proud of

跑0000002022-10-04 11:39:548条回答


mi小mi 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 普劳德绰号,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“傲慢的”(proud)
五月喵喵 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
lihota 共回答了108个问题 | 采纳率
完整的结构 应该是be proud of 结构
常用成somebody is/are proud of somebody
youjia0511 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
晨曦中的曙光 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
为你骄傲 以你为荣
parislion 共回答了3个问题 | 采纳率
我爱笑哈哈 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
orangeAN 共回答了4个问题 | 采纳率


1.My wife is proud of____a novelist.
1.My wife is proud of____a novelist. live
2.She can't stand____waiting. keep be kept
D.being kept
3.He is looking forward as much to her arrival as she herself is to____.
B.seeing seeing
D.have seen
4.Fred seems very clever.His ideas led to____a pay raise.
A.his awarded
B.his being awarded
C.him to award
D.him to be awarded
1.My wife is proud of____a novelist. to being to be
D.i being
GXG2100 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.答案错误.be proud of后加名词短语或者动名词.其原因是这里的of是一个介词.翻译简单,这里就不说了.
2.答案正确.can't stand sth/doing sth是一个常见的固定搭配,表示不能忍受某事(物).理解了这一点,翻译也就简单了.当然,从不同的角度看C和D都可以.
3.答案正确.这句句子结构比较复杂,但是仔细看还是能分辨的.其主要结构是"He is looking forward to____",中间""是一个状语,表示"像...一样".理解上,男女双方都希望看见对方,或者被对方看见,那么如何选择呢?看主要部分,即"He is looking forward to",这表示"期待着做某事",后面加doing,原因和第1题一样,这里的to也是一个介词,而不是动词不定式to do.所以,这句话的意思是"他和他的女友一样期望着(女方)能够早点到达互相见面".如果答案C改为being seen ,那么也是正确的.
4.答案正确.lead to 后面是一个结果,所以应该加sth或者名词短语.A和C有一个致命的错误,那就是他是被授予奖励,所以肯定是被动的.选B是因为这也属于一个固定搭配,常用someone's doing sth/being done的形式,表示一个名词短语.这句话的意思是"fred貌似很聪明,因为他的意见经常让他得到加薪的奖励".你只要把lead to后面的部分统统理解为sth就可以了.
She is proud of _____(she) for not giving up easily.
She is proud of _____(she) for not giving up easily.
343420uu 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
of 是介词 因此后面不能用主格(she),还有for not giving up easily 如果是别的女生 就要说she is proud of Lily for her not giving up easily.否则就让读者不知道谁是主语了
帮忙翻译!跪求 托尼的爸爸委托尼的成功而感到骄傲(be proud of) 我很久没有说到父亲的信了(hear from
帮忙翻译!跪求 托尼的爸爸委托尼的成功而感到骄傲(be proud of) 我很久没有说到父亲的信了(hear from)
湖中心有个小岛(in the middle of )
昨天他一到家就迫不及待的打开了电脑(can not wait to do ,as soon as)
liudehu 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Tony's father is proud of his success
i haven't been heard from my dad for a long time 注意这里千万不能少了BEEN
there is a small island in the middle of the lake
he couldn't wait to turn on the computer as soon as he got home
be proud of 的意思?
E网之默然回首 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
=take pride in
be proud of的同意词组:
be proud of的同意词组:
be the pride of?
take pride in?
take pride of?
take the pride of?
take the pride in?
bing16899 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
take pride in=be proud of : 引以为傲
be pride be proud of=be pride with上面的with乱写的,be proud of=be
be pride
be proud of=be pride with
上面的with乱写的,be proud of=be pride
天亮前 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
e proud of = take pride in.
英语翻译 阅读短文,翻译画线句子. "Be proud of what
"Be proud of what you do," my father always told me,"whether you are a boss or a cleaner." 1 当我15岁时 ,I got a summer job in a hospital.I was told that my duties would include sweeping floors,washing dishes and
cleaning toilets.I smiled and remembered dad's words."
