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I So Wanted 歌词

2023-06-18 12:21:31
TAG: nt wanted
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歌曲名:I So Wanted
歌手:Rie Fu
专辑:Rie Fu

I So Wanted----Rie Fu
Tokyo in the winter time,as I walk on by.
Hear the lights like a lullaby.
Count the colors,& colors beware.
I so wanted to be in your heart.
I so wanted to be in your heart.
But you wanted her and me on my own.
You don"t know that it left another hole
Tokyo in the summer time and night time blues.
Go take some break,but don"t tell me what to do.
见つかって分れば Soon you"ll want more
Count the colors,& colors beware.
I so wanted to be in your heart.
I so wanted to be in your heart.
But you wanted her and me on my own.
Don"t run to summer time,It"s just nostalgia.
Don"t run to summer time,It"s just the radio.
The surface could be sweet but poisonous inside.
You will never know how I felt inside
Count the colors,& colors beware.
I so wanted to be in your heart.
I so wanted to be in your heart.
But you wanted her and me on my own.
You don"t know that it left another hole
I so wanted to be in your heart.
I so wanted to be in your heart.
But you wanted her and me on my own.
You don"t know that it left another hole




beware当心双语对照词典结果:beware[英][bu026au02c8weu0259(r)][美][bu026au02c8wer]v.当心; 提防; 第三人称单数:bewares过去分词:bewared现在进行时:bewaring过去式:bewared以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-06-18 09:50:143


beware作不及物动词时译为当心,小心。作及物动词时译为注意,提防。一、短语搭配:1、beware the Greeks bearing gifts:提防带礼物的希腊人。2、let the buyer beware:买方小心,指卖方对于货物的品质,不负绝对的担保义务。货既出门,概不退还。3、beware of a man of one book:提防钻一本书的人 不可轻视专精一艺的人,每个人在他的专业范围内都是权威。二、双语例句:1、We should beware the incompetence of legislators.我们应该防范立法者的不称职。2、Beware that it fare not with you as with your predecessor.当心不要重蹈你前任的覆辙。3、Beware,it could hurt if thrown with great vigor.但抛撒大米可得小心,用劲大了,会伤着人的。4、But most of all,beware of each other,because everything"s about to change.但最重要的是小心彼此,因为一切都将改变。
2023-06-18 09:50:211


beware of sb/sth 谨防……
2023-06-18 09:50:442


beware的意思是:担心,注意,谨防。双语例句:1、Beware of being too impatient with others。翻译为:谨防对别人过于急噪。这里的beware作动词表示谨防。2、Motorists were warned to beware of slippery conditions。翻译为:汽车驾驶者被提醒当心路滑。这里的beware作动词表示当心。固定搭配:beware of 对…小心;谨防…
2023-06-18 09:50:511

be careful与beware的区别与用途?

be careful小心,仔细,认真+withbe aware 谨慎,对某事戒备+of
2023-06-18 09:51:113


You can use both ways, however, there is difference in their syntax (语法):for example:When you use "beware of the dog", it is just an ordinary sentence like "you shall beware of the dog".However, when you use "beware the dog", it is an imperative mood (祈使 or 命令语气).
2023-06-18 09:51:201


2023-06-18 09:51:297


2023-06-18 09:52:052


2023-06-18 09:52:131

Beware the barrenness of a busy life.是什么意思

2023-06-18 09:52:385


若语境是关心朋友,口头提示,可以说:Watch out, don"t slip. 写警告标语时,英文标语都是命令句,把「slip」字当重点动词写出来的话,很容易令老外误会「请摔倒」.所以重点动词不是slip,是「留神」Beware. 如在室内: Beware of slippery floor Beware of uneven floor 如在户外: Beware of slippery ground (地面) / road (路面) Beware of uneven ground
2023-06-18 09:53:021


2023-06-18 09:53:202


Beware of imitations.
2023-06-18 09:53:313


2023-06-18 09:53:431


Be careful,not slip.
2023-06-18 09:53:573

英语谚语:Beware of a man of one book 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Beware of a man of one book 中文意思: 不要与一个有专业知识的人争论。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Without practice hopes will be reduced to zero 没有实践,希望会化为乌有。 Without respect love cannot go far 如不相互尊重,爱情就难发展。 Without wisdom wealth is worthless 如果没有智慧,财富就无价值。 With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry bees satin 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 Wit once bought is worth twice taught 亲身一次的经验,抵得上老师两次的教导。 Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit 仅有机智而无真才实学,犹如一棵大树不结果。 Woe to him that is alone 孤独的人最苦恼。 Women in mischief are wiser than men 妇女在受危害时比男子机智。 Wonders are many and nothing is more wonderful than man 奇迹很多,但没有一件东西比人更为奇妙。 Words are but wind 耳闻不如一见。 英语谚语: Beware of a man of one book 中文意思: 不要与一个有专业知识的人争论。
2023-06-18 09:54:051

Beware the Ideas Of March这句话什么意思

2023-06-18 09:54:163

672天:BUYER BEWARE 标题怎译?及文中问字解?

