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2023-06-18 20:46:27
TAG: haste
























































快捷系统公司英语缩略词“CLRT”经常作为“Celerity Systems, Inc.”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“快捷系统公司”。
2023-06-18 20:07:121


中文名称:波速英文名称:wavecelerity定义1:单位时间内波形传播的距离。 定义2:单位时间内波形传播的距离,以波长与波周期之比表示。
2023-06-18 20:07:201


2023-06-18 20:07:391


这项讯息是由邮件系统自动产生(ecelerity). 送你一个信息,就是不能送一个或多个接收者. 这是一个永久的错误. 网址如下(权证)失败:
2023-06-18 20:07:474

纽约及新泽西战役打了多久 纽约及新泽西战役的结果及影响

曼哈顿岛争夺战:1776年9月至11月 长岛会战后,华盛顿的大陆军退回曼哈顿岛。由于曼哈顿岛三面环水,大陆军有被英军包围之虞。不过,华盛顿及大陆军军官都无意弃守而去,何奥将军也没有即时发动进攻。当时何奥兄弟既是军事将领,亦是英国国会任命的和平特使,可以向殖民地颁发有限的特赦令。故此,理查德·何奥在长岛会战后,决定与殖民地领袖进行谈判,双方在9月11日举行斯塔滕岛和议。由于双方分歧过大,和议没有取得任何成果。 9月15日,何奥将军开始包围曼哈顿岛的军事计划。他在当日发动基普湾登陆战,在曼哈顿岛东南侧登陆。虽然何奥于同日和平占据纽约市,但驻守纽约的大陆军兵再次避过拦截,而安全向哈林区撤退。虽然大陆军在翌日的哈林高地战役成功击退英国的一支追兵,但何奥当时已无意继续行动。他起初忙于协助效忠派居民占领纽约市的军事设施;后来纽约在9月21日发生大火,几乎烧毁整个市区,何奥又要协助居民及士兵安顿,一直无暇进攻。 要到10月初,何奥才再次行动。他一方面派军舰闯入哈德逊河,穿越大陆军的堡垒防线,并向华盛顿的曼哈顿军队施加压力;另一方面又派军队穿过东河,在长岛海湾的布朗克斯区登陆,打算从东面向西行军,将曼哈顿岛由陆路及海路四面包围。不过,何奥及华盛顿却各自犯下错误。何奥因地图失误,而要临时改变登陆地点,使到华盛顿及时率领部分军队离开,到北面的白原市高地防守;何奥也在10月18日登陆沛尔岬后被民兵狙击拖延,令到大陆军有充足时间行军。至于华盛顿则仍相信曼哈顿岛可以防守,而没有撤走所有驻军,令到该等士兵无法脱离险境。 10月28日,英军在白原战役取胜,迫使华盛顿放弃白原,退守北面的哈德逊河高地。这使到大陆军再也无法直接支援曼哈顿岛。何奥在11月5日掉头南下,终于将曼哈顿岛的3,000名大陆军兵包围,并在11月18日的华盛顿堡攻城战迫使全堡军兵投降。纽约战役就此告终。这是大陆军在纽约损伤最严重的一场战斗,而纽约市附近的地方也恢复英国殖民管治,直到独立战争结束为止。 不过,何奥切割新英格兰的计划却要暂时搁置。1776年5月,大陆军在魁北克战役落败,辗转被逐回尚普兰湖区域。10月11日,盖伊·卡尔顿爵士在瓦库尔岛战役击破大陆军舰队,一度迫近提康德罗加堡。然而卡尔顿不愿意在寒冬作战,决定撤回魁北克过冬,未有沿哈德逊河南下。  战火波及新泽西州与革命形势逆转 华盛顿堡攻城战后,华盛顿率领败兵横过新泽西州,向宾夕法尼亚州撤退,终于在12月2日至7日横渡特拉华河。当时英军将领普遍相信北美叛乱即将告终,故此何奥只派查尔斯·康沃利斯负责追击华盛顿,而亨利·克林顿则分兵占领罗得岛州的纽波特。康沃利斯的追兵未有积极追击,最终在12月8日占领特拉华河畔的特伦顿。此时新泽西大部分土地已恢复英国殖民管治。 正如英军将领所料,革命一方陷入了严重危机。纽约州的战败令到民兵士气低落,军队又欠缺衣物、鞋只及食物,却要在寒冬及恶劣天气下行军。适逢大陆军士兵在12月起陆续服役期满,大量士兵开始离去,令到华盛顿的部队不断缩减。另外,英军在新泽西州节节胜利,使革命出现信心危机。大陆军在各地的募兵活动遭到冷待、部分支援革命的家族开始转趋观望、恐慌情绪一直向各州蔓延、华盛顿的领导才能也受到质疑。华盛顿私下也透露出一丝悲观。他在12月17日一封家书写道: " 现今我们的生死存亡,完全仰赖军队能否迅速招募新血。如果然不可以,我想我们快要输掉这场战争了。我们期望不满英国的新泽西居民会抱持信心及坚毅不屈,但他们非但没有反抗,还投靠到何奥将军手下接受保护。 Ouronlydependencenowisuponthespeedyenlistmentofanewarmy.Ifthisfails,Ithinkthegamewillbeprettywellup,as,fromdisaffectionandwantofspiritandfortitude,theinhabitants,insteadofresistance,areofferingsub-missionandtakingprotectionfromGen.HoweinJersey. " --华盛顿 不过,英军非常快在新泽西州遇上障碍。何奥相信叛乱即将告终,在12月13日下令士兵过冬,停止向大陆军攻击。这些士兵分散到新泽西州各个哨站,协助效忠派居民恢复英国管治,并接受所有居民向英国重新宣誓效忠。但是,英军因为补给线过长,使到粮食物资极为短缺。无奈之下,何奥只好派士兵到郊区向居民征集物资。然而征集物资非常快便演变为抢掠与 *** ,就连效忠派居民也不可以幸免。结果新泽西州平民开始组成民兵,自发攻击英军哨站与部队,是为新泽西州起义。 正当英军因新泽西州起义而疲于奔命,美国革命却开始出现复苏。首先,华盛顿先后获得约翰·沙利文及霍雷肖·盖茨的增援,而新泽西州的起义民兵也乐于配合大陆军作战。第二,华盛顿在危机中获得大陆议会信任,向其下放更多决定权之余,也尝试为他筹措更多补给。第三,汤玛斯·潘恩撰写的《美国人的危机》,在12月19日开始出版,令到革命派士气大振。这些事件,令到华盛顿足以发动反攻。 12月26日,华盛顿在恶劣天气下率军横渡特拉华河,成功突袭特伦顿的黑森驻军,是为特伦顿战役。华盛顿的部队只有少量人命损失,却俘虏了接近900名黑森士兵,还迫使南新泽西的英军及黑森士兵放弃哨站,逃到北面的普林斯顿。战役的讯息传开后,北美各地的革命派恢复活跃,而何奥也被迫恢复军事行动。 1776年12月27日,康沃利斯由纽约率军急行南下,讨伐华盛顿的部队。当时华盛顿再次横渡特拉华河,得悉英军即将抵达,决定在特伦顿东南面隔河守住英军攻势。1777年1月2日,阿孙平克溪战役因而爆发。英军在普林斯顿向南行军之时,接连遭到民兵及大陆军滋扰,丧失了宝贵的白昼时间。后来康沃利斯决定期待日出再战,使华盛顿再次有机可乘。他在当晚率领所有部队离开,绕行一条小路,最后在1月3日早上突袭防御薄弱的普林斯顿。大陆军不但取得最终胜利,还威胁英军在不伦瑞克市的大本营。结果康沃利斯放弃了南方大量据点,赶回不伦瑞克防守。 英军陷入被动与粮草战争:1777年1月至3月 普林斯顿战役结束后,何奥将英军退回不伦瑞克一带,而华盛顿则到摩利斯镇过冬。虽然华盛顿没有能力发动另一次战役,但新泽西州的民兵却受到特伦顿及普林斯顿的胜利鼓舞,愈来愈敢于攻击英军部队。适逢1777年1月至3月是北美寒冬,牧草无法生长,何奥必须派军到郊区蒐集粮草食物,令到民兵有机可乘。 1777年1月至3月,新泽西民兵在大陆军配合下,持续不断地攻击英军搜掠部队,令到英军伤亡惨重。到春季来临时,何奥再次要期待英国及黑森的援军,方能发动新一轮攻击。相对英军的士气低落,革命派的信心却日益坚定。何奥的平叛战略就此失败。何奥在1月31日向殖民地大臣热尔曼勋爵写道: " 我带着无比忧虑向勋爵阁下汇报战况:特伦顿那场不幸与不适时的战败,令到叛军大受鼓舞,还使我们前功尽废,实在让人始料不及。我们现今唯一的胜算,就是迫使叛军前来正面交锋。然而叛军士兵远比我们迅速敏捷,要达成此目标恐怕困难重重。 Itiswithmuchconcern,thatIamtoinformyourLordship,theunfortunateanduntimelydefeatatTrenton,hasthrownusfurtherbackthanwasatfirstapprehended,fromthegreatencouragementithasgiventotherebels.Idonotnowseeaprospectofterminatingthewar,butbyageneralaction,andIamawareofthedifficultiesinourwaytoobtainit,astheenemymoveswithsomuchmoreceleritythanwepossiblycan. " --威廉·何奥 后续影响 英军透过纽约及新泽西战役,成功恢复曼哈顿岛及长岛一带的殖民管治,直到独立战争在1783年结束为止。至于新泽西州方面,英军在1777年初只能控制不伦瑞克及安博伊一带。1777年6月30日,何奥将新泽西驻军全部撤回斯塔滕岛,预备即将展开的费城战役,新泽西州大致上回到美国手中。约翰·伯戈因在1777年夏季取代卡尔顿,并指挥军队沿尚普兰湖南侵,是为萨拉托加战役。纽约及新泽西州的武装冲突一直持续至战争结束。 英军在纽约及新泽西州损耗严重。当何奥在8月27日发动长岛会战时,他统计得北美英军共有31,625人,当中有24,464人可以作战。受到战损、伤病及逃亡等因素影响,到1777年1月8日,何奥统计得北美英军只剩下22,957人,当中仅有14,000人可以作战。换言之,英军在北美征战超过半年,其可作战部队已缩减超过四成,当中大部分更是英国、黑森及苏格兰的精锐士兵。由于英军在北美没有获得大量民兵支援,何奥不可以在北美补充兵源,只能要求伦敦当局增派援军。他在1月31日向热尔曼勋爵写信,要求额外20,000名士兵,令到朝野震撼。由于英国招募士兵困难,兼且黑森雇佣兵很昂贵,热尔曼向何奥回复,指他只能估计有7,800人增援。北美英军再未能够恢复1776年夏季的战力,军队的绝对优势自此一去不返。 至于美国方面,大陆军同样面对兵力不足问题,却能够于北美补充兵力。华盛顿的部队在1777年初陆续因服役期满而离去,又或者被派往家乡招募士兵,到1月19日一度萎缩至800人,以及数千名地方民兵。虽然大陆议会及华盛顿已开始招募三年服役期的士兵,而各地亦陆续有士兵远道而来,但到1777年3月,华盛顿仍只有2,500名士兵驻守摩利斯镇,使华盛顿要继续依赖纪律不严的民兵。5月中旬,华盛顿在摩利斯镇统计得有8,188人,当中大部分是民兵。 最后,美国也凭著新泽西战役的胜利,说服法国提供更多援助。西勒·迪恩在1776年初已出使法国,而本杰明·富兰克林则在12月随后而至。法国 *** 先派博马舍代理军火,以一间私人公司的名义,运送大量武器物资到美国;而路易十六也私下向美国借贷一百万法镑(相当于二十万英镑)。1777年3月至4月,三艘法国商船先后抵达北美,向大陆军提供了最少23,000挺火枪及刺刀、多门火炮与及大量衣服。英国驻法大使曼斯菲子爵曾多次向法国外交大臣夏尔·格拉维耶 *** ,但没有效果。曼斯菲子爵更指法国宫廷受到新泽西的战事鼓舞,而在对英立场日趋强硬。
2023-06-18 20:07:551


