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drive forces是什么意思

2023-06-18 16:32:21
TAG: ive orc forces

drive forces








Conveying systems run more reliably and efficiently : as a torque brace ,compact force transducer continuously monitors the drive forces .



Experimental and Simulation Study on the Drive Forces of New Kind of MedicalMicro Robot in peristaltic Gastro-Intestine



They agreed to try to let market forces drive currency exchange rates.



Analysis on the Environmental Carrying Capacity, the Mechanisms ofEnvironmental Changes and Its Drive Forces in Shanxi, China



What stages of history do they describe? What forces drive history forward?



drive forces

















drive forces











2023-06-18 12:19:281


forces在英语中代表"与法令和作斗争、与组织成本估算系统"的意思。forces的释义1.与法令和限制作斗争例句:JH: is there a relief in playing with these forces?翻译:JH:在与这些力量打交道的时候, 您是否曾有过一个信念呢?。来源:牛津英汉双解词典2.与组织成本估算系统例句:Your forces are an abomination!3.转发和控制单元分离工作组例句:cityforcesme feverish pace to follow ... feverishpace.翻译:City forces me feverish pace to follow feverish pace。4.以控制和消除吸烟、转发和控制单元分离工作组例句:- i was in the armed forces?翻译:- 我是吗?。来源:实用全新英汉双解大词典
2023-06-18 12:19:371


名词 n. 1. 力,力量;力气 2. 武力,暴力 3. 【物】力;力的强度 4. 势力;威力;有影响的人(或事物)[C]5.影响;支配力;说服力[U] 6.军事力量;军队[P1]及物动词 vt. 1. 强迫,迫使 2. 用力推进;强行攻占;强行打开[O] 3. 勉强作出(或发出) 4用热)加速植物生长
2023-06-18 12:19:551


“Force”是一个英语单词,通常用作名词或者动词,具有多种不同的含义。以下是一些关于“force”用复数的情况:多种力量的总和:当“force”用作名词表示多种力量的总和时,可以加上复数形式的“s”,例如“forces”,表示多组力量的总和。例如:“The police had to use forces to control the crowd.”(警察不得不动用多组力量来控制人群。)军队:当“force”用作名词表示军队时,可以加上复数形式的“s”,例如“forces”,表示多支军队。例如:“The United States and their allies deployed forces to the region.”(美国及其盟友部署了多支军队到该地区。)交通工具:当“force”用作名词表示交通工具时,可以加上复数形式的“s”,例如“forces”,表示多辆交通工具。例如:“The police chased the suspect with forces of cars and motorcycles.”(警察用多辆汽车和摩托车追捕嫌疑人。)
2023-06-18 12:20:081


stress 一般用来 强调重点,或表示压力force 用武力逼迫,促使 ,军事力量
2023-06-18 12:20:362


特种部队---Special Force
2023-06-18 12:20:486


Special warfare
2023-06-18 12:21:245


2023-06-18 12:21:421


Special Forces:特种部队(上百度翻译啊)
2023-06-18 12:21:553


国= Gou军= Jun国军= Gou Jun
2023-06-18 12:22:131

比较 dipole-dipole forces 和 ion-dipole forces

dipole指的是具有两极的极性个体,比如H2O分子,它是三角形的所以正负电荷不在一点,整个分子具有极性。而ion指的是单极性个体,比如H+离子。所以dipole-dipole forces是偶极子间的力,比如H2O分子间。ion-dipole forces是偶极子和离子间的力,例子还真想不起来了0.0
2023-06-18 12:22:241


