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2023-06-18 19:26:25



通过音响监督田中英行介绍参加星际少年队试音得到乔的角色,后加入Production baobab。


2006年08月31日LUX-AGE 1st Mini Album TOMORROW MAKER发售。

2008年开始乙女游戏出演,Petit Four,ソラユメ,GARNET CRADLE,之后先后通过心跳回忆 Girl"s Side 3rd Story和遥远时空中5的选拔。

2009年组成DABA,建立网页,全员集资隐藏名字做web radio。

2010年10月27日ELEKITER ROUND φ 1st Mini Album 零ERφ(ゼロ)发售。

2011年6月1日移籍AXL-ONE。[引用2011年style of the prince第16回专访立花吧翻译]

2011年10月5日PROJECT DABA 第一弹ドロケイ发售。

2012年8月4日ELEKITER ROUND φ1stワンマンライブHEAVEN OF NOISE演出。

2013年以漫画原作家身份出道,出道作是《箱庭的千金侦探》,于7月4日出版的杂志YOUNG ACE8月号开始正式连载,其后亲自编写了小说版。

2014年7月6日/27日ELEKITER ROUND φ2ndワンマンライブ HEAVEN OF NOISE2014~绝/顶~分别于东京/大阪演出。





2023-06-18 18:23:073


2023-06-18 18:23:2613


2023-06-18 18:24:531


2023-06-18 18:25:161


2023-06-18 18:25:491

有首dj开头是小孩喊得daba daba oh~dj然后就是电音了 名字叫啥

seve-Tez Cadey
2023-06-18 18:26:064

求 Espiritu del Aire 歌词

10 纳兰性德 虞美人 凄凉别后两应同,最是不胜清怨月明中。 11 张籍 节妇吟 还君明珠双泪垂,恨不相逢未嫁时。 12 席慕蓉 一棵开花的树 如何让你遇见我,在我最美丽的时刻为这,我已在佛前求了五百年,求他让我们结一段尘缘。
2023-06-18 18:26:401


Daba Mountain natural food
2023-06-18 18:26:595


2023-06-18 18:27:211


Be My Satellite - Banaroo
2023-06-18 18:27:502

请问! 有NEW DABA 这个牌子的音响吗》?

2023-06-18 18:28:063


2023-06-18 18:28:332


Be my Satellite - Banaroodam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my s.o.s.dam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my s.o.s.calling you calling youi need you todaycause i lost my direction in the endless milky wayemergency emergencynavigate me homei can′t find a way back i can′t find it on my owncome to me come to meplease don′t hesitateyou have to arrive in time before it is too latehelp me please help me pleaseits gettin dangerousis there really no one who recive my sosdam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my s.o.s.dam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my me be my guidebe my satelliti lost my way tonightso be my satellitei need you by my sidebe my satellitei hope you′ll soon arrivebe my satellitedam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my s.o.s.dam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my s.o.s..pick me up pick me upI"m waiting just to youmy energy is none and I don"t know what to dobring me back bring me backIt"s emergencybe my satellit and get me through therest to me rest to meit"s gotta take me homedon"t let be alone in the what I like sohelp me please help me pleaseits gettin dangerousis there really no one who recive my sosdam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my s.o.s.dam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my me be my guidebe my satellitei lost my way tonightso be my satellitei need you by my sidebe my satellitei hope you′ll soon arrivebe my satellitedam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my s.o.s.dam daba dam daba daba dadaba da daba da daba dahear my s.o.s.
2023-06-18 18:29:031

DABAGB69是哪个银行的swift code

2023-06-18 18:29:435

舞曲名称:Daba Tavanbr-Lendo Calendo(DjNendjba)-男女ElectroHouse

Lendo Calendo (DJ Nejtrino & DJ Baur Remix) - Dan Balan feat Tany Vander & Brasco
2023-06-18 18:31:291


2023-06-18 18:31:435

你好!电脑出现:【该内存不能为read与written】,原因是比较复杂的,请对症下药!【答案原创,引用请说明,原作者:力王历史】!偶然出现!点:【确定或取消】,即可!1。配置错误!【重启,出完电脑品牌后,按F8,安全模式,最后一次正确配置,回车,回车】!2。系统漏洞!【360安全卫士或金山卫士,或可牛免费杀毒,修复:高危和重要的,其它忽略】!3。软件冲突!【卸载不常用的软件,保持系统稳定,尤其是同类型的软件,不兼容】!4。软件版本过旧!【使用:(驱动人生),更新:显卡驱动,声卡驱动!其它软件,覆盖安装】!5。病毒木马!【杀毒软件,全盘扫描与自定义扫描,完毕后,隔离区,彻底删除】!6。恶评插件!【可牛免费杀毒,金山卫士,或360安全卫士,清理恶评插件】!7。可疑启动项!【360系统急救箱,开始急救,文件恢复区,彻底删除文件】!8。系统文件损坏!【金山急救箱】,扩展扫描,立即扫描,立即处理,重启电脑】!9。专业工具!【去网上下载一个:read修复工具,修复,试试】!10。指令修复法!开始菜单,运行 ,输入cmd, 回车,在命令提示符下输入(复制即可) :for %1 in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32 /s %1粘贴,回车,滚动完毕后,再输入:for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1回车!直到屏幕滚动停止为止,重启电脑!
2023-06-18 18:32:052


