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2023-06-18 12:09:39
TAG: mor dal dale


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单标 deil
2023-06-18 09:31:061


2023-06-18 09:31:563


dale 英[deɪl] 美[del] n. <主英><诗>山谷; 翻山越谷; 到处; 全部释义>>[例句]He was still visiting uncle dale.他当时还在戴尔叔叔那里作客.
2023-06-18 09:32:542


dale [deɪl]n. 小谷, 溪谷
2023-06-18 09:33:012


n.山谷;排水孔 dale [deil] n. [主英国英语、诗歌用语]【地理学】峪,谷;(尤指)广阔的山谷 Dale [deil] 1.黛尔(女子名)[亦作Dayle] 2.戴尔(男子名) dale [deil] n. an open river valley (in a hilly area) 以上来源于:WordNet
2023-06-18 09:33:081

Dale Don Dale 歌词

歌曲名:Dale Don Dale歌手:Reggaeton Kids专辑:Grandes ExitosDaleDale, Don, dalePa" que se muevan las yalesPa" activar los anormalesY al que se resbaleBoster dale, daleDale, Don, dalePa" que se muevan las yalesPa" activar los anormalesY al que se resbale(Boster, dale!)Mirala como maquinaPa" pillarla en una esquinaComo ron, que finaTremenda asesinaSe peina y se guillaSe viste y se maquillaTraquila, chiquillaO te siento en mi sillaHoy tu vas a ser miaEl Don te desafiaSegura en mi viaCuidao si te tiraY si tu novio se activaYo activo la guerrillaY si el Boster te lo pillaNo le va a dar ni cosquillaDaleDale, Don, dalePa" que se muevan las yalesPa" activar los anormalesY al que se resbaleBoster dale, daleeeDale, Don, dalePa" que se muevan las yalesPa" activar los anormalesY al que se resbale(Boster, dale!)Me dicen, mami, que esta noche tu estas algarete(Dale, papi, que toy suelta como gabete!)Te andan cazando el Boster y los mozalbetes(Que se tiren, que toy suelta como gabete!)Hay una fila de charlatanes pa" darte fuete(Que se alisten, que toy suelta como gabete!)Entonces tirate bien suelta, como gabete(Dale, Omar, que toy suelta como gabete!){bis}Me dicen, mami, que esta noche tu estas algarete(Dale, papi, que toy suelta como gabete!)Te andan cazando el Boster y los mozalbetes(Que se tiren, que toy suelta como gabete!)Hay una fila de charlatanes pa" darte fuete(Que se alisten, que toy suelta como gabete!)Entonces tirate bien suelta, como gabete(Dale, Omar, que toy suelta como gabete!){bis}Yo soy su gatoElla es mi gata en celoQuiere buscar rebuleo del buenoQuiere fingir que no le gusta el blin-blineoY cuando canto hasta abajo con mi perreoPor ahi anda su novio en un fantasmeoMe esta, que esta noche va haber un tiroteoDile que yo ando con mis gatos en el patrulleo(Y al que se lamba, jura"o me lo llevo!)DaleDale, Don, dalePa" que se muevan las yalesPa" activar los anormalesY al que se resbaleBoster dale, daleeeDale, Don, dalePa" que se muevan la yalePa" activar los anormalesY al que se resbale(Looney Tunes, dale!)Me dicen, mami, que esta noche tu estas algarete(Dale, papi, que toy suelta como gabete!)Te andan cazando el Boster y los mozalbetes(Que se tiren, que toy suelta como gabete!)Hay una fila de charlatanes pa" darte fuete(Que se alisten, que estoy suelta como gabete!)Entonces tirate bien suelta, como gabete(Dale, Omar, que toy suelta como gabete!)X2Me dicen, mami, que esta noche tu estas algarete(Dale, papi, que toy suelta como gabete!)Te andan cazando el Boster y los mozalbetes(Que se tiren, que toy suelta como gabete!)Hay una fila de charlatanes pa" darte fuete(Que se alisten, que estoy suelta como gabete!)Entonces tirate bien suelta, como gabete(Dale, Omar, que toy suelta como gabete!)X2Looney Tunes!Cheka!Y Noriega!M-V-P!No hay pa" nadie, pa"!No hay pa" nadie, pa"!Don!(Omar!)
2023-06-18 09:33:151


DALE人名的意思:戴尔; Dale [del]的读音类似于戴尔,所以翻译成中文意思就是取它的谐音。 扩展资料   Dale用作人名造句如下:   1.If Douglas came down hard enough on him, Dale would rebel.   如果道格拉斯对戴尔太过严厉,他就会反抗。   2.Were you dale"s best friend?   你是戴尔的好朋友吗?   3.When you told that woman Dale that you could help her.   你告诉戴尔你能帮她。   4.Dale had been my friend since the first couple days of7th grade.   戴尔和我在七年级刚开学的几天里就已成了好朋友。
2023-06-18 09:33:221


这个词是在句子中还是单独的阿?如果在句中,那就是“给他”的意思.da是dar的命令式,是命令某人“给他”. 如果不在句子中,单独给出这么一词,口语中是语气词,就相当于……“哎呀”,“这样阿”之类的,还可能用作聚会中,比如一个人要表演节目,其他人起哄,大家就都在喊dale.这种用法相对比较拉美了.
2023-06-18 09:33:291


2023-06-18 09:33:514


逃离方块有很多系列故事,其实逃离方块系列所有剧情是连贯的,那么逃离方块到底讲了啥?逃离方块背后的故事是什么?今天小编就给大家分析下逃离方块隐藏剧情和全部的故事。赶紧来看看吧!了解逃离方块其他系列攻略请点击:逃离方块攻略逃离方块剧情逃离方块剧情炼金师Aldous VanderBoom利用拥有神秘力量的锈湖,追求永生的故事。逃离方块时间线1859年,锈湖旁生活着VanderBoom家族的炼金兄弟Aldous和William。他们合成出了不死药半成品,该药喝下后有几率永生但也有几率猝死。William喝下后猝死,而Aldous喝下后变成了半人半乌鸦的阿修罗,化身Crow,获得了永生。于是他搬至Hotel生活,并组建了拥有众多半人半兽阿修罗的的锈湖组织。1893年,猫头鹰Owl、乌鸦Crow指使鹦鹉Harvey杀死了锈湖旅馆的五位旅客,使他们转变为饿鬼形态,并将他们的鬼魂封印了起来,五旅客的鬼魂越狱.1935年,Aldous通过献祭十位家族成员的器官复活了William,William转生为金发女Laura。Laura并未拥有上世的记忆.1969年,患有抑郁症的Laura看到报纸上的新闻,前往锈湖进行心理治疗.1971年,受到锈湖的影响,Laura于10月12日在家中自杀,其鬼魂被Crow抓取到Mill。侦探Dale前往Laura的家中调查此案件,并和Crow进行了通话.1972年,Dale于夏季到达锈湖,最终被Owl带至湖下。冬季时,Crow将Dale和Laura的头部相连,使用白蓝黑Cube合成出了金Cube,Dale拿着金Cube开始在电梯上回忆过去,收集记忆。逃离方块/锈湖系列下载地址及通关攻略通关攻略游戏下载锈湖天堂岛攻略锈湖天堂岛下载锈湖根源攻略锈湖根源下载逃离方块洞穴攻略逃离方块磨坊攻略逃离方块磨坊下载逃离方块剧院攻略逃离方块剧院下载逃离方块案件23攻略逃离方块案件23下载逃离方块哈维的盒子攻略逃离方块哈维的盒子下载逃离方块锈色湖畔攻略逃离方块锈色湖畔下载逃离方块四季攻略逃离方块四季下载逃离方块生日攻略逃离方块生日下载逃离方块锈湖旅馆攻略锈湖旅馆下载逃离方块阿尔勒攻略逃离方块阿尔勒下载逃离方块系列顺序逃离方块系列下载
2023-06-18 09:34:231


