what are the similaritiesand differences between manager of

瞌睡一天2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

what are the similaritiesand differences between manager of a compaany andmanager of a charity?
what are the similarities and differences between manager of a company and manager of a charity


kyone 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
the difference is the purpose,the manager of a company must try to maxmize profit with minmum cost,this determines he has to set up a budget plan,and try to control every item of consumption such as labors,hardware,software,or enviornment,or training.etc..
the chairty manager may have no concern of profit,but a budget for consumption is necessary.the sponsor and donation may be distributed due to manager's plan.
above is the difference between manager of a company and manager of a charity,the common points between them are that they have to show their performance in orginizing a team,how to improve the teams' work effect and efficiency,furthermore,to know what every member in this team think about,try to catch up with their emotional activity,and make effective communication,arrange different work for persons with different character,and try to interegrate these members' effort towards the same goal.


英语-改为同义句原句:There are some similarities(相似处) between Liu and
原句:There are some similarities(相似处) between Liu and Li.
Liu is _________ _________ Li in some ways.
镕霈梵诗天 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
Liu is similar to Li in some ways.
What are some of the similarities and dissimilarities betwee
what are some of the similarities and dissimilarities between the three parties in great britain
kinki0 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
____they look different ,they have some similarities .a:but
____they look different ,they have some similarities .a:but b:as c:although d:when
ailina11 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
答案:C although 虽然,尽管
What are the similarities and differences between George Ber
What are the similarities and differences between George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion and the Greek myth “Pygmalion”?
大家都来坏 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
George Bernard Shaw中的比哥马利恩是个卖花女
Discuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain co
Discuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain concering the goals of education
文不对题的答案就算了,要求全英文.Discuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain,the US and China concering the goals of education,因为题目太长不能发,只能补充了.
灰色的蔚蓝 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%
the difference or similarities between Chinese table manners
the difference or similarities between Chinese table manners and western table manners
the question is the title!
顾思眉 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
Of course,the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork,but that's only superficial.Besides,in decent restaurants,you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork,if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough.
The real difference is that in the West,you have your own plate of food,while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares.If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you're in the country for the first time,he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.
The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes,to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes.Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice,noodles to dumplings.
If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes,you should say so in good time,for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.
Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests.In formal dinners,there are always "public" chopsticks and spoons for this purpose,but some hosts may use their own chopsticks.This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness.It is always polite to eat the food.If you do not eat it,just leave the food in the plate.
People in China tend to over-order food,for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed.When you have had enough,just say so.Or you will always overeat!
英语翻译第一句是These similarities offered the domestic and internat
第一句是These similarities offered the domestic and international tourists with the opportunity to behave in a similar manner should they have wished to do so.
第二句是The ability of the questionnaire to collect data on a wide range of issues in a short period kept demands on tourists’ time relatively low and by conducting the surveys at a ‘face-to-face’ level a response rate of 80% was achieved.
cguz 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
These similarities offered the domestic and international tourists with the opportunity to behave in a similar manner should they have wished to do so.
说明:should they have wished to do so=if they should have wished to do so.虚拟语气中if省略,should提前构成的倒装.
The ability of the questionnaire to collect data on a wide range of issues in a short period kept demands on tourists’ time relatively low and by conducting the surveys at a ‘face-to-face’ level a response rate of 80% was achieved.
改成意思一样的强调句型There are many similarities and differences betwe
There are many similarities and differences between online and traditional shopping,
强调many similarities and differences
ljztalent 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
汗 不知道你要强调哪个部分.
如果用it is...that...句型句子可以改为:
it is between online and traditional shopping that there are many similarities.
1.There are some similarities____Liu Li and Liu Ying.
1.There are some similarities____Liu Li and Liu Ying.
Tony is good at schoolworks.Because he is clever.
xujin2002ji 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.There are some similarities_between_Liu Li and Liu Ying.
Tony is good at schoolworks.Because he is clever.
英语翻译Recent work shows that there are also similarities in th
Recent work shows that there are also similarities in the
coordination between upper and lower limb muscles in
humans and that of fore- and hindlimbs in quadrupeds (cf.
Jones,2002).For example,a neuronal coupling of upper and
lower limb muscles during various locomotor activities
seem to exist (Wannier et al.,2001).Arm and leg muscle
activity is well coordinated during walking,crawling on all
fours,or swimming.In these conditions,arm and leg
movements are locked with a fixed frequency relationship.
Even if the leg movements are slowed by flippers or if the
mechanical interactions between the limbs are minimised,
this coordination is preserved (Wannier et al.,2001).The
frequency relationship characterizing this coordination
corresponds to that observed in well-defined biological
systems consisting of coupled oscillators (Bartos et al.,
1999; Zacksenhouse,2001).
维果 共回答了31个问题 | 采纳率96.8%
You know, you know, we started this great effort on a sunny July morning in Pindars Corner on Pat and Liz Moynihan’s beautiful farm and 62 counties, 16 months, 3 debates, 2 opponents, and 6 black 3)p...
there are some similarities between Lily and Lucy (同义句)
there are some similarities between Lily and Lucy (同义句)
Lily is ___ ___ Lucy in some ways
一条日光大道 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
similar to
be similar to 与……相似
帮我分析下这个句子,谢了Similarities are features that things have which
Similarities are features that things have which make them similar to each other.
主要是that things have 做什么成份?
mcaca441 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
剩下 Similarities are features that things have.意思是:相似性就是事物具有的性质.
谁能帮我写一份英语短文呀?话题:what are similarities and differences betwee
话题:what are similarities and differences between the Chinese concept of friendship and Wester ones?
楚凌伤 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life change.Chinese people will consider someone a friend even if they haven’t spoken for 20 years.If you shared something at one time,then all your life you are friends.This is the best of Guanxi,the Wide Web that connects through time and space.Chinese invented the Internet long before Bill Gates was born.1
In North America,even the relationship in which people feel close and tell each other personal problems may not survive life changes such as moving to another city,graduation from a university,a change in economic circumstances,or marriage.If the people do not see each other regularly,the relationship is likely to die.
Different foundations for friendships
Chinese friends share “things in common”:a task,a class,the hometown.Friendships are formed by people who work or go to school together.You may or may not like the person,but if he or she can do something for you because of his position or job,you can be friends.
But in North America,business and friendship are kept separate.The friendships are usually tied to specific activities.A person may have work friends and leisure activity friends.Also friends tend to have similar financial circumstances,because friendship in the West is based on equality.Friends should exchange similar activities and give similar things to each other.If one can afford to treat the other to a meal at an expensive restaurant and the other does not have enough money to do the same,it will cause problems in the relationship.
Westerners expects friends to be independent
Western people prefer people to be independent,so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one person is giving more and the other is dependent on what is giving.Their friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spending time together.A Westerner will respond to a friend’s trouble by asking “What do you want to do?” The idea is to help the friend to think out the problem and discover the solution he or she really wants and then to support the solution.
Chinese friends give each other more concrete2 help.A Chinese will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain such as a job,or an appointment with a good doctor.Chinese friends give each other money and might help each other out financially over a long time.
Chinese usually expect more from their friends
In the West,you can certainly ask a friend to do something with you,but you recognize that your friend may say no,if he / she gives you a reason.You would not expect a friend to drop everything to respond to a non-urgent need such as shopping.Nor would you expect a friend to recognize and respond to your wishes without stating them.
A friend in China is someone who offers help without waiting to be asked.There are few limits to what you can expect from a friend.You can feel free to tell your friend what he / she can or should do to help or please you.
改错There are some similarities between you and me.
myheart666 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
There are some similarity between you and me.
similarity 是抽象名词,没有复数形式
the similarities and differences between metaphor and simile
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不临渊怎羡鱼 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
My love is like the melody. 明喻 (两个东西很不像,但是有至少一个特征或特点像)