更新1: Henderson Land is already promoting 宣传 the flats by (by 常在 passive voice 中说出动作的主动者,但在这里,by 怎解?) publishing 出版 a price list but the trouble is the site is included in an area earmarked (earmarked 怎解?) for redevelopment 重新发展 by the Urban Renewal Authority (Urban Renewal Authority 怎解?). 更新2: ATV Main News You may revise it if you like. Thanks. Buyer Beware 作标题,可以译作『买方留心』 在奉行普通法的国家和地区,买卖物业有个法律概念叫 Caveat emptor (英文即系 "let the buyer beware")。简单讲就系只要物业卖方没有蓄意向买家隐藏这物业的缺憾,卖家毋须就物业的缺憾而负责,有货物出门概不退换的意思。标题正是用了这概念去描述恒基这单新闻。 disputed: 形容词,由 dispute 这动词变化而成,解有争议的 promoting the flats by pulishing a price list : By 这里是前置词 (preposition),不是 passive voice;意思是透过印发价单去促销楼宇 earmarked: earmark 解标志,earmarked for redevelopment 在这里解已标志作重建 Urban Renewal Authority: 市区重建局(简称市建局)是中国香港专责处理市区重建计划的法定机构,2001年5月1日根据中国香港《市区重建局条例》第563章而成立,前身是同样负责处理市区重建的土地发展公司。2002年6月,中国香港立法会通过在5年内向市区重建局注资100亿港元,以推行各项市区重建计划。 市区重建局职责包括加速旧区重建,促进复修残旧楼宇,修葺具有历史或建筑价值的楼宇,及透过改善旧区的环境促进经济发展。由于事区重建涉及大量居民及贵重土地的发展,市建局的举动备受中国香港舆论关注。
2023-06-18 09:54:351

Beware the Ides of March!的出处与意思是什么?

GOOGLE到的。。。Beware the Ides of MarchOriginFrom Shakespeare"s Julius Caesar, 1599. "Beware the Ides of March" is the soothsayer"s message to Julius Caesar, warning of his death. The Ides of March didn"t signify anything special in itself - this was just the usual way of saying "March 15th." Each month has an Ides (usually the 15th) and this date wasn"t significant in being associated with death.Months of the Roman calendar were arranged around three named days and these were reference points from which the other (unnamed) days were calculated:Kalends (1st day of the month).Nones (the 7th day in March, May, July, and October; the 5th in the other months).Ides (the 15th day in March, May, July, and October; the 13th in the other months). ------------------------------------------------以下纯属本人翻译:------------------------------------------------出处:莎士比亚的《凯撒大帝》, 1599年. "Beware the Ides of March" is the 占卜者对凯撒大帝的预言,警告凯撒大帝的死亡。The Ides of March 本身没有任何特殊含义,通常称为“三月十五日”。每个月份都有一个IDES(通常为15号),而这个日期与死亡并无过多联系。古罗马年历的月份围绕三个命名日安排,这些为其它未命名日计算的参考点。Kalends (当月的第一天).Nones (三月、五月、七月、十月中的第7天;其它月份的第5天).Ides (三月、五月、七月、十月中的第15天;其它月份的第13天). -----------以上译文仅供参考-----------
2023-06-18 09:54:432