2023-06-18 12:22:405


自然的力量英语:natural forces自然的力量是指自然界中产生的各种力量和作用,可以包括地质力量、气候力量、水文力量等等。这些力量都是由于自然界的运动、交互和变化而产生的。自然的力量是地球所赖以生存的基础,对人类生活和发展都有着重要的影响。因此,理解自然的力量、充分利用自然的力量和控制自然的力量,是人类持续发展的重要任务之一。一些常见的自然力量包括:1、重力:是地球吸引物体的力量,是所有自然力量中最基本的一种,影响着一切物体的运动轨迹和分布。2、风力:是由地球大气层内不同温度区域的空气流动形成的,可以影响天气变化和植物生长。3、水力:是地球表面和内部的水流运动和作用,包括海洋、河流、湖泊、雨水等等,对地球的环境和生态系统产生重要影响。4、地质力量:包括地震、火山喷发、板块运动等等,由地球内部物质的运动和变化所产生的作用,对地球环境和地质构造产生深远影响。5、太阳能:是指太阳向宇宙射出的光和热能量,驱动了地球上几乎所有生命和生态系统的运动和发展。自然力量的应用1、重力:在工程和建筑中,重力被用来支撑建筑和桥梁,保证工程结构的稳定性和安全性。在航天工程中,重力也是一个重要的因素,掌握重力的作用可以帮助探索宇宙。2、风力:风力可以被用来产生电力,风力发电机正是一种利用风力的设备。除此之外,风力也可以被用来提供动力,例如帆船就是一种利用风力行驶的船只。3、水力:水力可以被用来产生电力,例如水力发电机。同时,水力还可以用来带动机械和设备,例如水轮机。4、地质力量:尽管地震和火山爆发等事件可能会带来危险,但地质力量也带来了很多好处。地球的矿产资源、岩石和矿物都是由地质力量形成的。例如,我们普遍使用的硅材料就是由地球内部的火山岩石形成的。5、太阳能:太阳能是一种无限可再生的能源,可以被用来产生电力并为人类提供照明和取暖等服务。此外,太阳能还可以被用来驱动机械和设备,例如太阳能汽车。自然的力量是不可或缺的,不仅是人类生存和发展的基础,也是技术和工程发展的重要支撑。我们需要理解并充分认识自然的力量,并寻找合适的方法来利用和控制这些力量,以促进人类和地球的可持续发展。
2023-06-18 12:22:571

英语military和military forces区别是什么?

2023-06-18 12:23:354

Economic forces

Economic forces 1.Santaizi and Shenyang economic conditions, consumer confidence of local residents is relatively high, the prospects are optimistic.2.Shenyang people"s per capita disposable monthly income of over 10,000 with a high purchasing power.3.Shenyang public services per capita consumption expenditure of 3193 yuan, which accounted for the vast majority of food consumption. Because we have different levels of the consumer launch of the different structure of the package, and is mainly targeted at the high level of consumption, they will buy more of our goods and services, so that the price tends to be popular and attract more customers to buy our goods and services.Political forces 1 Shenyang government this year focus on the development of the restaurant industry and trade, increase employment and improve the quality of life of the people, which for us is a good opportunity, but the current situation can not be optimistic about the global financial crisis brought about by the development of the global economy fell, while in China The impact of relatively small, but residents of the consumer confidence dropped to a certain extent. We will launch a series of promotional activities in order to deal with this pheonmenon.2, we will increase the transparency of company taxes and fees,be a good taxpayer. We will also take part in some social activities to enhance the well-known enterprises, which will handle the relationship with the Government. Because we will act to increase government revenue, expenditure on social welfare to improve to a certain extent.Legal and regulatory forces At present, China"s inflation to ease to the benefit of our raw materials procurement. National GDP growth has remained high 9.9 percent, Shenyang residents will be able to accelerate the growth of disposable income, which people in our restaurant spending will increase. In addition, the provincial government, the city government"s close cooperation with foreign ties of friendship and cooperation, organized by the International Conference on growing, Shenyang, the largest tourism development will be done in our government and our international friends in this area benefit.Technological forces 1 marketing network of catering businesses have the effect of changes in the restaurant industry in the use of e-commerce technology, science and technology will be the introduction of the restaurant industry, the realization of the modernization of cooking techniques. Second, the food industry to strengthen the network construction, especially in the construction site catering. Is the modern chain restaurant of the main symbol of catering enterprises is a cross-regional large-scale expansion of the effective ways is to achieve a good restaurant in the form of e-commerce. Only by building a network catering industry, the management of the procurement chain, take-away, distribution can be carried out smoothly. At the same time, strengthen the construction characteristics of the food web, carry out extensive publicity, advertising, subscription, consulting, complaints, legal services, such as relief and help to run the platform, to enhance the food industry as a whole network level. Third, pay attention to the food industry brand building and operating characteristics, enhance the cultural quality of the food service and network of restaurants and cultural characteristics. Engage in e-commerce, to be on the cultural quality of the catering industry, catering industry away from low-level of service, cuisine and cultural characteristics go on the road. Third, in the catering logistics (procurement, sorting, preservation and distribution) link strictly to achieve the integration of e-commerce services. Fourth, by means of e-commerce, professional associations to guide and strengthen the exchange and sharing of information by the industry to competition in strategic alliances. Fifth, strengthen the food industry e-business personnel training. Human resources constraints has been the food industry bottlenecks in the development of e-commerce. Xi along the traditional practice, the lower the threshold to enter the restaurant industry, generally low quality of human resources, this is an indisputable fact, people who know information technology is even more rare. Sixth, culture and tourism, leisure entertainment and other service industries supporting the development of Web services and give full play to the openness and inclusiveness.Socio-cultural forces 1, China"s population is now aging, this will affect their ability to accept new things, we have made in marketing effective for a long time.2,our company has a good image, and social influence, to a certain extent take the lead.3, too picky customers and food quality inspection team to our food quality supervision, we should strengthen management of food hygiene, strict procurement procedures. Improve service quality.4, the current Sanlu milk, we will learn a lesson and can not be indifferent, depending on people"s lives regardless of security. So rest assured that the safety of food, high-quality services, foster the image of the industry NO.1
2023-06-18 12:24:041

