Let R be an arbitrary ring and (n属于Z+) .If the set Sn is def

topalpha2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

Let R be an arbitrary ring and (n属于Z+) .If the set Sn is defined by
Sn = {(a 属于 R) l (n^k) *a = 0 for some k > 0}
determine whether Sn is a subring of R.


shelly1130 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
∀a,b∈Sn,∃k1,k2>0,(n^k1) *a = 0,(n^k2)*b= 0,令k=max(k1,k2),则 (n^k) *a = 0,(n^k) *b= 0,于是(n^k) *(a-b)= 0,
故 a-b∈Sn,故Sn is a subring of R..
pa8pt 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率
令R是任意一个环,且n属于Z+。如果Sn定义为:Sn = {(a 属于 R) l 对某个k > 0有 (n^k) *a = 0 },判断Sn是否是R上的一个子环。
紫藤隐雪 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
任意圆R(n属于Z+),假设Sn为确定值Sn = {(a 属于 R) l (n^k) *a = 0 时 k > 0},证明Sn是否是R的子圆。


这句话语法对还是错?我自己写的he is a good leader,albeit arbitrary sometime
he is a good leader,albeit arbitrary sometimes.
我就是想问——albeit 能这么用吗?若不能,请给个例句吧,例句越多越好
曼妙灵动 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
albeit 英音:[ɔ:l'bi:it] 美音:[ɔl'biɪt]
连接词 conj.
The cure for the disease is effective,albeit expensive.
求英语语言学高手相助!1.Would you say that language is arbitrary?What w
1.Would you say that language is arbitrary?What would language be like if it was not arbitrary?
2.How has the TG grammar developed?
3.In what ways do vowels differ from each other?
4.Why do we say that /t/ and /d/ are different phonemes?
5.Is it true that the meaning of a compound is always predictable from the parts it contains?Illustrate with examples.
6.What is the IC analysis?Can you describe the sentence “The tall men and women left “in terms of the analysis?What are the problems there?
7.What is entailment?And what is presupposition?
8.What is an illocutionary act?Illustrate.
9.What are the major features of the English language used by female native speakers?
以上为本学期作业 本人上这课可真是一头雾水
天狼星邂逅ee 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Do you think that onomatopoeia indicates a non-arbitrary rel
Do you think that onomatopoeia indicates a non-arbitrary relationship between form and meaning?
路文龙0 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1.The manager is so arbitrary and self-centered that he ofte
1.The manager is so arbitrary and self-centered that he often makes rude remarks regardless of other people's feelings.
2.Alliances with neighboring tribes are very important,because small isolated communities can be extremely vulnerable when they have to deal with emergencies.
3.The solar system is a stable arrangement of planets,comets and debris orbiting the sun,and it is probably one of many such orbiting systems in the universe.
4.Frank made his way to the door and was about to close it when he caught sight of a strange package lying outside the door.
爱另一 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
For an arbitrary natural number n,we add 121to it when it is
For an arbitrary natural number n,we add 121to it when it is an odd number and have it divided by 2
(接上)when it is an even number.This is one operation.Now if we perform this operation on 231 successively,whether 100 can appear or not in this process?Why?(请翻译且讲解)
mark7277 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
翻译:"Often, the sound of a word is arbitrary and senseless,"s
"Often, the sound of a word is arbitrary and senseless,"says Burke.
sukiyou 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
1.Would you say that language is arbitrary?What would langua
1.Would you say that language is arbitrary?What would language be like if it was not arbitrary?
2.How has the TG grammar developed?
3.In what ways do vowels differ from each other?
4.Why do we say that /t/ and /d/ are different phonemes?
5.Is it true that the meaning of a compound is always predictable from the parts it contains?Illustrate with examples.
6.What is the IC analysis?Can you describe the sentence “The tall men and women left “in terms of the analysis?What are the problems there?
7.What is entailment?And what is presupposition?
8.What is an illocutionary act?Illustrate.
9.What are the major features of the English language used by female native speakers?
以上为本学期作业 本人上这课可真是一头雾水
回答以上问题 全部回答者 送100分 决不食言
120799861 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英语翻译"Often,the sound of a word is arbitrary and senseless,"s
"Often,the sound of a word is arbitrary and senseless,"says Burke.This arbitrariness sometimes can make it difficult to bring back the word.
qstvkyja 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
英语翻译don't apply and draw arbitrary.什么意思?
风凌雪_爱 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
变成副词就是 不要乱涂乱画了
语言学平时思考练习1.Would you say that language is arbitrary?What wou
1.Would you say that language is arbitrary?What would language be like if it was not arbitrary?
2.How has the TG grammar developed?
3.In what ways do vowels differ from each other?
4.Why do we say that /t/ and /d/ are different phonemes?
5.Is it true that the meaning of a compound is always predictable from the parts it contains?Illustrate with examples.
6.What is the IC analysis?Can you describe the sentence “The tall men and women left “in terms of the analysis?What are the problems there?
7.What is entailment?And what is presupposition?
8.What is an illocutionary act?Illustrate.
9.What are the major features of the English language used by female native speakers?
boytop 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1 Languages are said to be arbitrary because there is no necessary or natural relationship between the words of a given language and the concepts that they represent.For example,there is nothing in the word "tree" that connects it to the concept of a tree; which is why Spanish can use a totally different sign for the same concept:"árbol"; and so on with other languages.
Also,languages are arbitrary because the rules for the combination of signs in order to produce complete thoughts are different from one language to the other,and no set of rules can claim to be the "right" one.For example,in English you say "I like beer",whereas in Spanish you would say "Me gusta la cerveza".The literal translation of the latter would be something like:"Beer is agreeable to me",which sounds strange in English.And neither of these formulations has a better claim to accuracy,correctness or truth than the other.
4 For example,saying "d" instead of "t" in the word bet changes the meaning (the word becomes bed),therefore we use separate symbols for "d" and "t" in phonemic transcriptions.In other words,we say that "t" and "d" are two separate phonemes.