Li Jun is fifteen years old. He has been in No. 1 Middle School for two years. He studies hard. He is helpful.He often helps the blind and old people cross the road. He is imaginative enough to come up with many good ideas. He is generous and actively joins in all kinds of charity activities. Last year he donated money to charities. He hopes he can help more people in need.李俊十五岁。他在1中学已经两年了。他学习很努力。他很乐于助人,他经常帮助盲人和老人过马路。他有足够的想象力想出许多好主意。他是慷慨和积极参加各种慈善活动。去年他把钱捐给了慈善机构。他希望他能帮助更多需要的人。 相关标签: 重要Important 责任感Responsibility 希望Hope 真诚Sincere
2023-06-18 09:34:331


逃离方块游戏有着令人难忘的剧情,游戏中的解谜元素无一不体现这锈湖系列剧情特点,今天深空高玩带来逃离方块人物介绍,能让你了解方块逃脱剧情大概。更多精彩内容:逃离方块系列攻略1,Crow 动物形是乌鸦,人形是蒋介石,是Owl的助理。第一次出现是在Case 23,1971年把侦探Dale从Chapel拉到了Cabin。平常充当船员(Case、Hotel)和锈湖旅馆的前台(Hotel),同时负责接听人们的咨询电话(Case、Mill)和提取人们的记忆(Mill)。是Mill的主角 在Dale的记忆旅行中扮演了神奇的角色,比如Birthday中Dale的爷爷Theatre中的侍者 Roots中则介绍了他的过去:Aldous Vanderboom (个人感觉他是在1859年作为乌鸦重生,并可以在人和乌鸦形态自由切换,导演了Vanderboom家族三代人的一切,以帮助其兄弟William复活)2,Owl锈湖旅馆的主人,能呼风唤雨的男子(Mill)在Theatre中展示了其郭德纲形态在Cave中摘下了面具额人设崩坏了。 3,HarveyOwl的手下,一只神奇的鹦鹉。 是Hotel和Harvey"s Box的主角。但在其他作品中处处可见他的身影。大概梳理一下,他在1893年杀害了五位客人(Hotel),1894年逃出了Hotel(Birthday彩蛋),1896年被Emma用来封存遗书,并在1930年将遗书给Frank让其发现银表(Roots),1939年寄信给Dale庆祝生日并提供了邮票,1964年是黄发妹子的宠物并下了装着Cube的蛋,1969年被妹子用盒子带到锈湖(Box),1971年被妹子捅死/被放生帮助妹子组建法阵(Season),在风车帮助Crow(Mill),并在锈湖剧院出演节目(Threatre)如此复杂的过去4,Dale Vandermeer侦探大人 1930年12月18日出生(Roots彩蛋)1939年9岁生日(Birthday)1971年开始调查黄发妹子事件,并在锈湖剧院碰到了Bob看了演出1972年通过黑白Cube来到锈湖,被杀,死后记忆通过电梯继续运转。其原型是电视剧《双峰》中的男侦探Dale Cooper文章较长,后续内容请看下一页
2023-06-18 09:34:401


2023-06-18 09:34:481


中文表示:“Dale,WI”。英语缩略词“54931”经常作为“Dale, WI”的缩写来使用。其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度和相关分类、应用领域及应用示例等。
2023-06-18 09:35:131