在fluent12.0后处理results的reports中计算Forces时,产生的Coefficients Pressure 是什么意思

force是力的大小,就是力的实际值, coefficients是力的系数,是相对值,在reference value里面设置相应的值来求的viscous是粘性阻力 pressure是压阻力建议你去看看流体力学相关的书
2023-06-18 12:24:261

What was less visible then,however,were the new,p

2023-06-18 12:24:405


38定义和术语的振动所有的物质固态,液态和气态 - 是振动的能力,例如气体振动发生在喷气发动机尾管造成麻烦的噪音和金属有时疲劳裂纹。振动在液体中几乎总是纵向和可能导致由于液体,E.低压缩性大部队湾管道输水,可经受高惯性力(或“水锤”)时,阀门或水龙头突然关闭。激励的力量造成的,就是说,在液体或旋转外的平衡或往复流部件的变化,通常可以通过注意减少到设计和制造细节。 Aypical机有许多移动部件,这是每个振动或冲击,激发潜在来源。设计师面临着之间的振动和噪音是否可以接受金额妥协的问题,涉及的成本减少激励的机械振动与稳定不是由(调和部队兴奋即在强迫振动情况下服从正弦和余弦法处理),或在经过最初的滋扰没有Tiles分力量,除了引力callde重量(即在自然情况下或免费振动)。调和振动据说是“简单”如果只有一个频率为代表的位移与时间正弦余弦波图解。参与减少激励一个机构或材料振动是周期性变化的位置或位移u301c1911一静态平衡约束的地位。与振动相关的是相互关联的物理量的加速度,速度和位移 - 大肠杆菌湾1不平衡力的原因加速度(a = F的/米的制度,由抵制,诱使作为响应振动)。我们将看到,振动或振荡运动大致可分为(1)暂时性;(二)继续或稳定状态;及(c)随机的。瞬态振动消失,通常是不规则的扰动引起的,电子商务。湾冲击或影响力,超过桥梁轧制负荷,汽车驾驶超过锅洞 - 岛é。势力不要重复定期。虽然瞬态振动议案临时组成部分,他们最初可能会导致大振幅和随之而来的压力,但在高莽情况下,它们是短暂的,可以忽略不计只剩稳态振动加以考虑。稳态振动往往与连续操作的机器,虽然perioduc,不一定调和或正弦。由于振动产生的能量需要他们,他们的机器和减少因能源,大肠杆菌耗散机制的效率克。通过帧和基金会等摩擦和由此产生的热量转移到周围环境,声波和噪音,应力波。因此,稳定,atate振动能量总是需要不断输入,以维持他们。
2023-06-18 12:25:072