On the other hand,the "flap t" (in this pronunciation of the word letter) and the regular "t" (in this one) are two very different sounds.However,there are no English words where saying the "flap t" instead of the regular "t" (or the other way around) changes the meaning.Therefore,in phonemic transcription,we use the same symbol for the "flap t" and the regular "t".In other words,we say that the "flap t" and the regular "t" are the same phoneme.
6 In linguistics,Immediate constituent analysis or IC Analysis is a method of sentence analysis first explicitly introduced by American linguist Leonard Bloomfield in his book Language in 1933.It is a major feature of Bloomfieldian structuralist linguistics.
In IC analysis,a sentence is divided up into major divisions or "immediate constituents",and these constituents are in turn divided into further immediate constituents,and this process continues until irreducible constituents are reached,i.e.,until each constituent consists of only a word or meaningful part of a word.The end result of IC analysis is often presented in a visual diagrammatic form that reveals the hierarchical immediate constituent structure of a sentence.For sentences whose structures are unusual,this diagramming may become excessively complex; in such cases verbal description is used.
7 In logic,entailment (or logical implication) is a relation between sets of sentences and a sentence.Typically entailment is defined in terms of necessary truth preservation:some set T of sentences entails a sentence A if and only if it is necessary that A be true whenever each member of T is true.
In the branch of linguistics known as pragmatics,a presupposition (or ps) is an implicit assumption about the world or background belief relating to an utterance whose truth is taken for granted in discourse.
A presupposition must be mutually known or assumed by the speaker and addressee for the utterance to be considered appropriate in context.It will generally remain a necessary assumption whether the utterance is placed in the form of an assertion,denial,or question,and can be associated with a specific lexical item or grammatical feature (presupposition trigger) in the utterance.
8 An illocutionary act is a complete speech act,made in a typical utterance,that consists of
the delivery of the propositional content of the utterance (including references and a predicate),and
a particular illocutionary force,whereby the speaker
证明onomatopoeic words are not entirely arbitrary.
证明onomatopoeic words are not entirely arbitrary.
宛若依尘 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
that's right. some words both in english and chinese were created by imitating the natural sound or noises,eg, bang, miaow,cuckoo,tick-tuck and the like which are called matopoetically motivated words.the same is true with chinese ,such as gua-gua,zhi-zhi,wang-wang, just to name a few. hope you could get some use ,good luck!
英语翻译(b) If the spheres are allowed to touch in arbitrary way
(b) If the spheres are allowed to touch in arbitrary ways,a
waymust be found to separate them because they could create “pockets” of black
points surrounded by all white or surrounded by all white and part of the
boundary of the image.
The simplest approach is to separate the spheres by preprocessing.One way
to do this is to erode the white components of the image by one pass of a 3×3 structuring element,effectively creating a black
border around the spheres,thus “separating” them.This approach works in this
case because the objects are spherical,which implies that they have small
areas of contact.To handle the case of spheres touching the border of the
image,we simply set all border point to black.We then proceed to find all
background points To do this,we pick a point on the boundary of the image
(which we know is black due to preprocessing) and find all black points
connected to it using a connected component algorithm (Section 9.5.3).These
connected components are labels with a value different from1 or 0.The
remaining black points are interior to the spheres.We can fill all spheres
with white by applying the hole filling algorithm in Section 9.5.2 until all
such interior black points have been turned into white points.
The alert student will realize that if the interior points are already
known,they can all be turned simply into white points thus filling the spheres
without having to do region filling as a separate procedure.Note that the
erosion of white areas makes the black areas interior to the spheres grow,so
the possibility exists that such an area near the border of a sphere could grow
into the background.This
issue introduces further complications that the student may not have the
tools to solve yet.We recommend making the assumption that the interior black
areas are small and near the center.Recognition of the potential problem by
the student should be sufficient in the context of this problem.
nothing911 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
英语翻译1、 Since the laws of physics,not some arbitrary decision
1、 Since the laws of physics,not some arbitrary decision,have determined the general form of applied-art objects,they follow basic patterns,so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits.
2、 Their streamlined bodies,the absence of hind legs,and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals
4Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by our values,by the ways in which we interpret our situations,and by choice.
01b2 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
1、 Since the laws of physics,not some arbitrary decision,have determined the general form of applied-art objects,they follow basic patterns,so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits.
2、 Their streamlined bodies,the absence of hind legs,and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals
4、Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by our values,by the ways in which we interpret our situations,and by choice
there are 10 points on a plane ,and any arbitrary three poin
there are 10 points on a plane ,and any arbitrary three points are not in a straight line.
segments or not,linking any two points .In order to make sure that any point in these ten points can arrive at any other points by the linking line segments,how many line segments between two points should be linked at least?
卧事醇绿 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率100%
求一句英文,手工准确analyzing the effect of some arbitraryexpansion of
analyzing the effect of some arbitrary
expansion of the population on the
variance of the logarithm of income
波芯飞扬 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%