....................~~~我晕 百度 我知道
2023-06-18 20:08:183

求翻译 一封来自阿根廷的信

2023-06-18 20:08:252

i ty后缀的单词有哪些

2023-06-18 20:08:461


迅速的 用英文怎么说 quickly fast 这两个算是最常用的 快速的的英语翻译 快速的用英语怎么说 快速的[词典] fast; allegro; clipping; [计] fast-speed; double-quick; [例句]这是种多变而快速的沉积作用。 This is changeable and rapid rate of sediment production. 快速用英语怎么说 很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你: 快速 [词典] fast; quick; high-speed; speedy; celerity; [例句]这些直升机是为将士兵和装备快速空运到战场上而设计的。 The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield. 望采纳,十分感谢。 “迅速升温”用英语怎么说 a rapid rise / an immediate response / 产品大受欢迎: The market has an immediate response to this product. The rapid rise of this product attracted media"s attention. "快速发展的"用英语怎么说? "快速发展的" rapid development 中国在持续快速发展的过程中,不可避免地会面对一些挑战揣 As China continues its rapid development, inevitable challenges arise. 有效,快速的解决许多问题用英文怎么说 Solving many problems fast and efficiently。 就这么翻译就行~`,满意采纳哦~ 英语学习不难,方法其实有很多,好的机会是比较难得的。不妨试着接触下Enter口语,现在住测送体马佥课一堂哦! 愿意迅速干某事 用英语怎么说 答案选B,willing to do sth. quickly 记得采纳啊 发展迅速用英语怎么说 30分 名词:rapid growth,rapid deve耿opment 动词:grow rapidly, 愿意迅速做某事用英语怎么说或写 你好! 愿意迅速做某事 Be willing to do STH
2023-06-18 20:09:131