玛丽的角度:①受人恩德,要懂得报答。②人要懂得感恩。③滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。 卢汾的角度:①爱是有回报的。②赠人玫瑰,手有余香。③金果报人生。 “我”的角度:①生活中不是没有真和美,而缺少发现美的眼睛。②人要不断自省,不然容易被表象蒙住眼睛。 本文来自: 详细来源请参考望采纳
2023-06-18 18:32:271


正确。详释如下: 《雪赋》以历史人物问答铺陈描写结构全篇。赋首先叙述了冬日里的一个黄昏(岁将暮,时既昏)”,当时的天气不大好,寒风凛冽,阴云四起,大雪纷飞(寒风积,愁云繁)。“梁王不悦”,可以理解为心情不大好,于是率宾朋游于兔园,命人摆上美酒(乃置旨酒,旨酒即美酒)。邹阳、枚乘、司马相如先后莅临。邹阳是西汉时期的文学家,山东淄博人,著有《上吴王书》等文作;枚乘也是西汉时的文学家,江苏淮阴人,代表作《七发》:司马相如大家都很熟悉,就是跟卓文君私奔那哥们,著名辞赋家, 在中国文学史上有着非常重要的地位。相如来得可能稍晚一些(相如末至),居客之右,古代座次以右为尊, 右面可是上座,这说明司马相如在梁王心目中是很有地位的。面对漫天大雪,梁王首先吟咏了《诗经》中有关雪的诗句,根据赋中写到的《北风》于卫诗和《南山》于周雅,梁王吟的应该是“北风其凉,雨雪其雱(pang)”、“上天同云,雨雪雰雰”这两句。吟毕,授简于司马相如。“简”是战国至魏晋时期写书的竹片。曰:“抽子秘思,骋子妍辞,侔色揣称,为寡人赋之。”意思是说你要以神奇的思想,妍丽的文辞,惟妙惟肖恰到好处的描摹雪景。  相如于是避席而起,古代人都是席地而坐,离开座位称避席,逡(qun)巡而揖(形容恭顺的样子),以示尊敬。写雪之前,先引出《孟子》、《汉书》、《诗经》、《穆天子传》等涉及记雪的典籍,用来强调雪与人类生活的密切关系。“臣闻雪宫(战国时齐国的行宫)建于东国,雪山(指天山)峙于西域(战国时对玉门关、阳关以西地区的统称),歧昌发(指周文王)咏于《来思》(指《诗.小雅.采薇》),姬满(指周穆王)申歌(吟咏)于《黄竹》(诗篇名);《曹风》(诗经.曹风)以麻衣(古代白色的衣服)比色,楚谣(指楚地歌谣)以《幽兰》(乐曲名)俪曲(名字叫做白雪的曲子);这句说周文王咏的《采薇》诗,也咏了雪;周穆王游黄台在北风雨雪中吟诗三篇:《曹风》诗中以雪的洁形容衣服:楚地的歌谣并奏《幽兰》和《白雪》。白盈尺(大雪)则呈瑞于丰年,袤丈(指雪深至丈)则表沴于阴德(预兆瘟疫),雪的应时之义又何止这些。这一段隐喻着很深的寓意,绝不是作者闲发思古之幽情,而是传达作者朴素的自然意识以及“天人合一”自然观念。本文来自: 详细来源请参考
2023-06-18 18:32:371


2023-06-18 18:32:482

读 妇病行 写篇记叙文

2023-06-18 18:33:022

HP笔记本 ACPIHPQ60012&DABA3FF&4驱动问题?

您好!中国惠普,很高兴为您服务! 根据您提供的ACPI值判断是ufeffHP 无线按钮驱动程序,您可以试一下,您这款机器windows10目前下没有这个驱动,下面是windows8.1驱动,这个还要麻烦您安装测试一下目前windows10刚发布有可能驱动惠普官方发布不全的,建议您最好是不要升级我是HP员工。如果以上信息没有解决您的问题,您还可以继续追问,或是通过访问惠普技术支持网页( )寻求帮助。感谢您对惠普的支持。
2023-06-18 18:33:131


分类: 电脑/网络 问题描述: ACPIAWY00012&DABA3FF&0这是什么设备,怎么安装驱动? 解析: 肯定是重要设备安装驱动,ACPIAWY00012&DABA3FF&0右键-更新驱动程序-从列表或指定位置安装-下一步不要搜索-下一步显示兼容打勾-列表第一个下一步就完了
2023-06-18 18:33:231


