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2023-05-19 15:02:45






右旋:一般为酵母菌源(红发夫酵母(phaffia rhodozyma),有部分的抗氧化活性。

合成的虾青素全部为游离态,而红球藻虾青素与脂肪酸结合,主要是以单脂类形态为主,其次为双酯类型,只有5%左右的虾青素为游离态。这个可能是造成产品中稳定性出现差异的原因[2]。 虾青素在人体或哺乳动物中是无法合成的。必须靠摄入蟹、虾等含有虾青素的食物中获取。


虾青素的在小肠进行吸收后,通过淋巴系统可穿过血脑屏障进入大脑中,也可以进入皮肤的表皮层和真皮层,最后再肝脏出进行代谢 [7]。

活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)是人体各种生理过程的副产物,氧自由基如超氧化物自由基O2-,是呼吸链的副产物,在体内积累会产生有害的生物效应。生理条件下的细胞内有抗氧化酶等抗氧化系统与其抗衡,如超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GSH-PX)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)等。

活性氮(nitrogen reactive species,RNS)包括NO 和ONOO-,NO 作为弛缓因子而在血管内皮产生,但过多的NO 会产生ONOO-,而ONOO-可以直接损伤蛋白质及细胞引起疾病的发生[11]。

紫外线(UV)主要分为3个波段:短波紫外线UVC(230.275 nm)、中波紫外线UVB(275—320 nm)、和长波紫外线(UVA,320—400 nm)。UV照射到地球表面上绝大部分为UVA(95%)和少部分的UVB(5%)[3]。





一般情况下,细胞中的MMPs 并不具有什么活性,但是当受到了外界的刺激后,如过量的紫外线的照射后,可以激活AP-1, 它主要是用来调控细胞中的MMPs 的基因表达以及机体细胞细胞的生长于分化。被激活的AP-1可以蛋白酶裂解进一步活化转录,增加表达量,最终才能降解真皮层的结缔组织,致使皮肤松弛,并出现比较深的皱纹等。

在这个过程中,产生大量的自由基,这些过量的自由基打破了机体内原有的抗氧化与氧化的平衡,从而对皮肤造成了氧化性的伤害, 而这种长期的伤害会造成真皮成纤维细胞的损伤,最终造成皮肤粗糙和深皱纹。








氧化应激是ROS过量产生的结果,这都会导致细胞损伤,包括细胞凋亡,蛋白氧化,DNA修饰和脂质过氧化。血管内的内皮细胞对氧化应激引起的损伤非常敏感。内皮细胞结构和功能的损伤可导致血管疾病,包括动脉粥样硬化、血栓形成和血管炎。此外,ROS激活转录信使,如NF-κB和激活蛋白-1 (AP-1),两者都能上调炎症细胞因子和介质的产生。这些炎症分子产生的氧化应激和炎症反应与内皮功能障碍和随后的心血管疾病发展有关。


阿兹海默(AD)是老年人中发病率较高的神经退行性疾病,尽管AD治病机理目前还没有定论,但是普遍认为是AD的发病主要是由于β-淀粉样蛋白在大脑皮层和海马区构成了老年斑和神经元纤维纠缠结而引起的。同时,AD 病理过程导致区域神经元的丢失,最先从内侧颞叶开始[4],之后在大脑海马和大脑皮质等区域出现。β-淀粉样蛋白聚集和沉积斑块、tau 蛋白过度磷酸化和神经元的缠结、神经血管功能障碍、细胞周期异常、炎症过程、氧化应激和线粒体功能障碍等都被认为在AD发病机制中起到重要作用[11]。


兰尼碱II型受体(ryanodine receptor 2,RyR2)在神经突触的可塑性,记忆上起着重要的作用。虾青素可以通过下调线粒体的氧化应激、活化T细胞核因子及上调RyR2 基因的表达来抵抗β-淀粉样蛋白对海马原代细胞的损伤[11]。

另外, 虾青素还还可以通过抑制钙离子的流入来减轻细胞毒性,保护大脑细胞[11]。


鱼油:鱼油中的欧米伽3有很好的抗炎效果。皮肤屏障是由神经酰胺,固醇及脂肪酸构成的。通过服用鱼油,可以增加皮肤中的有益的脂肪酸, 对皮肤屏障的修复有很好的作用,



小鼠急性毒性试验显示,虾青素半致死量大于10 g/kg,属于无毒物。且在小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验和小鼠精子畸变实验中,虾青素5 g/kg 均未见明显毒性和遗传学毒性。在Ames 快速检测药品是否有潜在致癌风险试验中,5 g/kg的虾青素未发现菌株回复突变能力。

最新研究表明,在29天的实验期内,33 名健康成人每天服用雨生红球藻藻粉来补充虾青素,分为高(19.25mg)和低(3.85mg)二个剂量组。经过详细监测志愿者的体重、皮肤颜色、血压、近距离和远距离视力、理解力、眼睛健康状况,以及耳、鼻、喉、口、齿、胸、肺和反射反应和全面的血液和尿样分析,结果表明,口服富含天然虾青素的雨生红球藻藻粉,对人体无任何致病效应或毒副作用[11]。


欧洲EFSA 推荐的ADI是2mg/day for 60kg的成年人[9], 一般的使用量是4mg







[1] 邢涛, et al. "从雨生球藻中提取虾青素的工艺研究." 中国食品添加剂 11 (2018).

[2] 刘建国. "红球藻虾青素资源开发历程与趋势展望.".

[3] 赵英源, et al. "虾青素生理活性的研究进展." CHINESE JOURNAL OF MARINE DRUGS 39.3 (2020).

[5] Kono, Keiko, et al. "Effect of multiple dietary supplement containing lutein, astaxanthin, cyanidin-3-glucoside, and DHA on accommodative ability." Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (Formerly Current Medicinal Chemistry-Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents) 14.2 (2014): 114-125.

[6] Giannaccare, Giuseppe, et al. "Clinical applications of astaxanthin in the treatment of ocular diseases: Emerging insights." Marine drugs 18.5 (2020): 239.

[7] Visioli, Francesco, and Christian Artaria. "Astaxanthin in cardiovascular health and disease: mechanisms of action, therapeutic merits, and knowledge gaps." Food & Function 8.1 (2017): 39-63.

[8] 徐健. 雨生红球藻中虾青素的提取及虾青素对皮肤细胞损伤的保护作用. Diss. 浙江大学, 2015.

[9] Brendler, Thomas, and Elizabeth Mary Williamson. "Astaxanthin: How much is too much? A safety review." Phytotherapy Research 33.12 (2019): 3090-3111.

[10] 谢悠扬等. "虾青素的神经保护作用研究进展." 医学综述 3(2016):440-443.

[11] 王珺. 虾青素对AD小鼠模型中A-beta毒性的抑制作用及其机制. Diss. 哈尔滨工业大学


" 可以同时容纳许多人 "用英文怎么翻译 "

