China Emerging China Emerging Leader(CEL)谁知道是什么意思啊?

轻笛晚风2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


ppp2ppp 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%


定语从句一问.Oil importing emerging economies-to which heavy indus
Oil importing emerging economies-to which heavy industry has shifted -have .
xvjd 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
插入部分是定语从句,修饰emerging enonomies
该从句的完整句子是:heavy industry has shifted to the oil importing emerging economies.
you can quickly start to see the emerging person ...书上翻译emer
you can quickly start to see the emerging person ...书上翻译emerging是脱颖而出,他有这个意思吗
淘淘ff 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%

问3个倒装句问题Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a na
Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional cpmpetition ,as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.这句话是倒装句但是我第一映像是Emerging from the 1980 census做主语,请问该怎么区分非谓语动词做主语与倒装
2.With economic growth has come centralization:fully 76 percent of Japan's 119
million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have
been abandoned in favor of isolated,tow-generation households.其中 has come centralization是倒装
但是为什么不是has centralization come ,不是说有助动词就把它提前么?
3.Exceptional children are different in some ways from others of the same age.For these children to develop to their full adult potential,their education must be suit those differences这句话我看了半天没看出哪里倒装了求指导
Blair-sun 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1、Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition,as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.

这个句子的的主语是后面的 the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition.正常语序应该如下:

The picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition is emerging from the 1980 census,as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.


主语:the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition国家出现越来越多的地域性挑战的情景【介词宾语 a nation developing more and more regional competition 是带有逻辑主语 a nation 的动名词短语结构】
谓语动词:is emerging 正在形成
状语:from the 1980 census,从1980年的人口普查来看
时间状语从句:as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill 随着东北和西北人口增长几乎接近停顿.

可见这是把进行时态中的分词 emerging 和状语 from the 1980 census 提前后的倒装.


2.With economic growth has come centralization:fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated,tow-generation households.

本句的主语 centralization带有冒号后的说明部分,显得很长,如果采用正常语序,句子头重脚轻,因此把状语With economic growth 提前,构成了完全倒装句.正常语序应该是如下:
Centralization:… has come with economic growth.中央集权化:即…,已经随着经济增长出现.

这是完全倒装句,而 has centralization come 属于部分倒装.如果改用部分倒装,这句子应该如下:

With economic growth has centralization come,which is fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated,tow-generation households.

3.Exceptional children are different in some ways from others of the same age.For these children to develop to their full adult potential,their education must be suit those differences