be ware i live 在dota里是谁说的啊

2023-06-18 09:54:516

beware of the dog roald dahl具体讲什么

这是一篇小说,Roald Dahl是作者的名字。以一个英国飞行员的角度,讲他的内心世界与思想活动,从而体现一个英国军人的尊严与忠诚。具体是讲二战的不列颠之战(英德)中(Battle of Britain),他在一次飞行中受伤(断了一只腿)以后,如果靠着最后一丝意念坚持降落(在飞机也受损的情况下),醒了以后发现在医院里,负责照顾她的护士告诉他他在Brighton(England),但他没有放松,一直在回忆自己经历了什么,但护士却说那是他的幻想。就这样过了几天,有一次,他察觉到自己所在的这个病房有种说不出的不对劲,他费尽力气爬到窗边,看到远处有个牌子,写着“Garde au Chien”(法语,英语为Beware of the dog,就是小心恶犬),由此判断自己在法国,在敌军手里(当时法国政府被德国纳粹控制)。然后他想起了他所在中队的军官跟他说过,如果被抓了,除了你的名字,军衔,番号之外,什么都不要泄露。不久,一个机长就来见他了,开始问了一些很正常的问题,像是“你现在感觉怎么样”,或是闲聊,他都不答话,后来机长说,你恐怕要回答我一些问题,我要填这份战斗报告的,首先,你是哪个中队的?他回答:“My name is Petter Williamson. My rank is Squadron Leader and my number is nine seven two four five seven.”名字,等级,番号,全文结束。
2023-06-18 09:55:171

beware of people who appear to be enthusiastic about your success 怎么翻译

当心那些似乎热心于你的成功的人谨防那些对你的成功似乎很热心的人.都可以的beware of :对…小心;谨防…appear to be :好像是;仿佛be enthusiastic about :热衷于,对…充满热情success:名词(动词:succeed 形...
2023-06-18 09:55:321

silje nergaard- Be Still My Heart这首歌的歌词中文翻译是怎样的呢~~

我的心不孤独或破碎 冰还是没有金牌 我的心永远也讲 当我爱冷成长 我觉得不是就要飘扬 当你引用我的面颊你通过 也使得我心甘情愿 这些东西我的一生不上 我的心仍是 我的心仍是 如果要达到那么我们眼前的是-- 不必麻烦了心的秘密 如果没有人就可以免费 只有眼泪,除了 我的心仍是 我的心仍是 小心,小心,小心 照顾照顾 我的心仍是 我的心依旧
2023-06-18 09:55:402

Beware of the dogs和Beware of dog这两个句子的区别是什么?就是为什么要一个加the和s另一个却没有加?

the dogs表示特指的几只狗或一群狗一些狗,dog就泛指狗类。比如:去下乡要小心点,狗会咬人。你上学的路上要小心点,那些狗会咬人。
2023-06-18 09:56:162


2023-06-18 09:56:341


问题一:当心弧光当心伤手当心坑洞当心坠落用英语怎么说 当心弧光当心伤手当心坑洞当心坠落 Beware of arc beware hand injury beware beware of falling down 当心弧光当心伤手当心坑洞当心坠落 Beware of arc beware hand injury beware beware of falling down 问题二:朋友不小心划伤手,怎么安慰一下~ 怎么这么不心!还疼不疼啊!以后要小心一点 问题三:你好,请问大师,接房之后在新房不小心划伤手指流血请问在风水方面是什么预兆?如何化解? 新房子搬进去 少说3个月才会起 效果。 长远效果 要超过6年才能造成深远影响。 只是划破手指头的话 说实话你想太多了
2023-06-18 09:56:421


