诺兰也修改了电影海报和预告片中的字体。反观指控霉霉抄袭自己商标的 Amira Rasool ,她觉得名人不应该欺负没有影响力的小公司(更有传递自己是黑人女性,是弱势群体的信息),在设计LOGO之前应该认真对待和审查。 你会支持 Amira Rasool 的观点吗?留言说说你的看法吧! 文内涉及图片仅做报道之用,其版权归所有者所有。如有侵犯您的权益,请及时联系我们处理。
2023-06-18 20:22:081


问题一:“风情”用英文怎么翻 landscape in foreign country 问题二:“波西米亚风情”用英文怎么说??急~~ Bohimian Style/Fashion 问题三:民俗风情用英语怎么说 民俗风情 folk custom custom and habit customs and habits folkways folklore 值此...之际(正逢,正当) on the occasion of just when just the time for 供参 问题四:异域风情的英文怎么说 异域风情 Exotic amorous feelings 问题五:“上海风情”英文怎么说 Shanghai style 如果你想说某个东西(比如服装)很具有钉海风情,可以直接说: it is very Shanghai / it is typically Shanghai style 问题六:俄罗斯风情街用英语怎么翻译呀 大连俄罗斯风情街 这个没有标准的翻译方法,通常都会看街上有什么,再进行进一步的解释,才能让初来乍到的外国人明白。 一般就是Russian Style Street, Dalian City 问题七:“异域风情”用英语怎么说? 异域风情 The exotic
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北京时间3月15日,美国2021格莱美颁奖礼举行,现场只接待获奖人和表演者。在本届颁奖礼上创造了诸多纪录,“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)凭借<Folklore>拿下年度专辑奖,成为第一位三度拿下年度专辑奖的女艺人。碧昂斯本届拿下音乐录影带、 说唱歌曲、 说唱表演、 R&B表演后,她的格莱美奖杯已有28座,创下纪录,成为格莱美获奖最多女歌手。Lady Gaga与“A妹”爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande)合作的<Rain On Me>拿下 流行对唱/组合奖,这是格莱美历史上首次女子合作获得该奖。扩展资料:<Folklore>的创作背景继2019年发行专辑<Lover>后,泰勒·斯威夫特的许多计划因遭受新冠肺炎的冲击而不得不延期或取消。但是泰勒·斯威夫特在居家隔离四个月的时间内,积极创作并录制完成了该专辑中的收录曲。首发单曲<Cardigan>由泰勒·斯威夫特独立写作和录制,她在该歌曲中注入了自己的许多创意、梦想、恐惧和沉思,后来又与不同的音乐人合制完成。
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泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州雷丁,美国著名女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员。
2023-06-18 20:22:402

taylor swift一共出了多少张专辑????

截至目前正规专辑5张 2006.10.24《Taylor Swift》 2008.11.11《Fearless》 2010.10.25《Speak Now》 2012.10.22《Red》 2014.10.27《1989》
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2023-06-18 20:24:506