翻译:Can accommodate many people at the same time.词汇分析accommodate,英 [ə"kɒmədeɪt],美 [ə"kɑːmədeɪt]    vt. 供给住宿;使适应;容纳;提供;顾及;调解vi. 适应;调节形容词: accommodative 名词: accommodativeness 过去式: accommodated 过去分词: accommodated 现在分词: accommodating 第三人称单数: accommodatesaccommodate的基本意思是“容纳”,指容器或建筑物所能容纳的事物或人的多少,强调容纳的舒适性,引申可指“向…提供住处〔膳食〕”,也可指“帮助,接济,施惠于”,还可指“迁就”某人或某事。people,英 ["piːpl],美 ["piːpl]    n. 人;人民;人们v. 使住人;居住于名词: peopler 名词复数: people 过去式: peopled 过去分词: peopled 现在分词: peopling 第三人称单数: peoplespeople的基本意思是“人,人们”,是集体名词,没有复数形式,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用复数。泛指“人们”时期前不加定冠词the。扩展资料:accommodate近义词:provide,英 [prə"vaɪd],美 [prə"vaɪd]    v. 供给;提供;准备;规定;抚养过去式: provided 过去分词: provided 现在分词: providing 第三人称单数: providesprovide用作及物动词时,可表示“提供,供给,供应,装备”,后可接名词或代词作简单宾语; 还可接双宾语,常用介词for引出间接宾语,也可用介词with引出直接宾语,有时with可省略。例句:Sheep provide us with wool.羊供给我们羊毛。
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  在生物学中,当环境改变时,机体的细胞、组织或器官通过自身的代谢、功能和结构的相应改变,以避免环境的改变所引起的损伤,这个过程称为适应。但更广泛的用法存在于形容人类的行动时。那么你知道适应用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   适应英语说法1:   suit    适应英语说法2:   adapt    适应英语说法3:   accommodate    适应的相关短语:   适应症 Indications ; Primary uses ; off-label ;   适应层 adaptation layer ; Network Adaptation Layer ; atm adaptation layer atm ;   适应控制 adaptive control ; Indirect Adaptive Control ; Adaptive Control System ;   光适应 light adaptation ; photopia ; adaptation to light ; light adaptability   适应预报 adaptive prediction   适应证 indication ; Indications and usage ; off-label ; diseases   适应期 adaptation period ; Period for adaptation ; adaptive phase ; adjustment stage   前适应 preadaptation ; prospective adaptation   适应型 ecad ; epharmone ; Adaptive ; Accommodative    适应的英语例句:   1. It took her a while to get acclimatized to her new surroundings.   她花了一段时间才适应了新的环境。   2. Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.   学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。   3. They are bound to take time to readjust after a holiday.   他们肯定需要时间重新适应假期结束后的生活。   4. The dampness of the forest did not agree with him physically.   他的身体不能适应森林的潮湿。   5. The way Swedes integrate immigrants is, she feels, 100% more advanced.   她觉得瑞典人帮助移民适应当地生活的方式百分百地更为先进。   6. The next few weeks will be a period of readjustment.   接下来的几周将是适应阶段。   7. He came across as streetwise, but in reality he was not.   他给人的印象是很适应都市生活,但实际上并非如此。   8. The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert.   车辆已改装过以适应沙漠的环境。   9. The place oppressed Aubrey even before his eyes adjusted to the dark.   奥布里的眼睛还没有适应黑暗之前,这地方便已经让他觉得很压抑了。   10. Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing cond-itions.   某些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。   11. She found it hard to engage with office life.   她发现很难适应办公室生活。   12. We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society.   我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使他们适应普通的社会生活。   13. Buddhism had to adapt to the new world or perish.   佛教必须适应新时代,否则将会消亡。   14. He stopped to try to adjust his vision to the faint starlight.   他停下脚步试着让眼睛适应微弱的星光。   15. It was just a question of having the time to re-adjust.   这只是个需要时间重新适应的问题。
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商务英语谈判   谈判是指除正式场合下的谈判外,一切协商、交涉、商量、磋商等等,都可以看做谈判以下是我为大家整理的商务英语谈判,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。   商务谈判的原则   何谓商务谈判?谈判是人们为了协调彼此之间的关系,满足各自的需要,通过协商争取达到意见一致的行为和过程。   Negotiation takes place between human beings. It is the most common form of social interaction. Almost everybody in the world is involved in negotiations in one way or another for a good part of any given day. People negotiate over where to go for dinner, which movie to watch or how to split household chores.   Negotiation, in its modern sense, is defined in The Roots of Sound Rational Thinking as follows: the ability to deal with business affairs, to arrange by discussion the settlement of terms, to reach agreements through treaties and compromise, and to travel through challenging territory. All of these suggest a purposeful effort to resolve problems through talking and intellectual maneuvering. Negotiation includes consultation, bargaining, mediation, arbitration, and sometimes, even litigation.   Competitive style To try to gain all there is to gain   (竞争式谈判)   Accommodative style To be willing to yield all there is to yield   (通融式谈判)   Avoidance style To try to stay out of negotiation   (回避式谈判)   Compromising style To try to split the difference or find (妥协式谈判) an intermediate point according to some principle   Collaborative style To try to find the maximum possible (合作式谈判) gain for   both parties----by careful   exploration of the interests of all parties----and often by enlarging the pie   Vengeful style To try to harm the other   (报复式谈判)   Self-inflicting style To act so as to harm oneself   (自损式谈判)   Vengeful and self-inflicting style To try to harm the other and also   (报复和自损式谈判) oneself   People who go for the competitive style are known as hard-bargaining negotiators. They start off with outrageous   demands, using threats and other tactics to get what they want. One side typically starts out high and the other low. After several rounds of offer and counter-offer, the negotiators end up “splitting the difference”. In this form, negotiation is viewed as a game where each side tries to get the best deal for themselves. Neither side exhibits concern for the other side.   1.1 Principle of Collaborative Negotiation   合作式谈判的原则   Ⅰ. Collaborative Negotiation   Negotiation can also assume the form of collaborative style. It involves people with diverse interests working together to achieve mutually satisfying outcomes. Collaborative negotiation is known by many names. Some popular names include “problem-solving negotiation”, “consensus-building negotiation”, “interest-based negotiation”, “win-win negotiation”, “mutual gains negotiation”, and so on. The goal of collaborative negotiation is to manage the dispute so that the outcome is more constructive than   destructive. A destructive outcome results in damages and involves exploitation and coercion. A constructive outcome fosters communication, problem-solving, and improved relationships.   ● The negotiation parties have both diverse and common interests.   ● The common interests are valued and sought.   ● The negotiation process can result in both parties gaining something.   ● The negotiating arena is controlled by enlightened self-interest.   ● Interdependence is recognized and enhanced.   ● Limited resources do exist, but they can usually be expanded through cooperation and creativity.   ● The goal is a mutually agreeable solution that is fair to all parties and effective for the community/group.   The collaborative negotiation focuses on interests rather positions. Integrative solutions are obtained by understanding other"s self-interests, not by jostling for positions.   The collaborative negotiation places value on relationship. It requires trust and relies on full disclosure of relevant   information.   The disadvantages of this approach are:   ● It may pressure an individual to compromise and accommodate in ways not in his best interest.   ● It avoids confrontational strategies, which can be helpful at times.   ● It increases vulnerability to deception and manipulation by a competitive opponent.   ● It makes it hard to establish definite aspiration levels and bottom lines.   ● It requires substantial skill and knowledge of the process.   ● It requires strong confidence in one"s perceptions regarding the interests and needs of the other side.   Ⅱ. Principled Negotiation   In this form, each side of the negotiating parties attempt to meet the other side"s interest as well as their own. By thoroughly understanding their own interest as well as the other"s, both sides are often able to arrive at solutions neither alone could have envisioned or made possible. In this type of negotiation, each side recognizes and accepts the legitimate interests of the other side and they are committed to dealing with differences constructively in order to advance their own self-interests. This has been called “collaborative principled negotiation”, a concept set forth by Roger Fisher and William Ury in their book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.   Principled negotiation is particularly oriented to collaborative negotiations. However, it can be used in competitive negotiations and in other aspects of conflict management. It is a method that is centered around four considerations (PIOC):   ● People: Separate the people from the problem.   ● Interests: Focus on interests, not positions (interests always underlie positions).   ● Options: Invent options for mutual gains.   ● Insist on using objective criteria.   1. Separate the people from the problem Fisher and Ury pointed out that “negotiators are people first”. There are always relational and substantive issues in   negotiation. The relational issue tends to become entangled with the problem and the positional bargaining puts relational and substantive issues in conflict with each other. Fisher and Ury suggested that the negotiators separate the relationship from the substance and deal directly with the people problem.   It is a feasible to deal with a substantive problem and maintain a good working relationship between negotiating parties. People problems are usually caused by inaccurate perception, inappropriate emotions and poor communication. In order to deal with those problems, three techniques are recommended for both parties to follow: A. Establish an accurate perception.   ● Conflict, very often, is not caused by what happens, but by how people perceive what happens.   ● Increase the capability of each party to see the other side"s point of view (for example, by reversing roles).   ● Avoid blaming the other party for your problems.   ● Discuss each other"s perceptions of the problem.   ● Get the other party to participate in the mutual activities.   ● Seek to make negotiation proposals consistent with the other party"s values.   B. Cultivate appropriate emotion.   ● Your emotion affects that of the other party.   ● Recognize and understand emotions of both parties.   ● Make emotions explicit and legitimate.   ● Allow the other party to let off steam.   ● Stay calm with the other party"s emotional outbursts.   C. Strive for better communication.   ● Negotiation is a process of communicating between parties for the purpose of reaching a joint decision.   ● Be an active listener and acknowledge what is being said.   ● Speak to be understood.   ● Avoid criticism that may hurt the other party"s feelings.   ● Speak for a purpose.   2. Focus on interests, not positions   In such a case, negotiators need to distinguish between interests and positions and focus on interests not positions. A position is what you want or must have. An interest is why you want what you want. Positions can be thought of as a one-dimensional point in a space of infinite possible solutions. Positions are symbolic representations of a participant"s underlying motivating interests. In negotiation, there are many kinds of interests: multiple interests, shared interests, compatible interests and conflicting interests. Indentifying shared and compatible   interests as “common ground” can be helpful in establishing a found for additional discussions. “Easy points of agreement” can be indentified and the principles underlying those easy points of agreement can often be extrapolated to help   resolve other issues. Methods for focusing on interests instead of positions are as follows:   A. Identify the self-interests.   ● Explore and recognize the interests of the other party that stand in your way.   ● Examine the different interests of different people on the other side.   ● Respect your counterparty as human beings and recognize the needs and interests that underlie their positions. B. Discuss interests with the other party.   ● Give your interests a vivid description. Be specific.   ● Demonstrate your understanding of the other party"s interests and acknowledge them as part of the overall problem   that you are trying to solve.   ● Discuss the problems before proposing a solution.   ● Direct the discussion to the present and the future. Stay away from the difficulties of the past.   ● Be hard on the problem but soft on the people.   3. Invent options for mutual gains   Here are the steps for overcoming the obstacles and developing multiple solution options: A. Separate the act of inventing options from the act of judging them.   ● Run a brainstorming session.   ☆ Before brainstorming:   ■ Define your propose----what you would like to achieve at meeting.   ■ Choose a few participant (between five and eight people)   ■ Change the environment----select a time and place distinguishing the session from regular discussions.   ■ Design an informal atmosphere----talking over a drink, meeting at a vacation lodge or any other forms that   make participants feel relaxed.   ■ Choose a facilitator----a facilitator is needed to keep the meeting on track, make sure everyone gets a chance   to speak, and stimulate discussion by asking questions.   ☆ During brainstorming:   ■ Seat the participants side by side facing the problem.   ■ Clarify the ground rules, including the no-criticism rule.   ■ Brainstorm.   ■ Record the idea in full view.   ☆ After brainstorm:   ■ Check the most promising ideas----mark those ideas that participants think are the best.   ■ Explore improvements for promising ideas----take one promising idea and explore ways to make it better and   practical.   ■ Set up a time to evaluate ideas and make a decision.   ● Consider brainstorming with the other side; it can be very valuable.   B. Develop as many options as possible before choosing one.   ● Adopt the four types of thinking in generating options.   ● Look at the problem through the eyes of different experts.   ● Develop different versions of agreement.   ● Change the scope of a proposed agreement----break the problem into smaller units.   C. Search for mutual gains.   ● Identify shared interests.   ● Dovetail differing interests.   4. Insist on using objective criteria The guidelines for objective criteria are:   ● Independent of wills of all parties.   ● Legitimate and practical.   ● Acceptable to all parties.   After identifying objective criteria and procedures, it is time to discuss them with the other party. There are three basic points to remember: A. Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria. B. Reason and be open to reason as to which standards are most appropriate and how they should be applied. C. Never yield to pressure, only to principle----yield to an argument or presentation that is based on reason and principle,   not to one based on pressure. 1.2   利益分配原则 Principle of Interest Distribution   In negotiations at the domestic level, there are two types of interests involved: personal and organizational; at the international level, there are three: personal, organizational and national.   Organizational Roles Principles and Agents   1.3 Principle of Trust in Negotiation   信任的原则   Trust is something of great importance in negotiation. Professor Richard C. Reuben defined it as “a state involving expectations about another"s motives and actions with respect to oneself in situations entailing risk of uncertainty”. In the outline of his Negotiation----Law 5810, he states that there are three types of trust in professional relationships:   ● Deterrence-based trust (威慑型信任)   ☆ Calculus-based trust (预计型信任)   ● Knowledge-based trust (了解型信任)   ● Identification-based trust (识别型信任)   Ⅰ. Trust Building in Negotiation   1. Speak their language 2. Manage your reputation   3. Make dependence a factor   4. Make unilateral concessions 5. Name your concessions   6. Explain your demands   In their book entitled The Only Negotiating Guide You Will Ever
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您好 ophthalmology, OPH, Ophth 眼科学 visionics 视觉学 visual optics 视觉光学 visual physiology 视觉生理学 physiology of eye 眼生理学 visual electro physiology 视觉电生理学 pathology of eye 眼病理学 dioptrics of eye 眼屈光学 neuro ophthalmology 神经眼科学 ophthalmiatrics 眼科治疗学 ophthalmic surgery 眼科手术学 cryo ophthalmology 冷冻眼科学 right eye, RE, oculus dexter, OD 右眼 left eye, LE, oculus sinister, OS 左眼 oculus uterque, OU 双眼 eyeball phantom 眼球模型 eye bank 眼库 prevention of blindness, PB 防盲 primary eye care 初级眼保健 low vision 低视力 blindness 盲 totol blindness 全盲 imcomplete blindness 不全盲 congenital blindness 先天性盲 acquired blindness 后天性盲曾用名“获得性盲”。 functional blindness 功能性盲 organic blindness 器质性盲 occupational blindness 职业性盲 legal blindness 法定盲 visual aura 视觉先兆 visual disorder 视觉障碍 visual deterioration 视力减退 transitional blindness 一过性盲 amaurosis 黑 amaurosis fugax 一过性黑 toxic amaurosis 中毒性黑 central amaurosis 中枢性黑 uremic amaurosis 尿毒性黑 cortical blindness 皮质盲 macropsia 视物显大症曾用名“大视”。 micropsia 视物显小症曾用名“小视”。 metamorphopsia 视物变形症 polyopsia 视物显多症曾用名“多视”。 visual hallucination 幻视 phosphene 光幻视 photopsia 闪光感曾用名“闪光幻视”。 entopic phenomenon 内视现象 Haidinger brush 海丁格内视刷 muscae volitantes 飞蚊症曾用名“飞蝇幻视”。 chromatopsia 色视症 erythropsia 红视症 chloropsia 绿视症 xanthopsia 黄视症 cyanopsia 蓝视症 iridization 虹视 hemeralopia 昼盲 nyctalopia 夜盲 diplopia 复视 binocular diplopia 双眼复视 monocular diplopia 单眼复视 asthenopia, Asth 视疲劳曾用名“眼疲劳”。 anisometropic asthenopia 屈光参差性视疲劳 accommodative asthenopia 调节性视疲劳 muscular asthenopia 肌性视疲劳 heterophoric asthenopia 隐斜性视疲劳 ophthalmalgia 眼痛 photophobia 畏光曾用名“羞明”。 lacrimation 流泪 foreign body sensation 异物感 conjunctival secretion 结膜分泌物 form sense 形觉 visual sense 视觉 optic resolving power 视觉分辨力 visual angle 视角 minimum visual angle 最小视角 parallax, PRLX 视差 visual acuity, VA, vision, V 视力 central vision 中心视力曾用名“中央视力”。 paracentral vision 旁中心视力 distant vision 远视力 near vision 近视力 naked vision 裸眼视力 corrected vision 矫正视力 stereoscopic vision 立体视觉 binocular vision 双眼视力 monocular vision 单眼视力 contrast sensitivity 对比敏感度 spatial contrast sensitivity 空间对比敏感度 temporal contrast sensitivity 时间对比敏感度 contrast sensitivity function, CSF 对比敏感度函数 examination of form sense 形觉检查[法] examination of visual acuity 视力检查[法] examination of distant vision 远视力检查[法] examination of near vision 近视力检查[法] visual acuity chart 视力表 standard visual acuity chart 标准视力表 standard logarithmic visual acuity chart 标准对数视力表 Snellen chart 斯内伦视力表 Landolt chart 朗多环形视力表 standard near vision chart 标准近视力表 Jaeger chart 耶格近视力表 counting fingers, CF 数指曾用名“指数”。 hand movement, HM 手动 light projection 光定位曾用名“光投射”。 light perception, LP 光感 no light perception, no LP 无光感 simulated blindness 伪盲曾用名“诈盲”。 depth perception 深度觉曾用名“深径觉”。 depth perceptometer 深度觉计 stereoscope 立体镜 stereoscopy 立体镜检查[法] visual island 视野岛 visual isopter 等视线 horopter 双眼单视界 horopter curve 双眼单视界曲线 visual field, Vf 视野 central visual field 中心视野 peripheral visual field 周边视野 absolute visual field 绝对视野 relative visual field 相对视野 monocular visual field 单眼视野 binocular visual field 双眼视野 color visual field 色视野 form visual field 形视野 confrontation method 面对面视野检查[法]曾用名“对照法”。 perimeter 视野计 arc perimeter 弧形视野计 hand held perimeter 手持视野计 hemispherical perimeter 半球形视野计 projection perimeter 投影视野计 static perimeter 静态视野计 multiple stars perimeter 星群视野计 visual field analyser 视野分析仪 static quantitative perimeter 静态定量视野计 automatic quantitative perimeter 自动定量视野计 perimetry 视野检查[法] dynamic perimetry 动态视野检查[法] static perimetry 静态视野检查[法] quantitative perimetry 定量视野检查[法] automatic quantitative perimetry 自动定量视野检查[法] flicker fusion perimetry 闪烁融合视野检查[法] pattern form perimetry 图形视野检查[法] campimeter 平面视野计 campimetry 平面视野计检查[法] stereocampimeter 立体平面视野计 stereocampimetry 立体平面视野计检查[法] quantitative maculo perimetry 定量黄斑视野检查[法] Amsler grid 阿姆斯勒方格表 normal visual field 正常视野 tubular visual field 管状视野 spiral visual field 螺旋状视野 defect of visual field 视野缺损 constriction of visual field 视野缩小 hemianopsia 偏盲 temporal hemianopsia 颞侧偏盲 nasal hemianopsia 鼻侧偏盲 bitemporal hemianopsia 双颞侧偏盲 binasal hemianopsia 双鼻侧偏盲 homonymous hemianopsia 同侧偏盲 heteronymous hemianopsia 异侧偏盲 upper hemianopsia 上偏盲 lower hemianopsia 下偏盲 horizontal hemianopsia 水平偏盲 quadrantanopsia 象限盲 sparing of macula 黄斑回避 scotoma 暗点 blind spot 盲点 physiological blind spot 生理盲点 absolute scotoma 绝对暗点 relative scotoma 相对暗点 positive scotoma 实性暗点 negative scotoma 虚性暗点 central scotoma 中心暗点 peripheral scotoma 周围暗点 pericentral scotoma 中心周围暗点 paracentral scotoma 旁中心暗点 angioscotoma 血管暗点 arcuate scotoma 弧形暗点 ring scotoma 环形暗点 baring of physiological blind spot 生理盲点外露曾用名“生理盲点暴露”。 Seidel scotoma 赛德尔暗点 Bjerrum scotoma 比耶鲁姆暗点 R nne nasal step 伦内鼻侧阶梯 scotometer 暗点计 scotometry 暗点测定[法] light sense 光觉 photopic vision 明视觉 scotopic vision 暗视觉 light adaptation 明适应 dark adaptation 暗适应 noctovision 夜间视觉 photoptometer 光觉计 examination of light sense 光觉检查[法] photoptometry 光觉测定[法] dark adaptometer 暗适应计 Kohlrausch bend 科尔劳施屈曲 nyctometer 夜盲计 macular photostress test 黄斑光应力试验 foveal densitometry 中央凹密度测定[法] color sense, color vision 色觉 trichromatic theory 三色学说 dyschromatopsia 色觉障碍 achromatopsia, color blindness 色盲 achromatopsia, total color blindness 全色盲 protanopsia 红色盲 deuteranopsia 绿色盲 anerythrochloropsia 红绿色盲 axanthopsia 黄色盲 tritanopsia 蓝色盲 axanthocyanopsia 黄蓝色盲 anianthynopsy 紫色盲 color weakness 色弱 protanomalia 红色弱 deuteranomalia 绿色弱 dyserythrochloropsia 红绿色弱 tritanomalia 蓝色弱 examination of color sense 色觉检查[法] color vision plate 色觉检查图 pseudoisochromatic chart 假同色色觉检查表 Farnsworth dichotomous test 法恩斯沃思色相配列试验 FM 100 hue test FM-100色彩试验 D 15 panel test D-15色盘试验 Thomson wool skeins test 汤姆森彩绒试验 chromoptometer 色觉计 anomaloscope 色盲检查镜 examination of external eye 外眼检查[法]曾用名“眼外部检查法”。 Schirmer test 希尔默试验 breakup time of tear film, BUT 泪膜破裂时间 dye outflow test 染料流畅试验 fluorescein test 荧光素试验 dacryocystography 泪囊造影[术] radiography of lacrimal passage 泪道放射照相[术] conjunctival congestion 结膜充血 ciliary congestion 睫状充血 mixed congestion 混合充血 chemosis 结膜水肿 keratoscope, Placido disk 角膜镜 specular microscope 角膜内皮显微镜 corneal pachymeter 角膜测厚仪 corneal topography 角膜地形图 corneal topographic device 角膜地形图检测仪 transillumination 透照法曾用名“彻照法”。 examination of internal eye 内眼检查[法]曾用名“眼内部检查法”。 keratic precipitates, KP 角膜后沉着物曾用名“角膜后沉淀物”。 aqueous flare,Tyndall phenomenon 房水闪光 reaction of pupil to light 瞳孔对光反应 pupillary pharmacodynamic test 瞳孔药效试验 pupillometer 瞳孔计 pupillometry 瞳孔测量[法] pupillogram 瞳孔图 iris shadow 虹膜投影 iridodonesis 虹膜震颤曾用名“虹膜震荡”。 iris angiography 虹膜血管造影[术] image of Purkinje Sanson 浦肯野-桑松像 glaucomatous fleck 青光眼斑 glaucomatous cup 青光眼杯 glaucomatous halo 青光眼晕轮 provocative test for glaucoma 青光眼激发试验 bulbar compression test 眼球压迫试验 darkroom test 暗室试验 prone test 俯卧试验 darkroom prone test 暗室俯卧试验 mydriasis test 散瞳试验 reading test 阅读试验 water drinking test 饮水试验 vitreous fluoraphotometry 玻璃体荧光光度测定[法] orbitography [眼]眶造影[术] orbital pneumography [眼]眶充气造影[术] orbital angiography [眼]眶血管造影[术] orbital arteriography [眼]眶动脉造影[术] orbital venography [眼]眶静脉造影[术] ocular angiography, OAG 眼动脉造影[术] radiography of orbit [眼]眶放射照相[术] orbitonometer 眶压计 orbitonometry 眶压测量法 exophthalmometer 眼球突出计简称“突眼计”。 exophthalmometry 眼球突出测量[法] Bell phenomenon 贝尔现象 electronystagmograph, ENG 眼球震颤电流描记仪 electronystagmography, ENG 眼球震颤电流描记[法] electronystagmogram 眼球震颤电流[描记]图 phorometry 隐斜测量[法] phorometer 隐斜测量计 Maddox rod 马多克斯杆 Maddox wing 马多克斯翼 squinting eye 斜视眼 angle of strabismus 斜视角 strabismometry 斜视角测量[法] corneal reflection method 角膜反光点法 arc perimeter strabismometry 弧形视野计斜视测量[法] strabismometer 斜视计 cover test 遮盖试验 alternative cover test 交替遮盖试验 cover uncover test 遮盖-不遮盖试验 Maddox rod test 马多克斯杆试验 diplopia test 复视试验 red glass test 红玻璃试验 Bielschowsky sign 比尔绍斯基征 Lancaster screen 兰开斯特屏 oculocardiac reflex, Aschner phenomenon 眼心反射 haploscope 视轴计 eikonometer 影像计 lensometer 镜片计 trial case 试镜箱 trial frame 试镜架 trial lens 试镜片 spectacle frame 眼镜架 correcting lens 矫正镜片 crossed cylinder lens 交叉柱镜曾用名“交叉圆柱镜”。 accommodatometer 调节计 correction of refractive errors 矫正屈光不正 examination of refraction 屈光检查[法] cycloplegia 睫状肌麻痹 fogging method 雾视法 skiascope, retinoscope 检影镜曾用名“视网膜镜”。 plane retinoscope 平面检影镜 reflecting retinoscope 反射式检影镜 streak retinoscope 带状光检影镜曾用名“条带检影镜”。 请问是这些吗求采纳
2023-01-01 19:56:541