Dangxin chudian 别被我骗了哦。呵呵 娱乐一下,楼上的都地对的。
2023-06-18 09:56:516

wild world中文歌词

2023-06-18 09:57:074

皮囊第一季 片尾曲歌词

《皮囊》第一季第九集的片尾曲是《Wild World》。详细的介绍和中英歌词如下:歌名:《Wild World》歌手:Mr. Big所属专辑:《Big Bigger Biggest》发行时间:1989-01-01流派:流行发行公司:华纳音乐歌词:Now that I"ve lost everything to you,如今我失去了你的一切you say you want to start something new,你说你想开始新的旅程and it"s breaking my heart you"re leaving,你的离开深深刺伤了我的心baby I"m grieving.宝贝 我伤心到了极点But if you wanna leave take good care,如果你真得要走,请保重hope you have a lot of nice things to wear,我希望你带走一切美好的东西but then a lot of nice things turn bad out there.一切一切美好的东西 把痛苦和悲伤统统给我Oh baby baby it"s a wild world,噢 宝贝 宝贝 这是个狂野的世界it"s hard to get by just upon a smile.Oh baby baby it"s a wild world,噢 宝贝 宝贝 这是个狂野的世界I"ll always remember you like a child, girl.仅仅靠微笑是很难应付的You know I"ve seen a lot of what the world can do,我已经经历了许多世间的沧桑and it"s breaking my heart in two,这是我心碎不已"cause I never want to see you sad girl,因为我不愿见你伤心难过,姑娘don"t be a bad girl,不要成为坏女孩but if you want to leave take good care,如果你真得要走 请保重hope you make a lot of nice friends out there,希望你能在外面世界结交更多益友but just remember there"s a lot of bad and beware, beware,但是记得那里潜在着危险 请小心Oh baby baby it"s a wild world,噢 宝贝 宝贝 这是个狂野的世界it"s hard to get by just upon a smile.Oh baby baby it"s a wild world,噢 宝贝 宝贝 这是个狂野的世界I"ll always remember you like a child, girl.仅仅靠微笑是很难应付的Baby I love you, but if wanna leave take good care,宝贝我爱你 如果你真得要走 请保重hope you make a lot of nice friends out there,希望你能在外面世界结交更多益友but just remember there"s a lot of bad, and beware,但是记得那里潜在着危险 请小心Oh baby baby it"s a wild world,噢 宝贝 宝贝 这是个狂野的世界it"s hard to get by just upon a smile.Oh baby baby it"s a wild world,噢 宝贝 宝贝 这是个狂野的世界I"ll always remember you like a child, girl.仅仅靠微笑是很难应付的Oh baby baby it"s a wild world,噢 宝贝 宝贝 这是个狂野的世界it"s hard to get by just upon a smile.Oh baby baby it"s a wild world,噢 宝贝 宝贝 这是个狂野的世界I"ll always remember you like a child, girl.仅仅靠微笑是很难应付的
2023-06-18 09:57:203

"优质正品 谨防假冒"的正确英文翻译是什么 还有"高速钢合金车刀"的名次翻译

Beware of fake and genuine quality
2023-06-18 09:57:283


3次。小心超人(Beware the Superman)是《超人》漫画中的一个故事情节,共分为三个部分,由杰里·西格尔和乔·舒斯特创作。其中,第一部分于1944年发表在《超人》漫画第23期上,第二部分于1945年发表在第25期上,第三部分则于1946年发表在第31期上。
2023-06-18 09:57:351

英语表达方式、例如Beware of slippery.一类的、

由 of 表示“由...导致”构成的短语很多,举例如下: be ashamed of 因...而羞愧 / 耻于 ... be sick of 因...而导致厌恶 / 厌恶.... die of 因...而导致死亡 / 死于... Beware of 因...而当心 / 谨防... / 小心 be aware of 由...而得知 / 意识到 lack of 因,没有...而导致缺乏 / 缺乏... want of 因需要...而导致缺乏 / 缺乏... / 需要... rob of 因某物而导致抢夺行为 / 抢劫... think of 因...而导致思考 / 考虑... / 想起... tell of 因 ...而导致讲述 / 告诉...事情 / 谈...情况 speak of 因 ...而导致发表谈话 / 谈及... / 说到...
2023-06-18 09:57:422


look outcarefullybe careful
2023-06-18 09:57:515


beware英音:[bi"wɛə]美音:[bɪ"wɛr]词典解释beware不及物动词 vi.1. 当心,小心[(+of/lest)]aware英音:[ə"wɛə]美音:[ə"wɛr]词典解释aware形容词 a.1. 知道的,察觉的[F][(+of)][+that][+wh-]2. (与副词连用)有...方面知识(或意识)的3. 明智的;懂世故的;阅历深的
2023-06-18 09:58:201


2023-06-18 09:58:283


在表示“小心、当心、注意”方面,watch out、look out; 、take care、be careful均可以。都可以单独使用,常用于祈使句或警告对方时的用语。 look out语气最强,用于某种紧急的情况或者可能出现危险的场合; take care语气不那么强,多用于对可能出现的不测作出预先的提醒或警告; be careful是一般的警告或劝告用语,可用于各种情况。如:Look out!You"ll hit that car.当心!你要撞上那辆汽车了。 It"s the first time for you to travel alone.You must take care. 这是你第一次独自旅行,一定要小心。 take care后可接动词不定式短语或that从句,从句谓语动词用一般现在时。如: Take care not to break the glass. 小心别打了杯子。 Take care (that) all the doors are locked. 不要大意,要把所有的门锁好 be careful可单独使用,也可跟动词不定式或of/with短语。如:Be careful not to lose the key.当心不要丢了钥匙。 希望可以帮到你。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-06-18 09:58:374