2023-06-18 20:09:201


Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. According to Russ Brock, a director and consultant at the Center for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet"s main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web. “There"s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail, search engines, celerity web sites, up-to-the-second sports scores, and chat rooms full of risqué discussions. The Net also ranks as one of today"s best business tools - if it"s used adroitly”. Almost all households contain the Internet
2023-06-18 20:09:291


呵呵 英雄无敌5作弊烦得要命 讲了也不会明白的 认真玩也能过关的 加油吧
2023-06-18 20:09:492


问题一:快点用英语怎么说 如果你是想叫一个人动作快点, 可以用 1. hurry up! 2. be quick! 希场能帮助到你! :) 问题二:快点的英语怎么说 如果你是想叫一个人动作快点, 可以用 1. hurry up! 2. be quick! 希望能帮助到你! :) 问题三:英文翻译:"他的动作快的惊人" 他的动作快的惊人 1. He moves so quickly that it surprises me! 2. His movement is astonishingly quick! 3. He"s got an astonishing speed! 4. His quickness is unbelievable! 5. His quickness is incredible! 6. He"s got such an astonishing speed! 7. His quickness surprises us all! 8. It"s astonishing that he can move so quickly! 9. His quickness shocks me! 10. It"s incredible that he can move so quickly! 问题四:快点的英文翻译,是什么? hurry up ,be quick 问题五:很快用英语怎么说 quickly fast 如果想突出“很”的话,可憨加一个very 问题六:快速用英语怎么说 很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你: 快速 [词典] fast; quick; high-speed; speedy; celerity; [例句]这些直升机是为将士兵和装备快速空运到战场上而设计的。 The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield. 望采纳,十分感谢。 问题七:军训的动作,如立正.稍息------等等用英语怎么说 常用口令 mon Orders 起床! Get up! 上操 attention drill 快点儿! Be quick! *** ! Fall in! 一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks) 立正! Attention 稍息! At ease! 向右看-齐! Right-dress! 向左看-齐! Left-dress! 向前-看! Eyes- front! 报数! Count off! 点名! Call the roll!roll call 到! Here! 立定! Halt! 靠拢! Close! 向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)! 向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)! 向后-转! About-face(About turn)! 齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)! 踏步! Mark time-march! 跑步-走! Double (time)-march! 便步-走! At ease-march! 右转弯-走! Right-wheel! 左转弯-走! Left-wheel! 前进! Advance! 取(拿)枪! Take arms! 肩枪! Shoulder arms! 枪放下! Order arms! 卧到! Down! 装子弹! Load! 退子弹! Unload! 射击! Fire! 起立! Get up (Stand up)! 解散! Di *** iss! 用炮 Prepare for action! 收炮 March order! 架炮 Seat/Mount gun! 置炮 Lay gun! 就炮 Take posts! 炮后 *** Fall in in rear of piece! 步操口令 口令表 1. Squad C Fall in (集队) 2. Attention (立正) 3. Stand at C ease (稍息) 4. Stand easy (休息) 5. Dressing in three ranks C right dress (向右看齐) 6. Eyes C front (向前看) 7. Open Order C March (开排) 8. Close Order C March (合排) 9. Move to the right in threes C Right turn (合排向右转) 10. Move to the left in threes C Left turn (合排向左转) 11. Move to the right C Right t......>>
2023-06-18 20:09:561

a symphony of justice 求这首歌的歌词

When I was a childI had nobody in this worldI was left alone,Just a sweet little quiet girlWhen I tried to speakWords I wanted to say were gone"Someone take me soonI"ve been waiting for far too long"Years went by and still no one cameThen one day everything in my life changedI was home and I learned to play the chords true andstrongNow I have found where I belongFind your strength in the music ringing out to set thestageFly on wings of celerity, swift and truePersevere through the battle though you may bewearing thinSummoner, know that I believe in youI will keep you safe, feel my symphony all aroundListen to my hymn and our victory will resoundFrom my mind to yours, we will win this before toolong听出的一部分
2023-06-18 20:10:233


quick fast in a hurry celerity expeditiousness fleetness speediness amazingly quick rapid swift speedy prompt
2023-06-18 20:10:301


