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2023-05-19 15:02:42
TAG: 英语

体贴的英语翻译是give every care to。

give every care to

[ɡɪv ˈɛvri kɛr tu] 




英 [keə(r)]  美 [ker] 

v.关心; 担心; 照顾; 喜爱

n.照顾; 小心; 忧虑;



1.It is nearly always women who are the primary care givers. 


2.She denied the murder of four children who were in her care. 


3.She had met both sons and did not care for either. 


4. Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care.  


5. There was no one else to take care of their children.  






  show consideration for

  give every care to

   体贴的相关 短语

  体贴的 considerate ; thoughtful ; ciderate ;

  体贴备忘录 Memorandum of understanding ;

  主管体贴 supervisor consideration

  真体贴 so affectionate

  体贴父母 be attentive to one"s parents

  温柔体贴 gentle and thoughtful ;

  照顾体贴 havecompassionon ;


  1. He is a lovely boy, very gentle and caring.


  2. Douglas was a complex man, thoughtful, gallant, and generous.


  3. We have all wished for men who are more considerate.


  4. The level of expertise and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops.


  5. Jim was a most loving husband and father.


  6. He kindly carried our picnic in a rucksack.


  7. He treats everyone equally and considerately.


  8. Her husband was such a fine, capable man.


  9. She is very caring and very genuine.


  10. You are good to me.


  11. It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture.


  12. He"s a very caring person.


  13. He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness.


  14. to treat sb with kindness and consideration


  15. a sensitive and caring man



  (The husband comforts the wife who lost the job.)


  Husband : You look worried. What happened?


  Wife: Unreasonable! Why did the company fire me?


  Husband : No reason. You are so excellent a secretary!


  Wife:Maybe only you think that. The supervisor doesn"t think so!


  Husband: Forget that. I"m sure the boss will regret.


  Wife:Maybe. But now I have nothing to do. I feel very nervous. I"m of no use. Why I come into this world?

  妻子:也许。但现在我无事可做,真烦人。 我是个无用的人,我为什么要来到这 个世界上。

  Husband: Don"t say that. I can understand your feeling. Anyway, you stayed there for about ten years. But I should say you"re a very important person in our family. You can find your new position in home right? You can do housework and take care of our kids.

  丈夫:不要这么说。我理解你的感受,不管 怎样,你在那里呆了十年。但我得说 你在我们家里是个很重要的人。你 可以在家中找到新的位置,不是吗? 做做家务,照料孩子。

  Wife:But I don"t want to be a housewife! I still want to get a new job. Will you support me? Your opinion is very important for me.

  妻子:但我并不想当一个家庭主妇。我还 想找份新工作,你会支持我吗?那对 我很重要。

  Husband:Why not? I believe if you want to get a job,that"s very easy. Luck will be around you next time.

  丈夫:为什么不?我相信侏很容易就可得 到一份工作。下次幸运会伴着你的。

  Wife:Thank you for your supporting. I will try my best.




1. 温柔的英文是什么

2. 感恩父母说的体贴话语

3. 对妈妈说一句体贴的话

4. 晚上关心女孩子的话怎么说

5. 好听女生英文名附意义



”expertise“的意思是:n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见1、读音:英 [ˌekspɜːˈtiːz] 、美 [ˌekspɜːrˈtiːz] 2、相关短语:Exam Expertise 考场达人professional expertise专业技能 ; 专业经验 ; 简称专业知能 ; 专业知识Teacher Expertise 教师的专业知识distributed expertise 分散式专精知能diagnostic expertise 诊断专长defensive expertise 防御绝技3、例句:Yes, you are an expert on something and you should share your expertise with educators andtheir students. 是的,你就是某方面的专家,你应该向教师和学生分享你的专业知识。扩展资料:”expertise“的同根词介绍:expert1、读音:英 [ˈekspɜːt]、美 [ˈekspɜːrt] 2、表达意思:n. 专家;行家;能手、adj. 熟练的;内行的;老练的、v. 当专家3、相关短语:File Expert 文件大师 ; 文件大师安卓中文版 ; 电脑手机互传文件expert control 专家控制系统 ; 控制专家Expert Mouse 专业轨迹球Expert evaluation 专家评估 ; 专家评价 ; 专家鉴定 ; 专家的评估legal expert 法律专家 ; 翻译Mail Expert 邮件专家4、例句:Harvey cured the pain with his own expert hands.哈维用他那行家之手治愈了那病痛。
2023-01-01 19:48:111


