The story(happen) in Shanghai in the 1930s.

球迷762022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


落叶城市 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
即:The story happened in Shanghai in the 1930s.
解析:首先时态是过去时,因为后面有明显的过去时间状语in the 1930s;另外happen 不能用被动语态,所以填happened
浮云流水S 共回答了491个问题 | 采纳率
happened 用过去式,因为后面有确切的过去时间 1930


The story ()set in the second world war.这个填空,我填的是is,答案是was,为
The story ()set in the second world war.这个填空,我填的是is,答案是was,为什么?
我是你的毒 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
英语问题The story happened in _______ European village.A.aB.anC.
The story happened in _______ European village.
guaen 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
the story________(true) took place in nanjing
the story________(true) took place in nanjing
敢恨 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
作状语,修饰took place ,用副词
The story _____me of experience i once had
The story _____me of experience i once had
This hotel____me ofthe one where we lived last year.答案是reminded?用remind可以吗?
砍我一刀 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
the story gose___there were nine suns in the sky in the anci
the story gose___there were nine suns in the sky in the ancient time
he told us that hangzhou bay bridge __in may 2008
a.was built
b.has been built
c.was to be built
d.would be built
the soldier marched forward confidently on the square__
a.a national flag was in his hands
b.a national flag in his hands
c.being a national flag in his hands
d.was a national flag in his hands
fanzhiguang 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
听力。 1. What dose the man like about the play? A. The story.&
1. What dose the man like about the play?
A. The story.
B. The ending.
C. The actor.
2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?
A. A hotel.
B. A bank.
C. A restaurant.
3. At what time will the two speakers meet?
A. 5 :20.
B. 5 :10.
C. 4 :40.
4. What will the man do?
A. Change the plan.
B. Wait for a phone call.
C. Sort things out.
5. What does the woman want to do?
A. See a film with the man.
B. Offer the man some help.
C. Listen to some great music.
菊花开满天 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
The story ________ be true.
The story ________ be true.
A.can B.can't C.may not D.mustn't
ymsk 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
其实呢,这两个选项分别带进去的翻译是不同的意思.The story can't be true.这个故事不可能是真的 The story may not be true.这个故事可能不是真的.最终选择 B
He didin't___the story-book until he____Beijing A return ,re
He didin't___the story-book until he____Beijing A return ,return back to xi B return ,returned to
kennix 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
B 前一个return 表示归还 相当于give back 后面returned to 表示回到 相当于 came back 因为前面是did not所有后面是过去式
The story ___ school things and you can buy them here.填buy的对
The story ___ school things and you can buy them here.填buy的对应词
蒙蒙亮 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
The story _sells__ school things and you can buy them here.
英语翻译1.这个故事发生在印度.The story _____ _____ in India.2.我喜欢读书而不是跑步.
The story _____ _____ in India.
I enioy reading _____ _____ _____.
冰_偌遥 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
took placeinstead of
The story____several centuries ago A happened B was happened
The story____several centuries ago A happened B was happened C has happened D was happening
Jiangbo0396 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率93.1%
Could you tell me if you ________(read) the story book?为什么答案
Could you tell me if you ________(read) the story book?为什么答案是have read.
edopv 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
填 have read 就是现在完成时