2023-06-18 20:10:382


单词记忆一直被认为是非常枯燥的事,英语单词虽然难记;但是它本身也是很有规律的,除了利用构词法的知识去背单词外,还可以利用联想法。归纳法和词根记忆法来丰富词汇量。 1.联想记忆法:对于没有词根的单词或词根难以记住的单词,就可以采用联想记忆法。 所谓联想记忆就是把一个单词分割成几个单词或几个部分,并用联想的方法记住。大学英语教学大纲所规定的许多复杂词汇都可用此方法,在此需要说明一点,这种方法有时不一定科学,但是却非常有效。例如:Mustard(芥末),分解为[must=一定,必然,ard=灼热,燃烧、该词可联想成:吃了芥末必然很热】。 Emboss(突出,在某物表面刻浮雕),分解为 [em=往外, boss=老板,联想成:老板的肚子都往外突出」。 Massacre(大屠杀),分解为[mass=大众,acr=尖。联想成:用尖利的武器刺杀大众」。 Aftermath(结果,后果),分解为[after=之后,math=数学,联想成:数学考试后看结果]。 Abridge(删节,缩则),分解为[A,bridge=桥梁,联想成:A通过桥梁可缩短距离]。 Melody(美的音乐。美的曲调),分解为[me=我,lody=lady,小姐,联想成:我和小姐一起弹奏美妙的音乐」。B oycott(联合抵制),分解为[boy=男孩,cott=cot,窄床,小屋,陋室,联想成:男孩联合抵制不住小屋」。Intoxicate(使陶醉,痴迷),分解为[int=into,进入到某种状态,ox=公牛,i=love,爱,cate=cat,猫、联想成:公牛爱猫到了痴迷的程度]。Asaassination(刺杀,暗杀),分解为[As,,如同…一样,sin=罪恶,ation是名词的后缀,联想成:如同S一样做罪恶的事情—一暗杀]。Advocat e(主张;提倡,拥护),分解为[Ad=广告,voc=speak;说,联想成广告上所说的]。husbandry(耕作,家政),分解为[husband=丈夫,dry=干旱,联想成:丈夫在干旱的农田里耕作]。 Bride(新娘),分解为[bribe=贿赂,联想成:向新娘行贿来达到目的],Skyscraper(摩天大楼),分解为[sky=天空,scrap=rpwi擦,er=物,东西,联想成:擦着天的东西]。Henpnecked(受老婆虐待的,怕老婆的),分解为[hen=母鸡,peck=啄,联想成:公鸡害怕母鸡啄」。forerunner (先辈,先驱,祖先),分解为[fore=先。前,runner=跑步的人,联想成:在前面跑的人]。 这种方法最大的优点就是可以充分发挥出个人的想向力,启发和培养学生的一种创造意识,避免枯燥,机械地记忆单词,使单词的记忆更长久,创造意识首先在于大脑能积极开展创造性思维,每个人的知识程度,思维方式都有很大的不同,用这种联想的方式可以最大限度地培养学生的思维能力,使思考方式呈立体型地向四面八方扩散,考试前,学生也可以互相交流,互受启发。 2.组词归纳法。 所谓组词归纳法就是把所碰到的词根据同意词或反意词进行归类,因为零散的词汇很难记得长久,如果把一组词进行记忆则较有效,以后如再遇到类似的词,就可把它归于某一组。 例如:大学英语词汇表中所列的单词storm(风暴,暴风雨),仅知道这个意思是远远不够的,还应知道如:snowstorm,rainstorm, sandstorm, drizzle(毛毛细雨),breeze微风), blizard(大风雪,暴风雪),gale(大风),blast(阵风),typhoon(台风),tornado(龙卷风),hurricane(飓风)。词汇表中所列举的花有: rose(玫瑰),tulip(郁金香),lily(百合花),lotus(荷花),marigold(万寿菊,金盏花),carnation(康乃馨),cactus(仙人掌),chrysanthemum(菊花),forget-me-not(勿忘我).与味道有关的词汇如:fragrance (香味),perfume(香味,芳香,香水,香料),aroma(香味,香气),odor(香味,臭味),flavor(味,芳香), balm(香味,芳香)。与犯罪有关的组词有:criminal(罪犯),culprit(罪犯)、felon(重罪犯),con=convict(囚犯,尤其指长期坐监狱的罪犯)。表示断言、主张意思的词汇在《大学英语大纲》中的有: assert(断言,维护),allege(断定,宣称),affirm(断言,证实),大纲外的词有:asseverate(断言),aver(断言,主张),avouch(断言,主张)。另外,除了把同意词,相似的词及双意词组成组进行记忆外,也可以根据词意进行扩展性记忆,如:四级词汇中表示贵族的词有nobleman,aristocrat,由于历史的原因,贵族又分公爵,侯爵,伯爵,子爵和男爵,他们用英语表示分别是.Duke,Marquis;Earl, Viscount, Baronet.英语中有句俗话: Formwomb to tomb;意思是说从生到死,人的这一生长过程也可以把所学过的生词串起来记忆, embry (胎儿),infant(婴儿),baby(小孩),child(儿童),juvedk(少年的),addescence(青年期),teenage(青少年),premature(未成熟的), mature(成熟的)。 adult(成人),grown-up(成人),old,aged(老年人),dotage(老朽)。Nibble(轻咬;细咬),bite(咬);chew(嚼,咀嚼),eat(吃),munch(大声咀嚼),swallow (吞咽),devour(狼吞虎咽)。 这种通过横向记忆,不但可以减少一般词汇表中按字母预序记忆单词的枯燥,而且可以把所学的零散词汇有效地组在一起;起到举一反三,触类旁通的作用。 3.词根记忆法。 这是记单词最主要的方法,因为英语单词虽浩如烟海,但词根只有几百个,而英语单词85%可以通过词根进行分解记忆,用这种方法记单词,不仅速度快,而且记得牢固,如果在记忆过程中,把单调分解成一个一个的字母,那么单词 中所包含的单位很多,每个字母没有特定的含意,产生不了联想、所以必然是记单词速度慢、不能长久。这就是.为什么单词背了忘。忘了背的主要原同。解决这一问题最好的办法就是多记词根,通过词根进行联想,与分解记忆法不同的是,词根记忆不仅有效,而且它是一种科学方法。有理论根据。例如《大学英语教学大纲》的一些词汇就可以通过词根分解法记忆。词根brev=short短, abbreviation[ab一加强意义, brev=short,短,ation名词后缀]=编写,缩短,节略。 Brevity[brev=短,ity=名词后缀」=(陈述等的)简短,简洁;(生命)短促,短暂。词根tract=drag,draw,pull拖,拉,引,abstract[abs=离开。tract=拉、袖,抽走=抽象,提要、概扩。Attract[at=toward tract=to draw;to draw something or someone toword oneself,to gain the attention of someone.]=吸引,引诱。Distract[dis=away, to draw away the mind in a different direction;]=分心,转移。Retract[re=back, tract=to draw; pull,to draw and take something back.]=缩回;收回。Celer=quick,speed快,速,accelerate[ac=一再,celer=速度,一再加速度]=加速,加快。Celerity一迅速,敏捷。Decelerate[de一去掉,celer=速度]=减速。Nym,onym=name,名称,名字。anonvmous[an=无,没有,onym=名称,名字]=匿名的。synonym[syn=same,相同,onym=name,名称,名字]=同意词。 Antonym[ant= anti,相反,onym=name,名称,名字」=反意词。Acronvm[acro=高出,nym=name,名称」=大写字母的编写。 Gon=angle,角度。Trigon[tri=三,gon=角度]=三角形。Pentagon[penta=五,gon=角]=五角形;如果在该名词前加定冠词The,该词意为五角大楼(美国国防部的办公大楼)。Diagonal[dia=穿,对,gof=角]=对角钱。 以上介绍的记忆单词的方法,可以互相补充,交替使用。但无论采用哪一种方法,最重要的是重复,一劳永逸的事情是没有的,这几种方法可以启发大家多思多记,把枯燥,机械,被动的背单词变成主动,有趣的方法,另外,还要根据个人的特点和已掌握的词汇来决定。
2023-06-18 20:10:531