2023-01-01 19:48:253

自我介绍中 expertise 什么意思

expertise 英[ˌekspɜ:ˈti:z] 美[ˌekspɜ:rˈti:z] n. 专门知识或技能; 专家的意见; 专家评价,鉴定; [网络] 经验; 专门技术; 专门技能; [例句]So it makes sense that the traders with the most expertise in the market would come from the bank.因此,市场中最有经验的交易员来自该行也合情合理。[其他] 形近词: experting expertism expertize
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2023-01-01 19:49:036

expert ice 是什么意思

朋友,这个单词应该是expertisen. 专门知识, 专门技术, 专家的意见1. And the scientist in Boston will be able to call on the expertise of the scientist in Shanghai, and all of it in a matter of seconds.同样,在美国波士顿的一位科学家,也将能够向上海的一位科学家要求提供专门知识。而这种联系只需要几秒钟的时间就可以接通。 2. But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise.但是我们彼此合作的领域还在不断增加。我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。 3. They have the expertise to tell people what would look good on them.他们给些怎么样看上去比较好的专家的意见。 4. We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。 5. He has the expertise in the management of hotels.他有酒店管理知识。
2023-01-01 19:49:251


你好,expertise 是不可数名词,请采纳喔!
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2023-01-01 19:49:544

specialty expertise有何区别?

好像是speciality吧。只特别特殊的专业技能技术,比如X 战警里的人掌握的“特殊”技能,使用的很“专业”,主要强调其特殊性。expertise比较学术点,专家一级的,像物理学等科学知识里专业的知识技术,强调其地空间地位不可替代。全部是个人看法,下午各位大虾指教
2023-01-01 19:50:081

their substantive area of expertise.是什么意思

their substantive area of expertise.他们实质性的专门领域。重点词汇substantive真实的; 独立的; 大量的; 本质的,实质的; 作名词用的词或词组; 实词,名词; 独立存在的实体area地区; 领域; 区域,范围; 面积,平地expertise专门知识或技能; 专家的意见; 专家评价,鉴定
2023-01-01 19:50:131

expertise in是什么意思

expertise in 专长;[例句]Let us not forget that the much-maligned British Rail has a major expertise in electronic communications我们不要忘了备受非议的英国铁路在电子通讯领域有一项重要的技术专利。
2023-01-01 19:50:191

managerial expertise,managerial experience 区别

managerial expertise 是指管理的专业知识、技能。managerial experience 是指管理的经验。两者的区别主要在expertise和experience 上。expertise名词 n. 1.专门知识;专门技术2.专家鉴定experience名词 n. 1.经验,体验[U][(+of/in)]2.经历,阅历[C]及物动词 vt. 1.经历;体验2.感受;遭受
2023-01-01 19:50:251

managerial expertise,managerial experience 区别

2023-01-01 19:50:301

professional expertise是什么意思

professional expertise专业技能例句1.To contribute to the effective rollout of Business Unit Customer Service projects, through contribution of professional expertise and leadership. 通过专业才能既领导力,来有效推行客服部业务单元项目的实行。2.Strong technical force, with a large number of precision molds and parts processing, professional expertise and first-class precision processing equipment. 公司技术力量雄厚,拥有一大批精密模具和零件加工专业人才,以及一流的精密加工设备。
2023-01-01 19:50:361


b               expertise 专业,技能  b      b               contrive有manage to do something的意思,而客观事实是中国控制人口是有成效的a                inquire 询问,因为是witness,不是trouble maker
2023-01-01 19:50:413