  平泽进 FORCES 的歌词止痛片 发布于:2007-09-04 12:08  BERSERK FORCES  作曲: 平沢进 编曲: 平沢进 作词: 平沢进 歌: 平沢进  时は云をつくような波をたて袭うよ  消されて夜道を这う声たちに应えて  忘れはしない キミのことは  かなわぬ道に なお一人立ち  击たれた鸟のような  优雅さで雨に耐え  愈えない地上の血に洗われて眠る  星よ壮绝に 物语れ この夜を  忘れはしない キミのことは  冻えて夜を ただひとり生き  消えない声よ今  苏れ力へと  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces  闻けよ 风さえ泣き そびえ立つ影の塔  击たれて夜道を这うキミに灯をともせよ  忘れはしない キミのことは  かなわぬ道に なおひとり立ち  行けよ饶舌の 影よ来て导け  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces  Toki wa kumo o tsuku yoo na nami o tate osou yoKesarete yomichi o hau koe tachi ni kotaete  Wasure wa shinai Kimi no koto waKanawanu michi ni Nao hitori tachi  Utareta tori no yoo na Yuugasa de ame ni tae  Ienai chijoo no chi ni arawarete nemuruHoshi yo soozetsu ni Monogatare Kono yoru o  Wasure wa shinai Kimi no koto waKogoete yoru o Tada hitori iki  Kienai koe yo ima Yomigaere Chikara e to  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces (twice)  Kike yo Kaze sae naki Sobietatsu Kage no tU0010a574arete yomichi o hau kimi ni hi o tomose yo  Wasure wa shinai Kimi no koto waKanawanu michi ni Nao hitori tachi  Yuke yo J?su no kage yo kite Michibike  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces  以下部分为在下的翻译,希望会日语的朋友给予订正 Time assaults us with towering waves  时间如波浪一般向我们袭来  I answer to the fading voices trolling the night roads  我如在夜路中飞逝的声音一般  I will never forget about you  在这条无法实现的路上,  On this road of unfulfillment, I still stand alone  我将你永记于心,即便我仍旧孤身一人。  Like a wounded bird, I endure the rain with grace  我将像一只受伤的小鸟,在雨中优雅的忍受人生。  Awash(充满、充斥) in the blood of the wounded earth, we sleep  我们沉睡在充满血色伤痕累累的大地之上。  Oh stars, grandly recount the events of this night!  天空中的繁星似乎在将今夜中一切记录下来  I will never forget about you  我会将你永记于心  I simply exist alone in this freezing night  即便我孤独于如此寒夜之中  O unfading voices, revive(苏醒) now to your full strength!  一切没有消失的声音,将会唤醒你们全部的力量  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces  Listen, o soaring(飞扬、高高耸立) tower of darkness, at which even the wind cries  看啊,在这条充满痛苦的黑夜之路上,  Shed(散发) light on you, wounded and trolling the night roads那座充满黑暗阴风阵阵的高塔之中,也在向你着散发着阵阵光芒,  I will never forget about you  在这条无法实现的路上,  On this road of unfulfillment, I still walk alone  我将你永记于心,即便我仍独自一人  Go forth(前进)! O loquacious(健谈的) shadows, come and guide me!  冲啊!所有的影子将会成为我的向导,  Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
2023-06-18 12:25:221


ak47 m4a1 awm 1234567890
2023-06-18 12:25:461

British Forces是什么意思

2023-06-18 12:26:092

英语natural forces怎么翻译?

Natural forces 中文意思是大自然的力量。
2023-06-18 12:26:244

physics deals with the forces acting on concrete objects

2023-06-18 12:26:352

military forces是什么意思

military forces军事力量双语对照词典结果:military forces兵马; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Perhaps the most interesting chapter is on the balance of military forces in the pacific. 最有趣的一章或许是对太平洋军事力量平衡所做的分析。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-18 12:26:483

PEST分析和Porter 5 Forces分析有什么区别呀?