DALE 电阻的官方网站是什么这里有
2023-06-18 09:35:221

日语 什么人 用哪句来发音,两句的区别是什么啊

2023-06-18 09:35:322


2023-06-18 09:35:391


  爱听故事、爱看故事书,是现在小学生最明显的特点。孩子们通过阅读来获取知识。阅读既是一种能力的表现形式,也是一种良好的生活习惯,更是语言学习的一大助力。我分享关于名人的英语故事,希望可以帮助大家!   关于名人的英语故事:Sigmund Freud   西格蒙德·弗洛伊德   Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 in Moravia, which is now the Czech Republic. His family moved to Vienna when Sigmund was four years old. He was the oldest of his mother"s eight children and her favorite. Sigmund loved to read and he was always at the top of his class. He had no interest in sports or outdoor activities, except walking. The family apartment had only four bedrooms, but Sigmund"s mother gave him his own room so he could study in peace. He rarely joined the family for meals. Instead he ate alone in his room, surrounded by his favorite books.   西格蒙德·弗洛伊德于1856年出生于现在的捷克共和国的摩拉维亚。西格蒙德四岁时全家移居到维也纳。在母亲的八个孩子中他是老大,也是母亲最喜爱的孩子。西格蒙德喜欢读书,一直是班里的尖子生。除散步之外,他对其他的体育运动和户外活动都不感兴趣。家里只有四间卧室,但西格蒙德的母亲却给他腾出了单独的一间房,好让他安静地学习。他几乎从不与家人共同进餐,而是单独在自己房里吃饭,与爱书相伴。   Freud first thought about studying law, but then he decided to study medicine. He enrolled at the University of Vienna in 1873. His early days at the university were difficult because some of his clas *** ates discriminated against him because he was Jewish. This made Freud more determined than ever to do his best.   起初,弗洛伊德打算学习法律,但后来他决定学医,并于1873年考入维也纳大学。刚入学时的日子非常难受,班上有些同学因他是犹太人而歧视他,这使弗洛伊德更加坚定决心要全力以赴。   Freud received his medical degree in 1881. For the next few years he continued his laboratory work. After his marriage, Freud opened his own psychiatry practice. He worked with patients who were very depressed or behaved in strange ways. Later, he started to treat patients in a new way, called “psycho *** ysis.” Psycho *** ysis uses different techniques to help people.   弗洛伊德于1881年获得医学学位,此后的几年,他继续进行自己的实验室研究工作。婚后,弗洛伊德开了自己的神经病诊所,专门治疗精神抑郁或行为异常的病人。后来,他开始用一种称作“心理分析”的新方法治疗病人,这种方法通过采纳各种不同的技术手段来帮助病人。   In 1938, the German army invaded Austria. World War II was beginning, and life became terrible for millions of Jews, including Sigmund Freud. The army burnt many of his books in public and arrested him secretly. Freud needed a miracle to save his life. The miracle came when U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked the German army to set him free. They agreed to let Freud leave Austria but they wanted 20,000 pounds sterling approximately $32,000. A Greek princess who was once a patient of Freud"s paid the money. However, Freud had to sign a paper saying that he was treated well by the German army. Freud signed the paper and added in his own handwriting, “I can most warmly remend the Gestapo to anyone.” On June 4, 1938, Freud and his family moved to a town near London. Fifteen months later, in September 1939, Freud died at the age of 83.   1938年,德国军队入侵奥地利,第二次世界大战爆发,对于几百万犹太人来说,生活变得极其恐怖,西格蒙德·弗洛伊德也在所难免。德军当众烧毁了他的许多书,还把出版这些书的公司也给捣毁了,并秘密逮捕了他。弗洛伊德现在需要奇迹才能挽救他的性命。奇迹真的出现了——美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福出面要求德军释放他。德国方面同意让弗洛伊德离开奥地利,但索要20, 000英镑将近32, 000美元做赎金。弗洛伊德曾经的病人——位希腊公主为他付了钱。但是,弗洛伊德还必须在一个档案上签名,证明他在德军中受到了良好待遇。弗洛伊德签了名,并亲笔补充道:“我可以向任何人、用最热烈的方式推荐盖世太保。”1938年6月4 日,弗洛伊德和他的一家迁到伦敦附近的一个小镇。15个月后,即1939年9月,弗洛伊德去世,终年83岁。   关于名人的英语故事:Dale Carnegie   戴尔·卡耐基   The name of Dale Carnegie is synonymous with success and influence. Perhaps the most well-known author in the field of munication and public speaking, Dale Carnegie was born into poverty on a *** all farm in Missouri, on November 24, 1888. His father, named John William Caraagie, was a poor farmer. His mother, named Amanda Elizabeth Camagie, worked with his father on the farm. Dale Camegey came from humble beginnings. Yearly floods devastated the farm and kept the family poor.   戴尔·卡耐基的名字几乎和成功、影响是同义词,他也许是世界上在交流和演讲领域最有名的作家。卡耐基于1888年11月24日出生在密苏里州的一个农场。他的父亲约翰·威廉·卡耐基是一位贫苦的农民,母亲阿曼达·伊利沙白·卡耐基和和丈夫一起在农场工作。戴尔·卡耐基就这样在贫苦中开始生活。每年的洪水氾滥摧毁了农场,使这个家庭更加贫困。   The family was in debt, and as a young boy he had to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk the cows and help on the farm, then to go to school. As a boy, Dale was known for one thing: reciting. He used his talents in church functions and local events. In high School he joined the debating team, but never won a debate. Frustrated, he was determined to go to college and attended a state teacher"s school. He couldn"t afford to board at the school, so he rode a horse each day to class. It was said that he practiced his reciting to the horse!   家里负债累累。这个小男孩每天早上四点就要起床到农场帮忙挤牛奶,然后再去上学。有一项能力让年轻的戴尔远近闻名:朗诵。他经常在当地的活动和教堂的活动中为大家朗诵。中学时,他参加了辩论队,却从没有获胜过。沮丧之余,他下定决心上大学。他进入了一所州立师范学院。由于住不起学校宿舍,他不得不骑着马去上学。据说,他在马背上还练习朗诵。   As a child, Carnegie lacked of confidence and was often full of worries in those days. One day, while helping his mother pit cherries, he began to cry. His mother said, “Dale, what in the world are you crying about?” He blubbered, “I am afraid I am going to be buried alive!”   卡耐基在孩提时代缺乏自信,充满焦虑。一天,当他帮助妈妈给樱桃树挖坑时,他哭了。妈妈问:“戴尔,你到底在哭什么呢?”戴尔抽噎著说:“我怕我被活埋在这坑里。”   When thunderstorms came, he worried for fear he would be killed for lightning. When hard times came, he worried for fear they wouldn"t have enough to eat. He worried for fear he would go to hell when he died. He was terrified for fear an older boy, Sam White, would cut off his big ears 一 as he threatened to do... Later he finally found out that 99 percent of his worries did not happen.   打雷时,他担心会被雷劈死;年景不好时,担心以后没有食物充饥;还担心死后会不会下地狱。他对一个叫西姆·怀特的大男孩感到恐惧,因为西姆曾威胁他说要割掉他的大耳朵…后来,他终于发现,他担心的事情99%都没有发生。   It"s this humble and unconfident little boy who became a lecturer, giving hundreds of thousands of people confidence and optimi *** all over the world. It"s not difficult for one to imagine how arduous the development process involved has been.   就是这样一个如此自卑,毫无自信的小男孩,最终成为给成千上万的人自信,让人们乐观的心理激励大师,这过程需要经历多少磨砺,洒下多少汗水,真是难以想象啊。   关于名人的英语故事:Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche   弗里德里希·威廉·尼采   Nietzsche"s early childhood is itself a story of writing, reading, illness and isolation. He was sentto the local school but then gained a place at the elite academy of Pforta in 1858. By 1862,wefind the young Nietzsche already recording his doubts about the religious faith that dominatedhis home background. He was turning even then to ideas of evolution, and already had begunto speculate on the human condition: “...we scarcely even know whether humanity itself isonly a step.” Jaspers remarks that “Nietzsche philosophises as a boy.”   尼采有一个被写作、阅读、疾病与孤独充斥的童年。他被送入本地的学校,而在1858年获得了在普福塔精英学院学习的机会。到了1862年,我们发现年轻的尼采已经对统治其生活环境的宗教信仰产生了怀疑。他甚至在那时就已经开始关注进化论思想,并思考人类的生存状态,“我们几乎不知道人类本身是否只是一个阶段。”雅斯帕斯评论道,“尼采像一个孩子一样进行哲思。   Nietzsche was certainly an intense boy, often lonely and absorbed by ideas. In 1863,we findhim already struggling to convey the mass of his thoughts on paper: “I stare for a long timeat the white paper in front of me, troubled by the confused crowd of themes.” This sense of“abundance” is one of the experiences given to the character Zarathustra.   毫无疑问,尼采是一个感情强烈的孩子,他经常是孤单的,而且沉迷于各种各样的想法。我们发现早在1863年他就努力把自己的思想记录下来:“我长时间地盯着眼前的白纸,众多的观点集结于此,困扰着我。”这个“丰富”的意识,后来被加在了查拉图斯特拉的性格上。   In 1865, Nietzsche went to Leipzig as a student, where he shifted to the study of classicalphilology, the ancient languages and their origins. Already he saw his own future in learning andteaching: “My goal is to bee a truly practical teacher...”   1865年,尼采游学莱比锡,并转而攻读经典语言学,学习古代语言以及它们的来源。他把自己的未来生活确定为学习与教书:“我的目标是成为一名真正的教 师…”   Nietzsche was searching for fellow spirits and in 1865 he discovered in a bookshop the majorwork of Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation. For the student Nietzsche, thi *** ook by his older contemporary was a mirror of his own thoughts and struggles. Throughouthis life, Nietzsche needed heroes of thought, models for his own quest.   尼采一直在找寻灵魂上的同伴。1865年他在书店里找到了叔本华的《作为意识与表象的世界》。对于还是一名学生的尼采来说,这部由一个年龄稍长于他的同时代人所写的作品,正是一面他自己的思维及其斗争的镜子。尼采一生都在探索和寻求,期待着思想的伟人和典范。   In 1867, he enrolled in the army, but he still kept on learning. Now Nietzsche was acquiringother heroes, such as the ancient Greek thinker Democritus. In 1868, Nietzsche was readingand writing about the late eighteenth-century German authority Kant. In the same year, hemet the poser Richard Wagner whom he described as “a fabulously vivacious, fiery man” .In 1871, Nietzsche started work on what became his first book, The Birth of Tragedy.   1867年,尼采应征入伍,但仍然坚持学习。此时的尼采结识到其他一些伟人的思想,例如古希腊思想家德摸克利特。1868年,尼采阅读并写了一部关于18世纪晚期德国权威思想家康德的作品。同一年,尼采遇见了作曲家理查德·瓦格纳,并将他描述为“一个惊人地乐观与热烈的人”。1871年,尼采开始写作他的第一部作品《悲剧的诞生》。   In January 1883, Nietzsche wrote Book I of TSZ in 10 days. The period after that was a time ofintense productiveness. He died in Aug. 24, 1900.   1883年1月,尼采在十天内完成了《如是说》的第一部。此后,是尼采极为多产的时期。尼采卒于1900年8月24日。   
2023-06-18 09:36:121