component [kəm"pəunənt] adj. 组成的,构成的n. 成分;元件;组件网络释义21世纪大英汉词典英英释义-component: 组件;成分;零件;子件/组件组件请帮我翻译有关鞋子的英语 - 搜鞋网论坛 球鞋爱好... ... comfort footwear舒适鞋 component组件 compound混合料 ...基于766个网页 - 搜索相关网页 成分[托业考试]TOEIC词汇汇总(7) ...capacity 容量;才能;能力component 构成要素;成分;零件device 装置;设备;图案;设计 ...基于545个网页 - 搜索相关网页 零件机械类常用英语词汇大全5 ...电钻 electric drill 零件;组件 component 零件分散图;爆炸图 exploded drawing (view) ...基于392个网页 - 搜索相关网页 子件/组件ERP名词术语集 ...critical ratio 紧迫系数 component 子件/组件 cost driver rate 作业成本发生因素单位费用 ...基于172个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -reactive component: 无功分量;抗性分量;抗性分量,无功分量;无功分量无功部分无功分量电机行业常用的中英文对照 component 有功分量 reactive component 无功分量 electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩 ...基于916个网页 - 搜索相关网页 抗性分量【分享】【专业英语】挺不错的机械-英语单词| 语言... ...抗屈强度 bending strength; yield strength抗性分量;无功分量 reactive component抗拉强度 tensile strength ...基于474个网页 - 搜索相关网页 抗性分量,无功分量物理词汇 ...reaction 反作用,反作用力 reactive component 抗性分量,无功分量 reactor 反应堆 ...基于88个网页 - 搜索相关网页 无功分量无功部分免费专业英语词汇下载 ...无功分量 reactive component 无功分量无功部分 reactive component 无功电流 reactive current ...基于8个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -component force: 分力;分力=>分力;释义:力的组成部分,分力分力法语分类词汇之机械类专业-天虹翻译公司021-60... ...冗余构件 redundant member 分力 component force 分子 molecule ...基于629个网页 - 搜索相关网页 分力=>分力英汉日科技词汇——C2 ...component family ==> 部件族 component force ==> 分力=>分力 component hour ==> 分潮时,元件工作小时 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 释义:力的组成部分,分力组成部分的英文医药专业词条翻译 ...Accommodative component esotropia 释义:内斜视调节组成部分 instrument parts 释义:器械组成部分 component force 释义:力的组成部分,分力 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -component index: 成份指数;成分指数;成分指标;部件指标成份指数金融词汇! ...raised capital/proceeds 筹资component index 成份指数turnover rate 换手率 ...基于381个网页 - 搜索相关网页 成分指数口译词汇积累(4) ...保证金 margin; collateral成分指数 component index承销商 underwriter ...基于198个网页 - 搜索相关网页 成分指标北五味子提取物产品特点 ...提取技术(Extract technology)成品状态(Finished product state)成分指标(Component index) ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 部件指标电能词汇接龙 ...component hour 组件工作小时 component index 部件指标 component labelling 元件标记 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -system component: 系统组件;系统单元;系统元件;系统零部件系统组件系统组件(System Component)提供功能服务,它通过UI和UI逻辑组件实现对外部访问或请求的响应.基于334个网页 - 搜索相关网页 系统单元台湾土木工程词汇一 ...system compatibiUty 系统协调 system component 系统单元 system concept 系统观念 ...基于8个网页 - 搜索相关网页 系统元件...以一个应用程式,将视窗盖在 Dashboard 之上,所以势必要放弃 0.6.3 那种将所有的使用者介面都写在系统元件(System Component)的架构,而另外写一个 UI Display Server 负责各种介面。基于4个网页 - 搜索相关网页 系统零部件机械词典大全 ...system clock;系统时标[计时]system component;系统零部件system component deviation;系统零件偏移 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -horizontal component: 水平分量;水平分力;水平部分;水平份量水平分量物理词汇 ...horizontal 水平 horizontal component 水平分量 horizontal deflection 水平偏转 ...基于159个网页 - 搜索相关网页 水平分力焊接专业关联词汇(机械工程学词汇H-I)(3) -... .../>horizontal characteristics水平特性曲线horizontal component水平分力horizontal coordinates水平坐标系 ...基于45个网页 - 搜索相关网页 水平部分地质专业词汇H-K ... horizontal borehole 水平钻孔 horizontal component 水平部分 horizontal distribution 水平分布 ...基于33个网页 - 搜索相关网页 水平份量光电英语词汇(H) ...horizontal comparator 卧式比较仪horizontal component 水平份量horizontal device control 水平策动控制 ...基于20个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -component tray: 组件栏;组件匣;组件托盘;组件匣 元件匣组件栏.Net常用术语汇总 编程技术 听海浪城 求知论坛... ...Component Tools Guide 组件工具指南component tray 组件栏Component Wizard 组件向导 ...基于149个网页 - 搜索相关网页 组件匣计算机与网络英语词汇(C5) ...component stress 组件应力 component Tray 组件匣 component video 成分视讯 ...基于19个网页 - 搜索相关网页 组件托盘最终目的是创建一个自定义的组件——只要你将它拖放到某个 Windows 窗体的组件托盘(Component Tray)上,它就允许你按照给定的主题定制菜单的外观。作为例子,我将混合使用 Visual Studio.NET 和 Office 2003 的菜单样式。基于4个网页 - 搜索相关网页 组件匣 元件匣IT《英、大陆、台湾对照词汇》补贴此处 ...component Services Explorer 组件服务总管 元件服务总管component Tray 组件匣 元件匣component Wizard 组件向导 元件精灵 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -connected component: 连通分量;连通分支;通成分;通部分连通分量连通分量图G的一个连通分量(Connected Component)是G的一个最大连通子图,该子图中每对顶点间均有一条路径。根据图G,如何找出其所有连通分量的问题称为连通分量问题。基于141个网页 - 搜索相关网页 连通分支边走边看 - 博客.CN[ ...连通图 Connected graph连通分支 Connected component强连通图 Strong graph ...基于11个网页 - 搜索相关网页 通成分以下function用来取得一个影像的连通成分(connected component),将影像labeling以后,具有相同label的pixel即为同一个连通成分。透过对连通成分的分析,我们可.基于3个网页 - 搜索相关网页 通部分假设最后的结果不是连通图,就去看它的每一个连通部分(connected component),每个连通部分所包含的每个面都有一条手臂,但是再把这些连通部分合起来看,会发现这些连通部分最外面的面其实是同一个面,所以...基于3个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -capacitive component: 电容性分量;电容分量;电容分量=>容量分电容性分量...capacitive circuit 电容电路 capacitive component 电容性分量 capacitive coupling 电容耦合 ...基于142个网页 - 搜索相关网页 电容分量海洋词汇接龙 ...capacitive character 电容性capacitive component 电容分量capacitive coupling 电容耦合 ...基于3个网页 - 搜索相关网页 电容分量=>容量分英汉日科技词汇——C1 ...capacitive commutator ==> 电容转换器capacitive component ==> 电容分量=>容量分capacitive cooling ==> 热容式冷却 ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -expenditure component: 开支项目;开支项目 -------[光年网原创开支项目财务英语词汇E ... expenditure commitment 开支承担 expenditure component 开支项目 expenditure for the services of the government 政府服务开支 ...基于127个网页 - 搜索相关网页 开支项目 -------[光年网原创专业术语-财务英语词汇E13 ... expenditure commitment 开支承担 -------[光年网原创] expenditure component 开支项目 -------[光年网原创] expenditure for the services of the government 政府服务开支 -------[光年网原创] ...基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 component [kəm"pəunənt] adj.组成的,合成的,构成的,成分的n.1. (混合物的)组成部分;成分;要素;部分2. 【物理学】分力,分向量,向量坐标3. 【物理化学】组分4. 【数学】分量近义词:element . component [kəm"pəunənt] n.1. an abstract part of something例句: jealousy was a component of his character2. something determined in relation to something that includes it例句: the smaller component is hard to reach3. an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system例句: spare components for carsa component or constituent element of a system以上来源于: WordNet 例句与用法If so, then this is an opportunITy to build an aggregate component.如果这样,这是为了建造集合完毕的组成部分的机会。 is the component of human culture and variety in language is the basis of variety in culture.摘要语言是人类文化重要组成部分,语言多样性是文化多样性的基础。bbs.outlookcn.comThe vehicle brake system is an important component of the automobile and plays an important role in traffic safety.摘要制动系统是汽车的一个重要组成部分,对汽车行驶安全起着重要的作用。de.bab.la更多例句The mouse, on the other hand, is a key component of the game.另一方面,鼠标,是这个游戏的关键组成部分。www.hbb.cnIf so, then this is an opportunITy to build an aggregate component.如果这样,这是为了建造集合完毕的组成部分的机会。 can change any component of the formula and calculate it again.您可以更改任何组成部分的公式和计算一遍。www.sjrj8.comReplace seat module with new component by placing into body seat bore.用新组件更换阀座模块,将其放置到阀体阀座镗孔内。h6688.comNext, the car is an important component of auto insurance calculations.其次,汽车是一个重要的组成部分,汽车保险的计算。www.robroad.comMachines are the major component of the cellular manufacturing systems (CMS).摘要机器是单元制造系统中主要元件。www.wwenglish.comPeople,however, constitute the most important component of the computer system.人是构成计算机系统最重要的组成部分。 to run the Configuration Wizard to configure the firewall component properly.尝试运行配置向导来配置适当的防火墙的组成部分。 zero magnetism Dewar is an important component of the HTS magnetometer system.无磁杜瓦是高温超导磁强计系统的重要组成部分。www.dictall.comTransportation is a vital component in the design and management of logistics systems.运输是物流体系设计和管理中至关主要的组成部分。www.ntiweekly.comAccording to the Marxist theory of the state, the army is the chief component of state power.从马克思主义关于国家学说的观点看来,军队是国家政权的主要成分。www.dictall.comLanguage is the component of human culture and variety in language is the basis of variety in culture.摘要语言是人类文化重要组成部分,语言多样性是文化多样性的基础。bbs.outlookcn.comThe resistor (R), which is in series with the capacitor, is an important component in this test system.在这个测试系统中,与电容器相串联的电阻器(R)是一个重要的元件。wenwen.soso.comFinancial information, however, comprises the largest component of every management information system.然而,财务信息是构成管理信息系统的绝大组成部分。blog.163.comThroughout the book there will be concrete examples on developing most of the component types introduced here.在本书中将有大部分使用这里介绍过的组件类型来开发的具体例子。 unit is a component of a machine that may be assembled independently of the other components of the machine.部件是机器的组成部分,它是不依赖于机器的其他组成部分而单独地装配成的。blog.hjenglish.comChopin created lots of piano works in his short life, and nocturne was the most important component of his works.肖邦在短暂的一生创作了大量的钢琴作品,而夜曲是其钢琴作品中的重要组成部分。cepd.66wen.comThe vehicle brake system is an important component of the automobile and plays an important role in traffic safety.摘要制动系统是汽车的一个重要组成部分,对汽车行驶安全起着重要的作用。
2023-01-01 19:57:006