august歌词 august的歌词是什么

1、歌词: Salt air 咸咸海风 And the rust on your door 还有你的门上的斑驳锈迹 I never needed anything more 我已别无所求 Whispers of “are you sure?” 彼此呢喃道-你确定吗“ “Never have I ever before” -我从没尝试过 But I can see us lost in the memory 但我知道我们迷失在了回忆里 August slipped away into a moment in time 八月到头来还是转瞬即逝 Cause it was never mine 因为它从来不属于我 And I can see us twisted in bedsheets 我还能回想起我们在床单上痴缠的画面 August sipped away like a bottle of wine 八月就像一瓶红酒般几口见底 Cause you were never mine 因为你从来不属于我 Your back beneath the sun 你的背影笼罩在阳光下 Wishing I could write my name on it 我多么希望能写上我的名字昭告于众 Will you call when you"re back at school? 开学以后你还会联系我吗 I remember thinking I had you 我记得我那时自以为拥有着你 But I can see us lost in the memory 但我知道我们迷失在了回忆里 August slipped away into a moment in time 八月最终还是如约而逝 Cause it was never mine 因为它从来不属于我 And I can see us twisted in bedsheets 我还能回想起我们在床单上痴缠的画面 August sipped away like a bottle of wine 八月就像一瓶红酒般几口见底 Cause you were never mine 因为你从来不属于我 Back when we were still changing for the better 回想起我们还在努力往好方向转变的时候 Wanting was enough 其实有那份心就已足够 For me it was enough 对我来说那就已经足够 To live for the hope of it all 为了这段感情的将来而努力 Cancel plans just in case you"d call 取消种种安排只因你有可能来电 And say “meet me behind the mall” 对我说来商城后头见我吧 So much for summer love, and saying “us” 夏日恋曲的细节太多太多 而我总是念叨着我们 Cause you weren"t mine to lose 因为我从未拥有过你 又有何资格失去你呢 You weren"t mine to lose 你从未属于过我 失去便无从谈起 No 不 But I can see us lost in the memory 但我知道我们迷失在了回忆里 August slipped away into a moment in time 八月到头来还是转瞬即逝 Cause it was never mine 因为它从来不属于我 And I can see us twisted in bedsheets 我还能回想起我们在床单上痴缠的画面 August sipped away like a bottle of wine 八月就像一瓶红酒般几口见底 Cause you were never mine 因为你不曾属于我 Cause you were never mine 因为你不曾属于我 Never mine 不曾属于我 Do you remember? 你还记得吗 Remember when I pulled up 当时我停下车 And said “get in the car” 对你说上车吧 And then canceled my plans 把我的安排统统取消 just in case you"d call 只因你也许会约我见面 Back when I was living for the hope of it all 回想起我为这段关系的将来而努力的时候 For the hope of it all, “meet me behind the mall” 为了能在商场后面与你幽会 Remember when I pulled up 还记得我停下车 And said “get in the car” 对你说上车吧 And then canceled my plans 把我的安排统统取消 just in case you"d call 只因你也许会约我见面 Back when I was living for the hope of it all 回想起我为这段关系的将来而努力的时候 For the hope of it all 心中仍怀有期冀 For the hope of it all 心中仍怀有期冀 For the hope of it all 心中仍怀有期冀 For the hope of it all 心中仍怀有期冀 2、《august》是泰勒·斯威夫特和杰克·安东诺夫作词作曲,泰勒·斯威夫特录唱的一首歌曲,收录在2020年7月24日发行的专辑《folklore》中。
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回顾2015年,布莱克·莱弗利于Instagram分享一张和泰勒·斯威夫特的自拍照,透露私底下两人之间的好交情,随即在网络上掀起热议。如今,过了五年,她们鲜少在社交网站上分享彼此的情谊,两个人也不常碰面,不过,这份 情感 仍延续着,而且关系越发稳定深厚。近日,泰勒·斯威夫特无预警释出第八张全新的音乐专辑《Folklore》,其中有一首歌曲名为《Betty》,正是以布莱克·莱弗利和瑞安·雷诺兹小女儿的名字命名。不同于过去夫妻俩绝口不透露小女儿的名字,却以歌名的形式曝光,可见她们在彼此的心中,意义非凡。 然而,这已经不是第一次布莱克·莱弗利的孩子参与好友泰勒·斯威夫特的音乐创作。就在前年,布莱克·莱弗利和瑞安·雷诺兹悄悄地现身泰勒·斯威夫特的演唱会,在台下的他们一听到大女儿James说这一首歌名《Gorgeous》时,两人不顾歌迷的眼光,开心地大声尖叫。 今年初,布莱克·莱弗利在接受《BuzzFeed》时,被主持人问到,要在众多朋友当中,包括:泰勒·斯威夫特 、Leighton Meester、Gigi Hadid以及Anna Kendrick作出选择,最后,布莱克·莱弗利选择了泰勒·斯威夫特,表示:“这个世界需要多点泰勒,我也想要多点泰勒。” 多年来,两人用自己的方式,维持这一段关系。虽然彼此分隔两地生活着,却依旧把对方放在很重要的位置,除了在特殊节日送上祝福,更重要的是,学会感受那一份“寂静”。来到一个阶段,你也能读懂布莱克·莱弗利和泰勒·斯威夫特之间的友情,她们度过了许多美好的时光,也紧密地陪伴彼此某个人生阶段。虽然,不再像过去频繁的见面与聊天,甚至,无法参与对方重要的时刻,却不曾影响两人之间的情谊。看似越来越远,其实从未离开。 长大后的友情,不再像求学阶段的 情感 ,必须整天黏在对方身旁,我们开始背负起生活压力、迎来工作挑战,慢慢地意识到,朋友不是一辈子的,但有一个人值得你放在心里很久很久。在忙碌与独处之间,依然感受得到对方的存在,理解彼此都需要一点自己的空间。 成熟的友情,是哪怕彼此不常见面,关系依旧延续着。不是你不再需要他的陪伴,而是两个人的回忆已经足以支撑彼此的后来。你坚信,不管发生什么事,那一个人会一直在,你深知,一通电话,对方一定会即时出现,这才发现,真正的友情藏在不打扰彼此的日常。
2023-06-18 20:27:341