  汉语解释:形速度高,非常快。那么,你知道迅速的英文怎么说吗?   迅速[xùn sù]   迅速的英文释义:   rapid ; swift ; speedy ; prompt   网 络speed;celerity;swift;Prompt   迅速的英文例句:   幼年是生长迅速的时期。   Childhood is a period of rapid growth.   这场合需要迅速的行动。   The occasion calls for prompt action.   他迅速的反应让我们吃了一惊。   His reaction of swiftness surprised us.   新兴且发展迅速的产业所发行的股票,有迅速升值.   stock in a new or rapidly developing industry that tends to rise quickly in price.   非正式学习在新技术的支援下迅速得到了迅速的发展。   Informal learning gets more and more attention and develops rapidly in the support of the new technology.   这种理念已经远远的传播到地球的另一个角落北京,它迅速的应用于北京的民用建筑中,在那里高层民用建筑群正在迅速的掘起。   That the word has spread to far-flung corners of the earth is apparent from their high-rise residential blocks for Peking that are now beginning to climb skywards.   过去10年,其中很多经济体经历了非常迅速的增长,多数经济体已迅速从2008年至2009年的危机中复苏。   Many experienced very rapid growth over the past decade, and most have recovered quickly from the 2008-2009 crisis.   在如此迅速的扩张其账面资产之后,一旦危机结束,Fed也许会缺乏一定的远见或勇气使其足够迅速的得以收缩。 由此产生的额外流动很可能导致经济过热。   Having expanded its balance-sheet so rapidly, the Fed may not have the foresight or courage to shrink it fast enough once the crisis passes, and the extra liquidity could fuel an overheating economy.   新加坡航空公司SIA和澳洲航空公司Qantas等外国航空公司迅速表示,它们有意进入增长迅速的中国内地航空市场。   Foreign airlines, including Singapore Airlines SIA and Australia"s Qantas, were quick to register their interest in exposure to the fast-growing mainland market.   分时度假自从20世纪60年代以来,在西方国家迅速发展,成为旅游业增长最迅速的一部分。   Since ing forth in 60"s of the 20th century, timesharing quickly developed in the western countries.It has bee the most increasing part of the touri *** industry.   1. The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head. 死亡凶兆迅速地在他脑海中盘旋。   2. She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes. 她抬眼迅速瞥了他一下,然后眼睛又垂了下去。   3. If raging inflation returns, then interest rates will shoot up. 如果再发生严重的通货膨胀,那么利率就会迅速上调。   4. There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment. 有很多紧急情况需要进行迅速的急救处理。   5. Word has been spreading fast of the incidents on the streets. 有关街头骚乱的讯息迅速传播开来。   6. These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics. 这些观点迅速成为语言学中新的正统观念。   7. The matter has certainly been handled expeditiously by the authorities. 当局显然已经迅速有效地处理了这个问题。   8. The pany made a rapid-fire series of settlements with 25 States. 公司同25个州进行了一连串迅速的结算。   9. They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy. 他们打算毫不留情地迅速结果了她。   10. The vegetarian burger was an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain. 素食汉堡是一种迅速传到了英国的新开发食品。   11. These stories are spreading like wildfire through the city. 这些谣言迅速传遍了整座城市。   12. The housekeeper moved *** artly to the Vicar"s desk to answer the call. 管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。   13. Some animal and plant species cannot acmodate to the rapidly changing cond-itions. 某些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。   14. Officials played down any hope for a quick end to the bloodshed. 官员们让迅速结束这场 *** 的希望变得渺茫起来。   15. When in danger, the anteater lashes its tail round a branch. 遇有危险,食蚁兽会迅速用尾巴卷住树枝。   16. The government has been caught out by the speed of events. 事情发展之迅速暴露了 *** 的无能。   17. They moved out from the airport at a brisk clip. 他们迅速撤离机场。   18. The Thames was in spate, with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver. 泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。   19. They escaped the blaze but were rushed to hospital suffering from shock. 他们逃离了火海,却因休克而被迅速送往医院。   20. The secrecy and swiftness of the invasion shocked and amazed army officers. 这次入侵的隐秘和迅速令陆军军官们大为震惊。
2023-06-18 20:11:141

请以Learn English为题,写一篇英语作文

To learn English, one has to do five actions. They are read, write, speak, listen and practise. All these actions have to do more to improve the English. To start these actions, one can always start from basic. Start by reading children books, write short compositions, speak simple sentences, listen to news and children songs. Of course to practise frequently with friends on words you learned. Do all the five actions consistencely and religiously
2023-06-18 20:11:244


只有上网的Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet Ten years ago,the Internet as practically unheard of by most people.Today,the Internet is one of the most poerful tools throughout the orld.The Internet is a collection of various services and resources.According to Russ Brock,a director and consultant at the Center for Innovation and Inquiry,the Internet"s main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web.“There"s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail,search engines,celerity eb sites,up-to-the-second sports scores,and chat rooms full of risqué discussions.The Net also ranks as one of today"s best business tools - if it"s used adroitly”.Almost all households contain the Internet; hoever,before people connect to the Internet,they need to be aare of its disadvantages and advantages.Many fear the Internet because of its disadvantages.They claim to not use the Internet because they are afraid of the possible consequences or are simply not interested.People ho have yet connected to the Internet claim they are not missing anything.Today"s technological society must realize,it is up to them to protect themselves on the Internet “Half of U.S.adults,or 94 million Americans,aren"t online”.Children using the Internet has become a big concern.Most parents do not realize the dangers involved hen their children log onto the Internet.When children are online,they can easily be lured into something dangerous.When children talk to others online,they do not realize they could actually be talking to a harmful person.As a result,there have been many cases here children have been convinced to meet people they have talked ith online.In fact,“stories seem to come out every eek:a child or teenager lured into something foolish,dangerous,or even deadly on line” .Cathy Cleaver of the Family Research Council claims that it is against the la for a molester to even attempt to find children online .In addition,children may also receive pornography online by mistake; therefore,causing concern among parents everyhere.Whether surfing the Web,reading nesgroups,or using email,children can be exposed to extremely inappropriate material.Pornographic sites tend to make sure they are the first sites to be listed in any search area; thus,children come across such sites easily.A man from Pearl,Mississippi as arrested in 1996 for donloading pornographic images of children from the Internet.He as charged ith
2023-06-18 20:11:321