求 以y结尾的单词

2023-01-01 19:57:257

Clinical Management of Binocular Vision: Heterophoric, Accommodative, and Eye Movement Disorders

你那儿有么 可否发我一份?
2023-01-01 19:57:502


2023-01-01 19:57:594

Give the adjective form of the following words.

形容词形式:1)rigorous 2)prospective 3)administrative 4)expansive 5)managing/manageable 6)feasible 7)compromising 8)global 9)distrustful 10)courageous11)literal 12)financial 13)scenic 14)exceptive 15)initiative(本身也有形容词性)另外,也有initial 最初的,开头的。16)accommodative 17) explicit 18) confident 19)industrial 20) boring/bored总结:注意记一些形容词后缀,在平时多积累,慢慢总结经验。加油!
2023-01-01 19:58:141


高度近视是指600度以上的近视。这个度数已经是高度近视了,是需要配镜的,另外还需纠正日常不好的用眼习惯,以及配合补充眼睛所需的营养,这样才能逐步的控制或者改善眼睛的近视。一般需要补充的营养有:1、花青素 花青素的抗氧化能力约是维生素E的50倍。研究证明,花青素能强化微血管弹性,促进微血管血液循环,维系正常眼球压力,消除眼睛肌肉疲劳、水肿,改善血管型黑眼圈;能活化和加速视紫质的再生,促进视觉敏锐度,改善夜盲症;能有效抑制破坏眼部细胞的酶;能使视网膜适应光线的变化,提高眼睛在暗处的辨识力,更能保护眼睛少受自由基的伤害,预防眼部退化性疾病产生。2、前花青素 它是纯天然的抗衰老的营养素。现有研究证明,前花青素是当今人类发现的最有效抗氧化剂,它的抗氧化性能比维生素E高出50倍,比维生素C高出200倍。与其他的抗氧化剂不同的是,前花青素能通过血脑屏障,直接保护大脑和视神经系统。服用后20分钟就能在血液中检测到。前花青素的主要作用是软化毛细血管,消除眼睛疲劳,改善视力。此外还能够辅助治疗近视、弱视、白内障、青光眼等眼疾。3、叶黄素和玉米黄素 叶黄素是一种类胡萝卜素。在我们日常饮食当中,食物所含的类胡萝卜素种类高达50多种,但只有叶黄素及玉米黄素会聚积在视网膜上的黄斑部,故又称为黄斑色素。视网膜及黄斑部负责感受影像、精细视觉与清晰度,日常辨别色彩、阅读识字等都需要它,如果黄斑部及视网膜长期缺乏叶黄素及玉米黄素,就会影响视力;症状严重者,甚至有可能失明。4、虾青素 虾青素,是从河螯虾外壳中发现的一种红色类胡萝卜素,具有很强的抗氧化性,能够有效清除细胞内的氧自由基,增强细胞再生能力,维持机体平衡和减少衰老细胞的堆积,从而保护皮肤健康,促进毛发生长,抗衰老,缓解运动疲劳,增强活力。虾青素很容易通过血脑屏障和细胞膜,能有效地防止视网膜的氧化和感光细胞的损伤;对中枢神经系统,尤其是对大脑,也能起到保护作用。除此以外,还能防紫外线辐射,预防心血管疾病等。而乐睛视力营养素就富含以上成分,是专门为孩子研发,最适合孩子的视力营养素。5、多吃含硒食物:眼球活动时的肌肉收缩、瞳孔的扩大和缩小等均需硒的介入,如长期缺硒会发生视力下降和白内障、视网膜病、夜盲症等。因此,日常膳食中应注意硒的补充,含硒较高的食物有动物肝脏、瘦肉、玉米、洋葱、大蒜、牡蛎、海鱼等。6、多吃富含维生素A的食物:维生素A直接参与视网膜内视紫红质的形成,若缺乏维生素A易引起干眼病。平时应多食用动物肝脏、牛羊奶、蛋黄及富含胡萝卜素的食物。胡萝卜素在人体内可以转化为维生素A,富含胡萝卜素的食物主要有胡萝卜、南瓜、西红柿及绿色蔬菜等。7、多吃富含维生素B1的食物:缺乏此种维生素易出现眼球震颤、视觉迟钝症状。食用小麦、玉米、鱼、肉类,即可补充维生素B1。8、多摄入含维生素B2的食物:缺乏维生素B2易出现流泪、眼睛痉挛症状。该种维生素较多存在于奶、蛋、肉、肝肾脏、扁豆中。
2023-01-01 19:58:192


stimulus/response刺激/响应双语对照词典结果:stimulus/response[医]刺激/反应; .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-01 19:58:273


honey;baby;money;boy;toy;lonely;finally;family .funny.
2023-01-01 19:58:384

be inconsistent with是什么意思

2023-01-01 19:58:582

Strategy and Human Resource Management

your score is too low!
2023-01-01 19:59:072


2023-01-01 19:59:192


次贷危机反映重要的意愿经理大型金融机构承担风险购买金融工具定价不当,使购买这些文书违背的利益分享—持有人的机构,投资于他们。由于卡洛米利斯(2008)表明,在事后的基础,风险大大underesti—交配在市场在次贷繁荣2003–07。合理的前瞻性的估计风险,忽视强度—由高级管理人员组成的金融机构,和高级结构化薪酬管理资产管理最大限度地激励进行这些低估风险。在没有“监管套利,“预算一点—保守党资本会减少的风险,和会让系统更垫管理其损失—胚胎,但巨大的损失仍然低估次贷风险会发生。冒险错误的财务经理也没有结果随机群众疯狂;相反,他们反映了一种政策环境强烈鼓励金融管理者低估风险次级抵押贷款市场。冒险是由治理—政府政策;政府行为是问题的根源,而不是政府—政府的无为。如何政府政策行动帐户的灾难性的决定大型金融机构采取unprof—适量的次级抵押贷款的风险?接下来,我审查的每一个主要领域的政府政策的扭曲(又见卡洛米利斯2008和2008 b,卡洛米利斯,沃利森2008,和eisenbeis2008)以及如何鼓励自觉承担underesti—交配的市场风险。四类是在亲政府的错误—减少危机:第一,宽松的美联储利率政策,特别是从2002至2005,促进了宽松的信贷和利率保持在很低的长期。战后的货币政策的历史看到只有两年发生的实际联邦基金利率仍然是负数,连续数年的时期;在高通货膨胀集1975–78(这是扭转了反通货膨胀率上涨1979–82)和宽松的政策环境–052002。根据美联储的圣路易斯,联邦储备大幅偏离其“泰勒规则”的方法确定利率在2002–05期;美联储基金利率保持大幅度和持续的水平以下,已符合泰勒法则,即使这规则已经针对百分之3个或百分之4个长期通胀目标
2023-01-01 19:59:282


XX will help with the accomodation of your group in Taixin
2023-01-01 19:59:373

musters,please translate this for me ,thanks 。 you are so cool.