第1名-Rihanna蕾哈娜,非常惊人地,蕾哈娜在Apple Music上的播放次数高达20亿次。除了音乐外,她最近也在时装与美妆领域有许多新表现,她对世界的影响力,不容小觑。
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春分如何用英语表达?    Vernal Equinox 春分   “春分”这个词是vernal equinox,vernal意为春天的,而equinox意为“一年中白昼和黑夜长度相同的日子”。 春分发生在什么时间?   "Vernal Equinox” arrives around March 21 every year and on this day, the sun is vertically above a point on the equator(n.赤道) .   春分发生在每年3月21日前后,在这天太阳正好直射于赤道。 春分节气代表了什么呢?   “Vernal Equinox” indicates(v.代表) two meanings. Firstly, on this day, the night and day are approximately equally (adv.相等地) long with 12 hours each. Secondly, it"s the mid-point for the spring season.“   春分”代表了2层意思。第一,这一天白天和夜晚时间等长,都只有12个小时。第二,它是春季的中间点。    tips:   equator n.赤道   indicate v.表示   equally adv.相等地 Causes of Equinox 形成原因    春分时,太阳直射赤道   Vernal Equinox is the middle of spring and usually on the 20 or 21 of March every year. On this day, the sun directly blazes down(v.直射) the equator, so that day and night is equal in length.   春分是在春天中期,通常在每年的三月20或者21号。这一天,太阳直射赤道,所以白天、黑夜是一样长的。    春分后,日均气温0°以上   After this day, the sun continues to move to the north hemisphere(n.北半球) and the temperature (n.气温) continues to rise. Daily average temperature in most areas in China reaches 0 degree Celsius above.   从春分以后,太阳继续向北半球移动,气温持续上升。在中国大部分区域,日均气温为0°以上。    tips:   north hemisphere n.北半球   temperature n.气温 Meaning 春分的寓意    一年之际在于春   Humans living thousands of years may not have known the details of this astronomy(n.天文学) , but over generations ( 世世代代) they certainly learnt that the Earth gets warmer and colder in pretty regular cycles(定期循环,周期性地) , with the spring equinox marking one point when the Northern Hemisphere begins to shrug off (v.摆脱) winter"s cold.   活了几千年的人类可能并不是很清楚这个天文学上的详细原因,但是世世代代的人们都知道地球会周期性地降温和回暖,春分是其中的一个时间划分点,意味着北半球开始摆脱冬天的寒冷。   Warmer temperatures thaw frozen(adj.冰冻的,冰封的) ground to make it easier for planting crops (种植庄稼) , increased rainfall waters these and animals that hibernated over winter(越冬) emerge from their dens (n.兽穴) .   气温回暖,土地解冻,适合种植农作物,同时降雨增加,灌溉庄稼,冬眠越冬的动物也从各自的小窝里出来了。    tips:   astronomy n.天文学   over generations 世世代代   in regular cycles 定期循环,周期性地   shrug off v.摆脱   thaw v.解冻   frozen adj.冰冻的,冰封的   plant crops 种植庄稼   hibernat over winter 越冬   den n.兽穴 春分各地都有什么习俗?   According to folklore(n.民俗) , you can stand a raw egg on its end(把生鸡蛋立起来) on the equinox. Now Folklore or not, this egg trick sounded like a bit of fun to us.   跟据民间传说,你可以在春分的时候把生鸡蛋竖起来。现在,不管是不是民俗,这对我们来说都是一个很好玩的游戏。    tips:   folklore n.民俗   stand a raw egg on its end 把鸡蛋竖起来   A has nothing to do with B A和B没有什么关系 Dietary advice 春分饮食小贴士   Since “Vernal Equinox” equally divides day and night, people should pay more attention on the balance of(更加关注...的平衡) Yin Qi and Yang Qi in human"s body.   由于“春分”昼夜平分,人们就更应该关注体内“阴气”与“阳气”的平衡。   Traditional Chinese medical practice shows that to balance Yin and Yang, the human body requires both“supplying” and “releasing”.   传统中国医疗实践表明,为了平衡阴气和阳气,人体需要同时“补给”和“释放”。   For example, when eating food with cold nature such as crab(n.螃蟹) , fish and prawn(n.对虾) , it"s better to cook them with food with warm nature such as ginger (n.姜) ,spring onion, wines and vinegar(n.醋) .   比如,想吃生冷寒性食物,诸如螃蟹、鱼、虾,把它们和温性食物,如姜、洋葱、葡萄酒和醋一起烹饪。    tips:   pay more attention on 更加关注   the balance of ... …的平衡   crab n.螃蟹   prawn n.对虾   ginger n.姜   vinegar n.醋 关于春分的谚语英语   1、春分节到不能让,地瓜母子快上炕。   When the Spring Equinox comes, the mother and the son of the sweet potato will go up to the kang.   2、填平坑湾,先种黍穇。   Fill up the pit Bay and plant millet first.   3、追肥浇水跟松耪,三举配套麦苗壮。   Top-dressing, watering and Songlai, three matching wheat seedlings strong.   4、好种出好苗,好苗多结桃。   Good seeds produce good seedlings, good seedlings produce more peaches.   5、春季雨丰不歉,冬有大雪多面。   There is plenty of rain in spring and snow in winter.   6、春分有雨家家忙。   The rainy family is busy at the spring equinox.   7、春分到清明,棉花干播种。   From the spring equinox to the Qingming Dynasty, cotton is sown dry.   8、春分,日螟封分。   In the spring equinox, the Japanese borer is sealed off.   9、春分至,把树接;园树佬,没空歇。   Spring Equinox arrives, connect trees; Garden Tree Man, no rest.   10、好种出好苗,早发早结桃。   Good seeds, good seedlings, early peaches.   11、春分西风多阴雨。   The westerly wind is cloudy and rainy in the spring equinox.   12、麦过春分昼夜忙。   The wheat is busy day and night after the spring equinox.   13、春分时节,果树嫁接。   In the spring equinox, fruit trees are grafted.   14、惊蛰蛾子春分蚕。   The moth frightens the worm at the vernal equinox.   15、若要庄稼壮,一年一换炕。   If you want the crops to grow, change the Kang every year.   16、春分大风夏至雨。   The spring equinox is windy and the summer solstice rains.   17、春分分芍药,到老不开花。   Spring equinox peony does not blossom until old.   18、春分降雪春播寒。   It snows at the spring equinox and sows cold in spring.   19、春分前后,大麦豌豆。   Around the spring equinox, barley and peas.   20、春分刮大风,刮到四月中。   The spring equinox is windy until mid-April. 关于春分的相关拓展   最后,给大家整理了在英语写作的时候易得高分的句子!考到春分的时候肯定能用到!   1、 In china , we say " tree peonies(n.玫瑰) planted in spring will never bloom "   在中国,我们有“春分栽牡丹,到老不开花"的说法。   2、Because it"s the middle of spring, the weather is so comfortable(adj.舒适的) and the scenery(n.风景) is beautiful that people are likely to go out for a hiking(登高) . It" s also a good time for crop growing(适合庄稼生长的好时机) , so the farmers(农民) are often busy in this period(时期) .   因为那是在春天的中间,所以气候是很舒服的、风景也是很美丽的,以至于人们都喜欢出去登高。那也是一个庄稼生长的时候,所以农民们在那段时期都是很忙的。    tips:   celebration n.庆祝   peony n.牡丹   comfortable adj.舒适的   scenery n.风景   go out for a hiking 登高   a good time for crop growing 庄稼生长的好时机   farmer n.农民   period n.阶段,时期   送给大家一句正能量的句子:    Make your whole year"s plan in the spring and the whole day"s plan in the morning.   一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。
2023-06-18 20:30:281