后面的句子如果看作是倒装的话,也只是把状语 For these children to develop to their full adult potential 提前到了句首.
英语翻译oil-importing emerging economics--to which heavy industr
oil-importing emerging economics--to which heavy industry has shifted--have become more energy-intensitive
to which heavy industry has shifted这是怎么个句式,
译文我都知道啦(是我不好,就想知道to which heavy industry has shifted这是怎么个句式,正常应该是which has shifted to heavy industry吗?好像不对吧。
这样的to which 提前的形式大家见过吗?给个例句呗
我爱朵朵615 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
oil-importing emerging economics have become more energy-intensive
heavy industry has shifted to oil-importing emerging economics(你的那个“which has shifted to heavy industry”不对)
定语从句里,如果引导词which做从句中一个动+介词短语的宾语,中短语中的介词提到which 前面,我说有可能不准确.有空多翻翻语法书吧,每个语法书上都会有这条
we must conserve this planet of earth on which all lives depend
英语翻译Moving into the emerging TPL business the development se
Moving into the emerging TPL business the development seems,to a large extent,to have been based on following and integrating with existing customers rather than being a strategic choice.It is better described as a learning process where the TPL providers are part of the development of the emerging field.
The firms entering the emerging business mostly lack the knowledge to decide what they want in the earlier stages.The TPL business is then mostly value-added services to existing business.Therefore,they accept to perform services that are less profitable and less interesting from a development perspective,which they might avoid later on.
In the process,the TPL business often gets separated from the traditional business.At this stage,it is more likely that they try to develop into the higher end taking a larger part of their TPL customers’ activities.This would mean a higher degree of internationalization and more mergers and acquisitions between different TPL providers.To increase the knowledge of the different types of TPLs would be necessary,which might mean more alliances are to be expected.An example could be consultants joining TPL firms with an advanced knowledge in transportation management and warehousing.
The TPL providers would seem to develop towards a customer developer or 4PL situation involving coordination of few customers and high customer adaptation.Away to do this seems to be focusing on specific niches of a few customers where both the knowledge development and adaptation can be high and can still be used for coordinating the customers’ activities.
It seems important for some of the TPL to move away from their parent firms and be separate units in order to be able to serve their customers as TPL providers.As many customers and customers’ customers use several transport and warehousing firms,the TPL firms need to be trusted by the customer as a more neutral part.This is also true when it comes to using TPL firms.This is actually one of the strengths of the consultant and IT firms.
However,being a small firm,it might be a question of changing the business idea of the firm rather than splitting the resources.