没有上下文的话, 也可以是are reading 或者 will read

The story _____(it)was good.But he didn't tell well.
割草妹妹 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
定语从句用介词+关系代词填空The story ,_____ ________the film is based , i
The story ,_____ ________the film is based , is a true one.
The room _______ ______there is a machine is a workshop.
The man _________ ________I was talking is a teacher.
mekin1983 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
The story ,on which the film is based ,is a true one.
The room in which there is a machine is a workshop.
The man about whom I was talking is a teacher.
The story _______ I read in the newspaper was about a c
The story _______ I read in the newspaper was about a common problem among teenagers.
[ ]
A. whose
B. who
C. that
D. where
gubinruyi 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
谁有saki的The Storyteller的英文原文啊 帮帮忙 急!
Annawong 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
It was a hot afternoon,and the railway carriage was correspondingly sultry,and the next stop was at Templecombe,nearly an hour ahead.The occupants of the carriage were a small girl,and a smaller girl,and a small boy.An aunt belonging to the children occupied one corner seat,and the further corner seat on the opposite side was occupied by a bachelor who was a stranger to their party,but the small girls and the small boy emphatically occupied the compartment.Both the aunt and the children were conversational in a limited,persistent way,reminding one of the attentions of a housefly that refuses to be discouraged.Most of the aunt‟s remarks seemed to begin with 鈥淒on‟t,鈥 and nearly all of the children‟s remarks began with 鈥淲hy?鈥 The bachelor said nothing out loud.鈥淒on‟t,Cyril,don‟t,鈥 exclaimed the aunt,as the small boy began smacking the cushions of the seat,producing a cloud of dust at each blow.鈥淐ome and look out of the window,鈥 she added.
The child moved reluctantly to the window.鈥淲hy are those sheep being driven out of that field?鈥 he asked.
鈥淚 expect they are being driven to another field where there is more grass,鈥 said the aunt weakly.
鈥淏ut there is lots of grass in that field,鈥 protested the boy; 鈥渢here‟s nothing else but grass there.Aunt,there‟s lots of grass in that field.鈥
鈥淧erhaps the grass in the other field is better,鈥 suggested the aunt fatuously.鈥淲hy is it better?鈥 came the swift,inevitable question.
鈥淥h,look at those cows!鈥 exclaimed the aunt.Nearly every field along the line had contained cows or bullocks,but she spoke as though she were drawing attention to a rarity.鈥淲hy is the grass in the other field better?鈥 persisted Cyril.
The frown on the bachelor‟s face was deepening to a scowl.He was a hard,unsympathetic man,the aunt decided in her mind.She was utterly unable to come to any satisfactory decision about the grass in the other field.
The smaller girl created a diversion by beginning to recite 鈥淥n the Road to Mandalay.鈥 She only knew the first line,but she put her limited knowledge to the fullest possible use.She repeated the line over and over again in a dreamy but resolute and very audible voice; it seemed to the bachelor as though some one had had a bet with her that she could not repeat the line aloud two thousand times without stopping.Whoever it was who had made the wager was likely to lose his bet.
鈥淐ome over here and listen to a story,鈥 said the aunt,when the bachelor had looked twice at her and once at the communication cord.
The children moved listlessly towards the aunt‟s end of the carriage.Evidently her reputation as a story-teller did not rank high in their estimation.
In a low,confidential voice,interrupted at frequent intervals by loud,petulant questionings from her listeners,she began an unenterprising and deplorably uninteresting story about a little girl who was good,and made friends with every one on account of her goodness,and was finally saved from a mad bull by a number of rescuers who admired her moral character.
鈥淲ouldn‟t they have saved her if she hadn‟t been good?鈥 demanded the bigger of the small girls.It was exactly the question that the bachelor had wanted to ask.
鈥淲ell,yes,鈥 admitted the aunt lamely,鈥渂ut I don‟t think they would have run quite so fast to her help if they had not liked her so much.鈥
鈥淚t‟s the stupidest story I‟ve ever heard,鈥 said the bigger of the small girls,with immense conviction.鈥淚 didn‟t listen after the first bit,it was so stupid,鈥 said Cyril.
The smaller girl made no actual comment on the story,but she had long ago recommenced a murmured repetition of her favorite line.鈥淵ou don‟t seem to be a success as a story-teller,鈥 said the bachelor suddenly from his corner.The aunt bristled in instant defense at this unexpected attack.
鈥淚t‟s a very difficult thing to tell stories that children can both understand and appreciate,鈥 she said stiffly.鈥淚 don‟t agree with you,鈥 said the bachelor.
鈥淧erhaps you would like to tell them a story,鈥 was the aunt‟s retort.鈥淭ell us a story,鈥 demanded the bigger of the small girls.
鈥淥nce upon a time,鈥 began the bachelor,鈥渢here was a little girl called Bertha,who was extraordinarily good.鈥
The children‟s momentarily-aroused interest began at once to flicker; all stories seemed dreadfully alike,no matter who told them.
鈥淪he did all that she was told,she was always truthful,she kept her clothes clean,ate milk puddings as though they were jam tarts,learned her lessons perfectly,and was polite in her manners.鈥 鈥淲as she pretty?鈥 asked the bigger of the small girls.
鈥淣ot as pretty as any of you,鈥 said the bachelor,鈥渂ut she was horribly good.鈥
There was a wave of reaction in favor of the story; the word horrible in connection with goodness was a novelty that commended itself.It seemed to introduce a ring of truth that was absent from the aunt‟s tales of infant life.
鈥淪he was so good,鈥 continued the bachelor,鈥渢hat she won several medals for goodness,which she always wore,pinned on to her dress.There was a medal for obedience,another medal for punctuality,and a third for good behavior.They were large metal medals and they clicked against one another as she walked.No other child in the town where she lived had as many as three medals,so everybody knew that she must be an extra good child.鈥
鈥淗orribly good,鈥 quoted Cyril.
鈥淓verybody talked about her goodness,and the Prince of the country got to hear about it,and he said that as she was so very good she might be allowed once a week to walk in his park,which was just outside the town.It was a beautiful park,and no children were ever allowed in it,so it was a great honor for Bertha to be allowed to go there.鈥
