An Analysis on Major Characters in Pride and Prejudice

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An Analysis on Major Characters in Pride and Prejudice


sxczzp 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
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Give a brief analysis of the character-portrayal in Charles
Give a brief analysis of the character-portrayal in Charles Dickens’ novels.
nudt_cl 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
His novels were heralded early in his career for their ability to capture the everyday man on paper and thus create a memorable character to whom readers could relate,and envision as a real person.Beginning with Pickwick Papers in 1836,Dickens wrote numerous novels,each uniquely filled with believable personalities and vivid physical descriptions.Dickens's friend and biographer,John Forster,said that Dickens made "characters real existences,not by describing them but by letting them describe themselves."[42]
Dickensian characters—especially their typically whimsical names—are among the most memorable in English literature.The likes of Ebenezer Scrooge,Tiny Tim,Jacob Marley,Bob Cratchit,Oliver Twist,The Artful Dodger,Fagin,Bill Sikes,Pip,Miss Havisham,Charles Darnay,David Copperfield,Mr.Micawber,Abel Magwitch,Daniel Quilp,Samuel Pickwick,Wackford Squeers,Uriah Heep and many others are so well known and can be believed to be living a life outside the novels that their stories have been continued by other authors.[citation needed]
The author worked closely with his illustrators supplying them with an overall summary of the work at the outset and thus ensuring that his vision of his characters and settings were exactly how he envisioned them to be.[43] He would brief the illustrator on plans for each month's instalment so that work on the two illustrations could begin before he wrote them.Marcus Stone,illustrator of Our Mutual Friend,recalled that the author was always "ready to describe down to the minutest details the personal characteristics,and of the creations of his fancy."[30] This close working relationship with his illustrators is important to readers of Dickens today.The illustrations give us a glimpse of the characters as Dickens described them to the illustrator and approved when the drawing was finished.Film makers still use the illustrations as a basis for characterization,costume,and set design in the dramatization of Dickens's works.
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Analysis model for vertical borehole heat exchangerconsidering the layer-characteristics of soil and seepage
Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 34 (5) ,pp.831-838
Study on heat transfer model ofunderground heat exchangers with groundwater advection
Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao(Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) 46 (8) ,pp.1450-1456
keawenkk 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
你的这两篇文献是中文的期刊,第一篇是太阳能学报的《分层渗流地层中竖直地埋管的换热计算模型》,找不到链接,第二篇已给你上传 有渗流时埋管换热器传热模型_王子阳.pdf
帮翻译下:it takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of t
帮翻译下:it takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious
shzhbin 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
翻译:分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑 the obvious表示抽象概念,指“明显存在的事物” “the + 形容词或分词”表示一类人,在句中作主语时,谓语动词为复数形式; “the + 形容词或分词”表示抽象概念,在句中作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式 例如:The rich are not always happy.有钱人未必都是幸福的 The true is to be distinguished from the false.真伪要辨明 The beautiful can never die.美是不朽的
an analysis of deviance can act as a model for the analysis
an analysis of deviance can act as a model for the analysis of tourism .这句话什么意思
三套马车 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
A analysis of the character of Sydney Carton in A tale of tw
A analysis of the character of Sydney Carton in A tale of two Cities
I have to prepare for a paper ,thanks very much ,my friends!And wish you everything going well
iiuyu 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
Are you handing in a report? If you are, you should do some research on google or something.
I found the following analysis from Wikipedia. I wouldn't advise to use it unedited.
Character analysis
The most common interpretation of Sydney Carton is one in which he is the selfless benefactor of others. Having grown weary of his life of self-indulgence, he decides to sacrifice it in order to save the life of Charles Darnay, who had shown himself more worthy of living it than Carton had his own. However, a more self-centered interpretation of Carton also exists. In this interpretation, Carton regrets his being regarded as a ne'er-do-well for having wasted his life, and chooses to give it up, hoping that his past will be forgotten and that he will be remembered for his sacrifice. This interpretation suggests that Carton is more concerned with his reputation than with the well-being of Darnay and his family.