第63届格莱美获奖名单公布,最好流行歌手候选人:Justin Bieber - YummyDoja Cat - Say SoBillie Eilish - Everything I WantedDua lipa - Don"t Start NowHarry Styles - Watermelon SugarTaylor Swift - Cardigan
2023-06-18 20:30:383


to be told anew in one form or another 这部分内容作 story 的后置定语,因为前面部分句子已经够长,为不免头重脚轻,所以放后面。
2023-06-18 20:31:403


folklore 民俗学民俗学 [ mín sú xué ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ mín sú xué ]以民间风俗、传说、口头文学等为研究对象的学科。
2023-06-18 20:31:591


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跪求Taylor swift的新专辑《Folklore》

#Taylor Swift##Folklore#
2023-06-18 20:32:411


霉霉的英文名是Taylor Alison Swift,别名T-Swizzle、Tay、霉霉。泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员。2008年,发行音乐专辑《Fearless》,该专辑在美国公告牌专辑榜上获11周冠军,认证7倍白金唱片销量,并获得第52届格莱美奖年度专辑奖。2014年,发行音乐专辑《1989》,该专辑获得第58届格莱美奖年度专辑奖,国际唱片业协会(IFPI)宣布该专辑为“年度全球唱片销量冠军”。2020年,发行音乐专辑《folklore》《evermore》,前者获第63届格莱美奖年度专辑奖。霉霉早年经历泰勒·斯威夫特父母为了帮助女儿追逐音乐梦想,搬家到了纳什维尔。2003年,在向美国RCA唱片公司展示原创歌曲后,泰勒·斯威夫特得到了一份合约,开始了音乐创作生涯。但是,15岁的泰勒·斯威夫特无法接受等待三年再发行唱片的规划,于是离开了该公司。随后,泰勒·斯威夫特在纳什维尔作曲家集合地蓝鸟咖啡馆演出时,吸引了斯科特·波切塔的注意,并成为他旗下大机器唱片公司的第一位签约歌手。
2023-06-18 20:33:481


霉霉即泰勒·斯威夫特,英文名是Taylor Swift,1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员。2006年,发行个人首张音乐专辑《Taylor Swift》,该专辑获得美国唱片业协会认证5倍白金唱片销量。2008年,发行音乐专辑《Fearless》,该专辑在美国公告牌专辑榜上获11周冠军,认证7倍白金唱片销量,并获得第52届格莱美奖年度专辑奖。2020年,发行音乐专辑《folklore》《evermore》。扩展资料:早年经历2003年,在向美国RCA唱片公司展示原创歌曲后,泰勒·斯威夫特得到了一份合约,开始了音乐创作生涯。但是,15岁的泰勒·斯威夫特无法接受等待三年再发行唱片的规划,于是离开了该公司。随后,泰勒·斯威夫特在纳什维尔作曲家集合地蓝鸟咖啡馆演出时,吸引了斯科特·波切塔的注意,并成为他旗下大机器唱片公司的第一位签约歌手。
2023-06-18 20:34:101


It is believed by some people in modern era that Chen Shimei in traditional operas comes from Hubei or Hunan province. According to the Junzhou Record – Chapter of Winners of the Imperial Examination, in 1655, the List of Dacheng Shi of 1655 Division, Chen Niangu served as Intendant of Sishi Circuit of Guizhou, official of Surveillance Commission, and Associate Minister of Ministry of Revenue. Moreover, according to Dictionary of Historical Features in Hubei Province (published by Hubei People"s Publishing in 1984), Chen Shimei was an official of Qing Dynasty. His old name was Niangu, and alternative name was Shumei. He was born in a family with officials in Junzhou (Jun county in Hubei province, now named Danjiangkou city). In the early Qing Dynasty, he studied in Beijing and won the Imperial Examination in 1651. In the beginning he became a county magistrate of a place in Hebei province. Later due to the recognition of the Emperor Kangxi, he was promoted to Intendant of Sishi Circuit of Guizhou, official of Surveillance Commission, and Associate Minister of Ministry of Revenue. When he was in office in Guizhou, his fellow villagers and classmates turned to him to seek for official vacancies. He received several times and persuaded them to study hard to win the Imperial Examination. Later because so many fellows turning to him made it difficult for him to receive, he asked his general housekeeper to refuse all of them. His classmate Hu Mengdie who lived at Qinjia Hillside at the countryside of Junzhou used to financially support Chen before they took the Imperial Examination. He decided to get back on Chen when he was refused several times by Chen"s general housekeeper. He slandered Chen and made up a story that Chen was ungrateful to leave his wife and kill his children for promotion and money. He then wrote the story into an opera and named it “Qin Xianglian”. The opera was performed in Shanxi, Henan, etc. It was said that at the end of Qing Dynasty, when an opera troupe from Henan came to Junzhou to perform this show, one of the posterity of Chen watched it and got so angry that he spitted blood on the spot. Chen Shimei"s grandson of the eighth generation organized the whole family to smash the suitcases of the troupe on the spot and beat several actors to death and injury, forcing the performance to stop. Most people do not believe this story is true, but in Danjiangkou city (former name was Junzhou), residents with the surname of Chen always take this story seriously. They believe the opera is wrong about the good man and therefore, are indignant, not allowing the opera of Chen Shimei to be performed in Jun county. Since 1980, the Folklore Workshop of Hubei Province has been conducting widely the work of collecting and organizing folk literatures. Local people cried for the redress of wrong for Chen Shimei and gradually published their thoughts by articles. Hence, Chen Shimei"s grievance has been widely spread in the country and overseas and drawn more and more studies and attentions of folklore scholars and relevant departments. The old man Delun Tong from Danjiangkou city spent decades to solve the myth of Chen Shimei. He believes that Chen Shimei actually existed in the history. According to the local folk legend and the epigraph about Chen Shimei that was found in Danjiangkou city in 1992, Chen Shimei was an honest and upright official, who was uncorrupted and always aware of the public condition. The personality of despising the poor and curry favouring with the rich and the behavior of killing wife and children were intruded on him by those who were jealous of hime. Thenfore, in Jun county, there is a common saying, “Chen Shimei won"t be performed at Beimen street, and Qin Xianglian won"t be performed at Qinjia Mansion”. However, “Illustrated Edition of Bao Zheng"s Trials of A Hundred Legal Cases” (“Bao Zheng"s Cases” in short) published in 1595 had already had the story of Chen Shimei whose children"s names were as the same as they are in the traditional opera.
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folk custom民俗参考例句:1、Life"s Companion: Folk Dance人生之侣:民俗舞蹈。2、He is enthusiastic about folk music.他热衷于民俗音乐。3、We must respect their national customs.我们必须考虑他们的民俗。4、He did his best to supply America with its own folklore.他尽其所能给美国提供本国的民俗。5、Nothing has begun to interest her so much as folk music.还没有什么东西能像民俗音乐一样吸引她。民俗
2023-06-18 20:34:421