鈥淲ere there any sheep in the park?鈥 demanded Cyril.鈥淣o;鈥 said the bachelor,鈥渢here were no sheep.鈥
鈥淲hy weren‟t there any sheep?鈥 came the inevitable question arising out of that answer.The aunt permitted herself a smile,which might almost have been described as a grin.
鈥淭here were no sheep in the park,鈥 said the bachelor,鈥渂ecause the Prince‟s mother had once had a dream that her son would either be killed by a sheep or else by a clock falling on him.For that reason the Prince never kept a sheep in his park or a clock in his palace.鈥 The aunt suppressed a gasp of admiration.
鈥淲as the Prince killed by a sheep or by a clock?鈥 asked Cyril.
鈥淗e is still alive,so we can‟t tell whether the dream will come true,鈥 said the bachelor unconcernedly; 鈥渁nyway,there were no sheep in the park,but there were lots of little pigs running all over the place.鈥 鈥淲hat color were they?鈥
鈥淏lack with white faces,white with black spots,black all over,grey with white patches,and some were white all over.鈥
The story-teller paused to let a full idea of the park‟s treasures sink into the children‟s imaginations; then he resumed:
鈥淏ertha was rather sorry to find that there were no flowers in the park.She had promised her aunts,with tears in her eyes,that she would not pick any of the kind Prince‟s flowers,and she had meant to keep her promise,so of course it made her feel silly to find that there were no flowers to pick.鈥 鈥淲hy weren‟t there any flowers?鈥
鈥淏ecause the pigs had eaten them all,鈥 said the bachelor promptly.鈥淭he gardeners had told the Prince that you couldn‟t have pigs and flowers,so he decided to have pigs and no flowers.鈥
There was a murmur of approval at the excellence of the Prince‟s decision; so many people would have decided the other way.
鈥淭here were lots of other delightful things in the park.There were ponds with gold and blue and green fish in them,and trees with beautiful parrots that said clever things at a moment‟s notice,and humming birds that hummed all the popular tunes of the day.Bertha walked up and down and enjoyed herself immensely,and thought to herself:„If I were not so extraordinarily good I should not have been allowed to come into this beautiful park and enjoy all that there is to be seen in it,‟ and her three medals clinked
几道英语故事发生在一个寒冷的晚上:The story___ ___ a cold night.可不可以填take pla
故事发生在一个寒冷的晚上:The story___ ___ a cold night.可不可以填take place?
My brother had trouble ___(learn)English well.
David had fun____(play)in the weather
smallcrow 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.The story【happened】【on】 a cold night.
具体的某一天要用on,如果是take place,空数不够.所以只能用happen了
2.My brother had trouble (learning)English well.
have trouble (in)doing sth 做某事有困难.in可以省略
3.David had fun (playing )in the weather
have fun (in)doing sth 做某事有乐趣.in可以省略
the story______(happen)in the 1870s.
tarotsk 共回答了66个问题 | 采纳率27.3%
was happened
The story--------- the morning of May,18.
The story--------- the morning of May,18.
A was happened in
B was happened on
C happened in
D happened on
yuanguo** 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
The story "The Three Bears"______ very interesting.
The story "The Three Bears"______ very interesting. B.are C.were
leiwenleiwen 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
主语是the story,是单数,所以用is
必修一英语翻译这个理论基于她十年的研究成果 the story _ _ _his ten year research 填
这个理论基于她十年的研究成果 the story _ _ _his ten year research 填三个词
aconqueror 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
This theory is based on her years of research
is based on
The story ___three women and their relationships.
The story ___three women and their relationships.
A.contains B.involves C.includes D.takes up
答案是B 为什么A和C不可以呢?
此兽已老 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
the story contains / ncludes three passages.
The story nvolves three women and their relationships
我不喜欢这个故事的开头 翻译为英语 格式:I don't like the ( ) ( ) the story
小楼一夜无雨 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
i don't like the beginning of the stroy
May I___the story-book for a month?Yes,you may.a.borrow b.le
May I___the story-book for a month?Yes,you may.a.borrow b.lend c.keep d.take
留恋夏天 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
后面有for a month,所以前面要用延续性动词.
For many years there _____(be) the story
kevinpjt 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
have been
what Mr brown said just now is (to do with )the story
what Mr brown said just now is (to do with )the story
什么意思为什么要填 to do with
海边月之茧 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
to do with 跟.有关
The story made me (laugh) in the end.I was made (stop) doing
The story made me (laugh) in the end.I was made (stop) doing my work.(用适当形式填空)
panny418 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
make sb do sth 让某人做某事
to stop make sb do sth 的被动语态 sb be made to do sth 被动语态必须加to
英语 英语1 这个故事发生在二十世纪八十年代 the story happened ________________2
英语 英语
1 这个故事发生在二十世纪八十年代 the story happened ________________2 我认为运动鞋是年轻人特别喜欢的一种鞋 l think trainers are young people's ____________shoes 3,我们希望你们为希望工程募捐we hope __________Project Hope 英语(横线内可填写多个单词)
一往无前2 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
in 1980s
you can donate fo
The story( )three years ago
The story( )three years ago
A,started B,took C,tookplace
dyj0375s 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率92.6%
C 发生.
初中介词用法the story ___ the book.the picture ___ the newspaper.用
the story ___ the book.
the picture ___ the newspaper.
用on 还是 at 还是 in
yellowhc 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
The story ( )interesting.
The story ( )interesting.
A sounds B sound C look like D look
ljliyu 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
The story ____(it) is very short,but it is very interesting.
hillarycandy 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
the story ____(本身)is very interesting
waywaywzy 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
如果问The story ____ ____a cold night.这里如果填take place就错了对吗?因为ta
如果问The story ____ ____a cold night.这里如果填take place就错了对吗?因为take place是有计划的发生对吗?但是为什么要用happen on固定搭配吗?
是骡子还是马 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
happen on不是固定搭配,on 应该是与a cold night组成一个短语,表示具体一个晚上,“在一个很冷的夜晚”
take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排
The story ______ I read the newspaper was about a common pro
The story ______ I read the newspaper was about a common problem among teenagers.
A.whose B.who C.that D.where
wcneeq 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%