PEST分析主要是对宏观环境的分析,P是政治因素,E是经济因素,S是社会社交因素,T是技术因素;在分析一个企业集团所处的背景的时候,通常是通过这四个因素来进行分析企业集团所面临的状况。波特的五力模型主要是分析对产业可以造成影响的五种因素,五种力量分别为进入壁垒、替代品威胁、买方议价能力、卖方议价能力以及现存竞争者之间的竞争。一个是分析企业的外部环境对企业的影响;一个是分析影响企业运营发展的内在因素;是从不同渠道去分析的 所以不一样的哦。
2023-06-18 12:27:331

drive forces是什么意思

drive forces驱动力量1.驱动力量例句全部,驱动力量更多例句筛选1.Conveying systems run more reliably and efficiently : as a torque brace ,compact force transducer continuously monitors the drive forces .传输系统的运转更加可靠以及高效:小巧的力传感器是一个扭力支架,它不断监控着驱动力的工作状态。2.Experimental and Simulation Study on the Drive Forces of New Kind of MedicalMicro Robot in peristaltic Gastro-Intestine医用微型机器人蠕动肠道中的驱动力计算及实验研究3.They agreed to try to let market forces drive currency exchange rates.他们同意尽量让“市场力量决定货币汇率”。4.Analysis on the Environmental Carrying Capacity, the Mechanisms ofEnvironmental Changes and Its Drive Forces in Shanxi, China山西环境承载力及其环境变化机制与驱动力分析5.What stages of history do they describe? What forces drive history forward?他们所描述的历史时期是指什么?什么力量推动着历史向前迈进?
2023-06-18 12:27:462


force只有做释义:一群人; 部队; 兵力的时候是可数的sum-of-forces可以译作部队总数,兵力总数
2023-06-18 12:28:251

Although many people view conflict as baduff0c conflict is sometimes useful ________ it forces people

选A it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors (by conflict) 这句话是conflict 的定语从句
2023-06-18 12:28:424


Special Forces 特种部队,特种兵Special 特种,特殊的
2023-06-18 12:28:513

The Concretes的《Forces》 歌词

歌曲名:Forces歌手:The Concretes专辑:LayourbattleaxedownBERSERKForces时は云をつくような波をたて袭うよ消されて夜道を这う声たちに応えて忘れはしない キミのことはかなわぬ道に なおひとり立ち撃たれた鸟のような 优雅さて雨に耐え愈えない地上の血に洗われて眠る星よ壮绝に 物语れ この夜を忘れはしない キミのことは冻えて夜を ただひとり生き消えない声よ今苏れカへとHai Yai Forces Hai Yai ForcesHai Yai Forces Hai Yai ForcesHai Yai Forces Hai Yai ForcesHai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces……
2023-06-18 12:29:251

united forces 歌词

歌曲名:united forces歌手:Stormtroopers of Death专辑:speak english or dieIt doesnt matter how you wear your hair,It"s what"s inside your headUnited foreces stand for all good and fair,Black, white, yellow, and red.Stormtroopers Of DeathUNITED forcesUNITED forcesUNITED forcesUNITED forcesUNITED forcesUNITED forcesSkinheads and bangers and punks stand as oneCrossover to a final sceneUnited forces and their job wont be done,UNITED forcesUNITED forcesUNITED forcesUNITED forcesUNITED forcesUNITED forcesNo rednecks, no jocks, no macho bullshit attitudesUnited forces cant be stoppedNo rednecks, no jocks, no macho bullshit attitudesUnited forces cant be stopped
2023-06-18 12:29:541


new forces新势力新生力量
2023-06-18 12:30:182

armed forces是什么意思

"武装部队" 望采纳!
2023-06-18 12:30:443


2023-06-18 12:31:064

volume forces是什么意思

volume forces体积力拼音双语对照双语例句1Whenthe volume forces, prespribed boundary forces and displacementsacted on the two deformed bodies are the same each other, the generalized reciprocal theorem of non-coupled systems beomes one ofcoupled systems.当两变形体的体积力、边界力和边界位移都相同时,该定理成为耦联系统的广义倒易定理。
2023-06-18 12:31:421

what are the examples of non-contact forces?

