The Count of Monte Cristo直译是什么意思?

zengjie_19992022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

The Count of Monte Cristo直译是什么意思?


山水芝麻 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Count 伯爵
Monte 山
Cristo 基督
基督山伯爵城堡 (Château de Monte-Cristo) 是为亚历山大 - 大仲马(Alexandre Dumas pere)修建的,它始建于 1846 年,建在俯视塞纳河谷的一个山丘上,巴尔扎克称“这是人们所做的最美妙的疯狂事儿之一”.城堡装饰的窗户是按照 Anet (Eure-et-Loire) 窗户的式样建的,圆形雕饰代表着大仲马,周围围绕着他所崇拜的著名人物:荷马(Homere) ,Eschyle,Sophocle…
在基督山伯爵城堡内部,您会看到一些画像和文献,以及大仲马在他的出版商那儿的曾坐过的椅子.新文艺复兴时代的装饰很能说明作家的古怪的性格,在“基督山伯爵”和“三个火枪手”非常畅销的时期,他在这里招待了整个巴黎:每个星期邀请 20 多位客人.之后,他债台高筑,不得不将他的产业给卖了
苏情时间 共回答了1216个问题 | 采纳率
Monte Cristo基督山


the country is made up of 4 small islands 保持句子意思不变 the count
the country is made up of 4 small islands 保持句子意思不变 the country ____ _____4 small islands
winlly 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
consists of
英语翻译1 Is there anyone in your class( )family is in the count
1 Is there anyone in your class( )family is in the country?
A who B who's C which D whose
2 I'm interested in( )you have said
A all that B all what C that D which
3 I want to use the same dictionary( )was used yesterday
A which B who C what D as
4 He isn't such a man( )he used to be
A who B whom C that D as
5 He is good at English,( )we all know
A that B as C whom D what
6 Li Ming,( )to the concer enjoyed it very much
A I went with B with whom I went C with who I went D I went with him
7 Idon't like( )as you read
A the novels B the such novels C such novels D same novels
8 He talked a lot about things and persons( )they remembered in school
A which Bthat C whom Dwhat
9The letter is from my sister,( )is working in Bejing
A which B that C whom D who
10 In our factory there are 2,000 workers,two thirds of( )are women
A them B which C whom D who
大虾的遐想 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1 D 你们班有人家里是农村的 吗
2 A 我对你所说的一切都感兴趣
3 A 我想用昨天用的那个字典
4 B 他已经不是过去的那个他了
5 B 他擅长英语,这是我们都知道的
6 B 和我一起去拐角的李明,非常喜欢它
7 C 我不喜欢你读的那种小说
8 B 他谈论了好多在学校里他所记忆的人和事物
9 D 这封信来自我在北京工作的姐姐
10 C 在我的工厂有2000名工人,其中三分之二是女的
It must be the country air 请问可不可以把the country air改成the count
It must be the country air 请问可不可以把the country air改成the country's air呢?为什么?
jroen 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
不可以吧 固定的吧
完形填空the first time i went to Angkor Wat was in1982.the count
完形填空the first time i went to Angkor Wat was in1982.the country had been at
360881359 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
连词成句 destroys,both,fire,each,year,in the city,and ,the count
连词成句 destroys,both,fire,each,year,in the city,and ,the country,a lot
秦朝仙女 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
fire destroys a lot in the city both and the country each year.