歌曲<来吧 拥抱你的爱>外文名《Come And Get Your Love》所属专辑《Wovoka》歌曲原唱Redbone音乐风格流行摇滚沼泽流行放克摇滚歌词Come And Get Your Love (接受我的爱) - RedboneLyrics by:Lolly Vegas/Pat VegasComposed by:Lolly VegasHey (hey) 嘿What"s the matter with your head? yeah 你的脑袋瓜究竟怎么了,耶Hey (hey) 嘿What"s the matter with your mind and your sign? 你的思绪和行为究竟是怎么了?And-a ooh-ohh 啊 哦 哦Hey (hey) 嘿Nothin"s a matter with your head, baby, find it 你没有问题 宝贝 去寻觅吧Come on and find it 快点去寻觅吧Hell, with it, baby, 随爱而行 宝贝"cause you"re fine and you"re mine 因为你如此娇艳 你非我莫属And you look so divine 你看起来如此美丽Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Hey (hey) 嘿What"s the matter with your feel right? 感觉对了有什么问题?Don"t you feel right, baby? 难道你感觉不好么,宝贝?Hey, oh, yeah, 嘿 哦 耶getu2002itu2002fromu2002theu2002mainu2002vine,u2002alright 从藤蔓上摘下这爱的果实,好吗I said-a find it, find it, darling, 我说,去寻觅 去寻觅吧,亲爱的Love it if you like it, yeah-eh 如果你喜欢就勇敢去爱,耶Hey (hey) 嘿It"s your business if you want some 这是你的强项如果你想体会爱的甜蜜Take some, get it together, baby 那就大胆去体会 全心去将之拥有 宝贝Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love, come and get your loveCome and get your love, now 来吧 现在就来拥抱你的爱Come and get your love, come and get your loveCome and get your love, now 来吧 现在就来拥抱你的爱Come and get your love, come and get your loveCome and get your love, now 来吧 现在就来拥抱你的爱Come and get your love, come and get your loveCome and get your love, now来吧 现在就来拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Come and get your love 来吧 拥抱你的爱Hey (hey) 嘿What"s the matter with your feel right? 感觉对了有什么问题?Don"t you feel right, baby? 难道你感觉不好么,宝贝?Hey, oh, yeah, 嘿 哦 耶getu2002itu2002fromu2002theu2002mainu2002vine,u2002alright 从藤蔓上摘下这爱的果实,好吗La,la,la,la,la,la, (come and get your love)来吧 拥抱你的爱La,la,la,la,la,la, (come and get your love)来吧 拥抱你的爱La,la,la,la,la,la, (come and get your love)来吧 拥抱你的爱La,la,la,la,la,la, (come and get your love)来吧 拥抱你的爱La da boom boom boom ta daba boom boomLa da boom boom boom ta daba boom boom
2023-06-18 18:33:331

satellite 要歌词

最近很爱。。。I went everywhere for you I even did my hair for you I bought new underwear they"re blue and I wore em just the other dayLove, you know I"ll fight for you I left on the porch light for you Wether you are sweet or cool I"m gonna love you either way...Love, oh, Love I gotta tell you how I feel about you Cause I, oh, I Can"t go a minute without your love Like a satellite I"m in an orbit all the way around you And I would fall out into the night Can"t go a minute without your loveLove I got it bad for you I saved the best I have for you You sometimes make me sad and blue Wouldn"t have it any other wayLove my aim is straight and true Cupid"s arrow is just for you I even painted my toe nails for you I did it just the other day...Love, oh, Love I gotta tell you how I feel about you Cause I, oh, I Can"t go a minute without your love Like a satellite I"m in an orbit all the way around you And I would fall out into the night Can"t go a minute without your loveLove, oh, Love I gotta tell you how I feel about you Cause I, oh, I Can"t go a minute without your loveWhere you go I"ll follow you set the pace we"ll take it fast and slow I"ll follow in your wake - Oh oh ohYou got me, you got me a force more powerful than gravity It"s physiscs, there"s no escapeLove my aim is straight and true Cupid"s arrow is just for you I even painted my toe nails for you I did it just the other day...Love, oh, Love I gotta tell you how I feel about you Cause I, oh, I Can"t go a minute without your love Like a satellite I"m in an orbit all the way around you And I would fall out into the night Can"t go a minute without your loveLove, oh, Love I gotta tell you how I feel about you Cause I, oh, I Can"t go a minute without your loveLove love love Love Love
2023-06-18 18:33:541


1set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") "driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)};dbq="&server.MapPath("数据库")2 connstr = "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" &server.MapPath("数据库") set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") connstr其实二个都是一样的,...3sql的Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "数据库连接字符串 conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=ylof;Initial Catalog=VOTE;User ID=sa; PASSWORD=sa" "打开数据库连接 conn.Open
2023-06-18 18:34:192