Areas of Expertise是什么意思

Areas of Expertise专长领域双语例句1These are qualified persons, with backgrounds in their respective areas ofexpertise.他们都是称职合格的人员,各自具有专门的知识背景。2His areas of expertise include course development, technical writing,consulting and customer support.他的专业领域包括课程开发、技术写作、咨询和客户支持。
2023-01-01 19:50:521

professional expertise 怎么写

professional expertise简称专业知能;专业技能;专业知识;专业技术;专业知能例句:To a fully professional expertise of their own work units, and can be your concern is my hope. 谋求一个充分发挥自己专业特长的工作单位,并能得到您的关照,是我的期盼。It takes a long time of study and practise to develop professional expertise. 职业专长的发展是一个长期学习和实践的过程。Survey also found that dance teacher in different levels, professional expertise dimension significant differences, You have worked with the dance teacher professional skills in certain level. 调查中还发现舞蹈教师职称级别不同,在专业技能维度上存在显著差异;幼师舞蹈教师的教龄与专业技能在一定水平上显著相关。
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2023-01-01 19:51:071


个人简历 RESUME一、 基本个人信息:姓名 性别 出生年月 户口 毕业院校 电子邮箱 联系电话 I. Personal Information:Name – Gender –Date of Birth –Official Residence –Contact No. –E-mail Address –(毕业院校不用列在这里)二、 自我评价:1、 本人普通话发音标准,英语通过CET-6,口语水平有待进一步提高。熟练操作Micsoft Office等办公软件,通过了国家计算机等级二级考试。2、 热爱运动,积极参加学校和所在单位组织的文体活动,曾获学院羽毛球比赛单项第二名。在工作中认真负责,态度端正,以微笑面对每一位客户,认真处理每一项业务,尽力完成分行下达的各种任务(信用卡、基金、存款、保险)。3、 作为一名女生,具有良好的沟通表达能力,真诚地尊重和关心别人,富有团队合作精神,心思细腻,办业务效率高,受客户好评,而且业务差错率低,几次受领导表扬。4、 作为一名正式党员,踏实勤奋,诚实守信,吃苦耐劳,有很高的道德觉悟和很强的职业操守。生活中喜欢与人沟通,为人坦诚、本着开阔的心胸善待身边的好友和同事,有良好的人际关系5、 具有很强的学习欲望,期待提升自己,业余时间坚持练习英语口语和学习注册会计师知识,现已通过CPA两个单科考试II.Self Evaluation:1. I can speak fluent standard Mandarin; I had passed CET-6 but my spoken English still has room for improvement. I had passed National Computer Level 2 Examination and I am proficient in Microsoft Office software.2. I have great passion in sports and been actively participating in the recreation and sports activities organized by my school and the bank, the best result was a runner-up in a college badminton competition. I am very conscientious and responsible in my work, treating customers with a pleasant smile and decent attitude; I always handle my tasks seriously and try every means to accomplish the various duties assigned by the subsidiary bank(credit card, funds, deposits, insurance).3. I am a girl with excellent communication skills, full of team spirit and treating people with sincerity, respect and care. I am vey meticulous, assiduous and highly efficient in my work with very low error rate, well received by customers and was commended by superior several times. 4. As a CPC member, I am diligent, dependable, honest, trustworthy, and I can take hardship in my stride with a strong sense of moral consciousness and high professional ethic. 【I like to communicate with people and I have good interpersonal relations with my friends and peers for I treat them with frankness and an outgoing attitude.】 括弧内容与上面重复,建议忽略。5. I have a strong learning desire hoping to enrich my professional knowledge; in my spare time I persist in practicing my spoken English and relevant CPA knowledge. At present, I have passed through two CPA single subject examinations. 三、 工作经历:起止时间 任职 主要工作 工作业绩2009年7月到现在 交通银行南京分行 综合柜员(对私) 个人业务量一直保持所在网点第一。III.Working ExperiencesDuration: From July 2009 to presentPosition: Comprehensive service teller (personal); Bank of Communication, Nanjing Branch.Major Responsibilities:Performance Achievement: Business volume always maintains top position in the bank. 四、 教育培训:起止时间 院校 专业/技能2005月年9月到2009年6 南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院会计学专业 会计学2009年3月到2009年4月 南京概元诚会计师事务所 审计助理2009年6月到2009年7月 交通银行江苏省分行培训中心 综合柜员入职培训IV. Academic Qualifications and Trainings:From Sept. 2005 to June 2009 – Accounting Major, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.From Mac.2009 to April 2009 – Auditor Assistant, Nanjing GaiYuanCheng Accounting Firm.From Jun 2009 to July 2009 – Service Teller Orientation Training, Training Center, Bank of Communication, Jiangsu Branch. 五、 技能专长:高分通过CET-4,通过CET-6熟练操作Micsoft Office等办公软件,通过了国家计算机等级二级考试通过CPA的经济法和税法两门考试从事过审计助理,对企业会计流程有一定掌握以优异成绩通过了大型国有银行综合柜员入职培训,从事综合柜员工作将近两年,对柜台工作流程非常熟悉,对各种业务办理非常熟练,业务量保持所在网点第一,完全能胜任综合柜员工作.V. Personal Skills:Passed CET-4 and CET-6 with flying colors;Proficient in Microsoft Office software, had passed National Computer Level 2 Examination;Passed two CPA Examinations: Law of Economy and Taxation;Experience of working as auditor assistant, knowledge of company accounting procedures;Excellent result in passing orientation training for comprehensive service teller in state-owned banks. Have been on the job for almost 2 years, very familiar with banking counter procedures and the handling of various transactions; business volume remains top position in the bank, completely capable of handling teller operations proficiently. 六、 求职目的作为地地道道的四川人,一直想回成都工作,早日成家立业。能到外资银行工作更是我一直以来的梦想,希望能得到面试的机会。VI. Application Objective:As an authentic native from Sichuan Province, I have been yearning to return and work in Chengdu, as well as to start a family and career. I even have a greater dream of working in a foreign bank, so I am looking forward to an opportunity for an interview. 【英语牛人团】
2023-01-01 19:51:136