提防的英语翻译 提防用英语怎么说

own about miles before you got to
2023-06-18 09:59:132


2023-06-18 09:59:241


摔倒用英文怎么说 fall down 摔跤 用英语怎么说? wrestling 摔倒用英语怎么说 fall down ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点选【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 我摔倒了用英语怎么说 fall over oneself 小心摔倒用英语怎么说? 若语境是关心朋友,口头提示,可以说:Watch out, don"t slip. 写警告标语时,英文标语都是命令句,把「slip」字当重点动词写出来的话,很容易令老外误会「请摔倒」。所以重点动词不是slip,是「留神」Beware. 如在室内: Beware of slippery floor Beware of uneven floor 如在户外: Beware of slippery ground (地面) / road (路面) Beware of uneven ground 摔倒的英文过去式 fall —— fell 英文翻译:摔倒在地 fall down to the ground. Eg. Tim fell down to the ground and got hurt. fall off则不同,是指从自行车等上面跌落,如: I fell off my bike, but luckily didn"t hurt myself.
2023-06-18 09:59:321


《Beware, The Snowman》(R L Stine)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: m7k6书名:Beware, The Snowman作者:R L Stine豆瓣评分:6.6出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks出版年份:2006-10-1页数:144内容简介:在线阅读本书No melting allowed! Jaclyn used to live with her aunt Greta in Chicago. But not anymore. They"ve moved to a place called Sherpia. It"s a tiny village on the edge of the Arctic Circle. Jaclyn can"t believe she"s stuck out in Nowheresville. No movie theaters. No malls. No nothing. Plus, there"s something really odd about the village. At night there are strange howling noises. And in front of every house there"s a snowman. A creepy snowman with a red scarf. A deep scar on his face. And a really evil smile. . . .
2023-06-18 09:59:411

英语谚语:Beware of him who regards not his reputation 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Beware of him who regards not his reputation 中文意思: 要谨防不重自己名誉的人。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火。 Anger is a short madness 发火是短暂的疯狂。 Anger rests in the bosom of folly 怒火常寓于蠢人的胸中。 An honest man"s word is as good as his bond 诚实人的话像他的契约一样靠得住。 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening 一日之计在于晨。 An idle brain is the devil"s workshop 游手好闲是万恶之源。 An idle youth a needy age 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 An ill workman quarrels with his tools 拙匠常怪工具差。 An inch in a miss is as good as an ell 错无分大小,有错皆不好。 An nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse 对牛弹琴。 英语谚语: Beware of him who regards not his reputation 中文意思: 要谨防不重自己名誉的人。
2023-06-18 09:59:541

Beware! Criminal 歌词

歌曲名:Beware! Criminal歌手:Incubus专辑:A Crow Left Of The MurderYou crawl in bed, it"s 3amYou smell of wine and cigarettesA butterfly under the glassYou are beautifulBut you"re not going anywhereWe do the same thing every nightI swear I"ve heard this song beforeA swimmer who has seen a sharkI"d really be more wary of the waterYou came, you saw, you conqueredEveryoneAnd I"m left here guessingWhat went wrong?Yeah, I"m downBut not out, and far from doneBeware criminal...A prism with an intellectYou show your light selectivlyYou stole my glow, a seasoned thiefThe blacks of my eyes are turning into open woundsToday, I"ll walkThere"s nothing here left for me but empty promisesAnd the thought of all the things I"m never getting backYou came, you saw, you conqueredEveryoneAnd I"m left here bleedingWhat went wrong?Yeah, I"m downBut not out, and far from doneBeware criminal...Did you think I wouldn"t notice?Did you really think I wouldn"t care?Did you think I wouldn"t notice?Did you really think I wouldn"t care?You came, you saw, you conqueredAnd I"m left here bleedingOh, what went wrong?Yeah, I"m downBut not out, and far from doneBeware criminal...
2023-06-18 10:00:011

英语谚语:Once a devil, always a devil 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Once a devil always a devil 中文意思: 一次做魔鬼,永远是魔鬼。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Beware beginnings 慎始为上。 Beware of a man of one book 不要与一个有专业知识的人争论。 Beware of a silent dog and still water 警惕无声之狗会咬人,平静之水会覆舟。 Beware of him who regards not his reputation 要谨防不重自己名誉的人。 Big mouthfuls ofter choke 贪多嚼不烂。 Bind the sack before it be full 做事应适可而止。 Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚,人以群分。 Birth is much but breeding is more 出身固然重要,教养更且重要。 Bite off more than one can chew 贪多咽不下。 Bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报。 英语谚语: Once a devil always a devil 中文意思: 一次做魔鬼,永远是魔鬼。
2023-06-18 10:00:081

beware of people who appear to be enthusiastic about your success 怎么翻译

2023-06-18 10:00:282

be wary of ;be ware of ;be beware of 有什么区别?