A sign of Carton's selfishness is seen when he visits Lucie Manette alone, and tells her of his disappointment with his life. Lucie asks Carton if she can possibly help him, but he responds that he has tried to change his ways and failed, and that she can be of no assistance to him. If he believes that she is not able to help him, then it would seem pointless for him to trouble her with his problems. His motivation for talking with her is not to find help from her, but simply to gain her sympathy. He shows further lack of consideration when he asks Lucie to tell no one, not even her husband, what he has told her. In doing this, he is obligating her to give him a place of special status in her life, one which even her husband does not hold, and one which he knows he does not deserve. It is Carton's dual character, one that is both selfless and sensitive, as well as self-pitying and inconsiderate, that makes him one of literature's most fascinating characters.
Another possible interpretation of Carton's actions is that he is a (reasonably) self-aware functional alcoholic. He knows that even with Lucie Manette's influence he will be unable to give up drinking, but that his abilities may be of use to her in the future. This theory of Sydney's view of himself is supported in the following quote:
* "Sadly, sadly, the sun rose; it rose upon no sadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own help and his own happiness, sensible of the blight on him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away." (Book 2, Chapter 5)
an analysis of the scarlet letter(
an analysis of the scarlet letter(
我要的是英语论文 不是要翻译
zjtzjym 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
英语翻译Qualitative Infrared Analysis-Infrared analysis shall be
Qualitative Infrared Analysis-Infrared analysis shall be conducted on the sample material .The spectrum obtained shall indicate the same composition as that recorded in the spectrum obtained in the original investigation of the material.
The filed representative shall determine that the locks are correctly marked ,that the necessary installation instructions are supplied with each lock ,and that the general design is in compliance with the description the lock .
l8386500 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
Certain animals know without analysis the difference between
Certain animals know without analysis the difference between a number of objects and a smaller number. In his book The Natural History of Selbourne (1786), the naturalist Gilbert White tells how he surreptitiously removed one egg a day from a kind of bird Plover’s nest, and how the mother laid another egg each day to make up for the missing one. He notes that other kinds of birds ignore the loss of a single egg, but if more than one egg has been removed, they will give up their nests. It has also been noted that a certain type of bees always provides five—never four, never six—caterpillars (毛虫) for each of their eggs so that their young have something to eat when the eggs have hatched out. Research has also shown that both mice and pigeons can be taught to distinguish between odd (奇数) and even (偶数) numbers of food pieces.
These have led some people to think that creatures can actually count. They also point to dogs that have been taught to respond to questions about numbers with the correct number of barks.
Animals respond to quantities only when they are connected to survive as in the case of the eggs, or survive as in the case of food. They can “count” only when the objects are present and only when the numbers involved are small—no more than seven or eight. In lab experiments, animals which are trained to count one kind of objects were unable to count any other type. What interests them are the objects, not the numbers. Animals’ achievements simply are not equal to evidence of counting. They only show the results of clever, careful training.
小题1:The author refers to Gilbert’s book in paragraph 1 in order to_______. the idea that animals can count attitudes have changed since 1786
C.prove that some animals are aware of quantities
D.indicate that more research is needed in this field
小题2:The author mentions all of the following are aware of quantities in some way EXCEPT _______.
A.caterpillars B.bees
C.mice D.plovers
小题3:The underlined word “surreptitiously” probably means _______.
A.quickly B.carefully
C.occasionally D.secretly
小题4:Where does this text probably come from?
A.A news report. B.A science fiction.
C.A park guide. D.A biology magazine.
黑色旅客 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%

principal component analysis的结果应该怎么理解啊.
principal component analysis的结果应该怎么理解啊.
yyxhxyz 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
An analysis of Anna Karenina's feminism 关于这个的英语论文哪,who can g
An analysis of Anna Karenina's feminism 关于这个的英语论文哪,who can give me some advice.
orwft 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
相对拓扑的定义到底是什么?《real analysis and probability》中给出的定义是若(X,T)是个拓
《real analysis and probability》中给出的定义是若(X,T)是个拓扑并有Y包含于X,则{U∪Y,U∈T}也是个拓扑,即相对拓扑.反例:显然(R,R上所有开区间)就是个拓扑,取Y=[1,2],则{U∪Y,U∈T}={∅,R,(a,b)a≥1b≤2}.显然Y=[1,2]不在这个集类里,所以它不是个拓扑嘛!
相思的人 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
请问一道英语选择题,有点难度请选择后给出分析,因为我不是很清楚20.Psychoanalysis can help a
20.Psychoanalysis can help a patient recall long-forgotten experience lost in the ______ recess of his mind.