介绍达州旅游景点英语作文 介绍达州旅游景点英语作文带翻译

用英语介绍自己的家乡达州Dazhou is located in the hills in Southwest China and the east of Sichuan Basin, parallel to the mountains and valleys in East Sichuan. It has an archaeological history of nearly 5000 years and an organizational history of more than 2300 years.It is the location of counties, prefectures, counties, governments and roads in the region. It is a city with a large population, a large agricultural city, a city rich in resources, an important industrial town, a transportation hub and an old revolutionary base; It will be built into a national highland of Ba culture.Luojiaba site and Chengba site are the birthplace of ancient Ba people and Ba cultural center sites in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.It is one of the three major gas fields in China and the starting point of the national "Sichuan East Gas Transmission"; National Natural Gas Comprehensive Development and utilization demonstration zone.National important strategic base of energy resources (lithium potassium brine reserves reach 2.09 billion cubic meters); It is known as "hometown of Ba people and gas capital of China".急啊~!帮我写篇英语作文!好 我来是高中水平还是大学水平还是初中水平是基础写作【既五句话的】?那我只能写一篇基础写作啦Da zhou,which is a 650 million square meters city,located in the east-north Si chuan,China.There are 650 population in Da zhou.There are many fascinating tourist attractions likes Daba Mountain,Tong luo Mountain。Dazhou is warm in the winter and hot in the summer.Welcome the tourist all over the world everytime.【用了几个定语从句,希望你是高中生 还有 作文中没有给出要点 我只写了人口 面积 气候 旅游景点】 如果有单词拼写错误或语法上的错误.....这才让老师知道 这是学生作文!!求一篇介绍四川达州的英语作文(高一水平)My hometown is in sichuan province is located in sichuan, he DaZhouShi northeast of the northeastern sichuan, is a bright pearl! It was a beautiful and rich city. About my hometown, it can be very much scenic spot! The lotus lake is beautiful, the unpredictable fairy hole, magnificent iron mountain... One of the most fascinating that will count the lotus lake. Lotus lake city located in western, 30 minutes. Into the lotus lake, I saw all the willow branches in his long in the breeze, like the girl swing dance beats the wonderful. The lake is luxuriantly green, breeze, rippling, a layer of driving a layer to distance. In a calm sea, the lotus lake like a big mirror reflected in the lake blue, blue, appear more, Baiyun reflected in the lake, appear more white... My hometown is not only the jingmei and more beautiful hometown. No matter where you go, see the hometown people they warmly smile. In the store, assistant considerate service, In the home, master enthusiasm entertains... Everyone is so polite. Home not only, and the jingmei, beauty is abundant: home, beef jerkys, lighted beef v, dried bean, tea, potatoes, agaric, let a person drool. Each to Florida tourism, back when they take a bundle of Florida"s specialty, otherwise how could it be to Florida? Ah! Florida - my hometown! I love you! Do you like a brilliant pearl ornament in sichuan basin, your beauty, beauty, water mountain, abundant person, I will praise you throughout millions! 我的家乡在四川省达州市,他坐落在四川东北部,是川东北的一颗璀璨的明珠!它是个美丽、富饶的城市。 说起我的家乡,它的风景名胜可多得很呢!有秀丽的莲花湖、变化莫测的仙女洞、雄伟壮丽的铁山其中最迷人的那要数莲花湖了。 莲花湖位于达城西郊,乘车30分钟便可到达。进入莲花湖,只见周围的柳树在微风中将自己长长的枝条摆动起来,犹如少女跳动着美妙的舞蹈。湖水碧绿碧绿的,微风吹来,碧波荡漾,一层赶着一层涌向远方。风平浪静时,莲花湖又像一面大镜子:蓝天倒映在湖水里,显得更蓝了;白云倒映在湖水里,显得更白了 我的家乡不仅景美,而且家乡的人更美。不管你走到哪里,都会看到家乡人民一张张热忱的笑容。在商店里,售货员服务周到;在家里,主人热情待客大家都是这样礼貌待人。 家乡不仅景美、人美,而且物产丰富:家乡盛产灯影牛肉、牛肉干、醪糟、豆干、茶、土豆、木耳等,让人垂涎欲滴。每个来达州观光旅游的人,回去的时候都会带上一大包达州的特产,不然怎么能算是来过达州呢! 啊!达州——我的家乡!我爱你!你犹如一颗灿烂的明珠点缀在四川盆地,你山美、水美、人美、物产丰富,我要千百遍地赞美你!环境,生活,天气,写成英语作文地址达州市万源市Wangyuan is the city of Dazhou City, Sichuang Province.Wangyuan is a beautiful city which has tall mountains, white clouds,blue sky and green water. Wangyuan"s climate is cool all the years because it locates at the boundary of the Qinglin Mountain.The life in Wangyuan is relaxing and entertaining.Wangyuan always rain all the day, which makes it become a place suitable to live.
2023-06-18 18:34:291