delay u3002
2023-06-18 09:36:203

逃离方块洞穴第十二关怎么过 第十二关通关攻略

逃离方块洞穴第十二关先将蓝Cube放入发动机中,此时在瞭望镜里可以看到Dale在船上钓鱼,在窗户上按照同样的方式引鱼上钩,再次点击瞭望镜,可以看到Dale将身体摆成了三个字母,得到密码“Kit”,输入密码得到鱼钩。 逃离方块洞穴第十二关通关攻略 1、将蓝Cube放入发动机中。 2、此时在瞭望镜里可以看到Dale在船上钓鱼,在窗户上按照同样的方式引鱼上钩。 3、再次点击瞭望镜,可以看到Dale将身体摆成了三个字母,得到密码“Kit”。 4、输入密码得到鱼钩。 5、将鱼钩塞入桌子上方的帆船模型,拉断船桅。 6、得到图纸,获得第四个点的坐标x3、y4、d50。 7、将潜艇开到该位置,点击窗户走出潜艇,来到黑暗森林里的房子。 8、将Dale和Laura头上扣上机器并按下杠杆,点击机械臂生成金Cube。 9、将金Cube递给站在电梯旁的Dale,Dale乘坐电梯离开,游戏结束。
2023-06-18 09:36:261


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2023-06-18 09:38:206

急问女孩英文名可以用Natural scenery吗?

... 你想什么呢? 如果一个老外跑过来跟你说 你好 我中文名叫自然景色 你怎么想?
2023-06-18 09:38:544


Dale Carnegie rose from the unknown of a Missouri farm to international fame because he found a way to fill a universal human need.It was a need that he first 36 back in 1906 when young Dale was a junior at State Teachers College in Warrensburg. To get an 37 , he was struggling against many difficulties. His family was poor. His Dad couldn"t afford the 38 at college, so Dale had to ride horseback 12 miles to attend classes. Study had to be done 39 his farm-work routines. He withdrew from many school activities 40 he didn"t have the time or the 41 . He had only one good suit. He tried 42 the football team, but the coach turned him down for being too 43 . During this period Dale was slowly 44 an inferiority complex (自卑感), which his mother knew could 45 him from achieving his real potential. She 46 that Dale join the debating team, believing that 47 in speaking could give him the confidence and recognition that he needed. Dale took his mother"s advice, tried desperately and after several attempts 48 made it. This proved to be a 49 point in his life. Speaking before groups did help him gain the 50 he needed. By the time Dale was a senior, he had won every top honor in 51 . Now other students were coming to him for coaching and they, 52 , were winning contests.Out of this early struggle to 53 his feelings of inferiority, Dale came to understand that the ability to 54 an idea to an audience builds a person"s confidence. And, 55 it, Dale knew he could do anything he wanted to do—and so could others.36. A. admitted B. filled C. supplied D. recognized37. A. assignment B. education C. advantage D. instruction38. A. training B. board C. teaching D. equipment39. A. between B. during C. over D. through40. A. while B. when C. because D. though41. A. permits B. interest C. talent D. clothes42. A. on B. for C. in D. with43. A. light B. flexible C. optimistic D. outgoing44. A. gaining B. achieving C. developing D. obtaining45. A. prevent B. protect C. save D. free46. A. suggested B. demanded C. required D. insisted2·1·c·n·j·y47. A. presence B. practice C. patience D. potential48. A. hopefully B. certainly C. finally D. naturally49. A. key B. breaking C. basic D. turning50. A. progress B. experience C. competence D. confidence51. A. horse-riding B. football C. speech D. farming52. A. in return B. in brief C. in turn D. in fact53. A. convey B. overcome C. understand D. build54. A. express B. stress C. contribute D. repeat55. A. besides B. beyond C. like D. with答案: 36. D 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. C41. D 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. D51. C 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. D
2023-06-18 09:39:031