问题一:什么叫做工程化方法? 工程化方法 广义的工程化能力包括信息情报、国际化采购能力、新材料、新工艺、新技术应用能力、样机的工程实现与测试能力等。 工程化研究体系 工程化研究体系指通过专项研究提升工程化能力的研发,包括原理样机、临床样机、工程样机的研究,最后由工程样机的开发研究来确定批量生产技术参数与加工工艺以及持续改进等产业化技术条件。 问题二:建设工程产业化是什么意思 建筑产业随着资源价格、劳动力成本的不断升高,消费群体对建筑品质等实际需求越来越高,如何才能在维持建造利润的前提下满足业主的需求等问题已成了建筑经济必须考虑的问题。而很好的工程质量与利润最大化的这一矛盾,只有从整个建筑业的的产业化和建筑产业化的优秀工程管理入手,从而找到有效之方案。 随着社会现代化进程的不断加深,工业制造也已进入4.0时代,粗犷传统的建筑业必须跟随现代化脚步,通过产业化、建筑2.0,把建筑建造的大部分流程和部件利用工业4.0的新技术、新模式工业标准化生产,形成建筑部件流水线作业,提高生产效率。施工阶段对整个建筑工程来说又是非常重要,施工的好坏决定着工程的质量。在这一阶段中,采取一定的管理措施对施工现场和施工对象进行生产任务的管理。为了确保建筑工程在施工过程中能够合理的运用人力和物力,协调空间和时间,可以根据施工现场的特点和条件,结合企业自身的实际情况来进行施工管理,从而使得企业获得最大化的经济效益和社会效益。然而施工阶段是工程管理的核心也是问题的多发期,对工程的影响极为重大,因此要提高施工管理水平也是建筑产业化发展的重要环节。 引荐国外建筑产业化模式发展与我国现状建筑产业化管理模式的对比,来推动适合我国的建筑产业化进程。同时寄往整合建筑产业化资源整合、统一标准、产业革新,达到社会效益的最大化,展开探讨。 问题三:什么是工程化思想? 工程一词最早是指 人类有计划、有步骤地改造自然的活动,“软件工程”中的“工程”是指“工程”一词的引申意义。现在把人类所有有计划、有步骤、有系统的各种活动都可以在前面冠以“工程”一词。 问题四:前端工程化和前端模块化是什么意思 既然JavaScript不能handle如此大规模的代码,我们可以借鉴一下其它语言是怎么处理大规模程序设计的,在Java中有一个重要带概念――package,逻辑上相关的代码组织到同一个包内,包内是一个相对独立的王国,不用担心命名冲突什么的,那么外部如果使用呢?直接import对应的package即可 问题五:创新成果工程化产业化是什么意思?麻烦重点解释一下创新工程化的概念。 10分 你好: “产业化”的概念是从“产业”的概念发展而来的,要理解“产业化”,首先需要搞清什么是“产业”。所谓“产业”,本来意义是指国民经济的各种生产部门,有时也专指工业。后来随着“三次产业”的划分和第三产业的兴起,则推而广之,泛指各种制造提供物质、流通手段、服务劳动等等的企业或组织。“产业”这个概念是属居于微观经济的细胞与宏观经济的单位之间的一个“ *** 概念”,它是具有某种同一属性的企业或组织的 *** ,又是国民经济以某一标准划分的部分的总和。 我知道所以你知道! 问题六:se分析中模型阶段和工程化阶段指什么意思 1)系统规划:确定系统的目标 2)系统分析:对问题域进行分析和理解 3)系统设计:概要设计,详细设计、数据库设计、编码实现 4)系统实施:软硬件的安装,用户培训,试行 5)系统维护:对系统故障维护、完善性,预防性维护。 问题七:技术和设备的直接工程化应用是什么意思? 就是现场放大实验。 问题八:快速化工程是什么意思 快速化工程 Rapid engineering 重点词汇释义 快速fast; quick; high-speed; speedy; celerity
2023-06-18 20:11:551


其实与其是说电脑,其实意思就是要你认为计算机互联网对学生的影响,我刚好写过,你看行不(Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet) Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. According to Russ Brock, a director and consultant at the Center for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet"s main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web. “There"s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail, search engines, celerity web sites, up-to-the-second sports scores, and chat rooms full of risqué discussions. The Net also ranks as one of today"s best business tools - if it"s used adroitly”. Almost all households contain the Internet; however, before people connect to the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantages and advantages.
2023-06-18 20:12:032

young folks 歌词翻译

Young Folks ----Peter Bjorn and John Young 不成熟的人们if i told you things i did before 如果我告诉你 我从前的过去 if i told you things i did before 如果我告诉你我从前的过去 told you how i used to be 告诉你 我的习惯就是如此 told you how i used to be 告诉你我的习惯就是如此 would you go along with someone like me 你还会继续像喜欢我的那位 依旧喜欢著我吗? would you go along with someone like me你还会继续像喜欢我的那位依旧喜欢着我吗? if you knew my story word for word 如果你知道我故事的一切种种 if you knew my story word for word 如果你知道我故事的一切种种 had all of my history 知道我全部的历史 had all of my history知道我全部的历史 would you go along with someone like me你还会事继续像喜欢我的那位 依旧喜欢著我吗? would you go along with someone like me你还会事继续像喜欢我的那位依旧喜欢着我吗? i did before and had my share 我以前作过了并且我也有我的 i did before and had my share我以前作过了并且我也有我的 it didn"t lead nowhere 但它已经毫无结果 it didn"t lead nowhere但它已经毫无结果 i would go along with someone like you 我还继续是那个喜欢你的那一位 i would go along with someone like you我还继续是那个喜欢你的那一位 it doesn"t matter what you did 你以前所作的都无关紧要 it doesn"t matter what you did你以前所作的都无关紧要 who you were hanging with 你就是我身边的那一位 who you were hanging with你就是我身边的那一位 we could stick around and see this night through我们可以静静等待并且一起欣赏这夜晚 and we don"t care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 and we don"t care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 talkin" bout the young style打量著是年轻人的风格或什麼的 talkin" bout the young style打量着是年轻人的风格或什么的 and we don"t care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板 and we don"t care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板 talkin" "bout the old style too也有说著旧式的风格 talkin" "bout the old style too也有说着旧式的风格 and we don"t care about our own folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 and we don"t care about our own folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 talkin" "bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质 talkin" "bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质 all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题 all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题 talking only me and you就只有讨论你和我就好 talking only me and you就只有讨论你和我就好 usually when things has gone this far 通常事情过了一阵时间 usually when things has gone this far通常事情过了一阵时间 people tend to disappear人们也会渐渐忘却的 people tend to disappear人们也会渐渐忘却的 no one would surprise me unless you do没有人会吃惊或讶异 除非我像你那样 no one would surprise me unless you do没有人会吃惊或讶异除非我像你那样 i can tell there"s something goin" on 我会说事情已经过去了 i can tell there"s something goin" on我会说事情已经过去了 hours seem to disappear 时间会冲刷这一切 hours seem to disappear时间会冲刷这一切 everyone is leaving i"m still with you 就算所有人都远离你 我仍然会跟著你 everyone is leaving i"m still with you就算所有人都远离你我仍然会跟着你 it doesn"t matter what we do不管你做了什麼 it doesn"t matter what we do不管你做了什么 where we are going to 不论我们要去哪里 where we are going to不论我们要去哪里 we can stick around and see this night through我们可以静静等待并且一起欣赏这夜晚 we can stick around and see this night through我们可以静静等待并且一起欣赏这夜晚 and we don"t care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 and we don"t care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 talkin" bout the young style打量著是年轻人的风格或什麼的 talkin" bout the young style打量着是年轻人的风格或什么的 and we don"t care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板 and we don"t care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板 talkin" "bout the old style too也有说著旧式的风格阿 talkin" "bout the old style too也有说着旧式的风格阿 and we don"t care about our own folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 and we don"t care about our own folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 talkin" "bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质 talkin" "bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质 all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题 all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题 talking only me and you现在就只有讨论你和我 talking only me and you现在就只有讨论你和我 and we don"t care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 and we don"t care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们 talkin" bout the young style打量著是年轻人的风格或什麼的 talkin" bout the young style打量着是年轻人的风格或什么的 and we don"t care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板 and we don"t care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板 talkin" "bout the old style too也有说著旧式的风格阿 talkin" "bout the old style too也有说着旧式的风格阿 and we don"t care about our own folks我们在不在乎年轻人的眼光 and we don"t care about our own folks我们在不在乎年轻人的眼光 talkin" "bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质 talkin" "bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质 all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题 all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题
2023-06-18 20:09:112