谁能给我点和DOOR, FLOOR押韵的单词

2023-06-18 20:35:103


2023-06-18 20:35:183

民族风情 等 的翻译

我是学旅游的,我们学到的石林就石stone forest
2023-06-18 20:35:513

关于taylor swift 和harry

1、泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员、慈善家。2020年4月,泰勒·斯威夫特在社交平台宣布,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,决定取消2020年全球范围内的所有演唱会和演出;同年4月24日,她的前唱片公司大机器唱片公司在未经过她本人及其环球唱片公司团队的同意下,上架现场专辑《Live From Clear Channel Stripped 2008》。7月23日,泰勒·斯威夫特发行第八张专辑《folklore》。2、哈里·斯泰尔斯,1994年2月1日出生于英国伍斯特郡雷迪奇,英国男歌手、演员,演唱团体单向组合成员。2019年5月6日,与Lady Gaga、Alessandro Michele、塞雷娜·威廉姆斯一同担任纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会的联合主持。10月11日,发行个人第二张专辑的首支宣传单曲《Lights Up》;11月16日,发行第二支宣传单曲《Watermelon Sugar》,该曲于2020年8月15日获得美国公告牌单曲榜冠军;12月6日,发行首支正式单曲《Adore You》;12月13日,发行第二张个人录音室专辑《Fine Line》。专辑发行首周以4.9万的销量位列英国专辑榜第三,以47.8万的销量位列美国公告牌专辑榜第一,取得自1991年尼尔森数据统计以来英国男歌手在美国最高的单周专辑销量,也令哈里成为第一位头两张专辑在发行首周均登顶美国公告牌专辑榜的英国男歌手。扩展资料:Taylor Swift早年经历:泰勒·斯威夫特于1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州雷丁,童年时期在宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县一个11英亩的圣诞树农场度过,在艾尔弗尼亚蒙特梭利教育学校上幼儿园。9岁时,泰勒随家人搬到宾夕法尼亚州的怀奥米辛;10岁时,泰勒开始写歌,并在卡拉OK大赛、节日以及家乡周围一带演唱,她撰写了一篇350页的小说,但未出版;受《周六夜现场》的启发,泰勒加入了儿童短喜剧团队TheatreKids Live,成为其中的一员,在团队中,她显示了与生俱来的喜剧天赋;在观看了她的卡拉OK表演后,柯克·克里默的母亲建议泰勒致力于乡村音乐而不是戏剧表演,泰勒还以一篇3页长的诗歌《我壁橱里的怪物》赢得了全国诗歌大赛,但她更专注于歌曲的创作。2001年,在看了乡村歌手菲丝·希尔的视频后,泰勒央求母亲要去田纳西州乡村民谣之乡纳什维尔追寻自己的音乐梦想;从一位电脑维修员中,她开始学习吉他,受启发地写了第一首歌《Lucky You》。2003年,泰勒与她的父母开始与纽约音乐经纪人、总监丹·戴姆卓一起工作。在向美国广播唱片公司展示了自己的原创歌曲后,泰勒得到了一份合约,并开始频繁前往纳什维尔,更跟随家人搬往田纳西州的亨德森维尔。在亨德森维尔高中就读,为了适应日程安排,被转移到亚伦学院。2008年,泰勒在该学院获得高中文凭,在十二个月内完成了两年的课程学习。参考资料来源:百度百科-Taylor Swift参考资料来源:百度百科-哈里·斯泰尔斯
2023-06-18 20:36:131