Cube Escape系列讲的是什么故事

《Cube Escape》是 Rusty Lake制作组制作且发行的一款密室逃脱类游戏系列,2015年5月4日开始发行该系列的第一部。情节介绍锈湖是一个不同寻常的湖,这个湖需要新鲜的黑白记忆去维持。故事发生在1971年的秋天。这一次,猫头鹰先生和乌鸦先生两人寻找到了一个自杀的女孩劳拉,这个女孩因为抑郁而自杀。他们于是设法把她运到湖边去,并打算把她的记忆拿走放到湖中,从而维持湖的生命。但这时候警察和侦探赶到了命案现场,于是乌鸦先生派鹿人把档案袋放到命案现场的保险箱里,后来侦探找到调查后来到了湖边,女孩的尸体也运到了磨坊里。很快侦探到达了湖边小屋,但后来被鹿人杀害,他的记忆也被放到了湖中,同样女孩的的记忆也如法炮制。女孩失去记忆后变成了活死人,乌鸦先生阻止了女孩的杀戮行为,并引导她回到过去改变命运。阿尔勒则是与主线情节无关的番外,讲述了梵高一生中的重要经历。在游戏中到处都是梵高的绘画作品,他的好友保罗也出现在游戏中。关于锈湖酒店与生日会该酒店建于1893年前后,拥有者为猫头鹰先生。是一百年之后的湖中小屋(?),这个酒店用来方便夺取动物的黑白记忆和它们的肉体。并且有一个通往湖底的电梯,以流放被夺去记忆的活死人。23号悬案中的侦探无意中乘电梯来到了这里,后来时光倒流回1893年,侦探又被重新送往了地面上。送往地面上过程中,侦探化身成活死人,并且想起了自己九岁生日时的情形,由于改变了家里人被兔子先生杀死的命运,黑色记忆也就因此净化。关于前作:轮回的房间早在2013年,制作方早已经将cube escape的雏形——轮回的房间制作完毕。当时,这个团队还没有自己的网站 。这个作品与四季逃脱极为相似。画面中镜子的黑影白眼人,也就是后来活死人的原型。在游戏最后,也出现了后来黑白盒子的原型——记忆盒子。该盒子跟四季逃脱中的选择记忆菜单中的也一模一样。不知为何原因,制作方过了两年后才开始制作后来的游戏作品。扩展资料主要人物Laura Vanderboom/The woman《四季》及《湖》的第一视角主角;长期服用抗抑郁症药“百忧解”,整个系列故事由此人的死而展开。曾于1966年到过锈湖康复中心进行疗养,之后开始看到黑影。1971年10月12日死去,被发现时却找不到杀手的痕迹,不知是他杀还是自杀。《案件23号》悬案中的受害者。《磨坊》中被夺取了黑白方块,成为大黑。复活后开始报复行为(杀死磨坊里的老妇人和牛)最后被乌鸦先生制止,并试图改变过去。《剧院》里出演第五幕,在舞台上重现自杀景象,象征六道中的人道。《根源》最后Rose怀抱着转生后的William出现于锈湖中,手里还拿着一件有着与Laura连衣裙相同花纹的裙子。而在《洞穴》里正式确认为Rose的女儿,属于Vanderboom家族。侦探(Dale Vandermeer)故事主人公之一,调查整件女死者(Laura)的案件。《案件23号》中作为第一视角主角首次出场,负责查明悬案中的凶手的侦探。(虽然严格意义的上来说是警探,但一般都习惯叫侦探)跟随线索追查到锈湖后,被猫头鹰先生引导到湖边,后逃出了鹿人的追杀,乘坐电梯到达湖底。《生日》中,回到在他的九岁生日,兔子先生入侵并杀死了他的家人,后来借助一个机关盒子用蓝色方块让时间回到之前并改变了他的命运,兔子先生由于受重伤,跑到一棵树下化成了树上的白色叶子。《剧场》中作为第一视角,继续追查锈湖相关真相。《洞穴》中被引导到湖底的房间,被乌鸦先生利用机器提取出金色方块,并被交予该金色方块。《旅馆》中结局的彩蛋里,他抱着金色方块坐电梯进入旅馆。乌鸦先生(Mr.Crow)、AldousVanderboom乌鸦先生,真名AldousVanderboom。 《案件23》中在锈湖的场景中首次作为摆渡人出现,搭载侦探Dale渡河。《磨坊》中作为第一视角主角,把Laura的记忆从尸体中提取出来并混合到锈湖中,后来可能因为操作错误额外提取出Laura的遇害记忆,导致Laura的尸体腐化为大黑,并杀死他的老婆(存疑)和奶牛。《旅馆》及《剧场》中的酒保。《剧院》中出演第四幕,代表阿修罗道。《根源》中提到是William的兄弟,第一次喝了长生不老药后成为乌鸦先生,之后通过各种方式一直指引Vanderboom家族为最终William的重生提供献祭。《洞穴》中作为第一视角主角,救助他的兄弟William后从锈湖中收回白色、黑色、蓝色三种方块,最终从Dale及Laura的身体中提取出金色方块并交与Dale。猫头鹰先生(Mr.Owl)猫头鹰先生,为《天堂》中的第一视角Jakob Eilander。另一说喝了长生不老药后变身成猫头鹰先生的William Vanderboom,但在《悖论》中已被证实为Jakob Eilander。《磨坊》中作为对Dale施法者首次出现,并带来降雨。《旅馆》中作为旅馆的主人招待各位来宾,与野猪是朋友。《生日》中在Dale的记忆中指引Dale改变过去。《剧场》里的主持人。《洞穴》中穿着潜水服被乌鸦先生所救。哈维《哈维的盒子》及《锈湖:旅馆》中的第一视角主角,《四季》Laura的宠物;最初为Emma Vanderboom所养;锈湖旅馆中为猫头鹰先生的酒宴中当侍应,动乱之后变回鹦鹉逃离,之后回到已经逃离水井的Frank身边。《剧院》中出演第三幕,象征六道中的畜生道。在到2018年2月为止的所有作品之中,只有《阿尔勒》和《案件23号》未出现。参考资料来源:百度百科-Cube Escape
2023-06-18 09:39:171