2023-06-18 20:09:139

求young folks中文翻译 谢谢

2023-06-18 20:09:183

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.请分析一下句型结构。结构看不懂。

to be 省略了happy 另,这的不定式是表示目的folks (make up their minds) to be happy
2023-06-18 20:09:283


2023-06-18 20:09:301

you folks 是什么意思?

2023-06-18 20:09:364


我只说市场份额排在美国前十的站点!他们依次分别是:eBayAmazonWalmart.comBestBuy.comTarget.comDell USACircuit CityCraig`s ListSears.comJC Penney
2023-06-18 20:09:402


troubleKK: []DJ: []n.1. 烦恼;忧虑[C][U]Her heart was full of trouble.她忧心忡忡。2. 困难;困境;麻烦的事[U][C][(+with)][+v-ing]Her son has got into trouble again.她儿子又惹麻烦了。You"re asking for trouble.你是在自找麻烦。I had a little trouble learning English grammar.我学英文语法有过一点困难。3. 麻烦,打扰,费事[S][U]4. 纷争,动乱,骚乱[P1]There used to be a lot of troubles in that region.那个地区过去动乱不断。5. 故障[U][(+with)]My car has got engine trouble.我的汽车引擎发生故障。6. 缺点,毛病[C][(+with)]7. 疾病,苦痛[U][C]I often have trouble with my teeth.我常常牙痛。vt.1. 使烦恼;使忧虑Losing a little money doesn"t trouble me.损失一点钱我并不在意。2. (表示客气时用)麻烦[(+for)][O2]Could I trouble you to open the window?麻烦你把窗子打开好吗?3. (疾病)折磨,使疼痛Her wound has been troubling her a lot this week.这星期她伤口一直很疼。4. 扰乱;使激动vi.1. (常用于否定句和疑问句)烦恼;费心[(+about)][+to-v]Don"t trouble about that.别为那事费心了。She didn"t even trouble to look at our presents.她甚至不屑看一下我们的礼物。
2023-06-18 20:09:451

"you guys" "you folks"是名词修饰名词吗?

2023-06-18 20:09:565


我知道哦是第三册的 Lesson 27Nothing to selland nothing to buy不卖也不买Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Listen to the tape then answer the question below.What is the most important thing for a tramp?It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material good in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us. There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this service. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as human being to arouse the pity of passers-by. But real tramps are not beggars. They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him. He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences. He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but his is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease. By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do. He may hunt, beg, or stead occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom. We often speak of my even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom. We often speak of tramps with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars, but how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of life and their freedom from care?
2023-06-18 20:10:061


common people
2023-06-18 20:10:123


找本英语单词书 反到正文第一页 或者 下载个有道词典 然后打一个a 就会有了啊
2023-06-18 20:10:146

I got a call from the folks over at vurilization project.这里的over 什么意思

over at一个词组,表示 在
2023-06-18 20:10:203


平民 ordinary folks“普通人”、“平民百姓”在美国被叫做 an average JoeFolk除了“人们、人民、民族”的宏大含义外,还表示“家人、亲属、父母、朋友”的意思,例如: I"d like you to meet my folks.(我想要你见见我的父母/家人。) The old folk sat and talked.(老人坐下来说话。) Well folks, shall we go?(喂,朋友,我们出去吗?)
2023-06-18 20:10:291


2023-06-18 20:09:021

Young Folks 歌词

歌曲名:Young Folks歌手:Peter Bjorn And John专辑:Music From The Motion Picture 21Young FolksPeter Bjorn And Johnif i told you things i did beforetold you how i used to bewould you go along with someone like meif you knew my story word for wordhandled all of my historywould you go along with someone like mei did before and had my shareit didn"t lead nowherei would go along with someone like youit doesn"t matter what you didwho you were hanging withwe could stick around and see this night throughand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youusually when things has gone this farpeople tend to disappearno one would surprise me unless you doi can tell there"s something goin" onhours seem to disappeareveryone is leaving i"m still with youit doesn"t matter what we dowhere we are going towe can stick around and see this night throughand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youtalking only me and youtalking only me and youtalking only me and you
2023-06-18 20:08:551