A) labyrinthine B)chimerical C)iridescent D)mercurial
power11223 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
B 荒诞不经的;荒唐的
英语翻译IN JUNE,the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released a
IN JUNE,the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released annual revisions of the U.S international transactions accounts (ITAs) and the investment position.Through annual revisions,BEA introduces new and improved definitions and classifications,newly available and more complete source data,improved estimation procedures,and new and updated presentations that improve the reliability and consistency of the statistics and address important new developments in the U.S.and international economies.
For this annual revision,the most important change is a new treatment of certain disaster-related losses recovered from international insurers.Under this new treatment,BEA will record certain disaster-related insurance losses recovered in the capital account rather than as a component of unilateral transfers in the current account.This treatment is consistent with new international standards and with the new treatment of disaster-related losses that will be introduced in the forthcoming comprehensive revision of the national income and product accounts.The new treatment affects statistics for 1992,2001,2004,2005,and 2008.
Other significant changes introduced in this annual revision include the following:
●Exports and imports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis were revised for 2001–2008.Revisions to exports reflect revised Census Bureau source data for civilian aircraft and improved procedures for excluding goods that are included in transfers under
U.S.military agency sales contracts.Revisions to imports incorporate new source data that improve the coverage of locomotives and railcars.
Services receipts and payments were revised for 2006–2008 to incorporate updated and revised data from BEA’s quarterly and benchmark surveys of international services transactions.In addition,transfers under U.S.military agency sales contracts were revised to more completely account for training services and equipment provided to local security forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
sange403 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
英语翻译Moreover,we perform an extensive phylogenetic analysis o
Moreover,we perform an extensive phylogenetic analysis on the Smed-wntgenes using a method that combines and integrates both sequence and structural alignments,enabling us to place all nine genes into Wnt subfamilies for the first time.
低调de调 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
此外,我们基于 Smed-wntgenes实施了一种广泛的多种系基因分析,方法是对结果和结构排列进行综合集成,使我们第一次能够将九种基因加入wnt分支族系.
英语翻译Within the stages of analysis and synthesis (or generati
Within the stages of analysis and synthesis (or generation),many MT systems exhibit clearly separated components involving different levels of linguistic description:morphology,syntax,semantics.
Hence,analysis may be divided into morphological analysis (identification of word endings,word compounds),syntactic analysis (identification of phrase structures,dependency,subordination,etc.),semantic analysis (resolution of lexical and structural ambiguities); synthesis may likewise pass through semantic synthesis (selection of appropriate compatible lexical and structural forms),syntactic synthesis (generation of required phrase and sentence structures),and morphological synthesis (generation of correct word forms).
In transfer systems,the transfer component may also have separate programs dealing with lexical transfer (selection of vocabulary equivalents) and with structural transfer (transformation into TL-appropriate structures).In some earlier forms of transfer systems analysis did not involve a semantic stage,transfer was restricted to the conversion of syntactic structures,i.e.syntactic transfer alone.
MT=Machine Translation TL=Target language目的语 SL=Souce language源语,
应许之地 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
求关于the analysis of debt/equity financing的英文1500字作文.
求关于the analysis of debt/equity financing的英文1500字作文.
求关于the analysis of debt/equity financing的英文1500字作文.急,星期天之前一定要找到啊!
爱之活水 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译In the final analysis,there are more and more university
In the final analysis,there are more and more university students plagiarize.It is widely accepted that there are several factors contribute to university students plagiarize.Clearly through,as argued in this essay,pressures are the core driver for university students plagiarizing,because the high expectation of family and high cost of tuition fees put pressure on students,this could influence students to be plagiarized.Overall,if universities do not take serious measures to stop plagiarism,the ranking and reputation of university will drop.
sdlws 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
那个plagiarizing不该是动词,而是plagiarism名词.students 也该改为students',才更加通顺.前面是contribute to,后面就该是名词.
of the families,或者from the families
and the high cost,楼主不喜欢the吗?
put pressures,前面是复数,后面咋变单数了
pressures 后面的students前面要加the,因为没有说university students,故而要特指.
this could influence [the] students to [plagizrie],而不是to be plagiarized.
Regression analysis revealed a strong correlation between so
Regression analysis revealed a strong correlation between sonosensitivity and the non-bilayer formi
shelley130 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
回归分析显示sonosensitivity有很强的相关性,non-bilayer formi
factorial analysis of variance
factorial analysis of variance
gogogosyl 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
英语翻译On the other hand,based on the XPS analysis and by compa
On the other hand,based on the XPS analysis and by comparing the peak-area
attributed to the oxide and hydroxide components of the analyzed
films (reference and hydrogenated) we can determine the evolution
of these components when hydrogenwas added to the sputtering gas.