Even though my job was the lowest,2 It made me feel excited .I regarded it as a challenge 3 因为它是
I learned to be on time and tried to do everything well.In return,I was treated with respect
by doctors,nurses,and patients.Each morning I imagined that the dirty dishes would make patients more sick
if I were not there to wash them clean.After breakfast was done,I started sweeping the floors of all patients'
rooms and cleaning toilets.Though I was tired,I wanted my job to be done well.People would say,4 "That
young man can always do everything well."

Working in the hospital taught me that being proud of one's job is very important.I have swept the floors,
and I have been a manager."Be proud of what you do." 5 my father's words have deeply influenced me all my
.And I'm sure dad must be proud of me.
真的爱你3 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.When I was 15
3.because it was my first job
英语好的进,I am proud of myself.
英语好的进,I am proud of myself.
I praise myself,那这句话为什么没有加of呀,加of与不加有什么区别呀,
michael1997 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
praise 是个及物动词,后面直接加宾语.而 上面的proud则是个形容词 用法当然不能等同咯 对于加不加OF我没什么好解释的 因为这是老外的说话习惯 be pound of 是个短语,以什么为骄傲的意思 ,就是这么个搭配,没有WHY,就...
think up的同义短语feel proud of的同义短语
279130684 共回答了3个问题 | 采纳率100%
think about或者come up with第二个是take pride in
feel proud of造句
丝雨儿 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
We feel proud of our great country.
My mother is great indeed.And I always feel proud of her.
proud of 前面可不可以缺少be动词 可以的话缺少be动词的意思有什么不同
hv7b 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
be proud of 和take pride in的区别
tt之风的叹息 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
一般情况下用得比较多的是be proud of,我查了一下,be proud of暗含了因果关系表明我是因为什么而感到骄傲的,而take pride in表示主动,我为我的什么而自豪.但是be proud of 用得更多一些.be proud of 后面可以是人也可以是物,但take pride in 后面一般是物
选词填空take the place of,in memory of,feel proud of,break down,
选词填空take the place of,in memory of,feel proud of,break down,to one's delight
attempts must be made to___the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two communities.
they will build a monument___the national.
___,i met jing yidan ang li yong at the airport.
sending e-mails has almost___writing letters in modern society.
he___himself for not giving up.
斯念周 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
eak down;
in memory of;
To my delight;
take the place of;
felt proud of
be proud of和take pride in的区别,说容易懂些
大梁一号 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
一般情况下用得比较多的是be proud of,我查了一下,be proud of暗含了因果关系表明我是因为什么而感到骄傲的,而take pride in表示主动,我为我的什么而自豪.但是be proud of 用得更多一些.be proud of 后面可以是人也可以是物,但take pride in 后面一般是物
英语作文 I am proud of myself
安静654 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
I am proud of myself
I am an activity girl ,I have many advantages, like: chinese speaking, have good memory, tell jokes, love to do homework, and so on.  
I used to join the chinese speeches contest. when I join the speech contest,I always take the first price. but i am very unhappy. because they are not very good.  
Ihave very strong memory. During the summer holiday, my mother taught me English,I remembered the word in five minutes, even faster.  
Itell the joke always make people laugh. i can do a lot of homework at the age of student. like: cooking, cleaning the housework so on.  
   so i am very proud of myself.  
请帮忙写一篇英语作文(不长)在一次英语班会上,老师请同学们以“Proud of My School”为主题发言.请根据下
在一次英语班会上,老师请同学们以“Proud of My School”为主题发言.请根据下面所给的提示写一篇发言稿.60-80词(用不了这么多,但不要太少).
提示:①What does your school look like?
②What fun do you have at school?
③Why do you like your school?
niuniu1182 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
My school is very big with several tall buildings. There are 2,000 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots of trees around it. There are a lot of flowers everywhere.
  We have lots of fun at school. After class we play games and do lots of sports, like a big family. The teachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents. I feel proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart.
be pride in,be proud of和be the pride of的区别
juzhruoq 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
e proud of 对.引以为豪. I am proud of you. be the pride of .的骄傲 You are the pride of our country. 应该是take pride in 对.引以为豪,和be proud of互用.I take pride in you.