2023-01-01 19:59:481


听起来有点像调节的问题呢,尤其像accommodative spasm想起来一个问题,就是说,当时斜是内斜还是外斜?
2023-01-01 19:59:532


美国次贷危机在全世界都产生了影响,不仅扰动了金融市场,而且影响了实体经济。本文对美国次贷危机的成因进行了深入探究。成因主要包括四大方面:第一,美国中产阶级的超前消费方式埋下了危机的种子;第二,美国银行和金融机构的违规操作成为危机的祸根;第三,美联储的宽松的货币政策是危机的催化剂;第四,对金融机构放松监管是导致危机的重要因素。通过对美国次贷危机成因的探讨,了解了金融危机发生的机理,丰富了对金融危机的认识,从而引出了次贷危机对我国经济发展的警示:首先,我们应该居安思危,增强防范意识;其次,对我国房贷市场敲响警钟;再次加强对银行和金融业的监管;最后,对于美国振兴经济措施中的经验进行学习借鉴以及对我国经济发展的启示。2007年夏季,美国次贷危机发生以来,已经引发了全球性金融风波,对世界经济运行造成重大负面影响。世界经济形势发生的重大变化,已经对中国铝行业的发展产生重大影响。中国是目前世界上最大的铝生产和消费国,市场铝价格的暴跌,不仅对中国铝行业的生产经营造成重要影响,也将影响到相关产业,进而在一定程度上对整个国民经济运行产生影响。从目前形势分析,中国的铝行业是受次贷危机影响最大的领域,生产经营已经陷入困境,处于全行业亏损状态。 本文分析了次贷危机对我国铝行业的影响,并以中国铝业山东分公司阳泉矿为例通过对财务分析的主要内容、特点及方法的分析,对其整体财务状况和经营成果做出了评价,提出了在次贷危机下改进企业财务分析的建议,进而提高企业的竞争力。 全文共有五个部分:第一部分简要论述了本文的研究背景、选题的意义、国内研究现状以及本文的研究内容及方法;第二部分是我国铝行业发展现状的阐述,并且通过对宏观政策、供给需求的分析我国铝行业的影响因素;第三部分是在前两部分研究的基础上主要阐述了次贷危机对铝行业的传导及影响分析;第四部分在结合真实财务数据的基础上,分析阳泉矿在次贷危机中财务的优势及存在的问题,对整体财务状况和经营成果做出了评价。并且实地研究分析结合中国铝业山东分公司阳泉矿在次贷危机下的财务计划,分析次贷危机对中国铝业山东分公司阳泉矿的影响;第五部分在综合考虑了次贷危机的影响和企业的实际情况的基础上,提出了中国铝业山东分公司阳泉矿在次贷危机下的改进措施。商业银行危机是对银行价值或目标造成的一种威胁和危害,不仅威胁带商业银行基本目标的实现,而且会造成商业银行组织体系紊乱,给商业银行带来经济、财产上的巨大损失。进一步地,由于商业银行危机具有巨大的传递效应,尤其是在当今信息传播渠道多元化、速度高速化的情形下,商业银行一旦发生危机会迅速公开,会引起公众恐慌和社会动荡。2007年2月,美国第二大次贷机构新世纪金融(New Century Financial Corporation)宣布2006年第四季度业绩将出现亏损,美国次贷危机浮出水面。在随后的一年多时间里,次贷风险全面暴露,住房抵押贷款公司濒临破产,对冲基金被迫清盘,投资银行宣布亏损,商业银行和保险机构也遭受了重大损失,全球股市应声下跌,次贷引发的信用风险最终演变成一场全球性金融危机。探究本轮次贷危机的成因可以使我们从危机中吸取教训,在我国积极发展金融市场的同时,理性而审慎的对待发展过程中积累的风险,加强风险防范意识,提高风险管理能力,以保证我国金融市场的稳定健康发展。文章对美国次贷危机进行定性分析,首先论述次贷危机是美国政府监管缺失和银行内控机制的缺陷的共同作用的结果,然后结合我国银行业存在的问题,最后提出加强我国商业银行危机管理机制的一些对策性建议。The United States sub-loan crisis all over the world have had an impact, not only the financial market disturbance, but also affected the real economy. In this paper, sub-loan crisis in the United States causes an in-depth inquiry. The main causes include the four major areas: First, the United States ahead of the middle class consumption patterns planted the seeds of the crisis; Secondly, the United States banks and financial institutions operating irregularities become the bane of the crisis; Third, the Fed"s accommodative monetary policy are a catalyst for the crisis; Fourth, deregulation of financial institutions are important factors that led to the crisis. Through the United States sub-loan crisis of the causes, understanding the mechanism of financial crisis, has enriched the understanding of the financial crisis, which leads to the sub-loan crisis on our country"s economic development Alert: First of all, we should be vigilant in peace time, and enhance prevention awareness; followed by on the mortgage market our country to sound the alarm; once again to strengthen the banking and financial industry regulation; Finally, for measures to revive the economy in the United States experience and learn from our country"s economic development enlightenment. The summer of 2007, the U.S. sub-loan crisis has been triggered the global financial turmoil on the world economy have a significant negative impact on operation. The world economic situation the major changes has been on China"s aluminum industry have a significant impact. China is now the world"s largest producer and consumer of aluminum, the market"s sharp fall in aluminum prices, not only for the aluminum industry in China resulted in an important impact on production and operation, will also affect the related industries, and to some extent, the entire operation of the national economy have an impact . From the analysis of the current situation, China"s aluminum industry is affected by sub-loan crisis in the area of greatest impact, production and management has been in trouble, losing money in the entire industry. This paper analyzes the sub-loan crisis on the impact of China"s aluminum industry, and the Shandong branch of China"s aluminum Yangquan mine as an example of the main elements of financial analysis, characteristics and methods of analysis, its overall financial position and operating results made evaluation of proposed sub-loan crisis in corporate financial analysis to improve the recommendations, thereby increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. The full text of a total of five parts: the first part of this article briefly discusses the research background, the significance of choice, the domestic research, as well as the content of this article and method of study; the second part of the development of China"s aluminum industry of the status quo, and by macroeconomic policy, demand supply analysis of China"s aluminum industry factors; The third part is the first of two parts on the basis of the principal on the loan crisis of the times of the conduction of the aluminum industry and impact analysis; fourth part of the combination of real financial data on the basis of Analysis of Yangquan Coal Mine in the sub-loan crisis in the financial advantages and problems of the overall financial position and operating results of the evaluation made. Field research and analysis branch of Shandong Aluminum Industry in China Yangquan mine in the sub-loan crisis of the financial plans, analysis of sub-loan crisis Chalco Shandong branch of the impact of Yangquan mine; the fifth part of the meeting taking into account the impact of credit crisis and enterprises based on the actual situation, the Shandong branch of China"s aluminum ore Yangquan in the sub-loan crisis of the improvement measures. Commercial banks on the banking crisis was caused by goal value or a threat and danger, not only a threat to commercial banks with the basic objective of the implementation, but will also cause commercial banking organization system disorders, give commercial banks the economy, on the great loss of property. Furthermore, the commercial banking crisis because of huge transmission has effect, in particular the dissemination of information in today"s diversified, the speed of high-speed cases, the commercial bank crisis will happen quickly once open, will cause public panic and social unrest. In February 2007, the United States"s second-largest credit institutions at New Century Financial (New Century Financial Corporation) announced fourth quarter 2006 results will be a loss, the United States sub-loan crisis surfaced. More than a year in subsequent years, the risk of overall loan exposure times, mortgage companies the verge of bankruptcy, forced liquidation of hedge funds, investment banks, announced losses of commercial banks and insurance agencies have also suffered heavy losses, global stock markets drop, sub - loan-induced credit risk eventually evolved into a global financial crisis. The current round of meetings to explore the causes of credit crisis can make us draw a lesson from the crisis in our country to actively develop the financial markets at the same time, rational and prudent approach to development process of the accumulation of risk, strengthen risk prevention awareness, improve risk management capabilities to ensure that China"s financial market stability and healthy development. Sub-article of the United States to carry out a qualitative analysis of the crisis, the first sub-loan crisis on the United States are lack of government supervision and deficiencies in internal control mechanism, the banks of the combined effect of the results, then combining the existing problems of China"s banking industry, the last of China"s commercial banks to strengthen risk management mechanism for some of the proposed countermeasures.
2023-01-01 20:00:061


这方面的知识条件,将领导的回应,以四川的悲剧及其经济后果在几个方面。 首先,公共资金将用于重建该地区迅速。而合理的社会,经济,这将增加通胀压力,提高固定资产投资的时候,它需要将减少到经济降温。重建开支也将减少预算盈余和新增的财政刺激到已经过热的经济。 第二,人民银行已指示银行,在受灾地区要“宽松” 。在保证金,这将放松货币政策的国家。 第三,不受欢迎的决定,使经济意义上说,像让中国国内石油价格,以反映那些在世界市场上,将推迟,以便不伤害的幸存者在该地区,并维护领导的一般普及的一个关键时刻。这将延长能源的流失(中国使用9倍以上的能源每单位国内生产总值要比日本) 。由抑能源,价格的中国商品,使用能源作为一项投入,也过低。这有助于保持他们的需求和产量增长高于它,否则。 第四,高风险的政策决定,如备受酝酿选择升值,人民币对美元上升百分之十一个步骤,肯定是小康之列。一,加强货币升值,这类规模庞大的,会导致损失就业机会,劳动密集,低附加值的出口产业。 that"sa风险,当局将不会采取现在,当目前已有国内的影响。他们会更愿意采取它在数个月内,当信贷紧缩的结果,在全球经济衰退。 有意义的人民币升值将有很多优势。便代表了紧缩货币政策和成本则降低了进口商品和能源这将减少通货膨胀。它将帮助移动中国出口了增值链远离低附加值产品。最后,通过减少投资,贸易品的出口,便转向更多的资源,发展一个更大的国内消费和服务业为主的经济体系。
2023-01-01 20:00:111


联想的TD36t 我也使用这一款 很好用的
2023-01-01 20:00:173


2023-01-01 20:00:282

以esque 和ive 为的后缀英语形容词有哪些

AAdamesqueAlhambresquealienesqueAmericanesqueanimesqueAudenesqueAustenesqueBballadesqueBeamonesqueBeatlesqueBeckhamesqueBetjemanesqueBilboesquebimboesqueBlytonesqueBowiesqueBrandoesqueBrittenesqueBunyanesqueBurzumesqueByronesqueCCapraesquecarnivalesqueCézannesqueChandleresqueChaplinesqueChauceresqueCinderellaesqueClintonesqueCobainesqueCocteauesquecomputeresqueCowardesqueCummingsesqueDDahlesqueDaliesqueDantesqueDisneyesquedivaesqueDrydenesquedungeonesqueDylanesqueEEliotesqueElvisesqueEscheresqueFFaginesqueflapperesqueFrancoesqueFrodoesquefusionesqueGgaminesqueGandalfesqueGarboesquegauchesqueGigeresqueGilliamesqueGogolesquegospelesqueGrishamesqueHHardyesqueharlequinesqueHemingwayesqueHitchcockesqueHollywoodesqueHopperesqueHoudiniesqueIIbsenesqueJJacksonesqueJaggeresquejargonesqueJonsonesqueJordanesqueJunoesqueKKafkaesqueKeatonesqueKennedyesqueKevorkianesqueKiplingesqueKruegeresqueLLarkinesqueLettermanesqueLincolnesqueLondonesqueMMaileresqueMaradonaesqueMarioesqueMaughamesqueMcCarthyesqueMenckenesqueMichelangelesquemilitaresqueMiltonesqueMittyesquemodelesqueMolieresqueMonetesquemuseumesqueNnovelesqueOOrtonesquePPagnolesqueP cont.PalinesquepearlesquePeckinpahesquePicassoesquepicturesquePindaresquePlimptonesquePoesquePresleyesquePynchonesquePythonesqueRRaphaelesqueRasputinesqueReaganesqueRockwellesqueromanesqueRomanesqueRooneyesqueRunyonesqueSSauronesqueSchwarzeneggeresquesculpturesqueshamanesqueShatneresqueShermanesqueSitchinesquestatuesquesupermodelesqueTTarantinoesqueTarzanesquetavernesqueThatcheresquethrilleresqueTitianesqueTolkienesquetribalesqueTurneresqueTwainesqueUUnwinesqueVvampiresqueVerlainesqueVoldemortesqueWWarholesqueWaughesqueZZappaesqueZeldaesqueZidanesqueZolaesquezombiesqueAabdicativeabductiveaberrativeabirritativeabjectiveabrasiveabreactiveabrogativeabsorptiveabstractiveabstrusiveabusiveaccelerativeacceptiveaccommodativeaccretiveacculturativeaccumulativeadjunctiveadjustiveadministrativeadmonitiveadvanciveadvisiveaffrontiveaggressiveanecdotiveapplausiveargumentivearrestiveassaultiveassertiveassistiveassociativeattemptiveattestiveBblaxploitativeboastiveCcastrativecollaborativecompetitivecomputativeconfessiveconnectiveconstativeconsummativeC cont.contortivecontrastivecontributivecorruptiveDdefusivedegenerativedeletivedelusivedenotivederogativedesignativedesirivedespectivedeteriorativedetractivedilativedirectivedisclosivediscontentivedisgracivedisintegrativedisrespectivedisseminativedistortivedivertiveduplicativeEeducativeelativeembraciveenumerativeequativeeradicativeerectiveevaluativeexcretiveexertiveexploitativeexploitiveextirpativeextortiveFfacilitativefestiveGgenuflectiveguessiveIillusiveinduplicativeI cont.infectiveinhibitiveinnativeinsertiveinsultiveintegrativeinterceptiveinterruptiveinterventiveinvertiveinvestigativeirritativeLlegislativelimitiveNnonentitiveOobsessiveoscillativePplacativepredicativepreemptivepreëmptivepressiveprohibitiveprojectivepromotivepurposiveRreflectiverefractiveregistrativerejectiveremonstrativeresistiveresultiveretractiverevertiveSsensivesportivestipulativesuffixivesuffocativeTtitillativetriplicativeUulcerativeVverdictivevindictive
2023-01-01 20:00:511

麻烦高手能帮我把这段中文翻译成英文 (急)论文马上要交 谢谢了

BE a more and more thorough but extensive application on the management along with the information technique, the implement of the information management system is on the technique already gradually mature.The information management system is a continuously the new academics of the development, the whichever unit wants to exist to want a development, wanting high-efficiencily the internal activity organically the organization get up, have to build up is mutually accommodative with the oneself characteristics of the information management fasten to go deep into more and more on the management along with the information technique but extensive application, the information manages system of the implement is on the technique already gradually mature.The information management system is a continuously the new academics of the development, the whichever unit wants to exist to want a development, wanting high-efficiencily the internal activity organically the organization get up, have to build up is mutually accommodative with the oneself characteristics of information management system. The information manages the system MIS(the Management Information System), it is person-machine"s system of a hardware resources with soft calculator and database.It can provide the information support business enterprise or the movement,management and decisions function of the organization.Student"s result management system is the typical information management system, its development mainly includes the establishment and maintenance and head of the backstage database application procedure to develop two aspects.Build up a data consistency and integrity to the former request strong,the data safety good database.But then request applied procedure function to the latter complete, easy usage etc. characteristics. Use the VISUAL BASIC development tool of the MICROSOFT company, make use of what it provide various development tool that face to object, particularly is the data window way this ability is convenient and simple and direct to manipulate a database of the intelligence turn object, building up the system application prototype in the in a short time first, then, start the prototype system to carry on the need 迭 generation to the beginning, revise continuously with the improvement, until formation the customer be satisfied with of can go systemKey word:Information management database student仅供参考
2023-01-01 20:00:582