expertise 论文 怎么写

2023-01-01 19:51:351


2023-01-01 19:51:402


2023-01-01 19:51:492

请问expertise center是什么意思

2023-01-01 19:51:583

Center Of Expertise是什么意思

Center Of Expertise全部释义和例句>> 专业知识中心
2023-01-01 19:52:094

Areas of Expertise是什么意思

areasofexpertise的中文翻译  areasofexpertise  专长领域  双语例句  1  hisareasofexpertiseareinapplicationdevelopment,softwareengineering,andmethodologies.  他擅长的领域包括应用程序开发、软件工程和方法学。  2  trainingacrossabroadrangeofdisciplinesandareasofexpertisewasoneofthese.  涉及学科和知识领域广泛的培训是其中一个障碍。
2023-01-01 19:52:222

industry expertise是什么意思

industry expertise行业经验;产业专业知识;行业洞察
2023-01-01 19:52:313


正文Rules for teaching grammar in schools 学校语法教学的应尽之事In retrospect it scarcely seems surprising that learning to underline a modal verb, such as "can", "should" and "may", does little to help students use them effectively in their own writing. These words are anyway grasped by tiny children without the need to know what they are called. 回过头看,学生学着用下划线标示出“can(可以)”、“should(应该)”和“may(可能)”之类的情态动词,其实对他们在自己的写作中恰当使用这些词没什么帮助,而这样的结果似乎也没什么好惊讶的,毕竟(英国的)小孩子不需要知道这些词的名字叫什么,就已经会使用了。This may tempt the conclusion that the teaching of grammar should be shelved altogether. But there are reasons to reform it rather than scrap it. 这可能会促使人们得出如下结论:语法教学就应该被完全搁置。但是,我们有理由对其进行改革,而不是将其废除。Understanding of language is part of a wider education in what makes human beings human. How concepts are turned into sounds, and how those sounds combine to form propositions, commands or questions, are issues that have occupied many linguists in philosophy departments. 对语言的理解是更广义的“树人”教育的一部分。内心的概念如何转变为声音?那些声音又如何组合起来,形成观点、命令或者疑问?很多哲学系的语言学家们一直都在思索这些难题。For grammarians keen on the jobs of the future, the field of natural-language processing is booming. After many years of poor results, technological wizards have devised programs for automated translation, speech recognition and other services that are actually usable, if far from perfect.*** 对那些热衷于琢磨新兴工作的语法学家们来说,自然语言处理领域正在蓬勃发展。尽管科技奇才们多年来的工作成果不尽如人意,但他们还是设计出了自动翻译、语音识别和其他服务程序,这些程序虽远非完美,但实际上还是能用的。These tools may rely more on knowledge of artificial intelligence than of the subjunctive, but linguistic expertise still matters, and may give budding programmers an edge over rivals whose best language is Python. 这些程序可能更依赖人工智能的相关知识,而不是虚拟语气之类的语法知识。不过,语言学的专业知识仍然很重要,它们或许能让刚起步的程序员比那些掌握最熟练的“语言”是 Python 的对手更有优势。A cook does not need to know chemistry to make a delicious sauce. But the science of how words combine to make meaning is fascinating as well as fundamental. (尽管)厨师不需要了解化学知识就能制作美味的酱汁,但是,遣词造句的学问既是迷人的,也是基本的。主编:啾笛、Amber 品控:大芃、Amber 审核:Jack 重点词汇 in retrospect 回想起来,事后看来 例句:In retrospect, I think that I was wrong. 