用proud of作定语 be proud of作表语 造句 多造几句谢谢
用proud of作定语 be proud of作表语 造句 多造几句谢谢
是be proud of和take pride in
or2t 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
表语:My parents are proud of my progress in English.
She is proud of her accomplishments.
定语:Those too proud of their small progress can fall easily.
跪求大学英语演讲稿What are you proud of?
跪求大学英语演讲稿What are you proud of?
还有一个题目:How to enrich campus activities after class?
西皮王子 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率63.6%
作为一名中国人你以什么感到自豪?(What are you proud of as a Chinese?)I am a Chinese,and full of pride.Although our motherland still has many issues,but,we have enthusiasms,and the capable leadership; t...
Boys and girls,I hope you are proud of___(you)
喜欢David 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
I am proud of英语作文
路人甲023 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
I Am Proud of MyselfI’m proud of myself. I’m not a great person. And I’m not well-known either. I’m very small to the world, but I always tell myself I’m the best. I’m very important to my parents, my grandparents, my teachers, my classmates and my friends. Although I have no money, I can make them happy. I’m sure they all love me and need me. I can do many things for them. In fact, everyone is very important. So we should be proud of ourselves. I am a boy of less confident. I always hate running .But as we all know, the students of Grade Nine have to take part in the sports exam. At that moment, I just wanted to give up .But my parents encouraged me ,“Impossible is nothing, ” “You could challenge yourself!”So with their words,I tried my best to run and insisted on running. When I got to the finishing line, I felt proud of myself. Though I didn’t get a good mark, I knew , I won. I created a miracle for myself and I was so proud of myself! 以下同类文章供参考:I’m proud of my hometownI’m proud of my hometown, Shanghai, one of the biggest cities in China. Shanghai is located in the east of China. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is the symbol of Shanghai. So is Jinmao Building. They are both well-known throughout the world. Great changes have taken place in my hometown in recent years. Many highrises have been built in the center of Shanghai. Roads are also widened. The projects on changes show the wisdom of Shanghai people. I’m proud of you, Shanghai. I’m proud of my motherAmong the greatest people, I’m proud of my mother. Although she is an ordinary person, what she did is so great that I’m proud of her. She works hard, not only at the work place, but also at home. But she never says how tired she is. Instead she keeps her smile on her face. She is also strict with my study. She always encourages me to study harder. She is a great mum. I love her! I’m proud of Liu XiangHe is the pride of Shanghai. He is the wonder of Asia. He is the super star of the world. Have a guess who he is. Right, he is Liu Xiang , the man who brought back the gold medal of the 100- meter hurdle. The people in Asia have never done well in that great event, but he behaved beautifully. That is the honor of the whole continent. I’m proud of Liu Xiang. I’m proud of his great success. I’m proud of being a lucky studentI’m proud of being a lucky student. As I know nowadays in many poor areas in the world, there are a lot of children who are too poor to attend school. Many of them even don’t have enough food to eat. But I’m lucky. I can enjoy delicious food and wear warm clothes. The most important thing is that I am able to go to school. I can get much knowledge from school. And that will help me a lot in the future. So I’m very proud of being a lucky student. I’m proud of Yao MingI’m proud of Yao Ming, who is the center in the NBA now. Yao is a Chinese. When he was a child, he was so tall that he looked like an adult, so he was sent to basketball school. In 2002, he was drafted into Houston Rockets. In the first year, he was chosen in All-star Game. Because of him, Chinese basketball team became the first in Asia. And now everyone says that he is one of the best players in NBA. He has given a lot to China, so I’m proud of Yao Ming. I’m proud of my present English teacherI’m proud of my present English teacher. We used to have several English teachers. However, our present English teacher is the best one we have known so far. She helps us a lot in English. She answers our questi patiently. She never looks tired of helping us. She has years of experience in teaching. Having her less is always very interesting. We often talk to each other in spare time. She has made a deep impression on us all. With the help of her, we have made rapid progress. So I’m proud of her. I’m proud of my fatherI’m proud of my father. He is one of the most important people in my life. He told me what I should do and how to do it better. He told me not to give up. I think he is very great because he makes my life colorful and happy. He brings me happiness. He is also good at working. I am so proud of him. He is always wonderful. I think he will be the best person in our family. I like him very much. I will be proud of him forever. I’m proud of being a ChineseI’m proud of being a Chinese. As we all know, China has a history of 5000 years. With such a long history, we Chinese played an important part in the past. Now with the fast development, China is becoming stronger and stronger. Last year, Shenzhou Ⅵ was sent into space successfully. It made the entire Chinese feel proud. In addition, many cities in China have become international cities. Their names are also on foreigners’ lips. So we students should work hard to build a stronger China. I am proud of China. I’m proud of being a Chinese. I believe China will surely have a bright future.