《Macarena》(玛卡雷娜)   这是一首连续创下13周美国公告牌排行榜首记录的歌,真的很不可思议啊。不过这首歌节奏明快,听起来让人心情舒畅。我想这也许是人们喜欢这首歌的一个很重要的原因吧。   西班牙二重唱河边人二重唱(Los Del Rio)的专辑《马卡丽娜》(Macarena)是世界上最成功的拉丁音乐(Latin)唱片,全球销量超过了1千万张。1996年,它打进了美国榜14个星期,并在百强专辑名单中保持了整整60个星期。“Los Del Rio”这个西班牙单词是河边之人的意思,组合由拉斐尔瑞兹(Raphael Ruiz)和安东尼奥罗莫若(Antonio Romero)组成,他俩都来自西班牙的塞维尔。回溯上个世纪60年代,当《马卡丽娜》(Macarena)在美国榜上取得第一时,二重唱组合已经录制了300多首歌。尽管他们以前的作品也是流行式弗莱明戈风格的,但《马卡丽娜》(Macarena)真正俘虏了欧美乐迷的心。《马卡丽娜》(Macarena)掀起的舞曲热更席卷美国,单曲在英国也上到了亚军位置,成为婚礼、俱乐部和舞会必不可少的曲目。   macarena   歌手:los del rio   dale a tu   cuerpo alegria macarena   que tu cuerpo es pa"" darle alegria y cosa buena   dale a tu cuerpo alegria, macarena   hey, macarena   when i dance   they call me macarena   and the boys they say que soy buena   they all want   me, they can""t have me   so they all come and dance beside me   move with   me, chant with me   and if you""re good i""ll take you home with me   dale   a tu cuerpo alegria macarena   que tu cuerpo es pa"" darle alegria y cosa buena   dale a tu cuerpo alegria, macarena   hey, macarena   dale a tu   cuerpo alegria macarena   que tu cuerpo es pa"" darle alegria y cosa buena   dale a tu cuerpo alegria, macarena   hey, macarena   now don""t you   worry about my boyfriend   he""s a boy who""s name is vittorino   i don""t want   him, couldn""t stand him   he was no good so i ... ha ha ha   now come   on, what was i supposed to do?   he was out of town and his two friends were   sooo fine   macarena, macarena...   dale a tu cuerpo alegria macarena   que tu cuerpo es pa"" darle alegria y cosa buena   dale a tu cuerpo   alegria, macarena   hey, macarena   dale a tu cuerpo alegria macarena   que tu cuerpo es pa"" darle alegria y cosa buena   dale a tu cuerpo   alegria, macarena   hey, macarena   come and find me, my name is   macarena   i""m always at the party   con las chicas que estan buenas   come join me, dance with me   and all you fellows chant along with me   dale a tu cuerpo alegria macarena   que tu cuerpo es pa"" darle alegria   y cosa buena   dale a tu cuerpo alegria, macarena   hey, macarena
2023-06-18 09:39:311


2023-06-18 09:39:402


翻译如下:一个有趣的老师一位老师因为在学校照片上穿着相同的衣服超过40年而成为了网络红人。他是Dale Irby,一个来自美国的体育老师。他穿着同样的棕色毛衣和白色衬衫去学校拍照。他的妻子要求他拍照三分之一年,开玩笑。现在dale的头发是白色的,他是老了,但他的毛衣和衬衫是相同的。Dale 63岁时就退休了。他会再穿衣服。他认为很多人会笑,你觉得呢?
2023-06-18 09:39:481


我只会 1 Good evening,Dale! 2 How are you ,Grace? 3 What is this in english? 4不是太肯定 我认为是 An orange,it is green! 你在看下 是不是少打了!!
2023-06-18 09:40:045


Chip 钢牙奇奇Dale 大鼻帝帝参考资料: and Dale are all dressed up.Where are they going?They""""re going to see Clarice.Clarice is a singer.钢牙奇奇和大鼻帝帝已穿戴整齐。他们要去哪儿?他们要去看克拉瑞丝。克拉瑞丝是个歌手。Chip loves Clarice.Dale loves Clarice.She""""s so beautiful.Chip and Dale love to hear Clarice sing.钢牙奇奇喜欢克拉瑞丝。大鼻帝帝喜欢克拉瑞丝。她真漂亮。钢牙奇奇和大鼻帝帝喜欢听克拉瑞丝歌唱。Chip is playing the piano.He""""s playing for Clarice. NowDale is playing.He""""s playing for Clarice. too.钢牙奇奇在弹钢琴。他正在为克拉瑞丝弹奏。现在大鼻帝帝在弹。他也在为克拉瑞丝弹奏。Clarice kisses Dale.She kisses Chip.Chip and Dale sing with Clarice.They love to sing together.What a song!克拉瑞丝亲吻大鼻帝。她亲吻钢牙奇奇。钢牙奇奇与大鼻帝帝与克拉瑞丝一同歌唱。他们喜欢一起歌唱。多美的歌曲。
2023-06-18 09:40:221

Ancient Souls 歌词

歌曲名:Ancient Souls歌手:Gabrielle Angelique专辑:Celtic Mystique - Women Of SongGabrielle Angelique - Ancient SoulsWalking Through the mist, she listens with her heart,Searching for somone to touch her soul.Shadows up ahead, hiding in the trees,She"s young but she feels so very old.Sounds are running less--the silence of the night,Blend and mix together all around.Star crossed lovers pass, not seeing through the dark,To ancient lands where souls run aground.She"s lost upon the road, her ancient soul;She"s searching for someone to touch her soul.The other love part of her soul, this treasure is her goal.Wandering among love"s hidden shores.Her heart is old, it"s light is lost;She wants to be complete at any cost.She wandered the mists, searched every road;She wants someone to share her load.One is very old for the wandering of souls,We"ve searched through many lives upon the earth.When we find our way, we"ll mist the world awayWith the union of two very ancient souls.She"s lost upon the road, her ancient soul;She"s searching for someone to touch her soul.The other love part of her soul, this treasure is her goal.Wandering among love"s hidden shores.
2023-06-18 09:37:351


2023-06-18 09:37:404

许渊冲最经典的翻译 许渊经典翻译诗句

1、《七步诗》曹植 煮豆燃豆萁, Pods burned to cook peas, 豆在釜中泣。 Peas weep in the pot: 本是同根生, Grown from same root, please, 相煎何太急。 Why boil us so hot? 2、《静夜思》李白 床前明月光, Abed, I see a silver light, 疑是地上霜。 I wonder if it"s frost aground. 举头望明月, Looking up, I find the moon bright; 低头思故乡。 Bowing, in homesickness I"m drowned. 3、《江雪》柳宗元 千山鸟飞绝, From hill to hill no bird in flight; 万径人踪灭。 From path to path no man in sight. 孤舟蓑笠翁 A lonely fisherman afloat; 独钓寒江雪 Is fishing snow in lonely boat. 4、《登鹳雀楼》 王之涣 白日依山尽, The sun beyond the mountain glows; 黄河入海流。 The Yellow River seawards flows. 欲穷千里目, You can enjoy a great sight; 更上一层楼。 By climbing to a greater height. 5、《春晓》孟浩然 春眠不觉晓, This spring morning in bed Im lying, 处处闻啼鸟。 Not to awake till birds are crying. 夜来风雨声, After one night of wind and showers, 花落知多少。 How many are the fallen flowers? 6、《相思》王维 红豆生南国, The red beans grow in southern land. 春来发几枝。 How many load in spring the trees? 愿君多采撷, Gather them till full is your hand; 此物最相思。 They would revive fond memories. 7、《赋得古原草送别》白居易 离离原上草, Wild grasses spread over ancient plain; 一岁一枯荣。 With spring and fall they come and go. 野火烧不尽, Wild fire cant burn them up again; 春风吹又生。 They rise when vernal breezes blow. 远芳侵古道, Their fragrance overruns the way; 晴翠接荒城。 Their green invades the ruined town. 又送王孙去, To see my friend go far away, 萋萋满别情。 My sorrow grows like grass overgrown.
2023-06-18 09:37:421