The story____in China.
The story____in China.
a.was taken place b.was happened c.took place d.has been taken place 选那个?
小小童梦 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
选c .happen和take place都是不及物动词或短语,因此不能用于被动语态,即be+过去分词,所以排除abd.happen的过去分词是happened,take的过去分词是taken.
故事发生在60年前的奥地利 The story _______ ________in Aus
故事发生在60年前的奥地利 The story _______ ________in Aus
The story _______ ________in Austria 60 years ago
NATASHA2005 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
took place

The story ______ me, that is, I am _______ at the ______ sto
The story ______ me, that is, I am _______ at the ______ story.
A.surprise; surprising; surprised B.surprises; surprised; surprised
C.surprise; surprised; surprising D.surprises; surprised; surprising
猫儿男 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%

主语为三单形式,故将AC排除,又根据be surprised at sth,surprising是修饰物的,故选D
英语问题——改错The 1.(main) character 2.(of) the story 3.(called) 4
The 1.(main) character 2.(of) the story 3.(called) 4(Snow White).
fudehongfu 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
3.(called)is called
the story happened about a ____ ago that is to say a hundred
the story happened about a ____ ago that is to say a hundred years ago.(根据句意填空)
boboboy_happy 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率
long time
The storybook
The storybook Bob bought yesterday is very interesting.
[ ]
A. what
B. when
C. who
D. which
nychuren 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
用适当的代词填空 The story ___ was very good,but you are did not tel
用适当的代词填空 The story ___ was very good,but you are did not tell it well
凌空007 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
The story-teiier asked me if there was angone who had been t
The story-teiier asked me if there was angone who had been to Hawaii
出去 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
The stroy-teller asked me:"Is there anyone who has been to Hawaii?"
疑问句.句的谓语使用了现在完成时,因此不能选always.already不能用在疑问句.定语从句对名词the story
疑问句.句的谓语使用了现在完成时,因此不能选always.already不能用在疑问句.定语从句对名词the story
男人居家 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
This book is jus the one that I am looking for.
---What do you ______ the story.
---What do you ______ the story.
---It’s boring.
A.think of B.think about D.get to
henca 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%

Could you tell me if you ______(read) the story book?
刘仪伟 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Could you tell me if you ___have read___(read) the story book?
the story____(happen)in a small village on a winter morning
ss20042008 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
The story _____ interesting.A.sounds B.sound C.look like D.l
The story _____ interesting.A.sounds B.sound C.look like D.look
bsbr6xn 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
The story__ I read the newspaper was about a common problem
The story__ I read the newspaper was about a common problem among teenagers.
A where Bthat
5hgw 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
on which或者where