feel proud of oneself
醉罢知酒浓 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
比如,feel proud of myself为我自己感到骄傲
feel pround of himself为他自己感到自豪.
如:She feels proud of herself.
而不能说She feels proud of himself.
be proud和be proud of一样吗?
守望麦收 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
e proud自豪的 be proud of以,而自豪
proud of是phrasal verb吗
夜里无云 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
e pround of ...才是phrase ve
英语中形容词后的介词是不是固定的?例:be proud of 是不是每个形容词都只能和固定的几个介词连用比如afraid
英语中形容词后的介词是不是固定的?例:be proud of 是不是每个形容词都只能和固定的几个介词连用比如afraid后面跟介词的话只能和for或of连用,但不知道是否所有形容词都.
裙子上的蝴蝶结 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
用"have fun doing, be proud of,造句
用"have fun doing, be proud of,造句
用"have fun doing, be proud of, It's silly of sb to do sth,dying,be used to doing造句
红酒指纹 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率81.5%
用"have fun doing, be proud of, It's silly of sb to do sth,dying,be used to doing造句 1. I have fun playing computer games。2. I am pround of my parents。3. It is silly of you to steal money。4. She is dying。5. I am used to living in China。
在一次英语班会上,老师请同学们以“Proud of My School”为主题发言。请根据下面所给的提示写一篇发言稿。词
在一次英语班会上,老师请同学们以“Proud of My School”为主题发言。请根据下面所给的提示写一篇发言稿。词数要求在80左右。
提示:①What does your school look like?
②What fun do you have at school?
③Why do you like your school?
没有-不知道 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
My school is very big. There are several tall buildings in it. There are more than 2000 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots of trees around it. There are a lot of flowers everywhere.
We have a lot of fun at school every day. After class we play games and do lots of sports, such as  playing basketball, football ,tennis and so on. We work very hard and do very well in our lessons.
I love my school because it’s like a big family. The teachers in my school are very kind to us. I am proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart.

我为我成为一名教师而骄傲.(be proud of)造英文句子
sixtogo 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
I am proud of being a teacher.
令某人骄傲为什么是make sb proud of,而不是make sb be proud of?我们同学说因为make
令某人骄傲为什么是make sb proud of,而不是make sb be proud of?我们同学说因为make和be都是动词,所以不行,但不是make sb realise the importantance of sth中make和realise也都是动词吗,为什么这个词组是成立的
wanger009 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
make sb proud of,是形容词做宾补make sb be proud of 是动词不定式做宾补 从语法角度讲 都对 但系表结构的不定式 作宾补 系动词嫌多余 后面的表语可以直接做宾补 补充说明 宾语如 we made him (be) our monitor .我们选他当班长 这是名词做宾补
be proud of 和take pride in 的区别
kemily 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
没区别就是在用的时候take pride in 常常接动词be proud of 常常接名词
我们都为上海最近几年的飞速发展感到骄傲 be proud of
我们都为上海最近几年的飞速发展感到骄傲 be proud of
49812098 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
We are proud of the fast development of Shanghai at recent years.
be proud of,take a pride in有什么不同
be proud of,take a pride in有什么不同
llzcw 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
I'm proud of you.