Stereolove的《All We Are》 歌词

歌曲名:All We Are歌手:Stereolove专辑:Stereo Loves Youi tried to paint you a picture, the colors were all wrongBlack and white didn"t fit youAnd all along, you were shaded with patience,your strokes of everything that I need just to make itTime can tear you apart,But it won"t break, anything that you are,You areWe won"t say our goodbyes you know it"s better that wayWe won"t break, we won"t dieIt"s just a moment of changeAll we are, all we are, is everything that"s rightAll we need, all we need, a lover"s alibiI walked a minute in your shoes, they never would"ve fitI figured there"s nothing to loseI need to get some perspective on these words before I write them downYou"re an island and my ship has run agroundTime can tear you apart,But it won"t break, anything that you are,You areWe won"t say our goodbyes you know its better that wayWe won"t break, we won"t dieIt"s just a moment of changeAll we are, all we are, is everything that"s rightAll we need all we need, a lover"s alibi
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2023-06-18 09:37:516

许渊冲最经典的翻译 许渊经典翻译诗句

1、《七步诗》曹植 煮豆燃豆萁, Pods burned to cook peas, 豆在釜中泣。 Peas weep in the pot: 本是同根生, Grown from same root, please, 相煎何太急。 Why boil us so hot? 2、《静夜思》李白 床前明月光, Abed, I see a silver light, 疑是地上霜。 I wonder if it"s frost aground. 举头望明月, Looking up, I find the moon bright; 低头思故乡。 Bowing, in homesickness I"m drowned. 3、《江雪》柳宗元 千山鸟飞绝, From hill to hill no bird in flight; 万径人踪灭。 From path to path no man in sight. 孤舟蓑笠翁 A lonely fisherman afloat; 独钓寒江雪 Is fishing snow in lonely boat. 4、《登鹳雀楼》 王之涣 白日依山尽, The sun beyond the mountain glows; 黄河入海流。 The Yellow River seawards flows. 欲穷千里目, You can enjoy a great sight; 更上一层楼。 By climbing to a greater height. 5、《春晓》孟浩然 春眠不觉晓, This spring morning in bed Im lying, 处处闻啼鸟。 Not to awake till birds are crying. 夜来风雨声, After one night of wind and showers, 花落知多少。 How many are the fallen flowers? 6、《相思》王维 红豆生南国, The red beans grow in southern land. 春来发几枝。 How many load in spring the trees? 愿君多采撷, Gather them till full is your hand; 此物最相思。 They would revive fond memories. 7、《赋得古原草送别》白居易 离离原上草, Wild grasses spread over ancient plain; 一岁一枯荣。 With spring and fall they come and go. 野火烧不尽, Wild fire cant burn them up again; 春风吹又生。 They rise when vernal breezes blow. 远芳侵古道, Their fragrance overruns the way; 晴翠接荒城。 Their green invades the ruined town. 又送王孙去, To see my friend go far away, 萋萋满别情。 My sorrow grows like grass overgrown.
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2023-06-18 09:37:561


支持的,不过目前只支持到R19,如果你是高版本,那么这个插件还没有Mac版。低版本C4D用用就行了,很多高版本,插件都没跟上呢。我的Mac R18版可以用。
2023-06-18 09:38:012


I don"t know
2023-06-18 09:38:031


C4D Forest插件制作树木生长树叶飘动教程 密码:8b48 In this tutorial, we"ll be creating a realistic tree using the FORESTER plugin for Cinema 4D and animate it with realistic wind gusting.
2023-06-18 09:38:091


《食戟从入职远月开始》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:x6zh简介:[麻婆豆腐只有麻辣的味道?][饺子做菜搭配米饭或者面条?][狮子头是用狮子脑袋制作的料理?]……前世身为华夏湘菜厨师的江夏。看着被外国友人完全曲解的中华料理。满头黑线。不能忍,这绝对不能忍!还不赶紧选修江老师的中华料理课!带你见识真正的中华料理!
2023-06-18 09:37:311


2023-06-18 09:37:301

唐诗《静夜思》的英译文 英语译文

有9种翻译方法: 1).In the Still of the Night I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed. I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the bright moon,as I tilt back my head. I yearn,while stooping,for my homeland more. 2).A Tranquil Night Abed,I see a silver light, I wonder if it"s frost aground. Looking up,I find the moon bright; Bowing,in homesickness I"m drowned. 3).In the Quiet Night So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed—— Could there have been a frost already? Lifting my head to look,I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again,I thought suddenly of home. 4).Night Thoughts I wake,and moonbeams play around my bed, Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes; Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head, Then lay me down——and thoughts of home arise. 5).On a Quiet Night I saw the moonlight before my couch, And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground. I raised my head and looked out on the mountain noon, I bowed my head and though of my far-off home. 6).The Moon Shines Everywhere Seeing the moon before my couch so bright I thought hoar frost had fallen from the night. On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes: Then hide them full of Youth"s sweet memories. 7).Night Thoughts In front of my bed the moonlight is very bright. I wonder if that can be frost on the floor? I list up my head and look at the full noon,the dazzling moon. I drop my head,and think of the home of old days. 8).Thoughts in a Tranquil Night Athwart the bed I watch the moonbeams cast a trail So bright,so cold,so frail, That for a space it gleams Like hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams. I raise my head,- The splendid moon I see: Then droop my head, And sink to dreams of thee - My father land ,of thee! 9).Nostalgia A splash of white on my bedroom floor.Hoarfrost? I raise my eyes to the moon,the same noon. As scenes long past come to mind,my eyes fall again on the splash of
2023-06-18 09:37:281