Life is a box of chocolate. 暗喻(两个东西很不像,用比喻的手法但是没有明显的比喻词如like)
what similarities or differences do you know about American
what similarities or differences do you know about American and Chinese school systems?
胖子_1 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
Both American and Chinese school systems emphasize academic work and attendence. American school system is more liberal than Chinese school systems, with less strict orders from the teachers and less ...
请问“Cultural Differences and Cultural Similarities”怎么翻译?
xuanfeng3000 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
the similarities and the differences between the "internet",
the similarities and the differences between the "internet", the "web" and "the lab network".
interwetten 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Compare Western and Chinese customs.Please list similarities
Compare Western and Chinese customs.Please list similarities and differences as much as possible.
最爱肉夹馍 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
How Different are Chinese Customs from Western Ones
There are vast differences between Chinese and Western customs.
Take eating for example.Whether at home or in a restaurant,Chinese will lay the emphasis on the food.Food leftover is a sign that the host is generous and has gained "face" in front of guests.in the West,however,a banquet is more for the atmosphere than for food."Seeing the bottom" of plates is an ideal ending to a meal.That is to say,Chinese are more concerned about eating,while Westerns care more about socializing.
Another noticeable difference can be seen in the way gifts are exchanged.Most Chinese care more about the quality than the packaging of the gift.They will insist on declining the gift.Furthermore,they will wait until the guests have left to open the gift.Westerners,on the other hand,care a lot about the packaging and usually open the gift and admire it in the presence of the guest.
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作者mary shelley
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问:the differences and similarities between phonelogy and pho
问:the differences and similarities between phonelogy and phonetics
silkage163 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
phonology:音韵学,语言学 一门研究各种语言内部语音模式的学科.历时音系学(历史音系学)考查和分析语音声音体系在一段时间内的变化,如英语sea(海)和see(看见)这两个词中的元音曾一度发音不同,而演变至今则发同样的音.共时音系学(描写音系学)研究一种语言在其发展的某一个别阶段的语音,揭示它可能存在的语音模式(如英语里nt和rk这两组音只能出现在词的中间和词尾,而不能出现在词首).
phonetics:语音学,发音学 研究言语的声音学科.语音学研究它们的发音(发音语音学)、声学性质(声学语音学),以及如何组合起来构成音节、词语和句子(语言语音学).最早的语音学家为印度学者(约公元前300),他们试图保存梵文经文的发音.古代的希腊人被证明是首次以语音字母作为书写系统的人.现代语音学的创立者为A.M.贝尔(1819~1905),其《语音图解法 》(1867)研发一套书写语音的精确符号体系.20世纪时,语言学家专注于开发一种分类系统,可以用来比较所有的人类语音.现代语音学关注的另一个方面是语音感知的心理过程.