相关词汇:retrospect(n. 回顾,回想) 词根词缀:retro- (to look back at,往回看) 词根词缀:spect(to look at,看) scarcely /ˈ adv. 勉强;几乎不 近义词:hardly(adv. 几乎不) 例句:I can scarcely believe it. 例句:We scarcely ever meet. do little to 未能做某事 相关词汇:little(pron. 一点儿;少得几乎没有) 英文释义:fail to do sth. 例句:The company did little to prevent the disaster. grasp /ɡræsp/ v. 理解,领悟,明白(尤指费解之事);抓紧,握紧 英文释义:to take and hold something firmly 例句:We need to grasp the rope. 搭配短语:to grasp the main points of the lecture tempt /tempt/ v. 促使;引诱 搭配短语:tempt sb. to do sth. / into sth. / into doing sth.(诱惑某人做某事) 例句:The smell of the pie tempted me. 相关词汇:tempting(adj. 吸引人的;诱人的) 搭配短语:This may be tempting to draw the conclusion that … shelve /ʃelv/ v. 推迟处理,搁置;把……放在架子上 英文释义:to put (something) on a shelf 例句:The plan had to be shelved because of lack of money. 补充:动词 shelve 是个逆生词,是和“派生词”相反的一个概念,所谓逆生,也就是 back-formation,是指将已经存在的词通过去除或改变后缀构成新词,举个例子,其实是先有的名词 editor,编辑,去掉词尾 or 后,逆生,得到了动词 edit,文中这里的 shelve 就是表示“架子”的名词 shelf 的复数形式 shelves 的逆生词,shelves 去掉了结尾的 s,就变成 shelve。 scrap /skræp/ v. 放弃;取消;报废 词性拓展:scrap(n. 碎片,小块) 搭配短语:a scrap of paper 相关词汇:scraps(n. 吃剩的东西,残羹剩饭) 搭配短语:kitchen scraps(厨余垃圾,厨房泔水) 搭配短语:to scrap a car(报废汽车) 搭配短语:to scrap a plan(取消计划) 例句:We should scrap the idea. occupy /ˈɑː.kjə.paɪ/ v. 使忙于(做某事) 例句:The hobby occupies all of my free time. grammarian /ɡrəˈmer.i.ən/ n. 语法学家 keen /kiːn/ adj. 喜爱;(对……)有兴趣 搭配短语:keen on sth. 例句:I am not keen on jogging. devise /dɪˈvaɪz/ v. 发明,设计 近义词:invent / think up far from 几乎相反 搭配短语:far from + adj. / n. / v-ing 例句:Far from helping the situation, you"ve just made it worse. subjunctive /səbˈdʒʌŋk.tɪv/ n.(语法中的)虚拟语气 搭配短语:subjunctive mood linguistic /lɪŋˈɡwɪs.tɪk/ adj. 语言的,语言学的 相关词汇:linguistics(n. 语言学) 相关词汇:linguist(n. 语言学家) 词根词缀:-ist(……人) expertise /ˌek.spɝːˈtiːz/ n. 专门知识,专门技能 相关词汇:expert(n. 专家) 搭配短语:financial expertise(金融专业知识) 搭配短语:medical expertise(医疗专业知识) 搭配短语:expertise in sth. 搭配短语:expertise in engineering 搭配短语:He has great expertise in linguistics. budding /ˈbʌd.ɪŋ/ adj. 开始发展的;崭露头角的 相关词汇:bud(n. 花蕾,花芽) 相关词汇:bud(v. 发芽) edge /edʒ/ n. 优势 近义词:advantage(n. 优势;优点) 搭配短语:cutting edge 搭配短语:the cutting edge of computer technology 相关词汇:cutting-edge(adj. 最新的,尖端的) 例句:We have the cutting-edge speech recognition techonogy. 搭配短语:give an edge over sth. fundamental /ˌfʌn.dəˈmen.t̬əl/ adj. 基本的,基础的 近义词:basic(adj. 基础的) 词义辨析:basic,fundamental fundamental 跟我们熟悉的 basic 意义差不多,但 fundamental 的语气更重,有“根本的、彻底的”含义,重要性比 basic 要大很多。比如在我国的法律体系中,香港的基本法叫 Basic Law,而宪法是国家的根本法,the fundamental law。再给大家两个句子对比一下,The hotel only provides basic service. 这家旅馆只提供基础的服务,比如电话叫醒,清洁等等,像干洗衣服这种附加服务是不提供的。再来一个,Hard work is a fundamental requirement. 努力是最基本的要求。 加
2023-01-01 19:52:451