提起阿朵格莱美入围格莱美,大家都知道,有人问2021年格莱美主要奖项名单有哪些?另外,还有人想问格莱美大奖得的最多的前十位的歌手是那几个?你知道这是怎么回事?其实入围历届美国格莱美音乐奖的华人华裔都有谁?下面就一起来看看年格莱美主要奖项名单有哪些?希望能够帮助到大家! 阿朵格莱美入围格莱美 1、阿朵格莱美入围格莱美:年格莱美主要奖项名单有哪些? 时间3月15日,美国格莱美颁奖礼,现场只接待人和表演者,主要奖项名单如下: 1、年度制作: BillieEilish《EverythingIWanted》 2、年度专辑: TaylorSwift《Folklore》 3、年度歌曲: 《ICanu2019tBreathe》 4、新人: MeganTheeStallion 5、流行表演: HarryStyles《WatermelonSugar》 6、流行对唱/组合: LadyGagawithArianaGrande《RainOnMe》 7、摇滚表演: FionaApple《Shameika》 8、歌曲: BillieEilish&Finneas《NoTimeToDie》 9、说唱歌曲: MeganTheeStallionFeaturingBeyoncé《Savage》 10、流行专辑: DuaLipa《FutureNostalgia》 11、乡村歌曲: TheHighwomen《CrowdedTable》 年格莱美之最 入围历届美国格莱美音乐奖的华人华裔都有谁? 在本届颁奖礼上创造了诸多纪录,“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)凭借《Folklore》拿下年度专辑奖,成为位三度拿下年度专辑奖的女艺人。 碧昂斯本届拿下音乐录影带、说唱歌曲、说唱表演、R&B表演后,她的格莱美奖杯已有28座,创下纪录,成为格莱美最多女歌手。 LadyGaga与“A妹”爱莉安娜·格兰德(ArianaGrande)合作的《RainOnMe》拿行对唱/组合奖,这是格莱美历史上女子合作该奖。 2、阿朵格莱美入围格莱美:格莱美大奖得的最多的前十位的歌手是那几个? 今年的格莱美产生了两个新纪录,连拿6座奖杯的Beyonce成为格莱美有史以来一次最多的女艺人,而拿下年度专辑的TaylorSwift则成为该项奖的最年轻者。以下是第52届Grammy格莱美榜单综合类年度制作——KingsOfLeon《UseSomebody》 年度专辑——TaylorSwift《Fearless》 年度歌曲——Beyonce《SingleLadies(PutARingOnIt)》 新人——ZacBrownBand流行类Pop女歌手——Beyonce《Halo》 Pop男歌手——JasonMraz《MakeItMine》 Pop乐队/组合——BlackEyedPeas《IGottaFeeling》 Pop合唱——JasonMraz&ColbieCaillat《Lucky》 Pop器乐演奏——BelaFleck《ThrowDownYourHeart》 Pop乐器演奏专辑——BookerT.Jones《PotatoHole》 Pop演唱专辑——Blackeyedpeas《》舞曲类 Dance唱片——LadyGaga-PokerFace Electronic/Dance专辑——LadyGaga《TheFame》传统流行类 传统Pop演唱专辑——MichaelBublé《MichaelBubléMeetsMadisonSquareGarden》摇滚类Rock歌手——BruceSpringsteen Rock乐队/组合——KingsOfLeon HardRock演奏——AC/DC Metal演奏——JudasPriest Rock乐器演奏——JeffBeck《ADayInTheLife》 Rock歌曲——UseSomebody《KingsOfLeon》 Rock专辑——GreenDay《CenturyBreakdown》另类音乐类 Alternative专辑——Phoenix《WolfgangAmadeusPhoenix》节奏蓝调类 R&B女歌手——Beyonce R&B男歌手——Maxwell R&B乐队/组合——JamieFoxx、T-Pain《BlameIt》 传统R&B歌手——Beyonce Urban/Alternative歌手——India.Arie&DobetGnahore《Pearls》 R&B歌曲——Beyonce《SingleLadies(PutARingOnIt)》 R&B专辑——Maxwell《PrettyWings》 当代R&B专辑——Beyonce《IAmu2026SashaFierce》说唱类 Rap歌手——JAY-Z Rap乐队/组合——Eminem、Dr.Dre、 Rap歌曲合作——Jay-Z、Rihanna、KanyeWest《RunThisTown》 Rap歌曲——Jay-Z、Rihanna、KanyeWest《RunThisTown》 Rap专辑——Eminem《Relapse》乡村类 Country女歌手——TaylorSwift Country男歌手——KeithUrban Country乐队/组合——LadyAntebellum Country合唱——CarrieUnderwood&RandyTrs《IToldYouSo》 Country乐器演奏——SteveWariner《Proceru2019sMedley》 Country歌曲——TaylorSwift《WhiteHorse》 以上就是与年格莱美主要奖项名单有哪些?相关内容,是关于2021年格莱美主要奖项名单有哪些?的分享。看完阿朵格莱美入围格莱美后,希望这对大家有所帮助!
2023-06-18 20:36:311


求几首管乐曲子的MP3...帮帮我吧...有点多... 悬赏分:190 - 离问题结束还有 1 天 12 小时RT...我就直接列了... 1.second suite in f for military band MARCH 注意我要的是MARCH... 2.wind river overture 其实就是风河序曲... 3.folklore for band 为吹奏乐的民话 4.renegade dances MS是叫什么“另类”= =不清楚。。。 5.yankee doodle 很出名的歌啦。。。 6.chesford portrait 不知道中文。。。 7.highlights from pocahontas 是迪士尼动画那个。。。风中奇缘的主题曲。。。MS。。。
2023-06-18 20:36:391