将雏燕送回窝里。两三只燕子站在窝门前,充满了感激,叽叽喳喳叫嚷欢迎雏燕回家。1.(2分)文中最能表达作者对“春燕”喜爱的词语是 。 阅读材料2.(4分)文中画线的句子有何表达效果? 阅读 材料偶能见到田野里几只时而盘旋,时而低飞,体态轻盈,翅膀像剪刀一样的燕子,“嗖”地一声从我眼前掠过,像是飞行表演。3.(3分)燕子引领庄户女主人找到昏迷的孩子的情节,在文中有何作用?4.(2分)简略概括选文最后三个自然段的主要内容。5.(3分)从文中“(而今)看见到处是青砖青瓦的二层楼房,有木檩条木梁的房子早被拆迁”。一句可引发我们怎样的思考?答案:1.小精灵(2分) copyright 1daba.com2.通过比喻修辞手法以及动作描写,刻画出了春燕轻盈矫健的身姿,表达出了作者对春燕的无比喜爱之情。(“比喻”和“动作描写”各1分,作用两个要点各1分,共4分)3.突出主题——人与自然和谐相处,即告诉我们春燕是极有灵性的,只要你用心善待它,它会用自己特有的方式回报你。同时,丰富了文章内容,增加了读者阅读的兴趣。(突出主题2分,“丰富内容”“增 加兴趣”1分,共3分) 阅读 材料1daba.com4.合力救雏燕。(答到“救雏燕”即给2分) copyright 1daba.com5.人类在自身发展的同时,应该与动物和谐相处。(意思相近即可,3分)
2023-06-18 18:34:401

db not ready是什么意思

db not ready数据库没有准备好
2023-06-18 18:34:493


2023-06-18 18:35:004

求助!歌词翻译!マル.マル.モリ.モリ 歌词翻译

麻鲁切罗?麻鲁切罗?箭头挤破?箭头挤破大家吃~  白枕鹤?白枕鹤?テカ?テカ明天会放晴吗~ ?    狗=遗忘  长大后我想要天上的声音吗?  与其说是到什么时候都好~    麻鲁切罗?麻鲁切罗?箭头挤破?箭头挤破大家吃~  白枕鹤?白枕鹤?テカ?テカ明天会放晴吗~ ?    难过地哭泣的耳走路回家的路  这样的时候真是难为你了吗?  大家在一起生活,工作啊    麻鲁切罗?麻鲁切罗?箭头挤破?箭头挤破  左无名指  白枕鹤?白枕鹤?テカ?テカ  以灿烂的笑容    以12个芝麻盐  这是最后一好吃啊~ ~    麻鲁切罗?麻鲁切罗?箭头挤破?箭头挤破  ?ぷかぷ
2023-06-18 18:35:144

谁能帮我 找一首美国乡村歌曲 男女对唱的 女的唱的是阿巴阿巴阿巴巴, 是一首慢摇舞曲

  应该是 aba daba honeymoon  歌手:reynolds debbie 专辑:best of debbie reynolds  下载地址:  歌词是:(Chorus):  "Aba daba daba daba daba daba dab" means  "Monk, I love but you"  "Aba daba dab," in monkey talk,  Means "Chimp, I love you too"  Then the big baboon, one night in June  He married them, and very soon,  They went upon their aba daba honeymoon  Way down in the Congo land,  Lived a happy chimpanzee  She loved a monkey,  with a long tail,  Lordy, how she loved him!  Each night he would find her there,  Swinging in the coconut tree  Reynolds Debbie  And the monkey, gay  At the break of day,  Loved to hear his chimp-y say:  "Aba daba daba daba daba daba daba"  Said the chimp-y to the monk  "Aba daba daba daba daba daba daba"  Said the monkey to the chimp  All night long, they"d chatter away,  All day long they were happy and gay  Swingin" and singin" in a honky-tonky way  "Aba daba daba daba daba daba daba" means:  "Monk, I love but you"  "Aba daba dab," in monkey talk, means:  "Chimp, I love you too"  Then the big baboon, one night in June  He married them, and very soon  They went upon their aba daba honeymoon  (Faster): "Aba daba daba daba daba daba daba"  Said the chimp-y to the monk  "Aba daba daba daba daba daba daba"  Said the monkey to the chimp  All night long, they"d chatter away  All day long they were happy and gay  Swingin" and singin" in a honky-tonky way  "Aba daba daba daba daba daba daba" means:  "Monk, I love but you"  "Aba daba daba," in monkey talk, means:  "Chimp, I love you too"  Then the big baboon, one night in June  He married them, and very soon  They went upon their aba daba honeymoon  Then the big baboon, one night in June,  He married them, and very soon  They went upon their aba daba honey . . .  Aba daba, aba daba, aba daba honeymoon  A-honeymoon!  sorry 我经过仔细寻找 并为发现与之类似的  既然酒吧的DJ放过这个曲子 你可以向他询问  一般的DJ是很乐意回答的!!
2023-06-18 18:35:281