Gravity: is a non-contact force beeen o objects. The force exerted on each body by the other through gravity is proportional to the mass of the first body times the mass of the second body divided by the square of the distance beeen them. The direction of the force is from the body acted on towards the body applying the force. A human bodys weight is a non-contact force exerted by the Earth on their mass. Magi *** is a unique non-contact force similar to gravity that generally acts to produce a stronger force over much shorter distances and only affects specific materials. Magi *** can produce a force towards or away from the mag. Strong nuclear force Unlike Gravity and electromagi *** the strong nuclear force is a short distance force that takes place beeen fundamental particles within a nucleus. It is charge independent and acts equally beeen a proton and a proton a neutron and a neutron and a proton and a lipaev. In fact the strong nuclear force is the strongest force in nature. However it"s range is incredibly *** all(10-15m) Weak nuclear force The weak nuclear force appears only in certain nuclear processes like β decay of a nucleus(nucleus emits β particle and an uncharged particle called neutrino). Both the strong and weak forces form an important part of quantum mechanics air pressure is not a non-contact force as the air pressure is not a force 参考: me + wiki 电吸引and排斥力.. 核心入面个吸引力 non-contact force : Force of gravity Magic force 参考: myself
2023-06-18 12:31:491


机械强度。一种材料可以遭受很多不同种类的作用力。他们可能是拉力,剪力,压力或者是他们的联合。每个可能的力造成材料的不同回应方式。因此,一种有几个不同的“机械强度”。这些强度是建立在说加载的载荷上的。最典型的机械强度有:A、抗拉强度 一种材料在断裂前能抵抗的最大拉应力。抗拉强度是最容易测量的强度,因此,它被广泛的应用。B、抗压强度 抵抗挤压材料变成新形状趋向应力的能力。从根本上是与抗拉强度相反的。极大的挤压应力会造成材料破裂。C、剪应力 抵抗在遭受剪应力断裂的能力。大小相等的力作用于相反的方向时会产生剪应力。这些力会造成材料的晶粒或者分子从这个滑动到那个上,最后断裂。D、抗扭强度 抵抗切向应力的能力。超过抗扭强度的力会使材料断裂。E、抗弯强度 材料抵抗拉应力和压应力共同作用的能力。由图1.2可以看到,当弯曲一个材料时,被弯曲材料的内部肯定受压,以此同时,外面的部分被拉伸。当遭到弯矩时,材料肯定出现抗弯强度。F、疲劳强度 抵抗方向变力。造成疲劳的典型应力为往复来回地变动的恒力。??????或者弯应力。G、抗“冲击强度”(不够专业的翻译) 抵抗忽然迅速加上载荷的能力。它是抗拉强度和抗压强度更具体的测量。冲击强度决定了吸收迅速加上的拉力或者压力的能力。锻模必须有很高的抗冲击强度。(3)材料的塑性流动 除了涉及强度的机械性能外,材料有统治他们在塑性变形阶段行为的特征。这些性能通常被称为延展性和CREEP。延展性是材料普通温度下粘性流动的特征。越高的延展性越高的可加工性(没有断裂发生的)。高延展性的材料容易弯曲,拉成电线或者拉伸成实体。
2023-06-18 12:31:571

什么是shearing forces ?

剪力[shearing force],是一种与表面成正切方向作用,而引起滑动或扭转变形的作用力。由于剪力作用方向平行于作用面,因此也常被称为正切力。与作用力方向垂直于作用面的张力或压力有别。后者也常被称为垂直力。 例如两块以螺栓结合的钢板,在承受张力作用时,其作用力,就是靠剪力来传递。螺栓的身干在两块板的交接处有被左右「剪断」的趋势. 剪力动画 另一个对剪力简单既描述 .geocities/cwc719/force 您就试想象有一槐隔心饼(底面两槐) 您要用多小力去把它们两槐分开的力度就是shearing forces .
2023-06-18 12:32:231

什么是 Porters 5 forces model

2023-06-18 12:32:301


<p>关于中国各种部队的英文翻译是:All kinds of troops in China</p><p><img>95eef01f3a292df5bbd7a89eb7315c6034a87320</img></p>
2023-06-18 12:32:582