【 #英语资源# 导语】端午节食粽是我国的传统习俗,粽的形状很多,品种各异,一般还有正三角形、正四角形、尖三角形、方形、长形等各种形状。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.端午节英语作文范文   First day cake, second day brown, third day snail, fourth day peach, fifth day wormwood Whenever I read these childhood songs, I will think of the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.   When the Dragon Boat Festival comes every year, my sister and I will go to the mountains with a basket to pick wormwood, together with pomegranate leaves, gardenia and other herbs. On the fifth day of the ninth day, wormwood will be inserted in front of the house. It is said that it can suppress evil spirits and avoid demons. Of course, in our view, picking wormwood is also a very happy thing, because while picking wormwood, we also picked a lot of happiness. Mom will cook eggs for us with wuweicao. I heard that the child can"t cough after eating it! So we all scrambled to eat.   In my memory, in addition to duck eggs, there are memorable Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.   Every Dragon Boat Festival, my mother will always buy a lot of Zongye and soak it in water. The filling of zongzi is usually made of glutinous rice, mung beans and red beans. Then our children turn around the steamer like greedy cats and wait for the time when zongzi come out.   In my hometown, during the Dragon Boat Festival, people gathered around the shore early. The Dragon Boat Team on the water had bright clothes flying in the wind, and the boys were eager to try. Each detachment competed with each other, and everyone worked together to be the first. At this moment, people"s shouts, drums and firecrackers deafen the ear with its roar.   The Dragon Boat Festival is really a rich festival! 2.端午节英语作文范文   More than 2000 years ago, Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet, sighed and threw himself into the rolling torrent by the Miluo River. More than 2000 years later, the fifth day of may became a traditional festival - the Dragon Boat Festival. Every family made zongzi and boiled eggs in this way to commemorate the patriotic poet.   In the morning, my mother bought zongzi with jujube stuffing and fruit stuffing... And cooked a lot of eggs. After dinner, my mother took me to Jingfang supermarket. Look, there are many colorful thread styles next to each other! I was dazzled. There were sachets, small brooms, gourds, and bracelets with small beads... I carefully selected a small bracelet with small crystals. Mother tied it to my wrist. The old man said that when it rains, throw the colorful thread into the ditch, and disasters and diseases will slip away with the rain.   Gourds are hung on the door of every house, saying they can drive away ghosts and gods and bless peace.   The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is so interesting! 3.端午节英语作文范文   Dragon Boat Festival is a festival that everyone likes. People like it for three reasons: they can have a holiday, eat delicious zongzi and watch dragon boats.   Generally, every family starts to make zongzi a few days before the Dragon Boat Festival. Today, I take the holidays to learn from my mother to make zongzi. First, I watched my mother make a zongzi. I saw her pick up two Ruo leaves, put them together and roll them into the shape of a funnel. Then I put the glutinous rice and stuffing into the Ruo leaf in turn. I covered the extra Ruo leaves next to the "funnel" and tied the rope, A delicious zongzi is finished. After reading it, I was also eager to try. I also picked up two Ruo leaves and wrapped zongzi like my mother. First steps   I learned OK, but I couldn"t do well in the last two steps. In this way, most of my original strength has been drained. At this time, I thought: forget it, I"d better not learn. Anyway, there will be zongzi tomorrow, but it will be more meaningful for me to wrap it myself. So I looked at my mother carefully and wrapped zongzi until the last two steps. After a while, I thought I could, so I wrapped it up again. As a result, I succeeded.   I think this year"s Dragon Boat Festival is unique, and this year"s zongzi is also different, because I learned to make zongzi, and I ate my own zongzi, so I like this year"s Dragon Boat Festival. 4.端午节英语作文范文   June 16 is a traditional festival in China - the Dragon Boat Festival. I went hiking with my mother.   As soon as I got up the mountain, I was attracted by the scenery in front of me: the pines and cypresses on the mountain were dripping green and green The mountains, one on top of another, are like the waves of the sea, stretching to the distant horizon. There are yellow and red flowers emerging from the grass and spraying in clusters on the hillside.   At this time, the sun rose, and the red sun shone on the top of the mountain, which opened the fog on the top of the mountain like a curtain. People took out their prepared towels and began to wash their hands and faces with stream water. It is said that on the day of Dragon Boat Festival, when the sun rises, washing hands and faces with stream water can eliminate disasters and diseases.   When the outing is over, people hold fresh wormwood in their hands. According to legend, hanging wormwood on the door can ward off evil spirits and prevent ghosts from entering the house.   Walking on the way home, I am naturally very happy to think that I can eat hot zongzi at home, but I also think of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet in China. People invented zongzi in memory of him. 5.端午节英语作文范文   In the process of growing up, my kind grandmother, dear mother and amiable kindergarten aunt told us one interesting folklore after another. These folklores, like cups of fragrant tea, give us endless aftertaste. Now let me tell you a folklore I know—— The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.   There is a legend on the Dragon Boat Festival, which is widely spread throughout the country to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Because the state of Qin broke through the Kyoto of the state of Chu, Qu Yuan saw his country invaded and cut his heart like a knife, but he never had the heart to give up his motherland. However, he was powerless. In a rage, he threw a stone into the Miluo River on the fifth day of may that year.   After Qu Yuan"s death, the people of Chu were very sad and rushed to the Miluo River to pay tribute to Qu Yuan. The fishermen rowed the boat, lifted his body and slid around. In order to commemorate Qu Yuan, the people pinched the rice into a ball, steamed and thrown it into the river. Over time, May 5 has become our festival every year. 6.端午节英语作文范文   On the fifth day of May, there are so many customs in my hometown!   