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  此后,你需要在控制台中输入如下内容“seta thereisacow 1337 ”,然后按回车。再输入“spdevmap eldaba ”,再按回车。这时,系统将启动El Daba的任务。当这个游戏开始的时候,你可以按下键盘上的“~”键来启动游戏控制台再输入作弊码。   下面是游戏的几个作弊码:   god = 无敌   give ammo = 满弹药   give all = 武器 弹药 生命全满   noclip = 穿墙   notarget = 隐形   kill = 自杀   关卡名称如下   (1).苏军任务训练)   2.demolition(毁灭)   3.tankhunt(修理电话线)   4.trainyard(1号火车站)   5.downtown_assau(城市攻击)   6.cityhall(市政厅)   7.downtown_sniper(狙击手同志)   (2).英军任务   8.decoytrenches(分叉路)   9.decoytown(守住防线)   10.elalamein(超级冲锋行动)   11.eldaba(开始的结束)   12.libya(勇士冲锋)   13.88ridege(88火炮山脊)   14.toujane_ride(装甲汽车逃跑)   15.toujane(收复土伦)   16.matmata(攻击马特玛塔)   (17关~20关为美军任务中的穿插任务,可对照具体名称来输入)   17.beltot(战俘)   18.crossroads(十字路口)   19.newvillers(虎式坦克)   20.breakout(大部队编队)   (3).美军任务   21.duhoc_assault(庞特杜霍之战)   22.duhoc_defend(守卫**点)   23.silitown_assau(地窖)   24.bergstein(贝格斯坦)   25.hill400_assault(突击队员领路)   26.hill400_defend(高地400之战)   27.rhine(莱茵河)
2023-06-18 18:36:021

非主流歌曲Dang Da Da的歌词!

Be my Satellite LRC By Kan dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. calling you calling you i need you today cause i lost my direction in the endless milky way emergency emergency navigate me homei can′t find a way back i can′t find it on my own come to me come to me please don′t hesitate you have to arrive in time before it is too late help me please help me please its gettin dangerous is there really no one who recive my sos dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba hear my s.o.s. help me be my guide be my satellit i lost my way tonight so be my satellite i need you by my side be my satellite i hope you′ll soon arrive be my satellite dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s.. pick me up pick me up I"m waiting just to you my energy is none and I don"t know what to do bring me back bring me back It"s emergency be my satellit and get me through the ??? rest to me rest to me it"s gotta take me home don"t let be alone in the what I like so help me please help me please its gettin dangerous is there really no one who recive my sos dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba
2023-06-18 18:36:301


《マルu30fbマルu30fbモリu30fbモリ!》演唱:薰和友树,偶尔还有MUKKU。マル·マル·モリ·モリ みんな 食べるよ~ツル·ツル·テカ·テカ 明日も 晴れるかな~?犬= 忘れ物すんなよ大きくなったら お空に声が届くかな~?いつまででも いいっしょだよ~マル·マル·モリ·モリ みんな食べるよ~ツル·ツル·テカ·テカ 明日も晴れるかな~?悲しくて泣いていた 一人歩く帰り道こんな时 おんわ かな?みんなに 会いたいな~マル·マル·モリ·モリおまじないだよツル·ツル·テカ·テカにっこり笑颜12の34で ゴマ塩さんたくさんだと おいしいね~マル·マル·モリ·モリぷかぷか お风吕つるつるぴかぴかゴシゴシブラシ皆さんグッナイ また明日朝ご饭は なんでしょね~?犬= お腹だして寝るなよ~中文:完完整整,大口大口,全部都会吃光哦;光光滑滑,亮亮晶晶,明天也会是晴天吗;  DABADUA DABAJABA;  (Mook)不要丢三落四哦;  DABADUA DABAJABA DUA;  如果长大了声音是不是就能传到天上;  我们要永永远远都在一起哦;  完完整整,大口大口,全部都会吃光哦;  光光滑滑,亮亮晶晶,明天也会是晴天吗;  难过的哭了,一个人走回家;  在这种时候就很想见到,总是懒洋洋的大家;  完完整整,大口大口,神仙会保佑你的哦;  光光滑滑,亮亮晶晶,可爱的笑容;  一二三四芝麻酱盐先生,撒上很多会很好吃哦;  完完整整,精精神神,热腾腾地洗个澡;  光光滑滑,亮亮晶晶,嚓嚓嚓嚓刷个牙;  大家晚安明天见;  早饭会吃什么呢;  DABADUA DABAJABA;  (Mook)睡觉的时候不要露出肚子哦;  DABADUA DABAJABA DUA;  长大以后也要画出彩色的梦;  拉着小手指约定好哦;  把像星星的手拉在一起许愿;  纵使相隔遥远心也是一个哦;  完完整整,大口大口,幸福又健康;  要一步一步一直向前哦;  一二三四全垒打那里,有好多小学生的书包哦;  完完整整,大口大口,变大了哦;  欢呼雀跃的打开了门;  大家伙儿明天也要好好地;  阳光会更加灿烂;  非常喜欢哦;  完完整整,大口大口,一起唱歌吧;  光光滑滑,亮亮晶晶,可爱的笑容;  一二三四芝麻酱盐先生,撒上很多会很好吃哦;  完完整整,精精神神,热腾腾地洗个澡;  光光滑滑,亮亮晶晶,嚓嚓嚓嚓刷个牙;  大家晚安明天见;  早饭会吃什么呢;  一直以来非常感谢;  DABADUA DABAJABA;  DABADUA DABAJABA DUA;
2023-06-18 18:36:381