什么是 Porters 5 forces model

波特五力模型是迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)于20世纪80年代初提出。它认为行业中存在着决定竞争规模和程度的五种力量,这五种力量综合起来影响着产业的吸引力以及现有企业的竞争战略决策。五种力量分别为同行业内现有竞争者的竞争能力、潜在竞争者进入的能力、替代品的替代能力、供应商的讨价还价能力、购买者的讨价还价能力。拓展资料:1、供应商的议价能力供方主要通过其提高投入要素价格与降低单位价值质量的能力,来影响行业中现有企业的盈利能力与产品竞争力。2、购买者的议价能力购买者主要通过其压价与要求提供较高的产品或服务质量的能力,来影响行业中现有企业的盈利能力。3、新进入者的威胁新进入者在给行业带来新生产能力、新资源的同时,将希望在已被现有企业瓜分完毕的市场中赢得一席之地,这就有可能会与现有企业发生原材料与市场份额的竞争,最终导致行业中现有企业盈利水平降低,严重的话还有可能危及这些企业的生存。4、替代品的威胁两个处于同行业或不同行业中的企业,可能会由于所生产的产品是互为替代品,从而在它们之间产生相互竞争行为,这种源自于替代品的竞争会以各种形式影响行业中现有企业的竞争战略。5、同业竞争者的竞争程度大部分行业中的企业,相互之间的利益都是紧密联系在一起的,作为企业整体战略一部分的各企业竞争战略,其目标都在于使得自己的企业获得相对于竞争对手的优势,所以,在实施中就必然会产生冲突与对抗现象,这些冲突与对抗就构成了现有企业之间的竞争。波特五力模型
2023-06-18 12:33:051


由好多个国家既军人组织既一个部队 英文可以讲 "multi-national force" or "multi-national troop" (通常新闻看到的) 冇国籍既部队、意思系不分国籍组织成一个部队、唔系真系冇国籍、只不过系多国籍、所以不可能说BORDERLESS ARMY "无国界"...例如 无国界医生 无国界义工都系一d义工性质去d贫乏国家帮人、唔収銭的。 所以"无国界军人"的话、d军人都唔系以个人义工性质去参军、中文唔系好通。 Mercenary 正如上面所讲的意思...是指uff62雇佣兵uff63、是要用銭请的。注意的是、那些雇佣兵通常系指以前欧州国王従其他国家请d雇佣兵去打另一个国家、你可以话系不分国籍、但同你意思所讲「由好多个国家既军人组织既一个部队」意义唔同。 我有错的话、大家请指教。 由好多个国家既军人组织既一个部队 英文应该点讲? Mercenary Soldiers fight for the country (party) that pays them not for their own country. 即雇佣兵. 参考: SELF 无国界陆军 BORDERLESS army / soldier army / soldier ACROSS BORDERS army / soldier WITHOUT BORDERS 无国界海军 BORDERLESS navy / sea forces / sea service navy / sea forces / sea service ACROSS BORDERS navy / sea forces / sea service WITHOUT BORDERS 无国界空军 BORDERLESS air force / air service air force / air service ACROSS BORDERS air force / air service WITHOUT BORDERS Mercenary就是那种没有国际限制的雇用兵. This Army is consolidated by different soldiers from many countries.
2023-06-18 12:33:241


技术因素属于与对流行产生影响的微观环境因素是错误的。技术因素(Technological Forces)是管理者用来设计、生产、销售产品和服务的技术发生变革后的结果。许多报纸经济栏内刊登的反映股市特点的各种技术因素,如主、次要趋势和逆向运动等。这些因素可以短期内对股票的卖空数量,零星股和整数股的交易比率,哪些股票上升到新高度,哪些股票下降到新低点等进行有益的分析,这对职业投资者和投机者的好处远大于普通投资者。技术因素(Technological Forces)是管理者用来设计、生产、销售产品和服务的技术发生变革后的结果。在过去的10年中,技术变革的总体速度呈加速状态。随着微处理技术以及其他计算机软件技术的进步,技术因素大量增加。在整个技术演进的过程中,基础科学的进步和应用技术的发展往往决定具体产业的发展前景,没有进展意味着举步维艰,但革命性的突破更有可能是灭顶之灾。现代社会中,有效的合作机制往往是技术演进必不可少的,这是衡量区域技术优势的根本标准。产业发展中的技术因素影响:短期也许不难做到,但在较长的时期一直让正确的人做正确的事比较难。社会环境、组织氛围、团队文化以及与此相适应的绩效考核反馈机制都是必不可少的保障因素,再加上物质和精神相结合的有效激励因素才会有所成就。其中任何的缺陷都可以造成致命的后果。所以说,成功的产业发展区间内的人往往在气质上是相同的,有时候我们凭借身体动作、眼神和微表情就可以判断陌生人的行业,乃至某地做某行的就是这个道理。
2023-06-18 12:33:311