当缘分来到时 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
翻译:另一方面,根据 XPS分析 和 对被分析的 含氧负离子与氢氧根离子成分的膜(即参比的膜与加氢后的膜)所贡献的峰面积 的比较,我们可以得到 当氢气被加入到喷射的气体中的时候 这些成分的演变规律.
这里,we是主语,can determine是谓语,evolution是宾语.其它都是修饰成分.based on ...and by comparing ...是两个并列的分词修饰,难点在于里面嵌套了分词attributed to,含有一个of结构,并且括号的解释让人费解.实际上括号里的两个词是应该分开的,reference表示前面的oxide,hydrogenated是省略结构,省略了components,表示前面的hydroxide.在翻译中我把意群之间用空格隔开了,有些地方用了意译,否则中文都不一定能读懂.
请帮忙查询这篇文章是否已经被EI收录 Correlation analysis of air pollution and
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Correlation analysis of air pollution and respiratory disease in City A
迷路逃子 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Search Results
0 records found in Compendex & NTIS for:((Correlation analysis of air pollution and respiratory disease in) WN TI),1899-2011
continuing analysis of lunar rocks and planetary data may re
continuing analysis of lunar rocks and planetary data may reveal when our solar system was farmed and what natural materials it contains.这句中what natural materials it contains是what主语从句吗?what和it的用法是什么?
from colored shoelaces to special sneakers,this is what the cool kids in your class believe is in for the summer.这句话中第二个is的用法是什么?what后面是表语从句吗?
心有情风 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
(continuing analysis of lunar rocks and planetary data)主语
may reveal 谓语
(when our solar system was farmed and what natural materials it contains).并列的宾语从句
所以what natural materials it contains是作reveal的宾语从句之一.
from colored shoelaces to special sneakers,
this is what (the cool kids in your class believe) is in for the summer.
the cool kids in your class believe相当于插入语,what是引导表语从句,本来也可以说是believe的宾语从句.
this is ((the cool kids in your class believe) what is in for the summer).只是what要提前,就像上面的了.
英语翻译帮忙翻译一句话.Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis of smooth-sande
Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis of smooth-sanded(600 grit) and polished surfaces that were not gold coated was used to identify pellet elemental concentrations plus the distribution of the elements in the samples analyzed.
248561562 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
求analysis和accurate的例句(重点是:例句要看一眼便想记住的那种)?例如(格式)?hold back 忍住
求analysis和accurate的例句(重点是:例句要看一眼便想记住的那种)?例如(格式)?hold back 忍住;阻...
求analysis和accurate的例句(重点是:例句要看一眼便想记住的那种)?例如(格式)?hold back 忍住;阻止?e.g. Sometimes you need to smile and act like everything is okay ,hold back the tears and walk away.
追到手 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
His analysis of the accident showed what had happened.他对事故的分析说明了事故发生的经过.
Is the station clock accurate?火车站的钟准不准.
英语翻译X-ray crystallographic analysis revealed the structure o
X-ray crystallographic analysis revealed the structure of
the nickel(II) complex (Figure 2).18 The four atoms of the
donor set (N1,N2,S1,S2) and Ni1 essentially lie in a plane.
The dihedral angle between the two coordination planes,N1-Ni1-S1 and N2-Ni1-S2,is 7.96(9)°,indicating slight
distortion toward tetrahedral geometry from the square planar
structure.It is noteworthy that the coordination bonds of one
thiosalicylidene moiety (Ni1-S2,2.1973(7) Å; Ni1-N2,
1.9462(19) Å) are considerably longer than those of the other
(Ni1-S1,2.1399(6) Å; Ni1-N1,1.897(2) Å) (Table 1).The
differences (0.057 Å for Ni-S and 0.049 Å for Ni-N) are
much larger than those of the known nickel(II) complexes
of thiosalicylidenediamine N2S2 ligands (less than 0.035 Å
for Ni-S and 0.014 Å for Ni-N).9,10,19-22 The dihedral angle between the coordination plane (defined
as the least-squares plane of Ni1,N1,N2,S1,and S2) and
the benzene ring B (56.7°) is considerably larger than that
for the benzene ring A (14.6°).Thus,the molecule is bent
at the S2-N2 line.The elongation of the coordination bonds,
Ni1-S2 and Ni1-N2,indicates weaker interaction of the
ligand with the nickel center,22 probably due to the distorted
geometry of the complex.