be wary of 警惕,beware of 提防,be beware of 一定要提防
2023-06-18 10:00:351


  beware of love 意思是:小心爱情  双语例句  1、Beware of people in love, for they are also insane.  小心那些恋爱中的人,因为他们都是疯子。  2、Beware of people in love, for they are also insane!  小心那些热恋中的人,因为他们都是疯的。  3、Beware of people in love, for they are allo insane!  小心那些热恋的人,因为他们都是疯子。  4、Beware of people in love, for they are also insane!  小心那些热恋中的人,以为他们都是疯的!  5、Beware of people in love, for they are also insane!  小心那些热恋爱的人。因为他们都是疯的。
2023-06-18 10:00:431

有谁知道the dragon born comes 歌词

The Dragon born Comes - MalukahOur Hero, our Hero, claims a warrior"s heartI tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comesWith a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord artsBelieve, believe, the Dragonborn comesIt"s an end to the evil of all Skyrim"s foesBeware, beware, the Dragonborn comesBelieve, believe, the Dragonborn comesIt"s an end to the evil of all Skyrim"s foesBeware, beware, the Dragonborn comesDovahkiin, DovahkiinNaal ok zin los vahriinWah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaalAhrk fin norok paal graanFod nust hon zindro zaanDovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal
2023-06-18 10:00:512