连词and 的问题

2023-06-18 12:34:048

英语air forces怎么翻译?

air force 是空军air forces 可以理解为防空部队
2023-06-18 12:34:201


2023-06-18 12:34:302


1. 架构和框架的设计层次不同 类似于硬件设计,软件设计也分为不同的层次。对于Application Level到Global/Industry Level的设计来说,就都是Architecture的范畴了。从Application Level来说,它是由零到多个Framework组成的独立的应用程序,会考虑诸如UI之类的重要问题。System Level由多个应用组成,每个应用在整个系统中代表不同的角色,这些应用共同组成一个系统工作环境。Enterprise Level又是由System Level组成,通常跨越整个企业(这里是广义的企业)中的多个组织机构。Global/industry Level由多个企业通过Internet和商业市场组成一个相当大范围内的系统应用,B2B就是这样的Global Level设计的应用系统。 显然Framework和Architecture在这里的差别是巨大的,哪怕和Application Level相比。当一个应用中只使用了一个Framework时,我们可以把它叫做Architecture吗?事实上,Framework仅仅是 Architecture中的一个微不足道的部分。在Achitecture中,我们考虑技术视图时,会选择J2EE或.NET,然后才会考虑:是否要用 Spring、Hibernate?从这里可以看出,Framework只是技术视图的一个设计决策。 2. 架构和框架的Design Forces不同 其实,仅仅上面的描述也应该能够让大家清楚的认识到Architecture和Framework的区别了。但我还想在另外的方面更进一步说明。 Design Forces我不知道怎么翻译,只能解释一下了:Design Forces指设计主要针对的问题、领域和能力。勉强可以翻译成“设计针对”吧。 Framework的Design Forces主要是功能性、复杂性和性能。从Framework的定位和设计层次来说,它主要目的是帮助开发人员完成公共的、系统的功能,这些功能在大多 数应用中都需要,差别在于多少而已。对于一个Framework,完成系统的功能,隐藏并尽量简化这些系统功能的复杂性,同时提供可接受的性能,这就是它 的设计目标了。 而对于Architecture,其最主要的Design Force就是变更。其次,所有可能的问题都是要在Architecture中考虑:复杂性、功能、性能、技术、所有非功能需要等等。。。
2023-06-18 12:34:491

Killing in the Name 歌词

歌曲名:Killing in the Name歌手:Rage Against The Machine专辑:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Box Set)Killing in the name ofSome of those that work forcesAre the same that burn crossesSome of those that work forcesAre the same that burn crossesSome of those that work forcesAre the same that burn crossesSome of those that work forcesAre the same that burn crossesKilling in the name ofKilling in the name ofNow you do what they told yaNow you do what they told yaNow you do what they told yaNow you do what they told yaNow you do what they told yaNow you do what they told yaThose that died are justifiedFor wearin" a badge and their chosen whiteYou justify those that dieFor wearin" their badge and chosen whiteSome of those that work forcesAre the same that burn crossesSome of those that work forcesAre the same that burn crossesKilling in the name ofKilling in the name ofNow you do what they told yaNow you do what they told yaNow you do what they told yaNow you do what they told yaThose that died are justifiedFor wearin" a badge and their chosen whiteYou justify those that dieFor wearin" their badge and chosen whiteFuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.Fuck You I Won"t Do What You Tell Me.MOTHER FUCKER!!
2023-06-18 12:35:101

ion-dipole forces

2023-06-18 12:35:201


2023-06-18 12:35:297