电视剧《MARUMO的守则》的主题曲 マル・マル・モリ・モリ,(Maru Maru Mori Mori,) 作词:宫下 浩司(Miyashita Koji) 作曲:宫下 浩司 呗:薫と友树、たまにムック。(Kaoru to Tomoki, Tamani Mook. 芦田 爱菜(饰演笹仓 薰)铃木 福(饰演笹仓 友树)) [ 1 ] K&T*: Maru maru mori mori Min"na taberu yo Tsuru tsuru teka teka Ashita mo hareru kana K&T: Dabadua Dabajaba Mook: Wasure mono suruna yo K&T: Dabadua Dabajaba Dua 薫: Ookiku nattara osora ni koe ga todoku kana K&T: Itsumade demo issho dayo, K&T: Maru maru mori mori Min"na taberu yo Tsuru tsuru teka teka Ashita mo hareru kana 友树: Kanashikute naite ita hitori aruku kaerimichi 薫: Kon"na toki honwaka na K&T: Min"na ni aitai naa... K&T: Maru maru mori mori Omajinai dayo Tsuru tsuru teka teka nikkori egao 友树: Ichi ni no sai shi de gomashio-san K&T: Takusan dato oishii ne K&T: Maru maru mori mori Puka puka ofuro Tsuru tsuru pika pika goshi goshi burashi 薫: Minasan gunnai(Good night) mata ashita K&T: Asagohan wa nan deshou ne? K&T: Dabadua Dabajaba Mook: Onaka dashite neruna yo K&T: Dabadua Dabajaba Dua [ 2 ] 友树: Otona ni nattemo niji-iro no yume wo egakou ne K&T: Yubikiri shite tererinko 薫: Ohoshi sama kirei da ne Te wo tsunaide negaigoto 友树: Tatoe tooku ni itemo K&T: Kokoro wa hitotsu dayo K&T: Maru maru mori mori Shiawase genki Teku teku toko toko Mae ni susumu yo 友树: Ichi ni no san shi de Hōmuran K&T: Ai ga ippai randoseru K&T: Maru maru mori mori Ookiku naru yo Doki doki waku waku Doa wo akeru yo 薫: Minasan shikkari mata ashita K&T: Motto suteki na hi ni naru K&T: Daisuki dayo,,, 薫: Maru maru mori mori Saa utai mashou, 友树: Tsuru tsuru teka teka Nikkori egao 薫: Ichi ni no san shi de (D:) gomashio-san K&T: Takusan dato oishii ne K&T: Maru maru mori mori Puka puka ofuro Tsuru tsuru pika pika goshi goshi burashi 薫: Minasan gunnai( Good night ) Mata ashita K&T: Asagohan wa nan deshou ne? Itsumo itsumo arigatou, K&T: Dabadua Dabajaba Dubiduba Dabadua Dabajaba Dua Mook: Yokudekimashita , * 薫(Kaoru), 女孩子 友树(Tomoki), 男孩子 KT: Kaoru & Tomoki (薫&友树)[ 参考URL ] HMV-UtaTen 歌词(日文+平假名)。
2023-06-18 18:36:482


2023-06-18 18:36:586

Con SóLo Una Sonrisa 歌词

歌曲名:Con SóLo Una Sonrisa歌手:Melendi专辑:Que El Cielo Espere Sentao..desnudame juega conmigo a ser la perdicionque todo hombre quisiera poseery olvidate de todo lo que fui y quieremepor lo que pueda llegar a ser en tu vidatan loka y absurda como la mia como la miatu piensa que la luna estara llena para siempreyo busco tu mirada entre los ojos de la gentetu guardas en el alma bajo llave lo que sientesyo rompo con palabras que desgarran como dientestu sufres porque no sabes como parar el tiempoyo sufro porque no se de que color es el vientotan dulce y exizante que se escapa de tu bocacon solo una sonrisa mi cabeza volvio lokaaaaayyyy ay volvio lokaaaano busques mas que yo te voy a dartodo el calor que no te daba la barra del bardonde te vi yo por priemra vezdonde aprendi que se podia llorar tambiende alegria so?ando tu boca junto a la miaa aayy junto a la miatu piensa que la luna estara llena para siempreyo busco tu mirada entre los ojos de la gentetu guardas en el alma bajo llave lo que sientesyo rompo con palabras que desgarran como dientestu sufres porque no sabes como parar el tiempoyo sufro porque no se de que color es el vientotan dulce y exizante que se escapa de tu bocacon solo una sonrisa mi cabeza volvio lokaaaaayyyy ay volvio lokaaaatu piensa que la luna estara llena para siempreyo busco tu mirada entre los ojos de la gentetu guardas en el alma bajo llave lo que sientesyo rompo con palabras que desgarran como dientestu sufres porque no sabes como parar el tiempoyo sufro porque no se de que color es el vientotan dulce y echizante que se escapa de tu bocacon solo una sonrisa mi cabeza volvio lokaaaaayyyy ay volvio lokaaaacon solo un sonrisa melendi笨笨制作
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2023-06-18 18:37:471