expertise and expert performance 怎么样

2006年,一本900多页的书,The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, 出版。这是“怎样炼成天才”研究的一本里程碑式的学术著作,此书直接引领了后来一系列畅销书的出现,包括格拉德威尔的《异类》,Geoff Colvin 的 Talent is Overrated,和 Daniel Coyle 的 The Talent Code 等等。科学家们不但证明了高手是练出来的,而且通过考察各个领域最好的训练方法的共性,总结了一套统一的练习方法,这就是所谓“刻意练习”(deliberate practice)。
2023-01-01 19:52:511


VISAGE,CONTOURS&COUSoin remaillantanti-rides +fermete可用于脸部,脸廓和脖子修复护理抗皱纹-紧实肌肤
2023-01-01 19:52:561

We are here to make available to you,as best we can,that expertise.这里的that是引导什么从句?

这个that是指示代词,expertise 名词。that expertise那些专业知识。
2023-01-01 19:53:022


”expertise“的意思是:n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见1、读音:英 [ˌekspɜːˈtiːz] 、美 [ˌekspɜːrˈtiːz] 2、相关短语:Exam Expertise 考场达人professional expertise专业技能 ; 专业经验 ; 简称专业知能 ; 专业知识Teacher Expertise 教师的专业知识distributed expertise 分散式专精知能diagnostic expertise 诊断专长defensive expertise 防御绝技3、例句:Yes, you are an expert on something and you should share your expertise with educators andtheir students. 是的,你就是某方面的专家,你应该向教师和学生分享你的专业知识。扩展资料:”expertise“的同根词介绍:expert1、读音:英 [ˈekspɜːt]、美 [ˈekspɜːrt] 2、表达意思:n. 专家;行家;能手、adj. 熟练的;内行的;老练的、v. 当专家3、相关短语:File Expert 文件大师 ; 文件大师安卓中文版 ; 电脑手机互传文件expert control 专家控制系统 ; 控制专家Expert Mouse 专业轨迹球Expert evaluation 专家评估 ; 专家评价 ; 专家鉴定 ; 专家的评估legal expert 法律专家 ; 翻译Mail Expert 邮件专家4、例句:Harvey cured the pain with his own expert hands.哈维用他那行家之手治愈了那病痛。
2023-01-01 19:53:291


expertise_百度翻译expertise 英[ˌekspɜ:ˈti:z]美[ˌekspɜ:rˈti:z]n. 专门知识或技能; 专家的意见; 专家评价,鉴定;[例句]The problem is that most local authorities lack the expertise to deal sensibly in this market.
2023-01-01 19:53:401

英语翻译 Konwledge的中文是什么意思?Expertise的中文又是什么意思?