2023-01-01 20:01:071


你看行不行。More and more thorough but extensive application on the management along with the information technique, the implement of the information management system is already gradually mature on the technique.The new course that the information management system is a to develop continuously, the whichever unit want to exist to want the development and want to organize organically the internal activity high-efficiencily, must build up and mutually accommodative information management system of the oneself characteristics. This text introduced under the environment of Visual Basic6.0, the strategy of the adoption" from top to bottom total programming, from under but last application development" develops the process of an information management system.Pass to analyze a the student in the some school shortage of management, establish a set of go of valid calculator manage the student of project.The student introduce in the article the management system mainly includes the system analysis part, it implies the viability assessment, the business process analysis...etc.;System design part main containment the system function designs to design with database and code design;The system carries out the calculate way that the part explained a few main molds piece.Total to say, the system"s interface amity, operate in brief, the function is stronger.
2023-01-01 20:01:161

component software是什么意思

component software[英][kəmˈpəunənt ˈsɔftwɛə][美][kəmˈponənt ˈsɔftˌwɛr][计]分软件; 网络组合软件; 组件软件; 组件软件 元件软体; 双语例句1To create a language with better support for component software. ( The Scala Programming Language, Donna Malayeri)创造一种更好地支持组件的语言。
2023-01-01 20:01:222


2023-01-01 19:58:566


Management experience
2023-01-01 19:59:032

get my ears pierced 和 have my hair cut都属于哪种句型?还有什么词组属于这种类型?

get/have sth. donewant/need sth. doneI am going to get my car fixed tomorrow.He is having his cut bandaged up.They want their ideas heard.We need our house cleaned up by the weekend.
2023-01-01 19:59:057


2023-01-01 19:59:126


Is not one side suitable drinks wine, at the same time smokes. In view of the fact that after the liquor is easy to make an indiscreet remark with the failure in politeness, therefore in touches on foreign affairs the alcohol capacity which in the activity drinks wine to have to control in the oneself ordinary day alcohol capacity one below the half. Does not want as soon as to look opposite party great kindness or the good wine delicacies, then forgot oneself. Has the education drinking wine drinks wine when is cannot let the other people hear to swallow swallows the sound, pours when the liquor only suitable most likely Man?er the method which drinks in the west. First is grasps the wine class: Correct grasps the cup posture is lightly grasps the cup foot with the finger, for avoids the hand the temperature warm making the liquor to advance, using the thumb, the middle finger, the index finger grips the cup foot, the little finger puts on cup bottom fixed. After that is drinks wine: Drinks when absolutely cannot attract is drinking, but is inclines the wine class, the picture is puts the liquor drinking which resembles on the tongue. Gently undulates the wine class to let the liquor and the air contact increases the liquor taste fragrance and mellowness, but do not have violently to sway the cup. In addition, tosses down, drinks while penetrates the wine class to look at the person, all is the failure in politeness behavior. Do not use the finger to scratch the cup along on lipstick India, scratches well with the facial tissues. The table napkin may open in front of dining.After selects the vegetable, sends front in the front vegetable this period of time to open the table napkin, toward 1/3, lets 2/3 even shop on the leg, covers above the knee the double leg to be partial. Should better not have to squeeze in the table napkin the neckband; The western-style food table napkin generally uses the cloth, the table napkin cloth uprightly smooth, the color is simple and elegant. Frequently puts on the knee, also may put in the heavy courtesy situation in front of the chest, the usual relaxed situation also may put on the table, table napkin angle to the chest in front of, and suppresses with the dishes and bowls. The table napkin cloth may use for to scratch the mouth or to scratch the hand, the opposite angle line becomes the triangle shape under, or the parallel growth side shape, wipes scratches when the face hole to face, lightly presses by a table napkin jiao several. The dirt should completely scratch in inside, the semblance has a liking for always is neat. The Chinese drinks soup when is the bucket drinks or straight takes over the use of the bowl with the porcelain spoon from the bowl to drink, but drinks time makes the sound, this is very not politeness behavior. Has the soup in the west not to be able to attract is drinking. First uses the soupspoon to proceed by after the soup to scoop up, the soupspoon base puts in the lower lip position delivers the soup in the entrance. The soupspoon and the mouth department angle is better. Bodily upper half slightly . In the bowl soup is left over when are not many, may use the finger the bowl slightly to raise. If the soup with has grasps the link the bowl attire, may directly grasp grasps the link to carry drinks . 3.The dinner table diet should perform to pay attention Chopsticks uses which in China, cannot knock , namely goes to eat when the waiting, cannot take chopsticks at will to strike or the teacup chopsticks cannot a horizontal vertical stroke alternately place in bowl side, is big end is a capitellum. The chopsticks must place nearby the bowl, cannot put on the bowl when clamps the vegetable, cannot the chopsticks in the food dish wield wields, about randomly turns, meets when the others also clamps the vegetable, must pay attention gives way to traffic, guarded against "the chopsticks fight when speaking, do not have to treat as the chopsticks the cutting tool, on dinner table chaotic dance; Also do not have uses the vegetable when the others, chopsticks stamp to others in front of. Does this is the failure in politeness; The Chinese to is happy take the food as the life, therefore on the dinner table the people heartily enjoy this delicacy delicacies. On the dinner table had lively reflected the restaurant patron is from heart cheerful Chinese ordinary day good static, as soon as sits the dinner table, is then incessant, mutually offers food to a guest, urges to drink. This also is must ritual .Pays attention on the western dinner table do not have in to go to in front of the dinner table to sprinkle too many perfumes on the body, so as to avoid has covered the cooked food fragrance. Front the perfume taste and the cooked food taste mix is a body is painful matter woman dines please scratches yours lipstick pale somewhat, surely do not have to stay behind when yours tableware your bright lipstick India other orders food do not have to point at on the other people table cooked food, this is greatly disrespects to the other people; West on the dinner table speaks certainly wants the feeble voice slow language , the bread and Hamburg eat the law. Should according to first use two to rip the scrap, then uses the principle which the left hand brings eats. When eats the hard bread, rips with the hand not only takes the trouble moreover the bread filings to be able to fall everywhere, this time may use the knife first to sliver two half, then uses the hand to rip the block to eat. Avoids the picture using the saw to resemble shears the bread, should first prick the knife another one half. Cuts when may use the hand to be fixed the bread, avoids sending out the sound 2. not to have to use with the table napkin process in the table napkin to clean the tableware, the table, can have looks down upon meaning of the master family not to have when leaves the mat the table napkin cloth to fall on the place. Also do not have to use the table napkin cloth to smear the mark stained or is wrinkles full of wrinkles .
2023-01-01 19:59:152