I take a pride in you.
be proud of的中文意思及用法
volvolvo 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
His mother is proud of his son.
take pride in与be proud of区别
若桑子 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
假设下周你班要开一次英语班会,请你根据下面所给的要求和提示,以"Proud of My School"为题,写一篇发言稿
假设下周你班要开一次英语班会,请你根据下面所给的要求和提示,以"Proud of My School"为题,写一篇发言稿.要求:
提示:What does your school look like?What fun do you have at schllo?Why do you like your school?
maggie1020 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
When I was small,campus
Hanging in the high blue sky.
See her and hear her
Embracing a heavy stars are
My longing
Squeezed into the heavy schoolbags,I
Love her,hate her
Do follow a long stream,let me also happiness
Let me confused
Long in a tree on a vegetated
Savored her,her taste
Bid farewell to the people of a first love child,I was also
Dejected feeling very depressed
Now ah,finally campus
I affixed into a magnificent picture of life in the beautiful
Whether from her past,whether far away from her
As if all
Flies high a mature love of sailing towards the
Fiery red sun,
I'm pround of ___ motherland and she is proud of ___
I'm pround of ___ motherland and she is proud of ___
A)our;her B)my;hers C)my;her D)ours;hers
zls9390 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
英语翻译1 站在山顶鸟瞰整个城市,你会情不自禁为城市的悠久历史和蓬勃发展而感到自豪(feel proud of)2.我发
1 站在山顶鸟瞰整个城市,你会情不自禁为城市的悠久历史和蓬勃发展而感到自豪(feel proud of)
3.当我们越过这座山,瀑布渐渐引入我们的眼帘.(come into view)
heaijun 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
1 had a bird 's-eye view of the city from the top of the hill,you can't help for the city with long history and vigorous development proud proud of) (enjoys
2.I found upstairs lights on
3.When we crossed the mountain waterfalls gradually introduce our eyes.(come into view)
Insert the pictures inserted map
英语作文:Proud of my school
omon 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
I am a middle school student in XXXX Middle School.My name is XXX.
My school is very big with several tall buildings.There are about 2000 students in my school.
We have a big playground with lots of trees around it.There are lots of flowers everywhere.
We have lots of fun at school.After class we play games and do lots of sports,such as playing basketball ,football and table- tennis.
I love my school because it’s like a big family.The teachers are kind and the students are friendly.I feel proud of my school.I love it.
令某人骄傲为什么是make sb proud of,而不是make sb be proud of
天际蓝无痕 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
make sb be proud of 这里面已经有两个动词了(make和be ),不符合英语语法规则
以“proud of my school”为题写一篇80词的英语作文.急,急,急
我本温柔啊 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Hello,everyone!I’d like to tell you something about my school.My school is very beautiful with a lot of flowers and trees.You can see bees and butterflies dancing in the small garden of my school.In summer,though the sun shines brightly,if you stay under the trees,you can feel quite cool.There is a big playground in my school and you can run,play basketball,volleyball and table tennis on the playground.My classmates and I often tell jokes and play joys to each other and this often makes us laugh happily.This is my school.Is it beautiful?What do you think of it?
My wife is proud of ____ a novelist .
My wife is proud of ____ a novelist .
A I being B me be C my being D me to be
yuxinan 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
proud of和proud to 的用法怎么区分?
阿里巴巴不怕mm 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
proud of + n./ doing
He is proud of his son.
proud to do
He is proud to join the army.
求take pride in与be proud of在意义与用法上的区别,和练习
雪之契约 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
从语法上讲,take pride in = to be proud of,两者都是“以...为荣”的意思,即可接someone,也可接something.
be proud of - 语法上可看出,描述的是“处于”proud的状态,暗含着因果关系.比如:I am proud of my child.我以我的孩子为荣(我为我的孩子感到骄傲).即说明了“我”处于骄傲状态,也点出骄傲的原因在于后面.