你应该写错字了, knowledge 知识,学问,认识,知道 expertise 专家的意见,专门技术
2023-01-01 19:53:451


Primary Domain of Expertise专长的主要领域双语例句1What is your area of expertise?你的专业领域是什么?2What"s his area of expertise?他的专长是什么?3You are aware this isn"t my field of expertise?你是在提醒这不是我擅长的领域?
2023-01-01 19:53:511

boast expertise是什么意思

boast自吹自擂,expertise专家,所以boast expertise指的是吹牛专家
2023-01-01 19:53:591

technical expertise是什么意思

technical expertise 专业技术expertise英 [ˌekspɜː"tiːz]     美 [ˌekspɜːr"tiːz]    n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见
2023-01-01 19:54:052

dermo expertise是什么意思

dermo: 皮肤的expertise:专家dermo-expertise: 皮肤专家
2023-01-01 19:54:161

technical expertise是什么意思

2023-01-01 19:54:212

‘和别人沟通是我的擅长"英语怎么说?可以说 my expertise吗?

communicating with other people is my expertise.
2023-01-01 19:54:331

Area of Expertise是什么意思

2023-01-01 19:54:392

dermo expertise是什么意思

dermo-expertise 是专业护肤的意思如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-01-01 19:54:471

domain expertise是什么意思

domain expertise网 络领域专业知识1. The domain expertise for developing back end office systems is not there. 他们没有开发后端支持系统的专门技术.
2023-01-01 19:54:531

什么是expertise text

2023-01-01 19:54:583

Area of Expertise是什么意思

Area of Expertise 专长领域 What is your area of expertise? 你的专业领域是什么?
2023-01-01 19:55:091

如何提高management expertise

Improve the economic responsibility cost management organizations. (1) establish a scientific and reasonable cost management system. Establish a management, accounting, supply and marketing, production, technology department in charge of cost management team, Relevant departments should also equipped with part-time workers, such as statistics, attendance, qc, accounting, analysis, etc. To cost management knowledge, professional training regularly updated to improve re-education, cost management expertise, lower the cost of broad ways. (2) improve the economic responsibility cost management. One is to make cost management rules and regulations, such as the basic management and cost control system; etc. 2 is clear, the cost of economic responsibility to the department or individual, Three are the rewards and punishment.
2023-01-01 19:55:151


用单数,这个单词很少用复数. Please kindly make a list of yours expertise. 请列出您专长的范畴. How do you fill the gaps in your expertise? 如何弥补你在专门技术方面的缺口? Due to their expertise in a necessary field of study 研究领域中的专门技能
2023-01-01 19:55:211

your knowledge and expertise什么意思

Knowledge and Expertise in Security Management 在安全管理上的知识和专门技术
2023-01-01 19:55:271


2023-01-01 19:55:322


1.Aanticipation(预期--一种把握未知动态的能力) perception (感知--能否感觉到某物的存在)prospect (前景--事物发展的态势)expertise (技能--一种可控的熟练状态)2.Aincentive (动机--一种激励因素)initiative (主动--积极性的体现)fugitive (易变--常态的难以维持)captive (俘虏--被迷失了心神的人)3.Din line with(与...一致,符合)in trade (行业内)at times (不时)at odds with(与...不一致,分歧)4.Clayouts (大致方案,规划)reminders (提示物,标记)remains (遗迹,残留物)leftovers (剩余物)5.Dpassionate(激情澎湃的) involved (有所牵连的)immersed (沉浸其中的)obsessed(深受困挠的)并非高手,实为探讨,不是之处,悉请指教.
2023-01-01 19:55:451