-Why _________the man must be Zhou Jielun?

vows20082022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

-Why _________the man must be Zhou Jielun?
-I just saw him go there.
[ ]
A. do you know
B. do you believe
C. do you think
D. do you see


小足过河 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%


—Do you like the singing star Zhou Jielun or the movie star
—Do you like the singing star Zhou Jielun or the movie star Liu De hua?
— _____. I am not their fan.
[ ]
A. Both
B. Either
C. Neither
D. All
jidanchaofan 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Zhou Jielun is a good __________. [
Zhou Jielun is a good __________.
[ ]
A. sing
B. sings
C. singer
xklxl 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Looking handsome and charming,Zhou jielun is quite popular w
Looking handsome and charming,Zhou jielun is quite popular with young people
洋盘小猪儿 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率77.3%
如:He is good looking.(他很帅)
—Do you like Zhou Jielun or Liu Dehua? — _
—Do you like Zhou Jielun or Liu Dehua? — ________. I am not their fans.
A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.All
wjioy 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%

句意:—你喜欢周杰伦还是刘德华? —两者都不。我不是他们的歌迷。A. Both  两者都; B.Either  两者中之一;C.Neither  两者都不;D. All 所有的都(三者以上),由问句可知是两者,排除D,再由后面的句子可知两者都不,故选C。
考点: 考查代词的用法。
Zhou jielun is popular【 】us,we all like him
Zhou jielun is popular【 】us,we all like him
A、for B、with C、to D、as
喃喃niuniu 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
—Do you like Zhou Jielun or Liu Dehua?
—Do you like Zhou Jielun or Liu Dehua?
—______, I am not their fan.

[ ]

A. Both
B. Either
C. Neither
龙卷风中心 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
适当形式填空说明为什么1(liu dahua and zhou jielun are both famous pop(s
适当形式填空说明为什么1(liu dahua and zhou jielun are both famous pop(sing)
2miss yang always wears(glass)3they talk about the new movie(differenty)4the girl wants to be an(art)like her father5zhao wei's two(eye)are big and she is clever6my granny wears(glass)when she reads newspaper7(late)he goes into a bookstory8though he is a great(act)he is very friendly9zhang liangying is a pop(sing)10they go to school in different(way)快
xiaoluozhi 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
1.singers 两个歌手,故用复数.
2.glasses "眼镜"用复数.
3.differently 作状语,用副词
4.artist 艺术家
5.eyes 双眼,用复数
10.ways 不同的方式,应用复数.
—Do you like Zhou Jielun or Liu Dehua?
—Do you like Zhou Jielun or Liu Dehua?
— ________. I am not their fans
A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.All
叫我张狂 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%