Beware the ides of March(Shakespeare)这句是什么意思

Beware the ides of March(Shakespeare)小心三月十五日(莎士比亚)
2023-06-18 10:00:581

Max wrong feat.Lil Uzi Vert歌词中文翻译

Snoop Dogg Feat. T-Pain - Boom中英歌词:Get your money, whip yahair拿你的钱,吹干头发Executive branch blow mysmoke like a player执行部门吹我的烟雾像一个球员Yeah in the club, yes itcracks是的,在俱乐部,是它裂缝Cute little mama, but theystack with backs可爱的小妈妈,但它们叠着背I"m smokin" great purpleurple我非常伟大的紫紫You and Doggie world comeand join my circle你和狗狗的世界来加入我的圈子I"ll break down herbal tilI move like a turtle我会打破中药直到我移动像乌龟My money is green and myPorsche is turbo我的钱是绿色的,我的保时捷是涡轮增压的In hot pursuit, come rockwith Snoop在炎热的追求,摇滚,探听Maybe it"s the lawyer, herbody"s the truth也许是律师,她身体的真实I"m in the game for real,it pay"s to chill我在游戏中的真实,它支付的寒冷I walk in the club and theyfront the bill我走在俱乐部,他们在前面的法案I"m the big dogg, bestbeware我的大狗狗,你最好小心You"re coming with me, ifyou stop the stare如果你停下来的话,你就要跟我来She"ll be on my team in mycar on the way to the spot她会在我的车队在我的车上的路上Yes you are, toasting up,posting up是的你是,敬酒,张贴And when we"re done, wewest coasting love当我们完成了,我们西海岸的爱For shendo blowin" endo,对于shendo blowin "内,How much for the Dog in thewindow橱窗里的狗有多大Oh. what?哦。什么?Boom!哄!Boom!哄!Say what? say what?说什么?说什么?Boom!哄!Talk to em T-pain跟T-pain合作(-----T-pain – Hook----)Baby I"m a Dogg! (I"m aDogg!), beware! (beware!)我是一个狗狗!(我的狗狗!),当心!(当心!)I"ll do whatever, however Iwant! (I want!)我会做任何事,但我想!(我想要!)If you call me out! (callme out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!)如果你打电话给我!(叫我出去!)哦,是的!(哦,是的!)Now put your hand in theair, whip your hair and go现在把你的手放在空气里,把你的头发打上La la la la la啦啦啦啦啦Boom shakalaka when I dropall of my apples, say哄shakalaka当我放弃我所有的苹果,说La la la la la啦啦啦啦啦?, Shawty know that I aintplaying?亲爱的,知道我不玩(----Snoop Dogg:----)I"m all about the money,the money I got我都是关于钱,我得到的钱On the VIP tip, Maserati inthe lot在VIP提示,玛莎拉蒂在很多Kill em with stars wherethe bottle never stops杀死他们的星星,瓶子永远不会停止Got a model on my lap, Babyshow me wat you got有一个在我的膝盖上的模型,宝贝告诉我你有With a cup of landy,Tiffany and Sandy一杯兰迪,Tiffany和桑迪Girls who like girls, wannado it today女孩喜欢女孩,想做的今天Real tough, this suites isnext真正强硬,这套房是下一个One more drink gon" lead tosex再喝一杯会导致性These girls is bad, theflow is pack?这些女孩是坏的,流动是包?They shut the Dogg downwhen he reach the max他们把狗狗当他达到最大Whatcha trying to drink?Clearer yet你想喝点什么吗?更清楚She got Apple Bottom,homie, all I need to do is mack她把苹果底,哥们,我所需要做的是麦克I does it well, your gameis whack我做的好,你的游戏是打I guess to the bit is nochit chat我想有没有聊天Now where do we go? I beatsthe gush现在我们到哪里去了?我打了喷She"s in love with thegangster, that"s what up她爱上了那个歹徒,那是什么That"s what up. Boom!那是什么。哄!That"s what up. Boom!那是什么。哄!That"s what up. Boom!那是什么。哄!Speak to em T-pain跟T-pain合作(-----T-pain – Hook----)Baby I"m a Dogg! (I"m aDogg!), beware! (beware!)我是一个狗狗!(我的狗狗!),当心!(当心!)I"ll do whatever, however Iwant! (I want!)我会做任何事,但我想!(我想要!)If you call me out! (callme out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!)如果你打电话给我!(叫我出去!)哦,是的!(哦,是的!)Now put your hand in theair, whip your hair and go现在把你的手放在空气里,把你的头发打上La la la la la啦啦啦啦啦Boom shakalaka when I dropall of my apples, say哄shakalaka当我放弃我所有的苹果,说La la la la la啦啦啦啦啦Shawty know that I aintplaying亲爱的,知道我不玩(Snoop Dogg:)Boom shakalaka here comesthe chief like I smoke good哄shakalaka来总像我抽烟好With T-pain, Snoop Dogg, wedoctor与T-Pain,Snoop Dogg,我们医生Big 808 now filled thebasin in ya chakra大808现在充满了你的脉轮And watch me smoke like a shotta看我像shotta烟Coke bottle shape likegreen eyes可乐瓶形状像绿色眼睛Drunk offa love like a colt45醉爱驹45拍的I keep kush in my lungs我把我的肺都库什I"m gonna smoke til I die我要抽烟,直到我死去Just bust a bad one for myhomie D-Dimes抓坏我的哥们d-dimesBoom!哄!They do it for fortune,some for fame他们为财富,有些为了名声I got five differentstrains,我有五个不同的菌株,You ever taste purple rain你曾经品尝过紫雨Turn up the volume, adjustthe game翻卷,调整游戏Ain"t a damn thing change,it"s still a G-Thang不是一个该死的东西改变,它仍然是一个g-thangLil mama whip ya hair律妈妈鞭你的头发Exhale the Chronic as thesmoke disappears呼气的时候,随着烟雾消失I"m ready to ball我准备好去球Your girl on my team, andshe ready to fall你的女孩在我的团队,她准备下降And if you didn"t know, I"mthe big Snoop Dogg如果你不知道,我是大Snoop DoggBoom!哄!Say what? say what?说什么?说什么?Boom哄Talk to em T-pain跟他们合作(-----T-pain – Hook----)Baby I"m a Dogg! (I"m aDogg!), beware! (beware!)我是一个狗狗!(我的狗狗!),当心!(当心!)I"ll do whatever, however Iwant! (I want!)我会做任何事,但我想!(我想要!)If you call me out! (callme out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!)如果你打电话给我!(叫我出去!)哦,是的!(哦,是的!)Now put your hand in theair, whip your hair and go现在把你的手放在空气里,把你的头发打上La la la la la啦啦啦啦啦Boom shakalaka when I dropall of my apples, say哄shakalaka当我放弃我所有的苹果,说La la la la la啦啦啦啦啦Shawty know that I aintplaying亲爱的,知道我不玩
2023-06-18 10:01:061

Bounce With Me 歌词

2023-06-18 10:01:141