说明文秋天的黄昏丁立梅城里是没有黄昏的。街道的灯,早早亮起来,生生把黄昏给吞了。乡下的黄昏,却是辽阔的,博大的。它在旷野上坐着;它在人家的房屋顶上坐着;它在鸟的翅膀上坐着;它在人的肩上坐着;它在树上、花上、草上坐着,直到夜来叩门。 而一年四季中,又数秋天的黄昏,最为安详与丰满。选一处河堤,坐下吧。河堤上,是大片欲黄未黄的草。它们是有眼睛的,它们的眼睛,是麦秸色的,散发出可亲的光。它们淹在一片夕照的金粉里,相依相偎,相互安抚。这是草的暮年,慈祥得如老人一样。你把手伸过去,它们摩挲着你的掌心,一下,一下,轻轻地。像多年前,亲爱的老祖母。你疲惫奔波的心,突然止息。从河堤往下看,能看到大片的田野。这个时候,庄稼收割了,繁华落尽,田野陷入令人不可思议的沉寂中。你很想知道田野在想什么,得到与失去,热闹与寥落,这巨大的落差,该如何均衡?田野不说话,它安静在它的安静里。岁月枯荣,此消彼长,焉有得?焉有失?不远处,种子们正整装待发,新的一轮蓬勃,将在土地上重新衍生。还有晚开的棉花呢。星星点点的白,点缀在褐色的棉枝上,这是秋天最后的花朵。捡拾棉花的手,不用那么急了。女人抬头看看天,低头看看花,这会儿,她终于可以做到从容不迫,稻谷都进了仓,农活不那么紧了。她细细捡拾棉花,一朵一朵的白,落入她手里。黄昏下,她的剪影,就像一幅画。你的眼睛,久久落在那些白上面,你想起童年,想起棉袄、棉鞋和棉被。大朵大朵的白,摊在屋门前的篾席上晒。你在里面打滚儿,你是驾着白云朵的鸟。玩着玩着,会睡着了,睡出一身汗来——棉花太暖和了啊。最开心的事是,冬夜的灯下,母亲把积下的棉花搬出来,在灯下捻去里面的籽儿。你也跟在后面捻,知道有新棉鞋新棉袄可穿,心先温暖起来。那时,你的世界就那么大,那时,一个世界的幸福,都可以被棉花填得满满的。人生因简单因单纯,更容易得到快乐。你有些惆怅,因为,现在的你,离简单离单纯,越来越远了。竟然还见到老黄牛。不多见了啊。人和牛,都老了。他们在河堤上,慢慢走。身上披着黄昏的影子。人的嘴里哼着“呦喝”“呦喝”——歌声单调,却闪闪发光。牛低着头,不知是在倾听,还是在沉思。你想,到底牛是人的伙伴,还是人是牛的伙伴?——相依为命,应该是尘世间最不可或缺的一种情感吧。鸟叫声在村庄那边,密密稠稠,是归巢前互道晚安呢。村庄在田野尽头,一排排,被黄昏镀上一层绚丽的橙色,像披了锦。炊烟升起来了,你家的,我家的,在空中热烈相拥,久久缠绵。还是村庄好,总是你中有我,我中有你。不设防。 copyright 突然听得有母亲的声音在叫:“小雨,快回家吃晚饭啦——”你忍不住笑,原来不管哪个年代,都有贪玩的孩子。 周遭的色彩,渐渐变浓变深。身下的土地,渐渐凉了,你也该走了。再贪恋地望一眼这秋天的夕阳,它一圈一圈小下去,小下去,像一只红透的西红柿,可以摘下来,炒了吃。
2023-06-18 18:37:561

东芝 M500 acpiTOS620A2&DABA3FF&1 未知设备怎么解决啊?

2023-06-18 18:38:191


2023-06-18 18:38:281

be my satellite歌词

dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. calling you calling you i need you today cause i lost my direction in the endless milky way emergency emergency navigate me home i can′t find a way back i can′t find it on my own come to me come to me please don′t hesitate you have to arrive in time before it is too late help me please help me please its gettin dangerous is there really no one who recive my sos dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. help me be my guide be my satellite i lost my way tonight so be my satellite i need you by my side be my satellite i hope you′ll soon arrive be my satellite dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s.. pick me up pick me up I"m waiting just to you my energy is none and I don"t know what to do bring me back bring me back It"s emergency be my satellite and get me through the galexy rest to me rest to me it"s gotta take me home don"t let be alone in the what I like so help me please help me please its gettin dangerous is there really no one who recive my sos dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. help me be my guide be my satellitei lost my way tonight so be my satellite i need you by my side be my satellite i hope you′ll soon arrive be my satellite dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s. dam daba dam daba daba da daba da daba da daba da hear my s.o.s.
2023-06-18 18:38:421

电脑每次开机都警告:无法为设备 ACPIPNP0A0A2&daba3ff&2 加载驱动程序 DriverWUDFRd。华硕的主板.

2023-06-18 18:38:581


2023-06-18 18:39:073


同求 我也不知道
2023-06-18 18:39:172


2023-06-18 18:39:293

HP笔记本 设备 ACPIHPQ60012&daba3ff&0 在启动时出现问题?

HP笔记本 设备 ACPIHPQ60012&daba3ff&0 在启动时出现问题?设备ACPIHPQ60012&daba3ff&0在启动时出现
2023-06-18 18:39:471