一 有一字的成语有哪些 一刀两断 一了百了 一干二净 一寸丹心 一之谓甚 一马平川 一无所长 一无是处 一日之长 一气呵成 一毛不拔 一心一意 一本万利 一目了然 一发千钧 一如既往 一步一鬼 一身是胆 一言九鼎 一应俱全 一板三眼 一枕黄梁 一呼百应 一败涂地 一命呜呼 一刻千金 一视同仁 一树百获 一挥而就 一差二错 一语破的 一笔勾销 一唱百合 一窍不通 一盘散沙 一望无际 一掷千金 一息尚存 一笔抹杀 一语道破 一举成名 一览无遗 一面之交 一张一驰 一波三折 一念之差 一知半解 一呼百诺 一事无成 一板一眼 一穷二白 一言为定 一佛出世 一步登天 一劳永逸 一字千金 一片冰心 一手一足 一日之雅 一木难支 一无所有 一马当先 一无长物 一无所知 一日三秋 一见如故 一手包办 一仍旧贯 一孔之见 一龙一猪 一片丹心 一丝不苟 一成不变 一帆风顺 一团和气 一决雌雄 一字之师 一抔黄土 一串骊珠 一饭千金 一改故辙 一表非凡 一拍即合 一鸣惊人 一往无前 一贫如洗 一泻千里 一行作吏 一尘不染 一场春梦 一成一旅 一夔已足 一丝一毫 一叶知秋 一龙一蛇 一心一德 一相情愿 一面之词 一哄而散 一举两得 一误再误 一笑置之 一家之言 一唱一和 一琴一鹤 一落千丈 一得之功 一家眷属 一唱三叹 一钱不值 一诺千金 一脉相承 一面如旧 一柱擎天 一定不易 一狐之腋 一往情深 一败如水 一国三公 一枕南柯 一纸空文 一言难尽 一饮一啄 一针见血 一技之长 一字褒贬 一衣带水 一字一珠 一网打尽 一扫而空 *** 一丘之貉 一目十行 一世之雄 一反常态 一手遮天 一见钟情 一日千里 一无所能 一无可取 一朝一夕 一傅众咻 一馈十起 一寒如此 一鼓作气 一概面论 一路平安 一辞莫赞 一筹莫展 一角即发 一解即溃 一意孤行 一模一样 一暴十寒 一瞑不视 一箭双雕 一潭死水 一薰一莸 一臂之力 一蹶不振 二 关于一字的成语有哪些 一言为定 一表人才 一心一意 一路平安 一事无成 众多非一 千人一面 一团和气 一五一版十 万众一权心 一鸣惊人 九牛一毛 一知半解 一年一度 一动不动 独树一帜 首屈一指 背水一战 千钧一发 一筹莫展 千篇一律 一声不吭 以防万一 毁于一旦 一览无余 一笔勾销 一年半载 如出一辙 一意孤行 一技之长 一点一滴 焕然一新 融为一体 济济一堂 孤注一掷 一叶知秋 一本正经 一如既往 合二为一 不拘一格 有朝一日 一模一样 大吃一惊 别具一格 可见一斑 一反常态 不屑一顾 一劳永逸 一以贯之 风靡一时 一帆风顺 一厢情愿 一瘸一拐 一塌糊涂 独当一面 一窍不通 一枕黄粱 一唱一和 沧海一粟 功亏一篑 三 带有一字的成语有哪些 『包含有“一”字的成语』 “一”字开头的成语:(共690则) [y] 一班半点一斑半点一笔不苟一病不起一波才动万波随一秉大公一步登天一百二十行一表非凡一表非俗一笔勾断一笔勾消一笔勾销一报还一报一般见识一斑窥豹一鼻孔出气一笔抹摋一笔抹杀一笔抹 四 一字的成语有哪些 一刀两断来 一了百了 一干二净 一寸丹源心 一之谓甚 一马平川 一无所长 一无是处 一日之长 一气呵成 一毛不拔 一心一意 一本万利 一目了然 一发千钧 一如既往 一步一鬼 一身是胆 一言九鼎 一应俱全 一板三眼 一枕黄梁 一呼百应 一败涂地 一命呜呼 一刻千金 一视同仁 一树百获 一挥而就 一差二错 一语破的 一笔勾销 一唱百合 一窍不通 一盘散沙 一望无际 一掷千金 来自网络 五 以一字开头的成语有哪些 一败如水 形容大败,犹水泄地不可复收 一败涂地 形容彻底失败,不可收拾 一班半点 犹言一点半点,常暗指男女关系。班,通“斑” 一班一辈 谓同等,不相上下 一班一级 犹言一官半职 一般见识 谓同样浅薄的见解和气度 一般无二 完全相同,毫无两样 一斑半点 比喻极小部分 一板三眼 本为民族音乐和戏曲中的节拍,四拍子的叫一板三眼。比喻义与“一板一眼”同 一板一眼 本为民族音乐和戏曲中的节拍,二拍子的叫一板一眼。后即借喻言语行为有条理,合规矩 一瓣心香 谓心中虔诚敬礼,如燃香供佛 一暴十寒 亦作“一曝十寒”。晒一天,冷十天。比喻做事没有恒心 一本万利 用极少资本牟取最大利润,形容本轻利重 一本正经 原指一部正规的经典。后即用以形容态度庄重严肃。有时带有讽刺意味 一笔不苟 谓作书画或撰文极其认真,毫不马虎 一笔勾断 同“一笔勾” 一笔勾消 亦作“一笔勾销”。全部取消之意 一笔勾销 见“一笔勾消” 一笔抹摋 见“一笔抹煞” 一笔抹杀 见“一笔抹煞” 一笔抹煞 一笔全部抹掉。常喻轻率地全部否定 一碧万顷 形容青绿无际 一臂之力 指给予帮助的力量。常与“助”连用,表示从旁帮忙 一鞭先著 晋刘琨少负志气,与祖逖为友,共以收复中原为志,曾与亲故书曰:“吾枕戈待旦,志枭逆虏,常恐祖生先吾著鞭。”见《晋书·刘琨传》。后以为争先的典实。亦泛指先行 一表非凡 见“一表非俗” 一表非俗 形容人的仪表非比寻常 一表人才 见“一表人物” 一表人材 见“一表人物” 一表人物 形容容貌英俊。表,仪表 一表堂堂 形容仪表堂皇 一秉大公 谓言论行事全秉公心 一秉虔诚 谓诚心诚意 一秉至公 见“一秉大公” 一病不起 谓卧病后日见沉重,终至死亡。不起,用作死的婉辞 一波三折 指写字笔画曲折多姿。语本晋王羲之《题卫夫人笔阵图后》:“每作一波,常三过折笔。”《宣和书谱·太上内景神经》:“然其一波三折笔之势,亦自不苟。”后比喻事多波折 一波万波 见“一波纟毚动万波随” 一不扭众 谓一人不应或难以违反众意 一步登天 一步跨上青天。比喻一下子达到极高的境界或程度。常用以讽人突得高位 一步一鬼 汉王充《论衡·论死》:“如人死辄为鬼,则道路之上一步一鬼也。”本谓鬼很多,后为疑心生暗鬼之意 一步一趋 ①形容紧跟着行走。语本《庄子·田子方》:“夫子步亦步,夫子趋亦趋。”②比喻事事模仿和追随别人。常含贬意 一草一木 《后汉书·应劭传》:“春一草枯则为灾,秋一木华亦为异。”唐李商隐有《永乐县所居一草一木无非自栽今春悉已芳茂因书即事一章》诗。后亦以“一草一木”喻微细之物 一差半错 变故,差错 一差二错 指意外的变化或差错 一差二误 指意外的差错和失误 六 一字开头的成语有哪些 一字开头的成语有:一心一意、一蹴而就、一目十行、一刀两断、一劳永逸、一以贯之、一帆风顺、一年半载、一笔勾销、一字之师、一笑千金、一日三秋等等。 1、一心一意 拼音:yī xīn yī yì。 释义:形容做事专心一意,一门心思的只做一件事。 用法:联合式;作定语、状语。 出处:裴松之注引《杜氏新书》:“故推齐心,任一意,直而行之耳。” 白话释义:裴松之注引《杜氏新书》:“所以推行同心、齐心,直截地这样做而已。” 例句:他多年来钻研甲骨文,一心一意,颇有创建。 2、一蹴而就 拼音:yī cù ér jiù。 释义:解释:蹴:踏;就:成功。踏一步就成功。比喻事情轻而易举,一下子就成功。 用法:作谓语、宾语、定语。 出处:宋·苏洵《上田枢密书》:“天下之学者,孰不欲一蹴而造圣人之域。” 白话释义:宋·苏洵《上田枢密书》:“普天下求学的人,谁不想一下子就达到圣人的领域。” 例句:他们认为胜利不能一蹴而得,必须用持久战。 3、一目十行 拼音:yī mù shí háng。 释义:一眼能看十行文章。形容阅读的速度极快。 用法:主谓式;作谓语、状语。 出处:《梁书·简文 帝纪》:“读书十行俱下。” 白话释义:《梁书·简文 帝纪》:“阅读书籍,一次看十行。” 例句:她迫不及待地拆开信,一目十行地看了起来。 4、一刀两断 拼音:yī dāo liǎng àn。 释义:一刀斩为两段。比喻坚决断绝关系。 用法:紧缩式;作谓语、定语、宾语。 出处:宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十二:“一刀两段,未称宗师。” 白话释义:宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十二:“能干净利落地处理事情,也称不上为众所崇仰的人。” 例句:朋友间因为一点言语差错就一刀两断,未免太不近人情了。 5、一劳永逸 拼音:yī láo yǒng yì 。 释义:辛苦一次,把事情办好,以后就可以不再费力了。形容劳苦一次,渴望永远安宁。 用法:连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语。 出处:汉·班固《封燕然山铭》:“兹可谓一劳而久逸,暂费而永无宁者也。” 白话释义:汉·班固《封燕然山铭》:“这个可以叫做劳苦一次就可以永远安逸、暂时的损耗长远不再安宁了。” 例句:盖房子时,先把地基打坚固再盖,就可一劳永逸,避免以后因地基不稳发生意外。 七 以一字开头成语有哪些 以一字抄开头成语有哪些 : 一言为定、 一表人才、 一团和气、 一事无成、 一心一意、 一五一十、 一路平安、 一马当先、 一知半解、 一动不动、 一鸣惊人、 一年一度、 一本正经、 一模一样、 一筹莫展、 一声不吭、 一叶知秋、 一览无余、 一点一滴、 一年半载、 一技之长、 一意孤行、 一笔勾销、 一如既往、 一泻千里、 一反常态、 一尘不染、 一拍即合、 一反既往、 一劳永逸 八 带一字的成语有哪些成语有哪些 1、“一”字开来头的成自语 一往无前、一事无成、一五一十、一心一意、一言为定、一路平安、一团和气、一表人才、一鸣惊人、一知半解、一年一度、一动不动、一筹莫展、一叶知秋、 一览无余、一意孤行、一技之长、一暴十寒、一模一样、一反常态、一劳永逸、一以贯之、一念之差、一帆风顺、一厢情愿、一塌糊涂、一点一滴、一声不吭、一如既往、一本正经、一无所获、一年半载、一笔勾销、一枕黄粱、一窍不通、一唱一和、一瘸一拐、一览无遗、一扫而空、一无所有、一拥而上、一见钟情、一鼓作气、一成不变、一蹶不振、一脉相承、一鳞半爪、一张一弛、一概而论、一哄而散、一应俱全、一拥而入、一望无垠 2、“一”字从左数排第二个的成语 以一当十、独一无二、举一反三、杀一儆百 3、“一”字从左数排第三个的成语 千人一面、独树一帜、九牛一毛、万众一心、背水一战、千钧一发、首屈一指、济济一堂、焕然一新、如出一辙、孤注一掷、千篇一律、可见一斑、别具一格、不拘一格、有朝一日、大吃一惊、不屑一顾、万无一失、沧海一粟、功亏一篑、独当一面、毁于一旦、融为一体、风靡一时、不名一钱、沆瀣一气、昙花一现、不名一文、倒打一耙 4、“一”字结尾的成语 众多非一、以防万一、合二为一 九 带一字的成语有哪些 1.别树一帜 成语拼音:bié shù yī zhì 成语解释:别:另外;树:建立。另外立起一面旗帜。比喻开创新路另成一家。 成语出处:清 邹容《革命军》第二章:“中国士人,又有一种岸然道貌,根器特异,别树一帜,以号于众者。” 2.傲睨一切 成语拼音:ào nì yī qiè 成语解释:睨:斜视。斜着眼看一切事物。形容傲慢藐视一切 成语出处:清 吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第102回:“他当红的时候,是傲睨一切的,多少同寅,没有一个在他眼里的。” 3.不拘一格 成语拼音:bù jū yī gé 成语解释:不拘:不拘泥;不限制;格:规格;标准。指不限定于一种规格和方式。 成语出处:清 龚自珍《己亥杂诗》第125首:“我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才。” 4.不拔一毛 成语拼音:bù bá yī máo 成语解释:形容非常吝啬 成语出处:宋 秦观《浩气传》:“为己者至于不拔一毛,兼爱者至于摩顶放踵。” 5.表里一致 成语拼音:biǎo lǐ yī zhì 成语解释:里外一致,指思想与言行完全一致 成语出处:明 王守仁《教条示龙场诸生》:“忠信乐易,表里一致者,使其人资禀虽甚鲁钝。” 十 带一字的成语有哪些 一字千金,一字之师,一字一句,一字不落,一掷千金,一字不漏,一字不差,一字一板,一字一珠
2023-01-01 19:59:171


CALENDULA HERBAL EXTRACT ALCOHOL-FREE TONER温和而不含酒精的植物萃取精华的化妆水,可有效均衡中性至油性的皮肤。完全萃取金盏花卉精华,有收紧肌肤的效果,也能改善肌肤过敏现象,或有助改善暗疮疤痕的愈合。新加坡有卖
2023-01-01 19:59:222


第一夫人 【拼音】:dì yī fū rén 【解释】:一国中国家元首的妻子。 【出处】:她很想当~。 【示例】:她很想当~ 【语法】:作主语、宾语、定语;用于女性 【英文】:the First lady
2023-01-01 19:59:228

找一首歌曲 女生唱的 歌词有my name is jiujiu

《my name is》歌手:eminem 专辑:《the slim shady lp》发行时间:2009-03-25Hi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyAhem.. excuse me!Can I have the attention of the classfor one second?Hi kids! Do you like violence? (Yeah yeah yeah!)Wanna see me stick Nine Inch Nails through each one of my eyelids? (Uh-huh!)Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (Yeah yeah!)Try "cid and get fucked up worse that my life is? (Huh?)My brain"s dead weight, I"m tryin to get my head straightbut I can"t figure out which Spice Girl I want to impregnate (Ummmm..)And Dr. Dre said, "Slim Shady you a basehead!"Uh-uhhh! "So why"s your face red? Man you wasted!"Well since age twelve, I"ve felt like I"m someone elseCause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a beltGot pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee"s tits offAnd smacked her so hard I knocked her clothes backwards like Kris KrossI smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my assfaster than a fat bitch who sat down too fastC"mere slut! (Shady, wait a minute, that"s my girl dog!)I don"t give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off!Hi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyMy English teacher wanted to have sex in junior highThe only problem was my English teacher was a guyI smacked him in his face with an eraser, chased him with a staplerand stapled his nuts to a stack of paper (Owwwwwwww!)Walked in the strip club, had my jacket zipped upFlashed the bartender, then stuck my dick in the tip cup (Wsssshhhhh...)Extraterrestrial, killin pedestriansRapin lesbians while they screamin: "LET"S JUST BE FRIENDS!"Ninety-nine percent of my life I was lied toI just found out my mom does more dope than I doI told her I"d grow up to be a famous rapperMake a record about doin drugs and name it after her (Oh thank you!)You know you blew up when the women rush your standsand try to touch your hands like some screamin Usher fans (Aaahhhhhh!)This guy at White Castle asked for my autograph (Dude, can I get your autograph?)So I signed it: "Dear Dave, thanks for the support, ASSHOLE!"Hi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyStop the tape! This kid needs to be locked away! (Get him!)Dr. Dre, don"t just stand there, OPERATE!I"m not ready to leave, it"s too scary to dieI"ll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried aliveAm I comin or goin? I can barely decideI just drank a fifth of vodka -- dare me to drive? (Go ahead)All my life I was very deprivedI ain"t had a woman in years, and my palms are too hairy to hideClothes ripped like the Incredible Hulk (hachhh-too)I spit when I talk, I"ll fuck anything that walks (C"mere)When I was little I used to get so hungry I would throw fitsHOW YOU GONNA BREAST FEED ME MOM? (WAH!) YOU AIN"T GOT NO TITS! (WAH!)I lay awake and strap myself in the bedPut a bulleproof vest on and shoot myself in the head (BANG!)I"m steamin mad (Arrrggghhh!)And by the way when you see my dad? (Yeah?)Tell him that I slit his throat, in this dream I hadHi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim Shady
2023-01-01 19:59:246


因为你买的是NIKE 360的休闲鞋 应该是复古鞋或者是DUNK这类的 鞋底没有气垫的 所以会感觉有点硬的
2023-01-01 19:59:317


Dear Sir / Madam: Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to read this letter. First of all, let me give you my sincere greetings and best wishes! The cause of your organization and wish prosperity and bright future! In the letter, you will not see unrealistic boast gorgeous and moving words, you will see a real, I. I am the Guizhou Institute of Finance and Economics Institute for International Economics in 2008 graduates, I am now trying to second-guess the dream of leaving school, entered the community in numerous and the market is full of self-confidence to look for a new start in life. I Kouxiang courage of your company"s door, I am confident that the door must be filled with a vigor and vitality in the world. Four years of university life is beautiful, unforgettable, it not only gave me a new living environment, but also gave me a knowledge and continuously to equip themselves with self-wide space. In a knowledge-based economy as the main body of the 21st century, high-quality talent is the community"s appeal and also your company"s preferred recruitment goals, I know: only the unremitting efforts and hard work, have a good harvest, in order to cultivate their own as a Meet the needs of people. So in school, I study hard and a variety of expertise and inputs for their tremendous enthusiasm and energy, not only on many occasions to obtain a scholarship, but also successfully passed the national English examination four computers and state secondary examination, I have A certain amount of English listening, speaking, reading, writing and Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Flash, VF programming language, such as e-business software applications. In the serious study of expertise at the same time, I actively participate in practical activities outside the school, and a number of accomplishments. Such as serving as squad leader during the exercise not only my communication, coordination, organization, such as the ability to plan, develop a passion, hard-working, pragmatic, innovative style of work. Without delay the ban to work at the same time, I also used the holiday weekend and time for Master Kong, reunification, Iraq, Mengniu"s product marketing activities on campus, not only accumulated a certain amount of work and social experience to improve my ability to work. I do not seek the easy life and good treatment, can only own the school, do career and is willing to Baozhan with a sincere heart to open the door into the community, to the door of life. I believe that your company can provide an opportunity for self-display! Mongolia discarded if not, will do all we can to Qingsa young blood, with their wisdom and talent for your company"s vigorous development of the cause of building blocks, add wonderful gorgeous. Enclosed herewith is a biographical notes and other materials, for a deeper understanding and look forward to your interview! Sincerely Salute 我是超一楼的,因为我实在不会
2023-01-01 19:58:533

exception code calendula什么意思?