nuaner999 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
X 光晶体学的分析向暴露镍(II)综合体(计算2)四原子赠送人的按设定 .18的(N1,N2,S1,S2)的结构和 Ni1 主要位于在一架飞机中.在两协调飞机,N1-Ni1-S1 和 N2-Ni1-S2 之间的二面角是7.96(9)°,朝着从方形平面的结构的四面体的几何学的指示轻微变形.它是一 thiosalicylidene 一半的值得注意那协调粘合到一起 Ni1-S2,2.1973(7)Å; Ni1-N2,1.9462(19)Å是与其他的那些相比相当大更长 Ni1-S1,2.1399(6)Å;Ni1-N1,1.897(2)Å(;桌子1).之间的差异0.057Å;为 Ni S 和0.049Å;因为 Ni N 是与 thiosalicylidenediamine N2S2 配体的以而闻名镍(II)综合体的那些相比大得多的更少一点与相比0.035Å;为 Ni S 和0.014Å;为 Ni N.9,10,19-22在,把协调飞机(定义为 Ni1,N1,N2,S1 和 S2)中最最小二乘法飞机和苯环 B(56.7°)之间的二面角为苯环 A(14.6°)是与那个相比相当大更大.因此,分子被在 S2-N2 线方面弯曲.协调债券 ,Ni1-S2 和 Ni1-N2 的拉长大概由于综合体的扭曲几何学指示配体的有镍 center,22 的更弱相互作用.
英语翻译用翻译软件或胡乱粘贴的请勿回答,Hazard risk analysis techniques:Brainsto
Hazard risk analysis techniques:Brainstorming、What-if analysis、Event Tree Analysis、Root Cause Analysis (RCA)、5 Why’s technique
dabage 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
风险分析方法有:头脑风暴法、假设分析法、事件树分析法、RCA根本原因分析法、5 个为什么分析法
帮忙看看有没有ei 检索 Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis Approach to Safety
帮忙看看有没有ei 检索 Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis Approach to Safety Analysis of Civil ...
帮忙看看有没有ei 检索
Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis Approach to Safety Analysis of Civil Aircraft
红豆品色 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
Accession number:x05x0520113614295657
x05Title:x05x05Dynamic fault tree analysis approach to Safety Analysis of Civil Aircraft
x05Authors:x05x05Geng,Qichuan1 ; Duan,Haibin2,3 ; Li,Shuangtian1
x05Author affiliation:x05x05
1 x05School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing,100191,China
2 x05Provincial Key Laboratory for Information Processing Technology,Soochow University,Suzhou,215006,China
3 x05Science and Technology on Aircraft Control Laboratory,Beihang University,Beijing,100191,China
yeqiuliang 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
英语翻译4.ExperimentsIn the experiments,we will analysis the dif
In the experiments,we will analysis the difference of the results between our improved normalized algorithm and Leu’s,so we choose an original image and it’s rotation versions as our experimental data set,whose size are all the 256×256.The number of shape we used in the experiments is 14,containing the original shape ,as depicted in Figure 2 :(a):the original shape;(b)-(c):translation versions(d)-(j):rotation versions with different anglesθ :( d )θ [0°,90°),( e )θ=90° ,( f )θ(90°,180°),( g )θ=180° ,( h )θ(180°,270°);(j)θ(270°,360°);(k)-(l):scaling versions;(m)-(n):skewing versions.
(a)the primitive image;(b )(c )after translating;(d)-(j)after rotating;(k )(l )after scaling;(m)(n)after skewing Figure 2:The original shape set in the experiments Now,we can normalize every shape in Figure 2with Leu’s algorithm and our improved method,as well as the experimental result are illustrated in Figure 3 and Figure 4 ,respectively.
(a)the result of (a) -(f),(k),(l) from Fig.2;(b)the result of (g)-(j) from Fig.2;(c )the result of (m) from Fig.2;(d)the result of (n)from Fig.2Figure 3:After using the Leu’s Normalization Algorithm
Figure 4 :After using the improved Normalization Algorithm With the experimental results above,we can analysis the difference between the two methods.
