英语翻译Mr.Green was ill and went to the hospital.A doctor looke

梅园媚姬2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

Mr.Green was ill and went to the hospital.A doctor looked
him over and said,“Well,Mr.Green,you are going to get some injections,and
you’ll feel much better.A nurse will come and give you the first one this
evening,and then you’ll have to get another one tomorrow evening.”In the
evening a young nurse came to Mr.Green’s bed and said to him,“I am going to
give you your first injection now,Mr.Green.Where do you want it?”
The old man was surprised He looked at the nurse for a moment,
then he said,“Nobody has ever let me choose that before.Are you really going
to let me choose now?”
“Yes,Mr.Green,” the nurse answered.She was in a hurry.“Where doyou want it?”
“Well,then,” the old man answered with a smile “I want it in yourleft arm,please.”
Katie wrote a letter to her Chinese teacher and got a
reply from him.Read their letters and answer the questions.Dear Mr.Hu,My
family moved here from England
three months ago.I can’t speak Chinese well,and it’s difficult for people to
understand me.I’m losing confidence.Could you please tell me what I
should do?
Dear Katie,I’m glad that you let me
know about your problem.Here are some things you can do:1.Your class is going to have a Story Time this month.All of
you should tell stories.You should tell one,too.I’m sure you can learn a lot from doing so.2.Try to practise
speaking with your teachers and classmates.Don’t be
afraid.3.Talk to Nanako and Yu-kim.Nanako is from Japan,and Yu-kim is from Korea.They might be able to give you some
advice.4.Some foreign students told me that watching Happy Times on TV can
help.The language is easy.Please try these ideas and see if you can do
better.Don’t worry too much.I have confidence in you.
Since the beginning of time,man has invented many
interesting things.Some of these inventions,like numbers and the radio have
certainly changed history.
Since 1946,
one of the most important inventions has been the computer.It will change all
our lives.
The first
computer was built at Harvard University(哈佛大学) in 1944.it was as large
as a room and quite difficult and slow to operate(运行).
But since the invention of the silicon chip(硅片),computer have become
smaller,easier to use,and faster to operate.Some computers are as small as
television sets.Some computers can be made smaller than a book.And computers
are getting smaller all the time.
There are
several reasons(原因) why computer is useful to us.First it can store(储藏) very,very large amount(数量)
of information(信息).Second,the computer can operate very quickly.Third,
modern computer can be built into other kinds of machines,like radios,cars,
and planes.They can do a lot of work for us.
everyone,either at home or at work,will use some kind of computer.The livesof all of us will be changed by this invention.


dreamworld_fr 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
格林先生生病去了医院,医生为他检查完后对他说:“嗯,格林先生你去打针吧,这样你会感觉好点,今天晚上护士会来给你打第一针,明天晚上再打第二针.” 到了晚上,一个年轻的护士来到格林先生的床边并对他说:“现在我将要给你打第一针,格林先生,你想在哪里打针?” 老人吃惊的看了护士一会儿,然后说道:“以前从来没有人让我选择过,现在你真的准备让我来选吗?” “是的,格林先生”护士回答到,她看起来很匆忙.“你想在哪里打针?” “嗯”,老人笑着说道:“我想让它打在你自己的胳膊上,拜托了”
catmichael 共回答了4个问题 | 采纳率
劫情禁猎区 共回答了42个问题 | 采纳率