2023-01-01 19:58:452

L"OREAL (欧莱雅) dermo-expertise collagen re-plumper day ceram是哪一类化状品,适合几岁用

2023-01-01 19:58:441

He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing课文缩写

2023-01-01 19:58:416

Areas of Interest or Expertise是什么意思

Areas of Interest or Expertise感兴趣的领域或专门知识
2023-01-01 19:58:381

着急求助:谁能给我提供Mark Twain 的the Bys" Ambition 的中文翻译?

题目应该是The Boys" Ambition啦~When I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboatman. We had transient ambitions of other sorts, but they were only transient. When a circus came and went, it left us all burning to become clowns; the first negro minstrel show that came to our section left us all suffering to try that kind of life; now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. These ambitions faded out, each in its turn; but the ambition to be a steamboatman always remained.Once a day a cheap, gaudy packet arrived upward from St. Louis, and another downward from Keokuk. Before these events, the day was glorious with expectancy; after them, the day was a dead and empty thing. Not only the boys, but the whole village, felt this. After all these years I can picture that old time to myself now, just as it was then: the white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer"s morning; the streets empty, or pretty nearly so; one or two clerks sitting in front of the Water Street stores, with their splint-bottomed chairs tilted back against the wall, chins on breasts, hats slouched over their faces, asleep-- with shingle-shavings enough around to show what broke them down; a sow and a litter of pigs loafing along the sidewalk, doing a good business in watermelon rinds and seeds; two or three lonely little freight piles scattered about the "levee;" a pile of "skids" on the slope of the stone-paved wharf, and the fragrant town drunkard asleep in the shadow of them; two or three wood flats at the head of the wharf, but nobody to listen to the peaceful lapping of the wavelets against them; the great Mississippi, the majestic, the magnificent Mississippi, rolling its mile-wide tide along, shining in the sun; the dense forest away on the other side; the "point" above the town, and the "point" below, bounding the river-glimpse and turning it into a sort of sea, and withal a very still and brilliant and lonely one. Presently a film of dark smoke appears above one of those remote "points;" instantly a negro drayman, famous for his quick eye and prodigious voice, lifts up the cry, "S-t-e-a-m-boat a-comin"!" and the scene changes! The town drunkard stirs, the clerks wake up, a furious clatter of drays follows, every house and store pours out a human contribution, and all in a twinkling the dead town is alive and moving. Drays, carts, men, boys, all go hurrying from many quarters to a common center, the wharf. Assembled there, the people fasten their eyes upon the coming boat as upon a wonder they are seeing for the first time. And the boat is rather a handsome sight, too. She is long and sharp and trim and pretty; she has two tall, fancy-topped chimneys, with a gilded device of some kind swung between them; a fanciful pilot-house, a glass and "gingerbread", perched on top of the "texas" deck behind them; the paddle-boxes are gorgeous with a picture or with gilded rays above the boat"s name; the boiler deck, the hurricane deck, and the texas deck are fenced and ornamented with clean white railings; there is a flag gallantly flying from the jack-staff; the furnace doors are open and the fires glaring bravely; the upper decks are black with passengers; the captain stands by the big bell, calm, imposing, the envy of all; great volumes of the blackest smoke are rolling and tumbling out of the chimneys-- a husbanded grandeur created with a bit of pitch pine just before arriving at a town; the crew are grouped on the forecastle; the broad stage is run far out over the port bow, and an envied deckhand stands picturesquely on the end of it with a coil of rope in his hand; the pent steam is screaming through the gauge-cocks, the captain lifts his hand, a bell rings, the wheels stop; then they turn back, churning the water to foam, and the steamer is at rest. Then such a scramble as there is to get aboard, and to get ashore, and to take in freight and to discharge freight, all at one and the same time; and such a yelling and cursing as the mates facilitate it all with! Ten minutes later the steamer is under way again, with no flag on the jack-staff and no black smoke issuing from the chimneys. After ten more minutes the town is dead again, and the town drunkard asleep by the skids once more.My father was a justice of the peace, and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him. This was distinction enough for me as a general thing; but the desire to be a steamboatman kept intruding, nevertheless. I first wanted to be a cabin-boy, so that I could come out with a white apron on and shake a tablecloth over the side, where all my old comrades could see me; later I thought I would rather be the deckhand who stood on the end of the stage-plank with the coil of rope in his hand, because he was particularly conspicuous. But these were only day-dreams,-- they were too heavenly to be contemplated as real possibilities. By and by one of our boys went away. He was not heard of for a long time. At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or "striker" on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday-school teachings. That boy had been notoriously worldly, and I just the reverse; yet he was exalted to this eminence, and I left in obscurity and misery. There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him. And whenever his boat was laid up he would come home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboatman; and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them. He would speak of the "labboard" side of a horse in an easy, natural way that would make one wish he was dead. And he was always talking about "St. Looy" like an old citizen; he would refer casually to occasions when he "was coming down Fourth Street," or when he was "passing by the Planter"s House," or when there was a fire and he took a turn on the brakes of "the old Big Missouri;" and then he would go on and lie about how many towns the size of ours were burned down there that day. Two or three of the boys had long been persons of consideration among us because they had been to St. Louis once and had a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory was over now. They lapsed into a humble silence, and learned to disappear when the ruthless "cub"-engineer approached. This fellow had money, too, and hair oil. Also an ignorant silver watch and a showy brass watch chain. He wore a leather belt and used no suspenders. If ever a youth was cordially admired and hated by his comrades, this one was. No girl could withstand his charms. He "cut out" every boy in the village. When his boat blew up at last, it diffused a tranquil contentment among us such as we had not known for months. But when he came home the next week, alive, renowned, and appeared in church all battered up and bandaged, a shining hero, stared at and wondered over by everybody, it seemed to us that the partiality of Providence for an undeserving reptile had reached a point where it was open to criticism.This creature"s career could produce but one result, and it speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. The minister"s son became an engineer. The doctor"s and the post-master"s sons became "mud clerks;" the wholesale liquor dealer"s son became a barkeeper on a boat; four sons of the chief merchant, and two sons of the county judge, became pilots. Pilot was the grandest position of all. The pilot, even in those days of trivial wages, had a princely salary--from a hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty dollars a month, and no board to pay. Two months of his wages would pay a preacher"s salary for a year. Now some of us were left disconsolate. We could not get on the river-- at least our parents would not let us.So by and by I ran away. I said I never would come home again till I was a pilot and could come in glory. But somehow I could not manage it. I went meekly aboard a few of the boats that lay packed together like sardines at the long St. Louis wharf, and very humbly inquired for the pilots, but got only a cold shoulder and short words from mates and clerks. I had to make the best of this sort of treatment for the time being, but I had comforting daydreams of a future when I should be a great and honored pilot, with plenty of money, and could kill some of these mates and clerks and pay for them.
2023-01-01 19:58:351


2023-01-01 19:58:343

Jiang 开头的成语

2023-01-01 19:58:298

科颜氏金盏花爽肤水成分 科颜氏金盏花爽肤水有酒精吗

最近想要入手科颜氏金盏花爽肤水的,但是自己的肤质不是很好怕买回来不适合,这个科颜氏金盏花爽肤水里含有什么样的成分?这款爽肤水里有没有酒精的成分? 科颜氏金盏花爽肤水成分 科颜氏金盏花水含有主要功效成分:8种(尿囊素、牛蒡(ARCTIUMLAPPA)根提取物、水解玉米淀粉、1,2-戊二醇、金盏花(CALENDULAOFFICINALIS)花提取物、丙二醇...)Tips1所含成分的作用 1.丙二醇——保湿 2.羟苯甲酯——防腐剂 3.EDTA二钠——螯合剂,协同防腐,稳定作用 4.牛蒡根提取物——消炎,抗油抗脂溢,抑制粉刺,收敛肌肤,缩小毛孔5.金盏花提取物——杀菌,收敛伤口,消炎,治理暗疮和毛孔粗大,镇定,改善敏感肤质,滋润保湿6.金盏花花提取物——消炎抗氧化抗老 7.药蜀葵根提取物——可做防晒剂,活化组织蛋白酶,消除超氧自由基,增强皮肤新陈代谢,有抗衰作用,有优秀保湿能力Tips2科颜氏金盏花水功效 科颜氏金盏花水成分萃取自金盏花卉及其他天然植物精华,可清洁、均衡、活化、调理肌肤,并且有助于青春痘疤痕之愈合,及改善轻微因粉刺而造成的感染发炎现象。科颜氏金盏花水萃取了自金盏花卉及其他天然植物精华,可清洁、均衡、活化、调理肌肤,并且有助于青春痘疤痕之愈合,及改善轻微因粉刺而造成的感染发炎现象。针对中偏油性皮肤和易发青春痘的混合性皮肤,在制作全程中完全采取全天然手工流程,将天然金盏花放置在瓶内,也是惹众多女孩子们喜爱的原因之一。添加了天然金盏花成分,能温和清洁和舒缓中偏油性肌肤、均衡调理肌肤的油脂,适用于油性肌肤和有青春痘困扰的混合性肌肤,有助于青春痘疤痕之愈合,及改善轻微因粉刺而造成的感染发炎现象。科颜氏金盏花爽肤水有酒精吗 官方说的是没有的,我用过两大瓶,确实也没有感觉有任何酒精的味道,所以是可信的,味道比较天然,自己感觉有点儿凉茶味,还蛮喜欢的科颜氏金盏花爽肤水是化妆水吗 科颜氏金盏花水的功效非常好,可以日常保湿补水,可以使肌肤油脂水油平衡,收细毛孔。还可以淡化痘印,缓解痘痘的发炎。它不仅吸收快、不粘腻、弱酸性,连气味也很好闻。适合油性、中性偏油、痘痘肌、敏感肌的姐妹们。科颜氏金盏花水是一款爽肤水,用法和一般爽肤水一样。在洗干净脸之后,取适量科颜氏金盏花植物爽肤水产品于化妆棉上,轻拍于洗净的脸上,并避开眼睛部位,早晚使用。用它拍脸的功效特别好,科颜氏金盏花水可以温和清洁肌肤,为肌肤作二次清洁,它还能舒缓中偏油性肌肤,让肌肤保持水油平衡的状态,为肌肤补水、调理,抑制痘痘生长。科颜氏金盏花爽肤是水乳吗 这是一款换季必用的精华爽肤水,只需要上脸轻拍一下就瞬间吸收了,清爽小润的同时,赶走肌肤的换季不适感,还可以很好改善痘痘抑制青春痘!它不仅保湿能力强,而且具有消炎和舒缓的作用。
2023-01-01 19:58:281

eminem without me 歌词。

Without MeEminemTwo trailer park girls go round the outsideround the outside round the outsideTwo trailer park girls go round the outsideround the outside round the outsideGuess who"s backBack againShady"s backTell a friendGuess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back,I"ve created a monstercause nobody wants to see Marshall no moreThey want Shady, I"m chopped liver (huh)Well if you want Shady,this is what I"ll give yaA little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquorSome vodka that"ll jump start my heart quickerthan a shock when I get shocked at the hospitalby the doctor when I"m not co-operatingWhen I"m rockin the tablewhile he"s operatin (hey)You waited this long, now stop debatingCause I"m back, I"m on the rag and ovu-latingI know that you got a job Ms. Cheneybut your husband"s heart problem"s complicatingSo the FCC won"t let me beor let me be me so let me seeThey try to shut me down on MTVBut it feels so empty without meSo come on and dip rum on your lipsFuck that cum on your lipsand some on your titsAnd get readycause this shit"s about to get heavyI just settled all my lawsuitsFUCK YOU DEBBIENow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty, without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody, just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meLittle Hellions, kids feelin rebelliousEmbarrassed their parentsstill listen to ElvisThey start feelin like prisoners helpless"til someone comes along on a missionand yells BITCHA visionary vision of scaryCould start a revolutionpollutin the airwavesA rebel so just let me revel and baskin the fact that I got everyoneAnd it"s a disaster, such a castastrophefor you to see so damn much of my ass;you asked for me?Well I"m back na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-naand then I"m gonnaenter in, in the front of your skinlike a splinterThe center of attention, back for the winterI"m interesting, the best thing since wrestlingInvesting in your kid"s ears and nestingFeel the tension, soon as someone mentions meHere"s my ten cents, my two cents is freeA nuisance who sent You sent for meNow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody, just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty, without meA-tisket a-tasket, I go tit for tat withanybody who"s talkin this shit that shitChris Kirkpatrickyou can get your ass kickedworse than them little Limp Bizket bastardsAnd Moby You can get stomped by ObieYou thirty-six year old baldheaded fagblow meYou don"t know me, you"re too old let goIt"s over nobody listen to technoNow let"s go, just gimme the signalI"ll be therewith a whole list full of new insultsI been dope, suspenseful with a pencilever since Prince turned himselfBut sometimes the shit just seemseverybody only wants to discuss meSo this must mean I"m dis-gus-tingBut it"s just me, I"m just obsceneNo I"m not the first king of controversyI am the worst thing since Elvis Presleyto do black music so selfishlyand used it to get myself wealthy(Hey) There"s a concept that worksTwenty million other white rappers emergeBut no matter how many fish in the seaIt"ll be so empty, without meNow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little controversyCause it feels so empty without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meChem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laChem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laKids!
2023-01-01 19:58:283