I quite like the songs sung by Zhou Jielun.Yeah,he is really
I quite like the songs sung by Zhou Jielun.Yeah,he is really ____ unusual singer,you know.
A.an B.a C.the D./
浪子西狂 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
___(虽然)many children like Pang Long,Zhou Jielun is more popu
___(虽然)many children like Pang Long,Zhou Jielun is more popular.
The best way of ___ English well is reading.
kunlun8804 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Though/ Although/ While
Sun Yanzi is very popular,Zhou Jielun is popular too 同义句
西红柿绿茶 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
= Both Sun Yanzi and Zhou Jielun are very popular.
= Sun Yanzi and Zhou Jielun are both very popular.
= Sun Yanzi as well as Zhou Jielun is very popular.
= Not only Sun Yanzi but also Zhou Jielun is very popular.
= Sun Yanzi is very polular, and so is Zhou Jielun.
= Sun Yanzi is very popular, and Zhou Jielun is popular as well.
= Sun Yanzi is very popular, and Zhou Jielun is also popularl.
根据所给词的适当形式 根据所给词的适当形式填空.1.Zhou Jielun is his favorite _____
1.Zhou Jielun is his favorite _____ (sing).
2.My parents give a pair of _____ (train) to me as my birthday present.
3.People in China have different _____ (habit) from people in the USA.
4.We usually help the old grandma _____ (do) housework.
5.Let's _____ (give) him a computer game.
Romo 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
根据句意及首字母提示填单词,完成句子.Zhou Jielun is very p—— and many of us li
根据句意及首字母提示填单词,完成句子.Zhou Jielun is very p—— and many of us like his songs.
下你毒手 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
popular 受欢迎
*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】
Zhou Jielun is a good singer and he is p with the young
甲马的狼小 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
he is p(opular) with the young
我的英语作业1.I like Zhou Jielun’s songs very much .He is a my fav
1.I like Zhou Jielun’s songs very much .He is a my favourite( ).
2.The season between winter and summer is( ).
3.There are sixty( )in an hour.
4.When it’s autumn in( ),it is spring in China.
5.Yao Ming is a famous( )of NBA.
6.The hottest season in a year is( )in China.
7.There are twenty-four( )in a day.
8.Henry Norman Bethune was born in( )in 1980.
9.Bing Xin was a great woman( ).
10.The leaves are getting yellow or brown when( )comes.
11.There are three hundred sixty-five( )in a year.
12.In( ),Labour Day is on May 1st.
13.Miss Li is a( ).She loves her students and they love her,too.
14.Children like( ) because they can make some snowmen whe it snow.
15.There are thirty-one( ) in a month.
16.English and French are the official languages in ( ).
17.My parents work in hospital.Both of them are ( )for children.
18.Our National Day is on( )1.
19.There are fifty-two( )in a year.
20.Washington D.C.is the capital of( ).
21.Guangzhou is in the( )of China.
22.( )is the twelfth month of a year.
23.There are three( )in a season.
24.Big Ben is a famours place of( ).
25.Shanghai is in the( )of our country.
26.Most school begin in( ).
27.There are twelve ( )in a year.
28.The Great Wall and the West Lake are two of the interesting places in( ).
29.Anderson was a great( ).He wrote a lot of interesting stories for Children.
30.There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in( ).
31.There are four( )in a year.
32.Kangaroo is a kind of wild animals of( ).
33.I often download music from( ),but I don’t send emails.
34.“Have a( )”means people take food and eat it outdoors,especially in the countryside.
35.“PC”means personal( ).
36.If you are in the UK or Australia,you must drive on the( )of the street.
37.I am a football( ),but I am not good at playing football.
38.When you look at the map,the right hand is .
39.The earth goes ( )the sun.
上帝为何忘了我 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1.I like Zhou Jielun’s songs very much .He is a my favourite( singer ).
2.The season between winter and summer is( autumn ).
3.There are sixty( minutes )in an hour.
4.When it’s autumn in( Australia ),it is spring in China.
5.Yao Ming is a famous( player/star )of NBA.
6.The hottest season in a year is( July )in China.
7.There are twenty-four( hours )in a day.
8.Henry Norman Bethune was born in( Canada )in 1980.
9.Bing Xin was a great woman( writer ).
10.The leaves are getting yellow or brown when( autumn )comes.
11.There are three hundred sixty-five( days )in a year.
12.In( fact ),Labour Day is on May 1st.
13.Miss Li is a( teacher ).She loves her students and they love her,too.
14.Children like( winter ) because they can make some snowmen whe it snow.
15.There are thirty-one( days ) in a month.
16.English and French are the official languages in ( Canada ).
17.My parents work in hospital.Both of them are ( doctors )for children.
18.Our National Day is on( October )1.
19.There are fifty-two( weeks )in a year.
20.Washington D.C.is the capital of( America/USA ).
21.Guangzhou is in the( south )of China.
22.( December )is the twelfth month of a year.
23.There are three( months )in a season.
24.Big Ben is a famours place of( London ).
25.Shanghai is in the( largest )of our country.
26.Most school begin in( September ).
27.There are twelve ( months )in a year.
28.The Great Wall and the West Lake are two of the interesting places in( China ).
29.Anderson was a great( writer ).He wrote a lot of interesting stories for Children.
30.There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in( February ).
31.There are four( seasons )in a year.
32.Kangaroo is a kind of wild animals of( Australia ).
33.I often download music from( Internet ),but I don’t send emails.
34.“Have a( picnic )”means people take food and eat it outdoors,especially in the countryside.
35.“PC”means personal( computer ).
36.If you are in the UK or Australia,you must drive on the( left )of the street.
37.I am a football( fan ),but I am not good at playing football.
38.When you look at the map,the right hand is ( east ) .
39.The earth goes ( around )the sun.
---- Do you like the pop star Zhou Jielun or the movie star
---- Do you like the pop star Zhou Jielun or the movie star Liu Dehua?
----________. I am not their fan.
A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.All
天堂一龙 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%

The boys ( ) green T-shirts are the fan of Zhou jielun
兔子_MM 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
The boys (in/wearing ) green T-shirts are the fan of Zhou jielun
What do you think of Zhou Jielun?Oh,he is my favorite.I thin
What do you think of Zhou Jielun?Oh,he is my favorite.I think no one can sing------
A good B well C better Dbest
三宝A 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Sun Yanzi is very popular,Zhou Jielun is popular too
a-zhuo 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
这里的LOOKING是指周杰伦的LOOKING,looking在此处不是作为动词,意思是他的样子.如:He is good looking.(他很帅) looking这里是动名词 就是
根据首字母和提示完成单词1.I like French f( ).2.Zhou Jielun is a singing
1.I like French f( ).
2.Zhou Jielun is a singing s( )
3.She eats h( ) food very day.
冰水色 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
food 我喜欢法国菜
star 周杰伦是歌星
healthy 她每天都吃健康的食物
zhou jielun is a famous s{ ]
谁比谁简单 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
—Do you like the pop singer Zhou Jielun or the movie star Li
—Do you like the pop singer Zhou Jielun or the movie star Liu Dehua?
—______. I am not their fan.

[ ]

A. Both
B. Neither
C. Either
zj2677 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
据意填空1.Zhou jielun is a pop singer.He gives ( )in many cities
1.Zhou jielun is a pop singer.He gives ( )in many cities every years.
2.After the summer holiday,the new term usually starts in( ).
3.( )( )does Bob speak?He speak English.
44596975 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
which language