To internationalize is important but the ties to specific warehouses and coordination of customers make it difficult.The result is often of a more regional coverage,unless the customer wants to buy access to a worldwide transportation network as in the case of DHL.
Alliances,mergers,and acquisitions,not only of TPL providers,but also between customers,are common today and will probably become even more common.International alliances or mergers and acquisitions offer opportunities to get new customers,but there is also a risk of losing customers,but also increasing the degree of internationalization.
smithtone 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
搬进初现的 TPL 生意发展似乎,在很大程度上 ,到和现有的客户已经为基础跟随而且整合不愿作为策略的选择.它被描述为得更好一个学问程序哪里 TPL 提供者是初现领域的发展的一部份.
大概进入初现的生意公司缺乏知识决定他们在较早的阶段中想要的.TPL 生意大概然后附加价值对现有的生意服务.因此,他们接受运行从一种发展远景是比较不有利润和比较不有趣的服务,他们稍后可能避免.
在程序,TPL 生意时常与传统的生意分开拿.在现阶段,它更有可能他们试着进入拿一个他们的 TPL 的较大的部份客户的活动的较高的结束之内发展.这会意指在不同的 TPL 提供者之间的国际化和较多的合并的一个较高的程度和获得.增加 TPLs 的不同类型的知识会是必需的,哪一个可能意指较多的同盟将被期望.一个例子可能是顾问用运输管理的先进的知识参加 TPL 公司而且储入仓库.
TPL 提供者会似乎向一个客户开发者或 4PL 情形发展包括少数客户的协调和高的客户改编.离开做这似乎是把重心集中在一些客户的特定迷你商店,于此知识发展和改编可能是高的而且能仍然作为协调客户的活动.
它似乎很重要让一些 TPL 从他们的父母公司移开而且是分开的单位为了要能够为~服务作为 TPL 提供者的他们的客户.和客户一样多的和客户的客户使用一些运输系统而且储入仓库公司,TPL 公司需要被客户信赖当做一个较多的中立者分开.这也是真实的当它来到使用 TPL 公司.这实际上是顾问的力量之一和资讯公司.
使国际化很重要,但是与特定的仓库和客户的协调的关系使它困难.结果时常比较地方报导,除非客户想要买接触一个全世界的运输网络当做在 DHL 的情况.
同盟、合并和获得,不只有 TPL 提供者,但是也在客户之间,是共同的今天而且或许将会变成更通常.国际的同盟或合并和获得提供机会争取新的客户,但是也有损失客户的危险,但是也增加国际化的程度.
帮忙翻一个英语句子Oil-importing emerging economies-to which heavy ind
Oil-importing emerging economies-to which heavy industry has shifted-have become more energy-intensive.
fengyun0406 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1.waiting for your emerging 这句中的emerge为什么要加ing?After playing
1.waiting for your emerging 这句中的emerge为什么要加ing?After playing a concert,he went back home.after是分词做状语保留的连词?
2.The risk said to have the most likely effect is the failure of the financial system.said to have是什么结构做什么成分?
3.Watching as you overcome difficulties of life,reaching for new victories and new heights in sports,i derive strength and inspiration.watching和reaching引导的这2个句子是什么成分?as you overcome difficulties of life是修饰watching的?
4.As the international community strives to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and forge an agenda for economic and social progress in the years beyond,addressing the problem of corruption becomes all the more urgent.这句话中的beyond是什么词性?修饰什么?years为什么用复数?addressing为什么变ing?
5.the movement against slavery brought together the international community.此处的together是副词吗?副词也可以充当间接宾语?
zeroflower 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
waiting for your emerging 这句中的emerge要加ing因为这是 动名词的复合结构 作介词宾
After playing a concert,he went back home.一般看做after是介词 因为它可以当介词
所以 After playing a concert是介词短语作状语 动名词 作介词宾语
如果是when /if类 可以看做带连词的 分词短语 做状语.因为when /if类不能当介词 用
2.The risk 是主语
said to have the most likely effect是过去分词短语 作定语 修饰 The risk
其中 to have是 主语补足语 原句= the risk which is said to have...
3.Watching as you overcome difficulties of life,reaching for new victories and new heights in sports,i derive strength and inspiration.这个句子有问题 应该去掉as 或者把as放在句首reaching应改成 and reach 因为这是小女孩 写的句子 语法错误 可以原谅
但如果 再去 分析错句 非 说成 是 对 的 .我就成 sb 了 .