2023-06-18 20:08:541

Young Folks 歌词

歌曲名:Young Folks歌手:Chasing Bailey专辑:Little By LittleYoung Folksby:freezewensong by james bluntif i told you things i did beforetold you how i used to bewould you go along with someone like meif you knew my story word for wordhandled all of my historywould you go along with someone like mei did before and had my shareit didn"t lead nowherei would go along with someone like youit doesn"t matter what you didwho you were hanging withwe could stick around and see this night throughwe don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young stylewe don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style toowe don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youusually when things has gone this farpeople tend to disappearno one would surprise me unless you doi can tell there"s something goin" onhours seem to disappeareveryone is leaving i"m still with youit doesn"t matter what we dowhere we are going towe can stick around and see this night throughwe don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young stylewe don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style toowe don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youwe don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young stylewe don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style toowe don"t care about our own folksall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youwe don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young stylewe don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style too....more
2023-06-18 20:08:481

请问:我在bestbuy上买了一个59.99的账户 注册以后登陆老是提示错误请问是怎么回事啊不是说周末测试么

目前没有测试通知 最近一次的测试时间是8月11日凌晨3点至7点 一共四个小时,如果到8月25日之前没有其他测试开放你是登陆不进去的....另外,请你关注官方facebook来获取最新的测试时间,或者关注贴吧的其他信息 谢谢....
2023-06-18 20:08:471

Young Folks 歌词

歌曲名:Young Folks歌手:Peter Bjorn And John专辑:Writer"S BlockYoung FolksPeter Bjorn And Johnif i told you things i did beforetold you how i used to bewould you go along with someone like meif you knew my story word for wordhandled all of my historywould you go along with someone like mei did before and had my shareit didn"t lead nowherei would go along with someone like youit doesn"t matter what you didwho you were hanging withwe could stick around and see this night throughand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youusually when things has gone this farpeople tend to disappearno one would surprise me unless you doi can tell there"s something goin" onhours seem to disappeareveryone is leaving i"m still with youit doesn"t matter what we dowhere we are going towe can stick around and see this night throughand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youtalking only me and youtalking only me and youtalking only me and you
2023-06-18 20:08:411


2023-06-18 20:08:401


2023-06-18 20:08:396


folk 英[fəʊk] 美[foʊk] n. 民族; 人们; 〈口〉家属,亲戚; 民间音乐; adj. 民间的; 普通平民的; 流传民间的; 普通百姓的; [例句]Country folk can tell you that there are certain places which animals avoid老乡会告诉你有些地方动物是不会去的。[其他] 复数:folks
2023-06-18 20:08:341


2023-06-18 20:08:321


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2023-06-18 20:08:151


folk英 [fu0259u028ak] 美 [fok] n. 民族;人们;亲属(复数)adj. 民间的n. (Folk)人名;(英、匈、捷)福克[ 复数 folk或folks ]网络释义专业释义英英释义 民间几年前日本在那岛上宣示过几次主权,大家还记得韩国民间(Folk)是什么反映吗?他们有人先是斩断自己的手指以示抗议,最后竟然有几位自焚来表达自己的生机。基于567个网页-相关网页 民谣 人们 民族短语folk dance 民族舞蹈 ; 民间舞蹈 ; 民族舞 ; 民间舞folk guitar 民谣吉他 ; 民间吉他 ; 民谣弹唱 ; 民谣吉他民谣吉他folk culture 民间文化 ; 民俗文化 ; 庶民文化 ; 俗民文化 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 folk [fu0259uk]n.[复数]人们,世人[复数]特定阶级(或集团)的人[the folk](某一种族、民族或社会阶层中的)广大成员,老百姓[复数][口语]大伙们,各位[用作称呼][复数][口语]双亲,父母亲;家属,亲属[古语]种族,民族adj.民间的;民俗的;平民百姓的;起源于民间的 更多结果以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》词组短语同近义词同根词词语辨析folk art 民间艺术folk music 民俗音乐folk culture 民俗文化;民间文化folk song 民歌folk custom n. 民间习俗 更多词组短语双语例句原声例句权威例句Folk art covers a wide range. 民间艺术包罗甚广。《新英汉大辞典》Do you like folk music? 你喜欢民间音乐吗?www.crazyenglish.orgThis song is based on an old folk tune. 这支歌是根据一首古老的民歌曲调创作的。《21世纪大英汉词典》更多双语例句百科folk“folk”是个多义词,它可以指民, 家人(卦名), 民间, 人们, 家人(谭晶演唱的公益歌曲), 家人(汉语词语)。
2023-06-18 20:08:081


100个好听到爆的男英文名:1、chowhound吃货2、formerly原来3、cold mood冷情绪4、oxygen氧气5、sham伪善6、polite文雅7、cosmopolitan四海为家8、the traveler过客9、雨食infante◎10、vision断桥11、redundant多余12、pull难挽13、stupid笨蛋14、aurora极光15、clumsy笨拙16、quorra"s chord心弦17、queen女王18、芯裂feint19、heart揪心20、chafferer迷心21、winner冠军22、subsequently后来23、heartplug心塞24、naive天真25、clumsy笨拙26、afflict折磨27、slow慢热28、augenstern眼中的星星29、demophobia人群恐惧30、tangle纠缠31、Lennon伦农32、lemon柠檬33、ttony沉沦34、serenity宁静35、sandm旧梦36、melancholy忧郁37、tears眼泪38、lie说谎39、too late太迟40、prison囚困41、deephug深拥42、rascal小子43、optimism乐观44、disappear逃避45、agoni爱过你46、stay挽留47、memory荒年48、lonely孤独49、paranoia妄想症50、smile陌离51、future未来52、same time时光不变53、phantom幻想54、expectation期遇55、deep love深爱56、cerulean蔚蓝57、saphead笨蛋蛋58、remain残骸59、mantra心咒60、sandy情绪控61、geek怪咖)62、love song情歌63、partiality偏心64、despair绝望65、beginner初学者66、hickey吻痕67、sunshine残阳68、pretext借口69、cardiac心亡70、material girl拜金女71、value me珍爱我72、ridiculous可笑的73、laugh tired笑倦74、fall to him沦陷于他75、arrogant傲慢76、catsayer隐痛77、lost失去78、forget淡忘79、永远eternally80、alien外星人81、drink alone独自买醉82、curtain落幕83、struggle挣扎84、star时光85、sad痛心86、devil冒失鬼87、spring初心88、outsiders局外人89、alone in a孤身一人90、desert舍弃91、eternity永恒92、dreams凉兮93、mist薄雾94、dislike不喜95、pizazz潇洒96、youth shouting青春呐喊97、tiredness疲惫98、deeplove深爱99、broken凉城100、allure倾城101、miss想念102、expecto奢望103、destiny怎挽104、first最初105、limerance纯爱106、drowning溺死107、memories落寞的回忆108、detainment挽留109、冷温柔triste110、prison囚心
2023-06-18 20:08:071