Eating zongzi is an indispensable part of hometown customs. Soak the glutinous rice for two or three hours, and soak the Zongye as well. After soaking, fold the zongzi leaves into a barrel shape, put jiangmi, and then put some dates and peanuts. Finally, block it with jiangmi, wrap it into a quadrangle shape, and tie it with thread. In this way, a zongzi will be wrapped! Just cook the zongzi for four or five hours. The newly cooked zongzi has the sweet smell of jujube and peanut. It is soft and sticky.   Wearing grain thread is also essential. It has five colors, commonly known as "five elements", which can avoid snakes. It is generally worn until the sixth day of June that year. On that day, people throw their grain thread into the grass to pray for peace, happiness and auspiciousness.   Dragon boat racing is the highlight of the Dragon Boat Festival. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people gathered by the Longquan Lake. The mountains and the sea were moving like a crowd. With the sound of drums, watching the sword flying strings of the dragon boat, the wonderful and interesting dragon boat racing expressed the joy and celebration of the people in their hometown.   The customs of our hometown are rich and colorful. The sweet dumplings, the fragrance of wormwood and the medicinal fragrance of sachets will be unforgettable for us all our lives 7.端午节英语作文范文   The anticipated Dragon Boat Festival has finally arrived, and the family is really hot: some go to buy Zongye; Some are mixing meat; Others are mixing glutinous rice. They are so busy. Who makes them so meticulous? Of course, it"s delicious and delicious zongzi!   Every step has been in place. We began to carefully wrap zongzi, and I began to wrap it with confidence. "Ouch", I suddenly shouted. It turned out that my zongzi leaves leaked and dropped the glutinous rice on the floor. Then I had to humbly follow my mother and learn to make zongzi step by step. First take a piece of zongzi leaf, then fold it in half, then spread a layer of glutinous rice on the bottom of the leaf, put two pieces of meat on it, one fine and one fat, then spread a layer of glutinous rice on it again, wrap it up and tie a knot with thread, and it"s finished. "It"s tiring to complete so many steps step by step!" A few times ago, I either forgot to put the meat or leaked the glutinous rice. But in the end, I finally finished making zongzi step by step. At this time, I smiled: "originally, the zongzi I made can also be so modular." I also struck while the iron was hot. Sure enough, the zongzi I made became better and better. They were the same as those made by my parents. I couldn"t tell who was who!   Through this zongzi, I understand that as long as I do what I want to do with my heart, even if it is difficult, I will succeed! 8.端午节英语作文范文   The fifth day of the fifth lunar month - the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a day to commemorate Qu Yuan"s sacrifice for his country and fill the Guluo river. In order not to let the fish and shrimp eat the meat on Qu Yuan"s body. People put glutinous rice wrapped in Zongye into the river, and people also eat zongzi and salted duck eggs, hang Acorus calamus and wormwood in front of their homes, and hold dragon boat races.   The first is to pack zongzi. Wash the bamboo leaves, soak them in hot water, and make stuffing with mung beans, egg yolk, meat and other materials. Then fold the long bamboo leaves into a nest, put the matched glutinous rice and Japonica Rice in the middle, and wrap the edges and corners. Then put the stuffing in the rice and knead it together. Finally, make the zongzi wrapped in bamboo leaves into the shape of four corners. The last process of making zongzi is: wrap zongzi with cotton rope, otherwise the zongzi will loosen during cooking. Put the wrapped zongzi into the pot. The water should overflow the zongzi and cook over high heat. After about an hour, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. When zongzi is cooked, you will smell the faint fragrance of bamboo leaves.   Then there is dragon boat rowing. Various colored dragons in various forms swim on the river. Some stretch their beautiful posture, some wag their heads and tails, and some are in high spirits. When the dragon boat race began, the "Jiaolong" of various shapes were like arrows and strings, trying to be the first of the dragons. At this time, the athletes rowed hard and sprint hard, and waves of "refueling" rolled up on both sides of the Strait. 9.端午节英语作文范文   The fragrant zongzi is ripe and the Yellow realgar wine is brewed. At this time, the boat for dragon boat racing is ready, and the Dragon Boat Festival comes with the wind.   The Dragon Boat Festival has a history of more than 1000 years. It is said to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, there was a minister of the state of Chu named Qu Yuan. He not only wrote poetry well, but also had considerable strategy; He was both a poet and a politician at this time. At first, Qu Huai, a nobleman of the state of Chu, believed in the reform of the internal affairs of the state of Chu. At first, he was born in the left wing of the state of Chu, and he was quite trusted by the left wing of the state of Chu. However, Yin Zijiao, the order of King Huai of Chu, Jin Shang, a senior official, and Zheng Xiu, his favorite imperial concubine, were bribed by Zhang Yi, an envoy of the state of Qin, which not only prevented King Huai from understanding Qu Yuan"s opinions, but also slandered him at this time. As a result, King Huai of Chu was lured away by the state of Qin and imprisoned to death in the state of Qin. After King Qingxiang ascended the throne, Qu Yuan continued to be po harmed and exiled again and again. In 278 BC, general Bai Qi of the state of Qin led his troops South and conquered the capital of the state of Chu. Qu Yuan was desperate for his future and committed suicide in the Miluo River in May of the lunar calendar. Qu Yuan wrote many immortal poems, such as "Li Sao", "Tian Wen" and so on   There are also many nicknames for the Dragon Boat Festival, including Yulan Festival, daughter"s day, May Fifth Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and so on   I like the Dragon Boat Festival very much because it contains rich benefits. 10.端午节英语作文范文   Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. The fifth day of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a traditional Chinese Folk Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, wit
2023-06-18 20:36:581


霉霉即泰勒·斯威夫特,英文名是Taylor Swift,1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员。2006年,发行个人首张音乐专辑《Taylor Swift》,该专辑获得美国唱片业协会认证5倍白金唱片销量。2008年,发行音乐专辑《Fearless》,该专辑在美国公告牌专辑榜上获11周冠军,认证7倍白金唱片销量,并获得第52届格莱美奖年度专辑奖。2020年,发行音乐专辑《folklore》《evermore》。扩展资料:早年经历2003年,在向美国RCA唱片公司展示原创歌曲后,泰勒·斯威夫特得到了一份合约,开始了音乐创作生涯。但是,15岁的泰勒·斯威夫特无法接受等待三年再发行唱片的规划,于是离开了该公司。随后,泰勒·斯威夫特在纳什维尔作曲家集合地蓝鸟咖啡馆演出时,吸引了斯科特·波切塔的注意,并成为他旗下大机器唱片公司的第一位签约歌手。
2023-06-18 20:37:051


贾斯丁比伯 nickelback snowpatrol
2023-06-18 20:37:202


她的音乐作品有《 Change》,《Crazier》,《Today Wa A Fairytale》,《 Me!》,《Safe and Sound》等等。
2023-06-18 20:37:413