4.As the international community strives to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and forge an agenda for economic and social progress in the years beyond,addressing the problem of corruption becomes all the more urgent.这句话中的beyond是副修the years
in the years beyond,就是在2005以后的几年 里
years 当然用复数 因为指的不是一年
addressing是作主语的 动名词 所以加ing
意思是 解决腐败问题变得更加紧迫
5.the movement against slavery brought together the international community.此处的together是副词 brought together这是动副词组 = brought the international community together
副词充当的不是间接宾语 而是提前的宾补.
you can quickly start to see the emerging person you are cap
you can quickly start to see the emerging person you are capable of becoming.包含的是什么从句?
夜雨巷 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
这个句子包含了一个定语从句,省略了关系词whom ,(whom ) you are capable of becoming,定语从句修饰the emerging person .
翻译 products for emerging markets
进了就知道 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
求助医学英文文献一篇,诚谢!Emerging epigenetic mechanisms of long non-cod
Emerging epigenetic mechanisms of long non-coding RNAs.
sdfyf 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率86.2%
forged这个词的理解The Group of 20 rich and emerging countries,whos
The Group of 20 rich and emerging countries,whose crisis-forged unity helped to end the global recession,must find common ground on controversial matters including regulating banks,rebalancing global growth and giving fast-growing emerging economies more clout.请问这句话中crisis-forged 特别是forged在这里的意思,
baobei064 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
crisis-forged unity应该是指在危机下缔造的同盟,forged在此时缔造(同盟关系)的意思
CODE码的含义0585498:RM-555_APAC_EMERGING ASIA Garnet 我的97mini是这个
magicwuwu 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
0585498: RM-555_APAC_EMERGING ASIA Garnet
an emerging body of research shows
芙蓉笺 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
an emerging body of research shows that
But a large body of research shows that if a parent restricts a food,childrenjust want it more.
英语翻译Online submission and peer review is emerging as the nex
Online submission and peer review is emerging as the nextstep forward for many journal publishers in an ever increasing drive to takeadvantage of technological improvements in transferring data electronicallyover the internet.
Online submission and peer review is emerging as the next step forward for many journal publishers in an ever increasing drive to take advantage of technological improvements in transferring data electronically over the internet.
乌拉宝贝 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
问两个保险业词汇的中文含义emerging riskrisk exposuremarket intellegence知道
emerging risk
risk exposure
market intellegence
韦四零 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
emerging risk新兴风险,就是随着发展出现的新风险
risk exposure风险敞口,就是未作出规避处理的风险
market intellegence 市场情报,这就不用说了
微电子专业英语翻译The 3D integrated circuit (3D IC) is an emerging te
The 3D integrated circuit (3D IC) is an emerging technology that vertically stacks
multiple die with a die-to-die interconnect as illustrated in Fig. 10.1. The die-to-die
via pitch is very small and provides the possibility of arranging digital functional
unit blocks across multiple die at a very fine level of granularity. This results in
a decrease in the overall wire length, which translates into less wire delay and less
power. Thus, 3D ICs can address the wire delay problem effectively by replacing the
long and slow global interconnects with short and fast vertical routes. Advances in
3D integration and packaging are undoubtedly gaining momentum and have become
of critical interest to the semiconductor community. These 3D integrated circuit and
package manufacturing technologies are rapidly being adopted by several leading
companies for commercial applications.
The location of individual micro-architectural modules plays a significant role on
many important metrics. First, floorplanning has a huge impact on the performance
of a given micro-architecture [measured by instructions per cycle (IPC)] as the
global interconnects between modules are likely to be pipelined in order to meet
high target clock frequencies. This may increase or decrease the access latency
on all inter-module interconnects. Second, the thermal and leakage profile is
highly correlated to the floorplan. This is because the temperature of each microarchitectural
module is not solely dependent on the heat generation rate of each
individual module but also the heat coupling between its neighboring modules.
Moreover, the leakage power of each transistor is exponentially proportional to the
temperature. Third, floorplanning affects the dynamic power consumption of the
buses and clock distribution network. The total number of flip-flops (FFs) inserted
on global interconnects changes the dynamic power consumed by the clock distribution
network. However, the performance and thermal objectives are conflicting with
each other since shorter distance among the hot modules improves the performance
while exacerbating the thermal issue. To address the different design constraints of
different domains, we need a goal-directed, automated floorplanner that allows users
to weight their own design requirements and make effective design tradeoffs. The
following specific topics are covered in this chapter
QIZAI 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
这句没有彻底搞懂,其他都ok :The die-to-die via pitch is very small and provides the possibility of arranging digital functional unit blocks across multiple die at a very fine level of granularity
die-to-die后面省略了什么?die-to-die interconnect ?
via pitch 指的是什么?via是介词,不是形容词吧?
digital functional unit blocks 是不是指的 控制电路而非运算电路? 比如时钟系统什么的?
at a very fine level of granularity 是不是小制程的意思?
单个微架构模块在电路中的位置能直接影响到芯片的很多性能。第一,芯片布局(各模块的几何架构及互联线路??)直接影响芯片的运算性能[周期指令量(IPC)],因为要获得更高的目标时钟频率,就要在不同模块间架设互联线路。这会提高也可能降低线路延迟。 第二,散热和耗散问题和芯片布局息息相关。这是因为单个微架构模块的温度并不只是取决于自身的发热量,也取决于其周围的模块单元对其造成的影响。
08年考验英语真题求助Entirely new business models are emerging; three
Entirely new business models are emerging; three main ones were identified by the report's authors.句中three main ones指三种主要商业模式,为什么代词用ones,难道是3的原因?one也可以像名词那么用?
受害dd 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
是的啊,可以 啊
分析一个考研真题句子On the other hand, oil-importing emerging economie
on the other hand, oil-importing emerging economies — to which heavy industry has shifted — have become more energy-intensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed.
另外请附说明 不要直接上翻译
lfy_u 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
考研英语!求这句话的正常语序?Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture
Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition,as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.
wang_a1980 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
1998年考研真题阅读第4篇第一句;正常语序:As population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill,Census emerging from the 1980 is the picture of a nation developing more and more r...