First,let we examine the effects of Leu’s:The total14 shapes are normalized into 4 results,whose shape are different from each other to a certain degree .Further,the result of rotation versions with angle larger than or equal to 180o is reversed compared to the original shape,which we called the shape reverse problem.Another problem we can observed is that the result of the skewing versions are also different from each other,besides the shape reverse problem mentioned above,there is another problem that the MA is not in the same direction of x-axis.So we can say the shape compacting algorithm of Leu dose not normalize the shape thoroughly.Whereas,in the experimental results by our improved algorithm,the 14 shapes in Figure 2 are all normalized into 1result.It shows our method is more efficient compared to Leu’s,because our proposal make the shape and it’s four distortion versions normalize to a single result .In other words,the original shape and it’s distortion versions will be normalized to be highly similar to each other by using our improved algorithm,so that the later shape descriptors will be invariant to the distortions(rotation,scaling,translation and skewing).
xzm0882 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
英语翻译Our analysis calculates in quantitative form what has be
Our analysis calculates in quantitative form what has been the subject of much speculation in qualitative form:that developed countries are reliant on developing countries for resources and that,furthermore,it can be claimed that many (but not all) of the latter are on an unsustainable path (that is,have negative genuine saving).
葬草 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
语言学中critical discourse analysis的汉语意思
语言学中critical discourse analysis的汉语意思
dd九宇 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
摘 要:批评话语分析(critical discourse analysis,CDA)已走过30多年的发展路程,取得了令人瞩目的成就,其影响正在不断扩大.但是它自身仍然存在一些不容忽视的问题,近年来对它的批评声音也不绝于耳.本文将从三个方面...
求using gap analysis to improve system acceptance翻译
夜惊情 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
有关存活分析:Survival analysis provides the potential for developi
Survival analysis provides the potential for developing an alternative way of thinking about employee withdrawal.
高永美 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英语翻译浅析商业项目物业运营管理存在的问题我的翻译是:analysis on the problem of the co
我的翻译是:analysis on the problem of the commercial real estate management.
lklyq 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Existing problem of operation and management of commercial project property on eve
analysis 的过去式怎么写
tackrose 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
analysis:[ ə'næləsis ]
n.(名词) 分析,解析
肥强 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
PCA(principal component analysis)的问题
PCA(principal component analysis)的问题
X=c1A1+c2A2+...+c50A50(精确的 X由A构造)
ci是常数 Ai是变量
现在我要缩减自变量范围 譬如5个
如果是的话 带入分析的矩阵是[A1 A2 ...A50]还是[X A1 A2 ...A50]?还是有别的什么办法?
luliyuan 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
可以用PCA.带入分析的矩阵是[A1 A2 ...A50].
英语翻译chemical check analysis limits,钛和钛合金
省直oo某部门 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
chemical check analysis limits 化学检验分析界限
钛和钛合金 titanium and titanium alloys
这段话可以怎样改写一下?Although quantitative data analysis is not expec
Although quantitative data analysis is not expected at this stage of the research,some basic analysis of pilot questionnaire data (mainly descriptive statistics) will be undertaken with questionnaire refinement and development of conceptual framework in mind.
ivnana110 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
despite quantitative data analysis is not on the planning at this stage of research,a few basic analyses of pilot questionnaire data(mainly focussed on descriptive statistics) will be taken with the purpose of refining the questionnaire and further developing of the conceptual(theoretical) framework.
英语翻译2.2 Corrosion fatigue analysisThe corrosion environment
2.2 Corrosion fatigue analysis
The corrosion environment in the vacuum distillation
tower can be regarded as a kind of solution with a mass
fraction of 0.5 mg KOH/g.After conducting calculations
regarding the solution with a mass fraction of 0.5 mg
KOH/g at a temperature of 310 ℃ and the solution with a
mass fraction of 50 mg H2SO4/g at a temperature of 25 ℃,
the Fe element has two chemical reaction rate values,
which are equal to each other approximately.As a result,
we can use the corrosion fatigue curve of Fe element in
the solution having a mass fraction of 50 mg H2SO4/g at a
temperature of 25 ℃ to predict the life range of packing
Both the physical and chemical nature of 316 L stainless
steel and 19Cr12Ni stainless steel is similar.Therefore,if
we cannot get the corrosion fatigue curve of the former,
we can use the corrosion fatigue curve of the latter to analyze
the life range of packing model as an approximation.