敲fashion 走在国际前沿的英文游戏名字

起游戏名字,有的人首选外文字,乍一看好像不懂,但又具有意义的单词,符合网民的装逼需求。那么游戏起名带你一起来看看具有国际范的游戏名字吧。Happy(快乐)ooooooKNZNDSunny(小太阳)Dimples(酒窝)余存°dsTinyfate(命运)Autism(孤独症)淡泽m1ss-Residualhave。(残忆)career[经历]沦陷-Anler温柔-urbanHearttired゛Hope,Inthesky。Jackson是我心Halfofit(半度微凉)Clean你比猫还sexyWeareV.I.PゆBlUeS.九涅盘 nirvanaMofa★礼物扑倒EXO!Moment°-流年骚年indulge(放纵)Catnip.blackberry[黑莓]Lie说谎家okBabehushnow.(安静)Panaceachum[挚友]cling[纠缠]Abstract-魅力Thesky天空LuHanBetrayalCourage。BABYfollowme!!MuteLostincityDistant-you遥远的你Ju2て|▍最后旳挽歌Remix.恍惚coolest.MazyCityRed>>ReaLbewitch[蛊惑]°loving浓情chocolatetread.(践踏.)Redundant°Asphyxia[窒息]りkra。失梦人°TristeAwait[期待]乱祈°Amor▲smile,你会吗Nightmare°梦魇aholic(沉迷者)BraveheartAnesthesia麻醉Attract[吸引]sky★血狼KenMookWouldyoulike.食尸鬼つGhoulsSlagmalevaterノ女郎、dirty.(肮脏)tears眼泪Fossette夜亡者Seventee梦境-Story怀念°ispiefDistance(距离)LOSERSufferT_back撩拨Camouflage丶Later.(后来呢)sake.(清酒)hero的匕首Trap(陷阱)Chihiro(千寻)Offshore(离岸)Bitter祭末Distance▎失落心queen.女王男友力MAXheart(心脏)Fade(凋谢)Deserted冷清Sadness°浮浅dirty.(肮脏)非伱吥嗳primary(最初)tread.(践踏。)après(后来)牵绊°sunsetAnything(不顾一切)soory、你不配Destiny(宿命)verGame丶Delusion(妄想)héros(英雄)Limerance(纯爱)Hickey(吻痕)Cynicism°玩世不恭Single°凉温文尔雅、Genuinenightmare(噩梦)Moment°格调loser(遗失者)Healing.愈合later(后来)Diorゞ时尚俏佳人Latesummer(夏末)Nonsense°扯淡Reset(重来)℡逆向感情°LameSoul(灵魂)Later.(后来呢)Expect°{奢望}Angle、微眸reserved矜持Agoni°暮念MoMaek(莫陌)Unfair(偏心)Alexandr嫁衣°Krismile(微笑)Remainderyears(余生)Infatuation痴心谎话Remix丿暧昧灬ForeverStOp爱伤人绪Tristesunshine、想念Curtain(落幕)暗眸ROsEFurlong(浪)Crave.[奢求]Smile°归零Angel°半路青春Lonely(孤独)Stray(迷途)aholic(沉迷者)Sunny°刺心Passerby(过路人)Devilo囧糖丶Betray辜负Overdose上瘾collapse(崩溃)Sonder(试探)ゝAqua゛宿命Dream゛情ゝScript(剧本)Ifyou一次就好Smoke(烟)Silent(无言)Past(过往)液っSaο柒深渊Nefertari一个帅のgirl咒歌CurseIndulgence(放纵)End丶已陌つAllureLove倾城恋hushnow.(安静)催熟matureEnemy(宿敌)玩腻丶ceiling人生路TristeSalvation(拯救)starry.星空Sunshine(阳光)X-in心悸︶Brithday°(失去)Anonyme(匿名)gloomy.(暗淡)您还可以点击底部客服官网给您的宝宝起名,赐子千金不如赐子好名,很多家长都关注了我们,我们会根据宝宝出生年月日,为宝宝起一个带着一生好运的好名字:
2023-06-18 09:37:251


2023-06-18 09:37:252


速度- 你 -吓唬胆小鬼更是轻而易举。速度- 要 -桃李不言,下自成蹊速度- 的 -疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣速度- 手 -生于忧患,死于安乐速度- 机 -香雾云鬟湿,清辉玉臂寒速度- 打 -治疮莫怕挖肉。速度- 开 -一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨速度- 5 -兴酣落笔摇五岳,诗成笑傲凌沧海速度- 2 -朝闻道,夕死可矣速度- f -胜利者不一定是跑得最快的人速度- k -创业百年速度- . -雨淋青松松更青速度- c -吃饭先喝汤速度- c -余将董道而不豫兮,固将重昏而终身
2023-06-18 09:37:154


losing my religion 歌手:r.e.m. Life is biggerIt"s bigger than youAnd you are not meThe lengths that I will go toThe distance in your eyesOh no I"ve said too muchI set it upThat"s me in the cornerThat"s me in the spotlightLosing my religionTrying to keep up with youAnd I don"t know if I can do itOh no I"ve said too muchI haven"t said enoughI thought that I heard you laughingI thought that I heard you singI think I thought I saw you tryEvery whisperOf every waking hour I"mChoosing my confessionsTrying to keep an eye on youLike a hurt lost and blinded foolOh no I"ve said too muchI set it upConsider thisConsider thisThe hint of the centuryConsider thisThe slip that brought meTo my knees failedWhat if all these fantasiesCome flailing aroundNow I"ve said too muchI thought that I heard you laughingI thought that I heard you singI think I thought I saw you tryBut that was just a dreamThat was just a dreamThat"s me in the cornerThat"s me in the spotlightLosing my religionTrying to keep up with youAnd I don"t know if I can do itOh no I"ve said too muchI haven"t said enoughI thought that I heard you laughingI thought that I heard you singI think I thought I saw you tryBut that was just a dreamTry cry why tryThat was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream
2023-06-18 09:37:083

Lovestoned的《Thursdays》 歌词

歌曲名:Thursdays歌手:Lovestoned专辑:Rising LoveLovestoned - ThursdayMorning news the coffee"s getting coldThursday again yeah this is getting oldThe clock at work is always slowing downMy desk"s a boat running agroundIt"s like just a number seven busGoes by and leaves me standing in the dustI"m glad you"re here to help me fill the yearsBut we both know we"re going to tearsGive me a few silly SaturdaysI"ll take the God it"s finally Friday"sOr a lot of lazy SundaysIf we have a million more to goLet"s live them all and make them heydays thenThan just a bunch of Thursdays in a rowOh oh oh ohhNot a bunch of Thursdays noNot a bunch of Thursdays in a rowWanna feel that took you in a wheelInside a box where all the doors are sealedI want my feet to dance on different groundWe"ll get somewhere not sit aroundGive me a few silly SaturdaysI"ll take the God it"s finally Friday"sOr a lot of lazy SundaysIf we have a million more to goLet"s live them all and make them heydays thenThan just a bunch of Thursdays in a rowOh oh oh ohhNot a bunch of Thursdays noNot a bunch of Thursdays in a rowHow about we add a little spiceI"ll take you on a rollercoaster rideSo throw your hands up in the airHold your breathe and maybe close your eyesGive me a few silly SaturdaysI"ll take the God it"s finally Friday"sOr a lot of lazy SundaysIf we have a million more to goLet"s live them all and make them heydays thenThan just a bunch of Thursdays in a rowOh oh oh ohhNot a bunch of Thursdays noNot a bunch of Thursdays in a rowOh oh oh ohhNot a bunch of Thursdays noNot a bunch of Thursdays in a row
2023-06-18 09:37:001


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2023-06-18 09:36:501