而take pride in 更多强调是一种主动的态度,I take pride in my work.虽然也可以译成:我以工作为荣;但更有一层意思是:我在工作中兢兢业业,认真上进,我以此为荣.有付出,以成果为荣.因此是主动的;上面的be proud of,如果是我的孩子,我当然有付出;但如果后面是其它的,比如某个人的事迹让人感到,我虽然不认识他(她),但我认可其行为,也可说I am proud of him(her).并不表示我一定要付出.
也许正因如此,似乎具体的应用中,take pride in 多接something.因为你说take pride in someone,听着稍显突兀(虽然语法上正确).
英语有云:Be proud,take pride (我骄傲,我自豪)
也有:Do not be proud,but take pride in your work!(不要只因你的工作而骄傲,为你的所作所为而自豪)
又:pride 不用复数.
be proud of的同义词是什么?作为动词使用时
qq599 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
take pride in...
be proud of同义词至少2个
娃哈哈f6394 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
take(a) pride in;
have a proper sense of pride / dignity
初中常用的英语短语和单词区别be proud of与be pride ofreceive与acceptthree day
be proud of与be pride of
three days与three-day
be famous for与be famous as
die dead death三者分别用于什么地方
具体点 最好用一些例句 过几天中考用··
疏远四点 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
e proud of 为...自豪
You should be proud of your achievements.你应该为自己的成就感到自豪.
be pride of 这个词组是错误的,英文中没有这个词组.
receive 收到;接到
I received a letter from him yesterday.我昨天从他那收到一封信.
accept 接受
I would be glad if you could accept my apology.如果你能接受我的道歉,我会很感激.
three days 三天 (数量词)
The travellers camped in the mountain for three days.旅行者在山里宿营了三天.
three-day 三天
We are going to have a three-day camp in the old campus.我们要在旧校舍举行一次三天制的露营活动.
be famous for 因...而著名
This restaurant is famous for it's fresh brewed coffee.这个餐馆因他们新鲜的煮好的咖啡而闻名.
be famous as 作为...而著名
She is more famous as a chef than an artist.她厨师的名声比画家的名声要大.
die 死 (动词)
If I must die,I would rather die for the country.如果一定要死的话,我宁愿是为国家而死.
dead 死掉(形容词)
He has been dead for three years.他死了三年了.
death 死亡(名词
Till death do us apart,never give up.致死不分离,不要放弃.
英语翻译be proud of what you do,my father always told me,no matt
be proud of what you do,my father always told me,no matter who you are,a boss or a cleaner,when I was 15,I got a summer job in a hospital.they told me my job was doing the cleaning.I smiled and remembered Dad's words.
my job was the lowest,but it made me feel excited.I regarded it as a challenge because it was my first job.I learned to be on time and tired to do everything well.Soon,the doctors,nurses and patients all like me.Every morning I must wash the dirty dishes.After breakfast I strated to sweep the floors of all rooms and clean the washrooms.I was very tired,but I wanted to do the job well.People would say,That young boy really does a good job.That made me feel proud.
Working in the hospital makes me know that being proud of one's job is important.It doesn't matter if the job is sweeping floors or managing a large business.Through each job,I understand my father's words better.I think Dad will be proud of me.
漂漂走走 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
be proud of与be proud about意义相同吗?
be proud of与be proud about意义相同吗?
514514lrg 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
e proud of加宾格或名词 be proud about加句子
用所给短语的适当形式完成句子.have confidence in;be proud of; prepare for;
have confidence in;be proud of; prepare for; make sure; as a result;be crazy about; have a bad effect on;be unsatisfied with
1.Sandy ______ herself.She is sure that she will win the match.
2.Zhai Zhigang succeeded in walking in the space.All the Chinese ___ him.
3.I got up late this morning._____,I missed the first bus.
4.Students are busy ___ the coming final examination.
5.________ that the door is locked when you leave the classroo,.
It's a fact that parents' bad habits ____ their children's behaviors.
7.He complained because he ______ the results.
8.Simon _____ football and spends a lot of time playing it every day.
azzzz_0 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
1.has confidence in
2.are proud of
3.As a result
4.preparing for
5.Make sure
6.have a bad effect on
7.was unsatisfied with crazy about