Having known the character of corrosion fatigue curve of
19Cr12Ni stainless steel[11],which has a life range of 107
and 5×107 under a stress loading of 100 MPa and 80 MPa,
respectively,we then get the description of corrosion fatigue
curve of packing material expressed as a function
笑笑猫舍 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
h2 如此 4/g在温度为25℃,50毫克的质量分数
有50毫克 h2 如此 4/g质量分数的解决方案在
19Cr12Ni不锈钢 [11],其中有107的生活范围
和5 × 107100MPa和80兆帕的压力荷载作用下
英语翻译The current situation with chemical analysis in air qual
The current situation with chemical analysis in air quality control activities is characterized by a mismatch between the prospects opened by integration of semiconductor chemical sensors into analytical practice and the limited possibilities of their implementation at the present time.
小媛妹 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
The current situation (with chemical analysis in air quality control activities) is characterized by a mismatch between (the prospects opened by integration of semiconductor chemical sensors into analytical practice) and (the limited possibilities of their implementation at the present time).
to analysis an English sentence from >
to analysis an English sentence from >
The ratings were subjected to statistical procedures to determine how the synonym clusters were interrelated.What's the meaning of "be subjected to" Thank you for your help
sunshine_xu 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
subject A to B:将A提交给B.
英语翻译The purpose of this research is to analysis the applicat
The purpose of this research is to analysis the application of the ISG(Index of Streetscape Greenness) in EIA through case study of Seoul.ISG is a new index which directly expresses human's perceptions of plants in a street and is defined as the area ratio of which leaves of plants occupy an eye-level view of a person standing on the center line of a street.In this research the 42 cases of 3 step reports such as plans,drafts,and final reports which had been passed through the EIA procedure of Seoul were analyzed.The results are as follows:
In the drafts frequent mistakes or errors such as unsuitable picture composition,unsuitable sample points,inconsistency of the simulation result with the planting plan,and insufficient numbers of analysis were found,but almost of them were corrected in the final reports.In the most of final reports,the 30% of minimum requirement was satisfied.At all cases the changes of the ISG values were clearly positive.Finally the average current ISG was 19.6%,meanwhile the average proposed ISG was 35.4%.It was verified that the ISG is very practical index to promote green streetscape,but in order to guarantee an achievement a thorough investigation of reports are needed.
swordkilling 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
求帮助查询EI号,Coherency analysis of ship geoacoustic signal
求帮助查询EI号,Coherency analysis of ship geoacoustic signal
由于条件所限,无法查询EI Village,求帮助查询EI号.
Coherency analysis of ship geoacoustic signal
LIxiang,LI rong,YAN bing
hncdhxh 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
检索号: 20131016077568
请问 下面这句话 make a number of thorough analysis 是什么从句为什么没有引导词
请问 下面这句话 make a number of thorough analysis 是什么从句为什么没有引导词
For those charged with directing work of marketing,the basic method for knowing market is to concentrate on a few departments and the key markets according to a plan and,using the fundamental principles of marketing,make a number of thorough analysis.
分析一下这句话的语法结构 还是make a number of thorough analysis 是和前面的 is to…… 构成并列句 而 the basic method for knowing market 是整个句子的主语?还有
前面的状语从句里为什么charged 用的是过去式 为什么
前面我好像也许大概是自己分析明白了 就是charged 为什么用的是过去式
闷3号 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
For those charged with directing work of marketing是介词短语作状语,不是状语从句.其中charged是过去分词,作those的后置定语,同时强调被动.
主语是 the basic method for knowing market,系词 is后用两个并列的不定式作表语,都较长.to concentrate……(to)make.
ywczy 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
engage in
==engage in the analysis of.
==engage in the analysis work
帮我找下这两篇文章,要英文的.1、a shift-share method for the analysis of re
1、a shift-share method for the analysis of regional fertility change:an application to the decline in childberaring in italy.1952-1991
2、correct partitioning of regional growth rats:improvements in shift-share theory
ice_cola 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率90%
英语翻译Multiple linear regression analysis shows that there is
Multiple linear regression analysis shows that there is a reasonable linear correlation between E2 (or SN2) overall barriers and the linear combination of PA of X- and electronegativity of the
central atom.
zhs_510 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
the analysis of skewed cost data
wangtao0120 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
Learn the data cost of your habits on the ipad.
